#I always have this crap locked and loaded tbh
artykyn · 9 months
here’s a token to cash in whenever you want: so what about piercings at claire’s?
Okay you asked
First of all, a traditional piercing at a reputable piercing studio uses a hollow needle to pierce your ear. The earring is essentially threaded into your ear. Needles are super sharp, sterile, and single-use.
Claire's uses a gun.
It's a special gun that loads up the earring and jams it right into your ear. They market this as "needle free piercing!" to, I don't know, calm people who are afraid of needles? But here's the thing: the gun hurts way way worse than a needle. You aren't being pierced with a sharp needle, you are being jabbed by a blunt earring.
Needle? Clean, smooth hole. Gun? Well... think about what happens if you shoot a bullet through a target. On the front, it looks like a clean circle. On the back?
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That's the back of your ear after getting pierced by a gun!
Your tissues are super screwed up, your piercing wound is way bigger than it would be with a clean, sharp needle, and your healing process is more complicated. The stud you stick on the back of your earring is pressed against all that loose flappy damaged skin that is now desperate to heal itself from such blunt force trauma-- don't be surprised if your skin grows and heals around the stud in the same way that trees "consume" things.
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Also you can't even sterilize a piercing gun properly. Shopping mall piercing kiosks claim that it's sterile but the fact is that single-use needles and disposable surgical gloves are way more sterile than a gun you clean between every customer.
Claire's tries to market it as a "No contact!" piercing method that's "cleaner" because the piercer's hand doesn't have to touch your ear. If you trust a surgeon to physically touch your organs then what's the big deal about a professional piercer touching your ear?
Since the cartilage of your ear is way more delicate than your lobe, using a piercing gun there is more likely to straight up shatter your ear. Like shooting a gun at a block of wood. Lots of cracks and splinters!!
By the way, Claire's is not the only place that uses piercing guns. In fact, you can even buy them yourself online to do "at-home piercing".
Avoid them. Oh my god please avoid them.
Second of all you need high-grade metal for an initial piercing. Low-grade stainless steel is okay for a healed piercing. But using it for an initial piercing is how you risk allergic reactions, irritation, rejection (it never heals, and your body forces it out). This is also how you can put yourself at risk of spontaneously developing a nickel allergy that you will have for the rest of your life! (Like me!!)
Claire's does have some high-grade metals you can choose from. But they also offer stainless steel. Most stainless steels use nickel as part of the alloy mix. If you're going for stainless steel for a first piercing, get surgical-grade.
Let's assume you wanted an aquarium. Obviously, a store that specializes in aquariums has better products than a generic store like Petco. The employees at an aquarium store are also WAY better informed about aquariums and fish, and can give you better advice, as opposed to the average Petco worker, who has a general knowledge of all animals but nothing too in-depth about any specific ones. Some of the suggestions I've been given by Petco workers would 100% be animal torture. They don't know better.
That's Claire's. The employees aren't professional piercers, they are retail workers who got basic piercing training. For that reason, piercings are super cheap! You get what you pay for.
My final gripe is around piercing culture in general. Piercings are, I'm sure you're aware, often gendered as a "feminine" thing. A woman having her ear lobes pierced is super common. And if a woman wants to have pierced ears, okay, but my issue is with mothers who take their infant baby girls to get their ears pierced.
Those are women who did not want to get their ears pierced. Their mothers forced it upon them as a baby, because their mothers had some weird obsession with gender roles and aesthetic appearance and wanted to treat their baby like a doll. If a man forced his girlfriend to get her ears pierced so she'd look more feminine, that'd be sketchy. Why is it okay for mothers to pierce their baby's ears?? A baby is a human being, not a toy.
Putting a bow on your kid is one thing. Putting them through permanent body-altering procedures for the sake of YOUR aesthetics, however? Would you tattoo freckles on your child if freckles were considered a cute feminine thing for girls to have? Would you sign your brown-eyed baby up to get that procedure that turns their eyes blue, if blue eyes were considered feminine? What is your limit? How far do gender roles have to go before you question them?
Let people choose for THEMSELVES if they want to get a piercing, or any other body alteration. For goodness's sake. Why does that have to be said.
"Oh it's just a piercing it's not a big deal" babies do not understand the care instruction "do not touch". The baby will touch the piercing. The baby will crawl and roll around and put their ears against the floor and many other things. The risk of infection and bad healing is super high. The risk of your child now growing up with a deformed ear is super high.
ESPECIALLY if you use a piercing gun.
And guess what?
Claire's will happily pierce your baby's ears for you.
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dxmedstudent · 4 years
I've been having virtual CBT appointments since before lockdown. It started as a way to manage work- related stress, and improve my coping mechanisms. Clearly though a pandemic has added to that, so it feels like a lucky time to have referred myself.
The other day, whilst speaking to my counsellor about accepting uncertainty and avoiding worrying or ruminating on things I can't change, and making plans for the few things I can, I realised a little of why I am struggling with this sometimes.
I realised that I find it hard to feel hopeful about the other Lockdown changes happening because functionally my needs aren't being met.
My life has changed dramatically, and despite lots of virtual contact from loved ones (more than before the pandemic) it's just not the same. And on top of dread over how many people will die, I feel this strange resentment that I can't have the interactions that bring joy to my life. A lot of our lives as care workers involves balancing the pressures of work with the things that make you feel human. And time with loved ones is an important part of that.
For me, seeing my boyfriend and family are like the bottom of my Maslow's hierarchy pyramid. Talking to them may be right at the bottom, but seeing them, hugging them, being able to be with them is only just above that. Without that, I gain little joy from the idea shops might reopen or I can play golf, or whatever else is being touted as the next step down. I don't want the ability to meaninglessly interact with strangers, meet six people in a park or live my life at 2m apart from everyone ever. I don't give a crap that barbers may reopen, or we can do a million things that don't involve meaningful contact with others. I'm already doing nice things by myself, thanks but it doesn't change things.
I probably should try to focus on the positives but it's hard to care when work will probably get busier and my personal life remains strictly locked down. But it's hard when something important is missing.
On a purely selfish level, I want social bubbles and the ability to be with people I love, even if it's not many people. Which Scotland seem to be allowing, but I suspect England won't for some time. I can appreciate the economic justifications for focusing on getting people back to work rather than together. But it just sucks on a personal level, and whilst at times I feel pretty OK with it all I've struggled with it this week.
It doesn't help that I live far enough from my loved ones that driving into town to walk past them in a park would be an undertaking, and with public transport it'd be both inadviseable and difficult under the circumstances. I hope to move closer when I can, and the lockdown has really made me evaluate how I see my career panning out, because it's reinforced that I do well at a small distance from loved ones; but only if it's close enough to allow regular contact. I've always been lucky enough to be close enough to spend weekends with loved ones, and I don't think I appreciated just how central that is to enjoying my life.
Quite simply, it's made me think that any career that'd force me to move further away would probably take its toll mentally. Which unfortunately is hard to avoid in medicine. I guess its given me a sneak peak of what it might feel like to move further away for work.
If anything, I dread the lockdown relaxing because it might cause a second wave, and loads more deaths. It's been hard to avoid worrying about this as well, though I find it easier to accept I can't fix the entire NHS. I think we may cope worse when theres a second wave, if the UK can't afford to shut things down again. Which on a personal note will mean even longer til I can be with loved ones.
* if you're asking why I haven't included friends, it's because a lot of my friendships have been long distance - I still miss them terribly but we are used to going a lot longer without hugs and being physically there. It's a hurt, but a familiar one I already have the tools to deal with. But the idea that it might not be safe for me to hug my mum for months or years, or that the govt won't let me kiss my boyfriend til we can live together is, I'm not gonna lie, depressing.
I know everyone has sacrificed meaningful interactions. Everyone has their own difficulties right now. But that doesn't stop the selfish little voice in my head that just finds this all frustrating. I can't even say it bothers me all the time, there are lots of times when it feels OK. I feel happy mist of the time and have fun things to do and plenty of contact. But when it does hit me, it's not fun. It feels pretty petty tbh in the grand scheme of things. But it is what it is and I just have to work through it as best as I can.
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camillemontespan · 5 years
love is blind [TRR gang]
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Who’s been watching Love is Blind on Netflix? Who’s become obsessed?
I hate reality TV but this show really pulled me in. So, I was inspired to write a short fic that is inspired by the show.
The premise: In this experiment, people are on the show to meet their future wife/husband. The thing is, they will never actually see each other until after they get engaged. They spend a few days talking in these pods that are separated by a wall. In one pod is the guy, in the opposite pod is the woman. They talk over speakers and fall in love based on emotional connection.
It’s fucking batshit. 
I fancied writing this short thing. It’s not even finished, I don’t know if I’ll update this because tbh I’m so busy this weekend and then I’ll be away, but I just wanted to get this down. 
Sorry for the recent spamming of fics. I’m now unemployed. 
@loveellamae​ @emichelle​ @moonlightgem7​ @ibldw-main​ @burnsoslow​ @mskaneko​ @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore​ @pug-bitch​ @katedrakeohd​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @jovialyouthmusic​
Question: why the contestant is taking part in this blind love experiment. Are they romantic?
Leo eyes the camera and chuckles to himself. ‘Me? Romantic?’ he asks. ‘Hell no. But hey, I like an adventure and this is definitely the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life. And I gotta tell you.. I’ve done some crazy shit in my time.’
Liam grins happily and nods. ‘I am what you would call a hopeless romantic,’ he answers. ‘I love romance and big grand gestures. If this works, how amazing a story would this be to tell my grandchildren? Your grandmother and I got engaged before we even saw each other. What a story!’
Maxwell enters the room and gives a twirl before settling down on the chair. He gives the camera a wave. ‘Am I romantic?’ he muses. ‘Definitely. I’m taking part in this because I want to meet someone who likes me for me. Loads of girls I know are quick to write me off as being a bit weird. They don’t make an effort to get to know me. So I’d like to find a girl who sees me, like really sees me, you know? That would make me so happy.’
