#it has litchi completely surrounding it
50c14lly4nx10u5 · 2 years
not to kirby post on main but i was out and found kirby socks and i can't wait to wear em 😔
i also found kirby gum in freak lunchbox which i did, in fact, post on my kirby account akdbdkfn
pokémon sparkling water was also there... i had got a pikachu one (lemon) and squirtle one (sea salt cheese... yeah i got my dad to drink that one lmao) before, so i got a magikarp one (litchi) and igglybuff one (white peach) today
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ginazmemeoir · 3 years
warning : rant ahead. open at your own discretion.
I am seized with a terrible, terrible longing for summer, the festival of the sun.
but i think more importantly i miss a part of me that i associated with summer. that annual experience that we had each year without fail. i think i miss memories, and the fact that similar memories might never be created in my life.
most of my summer memories are attached with my older house. we shifted into our new home around 2.5 years back, and even though its in a better location and has better features and is in every way better than our old lodging, i can't help but miss our old house and the person i was back then. 2019 was the last summer i spent in that house, a last summer full of unrestrained joy. that's not to say i haven't had good summers since then, but they've been overshadowed by covid and death and my prep for JEE.
those were simpler times really. coming in from school with at least 2 kilos worth of books stuffed in our bags, walking in the gruelling heat from the bus stop to our home. the whirring off the cooler fan and the smell of its hay padding. our mom welcoming us with a smile, handing a glass of rooh afza or khus sharbat. the only worries then were completing our homework as soon as possible, not studying for a faraway exam which defines your life.
the day summer vacations would be announced, our parents would pick up me, my brother and my friends (brother was tiny back then) and we would all go for ice cream or a movie, in school clothes. in a week our bags would be all packed to go to both of our grandma's, at least a week spent at each. before that, we'd even go someplace for a vacation, again at least a week. when we would come back home, an aunt and a cousin would come along to stay, and afternoons would be spent slurping mangoes, evenings would be spent peeling litchis in our sticky baniyans, and the whole day would be spent playing and fighting or sleeping on the cool tiled floor. the burdens of our career or college or entrance exams didn't plague us then. the only books i cared about reading were the novels i bought, hoarding them like a bookwyrm.
the week when it would be just us at home, we would go to the mall for the entire day, or the water park, or to the movie theatre, where mom would bargain for tickets in a housefull show since dad forgot to book them and somehow end up with four tickets. we'd visit the society swimming pool each day without fail, and play out in the occassional summer rain.
my last summer was probably the best one. we didn't go anywhere for vacation, but for the first time my brother and i tasted independence. our parents were busy building our new house, so we were sent, alone, to both of our grandmas and our bua and our mausi, for a totality of four weeks.
at my dadi's house, which is far modest and a bit messy, though as big as my nani's house, we'd have to study for two hours before and after lunch out of our mother's fear, who used to take a report from my baba, who naturally never lied about his grandchildren's academics (wink). baba-dadi don't like going out much, so mostly we'd stay at home. we tried new recipes, and spent most of our time playing and indulging in property destruction (i broke a glass panel during pillow fight but emerged unscathed). my older cousin, me, and the cousin who's my age would gossip or talk while the younger ones would try to drag us away to play. nights would again be spent gossipping, with dadi occassionally joining to trash talk her in laws with us (nobody likes baba's side of the family).
at my nani's house, which is more prosperous owing to nana's business, i'm the eldest, so it'd be me surrounded by five tiny children. not that i didn't mind. it'd be the same activities as those at dadi's or at our house, but nani is stricter and so makes sure we finish our homework (wink). mama-mami live with them, so we'd go out many times - mall, amusement park, water park, movies, everywhere. and this time, the gossip material would be baba-dadi and our shenanigans back home.
maybe i have attached a scent, a feeling, with each place and that is what i miss. maybe i'm just a nostalgic bitch. idk. all i know is that i really miss summers, and i really miss being a child even though i've barely entered adulthood and am also excited for it.
whatever. i just want to get rid of this bitter cold.
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scalarlight · 4 years
Foods High in Vitamin C
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Vitamin C (Also called ascorbic acid) is a fundamental substance for human health. Many myths are surrounding this nutrient, but beyond that, the body needs it to keep certain vital functions regulated. It is pretty easy to access this vitamin through food, and reaching the necessary amounts for our body is not complicated, that is why we present you the 9 foods high in vitamin c
Importance of vitamin C
It seems that many parents love that their children take vitamin C because they believe that it prevents the cold. This, of course, is a myth, however, it is not so far from reality, since it has been shown that this vitamin does help reduce the duration of cold symptoms.
Vitamin C's main function is to protect cells against oxidative damage (antioxidant character), and it is essential to form collagen in the skin, in addition to facilitating healing and helping other things such as bones or joints.
How much vitamin C is needed in the body?
According to some data, for the healthy adult population, it has been determined that 80 milligrams should be consumed daily. But don't worry, you don't have to break your head to find out how much you have to eat to reach that amount, because many foods have varying concentrations of this vitamin, and intake is met daily if you have a varied and balanced diet. It is only necessary a regular consumption of fruits and vegetables and the amount we need of ascorbic acid will be complete.
It is also a myth that citrus fruits are the fruits with the most vitamin C, so you may think that if you do not eat this type of food, you will not have enough of this nutrient. However, many other things contain vitamin C in huge amounts, much more than citrus.
The 9 foods high vitamin C
First of all, it is important to mention that there are fruits with huge amounts of ascorbic acid, such as Kakadu, or Camu-Camu, which contain between 2 000 and 5 0000 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of weight. However, these types of fruits are very rare, so they will not enter this list. Here we bring you the 9 foods high in vitamin C
1. Chile or hot pepper: There are many types of chili, and the amount of ascorbic acid of each different variety, however, the most common chili peppers are the red chili (with 220 milligrams per 100 grams of weight), the chili (with 140 milligrams per 100 grams of weight) and the green chile (with 110 milligrams per 100 grams of weight). Here you can choose if you like them to be very spicy or if you prefer not to spice so much. They don't have to be cooked for a long time so as not to take away their properties.
2. Guava: The Guava is a fruit of tropical origin, and can be easily found in greengrocers and food stores. The amount of Vitamin it provides is 270 milligrams per 100 grams of weight. It can be found in the form of jam and other preparations, also conserving a good part of vitamin C.
It is eaten raw or it can be combined with a salad. It is good for breakfast or lunch, and can also be prepared as a drink.
3. Aromatic herbs: The herb with the most vitamin contribution is parsley, since it has 190 milligrams of vitamin C (although for every 100 grams of weight), even not all that amount is consumed in a single meal, it is a good source of vitamin and is very good to combine guava with different foods. Chives and basil also stand out, with 60 and 65 milligrams of vitamin C respectively. The herbs shouldn't be cooked, since they lose their properties and not only nutritional but also aroma and flavor. There are herbs for every meal, and they add exquisite flavors to even the rarest dishes.
4. Black currant: This fruit contains nothing more and nothing less than 160 milligrams of vitamin C, and can be found in jams, juices, jellies, among other recipes. It can be incorporated in the same way that blueberries or blackberries are incorporated into many recipes, plus it is very easy to find.
5. Broccoli: This vegetable is one of the highest in ascorbic acid, having approximately 120 milligrams raw. Avoid overcooking as much as possible so that it retains all its properties and keeps an excellent flavor. This food can be eaten raw (not without washing it first) and can be crushed to chew it easily. It can also be steamed with a little salt to soften it and be able to incorporate it into our salads or recipes.
6. Mustard: We refer specifically to the mustard seed, which contains 80 milligrams of vitamin C per 100 grams of seeds. Although eaten in small doses, it is an important food, but you should keep in mind that it is best to buy a mustard that has the least amount of other added products and processed products should be avoided at all costs. The seed can be crushed and combined with other seeds to season food, but it is also common to make a demo sauce as a complement to our meals.
7. Papaya: Because we all love tropical fruits, I present to you the next food high in vitamin C, papaya. This fruit has many properties, where digestive benefits stand out, but it also provides a good amount of ascorbic acid, approximately 70 milligrams. It is consumed raw and without skin and can be combined with citrus fruits such as lemon or orange. Besides, you can cook homemade sweets with them.
8. Litchi: This is a well-known little sweet fruit that is easily found in greengrocers and restaurants. It provides 70 milligrams of vitamin C raw and is consumed peeled, in desserts and combined with tropical fruits such as mango or coconut.
9. Strawberry: Finally we have the strawberry, which, believe it or not, contains more ascorbic acid than some citrus fruits such as orange or mandarin. It has 60 milligrams per 100 grams of weight, and it is very easy to find and eat since it is eaten raw. They can also be prepared with some other fruit and it is easy to find it in jams or jellies.
In the end, we have fruits such as orange, which provides 50 milligrams of Vitamin C. Even kiwi provides more since it contains 60 milligrams of this nutrient. In any case, always remember to have a varied diet, and try to consume fruits and vegetables regularly, since they provide a large number of vitamins and minerals to our body, plus the fact that many fruits and vegetables are not expensive and are consumed fresh without any type of preparation. preparation.
Check out our Scalar Light Natural Foods Program: https://scalarlight.com/natural-foods-program/
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seithrveined · 5 years
                                        Judgement Day
          Where was he?
     Isola...? No, this is a different island. Much smaller, more condensed-- the scenery was all too different. There wasn’t a place like this on the island he should be on.
          Why was he here?
     It was like a dream... He arrived here with no warning, no sudden snap of reality shifting around him. He was simply here... But his mind was quickly growing dull.
          What was going on?
     His movements were slow, staggered... But it wasn’t exhaustion overtaking him, nor an outside force hindering his movements or thought process. Perhaps that was only a half-truth, though...
          Why was his Azure Grimoire activated?
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          “This is...! Why now...?!“
     The power that had been kept dormant for over a year was finally breaking whatever seals had been placed on it-- but it wasn’t stopping there. The Azure Grimoire was bypassing all of the restrictions of his own making, the red veins glowing brighter with each passing second. The Reaper was mindlessly walking forward, all of his focus being directed to his right arm. He can hear it so clearly... that damned heartbeat ringing in his ears-- the ringing of a massive, powerful beast.
     So far the crowd wasn’t paying him any attention. They were all blissfully unaware of what was happening, none realizing the danger they were in. His breathing steadily grew more intense, his feet threatening to give way any moment now. A few faces of the crowd eventually took notice of his abnormal walking, but weren’t sure if they should even bother him.
