#the rest has just the face of the pokémon
lucky-clover-gazette · 22 hours
(for the request thing) sometimes i wonder how Volo would feel/react if someone (like arceus’s chosen 👀) took a blow for him from a wild Pokemon or another person. From his perspective, Volo doesn’t have anyone in Hisui that cares about his wellbeing, and the game alludes to him having a troubled and lonely past, and with him having planned on erasing all life in Hisui in pursuit of his desires, would he feel guilt if someone showed him a level of care that would make them sacrifice their safety for his, when he was ready to potentially sacrifice them for his own sake when it came to Arceus?
(also wanna say ive loved your fics on Ao3, so talented <3)
(also on ao3)
You really prefer not to die in front of other people.
The edges of your vision darken as you shove Volo aside, taking the full force of the Alpha Vespiqueen’s attack. You manage the subdue your attacker with a well-aimed sticky glob and ultra ball, but not before suffering an undoubtedly fatal blow.
The consummate merchant comes to you at once, leaning over your fallen body with an oddly indecipherable expression. Usually Volo is abundantly obvious with his feelings, whether he’s passionately rambling about ruins or earnestly praising your efforts as the hero of Hisui. But the man you see now, as your vision begins to blur, simply stares.
“Caught it,” you brag.
His grey eyes widen slightly. You haven’t shared this with him, but you’ve always found them rather beautiful.
“You shouldn’t have…”
“Saved you?” you ask with a dry chuckle. “That’s why I’m here, remember?”
Volo furrows his brow. Reaches out to touch you, then pulls his hand back.
“I sincerely apologize,” he tells you, bowing his head. “If you are to perish in these circumstances, you deserve to know—”
You die and can’t hear the rest.
And then you open your eyes.
You stand on your feet now, in the last place you felt safe before the Pokémon’s attack. Volo still kneels in the distance, seemingly unaware that your body has been replaced by a fallen satchel containing your entire supply of ultraballs, a fire stone, and exactly four medicinal leeks.
You frown. This is going to be awkward.
“Hey, buddy,” you say, coming up carefully behind him. Volo’s back goes rigid at the sound of your voice, his head turning around at once.
You rub the back of your neck, sheepish. “Surprise?”
“You died!” Volo exclaims with an accusatory finger-point. “I just saw—” His head swivels to the satchel on the ground, then he turns back to you. “How?”
You sigh and sit down beside him. “Chosen One perk. I die, Arceus says my work isn’t finished yet, I get another shot. It happened for the first time when I fought Lord Kleavor. I had no idea what I was doing, and it took like a dozen tries before I got good.”
Volo looks horrified. “You’ve died a dozen times?”
“Of course not!”
“Then why—”
“My death count’s definitely in the triple digits now. Lord Arcanine was ten times worse than Kleavor, because of all the fire and bullshit arena. At least Lady Liligant was a total pushover.”
“Did it not hurt?” demands Volo, his face growing noticeably pale.
“Oh, it totally hurt,” you admit. “But somebody’s got to deal with it, and I’m the only one around here who’s been made invulnerable by God.”
Volo looks as if he’s been slapped. You suppose that’s fair, considering the shock of witnessing your death and resurrection. But to you, this really is just another Tuesday.
“I know it’s disturbing,” you sigh, putting a hand on his shoulder. His muscles are tense. “That’s why I try my best to make sure people aren’t around to see it. Just easier that way, you know?”
Volo wears another unreadable expression.
“Sucks to lose a satchel, though,” you say, lightly. “Thanks for keeping an eye on it. Without witnesses, I usually lose some of my stuff. Never the plates, though, don’t worry.”
He still looks lost in his thoughts, which is no good. You don’t know how to explain that this happens all the time, for much less important reasons than protecting your favorite person on Hisui. The pain is a small price to pay for his safety, and you’d readily pay it again.
“I thought you died,” Volo eventually says. “Saving my life.”
You elbow him playfully. “I guess Arceus is looking out for you too.”
His expression darkens. “No.”
He looks you dead in the eyes, with a different sort of intensity than you’ve come to expect from the eccentric wanderer. “Under an unjust god, endless life is endless pain. Do you truly wish that for yourself? For the world?”
Distantly, you wonder what exactly Volo had thought you deserved to know before your presumed demise. You have a feeling he’s not going to tell you now.
You offer him a hand. “Well, unless you’ve got a better god laying around somewhere, I think we’re stuck with what we’ve got.” And I like what I’ve got, you absolutely do not tell the merchant. I like that I’m here with you.
Volo still seems distracted, but he takes your hand anyway. “Right,” he mutters, and then smiles. “We live to fight another day.”
You rub your thumb against the side of his hand. “And maybe someday, we won’t have to fight. We’ll have everything we need.”
You can picture it, with him. You wonder, maybe foolishly, if he might feel the same way.
Supporting you is actually an investment in my own fortunes, Volo had told you once.
You would protect him regardless of your personal relationship, of course. Just as you protect the rest of this world. You want things to be better, for everyone, and intend to use your god-given powers to ensure that your dream becomes reality.
Volo nods, his sharp gaze fixed on your joined hands. A chill runs down your spine as he squeezes.
“Yes,” he agrees. “Someday.”
You smile softly.
“I think I can live with that.”
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50c14lly4nx10u5 · 2 years
not to kirby post on main but i was out and found kirby socks and i can't wait to wear em 😔
i also found kirby gum in freak lunchbox which i did, in fact, post on my kirby account akdbdkfn
pokémon sparkling water was also there... i had got a pikachu one (lemon) and squirtle one (sea salt cheese... yeah i got my dad to drink that one lmao) before, so i got a magikarp one (litchi) and igglybuff one (white peach) today
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justaviber · 1 year
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Biochemical engineer who mains Medic in TF2
Why yes she is one of my favourites, how could you tell
Art Info:
White Drawing Paper
Alcohol Marker Blender for Coloured Pencils
White Gel Pen for Corrections & Highlights
Black Micron Pen
Assortment of greyscale & skin-coloured alcohol markers
Coloured Pencils from Prismacolor & Crayola
Sketching Pencil
Saw referenced from TF2 Medic's Ubersaw, Vitasaw, & Bonesaw
Filter used for lighting correction & slight colour enhancement
Time: 5 hrs (Sketching/Lineart: ~1-2 hrs; Colouring: 2.5 hrs)
0 notes
madrone33 · 16 days
Number 1 Rule of adapting the Odyssey into EPIC is: if it can be more dramatic, it will be more dramatic.
The Greeks decide to throw the infant Trojan prince from the walls because they're scared he'll try to avenge his family? No, Zeus comes down to personally give Odysseus a vision of being killed and says his family WILL die. Kill the baby that reminds you of your son right now, it's the gods will.
Odysseus goes to greet the inhabitants of an island and gets trapped in a cave for two days by the cyclops that's eating his men one by one? Nope, we got BOSS BATTLE 30v1 in the Ithacans' favour until BAM fourteen pancakes are made by Polyphemus' club and oh shit Polites is DEAD-
Athena is just vaugely absent for the whole journey until the end? We got emotionally charged platonic breakups instead, with yelling and insults and "well I'm breaking up with you FIRST!"
Smooth sailing to Ithaca? STOOOORM-
Odysseus' great-great-great-grandfather giving him a speed boost to help him on his way home? Get ready for trickster wind gods, mischievous winions, and a game that was rigged from the start.
Random-ass suspicious and greedy crew mates open the bag? It's Eurylochus, his second in command, his brother-in-law, the man he trusted, Eurylochus WHYYY
Parking in the wrong harbour and getting boulders thrown at the fleet by angry man-eating giants while Odysseus backs away veeery slowly? Nah Poseidon himself pulls up to dunk on them, and Odysseus has to make a last minute getaway using the power of STOOORM to avoid being curbstomped like his fleet.
Odysseus gets some stronger drugs from a god to make him immune to the other drugs of a goddess? Well these drugs actually give him magic powers which he uses to engage in a Pokémon/Yu-Gi-Oh style BOSS BATTLE!
Get some closure with dead loved ones and acquaintances, and be the first interviewer of the fallen heroes of past ages? Nope, we just got TRAUMA and a whole boatload of guilt!
A neat outline of what the rest of the journey will look like, a warning against an island of cows that will slow him down, and the way to appease Poseidon? This Tiresias just says "Y'know there used to be a world where you made it home, BUT I DON'T SEE IT NO MORE. IT'S GONE. IT'S OVER. Also, your palace is fucked."
Sailing past the sirens while getting to be the first mortal to hear their song and live? M U R D E R
Sailing past Scylla to avoid Charybdis and accidentally getting six men eaten because he thought he could totally take Scylla, even though Circe said he couldn't, and then he realised he, in fact, cannot take Scylla? ... Eurylochus, light up six torches.
Eurylochus waits till Odysseus is out hunting and then goes behind his back to mutinously rally the crew and feast on some sacred cattle? Betrayal on both sides, stabby stab, K.O., and then Odysseus helplessly watches them make the greatest mistake of their lives as they ignore his pleas.
Quick clean and easy lightning-strike to the ship, leaving Odysseus to cling to some driftwood and paddle away? Zeus himself appears to the mortals, monologues, makes Odysseus be the one to choose, and then smites the whole ship leaving Odysseus to nearly drown anyway.
Telemachus gets advice from a disguised Athena to yell at the suitors and then sail away to look for news of his missing father? Telemachus gets into a full on beatdown with the suitors and gets FIGHT CLUB TRAINING from Athena!
Athena goes "dad I want my favourite mortal back? Did you forget about him? I think you forgot about him" and Zeus instantly replies "nonsense. How could I have forgotten that funny little mortal? Of course you can have him back my sweet favoured child <3" and then Athena skips off to Ithaca? "Father please-" "LIGHTNING BOLT! ANOTHER LIGHTNING BOLT! LIGHTNING BOLT TO THE FACE HOW DARE YOU ASK ME OF SUCH A THING!"
Poseidon does a double take "wait they let him go?? Oh hell nah!" and then sends a giant fuck off storm for Odysseus to swim through until he reaches the Phaeacians? No, Poseidon's just been there on Ithaca's shores, waiting for eight years, now get in the water BITCH- except Odysseus is just like "oh yeah? Fucking FIGHT ME"
You thought the suitors in the Odyssey were bad? Jorge really just said "dial that shit up to ELEVEN"
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shiny-kaibernyte · 1 month
Arven Headcannons (Romantic)
No warnings: Just pure fluff
There are a few general headcannons in here and a couple of how i think him and Nemona's friendship would be. But its 90% fluff. I actually wrote WAYYYY more than what's in this post but i didn't think people would want to read an entire Essay. So here are a selection!
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This man cannot bake for anything. Give him a grill and bread, he will give you a 5 star meal. Give him a whisk and a cake try he will burn the house down. So don’t expect a homemade cake on your birthday. Or at least don’t expect one from him.
He was Smitten with you the moment you agreed to help him on his Titan Quest. Reluctantly or joyfully, hearing you agreeing made him fall head over heels for you and he didn’t even know it. Maybe that's why he tried extra hard on those Sandwiches. 
Arven and Nemona used to fight over the best friend position, You’d usually have to stand in the middle of them to prevent their Pokémon battles from spilling into personal ones. Arven would later claim the Boyfriend card once Area Zero was dealt with, Nemona was very pleased to cement the best friend spot.
You are the only other person who's allowed to take Mabosstiff out on walks. You're his person, so you get the puppy. Nemona and Penny both tried, it resulted in Arven throwing a tomato at Nemona and Penny slowly backing out of the room. He did mourn the tomato though… he wanted that tomato.
Arven isn’t necessarily Protective, but he is observant. He will defend your honour and voice with every ounce of his being. But he also isn’t a violent person, that's what Pokémon battles are for. 
That being said, if something did happen to you, especially if you fell ill. He would go to hell and back to find some way of helping you. He already proved that much, just don’t bail on him if he needs you most.
Love Language: Gift Giving + Quality time.
If he can, he will SPOIL you. He never had someone love him the way you do. Show him the kindness and compassion that makes his heart sore. If he could give you the world. He’d hand you the Galaxy on a silver plate. But until he can find a Cosmo. A plushie will have to be done for now.
He is not a morning person at all. The only reason you will ever find him up before midday is for one of two reasons: A teacher told him off for being late and he’s only got 1 more warning before another suspension OR Mabosstiff dragged him out of bed by the ankle and forced him to go outside. There is no other reason.
Terrible at video games, absolutely horrendous. Dude can’t even play Minecraft without throwing the controller. Penny tried to teach him how to play Stardew Valley, he got angry at Pierre for the backpack price and hasn’t picked up the game again. Though he’s happy to watch you play and will hold down a button if you get tired. Never ask him to play though… unless you need to laugh, then ask. 
One time you tried to put a bow on Mabosstiff ‘s head. With no recollection how or why, it somehow ended up in Arven’s hair. You have now learnt Arven can rock a manbun and a sparkling pastel pink bow. 
When you first stayed the night, dude slept like a board. He did not move a single cell in his body. It wasn’t until you were resting your head on his chest that he actually moved. He has since loosened up, but it took a while for him to trust himself enough to even touch you when you slept. 
He cannot Flirt. You cannot tell me otherwise.
He bought you both onesies to wear on movie nights. Yes he has to have a Saturday movie night with you or he gets grumpy. 
Sometimes Arven will bring you lunch or make you breakfast so he knows you have eaten at least something during the day. Plus he also uses it as an excuse to see you smile but he will never say that to your face. Only Mabosstiff.
Dude is terrified of Cetitan. Ever since the "mountain incident" Cetitan is his greatest enemy. Arven tries to act tough and unafraid to impress you but, Grusha has and will continue to use this fear to his Advantage any time Nemona drags Arven to the Mountains. You totally didn’t make a deal with Grusha and Nemona, that isn’t something you did… Wink wink.
You don’t borrow his clothes, he donates them. There have been numerous occasions you have opened a drawer or wardrobe to find one of his numbers, jackets, vests, anything! Just something new of his somewhere for you to have. He will even buy different sizes if you prefer baggy shirts or snug shirts.
He remembers everything and yet nothing at the same time. You ask him what day it is, he’ll look at you like you just asked him to explain calculus to a class of year 1’s. Ask him your favourite movie!? Arven will go into excruciating detail about everything to the point you’d think he directed it. Nemona and Giacomo once held a quiz night on Arven just to test how much he did remember. Dude remembered nothing about anyone else, except birthdays… he’s good at that. But you dude could write your autobiography. 
Dude has zero fear of heights, once Miridon learnt how to fly, anytime Arven would join you, he’d always sit behind you so he could hold your waist. It’s been a little thing of his ever since Area Zero, he can’t not do it. Even if he’s the better driver; Dude will sit behind you as an excuse to just hold you.
Almost No PDA he is a private person. He does lean on you though or will stand behind you almost like a bodyguard. If he does touch you in public it's usually a reassuring hand on the shoulder, on the small of your back to guide you somewhere or your arm locked into his. He isn’t a hand holder, he usually is carrying something or needs his hands free so he does subtle stuff instead.
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jojosbingsu · 20 days
When &Team Members Are Your Boyfriend
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Admin: Ellie
Genre: Fluff, Wholesome | NO Smut, NSFW. | Minors can interact.
Pairing: gn!reader x Teamies (OT9)
Word Count: 3.04K
Notes: If you would like to request something, please find your way onto the blog to make your request~! Feedback is always welcomed. ^u^
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EJ 🍊
He's terrible at flirting because he always gets flustered when you flirt back, but he tries his best. His intentions are always good but he usually flirts through saying something you'd hear in a cliche rom-com film.
He's always a giggly mess whenever you're complimenting him. Teasing him is an incredibly easy thing to do and he will fall into it every single time. He becomes a blushy, giggly mess that tries to hide his bright red face away from you.
