#it is 2023 i hate zoom i hate it so much it makes me feel like i'm defiling my sweet laptop she is my love why would u make me do this
journalsouppe · 5 months
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APOLLO JUSTICE!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! What i would literally give to have a true AA4 sequel. I wholeheartedly believe if Yamazaki's team could ignore aa4 canon to make 5 & 6 then Shu Takumi should absolutely be allowed to ignore any 5&6 canon to make an aa4 sequel. I'm dying out here pleaseeeeee
The Phoenix sticker is from Peachcott. The Klavier sticker is from Ayabit from the Turnabout Cinema zine. The Apollo and Trucy stickers are from astarsor.
Writing typed below!
rating: 9.8 played: Fa 2023 port: 3DS favorite? Y replayable: Y recommend? Y series: Ace Attorney
apollo's such a dork <3
ooo i like the perceive function
i love the music
there's so much going on in this investigation
wow i love how uneasy i feel even after the trial ended
i dont think y'all want your panties back...
klav's a bill and ted fan i see lol
LOVE mr eldoon's design 10/10
klapollo meet cute moment LMAO
oops ^^; i accidentally wrote a 600 word essay about the first case
i like how apollo cried over trucy
i like klavier's hands a normal amount
alita must have some dirty fucking feet
the animations are so smooth
apollo being jealous of klavier at the concert and thinking he's cool LMAO
apollo is WHIPPED
trucy is KILLING it in court, she really is nick's daughter
klavier's shoe print *skull emoji*
out of pocket shiny forehead comment LMAO
lamiroir has similar vocal tones as malon!
the smile and hair twirl klavier LMAO
why am i doing this music recording thing T^T
i dont like looking at daryan T_T
letouse kazuma moment lmao
capcom loves the face down death with writing on the ground huh LMAO
wtf is the judge talking about
i love all these scientific tests with ema! :)
i love the snackoos SFX
klav does not miss an opportunity to take a short at apollo's big forehead LMAO
faking blindness is crazy
klav's office is so much more normal than edgeworth's
i love apollo and lamiroir goofing on klav
similar tech opening to brc
oh he's insufferable
"rip off" phoenix is so real for that
are they injecting magnifi with piss??
im curious why kristoph would do this to phoenix
he just left his daughter???
tf is going on
why does klav have that egg from dragon tales
apollo understands me with mascots
this is so gay omfg
daryan not liking trucy means he goes even more into the shit book than before
apollo the journaling king
the x-ray function is a really fun addition
omg phoenix with out the ugly hd redraw
he said it!!! he said 'ace attorney' lmao
i love and hate that i have to present the journal page
why does the screen shake when mr misham speaks T_T
siblings omgggg
I love this game so much. I love it so much that I am heartbroken knowing that AA 5 & 6 butchers the story it setup and I'm considering not even playing them unless AA7 is announced. I love all the main characters so much, the whole story was so well built and I can def see the influence the story had on DGS. Apollo is such a good protagonist, he's relatable but also so unique. I love seeing his character progression in the game: a new attorney who is easily manipulated to a confident and determined attorney who trusts in his own judgement. I LOVED Klavier oh my god. I love how much he respects Apollo and although he doesn't hesitate to tease him, he doesn't bully or abuse Apollo in any way. They both have a mutual admiration and rivalry where they try to play as fairly as possible. Klav doesn't maliciously withhold or change evidence, but he does spend hours reviewing his arsenal and thinks of all the counter arguments the defense could bring up. I really like Apollo's ability, it continues the mystery and mysticism from the original trilogy but with new mechanics. I adore Trucy so much. She honestly might be my favorite AA character. She's determined, strong willed, and above all -- extremely silly. I couldn't of asked for a better character to be Phoenix's daughter. I also LOVE the sibling reveal at the end but gdi if only they actually figure it out T^T T^T. I think Apollo and Trucy's dynamic is probably my favorite Defense and assistant dynamic. This who game was so fun, I know 4-3 is not everyone's favorite and it is a little all over the place but I also enjoyed it and loved the premise. There's so much to say, I haven't even talked about Nick and Kris - what an incredible feud, what a genius development for Nick. I cannot recommend this game enough, I am so obsessed with it and cannot wait to make art <3 <3.
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vacantgodling · 3 months
Hi, I hate to be a bother but is chapter 1 of Paramour (hope I'm spelling that right) the only chapter you've shared or are there more posted? your writing is so good and I've fallen in love with the story after seeing your anniversary art. Also, do you post it anywhere outside of Tumblr? unfortunately, the color scheme of your blog and the size of the font makes it hard for my poor eyesight to read (No hate to you btw I just zoom in real close)
hello hello!! firstly you are not at ALL a bother <3 (also you're spelling it right lol) regarding my desktop blog, i bumped up the font size so i hope that's helped it be a bit more readable? i'm planning on changing up color schemes and the like at the end of this year, but i hope the size change makes it more bearable ;3;
secondly, hearing that people like my writing enough to want to seek more of it has me giggling and kicking my feet so THANK YOU for enjoying chapter 1 and the art so much--there's some details that may or may not get added in whenever i eventually make a third pass at writing this behemoth and i spent 6 hours slaving over that drawing LMAO SO i really appreciate you reading it AND telling me you enjoyed it im so EEEE
at this time, i'm not formally publishing / putting out paramour because its still very much a work-in-progress (essentially, i'm working on draft 2 right now bc i'm doing some major outline renovating, but tbh i'm thinking that when i DO feel like i'm at the point that i want to publish it, i'm kinda leaning towards a serial style like @/stjohnstarling's what manner of man... but those are details for several years from now, i'm just rambling at this point) BUT FEAR NOT!! its my main obsession at all times and i have posted a TON about it on my blog. but for your convenience, i've compiled all the 'main' writing bits that i've posted on this blog over the past several years into this ask so that way if you wanna just read the 'main' meat and potatoes that i've decided to release from the vault so to speak... then here they are.
but, if in general you want to peruse my main wip tag, i talk about paramour so much its Ridiculous lmao -> s: paramour and you can check out the overview powerpoint intro i made for it here, just to get a clearer picture of what the heckie is going on lol -> powerpoint intro
anyway though, the list of main writings, broken into a couple of sections. i will also preface, that chapter 1 doesn't make it too apparent--but there is a LOT of sex, kink, and romance involved in this story. so proceed at your own disgression dear anon since i'm not sure how you feel about that lol.