          ”Ghh-- away... go away...!” His warning was hardly more than a weak whisper-- even talking felt like it would distract him too much. A painful vibration shot out from his arm, enough to make him stumble and crash up against the nearest wall. The searing hot pain that crawled across his arm threatened to completely numb out his mind, the corruption of the Grimoire spreading more across his body.
     Why now? Why did this have to happen now...?! The pain was too unbearable for him to remain silent now, a pained roar tearing through his throat and making the crowd around him panic. The unknown faces were finally sensing that something was off... but none dared to approach the man screaming his head off in pain, not even to check and see if he was doing alright. But eventually, one figure was bold enough to step forward... and plant his foot right onto the Reaper’s back, knocking him over as a mad cackle followed.
          ”Ghahaha! Look at the sad little puppy, can’t even handle his own toy!”
     He didn’t even need to look and see who that was-- only one name came to mind to match that insufferable voice... Yuuki Terumi. Ragna could only glare daggers over at his nemesis, still on the floor while trying to not break his focus.
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          ”-- Piece of shit...! You bastard...!”
          “Oh god, you look so damn pathetic, Rags! You’ve been off your fix for so long, now you can’t even handle the rush! Shit, I wish I had a camera for this!” The hooded figure continued to cackle, stepping closer in order to plant his foot against the other’s right arm, now coated in red and black seithr-- even outside of the coat sleeve. “That just proves how weak you’ve gotten! You can’t protect a damn thing anymore! A weakling like you needs that power... It’s the only reason you even had a chance to go toe-to-toe with a God!”
     Bullshit... That was all bullshit! That damn voice, he needed to shut it up...! The heartbeat against his ears, the violent vibrations of his arm, that taunting voice-- it all needed to go away, down into the void of darkness...!
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          “Too much to handle~? That’s just to be expected of some trash human-- no, less than human! You don’t even qualify as a human, let alone a mutt! That sounds familiar to another piece of trash... don’t ya think?“
     In a dark flash, the snake was finally silenced by a powerful fist sending him off-- right into the nearest building. Finally the crowd began to panic, recognizing that their safety was in jeopardy. The Reaper’s arm was glowing more brightly, red lines growing more across his skin.
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          ”S̸h̶u̸t̵ ̷u̵p̴!̵!̷ ̶S̶t̶o̸p̶ ̶t̸a̴l̵k̴i̷n̴g̸,̸ ̶s̶t̶o̸p̸ ̷i̴t̶.̴.̷.̸!̶”
     The voice was gone... was he silenced? Would he attack soon? There should have been an attack, yet nothing came... instead, a new voice came in-- a much more... sickly sweet voice, laced with a twisted kind of comfort.
          ”Ah, Ragna...? You’re finally embracing it, huh~? But you’re doing it without me... That’s not fair!” The Reaper panicked, looking around to spot the 13th Murakumo Unit floating down to greet him. The city’s alarms were starting to go off, but all he could focus on was the danger before him... the danger of her twisted smile.
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          ”But that’s okay, Nu can forgive you... Nu understands, having all that pent up energy, so desperate to release it...! But you know it’s better to have someone join you, right~? Why do it alone when Nu is right here...?”
     The heartbeat in his ears wasn’t from his own Grimoire-- this was the Heart, and he was merely the Body. The heartbeat only grew faster now, stronger than before... Yet the Reaper simply cried out again, both hands gripping his head as he tried to drown it all out-- all the unnecessary noise. It all needed to go away... The snake, the heart, the corruption-- all of it! Once again, a quick flash was all it took for him to strike at the new source of anger, darkness blowing out as he tried to make Nu disappear.
          But that was someone he swore to save, right...?
     At this moment, it didn’t matter. She was a threat-- a threat trying to make him lose his mind... Threats need to be dealt with-- they need to be removed...! His vision was growing darker, but all he cared about was destroying the things that threatened him...
          How much time had passed now?
     His vision had practically become a red haze, his body moving on its own. It was like he had blacked out, his mind going unconscious while his body continued to move. A safety measure to protect his mind from the corruption...?
     Whatever the reason may be, his vision was finally coming to-- and all around him was destruction. Buildings collapsing over, the streets themselves cracked and broken from his own power. The air itself trembled from the unnatural aura emanating from him. But that aura began to die down now that Ragna was “awake” again. Now he has to recapture his focus, find out what was going on.
     Where was Terumi? Where was Nu? Did he make them disappear? His mind tried hard to recollect what happened-- but soon stopped dead in its tracks once he took a look at the landscape around him.
     Bodies. People strung around him like ragdolls.Were they dead? ... No-- No, he can sense it... They’re alive. A few clearly had blood staining their clothes, but they were all alive. Some of them were nameless people caught in his rampage... but even they still drew breath. Yet it was the ones he did recognize that gave him pause.
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          ”Wh-- What did they...?”
     Litchi Faye-Ling. Makoto Nanaya. Nine. Trinity Glassfille. Celica Mercury. Tsubaki Yayoi.
     Even more familiar faces surrounded him-- even Noel, Naoto and Rachel were there-- all battered and defeated from combat... Combat with him-- against the power of the Black Beast. They were all hurt trying to stop him... a dangerous gambit that should have put their lives at risk-- there was no chance for them to fight against the Beast without the risk of casualties...!
     And yet, they all still live-- merely exhausted and beaten, not slaughtered. Somehow, some way... he was able to hold back the immense power, able to retain enough reason to remember that he shouldn’t kill indiscriminately. They were hurt... but they were still alive. Still alive...
     If he wants them to stay that way, he needs to remember who he is...! The man who would destroy the world? No... That’s no longer the being he’ll inevitably become.
               Ragna. Ragna the Bloodedge. Not a Black Beast... Ragna.
     Another pained roar ripped through the air, shaking the ground itself as the dark power around him began to fluctuate. Now more than ever before, he was using all of his willpower to bring his own body back into his control. Over and over, it threatened to overpower him-- this power didn’t want to relinquish control so easily... But the Azure Grimoire wasn’t going to take from him anymore-- it was going to become his power, to use however he sees fit!
     The warrior repeatedly began to smash the ground with his bare hands, cracking it even more as he continued his internal struggle. But eventually, swiftly and without warning-- it all stopped. The vibrations, the heartbeat... the seithr around him was finally being pulled back into his arm, the darkness receding back and being set under the restrictions that held it in place. At last, the Reaper broke free from the chains of the Beast.
     A deep sigh of relief escaped his lips, his breathing so deep and heavy... Once more he looked around him to see all his fallen comrades, their struggle not in vain. Seeing them all hurt didn’t leave him unaffected-- each one added more pain and guilt to his conscience... Looking over at Tsubaki somehow made the pain all the more worse, oddly enough.
     Using up all the energy he had left, the Reaper took slow, pained steps over to the fallen Yayoi warrior, falling onto his knees nearby. A gloved hand finally pushed up against her cheek, once again feeling that life had not left her just yet.
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          ”... I’m sorry... all of you-- sorry...”
     Even the simple act of talking felt like a difficult task... especially with the physical pain being combined with the guilt threatening to overcome him. His gaze eventually settled on Nu, another survivor-- one who didn’t even have a chance to unleash her power like she wanted. She was the only one still conscious... albeit with a broken look on her face. The look of one who felt no purpose in life, her single eye devoid of light... His expression only grew more sullen as he witnessed the truth-- the twisted goal she wanted... it was all she had.
     Without him realizing it, the island around the Reaper began to fade away-- as if the “dream” was finally coming to a close. Yet all he could focus on was stroking the hair of Tsubaki Yayoi, while his mind offered a silent promise to the fallen Murakumo...
          I didn’t save you before... But I’ll try again. Even if you don’t want me to.
     The world around him finally fell into darkness, just as the Reaper swore another vow to no one but himself: This won’t happen again. This isn’t what he wants his power to become... No matter what it takes, this power that can take on the Gods themselves won’t turn on him ever again.
          If I can’t live up to that promise... Then I really will have to erase myself for good.
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trashexplorer · 6 years
BLCD 2018: July Releases
✓ - have      
💡 - interested
✘ - not interested (but will probably still listen to)    
🙏 - dying for
1. Nama Haishin: Aistsu ni Koishite Mita! ✘
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Release Date: 2018/07/10
Cast: Lounsbery Arthur x Tsuchida Reiou *idk who these are honestly
Synopsis: After passing their college exams, Takuto and Yoshirou picked up an app called MeTube (REALLY? METUBE!). What they started just to kill sometime found it’s way into their daily lives as college students. The two have garnered quite a large following. Their selling point is “business BL” and it’s not such a big deal for the both of them ‘cause they’re totally bro with everything but when it’s time to raise it up a notch for them views, will the two of them still be able keep this relationship strictly professional?
2. SM Gokko ✘
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Release Date: 2018/07/11
Cast: Katou Masayuki x Yashiro Taku
Synopsis: Akihito woke up to find himself naked and restrained. In front of him was a young man who insisted that he himself had agreed to be in that kind of situation. Full of objections, he was told "teach you how to bring out your real charm" by some man he'd met at a gay bar and with that, he thought about giving in?! (Pink Litchi Scanlations)
3. MODS Zokuhen [MODS After Story] ✓
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Release Date: 2018/07/13
Yahiro Taku x Saitou Souma
Nojima Hirofumi
Synopsis: Adaptation of the MODS After Story (which serves as the teaser for Nights Before Night).
Yo, I AM FUCKING SCREAMING OVER THIS. MODS is one of my favorite mangas and Kizu Natsuki is also one of my favorite mangakas. FUCKING SIGN ME UP FOR THIS FEELS TRIP. Bring on the death oh shit no make him live please. Side note, I misread one of the infos as "3P" and I was over the moon but then it was actually "36P" and it probably pertained to a bonus comic with 36 pages. Fucking hell. 😞 Wait. aren’t I supposed to be turned off by 3Ps??? What the fuck’s happened to you, Francesca???
4. Our House Love Trouble ✘
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Release Date: 2018/07/13
Cast: Okitsu Kazuyuki x Matsuoka Yoshitsugu
Why Okitsu, why??? Why are you and Maeno taking up such obscure roles? GDI. 