He buys you expensive gifts as his way to show love and admiration for you. Jewelry seems to be his favorite gift form and he always circles back around to it whenever he feels like you deserve a nice little treat from him. Whenever you wear a necklace or pair of earrings he's bought for you, he will just grin lovingly and say something like "I knew it would look stunning on you!"
LOOOOOVES kiss attacks. If you don't want your face smooched to the end of time, you've better get to hiding it! Euijoo loves to place pecks all over your cheeks and forehead when you're laying in bed together or whenever you're trying to help him cook something. It's probably his favorite thing to do because he knows you'll rarely complain about it. Bonus: Do it to him and watch him absolutely beam with joy and affection. He is the actual embodiment of the word "happiness."
Probably the most comforting boyfriend someone could ever ask for. He's very communicative about his feelings and always open to hearing your feelings as well. He would do anything within his power to make you feel better when he's done something that upset or hurt you. - If someone else has hurt you, he always knows exactly what to say to make everything feel better. He is the master of solving emotional issues and bringing comfortability into the relationship.
Fuma 🦸‍♂️
Wearing matching Pokémon pajamas is a requirement if you're going to be in a relationship with Fuma. If you expect snuggles before bed, you'd better hope to god that you're wearing whatever ridiculous pajama set or onesie he pulled out of his closet for you.
Cuddling up in bed on the weekends to watch movies is his ideal type of 'date.' He would lay with his arms wrapped loosely around you, a content smile always resting on his face, a light blush probably creeping onto his cheeks if you lay your head on his chest or snuggle your face close to his while enjoying the movie.
Cooking together is an activity he would absolutely NEVER say no to. He thinks it's so much fun to stand in the kitchen and try to match recipes you found on Google or TikTok together. He loves to give you backhugs whenever you're chopping vegetables or standing to wash your hands. One thing you should know though, he likes to get the first taste of everything just so it's perfect before you bite into anything.
He loves to tell you about his dreams as soon as he wakes up in the morning. His sleepy grumbles, mumbles, and chuckles seem to be the best thing to help start your day. He always asks what you dreamed of the night before as well and will somehow try to find a way to make the dream-talk a breakfast date.
Play any kind of Switch game with him and he's absolutely becoming a mushy, soft mess, especially if you need his help learning the controls. His favorite game to play with you would probably be Animal Crossing, as he could shower you with cute gifts he crafted or traded away on his island.
K 👑
This man absolutely adores you. There's nothing more important to Kei than you. He looks at you like you're the one who cast all of the stars into the sky above his head. If God created anyone perfectly by hand, it's you.
He's an attentive listener. He loves to lounge lazily on the couch and listen to you talk about your day. He asks a lot of questions just so the conversation doesn't have to end so soon. He's almost like your personal diary at some point. He's just an easy and comfortable person to talk to.
Protective and slightly possessive boyfriend. He is not controlling by any means but he does get obviously possessive over you if he feels that someone is coming onto you in front of him. He mostly reaches to hold you close or stands in between you and whoever is making him feel antsy in his spot. Protective boyfriend is a given. Yudai, though not a violent guy, would absolutely put a smackdown on someone if he felt it was necessary to keep you safe.
He's almost like your not-house-husband. This man doesn't let you do anything to pick up around your own house. If he's there, you're going to sit down and relax and he will take care of whatever has been bothering you. Laundry pile bugging you? No problem, it's folded while you're watching a movie together and put away before he goes home. Got some dishes needing to be done after eating dinner? Don't even think about it, he's on top of the issue and the dishes are drying before you can even reach for a sponge. Sometimes you have wonder if you accidentally hired a maid instead of getting a boyfriend.
He waits up for you if you've been out. He's a natural-born worrier who will keep a close eye on his phone in case you need to give him a text or call. He's always telling you to text him when you've gotten to your destination(s) safely and he will stay up all night waiting for the text message or waiting to see you. Even if you insist that he gets rest, he will stay up and wait patiently to make sure you don't need him to come get you.
Nicholas 🍓
Annoying in such an endearing way. He teases you nonstop because he loves to hear your gentle giggles and watch as your cheeks heat up a nice red color because of his antics
Romantic as all get out. He looooves to buy you small gifts like flowers or candies and he's all about the lifestyle of taking you shopping as a date. Going shopping with you is one of his favorite ways to spend time with you and he will call it a "date" every time.
Taking photos of you is his number one hobby. On a date? Fifteen photos. Sleeping comfortably in his bed? About sixty photos. -- No matter the occasion, you can be certain his entire camera roll is nothing but photos of you.
He sleeps most comfortably if you guys are cuddled up close to one another. He almost cocoons the two of you in his blankets whenever you stay the night at his place. He likes you hug you tightly and rest with his head lightly pressed against yours. He sometimes plays soft music when he's falling asleep but if he knows it bothers you, he will just mumble soft stories to you (mostly to himself) until he's fallen asleep.
Financially irresponsible but only because he loves to spoil his lover. He will buy you anything you say you want or hint at liking. If you guys are shopping together and see a pair of shoes you barely hint at liking, they're already tucked up under his arm and he's probably grabbing a second pair just in case the first ones get ruined. You like a design on a shirt? It's yours and he's not taking arguments. You often contemplate hiding his wallet from him or wearing a pair of sunglasses whenever you're shopping with him so he stops purchasing everything you look at. Anytime you fuss at him for spending so much money on you, he will get sulky and tell you "but I just like to see you happy, you wouldn't take that away from me, right?" -- And then you're left in a dilemma of either watching the dude drain his bank account or letting him sulk and drag his feet all day because you told him NO for once.
Yuma 🐱
Yuma would be such a cute boyfriend. He would be kind of shy whenever he tries to flirt with you and he always bursts into a fit of soft, nervous giggles whenever you lean in to give him kisses.
He always sends you the cutest selfies whenever you're not together. He loves to send you pouty photos with "it's less fun without you here" attached, or he will send a photo of something cute and silly with "I thought of you" sent right after.
Plushies are how he shows his love for you. Everywhere he goes, he buys you a new stuffed animal to toss onto your bed. It's getting to the point where there's not enough space for you in the bed because the stuffed animals are starting to take over but he cares not one bit. He would buy an entire house just for stuffed animal storage if he had the funds to do so.
Sharing clothes is something Yuma likes to do. If you have a cute shirt he knows will fit him, it's not your shirt anymore. If you want to steal a jacket or pair of jeans of his out of his closet, he'd never complain. He'd tell you that you look better than he does in whatever article of clothing it is.
He loves to share earbuds with you. Listening to music together is something simple that makes him feel more connected to you. He likes when you guys take turns picking the next song in the queue to listen to together. He always makes sure he brings a back up pair of earbuds in case the first pair ever dies in the middle of a small jam session.
Jo 🍚
Holding hands is his favorite form of intimacy. To Jo, there's nothing sweeter and more endearing than offering your hand to him and just allowing him to hold it tightly within his own. His thumb is always caressing the side of your hand lovingly, especially if he's listening to you talk. It's his way of showing he cares and is listening to you.
Secretly a jealous boyfriend. Though he's shy in nature and would never outright tell you he's jealous when you're giving someone else more attention, it's obvious that he feels a little bit left out whenever your attention is on another friend over him. He gets a little bit pouty and always reaches to place gentle touches on your hand or thigh to remind you that he's there and would like attention, too.
Going out to a nice restaurant for dinner is his favorite form of date night. He loves to see you get dressed up really cute just for him! He will probably compliment you four hundred times before you even reach the restaurant and you keep catching him staring so lovingly at you while he's eating.
Jo is always trying to improve his drawing skills so he can gift you his art or impress you with what he produces. You've seen his sketchbook and have found that he's tried to sketch you a few times already but decided to restart because he didn't like how he'd made you look. He would become incredibly shy and embarrassed if he knew you saw those drawings, so you always pretend not to notice when he's admiring your face a bit more closely than usual, especially when the sketchbook is sitting comfortably in his lap.
Sleepy hammock cuddles when it's raining. Every time Jo knows it will rain, he finds his way to the hammock he's gotten set up on the balcony of his apartment to curl up with a nice book. Of course, once it starts to actually rain, Jo finds himself becoming sleepy and clingy! He almost always calls for you to come climb into the hammock with him so you guys can cuddle and listen to the rain together. Bonus points if you bring a blanket you guys can snuggle up under together. Extra bonus points if you tell him fun stories about your childhood or ask about when he was little and would play in the rain.
Harua 🐰
Surprising you with your favorite dessert is Harua's absolute favorite thing to do. Seeing you get excited because he showed up with your favorite ice cream or yogurt is something that brings him incredible joy.
He calls you pet names more often than calling you by your real name. Sometimes you wonder if he knows your name isn't "sunshine" or "sweetie" because he's so allergic to calling your name.
Flirting isn't a thing with Harua. He's completely oblivious whenever you try to flirt with him and his attempts... Are bad. He thinks telling you he likes your shoes is flirting and he gets a little flustered when it doesn't work out so well. He can occasionally flirt to the point of making you blush but this happens rarely. More often than not, you just have to chuckle at him and give him a kiss on the cheek.
He loves to get his nails done with you. Even if all you get is your nails trimmed or a clear overcoat to make your nails shine, Harua loves to drag you out to a salon for special one on one time. Matching nails are his favorite thing, so if you decide to get a nail design, he will find a way to incorporate it on his own nail as well.
He insists on walking you home. It doesn't matter the time of day, where you live, or how far he will have to travel to get himself home, he wants to accompany you back to your home so he knows you got there safely. He always gives a gentle kiss on the nose before you part ways for the night and he stands patiently outside until he watches you get beyond the door. He never lets you walk alone, especially at night or during a storm and you can count on him to linger outside for a few minutes just to make sure you're safe, able to get inside easily, and weren't followed by anyone else.
Taki 🐣
Taki is a clingy boyfriend. He wants your attention almost all the time and feels lonely whenever you're not around. He's not overwhelmingly clingy, but he is the type who wants to touch you almost nonstop (hugging, holding your hand, playing with your hair, etc.) when you're together and he basically begs for your attention.
Karaoke dates almost every Friday night. He loves to hang out with you and eat yummy snacks while singing your favorite songs together. Duets are a favorite of his so you can also have a small dance together.
He is infatuated with you and thinks you're genuinely the coolest human being that's ever walked this planet. Whatever your favorite hobby is, he's in love with it simply because you are. He is forever going on about how cool he thinks you are to his friends and he loves to brag about the things you get up to. If you're an artist, he's showing off all of your art no matter what. If you make cute little bracelets, you better believe he will wear 5 at a time and talk endlessly about how you made them custom just for him. He's your #1 cheerleader always.
He would wear matching outfits with you. He thinks it's cute to wear matching colors or matching styles whenever you go out on a date together. If you're wearing blue, he will too. If you've got pink somewhere on your outfit, he will try to find a way to make something of his pink (or as close to it as possible) so you can have a cute "couple's outfit."
Taki's favorite thing about cuddling with you is the fact that he gets to be the little spoon. He loves to feel small when you guys cuddle up to watch movies or just to talk about your busy day. -- You always find that he puts his head right over your heart so he can listen to your heartbeat while you cuddle. If he's ever feeling particularly stressed out or upset, you know letting him listen to your heartbeat will soothe him and make everything feel better for a little while.
Maki 🐶
Maki loves to flirt with you. He is a master at flirting and making you blush. He always just grins and winks at you whenever your face is hot and red from his flirting and teasing. Even through text message, he finds a way to flirt and tease you until you're a blushing mess.
He talks about you all the time. Nonstop, he talks about you to his friends and family. He finds a way to bring you up in every conversation, even if it has little relevance to anything that's going on. The conversation could be about what his friends want for dinner and he'll but in with "well you know, y/n likes...." for no reason at all.
He brings you things that remind him of you at random times so you know he's always thinking about you. He mostly shows up with random candles or small throw blankets that had cute designs all over them.
Water gun battles are something that always take place when you're dating Maki. He will randomly pop up from behind the couch and just start shooting water at you before he scurries off to a different room before you can retaliate. Whenever you guys have been moody towards one another, he will offer you a water gun and tell you the first person to tap out has to apologize first. -- Of course, he ends up apologizing first, but the water gun fight is just a way he tries to bring the mood up and make things more lighthearted when you've both been a little grouchy towards one another.
Let's get one thing clear. If there's a bug, he's not getting it out of the house / room / area. He will scream like he's being ripped apart from the inside out and will in fact run to hide behind you if he sees anything resembling a bug or insect. Congratulations, reader, you're the exterminator of the relationship!
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tsams-and-co-memes · 6 months
TSAMS Moondrop Canon Info
Updated - 9/7/24
Moon's likes:
Imagine Dragons
Spending time with his family
Magic (he's trying to have as little to do with it as possible now)
Six The Musical
My Little Pony
Hot water
Historical shows/movies
Knitting (he's expressed an interest in it)
Crunchy food (specifically BBQ chips)
His favorite land animal is cheetahs, his favorite flying animal is falcons, and his favorite sea animal is blue whales
Moon’s favorite MLP character is Fluttershy
Moon's dislikes:
Kids (<- he doesn't mind them as much anymore)
Witnessing any amount of affection between people or being subjected to it, even in a familial way (he always acts grossed out by it, but maybe he’s just messing around, I’m not sure)
Star Wars
Back to the Future
The creator
Cooking (Removing this, since he's expressed a desire to learn how to cook)
Flash (the TV series)
The bubbly sensation that comes with carbonated drinks
Moon is aroace (but if he were to ever date anyone, he would want them to have the same sense of humor and sarcasm that he has, and he'd want them to be a little bit sadistic (for some reason))
If he could have a pet, it’d be a fruit bat
He takes a lot of inspiration from Rick Sanchez (from Rick and Morty)
He’s not good with directions
He can drive, he just hates doing so
He does not have a driver's license
Moon takes care of himself by taking a metal buffing drill and rubbing it across his face. He has a machine that cleans the rest of him (Unsure if this is only a New Moon thing, if Old Moon does it too, or if they both do it)
New Moon tended to/used to have a lot of sleepless nights, trying to relearn everything he knew from before he was reset, contemplating his mortality, how he could be reset, and wind up “dying” again
He’s been kidnapped by an evil version of Sun, who he described as being similar to “evil Morty” (<- an experience that New Moon had)
New Moon (after being reset), doesn’t know how he identifies. At the very least he’s ace, but he’s not sure about if he’s romantically attracted to people or not
Moon is a fan of Rick and Morty, and he thinks Rick is the smartest person in the universe
He gets angry whenever anyone says the earth is flat
Moon talks to the Devil from the Bible quite a bit and they get along
When having conversations, Moon prefers it when people are blunt and direct with him
When confronted with problems, he tends to either shrug it off or get angry
Part of his anger towards the situation with Eclipse being back stems from feeling inadequate. He thought he took care of an issue created by his past self (Old Moon), only to find out that the issue (Eclipse) was back, once again threatening his life and Sun's
There was a kid at the daycare once that wasn't scared of Old Moon. The two talked back and forth, and upon hearing that the kid's home life wasn't great, Moon decided to sneak out of the pizzaplex. He followed the kid home, saw what his home life was like, and he took matters into his own hands, wanting to help the kid. The kid didn't survive whatever Moon did, and Moon (before being reset) carried a lot of regret with him over that incident
New Moon recently bought a Chili's from Monty (implied, since Moon recently bought it and Monty said that they recently sold it)
New Moon turned his and Sun's garage into his "experimentation area"
New Moon makes and sells technology to the government, but he doesn't specify which government that is
Old Moon once ate someone (during the episode where he and Sun fought, and he wound up punching Sun)
New Moon knows the cure for cancer
Moon frequents a cannibal sushi shop in Japan where the employees all come to work in cosplay. The chef there is a furry/scalie (Unsure if this is New Moon or Old Moon, or both)
New Moon occasionally goes to some weird anime dimension to blow off steam or find some amusement. In this dimension, everyone talks like anime characters and they all have internal anime character dialogue that gets spoken out loud. Simply saying "wind bullet" or "bang" is enough to defeat them, as they believe they're actually fighting battles similar to what happens in various animes (essentially Moon goes there for anime battle LARP-ing purposes)
Moon has bad handwriting
Moon has always been bad with interior design
Old Moon is still very much present within New Moon's head/mind/consciousness (by the time this has been updated, the two have since separated)
It was on the day of Sun and Moon's separation that Moon's Whacking Stick™️ entered the picture
Moon doesn't know how to cook
After coming back, Moon didn't know what was and wasn't food, so he just went around licking things
Moon used to work for the mafia, and they were the ones supplying him with most of the things he needed to work on his projects
Moon typically tries hanging out with mute kids more, when the daycare is open
The genre of music he primarily listens to would be like rock, metal, punk, and things similar to those (he does enjoy pop, too)
Moon seems to be a texture oriented person with his foods
Moon feels slightly better when he's in the dark (physically, I'm assuming)
Moon creates backups of Sun nightly
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factual-fantasy · 1 month
30 Asks! Thank you!! :}} 🌊
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😅Ah, well this is awkward-
I haven't drawn Gravity Falls in quite a while. And with this sudden fandom resurgence following the book of Bill.. I actually went back and privated a huge chunk of my Gravity falls posts. :x
My reasoning for this is that looking back, a lot of those old posts are rather embarrassing for me 💀 now I respected them all as stepping stones to where my blog is now so I didn't actually DELETE any posts!! But now with the fandom coming back people are finding them aaaannddd.. when ever I get a notification of someone liking an old cringey Gravity Falls post of mine? I just go beet red. uhhg they're sooooo embrassingggg...
