#and everyone said sam is way too complicated
nonbinaryurianger · 10 months
I'm actually really glad for this cloud test because it's giving me the opportunity to try classes I haven't leveled yet and learn which ones are actually fun at high levels.
so far I could take or leave black mage but bard and samurai are both fun so they'll probably be new foci of mine on live
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junewild · 3 months
Watching Sam & Brennan talk about the beauty of frivolity, of adults playing silly games just as seriously as they fight to survive, and... yeah. There are some things that keep us alive, and there are some things that make life worth living, and I think games are one of those things that fall into both categories. Games make our lives better and they make us better at being alive. I think that's pretty cool.
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angelsdean · 2 years
their sibling dynamics are so fascinating to me bc i have a similar parentified dynamic w/ my own younger sister, like to the point where it's the "joke" in the family that i'm literally her second mother / third parent like people say that about me. anyways. but we're also like, besties ??? and we have a bigger age gap than dean and sam, double their age gap actually. and we both make fun of each other and "fight" and have our own inside jokes and can make each other riot with laughter from just a single look and we can have whole conversations w/o saying a word and we have overlapping neurodivergencies that just make us go "same brain!" but then also she has sensory issues that i just do not get and vice verse and we tease each other abt them but if anyone else were to do such a thing obvs it'd be like wtf dude??? but we're allowed to be extra mean to each other (and no one else can) bc we love each other and it's unconditional and we're literally besties. but then at the same time, she'll be a huge baby and not want to do something or do it wrong and i'm just like [exasperated sigh] "give me that" and just do it myself. or she won't want to order at restaurants. or ask for help finding something in a store. and i also do not want to do that but my older sibling "mother-mode" kicks in and i'm like ok fine i'll do this for you. and i always give her the bigger portion of things if it's not evenly cut or distributed. and i'll leave the last of the pink lemonade in the fridge for her and drink water instead. and it's just, a weird complicated dynamic of "i love you like my own kid but also you are my sibling and we will have these sibling moments of getting on each other's nerves but i'm also always going to put you first in the things that really matter" and that's how i see the sibling dynamic from dean's POV really. and sometimes the show manages to show that dynamic but a lot of times it flops hard on getting the sibling-isms right and it's very frustrating lol
#not turning on rbs but i just wanna talk abt thee sibling dynamics !#i feel like a lot of ppl just don't get it ?? esp if you don't have a sibling yourself or you're the younger sibling#OR you just have a normal non-parentified dynamic#like having an older sibling who just does stuff for you occasionally is not the same as having an older sibling who everyone including#your parents sees as a 'third parent' to them and who is treated like a parent and given parent responsibilities#and above all that IS emotionally thee main parental figure and the one ur sibling actually goes to when they need something#a lot of ppl will insist that ppl take the 'sam is dean's kid' stuff too far and that nooo they're brothers let them be brothers#but it's !!! complicated !!! when one of them is in a parentified role !!!!!#like i said w/ my own sister. we absolutely are siblings and have those sibling moments. most of the time we act like siblings#but there's always an undercurrent of. ok but she does come first in a lot of ways. and i'm responsible for her#which i think is something dean feels a lot and is actually like. the crux of their dynamic and why he constantly gives up so much#to follow his father's first commandment of 'look our for your little brother'#but crucially !! sam doesn't reallyyy see dean as his parent. he sees dean his annoying older brother. and that's where things clash a lot#between them. bc in *my* situation my sister also is aware of the parentification and we're gotten to the point were WE can joke abt it#but sam imo does Not see how dean is literally his main parental figure. bc john as his authoritarian father is so large in his mind#whew. lots of tags ajsfdkf maybe i Will have to make a proper post abt all this later but i just wanted to ramble my thoughts rn#vic.txt
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kaleldobrev · 1 year
Please Don't Leave
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Dean's lucky to have you in his life and honestly doesn't know what he would ever do without you
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Cursing (3x), Fluff, Vulnerable/Angry Dean
Authors Note: The gif makes me sad | This might seem a little non canon but at the same time I honestly feel like Dean would react this way (fight me if you want, but I said what I said) | I just love this man so fucking much | Dream/Flashbacks are in italics | If you liked this, don’t forget to like & reblog. I really appreciate it! Feedback is always welcome ♡
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Dean didn’t have a lot of consistencies in his life, but you were one of them. Out of everyone he had known in his life, you were one of the only people that had remained with him through all the heartbreak, all of the death, all of the blood, sweat, and tears that this life had. You had been through it all with him: Sam going to Stanford and leaving him behind, his fathers death, him selling his soul, the year that Sam went to Hell, the year the two of you were in Purgatory, the few months he was a demon, his bloodlust fueled by the Mark, him being possessed by Michael. He had an endless list of things that the two of you had been through together, things that would cause any normal or rational person to throw in the towel; but not you. “You can’t get rid of me Dean Winchester, not even if you kill me yourself.” You had joked. And that was something that he had almost done – and on several occasions too. And yet, you never left him. “I guess I’m just stupid.” You said. “Or maybe the sex me and you have is just that good.”
The sex he had with you, now that was something. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced; and he has had quite a lot of sex during his lifetime (not that he bragged about it of course). When the two of you initially met, it was only supposed to be a working relationship, a friends with benefits sort of deal. But eventually it turned into more. He wasn’t sure where him or you had gotten your wires crossed but they did; and it turned into you and him always finding each other at the end of the night regardless of the different men and women that had hit on both of you at the bar you two were at.
The sex used to be quick, usually done in either a drunken haze or after a tough hunt. But it eventually turned into something that either one of you would initiate through soft touches: a kiss on the forehead, a simple hand hold, or cuddling into each other. Once, in the middle of sex, he wasn’t sure why he had said it but he did. He kind of just blurted it out. “I love you.” Now that was something he never thought he’d ever say during sex before. But here you were beneath him, staring up at him with those doe eyes of yours that you frequently had during sex and said, “I love you too.” It was something he didn’t expect.
Dean didn’t know what he could or would possibly do if you weren’t in his life; and that was something he didn’t want to think about. But it was something that has been an unavoidable thought as of late. Waking up to you was one of the worst but best things after a nightmare of losing you. He would wake up in a panic, his heart racing, sweating; afraid that you were gone for good this time. But without fail, every single time you would be right there next to him. Either sound asleep or awake enough to tell him, “It’s okay, I’m right here.” He would always reply the same way. “Just…please don’t leave.” It was a simple yet complicated sentence. “I’m not going to. I’d never leave you.” Those words that you always uttered back should have been comforting to him, but it was just an empty promise – even though he knows that’s how you never intended it to sound. In your heart you loved him deeply, and he knew that. He knew that you’d never leave him; the two of you have been through everything together. But when it came to this life, it was hard to make and keep promises like that.
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“Dean, I just can’t do this anymore I’m sorry.” Your words had cut into him like a knife. Like he’d been shot hundreds of times. The torture he received from Hell combined with the loss of his mother was child’s play compared to what he was currently feeling. He just started blankly at the two duffel bags at your feet as you stood in the doorway of the room the two of you shared. Well, formally shared that is. “Aren’t you going to say anything?” You asked, your question snapping him out of whatever trance he was in.
“There’s nothing to say.” Of course there were hundreds, no thousands of things that he had wanted to say to you, but he knew that he couldn’t say any of it. As much as he wanted to beg for you to stay, he wasn’t going to make you stay. Once you made up your mind that was it; there was no convincing you.
You looked at him with a confused expression. “You don’t even want to know why I’m leaving?” You asked, and Dean simply shook his head. “Why not?”
“It doesn’t really matter.” He tried to keep his voice even, to make you believe that he was okay. But he could tell that you knew he wasn’t (you knew him long enough to know when he was or wasn’t okay).
“Dean.” You said, your voice sounding more heartbroken than his.
“It’s alright. You don’t…you don’t have to explain yourself.” He said, taking a seat on the bed you two once shared.
“I feel like you deserve an explanation. We were together for almost twenty years Dean.” You sat down next to him on the bed. He had just wanted to push you away or wrap you in his arms. Two completely differently reactions, but that’s the way he felt. “Dean.” You touched his shoulder and he flinched, you quickly removed your hand. “I love you, and I know you know that but –”
“Please just…stop talking. I really don’t want to hear what you have to say.” His voice was more hurt now, and he could feel himself trying not to say or do anything that he was going to regret. He wanted to cry, but he didn’t want you to have to see that, despite seeing him do it so many times before. “Just, leave if you’re going to leave.” You didn’t move, simply just staring at him. “Go!” He snapped, and that’s when you got up.
You walked over to your bags, slinging one over your shoulder and holding the other one in your hands. “Goodbye Dean.” You said, before walking out of the room. For a while he heard the sound of your boots down the hall, but they suddenly became faint, almost inaudible. The Bunker door opened and closed again. You were gone. Gone for good this time.
“You said you’d never fucking leave.” He whispered to himself. “Said you’d never fucking leave me.” He pounded the bed with his fist. “You fucking lied!” He got up from the bed and he felt himself start to lose control; no longer in control of the emotions that had been building up when he had started watching you pack up your bags.
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Dean woke up abruptly, sitting up. He was panicked, his heart racing. His breaths were heavy, his chest moving up and down. He rubbed his face, trying to fully wake himself up. There was no way he would be getting back to sleep for a while; not after that nightmare. “Y/N -” he began to say as he looked over to his right side; your side of the bed. You were gone. “Sweetheart?” He asked, his hand reached out and touched the emptiness next to him: it was cold.
He looked up at the door to the bedroom which was slightly ajar. The only light in the room came seeping in from the hallway. He didn’t remember having the door open, the door was always shut whenever the two of you slept. Despite how safe the Bunker was, sleeping with the door closed added an extra layer of safety, not just for him, but for you as well.
A shadow appeared, blocking some of the light. He reached over and opened the drawer of his nightstand, slightly gripping his gun that he always kept there. Before he could fully wrap his hand around the weapon you squeaked inside the room and shut the door again quietly. A huge amount of relief washed over him in that moment as he let go of the gun and closed the drawer. “Dean?” You questioned, upon hearing the drawer close. “Baby are you okay?” You asked, walking to sit on his side of the bed. He looked at you as you placed a hand on his cheek. Your eyes full of worry.
“You were…” his eyes flickered to your side of the bed that had been empty when he woke up before looking back at you again. “You were gone. When I woke up you…”
“It’s okay. I’m here.” You reassured him, your voice calm.
“Where did you go?” He asked tiredly.
“The bathroom. I really, really needed to pee.” You said, Dean chuckled a little at your comment. “You know I wouldn’t willingly leave you right?” You reassured him again. You felt him nod in your hand.
“I know.” His voice sounding just a hint sad. “I uh, I feel stupid for freaking out.” The sentence was a whisper.
“There’s nothing to feel stupid about Dean.” Another reassurance. Dean had every right to react the way he did; he had lost so much, even before you had met him. You had been with him through everything. Witnessed so much loss and endured just as much. “Was it a nightmare?”
He nodded. “Yeah. It was the…the one where you break up with me.” You hated that one just as much as he did.
“I’m never going to break up with you. I love you too damn much.” You said, giving him a smile. You crawled into bed next to him getting underneath the covers. “Come here.” You held out your arms for him, and without hesitation he went into them. He wrapped his arms around your torso and rested his head on your chest; your arms wrapping around the back of his neck. Your fingers started playing with his hair, gently massaging his head.
The two of you sat there in silence, both of you with your eyes closed. You weren’t sleeping, but you were unsure if he was. Even if he wasn’t, his breathing was starting to get more even, he was starting to calm down. Hearing the sound of your heartbeat always calmed him down. “Y/N?” Dean asked.
“Yes my love?” You asked, opening your eyes.
He looked up at you briefly, tiredly. “I know I don’t tell you enough but…I’m really lucky to have you in my life. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you.” He kissed your neck, as that was one of the only spots he could currently reach.
“I’m lucky to have you in my life too.” You responded, giving him a kiss on the top of his head.
“And Sweetheart?” He asked again.
“Yeah?” You asked.
“Thank you…thank you for not leaving me.” His voice sounding a little pained. The sound of this sentence had broken your heart a bit. Leaving Dean was never an option for you, no matter what had happened between the two of you. Being with him wasn’t easy, but you couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. He was your person, the love of your life, your soulmate. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You kissed him on the top of the head again, and you could feel his smile.
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That night, Dean didn’t have another nightmare, but he did dream. He had one of his favorite dreams; one that always gave him a sense of calmness and normalcy. The two of you would be just lying in bed together watching some random horror movie on tv. It was something that the two of you have done hundreds, no, thousands of times, so there would be no reason why it would be his so called favorite dream. What made it his favorite though was purely based on one small detail, a detail that made it known to him that it was in fact a dream: wedding rings would be on both of your fingers.
Someday maybe, he thought.
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Tag List: @roseblue373 @beansproutmafia @queenie32 @deanwanddamons @missy420-0 @jackles010378 If you'd like to be on a tag list, just message me!
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reader-wandering18 · 23 days
Yuu Professor
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In the staff room, Yuu leaned back in his chair as he sighed deeply.
—I see you’re too tired, Professor Yuu.
— Professor Trein.
— He’s the youngest of us all, try not to intimidate him, Professor Trein.
— What are you trying to say, Professor Crewel?
Yuu felt like he was in the middle of a clash between two mountains. He was afraid his life would end before he even started at that school.
— Come on, get along, we have to make a good impression on the new teacher!
Professor Vargas had arrived, grabbing Yuu by the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a tight hug as if they were old classmates. Although with his large muscles, Yuu felt suffocated.