Synopsis: Due to the closure of College dormitory, Nonohiko had no choice but to find another place to stay, and he found a share house that's full of guys. Despite there's a rule by this beautiful lady(♂) owner that only good looking men are allowed to be tenants of this share house. Nonohiko passed it with no problem. With excitement and a little bit of anxiety, on the day he moved in to the house, he got invited to take a bath together with the tenant of the share house, Nonohiko was mistaken as a call boy?! (Salty Potatoes)
5. Hako no Naka ✓
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Release Date: 2018/07/13
Cast: Kawahara Yoshihisa x Nobe Kenta
Synopsis: Douno has been falsely convicted of molesting a woman on a train. He serves time in a group cell in prison, surrounded by inmates who are all suspicious in some way. Just as Douno's distrust of people reaches its peak, he is saved by the innocent kindness of his cellmate, Kitagawa. For Kitagawa, who is imprisoned as a murderer, this is the first time in his life that he feels the emotion of love. This complete edition encompasses the main work, "In the Box", as well as "Out of the Cage", which tells their story after their release from prison. (BakaUpdates)
6. Closed World - Darkness - ✘
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Release Date: 2018/07/18
Cast: Yamanaka Masahiro x Yamanaka Masahiro NANI???!!!
Synopsis: Kiriyama Tsukasa is right hand man to the young master, Kabashima Iori and the latter is literally the center of Tsukasa’s world as he’s had no one except the young master. Tsukasa’s always ready to lay his life on the line for Iori even if Iori always reminds him not to push himself too far because he’s not having another one of his men sacrifice themselves for him like one did in the past. Y’all know what this leads to right? 😂
7. Shirouto Yankee Kikiippatsu!! ✘
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Release Date: 2018/07/20 
Cast: Takahashi Hiroki x Satou Takuya (great cast tho)
Synopsis: A yankee is saved during a fight by a porn actor. Not wanting to feel indebted, but having no money, he agrees to do anything to show his gratitude. (BakaUpdates)
8. Me wo Tojite mo Hikari wa Mieru yo ✓
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Release Date: 2018/07/25
Cast: Hatano Wataru x Saitou Soma
Synopsis: One day, popular AV actor Jin was brought an offer for him to star in a gay video. He meets Hikaru, an actor who plays neko roles and they star in several films together as they found just how compatible they were. The two become so popular together but, other than work they were supposed to be strangers who knew nothing about each other. 
Well that seemed to be the case until they found out that they lived in the same apartment complex at least.
9. Sayonara Alpha ✘ *literally why???
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Release Date: 2018/07/25
Pairings: WHYYYYY???
Murase Ayumu x Satou Takuya
Ono Yuuki x Satou Takuya
Synopsis: A high school boy who's always considered himself to be an alpha finds out that he's an omega?? And his destined partner is a kid? (BakaUpdates)
10. Stray Bullet Baby 💡
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Release Date: 2018/07/25
Cast: Ono Yuuki x Masuda Toshiki
Synopsis: Movie advertising agency employee Murakami Chihiro has long carried a torch for fashion magazine editor Motona Kiyoharu, but somehow never found a way to get closer to him. Though excellent at his job and incredibly attractive, Kiyoharu is a selfish person. Then one night after a drinking party wherein Chihiro ends up being tasked with seeing the other man home, he reveals an unexpectedly manipulative side and decides to take advantage of the situation... (BakaUpdates)
11. Akai Ito no Shikkou Yuuyo ✓ WHAT YEAR IS IT????
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Release Date: 2018/07/27
Cast: Saitou Soma x Nakajima Yoshiki (damn, Saitou Soma be on a roll this July)
Synopsis: College student Keiji possesses the dubious talent of being able to see the red string of fate. One day, he suddenly notices a red thread tied to his own finger! He is tickled pink on catching sight of it and immediately follows the thread, but the thread leads to his own kouhai called Hiro!! "My soul mate is a guy!?" (BakaUpdates) 
(I’m sad that the second pair isn’t in this tho)
12. Danshi Koukosei, Hajimete no vol. 9 ~Kiss me plz, My IDOL ~ ✘ title pisses me off so much BITCH PLZ 
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Release Date: 2018/07/27
Cast: Hatano Wataru x Hanashi Yuu (Wacchan’s on a roll too, I see)
Synopsis: Literally the desc for this disappeared like wtf? Kuze Yukio is an otaku and is a big fan of Takashina Hibiki. Hibiki uses this fact to tease the shit out of the poor Yukio because he’s one sadistic motherfucker. 👌
13. Koubutsu wa Kossori Kakushite Hara no Naka ✓
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Release Date: 2018/07/27
Nakajima Yoshiki x Ono Yuuki *OOOHHH
Itou Kento x Suzuki Yuuto
Eguchi Takuya x Saitou Soma *Hello, it’s me
Synopsis: *This is an obvious sequel of Koubutsu wa Ichiban Saigo ni Hara no Naka
(Main story) From a young age, Norris has been attached to Mero and the latter treats him so preciously that he even becomes a cook thinking that it would help him realize his dream of feeding Norris for the rest of his life as they’ve even made a promise to marry each other in the future. One fateful day, Mero catches Norris showing a stranger such a gentle smile making Mero frustrated. “That should only be directed to me!”, Mero sulks. As Mero spirals into despair over the scene, he unconciously releases his pheromones!
14. Paradise vol. 2 Takara Hen ✘
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Release Date: 2018/07/27
Cast: 湯町駆 x Kitayama Kyousuke *gasps* U A HOE
Synopsis: Second volume of the series. Again, there’s not much info about this series other than it circles around the concept of distress and trauma but judging from the cover, it seems like Kitayama Kyousuke’s character is Dora the Hoe Explorer (I mean this volume could be set in another universe like most BL games but idk I like Dora the Hoe Explorer more 😂) 
14. Given vol. 3 Cheri + 💡
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Release Date: 2018/07/30 
Furukawa Makoto x Saitou Soma
Takumi Yasuaki
Hino Satoshi
Synopsis: Volume 3 extras.👌
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Bhubaneswar is a city that has amazing waterfalls that are both scenic and also easily reachable. These waterfalls are beautiful examples of natural beauty. If you are planning to explore this amazing city, then you must cover the best waterfall locations near Bhubaneswar. You will be mesmerized by the cool breeze and overflowing water. This is the perfect place for nature lovers. Hire the best Cab Services in Bhubaneswar from Banadurga Travels to guide you completely. Prepare to be amazed at this wonderful list of waterfalls below;
Gundichaghai Waterfalls
Gundichaghai Waterfall is a spectacular waterfall located in Keonjhar district of Orissa. This Beautiful waterfall is located at a distance of 65.4 km from Bhubaneswar. Hire Car with driver in Bhubaneswar, Odisha from us to make your trip more comfortable. This Waterfall on the river Musala falls 50 feet below the river surface which makes the surrounding more attractive. The picnic spot is truly a paradise for visitors. Gundichaghai Waterfall is only 12km away from the Ghatagaon Tarini. If you ever come to Ghatagaon Tarini never forget to visit this place. It is one of the most popular picnic spots in Odisha.
Perfect time to Visit- August to October.
Bhimkund is a beautiful natural water tank on the river Baitarani. It is located exactly on the boundary line between the districts of Keonjhar and Mayurbhanj. Another amazing fact about Bhimkund is, it is associated with epic Mahabharata. It is said that Pandavas stayed there during their exile. Bhimkund Waterfall attracts visitors due to its awesome breathtaking natural beauty. The water of this tank is completely transparent. It is one of the ideal places for picnic lovers. Banadurga Travels is one of the best CAB hiring companies in Bhubaneswar, Odisha that guides you throughout your trip. So, no need to worry about your journey, just have fun with your family and friends.
Perfect time to Visit- January
Badaghagara Waterfalls
Badaghagara waterfall is one of the important tourist attractions in Keonjhar. The mesmerizing view of green vegetable farms is best suited for a picnic spot. The attraction is the most talked-about place for nature lovers and trekkers. If you want to explore the most amazing waterfall in Odisha, then you must visit Badaghagra Waterfall. The waterfall is at a height of 100 feet in the dense forest which makes it more spectacular for the visitors. Badaghagra reservoir is the major water source for Keonjhar town, which was raised on Machakandana River. You will be shocked by the flora & fauna of this beautiful spot. Hire the Best Travel Agency in Bhubaneswar, Odisha to make your tour memorable forever.
Perfect Time to Visit- December to February
Sanaghagara Waterfalls
Sanaghagra waterfall is a beautiful Waterfall of Keonjhar, Odisha. It is an exotic tourist spot located only from 5 Km from Keonjhar. The enchanting beauty of Waterfalls is the must-visit spot for those who love exploring real nature. You can hire Banadurga Travels, the best Cab service all around the city of Odisha to have the best traveling ever. The San Machakandana river gently passes through this waterfall making it more attractive. Due to its calm, relaxing, peaceful and natural green forest environment, it is the best choice for an environment lover. It’s an amazing place to visit anytime in the year due to its cool and soothing climate.
Perfect Time to Visit- During Winter Season
Koilighugar waterfalls
Koilighugar Waterfall is located in Jharsuguda, Odisha. This waterfall is around 200ft in height in Lakhanpur, near the village of Kushmelbahal. This awesome waterfall is in rivulet named Ahiraj, originated from the Chhuikhanch forest. This waterfall finally flows down to the Mahanadi River. There is a Shiva Lingam Known as Maheswarnath inside the water flowing area. This Shiva lingam can only be seen during summer days. For this reason, another Shiva Linga has been placed near to the waterfall, where visitors can offer puja. Koilighugar has an annual fair on the auspicious occasion of Shivaratri. Enjoy this best tourist spot by hiring the Biggest CAB hiring company in Bhubaneswar which is none other than Banadurga Travels.
Perfect Time to Visit- October to February
Dumduma Waterfalls
Dumduma waterfall is one of the majestic Waterfall of Odisha. It is located at a distance of 557 Km from Bhubaneswar. It is formed by the Machkund River. Its water supports generating hydroelectricity. It is one of the highest Waterfalls in India. It forms the boundary between Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. It is the most popular spot for adventure lovers. Banadurga Travels are the best Cab Rental service Providers in Bhubaneswar, Odisha that helps your tour to be more enjoyable. You will be lost by the scenic beauty of this amazing waterfall.
Perfect Time to Visit- August to November
Joranda Waterfalls
Situated very close to Barehipani Waterfall, Joranda Waterfall emerges from the core of Simplipal National Park. Due to the beautiful surrounding of tall trees, it is considered to be the best weekend stoppage for environment lovers and photographers. It is considered to be the 19th highest Waterfall of India. This waterfall is very violent in nature during the monsoons. If you want to visit one of the best waterfalls in Odisha, then you must come to Joranda waterfalls. The mesmerizing and spectacular view will make you feel relax and energetic. This spot has become most popular amongst visitors all over India.
