#it is annoying that you have to delete all your gear to open a skip for a role that you already have though
nonbinaryurianger · 7 months
I'm actually really glad for this cloud test because it's giving me the opportunity to try classes I haven't leveled yet and learn which ones are actually fun at high levels.
so far I could take or leave black mage but bard and samurai are both fun so they'll probably be new foci of mine on live
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brighter-by-the-daly · 7 months
Millie Bright x Reader
Part Two: Lover’s Auction
Millie’s perspective:
Sam grabbed my arm holding it out straight to display the phone number that was still visible on my skin, I’d scrubbed at it in the shower this morning which made it fade a little but was still clearly readable. I knew training would be a show and tell this morning so tried to cover it with a long sleeve under top, but in a blind haze after a rigorous training session I mindlessly pulled up the sleeves. “What’s this then Mills, you cheating on me?” the Aussie joked as I tried to pull the top back down to cover the writing, of course my friend wouldn’t let me as she continued with her probing questions. “I knew you were hiding something, you never wear long sleeves!” her voice became loud and squeaky in excitement, the way that it does when she’s making fun of me. “It’s just a phone number!” the enquiry made the smirk on my face hard to hide as it’s been years since my last relationship, I was kinda hopeful that this might lead to something good. “Is this what that dorky smile on your face has been about all day?” Sam poked my ribs as the commotion drew Erin nearer to the drama that followed us around everywhere. “Is it a giiiirlll?” Sam continued to tease until I broke my cover. “Maybeee” I couldn’t contain my smile at admitting it as I felt my cheeks grow a warmer shade of red. “Well, you gotta tell us all about it, weren’t you at that function last night?” they linked their arms together as they skipped back into the changing room, dragging me along with them. I didn’t have a choice but tell them all about the girl I had met last night at some random charity event I didn’t even want to go to - not if I wanted to get out of here alive anyway! They couldn’t believe she hates Chelsea and didn’t have a clue who I was! I said that maybe that’s for the best, since the World Cup it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t know who I am and it could be refreshing to not be on edge about ulterior motives. A lot of people I meet only want me for my money or to get into places for free, there tends to be people out there that think I earn a lot more money than I actually do, I’m able to live comfortably but still have to watch the pennies and save for the things I really want. Packing up my gear to leave my phone lit up with a message, “is that her?!” Erin pulled my arm in her direction as they peered over to look for a photo that wasn’t there, I explained they would have to wait and see what happens before I expose the identity behind the phone number. My friends made their annoyance known through loud groans as I left to go home, “bye sweeties!” I waved sarcastically leaving them in the lurch.
Your perspective:
The sun rise shining through your bedroom window made your eyelashes flutter open, shielding the sun from your eyes you squinted at the clock to see it was barely 8am. Mascara stained your hands as you rubbed your eyes, annoyed that you’d forgotten to do your skin care routine when your got home last night. Tapping your phone to light up the notifications you noticed a text from an unfamiliar number, “hello pretty girl, hope your head isn’t too sore!” You guessed it was from Millie but pulled the shirt she’d written her number on from under the bed to double check before replying which lead into texting all morning. Opening Google to search the footballer you noticed she was telling the truth - she is a defender for England and Chelsea! Looking at a few photos you had an epiphany and realised last night wasn’t the first time you had seen Millie. Wrapped in your duvet you shuffled to the sofa and re-downloaded episodes of Eastenders that you’d deleted from the Sky box, spotting the familiar blonde a few weeks ago on The One Show. Sending her a picture of the TV screen you laughed to yourself.
Y: knew that wasn’t the first time I’ve seen you! 🤭
M: you didn’t recognise me? 😂
Y: well no, my recording of Eastenders caught the last few minutes of it… I fast forwarded 🙈
M: Charming! 😳
Y: Next time you’re on TV, I’ll record it. Happy? 😇
M: Why don’t you come watch instead, I’ve got a game tomorrow?
Y: Oh.. idk, I haven’t watched football for two decades 😕
M: That’s okay, you record it then, you don’t have to watch 😘
Y: I’ll think about it 😉
Millie said she was off to training but would like to see you again, inviting you on a date tonight and saying she’ll pick you up on her way home. The next time you heard from her was when she called you walking out of the training ground. You’d barely said two words to each other before being interrupted by some of her teammates, “is that her!”, “let’s say hi!” you heard from down the phone. Millie groaned “bugger off guys! Stop embarrassing me!” she yelled making you pull the phone away from your ear as she argued with them, reluctantly telling you that they wanted to say hi and held the phone out towards them against her will. One grabbed her arm to pull the phone up to her mouth as the other tapped the speaker button. “Hi Millie’s girlfriend!” an Aussie accent called as you heard the phone be pulled away by another person. Millie could be heard in the background loudly contesting what was happening, “what’s your name, Millie won’t tell us!” a Scottish accent asked, you laughed and told them as they screeched with glee, there was a lot going on even if you couldn’t see them – the noises coming through the phone sounded like they were being attacked; the rummaging and fumbling of the phone between different hands, the laughs of the two girls and Millie getting more and more irate before hearing heavy footsteps run away. “Errgh, sorry they’re a nightmare!” she groaned then told you that was her best friends at the club Sam and Erin, usually Guro is around too but she’s injured and not at training today. “I haven’t told them you’re my girlfriend don’t panic, they just saw your number on my arm” she insisted as she threw her bags into the boot of the car and you heard the door slam shut. “Okay, I’m safe now. I’ll come pick you up.”
Waiting outside your house as she arrived you clambered into her car, “hey girlfriend” you joked as Millie’s cheeks turned bright red. “How’s the hangover?” she asked, shifting into first gear and pulling away. “Better for seeing you, where we going?” The blonde asked whether you had to be home by a certain time, you didn’t have work the next day so you were free to spend as long as you wanted with her and as long as she wanted you! It was mid afternoon and she was being very secretive about where she was taking you, knowing it wasn’t going to be a quick date when she joined the motorway heading towards Essex, you know the journey well but didn’t let on that you had an idea of where she was taking you. The longer you drove the more you were certain about where she was going, looking out of the window you saw how the scenery had changed since you were a little girl, the last time you drove this route was with dad in 2003. It’s like you remember every bump in the road, counting the bridges until you got to your destination, your mind fell back into that routine of counting the bridges until you reached the coast. Millie must have realised you had spaced out, placing a comforting hand on your thigh when you pulled into the seaside town and asked if you were okay. Smiling and nodding you pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind, you were right with the destination – Southend-on-Sea.
You walked hand in hand along the seafront, rode the train along the pier and shared chips on the beach while watching the sunset. You talked non-stop about yourselves that it felt like you’d know each other for years, not less than 24 hours! After eating your chips you took a wander down the beach towards the sea, kicking off your shoes Millie followed suite as you dipped your toes into the water. When the sky started to turn to pink hues she asked you the question you knew was going to come up sooner or later, “what were you thinking about in the car.. when you went quiet?” You took a deep breath before replying, “I used to play for Southend Girls” you said, plunging the conversation into a long silent pause. “I didn’t know that” Millie responded cautiously, anxiously looking down and playing with her thumb ring. Her response caused you to chuckle lightly, “how the hell could you have known that?” pushing her further into the sea so the cuffs of her rolled up jeans got a little wet. “Hey!” she shouted trying to drag you in with her but you were quick and slipped your arm from her grip, running back up the beach as she chased you. Seeing the lights of the arcades still glowing you kept running, stopping at a bench by the road before going any further to swipe the sand from your feet and replace your shoes as you waited for your date to join you. “You’re quick!” she puffed, breathless from the unexpected sprint. You asked her favourite game in the arcades as you took her hand and lead her to the cash machine, pulling your purse out to feed a £50 note into the machine so it spat out £1s in return. Splitting the money between two pots you handed hers over, “did you just put a fifty in there?!” seemingly astonished at the amount you were willing to waste on 2p machines! “It’d cost about that in petrol” you shrugged, seeing it as a fair swap, she drove and you pay for the plastic tat you’re about to win together! Millie darted straight to the basketball machine and you set yourself up at a 2p machine nearby so you could watch her top rise above her hips to show a little skin when she took her shots. It felt like she spent forever on that machine, glancing over to you every now and again between games as the tickets piled up at her feet. You floated between machines, collecting your prizes and tickets until you felt her arms wrap around you and her chin balance on the crown of your head. “Are you winning?” she asked, peering into your prize pot that was almost full, “there’s more in here!” you laughed, opening your bag to show off all your useless prizes. You had so much fun in the arcades but before you left you had to have a battle on the dance machine and swap your tickets for sweets to share on the journey home, you didn’t want the date to end!
Stumbling out of the arcade in fits of laughter and a handbag full of prizes the sky had turned dark, you wondered if Millie would suggest going home but she didn’t, instead spotting a pub close by that seemed lively and went to have a closer look, “there’s a band playing in there!” she chimed excitedly. It was The Chinneries, one of your old haunts as a teenager, you’d jump on the train and meet your friends to go and watch different bands nearly every month. As Millie spoke to the bouncer, you skimmed the posters on the wall and noticed that playing tonight is one of your old favourite bands. “Are there any tickets left?” you called over as Millie nodded in response, “can we go in?” she nodded again, reaching out her hand for you to run over and take. Shuffling into the small bar you stood near the back, you’d entered around the half way mark of their set and shuffled around the people to be able to order a drink. Millie was much taller than you and could easily see over people’s heads but made sure she found a space that you could enjoy the show from too. Right after you got comfortable they started to play one of your favourite songs, screaming in excitement you immediately started bouncing up and down singing the words at the top of your lungs. Millie had never heard of them before but she enjoyed watching you be happy, posting a short video of the back of you to her Instagram story with “she’s cute” written over the top. You couldn’t be identified by the video as it was just the back of you singing with your arm in the air but it made you happy when you spotted it on her insta later that night.
“I think this has been the best first date I’ve ever had Mills!” you gushed walking out of the pub, it was getting late and you really should be heading home soon. “Ohhhh, pet names already!” her voice squeaky and high pitch as she shoved herself into your side jokingly. Your hand slipped easily into hers when she draped her arm over your shoulder, crossing your arm over your chest to keep hold of her hand. “I agree.. (y/n/n)” teasingly using your nickname too. You asked who she was playing tomorrow and what time when you were driving home, you were astonished that you still found stuff to talk about! Her hand was on your thigh the entire drive and when you pulled up in front of your house the anticipation of whether you were going to kiss or not was overwhelming. You desperately wanted to but didn’t want to rush things, the date had been perfect and all the signs were there that Millie really liked you but you wouldn’t know for certain until.. “can I kiss you?” her soft words interrupted your overthinking.
The engine was purring as she unclipped your seatbelt, nodding your head gently as hers came closer, stroking your fringe behind your ear her hand lingered to cup your cheek as your lips touched in the softest entanglement. You could feel the goosebumps raise on your arms as your eyelashes fluttered against her skin, her nose grazing yours as the kiss sealed off a perfect day. “I’d love to see you again” she whispered, her forehead pressed softly against yours. Her blue eyes gazing deeply into your soul, willing you to answer her. “Me too, I’ll take you out next time” leaning forward to peck her lips one last time before leaving. Entering the home you share with your dad he was already at the front door waiting to hear all about your date. You’re still not convinced that he didn’t set this up on purpose but you’re thankful that the events at the auction had lead to a dark time in your life actually bringing you joy.
Part Three
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timextoxhajima · 4 years
HOSTIS, Chapter XII: Terminus, Limit
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Previous Chapter (XI: Et Invisibilia Filum)
Member: Lee Hyunjae (tbz)
Genre (by chapter): drama, comedy, suggestiveness
Category: Short Novel/Long Series
“he’s not the one who’s got you wrapped around his finger.”
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red, pink or peach?
changing your choice of lipstick because of lee hyunjae?
who am i?
where am i?
you yank the cap off the peach lipstick and start to trace it along your mouth, but a loud, prolonged honk crashing its way through the calm morning startles you, and a peach line gets drawn off your upper lip.
an agitated groan escapes your throat while you wipe the mistake off, and you start to speed up your application of make up, including on your neck.
the honks start to become more frequent, and by frequent you mean like once a fucking minute. 
you find your briefcase and push yourself out through the door, locking it while yelling at him over your shoulder. 
“neighbours are not going to be happy about this!”