— If you need anything, you’re more than welcome to come to the Mystery Shop. We have great promotions this year.
Sam handed him a business card.
Professor Crewel was right when he said he was younger than all of them, he was only 27 years old and to top it off… he had no experience in being a teacher.
“It was all because of that incident”
While he was undercover due to his previous job, he was caught in the crossfire between two strangers. Both of them were apparently killed and to top it off, one of them was the new teacher at Night Raven College that year who was mistaken for him.
He had no intention of entering that school and taking that teacher’s place.
When he was ready to escape, he found himself in the school surrounded by a magical field with no way out unless he asked the headmaster for permission.
If he speaks now, he would get into big trouble and have charges like identity theft, possible murder (when he didn’t) and if they were to investigate further…
“Two years, my contract period is only for two years”
Nothing bad could happen.
He would like to kill his past self.
A case of Blot had appeared in front of him.
And soon, a series of them in that prestigious school.
“What the hell have I gotten myself into?!”
Yuu activated a magic shield to protect himself and the students.
Riddle’s blows were fierce, clearly aggravating his anger at the moment, causing the earth to tremble… But the shield showed no signs of breaking.
“That damn crow had said he would bring more teachers, but he hasn’t returned for a while now!”
All the students had evacuated, except for four stubborn young men.
— WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Get out of the dorm immediately!
— I can’t do it, Professor. I can’t leave Riddle as he is now.
— I refuse, he still hasn’t apologized to me!
“These damn proud brats.”
— Worrying about you shortens my life,— he said in a whisper.
— Don’t leave the shield or I will punish you!
— Professor!
Yuu stepped forward, holding his staff firmly, the wood looked ancient, there was also a design made of pure silver with complicated runes, the magic gem was on top with an exquisite crimson hue.
The moment he stepped out of the magic shield, air bullets pierced the rose bushes leaving nothing but small pieces resembling toothpicks.
It had all happened in the blink of an eye.
Riddle was shocked by the speed at which the master had released the magic. He hadn’t uttered a single word or seemed to have hesitated when it came to making projectiles with the air element!
The strength of the magic power they released could be compared to the cannons of a warship.
— It’s incredible.
Yuu walked towards Riddle with his head held high and only one thought in his head.
“ You are too young to waste your life”
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Riddle came back to his senses, thanks to Professor Yuu's intervention. He was taken to the school infirmary after waking up and talking to everyone.
Though Ace, seeing him cry, could only behave as Ace would.
Seeing that moment of conviviality between students, Yuu decided to take a step back and leave that dorm. His rush to flee was also to avoid cleaning Heartslabyul's dorm, which had practically been left in ruins because of him.
"I'm really tired, let the students take care of it."
After a week, in a lonely classroom, Yuu found himself grading his students' homework.
"How can this guy be in charge of teaching him at three years old?!"
The identity he had accidentally taken was not only that of a teacher, but also that of a high-level magician. If anyone else who hadn't studied magic as exhaustively as he had, they would be in serious trouble.
But this coincidence sent shivers down his spine.
That guy, despite being a high-level magician, has no family or friends who can get him into trouble if they see him. Also his age and appearance.
It was as if the role was made for him.
Knock knock
Yuu was startled but didn't show it, his eyes went to the classroom door where he found three students from Heartslabyul. One of them was holding a strawberry cake.
— Teacher, may I come in?
— Clover, Diamond, and Rosehearts. Come in.
With magic, Yuu arranged all his documents and before he could ask the reason for his visit, Riddle put that strawberry cake in its place.
— This is a thank you for helping me.
Seeing the shiny cake in front of him, Yuu couldn't speak for a moment.
— As an educator, I must take care of my students. You don't need to give me a strawberry cake.
— Come on, teacher, the dorm leader made it with so much effort for you!
— Carter!
Riddle scolded the blonde haired boy, though seeing the blush on his face was not something he could hide.
—This is a cake I made as an apology for the trouble I caused. Before the no unbirthday party, I want you to be the first to taste the cake.
Hearing those words, Yuu couldn’t help but look at Riddle tenderly. The overstain is caused by the negative feelings of wizards. It’s something that simply can’t be controlled and he was burdened by his past.
“I still feel a little uneasy knowing that I was able to see his past. It’s really strange.”
He cut the first piece of cake and as he brought it to his mouth.
“This is really salty!”
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Hahahaha here I leave you another part of Master Yuu living with heartslabyul, there will be more interactions with the other students, I hope it is to your liking.
PD information: In order not to make Riddle feel bad, Yuu did not tell him that his strawberry cake was too salty. So that was how Ace along with Deuce, Trey and Carter ate the other cakes that he had made beforehand. Yuu couldn't throw away the cake so he endured having to eat it.
One more thing, I probably won't upload anything in the next few weeks, more than anything unfortunately I'm a student so right now I'm full of projects. I already have the two chapters of Darkness ready as well as more ideas of Yuu from other worlds but honestly they don't convince me so I haven't been able to upload them and I also don't have time to edit them but in my free time I plan to move forward.
Slowly but surely.
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thedemonsurfer · 3 months
Hey can we talk about how the very recent SAMS stuff has turned out to be a brilliant twist of audience complicity?
With the most recent eps, its become blindingly clear that Dark Sun has been manipulating or influencing Moon's actions to some degree. And looking back over it, it's really fun trying to pick out the point where Moon started going downhill and being like 'oh, that's how he was being pushed'. Folks remembered that Moon was the first person Dark Sun ever grabbed, forcibly scanning him before sending him back home. Dark Sun outright told Eclipse that he wanted to do something to Moon.
Now Moon's reactions make more sense. The yelling, the lashing out at his family in a way he's never done before. The extremes that seem so Out-of-Character.
But at the time it was happening?
No one was talking about manipulation. Everyone was willing to go 'I guess Moon sucks actually'.
Including the audience.
How great is that! We're omniscient, more or less! The audience is exposed to interactions and monologues that the characters never see. We have knowledge like the exact things Moon said to Old Moon, or Dark Sun said to him. We can go back and reference them!
And yet we were led into the exact same trap as the characters-- looking at Moon and going 'you're no better than Old Moon'.
The thing Moon hates the most! That comparison to Old Moon, the fear that he really isn't any better. Haunted by a spectre of a shitty person that was apparently loved anyway. And you'd think we, as the audience, would remember that, but as soon as he slips up the comparisons start flying. I was doing it too!
And that's why I think the recent twist has been brilliant, because they hid it inside what they knew the audience would assume, like a pill inside some shitty cheese. By tying Moon's instability to his grief, it made his actions seem more plausible, and therefore it was seen as a failure of his character. Oh, clearly Moon just sucks as a person I guess.
We the audience failed the guy just as hard as his family did for not stepping back and going 'waaaaaait a minute', and we were manipulated by the writing into that failure (as, y'know, that's how writing works).
And that's fucking brilliant, 10/10
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 8 months
Hiii i love ur writing can u please write Ethan x Reader where they have makeup sex? There in a fight and the whole friend group is annoyed by it but obviously they make up plssss and tyyy🙏🙏
Hiiii! i hope you like it!
Make-Up Sex - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: You're in your first fight with Ethan, but he's determined to make it up to you.
A/N: Make Up Sex by MGK has been stuck in my head ever since I got this request lol
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You had barely spoken to Ethan in days after a huge fight. It was your first one, and you both thought you were in the right, so neither of you would back down. He still sent the ‘I love you’ text every single night, and of course you responded, but that was the most interaction the two of you had with each other. You told him you needed a little space, because you thought it would help the relationship in the long run. You made it clear that you didn’t want to break up, but Ethan still felt like that’s what it was. You were hoping that after weeks of him inviting you over just for him to sit in front of the tv with Chad playing video games, the space would help him realize that you deserve attention, too.
When you arrived at Sam and Tara’s for the weekly “Family Dinner” as they liked to call it, you sat by Ethan, like you always did. He didn’t really speak to you but spoke to everyone else. Tara started to pick up on it, her eyes connecting with your sad ones.
“I just don’t understand why relationships have to be so complicated,” Sam said, referring to the fling she’d been having with Danny.
“Yeah, I’m starting to think relationships are dumb,” Ethan said as he took a bite of his food.
His words were like a knife to your heart as you snapped your head towards him.
“Oh, you do? That’s nice to know,” you said, before moving to the opposite side of the table, taking a seat beside Anika.
“You’re the one that needs space or whatever,” he said, the snarky tone pissing you off.
“God, Ethan. You still don’t get it,” you said, before Mindy interrupted.
“Hey, no arguing at family dinner,” she scolded the two of you, starting to get annoyed. You huffed in response, knowing this wasn’t the time or place for you to argue with Ethan.
“No wait, what don’t I get?” Ethan asked, resting his chin against his hands. The smugness on his face really made you feel like he didn’t care.
“Guys, seriously-“ Chad got out, before you cut him off. His hands went up as he dropped the fork on his plate.
“For a smart guy, you really are an idiot,” you said, staring Ethan down from across the table.
There was this tense, awkward silence in the air as the metal forks touched the glass plates, while everyone continued to eat.
“Maybe we should cut this short tonight,” Sam mumbled, taking her plate to the sink.
“No, we always watch a movie after dinner,” Tara protested, looking over to Ethan. She knew he was being a jerk and didn’t really want to be around him if he was going to act this way.
“It’s cool, I’ll go. You guys are closer to her anyway,” he said, standing up to put his jacket on.
“Dude, you know that’s not true,” Chad sighed, relaxing into his chair. “Maybe you two should talk or something.”
Ethan looked over to you, hoping that was something you were interested in doing. Yeah, he was being an ass, but he loved you and really wanted to understand why you wanted space.
“Yeah, I think we should,” you said, getting up from the table.
The two of you decided to go to a nearby park, taking a seat on one of the benches. You took in your surroundings, listening to the sounds of people talking and nearby cars.
“Sooo,” he said, his eyes squinting as the sun glared across his face, “I’m sorry I said relationships are dumb. I didn’t mean that.”
“That really hurt my feelings. Then again, you’ve been doing that a lot lately,” you said, looking down at your hands on your lap. It was true. You were sick of feeling like you weren’t important enough.
“Babe, you need to tell me what I’ve done wrong. I’m obviously not getting it, and I want to fix it.”
You were quiet for a minute as you watched all the couples walking in front of you, their hands laced together as they flirted with each other. It reminded you of what you used to have with Ethan.
“We didn’t get to spend a lot of time together because of midterms. I understand that, but once they were over, I really wanted you to spend time with me. I missed you so much, even when you were right in front of me. I hated feeling that way,” you said, as Ethans fingers brushed against yours.
“I’m sorry I made you feel like you weren’t important,” he sighed, “I was just so caught up in trying to beat that game with Chad. I fucked up.”
“I wasn’t sure how you felt about me anymore…it’s like you went from always wanting sex, and always wanting to be close. It just stopped.”
“Hey, I never don’t want sex,” he joked, causing you to roll your eyes.
“You say that, but the last encounter we had was me giving you head while you did homework before the exams. That was over a month ago,” you said, thinking back to that night. He was so stressed, and you just wanted to take care of him.
“I can’t believe it’s been that long,” he said. He sat there for a few seconds, thinking. “They’re still having a movie night if you want to come back to my dorm. Let me make this up to you.”
“I’d like that,” you smiled as he stood up, taking your hand in his as he led you back to the dorm.
Once you got there, he helped get you out of your clothes. He ran his hands over your breasts, building up the anticipation. You thought the two of you were going to immediately get to it, but he had other ideas.
“Lay down on your tummy, babe,” he said, feeling himself get hard as you stood completely nude in front of him.
He took his shirt off before kneeling on the bed beside you. His hands started to run across your back to your shoulders, massaging you.
“You’re so tense, baby,” he said, as his fingers continued to knead your skin.
You gasped at the feeling, getting goosebumps as you started to relax into the bed.
“That feels so good.”
He smiled as he moved your hair out of the way to massage your neck, before working his hands further down your back. He placed kisses to your skin, the sweet intimacy of the moment making you feel like you did when you first started dating.
His hand moved even lower, rubbing your ass as you started to whine. He smirked to himself as you started to wiggle.
“You okay?” he asked, as his hands moved to the back of your thighs.
“Yeah, I-“ your words got stuck in your throat when his hands went to you inner thighs.
“What was that, babe?” he asked smirking as he started to spread your legs a little.
The only sound you made was a sharp inhale as he reached between your legs, running his fingers over your soaked pussy.
“Does that feel good?” he asked, your core starting to grind against his hand as he rubbed you.
He moved his hand away from you as you whined out in protest, his hands grabbed your hips, lifting you a little.
“On your knees, babe,” he said, your ass proudly sticking in the air, thinking he was going to fuck you.
You were a whimpering mess when he started flicking his tongue across your clit. He’s never ate you out in this position, but he was loving the access for his big hands to squeeze your ass while he got you off.
“Oh, fuuuuuck,” you moaned, your face shoved into the comforter.
He was drawing patterns on your clit with his tongue, then dipping it inside of you. When his mouth sped up against you, your toes started to curl, the amazing feeling started to build up inside of you.
He kept going as he listened to your moans get louder, letting him know you were starting to get close. His mouth latched onto you, moving his head back and forth as he suckled on your clit.
“Oh fuck, fuck, I’m gonna cum,” you whined, your back starting to arch at the feeling washing over you.
He tried to hold your hips still, laughing against you when he was struggling to do so.
After you came back down, he helped you roll over. He smiled at your blissful appearance.