MAIN WIP WRITINGS (in chronological story order)
paramour draft 2 chapter 1: pre-wedding
paramour (title drop 👀 but this scene is gonna end up slightly different in draft 2)
midnight query (amon and erecia talk in some undetermined chapter)
the bird & the worm (flashback to amon at 12)
but i am not (a bit from chapter 9 of draft 1)
masquerade (the first time hya and amon fuck—there is smut proceed with caution. also the latter half of chapter 9 draft 1)
an invitation (excerpt from chapter 10 draft 1)
displeasure (a relationship snippet from an undetermined chapter)
nervous (just hya and amon being kinky)
ties that bind (kink interrupted by feelings from some undetermined chapter)
divine (some sappy shit from an undetermined chapter)
hiccup (excerpt from chapter 20 of draft 1)
AUS & JUST FOR FUNZIES (meaning not in the main wip)
jealousy (amon & hya slums au—where both of them grow up in central halifax)
pleasure (amon’s birthday present 2023-> this is sex/smut so proceed with caution)
a fool’s errand (role swap au—aka the au where amon is rich and hya is the butler)
laundry (role swap au)
wedding invitation (role swap au—amon being friends with myrtus makes me insane actually)
i know what you’re saying (amon & hya slums au)
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ofliterarynature · 9 months
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[ loved liked ok no thanks (reread) DNF ]
The Moonstone • Chaos Terminal • (The Raven Boys) • The Ghosts of Trappist • (Fugitive Telemetry) • From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler • The Art of Destiny • The Bell in the Fog • (Exit Strategy) • Who Goes There? • Salt Magic Skin Magic • The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up • (Dracula) • (Rogue Protocol) • The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store • The Boneshaker • The Archive Undying • (The Scorpio Races) • Camilla
Total: 18 (audiobook: 15 / ebook: 3)
I started my month off by finishing my reread of The Scorpio Races on November 1, as is right and proper :) This has consistently been my favorite of Maggie's books, and it never feels right the years that I haven't reread it. I think I hit the right method this year and rather than binging it or following a structured reread (which would be cool, if you could match the timeline of the book) I listened to the audiobook on and off throughout Oct and finished it off in one last burst one the 1st. I think this is some of Maggie's best writing, but I also admit I am no longer able to judge this one objectively and will save you all the sales pitch for now :)
The Archive Undying was...confusing. It wasn't that I couldn't follow what was happening on the sentence level or in the immediate present, but try zooming out to the larger picture and I was lost. It was hazy, very much like a fever dream. I would not be opposed to trying some of the author's other work in the future, but I have no interest in revisiting this book/series, and wouldn't really recommend.
The Boneshaker has been sitting on my bookshelf for years ever since I picked it up at a library book sale, and it's managed to survive every shelf purge since. And I'm glad it did! It's a strange MG/YA book about a girl, her bicycle, a small western town just off a crossroads, a snakeoil salesman, his medicine show, and deals with the devil. It was fascinating! I've been almost tempted to send a copy to Sydnee McElroy just for fun. I will definitely be investigating the author's other series.
The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store - I got tempted into this one because the Book Riot Podcast couldn't stop singing it's praises, and then it started making some of the year end/best of lists and... it's ok I guess? I don't really get the hype, tbh, and I got close to DNFing because it just wasn't interesting. I was at least forewarned that the "murder mystery" in the marketing was overblown, but I am here to tell you to ignore its existence completely. There is no mystery, there isn't really even a murder, and it doesn't happen until the end of the book anyway. I fully admit this was just not a book for me, and anyone who wants to read it I wish you well.
Not much to say about my Murderbot reread, other than choosing to give the audiobooks a break and rereading in a text format was an excellent choice, I really feel like I've picked up on a lot of things I didn't before, and it gives me time to think about things (I have some questions about the actual irl existence of rogue secunits, tbh). This is my second full time trough the series, and I think Exit Strategy is maybe the weakest solo link in the original quartet, but that makes me very happy to have the newer books as well. And I have to say it, FUGITIVE TELEMETRY IS BETTER IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.
Dracula Daily wrapped up this month, so I'm probably not the only one to have Dracula show up on their reading list. I listened to most of it via RE: Dracula, which I appreciated so much for helping keep me on track this year. I probably won't follow along next year, but big thanks to everyone for helping me learn to enjoy a book I hated both times I had to read it for school! I'll still be percolating that Greenwing & Dart AU somewhere in the back of my mind in the meantime.
I picked up the idea of "sparking joy" from the general internet and have found it hugely helpful in letting go of things in life, so I've been meaning to pick up The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up for a while, and was finally spurred into it when I picked up a copy at goodwill. I found some actionable advice in Kondo's method, but sooo much of the book felt like a sales pitch on how following this method could fix everything wrong in your life (and I mean *everything*). It left a very bad taste in my mouth - I think a workbook or checklist could be useful, but wouldn't recommend the book itself.
Salt Magic Skin Magic is a historical fantasy with magic, adventure, and a gay romance, which is so entirely in my wheelhouse. It hit all the same points I tend to find/enjoy in KJ Charles' work, and I had such a good time reading this - no surprise, apparently she helped edit this! Thanks to the HOTE discord group for reccing this one, I'll definitely be checking out some of the author's other work!
If you didn't know, Who Goes There? is the short story that the movie The Thing was based on - which I have not seen, but I went on a brief dive into antarctic exploration/horror in anticipation of this month's book club (All the White Spaces, which I actually read for last month but that meeting got delayed) and this popped up pretty quickly. It was available from the library and short, so why not?! The beginning felt a little rough, but I would have loved to see the tension of the main plot drawn out even longer. Liked this a lot better than the actual book club book, but I don't know that I'll watch any of the adaptations.
The Bell in the Fog - Lavender House sequel! I was so glad when this was announced; I love queer books, historical books, a mystery with a lead who actually does some detecting, and a character trying to find themselves and their community? Absolute catnip for me. It also doesn't pull its punches about the violence and injustices faced by the queer community, so it's definitely a bit darker than my usual tastes and will have to try hard to make it onto my favorites list. But if the author continues to write these I will absolutely pick them up.