“it’s your fault you took so damn long! what are you taking so long for anyway?! there’s literally no amount of make up that can correct how hideous you look!”
your eyes roll in plain sight as you skipped down the steps, and he gets back into the drivers’ seat without helping you with your door. 
the sky was clear today, in stark contrast to the day before. the roads were already bustling with vehicles driving back and forth, some cars had students in them, some cars with some rich guy driving off to work, some were lorries. 
your attention was suddenly yanked back into the car when your jaw was pulled away from the window, and his touch on your chin pissed you off for some reason. 
“interesting choice of lipstick,” he tilts his head and raises a brow, his eyes glued to your lips. a little bit annoyed, you lift your head out of his hold and swat his hand away, suddenly aware of the layer of foundation you had around your neck. his marks from the party four days ago were still there. 
the ache between your legs was gone, but not his stupid territorial marks.
what does he think he is? an animal?
“peach is a common shade, don’t get too ahead of yourself.”
he chuckles and lands both palms on the steering wheel, the light thwack earning your attention from the side of your eyes. 
his grip on the steering wheel pumped up all the veins in his hands, and the lone one or two arteries were showing on the back of his wrists. they trailed along his forearms and disappeared under his rolled up sleeves, and in your peripheral vision, you notice the white dress shirt he was wearing looked a tad tight around his shoulders and chest. 
the car jerks as it moves off, and it also jerks you back into your senses.
fuck’s wrong with me-- ew.
you shut your eyes tightly and open them extremely wide, vision looking straight out the window in complete disgust with yourself. 
traffic was pretty light, given how early it was, and hyunjae must’ve still been in his morning mood because he doesn’t say anything either. 
but hatred and resentment for someone will never be able to match up to hatred and resentment you could harbour against yourself.
your heart was fucking racing for some godforsaken reason when the car starts to reverse into the parking lot.
he wasn't even looking at you -- hell -- it's almost like you weren't in the car.
his arm comes around the passengers seat and his strength pushes the seat forward just slightly, and him turning around to look at the rear of the vehicle reversing does nothing but pull the material around his shoulders and chest even more.
the black tie falls to the center console, and your reflexes decided that turning your head to look at him was a great idea.
the muscle in his neck was strained as he looked behind, and there was a vein shyly exposing itself on his skin under his ear. the contours of his jaw makes your lips feel so unsettled that you had to suck them between your teeth.
the white material that gets stretched around his torso puts stress on the buttons, and his skin was peeking out from the tiny gaps between them.
stop fucking looking man--
the arm that was still reached out for the steering wheel now had the two arteries on display, and the sight in general, coupled with the shitty lighting of the carpark, was making you feel things you shouldn't be feeling.
the car finally stops reversing and you look away, slightly panicked and in shame. his ears were slightly red from the effort, but the blood quickly dissipates once returns into his seat to pull the car into parking mode.
you stay completely still in your seat while he checks all the gears, and there was this nagging voice in your head telling you to cut it out.
but he suddenly reaches across you, his forearm with his stupid arteries just inches away from your chest as he pushes your door open.
not only that, he pulls away only enough for him to rest his palm on your right thigh.
every nerve and muscle freezes, and you were so grateful that they didn't tense up; he would've felt it.
the heat from the carpark swarms into the vehicle as you feel him scan your face from the side, like you were too scared to look at him.
he gives your thigh a small stroke before removing it, hands running all over the gears once more as he says, "get out, i don't think i want to be seen together."
after clocking into your offices, hyunjae leaves for his rounds while you stay in yours to refresh the patient’s records. 
work was such an efficient method to fit you into reality, a place where you could divert and dedicate all your attention to your profession and taking care of patients. 
rather than that annoying man next door. 
your press your peach-tainted lips together and rub them, the layer of coating becoming drier and more stuck to the lines on your lips. the classical music runs its course in the background before your phone alarm sounds, cuing you to start on your rounds before you head over to the research department before lunch. 
hyunjae was already seated in his cubicle and walking around to different research officers to ask some questions about something he was doing. meanwhile, eric greets you with a hug when he walks past the lift you were in.
“y/n! good morning!” 
the physical contact stuns you, but you remind yourself that eric was american-born.
“someone’s in a great mood,” a grin spreads on your face and you watch as he carefully pulls away, a cup of hot coffee in his hands. 
“oh, my god, you’ve got no idea,” he turns and walks to his desk, but his face was still tilted to the side so you could hear him as you followed. “the storm yesterday was insane.”
the enthusiasm in eric’s voice was so contagious, the grin never comes off your face. walking your way to your cubicle, hyunjae stops just close enough for him to say something that was loud enough for you to hear.
“don’t you dare try any funny ideas.”
confusion and slight resentment befall on your face as he walks away, a sneer appearing on your lips before eric catches your attention again. 
his mug was on his table now, and he’s got his butt planted to his chair, rolling his way over to you. 
so cute.
your briefcase gets laid on the table and you start up the computer, eric fiddling around on his phone while waiting for you to sit down so he could start his story. 
“you were saying?” using your feet to position your chair near enough, you slump into your seat and lean back, hyunjae in the distant background getting up from his seat and walking over to another research officer’s cubicle again.
“the thunderstorm blew down this tree right outside my friends’ place yesterday and their car was super wrecked,” the phone gets fished out and he shows you the picture. 
“oh, my god,” your palm covers your mouth at the devastating picture, a picture you’d probably only see in newspapers. “nobody got hurt right?” 
“oh, no,”  eric shakes his head and removes the phone out from your sight. “everybody’s fine.”
“that’s a relief,” the computer screen lights up and your eyes naturally turn towards it, eric still fiddling with his phone. 
“also, y/n, i can’t believe i’m saying this but i accidentally deleted your number yesterday after i got it.”
“you what?” a chuckle breaks free from your lips and you turn to eric, hands already at the desk where your keyboard is.
“yeah, i may or may not have saved it before exiting the page and it’s just gone.”
“but i’d still like to ask you to hang out sometime soon, so do you want to go for dinner tonight after work or something?” 
your lips part with an answer in mind, but your vision zooms out into wide view and your attention lands on lee hyunjae. 
one arm resting on the cubicle partition, the other hand holding the research document file to his torso, and his eyes glued to you. there was a pen being twirled around in his fingers, and the look in his eyes looked too tempting to manipulate. 
he was warning you.
“dinner after work?” the eye contact breaks and you return your attention to eric. “i have rounds till 6, maybe later, though so if you’re willing to wait then--”
“doctor l/n!” 
eric snaps his head around when hyunjae calls for you, and he was waving the research document file in the air while he walked along the cubicles and stopped between the two of you. 
“sorry... eric,” hyunjae says the name like he hated it. “can i just steal her for a bit-- i got instructions from doctor choi--”
“doctor choi? why are we getting instructions fro--”
“can i just--”
“i’m gonna go...” eric points over his shoulders and glances at the two of you, his feet already pushing himself back to his seat. “tell me if you’re up for dinner tonight later, okay?”
watching him roll away because of lee hyunjae again was such a sour, bitter sight. hyunjae’s shadow covered you from the morning sun, and you angle your head upwards to squint at his features that were darkened from the silhouette. 
his shoe comes into sharp contact with your chair but it doesn’t make a sound besides startling you, and he turns so suddenly, his coat runs into your face. 
“you--” the hiss seethes out between your gritted teeth, and you purse your lips when you realise your lipstick got brushed onto his coat. your eyes widen when you see the small mark, but his one step was so large, he was already too far for you to call without distracting the other research officers in the space. 
the little blob of peach on his coat was so glaring to you, you worried if anybody else was going to see it. three steps became two while struggling to keep up with hyunjae as he walked off into the pantry again. 
the memory you associated with this place starts to flicker like a spoilt bulb in your head, but him dropping the research file on the table in the pantry knocks you out of your thoughts.
“which part of ‘don’t try any funny ideas’ did you not understand?”
so he’s bothered.
“i’ve got no clue what’s wrong with going out with eric though,” an arrogant brow perks itself up on your face and your arms cross your chest. his fingers brush across his forehead, and him being visibly stressed about a lame situation was really making your day. 
the sunlight was brimming in with sharp lines on the floor, the shadow of the window grills making grey squares on the floor behind him. 
a considerable amount of effort was spent to keeping your smirk to yourself, and the frustration that was radiating off him was being lapped up by your confidence like a dog drinking water after a walk. 
he finally stops pacing after a few steps and literally stops an inch away from your nose, the close proximity pulling your pupils away from his direction. 
“how can you even think of other men when you have my hickeys on your ne-- you know what?”
a pause.
“i’ve got two things i need you to know, kitten.”
oh, god
that name.
his scent starts wafting through your nose like poison gas and his breath hits you on your cheek with your face turned away. he was craning his head lower to level your eyes with his, though you were looking somewhere else. 
you tend to forget that he was the stronger ares. 
“one: you’re not available tonight. two: you can flirt with eric all you want but he’s not the one who’s got you wrapped around his finger.”
the reflection off the microwave oven shows you your distressed brows after you process his words, the pain of the truth seeping into your bones against your will and liking. 
your jaw and chin start to get traced with his finger before he pulls your face towards his, and your eyes were already going to shut themselves when you feel just the surface of his lips brush against yours. 
but he stops, and pulls away. 
that cocky smirk surfaces on his lips when he notices your annoyance, and he reverses to retrieve his research file off the table. 
“you seem to forget that i too can play this game, kitten.” 
the nickname kicks you in the gut once more, this time harder and more difficult to swallow. your hardened eyes freeze on his figure while he leaves the pantry, and your temples tighten with frustration when you start to realise he was going to spend the rest of the day proving his point. 
by the end of the day you’ve counted a total of ten times he’s brushed a hand across your waist, touched your hand, bumped shoulders into you, and all you could think of was shoving your research papers down his throat.
the physical contact was only alleviating your need for more, and it wasn’t to your liking that it had to be him. 
and that blotch of peach lipstick on his coat... there was no way he didn’t know it was there. 
was he just waiting for someone to point it out?
by the time you told eric that you wouldn’t be able to make it for dinner, you already had a ton of electricity in your body. 
and by electricity you mean unwarranted displeasure. 
your rounds concluded almost on time, so returning back to the office to find hyunjae idling outside yours was like a nightmare. 
“what do you want now?” the office door clicks open and he follows you in while you pull off your coat and pack your things. 
“what do you mean ‘what do i want’? i told you to tell eric you’re not available tonight because you’re not.”
why did i tell eric i wasn’t available when i didn’t even have a reason...?
“am i expecting to be drugged out and tied to a chair--”
“well, if you’d like that--”
“stop,” you warn with a finger in the air, briefcase already in hand before you turned off the main switch for the stereo. “not another word.”
“request declined,” he looks at you with eyes you should be becoming familiar with, his tongue poking the inner side of his ride cheek. he shifts his weight on his feet and a small smile appears on his lips, the sight of it all only encouraging you to wonder just what the fuck is wrong with you?
you give in first and turn away, picking up your briefcase to exit the office with him tailing you. the lift takes forever to come, and some other doctors come by to speak to him, greeting you in the process. 
“leaving together?”
“yeah, we are.”
“oh, to where?”
to hell--
“my place. we had a little deal for her to give me her opinions on my culinary skills.”
the lift door opens and the ride was so painful to swallow. hyunjae just went off about cooking and being his mother’s helper in the kitchen when he was younger and blablabla...
and the other doctor gets off at another floor while the lift continues down to the basement.
the heat of the carpark swamps the lift when the doors open, yet he doesn’t bother to tell you to follow him. “why the hell am i going to your place to eat dinner?” 
“lee hyunjae!”
“can you just shut up and get in the car? i don’t want to be seen by anybody else.”
a look of disapproval slaps onto your face as you stormed over, the car beeping when he pulls the car door open. “wha-- you literally just told her that i’m going to your plac--”
“one more word...” the ribbon around your top gets tangled in his grip and pulled forward, just enough energy without him pulling it off. “kitten...”
not again.
“and i’ll make the day even harder for you to tolerate.”
his breath hits your lips when he swipes his tongue over your bottom lip, and he dramatically releases the ribbon around your neck. 
“get in. i don’t think you’ll need eric to help you into the car, do you?” 
the sudden lack of vocabulary crushes you when his soul dug his way through his pupils, and the light from the car park glimmers off the whites of his eyes. he angles his neck so carefully and it exposes the vein right under his right ear. your knuckles whiten when your grip around your briefcase tightens, and your legs turn to jelly for a split second.
“get in the car, or i’ll show you what it means to be wrapped around someone’s finger,” he drags his finger across your chin and looks at your lips for a second, quickly looking back up at yours without leaning any closer. 
“and right now you’re already halfway there to being wrapped around mine, kitten.”