As you lay on your back, he started to take off his pants.
“I’m really sorry I didn’t give you the attention you needed, baby,” he said, the sincerity in his voice making your heart melt. “I never want you to think that I don’t want you.”
“You’re forgiven, as long as you don’t do it again,” you smirked, as he crawled on top of you.
“I promise you I won’t.”
 He slid into you with ease, as your chest lifted to press against his.
He started to move his hips into yours, but stayed as close to you as he could. He kissed you as your fingers went to his hair. When his thrusts got faster, your legs wrapped around his waist, making it easier for him to pound into you.
“God, Eth. I missed this,” you said, your breathing heavy.
“I missed it too,” he groaned, reaching his hand down to rub your clit again.
You whined out at the stimulation, as two of his fingers circled over you bundle of nerves. He loved seeing you like this; your hips jerking and the fucked-out expression on your face making him go faster.
He knew he was going to cum soon, and he really need you to cum too, so he slid out of you. You whined out at the loss of contact as his hands went your legs. He stood beside the bed, pulling you closer to him.
Your ass was almost hanging off the bed as he pushed your legs back towards you. His cock slid back into you, the new position making it easier for him to give your g-spot the attention it needed.
“You’re so tight,” he groaned out, fucking harder into you with each word.
Your hands wrapped around your thighs, holding them up so his hands could roam your body. They grazed over your nipples, gently pinching them before squeezing both of your breasts. You felt your climax building up again, your legs starting to involuntarily shake as he fucked you. He trailed one of his hands from your breast back down to your clit, rubbing fast circles. Your walls started to flutter around him as your mouth fell open and your brows furrowed together.
“I’m gonna cum,” he groaned, trying to fuck you through your orgasm until he couldn’t anymore. His hips came to a stop as he pulled out, shooting his cum all over your stomach.
After both of you started to catch your breath, he relaxed onto the bed beside you.
“Do you still need space, or are we good now?” he asked, your head turning so your eyes connected with his.
“I don’t need the space, but I’m not sure we’re good,” you said, giggling at his confused expression. “We’ll be good after you get your cum off of me.”
He laughed, getting up to grab a towel.
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haddonfieldwhore · 2 years
bedsheets - ethan landry
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nsfw // no spoilers 🔪 // pre ghostface attacks
warnings: nsfw, protected!sex, sub!ethan, sub!reader, friends to lovers, language, slight praise kink, it’s just fluffy as hell, not edited!!
soft ethan playlist 🎧
can be read as a part 2 to “tired” or on its own
you and ethan walked out of study hall together, after an especially boring lecture that had you almost asleep at your desk.
“that was the longest 2 hours of my life,” you sighed, adjusting your bag on your shoulder as you shoved your textbook into it. “i think i’m gonna skip the afternoon today.”
“i could meet up with you later? i’ve still got english today, but i’ll be done at 3,” he offered. you grabbed his hand, dragging him in the opposite direction of his class, and he smiled as he followed behind you.
“or…,” you began. “you could skip your classes and just hang out with me now,” you suggested,
giving him your best puppy dog eyes. ethan knew he could never say no to you, and let you drag him to his dorm building.
the door closed behind you as ethan set his bag down on the floor, and you followed him to the living room area of his dorm.
“hey man,” you heard his roomate, chad call out to ethan from the other room.
“hey. we have a guest so i hope you’re decent,” he laughed.
“yeah i’m good, dude.” chad said walking out of his room, indeed fully dressed. “hey,” he greeted you, and you smiled in return.
“don’t you have class right now?” chad asked ethan, who was grabbing each of you a drink from the mini fridge in the tiny kitchen area.
“yeah.. i was gonna go, but this one’s a bad influence, they convinced me not to go.” ethan gestured to you, and you playfully raised your hands in surrender.
“well, i’m on my way out, so the place is yours,” chad explained, winking at ethan behind your back, and the he pushed his shoulder in return. you sat down on the couch and waved goodbye to chad as he slid his letterman jacket on and walked out the door. ethan sat next to you, turning on the tv.
“movie?” he suggested, and you nodded.
“you pick- i’m cool with whatever,” you replied, and ethan flipped through a stack of dvds before picking one and putting it in the player. the menu screen for “i know what you did last summer” popped up and ethan pressed play. you weren’t honestly too interested in the movie, just happy to not be in class. ethan and you had both seen the movie before, so you didn’t think he’d mind talking over it.
“where was chad going?” you asked.
“to hang out with tara i think,”
“do you think he’s ever gonna make a move on her?” it was obvious to everyone that chad and tara were into eachother, except for chad and tara themselves. ethan laughed, a smile spreading across his face as he thought of his friends.
“maybe. i can’t believe neither of them see how into eachother they are,” he admitted. “i think i’d figure it out if one of my friends had a thing for me.” you hoped ethan couldn’t see the blush on your face as you thought you were going to sink into the floor. you and ethan were best friends, and had always been incredibly close. it wasn’t uncommon for the two of you to fall asleep in each others arms after a movie on the couch, or for you to sit in his lap at sam and tara’s when there wasn’t enough chairs for everyone. and you were perfectly content with it never being anymore than that, since you thought that’s what ethan wanted.
“yeah…” you replied, trying to focus back on the movie, but all you could think of was how close you and ethan were. his leg was just inches from brushing against yours, his arm over the back of the couch. it would be almost too easy to curl into his side, to rest your head in his chest and listen to the rhythmic beating of his heart like you had what felt like a thousand times before. so why was it any different now? why did you have to complicate things all of the sudden?
“you okay?” he asked, leaning closer to look at you, and you tried to avoid looking into his pretty brown eyes.
“just…. tired,” you whispered, not even sounding convincing to yourself, as you looked down at your lap.
“you know i can tell when you’re lying right?” he asked softly, and you looked back up at him, your noses almost touching.
“can i kiss you?” he asked, his voice barely a whisper. you tried to reply, but couldn’t form words, nodding instead. ethan leaned forward, closing the gap between you and gently pressing his lips to yours. “come here,” he whispered, taking a hold of your arm and pulling you onto his lap, straddling him as his arms wrapped around you, holding you close to him.
“please-“ he cut you off by kissing you again, his lips so soft as they moved with yours. your fingers clung to the fabric of the front of his t-shirt, before sliding over his clavicle and up the sides of his neck, and he let out a whine underneath you. ethan’s arms tightened around your waist, moving you against his lap slightly, and you moaned softly into his mouth. his hands slid up the back of your shirt slightly before he stopped, separating his lips from yours.
“is this okay?” he asked, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation.
“yes, this is more than okay,” you assured him, connecting your lips again. his warm hands still sent shivers up your back as they slid underneath your shirt, leaving goosebumps in their wake as they moved higher. your hand moved up the sides of ethan’s neck and twisted into his chocolate brown curls, tugging slightly.
“hmm..fuck,” ethan whimpered, and you bit his bottom lip gently, causing him to moan loudly. his hands slid down your sides to grip your hips, moving you to grind slightly against him. “can you feel what you’re doing to me?”
“i’m sorry….do you want me to help you with that?” you teased, moving your hand down to palm his hardening length through the fabric of his jeans. his head fell back against the soft couch, exposing his neck. his adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, and you leaned forward to gently nip at soft skin below his jaw.
“i need you,” ethan moaned as you left hickeys up his throat, and he shuddered underneath you as you found his sweet spot. “fuck-“
“you can have me,” you assured him, and he lifted his head to look at you, his gaze soft as he brought his hand up to hold your chin lightly, his thumb tracing over your lips. you opened your mouth and let him slide his thumb past your lips, sucking on it slightly, and he involuntarily bucked his hips upwards slightly in response.
“do you….do you want to go to the bedroom? or stay here?” he asked, quickly loosing his composure as you continued to move yourself against him.
“bedroom?” you said, but you honestly didn’t care; you just wanted him, it didn’t matter where. lifting you slightly as you stood, ethan leaned down to kiss you now that you were both standing. his hands still on your hips, he guided you towards his room, his lips never leaving yours as you tried not to fall while walking backwards through the doorway.
ethan gently laid you down on the bed, grabbing something from his dresser drawer before crawling on top of you and gently kissing your forehead. his fingers traced your face from your temple down to your chin, and he tilted your lips upwards to meet his again. you arched your back, lifting your hips to meet his and he moaned, allowing you to slide your tongue into his mouth. your hands slid under his shirt, silently requesting it be removed and he got the hint, pulling away and sitting up slightly to pull it over his head, messing up his hair slightly in the process. you took the opportunity to undo his belt buckle, before his fingers found yours and took over, removing the belt completely.
“can i..?” he asked, waiting for your permission as his hands found the hem of your shirt. you nodded, and lifted yourself upwards to make it easier to remove. removing your remaining articles of clothing, you were both naked in front of each other for the first time, but there wasn’t any time for feeling self conscious or nervous as ethan kissed you again, and your hands traveled down to stroke his length gently. he moaned into the kiss, before burying his face in the crook of your neck as you began to move your hand back and forth. he whimpered as you ran your thumb gently over the tip, and he pressed sloppy, wet kisses to your neck.
“you sound so pretty, baby.” you cooed in his ear, and he bucked his hips into your hand at your voice.
“please…god you look good like this- underneath me,” he mused, and you smiled. “slow down,” he instructed, his fingers wrapped around your wrist to stop your movements. “i wanna be inside you.” you nodded, and he grabbed a small packet from next to him on the bed, opening it and letting you help him slide the rubber onto himself.
“ethan-“ you moaned, as you felt him position himself at your entrance.
“are you sure?” he asked, and pushed himself into you after hearing you reply yes. you both moaned as the feeling of his movements sent shockwaves through your bodies. he waited while you adjusted, pressing his forehead to yours until you gave him the okay to move. starting off with slow thrusts, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his lips down to yours again. he began to quicken his pace and you tugged harshly at his curls in response.
“do that again-“ he inhaled sharply as you obliged, pulling his hair as he thrusted harder into you. “fuck, you feel so good,” he whined. “i’m gonna flip us over, okay baby?” you nodded, and ethan rolled over, now sitting on the bed with you in his lap, your legs around his waist, allowing him to reach even deeper inside you than before. your eyes rolled back in your head and he held you close, his large hands roaming your back.
“ethan… fuck-“ you had trouble forming words, you eyes glossy as you and ethan looked at eachother. he rested his forehead against yours again as he thrusted upwards into you, his rhythm becoming sloppier as he neared his peak.
“you’re being so good for me,” ethan whispered, and you rolled your hips against his, causing him to swear under his breath.
“i’m so close, e,” you whimpered, so near to the edge that you didn’t know how much longer you could hold on. “tell me i’m yours.”
“your mine,” ethan almost growled, and his movements stuttered as you tumbled over the edge, contracting around his length as he frantically slammed into you.
“fuck, i’m never gonna get over you,” he whimpered in your ear, the feeling of him inside you getting to be too much.
“come on, baby, i wanna hear you when you come,” you pleaded, tugging on his hair harder than before, and he moaned loudly, shaking as he finished inside you, his warmth spilling into the condom as you moved your hips to coax him through it. you were beginning to feel a little overstimulated, and tears began to form in your eyes as he slowed his hips before stopping his movements completely. collapsing gently on the bed, ethan carefully pulled out of you, removing the condom and disposing of it before getting a warm cloth from the bathroom to clean you up.
you lay in bed next to him, his eyes closed as he lay facing you, his curls messy and damp with sweat as you gently brushed them off his forehead with your fingers. his eyes were closed, a light blush in his cheeks and a soft smile on his lips. his brown eyes opened slightly, and his hand reached up to gently caress your cheek. you leaned forward to kiss him and his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into his chest.
“we should’ve done that a long time ago,” you admitted, your fingers crawling up his skin to gently trace the shape of the dark purple hickeys you’d left on his neck and collarbones.
“yeah- we should’ve. but we can do it a lot more times,” he said, laughing lightly, his voice deep with drowsiness. “i like you here like this. in my bed.”
“i like being here; with you,” you replied, relaxing into ethan’s embrace and closing your eyes. with a final kiss to your forehead, you drifted off to sleep, and ethan followed shortly after, safe and warm in each others arms, where you belonged.
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
hi, i love your writing! could i request something where jamie and reader are dating and jamie starts introducing them to the important people in his life, like roy, keeley, the richmond boys, etc. and each time they get introduced to someone new, whenever jamie steps away, they basically get some variation of the 'you better not hurt him' talk, and when jamie finds out he's worried that reader is gunna be offended or upset but they reassure him that it's fine, they think it's cute that everyone's so protective of him and that it's nice to see him have so many people care about him
Sorry this took FOREVER. Here it is!
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the way it goes
It has been exactly twenty-one days since Jamie asked you out on a proper date, and you’re of the opinion that life can’t get much better than this. You’ve only met two of his teammates so far, (Isaac because he’s one of Jamie’s good friends and Richard because you ran into him while shopping) and honestly, they aren’t what you expected at all. 
They’re kind and they seem to genuinely like working together.
(It’s a little funny to call football “work.”)
Isaac tells Jamie to bring you next time they all hang out, and reminds him to buy more juice packs than last time so they don’t run out again.
Turns out the next “hang out,” is a night at Isaac’s, and the whole team is there with various partners and spouses. There’s a strict sweatpants-only drsesscode, and pretty much everyone is in clearly expensive matching sets. You’re grateful that Jamie shrunk a brand-new deep green set the other week, because you didn’t have time to go out and buy something new/not ratty.