SO! For my own comfort, I privated lot of those embarrassing posts. I didn't delete them in case I change my mind and want them back in the future- but they should all be hidden.
Now that that's explained, the comic you're talking about is likely one that I privated parts of out of embarrassment. But if you happen to have a link to one of the parts or can remember the what the comic was about... mayyyybe I could go back and un-pivate it.? <XD But just that comic! It depends on how beet red I turn when I see it-- :x
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I've heard of cult of the lamb, seen a lot of fanart for it- and several of my friends play it!... But I still don't know much about it <XD Isn't it like a cult simulator or something..? Idk-- the cult imagery just didn't really feel like my thing 😅
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@i-v-y67 (Hiding the image because its not my art! <:D )
Sorry man, <XD Maybe someday I will! But for now I got Welcome home, FNAF and Pokémon on the mind 💀
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DUDE I LOOOOOVE THE AMAZING WORLD OF GUMBALL!! That show has absolutely no right to be that funny XDDD
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XDD Aw, thank you! Truly the highest compliment my version of Wally could receive. 😌
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Idk how Bibi's name is actually supposed to be pronounced.. but I personally pronounce it as "bee-bee" <XD
And for his little sister Cici, its the same. "see-see"
While I'm at it, Gerald's name is pronounced "erald". The G is silent XDD
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Aw man.. Ingo couldn't cope.. 😔😔
No that's not me saying that Emmet loved Ingo less or was emotionally stronger than him- but Emmet sees Ingo as his strong and capable older brother. With some comfort from Elesa, he believed at his core that Ingo could handle what ever he was facing out there.. although his body was wracked with worry..
If the roles were reversed.. I mean.. man..
Ingo sees Emmet as his precious baby brother. Despite them being only minutes apart in age. He knows logically that Emmet is just as strong and capable as he is.. but just imaging his baby brother out there.. wounded and all alone.. he should have been there. he should have done more. He's all alone. What if he never sees him again? What if he dies alone out there?
The separation would quite possibly destroy Ingo..
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Boop!! :DDD
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I'm feeling pretty rough, but doing my best to rest! <:D and thank you!! :)))
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I don't have many clear ideas for Home yet.. I'm thinking that its pretty sentient. Home can problem solve, make assumptions and learn..
What does it think of everything... I'm not quite sure. I imagine Home to be curious though, and that's why it watches Wally sleep and why it watched Eddie at the Christmas party..
I also pictured Home to have been in an almost coma/zombie like state back when it was dilapidated.. but then I wonder if Poppy would still be spooked by it.. hmm..
It couldn't have been comfortable in that state at least. So when Wally fixed it up, maybe Home was grateful? Or maybe Home is just kind'a coming to and doesn't know how to feel about the neighborhood springing up around it.. overall I kind'a want to keep these general malicious undertones to Home... 👀
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Yeah, I didn't have them crushing on each other because I don't like writing romance stuff for characters that are not my own.. <XD
But this doesn't mean that Eddie and Frank cant have a strong platonic bond in my au! :0 One thing I imagined for their friendship is how they met/how it started.
I had this picture in my head that Frank used to butt-heads with the other neighbors a lot more than he does now. Frank had a certain way of talking and expressing himself that some of the other neighbors didn't really understand.. and since Frank can be irritable at times.. well.. I guess the best way to put it is that Frank had a hard time making friends at first..
I imagined that on a particularly bad day, where nothing seemed to be going his way.. Frank was huffing and puffing and just grumbling to himself.. attending to some chores around the house and just overall feeling down. At some point, he realized the package he ordered should be here any second now.. so he stepped outside to check the mail.
When he went outside, whaddya know! The new mailman was here right on time and putting his package in the mailbox. Well FINALLY something went right for him! That's a nice change..
I imagined Frank went out in a huff to grab the mail, not intending to chat.. but 10 minutes later and he was still stood outside talking to the new mailman.
I thought that when Frank spoke to Eddie, Eddie listened intently and waited patiently for his turn to talk without interrupting. When Eddie talked to Frank, he basically asked all the perfect questions in the perfect tone to get Frank to simmer down.
Eddie told him how beautiful his garden looked, and with his tone and bright smile, you could tell he meant it! Well that's a nice thing to say..
Frank asked how he feels about the neighborhood. And Eddies responses were relatively quick and to the point. Huh.. its nice to have no filler in this conversation considering how grumpy he was today..
Eddie makes a comment about Franks nice clothes, Frank chuckles and comments that his grumpy expression probably doesn't make them look any nicer.. Eddie is a little taken aback, "I didn't think you looked grumpy.. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down today neighbor.." Huh.. someone who doesn't just see his frown and assume he's a grump. That's a really nice change..
By the end of their conversation, Franks day had been completely flipped on its head. He had a nice chat with the new neighbor and got his mail right on time. Eddie was respectful, interested in what Frank had to say, and had plenty of genuine compliments to spare.
Since that excellent first impression on Eddie's part, their friendship would grow and grow into what it is today. Not a romantic relationship, but definitely a best friend situation for sure. :)
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A phone call? :0 Is this one I talked about happening in my at some point and forgot or was this something that happened in canon? <:0 Forgive my poor memory- today is not my day! 😅😅
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AWWWEE!! the little babeee.... 🥺🥺💞💞💞💞
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(In response to this post)
Thank you! These past few days have been pretty rough but I'm hangin in there! <:D ...
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Man I really gotta work on the story/personalities for Julies siblings <XD These ideas for them are just wonderful! Him meeting Julies brother/sisters sounds like a fun drawing idea!
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B-But.. with no return address... how am I supposed to send a thank you..? <:'(((
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It is one of my all time favorite shows.. 🥺🥺💞💞💞 I love it to bits. Stanley is my favorite character.. I watched it like twice and I would have watched it a third time but I couldn't watch it without crying so I had to quit <XDD 100/10 would recommend Gravity Falls.💞💞
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(Jangles birthday post)
Ahh don't worry, his birthday was actually on the 6th. I was late too! <XD
Also thank you! I'm glad you like the details I added! :)))))
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😔😔😔Man, it never ends. Thanks for letting me know though..
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I kind'a pictured it being similar to Sans and Papyrus. Well, if Papyrus loved puns that is- XDDD
Their personalities are kind'a opposite. Barnaby is relaxed, laid back and always cracking jokes. Howdy is always on the move (in the warmer months). Always darting from shelf, gotta stock stock stock! Gotta go go go! Got so many things to do!
Barnaby usually hangs out in the shop and chats with Howdy. They like to talk about life, their opinions on different topics. And of course exchange jokes back and fourth XDD
I imagine their friendship is strong enough that they've opened up about some darker things. About their pasts and what not..
Sorry if this wasn't super descriptive and/or didn't answer your question 😅 brain is not braining today!
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She's thought about telling someone else. The people she would trust the most would probably be Wally, Barnaby, Poppy and Sally.
Though she's afraid if she shows Wally, he'll be afraid of her. Just like all the other humans were...
She thought about telling Barnaby because he's so laid back and easy going.. perhaps he'd accept her for who she is.. but Barnaby really values honesty.. maybe he'd be upset that she lied to him about who she really is and wouldn't want to be her friend anymore..
She almost told Poppy, but backed out last second. She doesn't want to scare poor Poppy..
She's considered telling Sally.. and since Sally has a similar story to her.. maybe she'd be really understanding and accept her.. but she wasn't sure. So she never told her..
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I'd like to imagine Home does, but Wally either doesn't notice them or thinks they're just normal old house things :0
For example, the first picture in this post shows Home before Wally restored it. The peeling paint was supposed to be like rotting flesh, showing a pale red wood underneath.. bright red wood exists in their world, but its not usually that shade of red...
I thought about there occasionally being a faint blowing sound somewhere in the house. Accompanied by drawn out rise and fall in temperature though all the rooms. Wally would say the windows don't seal that well or the walls have poor insulation.. Other's would say it feels like breathing..
I've considered that when Wally tries to hang a picture, the walls leak some kind of thick fluid. Obviously meant to be blood- but I miiiight not go with that one. Since that would be a big glaring problem that would grab Wally's attention-
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Also I'm actually pretty thin on ideas for Howdy.. although I DO have these headcannons about Howdy not liking winter/the cold! :0
I imagined that Howdy can't handle the cold at all <XD In the wintertime howdy is constantly cold, hungry and sleepy. This makes him move really slowly and show up late to everything 😔Thankfully he has his good pal Barnaby to lend a hand around the shop. But it just sucks that he's so exhausted in the wintertime and can hardly get anything done..
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(In response to this post)
Thank you so much! :DD And ooooo! Yellow and black could work really well! :000
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@neo-metalscottic (Chandelure post in question)
And as for Julies sisters/brother, I actually haven't thought about them much.. BUT THIS IDEA IS SOOOO GOOD AND SPOOKY!!! U GOTTA FIND A WAY TO ADD IT TO THE AU!! :DDD
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I would like to draw that comic, but its just a huuuuuge project for me to pick up atm <XD
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Thank you so much!! :DD Although unfortunately I don't know what image you're talking about.. I don't remember seeing Eddie hurt with Wally carrying him, and I don't have any intentions for Eddie to get seriously hurt! <:0
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icypenguin · 5 months
★~ Streamer!venti headcanons!
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heyyy how’s everyone doinggg? sorry for the messy schedule by the way, i was in a writers block and can’t really figure out what you guys would like.. but i hope this is enough! so without further ado, please enjoyyyy!
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-streamer!venti who would play horror name ‘just for fun’ cuz he thinks he’s brave enough to face the fear, yet he got goosebumps just by the title screen and background music.
-streamer!venti who loves pokémon and sonic the most. he has a full collection of their funko pop figures.
-streamer!venti who’s got the famous and iconic squeal when he’s excited.
-streamer!venti who often streams with his friend in aim to complete a horror game but they ended up chatting about how unicorns are fake and their delusions on them becoming a business man...
-streamer!venti who does those kawaii neko girl dances just for fun but ended up getting viral and teased for it.
-streamer!venti who always includes you to his stream, even if it’s just you watching him or greeting chat.
-streamer!venti’s chat who has been asking since ages a go if you guys are dating and even started to make a ship page about you both.
~ small drabble ~
“CHAT CHAT CHAT HELP MEEE HELP ME WHERE- WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THE KEY- THE STUPID WAFFLELING KEY SHUTUP MONSTER SHUTUP YOU BIG POOPYHEADDDDDD” venti was screaming his lungs out by the horrors he got from the video game, not minding what could possibly happen if your neighbours have heard it. “shh venti quiet down! you’re being too loud!” you opened the door quickly to shush venti down, remembering what happened by the last time when venti screamed in the middle of the night… “oh yeah- sorry! AAAAAAA OPEN THE DOOR OPEN THE DOOR-THE KEY WONT WORK STUPID KEY STUPID STUPID STUPIDDDD” he was too focused on the screen that he even forgot what you just said. “VENTI! i told you to quiet down!” this behaviour or venti was tiring but still, you stayed with him even if you can’t have good rest. “oopsies… sorry y/n i- sighs i was so close to reaching the end!” he was now devastated since the monster succeeded to catch him and slash him in the game. both of his hands were placed on his hair as his elbows were on the table. another defeat of another game that he was on the edge to finish. you noticed what happened by his expression and felt guilt drowning your emotions. “ah- sorry.. i disturbed you, didn’t i?” you got closer to venti, patting his head in hope to cheer him up. “it’s fine y/n.. it was my fault too.. i should’ve been more careful” he looked up to see you with shimmering eyes, a mix of devastation and guilt. meanwhile you both were comforting eachother, chat was going crazy by the more-than-friends contact!
ilovegummybear456: SHIPPPPP
elgatofan1267: AWWW THEY’RE SO CUTEEE
pizzaburritoslice: OMG VENTI X Y/N CONFIRMED???
wigllyjellyyyyyies: SHIP NAME RN????
pandalover02: THEY’RE LITERALLY CUDDLING?!?!!?!?!?!
and the rest were filling the chats with love emojis… upon focusing on the screen again, you both were suddenly in a blushing mess as chat goes wild about this. neither of you were brave enough to speak so soon, but he finally did it. “so- shall we play pokémon shining pearl now?” he cleared his throat before saying and tried to move on to another topic, but chat resist and kept on spamming love emojis and teasings. “ughh guyss stop ittt! we’re just roomatessss!” he whined to make them stop while you giggled at this. “well chat, time for me to go! oh and- dinner in 30 minutes, kay?” “okie dokie!” he shot you and thumbs up and went back into his stream. now chat was teasing about you taking care of him, feeding him, cooking for him.. well, goodluck for him to escape out of this naggings!
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TYSM FOR READINGGG! hope u all liked this one! please have a nice dayy!
♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 8 months
om gosh just- alister getting into some trouble with some mean people but then, out of no where- a odd looking & powerful Zoroark (Hisuian) comes out to protect them! and they're badass! they got one eye damaged, their body is littered in scars and maybe a arm is missing? they been through some tough stuff but they see Allister as one of their children. and surely, allister has them on their team now? also, what would the other gym leaders think of his new pal?
"How does a kid like him get a gym leader position?"
"It should've been me, I have way better ghost types!"
"And he's always wearing that creepy mask. What's he hiding from us?"
Allister could feel his heart hammering in his chest every minute he was out in public. All he wanted to do was take a quiet walk through the Slumbering Weald and not draw too much attention to himself.
He really didn't want to be seen by anyone right now.
It's already been a bad enough day for him; the last thing he needed were cameras and phones being shoved into his face--he's gotten enough of that during today's interview.
He was asked how he felt about Victor/Gloria defeating him in the championship tournament, and he didn't have a solid answer. He only found himself getting upset over the whole thing again.
Even though Leon always told him to take his defeats in stride..it was still hard.
So he cut the interview short and ran away, making it clear he wanted to be alone without the company of bodyguards.