Chapter XIII: Inferno
A/N: i felt like this was a rlly shitty chapter imo but it wouldn’t have been complete if i didn’t include this in the line up. it’s really to show the change in dynamics between the two of them so i hope it isn’t too hard to swallow ;(
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nexthecryptid · 6 years
The Little Things Ch. 3
Summary: Lance thought he would be okay. It was a rough week, and he had to help his friends out a bit. No problem. He was fine. Everything was fine.But it wasn’t.  It wasn’t fine.
Prefer to read it on A03?  Here!
First - Previous - Next
Wednesday - 11:40 am
Lance rushed towards his classroom, checking the time on his phone before sighing in relief.  He was about ten minutes late, but the warmth that seeped into his hand reminded him that it was totally worth it.  He paused at the door to his class, catching his breath and fixing his clothes a bit before entering. He scanned the class, spotting his friends before quickly making his way over, grateful that the professor hadn’t started.
He sat down between his friends, carefully sitting his coffee on the table before pulling his books out, humming slightly.  He turned to Hunk, greeting him with a large smile and a fist bump. Hunk smiled back, turning back to his bag to look for something.  He then turned to Pidge, noting the small glare they directed towards him.
“Hey Pidge.” He greeted, keeping up his happy tone.
“You’re late.” They said, rolling their eyes and opening their laptop.  
“It was only ten minutes.” Lance pointed out.  
“Ten minutes we could have been using to work on our group project.” They growled, typing in their password with more force than necessary.  Lance frowned and looked to Hunk, raising a brow. Hunk shrugged with an apologetic look, glancing to Pidge. He let the conversation drop in favor of drinking his coffee, grateful when the Professor then called for attention.    
“As a reminder, your projects are due two weeks from now, and your second exam will be in three.  If you haven’t already begun your projects, I suggest you kick it in gear now. Two weeks can go by faster than you think.  I will be giving you time in class today, so use it wisely.” He said, looking around the class, lingering on some of the students.  Pidge made a small noise, Lance looking over to see their jaw clenched, fingers digging into the desk. He rose a brow, a frown settling on his face.  
Pidge… What’s wrong?
Probably annoyed they had to deal with you.  You were late, probably thought you weren’t going to show up!  You’re stressing them out!
As the lesson begun, Lance couldn’t help but glance over to Pidge occasionally, as if they would explode if he looked away for too long.  He took down the chapter corresponding to the lesson, adding the outline before shifting his focus a bit more onto his friend.
At a mere glance, Pidge looked fine.  They were looking at the slides, watching the professor, and taking notes on their computer.  But Lance knew differently. There was a look in Pidge’s eyes, one that looked slightly panicked.  The corners of their mouth twitched, probably because they were biting the inside of their mouth and they messed with their nails when they weren’t typing.  Lance leaned back a bit with a stretch, using the new angle to look at their laptop. There were two windows opened that he could see, divided onto the screen so Pidge could look at them both simultaneously.  One was a word document, Pidge typing their notes from the lesson. The other was something Lance saw Pidge use for programing, lines of code being typed in as the Professor spoke. Pidge was multitasking, or at least trying to.  After writing a line of code, they deleted it, Pidge’s fingers twitching slightly before clicking onto a different window. This time it was an article, probably something Pidge was researching for another class.
Pidge was clearly stressed, probably overwhelmed with all of the assignments that were piled onto them.  Lance could relate… While it was normal to get jabs by Pidge when he was late, it was different today. Pidge was genuinely upset, and it was probably because they thought Lance would skip out, which meant they would lose another day of working on their group project, together.  They worked separately last class, and they still had a good chunk to tackle.  It would explain their short fuse of patience, because they probably felt like they were running out of time.  
While it usually worked itself out after a few days, Lance could tell it wouldn’t this time with the way they were trying to work on everything right now.  Pidge needed a break, and Lance was going to make them because no one else would. Hunk was probably thinking about his lunch date, completely unaware of what was happening right now, not that Lance could blame him considering he was probably a nervous wreck.  Keith was out of town at the moment, so he wouldn’t be able to, and he hadn’t seen Allura or Shiro in some time. He knew if they were around, they would all do it. It would have been easier if he had them around, but hey, he could take care of it no problem.
Wednesday - 1:15 pm
“Alright, now that we got all the basic information down, all we need to do is highlight some the key parts.” Hunk said, clapping his hands together and looking over his notes.  
They had spent the last forty-five minutes working on their project, tackling some of the larger aspects of it.  Lance smiled down at his notes, feeling a bit proud of himself since he was the once that came up with what they were doing.  Pidge had seemed to relax a bit too, Lance making sure they only focused on the project instead of being sidetracked with jokes.  While he loved to joke around, he knew it would only frustrate Pidge, so he eased up on the fooling around.  Hunk closed his notebook, looking at his phone, his nerves clearly coming back.   Pidge didn’t seem to notice.
“Okay but we still have to-”
“Easy Pidge.  We got a lot done today, so let’s wrap it up for now.  Plus, Hunk has a date to go to.” Lance reminded, placing a hand on their shoulder as an apology for cutting them off.
“But we need to-”
“-take a break.  Come on. You and I have reservations at a nearby place.” He said, hoping it would persuade Pidge to settle down.  He felt bad for cutting Pidge off again, but Hunk was already tyring to make his escape and he was getting worried.
“I owe you one.” Hunk whispered before rushing out.  Pidge growled and pulled away from Lance, clicking their tongue in annoyance.
“Whatever.” They mumbled, reluctantly putting their belongings away.  Lance had thought he won, but Pidge got up and was ready to leave without him.  
“Hey!  Where do you think you’re going?  We’re going for lunch remember?” He asked, raising a brow.
“I’m going home.” Pidge huffed, continuing their exit.  Lance scrambled after them, quickly stepping in front of them.  
“Come on Pidge.”
“I don’t have time for this Lance.” Their eyes narrowed a bit and they moved to walk around him.  Lance stuck his arm out to stop them again.
“Then make time.” He reasoned.  
“Go away Lance!” They snapped, shoving his arm away.  
You’re going to regret this.
“Pidge.” He said gently, grabbing their arm and pulling them back.  He braced himself, knowing full well he was pushing Pidge too far, but it was needed.
“I don’t have time for your bullshit Lance!  What don’t you get!?  Are you really that fucking stupid!?  I’m not here to play your stupid games, I’m not here to fucking deal with your shit!  I have too much work to do, so leave me the fuck alone already! God you’re so fucking annoying!” They yelled, slapping his arm away.  The students around them stopped, looking over to see what was happening.  But Lance didn’t pay them any mind, ignoring the sting in his arm as he looked down at Pidge.  He tried not to take it to heart, tried not to feel hurt by Pidge’s words, but there was only so much Lance could ignore. Pidge was glaring at him, breathing heavily as the anger boiled in their eyes.  He took a deep breath, closing his eyes if only to escape the look for a moment.
Can’t argue with something that’s a fact.
“This doesn’t concern any of you so move on!” He called to the students who were watching them, looking at them with a pointed look.  Some flinched and quickly rushed away, some turned to their friends and whispered.  He ignored them and looked back to Pidge, surprised by the reaction he got.  They flinched, eyes widening as it seemed to really sink in what they had just done.  Guilt washed over anger, tears forming at the corners of their eyes.  It was then he decided that he rather have Pidge look angry at him then looking near tears.  
“Lance I-”
“Follow me Pidge.” He said softly, giving them a small smile.  They flinched at their name but nodded, walking next to Lance as they walked out the building.  
While they could have easily gone to a nearby cafe, or even the dining halls, Lance picked a place that was about fifteen minutes away, just on the edge of campus.  The Diner that Lance was taking Pidge was the group’s favorite place to hang out for several different reasons. The main one though, was because that’s where they had all met.  While yeah it was a bit out of the way, it gave Pidge time to walk in peace.  It also gave Lance time to clear his head.
When the Diner came into view, he noticed the way Pidge’s shoulders relax a little, walking a bit closer to him.  He smiled a little and gently patted their head without a word.  When they walked in, he called back to the waiters and waitresses, greeting them all.  He knew every single one of them, which wasn’t surprising considering he also worked there. He walked up to the booth where they usually waited to be seated, but instead of waiting, he reached back and grabbed one of the notepads that sat there.  He wrote down his own order, knowing exactly what he wanted before looking to Pidge.
“Want me to pick for you, or do you have a meal in mind?” He asked.  Pidge shifted a bit before shaking their head.
“Surprise me.” They said, smiling a bit.  Lance smirked and wrote down a meal that he knew Pidge would enjoy.  He then went towards the back, hanging up their orders before calling back to the cooks, greeting them.  After having a small chat, he found Pidge at their usual booth, sitting across from them.
“Feeling better?” He asked, placing his chin in his hand.
“Yeah…  I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier.  I’ve just been…” They trailed off, wringing their hands together, glancing at their bag on occasion.
“Stressed?  Frustrated? Tired of all the teachers secretly coming together to plan your demise through countless assignments and terrible, overwhelming projects?” Lance offered.  Pidge snickered, rolling their eyes.
“All three.  I feel like if I work on one thing, I’ll completely forget about the other.  And every time I feel like I’m making progress, I take another look and see that I messed it up and have to re-do it.  I can’t even do a simple line of code right now without messing up the compatible sequences!” They huffed, burying their face into their hands.
“Which is why you need a break.” He said.  Pidge opened their mouth to argue but Lance continued.  “Before you say you don’t have enough time, let me remind you that you do.  Two weeks for our project, we’re already three quarters of the way done. We didn’t finish because we lost our motivation to continue.  Hunk had to leave, and with that came with the much needed break from working forty-five minutes straight. Now when we go back, we’ll have a fresh look and will be forced to go over what we did.  It’s the same with your lines of codes. You were pushing yourself so hard, you lost track of some of you numbers. But when you took a break and looked back at it, you spotted your mistakes and fixed it.” Pidge looked at him for a moment, nodding after a minute when they started to understand.  
“Okay…  I get it.” They said reluctantly.  “I just… I don’t want to stop in the middle of it all.”
“You’re not stopping.  You’re only taking a much needed pause my non-binary goblin.” Lance offered.  Pidge laughed.
“Thanks Lance.”  
Lance beamed.  
“PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES!!” Pidge cheered, their lunch plates being taken away by the waitress who giggled.  
“See, if you didn’t take a break, you wouldn’t be able to have your cookies.” Lance said, giving thanks to the waitress as she walked away.  
“You’re totally right Lance.  Rare as it is, but even you can be right.” Pidge teased and Lance felt his chest swell a bit.  Pidge was back to their usual self, and Lance couldn’t be happier.
“Secretly, I’m a genius.  I just make all of you think I’m not.” He joked, biting into the cake that he ordered.  
“It’s not a secret if we all know.  You’re just as smart as we are.” Pidge said, and Lance faltered slightly at the compliment.  He smiled and looked down at his cake then, using it as an excuse to stay quiet.  Pidge didn’t seem bothered as they dug into their desert, looking around the diner.  
“Hey, where’s Keith been?  Usually he’d be here helping you plot against me.” Pidge asked.
“His sister is having a baby.” He said, smiling at the mention of his boyfriend.  
“Oh, congrats to her!  Nobody told me I was going to have a niece/nephew.  Rude.” They huffed, pouting, making Lance laugh.
“Course not.  We didn’t want the gremlin to be a bad influence.” He teased.  
“Whatever.  I’m just glad I don’t have to see you two love birds doting on each other.” They rolled their eyes, finishing their cookie before humming contently.  
“He’ll be back by the end of the week so I’ll make sure we’ll ‘dote’ on each other right in front of you.” He snickered, avoiding Pidge’s napkin when they chucked it at him.  
“Now that we’re done, how about we work on our homework together?” He asked, clearing the table before pulling his notebook out.  Pidge blinked in surprise before grinning.
“Yeah!  I feel like I can tackle some of my other projects now.  Well, I have a few ideas for it… but I’m not sure what I should do...” They said, pulling their laptop up.  Lance hummed, placing his phone on the table, clicking on the recording app and starting it.
“Bounce your ideas off me, even if I won’t be able to understand.  Sometimes, talking about your project can help.” He offered. Pidge hummed in thought.