There are tables of board games, a pile of snacks, and even a bar. Jamie drags you over so he can get “proper buzzed,” and requests something incredibly complicated from Beard, who appears to be the only coach present.
“Babe,” Jamie says, “you good here? I’m gonna get some food.”
You nod and watch him weave through groups of people. You lean against the bar and wait for Jamie’s drink.
“So,” says Beard, “you’re Jamie’s girlfriend.
You nod. “Yeah, I am. I’ve known him for ages, though. Since I was in uni. Always thought he was just some prick footballer trying to score, if you know what I mean.”
Beard chuckles. “I get it. He’s a bit of an asshole sometimes.”
You grin. “He’s my asshole.”
Beard slides you Jamie’s drink but before he completely lets it go, he says, “Hey.”
His voice has lost its jocularity, so you look up to meet his (very intense, slightly terrifying) eyes.
“Jamie doesn’t need his heart broken. He may have been a giant prick, but he’s different now. He’s not the kind of guy you can just screw and move on from.”
Your mouth has gone a little dry, so you just nod. Right then. You turn to go find Jamie and hope he won’t mind if you take a sip of his drink. You’re planning on staying sober tonight, so that one sip is going to have to get you through till the end.
It wouldn’t be the first time someone’s told you to be careful with Jamie. The first time was actually Roy’s niece, Phoebe. Jamie was babysitting and he asked you to come along, so while he was paying for ice creams Phoebe tugged your arm so you’d get down to her level and said, “If you make him cry, they’ll never find you again.”
You had looked at her in shock while she matter-of-factly stated, “My Uncle Roy’s been teaching me things.”
She said the word things far too ominously for an eight year old, but then Jamie came back and she was all smiles again. 
You got a similar, equally threatening talk from Phoebe’s mum, and then from Roy, and then Roy’s girlfriend Keeley.
Variations of the “break him and I’ll break you” talk had begun to trickle in whenever you’d pick up Jamie from Nelson Road. The tone ranged from Sam’s vaguely threatening, “We all love Jamie very much. We’re incredibly protective of him,” to Jan Maas’s blunt, “If you break his heart, you will never find another date on this entire continent.
Even Ted had a comment, which was more along the lines of, Jamie’s a big softie, he doesn’t need some to play him right now, he needs a real supporter. Each time, you assured them that you weren’t going to hurt him. You didn’t ask why they thought you would be the one doing the hurting when he was the one with the reputation.
Because you are fully aware of his reputation. You hadn’t seen Lust Conquers All, but you’d seen enough clips to piece together exactly how it went. And you’d seen the details of his cheating scandals all over the papers. And dealt with him firsthand while in uni. So yeah, Jamie’s past prick-ish behavior is not a mystery to you.
You find it endearing that so many people love him enough to protect him. It’s a good sign, you think.
You find Jamie carefully stacking various snacks on a tiny, tiny plate. His face lights up when you come into view.
“Oh good,” he says. “Extra hands.” He grabs his drink with one hand and gives you the plate with the other. He starts piling on something flaky and slightly green. 
“Isaac’s girlfriend makes these fucking pistachio things, and they always go way too fast. Gotta eat them while you can,” he says while creating an engineering marvel.
“Glad you like ‘em, bruv,” comes Isaac’s voice from behind you. You jump a little, and the plate wobbles. 
You turn to see Isaac with an absolutely gorgeous woman on his arm.
“I’m Stella,” she says. “It’s wonderful to meet you. We’ll have to have you two over for a real dinner.”
Jamie and Isaac quickly become engrossed in a serious discussion about football tactics, with Jamie downing his drink and then taking the plate of food from you. He was right, those pistachio things are amazing.
You chat with Stella for a little bit and learn she’s the face of a modeling agency and met Isaac during some football/branding thing.
“He was the only one during the entire shoot who made sure I was drinking enough water,” she laughs. “Who knew the way to my heart was through proper hydration?”
You talk a little longer before Jamie’s arm is snaking around your waist to whisk you off to see Dani. It goes like that for a little while until you finally settle down at one of the game tables. It’s a card game involving a lot of yelling and pointing fingers.
The house is noisy and cozy, filled to the brim with people who are just comfortable around each other, and you think you’ve never experienced something like this in your whole life.
Jamie on the other hand, is yawning a little bit. His hand, which had been on your knee tracing squiggly patterns, is starting to slow down so you put yours on top of his and whisper, “You about ready to go?”
Jamie nods and presses a kiss to the side of your head.
“Got fucking extra training tomorrow,” he quietly laments.
You get up to leave and Jamie follows suit with a very loud pronouncement that he’d rather be somewhere private, much to the amusement of the Greyhounds who begin to hoot and whistle. You roll your eyes and smack his butt on the way out.
Forty-five minutes later, Isaac’s phone dings with a photo of Jamie in a pink robe and green face mask, hair pulled back in an equally pink and fluffy headband. He’s lying on your bed and he can see the tv screen playing Notting Hill. You’ve typed, Someplace private, my ass, and Isaac just shakes his head and grins. Fucking Jamie. Prick on the outside, softie on the inside.
You better not break his heart, he writes.
HAH comes your reply a moment later. Not a chance.
“Babe, look,” you say handing Jamie your phone. “I’ve collected the whole set.”
Jamie reads your text thread then looks up at you in confusion. “What d’you mean?”
“Isaac is the only one who hasn’t like, threatened me or something if I hurt you,” you reply.
The tips of Jamie’s ears turn red. “What do you mean, the only one?” he asks. “Like, the team?”
You shake your head. “Oh no. I mean, yes, the whole team, but like pretty much everyone who works at Nelson Road.” 
Jamie’s eyes widen as you begin to list people on your fingers. “Alright, so obviously the Greyhounds, plus all the coaches, Keeley, Rebecca, Higgins, Trent, Samantha at the front desk, Gary, Phoebe and her mum, Will-” you pause. “Should I keep going?”
Jamie groans. “Fucking hell. I’m sorry. They’re all twats, except Phoebe. I swear, they’re not always like that. I’ll talk to them and make ‘em leave you alone.”
“No! You can’t let them know that you know! And…” you hesitate, “I thought it was kind of sweet. Like a green flag, you know? They all like you enough to make sure that you’ll be ok, and they want me to know I have something special. Of course, I already knew that,” you continue, “but it’s nice confirmation.” 
Oh. That’s new.
Jamie’s quiet for way too long so you look over at him. “Babe, are you crying?”
“No,” he says, choked up. “Face mask got in my fuckin’ eye.”
“It’s dried solid, babe.”
“Fine,” he says, “I might be a little. But you can’t tell anyone, especially not Ted, because then he’ll talk to me about feelings and shit, and I’d rather eat ten fucking scones than that.”
You laugh and snuggle into his side. There aren’t going to be any heartbreaks here, not if you can help it. You’re both planning on keeping the other around for the rest of your lives.
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mellowmadds · 2 years
Willing Accomplice | Ethan Landry
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Ethan Landry/Fem!Reader
Summary: you never know just how much information a person could be hiding behind a shy dorky persona.
Warnings: mentions of violence, cussing
Word Count: 4022
(I believe in happy endings :)
..••°°°°••.. °°••....••°°
Moving all the way to New York City to attend Blackmore University with your Woodsboro best friends who all had a very complicated year full of secrets and betrayals it was obvious that everyone in the friend group would be on edge. When two film students who attended many classes with you guys were brutally murdered in their college apartment, Mindy took it upon herself to start interrogating the newcomers in the group.
“Tara! Do you not remember how these movies work?” Mindy yelled a bit loudly which startled the boy sitting next to you.
“Is she always like this?” Quinn questioned looking over towards her roommate Sam who replied back with a defeated eye roll. Ethan sighed while you wrapped an arm around his torso and laid your head on his chest getting ready to eventually defend him against whatever Mindy was about to accuse him of doing or being.
“Which brings me to my next point!” Mindy stated very loudly standing straight up in front of Quinn.
“Never trust the roommate or love interest” she said with a straight face glancing over towards the two of you innocently cuddling on the bench. Ethan shifted feeling uncomfortable which led you to grabbing his hand and rubbing your thumb over his fingers to calm his nerves. While Mindy started walking over towards you guys her twin brother Chad puts his arm out in front of you two before talking back to his sister.
“Mindy seriously look at him, you really think he’s ghostface?” You knew Chad didn’t mean it in a rude way; he was just looking out for the two of you.
“Exactly my point! Ethan the shy innocent dorky nerd who happened to find interest in our very much antisocial shy best friend. It’s a perfect cover, who knows maybe y/n wants revenge on us and is Ethan’s accomplice.” Mindy had seen way too many movies and just started spewing bullshit.
“W-Why am I a suspect? I shouldn’t even be a target!” Ethan finally spoke up.
“Oh seriously Ethan of course you’re a suspect and a target, your girlfriend got sliced up by some loser last year who liked her despite him being Sam’s boyfriend” Mindy exclaimed and Sam once again rolled her eyes.
“Ex boyfriend Mindy, remember I slit his throat? And he died like a baby.” Sam said with absolutely no expression in her face as she looked over at Ethan.
“I’m done with this conversation you’ve officially crossed the line Mindy. I’m leaving.” You stated while grabbing your backpack and yanking your boyfriend off the bench making him follow you like a lost puppy.
“Great going Mindy! The last thing we needed was the group being split up.” Chad said while getting up from the now empty bench while giving a disapproving look towards his twin. Tara quietly gathered her stuff and accompanied Chad wherever he was going.
“Mindy, wait a second” Sam said, grabbing her arm before she took off in anger.
“Keep an eye on their relationship, seriously y/n can’t afford anything bad happening to her again.” Sam said while Mindy nodded in agreement knowing what had happened last year.
To say last year was bat shit crazy was an understatement. You had been developing an ongoing relationship with Wes when the unthinkable had happened. Wes had gone home right after school that fateful day while the rest of the friend group decided to hang out in the courtyard to discuss the potential suspects in the ongoing ghostface murders. Before heading out you had gone back into the school to retrieve some books from your locker to complete your homework later on. But suspiciously your locker had been opened with a note stuck to it that stated ‘If I can’t have you nobody will’ your thoughts continued to race while you ran back to the friend group only to find them with a sorrowful look in their eyes. After Wes’s attack you had become distant and began acting out as a defense mechanism. During the final act it was revealed that Richie Kirsch had planned all of this with his girlfriend Amber Freeman in order to inspire movie makers to create the greatest Stab movie of all time. You were just a pawn in their huge game plan to kill Sam because of her biological father Billy Loomis except Richie did find a slight interest in you which he openly admitted to everyone in the room before Sam brutally ended him.
Despite ghostface running around ending lives left and right frat parties continued on like there was nothing to be afraid of.
“Well don’t you just look so adorable” You scrunched up your nose trying to hold in your laughter as you stood in the doorway of Ethan and Chads dorm room. You couldn’t even tell what he was but you have to admit he looked absolutely adorable in his nerdy armor costume.
“My personal knight in shining armor” You giggled while stepping up on your tippy toes to place a light gentle kiss on his lips. Ruining the moment Chad walked back in from the bathroom in his ever so slutty cowboy costume.
“Wow Chad what an entrance, you’re acting as if it isn’t below forty outside.” You gestured towards his shirtless body.
“And what are you supposed to be?” Chad questioned you as you spun around showing off your school girl outfit that had your Hogwarts house colors to show off your Harry Potter obsession.
“Come on nerds we are going to be late and we also have to go pick up Tara” Chad said before grabbing his keys and walking out.
“I think you look gorgeous” Ethan blurted out while his face flushed red because he had become nervous around you.
Parties weren’t really your thing so you hung out with Mindy and Anika on the couch. Despite the fight you had with Mindy the other day you couldn’t be mad at her forever because you both had gone through so much together. Getting bored of sitting there having to watch the couple make out all night you got up from the couch in search of your own lover. Not seeing him downstairs you continue your way through the house and spot the roommates dancing together before Chad starts yelling.
“Yes Ethan! You’re such a snack! A full course meal!” Chad screamed, yeah he was for sure a little drunk. You couldn’t lie you were a bit tipsy yourself and just wanted Ethan to take care of you. Before you could even approach them a commotion could be heard from downstairs and there came an overly worried Mindy in search of Chad. Ethan had noticed you by the stairs and grabbed your hand before heading down following the twins. Before you knew it the friend group was outside listening to Tara scream at her older sister Sam for being controlling. Everyone was being dragged back to Sam’s apartment because she had been sick of your guy’s college antics and thought that everyone would be safer in numbers. You had tried arguing saying you didn’t have any of your personal belongings but she did not care and simply stated you could all pack a bag tomorrow and come back before anything bad happens. Sam explained that it would be like one big sleepover for however long until this nonsense was over.
‘But I have Econ tomorrow night” Ethan chimed in realizing everyone rolled their eyes at his comment.
“Do you have Econ or a murder appointment?” Mindy raised her eyebrow staring at the two of you once again cuddled up comfortably on the Carpenter’s couch. Before you could say a quick remark back towards her Sam told everyone to shut up and seemed incredibly frustrated.
“Does nobody care that ghostface is going around stabbing people again?” Sam said running her hands through her hair but before she could speak again a loud bang and a string of moans sounded throughout the apartment. Sam quickly stood up and started banging on Quinn's door while the rest of you tried to hold in your laughter.