Why would he need them when he had Pokémon like Gengar? They're the only ones who really understood him. They never gave him weird looks for talking to the dead.
Yet he suddenly began to second-guess his decision, considering he now had no shelter from the comments of passerbys.
They doubted him all because he was the youngest of the gym leaders and wasn't as confident as the rest of them..and it wasn't right. They didn't know him like the others did.
He worked so hard to get to where he is now....not to be heckled and ridiculed for just being a kid.
Luckily, the Slumbering Weald was rather quiet at this hour-
"Use Thief!"
A flash of black and orange suddenly dashed in front of Allister, causing him to help as he stumbled forwards and collapsed to his knees, scraping them hard into the stone. The shock of the surprise attack led to his mask falling off and clattering to the ground.
Before he could reach for it, a Thievul snatched it up in its jaws, darting back to someone who was whistling for it.
He looked up, a hand over his face as he stared at the duo who attacked him: a teenaged trainer boring a smug grin, and their dark type by their side, holding his mask hostage.
And they weren't alone, as another trainer showed up with their Obstagoon, who took the mask from Thievul and wore it on its own face as mockery, laughing.
"You better give that back!" He cried out, horrified and angry. "Y-You two don't know..who you're messing with.."
"I think we already know." The Thievul's trainer sneered cruelly. "You're just a weak little kid. Did you know that you're the most unpopular gym leader in this week's poll?" They waved around their rotomphone
"..I-I don't care about popularity.."
"Pssh. That's a bloody lie if I've ever heard one." Obstagoon's trainer huffed. "Ya really showed your fans how selfish you actually are. Ya wouldn't stick around for autographs and just ran off...how do ya think Leon and the rest of 'em will feel when they hear about that?"
"Stop it..please." Allister begged, his hand grasping Gengar's dusk ball in preparation.
"I doubt they'd want someone like you representin' the-"
Out of nowhere, a blast of dark purplish energy careened into Theivul, causing it to slam into the nearest tree and flop to the ground like a ragdoll. Its trainer looked bewildered, confused as to where that shot came from.
Then a blur of white appeared and snatched the mask straight out of Obstagoon's hands, much to its shock as it looked all around...unable to see who it was.
But soon they all heard a spine-chilling howl, spinning their heads to find out that the source was you.
A white Zoroark standing in the fog.
Yet while you certainly looked like one, your hair was drastically different compared to the usual tied-back look of normal Zoroarks. Instead, it appeared as long shaggy wisps with red streaks waving all over the place and covering one of your eyes.
Not only that, but your whole body looked as though it's been through the toughest of battles: scars littered your torso, some patches of fur were entirely missing, and--to Allister's shock and sadness--you only had one arm. The other was nothing more than a stump.
Even so, you weren't backing down as you stalked towards him, the bullies, and their Pokémon, teeth gnashed in anticipation.
Thievul and Obstagoon both took up protective stances, ready to attack on their trainers' commands.
No commands were uttered for a few long moments, and they looked back to see the sheer horror plastered on each of the humans' faces.
"I-It's...a...a....IT'S A ZOMBIE!!!" Thievul's trainer shrieked, forcing their fox partner back into its ball. "So the rumors are true..y-you really CAN summon the dead!!"
"...huh..?" Allister blinked in immense confusion.
He didn't summon you..
"W-We were just kiddin'. You're great!! You're worthy of wearin' that ghost badge!!" The other stammered, recalling Obstagoon. "We won't bother ya..e-ever again...just...."
They took one look at you, and as you growled lowly, the two trainers screamed and ran away.
After their voices faded and Allister watched them disappear for good, he looked back up at you in wonder. No longer was he covering his face, so you could see his eyes practically sparkling.
"They were wrong." He whispered. "You're no zombie. You're...the Hisuian Zoroark I've read about."
Of course you were. He's heard about this variant from what he believed were just myths of the Hisui region that existed long before Sinnoh. From what he knew about them, and judging by your current appearance...the agony you suffered in life was also reflected in your death.
Had he not been a ghost trainer with such a unique connection to the type, he would've thought you were a zombie, too.
As your gaze pierced through his soul, he remained on the ground, feeling as though he got hit by a frozen status effect. He didn't dare to move, knowing that a Hisuian Zoroark's anger was not to be trifled with.
Perhaps you saw him as just another human to take your rage out on.
For you likely held the same grudge as all the others of your kind...
One that was bitter, eternal, and cold as the frost that took your life after you've spent all your energy and hatred in battle; your scars and lost arm were simply the products of you flinging yourself into vicious fights with humans and Pokémon alike--no self-preservation instincts to be found.
Allister had no clue what you were thinking, but as you suddenly crouched down in front of him, he flinched back, arms shielding his face in fear of what you might do.
"..wh-what..?" Uncovering his face, he was stunned to see something familiar in your grasp being handed over to him:
His own mask.
Of course. He forgot you swiped it from that mean Obstagoon earlier.
Yet he didn't take it back right away, instead looking up at you and seeing nothing but warmth in your eyes. He noticed the one covered by your hair was blind, given the milky look and the deep scar that went through it.
Despite seeing how you've suffered countless hardships, likely endured an agonizing death, and came back out of pure spite and hatred for humans...
You reached deep into your cold, dead heart and rediscovered strength and kindness--both of which you used to protect this young ghost trainer when he needed it most.
You knew he wasn't like those who exiled you.
He was a friend.
He reminded you of all your children back at home: the Zoruas who followed you in life, death, and the after..fearful of what they've become, but feeling safe when you were around.
You couldn't reach them anymore, yet you wanted to protect someone. Anyone.
And you found Allister.
A small sniffle and whimper snapped you out of your thoughts, noticing the tears rolling down the young boy's face. You frowned a little, looking down at the mask.
Was this not his?
"D-Don't worry, I'm....so happy, Z-Zoroark..thank you.." He whispered shakily, smiling as he took it back, putting it on to hide the rest of his tears. "I..d-don't know how you got here, but you saved me. You put those bullies in their place. Nobody takes me seriously as a ghost type gym leader..much less a trainer..but you do, don't you?"
"Ark-ark.." Nodding, your gaze went to the dusk ball clipped to his belt, and you tapped on it with a rugged claw.
At first, he flinched at the sudden motion, before realizing you just wanted to see the pokeball. "Oh, this? I-It's a dusk ball..a version of a pokeball that helps me catch Pokémon at night. Or in caves.." He showed it to you, allowing you to sniff it curiously-
Only to accidentally boop your nose against the button, causing it to open and capture you.
At first Allister panicked, dropping the dusk ball to the ground as he watched it shake several times, scared out of his mind.
A million thoughts were running through his head right now:
Was it going to break?
Were you going to be angry?
Did you want to be captured?
What if-
'Huh...?' Bewildered, he looked down to see that the accidental catch was successful. And he picked up the dusk ball, opening it and letting you back out, expecting you to be enraged.
Yet..you seemed content.
You looked surprised, sure, but you soon smiled upon seeing him and nodded your head.
Indeed, you wished to become his partner Pokémon.
"O-Okay..I guess you're coming with me from now on." Allister quietly laughed, brimming with joy on the inside. "But first you should meet Gengar. I think..you two will get along well."
"Zor...ark, ark!"
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tsuutarr · 3 months
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Pairing: Hop x GN! reader
Word count: 8.5K
Content: fluff, growing up, a Hop character study, kind of a fix it fic (basically I feel bad for constantly beating Hop in the game and had to write this LOL)
Summary: From a young age, Hop knew that he wanted to be the next Champion, just like his older brother. But as he goes on his journey, he's not sure what he really wants. Despite all that, though, he's grateful you're by his side.
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From a young age, Hop was introduced to a path paved of gold, lying in front of him with a polished glimmer. His older brother was the Champion of Galar! It was only right that Hop would take on that mantle, too. In fact, Hop knew he’d be even greater than his brother– he’d make sure of it. After all, that was what everyone expected of him, right?
When asked what he wanted to be when he was older, Hop confidently proclaimed that he’d be the next Champion. His statement wasn’t met with scorn because people were aware of who his brother was. Since his brother was the Champion, Hop would obviously be an excellent trainer, too. That was what everyone said, so it had to be true, right?
“So, what do you want to be when you’re older?” Hop asked you as you made flower crowns. You were  his new neighbor that moved to Postwick about a year or two ago, but with how often you played with each other, Hop felt like he has known you for years and years.
“I dunno. I think I’d like to go on a journey, though. See the world, you know?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Hop responded, watching as the wind tousled your hair. “If you wanna go on a journey, maybe you should go on a Pokémon journey! A rival would be good for me, just like Sonia and Lee.”
You blinked at him curiously. “Sonia and Lee?”
“Yeah, I guess you haven’t met them yet, huh? Lee’s – or Leon, I guess – my older brother and Sonia’s his childhood friend.”
“Wow, they are like us, then,” you laughed, placing a flower crown on Hop’s Wooloo. Seeing Wooloo bleat at you made Hop’s heart warm. There was a sense of peace whenever he was with you. Unlike the rest of Galar, you didn’t place much stock in him being the Champion’s brother. You just saw him as Hop.
Hop’s eyebrows furrowed.
When did being known as Leon’s brother bother him? He was proud to be Leon’s little brother! The Champion’s brother! But… maybe it did sting a little when that was what he was referred to as constantly. Sometimes, he felt like he didn’t have an identity outside of his brother–
“Hop?” you called, making Hop turn to you in surprise. Wooloo bleated at you, ordering you to continue brushing its fur. You laughed, but obliged anyway. “You looked lost in thought. What’s on your mind?”
“I got that Wooloo from Lee,” Hop responded, making you hum in acknowledgement.
“Wow, how lucky!”
“Yeah, lucky.” Hop knew that he was lucky. Not a lot of people had a brother like him, he knew that. But sometimes he wondered if he’d be able to reach the throne his brother sat on and live up to his brother's name. Everyone said Hop would be good, just like his brother. So he had to be. He had to–
“Hop?” you called out again, and this time, when Hop snapped out of his thoughts, he came face to face with yours, looking at him with concern.
He gulped. “Yeah, mate?”
Gently, you placed a hand on his forehead, checking his temperature. “You’re no warmer than you should be…”
“I’m fine,” he huffed, though he didn’t make any moves to remove your hand from his forehead. “I was just… thinking.”
“Be careful there,” you teased. “Don’t want to blow a fuse, eh?”
“Oi, stop that,” he grumbled without any bite. “...Are you leaving today?”
“Ah, yeah,” you nodded, finally pulling your hand away from his forehead. He kind of missed it.
“Shame, you could’ve met Lee.”
“Oh, he’s coming back today?”
“Well,” Hop huffed out a laugh. “If he doesn’t get lost, then yeah.”
“Aw, that’s a shame. I wanted to meet him.” You scratched behind Wooloo’s ear with a pout on your lips. “Send him my regards?”
“Of course I will,” Hop agreed. “And you’ll see him eventually.”
“Eventually,” you nodded, before standing up at your name being called by your mother. “Well, that's my cue.”
“See you. Have a good spring break!”
“You too, Hop!”
He didn’t know why, but he kind of wished you could’ve stayed for the spring break.
Hop’s meals with his family were always boisterous, even when his older brother wasn’t there. His family would always turn on the TV to watch Leon’s matches. Hop always loved watching Leon’s matches, but having his brother there, right beside him, was even better.
“Leon, your match was fantastic!” Hop’s mother beamed, clasping her hands together in glee. “You’re such a talented trainer.”
“Charizard and the rest of my team are the ones that deserve all the praise,” Leon said, modestly, eyeing his Pokémon lingering outside his house. His house was too small to fit his large Pokémon inside – sometimes, he envied how small Sonia’s Yamper was!
“One day I’ll have a team as awesome as yours!” Hop grinned, his Wooloo bleating next to him. “Watch out, Lee!”
Leon laughed loudly at his little brother’s eagerness. “You don’t understand how excited I am for that, Hop. I can’t wait to battle you!”
“I’m sure you’ll be as good as Lee,” Hop’s mom agreed. “After all, Leon’s already done it himself, so he can help you.”
There was a weird pang of bitterness that stung Hop at the insinuation that he couldn’t be a brilliant Pokémon trainer by himself, but he crushed it down. “I wanna earn my place,” Hop said, patting Wooloo’s head. “I’ll get to the top where Lee is without his help. That way, we can truly be equals!”
“There’s nothing wrong about asking for help, Hop,” Leon said, gently. “And besides, you don’t want the Pokémon I’ve been reserving for you?”
Hop’s eyes grew wide as Wooloo bleated in protest.
“I’m not trying to get rid of you, Wooloo!” Leon laughed, tossing the sheep Pokémon a piece of lettuce. “Just, when it’s time for you to take on the Gym Challenge, I’ve got a Pokémon for you.”
“Wow, thanks, Lee!” Hop said, eyes wide with excitement, “But I can't do the Gym Challenge for another few years.”
“Hah, I know,” Leon responded with a laugh. “It’ll come soon enough.”
Anticipation thrummed through Hop’s veins. It couldn’t come fast enough.
Now, four years later, at age sixteen, he’s sitting in a train that is leaving Postwick. It all still feels so surreal to him. He has waited for this moment – the moment he’d get to go on his own Pokémon journey – for years. Changes seem to be happening so quickly, and despite his confident demeanor, he’s still nervous. But when he sees you, he feels better, like there’s still something consistent in his life. His eyes linger away from the window, instead opting to look at you. You sit in front of him, idly watching the scenery pass by.
“Exciting, isn’t it?” you ask, suddenly turning to him. It makes him jolt in surprise, before his face eases into a grin.
“Exciting,” he agrees, feeling nervous at how your knees brush against each other. “You know, I wonder what that Pokémon was – the one we saw at Slumbering Weald.”
You hum thoughtfully, your fingers tapping against the wooden table between you two. “Whatever it is, it must be powerful. I’m glad you were there with me.”
“I couldn’t do anything, though,” Hop says, but you only shrug in response.
“Neither could I. But your presence was good enough to keep me grounded.”
“Heh.” Talking to you always eases Hop’s nerves. He wonders if you’re aware of that, but decides you probably aren’t as you shove a cookie in your mouth.
“Want one?” you offer, making Hop nod.
“Thanks, mate.”
You nod, eyes going back to the scenery outside. Hop’s eyes stay on you, though, because he wants to burn you into his memory. After all, he won’t be able to see you in a while and you’re kinda like… his good luck charm. He thinks he’ll be able to do better when he thinks of you.
With all the excitement thrumming in his veins, the events prior to arriving at Budew Drop Inn feels like a blur. Still, you both managed to sign up for the Gym Challenge, so he thinks of that as a win. He’s ready to kick back and relax, but when he sees Sonia staring at the statue in Budew Drop Inn, Hop is surprised. 
 As Sonia explains her reason for being here, Hop can’t help but be intrigued. He’s still set on being Champion, but… Sonia’s research is just fascinating. Not to mention the events that had occurred in Slumbering Weald – a part of Hop is curious if the Hero in the legends wielded a Pokémon like that.
Maybe it’s Hop’s curiosity that prompts him to say, “If we hear anything about the hero or whatnot, we’ll tell you!”
“You will? That’d be fantastic!” Sonia responds, clapping her hands together.
“Sure, I’d be happy to,” you agree, eying Hop out of the corner of your eye. Hop looks at you curiously.
“What is it?”
“You just seem really excited,” you give him an easy grin, “it’s a good thing we left for our journey, after all.”
“Well, I’ll be the new Champion, you know,” he responds, easily, but inside his heart is running laps in his chest. The implication that his happiness is why you’re so excited to be on a journey makes him feel oddly warm. He doesn’t dwell on it, though, because Sonia is shooting the two of you a cheeky look. “You better do your best to keep up, mate! A good Champion always needs a good rival.”
