#it is actually very funny that half the crows either actively hate or are completely apathetic about the country they lived in/live in and
bitchthefuck1 · 2 years
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Credit to @eerna for the original art
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Possessed Chapter Three: Mario
Without the adrenaline coursing through him, the pain in Luigi’s arm was so much worse. It throbbed in time with the rather horrid headache that was rapidly setting in. He wanted nothing more than to lie down in a dark room and curl around his arm in wretched misery. But despite how bad it was, King Boo’s only complaint was that the blood leaking from it and soaking into his sleeve and getting all over his front too ruined the look he’d been going for.
‘It’s not my meat suit,’ he explained. ‘So I have no reason to care if it gets damaged.’
Well Luigi cared and he would very much prefer it not be. He had no say in that though. King Boo didn’t even seem inclined to bandage his arm because he was just like that.
Instead he focused on E. Gadd and ensuring he did as he was told and freed all the boos in the three vaults he’d kept them in. As soon as they were all released back into the wild, Luigi got an uncomfortably strong sense of King Boo’s happiness about it and this situation as a whole. He was almost tempted to cling to it to escape his escape his misery more but didn’t; he didn’t want to share in King Boo’s joy about any of this.
Next came the destruction of the equipment that had captured and held the boos, including the Poltergust E. Gadd had been seemingly been in the process of repairing before he tried to use it defend himself with it. King Boo stepped in to do that himself, using a mix of magic and Luigi’s fists and feet and eventually even a crow bar.
He was ruthless, zapping, punching, kicking, smashing, until E. Gadd’s machines were reduced to a pile of metal and wires. It made the pains Luigi was already experiencing worse and introduce new ones. And King Boo didn’t stop at the vaults and Poltergusts either, he started going to town on everything else in the lab too, his rage fueled by a personal vendetta.
E. Gadd tried to protest a few times but King Boo wasn’t listening, he gave up when King Boo threatened to kill him if he didn’t shut up. Polterpup stayed by him, always placing himself between him and King Boo growling ferociously whenever the latter moved too close. Overall, it was bad, stressful time for everyone except for King Boo.
“There, you’re done” E. Gadd said what felt like forever later when King Boo’s anger seemed to finally be spent and everything in the lab had been reduce to little more than piles of rubble. “Now release him.”
Panting a little from exertion, King Boo turned to face him with a grin, resting the crowbar against Luigi’s shoulder. “When did I say I was going to do that? I don’t think I even implied it as a possibility.”
E. Gadd gasped and glared. “But… you can’t… You got what you…”
“He’s my puppet, I’m not giving him up.” Lifting his chin, King Boo tossed the crow bar to the side and started for the exit. “Lucky for you though, I’ve decided to let you live. Leaving you alive after wrecking your lab, destroying your life’s work, unable to take revenge against me without hurting your friend even more than he’s already hurting is better vengeance anyway.” ‘If he attacks, I’ll change my mind though, I don’t like disrespect.’
Thankfully, E. Gadd just muttered a few more attempts at a protest that King Boo ignored completely. He followed King Boo out and to the car, only giving up when King Boo slammed the car door shut.
‘Let’s go pay Mario a visit now, huh?’ King Boo said as he backed out of the driveway, running over E. Gadd’s mailbox in the process.
Just when things seemed they couldn’t get any worse too. … Please don’t. But… no amount of begging would convince King Boo to change his mind. He only took pleasure in it and thus… Luigi didn’t even try very hard. … King Boo laughed out loud about that.
By the time they reached Peach’s Castle, Luigi was tired enough that he probably would’ve been able to fall right asleep even with the pain in his arm. The bright sunlight as King Boo walked his body through the courtyard hurt his eyes and made him feel unwell – part of that might be blood loss though. Though it was nothing compared to the dread growing in him at the thought of Mario seeing him like this; a pitiful sorry state, actively violated by King Boo.
What was Mario going to do or think or say? Would he believe that this was Luigi’s fault somehow? How disgusted would he be? Would he even…
“Luigi?” It was a toad, he approached King Boo and Luigi hadn’t even noticed.
“I’m looking for Mario,” King Boo said, attempting to speak like Luigi.
“What’s up with the uh…” Toad trailed off, gesturing vaguely at his face. “And why are you dressed like that? And what happened to your arm? That’s not… blood is it? I don’t like blood.”
King Boo held back a sigh of annoyance. “I-I need to talk to Mario. It’s important. Do you know where he is?” His imitation wasn’t the worst in the world but with everything else it shouldn’t be at all convincing. … Unfortunately, the castle toads had never paid much attention to Luigi so this one looking like he believed it was not much of a surprise.
“Uh… uh… I’m not sure. Probably in the castle somewhere, maybe his room. You uh… should probably get that looked at if it is blood… it doesn’t look good.” At least it wasn’t actively bleeding anymore though, right?
“Yeah, sure, I’ll do that.” King Boo turned away to start for the castle again. ‘Toads are annoying, how do you put up with them?’
Luigi should respond in defense of the toads but considering how that one had just mostly ignored the fact that something was very blatantly wrong here he wasn’t even really sure he wanted to. And he lacked the energy to really try anyway.