“Well, there's this one program I was thinking about developing.  The problem is…” Lance sat there and listened, smiling occasionally when Pidge seemed to get passionate on certain aspects.  Occasionally they would pause to type something onto their computer before looking at him as if he just gave them the answer before continuing on their rant.  Yeah, Lance didn’t really get any work done, but he was taking his own advice and taking a break. Plus, he liked watching his friends, not in a creepy way or anything, just the way they acted, the little quirks they did.  It kept him occupied from his own thoughts as he focused on someone else. It was nice…
Wednesday - 5:27 pm
“-was making schematics for this one robot, but the design was too clunky for my liking so I tried to modify it so-oh!  I could replace the thicker wires for thinner ones if I can find a way to place them specifically around the attachments to hold them in place.” Lance had no idea when they went from coding to robots, but he didn’t mind it.  But he did notice the way the sun was lowering. He checked his phone, noticing the time before stretching his back and yawning. Pidge echoed him a minute after, looking at him and smiling.
“You look like you need some rest.  Why not call it a day?” They asked, closing their laptop.  
“Ah, someone learned from my lesson.” He snickered before nodding.  He was heavily leaning against the table, eyes struggling to stay open at that point.  
“Have you been sleeping well?” Pidge asked, throwing Lance off.  
“Yeah.” He lied, sitting up and putting the notebook he hadn’t touched away, stopping the recording on his phone.  He quickly sent the audio file to Pidge, giving them something to look back to if they forgot their ideas they didn't write down.
“You sure…?  You ordered like three coffees while we were here.” They pointed out, looking concerned.  
Don’t they have enough to worry about?  Go ahead, make them worry about you too!  
“I enjoy the coffee here.  Besides, there isn’t a lot of caffeine in them to begin with.” He shrugged, sipping the last of said drink.
Liar.  Liar. Liar.  Liar.
“Whatever you say Lance.  Get some sleep tonight alright?” They said, probably their last ditch effort to get something out of Lance.  
“You kidding?  I’m going to be sleeping like a King!” He grinned and finally Pidge moved on, laughing and getting up.  Lance followed them out of the diner, insisting on walking them to their dorm before walking to his own.  
Wednesday - 11:58 pm
No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t sleep.  He tried showering before bed, doing his nightly routine and completely relaxing himself.  He opened his window, making his room nice and cool so he wouldn’t wake up in the middle of the night too warm for comfort.  When that didn’t work, he tried reading his textbooks, hoping that the boring content of the book would put him to sleep, but even then he was just numb, taking in the information and finding himself weirdly interested.  
What made it worse…  Is that his thoughts were starting to get to him.  The frustration was filling him to the point where it was overflowing into tears.  He tossed the textbook across the room before curling up, his body shaking before a sob broke out.  He sobbed into his hands, moving them to grip his hair and pulling harshly.
Pathetic.  Useless. Stupid.  Annoying. Forgettable.  
“It’s not true…” He cried weakly.  He reached for his phone, scrolling down to Keith’s name, finger hovering the call icon.  He bit his lip, ready to hit it, but he couldn’t.  He couldn’t bother Keith now, not when he’s with his family.  He couldn’t… He tossed his phone away before sobbing harder.
A/N: Let me know what you guys think!
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violetganache42 · 6 years
My Thoughts on the Logan Paul Controversy
WARNING: The following post contains descriptions of the graphic material that was recorded on Logan’s most recent vlog, which was thankfully taken down. It also consists of opinions on his and Jake’s unforgivable actions prior to this incident, as well as cursing and the possibility of some heated rage, in which I would like to apologize for in advance. If I also come off as rude in some aspects, then I’m sorry for that too. No one ever thought 2018 was going to start off like this and leave them with intense fury over it. I would also like to apologize if the topics of depression, mental illnesses, and suicide upsets or triggers anyone who is reading this. That is not my intention whatsoever. This is my overall opinion on a very controversial issue and I don’t mean to upset or trigger anyone in doing so. With all that said and done, reader discretion is advised.
Okay, I never talk about them, but because of what recently happened, I want to quickly address the elephant in the room: I hate Jake and Logan Paul. Actually, “hate” is not the right word to describe them; how about “loathe?” Maybe “despise?” “Spite?” “Resent?” Whatever the word choice is, the two are both terrible celebrities together and individually for a variety of reasons. 
As you already know, both Jake and Logan achieved their fame back in 2013 when Vine was around, achieving 5.3 million and 3.1 million followers respective by the time of its shutdown. When they switched over to YouTube on November and September of 2016 accordingly, it all went downhill from then on. In general, they spew diss tracks at each other, churn out frantic videos in order to gain viewership and consume free online content, and sell merchandise from their clothing lines instead of being TV actors. The only problem is kids between the ages of 8 and 15 aren’t necessarily part of America’s economy, so combining their focus on this specific demographic with their insatiable thirst for fame and greed, it’s basically a lose-lose situation for them. But that’s not all I have to say about them because looking at them individually, they have their own brand of problematic behaviors and content.
In Jake’s case, he endured the most controversy because he’s been exposed as nothing but an annoying douchebag who did the following: made racist remarks on his minor characters in his videos, accused of emotionally abusing and manipulating his ex-girlfriend Alissa Violet, cyberbullied and brought down people online, constantly disrupted his peaceful neighborhood and his neighbors with his stunts and pranks, delivered pop culture phrases in an obnoxious manner during an interview that came off as—how the kids describe stuff nowadays—“cringey.” Not to mention his atrocious music video for his song “It’s Everyday Bro” dealt some serious damage to his career by receiving over 3 million dislikes on YouTube. He even got fired from Disney mid-season of Bizaardvark on July 24 for acting like his fame gives him the freedom for doing whatever the fuck he wants. What grinds my gears about him is he made all these apology videos and keeps claiming that he’s changed and moved on, but there is strong evidence that proves otherwise.
As for Logan, he has managed to escape controversy up until now by having roles on films and TV shows like Law & Order: Special Victims Unit, Weird Loners, Airplane Mode, the YouTube Red film The Thinning, and in the upcoming movie Valley Girl, taking part in a partnership with Dwayne Johnson, and opening his own brand called Maverick. Heck, his diss song, “The Fall of Jake Paul,” had managed to gather better reception from his fans, scoring only 173,000 dislikes, which is far less than the 3 million dislikes from “It’s Everyday Bro,” because of the actual effort put into it and the massive controversy Jake currently has. Of course, it still doesn’t change the fact that he is still a horrible person when you consider the info above, and his newest vlog helps showcase it. Without further ado, it’s time for me to stop talking about the past and focus on the present… and boy, do I have a lot to say about this.
For those of you who not aware or are just hearing about this, allow me to explain what exactly happened; however, I am generously giving you the choice to skip this because what I am about to describe may make you feel uncomfortable. For those of you brave enough to read the issue, please keep scrolling.
Earlier this week, on New Year’s Eve, Logan and three of his friends were traveling in Japan when they stumbled upon Aokigahara, which is best known as the country’s “Suicide Forest.” They all ended up going in the forest when they discovered the corpse of a man who hung himself, one of the most common methods suicide victims use to kill themselves in there. One of the friends was feeling uneasy about what they were witnessing, and despite his seriousness, Logan laughed it off and soon referred to it as “a moment in YouTube history,” only for him to get one hell of a reality check. As of now, so many people via YouTube and Twitter have reacted in absolute anger and/or disgust at what he had done and have been calling out on it, including Robyn from Anime America, Joey the Anime Man, Gaijin Goombah, Lost Pause, Game Theory, Breaking Bad’s Aaron Paul, Game of Throne’s Sophie Turner, JackSepticEye, Stefan Karl, and even PewDiePie of all people. The immense amount of backlash had gotten to a point where he deleted the video and posted two apologies, one each on Twitter and YouTube. I will get to those later, but for right now, let me give my input on this.
First off, let’s break down the group’s reaction. Since the video was removed, I was able to find snippets of their dialogue from it thanks to CNN, which can be found here.
Logan: This is a first for me. This literally probably just happened.
Friend: I don’t feel good.
Logan: What, you never stand next to a dead guy?
Friend: No.
Logan: *laughs* It was gonna be a joke. This was all a joke. Why did it become so real?
Friend: Depression and mental illnesses is not a joke. We came here with the intent to focus on the haunted aspect of the forest. This just became very real.
Oh, boy. Where do I even begin with this? Logan, your friend is absolutely right. Depression and mental illnesses are not jokes, let alone FUCKING suicide! This was his first time seeing an actual dead body with his own two eyes and you laughed it off like it was nothing! For all we know, this could’ve been your first time seeing like this too, but why the fuck would you joke around like that if you were originally planning to explore the Suicide Forest’s haunted atmosphere?! It completely depletes the initial intent of your plans for your vlog all because of your “humor” in this! On a side note, whoever his friend is, can we please give him a round of applause for having the knowledge to understand what is and isn’t a joke? Because at least he gets the situation they were in.
And that brings me to another point I want to bring out: why he was joking around with what he saw. After they all ran out of the forest and into the parking lot, Logan said this that really caught my attention:
Logan: “…the smiling and laughing… is not a portrayal of how I feel about the circumstances. Everyone copes with shit differently… I cope with things with humor.”
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I’m sorry, but no! That is utter bullshit! Using humor to cope with something such as fear is fine, but using it to deal with the fact you stumbled across a REAL corpse?! That’s crossing the line! It helps illustrate that what you did was inhumanely wrong, and you know what?! The backlash proves it! When it became known to the public with around 6.5 million views, the viewers were repulsed by what you did! You showed them, from fans and people who don’t like to YouTubers, celebrities, and the media, that you have zero respect for the suicide victims through your insensitivity and voyeurism of this seriously important subject!
Not even your “Viewer Discretion is Advised” banter helped prevent this from happening, which leads me to readdressing your target demographic! For all we know, there could have been little children watching this and they would have either been scared that they saw the same hanging corpse or influenced negatively as shown by this tweet below!
“The other day my 7 year old sister showed me logan pauls video on the dead body and i was disgusted and told her to turn it off.My sister is 7 YEARS OLD and loves and watches logan paul all the time. later we went outside to do painting and she painted a hanging man in a forest” — Aoife Dormer (@aoife_dorma)
If anything, you could have emphasized your warning on how there are graphic material that are not suitable for children/minors, replaced “Advised” with “Recommended,” and made the video 18+ so that they would’ve been unable to watch it! Even so, it still didn’t change the fact it broke one of YouTube’s policy: prohibiting the depiction of violent, gory, or graphic material in a shocking, sensational, or disrespectful manner unless the footage is used for educational or documentary-based purposes. I’m not gonna touch upon how the staff aren’t pressing this forward or why they didn’t react sooner, but I digress. In my opinion, not changing the rating of your vlog—and having it violate a YouTube policy regardless—was part of a completely careless move on your part.
Oh, and this doesn’t end there; this actually leads into my next point: the apologies and the aftermath.
In the midst of the swift outcry of the enraged public, Logan deleted the video and tweeted an apology on New Year’s Day at exactly 10 PM about what he posted, but instead of taming the flame, it made things worse… and I can easily tell why. Much like the last remark, this one contradicts what he says.
“I didn't do it for views. I get views. I did it because I thought I could make a positive ripple on the internet, not cause a monsoon of negativity. I intended to raise awareness for suicide and suicide prevention and while I thought, 'if this video saves just ONE life, it'll be worth it,' I was misguided by shock and awe, as portrayed in the video.”
Dear God, there is a shit ton wrong with this tone-deaf apology it makes me want to scream! What pisses me off the most is his claim and there is strong proof in not only this tweet but also in my thoughts on the vlog that highlights how that is bullshit as well!
You should’ve thought about your actions ahead of time! You were given multiple choices on what to do when you and your friends encountered the hanging dead body in Aokigahara: “Should I keep this vlog?” “How should I feel about or respond to this?” “Should I edit it out or leave it in?” “How will everyone else react?” At the end of the day, you chose the wrong choices and it resulted in heated negative consequences.
You were NOT raising awareness for suicide prevention, which is the main reason why this tweet makes me livid! The vlog proves you laughed at what you saw and cracked jokes about it, despite your friend’s input on this unsettling discovery! A lot of people, even YouTube, agree that the material was shocking for the viewers, you sensationalized at said material, and you were outright disrespectful about it by treating suicide like a fucking joke through your “coping mechanism!”
You were not “misguided;” basically, this third reason ties in with the second one.