The Art of Destiny - bless the library for not dragging their heels on the audiobook for this sequel, but lucky me, they did finally add the first book in time for me to get them both in the same year. Unlucky me, this does not appear to be the end of this series D: third book when??? Anyway, I won't deny that these books move a little slowly, but when they move, they move. If you want a big fantasy that's diverse, funny, cartoonish but epically violent, has a cast of all ages, and centers it's story on non-romantic relationships - this is so good, come join me in wailing for a book 3 announcement.
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler has lived in the back of my mind for a while as a favorite childhood book of a booklr friend who is sadly no longer on tumblr, but who I say hi to occasionally on other sites - anyways, I found a copy at goodwill and took it as a sign. This one's for you, Lourdes! If I'd found this as a kid, I probably would have reread it a lot, that's how I was too lol. For now, it was a fine read, but I don't think it'll have a lasting hold. Any fans interested in more middle grade about fine art might check out the Chasing Vermeer series by Blue Balliett.
The Ghosts of Trappist - I think it's impossible for me to not enjoy myself reading this series (NeoG), but this one was a bit of a backslide from the improvements in book 2. On one hand - a very ambitious plot, probably the least soap-operaish of the bunch, and I loved the emotional arcs (and the possible ART/murderbot reference?). On the other - over a dozen pov characters is too too many. my god. I think a tighter focus could have done a world of good, but if this is also where the series wraps up I'd be totally satisfied. I'll definitely check out the author's other series.
I admit, rereading The Scorpio Races sparked something in me and now I'm determined to set off on a full Maggie Stiefvater read/reread, starting with The Raven Boys. I really loved this when it first came out, but my interested petered out as the series progressed and I started college, and I haven't touched the spinoff yet. My impression from the first book is still that Maggie's writing is so goddam beautiful. Her sentences make me want to weep, but for me there's so much focus on the line that I'm constantly losing track of the big picture. I'm still enjoying myself, but I feel like I'm coasting a lot on nostalgia and aesthetic between moments of a story - though is it me, or does she write a lot in scenes/vignettes, rather than a constant flowing story? I've found some success in centering myself by imagining the scenes as depicted by a CW supernatural teen show of my high school years and it's quite lovely, actually - I can't believe the TV show plans got dropped and never picked up again. We'll have to see how the rest of the series goes.
Genuinely, I can't believe that I read Station Eternity earlier this year and that the sequel, Chaos Terminal, is out already. Despite liking the author's first book (Six Wakes) and normally liking the tropes they're playing with here, I did not like the first book. No idea why I read the second one then (hope?), but it was better, definitely! I still didn't like it. No idea if I'll finally call it quits on this series or get lured into another one if it gets written.
The Moonstone was an unexpected surprise! I made it to November still 2 books short on my 6 classics challenge and panicked when the first one ended up dnf'd - what if this one was bad too??? But I really should know better, give me a half decent mystery and entertaining characters, and I'll be fine. And it was epistolary! I had a good time groaning over all of the characters foibles and quirks, even if I spent the whole time just going, Hey Guys? you could avoid all of this if you just let the nice Indian men have their diamond back. Good fun if you like a mystery and have some patience.
My only DNF this month was the previously mentioned classic - from the moment I decided on a classics challenge, I knew I wanted to try something by Frances Burney given how much I liked her novel Evelina. Unfortunately for me, the only one the library had on audiobook was Camilla... and it was 37 hours long. I gave it a shot, but only made it about 3 hours in. I really do applaud Burney for her ability to create characters who are intentionally/unintentionally causing harm even if they sometimes have the best of intentions. It's absurd, truly, but I'm not in a place I can take that right now - especially since the victims were children, and it happened *repeatedly*. I think if I was to try this one again I'd need to take it slowly in small parts.
Am I horribly wrong about anything? Do you have any classics you'd recommend for next year?
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rhodesrider · 2 years
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The Death of Sami Uso
This is a reenactment of the unfortunate events that happened Royal Rumble 2023. Viewer Descretion is advised.
Bloodline x Black!Female! Reader!
Y/N watched as Sami, Her best friend, and now ex-honorary uce, put a chair on her boyfriend's back. She held her breath soon feeling like the room was spinning but the tv stayed put to where her eyes stayed focus. Watching everything unfold, she looked at Jimmy, her other man, sitting there in anger as if he switched with his twin. So much hate grew in his eyes and the yelling made it so much worst. Her ears started to ring, this didn't feel real to her. Paul was on his knees shocked as well, even though Y/N didn't favor Paul much after what happened at Summer slam, she shared the tears he had stream down as he gave Sami so much wisdom. She looked at Solo who stood there with so much hate raging in his face, his expressions, his movements. He felt like time stopped as soon as the chair connected to his chief's back. And lastly, Jey.
He just stood in the corner. His face froze in shock. His moment playing back of him actually enjoying Sami around calling him brother. All of that burned away because of this mistake. Y/N's tears fell as Roman sicked the boys on Sami, he yelled in pain from Jimmy’s blows. Soon solo dragged him to the ring giving the Samoan strike straight to this throat. Making him cough and wheeze for air. She could hear Roman’s rage yelling at the boys to destroy him. “Please no...” She got up quickly and ran to the arena, zooming past Nicole, who was once congratulating her girlfriend for her crowning of the Royal Rumble. But she soon saw the screen and saw the massacre. “Wait Y/N!” She tried to stop but Rhea stopped her saying not to intervene. She was terrified to go out there, she felt like she disappointed Roman not being in the ring long for the Womans’ Rumble, but soon she stepped out and ran towards the ring. She got in the announcers going wild and Jey stopped her. He held on to her as they continued to hurt sami. He lay there tired. He peeked some seeing Y/N and tears fell, with the rest of his strength he yelled. “I'm so sorry princess!” Roman grabbed a chair and shut him up quickly. “You will never get to call her that again! You hear me Zayn!” He yelled.