As always, the door to the castle was unlocked. The toads guarding it reacted to Luigi’s current appearance much the same way the first one had, letting King Boo enter with little questioning. Ugh! How did they not see the crown and think ‘King Boo’? They’d never been the smartest folk around but surely they couldn’t be that stupid? … Then again though, other than the toads who’d come to the hotel with Peach, none of the castle toads had ever seen King Boo so maybe they just didn’t know.
‘Or maybe they just hate you. It wouldn’t surprise me.’ King Boo smirked as he strode freely into the castle.
Maybe you should just shut up.
King Boo laughed internally. ‘Oh, getting angry now, huh? Sure did take a while.’
Luigi refused to respond. Everything he did or said only ever seemed to give King Boo cause to taunt him some more. So… he was just going to stop thinking for a while instead. … Too bad that was really hard to do.
The entrance hall seemed to be empty. So were many of the rooms and halls except for the occasional toad. Most were too busy to pay King Boo much mind but the ones that did, all believed his only half decent Luigi impersonation, expressing nothing but concern for his obviously sorry state. None of them knew where Mario was though, that was a relief.
Maybe Mario was out somewhere doing something with Peach or Yoshi or anyone else. Hopefully wherever he was, he’d stay there until something happened and King Boo was no longer a problem. … What were the chances of that happening though? … King Boo’s response to that thought was a hearty laugh.
After searching half the castle, they ended up in the entrance hall again. Before King Boo could start for the other half, the sound of the entrance door opening drew his gaze. … It was Mario!
‘Finally!’ King Boo was utterly delighted. Luigi was utterly the opposite.
Mario had spotted him too, pausing for a second before coming further in. “Luigi?” His brows were furrowed with worry as he came closer. “Toad told me you were looking for me. Are you… okay?”
No, Luigi was not okay. He’d never been less okay in his entire life. He desperately wanted to tell Mario that and... he desperately wanted Mario to save him.
King Boo laughed out loud, twisting Luigi’s face into an evil grin. “Hey Mario, it’s been a while. Though really, I don’t know how long it’s been, it’s hard to keep track of time while in captivity.”
Only a few feet away now, Mario stopped, his face hardening. “Who are you? And why do you look so much like my brother?”
“Can’t you guess based off the crown?” King Boo gestured to it. “And I look like your brother because in a way I am.”
No, you’re not!
Mario was silent for a few seconds before it seemed to click. “King Boo?”
Mario rushed forward to grab Luigi by his shirt front. The look on his face said he wanted to punch King Boo and King Boo was going to let him. “What did do you do to him?”
“Nothing actually, well, other than steal his meat suit anyway.”
Mario’s grip loosened as he stepped back, a look of horror coming over his face. “Is he… if you…”
“Nah, he’s still in here.” King Boo winked as he tapped the side of his head. “Which is the whole point of this. You can’t do anything to me without hurting your bro even more than you’re going to be hurting me. It’s brilliant, isn’t it? I should’ve thought of this a long time ago instead of trusting Helen to do anything with her stupid hotel.” He did not like Helen, her obsession with him made him uncomfortable. … If only Luigi could do something with that knowledge or at least find it funny. “This is better vengeance anyway, don’t you think?”
Mario opened his mouth but failed to say anything for several seconds. “Why… just why?”
“Because I can and because I wanted to.”
Luigi willed Mario to run away now before King Boo could hurt him or worse. He’d have a better shot at fighting back than E. Gadd had but unable to fight back properly King Boo might still be able to…
Please, you’ve had your fun, please just leave now. Don’t… don’t hurt him… please. Luigi wasn’t even begging to be let go, he just didn’t want to watch and feel as his hands were used to hurt the people he loved. He wouldn’t be able to take that, it was too much.
King Boo was absolutely delighted with both the look of useless fury on Mario’s face and with Luigi’s desperate begging. He’d won, he was finally victorious over his enemies at last. No more would boos be sucked up into vacuums or bullied. He’d done what no other person had ever done before, he’d utterly defeated the Mario bros. And now he was going to have a little fun with that.
No… please don’t. Luigi pulled his mind away from King Boo’s thoughts as much as he could but they were too intense to get away from completely. Please don’t hurt him.
King Boo took a single menacing step towards Mario and… Something hit the back Luigi’s head with a loud bang, bringing an intense flash of pain followed by blessed nothing.
Mario gaped as Luigi’s body crumbled to the floor in a heap. He’d seen Peach sneaking up on King Boo from behind but he hadn’t expected her to whack him with a frying pan.
“That’s my bro,” he said gesturing uselessly at his poor brother who’d already clearly been through so much.
Peach nodded as she lowered the frying pan. “I know. But we needed to stop King Boo before he did something or before he left, bringing Luigi with him.” Yes, but surely there were less violent ways to do that. “So I knocked him out. Now all we have to do is take him to the doctor so she can look at his arm and uh… maybe head now too. And then we’ll lock him in a cell until we figure out how to get King Boo out of him.”
Mario could only groan. While that was a good plan and the only one they really had, it meant Luigi would most likely suffer even more. Why couldn’t there be a fix now?
“Come on,” Peach said as she put the pan away and crouched down to pull Luigi into a more upright position by his arms. “I need your help lifting him.”
Before obeying, Mario bent down to grab King Boo’s crown. It was much smaller now but still obvious. Maybe removing it would… Nope, it wouldn’t budge no matter how hard Mario pulled on it. So it did seem to be tied to his possession of Luigi’s body somehow but not in a way that made it any easier to fix.