Because of this, an insane amount of criticism was unleashed, with Sophie calling Logan “an idiot,” his claim “mocking,” and his apology “self-praising,” Aaron referring to him as “pure trash” who can “go rot in hell,” and surprisingly Rebecca Black stating that how someone with “such power and influence could intensify “an entire family’s grief beyond measure.” And guess what? She is right! One of the people calling out on him was Anna Akana, who and her brother both had to deal with the loss of her sister after she committed suicide! Not only that, but there are also people struggling with depression and have contemplated suicide, especially in Japan, who are infuriated and sickened by what they watched/heard because they knew what he did was an epitome of bad publicity... No, “bad” isn’t the best way to describe this; what they discovered was appalling publicity! It’s even worse when you realize publicity is one of the main contributors to suicide contagion, especially when a young age group is exposed to it! Given Logan’s fanbase mainly consists of children and young teenagers, that vlog was a repulsive influence on them and would most likely worsen suicide contagion despite it being removed from YouTube, which reiterates Aoife’s tweet about her younger sister painting a lynched man! The damage has already been dealt and it pisses me off so much that he would influence minors like that!
And that is just the tip of the iceberg because he posted a longer apology video on YouTube the next night amid the rampaging counteraction. Did it do anything to at least settle this dispute? Let’s find out.
“I've made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment and I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm simply here to apologize. So what we came across that day in the woods was obviously unplanned and the reactions you saw on tape were raw and they were unfiltered. None of us knew how to react or how to feel. I should have never posted the video. I should have put the cameras down, stopped recording what we were going through. There's a lot of things I should have done differently but I didn't and for that from the bottom of my heart I am sorry. I want to apologize to the internet, I want to apologize to anyone who has seen the video, I want to apologize to anyone who has been affected or touched by mental illness or depression or suicide but most importantly I want to apologize to the victim and his family. For my fans who are defending my actions, please don't, they don't deserve to be defended. The goal with my content is always to entertain, to push the boundaries, to be all inclusive. In the world I live in I share most everything I do. The intent is never to be heartless, cruel or malicious. Like I said I made a huge mistake. I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm just here to apologize. I'm ashamed of myself. I'm disappointed in myself. And I promise to be better. I will be better. Thank you.”
*frustrated sigh* Oh, dear Lord. There is a reason why posted the transcript of his apology than share the video itself, which I’ll get to after I give my two cents on this. ...Ever since last night, I had a difficult time trying to find a way to reply to this. I read a couple articles saying the video was emotional and somber because of how he was on the brink of tears and it left me at a point of uncertainty; I kept asking myself if he really does deserve to be forgiven or not, but after seeing other posts and getting an update on his newest video, it snapped me out of my state and told me that forgiving Logan would mean defending him, just like his fans... and there was no way in hell I would succumb to a level as low them supporting him. So with my spark reignited, it’s time for me to break this shit down once again!
Logan, let me start this bit off by saying this: it is far too late for you to apologize. What you did was irredeemable, vulgar, disgraceful, and plain rude of you to not only those suffering from depression, mental illnesses, or suicidal issues, but to the entire country of Japan. During your trip, you behaved immaturely by making a complete racist jackass out of yourself in front of foreign tourists/residents while wearing a kimono and made a complete fool out of Americans and Westerners, but your vlog on New Year’s Eve took it too far! You desecrated a corpse, went through him to see if he had any of his belongings with him, laughed and joked about it, and showed no remorse or empathy about what you and your friends came across! Because of you, Japan is now coated in anger; you made them hesitant on us being part of the 2020 Olympics, Tokyo tweeted at you to get out, and you’re now denounced by the Japanese Suicide Prevention Group all because you ridiculed their strict laws and significant efforts into helping lower suicide rates and gave a giant middle finger to country in general by treating it like it’s a fucking playground! What you did was an act of pity because of the imminent backlash and I will never. Forgive. You.
That’s not all; as it turns out, even though Logan clearly said he doesn’t expect forgiveness, his fanbase—like I’m gonna call them by their referred fandom name—still forgave him because they believe “he didn’t mean it” and even had the audacity to attack a Japanese vlogger named Reina Scully in a racist manner all because she criticized his Suicide Forest vlog. ...Okay, first: WHAT?! Second: THE FUCK?! Like before, I apologize for suddenly snapping, but that’s NOT how you defend someone! You do not make harass the harasser by sending them racist remarks, let alone telling her and the Japanese to kill themselves! That is just sick and inhumane! No wonder people are telling others to stop supporting the Paul brothers; their fans are worse than the commonly known bad fandoms!  *sigh* Well, at least it was best of me to not apologize to Logan because there was no way I was going to stoop as low as them. It was also perfect timing on my part because I recently discovered on that his apology video was monetized; in other words, he made thousands of dollars off of it...
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Holy fuck! This is all kinds of despicable and messed up! Making between $8.5K and $68.1K off of a simple apology?! Now I am so glad I ultimately kept to my opinions about this sicko instead of accepting him like his other fans because this is one of the many examples of being greedy and money-hungry. 
Because of this, people immediately took to Twitter to repeatedly slam him until it was promptly demonetized. Shortly thereafter, conflicts began to surface regarding YouTube; a petition opened up calling for Logan to be banned from the site (which now has over 130K signatures) and many are giving the website and its staff flack for being hypocritical of the way they review the content of videos. To be honest, I don’t blame them. Although I’m glad they commented on the issue, it obviously wasn’t enough. What used to be a site that got its start from cat videos has become its own economy with terrible decisions they’ve made, from the Fair Use dilemma to labeling LGBT+ videos as “mature content.” Seeing how significant the past few days has become, they really need to wake up, get their humungous sticks out of their asses, and actually contribute than just simply stating what rule Logan violated. Regardless, with all of these factors combined into one, it is easily safe to say this second apology was typically a clear bust.
And what does Logan do now that both apologies were shown to be practically useless? He announces his hiatus last night on Twitter, stating he is “taking time to reflect.” Of course, and not surprisingly, there is a long thread which consists of a division between his effortlessly influenced fandom of youngsters and those who despise him for what he has done, both over the years and on New Year’s Eve.
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...I’m done. I’m fucking done. I’m not dealing with this shit anymore. Everything about this is wrong and I am certain I am going to get a headache out of this. I don’t care if he is “reflecting;” knowing him, he is still going to be the same idiotic frat “celebrity” that he is, especially when Maverick Apparel came forward today to say they lost $4 million in profit because of him… and Jake dissed in him in one of the most inappropriate ways ever. Ugh!… Can this nightmare end already?! I swear, it keeps finding ways to make me want to continue this rant! Well, guess what? Not. Anymore. I am concluding this right now and I don’t care what will happen to these two sickos in the near future.
*sigh* Well, to wrap things up, Logan is nothing but a stupid, inane, thick-skinned, money-hungry, thoughtless jackass who only cares about getting richer and, much like Jake, using his fame to do whatever the fuck he wants because he believes there is no such thing as “bad publicity…” until now, that is. He may have been able to dodge controversy in the past, but thanks to his obnoxious, immature personality, he has made him a danger to three important fields after his trip to Japan; he has demonstrated how much of an inadequate influence he is to juveniles countless times in the past and has managed to do so once again with his now-deleted vlog, he has made the entire Japanese country hate him for even stepping foot on their cherished land, and he has sparked yet another battle against YouTube’s policies and regulations.
Logan, I’m going to say this once and only once: it is your fault you showed Japan just how disgustingly inhumane you are by not only fucking around with their cherished laws, traditions, culture, history, and landscape. It is your fault for recording the footage of the corpse, laughing and joking about it, and not giving a single shit about suicide, depression, and mental illnesses. It is your fault you unleashed hell on earth that pitted most of the social media users against you. It is your fault for creating your half-hearted apology tweet and your equally monetized apology video that only added fuel to the fire. It is your fault Japan hates you for treating them poorly. It is your fault you’re now facing serious consequences after showing the world what you did in front of that dead man. It is your fault for ending 2017 and starting 2018 on abysmal notes. I hope your multi-millionaire empire crumbles by having the YT staff banning your vlog channel. I hope the actions you—and Jake—have illustrated over the years and the consequences you face will deal more major blows to your precious careers.
To everyone reading this, I want to say I am genuinely sorry that you saw that vlog or heard what has been going on. I am even sorry at myself for subjecting myself to this horror of learning who the Paul brothers are just to get this rant out of the way. They have a horrible sense of humor and none of the stuff they do is funny, let alone how serious suicide is.
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US, claiming an average of 44,965 American lives every year, and for every 25 attempts that are made, it annually costs the country $51 billion. In Japan, despite now having over 21,000 people claiming their lives every year—with the majority caused by men—and its suicide rate declining, it still remains as one of the highest rates when compared to other countries. The most common place for the Japanese to kill themselves is in Aokigahara, which has received its infamous nickname, “the Suicide Forest.” It earned its name and has become the 2nd most suicidal place on Earth because around 100 Japanese residents travel there to commit suicide because of its thick trees and its seclusion; two of the frequent ways they kill themselves is through drug overdose or by hanging themselves though other methods are not uncommon. Since then, Japanese officials have been putting their best efforts to decrease the suicide rate.
Suicide is an urgent situation, with depression being the #1 cause of it if left untreated, undiagnosed, or ineffectively treated and mental illnesses, disorders, and contributors such as physical ailments, previous suicide attempts, limited access to mental health treatment closely following suit and cannot be left unnoticed. If you or a loved one is experiencing suicidal thoughts or actions or have had a series of suicidal thoughts or actions, it is not too late to seek help. Whether it is in America, Japan, or anywhere else in the world, call the numbers below based on what country you live in:
United Kingdom: 116 123
United States: 1-800-273-8255
Canada: 5147234000
Mexico: 5255102550
Ireland: 116 123
Brazil: 212339191
Argentina: +5402234930430
Spain: 914590080
Portugal: 225 50 60 70
France: 0145394000
Greece: 1018
Germany: 08001810771
Italy: 800860022
Poland: 52770000
Holland: 0900-0113
Denmark: +4570201201
Sweden: 46317112400
Finland: 040-5032199
Norway: +478153300
Belgium: 1813
Austria: 017133374
Switzerland: 143
Egypt: 7621602
South Africa: 0514445691
Israel: 1201
India: 8888817666
Australia: 131 114
New Zealand: 045861048
Singapore: 1800 221 4444
Philippines: 028969191
Russia: 0078202577577
China: 85223820000
South Korea: 112
Japan: +810352869090
You can also donate to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, the Suicide Prevention Lifeline, or any resourceful suicide prevention organizations you know because your gifts will serve them as a reminder that you are contributing to fight against this worldwide epidemic.
Don’t wait. Call now or donate to help save a life.
11 notes · View notes
themandylion · 7 years
[fic] the rarer action is - deleted scenes 2
More deleted scenes. I wrote so many versions of Stephanie’s rescue from the Egyptian? Here’s one from another pov. In this version, Steph is in her Spoiler outfit (because she was in the comic even though it makes no sense because she wasn’t when Selina grabbed her but continuity, what’s that???). Also, ALSO, I totally found a scene that somehow didn’t make it into as strange a maze for some unknown reason that probably made sense to me at the time? Whatever, everyone gets to read everything! \o/ (Lies, no one will ever get to read everything, there are too many notebooks for that.)
An inch more and Steph will have her fingers on the knife secreted away in the lining of her boot. It’s her own fault for taking this long—Oracle tried to convince her to keep it in a hidden pocket on her thigh, or at least wear taller boots, but Steph hadn’t listened, had been sure she’d never need it, would never get caught. Had never expected
Catwoman, of all people.
Steph’s contemplating dislocating her thumb when the door to the vault starts its slow swing open.
“—boots can’t clash with anything—it’s not about the style, it’s about the attitude of the person wearing them. And anyway, it’s not purple,” a familiar, artificial voice drifts through the open door, “it’s aubergine.” A muffled bang punctuates this final statement.
Oracle is tucking a gun into a smart evening bag when she walks in. Steph gives her a hairy eyeball. “Rule One?” Stephanie asks, because as glad as she is to see Oracle, she really doesn’t want to risk being the accessory to a murder.
“Rubber bullets; he’ll have a killer headache, but otherwise he’ll be fine. Nice to see you too, Spoiler.” Oracle is wearing combat boots, a deep purple cocktail dress, and her mask.
“I could have got out on my own,” Stephanie says, a little annoyed. “I have a knife.”
“And I have C-4,” Oracle tells her as she unites the rope around Steph’s wrists and ankles. “So does Flying Fox on the floor above us.”
“You’re going to blow up Catwoman’s vault?!” Steph’s friends are crazy. No wonder her mom wanted to skip town.
Oracle climbs up on the chair Steph was sitting in and starts sticking balls of plastic explosive to the ceiling. “You’ve pissed off people with power. Cluemaster has League assassins after you. We need a quick and quiet exit.”
“Explosions aren’t quiet!” Stephanie hisses, fumbling her mask back into place.
