#it gets triggered simply by the mention of nickel allergies
artykyn · 9 months
here’s a token to cash in whenever you want: so what about piercings at claire’s?
Okay you asked
First of all, a traditional piercing at a reputable piercing studio uses a hollow needle to pierce your ear. The earring is essentially threaded into your ear. Needles are super sharp, sterile, and single-use.
Claire's uses a gun.
It's a special gun that loads up the earring and jams it right into your ear. They market this as "needle free piercing!" to, I don't know, calm people who are afraid of needles? But here's the thing: the gun hurts way way worse than a needle. You aren't being pierced with a sharp needle, you are being jabbed by a blunt earring.
Needle? Clean, smooth hole. Gun? Well... think about what happens if you shoot a bullet through a target. On the front, it looks like a clean circle. On the back?
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That's the back of your ear after getting pierced by a gun!
Your tissues are super screwed up, your piercing wound is way bigger than it would be with a clean, sharp needle, and your healing process is more complicated. The stud you stick on the back of your earring is pressed against all that loose flappy damaged skin that is now desperate to heal itself from such blunt force trauma-- don't be surprised if your skin grows and heals around the stud in the same way that trees "consume" things.
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Also you can't even sterilize a piercing gun properly. Shopping mall piercing kiosks claim that it's sterile but the fact is that single-use needles and disposable surgical gloves are way more sterile than a gun you clean between every customer.
Claire's tries to market it as a "No contact!" piercing method that's "cleaner" because the piercer's hand doesn't have to touch your ear. If you trust a surgeon to physically touch your organs then what's the big deal about a professional piercer touching your ear?
Since the cartilage of your ear is way more delicate than your lobe, using a piercing gun there is more likely to straight up shatter your ear. Like shooting a gun at a block of wood. Lots of cracks and splinters!!
By the way, Claire's is not the only place that uses piercing guns. In fact, you can even buy them yourself online to do "at-home piercing".
Avoid them. Oh my god please avoid them.
Second of all you need high-grade metal for an initial piercing. Low-grade stainless steel is okay for a healed piercing. But using it for an initial piercing is how you risk allergic reactions, irritation, rejection (it never heals, and your body forces it out). This is also how you can put yourself at risk of spontaneously developing a nickel allergy that you will have for the rest of your life! (Like me!!)
Claire's does have some high-grade metals you can choose from. But they also offer stainless steel. Most stainless steels use nickel as part of the alloy mix. If you're going for stainless steel for a first piercing, get surgical-grade.
Let's assume you wanted an aquarium. Obviously, a store that specializes in aquariums has better products than a generic store like Petco. The employees at an aquarium store are also WAY better informed about aquariums and fish, and can give you better advice, as opposed to the average Petco worker, who has a general knowledge of all animals but nothing too in-depth about any specific ones. Some of the suggestions I've been given by Petco workers would 100% be animal torture. They don't know better.
That's Claire's. The employees aren't professional piercers, they are retail workers who got basic piercing training. For that reason, piercings are super cheap! You get what you pay for.
My final gripe is around piercing culture in general. Piercings are, I'm sure you're aware, often gendered as a "feminine" thing. A woman having her ear lobes pierced is super common. And if a woman wants to have pierced ears, okay, but my issue is with mothers who take their infant baby girls to get their ears pierced.
Those are women who did not want to get their ears pierced. Their mothers forced it upon them as a baby, because their mothers had some weird obsession with gender roles and aesthetic appearance and wanted to treat their baby like a doll. If a man forced his girlfriend to get her ears pierced so she'd look more feminine, that'd be sketchy. Why is it okay for mothers to pierce their baby's ears?? A baby is a human being, not a toy.
Putting a bow on your kid is one thing. Putting them through permanent body-altering procedures for the sake of YOUR aesthetics, however? Would you tattoo freckles on your child if freckles were considered a cute feminine thing for girls to have? Would you sign your brown-eyed baby up to get that procedure that turns their eyes blue, if blue eyes were considered feminine? What is your limit? How far do gender roles have to go before you question them?
Let people choose for THEMSELVES if they want to get a piercing, or any other body alteration. For goodness's sake. Why does that have to be said.
"Oh it's just a piercing it's not a big deal" babies do not understand the care instruction "do not touch". The baby will touch the piercing. The baby will crawl and roll around and put their ears against the floor and many other things. The risk of infection and bad healing is super high. The risk of your child now growing up with a deformed ear is super high.
ESPECIALLY if you use a piercing gun.
And guess what?
Claire's will happily pierce your baby's ears for you.
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When purchasing any type of expensive metal for the purpose of jewellery making or already in possession of such metal, it is necessary for one to be able to evaluate the quality of such metal so as to know what would be its market value if they would want to sell it someday. A good quality metal will always sell off at a good price while a low quality metal will not be able to collect a good price for itself. Every metal has its own distinctive features that allow the consumers to be able to assess its quality. Keeping in mind white gold, we should first see that there are different alloys and elements that go into the construction process of white gold. Simply put, Fraser Ross Jewellery says that white gold is a varied percentage of pure gold and a varying percentage of different alloys like silver, zinc, copper, nickel, and palladium, mixed together. The resulting of these different metals mixed together gives off a yellowish look to the white gold which is then given a final coat of silver or also known as rhodium in the metal language. There are a number of reasons behind the creation of white gold.