“It’ll be okay,” Peach whispered as Mario gave up on that. “We’ll fix this, I promise.”
Feeling a bit choked up, Mario could only nod his thanks. Hopefully for Luigi’s sake, she was right.
While the castle doctor was patching up Luigi, Mario called E. Gadd. Surely if anyone knew how to fix this, it’d be him.
“Mario,” he almost shouted into the phone as soon as he picked it up. “Watch out for Luigi he’s…”
“Possessed by King Boo,” Mario interrupted. “You knew?” And didn’t think to call and share that news, really? It’s not like Luigi was his baby brother or anything, so why would he need to know something like that?
“Well uh… now that I think about, I should’ve called to tell you but uh… my lab’s in a bit of state.” He was too busy cleaning his lab to… “King Boo was rather thorough in destroying everything…” Oh. “… more than just the boo stuff too which wasn’t part the deal. Neither was freeing Luigi like I thought… hoped. He left me alive though so… there’s that. … I should’ve called.”
“What happened?”
“Well, Booigi came to my lab and tried to kill me. He would’ve succeeded if Polterpup hadn’t jumped him. Then he said he’d let me live, if I freed his boos and destroyed the boo vaults but he destroyed everything else too and I watched because… there was nothing I could do and I thought maybe he’d let Luigi go after he got what he wanted but he didn’t and…” He made a wordless sound of frustration accompanied by the sound of his fist banging something metal.
With a sigh, Mario informed him on what was happening over here and the general plan which relied heavily on him. Everything in his lab being destroyed didn’t bode well for their plans though but it was still all they had.
E. Gadd hemmed and hawed for a few seconds after Mario finished talking. “Well, with my lab the way it is, I can’t guarantee anything but I’ll try. It might take a while though.” That… wasn’t surprising. Hopefully Luigi could hold on for a while longer.
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dearheartwitcher · 4 years
ocs masterpost
for ease of access! in-depth descriptions of all my favorite ocs, all in one post. you can find even more of my ocs (brief descriptions + reference images) over on my art fight page! (you have to be logged in to view!)
DnD Characters:
note: for some of these, i have to omit large portions of info as i am either actively playing them, or saving them for a future campaign, and i dont want anyone im playing with to see and accidentally spoil themselves
Fennryn Autumntide—
They were separated from their parents as a baby, and instead raised by an older dwarven woman named Rhiannon Autumntide (AKA Anna). They lived in the forest on the mountain together. She taught them how to fend for themself, and a basic respect for nature and other living things. Their relationship was very teacher/student, but as the years went by they saw each other as family. Fenn solidified this by taking Anna’s last name when they were of age. Eventually, Anna passed away, and Fenn was left in the woods alone.
Fearful of dying alone without ever having experienced life off of the mountain, Fenn sets out to find an adventure. And they find one, alongside a younger tiefling man named Finn. Finn is an experienced pirate, but he is vulnerable. Finn and Fenn trust each other explicitly, and after some time, they fall in love.
Fenn is tall, muscular, and an older elf. They’re around middle aged.
Alistair is a mystery. They are a bizarre-looking half-elf, with a wicked grin, and glowing cyan eyes that lack pupils. They are seemingly fairly young, despite their hair beginning to grow white at the roots.
Alistair is extremely curious, and values sating that curiosity above most things. They spend much of their time exploring and researching. They also have a complete lack of respect for personal boundaries, and love to study and inspect whoever they can get their hands on. (They’re good with a pair of pliers, if you’re willing to let them pull a tooth. They’d be happy to show you their collection.)
Alistair also thrives on positive attention, especially from people who don’t give it easily. Perhaps that’s why they insist on hanging off of Frey as much as they do. Frey Matthias Wolfe is a rich bastard. He’s a man of study as well, but he’s a real mean bitch. And Alistair loves him.
Alistair’s patron... Is a whole other story. One that will remain secret, for now.
Jesse was spawned from the thought “I should make a mean nerd for everyone to bully!” And the execution, imo, was flawless. A 24 year old human man. Jesse is a bard, and he hates it. He has been traveling on his own for a while, and finished his bard college education a couple years ago. He’s pretty studious, and he’s determined to learn everything related to magic that he can.
Despite being a jackass, and kind of a stick in the mud, he does have some semblance of a sense of humor. He also likes to use his intelligence and skill to feel superior to the people around him as often as possible. He is visibly extremely disturbed by corpses.
Jesse is very vague about his past and his reasons for traveling alone.
Ford is my newest character! He is a firbolg cowboy. Extremely tall (approaching 8’), with a powerful build. I can’t say much about him yet! He is seemingly very friendly and happy to lend a helping hand whenever he can. He has a sister, named Clementine, who owns a small grocery store.
(note: cressida city + the world its a part of belongs to my boyfriend @ghost-gore ! all the characters that mine know belong to him as well. warning for gore on his blog.)
Ellis is a demon who works in limbo under a man named Crow. Ellis is technically speaking, pretty old, but he looks just as much the young man he was when he died. He keeps his long hair back in a ponytail, and can’t seem to ever wear his suit properly.