“Bluebird has it under control.” Oracle attaches a wire to the C-4 and pulls Steph back into a corner of the vault. She presses the side of her mask. “B? Maneuver R1—flash and bang, at least five minutes, ten is better. FF, on my mark. Three. Two. One. Mark!”
The explosions aren’t nearly as big as Steph expected, and when the dust clears, there’s a hole in the ceiling just big enough for Oracle and Steph to fit through. A rope falls down from it, followed by Flying Fox’s head.
“Hey, Spoiler. Got your gear here. Ready to blow this joint? O says you get to come home with us, and I’m thinking breakfast for dinner.”
The computer lights up as soon as Tim sets foot in his room on the yacht.
Ok, just so you know I totally didn’t see this coming.
“Um, what?” After spending who knows how long bouncing around the timestream, Tim’s exhausted. It doesn’t help that, because of time shenanigans, less than 72 hours have passed in the “present” while the Titans have been occupied elsewhen. At this point, Tim honestly doesn’t have enough functioning braincells left to deal with Oracle.
The Nightwing thing. Didn’t see it coming, I’m as shocked as you.
Shit, that’s right. Between one thing and another, Nightwing’s capture by the Crime Syndicate totally slipped Tim’s mind. “S’okay. He gets himself in over his head all the time,” Tim says, but already his body is dredging up the last reserves of his adrenaline, encouraging him to kick into high gear, to start panicking.
Ouch. Haven’t talked to the family yet, then, huh?
Already, Tim’s stumbling backwards, trying to find the pieces of the Red Robin suit he just took off. “Oracle, what—what happened with Nightwing?”
If it’s any consolation, the stats are on his side. 100% of all former Robins who died after being fired from Robin turned out to actually be faking their deaths.
This can’t be happening. Dick can’t be dead—he’s the most together of them, the least neurotic. The hero the whole masked community admires, respects. Loves. “No,” Tim says, stopping his mad rush. “You’re wrong. Batman saved him.”
Hey, look, all I know is that there was a bomb, and it was wired to Nightwing’s heart, and he had to die for the bomb to stop.
“Batman would have found a way to save him. Resuscitate him. Batman would never let Nightwing die.” Dick is the best of them, what Bruce keeps trying to replicate with the rest of his Robins. Letting Dick die is the last thing Bruce would ever do.
Look, Red. I know it’s hard to grasp, but according to everyone there, he’s dead. BUT. Like I said–high probability that he’s faking it.
“One nonexistent case does not a trend make,” Tim says, collapsing on his bed. He feels sick and drained, only now it has nothing to do with time shenanigans and everything to do with how his heart hurts so much he’s sure it’s about to just—give up. “Your case study is the nonexistent Robin, right? The girl one.”
Don’t discount my science just because I have no hard evidence to back it up. It’s not on me that someone broke the world. Which, hey, could be your fault, Mr Let’s-Take-A-Jolly-Jaunt-Through-Time. Nevermind timeline integrity.
“Hey, that—It’s not like we did it on purpose,” Tim splutters. After all, if he’d had any choice in the matter, the Titans would’ve all stayed in the present. Yes, it’s nice to finally have an answer for how, out of all the trains and traincars available, Miguel hopped on the same one as Tim last fall. But he’s still not sure if the closing of that particular timeloop was worth the loss of Bart (Bar, a part of Tim hisses, call a murderer by his name) and Kirin.
Yeah, yeah. Still, if the world goes cockeyed again in the next six months, I’m totally holding you responsible, I don’t care if you can’t remember it.
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howto9jaa · 5 years
How To Set Up Google Alert Perfectly
New Post has been published on https://howto9ja.com/set-up-google-alert
How To Set Up Google Alert Perfectly
Original Post: Click here to read the Original Post
How To Set Up Google Alert: Good day! Google blessed the online community with this feature they call “Google Alert“. It is a very broad tool and can help you a lot.
Google Alert will help you maintain your online brand legacy. To keep your legacy clean, it is very necessary to keep taps of what people, customers, blogs, etc have to say about your brand.
Google Alert also suffices for bloggers also, using it, a blogger could keep taps of sites that have gotten links from their contents and aren’t giving the expected reference.
As a blogger, you could also need Google Alert to keep taps of your competition and where they get their backlinks from, etc and etc.
You can also know the type of articles they write on and how to rival it.  Using Google Alert you could search for jobs around you.
What Is Google Alerts?
We are at the question, what is Google Alert? Look at Google Alert like a personalized Google search, you can also see it like a top-notch spy that keeps taps on keywords for you.
Features Of Google Alert
Google Alert gives each Google account a limit of 1000 taps to keep watch on. 1k is pretty much if you’ll ask me.
While you set up Google Alert, you will be given the ability to customize the time the reports are sent to your email.
Google Alert sends the report in the form of a summary to your Gmail box.
The Alerts can be deleted.
Long as you have a Google Account, you are eligible for Google Alert.
Only Google Gmail Users can use Google Alert.
You can customize each alert to fit your choice.
How Do I Set Up Google Alerts?
Step 1: From your device browser, open G.A official site http://www.google.com/alerts/.
Step 2: If you are already logged in, skip this step. If you aren’t, to the top right side is the sign-in button, click this and fill in your Google account details.
Step 3: In the text box provided, type in the Keyword or Key Phrase or your company name or even your name absolutely anything you want to keep tabs on.
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
To customize the alert for this particular term, click on “Show Options“. A list of options include
How often: This option determines how often the alerts will be delivered to your inbox, click on the drop-down to the right of it to see more options.
Sources: This here helps you choose where you want the alerts to be monitored, i.e if HowTo9ja is mentioned in forums, Google should send it to my mailbox, but if it is mentioned on blogs, they shouldn’t.
Language: The languages that this alerts should keep taps on
Region: This has to do with the country, this alerts should keep taps on.
How many: The quality of the results Google should alert you off.
Deliver to: The email the alerts should be delivered too. (i.e email you sign in with)
Step 4: When you are done customizing it, click on “Create Alert“.
Note: You can ‘CUSTOMIZE‘ all the alerts in bulk, all you have to do here is
Step 2: Create all the Alerts. Then at the top of the Alerts, at the far right is a gear ⚙️ icon, click this and customize this to your feel.
How To Delete Google Alerts
O yeah! The alert could get pretty annoying, my inbox was once infested by Google alerts.
You can delete your Google Alerts by;
Step 1: Open this link http://www.google.com/alerts/ and Log-in with the Google Account you use to set-up the alerts.
Step 2: All your alerts should be visible by now, at the far right side is a bin/ basket icon, click on it to delete the alert.
Google alert is a cool tool, another tool Google offers is Google Trend. If you are a news site, I’ll suggest you set up Google trends to keep taps of the latest trends in Google search.
You’ve learned how to set up Google Alerts, I hope you succeeded? How about you share this article and drop a comment below.
0 notes
Facebook Technical Support Number
In the Internet fanatic age, Facebook was launched in the year 2004, and now has become the juggernaut of social media that allows registered account holders to create profiles, share posts, update status, upload photographs, send messages and stay in touch with family members, colleagues, and other loved ones. As per the recent record, Facebook has more than 1 billion active users worldwide, roughly the same population as of the India.
Facebook Help @ facebook.com
CUSTOMER HELP Average time to fix: (38 hours) Busiest time: 2:30 pm Ranked: #2 of 10 Contact Facebook Facebook Phone Number 7,263 customer votes Facebook customer service What help are you looking for? Help with: Recover Account Help with: Hacked or Disabled Accounts Help with: Report a Problem Help with: Technical Support Help with: Delete Account Help with something else
Facebook Online Help at facebook.com – Info & Stats
Help desk address https://www.facebook.com/help/?ref=contextual Call-back available NO Department you interact with Help Center Help desk hours 24 hours, 7 days What is the busiest time for help 2:30 pm Average turnaround time 38 Rank among-st all ways to reach them 2 Other means of communication phone, web, email, chat Communication customer rating 82% Quality of help rating 47% Votes for online help 7,263 When this was last updated Mon Apr 23 2018 10:00:00 GMT+0000 (UTC) Best phone number
Nowadays, millions of business folks and tycoons are making use of Facebook service to enhance the popularity of their business. Since its initiation, Facebook has grown drastically and has come up with 67 languages which make it easy to use. An average user spending 10 to 20 minutes a day of his/her daily life on Facebook by sending messages, uploading photographs, liking other’s stuff and much more.
How Does Facebook Tech Support Help To Post Live Videos On Facebook?
Facebook has already changed so many lives by giving them the opportunity to connect to the entire world. Its endless facilities have helped it being the most renowned social networking site among the users. You can now enjoy the latest facility of Facebook called ‘Live Video Post’. It will enable you to post your live video on your Facebook timeline.
To avail this facility, keep these things in mind:
It will require the latest version of Facebook mobile app.
The feature will be available to only front camera enabled mobile phones.
A video of large file size won’t be able to share over Facebook.
The Facebook account should be logged-in with an android phone, apple iPhone or apple iPad.
The service is not yet available to everyone, but soon it will be allowed to every Facebook user.
How to create Facebook fan page using Facebook technical Support?
For business advertisement, awareness or personal talent reveal, creating Facebook page is a sure shot weapon to grab attention and reach more and more people in the lowest possible charges. You can share your links on your fan page and your friends on Facebook can easily access them. You can promote your page by providing your credit card details to Facebook. Facebook will charge a little to promote your fan page to more people on Facebook. Creating a personal page is very easy and very less time taking. You can take assistance for the purpose from Facebook Support.
Some simple steps are given below to help you create your Facebook fan page:
1. Login your Facebook account first and open your homepage
2. Open ‘settings’ by clicking the settings gear at the top right corner of the page. Click ‘advertising’ and then ‘build your Facebook page’.
3. Now click ‘create a page’ icon at the left corner of the screen. This will allow you to choose which type of page you want to create.This part is very important as you have to choose from the six available categories including:
Local Business or Place
Company Organization or Institution
Brand or Product
Artist Band or Public Figure
Cause or Community Name.
4. Select appropriate category, provide basic information and click ‘Get Started’.
5. Your page is almost ready as you have to put a profile photon your page now. Choose a picture from your system and click ‘Save Photo’.
6. Now you have to fill the ‘about’ section. Provide information about your cause and add a description with your other links (like Twitter page link or YouTube Channel link). Check all other tick boxes and click ‘Save info’.
7. You can show adds on your page. You can now choose whether you want advertisements to pop-up on your page or don’t. Advertising will cost a little so if you enable advertisements on your page, you will be redirected to a new page where you have to provide your credit or debit card details. You can also choose not to show advertisements on your page by simple clicking ‘Skip’ button.
Some additional improvements
1) Everything is now done, your fan page is ready but to improve the appearance as well as the performance of the page, you should share more information by clicking the ‘About’ section. Upload more photos and apply a cover photo to your page to make it more attractive.
2) Go to the admin panel and manage your page, build an audience and seek help.
With these simple instructions, you will be able to create a fan page on Facebook and enjoy promotion over social media. Facebook Technical Support can also be opted to assist you while choosing the best suitable settings for your Facebook page.
When does the need of Facebook Tech Support arise?
Aside from the above-mentioned queries, Facebook users may experience some kind of trouble and inconvenience. To overcome such problematic situations, you need to get in touch with Facebook Support page which is available on Facebook and is well-versed too with almost all kind of problems with their one-stop solution. Access to Facebook help page is free. As the help page contains only written content, the users might find it difficult to understand and perform. In such cases, expert Facebook Support is required, that is available 24/7. All you need to do is to call on Facebook help number to get rid of all your problems with zero hassle.
Why should you Choose Facebook Tech Support Number?
Saves a lot of time, labor and money as well
Available round the clock at your service to help you out
Get the entire host of Facebook problems fixed in no time
All you get at the most reasonable price tags
You’re not required to wander here and there
One-stop solution to each and every issue at your doorstep
What are the advantages of Facebook Support Number?
Facebook, a social giant, provides a virtual platform where users have some fun. Sometimes all the enjoyment is turned into hassle because of Facebook issues which are really annoying for the users. At that time Facebook Support Number is the reliable way to solve all agony of Facebook issues.
Advantages of Facebook Support Number are following:-
Certified experts.
Free to ask for any Facebook problem.
Can be dialed at anytime.
Tech-heads assistance.
Reliable customer services.