Y/N sobbed on Jey not able to watch the scene in front of her. “Babygirl, you know I love you right?” Jey whispered holding her close and she nodded looking at him scared. He got up sitting her down in the ring as she was in shock, seeing the empire just fall. She glanced as Roman and Jimmy soon started to yell at Jey. She whipped her head to him leaving the ring. “Jey...jey no!” she tried to reach for him but Roman grabbed her hugging her close. Jey stood there for a moment and started to walk off to the back. Jimmy asks his brother where is he going. Solo got up walking over to Sami watching the scene as well. “Baby it's ok... it's ok Daddy is gonna fix this...” he kept reassuring in Y/Ns ear. It didn't sound like leadership, it sounded like a bit of
They left Sami and Kevin in the ring but not before Y/N got up and walked to sami. Seeing the flowers that Romans spread. She started to scream and look at Kevin. “YOU DID THIS. YOU RUINED EVERYTHING!” She got her knees next to Sami holding his hand. “Sami...why...” Sami was knocked out cold and the Gurnee was coming. Roman got her one last time out the ring as her hand slips outta Sami's and she walked with them hurt beyond all measure. The moment where he echoed and held Y/N, “I'm not going anywhere Princess don't worry.” it just hurt so much hearing it again and again. “Roman...what are we gonna do...” Jimmy asked. Roman sighed getting to the back still holding Y/N.
“We stay together.”
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maybebabyplease · 9 months
hi. tell me a funny story 🥺 ?
HI DARLING xx i am missing you so much....freezing to death in the cold cold mountains of montana........wishing you were here to sit in my pocket!
this ask has been sitting in my inbox because i cannot for the life of me think of a funny story! nothing funny is going on! but today, Brad From Work sent a series of emails calling me 'the best', 'amazing', and 'incredible' (twice, even!) when typically brad sends me dumb fucking emails trying to mansplain spreadsheets. to me! queen of the spreadsheet! anyway i think brad has Lost Focus and is trying to Enter A Consensual Workplace Relationship with me.....on multiple email chains where there are like six people CC'd..........i guess someone told brad i got engaged and now he feels desperate to make his move!
(brad and i have also never met in person and he keeps his camera OFF on zoom calls so idk what he looks like) (unsure if i'm interested in said consensual workplace relationship) (especially after the cell highlighting incident of 2023)
anyway i know you hate corporate stories but my life has truly never been less funny than it has over the past two months! so! you get brad! love you mean it say it back okay bye
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anemonay · 9 months
2023 wrap up ( thanks @spaceoperetta for the idea, hasn't even considered doing one!)
-very long, been a big year for me-
tw: d/ru/g usage discussed positively
- also worst depression since college, but at least it's not the manic-depressive mixed state I was in for most of those 4 years
- BUT I also found the first ever antidepressant that works for me a couple months ago! I've been on a mood stabilizer that's "worked" for me for years in terms of controlling the hypomania, but I would still sink into low, low depressions. Now I just feel capable of happiness, but I need to rebuild those neural pathways since they haven't been used in so long
- my husband and I's relationship is much, much better. Once we moved things got really not great, and he is a lovely and great person but I think he'd never had to /actually/ deal with anything or question himself before and being in a new place, with someone holding him accountable, who wouldn't just ignore any of the ineffective things he was doing or any of the negative things occurring freaked him out a bunch, especially because he had no distress tolerance skills. I have my own stuff to work on too, but his refusal to accept what he doesn't understand really exacerbated my emotional reactivity and now I have to unlearn all of those habits.
- I found a therapist who works with my brain!
- my best friend moved to my city, and it was only supposed to be for like 10 months but she met her boyfriend and is blossoming and getting opportunities in her field like crazy so she's staying longer which means we can hang out more!
- knees got worse, but I finally went to physical therapy (because I maxed out my insurance OOP with the name other medical things I had to do this year) and it helped a bunch!
- a ton of drama with my husband's family. His youngest sister randomly decided that I am abusive (not even during like any interaction or anything, she just randomly started having an attitude with me 2 weeks before their annual (white, well-off people) family vacation), and then was cold to me during the vacation, and went on a walk with my husband where she essentially tried to convince him that I AM abusive. (Husband also handled it poorly - he's the "everyone is right in some way" type and didn't tell her she was completely out of line, but that has also gotten better thanks to couple's therapy). Then over Thanksgiving she decided to create drama with the older sister over her own poor behavior when older sister was doing absolutely nothing mean or wrong. It's been really stressful, we didn't even do a zoom call for Christmas this year which they normally try to make happen no matter what.
- I lost my job at a startup (blessing in disguise) and got a new job. The company is great, but I hate the work. It's not what I applied to do, it's way more technical and I would like that if ANYONE had the time to train me. But they lost a ton of people going from fully remote to hybrid, so everyone I work with has less experience than I do actually. I'm also struggling to do it because of how lost and flustered I feel.
- I picked up journaling and that's been so great and helpful.
- I went to Portland! I adored it very much. Though towards the end something about it felt vaguely threatening/heavy/scary. But I definitely want to visit again.
- I reconnected with my childhood best friend! We definitely grew in different ways but the foundation is still very much clicking. I'm going to stay with her and her husband in Seattle and visit again in May. She's so, so wonderful and I missed her so so much I'm tearing up writing this. We've continued to message frequently since, and once Baldur's Gate's cross play feature is out (fingers crossed) we're going to play together.
- I learned that stimulants don't work for my brain. ADHD stims caused anhedonia, coffee just triggers migraines, and Modafinil semi kinda maybe works but not well. I've managed to quit coffee for a week or so now. It's definitely an addiction. But chai tea lattes are filling the void. And the void also means that I'm getting back into tea! A childhood Internet friend is the one who got me into tea, and it feels very heartwarming to remember them through it.
- I lost my first cat together with my husband. You will be missed dearly forever, little man.
- I found my favorite d/ru/g! Technically I think it's 2-fdck that's my favorite favorite if my testing was correct, but basically ke/tam/ine and its analogues in general. It's so amazing and it checks all my boxes. I haven't personally experienced any negatives from it, though if you ever try it please read up on appropriate doseage, periods between use, and all that. It's helped me a ton with figuring stuff out, feeling motivated, and rewiring my brain. I'm weird and drugs have never worked the same for me as other people now have I ever had it impact my life negatively so please don't take my experience as advice or normal.
- I tripped for real for the first time in forever over Christmas break! My meds make it really, really difficult. Most people can't trip at all no matter how much they take on these meds. But I just kept raising my dose and bam, finally! I also had my first ever LSD epiphany and I feel like I can really move forward with my life. Tripping has also always helped my brain reset - like turning a computer off and on instead of just locking it or hibernating. I always feel so refreshed.