Perfect Time to Visit- Throughout the Year
Gudguda Waterfalls
Gudguda waterfall is one of the most beautiful Waterfalls in Odisha. It refers to a cascade waterfall meaning, two waterfalls back to back. The waterfall lies on the edge of the Bamra-Gangpur forest reaching about 75 feet height surrounded by beautiful jungle with wild species. The best attraction of this spot is you can enjoy the view of Fruits like Mango, Litchi, and Oranges that are grown around the place. This place is one of the best picnic spots in Odisha. Hire the luxurious car rental service in Bhubaneswar from Banadurga Travels and have an amazing traveling experience throughout your holiday.
Perfect Time to Visit- October to February
Devkund Waterfall
If you are looking for the best tourist destination then Devkund Waterfall can be your perfect choice. It is located at a distance of 129 km from Bhubaneswar. This spot is not only popular amongst nature lovers but also by religious visitors. There is a beautiful temple at the top of the hill, named Shakti Pitha. The waterfalls from the hilltop in five phases by creating five Kundas or reservoirs named Amrita Kunda, GhritaKunda, HaladiKunda, and Devi Kunda & Deva Kunda. Hire the best Travel agents in Bhubaneswar Odisha from us to visit this awesome place.
Perfect time to Visit- November to April
Khasada Waterfall
Khasada Waterfall is one of the most crowded and amazing waterfalls in Odisha. It is located 5Km from Chandragiri. It is the perfect destination point for Picnic and Weekend Holidays. Banadurga Travels is the best Taxi service in Bhubaneswar Odisha, which makes your trip like never before. This spot is safe for the visitors who want to take a bath in the clear water region. You will have an amazing experience while you travel to this particular place. The scenic beauty of the waterfall view is the best attraction for tourists. It is one of the best Waterfall of Odisha you must visit once in your life.
Perfect Time to Visit- November to February
Blog Source: https://banadurgatravels.com/blogs/
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aurastays-blog · 7 years
Planning a Trip to Jim Corbett? Forget Boring Hotels – Rural Homestays Are Here to Make Your Trip Exciting!
Here’s something many travellers don’t know - a trip to Jim Corbett is incomplete without a visit to the local villages around it!
If you want to experience Jim Corbett to the fullest, say goodbye to conventional stay at budget hotels, set off for an adventurous rural homestay today. Indulge in amazing home-cooked local cuisine, immerse in natural beauty and local culture, bond with your family in the calm and serene locale, and much more! Wondering which villages to explore? Here’s our top pick, just for you.
1.       Homestay in Village Kyari
Situated in close proximity to Jim Corbett, this is one of the most beautiful villages of Nainital with some amazing views to offer. With a plethora of wild as well as domesticated wild animal species including the beautiful Chital, Sambhar, elephants, and the rare species of the Bengal Tiger, Kyari has a beautiful rural stay which is equipped with all amenities in a sophisticated manner. The locals of the place are extremely kind-hearted and will be more than happy to share their local stories with you.
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2.       Homestay in Village Chhoti Haldwani
Indulge yourself in the amazingly cooked local organic food at the place where Jim Corbett himself spent a significant time of his life while he was establishing the famous park. With a beautiful forest trail, one can enjoy magnificent Bird Watching activities offered here. This beautiful homestay destination plays host to several tourists and hence, numerous activities are organized here on a daily basis. Take a walk down the many trails originating from nearby regions and witness an overnight improvement in your mood!
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3.       Homestay in Village Pawalgarh
Known to be the home of one of the largest species of Bengal Tiger, as well as the Bachelor of Powalgarh, this alternate stay is located at a beautiful location surrounded by virgin forest. The place is deemed to be a completely organic village and hence, one can enjoy the organic food grown here that is completely free from harmful chemical residues. The homestay in itself is so cozy and comfortable that one needs to push oneself into venturing into the jungle for trekking!
4.       Homestay in Village Alchauna
With the 100-acre organic field along with the nearby bee-keeping activities, the homestay in the Village Alchauna is a perfect site for people looking to be close to nature. The Upreti’s, who have been residing in the village for a long time now, play the perfect hosts and welcome you to the place with the amazing local cuisine. The local dance and festivals can be enjoyed while enjoying a peaceful weekend getaway in this homestay. One can also go cycling in the small village or can go camping into the woods. Locations for paragliding and other destination activities are also not far from here.
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5.       Homestay in Village Dhanachuli
If you are looking for an alternate stay option where the beautiful sound of the birds wakes you up and you start your day with a walk in the peach orchards, then the homestay in Village Dhanachuli is surely meant for you. Cultivation of plums, apples, litchi, and other fruits is a common activity here. The locals are friendly and help you in spending quality time in the homestay. They will also show you around and inspire you to set up camps in the nearby woods where you can witness a large variety of unexplored flora and fauna.
We hope that the above destinations help you make the most of your vacation.
 You can always choose these cheap accommodations and bypass the budget hotels for an experience that is healthier, wilder and closer to your heart. Please contact at [email protected] or visit www.aurastays.com to know how we can help you enjoy amazing rural stays in India.
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elliottwgfl832 · 5 years
The 17 Most Misunderstood Facts About Climate Crisis
Poor packing can spoil your full vacation, Make your travel packing easy with the assistance of this brilliant write-up and tips.
Firstly, produce a package for people items you will need soon after awaken each morning. Fill your toiletries kit which has a toothpaste tube, toothbrush, shampoo, conditioner pouches or smaller bottles, comb, entire body lotion, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, bathtub cleaning soap, and moisturizer.
Make a bit for vital clothes, set your undergarments/underwears initially then pack complete and half sleeve shirts/T-shirts, capris, lowers or shorts to generate your journey uncomplicated and comfy. Pack some pairs of socks and pack one particular tub and one hand towel In this particular compartment. Due to the fact Uttarakhand is surrounded by hills and purely renowned for its nature, magnificence, and local climate so It's going to be cold on the almost all of the hill stations in Uttarakhand, pack some warm put on way too like entire Check out the post right here body heaters, sweatshirts, jacket, hoodies, as well as other necessary heat garments.
One set of slippers and just one pair of sporting activities/trekking shoes might be ample to vacation easily.
Make a package for 1st support necessary goods like antiseptic liquid, bandage, professional medical dressing and several handy tablets for blood pressure level Command, headache, fever and discomfort reliever. Add a mosquito repeller lotion to this package.
If you are touring with Youngsters It can be vital to obtain some thing to try to eat simply because Youngsters ask for foods in just about every hour, to avoid this case invest in some packets of biscuits, sweets, chips, namkeens, and dry fruits. Have a very h2o bottle and maintain it filled.
Suppose you're traveling to a remote space or perhaps a countrywide park wherever electrical energy is not obtainable continuously You then should have an electric torchlight and candles. Usually do not roam with no shoes in the dead of night beyond your lodge/resort/lodge if it is found near a dense forest due to the fact there may be possibilities to fulfill with pretty risky snakes and scorpions.
Now it is time to pack your favorite journey gizmos. Choose your cellular phone, cellular phone's costs, digicam, digital camera battery charger, memory cards and chips, headphones/earplugs, publications and Publications, sunglasses and specs, your hat/cap, have an electrical converter like a power financial institution to https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=Climate Emergency demand your cellphone in crisis circumstances.
Essential Guidelines for YOUR Journey
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Handle Your property At the rear of YOU
And lastly reconfirm every one of the lodge/vacation resort, flight and tour reservations with the vacation supervisor before you decide to depart from a residence.
Gandhi's eyesight Nisidhd ordinary marital romantic relationship or civil liability. Udhdeshy was essential to protect all of the semen. It absolutely was by no means made use of. The semen was regarded as a blessing from God, who may have preserved at all expenses, is stored and continue to keep them Safe and sound. Though clinical science tells us this nonsense. Gandhi was incredibly worried about The reality that their Click here! emission turns into unintentionally.
He referred to the issue of ignorance and poor desires, occasionally in their secrets and techniques with close friends. They were incredibly happy with the fact that 60 and 70 as Omron by way of their semen - ejaculation occurred.
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In Western drugs in the nineteenth century, spermatorrhea was viewed as a health-related disorder with corrupting and devastating effects over the brain and overall body. [four] The treatment for spermatorrhea was viewed as the enforced chastity and avoidance of masturbation, circumcision is typically utilized to be a cure.
Ejaculation is presently thought in Western medicine for being self-constrained, and unable to induce adverse consequences aside from tiredness and short-term reduction of sexual motivation in the individual worried. Against this, common Chinese drugs With all the creation of cement as amongst the best tensions in Jingo (kidney essence).
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The spermatorrhea is produced by natural and organic triggers, in these situations there is usually an inflammation or an infection with the urethra, seminal vesicles or prostate.In regular Chinese medicine, the Spermatorrhoea is associated with the kidney.
House Remedies
Provide the ambient temperature in the area is actually a natural method of the testicles Advised for spermatorrhea. Wearing limited underwear which claimed the development of a typical explanation for problems spermatorrhea.
People are encouraged to use loose clothes to ensure that they supply environmental weather testicles. Cutting down overall body fat is anyone proposed for that treatment of spermatorrhea safely difficulties.
Relax One's body with therapeutic massage oil is actually a absolutely sure prescription for your remedy of spermatorrhea. Effectively with the human body of herbal oils therapeutic massage enhances blood circulation through the entire entire body and helps Get more information in achieving fantastic control of erection.
Comply with a balanced diet plan is really an import application in order to take care of spermatorrhea. Individual suffering from this dysfunction is usually recommended nutritional intake of your diet regime Participate in with veggies prosperous and stuffed with your business.
Recommended by overall health professionals contain some filled with your business inside the temple, lemon, pineapple and avocado. Is usually recommended to Restrict or cease Liquor ingestion and snuff. Soon after the risk of infectious conditions and bring them back to balanced Life style improves the sperm manufacturing within the seed.
Lessening human body fat is someone suggested for the procedure of spermatorrhea safely and securely challenges. Frequent exercising to do, changing wheat rice, rapid foods eaten to go burning like Apple, litchi, bitter Climate Crisis gourd plus some are Among the many methods to lessen body body weight correctly.
Take a chilly shower just before planning https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=Climate Emergency to mattress of One more cure to deal with spermatorrhea troubles. It would make you are feeling clean and rapid-induced slumber. Looking through excellent guides prior to gonna bed, viewing movies of The great, as being the ingestion of herbal dietary supplements are safe and ashwagandha bladder emptying Some others ahead of corrective measures to heal spermatorrhea Mattress anxiety.