Ellis’ powers allow him to see and alter people’s memories. Limbo, as it works out, is a mess of memories. He is always very busy keeping things in order. He’s no stranger to making mistakes, but he has a knack for fixing them to make up for it. When he has a moment to himself, he likes to slip into the dreams of humans. He thinks they’re interesting! (But he keeps accidentally bringing them nightmares...oops. Don’t worry, he can fix it!)
Ellis is in love with his boss, and has been for over a century. He has a hard time keeping it subtle, but fortunately(??) Crow is oblivious. But a century is a long time... And things have gotten intimate between them more than once.
He is also good friends with a much older demon, named Cordia. They like to meet up for drinks, and bond over funny cat pictures.
Rosier is an old, powerful demon. He was once a high-ranking officer in “Hell”’s military. He was charming, and an excellent strategist. (Having a powerful beast form also helps.)
However, something triggered him severely. In a frenzied panic, he shifted into his beast form and flew off.
As a beast, he has large red eyes, long antennae, sharp claws, and huge black wings. Years passed as he isolated himself, and legends spread of the Mothman. Rosier lost himself more and more, until he lost the ability to speak. He stopped seeing any people as the apocalypse happened all around him.
Later, living in the ruins outside of Cressida, he is found by a young hero named Ghost. Ghost is initially intimidated by Rosier, and treats him as an enemy. They fight a few times, before Ghost realizes that Rosier isn’t necessarily a foe— he’s just defending himself. Ghost then begins to treat Rosier almost as a pet.
After some time rehabilitating Rosier, Ghost brings him back to Orion HQ, where they work for Cordia. Cordia is one of very few demons old enough to recognize Rosier.
Eventually, Rosier is able to read, speak, and transform back into a more human shape. He still retains a few of his moth form’s traits, including fully red eyes, fur here and there, and limbs that fade to near-black at the tips.
Cyrus Darcy—
Cyrus is a rich bitch whore. He cares about three things ONLY: wine, sex, and himself. Money is power and he has more than enough of it. His parents passed away when he was a teenager, and they left him a fortune.
Cyrus always gets what he wants. If money can’t get it for him, he has another trick up his sleeve that can. Cyrus is a celestial, meaning a human born with supernatural powers. Cyrus has the power of suggestion, meaning that he can give anyone a short command that they are compelled to follow.
Cyrus has all the makings of a villain, but in actuality he is very neutral. He just wants to have a good time unbothered. He uses his powers mostly to get randos to leave him alone. (Randos like Arley and Kier, who are sent by Cordia to recruit Cyrus for Orion. It takes a while.)
Evelyn (AKA Evie) was born in the Victorian Era, to a rich father. With money and good looks, she was often pursued by men wishing to court and marry her. She was disinterested in all of them. She preferred to spend her time reading and studying. Evelyn loved to learn, but she also loved a good romance or fantasy to sweep her off her feet.
Enter Cordia, who spent her Victorian days posing as a man. They had a passionate love affair, until Cordia made a sudden exit from Evelyn’s life.
Many years later, Evelyn awakens in the afterlife as an angel. When she and Cordia meet again, it is as equals and business partners.
She is now working as a librarian/an archivist. She also boxes, because she likes to feel strong.
Marcy is a thotty rave twink. They love music, they love neons, and they love to flirt. Marcy is very enthusiastic, and they are a little bit in love with basically everyone. They flirt constantly, and are not shy with physical affection. They like to do drugs and make out and they’re happy to do that with pretty much anyone who’s willing.
Marcy is also a celestial. Their powers allow them to control their personal gravity. They can jump really high, and come down hard, among other things! They mostly use it to help themself go fast. They used to be in roller derby! And they still love to skate.
(ps they have thighs for days and an ass that wont quit. thank u)
Bonnie Briary—
My newest oc! She belongs to a world where monsters are real, but hidden. Monsters aren’t super common, and they generally avoid integration with human society. (The setting is also a blend of modern + victorian fantasy. Think Lemony Snicket ambiguity.)
Bonnie is shy, sweet, and curious. She likes to study plants in particular. Her style of choice is cottagecore/fairycore blend. She has a garden that she loves very much.
Faust (belongs to tovomiel on ig), is a trash punk gargoyle monster, who for some reason has decided he likes Bonnie. He teases her relentlessly and loooooves to make her flustered. The catch is, he’s too shy to make a move beyond teasing and the occasional kiss. Bonnie, sweet as she is, is dying for him to stop leaving her hanging. Shenanigans ensue.
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tommyhagen · 6 years
Sick Doms is SUCH an underused trope!!!
I was asked to write a companion peice to an incredible rare gem I found on AO3. The original is here. Sick Negan you guys! Here’s my response on AO3 too: Rick takes care of sick!Negan
But here it is on here. Also SERIOUSLY send me asks for scenes! I whipped this out in a couple of hours like seriously give me some happiness and ask me to write you a sickfic???
TW: Emetophilia, Vomit, Graphic Depiction Of Illness, Reference to Violence, dipping into true moments of darkness
Ever fall in love with someone you shouldn’t have fallen in love with? —Buzzcocks
“Well, will you look at that! Rick motherfucking Grimes!”, Negan crowed. He’d started the day feeling alright, managed to keep some shit down and all but the drive over had not helped. End of the fucking world, not a damn soul on the road and the idiots working for him still managed to be bad drivers.