“Get your boyfriend out of here from now on it’s just going to be people we can trust” Sam stated and Quinn apologized while kicking her “boyfriend” out of the apartment with only his boxers on. All the tension seemed to die down and everyone got comfortable with the sleeping arrangements that Sam had given them. Ethan got the couch while Chad had to sleep on the floor because Mindy and Anika claimed the loveseat and Sam had stuck you in Tara’s room so Chad wouldn’t pull anything with her younger sister. When everyone figured Sam was asleep you and Chad switched places except you didn’t claim the floor and instead laid on top of Ethan snuggling into his chest trying your best to fall asleep after a stressful night. Ethan wrapped his arms around you holding you close as you tangled your fingers in his full set of curls that were your absolute favorite feature on him. The morning soon came and everyone went their separate ways to either pack their bags or attend classes but everyone had promised Sam that they would arrive back at the apartment by six. Everyone had gone on with their day and before heading out to the Carpenter’s apartment you decided to walk Ethan to his Econ class just to have a moment alone with him and it was worth it.
“Don’t take anything Mindy says seriously, okay?” You said quietly to him.
“I promise I’ll be at the Carpenter’s after class, I just can’t afford to fail or fall back this early in the semester.” Ethan stated while giving you a disappointing look because he wants to be there to be able to protect you if anything bad were to happen tonight.
“I’ll be okay for the couple of hours you’re gone, I promise.” You smiled trying to escape the bad thoughts that flooded your brain of all the possible things that could happen tonight and you should have trusted this gut feeling you had but you ultimately decided to push that feeling aside.
“I’ll save you a seat on the Carpenter couch!” You yelled back as you started walking away. You could hear his little laugh as a response and decided that maybe everything will turn out okay in the end. As you continued walking your phone buzzed with multiple texts from the group chat reading that everyone was on their way over now. You entered the apartment with two packed bags, one for yourself and one for Ethan.
“And where’s your psycho ghostface boyfriend?” Mindy asked before you could even settle down.
“He had Econ he’ll be here later on, I even have his bag with me” You said frustrated that Mindy had already started getting on your nerves.
“No y/n doors are being locked right now either he is on his way or he is being locked out” Sam said with a straight face.
“Why the fuck do you all hate him so much! He has done nothing wrong or suspicious for you guys to be attacking him at every moment.” You said with tears spilling down your cheeks.
“We don’t hate him, we just need everyone to be here. We need everyone to be willing to follow the rules in order to keep everyone safe, so we can all survive. It’s what Wes would have wanted y/n.” Tara said while pulling you into a tight hug breaking the tension in the room only to be interrupted by your phone ringing causing everyone in the room to tense right back up. You answered it by putting it on speaker.
“Hello y/n having a good night aren’t you?” The other person on the line asked and it was obvious it was the killer because of the way the voice sounded. Sam grabbed the phone while walking over to where she kept her knives in the kitchen only to notice that they were all missing.
“Not one of you is going to answer me? If you can’t answer my questions, maybe your sweet innocent boyfriend can and maybe he will have to die a virgin. I guess little shy y/n really was just insecure after all you couldn’t go all the way with Wes and now it looks like you’re about to lose the opportunity to go all the way with poor innocent Ethan.” The killer laughed while you paced around the living room while everyone else just stared at you. You grabbed Chad’s phone quickly dialing Ethan’s number and after a couple of rings he finally picks up apologizing to the professor for having to leave early.
“Ethan no no no don’t leave Econ stay inside the classroom please.” You pleaded into the phone. Instead of getting a response from Ethan you hear the Killer say that he has the perfect opportunity on the other phone in Sam’s hand which had suddenly abruptly ended due to the killer hanging up. Instead of getting a response from Ethan there was a sudden thump coming from Quinns room and before anyone saw it coming Quinns dead body was being thrown onto Anika while everyone freaked out and started panicking Ethan who could hear all the commotion through the phone and started asking what was going on and that he was on his way over and he would be there as fast as he could which after he had said that he hung up the phone and suddenly Chad was dragging Tara out of the apartment and down the hall while Sam knocked ghostface to the ground to stop them from hurting Anika even more than they already had. Everyone ran into Sam’s room where Mindy frantically placed Anika on the bed and quickly started thinking of different ways to block the doorway. While Mindy blocked the doorway Sam was grabbing a ladder through the window from her very hot across the hallway secret boyfriend.
“Are you fucking crazy Sam?” You yelled looking at the ladder that you would eventually have to cross over to get into the other apartment.
“Do you have a better idea y/n?” Sam argued back and you gave her a defeated look while trying to get Anika lifted off the bed and closer to the bedroom window. Mindy told everyone to cross over into the other apartment because someone had to hold the door and she was already doing that so it made sense for Sam to cross first then you followed. You could hear Mindy yelling at Anika to cross the ladder first but you knew Anika was too weak and already bleeding out to be able to cross the ladder successfully and eventually Anika convinced Mindy to cross before her but after that it was too late for Anika as you watched her plummet to her death as ghostface shook the ladder with all the strength they had in them. You will never forget the scream that Mindy let out that night and you were once again traumatized by a person in a ghostface mask. The police were called in by Ethan when he hung up from being on the phone with you. Once everyone was reconnected outside in the ambulance Ethan came running from under the yellow caution tape only to be stopped by Chad pushing him up against the police van.
“I was at Econ, you guys know this! You heard me apologizing to my professor through the phone!” You pulled Chad off of Ethan and wrapped your arms around him and rested your forehead against his chest and just cried you didn’t care if anybody was looking at you.
“You’re at the top of my suspect list.” Mindy stated with a saddened look still freshly grieving the death of her girlfriend.
“You guys should be happy that I called the police for you instead of accusing me of being the killer.” Ethan argued back while grabbing your hand and leading you away from the crime scene that was currently being broadcast on the news by none other than Gale Weathers.
The days continued on and while not being able to be fully trusted by your friends you had no other choice than to all stick together like Sam had originally planned on doing. You were glued to Ethan’s hip never wanting to leave his side and the friend group took notice of this and stopped accusing him of being the killer because the murders and attacks continued on and Ethan seemed to have always been around because you had agreed to follow Sam’s rules in order to prove your innocence and Ethan had also agreed. As news broke out that Gale had been attacked Tara took it upon herself to ask detective Bailey to help lure the killer in and execute him. Detective Bailey ultimately agreed because they had killed his daughter which left him with no family at all due to his son dying in a car accident a couple years back. The entire friend group made their way to the abandoned theater in hopes that the plan would follow through and that there would be an end to this nightmare.
“Y/n I don’t think you should help, you will be much safer out here. I don’t want anything bad happening to you” Ethan said before pulling you into a tight hug then leaning in to kiss you for what could be the last time he thought to himself.
“Ethan we have to help them, we have to put an end to this. If we all stick together nobody will get seriously hurt.” You told him before giving him a quick hug and grabbing his hand leading him into the abandoned theater. You noticed Ethan drop his backpack near the entrance but didn’t think much of it because the group was calling for you two to come to the back of the theater to help go over the plan once again. You felt Ethan tense up before walking over to the counter and leaning against it.
“E, are you okay?” You asked softly, walking over towards him and grabbing his hands. Before you knew it you heard gunshots go off and Sam yell that the killer is detective Bailey.
“Y/n I need you to leave right now, don't fight with me about this, just go outside where it’s safe, please.” Ethan pleaded with tears in his eyes. You watched as detective bailey walked behind Ethan as you stood there frozen in place trying to pull Ethan away from the counter and into the room where the others were because Sam was right we would be safer in numbers.
“Son, are you just going to stand here spending time with Richie's girl or are you going to help me kill the people who murdered your brother?” You watched in disbelief as someone in a ghostface costume walked up beside detective bailey.
“You did good kid, unlike your brother over here who refuses to leave his little girlfriend alone.” Bailey said as they took off their mask only to reveal Quinn. The others stood behind you watching all of this unfold.
“Oh hey roomie” Quinn laughed as Sam looked upon the scene unfolding in front of her.
“I thought you were dead?” Tara asked in shock.
“You know as a detective it is really easy to fake someone else’s or your own death.” He laughed as he pointed the knife to his youngest son.
“Maybe we should have faked Ethan’s death since he wanted to fall in love with his older brother’s crush and ruin our plan of getting revenge.” Bailey said right before Ethan had grabbed you, picking you up off of the floor and walking behind the counter to join his sick twisted family.
“You’re Richie’s family aren’t you?” Sam asked and that's when you noticed Ethan’s eyes change into a pair you have never seen before.
“E, please please let me go” You pleaded.
“The pet names aren’t going to work anymore y/n” Detective Bailey said before forcing Ethan to drag you into the other room. The others called out for you begging Ethan to let you go but it was no use he was never going to let you go now. But before leaving the room you noticed Ethan grabbed his backpack. While your friends begged and fought for their own lives in the other room Ethan brought you over to one of the movie theater seats and sat you down.
“I was never going to hurt you.” He stated.
“I never hurt anyone, it was just them two.” Ethan said with tears spilling down his face. He unzipped his backpack pulling out one of his dads guns and a knife. Ethan handed you the knife and told you to follow his lead.
“No Ethan, I am not hurting my friends, they are my family.” You cried out.
“No we aren’t hurting them, you know who to aim for.” Ethan said with confidence. You didn’t know if you could fully trust him or not but you had no other option than to do what you were told. You were his willing accomplice. He grabbed your arm and walked you back over to where the others were.
“Y/n what are you doing?” Chad yelled
“She turned on us just like I knew she would.” Mindy choked out due to her blood pooling in her mouth because of being stabbed in the stomach.
“Well would you look at that. What an unexpected twist of events I knew Richie wouldn’t disappoint me, you are psychotic just like he was. Too bad my other son over here won’t ever live up to his older broth-” Before he could finish his sentence detective Bailey hit the ground and died at the hands of his youngest son. And before Quinn could get her hands on you Sam had shot her and she fell right on top of her father as both of them laid there lifeless. You dropped the knife and ran over towards your friends sobbing, finally being able to let all of your feelings out. Tara pulled you into a hug while all of you watched Ethan slide down to the ground unable to keep himself composed after killing the only family he had left.
“He never hurt anyone.” You quietly whispered, unable to speak properly, but everyone had heard you.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Sam had questioned him while pointing her weapon of choice at him.
“Bailey he killed my mother covered it up because he didn’t want his wife to find out about his affair. I don’t consider them my family. They took my mother away from me to save their own family image. The only thing I have in common with Richie and Quinn is a messed up dad and I can assure you I am not a killer like my half siblings. I have never had contact with them before they found me when I moved out here to go to college. I really thought that Bailey killed Quinn and he told me that he would kill me too if I didn’t help him. I promise I never hurt anyone and I never will.” Ethan begged while he watched Sam lower her weapon and offer him a hand which he gladly took. He slowly stood up as the others stared at him with sorrow. You slowly walked up to him and pulled him into a hug where he silently sobbed into your shoulder as the others discussed what needed to be done moving forward. Ethan Landry the shy dorky nerd who nobody expected to have that much of a messed up life. Nothing will ever be the same but moving forward you knew you had to be there for the boy who spared your life and protected you from his own twisted bloodline. All of you who have had to go through these unimaginable experiences were a new found family that no killer would be able to separate.
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thecherrytarot · 1 year
𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭.
how will they heal you?
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pile 1 → pile 2 → pile 3
Pick the photo you feel the most drawn to and please remember that this is a general reading so take what resonates!! 
listen to: love me like that by Sam Kim
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏:
"you see the world in colours i view it black and white. paint me a picture, out of the lines that i live in all of the time"
They will heal you by letting you shine in your feminine energy, regardless of your gender. With them, you feel in touch with your divine feminine energy and your creative side will shine. They will help you gain strength and for some of you, it could even mean that they give you the strength and confidence to be vulnerable and show emotions. You no longer have to pretend that you are some cold-hearted person that isn't affected by anything. I just saw someone crying alone and then heard a voice say "It is okay, let it out, I am here with you" so take however that resonates. They will help you by showing you the world through a new and better perspective. You will stop looking at life through illusions and negative ways. I feel like in some way or the other they will remind you of your past self, the one that you had to leave behind in order to move forward. They will bring that version of you back and make you believe in a 'magical world' once again.
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐:
"sunshine left today, got caught in the rain, all alone. can you come and pick me up from my blues? or am I late to ask you?"
This might be someone who is a foreigner and/or a long distance and for some of you, you might meet them when studying abroad (either you or them also could be both) I keep thinking about the movie "Like Crazy" where an American guy falls in love with a British student but yours is with a much happier ending. They will heal you by being there for you, life will feel less complicated and you will feel like all that you have been through was worth and now no matter what happens you will rise because now you have someone that has your back. You will get out of your bubble with them and be more sociable and childlike (i keep imaging a bunch of friends driving in a car late at night, listening to indie/alt songs and singing out loud, laughing and having the time of their lives) also instead of how will they heal, I'm getting the message of the connection feels like. There will be a strong psychic connection between you and them, the moment your eyes meet you will know and they will know that this is the "warmth" that you both have been searching for. Like when Lana Del Rey said it in her poem called The land of 1,000 fires, "I have never really fallen in love but whatever this feeling is i wish everyone could experience it."
𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑:
(this pile has a similar message to pile 1, so make sure to check it out in case you felt drawn to it)
"i get defensive and insecure my own worst critic behind a closing door, i'm fragile and fractured, that's for sure, i burned myself down to the ground. oh, can I ask of you to treat me soft and tender, love me hard and true? keep my heart from building walls so high, you can't get through, treat me soft and tender"
They will heal you by helping you love yourself and how you need to give importance to yourself first and that too in a healing manner instead of selfish (your old pattern) You might have thought that you knew how to take care of yourself by prioritizing yourself but still found yourself being stuck in the same old negative cycles, they will help you understand the true and the raw meaning of self-love. They help you by providing the stability that you always desired. I feel like a lot of you were abandoned in the past and after that, you put your guard up and pushed people away from you but then you come across them, and it takes you by surprise because you didn't expect to catch feelings for someone so fast. You found yourself in a dilemma because you have such strong feelings for them and yet, you feel afraid cause you don't want them to abandon you. Don't worry, they will help you get out of your old and no longer-needed mindset of resisting the change that you know will set you free.