You nod with a laugh, “You’ll see, Hop. I’ll be the best rival the world’s ever seen.”
And a good rival you are – Hop still hasn’t been able to beat you. There’s a lingering frustration that rattles him as he withdraws his fallen Pokémon, but there’s also this sense of… freedom. Sure, losing sucked, but it was exhilarating thinking about how Pokémon can use their moves and abilities to fight.
“Good match, Hop,” you say, approaching him.
“Good match,” he agrees. “Looks like I better keep my guard up! You’re excellent at using type match ups to your advantage, you know. I didn’t realize your Pokémon had that ability, either – that was awesome to see in battle.” Hop continues his little tangent about your battle, before shifting to the Pokédex you two had obtained from Professor Magnolia. “And not to mention – did you know that Wooloo’s wool is so strong that it could roll down a cliff and not get injured? Maybe that’s why our Wooloo are so rambunctious! They don’t think they can ever get hurt.”
“Wow, no wonder that one Wooloo rolled into Slumbering Weald, then. It probably should’ve been protecting us,” you laugh, making Hop grin.
“Probably!” he crosses his arms, letting out a hum. “I’ve had Wooloo for years and I’ve never known this – I’d have probably never known if I didn’t go on this journey. It’s fascinating to know how broad our world is. Now I’m curious about how dynamaxing fits into all of this, you know? It’s such an interesting concept.”
“Yeah, it really is!”
 “Isn’t it?” Hop continues talking about his findings, spurred on by your attention. You’ve always been the sort to look at him and only him when he talks, so it's easy for Hop to talk about his newest fixation. You always listen to him when no one else does, which he appreciates. Especially since Hop isn’t really sure why, but he’s been very into researching Pokémon lately. Sure, in part it’s because researching leads to understanding Pokémon better, which leads to being a better Pokémon trainer, which then leads to helping him become a Pokémon Champion… But sometimes he’ll sit down and read pages and pages of Pokémon facts just because he finds it interesting. 
“You’ll be a fine Champion with all that knowledge,” you say, and Hop feels kind of off when he hears that statement. He’s not sure why, but he just nods.
“Yeah, I will be.”
Going on a journey is a lot more fun than Hop anticipated. It helps that he runs into you frequently and that he’s won all his gym battles so far (the grass, water, and fire badges he’s spent hours shining proving that). But what really makes him love traveling is learning. He’s found out so much and he continues to find out even more. The world is so much more vast than he ever imagined and it's all fascinating. Not to mention the fact that he’s picked up bits and pieces of knowledge to help Sonia and well…
Hop sometimes wonders if being a Champion is what he really wants. Sometimes, he’ll be so entrenched in his research that he won’t notice time slipping by. Of course, he still trains and battles and enjoys it, but there’s another form of enjoyment that comes with research.
But he’s set out to be the Champion – it’s what he’s always wanted. It’s what he thought he’d always want. It’s what everyone else expects of him as the Champion’s brother…
“The Champion really must have been off his rocker to endorse the likes of you,” Bede says, looking awfully smug as he always does. Hop has never really liked the guy.
“Rubbish. More like you don't know enough to recognize greatness when you see it. My throws are the greatest, and my bro is the finest Champion the world has ever seen! I'm not gonna listen to you insulting him!” Hop yells, readying his Poké Ball.
“How tiresome... Fine. I'll battle you over there. Maybe that will help you finally understand just how weak you are.”
The corners of Hop’s lips dip down further, displeased. “You’re on then!” Hop turns to you and motions for you to go. “Let's meet up in Hammerlocke when I'm through with him!”
You look hesitant to leave, but say, “Good luck, I’ll see you in Hammerlocke,” to Hop, before leaving.
Bede watches Hop, chin held high and pose nonchalant. “All this prattle about your friend and the Champion and whatnot... Do you not have anything of your own to show?”
Hop’s lips purse. He’ll show Bede.
The fire flickers, lighting up Hop’s face with shades of gold and amber. His Pokémon lay around him, sleeping soundly by the campfire after the battle with Bede.
There isn’t a lot to say, really. Hop lost – he lost badly.
“You’re just dragging the Champion’s name through the mud,” Bede had said, haughtily, and Hop couldn’t come up with any response because Bede was right.
“What am I supposed to do now?” he murmurs, eyes trained to the flickering fire in front of him. Leon’s always been Hop’s role model – Hop has always wanted to be Champion because that’s what Leon is. But did Hop actually want to become Champion, or was it all just because of Leon’s inspiration? Does Hop’s dream really belong to him? But even if his dream doesn’t belong to him, what else can he do…?
Is he having doubts because he has other avenues he wants to explore or is he having doubts because he lost? Is someone like him, who is dragging his brother’s name through the mud even able to become Champion?
Hop thinks and thinks, unsure of what to do. He kind of wishes he could see you – you’d be able to talk him through some things, to encourage him. But you’ve always been strong, Hop realizes. Unlike him, your dream is your own – it’s something that you’ve crafted and you’re certain of. Hop envies that. 
A bleat to his side draws his attention, his Dubwool nudging him. Hop looks over, noticing the book in his Dubwool’s mouth. 
“Ah, thanks…” he says, and Dubwool nudges him. “What, you want me to read this? To you?”
Dubwool bleats again, looking at Hop with its big eyes. Despite evolving, Dubwool’s eyes are the same as they were when it was a Wooloo.
Hop wants to say, “Not now,” but seeing his partner Pokémon’s curious look, Hop decides to oblige, settling into his warm jacket. He flips open the book, reading the various mythologies he’d been reading up on. Initially, he’d read this book to help find some information for Sonia, but the book itself fascinated Hop. While his bitter defeat still lingered in his mind, somehow, reading the book with Dubwool’s head in his lap helped make the fire in front of him feel cozier.
When he sees you again, your reunion is interrupted by some Team Yell grunts that you ceremoniously destroy in a Pokémon battle. Hop would’ve joined in, but he can’t seem to get himself to battle just yet, Poké Balls feeling heavy in his pockets.
You turn to him, “Hop–”
“Wow, you and your Pokémon were brilliant together!” he interrupts, making you blink in surprise.
“Ah, yeah, thank you…” you chew your bottom lip. “But that aside, are you okay?”
“Ah? Yeah, I’m fine as always.”
You give him a flat look, knowing his tells and when he’s lying. To be fair, Hop has always been pretty bad at lying.
“...See, Bede really wiped the floor with me the last time we battled… And don't get me wrong—I can take a loss! Battling means you've got to lose sometimes,” Hop says, though he doubts you’ve ever lost. Or that Leon has ever lost. He’s just not… good enough. “...But he said that I was dragging Lee’s good name through the mud, being so rubbish like I was… And I just can’t get those words out of my head!”
There’s a conflict in Hop – his desire to not mar Leon’s name, his doubts of who he is and what he wants, his envy towards you… It all muddles inside of him in some incomprehensible ball of self-loathing. Hop just isn’t sure what to do. He feels lost.
“...Hop,” you say, gently, “Can we… hang out for a bit?”
“Just. I feel like when we’re on this journey, we’re so busy battling and trying to get stronger that we haven’t really had time to hang out, y’know. I want to catch up, if you’re okay with it.”
At first, Hop wants to say he’s not in the mood, self-loathing clutching him like a vice, but he realizes that you’re asking to hang out because of him. You’re worried, and it’s because you care about him. The thought makes Hop’s self-loathing deteriorate slightly. “Okay, I’d like that.”
You sleep soundly beside him, cozied up in your sleeping bag. Hop can’t really seem to sleep, though. Talking to you had abated some of his worries, especially with how patient you were. You also listened to him ramble about Pokémon research again, which made him feel a lot better.
He turns, looking at your sleeping face. You’ve always been someone he treasured, but nowadays, you’re more than that. You’re someone he admires, too. Someone he envies. Someone he wants to be closer to.
Hop closes his eyes, remembering how you looked by the campfire, how your eyes lit up when you two ate your curries together. He remembers you affectionately cuddling his Dubwool as if it were still a Wooloo. He remembers you making flower crowns for all his Pokémon and even him. 
“A crown looks good on you, I think,” you said, making him huff a laugh. You bow, saying, “Your wish is my command.”
“Then I command you to eat your dinner,” he responded, grinning. You’d always find a way to make him laugh.
“Ah, is it done?” 
Of course, food was something that always drew you in, making you drop your role immediately.
“It is, now c’mon, it’ll get cold,” Hop said, “Or I’ll eat it, if you don’t want it!”
You gasped in mock horror. “Don’t you dare!”
Hop snickers at the memory, before he remembers another memory with you. Different memories of you play inside his head like a movie, lulling him to sleep, shoulders lighter than before.
After talking with you, Hop feels a little better, though his doubts still linger. When you part ways, it’s hard not to let him sink back into his negative thoughts. Still… Hop decides that he’s not going to lay there without doing anything – sure, he may not know what he wants to do exactly, but he’ll figure it out. He’ll get stronger.
So he battles and he researches and repeats the same thing over and over again. He switches out his Pokémon and experiments with different team compositions. It’s tough having to train so many Pokémon, but researching different strategies is fun. He likes learning about more Pokémon. Besides, battling… It’s fun, too. Slowly, as the wins stack up, he’s gaining a bit of confidence in himself again. He’s not sure if his strategies are working fully, but at least it seems like he’s winning consistently… Until he battles you. When he battles you, he can see that chasm that forms between your skills and it’s hard to crush the doubts that arise again.
“Good match, Hop,” you say, approaching him with an extended hand. He gives your hand a firm shake.
“Yeah, good match, mate.” He hesitates, before he inhales deeply. He’s still a mess of emotions, but you’ve always been willing to listen. Talking to you has helped him a lot before. “Before we ever started out on this journey... I remember watching Lee on the telly. He was like a bright star, so strong I could hardly bear to look right at him. But now, I can tell just how strong he really is... And what he's got that I haven't…” He looks at you, not sure what to expect – disappointment, maybe.
But instead, you look at him kindly, encouraging him to continue.
“But I’m getting stronger, too. Maybe not as fast as you, but fine. Whatever! Thanks for letting me battle you again. And here. I'll heal up your team for you, too!”
“...Yeah, thanks, Hop.”
Hop waves off your thanks, instead focusing on your Pokémon. While healing them, he says, “...I still don’t know what I want fully. It’s like I’m torn between different sides of me. I like battling because it's fun, but I also want to win. I like research, but I also want to battle. It’s odd because I thought being Champion was what mattered to me, but now I don’t know.” Hop inhales. “But what I do know is that I want to battle Leon – I want to take on my bro. But not just that; I want to beat him! And I'm going to! My mind's made up! You and me are going to have another battle once I get my Gym Badge in Circhester!”
You grin at him. “I’m looking forward to it, Hop.”
There’s still a heaviness that lingers on Hop’s shoulders, but he feels a little better now that he’s more intune with what he plans to do and wants to do. He wants to battle, he wants to improve. He wants to beat Leon and he wants to beat you. He wants to research and learn about Pokémon. He wants to do it all and while he may not be able to do it all at once, he’ll take things step by step.
When Hop sees you again, he tries to battle by following Leon’s strategies, but somehow, that still doesn’t help him win against you. He just doesn’t know what he’s doing wrong. It’s frustrating, but he’s made up his mind to research as much as he can and train as much as he can, so he’ll just have to see what works best for him. It won’t be a quick process, but Hop is motivated enough to keep going. Step by step, he’ll surely get to where he wants to be.
“I know you probably don’t want to hear this from me,” you say, softly, snapping Hop out of his thoughts. There’s a frown on your face and for the first time, Hop sees the guilt that lingers in your eyes. “But I… don’t think you should be battling like Leon. That is, I think it’s best to find out how you work best, Hop. And most importantly… You’ve ought to stop doubting yourself.”
“I saw that last move, you know. If you had just went through with your plan, you could’ve knocked my Pokémon out, but you were too focused on what you thought I might do that you doubted at the last second.” You shake your head. “Sorry, I know I’m overstepping. I’ll see you later, Hop.”
But you’ve run off before he can get a word out. Hop can’t help but stare at your retreating figure, stunned at what you’d just said to him. 
He was so focused on himself that he had never realized what you might’ve been going through. Now that he thinks about it… What is your dream, anyway?
When he sees you again, he expects stiffness, but you greet him kindly and warmly. You’ve always been supportive and friendly to him, he’s realized, regardless of his flaws. But he's also very acutely aware about how worn out you look. The best thing he can do right now is to talk to you like he always would – that somehow seems to pep you back up. It makes him smile at how much kindness you hold for him, patiently waiting for him to reach out when needed.
He wonders if he needs to wait for you to reach out when you need him, or if he can take the first step and offer you his hand first. He’s not even really sure if he can support himself, but he wants to be there for you. After all, your words from before helped puzzle pieces snap in place for him. His self doubt, his hesitation – those were holding him back. 
He realizes now that he needs a proper balance in his life of battling, researching, and having fun, but he was so focused on winning that he’d forgotten why he wanted to win in the first place. Winning to him isn’t just a sign of his competence as a battler – winning also signaled how much effort he had put into training and research.
That effort is why he liked battling so much – he would put in the work and get rewarded. And he believes he’ll continue to get rewarded if he continues to try hard. 
Of course, that doesn’t mean he can’t sit down and relax for a bit, chattering with you and Sonia about the Legendary Heroes. It’s all so interesting, and Sonia seems to agree. For the first time, seeing Sonia’s passion for her work, Hop thinks that being a professor might not be a bad idea at all.
Of course, battling is still his number one priority, so he challenges you to a battle at the Hero's Bath. You, again, wipe the floor with him, but this time, he doesn’t feel as heavy as he did before. This time, he battled like he would, not how Leon would. His strategy and battle style aren't perfect yet, but he feels like he's getting there. 
“I still can’t even beat you, my true rival… But I think I’m starting to see the light!” he says and this time, he means it.
The smile you give him at his words is brighter than any light. It draws him in and makes him want to burn that smile in his memories forever.
“I’m glad.”
Finally, as he watches Raihan’s last Pokémon go down for the count, there’s a feeling of ease that settles inside him. Hop still doesn’t have all the answers, but he feels like he’s closer than he’s ever been. As he does his best to catch up with you, he realizes that you’ve always been patiently waiting for him.
As you two ride the train to Wyndon, both of you with eight shiny badges, Hop realizes that the journey’s changed you a lot. You’re more assured, more confident. But you’ve always remained just the way you are in some ways, too. You’re kind, you’re wonderful.
“We’re finally headed for Wyndon, huh?” he says, making you look up from your book.
“Yeah.” You place a bookmark between the pages of your book, and Hop recognizes it as the Wooloo shaped one he gifted you years ago. “It’s kinda unbelievable, huh?”
“You think?” Hop says, earnestly.
You huff out a laugh. “You’re right, I guess it might not be for you. I always did think you’d make it this far.”
At your words, Hop’s heart throbs with affection. He wonders if he knows what you mean to him, what you’ve meant to him throughout this journey.
“I knew you’d get this far too, y’know,” he grins. “Sure, I reckon I’m still the favorite to win, but… You’re my true rival, mate.”
You snort. “I’m glad because I won't let someone else have that spot, y’know.”
“No one else can take it,” he says, watching as you give him a smile he’s never seen more. It’s… more bashful, a little more soft. It’s not a smile you give to your Pokémon nor is it one you give to your mom. Heck, it’s not even one you’ve given to him yet. It’s hard to explain, but the way your lips flit upwards slightly, the way your eyes crinkle – it makes him feel like time is stopping.
“Hop?” you call out, your smile turning into a look of concern.
Hop inwardly curses, embarrassed that he was caught staring. “There’s a lot I want to check out at Wyndon, actually. There’s that big tower… and the monorail… And Wyndon Stadium– it’s where the whole world’s gonna be watching us!”