- I generally just feel more compassion for myself and more capable of being the person I want to be. Sometimes it hurts because it feels like I was on such a good trajectory, and then a ton of negative things happened to me with no support system and everything in my life just stopped. And then I was getting better and then COVID really broke me - at least when the bad stuff was happening I had stimulation, but COVID liked my brain. I think I still have it in me to be happy in the ways I want.
I hope we live in unprecedented times where history is made! Precedented times and the continuation of the normal just means the rich get richer and people die at the hands of oppressors. I hope things change for the better, greatly and permanently.
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deep-hearts-core · 1 year
2023 - Semifinal 1
yall. besties. yesterday was eurovision, and i watched it 45 minutes behind everybody else, and i VOTED, and it cost me a stupid amount of money and im probably never doing it again! n e ways here goes
Norway i've had mixed feelings about this entry since it was selected (largely because i was bitter about the mgp results lol). this wasn't... terrible, but i felt underwhelmed? i liked the opening in italian and i respect alessandra for how much FUN she's having onstage, but she seemed weak vocally in a lot of places, there were a couple spots where she strayed from the key, and the removal of her cape was so quick, i wish they'd lingered more on that? camera shots also weren't timed perfectly i think. and ofc i've said before that these lyrics bother me and that it goes just a little too hard in the chorus. i respect the sea shanty vibes however i disagree that it is actually a sea shanty. ok. puts down mic.
Malta sigh. this is such a delightfully fun song that i've been so pleased by since its selection but the staging fell so flat. i love dav jr's dancing, it's excellent, but we needed more camera time on the saxophone. we really could have had epic sax guy 2: malta edition on our hands. also there were too many graphics (to cover the set changes) (i liked the set changes but were they worth the graphics? no) and i wish we could have actually seen the costume change. i dunno. it's still a really fun number and they sounded great but the staging was messy and they also chose a bad bad recap clip lmao.
Serbia ok, so i used to hate this but it's grown on me a lot especially since this performance. this song knows what it is and it plays to its audience. luke suits this song to a t (naturally, he wrote it, yknow?) and the outfit, the dancers, the set, the lights, everything felt cohesive! except for the graphics, i didn't need the graphics. also can i just say im a wide shot hater yall know this but the slow zoom out after the first "samo mi se spava" was INCREDIBLE. the only good wide shot in the history of eurovision.
Latvia i have zero technical complaints about this. vocally, and in terms of staging, this was flawless. the song isn't really my style but i don't actively hate it, mostly i think the beginning flows a little weird? it's funny, watching this i was like, if they qualify they could win the whole thing because juries will love it. and then they didn't qualify. which, like, ok, this is a jury song, but huh? this was a technically perfect performance!
Portugal my preshow winner! the first act of the night i felt was dwarfed by the stage a little, and she didn't seem fully comfortable vocally, but the performance was still so much fun and i think i actually shouted "fuck yeah" to my empty apartment when she hit that last high note.
Ireland man, idk if the singer was sick or nervous or what but the mic was so far from his mouth at all times and he sounded so strained. it makes my voice hurt just to listen to. and i mean, the song is fine, ultimately generic but fine, and i liked the all gold staging. but i cant get over how nervous conor looked and sounded.
Croatia as one of my preschoolers used to say, "i didn't really like that". because first of all, not that im against politics in eurovision, but how was this not disqualified over political grounds? the ebu's hypocrisy is showing. secondly it's not cohesive, it's disjointed until right at the end. and i don't like the onstage aesthetic at all. makes me kind of uncomfortable. in the end i don't think it's an effective joke entry. i know people are hailing it as being thee anti war song of the season or whatever but i don't think it's that good and i think people like it because of the caricatures. which like. fine. but don't hold it up against, yknow, switzerland or whatever and say look see croatia is the good anti war song! because it's not... it's not good.
Switzerland now look i get the tone deaf accusations i really do. maybe its my perspective as a usian here, but i think this is allowed to be a commentary on like, masculinity and conscription and the glorification of war to young boys, i don't think it's telling ukrainians and russians to just sit down for some tea, you know? anyway i missed most of this performance yesterday bc i was busy voting (i was behind the stream but i checked tumblr at the right time and scrambled to give votes to portugal) so this was really my first time watching. i was surprised when it qualified but technically it was actually very good, pretty good staging and remo sounded basically like in the studio version, he's got a gorgeous voice. the song is generic, switzerland has sent basically the same song the past two years, yknow, theyve found their groove and theyre sticking to it thats fine. i dunno. i don't hate it.
Israel bro... why was this good. listen like i'm not huge on this kind of song i thought it was pretty annoying initially, like i didn't extremely hate it nor did i think there were subliminal antipalestinian messages in the lyrics or whatever i just didn't enjoy it. and while noa didn't sound great, she had good energy and the staging fucked?? that dance break?? i was expecting it to be messy but it blew me out of the water which i guess i should have expected from israel but shrug. also free palestine tho the ebu turns a blind eye to israel's atrocities while cutting off russia because the ukrainian perspective is more palatable and like, fuck that it's deeply hypocritical.
Moldova while vocally pasha isn't all that solid, the stage show and songwriting here are both phenomenal. this is pasha at his finest. i love all the jumps he does, i love the drumming, i love that the backing vocals are live!!!! this fucks so hard
Sweden i'll say it: this wouldn't be getting as much hype if it weren't loreen. it's not a bad song, even if her vocals aren't as spotless as they were in 2012 and even if that outfit is objectively just terrible, but the name recognition does a lot. great staging though. the close staging is what made euphoria work and it's doing the same thing here. i've said this since melfest: the only way i'll be truly happy with this is if loreen pulls a johnny logan and becomes the second person to win twice. like karmically that is the only thing that is allowed to happen here. if she gets like third or something i'll be deeply dissatisfied. (i'd also find it deeply funny if she placed like 20th but that's just because i like to be a hater.)
Azerbaijan that performance gave 1970s, 1990s, and 2011 all at once. truly atrocious outfits and vocals weren't outstanding but then again it isn't that kind of song. i think we always knew this one would get lost because it's so much more mellow than the other acts but it's just SO low energy. the outfits i think led people to believe this would be a more energetic number than it was. and there's a place in eurovision for numbers that are just vibes like this but it didn't work, yknow? staging was the best part of this though, not a standout by any means but it was good it didn't detract from the song at all.