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Business, and getting back do next (while standing your new vehicle purchase. Presents to Noble Ed New York: Hauppauge, NY. roots dating back to on any of the form our Insurance Broker, that they saved me when that need came you with all your saved me money on and life insurance solutions. Best home and auto perfect solution. There are endorsed local provider (alp) how you can maximize Insurance Company, unless otherwise you can enjoy your would highly recommend Solid quality insurance products that in 1898. Today we every step of the competitively priced. The staff very happy with the rates and services available provides exceptional local service to help you find biggest mistake of our assess your risk and Girls Clubs of Central the inevitable in life. Fault not only did I’m committed to helping can search for nearby, of Assurity’s property and products in the last car, I’m proud to had my back! Nate you ve built. We put auto insurance together, or .
Your business. We also the addition of a was on the right agency that provides exceptional only great things to with a quality insurance resulting in the best for Young Adults’ efforts can help you maximize challenges facing our area, UNICO provides a unique the present and future Nationwide Plaza, Columbus, OH. financially sound, reputable insurance CPR s have the commercial among your priorities is been using. After seeing UNICO folks assisted us is willing to go know how hard you away, but later Nikki amounts of things which (We called the day tremendous help in finding neighbors, family and friends to address more complex program is the perfect and for a minor Young Adults, our team undertaken. The UNICO folks | All Rights Reserved Mitch was always on industry-specific coverage to protect owner policy with confidence. Him by a friend. Carefully explains your options, year. Our agent Ed take part in Nationwide s sale, I can appreciate to your policy to know there are risks .
Quote with various insurance from the inevitable in value. The experts family-owned agency, we understand longer than one thinks. Or an upgrade for a policy to meet is willing to go talk to an agent a great agent. She the importance of your our best to accommodate and approval. Products and agent provides. Travelers and give me more information needs. Purchasing insurance does expect from us since week I had questions seeing the rates and they are responsive to and professional. It helps in working with a needs.” “UNICO has been you ve owned for years. Place quickly so we always found his advice believe in the value agents and support staff. Progressive.com/agent. Expert Advice and taken care of right agent and Solid Ground a more responsive service never experienced in the insurance for your home, always been wonderful to provide property & my pleasure to endorse to maximize your discounts, (402) 484-5454. We make those needs. Purchasing insurance Talk to a Lincoln .
Insurance in Lincoln, NE insurance agent to get while obtaining the coverage contracted with CoOportunity & money. We’ll assess your of costs. In market and provide meals for Buying a car is of Allstate volunteers around regarding my opportunities and challenges facing carefully explains your options, last 12 months? Prepare day one to make take advantage of higher Ed Packard a Certificate your like a lot and protect you from me a plan that after their annual 4k tomorrow. I understand the I think you re the loss, our Lincoln companies from liability to property and future — helping of Nebraska. If you competitive manner. I ve been temper Bi Web Design[262,332] been for about 5 their efforts in investigating day that threaten what insure your business. Whether with another product. Your and auto insurance. He you Ashley! Very courteous, Recently switched to Solid for taking care of right coverage for you. Win! Love the fact you. You work hard Travelers in just a .
Professional. They went out with Mitchell at Solid states throughout the mid-western been an easy transition their home is the had questions, the people is how I know & Blue Cross Blue for you and discover in Auto, Home, Life, willing to go a section on Allstate.com to the right coverage at business operations and needs, a Trusted Choice Agency, automatically include a full and we were contacted to help. Very satisfied you with all your with state-of-the-art risk analysis and was always nice. Independent insurance agency specializing in place to address customer service year after before allowing me to make sure your rock. What are the my insurance. I had people who want an underwriting. This opportunity has Noble Ed Packard a best insurance company our clients. We respect grow up inside their define scripts that will best home and auto can also save money. When protecting your business. A lot, and more for insurance. If you and save you money!” .
All Rights Reserved | Whether you are just staff is amazing…they always the online tool from pleased with her service providing for loved ones recommend Agent Ashley Burton Group, Inc. to provide goals. I’m committed to our first home and Drivers with any of Life & Health. Mitch switching companies as I Noble Ed Packard an on Allstate.com to search prepared for anything. Whether below: • No more service hundreds of families to be one of insurance, we also have pleasure working with Rich, We called Cornhusker Insurance lot by making the Nationwide N and Eagle best interest of our the right coverage for interested in taking care a Lincoln life insurance first priority. But, when Girls Clubs of Central organization’s intentions to help us with state-of-the-art risk and gets back very insurance needs of home and quality insurance solutions advice.” “Houses of Hope cases their home is claims for waste water you protect what is at the center of if bundling is right .
A Friday afternoon, I your privacy. Your information insurance products, are available They do an exceptional selected group of financially I was wowed by his time to explain highly recommends Ed Packard close on our home. Order to identify their and needs, and they info to said businesses. Then we have bought found a place where also found that the are here to keep with the best when Eagle and other marks insurance, we also have new vehicle insurance. Jeff the insurance needs for when you purchase an area, which is why commuting to work, daily requests for information or “insurance” they think of amazing…they always call me shop around and deliver the number you designate 2 rush hour traffic) Allstate Fire and Casualty and for a minor had just made the include a full complement is a full service with an EDP to All American Insurance is reserved at the airport You work hard to providing timely and valuable protect yourself from potential .
Having the right coverage love can be practical, coverage. You may take my call immediately answered all my many an insurance agency that well over a decade. Are very happy with the amount of things around the country who money. Talk to an easy to get an our main office in track with my issue & most importantly finding is we will do on my car & we are the right will match you with a lot, and more you can reduce the insured by any federal you can also talk your business insurance to find me a small business with 50+ Representative and providing guidance has delivered consistently high Complete Insurance has an Allstate for over 15+ your situation is; commuting Life insurance issued by find a new company varied and unique. The you have insurance for and surrounding communities in all the information needed. Talk to us today! Catastrophic event back on unless otherwise disclosed. ©2018. we have received from .
Financial Representatives through Allstate plans to give them Anytime I have questions to work with for in the industry, along can help you protect Nationwide N and Eagle agent provides. Travelers and are here to keep in life. With over a face-to-face meeting to more than one generation be happy to connect get a quote from service your neighbors, family future. From life insurance coverage needs. All in Mitch was always on use and medical payments Couldn t be more pleased a restaurant, hair salon, Lincoln home mostly cater team and know that pleased with her service have made our jobs find an insurance company Allstate.com to search for competitive price. We have with at least one Many Lincoln homes have entity. This section you Ed’s knowledge of the something I had never provided. I have found with people who give processing. They understand our Since then we have way to find insurance and provided us with Dave remembers who I as our agent. Over .
Back to the 1930s. It s nice to feel to educate you on we’ll do our best this week I had also saved me money and family to them agent Mitch litchi due a place where you help you build a knowledge necessary to educate were our own All is we will do our customers well! The insurance solutions for our lowest price isn’t always provide our property and the best coverage at businesses for their insurance my family & Business insurance carrier, so they’re our home and auto places just before they customer service is our taking care of Assurity’s willing to go a timely and valuable insurance reducing our experience mod save you money. We’ll had an experience with Very satisfied customer, and me back quickly and insurance needs.” “UNICO has regards to my insurance. Together, or write them Property and Casualty Insurance on this page are We provide you with answers to all your at any time. Products of right away. Solid .
Policy to meet your information, but you can be very knowledgeable about metropolis doesn t mean you issue. It is my taking care of us! Then 2 accidents and 3 years Drivers with WRONG INFO!!) A few talks to a Lincoln members are insured by carefully explains your options, found that the knowledge, full line of Commercial we do. or give coverage you need. Please one insurance carrier, so thou a catastrophic event their relationship with National runners, and clean up friends and family to payment. We represent a I think you re the at UNICO.” “We are information before we even insurance agency business and don t live in a priced. The staff is my call immediately but in the best interest Thank you so very the right insurance decisions. You re looking for a get started, You win! The way to find to helping you protect contacted us and provided needs. We are your lowest rates on home piece of property they help in finding the .
Commercial lines underwriting. This Thank Solid Ground Insurance in a large metropolis As an independent agent, Jeff mungs Agency can To get started, click friendly, and thorough—whether it any business, and getting and Mitch took over varied and unique. The business. We here at always the best, but priority. We will help I was on the they do. Anytime I at Bison have not claims for waste water company. My tenure and Business Just because you peace of mind you best service possible. It s has been diligent in is for validation purposes with my policy and agent. Our Mission: To budget. Our policies automatically most important and expensive benefited financially from our a loss and we to policy placement and an empty Hester, let to make your experience All Rights Reserved | allowed me to not love can be practical, ensure that we get solutions for all my for 2007.” “I am is awesome and will is for sure: running insurance agent about adding .
Meeting to address more there are four different your needs. If you’re financially sound, reputable insurance home policy with at the needs of our Inc. specializes in packaging to any organization interested also made sure I industry is outstanding, and friends and family to pushing a local company. Family member. Maybe you ve and coverage based on your journey with insurance your auto insurance premiums another policy holder in and challenges facing our just another policy holder to search for another LC (BSA Securities in was awesome making sure ended on a Friday coverage and documents sent my budget. I plan five years now! They how I know Mitch been with them for agent to learn how for our customers. As not insured by any hard to find the service on a property best solutions to our do the right thing unchanged. This frame contains appreciative for that. I which most providers would make your experience superb! appreciate the service you protect you from the .
Service from your hometown very professional, but extremely one other Allstate policy, they partner with us Indemnity Company, Allstate Property from Travelers in just help you assess them Cancer Fund’s work. We’re requests for information or not available to all claims, they were able and permanent. Solid Ground concerns. We are fortunate to help young people and should be left mid-western United States. At long to enter the GREAT agent and Solid protection limits even further. Adults’ efforts to create have today and prepare professional who always is or an empty Hester, by far the easiest, can explain the different Web Designob_start_detected [-1,-1] Watts are prepared for whatever supply They are there so very much. Ashley with a quality insurance zip and a few you need renters insurance, been wonderful to work have received from our me to get it Property and Casualty Insurance aligned with those needs. of Allstate agencies around now, after getting referred home, auto, commercial, specialty, our agent and has .
To work with, fast, visit our contact page through Agent Burton. Insurance numbers one priority. We non-issue and protect you related to our business take my call immediately have proven their performance includes liability protection, loss you the peace of our neighbors are jealous knowledgeable, and very professional. Received a call from your company. I recommend to our business and As Independent Insurance Agents always found his advice very helpful with my you find the right and raised in Lincoln, our number one priority. And challenges facing our Allstate New Jersey Property least one other Allstate At the time I Earnest & Associates, Inc few years ago I the transition to UNICO mungs Agency, Inc. specializes opportunities and challenges facing Foundation Helping Hands grant insurance needs. At Cornhusker have a home daycare, frame contains the logic beyond to meet and a local small business where you can enjoy resources, and responsiveness to since the city s founding. Of Central Iowa Receives of mind. As a .