Drake enters the room and instantly locates the decanter of whiskey. He pours himself a glass and takes a long swig before sitting down to speak to the camera. ‘Why am I taking part?’ he asks. ‘I lost a bet.’
He is asked if he is romantic. He shakes his head. ‘I’m too cynical for that romantic crap. I’m genuinely wondering who all these people are who have willingly signed up for this. Why would you do this? Why would you agree to marry someone before ever setting eyes on them? Is love blind? No. This isn’t a fairytale. This is real life.’ He sips his whiskey again. ‘Gotta say though.. If I meet the girl of my dreams, and that’s a big if, then I’ll give up whiskey for life.’
Bertrand clears his throat and arranges his suit jacket delicately, feeling self conscious about being on camera. ‘I’m taking part in this because my brother, Maxwell, is,’ he admits. ‘I want to look out for him here. If I happen to meet a beautiful lady who loves classical music, the opera and literature, then that is a bonus. But we’ll see.’ He smiles now, looking down at his feet. ‘I’m a romantic deep down. I’m yet to show my true colours.’
Olivia struts into the room and sits on the chair, crossing her legs with her back ramrod straight. She rolls her eyes. ‘I’m not romantic, no,’ she says dryly. ‘I don’t believe in love at first sight, never mind that love is blind.’
She is asked why she is taking part. She smirks. ‘I want to blow this experiment apart,’ she says. ‘It’s bullshit.’
Olivia stands up now and helps herself to a glass of champagne. She toasts the camera. ‘Cheers bitches.’
Camille enters the room and sits down, giving the camera a warm smile. ‘I’m a real romantic, yeah. I really like talking about feelings, it annoys my friends so much but honestly, I love this idea! I love the fact that this is stripped back, down to the bare bones, focusing just on communication. I love the idea of getting to know someone for who they are deep down with no judgement. I’m excited.’
Does she think she’ll meet the one? Camille laughs. ‘I have no idea. Probably not. But I’m open to meeting him if he’s here.’
Hana sits down and tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear. ‘I’m taking part because I never do crazy things like this,’ she says quietly. ‘I’m always really careful, really reserved. I also feel like nobody knows the real Hana Lee; nobody bothers to in the real world. So this is my chance. I want someone to see me for me. Am I romantic? Yes. Love is the best thing in the world.’
Kiara enters the room and looks around, whispering in French. She sits down and nods at the camera. ‘I’m taking part because I would like to meet a man who knows what he wants in life,’ she says. ‘I’ve got ambitions and I’m yet to meet someone who can be at my level. I want to meet someone intelligent and kind. Am I romantic? Not really. But I’m realistic in who I will and won’t date.’
Penelope enters the room and waves at the camera. ‘I joined this experiment because for so long, it’s just been me and my dogs,’ she says. ‘I want to meet someone who takes me seriously, who actually wants to spend time with me. I’m a really nice person and it hurts sometimes when guys treat me badly. Maybe I just make bad decisions? I’m hoping that being separated by a wall means that the guys I talk to won’t judge me quickly; they’ll take the time to get to know me.’
Aurelia enters the room. ‘Alriiiight, alcohol!’ she cheers, making her way over to the drinks trolley to pour herself some wine. She then catches herself. ‘Shit, am I allowed to do this?’
She sits down and smiles at the camera. ‘I’m taking part in this experiment because I’m really curious to see if this works. I’d love it if it did, how wild would that be?! A story to tell the grandkids, right? I guess, also, in the age of tinder, I’m sick of the dating scene. It’s so harsh, it’s like the fucking Hunger Games. Let’s see if this works. I’m excited.’
Drake settled down on the plush sofa in the pod and sipped his glass of whiskey. This was his first ‘date’ of the show. He had no idea what to expect. In this pod, it was just him. On the other side of the wall was his date’s pod. A woman in the same situation as him. 
He wondered what they would talk about. How weird this was? Probably. 
Drake jumped at the female voice that sounded over the speakers in his pod. ‘Uhh, hi?’ he replied back. 
The voice giggled. ‘Oh my God, this is crazy.’
Drake smirked. ‘I know, right? Insane. So... ‘
‘Are you drinking right now?’ she asked him. 
‘How did you know?’ Drake asked, sipping his whiskey.
‘Because I’m eyeing up that drink trolley and wondering if it’s okay to have some wine. You know, to calm my nerves.’
Drake chuckled. ‘Go ahead.’
He could hear the sound of wine being poured. 
Finally, she spoke again. ‘Okay, I’m settled down. So, what’s your name?’
‘Drake Walker. You?’
‘Camille Montespan.’
Drake smiled despite himself. Pretty name. 
‘Cool,’ he said. He opened his notebook that had a list of questions he wanted to ask. ‘So, Camille, where you from, how old are you, yada yada?’
Camille laughed. ‘Yada yada?’ she asked. ‘Wow, big talker. Okay, I’m from New York and I’m 27. You?’
‘I’m from Texas,’ Drake replied. ‘I’m 28.’
‘Texas huh?’ she said. ‘Are you a cowboy?’
‘Ha, I wish!’ Drake laughed. ‘I do own a cowboy costume though.’
Why the fuck had he just admitted that?
‘You do?!’ Camille cried. ‘Oh my gosh, details please. Like a halloween costume or something for the bedroom?’
Drake smirked. ‘If I said it was for the bedroom, would you like that?’
Camille let out a throaty laugh that warmed Drake from inside. He liked her voice too. It was a warm voice that reminded him of caramel. 
‘You know, I really would,’ she said. ‘Is it for the bedroom?’
‘Nah, it’s a costume I had to wear for the county fair when I was 18,’ Drake admitted. ‘Not sexy.’
‘Hmmm, yeah, not sexy,’ Camille agreed. ‘What’s Texas like?’
Drake settled back into the chair and got comfortable. ‘It’s warm,’ he said. ‘My family have a ranch so I spent my childhood outdoors. Mucking out the stables, riding the horses, fishing.. We have a lake by the ranch. My dad used to host 4th July parties, he was like the king of 4th July.’
Why the fuck was he suddenly talking about his dad?
‘That sounds amazing,’ Camille said. ‘So what’s your dad like? Is he keen on you being part of this weird experiment?’
Drake’s jaw set. He clenched the glass in his hand and didn’t answer. 
‘Drake?’ Camille’s voice was concerned. ‘Drake, you alright?’
‘Yeah, yeah..’ he murmured. ‘Uhh, sorry. My dad.. My dad died when I was fourteen.’
He heard her take a sharp intake of breath. ‘Oh god. I’m so sorry,’ she said. 
‘It’s cool,’ Drake replied quickly. ‘I’m over it.’
There was a silence. Drake wondered if he had scared her off. Well, if he had, then fuck her. 
She cleared her throat. ‘You know, when I lost my own parents.. I’m still not over it, Drake. I was five.’
Drake’s eyes widened. He could feel his heart hammering against his chest. Did she understand? 
‘Your parents..’
‘My parents passed away, yes,’ Camille said, her voice cracking. ‘So I get it, Drake. You can act aloof about it all you want and like it doesn’t hurt but it’s a void in your heart that will never be filled. You just got to take it day by day and eventually, it gets easier.’
Her breath hitched. Drake could hear it in her voice that she was getting emotional. 
‘Camille, are you okay?’ he asked, his eyebrows knitting together. 
She wasn’t. Her voice was thick now. He knew she was probably starting to cry. 
‘Don’t cry on me, Montespan..’ he murmured. ‘I’m not good with women crying. Makes me say awkward shit and I put my foot in it, which trust me, you really don’t want to hear..’
He let out a sigh of relief when he heard her laugh softly at this. ‘You’re such a guy, Drake,’ she said, sniffling. ‘I’m okay.’
Drake bit his lip. ‘You sure? Want me to kick this wall down and give you a pat on the back? I don’t really go for hugs to be honest..’
Camille giggled. ‘I’m fine, but thank you. Means a lot. I can tell you don’t usually talk about feelings and things. Sorry I freaked you out there.’
‘You didn’t,’ Drake told her, his voice steady. ‘I understand.’
There was another silence which Camille broke. ‘I understand you too.’ 
Camille faces the camera with red rimmed eyes and a tissue in her hand. ‘What the hell was that?!’ she cries. ‘Why did I start crying? Oh my god, he’ll think I’m crazy.. God that was powerful. I cried in a room, alone, with a stranger on the other side of the wall who was basically holding my hand without actually holding my hand. Jesus. I… I need a drink.’
She is asked if she liked her first date with Drake. Camille looks down at her hands, hiding the blush on her cheeks. 
‘Yeah, I did,’ she whispers. ‘I know I cried.. Oh god, I cried on a first date, that’s awkward. But he seems nice. A bit reserved.. Though he told me about his dad which I think he tends to keep to himself? So that was really nice to be trusted. I felt like he trusted me. But, I think he’s going to be a slow burn. Under that gruff exterior is a marshmallow. I could tell because he was super concerned when I got upset. I’m excited to talk to him again.’
Drake downs a glass of whiskey and shakes his hand. ‘That was fucking insane,’ he says. ‘So she started crying and I got all protective? I really wanted to kick that wall down. I just.. I’ve never talked about my dad before either. I never talk about him. I have no idea what happened in that pod or if you guys are putting something in these drinks, but I swear to God, I have never been that open.’
He chuckles. ‘I’m gonna be on my guard from now on.’
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deanssweetheart23 · 7 years
Somewhere Only We Know
Title: Somewhere Only We Know: Autumn Leaves (Part 1)
Summary: Dean Winchester doesn’t believe in love. He doesn’t believe that he deserves to be loved, doesn’t believe he deserves the happiness of it after everything he’s done. And then she waltzes into his life. The girl that brings with her colors and life and feelings he never thought he’d experience. The girl with the scars that match his. Is the one year he gets to spend with her enough to change his life forever? Or will it break him beyond repair?