Additionally, you can use other Facebook support service by searching the following keywords
It would not be wrong to state that the first thing which strikes into our mind when it comes to online social connectivity is none other than “Facebook”. Today, it is undoubtedly the biggest platform of social media with the 1.86 billion people all across the world. The Facebook was incepted in the year 2004 by the college going student Mr. Mark Zuckerberg – one of the richest man in the world now. A huge number of users all around the globe are making use of it to stay in touch with their family members, associates, friends, and many more. The good news is that it is designed in such way where everything is possible in a few clicks.
Apart from that, Facebook is treated as the best and the most loved social media platform for personal as well as professional interactions through profile sharing, personal chats, photos upload, likes, comments etc. Maintaining the connectivity of friends and relatives is the primary goal of the company. Facebook is of course a free-off-cost platform widely used for personal interactions. On the other hand, it is also utilized for business promotions and it acts as a biggest dominating source of online business where a lot of information is shared publically by a vast number of consumers.
As a hefty platform with an effective global connectively, it allows folks and tycoons to generate significant leads to evolve their business by approaching a vast gathering of their targeted customers who entertain the same area of interest. As Facebook has almost two billion active account holders worldwide and the number of its users is rapidly increasing day by day, it is quite obvious for the users to encounter different kind of problems and the possibilities of arising technical mishaps are getting very high and common too among the users who might come across any sort of technical trouble. Opt for Facebook Technical Support to get rid of any kind of troubles regarding the Facebook and once you availed the services, you will be able to approach the experts who have rich experienced and enough capabilities to fix your problems from the root, even in least possible time frame.
As far as the security is concerned a lot, every Facebook user requires more attentiveness towards the security and privacy part because it is the authentic as well as the greatest source of information pertaining to business links, public interests, and social life as well. The need which crops up is solving such technical hurdles observed by users. There is one of the finest compete of Facebook Technical Support service providers in this vertical. Each organization makes use of its unique hypothesis and technical methodology to root out customers’ problems in better than others.
However, a technically sound Facebook user can easily keep his/her account safe and secured by following some security fundamentals. Three immediate actions one can apply to safeguard Facebook account from digital threats and suspicious intruders to your Facebook security are highlighted below concisely:
Implement Login Notification Access To Keep It Safe From Hit & Trail Methods.
Regular Checking Of Active Sessions Of Facebook To Identify The Problems Running Into It.
Implement Secure Browsing To Keep It Safe From Digital Threats.
Enable Two-Step Verification Feature To Safeguard It From Regular Attempts Of Hackers.
Make Use Of Strong Password To Make Facebook Hack Proof.
The list of problems is endless. There are a plenty of technical as well as non technical issues which are often encountered by a large number of Facebook users during the course of using their account. Malicious software, scammers, suspicious links and many more wrongs attempts can affect the security of Facebook account. Seeking a better platform for Facebook Technical Support would be unquestionably help in finding time efficient & even interactive solution to get rid of all your related queries and problems with zero hassle.
Make call at Facebook Technical Support Phone Number (remains active 24/7 by 365 round the clock and managed by the third-party tech support service provider with an assurance of perfection and excellence, to get the best possible yet effective solution to the entire host of the problems within a least time interval. Here, world class techies who are well-versed with cutting edge troubleshooting tools & techniques are ace at fixing any kind of technical problems. They are certified, skilled and possess rich experience in delivering the one-stop solution.
How Does Facebook Tech Support help Link YouTube Channel with Facebook Page?
A pioneer name when it comes to the favorite social media player is Facebook and in the same way the YouTube- the most like platform is one of the rusted sources for the online videos offering an easy stage to not only upload enthralling videos but also download and publish them as per the desire. On the other hand, if you’re a business folks running a business and have your own YouTube channel by which you keep your customers updated by uploading the video content, consider linking your YouTube presences with Facebook business page will be beneficial target the right audience from Facebook as well as YouTube. For that, you are required to add a third party Facebook App to share the videos to your fans (Apart from automatically posting the content) so that they should also be informed about the latest published content. One of the best things in stat you don’t need to wander for YouTube expert. Facebook Technical Support can be you one stop shop if you encounter any technical glitches or knotty problems. Here is an easy procedure that will allow you to make use of its functionality without any trouble:
On the very first step, you need to ensure the account you are going to login has administrative control over the business page you’re using to promote your business.
In the upper sections locate the Facebook search box and then you are required to type YouTube. Once you are done, click on YouTube for Facebook pages from the options.
Afterwards, an option like ‘Click Here To Install’ will appear that you need to click to add YouTube for pages.
Go to App and then you need to Allow option.
Type the copy name in the relevant textboxes and then you are allowed to add robustness phone number.
Agree with the terms and conditions by ticking all the checkboxes and then go to save changes.
Here, you will be asked to type you own YouTube channel name in the box of YouTube Username/Channel name and then you need to fill the options asking the way you wish to link your Facebook page with the channel. You can apart from that determine different key options like whether the users can like, comment and share.
Review the page to make sure that it contains all the required information pertaining to it in a desired manner.
Once you are done properly, hit the button of Save Changes to save all the changes made by you.
Note: All the above steps are quite easy to implement and it is well ensured that you will not find any kind of technical difficulty while executing the procedure. However if you come across the problems like the things are not working in the way it should be, it is suggested to give a quick and easy call to Facebook Tech Support Number and get the best technical help right from the comfort of your home for the purpose of resolving your issues in a hassle free manner.
How To Turn Off Facebook Mobile Push Notifications Via Facebook Technical Support?
To turn off Mobile Push Notifications in Facebook account in a hassle free manner, every Facebook user needs to follow the steps cited below:
You are required to open Facebook app on your mobile phone on the very step.
Go to your Facebook profile once you launch the application.
Open ‘Settings’ option and after that you need to go to ‘Account Settings’ option.
Once you are done, you need to go for ‘Notifications’ option and then you are required to tap ‘Mobile’ option.
On the next step, you will be able to know a new page where you have to turn on the features of the Mobile Push Notifications.
After completing the process, you are now required to choose from the listed options as per your needs and requirements.
Anyone can execute these steps to get rid of the push notification problems. Apart from that, problems might arise during the course of implementing the procedure. In such case, approaching Facebook Technical Support service will help you to connect with troubleshooting experts who will guide you the proper way to sort out the problems crop up without telling their time of arrival.
Does Facebook Support Help If You Come Across Any Technical Problems?
Facebook – the world’s most prevalent and extensively used social networking website- lets its users to own account, share photos (videos, content etc), and have words with friends, associates and family members listed in your friend list. Colleagues, friends, dear ones, etc are just one click away with Facebook. Billions of users all across the world make proper use of Facebook owing to its exciting features, interesting applications and mood changing games. However, Facebook users while working on it may come across a wide variety of issues which can’t be fixed without assistance from experts. Luckily, getting the best possible solutions is just a few ring tones away. What you need to do is make a quick call at Facebook Support Number to get in touch with the troubleshooting experts who are available round the clock to help you out on any matter pertaining to your Facebook account in a trouble free and cost effective manner.
Here are some sorts of technical common hurdles which seek immediate attention of the users to get fixed out from the root on a priority basis:
Account Recovery technical inconvenience of hacked/ compromised Facebook account.
Problems of unblocking Facebook friend who has been pocking you.
Hurdles of poor privacy and security settings.
Login approval errors and logout related issues.
Technical hassle in temporary deactivating Facebook account.
Technical mishaps in downloading photos from album.
Problems of bad comments on the profile.
Pesky stalking problems and harassment problems.
Technical mishaps while recovering disabled Facebook account.
Unable to recover lost or forgotten Facebook account password.
Uploading and downloading of Facebook live videos.
Problems pertaining to Facebook account can be anything but need immediate yet effective technical help to get fixed in a smooth manner. If any of the users find themselves facing any kind of problems while using Facebook, Facebook Technical Support can be the best online repair shop to all sorts of technical mishaps and hurdles. Here, the required technical aid to your any kind of problems pertaining to your Facebook account will be given to you right from the comfort of your home in a cost effective manner.
How To Reset Facebook Password In An Easy Manner With Facebook Technical Support?
Password recovery procedure is not a rocket science but it is comprised of some easy steps that the users have to follow to see the result. Here are some easy to follow procedure by which any of Facebook users from any corner of the world will be able to reset their Facebook account password in no time: A technical team at Facebook Support Number is also there to assist the customers who are technical unfit.
You need to click on the ‘Forgot your password?’ option firstly.
Login credentials are required to get your Facebook.
Get the password recovery process to get your verification code on your phone call or in your inbox.
Follow the on screen instructions given over there.
Reset your password as per your wish.
Enjoy the pleasure of Facebook as never before.
Procedure is pretty simple and available in an easy step by step manner which will assist you out to recover account password in a couple of seconds. Take Facebook Tech Support, if needed.
Add & Remove Apps on Your Facebook Page through Facebook Technical Support experts
Facebook apps are specially designed to improve Facebook users’ experience. Developers are paying attention in creating a wide variety of interesting Facebook app everyday as Facebook is sooner than later turning to be the most liked and widely used social networking site these days. The users can add and remove all sorts of apps on their Facebook page in an easy manner. Manage your favorite Facebook apps to easily access them and let them to reach your friends. Following the cited steps will guide you to easily interact with apps. In case of any problems during the course of following the procedure, one can call at Facebook Tech Support phone number at anytime.
Begin with adding a favorite app on your Facebook page:
Login your Facebook account with your password with the help of any web browser. The apps you are going to add can only be managed on a desktop, you’re not allowed to manage through Facebook app.
Enter the name in the search box to search for the desired app.
The official Facebook apps can be recognized by searching blue checkmark along with their name.
You need to do find an official app and open it.
Apart from that, you are not authorized to add third party apps on your Facebook page like games and others.
Type ‘Apps for Pages’ in the search box to find the official apps.
Look for the apps carrying a blue checkbox.
Find the menu after reaching on the app’s page.
A three dots icon (…) is approached called Menu on the apps’ home page.
An ‘Add app to my page’ icon will be shown that need to be clicked by you to add the app to your Facebook page.
Particular app can’t be added to your page if you are unable to see this button.
Now you will come to see the list of Facebook pages where you are the administrator.
You need to select the page and click ‘Add page tab’ to proceed further.
Once you are done and you will be able to can see the app on your Facebook page at anytime you want.
How to remove apps from your Facebook page:
On the left side list of your Facebook homepage, the apps are shown. Choose the app you are looking for removing from your page.
A ‘gear’ icon with the name of the app will be appeared. What you need to do is tap the gear icon to get the drop menu.
Once you get the drop menu, you need to choose ‘Remove app’ from the list in order to remove the app from your Facebook page.
If you are completely unable to find the app you want to remove, make use of the search box to do so.
After that, just open ‘App Settings’ where you will be able to find out the apps, added to you Facebook page.
A Confirmation window will appear after selecting the app and then go to tap ‘X’.
Once you are done with it, just move towards the final step where you are required to tap ‘Remove’.
Just by tapping on the option, the app will be easily and immediately removed from your page.
Make proper use of the cited steps to manage desired apps on your Facebook page. Besides, the users who have same desire might come across some sorts of technical mishaps and wander for the solution to get rid of the situations. In such a critical circumstance, they don’t need to wander here and there in search of the reliable source of technical aid provider, just pick your phone and call at the Facebook Technical Support Number to enhance your Facebook experience. Here, a troubleshooting team comprised of young, vibrant and dedicated geeks who are not only experienced but skilled too is always at your closest disposal to help you out on any matter pertaining to your Facebook account. One of the great advantages of the given number is that it remains active round the clock even on Sunday with the intention to assist as many customers as possible. Here, the required technical advice or instruction according the nature of your problems will be delivered to you in a cost effective manner, right from the comfort of your home.
Ring Facebook Support Number & Enjoy Non-Stop Video Chat Facility on Facebook
Facebook is loaded with a plenty of attractive features that are turning million of attraction in its favor. and Video chat facility is one of them allows you to your loved ones, family members and office associates even better. Talking face to face to your relative or fast friend or via video call feature improves the fun all the time. To avail all such benefits, Facebook users need to have some awareness about the facility such as how to make use of it, how to enable it, how does it help, how to avail benefit from it etc. In such situations, Facebook Technical Support Number is available to deliver the required technical help to the Facebook users for any kind of technical query or doubts. In addition to this, consider using these steps to enable video chat facility on your mobile phone would be beneficial.
Facebook Video Call facility On Facebook Website:
Get to the chat box at the lower right corner when you are on your Facebook homepage.
Apart from that, you need to type the name of the friend you want to talk face to face. You will be able to open a chat box by clicking the name of the friend.
In addition, you will see a ‘video camera’ icon at the top corner of the chat box. You have to check your webcam in a proper manner before pressing video chat button.