Rick, as always, stood ready and at the gates, glare in place before Negan even got out of the truck. He had to be practicing ahead of time because goddamnit Negan just could not get that motherfucker to crack a smile. He could threaten him, yeah, but where was the fun in that. No, Rick Grimes would smile at him in his own due time. He always let the really good ones break themselves. A man like Rick was worth a nice, long chase.
“Open the gates Eye Candy! I wanna get a good look at my favorite settlement.”, he barked. Negan took a moment to leer at Token Latina as they rolled them back. Damn. How the hell did that bitch always have on tinier little fucking shorts every time he saw her?! Not that he minded. Girl had some great legs on her. Looks like he knew where to find Arat when he needed her.
He tried not to need her. Arat was probably his favorite lady next to Lucille herself. And Rick’s people were one good looking bunch. If he was here to flirt with Rick, which everyone knew he was, his High Command could flirt with whoever they wanted too. Only seemed fair. Only rules were to keep your eyes off Rick and no hands on stuff unless it was consensual. Arat had been after that Hispanic girl since she laid eyes on her and Negan wished her all the best.
“I live here. Who else were you expecting?”, grunted the fairest of them all. Pretty as a princess with the manners of a stable boy. Oh fuck, was Rick Grimes ever Negan’s type!
“Well you weren’t last time. Which was very rude, by the way. I even cooked. If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were trying to hurt my feelings.”, Negan drawled, throwing an arm around Rick’s shoulder. He’d managed to kiss him on the cheek before but didn’t want to play his hand too early in the game so he settled for a quick squeeze. “But hell, you know I can’t stay mad at you. Even left a present.”
Rick just grunted an affirmation and tried to pull away.
Negan just held him tighter. He dropped his volume to almost a whisper, “Did you like it, Rick? That rich kid’s corpse? Made it just for you.”
Rick’s face went pale and he nearly stumbled. Negan positively howled with laughter. Yeah, he’d be just fine. So what if everything in his inside seemed like it’d rather be on the outside? He couldn’t just lay around puking his fucking guts out forever. He had shit to do and people to scare. He’d had enough of feeling miserable. So Rick. So far it’d been a perfect plan. Wasn’t doing much for his stomach but Negan hadn’t been in this good of a mood in days. That had to count for something. He was sure Simon and Eugene would think so anyways.
“In the future if you ever feel like giving me something I’d prefer it not be body parts.”, Rick hissed. So picky. But Negan didn’t like shrinking violets. No problem with someone knowing their worth if they were worth something though. And Rick here was worth every single life Negan chose to end for him.
Negan gave him a truly lewd grin in return. “Now you know that’s not a promise I’d be willing to make. I’m sorry Rick but your price is too high. I’ve been trying to give you some of mine since I saw you after all.”, he sneered, pulling Rick closer. It fit with the attitude he was throwing but the truth was he just wanted Rick near. It was a funny thing. Everyone was dressed like it was hot as dicks out and Negan just couldn’t get warm enough.
Lucky it didn’t seem like Rick had noticed anything but Negan’s hand having slipped down to his hip. “Let me go ahead and save you some time. No.”, he growled, trying to squirm away. Negan struggled to keep him. He wouldn’t have managed it unless Simon, who Negan somehow hadn’t even noticed trailing them, cocked his gun. Rick settled the fuck down pretty quick.
Negan shot Simon a weak glare over his shoulder. He couldn’t find it in him to do much more when instead of looking amused his second in command just seemed concerned. It wasn’t like Negan was against Simon playing wing man or anything. Just kinda put a dent in his whole not threatening Rick agenda. What kind of gentleman wins a lady or fine ass man over with force?
”Oh, Rick you little fucking prude. You’re gonna be tight as a chorus boy, aren’t ya? For you? I’ll take it slow as you want, baby.”, Negan said deciding that since he’d braved the hellride over just for Rick’s company they were beyond innuendo.
”You disgust me.”, Rick replied with a shudder.
Negan choose to interpret it as a shiver of undeniable pleasure brought on by his seduction. Negan was shivering too and he’d chalk it to the same thing. Rick was pretty fucking hot. Besides, Negan couldn’t be cold everyone else was starting to sweat just walking around. And, of course, that just made Rick even more like he’d stepped out of a porno. If Negan didn’t want him so bad he’d hate him because no one but him had the right to be so damn fine.
”And yet you find me strangely attractive.”, Negan shot back. He grabbed Rick’s hand. Thank Christ they were at the Grimes house because it’d hit Negan like he’d walked into a brick wall. He absolutely could not take one more step. And it was more than just his stomach protesting now. It hurt to breathe, to think, to walk, to be alive. How was he meant to pretend he wasn’t cold when his fucking teeth were chattering?
Shit. If it weren’t for Rick he would call this off that’s how bad he felt. Nothing else was worth this hell, not even his ego. The Saviours all knew by now how fucked up he was whether he wanted them to or not, anyway. Word travels fast when your boss nearly pukes up blood in front of half the damn world. Fuck, Negan might be in love with Rick Grimes now that he thought about it.
”What’s the hurry?”, Negan forced out and hoped his voice wasn’t shaking. “I got to have a nice little heart to heart with the kid last time. I want my chance to with his daddy too.” It was a flimsy excuse and Negan could do better if he weren’t trying so damn hard to hold himself still. It did the trick though. No one would doubt anything involving Rick to be his motive.