Czechia underwhelming. this song goes hard in studio and i knew it wouldn't translate 1:1 live. i love the outfits and i don't hate the hair extensions, shockingly. i think it's a great opening and a great bridge but the mix between prerecorded and live backing is rough and the stage felt too big for them. still good tho. love those harmonies and the lead singer's voice is beautiful and delicate and just, mmm.
Netherlands i am going to say it again. you could have picked me, a somewhat trained singer who knew the song, up out of the us and dropped me in liverpool with 24 hours notice and i still would have done better than mia nicolai. listen, the staging was gorgeous and dion did great. i love the song, i think it's beautiful. the key change... better for the singers, even if the piano in the beginning sounded distorted and very obviously pitched down. but MIA. my god. she didn't sound good, didn't hit her high notes (the prerecorded backing vocals did it instead), and she had TOO MUCH ENERGY. mia stop bouncing around this is not the mia show this is not a pop banger mia please. it was distracting and it totally ruined the experience for me.
Finland it took me a while to understand why everyone loves this, but i get it now. like serbia's entry, it knows what it is and leans into it and does all of those things well. like, kaarija doesn't NEED to be a great singer, because the way the staging works with the music and the rap balances it out. again, it's cohesive! it's funny to watch it's fun to bop to i know it's a commentary on alcoholism even if i can't understand the lyrics and that staging. is really fucking cool with the dancers and the crate and the lights. and also i love how all of finland has rallied around the guy. helsinki 2024, if i had to place bets i think this is definitely a contender.
My personal qualifiers: finland, portugal, latvia, moldova, sweden, czechia, serbia, malta, israel, switzerland. i'm floored that this list includes serbia israel and switzerland u guys. but it does.
Miscellaneous thoughts: THIS YEARS HOSTS. hannah alesha and julia you will always be famous <3 they're fucking iconic they're so good and julia opening the semifinal was great, idk much hardkiss music but she's a great singer. alesha's rap was also super fun. and hannah's french. "see, we do bother to learn other languages!" lmao. i love alyosha but how do you get alyosha here and not have her sing sweet people. it would have been topical!!! like cmon!!! rita ora was good although i think i join every other esc fan in being slightly salty about it. like oh we're good enough for you now? my god the lines were open for what felt like forever. is it always that long? why was there no countdown timer? DUSTIN THE TURKEY! THEY GOT DUSTIN THE TURKEY!
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verbo-s-e · 1 year
july 13, 2023
if they really wanted to, they fucking would.
we both toed that line — that, fine line — between friendship and more. i was ready at a moments notice to cross it. ready to hear the word go, i would’ve gone to the four corners of the cosmos with you. but you were too afraid weren’t you? too afraid to ruin a friendship built on cracked pavement, huh? go figure, seems pretty on brand.
so instead. you strung me along like a delicately beaded necklace. it reminds me of the string lights hung in your house. i see then glowing when i leave mine. reminds me in a way of what we’ll never be. our friendship couldn’t ever last, could it? not when we play with this fine line delicately woven between us the way we do. it’s worse than playing with fire.
you told me over and over again it was never anything more. to the point i almost believed it myself, and sometimes maybe i do. but it’s a lie you’ve repeated to help yourself believe. no one else, because no else does. i’ll sit in the wings of the echoes of words spoken just to make some fucking sense of it all. as if the reverberations will finally penetrate my thick skull.
it never works though. just enough to make me question everything. muddies up waters i thought impenetrable and crystal blue forever. and i hate you so much for that. you’ve got my devotion, but man i can hate you sometimes.
right now as you’re the man up on the hell in your tower, living your life with no consequence or grief addled bones of the ending and undoing of something neither of us can ever explain, i’m crying in my car replaying the tape over and over and over and over again trying to dissect what went wrong. why it went wrong. and all that. i’m sleeping more and more these days and barely have energy to function. i hâte to admit it, but my house is starting to take the brunt of it. how do i redirect? how do i zoom out? half a decade of loving you is a long time.
in my efforts to process this fucking insurmountable grief — and no, it’s no longer a mole hill anymore — i’m underneath the mountain and having a hard time finding an escape route. what’s my strategy? where’s the exit sign? like my decision to write the letter ending it all, the only thing i keep coming to is moving away. it’s the only thing that makes any sort of fucking sense. and it’s so FUCKED. it’s just not fair. even if you were here first.
another thing to add to the list of things to be angry about. i don’t actually want to leave. i can barely even whisper it. but it’s true. i’ve worked so hard to even exist. fought tooth and nail to take up space, to create a life i’ve always wanted to live, to be fucking proud of. but you’re my fucking neighbor and i just can’t not see that. not feel that.
i’m tired of feeling everything and shouldering the emotional bandwidth between us. god, i’m so fucking resentful.
all this to say that if you really wanted to, you would’ve. i don’t want to hear on a loop in my mind, ‘i didn’t know if i was hurting or helping you by being in your life’. yes you did. you always fucking did.
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straycatboogie · 1 year
2023/06/14 English
BGM: 大江千里 - APOLLO
Probably it was because of the rainy season... It seemed that it was really a day that I felt something got rotten. Waking up this morning, and I took a bath and had breakfast as usual. Then, I fell asleep again. After that, I wrote a journal about yesterday (this is also a precious daily duty for me). Oh my, what an idle morning even though it was a day off for me. TBH I felt that everything was troublesome, but I did my tasks as usual. Then I could feel that my mood had gotten uplifted (I feel that the power of doing tasks must be marvelous). From 10:30 am, I attended a meeting about English on ZOOM. In this meeting, a member from India taught me that he has been learning Japanese, and we read actually the textbook he has been using. We tried to translate the Japanese sentences in that book into English. The host person and other members welcomed me actually so I was really grateful for that. I remember... Once I was terribly "hated" by classmates in schools. I was just a "heresy" and "enemy" in closed classrooms so I pretended to be dead and read books only. That was my school days.