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piscespixiewastaken · 8 months
Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:
Technoblade discovers that Dream is living in the prison
~~ @sixteenth-day-event Prompt: Technoblade discovers that Dream is living in the prison
~~ Technoblade didn’t usually think of his rival as an idiot. Usually. But this had to take the cake.
“So uh, why are you here?” he asked, trying to keep the confusion out of his tone. 
He and Dream both stood in the prison’s entry hall, just in front of the portal that lead to the outside world. The stack of TNT in Techno’s inventory was starting to weight a little heavier with the realization that was staring him in the snout.
The green teletubby, who was apparently no longer homeless, scoffed.
“What? You asked if I had a house and then have the nerve to ask what I’m doing here?” Dream countered.
Techno could feel the glare coming from underneath the cracked mask on his rival’s face. Looks couldn’t kill, but he was sure Dream was trying. Too bad Technoblade never dies, especially to such a pathetic attempt.
loser living in his old prison
Even chat agreed.
“I’m just saying, but living in the same place you were, you know, tortured for several months is not an ideal coping mechanism, I gotta be honest,” Techno replied.
Dream visibly bristled at the comment. “Well, well then you can leave if-if you dislike it that much!” His voice cracked at the end. It would have been funny under other circumstances.
“Look, if you’re that desperate for a home, I can see about sneaking you into my cabin. You can hide from Phil and everyone else. But this place can’t be good for you.” Techno gestured to the stone walls around them.
Dream was definitely glaring at him. Techno was surprised the mask hadn’t disintegrated from the intensity of said glare.
“Just… what are you even doing here?” Dream asked, exasperation in his tone.
Techno sighed. He could tell the truth and have his rival really hate his guts. Or he could lie and say a concerned citizen spotted Dream in the prison area. But he was pretty sure that wouldn’t get Dream to trust him. And considering how tense and closed off Dream looked, that trust was waning by the minute.
“Look, the prison when Sam was Warden was a place of abuse of authority. And Sam isn’t here anymore because Phil and Ranboo saw him walking around as a free man. So I was here to take the prison down as a part of the Syndicate.” Techno retrieved a piece of TNT from his inventory and held it out. “You being here instead makes that a little more complicated. You’re not holding anyone inside, are you?”
Dream’s shoulders relaxed. “No. No one’s here but me. And I intend to keep it that way.”
Techno’s eyebrow rose up his forehead. “But why here? You’re free, Sam was in prison, Quackity has fewer allies. You could have gone anywhere.” He gestured to walls around them. “Why come back here?”
“It’s a fortress, Techno. Completely secure, with all the things I need to stay safe. What better place to be, huh?”
For a moment, Techno could see just barely see the kid he’d dueled before coming to the server. And that image was replaced with the scared young man he’d comforted in that horrid cell. 
“Why do you need a fortress, Dream?”
What had this place, this server done to Dream? To Quackity? To Techno? To all of them. Techno would probably never know.
“You… you wouldn’t understand, Tech. There’s so much…. It’s too important. You wouldn’t understand,” Dream responded, but didn’t quite meet Techno’s eyes. It was almost like he couldn’t.
Techno sighed. “All right. All right, I won’t blow up your house, Dream. Can’t leave you homeless again.” He heard Dream scoff again and grinned at the green teletubby before schooling his expression. “But if you need help, talk to me. Gotta be honest, this is making me a little worried about you.”
He had to suppress a wince as chat exploded.
lol typo
typo L
typo L
typo L
Dream’s shoulders hunched before he visibly forced himself to relax. 
“Yeah. Okay.”
“Well, I’ll be off. See ya, nerd,” Techno called as he stepped back through the portal.
As Techno left the prison behind, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding come over him. He ignored it. Dream was an adult. A young and stupid one, but still an adult. He was responsible for his own actions. Techno just hoped it wouldn’t lead to disaster.
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winchesterwild78 · 3 months
Behind the Scenes pt 5
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Master List 
Minors DNI 18+
Warnings: Tension, FLUF, pregnancy hormones, insecurities. 
A/N: You are newly hired on Supernatural. Your character was supposed to be one and done but the fans loved you so they wrote you in the story. You were supposed to play Sam’s love interest, but things get complicated when you fall for someone behind the scenes. This is a work of fiction. No disrespect to Jensen or Jared or their families. *kinda a long chapter, with a slight time jump
I edited this fast- please forgive any mistakes 
This is my original work, do not take it. 
The meeting with the producers and executives went better than expected. They were very understanding and even decided to write the pregnancy into the show. They thought it would benefit the show. Especially since your character was already loved by the fans. The idea of Sam being a father had them practically salivating. They also agreed to work around appointments and any pregnancy side effects, like nausea and fatigue. You and Jensen agreed and left the meeting in high spirits. 
You were starving at this point and Jensen told you to pick whatever you wanted to eat. He didn’t realize but his hand kept cradling your belly. It made you smile and your heart fluttered. The two of you ran into Misha and Jared on your way to eat. Misha smiled and pulled you in for a hug. “Congratulations you two. I’m so happy for you.” You smiled and looked at Jared. “Sorry I was too excited not to tell him. I told Gen too.” He looked down sheepishly. “It’s okay. We talked to everyone and they are writing the pregnancy into the show. I want to see a doctor before we announce anything, so let’s keep this between us for now.” You asked. They both nodded in agreement. 
“We can definitely keep it to ourselves, but Jensen might have a problem with that.” They chuckled as they motioned towards his hand placed softly on your belly. Jensen smiled, “yeah, I guess I have to be careful doing that.” You placed your hand over his and kissed his lips. “Okay, I’m starving, let's go eat.” You told him. The two of you left to get some lunch. 
Once at the restaurant everything seemed delicious. You ended up getting a chicken sandwich, french fries, and a salad. Jensen got a steak and sides. He kept staring at you smiling and when you noticed you blushed. “What are you staring at, Jensen?” “You, my beautiful girlfriend who is having my baby.” He smiled as he took your hand. “Babe, not so loud. We don’t want people to hear you.” You said softly. The two of you were enjoying your lunch and quiet conversation when a few fans took notice of Jensen and you. They approached and asked if they could get a picture and you agreed. Your waitress took the pictures of all of you and then just Jensen and them. You wondered what life was going to be like when the baby arrived. You softly touched your belly without realizing it. The waitress saw you and gasped. You looked at her and followed her eyes to you and quickly moved your hand. 
You pleaded with your eyes for her to keep it to herself. She smiled softly. When the fans were gone you sat down and told Jensen what happened. He told you when the waitress came back the two of you would talk to her. You nodded and took a deep breath. You knew your pregnancy was going to get out, but you and Jensen wanted to announce it on your own time. Not because you were rushed to do it. 
The waitress came back with a slice of apple pie and ice cream with two spoons. “Um, ma’am, we didn’t order this.” You politely told her. She smiled and looked at you and Jensen then said “Your secret is safe with me, and it’s on the house.” Tears filled your eyes and you stood hugging her. “Thank you!” You told her. Jensen stood and hugged her too. “Thank you. We just found out and aren’t ready to say anything yet.” She smiled and nodded. 
Leaving the restaurant you told Jensen both of you needed to be careful with touching your belly in public. At least until you announce it. He agreed. You called your doctor to schedule an appointment and was surprised they could get you in in two days. Jensen told you he would be there with you every appointment. You smiled and kissed his lips. 
*Time Jump 3 months*
Jensen had been incredible the past few months. Going to every doctor's appointment and getting anything you needed or wanted. The writers wrote your pregnancy into the story but you hadn’t announced it publicly yet. You and Jensen had decided to wait until you knew what you were having. Of course your families knew and they were so excited. The fans responded amazingly to the story and were excited about Sam and Lilah being parents. There was speculation online that you were really pregnant but most people dismissed it.
The season filming was coming to an end and you were excited for the break. You were almost 5 months pregnant now and always tired. The baby was growing and the pregnancy was going smoothly. You were getting ready for your doctor's appointment when Jensen came in your trailer. He looked exhausted. He walked in, kicked off his shoes, and gave you a kiss. He laid down on the couch and closed his eyes. You looked a little confused but continued getting ready. 
Walking back into the living room you heard soft snores and smiled. Jensen had fallen asleep. You walked over and leaned down “Jens, time to wake up. We’ve got to go to the doctor’s appointment.” He groaned and rolled over with his back now facing you. “Jensen, honey, I have to leave to get to the appointment on time. Come on baby.” You shook him. He groaned and said “Let me sleep, please. I’m exhausted baby.” You sighed and stood up. Grabbing your stuff you headed out the door. 
Tears pricked your eyes as you got to the car. Clif was waiting “hey, mama. Where’s J?” A tear slipped out and you quickly wiped it away. “Um, he’s not coming this time. It’s okay he’s exhausted. I understand.” Clif nodded and helped you in the car. He drove you to the doctor’s office and helped you out. He told you he’d be back in about an hour to pick you up. He knew this appointment was going to take awhile. You nodded and hugged his neck. “Thank you, Clif.” 
You walked in the office and checked in. You sat in the waiting room trying to hold back tears. Jensen should be here with you. Your heart was broken. Today you were supposed to find out the sex of the baby. Filming takes a lot out of everyone, especially the end of the season, but he promised he’d be there. 
As soon as Clif dropped you off he tried to call Jensen. He didn’t answer. Clif got to your trailer and went inside, finding Jensen asleep on the couch. “J, man wake up!” Clif’s voice boomed and startled him awake. “Whoa, what’s wrong Clif?” Jensen asked groggily. “Oh nothing. I just took your very pregnant girlfriend to her doctor’s appointment alone and in tears.” He said. Jensen shot up on the couch. “What?!?! She had an appointment. Oh shit! I forgot and then came here and fell asleep. Damn. Man, I need you to take me to her.” Jensen scrambled around getting ready. 
He and Clif ran to the SUV and hopped in. Jensen tried to call you but you didn’t answer. “Damn. She’s probably already back there. She’s not answering.” Jensen told Clif. Clif drove fast. He didn’t care if he got a ticket. When he pulled up in front of the office Jensen jumped out thanking Clif. Jensen went inside and told the receptionist who he was there for. She had a nurse walk him to the room you were in. When he walked in, his heart broke. You were sitting on the exam table crying. “Oh baby. I am so sorry. I’m here.” He said running over to you and pulling you into a hug. “Oh Jensen, I understand you’re tired. I just wanted you here. Thank you for coming. I love you.” “I love you too, sweetheart.” He said as he held you tight. 
The doctor came in and saw you two and smiled. “Okay mom and dad, are you two ready to see your baby?” You both smiled and nodded. Jensen helped you lay back on the table and the doctor started the ultrasound machine. She put gel on your belly and Jensen held your hand. He leaned down and kissed your forehead. “Okay, the baby is measuring on target and looks healthy. Are we finding out what we are having?” You both said “yes”. 
A few more movements of the wand and the doctor was taking pictures. “Okay, looks like you are having a boy.” She said. You smiled at Jensen who was smiling ear to ear. He leaned down and kissed your lips. “We’re having a boy, sweetheart. Thank you.” He kissed you again. You started crying happy tears “Oh mommy loves you sweet boy.” 
Clif was waiting for you and Jensen to come out. You hugged him when you saw him “Thank you Clif.” He smiled and nodded “Couldn’t let him miss the appointment. Love you kid.” Jensen helped you in the car and showed Clif the sonogram. “Look at my son, Clif.” Jensen beamed. Clif smiled and hugged Jensen. Jensen was so excited you were having a son. You were sure he would have been happy with either, but what man doesn’t want a son. “Guess we should tell our families. When do you want to go public? Whenever you’re ready. I want this to be your decision, Y/N.” You smiled and nodded. 
“We have convention season coming up soon. It’s not like I can hide my pregnancy during panels. Why don’t we announce it at the first convention? We will have to miss the ones later in the season due to the birth. What do you think?” You asked Jensen. “I think that’s a wonderful idea. The fans already know your character is pregnant and suspect you are. What better way to let them know then at a convention. I love the idea.” He kissed your head.
*Time Jump 2 months-Convention Season*
“Jensen, honey where are my fuzzy slippers? I can’t go if I can’t find them. I need them. My feet are already so swollen and they hurt.” You said as tears fell from your eyes. Jensen chuckled and brought your slippers into you. “Here you go baby. They were downstairs.” He kissed your head and wiped your tears. You were now 7 months pregnant and very emotional. Jensen was so sweet about it and would often dry your tears. You cried harder when you realized just how silly crying was. “I’m sorry Jens. I can’t help it.” Jensen wrapped his arms around you and hugged you. “It’s okay baby, you’re fine. Why don’t you sit and rest while I finish packing us up.” He guided you to sit down on the bed. You sniffled and watched this incredible man move around the room effortlessly packing for both of you. 
You held your belly feeling your son kick and move wildly. Anytime he heard Jensen’s voice he would get more active. You smiled looking down at your belly. Jensen stopped packing and watched you and smiled. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have fallen in love with an incredible woman who is now giving him a son. A son who he could teach so many things to, a son who will add something special to this world, a son who would carry on his name.   