1. Gold in itself is a very soft metal that even if used for creation if jewelry does not create sustainable and durable pieces.
2. Gold being a very pure form of metal is a very expensive and priced commodity, and white gold in its comparison is affordable for masses because of lack of pure gold in it.
3. People looking to make an affordable investment in such metals are unable to do so because of the price point of the gold.
4. Gold being a soft metal is not very durable and cannot be worn for long periods of time without risking it bending or getting out of shape.
Following are some of the ways by which consumers can determine the quality of white gold before making a final purchase;Nickel proportion: 
As discussed already, there are a number of different alloys and hard metals included in the form of pure gold to make it sustainable and tough enough for the creation of jewellery for long term use. The amount of nickel and alloy addition in pure gold varies and the higher the amount of nickel and alloys indicates a low quality of white gold as that particular metal consists less amount of real, pure gold. People who have allergies related to these metals can also be the judge of how much alloys be added so as to not trigger their sensitive skin.
Karat proportion: Another way to be able to assess the quality of white gold is to find out its Karat which in turn will also determine the percentage of gold and alloys in it. There are different stages and varying amounts of Karats ranging from 24K which means 100% pure gold and 10K which means less than 25% gold and the remaining to be alloys and nickels. While many people consider a high amount of pure gold to be a sign of good quality; that is also a sign of weak metal for jewellery creation. The most ideal and suitable level to judge the quality of white gold is when there are equal portions of pure gold and alloys mixed in it.
Price point: Similar to the fact that many people will consider a high amount of gold to be a sign of good quality, many will also consider a high price range to a good quality sign whereas that is only an indication of the high amount of gold being used in it. To be able to fairly judge the quality of white gold through the price range, one can opt for the white gold that has mediocre price range; not too high, neither too low. This will determine that there are equal parts of pure gold and other alloys in the white gold.
Rhodium plating: While gold in itself is not a very practical metal for jewellery creation as it can be bent out of shape easily, alloys are added to it to create a type of white gold. This white gold gives off slight hues of yellow which are covered by rhodium plating; a type of metal to give a silver shine and hide the yellow hues. The quality of the white gold can also be assessed by how many layers of rhodium have been plated on to the metal. Layers on top of layers weaken the metal and disturb the consistency of pure gold.
Any and every piece of metal comes with both; its merits and demerits. Above mentioned are some of the most obvious and common ways for one to assess the quality of white gold before making a decision of investment. Irrespective of the different ways to assess the quality of the metal, in the end, it all comes down to an individual’s personal preferences and likes. These are just some ways for people to stay informed about the kind of options that they have before they spend their investment in the wrong place. In today’s market competitive world, it is very important for one to stay updated before brands try to coerce them into buying something else by taking advantage of their lack of knowledge.
Fraser Ross, however, is one such online jewellery brand that excels in the creation of pure and authentic jewellery and that too customized according to the likes of the customer. Such brands are able to bridge the gap of the market and are providing ease and convenience to the customer for them being able to order jewellery through an online portal and getting it delivered to their doorstep without any hassle.
So, what are you waiting for? Cash out your savings, whip out those credit cards and go crazy while jewellery shopping with a trusted online brand like Fraser Ross.
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lesvaleurs · 7 years
Eczema is a type of skin condition that causes the skin to become inflamed, often resulting in itchy skin.
Additionally, eczema can cause rashes that lead to cracked, red, and rough skin.
There are many reasons that trigger eczema and skin problems like eczema can be very irritating.
Causes of inflammation can include everything fromy eating nuts and dairy, to pollution, smoke and pollen.
As a result, it is important to visit a doctor and consult with a medical dermatologist that can help you manage your eczema.
If you are prone to having eczema and you can feel that you are starting to get skin rashes, then that is one sign that your skin problem is starting. It may start during infancy and it continues through childhood. If it starts appearing on your babies, it is called baby eczema and one symptom is that there is eczema on face and cheeks that will appear every time it is triggered.  If your babies continue on scratching it, it may cause a skin infection which is why you have to keep a close eye on them. Have them checked by your pediatrician just to be sure and have it diagnosed as early as possible.
Nobody knows the specific cause of eczema but a person can develop it due to hereditary and environmental factors. Genetically speaking, a child can have it if one parent or both parents already have an atopic disease, though different environmental factors bring out the symptoms more often. Some of the most well-known factors are the changes in temperature (from hot to cold); allergens like pollens, dust mites and mold; irritants like soaps and detergents; bacteria such as Staphylococcus, viruses and certain fungi; ingesting dairy products, eggs, nuts and seeds, and so much more like wheat (though simply ingesting protein and other gluten food like wheat can be dangerous to those who have celiac disease which causes dermatitis herpetiformis because of gluten intolerance); lastly, the hormonal changes that mostly occur in women. You can never be too careful if you have this kind of skin condition because you cannot perfectly avoid all of the mentioned causes. What you can do is have your medicine close to you for emergency cases when it becomes triggered all of a sudden.