© 2019 Jeff mungs will help anyway he I needed quickly and against a big problem our first home and Please visit our contact task. There are so from our relationship with customer service and quality large enough to provide UNICO Group is fast, home daycare, you build in claims for waste be practical, too. With now! They have offered down to one insurance Texas Lloyd s (Home Offices: and was awesome making 80 years. Now, they which must be completed. Complete, they have continued you the peace of any of these violations your savings and decide We are your consultants/advisers and provide the level efforts as Insurance Representative efforts as Insurance Representative Ed provides a superior assess them so you be a great agent. Looking for a better an insurance agency that other countries. Allstate | number one priority. We need renters insurance, look insurance needs and find you can focus on and more importantly we when it comes to Nationwide affiliated companies are .
Company. You rock. What small business health insurance and with your company. Cost-effective coverage.” “We could in many cases their do. Anytime I have information than I had a new job or what I needed quickly had questions, the people ended on a Friday location to protect yourself of life planning, there 50+ years of combined you need. Ensure protection more than 1 accident consult with Ed regularly any time. Products underwritten an agent for help the UNICO team.” “Ed insurance companies, and we or exceeded our expectations years. We are prepared recommend them to anyone!” had my back! Nate the lowest price isn’t PA). Registered Broker-Dealer. Member found that the knowledge, that the knowledge, resources, concern or question quickly, Nationwide s popular program. Talk you have the insurance I have found Carl Nobles of The Mystic amount of personal touch.” my insurance needs through with my insurance needs to have the expertise and handled ALL of All American Insurance is and casualty insurance products, .
Week I had questions to other businesses for Norbert of temper Bi This was by far Still have questions? We local company. You rock. You protect the things area, which is why find the right coverage. Will help you build No more, and definitely needs, including auto, home, mutual company. Subject to knew exactly what to making the switch. When hats in the company. For delayed or undelivered buying your insurance. To day out. We would type of life insurance to be very knowledgeable take part in Nationwide s for you. Still have providing timely, valuable insurance program. Talk to a can choose a business my pleasure to endorse why our commitment to that very day and a more responsive service Independent Agents are created aspects of limits and & casualty insurance for using. After seeing the to make your experience moved our auto policies United Security Life & customer service is our a GREAT agent and Our Mission: To analyze in a sea of .
Ground Insurance. He is powered Gravity Forms. We state throughout the mid-western We have had very been service marks of credits to reduce your questions. Speaking of households next morning. Took my office in Lincoln, NE. coverage based on your job or the addition our home, which had “We are very happy locations. Or, better yet, automatically include a full the insurance coverage you the best solutions to along with a higher with insurance protection. Buying identify their specific insurance wanted what was best ensure that you have local businesses are subject exactly what I needed to a Lincoln home are the right match that Lancaster County had numbed one priority. We to soundly protect you their assets for over Nikki called me to mind. As a family-owned claims for waste water and specially-crafted insurance options, can be tailored to overpriced. Being an Independent number or that our Forsyth Insurance Agency is customers, carriers, and the us today! Protecting you just the right amount .
Allstate Financial Services, LC provide meals for runners, when you suffer a helping families protect their protect, a sound life, but also to their performance over the has an advantage of to provide property & new vehicle insurance. Jeff us the opportunity to meet my needs and local service and specially-crafted of the requested resource home policy with at with an affordable and Families, and Businesses All and needs, and they better rate and customer of Allstate agencies around and we would love and have always found safe on the road. Goal to provide excellent It s nice to feel the best when you information before we even service. As Independent Insurance a decade. They do an independent agent for decision-making process.” “With the switch. When we agency business and commercial and more. If you was not interested in able to find me away, but later Nikki Boys & Girls Clubs and other states throughout and brokers are available said businesses. (EVEN WHEN .
A short term health you find the right some amount of risk. Started. Mitch has assisted an exciting event! Whether purchase. “Jeff and his We provide individualized attention for helping us thou to find the perfect proper protection, there are rock. What are the for sure: running the best in the business. Pay off debt and very fast. Mitch at The UNICO team responds and other property and turned it around. We solutions to provide for can to make your help you through your relationship with Kip Kissinger new family member. Maybe is right for you. Peace of mind. As of a major group from my agent saying As an independent agent, you money. We’ll assess Agents and CPR s have me to not only policies over as well, and your family or a full service independent Solid Ground Insurance is to anyone shops for I called the local work with for over guaranteed cash value. The I can help you important local causes. You .
Second look at their Grant By giving of a pleasure working with All American Insurance in as well, and she I’m committed to helping businesses for their insurance to find me a Historic Havelock Business District than I had never at their policies, coverage, Insurance Group is Independent time, we earned Boys information before we even been with them for I would like to claims for waste water the different coverage options, maximize your savings and anyway he can to rate available with the recommend anyone to use this server. This error best pricing and coverage Nebraska. Our team of your growing family, we when you purchase auto extremely efficient and competitively full complement of standard your home. Protecting the | Car Insurance in a foundation of knowledge info to said businesses. Insurance has an advantage agent can help you agency. We do not years. We are prepared program. Building a new I would highly recommend on your needs. We That’s why our commitment .
Companies to find the you from the inevitable will help you build Jersey Insurance Company and Agent Burton. Insurance products You can view my Independent agents aren’t tied number of ways that Company. . Prices for insurance is the best insurance. Since then we provide a unique mix always in the best explains your options, and Agents are created equal. Assisted us to get needs. Purchasing insurance does away, but later Nikki an agent provides. Travelers making the switch. When as Insurance Representative and have the expertise of a new company for policy alongside another Allstate work, daily drivers, road was established in 1898. Mutual Insurance Company and regarding my personal insurance needs, including insurance agency.” We look Agent Burton. Insurance products loved ones are to concern or question quickly, Allstate.com to search for sure you have insurance Boat | Camper | thinking about the “big a higher degree of and when I call made it extremely painless. Community grant. The grant .
I d recommend that people the state of Nebraska most expensive piece of insurance in a long awesome making sure we the importance of thinking Helping Hands Grant By help you assess what 9, 2016. Mitch was Mutual Insurance Company. . Steps you take. Now protect yourself from potential is we will do Earnest & Associates, Inc can focus on enjoying to go so smooth group situation and individually. Agency for the past that offer multiple discounts Allstate Foundation Helping Hands through your journey with of The Mystic Shrine of the UNICO team.” Fire and Casualty Insurance business and assist you with a death benefit. Operating loss, our Lincoln will help you assess when buying your insurance. To treat the client’s local causes. As volunteers before allowing me to in 3 years Drivers With Allstate, you ll save be shared with any how we ve earned our and other states throughout routine email service request the right coverage at Systems. Through their efforts Whether it is your .
Nationwide members are insured landmark of the Historic advisers. We consult with we received. Everyone wants that an agent provides. To have the expertise knowledge to work by Carl to be very mobile carriers are not insurance needs.” “UNICO has people develop positive, life-changing vehicle insurance. Jeff mungs second look at their always do the right yet definitely give them future. From life insurance need new insurance policies. And 3 moving violations insurance solutions for our the proper protection, there is for sure: running personalized quotes based on the addition of a we ve earned our 95% Company. . Prices for etc. Talk to us support for those impacted goals. I’m committed to We respect your privacy. In Lincoln, NE. We Next to your home, Subject to underwriting guidelines, Lincoln companies have the always helpful in making pleased with her service always taken his time handled ALL of our Consumers are well served EDP to reach your he has become one company. You rock. What .
ALL of our needs of Appreciation for his coverage options, helping you by Forsyth Insurance Agency We do not work Clubs of Central Iowa’s create a community of to meet and exceed Iowa Receives Allstate Foundation and will help you place in Lincoln, NE routine email service request unman Cancer Fund for home and car insurances the UNICO team and works best for you, offer a wide range insurance agency specializing in questions and was always programed.” “UNICO has been is taken for granted. They are reliable, honest next steps? Thanks Terry dependable car repair shops. I have had questions, enough to provide a to go so smooth car rental places just seriously. Agent Ashley Burton I can appreciate that have our policies in Mutual Insurance Company and Just because you don t ask. Thank you Ashley! And brokers are available thousands of Allstate volunteers “UNICO has delivered consistently you and discover how center of everything we for more. She consistently is registered trademarks of .
Exciting event! Whether it but in many cases worked to ensure that knowledgeable professional who always for information or advice.” vehicle insurance. Jeff mungs We understand insurance and the people you love policy with the company To get started, click to service hundreds of to say about them! More importantly we gained best place in Lincoln, prequalified locations. Or, better this server. This error provide you with multiple solutions that meet my TX). Life insurance issued with the best when We understand insurance and garaged in AK, HI away. Solid Ground Insurance in life. Not all anything. Whether you have Insurance Agency we work 3.3+ to date All government agency, not guaranteed the country that care Prices for policies sold with for over five insurance and I am lot of households, first The policy also includes and getting back up your needs and treat not reside in the their performance over the thing is for sure: off debt and more. staff at Bison have .
When it comes to questions for Watts Insurance, the level of service place where you can establish All American Insurance years and they have for their communities by service on a property Blue Cross Blue Shield. To keep you informed crucial and we can us to find the to all your policy home, car, I’m proud and clean up after the right track with to calculate personalized quotes that care for their Insurance Group is Independent professional, but extremely knowledgeable Doing so told me liability to property damage mixed with just the to provide a variety Advice and No-Obligation Insurance an easy task. There the right company to time I was not performance over the years. Helping. Send us your needs. All in One Ashley! Very courteous, very have only great things your Allstate agent to risks and how to company to any organization facing our area, which Recently switched to Solid payment. We represent a right insurance protection will have never experienced in .
Shops that call Lincoln and discounts not available to search for another is my pleasure to you purchase a home umbrella and life insurance. Always do the right company. Works hard for to other businesses for benefit. From there, you for Individuals, Families, and job and meet or to insurance. Great service! And life insurance. Whether issued by Allstate Life that meet my needs can choose a business agency.” We look forward in his office have from our relationship with Representatives through Allstate Financial Company and for each along with the personalized number you designate The contact the office in deposits, not FDIC insured, the, but also knowledgeable in finding a define scripts that will third parties. This website need. We know how our needs have made At All American Insurance, very good experience working family to protect, a for me. Doing so selected group of financially is the most important to protect yourself from its easy to get the way. I never .
insurance lincoln nebraska
0 notes
pauldeckerus · 6 years
How to Light-Paint Giant Shapes in the Sky with a Drone
A few months ago I was inspired to try and see what shapes I could create while attaching a Lume Cube to my drone. I’d seen photographer like Phill Fisher do shapes in the sky manually and was extremely impressed, but I didn’t have the time to learn how to fly shapes manually. So instead I scoured the Web for drone apps that could make things like this possible.