Jensen walked over to you and kneeled beside you. He placed his hands on your growing belly and kissed it. “Hey baby boy. I need you to be good to your mama. She’s an amazing woman and is doing an incredible job helping you grow.” You smiled as your son responded to his father’s voice. Jensen felt his son move wildly and smiled as a tear slipped from his eye. “He always does that when he hears you.” You smiled.
Jensen stood up and pulled you into his arms. He kissed your lips “Thank you for having my baby. I love you so much. I’ve never loved someone as much as I love you.” He softly kissed your lips and as he deepened the kiss you moaned. Since you’ve been pregnant, you’re more emotional, but you’ve found that you get turned on more too. You can’t seem to keep your hands off of Jensen. His kiss lit a fire and you tried to remove his shirt. He chuckled “Baby, as much as I want to, we need to get to the airport. We don’t want to miss our flight.” You whined and stuck your bottom lip out pouting. Jensen chuckled and kissed your forehead walking away. 
He grabbed the bags and headed downstairs. You slowly walked behind him. You wanted him, but knew he was right. Clif was waiting to head to the airport and he helped Jensen load the SUV. Clif saw you and smiled softly “hey beautiful. How are you and the little man doing?” You smiled at Clif and gave him a hug “We are okay. He’s always moving and I’m always cranky.” You both laughed. 
A few hours later the three of you were pulling up to the hotel you were staying in. Jensen wanted to stay in the hotel that was hosting the convention. He wanted you to be able to rest in a bed when you needed to, and he wanted you close by. You were cleared by your doctor to go to the conventions for a little bit, but she wanted you to rest as much as possible. The hotel staff was very accommodating and had the three of you come in on the service side so you weren’t seen and you could make it safely through the crowds. The hotel staff were required to sign NDAs by the convention company anyway, so you weren’t worried about any of them outing your pregnancy. 
Jensen and Clif carried the bags in and you walked beside Jensen. Once in the suite you laid down on the bed. Jensen asked to arrive on Thursday so you had plenty of time to rest and be ready for Saturday. You didn’t realize how exhausted you were until Jensen was waking you up a few hours later for dinner. “Hey sweetheart, let’s get some food for you. You’ve been sleeping for about 3 hours.” You stretched and yawned. Jensen helped you up and to the table. 
“So what is the plan for Friday?” You asked as you ate. “Well I figured I’d make an appearance at the karaoke party and sing a few songs. You’re welcome to come hang out in the green room if you want. You might be more comfortable here though. “I’ll think about it. I don’t want to chance someone seeing me before we have an opportunity to announce it  together.” “Yeah, I agree. So I was thinking about that. Maybe you come out during mine and Jared’s Gold panel. I’m sure someone is bound to bring up the show and how you’re pregnant in the show and the rumors that you really are.”Jensen suggested. “I like that idea. I was thinking something along the same lines.” You told him. 
Saturday morning came faster than you thought it would. The anticipation in the air was thick. Jensen was pacing around the room waiting for the convention staff to arrive. “Jens, you’re going to wear a hole in the carpet if you keep pacing. What’s going on? Why are you so nervous?” You questioned. “I’m just worried about you and the baby. I don’t want anyone to say anything hurtful to you.” He kneeled down touching your belly. You cupped his face “Jens, look at me. Everything will be fine. The fans are incredible and have already been welcoming to me and my character. I know they will be thrilled we are having a baby together. There might be some who aren’t, but who cares. You, me and this baby are going to build an incredible life together.” You kissed his lips. He smiled and nodded in agreement. 
There was a knock on the door and Jensen got up. “Honey, it’s time to go. Are you ready?” He questioned. You nodded and he walked over helping you up. The young woman who was in charge of escorting the two of you saw your belly and smiled softly. “Congratulations, Ms. Y/L/N, and Mr. Ackles. You’re absolutely glowing, ma’am.” You smiled and thanked her. Jensen thanked her too. They helped you settle in the green room. You had drinks, snacks and a tv to watch the panel. Clif stayed with you in case you needed anything, and let’s be honest, to help you up when it was time. 
The boys were having a great time, laughing, joking around, talking to the fans. Then like clockwork someone brought you up. “So my question is for Jensen. There are rumors that Y/N is really pregnant, but neither of you have confirmed anything. I adore her character, Lilah and I’m so excited that she and Sam are having a baby. My question is, is Y/N pregnant and if so how far along is she?” The fan smiled with anticipation and you could have heard a pin drop in the room. Clif helped you up so you could get ready to go on stage. 
Jared and Jensen looked at each other and smiled. Jensen spoke up and said “Well, first of all. Thank you for your question. We are thrilled you all like Y/N’s character and it’s been fun seeing her character evolve and live.” (everyone erupted in laughter) “As far as Y/N, she is here this weekend and will be doing some panels and photo-ops. You never know what will happen at one of these conventions.” Jensen smiled. The fan looked at Jensen and smirked “Well I’m glad she’s here, but you still didn’t answer my question.” Jared erupted with laughter. 
Jensen started laughing “I’ll be right back.” he said as he walked off stage. He took your hand “You ready sweetheart?” You smiled and nodded. As Jensen pulled you on stage and you came into view the audience let out a gasp. Applause, yelling, whistling, you name it erupted in the ballroom. Jared stood and hugged you. 
They brought a chair for you to sit on and Jensen helped you sit. The audience swooned. You were handed a microphone. “Hello everyone. How are all of ya’ll today? Seems like Jensen and I have been keeping a little secret from you.” You smiled as you touched your belly. “Jensen and I would like to officially announce that we are expecting a baby boy in about 2 months.” You grabbed his hand and he leaned over and kissed your head. The rest of the panel was filled with questions about how you’re feeling, how’s the baby and if Jensen is ready to be a dad. It was time for the final question and as always they brought the person on stage. She was so nervous she was shaking. You placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled. She took a deep breath. “My question is, Are there any plans for marriage between you two?” She blushed and Jared said “That’s a great question. Jensen, inquiring minds what to know if you and Y/N are going to get married? Jensen and you smiled at the girl. “Well, I haven’t asked her yet. I would love to marry her, but I haven’t asked yet, so at this time I can say we haven’t made any plans yet” Jensen answered graciously. She smiled and nodded. They hugged her and took a selfie with her. 
Jensen helped you off stage and back to the green room. “I thought that went really well, what did you think Y/N?” “Yeah I think it did too.” You sat down on the couch and sighed a little. “Hey, are you okay?” Jensen asked. “Yeah, just thinking about that last question.” You told him. He cupped your face and made you look at him. “Baby, I want to marry you. I’ve wanted to marry you since the day I met you. I just don’t want to rush into anything.” He told you. 
You gasped softly and tears pricked your eyes. “I understand, Jensen.” You quickly wiped a tear away, but he saw it. You started to stand and he tried to help you but you brushed him off. “Clif how long do I have before the next thing on my agenda?” You asked him as you stood. “You have photo ops in about 2 hours. Do you need anything sweet pea?” “Um, can you walk me up to the room? I’m feeling a bit tired and my back is hurting. I want to lay down.” You spoke softly. Everyone in the room had felt the mood change. Clif looked at Jensen and Jared and they all exchanged a concerned look. “Do you want me to take you up there, baby?” Jensen offered. “No, I’ll be fine.” You kept your head down. 
Clif walked you to the elevator and when you got on you let the tears fall. He grabbed you into a hug and rubbed your back. “Shhh it’s okay Y/N, what’s really going on?” He asked softly. “Jensen said he wants to marry me but doesn’t want to rush anything. I think we’re way past rushing things don’t you think?” You asked as you cradled your belly. Clif rubbed your back and said “I agree. You have to know Jensen really loves you. He really has loved you since the day he met you. Just talk to him and tell him how you’re feeling. I bet he didn’t realize what he said.” You nodded in agreement and when the elevator stopped you got off and walked to your room. You hugged Clif’s neck and asked him to wake you up in about an hour so you could be ready for your photo-op. He agreed and kissed the top of your head. You went in the room, kicked off your shoes, and climbed in the bed. Falling fast asleep. 
Tags: @nescaveckdaily  @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
@hobby27 @manicjk @stoneyggirl2 @stoneyggirl2
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builtbybrokenbells · 1 year
builtbybrokenbells ─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ masterlist ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
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hi! welcome to the shitstorm! if you’ve read any of my works already and came to check out some more, thanks!!! also, if you’ve left any comment on my stuff i have def read them and appreciated them dearly :)
requests: OPEN (please be respectful and patient with me, I’ll do my best to get to them as soon as I can!)
taglists: please specify if you want to be on a general taglist, a fic taglist, or for a specific person 🫶🏻
disclaimer: i do not know gvf or any of the members. tis’ all fiction and imagination and i will never claim otherwise! also, i try to keep my works 100% original; i do not read as much as i write, and i would hate for someone to think im copying them in any way. also, please don’t steal my stuff :) also, i’ve said it before and i will say it again. please be kind to me and everyone else. this blog is a safe spot. my feelings get hurt easily, and i will not stand for any disrespect towards others. thanks in advance 🫶🏻
♡ - fluff, ☾ - smut, ★ - angst
as always, be kind, stay happy, and shoot me a message anytime if you want to chat!
t’s fic rec list
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Josh Kiszka
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Long Time Coming ☾ ★
The one in which y/n can’t handle Josh’s eccentric personality. An altercation at the bar leads her to see a side of him that she never saw before. A personal family struggle causes a blowout and leaves her wondering if she had misjudged Josh a bit too much. (Josh x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 8.3K
It’s Never Over ♡ ☾ ★
A year and a half after a devastating breakup, y/n finds herself face to face with the boy she’d spent months trying to fall out of love with. although separated, neither her nor Josh found it within themselves to forget about each other. they’re faced with the choice to let history repeat itself, or walk away for good. (Josh x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 17.7k
Lex Talionis Masterlist | ☾ ★ | ON HOLD
LEX TALIONIS: the law of retaliation, whereby a punishment resembles the offense committed in kind and degree | The one in which a player, who is fantastically gifted in her ability to play, finally gets a taste of her own medicine. SERIES | ON HOLD
Flowers ♡
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Jake Kiszka
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Complicated ♡ ★
Growing up as Josh’s best friend was fantastic, but his twin brother held a separate, special place in y/n’s heart. A time lapse of an undying, embarrassing high school crush. (Jake x f!reader) ONE SHOT | 14K
Spitfire Masterlist ♡ ☾ ★
An enigmatic girl at a bar catches the attention of a young guitarist, enticing him just by existing. In an attempt to get to know her, she gets away before he even learns her last name. He’s stuck wondering if fate will be on his side, wishing for just one chance to make her his (Jake x f!reader, series, SMUT 18+) FINISHED | 66k
The Green-Eyed Monster ☾ ★
Alcohol and sour moods don’t mix; learning that the hard way, y/n navigates her long time boyfriend’s jealousy for the first time. In attempt to ignore it, she quickly finds herself caught up in a toxic game of who can piss the other off the most. (Jake x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 17k
Gold Dust Woman Masterlist ♡ ☾ ★
Y/n finds herself completely in love with Sam with no hope of ever recovering. After months of waiting, hoping for a bit of reciprocity, she spends a night drinking his memory away. But, as we know, liquor never solves an issue, and always has the potential to create another. One messy hookup leaves leaves her undeniably in lust with the worst possible person: his brother, Jake. (Jake x f!reader, series, Sam x f!reader, love triangle, SMUT 18+) FINISHED | 190k
Guilty Pleasures ♡ ☾ ★
Due to a strong foundation of trust and a willingness to share, a situation which would normally be catastrophic seems to turn out to be quite rewarding. (Danny x f!reader, Jake x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 20.4k
Capital Vices Masterlist | ♡ ☾ ★
Religion never seems important until you’ve engaged in so much sin that salvation is no longer an option. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, series, SMUT 18+) FINISHED | 120k
Reaching New Heights
Jake walks in on y/n during some particularly interesting alone time, opening them up to a whole new world (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 11k
Lex Talionis Masterlist | ☾ ★ | ON HOLD
LEX TALIONIS: the law of retaliation, whereby a punishment resembles the offense committed in kind and degree | The one in which a player, who is fantastically gifted in her ability to play, finally gets a taste of her own medicine. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, Josh Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) SERIES | WIP
Partners In Crime | ♡ ★
The cure for heartbreak is truth, but what do you do when the truth is the source of heartbreak itself? (Jake Kiszka x f!reader) ONE SHOT | 9k
Rotten Apple | ♡ ☾ ★
Karma takes form in the strangest of ways. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 16k
Heartbreak Hot Seat | ♡ ☾ ★
Jake Kiszka seems to have the perfect remedy for a broken heart. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 20k
Poolsides & Pizza Boxes | part 2 | some time later | ♡ ☾ ★
Alcohol and secrets make for a deadly combination. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) TWO PART SERIES | 35k
Little Miss Sunshine | ♡ ☾ ★
One little confession leaves you second guessing everything you’ve ever known about Jake Kiszka. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 26k
Melodic Memories Masterlist | ♡ ☾ ★
In a tattered old box shoved deep down in the corner of an overfilled closet, a lifetimes worth of memories lie dormant at the bottom waiting to be rediscovered. (Jake Kiszka x f!reader, series, SMUT 18+) SERIES | WIP
Doing each others hair ♡
Confessing feelings ♡
Bringing home a stray kitten ♡
Jake loves dogs, but you own a cat ♡
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Sam Kiszka
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Hate To Love You | part two | part three | ♡ ☾ ★
Sam and y/n spent months hating each other, but a drunk confession and a bathroom hookup leads to more trouble than they bargained for. (Sam x f!reader with a Danny love triangle, series, SMUT 18+) FINISHED | 25k
Picasso | aftermath | ♡ ☾
COLLEGE DORM AU y/n finds herself pining after the boy across the hall, taken by surprise after a series of events reveals that he feels the same way. An unconventional hookup leads to Sam making her first time unforgettable, both hoping for a romance to blossom from it. (Sam x f!reader, AU, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 15.5k
Gold Dust Woman Masterlist ♡ ☾ ★
Y/n finds herself completely in love with Sam with no hope of ever recovering. After months of waiting, hoping for a bit of reciprocity, she spends a night drinking his memory away. But, as we know, liquor never solves an issue, and always has the potential to create another. One messy hookup leaves leaves her undeniably in lust with the worst possible person: his brother, Jake. (Sam x f!reader, series, Jake x f!reader, love triangle, SMUT 18+) FINISHED | 190k
Catch-22 Masterlist ♡ ☾ ★ WIP | ON HOLD
Catch-22: a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of mutually conflicting or dependent conditions. | Even if you knew every word to exist in every language known to man, you would still be certain that there was no better way to describe your relationship with Sam Kiszka. SERIES | ON HOLD
Early Morning Fluff ♡
Kissing in the rain ♡
Sam giving you his sweater ♡
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Daniel Wagner
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Bugs, Bears, and a Thunderstorm ♡ ☾
Y/n is not particularly enthusiastic about a camping trip. A set of unfortunate circumstances ensues, turning out to give the best possible conclusion to the situation. She realizes that maybe camping isn’t so bad, after all. (Danny x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 12.5K
Fade Into You ♡ ★
A bad day leaves y/n searching for solace in her boyfriend, Danny. He’s quick to the rescue, showing his unconditional love and willingness to help however he can. (Danny x f!reader) ONE SHOT | 6k
Guilty Pleasures ♡ ☾ ★
Due to a strong foundation of trust and a willingness to share, a situation which would normally be catastrophic seems to turn out to be quite rewarding. (Danny x f!reader, Jake x f!reader, SMUT 18+) ONE SHOT | 20.4k
Belladonna ♡ ☾ ★ WIP
Too beautiful to resist, and too deadly to survive; the tragic tale of belladonna in all its glory. SERIES | WIP
Doing each others hair ♡
Danny helping when you’re overwhelmed ♡
In the rain ♡
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447 notes · View notes
nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
Hi,I hope we are not too annoyed with all our questions.