“No thanks, I’d really rather help you steal from us some more.”, Rick snapped.
Negan’s head was throbbing. The best he could manage was a quick, “Sit the fuck down, Rick.” He should have gotten an Oscar or something for acting like flopping back into the wicker chair was a choice. He’d straight up just collapsed.
Negan had never seen Rick obey a command so quickly and he prayed that Rick was just tired or something. He took it all back. He didn’t want Rick to see him like this. Curiosity killed the cat and Negan felt like one that’d been run over a few hundred times, that’s for sure. He didn’t have to try to look hot, of course, but he liked to throw in a little bit of something extra for Rick. Right now, though, he just wanted to be back in the Sancturary where he could feel like shit in peace.
“Negan?”, Simon called and Negan looked up just a second too late to be normal. But it was too late, Rick had noticed that. His eyes were always scanning Negan for weakness and Negan just HAD to choose to visit him on the day there might actually be some to find.
“What?”, Negan managed through gritted teeth. He actually couldn’t tell what was bothering him most when everything hurt so bad. He kind of envied the cat that curiosity killed though. God, anything had to be better than this.
“Just...you’ve got a eavesdropper is all.”, Simon pointed out looking nearly as pained as Negan felt. Huh. Damn, he was loyal. Negan made a note to let him have any wife he wanted when- if, he tried not to think- they got back tonight.
Negan realized he was hunched over, an arm around his middle. Against every lick of sense he had he straightened up. Sure enough though, Rick’s son was watching them through a window wearing a baby version of his father’s glare. Damn, he was just a mini Rick and that made him smile despite everything. God Rick had made some adorable kids. “Hey Carl!”, he called and waved with more enthusiasm than should have been possible for him.
Of course the kid wouldn’t join them because a complete lack of manners ran in the family but at least Negan could understand his animosity. He might not be so keen on hanging around with a man who was actively trying to fuck the one parent he had left either. He liked the black girl though and Negan still couldn’t figure out how she’d managed that.
He felt the familiar burn in his stomach and hunched forward. He spoke again trying to distract from it, “Haven’t seen you in nearly two weeks, Rick. Did ya miss me?”
”Like I miss the bullet in my chest.”, Rick spat back but his eyes were narrowed not in hate but interest. So he knew it too. Negan was going to end up throwing up again. Well, at least they were all on the same page. No surprises. Awesome. If Simon cared at all he would shoot him.
This was just plain mean. Everybody here knew what was going to happen but they were gonna just wait for him to humiliate himself? FUCK EVERYTHING. He could understand Rick, at least, he was too repressed to look at their sexual tension as anything but hatred but his best friend?! Come on! Fuck it. If they were gonna let him make a mess of himself then he’d do it. Negan would just pretend this was a fucking garden party until he crashed it by puking on everything.
He set his jaw stubbornly as he continued on, “You were shot, Rick?”. And if Negan ever got to feeling better he might just have to go pay a visit to whoever’d done it. Despite how sick he’d ended up the disembowling part of his last trip to Alexandria had been pretty fucking cool. He wouldn’t mind adding that to the old trick book permanently. It’d have been more than earned everyone from his people to the Hilltop to that lunatic with the rennisance fair knew better than to give Rick so much as a scratch. Rick Grimes was his and had been the second Negan had seen him. He was under a damn powerful man’s protective hand. No one would dare lay a hand on that boy but him.
Surprisingly Rick answered him, “Yeah.”. His words were coming slow and thoughtful. Negan let himself think it was from concern for him and not calculating how best to use this against him. It made things seem a bit brighter. “Before all this in the line of duty. Was in a coma and woke up in the middle of the apocalypse. My wife and Carl were gone. Never thought I’d see them again.”
And that was just so unbearably cute and SO Rick that Negan nearly forgot about the twinge of acid on the back of his tongue. How else would Rick get shot? Playing Hero of course. God, what Negan would give to see Rick in uniform. He desperately wanted to see that scar. The thought probably would have turned him on if there were any blood left in his body for a hard-on. And what he could have done to Rick with him in those handcuffs...fuck, his body almost managed to rally.
”Negan?”, someone called again softly. And holy fuck that had been Rick! Negan could rally for that.
He swallowed thickly against the acid creeping it’s way up. “That bitch!”, he forced out. But the sentiment was anything but. “They couldn’t have forced me to leave your side if you got hurt.” It was true. Negan loved him, goddamnit. That’s why this was gonna suck so bad. Because Rick would laugh at him for this. And it’d be a hell of a lot harder to live in denial that one day Rick would come around then.
Rick had had enough. Of course he would always so serious. He couldn’t just settle the fuck down for a second and let things happen. “What the hell is wrong with you?”, he demanded.
Negan waved him off even though a hand was clamped over his mouth. “Not a damn thing, Rick.”, he practically whined. If the nausea wasn’t bad enough before Negan had just piled some self loathing on top of that. He gagged.
”Fuck, you’re about to throw up.”, Rick realized.
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high5nerd · 5 years
The Misadventures of Fanty and Loki---Chap. Four
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Loki escaped easily when Fanty left for work the following day, and he never felt so freer. The first thing he did was take in a deep breath of the summer air, laugh, and disguise himself as one of the common folk of Burgess. His rich green robes turned into dark pants and a lime green t-shirt, and even went as far as to make his former warrior boots look like black converse. He cast one look back at the apartment before turning away and strolling down the street, admiring the sunny weather and the vast differences of many stores and people.