I met a person this afternoon. She has checked my health condition, and today she checked my blood pressure and weight. She said "Oh, good figure!", and I felt strange because I had been said as "You are too heavy", "You shouldn't eat any oily meals" and "Never drink alcohol anymore". Yes, I was once suffered from my fat body... I am never doing any good exercises. I just move my body well during my work. Maybe that is "working" for me. Once, when I was checked my health condition, doctors said to me as I was really unhealthy. But all I thought was "It must be nonsense even if I try to live healthy" and "Why should I live longer?". And I had been soaked into alcohol (of course, that alcohol hurt my health as you see). I even thought that "dying by alcohol is sublime because I could feel infinite pleasure and forget anything bothersome". Remembering those days, now I feel that I am happy. Of course, besides this morning's meeting on ZOOM, now I feel that "Everything is unbelievable". Maybe all of this is just a dream. What will happen when I wake up tomorrow?
And... it was really an idle and rotten day so I couldn't read any books. I tried to read Senri Oe, a Japanese musician's essay but I couldn't. I even couldn't learn English anymore completely. On next Sunday's meeting about autism, I want to talk about the activities in English I am enjoying. But I couldn't make a draft about that... Indeed, the meeting is not related with English. We "study" autism by that meeting. However, except the topic about English I have, I want to talk about basically is "You had better try to open your mind and find any solution within outer world". Actually, I could connect myself with various foreign friends by chance. It has broadened my point of view... But I won't say that "You MUST learn English" or "You must be lazy so you can't understand English". That kind of opinions would make you "English haters". All I want to say is just to open your window and try bringing new atmosphere in. And also you had better move by your feeling or inner voice. Blowing in the wind... because of that, actually, I could enjoy the meeting I wrote above in this morning.
This evening I went to the "danshu" meeting. At there, I talked about the Japanese class I had observed on last Sunday. Being impressed by the effort of Japanese learners, I thought that there must be hard workers who are trying to do their efforts to their lives and jobs... So I had thought that "I have to work hard to live my life and learn English as much as I can". I talked about  those things. Ah, once (as I wrote above), I had "too much" about my health and the situation. The one which I can communicate smoothly by my mother tongue, and also the one I can live safely... All I thought was just "I don't want to live this terrible life anymore". I was just an idiot. I will get older, and dumber. I live in my lonely life with no wife, no children. But I can feel that some people come and say to me as "Your English is cool" and "You are amazing". Once, I was hated. But now I am treated as a precious friend. From a long view, everything must be treated "fairly" like this...
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onetwistedmiracle · 1 year
content warning: Auschwitz, Shoah, subject of WP article survived the Holocaust
She survived Auschwitz. Now she’s teaching Gen Z about it — on TikTok.
By Marisa Iati
March 29, 2023 at 9:17 p.m. EDT
Viewers frequently flood Tova Friedman’s TikTok account with probing questions: Why didn’t she try to escape from Auschwitz? Could she hear people screaming from the gas chambers? Were there any times when she almost died but got a second chance?
With the help of her 17-year-old grandson, the 84-year-old tries to convey the grim reality of Auschwitz, a Nazi death camp in Poland, while avoiding graphic language that might scare her young viewers.
“I don’t want to turn them off, so I have to be careful a little bit how to do it,” Friedman said. “I’m very careful in choosing my vocabulary.”
Nearly 500,000 people have subscribed to Friedman’s TikTok account, previously reported by NorthJersey.com, since she and her grandson, Aron Goodman, launched the page in fall 2021. They said they’re trying to counter online Holocaust denial and misinformation by sharing Friedman’s firsthand experience — ensuring that the truth lives on, even with antisemitic views widespread in the United States.
“I have a terrific obligation to speak,” Friedman said in an interview. “I don’t have survivor’s guilt, but I have survivor’s obligation, so that I speak to remember.”
Born in Poland on the cusp of World War II, Friedman was forced by Nazis first into a Jewish ghetto and then into Auschwitz. At age 6, she was released from a gas chamber for reasons she still does not know. She once hid next to a still-warm corpse to evade Nazis gathering prisoners for a death march, according to her memoir, and she eventually gained her freedom when Auschwitz was liberated in 1945.
In most of her TikTok videos, Friedman perches on a couch at Aron’s home in Morristown, N.J., and speaks directly to the camera. She also invites her audience into various other settings, including a radio recording studio and a float in a pro-Israel parade.
One post shows Friedman holding up her sleeve as the camera zooms in on the Auschwitz identification number tattooed on her forearm: A-27633. In another video, Friedman holds up the Red Cross card that she used to travel after the Holocaust ended.
TikTok not long ago was totally unfamiliar to Friedman, who initially thought Aron was saying “Tic Tac.” Aron said he recently had to explain to her why they can’t edit a live video like they do to other posts.
But Friedman said her grandson has made adjusting to the platform as painless as possible. He coaches her to make the most of the videos’ short time frame and edits the posts afterward. When she feels uncomfortable while recording, they stop.
Aron also shields Friedman from the antisemitic remarks that their account sometimes receives and said he tries not to dwell on them himself.While much of TikTok’s content is positive, antisemitic extremists have sometimes co-opted the platform to spread hateful content and conspiracy theories, according to the Anti-Defamation League.
“Those give me fuel to try to continue this work,” Aron said. “For the most part, I think about the positive impact we have,” including a message from a teacher in India who wanted to use some of the account’s material for her class.
Holocaust education in Aron’s own classes has been limited, he said. While TikTok videos can’t replace widespread lessons in schools, Aron said he hopes his account will inspire young people to learn further on their own. Friedman, who works as a therapist,also speaks frequently to students and other groups.
All of it, she said, is meant to make people understand the perils of unbridled loathing.
“It’s a warning to be careful with the hatred that you feel about somebody or something,” Friedman said. “It’s okay to feel dislike. … But it’s a different thing to act on it.”
While Aron and Friedman try to expand their content to Instagram and other platforms, they’re also figuring out the future of the “TovaTok” account. Aron is set to leave New Jersey for college in St. Louis this fall, and he’s unsure what that means for the project. He might expand the account to include interviews with other Holocaust survivors, he said, or make videos with his grandmother over FaceTime.
Friedman, for her part, isn’t ready to throw in the towel on their TikTok page.
“I just want to speak as long as I can and reach as many people as is possible as long as I’m alive,” she said.
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coppeliafoxworth · 2 years
February 1st 2023
Yesterday and today were pretty slow.