You exhale softly, fingers lightly tapping against the hardcover of your book. “Nerve wracking, honestly.”
“You’ll do great!” Hop encourages. He wonders if his words will mean anything to you like your words mean to him. “You and me are gonna make our match the greatest match that ever was!”
You blink at him, before a small smile curls at your lips. “Yeah, you’re right,” you give him a grin. “You and I… We’re gonna show the entirety of Galar!”
Hop beams back at you, knowing in his gut that you two will surely make history.
Hop’s heart thuds in his chest as he watches you on the television, commanding your Pokémon with so much power that he can’t look away. You blaze so brilliantly that Hop doesn’t know how you haven’t consumed everything whole. But there’s something else he notices – something he knows no one else but him sees. The way your hand trembles, the way you close your eyes and breathe to calm yourself. Whenever you’re on the battlefield, it’s not just your Pokémon that you command, it’s your emotions.
Hop realizes that you have your own doubts, your own fears – it’s just that, unlike him, your dream is crafted by you. It wasn’t crafted like his where he wanted to be Champion because it was all he knew. It wasn’t crafted like his where it felt like his dreams were being crushed by his doubts. Instead, your dream is crafted like his new one – built slowly and lovingly over the course of his adventure. As he finds himself, his dream shifts and molds into something that grows with him. He no longer wants to be Champion because it was all he knew or because he wanted to be like his brother – no, it’s because he wants to win and prove himself. It’s because he wants to showcase that his strategies, that his research, is meaningful. 
More than anything, he wants to battle you. He wants to battle you so you can see that he finally knows what he wants – so that you can finally see that he’s no longer doubting who he is.
“After seeing the way you battled, I can’t accept any outcome besides winning this match,” Hop says, meeting you in the locker room. You grin at him, offering him a hand to shake, which he does gladly. Your warmth alights adrenaline in his blood but it also comforts him.
“I’m not going to take defeat laying down, you know,” you say, making him laugh.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
You both stare at each other, a mutual understanding passing through you two. As the intercom calls for you two, you two smile at each other, before getting to your spots to battle. As you two meet on the field with millions of eyes on the two of you, Hop is suddenly hit with the realization of just how far the two of you had come.
“I just had this sort of flashback, you know. Remember? Back when we were still in Postwick,” he says, making you huff out a laugh. 
“I’d never forget.”
He smiles, before inhaling deeply. “When we got our Pokémon from Lee that day, I never would’ve dreamed that I’d end up standing here… facing you. But I’m glad it’s you.” Before you can respond, he smacks his cheeks lightly to get himself into the proper mindset. “But it’s time I finish what I started that day… Got it? The one who’ll win is me!”
The one that wins is you. After the intense battle, the one that claims victory is you. Somehow, Hop knew this would happen. You had something about you that was similar to Leon. Yeah, he knew you’d win…
But that didn’t mean it didn’t sting when he lost.
Still… Hop watches your shoulders heave in exertion. He watches as your Pokémon runs to you, proud. He watches as the crowd cheers madly, the match you two held having a lasting impact on all that watched.
He watches and he sees the unshed tears in your eyes as yours meet his. He watches as you open your mouth to speak, but close it, teeth clenching in uncertainty of what to say. You don’t pity him – that’s not the type of person you are – but he knows you feel guilty. He knows that his dreams weigh heavy on your own shoulders. He knows, and he wishes you knew that he’ll be okay.
He wishes you could know that somehow, despite losing, he doesn’t mind. He tried his best, his Pokémon tried their best, and that’s what matters to him now. He’s not going to take this loss as him losing an opportunity to become Champion. Instead, he’ll take it as a new start where he can dedicate himself to combining his love for battling and research. He wants you to know all of this and more – so, so much more.
“Thanks, mate,” he says, approaching you. He gives your Pokémon a sitrus berry, earning a delighted purr from it. He smiles at it, before he grins at you. “I’m really glad you were the one here with me.”
“Hop… I–” you swallow the lump in your throat, your voice wobbling. He sees himself reflected in your eyes so clearly that he wonders if you see your reflection reflected in his. “I’m… glad I could battle you. You’ll always be my greatest rival, for the end of time.”
“Good,” he says. “I’m not letting anyone take that from me.” With a grin, he offers his hand for a handshake, which you just look at.
Hesitantly, you reach out. Hop shakes your hand firmly, trying to emphasize everything he wants to say with his actions. But he knows he can’t so he decides to say everything instead.
“You know, even when Sonia was saying that you and me looked like we could become heroes, I never really felt like one…” he says, “But you, mate! I think maybe you really could do all sorts of great things! Good on you and all the rest of your team!”
“I think you can do all sorts of great things, too, Hop,” you say with so much passion that it blows Hop away. Your lip wobbles as you hold his hand with both of yours. “Hop – you don’t see what I see, that much I can tell, but I want you to know that you’re amazing. Your passion, your knowledge, all of it. I’m so grateful that you’re the one that’s my rival. I could have never asked for anyone better.”
Hop is stunned into silence, unsure of what to say. But what he does know is that your words are close to bringing him to tears. He’s already decided not to doubt himself, he already knows what his real dream is, but hearing words of encouragement just makes everything in the world shine differently.
Hop wishes that he could see how you look at him. He wishes that you could see how he looks at you. 
“...Thanks, mate,” he says, voice cracking in the middle. “I– just, thanks.”
“Yeah,” your murmur softly, the guilt in your eyes clearing away slowly. You squeeze his hand and Hop wonders if you’d be willing to hold his hand forever and ever. He wonders if you’d be willing to talk to him on lazy mornings and listen to his ramblings. He wonders if you’d travel with him, camping and having Pokémon battles together. He wonders if you’d be willing to–
He thinks he’s in love with you.
Hop has little time to revel in the realization that he loves you, what with Director Rose acting odd as well as your final battle with Leon coming up. You’re the one that’s fighting, but for some reason, he’s the one that’s more nervous. Still, he decides to greet you brightly.
“All right? The big moment’s here, eh? I came just to cheer you on, you know!”
When the nervousness eases from your face, Hop doesn’t know why that makes his heart soar. “Hop,” you say, softly. “You came.”
“Yeah, ‘course I did,” he says, sitting next to you. “Mate, you feeling all right?”
“Not really,” you admit, sheepish. “It’s just… So much.”
“Yeah, it is,” Hop agrees easily, placing a kind hand on your back. He rubs soothing circles, feeling the tenseness in your back. “I’m cheering for you, you know.”
“Thank you,” you say, and Hop grins.
“Still, it’s not easy picking sides… After all, it’s the showdown between my big brother and my rival… Who should I really want to win more?”
“I’m joshing you!” he laughs. “I’ll be cheering for you, promise. After all, we did start this thing out together, way back in Postwick.”
“Yeah.” You breathe in deeply, before nodding. “Yeah, we did.”
“Yup, so you better beat Lee, you hear? If anyone can beat him, it’s you.”
“...Hop, can I ask you for something?”
“Hm?” he looks at you, feeling the nervousness roll off your shoulders.
“Can you hug me?”
Hop almost chokes in surprise, but opens his arms silently, not trusting himself to speak. He hopes you can’t hear the way his heart thuds so strongly against his chest. Oh Arceus, did he smell okay? Maybe he shouldn’t have agreed to his hug – he’s not sure what to do with himself and the nerves are about to kill him. Still, as he feels you squeeze him tightly, his embarrassment ebbs away slowly. He hugs you back, cradling you close to him.
There’s not much he can do for you, but he hopes that, at the very least, you’re aware that he’ll always stand by you. That he’ll always be there to support you.
Hop’s head is a mess. He was supposed to watch you and his brother’s battle, but Director Rose had interrupted the fight, going on about the Darkest Day or some other baloney that Hop could care less about. Currently, Hop’s more worried about his brother who has run off to stop Rose. 
“I want to help my brother,” he mutters, watching Leon leave on his Charizard. He’s feeling so useless that he’s not sure what to do. All the doubts from months ago come crashing back into him, Bede’s words ringing harshly in his ears. “I’ve got to!”
“You can help!” you encourage, tugging at his sleeve. “Let’s go, Hop!”
“That’s easy for you to say,” he snaps, frustrated. “ I can’t even manage to beat you, so what sort of help could I ever be…?”
As soon as the words leave Hop’s mouth, he freezes, knowing that he messed up.
“I mean–”
“You’re right,” you say, face perfectly neutral. “With that attitude, you can’t do anything!” Your tone is heated, “But– Leon needs you, Hop. I need you. We need to help Leon and I won’t be able to do it on my own. You might think you’re not good enough or that I can do everything on my own, but I can’t!” Your shoulders heave as you try to catch your breath, your tears wetting your cheeks. “Arceus, Hop… Can’t you see? I need you. I–”
“You’re right,” Hop says quickly, guilt settling into his brain. He tries to think back to his epiphany. He thinks back to what his real dream and goal are. He thinks back to why he wanted to battle, to why he wanted to beat you. He thinks about how you mean the world to him and that he wants you to know that he has your back like you have his. He wants you to know that he’ll always support you. 
Shame overwhelms him as his head gets clearer, his worry for his older brother being replaced with determination to help him. “You're right, I was saying rubbish. I’m sorry.”
“You were saying rubbish,” you snip, sniffling. 
Hop wipes off your tears with his thumb, saying, “Sorry.”
“If you are, you better help me.”
Hop nods at you, determined to make things right. “Let’s first start with how we can help Lee. Director Rose said something about the Darkest Day, didn’t he…?” The gears in Hop’s head turn, making him gasp as you come to the same realization. 
The statue of the hero, the tapestries, Slumbering Weald…
You and Hop nod at each other, determination settling in both of your bones.
As you two enter Slumbering Weald, Hop can’t help but remember the first time you visited the place together. Thick fog hung over the place like a shield, trying to block out any intruders that may dare to step into the holy ground. Back then, Hop was terrified. Now, though, Hop is surprised with how safe he feels with his Pokémon and you by his side.
“Ready for this?” he asks you, and you nod.
“I’ve got you and my Pokémon by my side. I’m not scared of anything.”
Your words make Hop’s heart flutter in his chest and he wants to wheeze physically at how you knock the breath out of him with your words. Instead, he says, “Going into the forest after Wooloo that day... That was the start of everything, wasn't it? A legendary beginning, really…”
“That’s true,” you nod, “and I’m glad we had such a legendary beginning.”
“I reckon whatever we're about to see will be pretty legendary itself!” he beams, “Well, let’s head in and add another page to our tale!”
His heart almost stops when you grab his hand, but he doesn’t say anything in fear that you’ll pull away. Instead, he squeezes your hand back.
Hop feels like he’s going to die. Everything before this moment, finding the rusted sword and shield, going up the Energy Plant, reaching the Tower summit… all of it feels like a blur, hazy in his mind as he stares at the beast in front of him. Leon does his best to hold his own, but the new Pokémon – Eternatus – is too strong. 
But he can’t give up here. He wants to protect Galar, his mom, Leon, and you. He’s put in so much effort to be strong. He’s put in so much effort to find out what he really wants. You’ve put in so much effort to get this far. You’ve put in so much effort to pull him out of his own doubts.
Yeah. He’s not going to let the Darkest Day come. There’s no way.
With a deep breath, he stands up, extending a hand to you. “All right. Let’s take it on together!”
“Gladly!” you say, grasping his hand to stand up yourself. You two stand side by side, rusted sword and shield in your hands, looking like the heroes from the tales of old.
After all that excitement, Hop’s not really sure how things will return to normalcy, but they do. After dinner with his family, he’s reading in his bedroom, Dubwool resting its head on his lap. There’s a knock at his door, causing Hop to look up in curiosity.
“Come in,” he says, and the door opens to reveal his older brother.
“Hey, Hop,” Leon says, closing the door behind him. “Got your nose in a book, eh?”
“Yeah,” Hop says, putting his book down as Leon makes his way over. “...How are you feeling, Lee?”
“Ah?” Leon looks surprised, before he laughs. “Fair question. I’m not entirely sure. I’m kind of frustrated, I think, but… I also feel exhilarated. Your friend truly battles like no other.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Hop says, feeling a sense of happiness at Leon acknowledging you. Yeah, you are strong.
“...How about you, Hop? Feeling all right?”
“Yeah!” Hop responds, genuinely feeling lighter than before, like another pathway has opened up for him. “It’s kind of like a new path has opened up for me, you know?”
“Hah, I get that!” Leon claps his hand on Hop’s back, bellowing out a loud laugh. When Hop looks into Leon’s eyes, he can see the pride his older brother carries for him. “Look at my brother – strong and smart. I’d have expected nothing less.” With a grin, Leon musses up Hop’s hair, making Hop laugh as he tries to get out of his older brother’s headlock.
“You messed up my hair, Lee!”
“Sorry, sorry,” Leon says, letting Hop go. “...But seriously. I’m glad you seem to know what you want to do. I have things I want to do that I’m no longer Champion, too. Looks like we’ll both be busy.”
“Yup, sounds like it!”
Leon grins, before stretching and falling back on Hop’s bed. “Man! Time sure flies quickly, huh? I feel like it was only yesterday that I was losing battles and getting helped as a child.”
Hop blinks, looking at Leon curiously. “You… Lost battles before?”
“Yeah, when I was starting out.” Leon lets out a small hum in thought. “I also refused to get help because I was kind of overconfident, too. Once I started getting help from people like Master Mustard, though, well… I guess I kind of unlocked a hidden potential in me and I stopped losing. Well, until now, that is.”
“Oh,” Hop says, looking surprised. His older brother, who he thought was the pinnacle of strength, had struggled too. His brother needed help, too. His brother is human, too. “...Thanks, Lee,” Hop decides to say, finally.
Leon lays on Hop’s bed for a few more beats, before he tackles Hop into another headlock, making Hop’s hair even messier than before.
“Hey!” Hop laughs, pushing Leon off of him.
“I’m proud of you, Hop,” Leon says, once Hop escapes the headlock. “I hope you know that.”
Without missing a beat, Hop responds with, “Yeah, I know.”
The next day, Hop finds himself back in Slumbering Weald, taking in the mystical atmosphere. He looks at how the trees reflect against the lake, clear and bright. 
“Hop?” At your voice, Hop turns around, looking at you curiously.
“Huh? What’re you doing out here in the woods?”
“Well… I just felt like something was calling me here, I guess?” you say. “And it’s quiet.”
“Hah, yeah, I guess it must be loud around you, huh?” Hop pauses, looking at the lake that’s as clear as his heart. “Congrats on the Championship, by the way! You’re amazing, I hope you know that.”
“Thank you,” you say, eyes trained on the lake before you. You watch as leaves leave ripples on the surface of the water.
“I should be thanking you,” Hop responds, making you turn to him curiously. “I… Have something to confess.”
“What is it?”
“I actually stopped wanting to be Champion a while ago.” Hop put up a hand. “Wait, let me rephrase – it was more like… I found out that becoming Champion wasn’t my end goal. Sure, it’d have been nice to be Champion, but more than that, I wanted to win and be strong. Being Champion would just signify my strength.” Hop skips a flat stone across the lake, causing ripples to form. “I also realized that while I loved battling, I loved research, too. The stuff Sonia’s doing? It fascinates me.”
He looks at you, and you look at him, patiently waiting for him to continue.
“...The reason I was able to find myself and stop doubting myself so much is because of you.” His voice is so quiet that he doubts you heard him. But the softness in your eyes tell him otherwise. “So, yeah, thank you.”
“You’re so silly, Hop,” you laugh. “You’re the one that’s done that, you know? Sure, maybe I gave you a push here and there, but you’re the one who discovered all of this. You’re the one who decided to take the steps to meet your goals. You’re– you’re amazing, you know that?”