Where to cause mischief today? his mind chuckled darkly, Rob a bank? Kidnappings? Scare people into thinking I got hit by those vehicles?
So many ideas fluttered around in his mind, he didn't realize a police officer was watching him from afar. Loki was so deep in thought, he accidentally jaywalked across the street during a yellow light. Immediately, the police officer walked in his general direction.
"Hey, you!" the man shouted, finally gaining Loki's attention.
Does this ogre even realize who he just snapped at?! Loki's mind growled, and in response he narrowed his eyes meanly at him.
"You do realize you just illegally crossed the street, right? Were you even paying attention?" the officer clearly was pissed off, either because he's seen it happen so much just for this summer or he wasn't having a good day.
"Pardon? I didn't know walking was illegal." Loki said acidly, and the officer clearly knew he was being snarky.
"I'm letting you off with a warning, buddy. Next time you cause a problem without paying attention, you're in deep doo doo." the grumpy officer pointed an accusing finger at him, and with a huffy breath he turned on his heel back to his police cruiser, the lights turned off and silent.
"Arsehole." Loki muttered, turning around angrily and walking a bit faster.
Hunger was starting to jolt through his body again, so he made his way towards a building with a sandwich billboard on the roof titled, 'Josie's Joint'. He came off as the impatient customer, and he could see in the 'servant's' eyes that they were highly annoyed by his attitude. Since he had no money, and thought he really didn't need it since he was of royal status, walked out with his beer and sandwich. Even when the cashier lady started screaming at him to pay, he ignored her call and walked out of the store, taking a swig of his beer.
Granted, it wasn't as tasty as they were up in Asgard, but it would do for now. It tasted too earthy for his liking.
Loki sat in the park on a concrete bench, happily eating his ham, lettuce and cheese sandwich while taking frequent swigs of beer between bites. He finally felt at peace, with no worries or responsibilities whatsoever. It felt nice. Wonderful even.
"Hey, freak!" someone shouted.
Loki looked up, mildly surprised to see three teens surround him, some looking burly and others looking like their lapdogs. Loki wanted to laugh, but fought off the temptation.
"Give us your food, you hobo." one of them threatened, taking out what looked like a knife, but Loki would have considered it a butter knife.
"Ha! Let me think…" Loki pretended to ponder on the decision, "No."
"Give it to us or Slash here would give you a nice looking scar to brag about." the other sneered at him, thinking it would intimidate him into giving the half empty bottle of beer and half eaten sandwich.
"I must warn you, you do not want to threaten me. You do not know who you are dealing with." Loki hissed, standing up to show he was at least a foot taller than them.
The boys, who looked to be sixteen and flunking school, merely laughed in his face. "You think height scares us? You're such an idiot."
"There goes your warning." Loki grinned.
Without hesitation, he easily grabbed one of the boys by the arm and flung him backwards, sending him colliding into a tree. His eyes widened in shock as he fell to the ground, frozen in fear.
"You asshole!" another screamed, and went in to punch him hard, but Loki easily grabbed his hand and tightened his grip so he could break his hand.
The boy he was dealing with screamed in pain, hitting his arm to let him go. Again, Loki threw this boy in a different direction and almost plowed into a biker.
Loki's brawl with the four teen boys grabbed everyone's attention, and it scared everyone in the park. Loki had a grin plastered onto his angular face, clearly showing he was enjoying the fight.
What stopped the boys from fighting him was the loud call of police sirens. Loki looked up to see four armed police officers sprinting in their direction, furious fire in their eyes.
"Crap! The fuzz!" the boy with the damaged hand yelled.
"Let's get out of here!" the other boy against the tree called, and two of the boys helped him down and ran for their life.
"Serves them right-!" Loki chuckled, before being tackled down by police officers. "Argh! Get off me!"
"You have the right to remain silent!" one of the officers said loudly for all to hear.
Shit...Fanty's going to be pissed. Loki just knew what was in store for him when the main officer put the handcuffs on his wrists.
Meanwhile, Fanty paced the kitchen anxiously, Xion sitting in her seat worriedly. She watched Fanty with a pitying eye, and finally spoke up, "Maybe it was a bad idea bringing Loki in?"
"I can't just give up on him. Odin's crow messenger said I had to do it. I have no choice." Fanty ran a nervous hand through her hair.
"Actually, you do," Xion sighed, "I just think you pity him and you don't want to see him go."
Fanty was silent for a while, before nodding. "Some parts of him remind me of myself, like his loneliness and not being able to trust others easily. I want to help him fix that. Besides, if we are able to help him, he probably won't attack Midgard anymore."
"Earth, you idiot," Xion chuckled, rolling her eyes, "you're starting to sound like an Asgardian."
Fanty shrugged, "It sounds cooler."
Suddenly, there was a loud knocking at the front door. Scratch that, it wasn't knocking. It was harsh banging. It was so loud it made Xion jump out of her seat and Fanty almost yelped in surprise. Xion pushed Fanty to the door, and she whipped it open to see Loki looking very pissed off, with an even more pissed off police officer.