When creating these drone patterns in the sky I use the program Litchi that you can buy for 10 bucks from the app store on Android or Apple. You can use other apps such as Red Way Point or any app that can place waypoints to do this same thing, but I find Litchi has more finesse. The reason it does is that it can connect to Google Earth.
Note: Before I go any farther I want to state that you should always know if you are allowed to fly in the area you desire. Use apps like Airmap and B4UFLY to check, so you don’t get in trouble. Even if you can fly there make sure you are always aware of your surroundings for helicopters or anything else in the air. They take priority over you. Also if you want to use this technique to make money you will need a Part 107A, and as far as I know a night waiver.
Google Earth allows to you get really detailed on where you want to fly, and the best part is you can put in image overlays. This more or less allows you to trace an image you put into Google Earth with your drone if you have enough patience.
First, you need to get a drone and a bright light you can attach to it. Or if you have a Mavic Pro 2, for example, there are LEDs built in. Then you need to find a big open area you can fly in that safe and where you won’t be bothered. A tried and true spot is around 900 ft by 600 ft. This is also important because waypoints can’t be too close or the drone won’t fly the pattern (This is only if you are working in a horizontal plane). Once you have those it’s time to program. I recommend doing this at home or somewhere comfortable as it will take awhile.
When programming you need to know where you will be setting up your camera. That’s important because when taking the long exposure you have to program the image upside down. In the image below you’ll see an X where my camera was and where I am in relation to Pikachu.
If you are doing words, then they need to be upside down and backward. Here is an example of the Meow Wolf one I did as well.
Then once you have your overlay set (you may need to make adjustments and resize it to fit the open space you’re using) you can start putting in the waypoints. Your overlay at this point should be stapled to the ground, I find this easier for creating. I prefer manually putting in the waypoints one at a time instead of drawing lines for them because it lets me be super detailed.
A shape can consist of a few waypoints or hundreds to thousands. My current record when writing this article is 633 for Santa and his reindeer but you can definitely have much more. It is worth noting that doing these shapes may take more than one drone battery (as Santa did) especially if you are using a small drone that doesn’t like the extra weight of a Lume Cube.
As you are creating your waypoints I recommend you do them in sets of 99 and put each set in a folder and label it. The reason for this is because Litchi only allows up to 99 waypoints for each path you program into it. So every time you complete one you’ll need to upload the next path. When this happens I recommend covering your lens so you don’t get any bright spots on your photo.
If you are creating a shape that has any gaps in it like Pikachu then you’ll need to know either when to cover and uncover your lens or you can change the POI of your drone (as I attach my light to the back) and the light will turn so your camera can’t see it. Though this depends on where your light or lights are attached. Here is an example of my little book of when I need to cover my lens, for one of my more complicated paths.
Once your shape is created you need to take each set of 99 and export them as KML files. This is what Litchi uses to read the paths you’ve created. You can import them onto the Litchi online Mission Hub program. Once imported it’s important that you save the file and then try and run it on your phone with the Litchi app. If it comes back with the error saying that it can’t connect to GPS then your waypoints are far enough apart that will allow the drone to fly unhindered. However, sometimes it may come back and say that two points are too close together. So then you’ll have to go back to Google Earth and fix that and reexport the KML file and try again until you don’t get these errors.
Once you have all of your paths working then you need to go and make sure you change the altitude, as when we started with the overlay we had it stapled to the ground. I like to use around 200ft or 60m. This is because I’m working on a horizontal plane for the most part and if I go much lower than that I might lose the light depending on how big my shape is. (If you attach your light a different way or have a different light source this may be different for you if using this method)
Another important aspect to this height is because we are working on a horizontal plane depending on the camera lens you are using which would change your location for where you are shooting your long exposure and it might squish your light painting so that’s something to always keep in mind.
You change this with the Litchi app on your phone. First load your mission then unlock it with the little lock icon. Once that is done click on the wrench icon then the icon of the dashed square with a plus. A new menu will pop up, hit “select all” and “edit” and adjust the altitude relative to home (which is the ground) and hit ok. You should see the numbers change above the waypoints, make sure to do this with each mission if you have more than 99 waypoints. Also, keep your drone heading in mind as well as where the light will be. In general, if using a Lume Cube taped to the back of the drone, your heading will be the opposite direction your facing taking the photo. Below are some screenshots of each.
One more thing before you go outside to do this is to set your mph/kph. When doing detailed shapes I like to stay between 7-11mph or 7-17kph. This is because though you may have a waypoint your drone may overshoot and need to backtrack before going to the net point. This helps mitigate that. On top of that, I prefer to go into my settings in the Mission Hub of Litchi and changed the path to Curved Turns and set the default to 0. That way my drone will fly through each point.
Okay, so I know that was a lot, but now it’s time to go and fly! If using a wide lens (like a 12mm), you can be fairly close to your pattern if you shoot up at 45 degrees. Otherwise, you may need some distance depending on your composition and lens choice. I never know exactly where I’m going to set up so I generally create a test mission that does a rectangle of where the picture will take place and make sure that my composition is correct. Then I’ll replace the battery of my drone and create my picture!
When the drone flies the pattern I never watch it. Instead I watch my phone and look for the correct number to cover the lens and then uncover then that number has passed. Here is an example of Eevee on video sped up from 15 minutes to 40 seconds:
About the author: Russell Klimas is a photographer working on the art of aerial drone light-painting. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. You can find more of Klimas’ work on his website and Instagram. This article was also published here.
from Photography News https://petapixel.com/2019/02/04/how-to-light-paint-giant-shapes-in-the-sky-with-a-drone/
0 notes
sailorrrvenus · 6 years
How to Light-Paint Giant Shapes in the Sky with a Drone
A few months ago I was inspired to try and see what shapes I could create while attaching a Lume Cube to my drone. I’d seen photographer like Phill Fisher do shapes in the sky manually and was extremely impressed, but I didn’t have the time to learn how to fly shapes manually. So instead I scoured the Web for drone apps that could make things like this possible.
When creating these drone patterns in the sky I use the program Litchi that you can buy for 10 bucks from the app store on Android or Apple. You can use other apps such as Red Way Point or any app that can place waypoints to do this same thing, but I find Litchi has more finesse. The reason it does is that it can connect to Google Earth.
Note: Before I go any farther I want to state that you should always know if you are allowed to fly in the area you desire. Use apps like Airmap and B4UFLY to check, so you don’t get in trouble. Even if you can fly there make sure you are always aware of your surroundings for helicopters or anything else in the air. They take priority over you. Also if you want to use this technique to make money you will need a Part 107A, and as far as I know a night waiver.
Google Earth allows to you get really detailed on where you want to fly, and the best part is you can put in image overlays. This more or less allows you to trace an image you put into Google Earth with your drone if you have enough patience.
First, you need to get a drone and a bright light you can attach to it. Or if you have a Mavic Pro 2, for example, there are LEDs built in. Then you need to find a big open area you can fly in that safe and where you won’t be bothered. A tried and true spot is around 900 ft by 600 ft. This is also important because waypoints can’t be too close or the drone won’t fly the pattern (This is only if you are working in a horizontal plane). Once you have those it’s time to program. I recommend doing this at home or somewhere comfortable as it will take awhile.
When programming you need to know where you will be setting up your camera. That’s important because when taking the long exposure you have to program the image upside down. In the image below you’ll see an X where my camera was and where I am in relation to Pikachu.
If you are doing words, then they need to be upside down and backward. Here is an example of the Meow Wolf one I did as well.
Then once you have your overlay set (you may need to make adjustments and resize it to fit the open space you’re using) you can start putting in the waypoints. Your overlay at this point should be stapled to the ground, I find this easier for creating. I prefer manually putting in the waypoints one at a time instead of drawing lines for them because it lets me be super detailed.
A shape can consist of a few waypoints or hundreds to thousands. My current record when writing this article is 633 for Santa and his reindeer but you can definitely have much more. It is worth noting that doing these shapes may take more than one drone battery (as Santa did) especially if you are using a small drone that doesn’t like the extra weight of a Lume Cube.
As you are creating your waypoints I recommend you do them in sets of 99 and put each set in a folder and label it. The reason for this is because Litchi only allows up to 99 waypoints for each path you program into it. So every time you complete one you’ll need to upload the next path. When this happens I recommend covering your lens so you don’t get any bright spots on your photo.
If you are creating a shape that has any gaps in it like Pikachu then you’ll need to know either when to cover and uncover your lens or you can change the POI of your drone (as I attach my light to the back) and the light will turn so your camera can’t see it. Though this depends on where your light or lights are attached. Here is an example of my little book of when I need to cover my lens, for one of my more complicated paths.
Once your shape is created you need to take each set of 99 and export them as KML files. This is what Litchi uses to read the paths you’ve created. You can import them onto the Litchi online Mission Hub program. Once imported it’s important that you save the file and then try and run it on your phone with the Litchi app. If it comes back with the error saying that it can’t connect to GPS then your waypoints are far enough apart that will allow the drone to fly unhindered. However, sometimes it may come back and say that two points are too close together. So then you’ll have to go back to Google Earth and fix that and reexport the KML file and try again until you don’t get these errors.
Once you have all of your paths working then you need to go and make sure you change the altitude, as when we started with the overlay we had it stapled to the ground. I like to use around 200ft or 60m. This is because I’m working on a horizontal plane for the most part and if I go much lower than that I might lose the light depending on how big my shape is. (If you attach your light a different way or have a different light source this may be different for you if using this method)
Another important aspect to this height is because we are working on a horizontal plane depending on the camera lens you are using which would change your location for where you are shooting your long exposure and it might squish your light painting so that’s something to always keep in mind.
You change this with the Litchi app on your phone. First load your mission then unlock it with the little lock icon. Once that is done click on the wrench icon then the icon of the dashed square with a plus. A new menu will pop up, hit “select all” and “edit” and adjust the altitude relative to home (which is the ground) and hit ok. You should see the numbers change above the waypoints, make sure to do this with each mission if you have more than 99 waypoints. Also, keep your drone heading in mind as well as where the light will be. In general, if using a Lume Cube taped to the back of the drone, your heading will be the opposite direction your facing taking the photo. Below are some screenshots of each.