Author: deanssweetheart23
Characters: Dean Winchester x reader, Sam Winchester, Marty Blye (OMC)
Word count: 3928
Warnings: Fluff. Angst. Mentions of blood and violence. References to death, grief and loss. Language. Sexist remarks (and Dean being his amazing self). 
Author’s Notes: This is my submission for @@thing-you-do-with-that-thing‘s  Seasons of Love Challenge (Colors of Fall) and for @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba ’s 250 Writing Challenge. Ladies, thank you both so much for letting me participate and allowing me to combine your prompts, I fell in love with this and I hope you like it as much.
Special thank you to twin @ravengirl94 for always finding time to help me.
My prompts were a secret gif that has been inserted into the fic below and Dive by Ed Sheeran (which is one of the most amazing songs ever and screams Dean’s name, tbh). 
This will be a mini-series of four parts. (Every new part will be posted seasonally). 
Without further ado. Enjoy <3
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Dean doesn’t really like autumn.
He knows most people do, knows that they love the flutters of color and the crispy breeze kisses, the valleys and the leaves and the scarlet of the sky, but he’s never able to fully appreciate them, to feel the magic of it all in his bones and his heart in the way other people do.
Autumn is not a time of magic for Dean.
It’s not painted in colors of change and new beginnings. Everything he sees in the curved pumpkins and the rays of cold sunshine, everything he can see, reminds him of his mother’s smile and the way her arms wrapped around his little frame and of the embers, those warm, bright embers of fire that swallowed up his entire childhood.
So, when a possible shapeshifter case takes him and his brother to Denver, one of the best cities for fall travel, according to the local newspaper, he rolls his eyes and grumbles under his breath until his brother points out that he looks like a petulant child.
And when he realizes that he’s bound to spend an hour of his life in that horrible coffee shop with the extravagant lantern pumpkins and the autumn themed menu because his brother is meeting a friend from Stanford, he’s crestfallen.
Letting out a loud sigh, Dean clears his mind and goes over his newspaper for what feels like the hundredth time that day, trying to find something, anything that he’d be able to link to their case.
He has no such luck.
With a roll of his eyes, he takes a look at the miserable fall themed wreaths that hang from the walls, and, reaches for the menu. Everything in there, every single thing, is pumpkin flavored.
He hates autumn.
Maybe he could just-
“I’m sorry.” Someone shouts, voice unexpectedly soft as a blast of cold wind dances through the open door and reaches him, scraping at his skin. “Crap, I’m so sorry.”
Dean looks up, bemused, only to find one of the most fascinating girls he’s ever seen standing right in front of him.
She’s beautiful, even in that tacky black and orange workwear that seems to be the coffee shop’s signature sign, and, despite her disheveled and flustered state, the warmth she radiates, the way she way just stands there and demands attention, makes it impossible for him to take his eyes off her.
“I tried calling but my battery’s dead and the traffic was-”
“This is the third time you’re late this week, Y/N.” A man –her boss, Dean assumes, says, lips screwed into a scowl.
“I know. I just-”
“The only reason I agreed to this was because Josh vouched for you. But if this keeps happening, I can’t-”
“It won’t.” Y/N states firmly, jutting her chin, though he can swear her voice wavers a little bit. “This will never happen again. I promise.”
The man takes a long look at her then, so cold and calculative that manages to make even Dean want to crawl out of his own skin, and sighs, scarfing down the chocolate biscuit he’s been holding.
“It better not. I’ve said this already and I’ll say it again. Your brains don’t matter here, Y/N.”
Y/N nods, sternly, hands clenched by her sides until they’re white-knuckled.
“And drop one of those buttons.” He smirks, waving at her shirt. “You’re a waitress, not a nun.”
And maybe he shouldn’t have said anything, maybe he should have kept his mouth shut, but her flushed cheeks and her narrowed eyes are enough to make his blood boil.
So, he raises his hand and-
“Excuse me,” he says, pointing to the empty table in front of him, “can I get a cup of coffee here?”
Mr. Jackass nods in his direction and smiles, a pained, plastic smile Dean would absolutely love to punch off his face, then throws Y/N a crisp white apron.
“Drop the button.” He mutters again, jabbing a finger warningly at her.
Y/N waits for one, two, three seconds before her boss disappears into the kitchen, then turns on her heels to approach him, fidgeting with a chain that’s hanging from her neck.
She clears her throat, quietly.
“I, uh,” she smiles, a half smile that’s nervous and bashful, “thank you about that. I-”
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, kid.” He cuts her off softly, glancing towards the kitchen. “He’s a bit of a dick, ain’t he?”
She chuckles, hasty and fuzzy and just a tad nervous.
“Honestly? He’s,” she turns around to make sure no one is listening, then leans a bit closer, “yeah. But I got bills to pay and he pays me, so…”
“Hey, you don’t have to explain anything to me.” Eyes that lock onto hers. “I get it.”
She nods, but she’s still a little timid, still acts like what had just happened is somehow her fault and Dean wants to do something to change that, wants her to know that no ass has the right to talk to her like that, no matter who he thinks he is.
He can’t.
Her forehead puckers.
“Uh, coffee.” She says, the words rolling out of her tongue as if she’s never spoken them before. “You wanted me to get you coffee.”
He chuckles a bit under his breath, and huffs out an awkward yeah, scratching the back of his neck, something sheepish.
��Black sounds nice.”
She grins, a lazy grin that’s braver than ever before, and bites her bottom lip.
“What, you’re not a fan of pumpkin spice?”
“Do I look like I’m a fan of pumpkin spice?”
A snort.
Amusement dancing in her eyes.
“Black coffee it is.” She writes something down on her notepad. “Anything else I can get ya?”
“Actually,” he licks his lips, glancing at the menu in front of him, “I noticed you got pies?”
“Yeah, ‘bout that,” she says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “I’m not supposed to say this, but you don’t –you don’t really want to try those pies.” She scrunches her nose up. “They’re, uh, terrible.”
He lets out a laugh, breathy and loose.
“You don’t believe me?”
“No, I just,” he rubs at his scruff, “I really love pie.”
“Which is why you shouldn’t try this one. Don’t let us ruin it for you.”
A smirk tugs at the corner of his lips.
“I appreciate the concern. But. Nothing can ruin pie for me, sweetheart.”
“Well. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Romeo.” She says, and her eyes smile at him, sparkling and honest and sunny.
Maybe autumn isn’t so bad after all.
The pie really is that bad.
It’s dry and tasteless and even though Dean has spent most of his life eating at out-of-street diners and shady looking restaurants, he’s pretty sure he’s never tried something so horrible before.
He still stops by that coffee shop the next day though, and when she notices and throws a surprised glance his way, he smiles his most charming smile and says that cherry pie might be better.
Again, he’s wrong.
The pie is just as awful –if not worse, and Sam’s grumbling about how they should have just skipped breakfast would have probably driven him up the damn wall, if it weren’t for the way Y/N beams at him every time she catches him staring.
“Yeah, no,” Sam pulls him out of his thoughts as he shuts his book closed, hazel eyes locking with his, “the Odyssey is not better than this.”
“Not bet –dude, that thing doesn’t even have a plot.”
A pointed look.
Fingers pushing off the hair from his face.
“It does. It’s just a bit elusive.”
“Well,” Y/N cuts in, prompting Dean to smirk when he sees her in front of his table, her apron hastily tied around her waist, “that’s one way to put it.”
Sam looks up, brows furrowed into quite an offended scowl, but she only grins, a grin that would have been devilish if it weren’t for that childish spark in her eyes.
“Coffee for my knight in the shining flannel,” she gloats, sliding the white mug towards him, “and a smoothie for his friend with the terrible taste in books.”
Dean snorts.
Sam shots him a pointed look, and juts his chin, just a tad offended.
“Right.” He rolls up his sleeves, ignoring his brother’s monstrously self-satisfied grin. “Can I ask why do you think this is terrible?”
“Uh,” she rocks back and forth on her heels, nose scrunched up in the cutest of ways, “because of the made-up words? Or the run-on sentences? Or. How about the mere length of that thing?”
“It’s experimental.”
“It’s bullshit.” She objects, eliciting a soft chuckle from Dean. “Slaughterhouse Five is experimental. Mrs. Dalloway is experimental. Finnegan’s Wake? That’s just a load of crap people pretend to love because it makes them sound more intellectual.”
Sam straightens then, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips and Dean knows, right in that moment, that there’s not a person in the world Y/N wouldn’t be able to win over.
“Sounds like you’ve got pretty strong views about it.”
“Oh, Sunflower has pretty strong views about pretty much everything.”
Dean blinks in surprise at the voice, but when he opens his eyes again he hears Y/N’s rosy laugh and watches as she throws her head back in amusement, and something heavy settles over his stomach.
Peering over his shoulder, he sees a guy in his early thirties smiling at Y/N lovingly, his hands shoved into the pockets of his leather jacket.
The man is tall, with blonde hair almost as long as Sam’s and blue eyes, face dusted with facial hair and laughing lines.
Y/N smiles at him, a smile that’s etched with love and intimacy, a profound intimacy he knows he’ll never have with her.
His hand drops to his side.
“Marty, what are you-”
“You left your jacket at my house this morning.” The man explains with a soft laugh and reaches over to envelop Y/N in his arms, lips landing on her forehead in a sweet kiss.
Of course.
“And when you told me your boss wouldn’t be coming in today, I figured I’d stop by to give it back.”
“And get free coffee in return.”
Marty chuckles, rich and delighted and adoring.
“And get free coffee in return.” He agrees, brushing some hair off her face.
And even though Dean knows that it’s insane, even though he knows nothing would have happened between them because he wouldn’t let it, wouldn’t allow himself to have her for a quick roll within the sheets and then let her go, it still hurts a little that she’s with someone else, still makes his jaw clench when he notices the way she touches him, fingers sliding over her skin like he’s the most precious thing in the world.
He swallows, hard.
She doesn’t notice.
“Well, then,” she mumbles, corner of her mouth turning up in a half-smile, “let’s go settle your payment.”