Hop wonders briefly how you can make him love you even more than he already does. He wonders briefly if he’s loved you long before he even realized it because how could he not? He briefly wonders, but then he realizes he doesn’t care because he loves you now and that’s what matters to him.
“I have one more confession,” he says. He can feel his heart about to jump out of his throat but he feels like his heart will stop entirely if he doesn’t tell you his feelings. “I like you. I’ve liked you for a while now, actually. I know I can be a pain sometimes, and I’m not trying to force my feelings on you, but if you’re okay with it, can you give me a chance?” Hop’s eyes are closed during his confession, scared of what expression you’ll have on your face.
When you’re silent, he feels himself sweat, unsure of what to do with himself. Taking a chance, he cracks an eye open to at least assess what expression you might have on your face. What Hop sees takes his breath away – you, underneath the dappled sunlight, the wind in your hair. You, with a bright smile, all the affection you can muster in your eyes. You, who is looking at him with so much emotion that he’s not sure what to do with it all.
“I’ll give you as many chances as you want,” you say, reaching out to grab his hands. “So, will you give me a chance?”
“Arceus, yes,” he laughs, relief flooding the adrenaline out of his veins. Arceus, he loves you. He really, really loves you. And with the way you look at him he can tell you love him too.
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shiny-kaibernyte · 8 months
Hi hi!!! The last request you did for me was amazing!!! 🤩🤩
This time I’m asking for Kieran with a sweet trainer that trains fire types? Maybe their ace happens to be a Delphox? 👀 (Doesn’t have to be ofc 😅)
I freaking love this idea. I do hope you don't mind I used a Chandelure as the ace instead. Its my third favourite Pokémon plus I may or may not have a personal grudge against the fox... it has wronged me in many ways. This is no where near my best work and I must admit I wasn't to happy with it. But at the end of the day I do hope you at least tolerate it
A Sweet Ember | Kieran x Reader (Fire specialist)
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet Indigo Disk DLC Spoilers ahead!
After a bug type trainer got a little to aggressive with his words, Kieran almost got physical himself. But with your convincing, Kieran stood down and got to watch his little flame burn this trainer to a crisp.
Warnings: Small argument, Minor threats. Fluff
SPOILER WARNING: Spoilers for The Indigo Disk Ending
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Ever since the journey to Area Zero, Kieran had been trying his best recently to undo the mistakes of his past. Many had been understanding of his passions, sharing the same drive to be stronger. Although there were the odd few who saw Kieran’s methods too brutal and unruly to forgive. He’d been able to sway many in his favour, using gifts and apologies when possible. Though you made it especially easy; having such a calming presence and welcoming smile, you were the main reason Kieran was even able to gain anyone's favour. And he was eternally grateful to call you his. Without you, he never would have gotten to this point. But even you couldn’t sway everyone. “Don’t take it to heart, Kieran! I'm sure they still need time to come around…” You pleaded, resting your hand on Kieran’s shoulder, feeling it sink down in defeat.
“What’s the point? No matter what I say, this kid won’t listen to a word! It's hopeless…” Kieran’s voice was laced with doubt and quilt. After listening to him argue back and forth with this bug type trainer, it would seem Kieran was especially harsh to him.
“Why not let me talk to him? Maybe I can convince him to listen to you.” With a gentle smile you move to stand in front of your boyfriend, resting your hand on his cheek so he’d look at you, a light peep coming from your bag, as your Litwick popped its adorable little face out to encourage Kieran.
His doubt washed away when he saw your smile, returning it in kind as he took the hand on his cheek into his. “You're right… you always were better with words than me. But I'm coming with you… with how he was talking to me, I will not stand for him treating you that way!”
“You’re adorable, you know that.” Kissing his cheek, your smile only brightens at the sight of his flushed face. “Alright, you can come, but please stand just out of sight. I don’t think Buggy would be too keen to talk with me if he saw you there…”
“Right! I’ll stay out of sight, but if he says anything hurtful to you, I'm stepping in!” His determination was hard to ignore, so with a sweet chuckle you took his hand, dragging him off in the direction that bug trainer had run off in, your Litwick waving its tiny arms in excitement.
It didn’t take long to find your Buggy friend, he’d run off towards the School entrance. You’d spotted him battling a Doduo just outside the gate; and Kieran had spotted the perfect hiding spot too. With a quick squeak, Kieran let go of your hand and sneaked his way over to his new hiding spot, his years of hiding behind Carmen paying off. As soon as he was out of direct line of sight, you quickly made your own way over to this trainer, a warm smile on your face.
“Excuse me, I'm really sorry to disturb you but, could you spare a moment? I wanted to ask you something!” You question, tapping the trainer's shoulder lightly, making sure the fight he was having with the Doduo was over.
Spinning on his heel, Buggy stared down at you for a moment, he was a bit taller than you, so his presence was slightly looming as he stood proud, his arms crossed expectantly. “Well, ask away. Must be important if you're bothering me during my training.”
“Again, I am sorry about this, but I just wanted to ask what you thought about the Kieran news? How he’s trying to amend his mistakes. I'm sure you must have heard what everyone's been saying.” trying to be as unsuspecting as possible, you clasp your hands in front of you, continuing on your point. “I happened to notice you turning Kieran down earlier, and I was curious as to what caused you to do so? The fight seemed pretty heated.”
Raising his eyebrow, the boy only stared harder into you. “Strange thing to ask someone, what's it to ya? Is he a friend of yours? If so, I would steer clear, don’t buy into these ‘he’s changed’ rumours. He is a no good pain in my behind and after how he treated me. I'm not giving him the kind of day!”
“No, no, he isn’t a friend per say… Anyway, that's not important. Why not just hear him out? After all, these are just rumours, and you can't prove anything until you hear his side?” With an almost begging look in your eyes, you try to reason with him again, but all you got was a scowl and a judgmental gaze.
“Arceus you’re annoyingly persistent. Take a hint will ya, I ain’t interested in what that no good brat of a champion has to say. Or you for that matter. So buzz off!” He waved his hand at you, almost smacking you in the face if you hadn’t stepped back, your Litwick now cowering inside your bag now, before it had been intently watching the conversation, curiously waiting for every response.
Kieran suddenly appeared in front of you, startling the both of you. How he got to them from his hiding spot without being noticed; you’ll never know, but now wasn’t the time to think of that. Instead, your full attention was drawn to his face. Rage filled Kieran’s eyes, his Hydrapple's pokeball clutched in one of his hands, the other balled in a fist. Seems any hope he had of reasoning peacefully was gone the moment he got a bit too feisty with you. “Keep your hands away from them!”
“Kieran no!” You quickly scurry your way in front of him, placing both hands on his shoulders, trying to push him away. His glare never once leaves the trainer behind you.
“Hmph, shoulda figured you were his, the way you were questionin me an all… Shame the almighty champion has fallen this far from grace he has to call in his sweet little Litten to talk to me.” The boy mocked, poking your shoulder at the Litten part.
“Well, this ‘Litten’ has claws. So please don’t touch me unless you want to get burned!” You snap, wafting his hand away from you, still trying to hold back Kieran from out right punching him.
“ OOO seems little cupcake here's got a bite after all. Alright, tell you what! If you beat me in a 4v4 battle, I'll hear pretty boy out. Sounds fair?” He questioned, leaning back expectantly.
With a bright smile, you nod, clapping slightly as you speak. “Sounds like a fair deal! I’ll meet you at the arena then”
“Oh no, we're doing it right here, right now. Heal up and meet me by that rock over there. Hurry it up, will you? I'm not a patient guy.” Buggy stated. Taking a few steps away from you, leaning on the rock he had pointed out. You had no need to heal as you rarely engaged in battles, so you simply took a few paces away so there was plenty of room to battle.
“Destroy Him will you, love!?” Kieran demanded, placing his hand on his cheek, the burning fire in his eyes returned in yours. All you did was nod before Kieran placed a gentle kiss to your lips, moving behind you to watch you destroy this Insect of a trainer.
Your opponent started out with the best case scenario, a Scizor, a Pokémon with a four times weakness to fire. So without a second thought, you send out your most trusted Pokémon. Your Chandelure, a Pokémon you had raised since you were a little kid. Seems your Chandelure was feeling the same burning drive you were as its flames burned brighter than ever before. You could see this trainer visibly gulp once he had noticed your specialty, the red tones of your clothing and the very obvious Litwick in your bag, seemingly not enough of a hint, though your sweet personality and giving nature tended to accompany the burning passions most would see from a fire specialist. 
You didn’t even need to bring the rest of your team out, as one by one, your Chandelure KO’d every single one of this trainer's team, you almost felt bad for the rest of your team missing out on this fiery display. Any sign of that cute persona you had was gone, replaced by a boiling hot drive. The flame in your eyes pushing your point across more with each attack you landed. And as soon as his final Pokémon fell, you claimed victory.
Refusing any money or BB points Buggy tried to give you, instead pushing him and Kieran closer together, demanding the pair talk this out and at least come to some form of mutual understanding. Good or bad, they were going to talk it out and your team was going to make sure that happens.
Chandelure floated behind you, eating a spicy berry you’d given it as a reward. Your Blazikin standing behind Kieran, and your Ninetales standing behind the Pest. Your little Litwick poking its eyes over the crease of your bag, watching the silent stare down unfold. Though the Pokémon swayed the pair from leaving, it didn’t exactly start them talking, the silence was burning your ears. This was going to be a long night.
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zebracorn-chan · 7 months
Now that's Miku Day I feel like I can say this: I'm happy people stopped thinking what Miku can and can't be because of her canon info, and on the contrary realized she can be anything you and others want her to be.
Project Sekai was probably the first "in-your-face" example, as there are present multiple Miku who have different looks and personality.
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Another great example of this is Deco*27, not just because Miku has a different look in any of his songs, but also because he created comics where all his Miku interact with each other as separated characters, made two versions of his Miku 3D model and his song Manequin literally showcase what Miku is, an empty vessel everyone can interpret as they want.
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And how can we forget the Project VOLTAGE, the official crossover between Miku and Pokémon where all the 18 types got their own Miku who is completely unique and unrelated to the others.
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Yes guys what I'm saying is that Miku is Barbie:
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Pointless to say this applies to any Vocaloid and other voice synthesizer character, hope this helps.
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This is all for now, have a nice rest of your day/night and remember to stay hydrated! 🦓🦄💖💫✨
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Related to my previous post, here are my headcanons for the pokémon teams the kings would have (feel free to add your own)
* Annihilape (A pokémon so angry it died and rage brought it back to life.)
*Tinkaton (Smol and filled with rage, also, very cute.)
*Tyranitar (Idk vibes)
*Hisuian Zeraora (they have the same hair. Also both of them are angry that their people are dying)
*Gholdengo (It's a setient pile of gold)
*Corviknight (It's huge, 250cm, bro that's gigantic. Also, made out of metal which could be gold, why not?)
*Metagross (Tartaros has the best tech in hell, so it makes sense Mammon would have a robot. Bonus points since its shiny has a golden X on its face. Bonus bonus points for Metagross' attack animation)
*Archaludon (Again, made out of metal, but it also has a rivalry with Tyranitar which I think it's pretty cute.)
*Milotic (They're the same person)
*Gyarados (Did you know that Leviathan also referes to big sea monsters? You did? Bummer.)
*Marowak (Both are orphans)
*Vaporeon (I just think they would be friends)
*Beedrill (It's a bee, nothing more than that really)
*Slurpuff (Slurpuff has the best smell out of any pokémon, and it's also an ugly dog. And we know that Beelzebub likes ugly dogs sorry not sorry Naberius stans)
*Alcremie (Makes stuff sweeter, who wouldn't want that?)
*Alolan Muk (1st of all, foreign, 2nd of all, it eats garbage. If Beelzebub fucks up his cooking he just gives it to Muk)
*Giratina (Omg, the fallen angel gets the fall from grace pokémon, who would have thought)
*Togekiss (It evolves with friendship and it likes friends and I just want Lucifer to have a support system. Also, a lot of people think that Togepi is a Gen 1 pokémon because of the anime so that would make it kind of a misfit. Perfect for Paradise Lost)
*Melmetal (Nobody really knows what generation to put Meltal and Melmetal in, so, again, into Paradise Lost they go)
*Shedinja (It's dead and it has a halo, I rest my cast)
*Gardevoir (My fav pokémon for my fav character)
Bonus: Some of my favourite nobles with some of my favourite pokémon
*Ceruledge (He orders the dead around, Ceruledge is a ghost, do you see my vision?)
*Armarouge (They're both knights, it makes sense)
*Aegislash (King's Shield, cause Valerof protects Mammon and Mammon is the King so Valerof is the King's shield.)
*Sylveon (Ribbons)
*Mawile (I think Mawile is extremely cute, and I always train my ORAS Mawiles to perform well in cuteness contests)
*Cutiefly (It's cute)
*Drampa (Old chinese-esc dragon. Would probably call it pee-paw and it would be one of his greatest friends)
*Altaria (They are both extremely cuddly)
*Bagon (Small dragon baby that wants to learn how to fly.)
*Ninetales (it sets up the sun)
That's all I have for now, would maybe update later
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oneslimybastard · 4 months
Ghetsis facts:
>At least two grunts are scared of him (musharna being able to spook them off with visions of being scolded by Ghetsis)
>His speeches does in fact convince some people to release their pokémon or at least second-guess their view on the trainer-pokémon relationship
>Tells the grunts to give Bianca's Munna back
>Persuasive enough to essentially wiggle some of his Guys out of arrest in Driftveil, even if Clay does it reluctantly
>Knows Reshiram and Zekrom would not fuck with him so he picks up a miracle child from the forest to do it for him instead. Raises said child kind of like his own but also kind of not, there's a deliberate distance put between them
>Did make this wonderchild who can speak to pokémon and are clearly very empathetic towards them hang out with pokémon who had been mistreated for the purpose of instilling an ideology in him.
>Randomly has 3 ninjas who are just ride or die until the end of time for some reason
>Lots of team plasma is ride or die for him actually, otherwise Neo Team Plasma wouldn't have been a thing
>He rubs the death of Alder's partner pokémon in the mans face. All cheeky beaky like. Because he can.
>He will tell the teenager his Adopted I Swear Not Related Promise son is fixated on as a rival all about how he basically groomed say son into doing all of this dragon bullshit while having them cornered on a bridge. Then just casually walks off. His ninjas are there too.
>Will also happily tell said teenager they probably aren't that special or chosen or whatever, lol lmao, seems like ur dragon haven't woken up yet, dw maybe it will, lol.
>Cannot take an L to save his fucking life. Will lash out at everything and everyone around him and build a stupid airship with a stupid laser powered by the crinkly old grandpa of the dragon trio and do a terrorism before taking an L
>Refers to himself as being PERFECT while inhaling massive amounts of copium
>Needs a cane in bw2 and is only ever seen using one of his hands, so probably physically disabled to some degree
>Strong enough to jam the butt of that cane into the solid frozen earth of a cave. Probably just kind of a visual metaphor for him being threatening but also Hear Me Out What If He's Fucking Built-
>N is ride or die for him enough to still try and get through to him during the bw2 climax despite having been utilized as a silly little pawn yet again. This does not work, because as previously mentioned, man just cannot take that L
>When faced with literally no other option but to take an L, he passes out. His ninja squad punctuates this with him probably not being a threat anymore.