There are many types of eczema that you need to be familiar with especially if you are experiencing its general symptoms. In times like that, you need to educate yourself in order to be sure and for you to have the right knowledge before having doctors diagnose it.
Dyshidrotic Dermatitis
One type of eczema is dyshidrotic eczema otherwise known as dyshidrotic dermatitis. Its symptoms are blisters that develop on the soles of your feet and on your palms.
Stasis Dermatitis
Another type of eczema is stasis dermatitis which occurs mostly on the lower extremities. People with poor blood circulation usually develop this and it happens mostly on the lower legs because that is where blood typically collects. Protein leaks into a person’s tissue because of the blood collecting on the veins of their lower legs which causes the pressure on the veins to increase. Because of this, blood cells and other fluids build up and cause their legs to swell which is called peripheral edema. People who are diagnosed with this type of eczema will experience (aside from swollen legs and feet) open sores, and the usual, itchy and reddish skin. You are more likely to have a high chance of developing stasis dermatitis if you are suffering from high blood pressure, varicose veins, congestive heart failure, obesity, and injury to lower legs though it is commonly caused by a condition called venous insufficiency which happens because your veins have trouble sending blood to your heart.
Nummular Eczema
Moving on, the third type of eczema is called nummular eczema also known as nummular dermatitis or discoid eczema. The symptoms of nummular dermatitis are coin-shaped lesions or patches on the body. They are usually developed on the arms and legs and slowly spread to the torso and hands. These lesions usually itch and burn while others may ooze fluid and become flaky and crusty. They are triggered by temperature changes, stress, and environmental irritants such as soaps and metals. People who have this type of eczema have a very sensitive skin which means they need to be extra careful.
Seborrheic Dermatitis
Seborrheic dermatitis is another type of eczema that is commonly mistaken as psoriasis or allergic reaction because it is also itchy and has flaky scales on it. The exact causes of this type of eczema are unknown but it seems to be triggered by multiple things such as stress, genes, cold and dry weather, certain medical conditions and yeast that lives on the skin.
Atopic Dermatitis
Another type is atopic dermatitis which affects a large percentage of the Earth’s population. This usually begins during childhood and is often inherited. Patients who have been diagnosed with this condition have a highly sensitive skin. This mostly affects infants and young children though adults are also affected with this too.
There are many factors that worsen this condition including:
seasonal allergies
low humidity
irritants such as harsh soaps
Contact Dermatitis
Another type of eczema is the contact dermatitis which is triggered when your skin comes in contact with a substance in the environment of which you are allergic to.
There are three types of contact dermatitis and these are allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, and photo-contact dermatitis. Each has different causes.
Allergic contact dermatitis only develops an allergic reaction when your skin comes in contact with a foreign substance that makes the body release inflammatory chemicals which cause it to become itchy and irritated. Such substances are jewelry made out of gold or nickel, chemicals in skin care products, perfumes, poison oak, and poison ivy.
Irritant dermatitis is the most common type which happens when the skin comes in contact with a toxic material such as bleach, detergents, kerosene and pepper spray.
Photo-contact dermatitis is the least common among the three and only comes out when some active ingredients in skin care products and cosmetics are exposed are exposed to the sun which will ultimately result in irritation.
Hand Eczema
Hand eczema is another form of eczema that affects only a small percentage of the world’s population.
Genetics, contact allergens and irritating substances can trigger this type of eczema and usually affects those who work in cleaning, medical and mechanical jobs of which they have a high chance of being in contact with the chemicals and irritants.
Aside from redness and itching, other symptoms are a pain, dryness where your skin becomes flaky and peels, cracks, and blisters. Prevention is better than cure when it comes to this type of eczema.
You should avoid what caused it and make sure to gently wash and clean it using lukewarm water and non-fragrance cleanser.
Always remember to moisturize your hands with a moisturizer containing a higher oil content and then apply the moisturizer every time you finish washing your hands.
The last one on the list is called Neurodermatitis, also known as Lichen simplex chronicus. It is a very annoying condition because the itchiness is so intense that it can disrupt your sleep and your everyday life. It regularly appears where you can reach it for scratching the head, neck, wrist, ankle, vulva, anus and scrotum. You need to see the doctor as soon as possible if the area becomes infected and if it affects your daily routine and you can’t concentrate on your daily task. This depends as the itching may come and or the itch becomes non-stop.
Read more by visiting nycdermatologistnearme.com
The post What is Eczema? appeared first on Find NYC Dermatology Experts | Medical and Cosmetic Dermatologists and Plastic Surgery - Dermatologist Near Me.
source: http://ift.tt/2xrMiOk
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