Marty nods, and wraps an arm around her waist, and she turns to Dean and smiles, a smile that mends and breaks him at the same time.
“Be right back.”
Three seconds pass and Dean can already feel his brother’s eyes burning holes on him, can already see that annoying, knowing smirk of his floating across his features.
“Shut up, Sam.”
“I didn’t say anything.” Sa, complains, heat still in his eyes.
Dean sighs and glances at the counter just in time to see Y/N laughing at something Marty has said, head buried into his chest while he kisses her hair.
She looks happy.
Somehow, it doesn’t seem enough.
It isn’t until that same night that Sam brings Y/N up again.
Dean has been trying not to think about her too much, has been trying to remind himself that she has a boyfriend that loves her and kisses her forehead and lets her stay the night, but she still finds ways to slip through the cracks of his mind.
His brother won’t shut up about her.
“For fuck’s sake, Sam” Dean groans, slamming the refrigerator’s door shut, “I’m trying to work here.”
Sam smirks, delighted and just a bit brash.
“And your stupid questions won’t let me.”
“Dude, I only asked if Y/N’s boyfriend was there yesterday, too.”
“Yeah,” Dean snorts and spreads his hands, forearms on the table, “three times.”
“Because you won’t tell me.”
“Because I don’t know.”
The youngest Winchester chuckles, brows arched slightly.
“Right. Because you didn’t spend the entire day ogling her.”
Dean opens his mouth then because he’s so done, so absolutely done that he’s ready to give Sam a piece of his mind, when a sound catches his attention.
His eyes drift to the police scanner they keep in the room.
He doesn’t know why, but his stomach churns.
Can you head to 1624 Market St Ste 226? Caller reports being trapped, possible dead body. Fire is on the way.
1624 Market St Ste 226
1624 Market St Ste 226
1624 Market St Ste 226
The coffee shop’s address flashes before Dean’s eyes as the dispatcher’s voice rings loudly into his mind.
Everything around him begins to move in slow motion.
His chest hurts.
“Don’t even say it.” Dean growls, the muscles in his back going rigid. “They’re okay. They got to be okay.”
He reaches for his gun and grabs a silver knife on his way out, mind drifting to the shapeshifter, to how every single victim killed had been murdered so close to that coffee shop, to how her boss missed work the day after one of the attacks.
He swears under his breath.
He’s going to kill that son of a bitch.
Dean doesn’t remember the last time he’s seen so much blood.
He’s a hunter, he’s been a hunter ever since he was a kid, and yet, he doesn’t even remember the last time the blood was literally everywhere, spluttered across walls and tables, staining the floor in disturbing patterns that killed any expectations he might have had.
The room’s dark and he can feel it, can feel the death that’s lingering upon it, and is ready to abandon all hope when he sees Sam pointing towards the kitchen, gun raised.
She’s tied on a chair, clothes almost shredded and coated with blood, cuts and scratches littering her skin.
She’s alive.
Sam takes her rag off and Dean braces himself, gets ready to tell her that it’ll be okay, that that monster’s dead and will never hurt her again, gets ready to find a way to explain how her life will never be the same, but the sound she makes, the way she almost chocks on dry air, ruins him.
“He’s got him.” Y/N wails hysterically, fighting against her restrains. “John –I’ve never seen him like that before. He tried to… Marty… Please, you have to help Marty. I can’t-”
“Y/N, hey,” Sam coos, cupping her face with his hands, “hey, you got to breathe for me. Where is he?”
But Dean already knows, so he heads for the small room in the back and doesn’t stop until he finds him on the floor, a man lying in a pool of his own blood.
The blue of his eyes is fading now, nothing like the vibrant color he’s seen that same morning, and his skin’s pale, lifeless.
“Marty,” he says, sliding to his knees next to him. “Marty, can you hear me?”
The man blinks.
“Y/N,” he rasps out, words low and slurred and laced with blood, “Y/N-”
“I’m here. I’m right here.” Y/N croaks as she limps towards them, Sam shouldering some of her weight.
She crouches down on the ground next to him and cradles him in her arms.
“Y/N.” Ragged breath. “I saved you.”
A whimper escapes her.
“Yeah. Yeah, baby, you did.”
“Sssh, don’t speak,” she runs her fingers through his hair, soft and tender like she’s trying to help him fall asleep. “I got you now. I got you.”
“Well,” he breathes, reaching out for her hand, “I always knew I was gonna die next to you.”
“Don’t say that.” She puts pressure on the open wound on his neck. “You’re gonna be okay, you hear me?”
“Don’t cry, Sunflower.” He dabs away some tears. “I don’t like it when you cry.”
“I know. I’m sorry, Mars.”
“Can you…” His words come out slower now, pained, breathless whispers that scratch the air between them before cutting into her skin. “Can you sing our song?”
Dean doesn’t think he’s ever heard anyone make a more broken sound than the one Y/N makes in that moment, but she nods and smooths a hand over his face.
Wild horses couldn’t drag me away
Wild, wild horses we’ll ride them someday
Wild horses couldn’t drag me away
Wild, wild horses we’ll ride them someday
Marty’s breaths come out shorter as she sings, and when he tries to sing along, she hushes him and cradles his face into her chest, whispering soothing words and empty promises, her saltiness blending with his blood. A bitter mix.
She doesn’t let go.
Instead, she sobs as his tears wet her skin, sobs as the blood starts to drip from his mouth and he can’t speak anymore.
And when he takes his last breath and is left empty and breathless and cold, a dead weight in her arms, she cries harder, sobs until she can’t breathe anymore, there on the floor, just a red mess of limbs and heartache.
And Dean knows.
The sound will haunt him forever.
He sees her again two days later.
She’s standing in the middle of a small park just a few blocks away from her house, braced against one of the tree trunks while golden leaves dance under the autumn sun.
The air’s chilly, the light breeze dusted with the blooming scent of orange trees, the red cape she’s wearing swaying along with it and, for a second, Dean’s back at that coffee shop, back at that night that he’d failed everyone, that he’d failed her, and she’s laying, on the floor, just a crumbled-up piece of paper with Marty’s lifeless body in her arms.
Tumblr media
And he guesses he should be used to this by now, used to seeing innocent people die and lose loved ones, used to that hollowness that loss brings along with it, but he’s not.
He clears his throat, quietly.
A broken, half-smile.
“Hi,” she turns around to face him, eyes red and lashes wet, “I, uh,” she wraps the cape tighter around herself, “thank you for coming. I know I should have called earlier but-”
“Don’t worry about it,” he shakes it off, head dipped as he shoves his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. “M’ just glad you took me up on that offer.”
She nods, the furrow between her brows hitching.
“I had to. I never,” deep breath, “I never got to say thank you.”
He laughs, despite himself, but it’s bitter and broken and sad.
“Good. Don’t.”
“I couldn’t save him, Y/N.” He says, harsher than he intended to. “Marty’s dead and that’s on me.”
“No, it’s not. You,” she pauses, reaches out and lets her fingers wrap around his clothed arm gently. It’s a strangely intimate move, one that catches him off guard, but the pressure around his skin is pleasant and needed and reassuring, and he doesn’t dare pull away.
“You saved my life. And Marty’s death, it hurts, but I don’t blame you. I could never blame you.”
“You’re a good man, Dean.”
“You barely know me.”
“I know enough.” She retorts, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “You hunt monsters for a living and expect nothing in return. That sounds pretty noble to me.”
A small smile tugs at the corners of his lips.
“You never lose an arguments, do you?”
She huffs out air through her nose, not quite a laugh.
“Yeah,” she smiles, a smile as fragile as spur sugar. “Marty used to say that it was because of my eyes. They can make people do just about anything.”
It comes out in a soft whisper, quiet and low, like she can’t actually believe it’s true, but Dean knows it is, because he can feel it every time she looks at him, can feel it in the way she could rob him blind with those big Y/E/C orbs of hers and he still wouldn’t complain.  
He chuckles, a low, gruff chuckle, and runs a hand over the back of his neck.
“How long had you two been together?”
She knits her brows a bit at the question and squints at him, as if she doesn’t quite understand what he’s saying, then shakes her head and lets out a soft chuckle.
“Oh, no. It wasn’t –it wasn’t like that.” She wraps her arms around her small frame and gnaws on her bottom lip, seemingly thinking about something.
“Marty was my best friend. I, uh,” she rubs at her forehead, “I lost my mum when I was five so, my dad had to work crazy hours to raise me and Marty’s mum… She helped a lot. We grew really close and he just ended up being family, you know?”
“Yeah,” Dean whispers, running a hand over his face, “yeah, I do.” He hesitates for a second. Then. “How is his mum holding up?”
“No, she doesn’t… She died six years ago.” Y/N says, voice wavering just a little bit. “Four weeks after my father, actually. And his dad was never really a dad, so… All Marty and I had was each other.”
And she says it with her eyes cast downwards, says it with a shrug, but Dean’s stomach churns and plummets and his heart aches, because he knows what it’s like to lose the only person you have in the world, knows what it’s like to be left alone, how it breaks you and leaves you hollow and numb. 
She doesn’t deserve this.
God, she doesn’t deserve this at all.
He doesn’t say anything.
Words wouldn’t have been enough anyway.
Instead, he reaches out for her, slow and a bit reluctant, and lets her meet him half way, then takes her soft, small hand in his and squeezes, a silent, wordless reassurance that someone is there, that someone will always be there for her.
“Well,” he clears his throat, “now you got us, too. So, if you ever need anything, I’m one phone call away.”
She chuckles.
“Like I said,” she intertwines their fingers together, “you’re a good man, Dean Winchester.”
He smiles, a soft, sad smile that melts his rough edges and breaks down his walls and when she leans in to kiss him goodbye on the cheek, he realizes that no one, absolutely no one, had ever made his heart beat faster with a single brush of her lips against his skin.
And he prays to God he’ll see her again…
A/N: This was a bit of a slow burn, but the ride is so worth it, you guys, you’ll see...