Ghetsis interpertation:
I think all of these things weave together into just a very fascinating person when you look at them a little deeper. Someone who's clearly charismatic enough to acquire that much loyalty, love, and fear — but also not equipped to handle the shame of failure in the god damn slightest. When threatened he devolves from a calculated cult leader above it all to a snarling animal fighting for its life, because he's probably rotted away behind a mask of perfectionism for years rather than done any significant growth as a person. He's clearly intelligent, probably highly emotionally intelligent because if he wasn't he wouldn't be able to pull this shit, but all of that shatters and breaks and splinters with one (1) crucial failure. He tries to recuperate but can't, the survival instinct is breathing down his neck because to him the shame of being a human like the rest of them rather than the perfect ideal he's been forging is scarier than anything that could actually physically kill him. He blames N, he blames MC, Colress, just about anyone and anything that doesn't end up pointing back to his own shortcomings.
And still! N probably loves him! And it's probably genuine! He wants to connect with him and breach that gap and give him ibuprofen because even if he's shown himself to be cringe, that's still his father, which is something he values enough to try and hold on to. And the ninja guys remain ride or die, so there's clearly something to him other than schemes and trickery, something genuine and beautiful that might not in practice be worth fighting for but it sure feels like it.
A beautiful man who's warped himself into a demon because he couldn't stand his own humanity because he's probably autistic and traumatized from his undefined childhood, and when he's beat down, rather than taking that L at long last, he'll curl up in his little cage, continue to snarl and tell himself over and over that this is what he is. What he will always be. He couldn't become god so he resigns to dying a devil. Because even still, that is preferable to him over taking that L, admitting to himself he is just a little guy like other little guys with problems he couldn't cope with, and that it caused hurt and destruction.
Devils don't feel regret or shame, humans do. And he'd have a loooot of that to chug through if he decided to face it. So he won't.
which is just very sexy and milfy and babygirl of him i think. this is my "why ghetsis is like so sexy actually" manifesto, without even tapping into the juice that is him going "nuh-uh" over his own dang disabilities but that too ties into how he can't cope with his own imperfect humanity so u know. Also that he's just kinda sassy and petty. Amazing. 10/10 best written character not in the games but in my brain.
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pedropascallme · 8 months
I adore ur professor Haas series I was wondering if you could do one where he has a lot of work to do so he makes u cockwarm, but eventually gives into ur pleads 🙈🙈🙈🙈 thank you!!!!
Fatal Distraction
Pairing: professor!Damien x f!Reader
Summary: "Wearing an old Pokémon shirt you had found in his dresser, you found your way to his office and felt yourself blush at the sight; it almost made you laugh out loud, the fact that, even after he had ravished you the way he did time and time again, there was still something about the way his jaw tensed, how his hair fell over his eyes in a way that hid the top half of his glasses, the motion of his eyes as they scanned the papers he read, that made you go red with a sort of schoolgirl embarrassment. Part of you seemed to still be worried you’d get caught staring at your hot professor."
Warnings: SMUT (18+ MINORS DNI) implied age gap (Damien is his actual current age, reader is 20-22), student/teacher relationship, dom/sub dynamics, p in v sex, praise, dirty talk, very mild degradation (use of the word slut), spanking, thigh man Damien makes a brief appearance again, If I missed anything please let me know!
AN: Guys you know how I love soft!dom Damien but this is...this might be full on dom Damien...and I apologize for nothing!
Maybe there was a scientific word for it, a phrase that explained why you derived so much pleasure from watching him squirm at the way you teased him before he gave in and took control. Schadenfreude didn’t begin to cover it, but you knew that’s what he would say if you told him about the inner workings of your mind.
To be fair, he had to put that German degree to use somehow.
You could hear Damien in his office from down the hall, papers flitting, followed by an audible sigh; giving assignments wasn’t fun, per se, but at least he knew his students would be able to learn something from them—even if they happened to cheat somehow, trying to circumvent the required readings or zoning out while he lectured new concepts in class, they still had to figure out a way to make it seem like they knew what they were talking about. But grading had to be the epitome of tedium. He’d figured that, at this point in his career, he would’ve figured out a way to make the time pass faster, find a method that made it less drawn out.
That still hadn’t happened, and he’d started to come to terms with the fact that it likely never would.
Your weekend liaisons at the home of your professor had become more frequent; your toothbrush sat next to his in the bathroom, you kept your skincare products stacked neatly in the corner of the bedroom you had laid claim to, and you had an assigned side of the bed (left, because it was closer to the phone charger). It didn’t bother you that he had to get up early to finish grading most days, given that you had him all to yourself for the rest of the day (and for most of the night,) but today you felt…devious.
It wasn’t your fault that you still had an ache between your legs; sure, part of it was enduring soreness from the previous night, a memory of the way he had caged you beneath him and coaxed orgasm after orgasm from you while his hips snapped desperately against you—but mostly it was simply because you were in his presence, surrounded by the scent of his body wash, and the smell of old books that seemed to linger in the air of the apartment, mingling to create something so perfectly Damien.
It was just him, that’s what did it for you. Him.
Wearing an old Pokémon shirt you had found in his dresser, you found your way to his office and felt yourself blush at the sight; it almost made you laugh out loud, the fact that, even after he had ravished you the way he did time and time again, there was still something about the way his jaw tensed, how his hair fell over his face to hide the top half of his glasses, the motion of his eyes as they scanned the papers he read, that made you go red with a sort of schoolgirl embarrassment. Part of you seemed to still be worried you’d get caught staring at your hot professor.
“Busy?” You came up behind him, dropping a hand over his chest and stooping down to where he sat to place soft kisses on his neck. You always appreciated when he wore his white undershirts around the house; his skin exposed to you, warm and welcoming, and the silhouette they created was magnificent.
“Yeah,” it came out a near-whine as he leaned back into you, raising his head to offer you more access to the flesh you were sucking on and creating the opportunity for you to trace a path down his collar bones with the hand not stabilizing you on his chest. “I feel like it's all just blurring together, though. I need to stop grading on minimal sleep.”
“Is this you kicking me out?” You quipped, and you felt one of his hands come up to root itself in your hair.
“Never,” he pulled you up for a brief kiss before he let out another sigh. “I’m sorry I’m so busy all the time—I know you say you don’t care, but—”
“I don’t care.” You cut him off, placing a kiss just under his ear, circling his pulse-point with your lips.
“I know! But…I don’t want you to get bored—or think I’m boring, or, or think that this is me pulling back, or something…”
Now you did laugh, letting the sound catch in his skin where your head rested. “You’re working yourself up, Professor,” you felt him breathe deep at the use of the title, “I know how interested you are in me.” You moved from your spot behind him, carefully placing yourself in front of him before straddling his lap, “And I’m just as interested in you. Promise.” You grabbed his hand, lowering it to your naked core and letting his fingers ghost the slick that still coated your lower half from your previous romp. You bent yourself forward to kiss his pulse point again, “I don’t think you’re boring in the slightest.”
Damien’s head fell back against the chair he sat on, trying desperately to keep his composure. “God, don’t do this to me now, baby,” his fingers moved to trace circles on your clit, and you couldn’t tell which experience was best—the way his stiffening, clothed cock felt under your weight, or the way his hands felt on your cunt, or the way he was so quickly falling victim to your teasing, practically squirming in his seat and incapable of tearing his gaze from you. “Never gonna finish grading…”
“I can go if you want,” you taunted, beginning to stand before his hands found your waist and pulled you back down to him, “I mean, if you aren’t interested…”
“You’re an incredibly persuasive distraction.” His jaw clenched and you knew he could feel how wet you were now, even through his sweatpants.
“I’ll go, since you want me to stop,” you tilted your head down at him, “let you finish all that work you have to do. I can take care of myself, you know.”
He inhaled sharply, and you watched his face turn from playful to stern; eyebrows creasing, and only a faint smirk on his lips. “You’re going to let me finish my work,” he wrapped an arm around your waist, “but you’re not going anywhere.”
You didn’t anticipate his next move, too focused on how handsome he looked when the lust finally overtook his eyes; he worked quickly to pull his sweatpants down just enough to release his cock, then hoisted you higher, before letting you sink down onto him. He gritted his teeth when he felt himself against your entrance, the pleasure heightened by your startled moans of approval before you took him fully. He closed his eyes so as not to give away the intense satisfaction you were providing him—he couldn’t just reward you for purposely trying to sidetrack him from work that had a deadline.
You whimpered, arms wrapped around his neck, wiggling your hips in an attempt to get him to do something that would give you some relief, and let you enjoy how full he made you feel.
“Don’t move—look at me, ok?—don’t move.” He caressed your cheek and a confusing mixture of disappointment and lust settled into your stomach: the perfect recipe for desire. “You wanna distract me so bad? I’m using you to the fullest extent, then.” His voice was barely above a whisper, his words coming out thoughtful and calm, and you felt yourself clench around him; you were so desperate, fueled by his dominance. “You’re gonna be good for me, right?” He raised an eyebrow and you nodded fervently.
“Yeah—yes, sir, I’ll be good. I’ll be so good for you.” You found solace in the crook of his neck, trying not to squirm despite the way your body screamed at you to move.
“My good girl.” He squeezed your thigh, rubbing circles on the flesh with his palm and kneading it occasionally. He picked up his grading where he left off.
You thought maybe you could get through this. You had brought it on yourself, in all fairness, and you did love the way he took control, but the more animalistic part of your brain was hungry, yearning for him to take control in a more depraved manner—the kind that made you see stars and scream his name into the bedsheets.
He leaned forward to pick something up from his desk, and your patience completely dissipated when you felt the muscles of his stomach tense against you and the tip of his cock nestle deeper into your dripping hole, brushing a spot inside of you that he just had to know would make you abandon your promise to be good.
You let out a shrill whine, your hands finding his shoulder blades and pulling him into you. “Please,” you pushed your face deeper into the skin of his neck, “Please, I need it.”
“Need what?” He settled properly back into his seat again, still focused on the assignment he had in his hand.
“I need it—you. Please? Fuck me, it hurts, I need you.” You begged, trying to squeeze your thighs around his waist in an attempt to supply yourself some friction.
“Thought you liked when it hurt?” Was all he said, deadpan, brushing off your appeals—though his cock throbbed at the way you clenched around him, and he’d be lying if he said he cared about the paper he was trying to grade.
His response only drew more whimpers; pleading moans fell from your lips as you tried to hold onto the shred of hope that if you remained good, stayed still, he would fuck you like you needed to be fucked. But that hope was enveloped quickly by the feeling of his hand moving up your thigh and over the curve of your ass, kneading the flesh gently before spanking you once.
“You think maybe you should apologize for distracting me?” He growled, “Apologize for acting so needy after you promised to be a good girl?” He spanked you again, harder this time, and you couldn’t help the way your hips lurched forward, or the way your breath caught in your throat when you cried out.
Damien straightened in his chair, looking up at you, like he was worshipping at the shrine of your body. When you looked down at him, he reached his hand up to brush his thumb over the upper part of your cheek, wiping the exasperated tears that had fallen from your eyes.
“Think you should apologize for acting like a slut?” Again, his words came out so calm, so collected. Maybe that's what did it, the way he managed to stay domineering with such ease, or it could’ve been the fact that he had never called you that before, despite his moaned assent when you referred to yourself that way when he fucked you nice and rough. It might have just been the fact that he was presenting you with such a perfect window of opportunity, with his gaze locked in yours the way it was, after nearly an hour of wishing and waiting.
Whatever it was, your restraint had officially snapped, and you practically dove into him, finding his mouth with your own and pulling him into a messy kiss; drool threatened to spill over your lower lip, and your top teeth occasionally met his, but neither of you cared—you’d waited long enough.
“I’m sorry,” you managed to breathe between heated kisses, “I’m sorry for being a slut—I’m sorry, I won’t distract you again, sir, I’m sorry—” Before he cut you off with another kiss, his fingers weaving through your hair as he pulled your face as close as he could. His other arm wrapped around your waist, and he began to push his hips up into you with zero hesitation. You gasped against his mouth, giving him the perfect opportunity to let his tongue dip between your lips and lick into you.
“You’re so,” he kissed you again, “fucking,” then on your neck, “perfect,” and on your collar, bottom lip just barely grazing the old shirt you still had on. “Perfect girl—god, that’s it.” He stuttered when you bounced back onto him, finding a rhythm with each other and getting rid of the pent up need that coursed through the both of you. He reached a hand under your shirt and squeezed your breast, fingers circling your nipple before he rolled it in his thumb and index finger, quick to notice the way you pushed your chest into him and cried out for more, more, more.
He was unrelenting; even in a position where you had so much control, hands planted on his chest and body above him, he managed to flip the script and put you in your place, dominating you to the point where you were malleable and helpless.
“Feels so good, I—Damien!” You threw your head back at the feeling of his cock pushing your limits, the stretch of your cunt and the burn of your thighs rivaled by the way his deep thrusts pushed the head of his cock against your cervix.
“Yeah? Like that, baby?” He lifted you slightly, giving him more space to move his hips at the rough pace he had set and admire the way you bounced up and down. “Still hurting?” He goaded you, and all you could do was moan at his words and the way his hips snapped into you, too close to the edge to focus on anything but showing him how good he made you feel.
"If you wanna act like a slut, I'll treat you like one," he continued, obsessed with how your eyes rolled back in thrill at the degradation. "That's what you want, right? Just wanted to get fucked."
You fell forward against him. Quiet moans and whispered yeah, like thats and please, it feels so goods escaped up from your throat while he worked you to completion. Damien removed his hand from under your shirt, finding your clit and massaging shapes against it in time with his thrusts, unable to decide which view he liked more: the one where he got to watch you tremble against him, face flushed and lost in pleasure scrunched against him and occasionally meeting his gaze to plant a frenzied kiss wherever you could reach; or the one where he could see the way your cunt swallowed him, squeezing his shaft and coating him in your wet with every roll of his hips, his own fingers massaging your clit.
“Gonna—I’m—” you choked on your words, but he knew what you were saying, the feeling of the familiar flutter of your walls around his length telling him you were close.
“You can cum,” he assured, “show me how pretty you look when you cum for me, baby.” He pushed you down onto him, dragging your hips over his with his hands, letting you feel him as deep as you could, resuming his ministrations on your clit after you began to move on your own accord.
You came hard, all but collapsing onto him, practically boneless and unable to feel anything but pleasure, and affection for the man who had provided it.
Damien wasn’t far behind, his movements relaxing slightly. “Where do you want me, baby?” One arm curled around you, the other holding the back of your neck in an affectionate vice grip.
“Inside.” You whispered, and with a growl and a string of curses he quickly obliged, needing only the sound of your fucked-out voice in his ear to bring him to his high.
You stayed wrapped up together, sticky and sweaty, neither of you too eager to move, content to stay connected for as long as you could.
Damien wrapped you in a tight hug, mouth dropping to your ear to whisper to you. “You’re so perfect,” he cooed, “smart and beautiful and perfect. You know that?”
You raised your head from its resting place on his shoulder and greeted him with a sleepy grin, “I know." You toyed with the hair on the nape of his neck before pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, straightening them for him, “So are you.” You returned to his shoulder, squishing your cheek against him and leaving small kisses on his neck. “So perfect.” You whispered.
“I hope you know not to...y'know, what I say when we fuck, if I'm being...mean, or if I say something you don't like, or—" He blinked rapidly as he tried to find the right words, anxious that you would take his dirty talk to heart, that you would take it personally in all the wrong ways. "I think the world of you."
You giggled, and the sound made his shoulders relax.
“I know, Damien,” and you did know, without him having to explain his entire train of thought.
You knew how he felt about you. You knew because you felt the same way.
“Good.” He conceded, placing a kiss on your shoulder.
“I’m sorry for distracting you. I know you’re busy.”
“Don’t be sorry. You make grading papers a lot less…monotonous.” He kissed your shoulder again. “I’m always happy to be distracted by you.”
“Good,” you echoed his earlier sentiment, “I’m always happy to distract you.”
"You wanna come distract me in the shower?" He squeezed your thigh.
"Yeah. I do."
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