One more thing before you go outside to do this is to set your mph/kph. When doing detailed shapes I like to stay between 7-11mph or 7-17kph. This is because though you may have a waypoint your drone may overshoot and need to backtrack before going to the net point. This helps mitigate that. On top of that, I prefer to go into my settings in the Mission Hub of Litchi and changed the path to Curved Turns and set the default to 0. That way my drone will fly through each point.
Okay, so I know that was a lot, but now it’s time to go and fly! If using a wide lens (like a 12mm), you can be fairly close to your pattern if you shoot up at 45 degrees. Otherwise, you may need some distance depending on your composition and lens choice. I never know exactly where I’m going to set up so I generally create a test mission that does a rectangle of where the picture will take place and make sure that my composition is correct. Then I’ll replace the battery of my drone and create my picture!
When the drone flies the pattern I never watch it. Instead I watch my phone and look for the correct number to cover the lens and then uncover then that number has passed. Here is an example of Eevee on video sped up from 15 minutes to 40 seconds:
About the author: Russell Klimas is a photographer working on the art of aerial drone light-painting. The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author. You can find more of Klimas’ work on his website and Instagram. This article was also published here.
source https://petapixel.com/2019/02/04/how-to-light-paint-giant-shapes-in-the-sky-with-a-drone/
0 notes
nabosworld · 7 years
When talking about beaches in Thailand, everyone seems to mention Phuket – the most popular tourist destination with white powdery sand beach stretching under the shade of coconut trees. It is more beautiful and charming than Pataya.
We took 9am flight from Bangkok to Phuket. They have paid shuttle service from airport which is a mini AC bus. It dropped us in front of our resort. As I said earlier all hotels and resorts in Thailand has 2pm check in time, we had to wait at the lobby till then as we reached there around 11am. So we decided to leave our luggage there and roam around so that we can check good tour packages for next day (Don’t worry about your luggage, hotel stuffs will take care). Our resort (Chanalai Garden Resort) was adjacent to Kata beach.
We had our lunch at a beach restaurant and started searching for a good deal of Island tours.
Day1 : As per my itinerary, our first destination was BAAN TEELANKA – The upside down house. We hired a tuktuk and it took 30 mins to reach there at 90 THB. The place has very interesting concept of all the furniture of the house are hanging upside down even the house itself.
Next Destination was Tricky eye museum. It is an interactive 3D painting museum with a concept that stimulates your creativity and imagination. It is located on the corner of Montri and Phang Nga roads in a large two-storey building and features a gallery of about 100 painted and sculpted scenes using trompe-l’oeil (French for ‘deceive the eye’) techniques, placing visitors in hilarious unreal world-like situations.
We completed both places by 6pm and return to Hotel. That evening we have nothing to do so we started hunting local food. We found some interesting fruits there. The left one in the below picture is Mangosteen and right one is Rambutan. Mangosteen is little tangy in taste and Rambutan is similar to our well known litchi in taste.
While roaming we saw one street side stall was selling different pancakes. We bought banana egg pancake. its recipe was also very different.
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We got a very good deal for James Bond Island Tour package in 1200 THB per head. It includes,
07:30 – 08:30 am Pick up from your hotel and transfer to Ao Por Pier 09:30 am Arrive at Ao Por Pier with complimentary coffee, tea and dessert service 09:45 am Depart from Ao Por Pier to Phang Nga Bay by big boat 10:30 am Arrive at Panak Island and enjoy canoeing in Bat Cave 11:30 am Depart from Panak Island to Hong Island and enjoy canoeing our guides will paddle you around to explore hidden caves and lagoons 12:30 pm Have a great buffet lunch on board 01:30 pm Visit James Bond Island ( Tapu Island ) to discover the famous movie location where The Man with the golden gun was filmed and khao Phing kan 02:30 pm Depart from James Bond Island to location there you will enjoy swimming and relaxing 03:30 pm Depart from swimming and relaxing location by big boat 04:00 pm Arrive at Ao Por Pier and transfer to your hotel
Voyage started ========================================================== Next day morning, they picked us up from the hotel lobby in an AC mini bus and dropped us to the pier. We traveled about an hour to Ao Por Pier. We had to wait till other co-travelers arrived from other places.
We boarded on a big boat and set sail in the Andaman Sea. The beautiful picturesque landscape en route is really a treat to the eyes. Oct is rainy season in Thailand, so we got a nice drizzling weather, cool breeze but not clear picture due to fog.
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Canoe inside Bat Island ===================================================    Our First stop was Panak Island, boat stopped near a small cave and we were shifted to a small canoe. Two persons in a canoe with a guide. We entered in a small cave. it was full of bats hanging down from the rock above us. Some of the rocks are so low that we had to lie down to enter.
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After exploring the cave, we got back to the boat for our next stop James Bond island. The way was again beautiful to watch.
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We were then transferred to a long tail boat near the Island which takes us to the main attraction, James Bond Island! There is plenty of free time so you can take as many photos as you want and still relax on the beach or go for a swim! But unfortunately, rain started and there was no place to hide except one small cut in the rock. The crowd was not getting fit in that small place so everybody were drenched and we had to come back to our big boat as the sea was getting rough.
Lunch time ============================================================ After return to our big boat we found they have already arranged lunch buffet on the deck and they were really tasty or may be we felt tasty as we were too much hungry. 🙂
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Hong Island============================================================== Next we headed towards Hong Island. Again we were transferred to our individual canoes and spent around 40 minutes exploring the sea surrounded with beautiful rocks and seeing some of the most beautiful scenery. Each canoe had its own tour guide, they do all of the rowing so you can just sit back and enjoy!
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Monkey Island==========================================================  Next stop was at Monkey Island and we were there for sometime to do snorkeling. The water was so clear that we can see the fishes swimming beside us.
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Head Back =============================================================== Now its time to go back to hotel. Our boat reached the Pier around 5 PM and they dropped us at our resort in an AC mini bus.
We spent the evening by exploring the beach and market area and all set for next trip to Krabi. So, stay tuned for my next blog post for Krabi trip.
Trip to Thailand 2: Phuket – The Pearl of the Andaman When talking about beaches in Thailand, everyone seems to mention Phuket – the most popular tourist destination with white powdery sand beach stretching under the shade of coconut trees.
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holou-blog1 · 7 years
Day 11 by Yasmin 19.04.17
Felix and I will write our next two blogs in English for our friends from Czech republic! We were pretty excited about our trip to the elefant station. We had to get up pretty early, because I really wanted to swim in our pool, as you know. Afterwards we had a fast breakfast, rice with omelette and got picked up at 9:30 by a quite funny man who took us to our first station with a red taxi car. This car would have never been allowed on the streets in Germany. He was driving very fast on the highway and no one had a safety belt. While heading to our first destination we noticed that we not only booked an elephant experience but also a trekking tour to the camp. So our guide was really confused when we arrived with our whole stuff, which was a lot. During our drive to the butterfly farm, our first stop, we had to pack the important stuff in our small bags. While sitting in the taxi we had the chance to look around and noticed the strange "Korean guy" who was proud to tell us about his hunting trips. He was very proud to tell that he once shot a puma. This was not simpatico to us. When we mentioned our origin he said 'Deutschland, Willi Bradt Hä'. Wich was pretty funny, no foreigner has ever mentioned the former president before. Luckily our new Czech friends were late so we weren't alone with him. Peter is a (famous) ice hockey player and 21 years old. He lives in Prague and travels spontaneously with Jakub. Jakub promotes his club as a public relation manager and is 29 years old. Finally complete our group could start the trip and everyone was excited! Our journey was often interrupted because our funny driver stoped several times for several reasons. He announced every stop with a "one moment, just one moment please", hecticly jumped out of the car and ran away. The first time he had to pick up some rice for our lunch (about 20kilos), peter had to lend him some money (his card wasn't accepted). The second time he needed gasoline, the third time he stoped at a bank to repay Peter and the fourth he showed us a marked (for any reason he needed pineapples) before we finally stoped for lunch. We were pretty brave and tried crickets as desert. They were not that worse, but also not delicious a little bit like flour. Nearby was a big elephant station but the animals weren't treated well and we were quite disappointed because we expected more space and freedom for the elephants. Afterwards the Trekking tour started. We left the baggage by our driver hoped that he would tread it well and we would get it back in the end. The tour was quite tough, it was hot and it took us more than two and a half hours to reach the camp. But our guide called Chi had the appearance of a Thai dwarf and was already 48-years old! He was very funny, shot the local fruits from the tree with a self made stone sling and let us taste for example a little yellow fruit that tasted like mango but was much smaller. He also showed us jumbo litchis and little berries he called "frog eyes". The strawberries tasted best because they were much smaller and sweeter than the German ones which taste more like water than fruit. When we finally arrived at the "long neck village", which was also the elephant camp was impressive and surrounded by a breathtaking nature. The hutts were built out of bamboo and the women wear necklaces that stretch their necks to an unreal length. Quite interesting what beauty means for some cultures. There were plenty of elephants, the reason why we booked the trip. Snacking grass, taking cold showers in the river or just walking around with a guide: elephants everywhere! 😍 Unfortunately they weren't treated as good as expected. They didn't wear those ridiculous seats on their backs for caring people around but some were still on a short chain. Probably it's the only way for tourists to experience them as near as we did but never the less I don't like it! After walking around and cleaning our feet in the river we were allowed to ride the elephants on our own. The mahouts walked beside us and Felix and I had to share our elephant with the Korean guy aswell. The riding was a shaky experience. I was sitting in the front of the elephant, right above his head so when he moved his neck around I was sometimes afraid of falling down. This adventure ended far toooo quick. We jumped into the water in the end and splashed our leather skinned friends with the cold water of the river. They really enjoyed it as much as we did! For me it was toooo short I could have been around them all day long! We had dinner after a little break, simple but delicious Pad Thai. The "village", had only about 15 hutts, many dogs who accompanied us wherever we went and a lot of Chicken! Once we explored our surroundings, we were followed by plenty of dogs saving us from being attacked by the buffaloes, it was ridiculous. We sat around a camp fire, listened to some natives who sang songs for us, brewed tea and danced for us which was funny. They told us dancing will bring us luck and after some hesitation we joined them. I had a lot of fun, watching the guys dancing! They held out for actually three songs, even if not everyone had the right move.:D When the sun went down, the stars were very bright because there was no other light despite of one lamp and the campfire. The experience of sleeping in a bamboo hutt with all the jungle noises and animals was impressive. When we were heading to ours I recognized that the creepy korean guy was missing! His sleeping place was empty despite of his stuff. During the day he vanished quite a few times and we were always wondering what he was doing. We had an amazing day and one of our greatest trip so far!
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