Forever Tags: @ravengirl94 @jpadjackles @supernatural-jackles @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @trexrambling @percywinchester27 @winchestersnco @hannahindie @emilywritesaboutdean @escabell @kathaswings @thevioletthourr @dancing-the-hellfire-rumba @ultrafandomcat @impala-dreamer @imagining-supernatural @tiny-friggin-human @pickupthatamulet @keepcalmandcarryondean @atwistoffate @atari-writes @becs-bunker @becominglionhearted @wordstothewisereaders @sgarrett49 @myrabbitholetoneverland @iwriteaboutdean @spngeronimo @ruprecht0420 @polina-93 @mandilion76 @juanitadiann @atc74 @captainemwinchester @mogaruke @imissyoualittlemoreeveryday @wellthatsrandomkek @jayankles @winchesters-flannels @akshi8278 @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @a-glass-of-orange-juice @ravenangel33 @holahellohialoha @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels @dancingalone21 @torn-and-frayed @blushingdean @castianityislife02 @sinistersaltqueen @easelweasel @carryonmyswansong @emoryhemsworth @superapplepie @princess-of-erebor1992 @bebravekeeponfighting @carryonmywaywardcaptain @sebastianshoe @stellaa33  @pillow223 @kleinkariertebetrachter @there-must-be-a-lock @samisimportant @jessilliam-caronday
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
It’s All in the Delivery [fic]
Pairings: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei
Summary: Tsukishima Kei is forced to work part time at a pizza parlor, and his boyfriend is way too thrilled about it. 
Rating: E
Tags: just regularly scheduled kurotsuki shenanigans tbh, Tsukki is a pizza delivery boy and Kuroo has a field day with it, beware of bad jokes 
Note: Big thanks to @emeraldwaves​ for checking this over! This is my gift to @heartywrites​ for the @kurotsukiexchange​ <3 I’m sorry it’s so late, but I did have to step in last minute ^^ I hope you enjoy! 
First order of business: Kuroo Tetsurou was the worst.
He also happened to be Kei's boyfriend, his serious boyfriend. Like, love of his life, future husband type of serious.
Yeah, shit was that fucked.
Second: Kuroo Tetsurou was the ultimate worst because he ordered pizza at 3:30 in the afternoon like some sort of uncultured heathen, right during Kei's delivery shift.
Because again, ultimate worst.
Now that the facts were all sorted in Kei's head, he could go back to regretting his life choices. Kei asked himself everyday why he'd do this to himself, but of course, the answer always ended up being that he loved Kuroo. Stupid. He didn't deserve it.
Kei could already picture his cheeky grin, and Kei wished more than anything to be able to just fling the steaming hot pizza right in his boyfriend's face.
Speaking of pizza, it was no doubt getting cold as he stood motionless on Kuroo's doorstep. Good.
Kei glared at the door in front of him, tempted to turn around and just quit his damn job. Kuroo was no doubt standing behind said door, geared up and ready to unleash his terrible jokes and innuendos on Kei. He was probably leaning against the side wall too, trying to look suave as usual.
The ultimate ultimate worst.
It's not worth it, Kei would tell himself. Just turn back, forget the pizza, and drive away.
If only things were so simple. But no, he needed the extra money. While Kei wasn't so unlucky to be working at a pizza parlor full time, he was between jobs at the moment. The company he'd gotten hired at had yet to finish renovating the new offices, so of course, he couldn't start his job until next month. He'd already quit his old and crappy tech job, so he'd needed some way to stay alive in the meantime.
Hence, the pizza delivery gig, ugly ass uniform and all (seriously though, this yellow was not his color. It wasn't anyone's color).
For Kei, the job was an annoyance at most, but for Kuroo, it was like a blessing from the gods above. Asshat.
Kei had walked into Kuroo's apartment the day after getting the job, dressed in the uniform, and his whole life had gone downhill.
Kuroo had looked up from his phone, and had given Kei the once over, the ideas no doubt already stewing in his demon mind. Kei was powerless to do anything about what was to come next, and he closed his eyes, ready to be hit with it.
And yeah, it was just as bad, if not worse than he'd imagined.
Kuroo smirked slowly, eyes sharp and dangerous, glinting with mischief, which was a bad sign for anyone involved. In this case, Kei. "Well well, are you the pizza man? Because you sure can deliver."
Perhaps the worst part of that, if it could get worse, was that deep down Kei knew Kuroo had only just begun.
And he'd been right.
Hell, that had been tame for Kuroo. If only he'd known.
Like clockwork, once a week, Kuroo would order a pizza, and Kei would have to fucking bring it to him (seriously? Kuroo has a car dammit), and he'd be received with a pick up line bad enough to make him want to swear abstinence.
"Babe, I know it's cheesy, but I think we're grate together."
"Have you eaten? Cause I can give you a pizz-a dis dick."
"Do you like Pizza Hut? Because I'd stuff your crust."
"Like that pizza, my tongue will go straight to your thighs."
God. Why this?
Kei definitely inched closer and closer to denying Kuroo sex with each awful line. But he never did. Because Kei was weak, and he had no one to blame but himself for this.
You could've worked at the grocery store, but you got greedy. You wanted tips. Now the only tip you're getting is--ah dammit now Kuroo has me doing it!
The sad part was that usually Kuroo actually managed to make him laugh, and they'd...sometimes end up making out. Not because of the jokes though. Kei had standards dammit.
Just...sometimes he missed his boyfriend at work okay? Not that he'd ever let Kuroo know that. Kuroo didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve a lot of things but alas, here Kei was.
Kei sighed to himself, resigned to his fate.
He hid a faint smile in his hand as he finally knocked on the door, humoring his boyfriend. If he'd wanted, he could've just used his own key, but Kuroo would surely whine about it. Loser.
And as Kei suspected, the lock turned right away, and the door swung open, since Kuroo had no doubt been waiting behind the door like an idiot, probably giddy with his newest pick up line.
Kei was dating a middle schooler apparently, and he didn't even really hate it. What had happened to him?
He'd gone through the pain of a long distance relationship and everything...
"Well, I sure hope this pizza comes with sausage."
...just so Kuroo could say stupid shit like that.
Kei glared as his boyfriend winked at him, throwing the pizza into Kuroo's hands as he crossed the threshold into the apartment. Okay, so that was one bonus. He got a bit of a break when he delivered to Kuroo's place, and his co-workers totally knew it. At least they never snitched to Kei's boss.
One day though, they too would get fed up with Kuroo's weekly order, since he always requested the 'hottest blond delivery boy you have.'
No shame, I swear.
"How should I know, you ordered it?" Kei said, taking off his work hat and flopping onto the couch. He'd only been working two hours, but honestly, that was enough.
He could only take so many shitty tips from rude customers or marinara stains on his sleeves.
Kuroo, good mood not faltering, tossed the pizza onto the table, completely forgotten as he made his way over to Kei.
And three...two...one...
Kuroo scooped him up in his arms, and yeah, Kei would admit it was nice. Kuroo's hugs were nice. Being with Kuroo was nice, pizza innuendos aside.
But then it happened.
Kuroo's hands started sliding far too low for the gesture to remain innocent, and Kei could already sense his boyfriend's smirk before he could see it. "Oh baby, you know I didn't mean the food. Now, let's say we just--"
Not so fast.
See, Kei was prepared for this, since he dealt with it every day. Kei grabbed Kuroo's hands as they neared his ass, pushing them away, and Kuroo actually groaned about it. Ha.
Maybe Kuroo was finally cracking. Granted, this was probably his fourth week of trying to seduce Kei during his work hours. Persistent bastard.
Kei fixed him with a glare that left no room for interpretation.
"For the last time, I'm not having sex with you in this uniform," Kei deadpanned, pleased at Kuroo's pout. "I refuse to indulge your bad porno scene kink."
Kuroo gasped, affronted, like Kei had accused him of cheating instead of wanting to bang him in his pizza delivery outfit.
When had it come to this?
"Sir, I can't believe you would think me so low," Kuroo admonished, but Kei wasn't having it.
"Well I do, so there's no use denying it," he replied, crossing his arms. He was still half in Kuroo's lap, but he hoped it didn't diminish his authority on the matter.
"My own boyfriend doubts me..."
Kei arched a brow, because if that wasn't the biggest load of crap he'd ever heard. Kei laughed lightly, playing dumb. "Oooh, I get it. So you don't wanna have sex with me right now."
"Oh no, I would like that very much please, and if you don't mind, I wanna set up the camera in the corner," Kuroo began, shameless. The raven threw up his hands in surrender as he continued. "Now, we don't actually have to film anything, I just think it adds to the drama you know?"
The silence which filled the room spoke volumes enough, but Kei knew his boyfriend wouldn't stop his endeavor until he got a real response.
Kei fixed his boyfriend with the most unamused look he could, and Kuroo's smile faltered in a way which was cute enough to make Kei nearly rethink his decision.
But, no.
"Seriously?" Kei asked, not hiding his displeasure.
"Is...that code for a yes?" Kuroo tried, one last time, and Kei knew he had to leave before it got any more pathetic than this.
Kei snorted, pushing Kuroo away after one final kiss before he made his way back to the door. He was probably going to be late, but whatever. "Maybe in your dreams," he said with a smirk, leaving Kuroo behind to mope.
Oh well, he'd make Kuroo forget all about it later that night, and he'd do it without being in this stupid uniform.
What was Kuroo thinking? As if he'd ever.
Except, as the days went by, he actually started to think about it.
That brilliant son of a bitch.
It had been two weeks since Kei's refusal for...whatever Kuroo had requested (could it even be called a kink? more like a breach of dignity), and the other hadn't brought it up at all. Which in all honesty, was normal.
Kuroo might've been obnoxious, but he was still a huge, considerate sap who Kei loved. If Kei had said no, Kuroo would respect his wishes. He'd stopped pushing it, completely content with dropping the subject. He still ordered his weekly pizza, because "midday Kei cuddles are essential" apparently, but otherwise, there were no indecent incidents beyond sloppy make-outs.