"Told you he'd be more trouble than Pitch." Xion muttered, folding her arms.
Loki grimaced and looked away from Fanty's face. She looked heartbroken. Maybe not that extreme, but hurt and disappointed.
"What happened?" she asked, catching Loki in her arms when the officer shoved him inside.
"Your friend here is trouble. He jaywalked, committed an eat and run, and got into a fight with some younger boys. Two of them had to go to the hospital."
"Loki!" Xion snapped, and even the god himself looked guilty of that. The fun was completely wiped out of himself and the recent events.
Fanty looked at Loki, who stared at his shoes as to not see her accusing eye. Normally, it wouldn't bother him. Doing things like this in Asgard? He easily got away with. But here...it ate away at his insides, a feeling of guilt he never felt before. He hated that feeling of guilt. If guilt was a person, he would stab him.
"Keep him on your radar or things are going to get a lot worse. Got it?" the officer scrutinized her closely, noticing that just by her appearance, Loki could easily knock her out and escape again.
"I got it. I'm very sorry for this, it won't happen again." Fanty earnestly said, craving for this man to just get the heck out of here.
Even after the officer left, Mr. Joyce, the landlord of the apartment, had a serious talk with the six girls about keeping a man like him around the place. He made them promise that if anything were to happen, like Loki destroying a building or committing another crime, they would have to move out and find another place to live.
"You really are an idiot." Mystic said, folding her arms angrily as she glared at Loki.
"I said I was sorry, you puny mortal!" Loki snapped, glaring at her.
"It doesn't sound like it." Angel shook her head.
"Loki," Fanty sat next to him, seriously looking him straight in the eye, "Why did you do all that?"
Loki didn't respond fast enough for anyone's liking, and Mystic threw up her hands in annoyance along with Star's famous eye roll. Drago and Fanty were the only ones worrying about why he did that instead of how he could even think of getting in trouble like that. Fanty and Drago couldn't blame the other girls, they were just as mad at him as they were.
"Was it just wanting to do something rebellious? For an adrenaline rush?" Drago asked softly, not wanting to see him get more annoyed.
Loki hesitantly shook his head, stiffening up when Fanty rested her hand on his shoulder. "Those boys were going to attack me if I didn't give them my food. So I simply defended myself. It is not my fault they were acting rashly."
"You're right, they were." Fanty nodded.
"I may be pissed off with you, but I agree with you." Mystic said, a bit of her anger edging away a bit.
"They sound like the Newson kids. They're always causing trouble." Angel thought, and Star silently agreed with her, watching Loki's face to see if he'll express any emotion.
"Girls...I'll deal with him. You all can rest, relax, enjoy your night. This won't be happening again." Fanty promised the five amigas.
Willingly enough, thanks to Fanty's calm voice that made them know it'll be alright, they left back to their apartments, keen on getting their own dinner ready and doing their own fun activities.
"Really?" she turned to him, "jaywalking?"
"How should I know you beings have lights to tell you to stop, slow down and go? It is ridiculous. I was not even doing anything wrong." Loki pouted, slumping into the couch.
At this, Fanty struggled to keep in her laugh. Loki looked at her, completely unamused. What was she finding so funny? It was not amusing at all, being caught for unintentionally doing something bad. How was he to know all those rules? But in her perspective, he was acting like a grumpy teenager.
"So this entire thing is a misunderstanding?" Fanty finalized, and Loki could see she was starting to understand his predicament, that the police officers probably just had a bad day or they have their underpants in a knot.
"Yes!" Loki slammed his hands on his knees, "I swear by the blood oath I didn't mean to!"
He stared straight into Fanty's eyes, challenging her to try and question him more. He knew he was guilt free.
But something occurred that made Loki confused. Normally, everyone besides his late mother would tell if he lied. Even if he was telling the truth, they thought he was lying. Besides his mother, Frigga, Fanty was the first person he's ever met that knew he was telling the truth.
She finally smiled, a bit timidly, and patted his shoulder. "Thank you for telling me honestly. I thought you wouldn't, but it means a lot that you did."
"Humph," Loki folded his arms and slouched back into the couch stubbornly, "don't take it for granted. You're just being soft."
Fanty laughed, and Loki gave her a curious brow. "Wow! You finally used a contraction in a sentence! Good for you." she playfully winked.
Loki couldn't help but chuckle, "That certainly means trouble. I think you're rubbing off on me already….what is my reward for such a slang?"
"Strudel!" Fanty cheered, and Loki grinned at that.
As they happily ate strawberry strudel (and for some odd reason Loki wanted it with peanut butter, to which Fanty had no idea he knew about), the spritely girl could tell that he was getting better. Seeing that positive smile, knowing that he told the truth, it told her he was learning. Albeit slowly, maybe even slower than Pitch, but he was still making some sort of hesitant effort. She was pretty proud of that, and she couldn't wait to tell her friends!
"I have a question." Fanty said, placing down her half empty cup of cold milk.
Loki looked up at her, slightly bored. After eating he usually milled about, and he still wasn't very sociable at times. Granted, he could elegantly and eloquently do so, but he preferred to just have silence after even a tiny snack.
"Can you teach me magic?" Fanty beamed, leaning forward.
Loki stared at her, waiting for her to say that she was just joking. When she didn't, he face palmed, and muttered, "Midgardians…"
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