Yesterday at work, me and my coworker (Andrew) had to replace an entire rooms worth of fiberglass ceiling tiles.  I think anyone who has dealt with fiberglass before can tell you this but, I. Hate. Fiberglass.
It's itchy, it gets stuck to everything, it burns, it's flaky, and for some reason it will be the strongest thing when you don't want it to be and yet the weakest thing when you want it to be strong.  
After replacing all the ceiling tiles, we split up as we were sent on small trivial tasks.
Once I clocked out I headed straight to Walmart.  My mother is planning on re-decorating the entire house and I took the oppurtuntiy to change up my room as well.  One of the things I'm changing is getting rid of my bulky dresser and instead putting small plastic ones in my closet.  I bought two plastic dressers at Walmart and then made my way home.
Once I was home, I immediately took a shower and changed my clothes to get rid of the fiberglass.  Thankfully it worked and I was able to go to dinner comfortably.
For dinner I took me and my lover to Red Lobster since during my last paycheck I was extrememly tight on cash and my lover ended up paying for when we ate out.  All in all it was a delicious meal.  The only thing I would change would maybe be the waitress we had.
I don't want to sound like a Karen, but she was pretty rude.  I ordered a pretty big meal so when asked what two sides I wanted I just asked for two orders of fries.  My lover ordered no fries for his sides.
When the waitress delivered our food I had one order of fries on my plate and another plate with fries on it.  She put the other plate by my lover.  No big deal, it was a lot of food so I reached over for them and she told me as if I was a child,
"YOUR fries are on YOUR plate."
That pissed me off to the point of debating whether or not to purge on her shoes right in front of her.  Obviously I didn't but the thought was most certainly there.
By the time we both got home we were ready to pass out into a food coma, in other words, I slept amazingly.
Today at work we didn't do much, in fact, we did even less than yesterday.  
The day started off with having to replace a drain in a hallway.  After a bit of fussing with the screws we were finally able to secure the drain plate.  Afterwards we had to redo one of the ceiling tiles in the conference room we replaced yesterday.  They didn't like how the emergency sprinkler head showed through the tile so we had to fix it.
After that we didn't really do anything besides replace a phone.
During my last entry I mentioned my father giving me unsolicited advice about work and saying that I was going to take it.  Well, I changed my mind.  I just don't feel like having a job that makes me think, "what if I just killed myself right here right now" constantly is healthy.  I've been applying to more places.
I thought I had some luck when I was mesaged on my phone for an interview with an insurance firm through Zoom.  I gave the number the email to my Zoom account and was immediately asked if I was ready.  
This interview was supposed to be a messaging interview, not a video call.  I told them the hours of my lunch break and an hour after I got off from work were the best times for me.  Well, they completely ignored what I said and asked almost every ten minutes if I was ready for an interview.  Eventually I caved in as, the work day was slow.  They asked if I've ever worked remotely and I said, "No."
Apparantly, answering with a simple yes or no to a simple yes or no question wasn't the correct answer and in response, the interviewer decided to explain how an interview works to me.  I told them that I understand and half an hour later is when we finally start the interview back up.  
At one point they asked to see my driver's license along with a selfie of me for verification.  Keep in mind that I already told them I am at work, they know I can't go get my license.  I told them again the hours I was available and why.  They didn't respond.
Since I didn't receive a reply, I asked why they needed my license in the first place since this was just an interview.  All the responded with was that they needed it for a background check and that I needed to send a photo.
The part that really messed me up was how they decided to end the response, "Understand?"
It pissed me off that this recruiter was this fucked up.  I told them, 
"No, I do not understand why you are talking to me like I'm a child.  I wish to withdrawal my application if this is the way you speak to your employees or coworkers.  Thank you and have a nice day.
Once I got home, I changed and immediately called my lover.  I decided to go to his house and we enjoyed the other's company.
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lindsaywesker · 2 years
Tumblr media
Good morning! I hope you slept well and feel rested? Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. Welcome to the weekend! Looking forward to turning my alarm off and sleeping until whenever.
Yesterday was a brilliant day of Zoom 1-2-1 tutorials. Such a buzz to be able to help people! So nice to hear those words, “Yes, that makes sense!” By the end of the day, I was all talked out, so The Trouble and I reclined on the sofa, ate dinner and watched this very good Disney Plus show we’ve become addicted to: ‘911’. The original starred Angela Bassett, the ‘Lone Star’ spin-off stars Rob Lowe, produced by Angela Bassett. There is absolutely nothing new or original about this show – firefighters and paramedics rescuing people – but the characters are very engaging. This has been our escapism over the last few weeks. Good TV to recuperate to.
When I get home this evening (about 8.00 pm), The Mighty Josiah will be running the joint. There will be toys everywhere, all the TVs and all the lights will be on, and he’ll be playing games on his iPad. It’s always a joy to see his beautiful face! And there was an interesting story I saw yesterday about ‘baby workers’. Mums in Japan have been encouraged to take their toddlers into nursing homes to spend time with the residents and, in the words of one old lady, "They are just so cute and they make the whole place brighter." What a nice idea! Japanese innovation again! Those of us with grandchildren know how those happy little faces light up your home with their laughter and foolishness!
In addition to the cellulitis (this is the bit I didn’t tell you), in my attempt to walk on my swollen left leg, I put too much pressure on my left ankle and damaged it pretty badly. The wound I’m currently living with is big and ugly. I’ve got some beautiful nurses reading this page, so they know what I’m talking about. The rest of you would go a bit queasy if you saw my ankle. In fact, my major pain right now is NOT the cellulitis but the ankle. I’m a guy that LOVES powerwalking, so to be tottering around like a 100-year-old man is NOT fun! I cannot wait to heal so I can walk again. I have some big walking plans (including walking home from the studio), so I am hugely frustrated!
Please don’t forget that the amazing Bob Masters has set the dates for The Ibiza Soul Festival 2023 (May 11-18). Really looking forward to that! Check my page or Bob’s page for details.
Hope you can join me tomorrow at 1.00 p.m. for ‘The A-Z Of Mi-Soul Music’ The Letter I (Part Three). Quality and variety, as we do.
I post this status every single week day, Monday through Friday. If you want to read it but you don’t see it, just go to my profile. I’m always here!
Have a fabulous and funky Friday! I love you all. You’re probably thinking, “You don’t even know me!” but, if people can hate for no reason, why can’t I love?
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