And maybe that was the problem.
The night after Kei had denied him, they'd had sex. Amazing as usual, because it was Kuroo, and Kei hardly had his complaints, but...
Since then they'd both been nothing short of swamped. Kei picked up extra shifts for the week in order to save up some extra money for a trip Kuroo wanted to go on for his birthday, and Kuroo's workload was no better. He'd been staying late at the office every night, getting home either after Kei had passed out, or too tired himself to do anything other than take off his tie.
In short, they hadn't exactly had any hands on time together lately. And yeah, two weeks wasn't terribly long, but Kei had needs.
And now, here he was, staring at Kuroo's weekly pizza order, and debating about jumping Kuroo's bones as soon as he opened the door.
That asshole.
Kei was actually considering having sex during his shift. Out on delivery. To Kuroo. Because of course, by some miracle, Kuroo was home for lunch.
Bullshit. It all smelled like bullshit.
But it didn't stop the fact that Kei was totally ready to do it. And seriously, why hadn't he before? Other than the fact that it was stupid, anyways. The idea didn't make him uncomfortable, and it was actually sort of funny. It would definitely be one to cross off their list...and sex with Kuroo was rarely something to be passed up. The only thing holding him back had been his pride, and that was slowly being flushed down the toilet as well.
I mean c'mon, you already work as a delivery boy. It can't get much worse.
But maybe it wasn't even about his pride. At least, not where his job was concerned...
Because see, while Kei's resolve dwindled more and more with each second, his knowledge of his boyfriend did not. He knew blaming Kuroo wasn't exactly fair, looking at the surface of the situation, but there might've been more to the story, which meant Kei just couldn't help it.
It was no secret the raven could be a bit of a schemer.
What if he'd purposefully been overzealous about the whole "sex while in uniform" thing just to put the idea in Kei's head? Then lo and behold, when Kei naturally said no, Kuroo would back off, lay back, and wait it out, his plan perfectly in motion. Eventually Kei wouldn't be able to hold himself back, and Kuroo would get bragging rights, since Kei would now be initiating everything.
Having the week of forced abstinence on top of things was just the icing on the cake which was Kuroo's fucked up plan, whether he anticipated that or not.
So, knowing all this, Kei should be smart about things.
Kei should not give in.
Kei should not act on his primal urges. And he most definitely should stop thinking about his boyfriend's hands all over him, gripping his hips and giving him 110% as he pounded Kei's ass.
Because those thoughts were bad.
He refused to let Kuroo have the last laugh and see his plan come to fruition.
As Kei slammed his car door shut, glaring at the pizza bag in the passenger seat, his hands gripped the steering wheel in his resolve.
Drop the pizza off, grab a quick kiss, leave.
Yeah. Simple enough, he thought, even as a surge of anticipation flowed through his body, and he tore out of the parking lot, pushing it away.
Nothing was going to happen, and that was final.
Except that was a bullshit lie.
Kuroo had barely opened the door when Kei forced his own way in, throwing the pizza on the nearby table because fuck, they both knew Kuroo never ate the damn thing until later.
"Hey, wh--" Kuroo was cut off by a searing kiss, and Kei drank in the startled moan he received for it. Kuroo may have been a conniving evil genius at times, but Kei had his own powers. Kuroo melted in his hands like putty, letting Kei coax out his tongue to play anyway he saw fit.
Kei's hand settled on his boyfriend's throat, applying just the slightest bit of pressure as their kiss got more intense. Kuroo growled into Kei's mouth, uncaring of the drool slipping from his mouth with each press of their lips. Before long, the loud smacks and whimpers filled the space, and only then did Kei actually have the sense to turn around and shut the damn door behind him.
Sorry neighbors. But well, back to business.
Kei used his hands to push Kuroo against the wall, pinning him there, and Kuroo joined in on their little dance quickly. His hands were on Kei's ass in an instant, squeezing with a grip so firm it had Kei gasping into another kiss.
It gave Kuroo the opportunity to do the one thing Kei had been dreading: talk.
Ever the multitasker, Kuroo busied himself with undoing Kei's belt as his breathless words filled the room. "Well, now this is what I call a delivery."
It was the last straw for Kei. After hundreds of lame lines, he was finally giving Kuroo what he wanted, but like hell would he be passive about it. In the next second, Kei was chucking his belt across the room (Kuroo was taking too damn long), and roughly got to work on Kuroo's until it too clattered against the hardwood.
"Shut. Up." Kei punctuated his statement with a tug to Kuroo's hair, the kind he liked, turning around so that he was leaning against Kuroo's chest. Mostly because he didn't want to see the smug look on Kuroo's face, but also because he could grind his ass right on Kuroo's half hard dick. "You...you planned this didn't you?"
"Well," Kuroo began, but the rest of his words broke apart in a groan when Kei rubbed against him, his clothed dick sliding between Kei's cheeks. (Look. Kei knew he had a nice ass, he also knew Kuroo was weak to it. All was fair here.)
"I don't wanna brag or anything," Kuroo breathed, and Kei could feel the smirk against his neck as Kuroo sucked on his pale skin. "But I do tend to get what I want with you. You're so good that way baby..."
Kei shivered at the praise despite himself, his hand coming up to pull Kuroo's hair again, bringing their lips together. Kuroo's hands tightened on Kei's hips before greedily pulling his boxers down to his thighs and exposing Kei's flushed cock.
Fuck, he was already so worked up, but at this point, he didn't give a shit how desperate he must look. Kuroo wasn't exactly in better shape, the outline of his dick straining the fabric of his underwear and moving against Kei's ass.
Just like Kei wanted.
Heh. It's the same both ways you know.
Kei would've loved to keep up their show of teasing until one of them broke, after all, foreplay should never be slept on. He loved being touched and played with until he couldn't take it anymore, until he was basically begging Kuroo to dick him down against the floor, but that would be for another time. He was still technically on the clock, and had wasted a good ten minutes already. Kei would have to get back to work soon, so if they wanted to get off, they'd better get going.
Which meant Kei could pull out the big guns, and the thought already had a little grin forming on his face. He pulled away from the kiss they were sharing, tongue flicking out against Kuroo's lips for good measure before delivering the final blow.
"And I always get what I want with you, babe," Kei said, biting his lip for extra effect. He hardly employed the use of pet names, but when he did, it was game over. "Now, give it to me."
He was being thrown onto the couch before he could so much as take another breath. Perfect.
Nothing could ruin this, not even the fact that he was still in his goddamn uniform, albeit with his shirt hiked up and his pants missing. Still. He would be regretting this later. Maybe. Probably.
Kei licked his lips as Kuroo pulled out his own cock from his boxers, kicking his pants to some poor forsaken corner. Kuroo stroked himself a few times, his cock hot and big in his hand. The precum beading at the head was practically begging for Kei to put his mouth around it, but there was no time.
Kei wanted to be fucked, no room for substitutions. He made a mental note to give Kuroo a mind numbing blowjob later though.
Kei wiggled his ass closer to Kuroo's hips as his boyfriend settled on the couch, more than ready to get on with things.
Kuroo laughed to himself, his hands gliding over Kei's milky thighs. "Too bad I didn't get notice beforehand, I would've set up the camera. You look so fucking hungry for it you know..."
"If you make one more reference to pizza, I'm leaving," Kei bit back, though the eagerness in his eyes probably didn't help give the threat any strength.
Kuroo laughed louder, sticking a pillow under Kei's hips until he was positioned adequately, spread open and giving Kuroo quite the view. "No, I don't think you will."
And the certainty of the statement had Kei flushing from adoration an embarrassment all at once. Kuroo was absolutely right, and the affection laced in his eyes as kissed Kei again, short and sweet, made Kei's heart soar.
"Alright then, I assume this has to be quick," Kuroo stated, pulling away and fishing for the lube he stored hidden in the couch cushions, other hand kneading Kei's ass.
"I didn't think you'd have a problem with that," Kei said, his voice teasing in the way which drove Kuroo insane, and then there was a hand connecting harshly with his ass cheek, the slap echoing into the small home.
Kei yelped, his dick twitching from the sudden spike of arousal, and he finally lost all sense of reason.
Now it was just want.
I want. I want. I want.
"Oh, believe me, I don't," Kuroo said, his eyes gleaming wickedly, and his lubed fingers began to prod at Kei's entrance.
After that, Kei was done. His mind was nothing more than a thick fog of desire, his body moving and reacting on its own. God, he's missed this so much. Why hadn't they done this before?
"Mm," Kei moaned, low and long, as Kuroo stretched him efficiently. One finger was followed by two, then three, each thrust pulling more and more debauched sounds out of Kei's mouth.
"Hey, c'mon," Kei urged, part of him still aware that time was very much against them. It seemed Kuroo was ahead of him though, and Kei cried out when he felt the head of Kuroo's cock press into him, silencing his complaints.
"Ah yeah, scream louder for me," Kuroo breathed, fully sheathing himself inside of Kei with little resistance. Kei knew it was most likely his extra horny brain making up shit, but he swore he could feel Kuroo pulse inside him, long and thick and everything Kei had been dreaming of for the past few days.
Kuroo seemed to read his mind.
He didn't give Kei the slightest of breathers, pounding into him with no sign of stopping. Kei's ass was probably turning red from how hard it was hitting Kuroo's thighs, but the burn was delicious, and Kei grabbed the armrest behind him for dear life when Kuroo began abusing his prostate.
Every thrust made Kei see stars, the pace never slowing no matter how much Kuroo's legs must've been straining to keep it up. But well, Kuroo was determined, and Kei loved him for it. Kei moaned shamelessly, his eyes glazing over and his hair sticking to his forehead. He felt like a mess, an amazing mess, and if he could've, he would've let Kuroo fuck him for the rest of the day.
Next time. Always next time.