An error message will pop up on the desktop screen, if you don’t have a webcam connected to your computer system.
If you are using a personal laptop for the same purpose, or you are done installing webcam on your computer system, then you are required to click the ‘video camera’ button.
Wait for the person you are looking to have word face to face to receive your video call request. When you are done, you will be able to enjoy video chatting experience with your friend.
Facebook Video Call facility On Android Device:
First of all, you will need Facebook messenger on android device to enable video chat.
Then after, you need to tap to open the messenger app to move further.
Open a private chat box by taping the name of the friend. Take Facebook Support, if needed.
To make the video call to your friend you need to click the video camera icon.
Wait for the friend to respond to avail the benefit of video call facility on your android phone.
Facebook Video Call facility On Apple Device:
On your very first step, you need to tap the Facebook messenger app to open friends list on your apple device.
Once you are done with thins, you are required to choose the friend you want to video chat with.
Make a video call with that friend by hitting the ‘video chat’ icon.
Wait for the person you are calling to receive the call request.
Facebook users can easily make use of video calls and enjoy with your friends, associates, family members or any one they want to chat with, By using the above given techniques. With the help of Facebook Technical Support Number, you will be able to get the detailed expert guidance for the purpose. You don’t need to make a headache while searching for the technical assistance, just feel free to ask for help anytime as the given helpline number is accessible all the time and from any corner of the world.
Luckily, the cite helpline phone number is toll-free and remains active 365 days a year at your closest disposal. Once you give a call at the number, it will connect you to an experts who will guide you each and every step about the process and let you enjoy the video call facility the way you want. Apart from that, if you encounter any kind of technical glitches while using the step, you can also get immediate technical help from the experts via given toll-free helpdesk. [read more]
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slci-lions-roar · 6 years
Red Dead Redemption 2: Best Game of 2018
By: Dan Cheng (Gr. 12)
In 2010, Rockstar Games released one of the greatest games in history, Red Dead Redemption.
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It pretty much set the expectations of what a video game based in the wild west would be like to the highest and broke those expectations with an uppercut through the roof, scaring all the other video game developers out of ever trying their hand in the old west genre.
It told the beautifully painful story of John Marston, a former outlaw turned bounty hunter, as he hunted down his old gang to save his family from the Feds. The gameplay mechanics of Red Dead Redemption, such as the weapon wheel and Dead Eye, have since inspired a great many games that came after. But what did that leave us after we beat the game? Only 8 years of anticipation and conspiracies., Iin 2016, we finally got confirmation that Red Dead Redemption 2 was coming. Having been delayed twice, the game finally released (for PS4 and Xbox One) on October 26, 2018.
Installation details:
Red Dead Redemption requires 106GB of hard drive space available to install. After installation, it gives back 50GB of space back to you, so it only takes up 56GB to keep it inside your system. Delete it and you need 106GB to reinstall it. Capiche? If that’s not enough to make you punch yourself in the gut, the game comes with TWO discs. Yeah, that two disc thing hasn’t happened since “Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes” on the Gamecube. Anyway, the first disc is the data disc that has the first half of the game’s data and the second one is the play disc. It has the second half and it's the disc you will use to play the game. What else…?? Oh yeah, the installation is two to three hours long and takes even longer if you aren’t quick enough to change the discs as soon as the first half of the installation is done.
Story Details:
The story of the game is 60 hours long and I’ve only been playing for 17 hours. Yes, I’ve destroyed my social life, mental health, vitamin intake, kidneys, and mother’s patience in the first 8 hours. What is real life? Is it a legendary animal? ...Girlfriend, you say? Is that an expensive weapon? Anyway, the story is a prequel to the first Red Dead Redemption and the gist of it is pretty simple.
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Set in the 1890’s, the beginning of the end of the Wild West. You are Arthur Morgan, a member of the Van Der Linde gang led by Dutch Van Der Linde (a major antagonist in the last game) and accompanied by not only the guys you were supposed to kill in the last game… but also John Marston. A robbery went bad in a town called Blackwater and now the government is hunting your gang down. The main objective of the story is to go on the lam and survive off the land. The story so far is quite amazing. It not only engages the player in dialogue, it also makes you want to keep going. Keep seeing how it all plays out in the end. The first chapter, in my opinion, was a little stretched. While it did set up some good introductions to characters, the chapter mainly acted as a tutorial disguised as part of the story when you could have essentially taken that part out all together or made it as an option for players who want a tutorial and as an option to skip for players who don’t… either way, it wouldn’t change the story that much as the beginning of chapter two likes to reinstate the issues in chapter 1 enough that anyone who was just finally starting to pay attention would be able to understand. Either way, it is quite amazing to see how the gang members develop into the villains you kill in the first game. You will play as Arthur Morgan for the first 6 chapters and play as John Marston for the epilogue, setting up the start of the first Red Dead Redemption.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of those games that truly lives up to its predecessor and then some. The gameplay is so vastly improved and dynamic from the first game;, it’s like video games can hit puberty. The mini map design, dead eye and weapon wheel mechanics make a return, but better. The mini map is now interchangeable to a degree that it's more convenient than the tediousness of just pausing the game to open the map. The Dead Eye mechanic no longer relies on a V.A.T.S-like protocol of waiting for you to confirm where you want to shoot, it will automatically mark a spot, allowing you to be quick when using Dead Eye and conserving Dead Eye power. This more reliable Dead Eye also has a drawback in that constantly turning on Dead Eye means accidentally shooting where you don’t want to, making you waste needless Dead Eye power. I like this as it not only makes players treat Dead Eye as a valuable resource instead of just an easy way to play, it also forces the player to get better at hand eye coordination so they won’t rely on Dead Eye. The weapon wheel is pretty much the same as always, with a few changes. Because Red Dead Redemption 2’s game engine is meant to be realistic as possible, the weapon wheel has been limited to only three firearms (or two firearms and one bow) because nobody can realistically pull 30 different types of guns from an invisible bag in their pants (looking at you, Grand Theft Auto V). Switching weapons ingame is also quite cinematic. Say you’re in a gun-fight and you want to switch from your carbine to your revolver. Arthur won’t just sling his carbine over his back or make it disappear from reality. He’ll hold the carbine by the barrel with his left hand and use his right hand to shoot the revolver. This realism of how guns are held was no doubt inspired by Max Payne 3, especially when you get the option to dual wield two revolvers or pistols. One excessively strange feature is the Eagle Eye ability. This is essentially a carbon copy of the Eagle Vision from Assassin’s Creed, most notably the version from Revelations. Eagle Eye essentially slows down time when you walk or crouch (like Dead Eye, but without being able to shoot a gun) and tracks animals you hunt by highlighting the trail they took. Red Dead Redemption 2 is teeming with several things to in your free time when you feel like exploring the world. You can shave your beard, get a haircut, get a bath, get a girl to give YOU a bath, play five finger fillet, order food, order drinks, cook food, go hunting, murder people, rob people, play poker, buy guns, buy clothes, get drunk, rob houses, rob everything, kill everything and most importantly… all you had to do was follow the train, CJ!. No really, Chapter 3 has a mission where you literally follow a train. It nearly broke my thumb.
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I absolutely enjoy the fact that there is more customization in this game than the first one, as the first one only had full outfits to choose from and this one allows you to mix and match to create custom outfits while also forcing you to dress according to the weather. Yes, like Breath Of The Wild, you have to dress according to the game’s climate (hot, cold and average). The option to wield a bow is awesome, but I wish there was more than one. As an archer myself, I do pride myself on knowing what kind of wood my bow has and if its a recurve or longbow.
Unlike the first game, Red Dead Redemption 2 focuses on realism, so that means survival needs and hair upkeep. Eating or neglecting to eat will affect Arthur’s cores (Cores are Health, Stamina and Dead Eye). Eating will increase health, but bring down stamina, with neglecting to eat doing vice versa and causing Arthur’s weight to change. Yes, you can be a fat outlaw. Sleeping is essential for keeping your cores recharging at normal speed. The same can be said for consumables, although it does annoy me that Arthur takes one puff of a cigarette or cigar (both of which increase Dead Eye at the cost of stamina) and throws it away. Its surprisingly satisfying to watch Arthur eat a meal or drink coffee at camp while walking into the morning sun. Hair and beard will grow over time, but slowly. It’s annoying if you want to keep short and clean shaven like in the military and agonizing if you want to do Forrest Gump during his three years of running.
The bounty system also makes a return from the last game, but in a much easier fashion to survive and harder to be rid of. Bounties are more realistic, forcing you to wear a bandana to avoid being identified, lest you pay hundreds to the post office to remove your bounty.
Speaking of realistic, the weather in the game is highly dynamic. The snowy mountains feel like Canada during the winter of 2009, the canyons feel peaceful as you gallop through to see the sun shine over the road, the desert landscape in certain towns bring a paranoia of lack of vision and the night is ACTUALLY dark.
Final Thoughts:
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Red Dead Redemption 2 deserves a 13/10. It truly is game of the year and nothing can beat it.
Excellent story, a vast amount of activities/sidequests, the most massive playable map I’ve ever seen and near flawless realism with a few hiccups of glitches that are forgivable.
Lets have some moonshine, boys and girls, Arthur Morgan’s story will go down as a classic.
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howto9jaa · 5 years
How To Set Up Google Alert Perfectly
New Post has been published on https://howto9ja.com/set-up-google-alert
How To Set Up Google Alert Perfectly
Original Post: Click here to read the Original Post
How To Set Up Google Alert: Good day! Google blessed the online community with this feature they call “Google Alert“. It is a very broad tool and can help you a lot.
Google Alert will help you maintain your online brand legacy. To keep your legacy clean, it is very necessary to keep taps of what people, customers, blogs, etc have to say about your brand.
Google Alert also suffices for bloggers also, using it, a blogger could keep taps of sites that have gotten links from their contents and aren’t giving the expected reference.
As a blogger, you could also need Google Alert to keep taps of your competition and where they get their backlinks from, etc and etc.
You can also know the type of articles they write on and how to rival it.  Using Google Alert you could search for jobs around you.
What Is Google Alerts?
We are at the question, what is Google Alert? Look at Google Alert like a personalized Google search, you can also see it like a top-notch spy that keeps taps on keywords for you.
Features Of Google Alert
Google Alert gives each Google account a limit of 1000 taps to keep watch on. 1k is pretty much if you’ll ask me.
While you set up Google Alert, you will be given the ability to customize the time the reports are sent to your email.
Google Alert sends the report in the form of a summary to your Gmail box.
The Alerts can be deleted.
Long as you have a Google Account, you are eligible for Google Alert.
Only Google Gmail Users can use Google Alert.
You can customize each alert to fit your choice.
How Do I Set Up Google Alerts?
Step 1: From your device browser, open G.A official site http://www.google.com/alerts/.
Step 2: If you are already logged in, skip this step. If you aren’t, to the top right side is the sign-in button, click this and fill in your Google account details.
Step 3: In the text box provided, type in the Keyword or Key Phrase or your company name or even your name absolutely anything you want to keep tabs on.
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To customize the alert for this particular term, click on “Show Options“. A list of options include
How often: This option determines how often the alerts will be delivered to your inbox, click on the drop-down to the right of it to see more options.
Sources: This here helps you choose where you want the alerts to be monitored, i.e if HowTo9ja is mentioned in forums, Google should send it to my mailbox, but if it is mentioned on blogs, they shouldn’t.
Language: The languages that this alerts should keep taps on
Region: This has to do with the country, this alerts should keep taps on.
How many: The quality of the results Google should alert you off.
Deliver to: The email the alerts should be delivered too. (i.e email you sign in with)
Step 4: When you are done customizing it, click on “Create Alert“.
Note: You can ‘CUSTOMIZE‘ all the alerts in bulk, all you have to do here is
Step 2: Create all the Alerts. Then at the top of the Alerts, at the far right is a gear ⚙️ icon, click this and customize this to your feel.
How To Delete Google Alerts
O yeah! The alert could get pretty annoying, my inbox was once infested by Google alerts.
You can delete your Google Alerts by;
Step 1: Open this link http://www.google.com/alerts/ and Log-in with the Google Account you use to set-up the alerts.
Step 2: All your alerts should be visible by now, at the far right side is a bin/ basket icon, click on it to delete the alert.
Google alert is a cool tool, another tool Google offers is Google Trend. If you are a news site, I’ll suggest you set up Google trends to keep taps of the latest trends in Google search.
You’ve learned how to set up Google Alerts, I hope you succeeded? How about you share this article and drop a comment below.
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