The thought just brought Kei closer to the edge, his toes curling and his legs locking around Kuroo's waist. His boyfriend panted harshly, but his smirk remained, eyes boring into Kei's with no shortage of intensity. He loved this just as much, loved fucking Kei until he couldn't think clearly. They'd done this more than enough times, and at this point, Kuroo considered himself a pro at knowing the fastest and most satisfying way to get Kei to orgasm, and he used the skill to his advantage.
Bless him. Five stars. Fuck.
Kei felt his body start to spasm, the familiar heat coiling in his abdomen until flecks of white danced across his vision. He was going to come so fucking hard, finally.
"Tetsu, Tetsu, fuck I'm--" Kei couldn't get the words out, his voice breaking and dissolving into moans as his orgasm rushed over him.
"Yeah come on baby, right on my cock," Kuroo babbled, his thrusts becoming less and less precise as he neared his own orgasm. "You're squeezing me so tight, you make me feel so good, so fucking good..."
Somehow, the pride which surged through Kei as a result of the praise only intensified the pleasure coursing through him, and he pulled Kuroo down into another sloppy kiss, not caring that it prevented Kuroo from pulling out of him.
He'd gladly take everything Kuroo had to offer. He'd asked after all, and Kei could be greedy when he wanted to be.
Kuroo moaned into Kei's mouth as he came, pumping Kei full, and no objections were raised. They sat there afterwards, panting and exchanging kisses until the burn subsided, the fog in their minds gradually lifting.
Kei felt the aftershocks of his orgasm pulse through him as Kuroo pulled out, slumping onto the couch in the usual boneless fashion. Kei snorted, and his mind continued to spin from how great he felt. Kuroo looked just as fucked out, eyes droopy and smile lazy.
They were well fucked and well loved, as gross as it sounded. What was better?
Kei stretched, his skin still tingling, and he eyed the clock sitting on the coffee table.
"Well shit," he said, not nearly as concerned as he should've been, and Kuroo raised his head, squinting at the time.
"You know...I think you're gonna be late," Kuroo said, pulling Kei against his chest despite the glare directed at him. Yeah, he was late. More than late. Like...he'd definitely have to explain himself late.
Kei sighed, accepting the situation. He sort of had to. Kuroo's cum was dripping out of his ass, so he wasn't going anywhere.
But that was alright he guessed. Kuroo kissed his temple, snuggling closer. And of course, Kei let him, because deep down, there was nowhere else he'd rather be anyways.
Until Kuroo ruined it.
"Anyways, I would tip you for the pizza, but I sorta already did," the raven said, grinning wolfishly, and Kei was powerless.
Swallowing the last of his pride, Kei let himself smile, kissing Kuroo's cheek. "You're a real pizza work, you know that?"
It was comical, how Kei could practically see Kuroo's brain short circuit, reboot, and reprocess what Kei had said, ultimately leading to both of them toppling to the floor, and Kuroo bombarding him with kisses.
Needless to say, Kei was an extra hour late to work.
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nc-ty · 7 years
8 questions tag
I was tagged by @hydranoel (thank youu!💖)
1. What was the last song you listened to?
I’m just back from a muse & biffy clyro concert (biffy were amazing live, 10/10 would recommend, muse were slightly disappointing tbh.. :/ ) so knights of Cydonia by muse!!
2. What languages are you fluent in and/or what languages do you want to learn?
I’m only fluent in English :( I can speak decent French but I haven’t studied it for a while and I’m only getting back into it now, I also speak v basic Spanish and have a very strange and limited Korean vocabulary but I’m starting to learn Korean properly so hopefully that goes well!! tbh the dream is to be fluent in all the languages lmao, but definitely at least French.. and hopefully Korean and Portuguese too (i love Portugal)
3. How did you know your bias(any group) was the one for you?
uhh with taeyong I thought he looked cool in the fire truck dance practice and then I watched a compilation of him being clumsy and the difference between the two was so endearing to me I just loved him immediately hahaha and with hanbin I think it was around the time when I was watching him pick up goat shit on mari and me but I’m not sure.. he really came at me out of nowhere👍 
4. If you were to listen to only one song for the rest of your life what song would it be?
this is such a hard question omg, I’m gonna go with world without you by hudson taylor (https://youtu.be/dIBIjK9Udrw this is the acoustic version but there’s also a really nice mv, watch it please i love them) just bc the thought of not listening to it ever again makes me wanna cry
5. If you can travel anywhere in the world with your bias where would you go?
my answer to travelling questions is always the same ahahah I just wanna go on a road trip around America, and see the sunrise over the grand canyon etc etc, all the clichéd crap pls, we can camp in a tent together with loads of blankets and it’d be really cute ok😢
6. What is your dream job?
realistically speaking probably scientific research but in an ideal world I’d be an author (I can’t write tho)
7. What’s your phone wallpaper :D
it’s actually a collage of me and my friends at the minute, I’m not gonna post it bc I don’t know if they’d want their faces on here ahahah
8. What’s the weirdest dream or daydream you’ve ever had?
my daydreams are pretty standard I think, my weird dreams tend to be sort of semi-normal?? i think the weirdest one i had that i can remember rn was where there was a murderer in my town (i lived right in front of the big hole thing (I’m sure there’s a word for that but idk) where the titanic was built - which is in my hometown but not right outside my window lol) and he was stealing one shoe from everyone in the neighbourhood and like making a border around the hole with the shoes??? idk it doesn’t make any sense but i was terrified in the dream bc apparently he was a big serial killer and this was what he did before he killed people.. so i was trying to run around the houses and tell my neighbours to lock their doors n stuff.. is this too much detail?? i feel like you’re all gonna think I'm really weird lmao
My Questions:
1. What’s your favourite kdrama? (I’m trying to create a list of things to watch!)
2. What’s your favourite place that you’ve ever travelled to? or just tell me about your hometown if you haven’t travelled!
3. Recommend me some songs please, as many as you want
4. If you had 3 wishes, what would you wish for? if u say more wishes i’ll block you :)
5. Tell me about your bias!! (whatever you wanna say, include your fave pics/gifs if you want! i just like hearing people talk about this kind of thing lol)
6. Which physical item is most precious to you and why?
7. Do you believe in a higher power? (God(s), the Universe, someone playing a v elaborate version of the sims, etc.)
8. Describe your perfect day from start to finish (what do you do? who do you see? where do you go?)
I’m tagging @jeno-jeyes @couleurdetoiles @griffinrunes @cherry-ten @reikojinxx @lemmetalkaboutkpop @haecharm @kpopmainlizzy @hwaniful @ytsgf and @ikonicanthem 💕
I tagged a mixture of people so I hope none of you mind! You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to of course!😊
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annebrontesrequiem · 8 years
I would give you my legs if you did the rfa and the minor trios reaction to MC being very short! And very much so a guy
As a person who’s 5ft I approve of this!!! This sounds so fun!! YAY!!!!! May the short people rejoice, because I got them! Yeah! Lolol! Okay, I’ll start now, moment over…..
Note, the whole thing deleted and I thought my computer was broken, wow I’m crappy at this lol! Anyway again sorry it’s been so long, I feel so guilty >~
He’s so surprised
He finds it ridiculous lol
Gets you everything you need
Always getting things that you can’t reach
Snuggling you all the time
Totally loves being big spoon
Your hair just smells so nice!!
You think he’s the sweetest person to ever walk this earth!
You obviously don’t see when he watches you try to each something
He feels kinda bad, but it’s just too cute, eventually he’ll help you
One day he saw someone at a party making fun of your height
The rest of the time you had to watch Zen “I’m going to kill him” idiot McGee
You actually thought it was super sweet
He just wants to make sure you’re happy all the time
No matter what
He’ll go to the ends of the earth and back for you his angel
You in turn treasure all of his company
You two are perfect together, like a duet of happiness and sunny days
Oh my goodness!
He thought he was the shortest dude in the RFA?
Apparently not!
He’s so unsure what to do
You have to convince him to not go out and buy every stepstool he can find
You assure him you’ll be fine
You guys can’t decide on who’s big spoon
So you face each other
Or sometimes lay on top of each other when it’s not tbh
One day an ex of yours was making fun of you
“Wow, I never thought you’d be into guys you piece of shit! You’re about as close to Hell as you can get, especially considering you have the height of a dwarf!”
You’re obviously very distressed
He punches the lady in the face
And you have to pull him back from doing something he’ll regret
He eventually calms down, but not before the woman runs away
You say good riddance
Since then he’s super protective of anyone who makes a comment on your stature
You’re grateful
She was the shortest person in the RFA before
But you’re super tiny!
Like wtf!
She’s so surprised!
There’s only one stepstool in the house
So everything is a battle for you guys
One day she catches you climbing up on the counter
She freaked!
But later you see her doing the same thing
One day someone at a park bumped into you
And they tried to make you feel better by saying some really shitty things about your height
Yeah, he’s an idiot
Because Jaehee is amazing at Tae Kwon Do
And you’re amazing at kicking anything below the belt as hard as possible
Yeah, no one messes with you
Even Seven knows if he goes to far…  stuff’s going to go down!
Okay, so before we get into your height something needs to be clarified
He makes sure everything is accessible to your height
The first week while it was all getting set up he found you climbing up to get something in the kitchen
On the fridge…
“It’s fine! I’ve done this loads before!”
Yeah, he’s a total worrywart
But the sweetest worrywart ever
Also best cuddler goes to this guy I swear to god
Super aware of your feelings about being 5ft
One time you were with him at a party and this guy was making fun of your height
You had to stop Jumin from hiring Seven to wreck his life
“Not the answer babe.”
But the minute you visit the men’s room he’s getting this guy out of the party
You notice, but by then decide not to talk about it
It ended up being a pretty good night
With lots of lovey dovey moments when you get home
Okay, let’s be honest
There’s no way in Hell he’s not going to make fun of you
Just because he’s in love with you doesn’t mean he’s going to give up the meaning of life
Totally grabs whatever you want and holding it above your head
You got so frustrated once you pulled him down and screamed in his ear
In response he began tickling you like crazy
Yeah, you spent a lot of time cleaning that up under Saeran’s eye
Sometimes when Saeran and Seayoung are fighting pettily Saeyoung will yell out; “MC’s MY ONLY BROTHER NOW!!!”
You made him apologize
But in all serious he won’t take it too far
One time someone approached you because apparently you bumped into them at the store
And began saying the most horrible things about your height
Yeah, hack God 707 wasn’t go to let that slide
The guy ended up blowing all his recent paychecks on buying Vegemite
Yeah, it was pretty funny
You guys had a good laugh about it
And lots of hugs afterwards!
Nearly runs into you the first time you two meet I swear to God
He felt so bad about it!
Apologized profusely, but you just laughed and said it was fine
“Can you feel the love tonight…..”
It was a magical moment
He isn’t really sure where stuff is, so you spend a ton of tiem climbing up on things
When he realizes this he gets you a super tall step stool for each room
So worried about you honestly
What an innocent bean!
Super duper big spoon!!!
His hair is super tickly, and it’s super relaxing
He doesn’t tolerate any form of harassment at all
Someone makes one short joke at you and he’s there
For someone who can look in a mirror he’s mastered the death stare face
Yeah, people tend to stop after that
Always kisses you tons after
You mean the universe to him!
He’d do anything for you
Much like his brother
Lots of stuff over your head
Your tactics don’t work on him
Sometimes he’ll throw you over his shoulder
It seems all ridiculous
You take it in stride though, because you know that he’ll give it to you eventually, and that he’d go to the deepest parts of the earth for you
You guys alternate who’s big spoon
When Saeran has a night mare you’ll be big spoon
But usually he is
It took him a while to get used to snuggling, but he loves it
Unfortunately it’s not perfect
During one of his attacks he became sadistically horrible, ripping on your height
You ran away crying that day
Thankfully you figured it out, and he hasn’t had a bad attack in a while
He’s amazingly grateful for you staying with him
The least he can do is do the same for you
Whenever someone else teases you about it Saeran gives them the death stare and a few choice words
Then ice cream for you
You guys spent the rest of the night watching the ducks and hugging each other in the cool air
And your height didn’t matter
You were an endless supply of happiness
Also Saeran thinks you’re the darndest cute thing that’s ever walked this planet
Very chill about it
Doesn’t understand why it’s a big deal
It’s only a few inches, how bad could it be?
How bad could it be?
They realized it could be pretty bad when you told them about how you were brutally bullied about it
Another thing is getting things, from at the drugstore, to a book on the shelf
So they’re now constantly around you
There for you all the time
You guys sleep forehead to forehead, so there’s no real spooning
But when you’ve had a crappy day they’ll do it a bit
They don’t mind it
You’re soft
Sometimes someone will make a comment on your stature
And they will shoot you them like nothing else
There for you
And when someone has the audacity to stalk you and continue to harasss you about it they hack into all their accounts, lock them, and post random crap, including a profile pic of a rotting vegetable
Yeah, no one touches their loved one
You find it a bit over the top, but happy you’ll never have to deal with them again
I know this was kinda short, but I hope it was sweet enough. This was something interesting for me, because I’m short, and have been caught climbing on counters and cupboards so yeah. Hope you like! Sorry for the delay again, and see you guys tomorrow hopefully!!!! Until the I wish you all the sparkles in the world!!!
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germanottaisgodxo · 7 years
All the numbers
I'LL DO ITThis could be fun (or extremely depressing)1: NameRachael2: Age223: 3 FearsDogs, lifts, the dark4: 3 things I loveFood, music, reading, hugs 5: 4 turns onDo I look like a lamp6: 4 turns off^^7: My best friendI have a few8: Sexual orientationGay9: My best first dateNever been on a date 10: How tall am I5ft411: What do I missFinancial stability12: What time were I born9:37pm13: Favourite colourPurple14: Do I have a crushYes15: Favourite quote"Positive Vibes Only"16: Favourite placeWhere I do my course/volunteering17: Favourite foodAt the minute? Burgers18: Do I use sarcasmThere are days when I run solely on sarcasm 😂😂19: What am I listening to right nowTraffic going past 20: First thing I notice in new personHow they act 21: Shoe size522: Eye colourMulticoloured23: Hair colourBlack24: Favourite style of clothingMostly a slob/lazy style25: Ever done a prank call?Yeah, who hasn't?27: Meaning behind my URLLady Gaga's last name 💓28: Favourite movieDon't have one tbh29: Favourite songCurrently it's Taylor Swift's "ready for it"30: Favourite bandDon't have one31: How I feel right nowA bit mixed tbh; bit of stress, kinda pissed off & trying to calm down from it, hungry, bored32: Someone I loveAll my lil noodles from my courses & volunteering 😊33: My current relationship statusSingle34: My relationship with my parentsGood35: Favourite holidayBulgaria36: Tattoos and piercing i haveFloral pattern on wrist & top of ear pierced37: Tattoos and piercing i wantFix my current tattoo, get "positive vibes only" written on me somewhere, portrait of Lady Gaga & Paris skyline38: The reason I joined TumblrMostly due to noseyness & a free place to express myself39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?Don't have any ex's40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?I get a goodnight message from one of the people from the charity shop I was in41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?Nope42: When did I last hold hands?Can't remember43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?10 minutes44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?Nah, couple of weeks ago45: Where am I right now?My bed46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?Myself, I'm a big girl 😁47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?LOUD48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?Nope49: Am I excited for anything?Got quite a few things coming up with my course/volunteering; loads of new opportunities50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?I have 3/451: How often do I wear a fake smile?Rarely52: When was the last time I hugged someone?Today- I had to convince him to come back into the building cause he tried to slink away without giving me one like usual 😂53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?Never kissed anyone54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?I'm happy with who I trust, for the most part55: What is something I disliked about today?(In relation to above) I found out that someone else on my course told my tutor I'm gay when I'd be worrying about telling her so I was pissed off with him then I had to sit down & talk to her about it, that was difficult! And my other volunteering was absolute pandemonium today- a few fights nearly broke out between us56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Lady Gaga!!!!!57: What do I think about most?FOOD, my courses/volunteering and people there, random irrelevant crap58: What’s my strangest talent?Does peeing 5228264 times in one day count??59: Do I have any strange phobias?Refer back to q 3 60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Behind61: What was the last lie I told?Can't remember, I don't lie often 62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Phone63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Yeah64: Do I believe in magic?Kind of65: Do I believe in luck?Nah66: What’s the weather like right now?Cold67: What was the last book I’ve read?The Marriage Pact68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?Ehhh69: Do I have any nicknames?Rach70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?Not really had any severe injuries tbh71: Do I spend money or save it?Spend, I don't get anywhere near enough a month to save it 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? Nope73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me?Wearing a pink jumper74: Favourite animal?Cat75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?Playing the sims 76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Dunno77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Any of Lady Gaga's78: How can you win my heart?Buy me food 79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?No idea80: What is my favourite word?Fanny 😂😉81: My top 5 blogs on tumblrHave more than 582: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?Buy me food83: Do I have any relatives in jail?Nope84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?Always having a constant supply of food85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Dunno, I'm pretty open & honest86: What is my current desktop picture?My phone's lock screen says "we rise by lifting others" (don't have a desktop) 87: Had sex?Nope88: Bought condoms?Nope89: Gotten pregnant?Nope90: Failed a class?Yeah91: Kissed a boy?Nope92: Kissed a girl?Nope93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?Nope94: Had job?I've had 495: Left the house without my wallet?Aye 😑96: Bullied someone on the internet?Nope97: Had sex in public?Nope98: Played on a sports team?Nope99: Smoked weed?Nope100: Did drugs?Nope101: Smoked cigarettes?Nope102: Drank alcohol?Yeah103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?Nope104: Been overweight?For most of my life105: Been underweight?Nope106: Been to a wedding?Yeah107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?Course 😂108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?Aye109: Been outside my home country?Yeah110: Gotten my heart broken?I break my own heart all the time 😒111: Been to a professional sports game?Nope112: Broken a bone?Nope113: Cut myself?Yeah114: Been to prom?Nope115: Been in airplane?Yeah, loads of times116: Fly by helicopter?Nope117: What concerts have I been to?Saw Lady Gaga twice118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Yeah, it's been a long 3 years119: Learned another language?Yeah120: Wore make up?Unfortunately121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?Nope122: Had oral sex?Nope123: Dyed my hair?Aye, about 40- 50 times124: Voted in a presidential election?I've voted but no for a president 😂125: Rode in an ambulance?Nope126: Had a surgery?Nope127: Met someone famous?Nope128: Stalked someone on a social network?Of course!!129: Peed outside?Aye 😳😂130: Been fishing?Nope131: Helped with charity?Yeah, I did an 8 weeks placement in a charity shop and both of my current volunteering are with charity organisations132: Been rejected by a crush?Yeah133: Broken a mirror?Yeah134: What do I want for birthday?Food135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?Dunno if I'll be having kids, we'll see136: Was I named after anyone?Dunno137: Do I like my handwriting?Nope138: What was my favourite toy as a child?Yugioh139: Favourite TV Show?I don't watch TV anymore140: Where do I want to live when older?Don't mind tbh141: Play any musical instrument?Nope142: One of my scars, how did I get it?All the scars I have are from self harm 143: Favourite pizza toping?Pepperoni144: Am I afraid of the dark?Very 😭145: Am I afraid of heights? Nah146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?Doing bad stuff147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?Yeah, think everyone has tbh 148: What I’m really bad atBeing nice to myself, working on it though149: What my greatest achievements areVolunteering150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to meCan't think151: What I’d do if I won in a lotteryPay off my bills & rent arrears, treat family & friends, buy sensible stuff like a new passport, clothes, stuff for my flat then treats for myself152: What do I like about myselfSense of humour, give good advice, trustworthy, good taste in food & music 😛153: My closest Tumblr friendWouldn't say I had one tbh154: Something I fantasise aboutFood155: Any question you’d like?There wasn't one given ??
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