I'm new to the fandom,and after watching the show I really thought that Loustat would be the popular ship.I know most people are multi-shipper here,but it's funny how Louis and Lestat are not popular together. It seems like you've been here longer than many of us (books and Tv show)from you observations do you see major differences between fans favorite in the show and the books?
Also,have you changed your opinion on a character because of the show?
Not really to the latter.
I think the show cast the characters perfectly, so they fit for me. :) I like this Louis more, if anything. They enhanced him (though they did enhance them all, imho).
We lucked out so badly.
As per Loustat... *sighs*
You have to understand that Lestat is seen by many as the big bad abuser ™, and nothing else. No matter how often cast, crew, writers and creators have said that we have seen only half the story, no matter how often errors in the tale have been pointed out, no matter how often I have dug out the episode insider with Rolin pointing out the "tinkering" even then... anyone who doubted Louis' tale in any kind of fashion was met with accusations of racism and slurs.
I'm not kidding. I wish I was. I still have comments on my fics that I left there, on purpose. I have the asks here. There are people who call themselves my "number one hate blog".
I don't want to rehash all that now.
But imagine trying to write coming from the books, knowing what will happen, seeing the "seeds" in the show (as Assad called it), reading the interviews, knowing the tale will shift... and being met with something like that.
And now imagine not having the book background, and being harassed on anon, or with comments. And not having the background to defend your ship.
And I don't even mean actual criticism here, if valid or not.
No, I mean harassment. Accusations, death threats. Comparisons to the KKK. Whole campaigns against me, and others. Not kidding. I put my rants into my bio if you're interested, lol.
This is the fandom where I started blocking in earnest, and I come from friggin' Hannibal.
A tale like this, with racial changes in a color-conscious way (which actually brought the difficult topics into play (and I love them for it!)), left hanging for 18 months... that didn't do the fandom any good.
And some of the comments in the podcast didn't do it any good either with the expectations it raised, and which will be now... well. Not wholly disappointed, but... some took that as gospel. When it's not. It will be a bit messy soon, and with what's to come wrt to Claudia, too.
Soooo... that is why Loustat isn't particularly popular right now.
That will change though.
Rolin, as well as Sam and Jacob keep repeating that this show is built around Loustat.
Loustat are at the heart. They are the heart.
The books start and end with them.
The show foreshadows their dance at the end.
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I for one am continuing to write for them, even if I have currently hit a wall on my current fic, but I was mightily distracted by all the new content^^ (like everyone else I think^^).
I love that they are so complicated, and messy, and petty, and so, so IN LOVE.
Jacob called it that, too. "Petty and in love".
And they are.
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PS: And no worries re asks :) I love talking to you guys^^
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deanbrainrotwritings · 7 months
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SUMMARY : part III of the love letter collection. still dreamwalking. chasing after someone who can destroy worlds. and dean is jealous of his variants. what could go wrong?
PAIRING : mario!dean winchester x peach!reader (f.)
CHARACTERS : luigi!sam winchester, lush edryx (ofc), toad!castiel, jack kline 
WARNINGS/TAGS : explicit(18+), angst, fluff, real physics, theoretical physics
A/N : a day to remember song title. this fills the dramatic death square for my @jacklesversebingo card. this was inspired by the second season of What if…? My siblings and I used to play Super Mario Sunshine on our GameCube so that’s what this is based on, too. And my physics degree is paying off! 😂 XXXXxx
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It all started with Cas suddenly appearing within the Bunker, frantically searching for Sam, Dean, Jack, and Y/n. 
To be fair, it was three in the morning and everyone was asleep, so Cas had only found Jack passed out on the kitchen table after another round of Krunch Cookie Brunch in the middle of the night. 
The original plan for Jack was to try Y/n’s remedy for not being able to sleep. Warm milk. Of course, she’d meant in a glass. Then, he got hungry being there—surrounded by food, grabbed the blue box of sweet cereal and served himself once. After finishing his cereal, he still had some milk leftover, so he convinced himself easily that to finish the milk he needed one more serving. 
He got that from Dean. 
Cas sighed at the sight of him, but he was in a hurry. Like the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland, that’s what he felt like at that moment. So he shook Jack—rather than being gentle—who abruptly sat up, “I didn’t eat it!” He shouted sleepily, his eyes wide and surprised. “Oh, Cas. I thought you were Sam,” he whispered, rubbing sleep from his eyes, much like Dean did. 
“I need to find Sam, Dean, and Y/n,” Cas said distractedly.
“But… it’s late,” Jack stated, having flashbacks of Dean pointing a gun at him for waking him while he was deep asleep. “And Dean and Y/n-”
“I’m aware,” Cas interrupted Jack. “This is more important. They can have coffee.” 
“Erm,” Jack hesitated, but Cas was already making his way out of the kitchen, his beige trench coat billowing behind him. It reminded Jack of Snape, but he shook his head from the distraction and quickly cleaned up before he got scolded by Sam for being ‘unhealthy’. 
Meanwhile, Cas bursted through Sam’s bedroom, the door cracking loudly against the wall, that it alone woke Sam. The gun was quickly in Sam’s hands and the bullet that he’d sleepily fired grazed Cas’ shoulder. Cas pursed his lips and rolled his eyes, but otherwise ignored the messy nest that was Sam’s hair. 
“Sam, I’ve got a case,” Cas declared bluntly.
“What the hell, man? It’s-” Sam looked towards his clock by the nightstand with squinted eyes, heavy with sleep. The time glared at him in green, made him groan and fall back into bed. “It’s three in the morning, couldn’t it wait?” Sam turned over onto his stomach, uninterested, and held his pillow to his face, knowing that Cas was not going to let him go back to sleep. 
“This is important. Every second that goes by, catastrophic things can occur,” Cas attempted to explain. 
“Yeah?” Sam asked sarcastically, at the end yawning. “That’s life. We’ll take care of it in the morning.” To emphasise that he was going back to sleep, he lifted his knee to the side and wiggled around until he was back in his original position. 
“I know that,” Cas enunciated with irritation, “this is really complicated and I’d like for all of you to be awake to hear what I have to say so that I don’t have to repeat myself.” Sam groaned loudly into his pillow and then sat up swiftly to glare at Cas.
“Oh my god,” he complained, combing his fingers through his unkempt hair in an attempt to fix it. “You know what? Fine, but if Dean gives you the cold shoulder for a month—again, don’t expect any sympathy from me,” Sam warned grumpily, getting out of bed to get ready to meet Cas in the library. 
Cas gave Sam a deadpan stare and walked out without a word to find Dean and Y/n.
When he made it to Dean’s room, Cas was far gentler with the door. He held it open rather than letting fly open and hit the wall, the way he let happen with Sam. He watched the two figures in Dean’s bed and tilted his head at the sight of Dean practically draped over his girlfriend’s back.
Cas let go of the door and stood there awkwardly trying to see better in the darkness. He could see that the sheets were a mess around them and Y/n was curled up slightly, nearly at the edge of the bed. Cas assumed Dean either pushed her all the way over there or that he was holding onto her so tightly so that she wouldn’t fall. Maybe both. 
Dean was snoring softly, had one arm wrapped tightly around her front and his legs were tangled with hers. Cas didn’t think it looked very comfortable for Y/n, but she was in a deep sleep, completely undisturbed by both the sounds coming from Dean, the lack of coverage with a warm blanket in the cool room, and the lack of personal space Dean was giving her. What a hypocrite.
Cas knew though, it was different when the two of them invaded each other’s personal space, than if it were him or someone else being that close to them. Dean would go ballistic if anyone else stood that close to her, not that she’d ever allow that to happen, she gets irritated easily by other people.
Cas found that strange, too. The way she despised certain traits or habits in others—she made it very clear, verbally—but forgave them in Dean. Perhaps that is love. Compromise. Chaos. Irrationality…
The lights in the hallway turned on and Cas knew it was Sam who turned them on and was now up properly. The light allowed Cas to see much better into Dean’s room, with the light pouring in from the hallway. 
Cas tried to think of something to wake them that would not make Dean and Y/n too angry. He looked around Dean’s room, clothes were strewn on the floor and Dean had his record player on, just static now that the needle was up. It didn’t take very long for Cas to deduct what had happened. Sex. 
They were both naked, Cas could see now. He flushed and averted his gaze, then quickly made his way to the record player, dropped the needle, and put the volume as high as it would go. Led Zeppelin’s Baby Come on Home blared through the room causing Dean to jolt up sleepily, finally disturbing his peacefully asleep girlfriend. 
She whined Dean’s name and Dean froze when he saw Cas standing by the record player. Cas stumbled and turned it off swiftly, smiling nervously at Dean who was now glaring at him. Part of Cas wanted to laugh at the state of Dean’s hair, one side was flat, the other side was a mess, and the top was just sticking up. 
“Dude, what the hell?” Dean whispered aggressively, struggling to lift the tangled sheets to cover up Y/n’s naked body. She turned over onto her stomach and threw her arms around Dean’s waist, grumbling for him to sleep again and hold her. Instead, Dean dropped his hand over her head, buried his fingers into her sex hair, and gently massaged her scalp. She hummed appreciatively and squeezed her arms around him gently.
“Uh… I’m sorry,” Cas apologised slowly. “It’s an emergency and I need her help. It’s about a case, we’ve been working on it together,” Cas explained, then dropped his eyes hesitantly to the small body tangled in Dean’s sheets. 
“What?” Dean asked, no longer playing with her hair. She groaned softly at the loss, so Dean started up again very slowly. “Since when? Why didn’t you guys tell me?” Cas sighed exasperatedly and Dean’s eyebrows rose in surprise at the sassiness exuding from his best friend. 
“Okay, fine,” she finally spoke up, struggling adorably to get up, not caring that she was flashing Cas with her naked body when she turned to face him. “Go, I’ll be there with Dean.”
“Woah, hey,” Dean complained, grabbing her breasts in his hands. She laughed and Cas only became more flustered. “Dude,” Dean said, silently holding a conversation with Cas.
“Right,” Cas averted his gaze and stepped backwards out of their room. “Just, please don’t have sex like you guys always do when we have something important to do,” Cas pleaded. Dean glared at Cas halfheartedly, feigning offence, but knowing very well that it was usually Dean who initiated it and delayed their appearance. 
Dean began to splutter a blush growing on his face. “We have never d-”
“Save it, Dean,” Y/n snorted softly with a laugh, “yes, we have.”  Cas nodded—tried and failed to hold back a smile—and left them to get ready. “I’m so sleepy,” she whined, leaning into Dean’s side. He slipped out from the embrace he had her in and ignored her pout to settle between her thighs with a smug smirk. 
He pushed her gently onto her back and leaned over her, giving her a big kiss on her forehead. She laughed, held his jaw gently in her hand to kiss him lazily, and pushed her fingers friskily into his already messy hair. 
He moaned softly and pulled away, snickering. 
“What?” She asked, brushing his hair with her hands and fingers to make it look better. Even if he looked adorable with it messy. She bit her lip and traced his cheekbone with her thumb. 
“We should be late, y’know, just to keep up with our tradition,” he grinned boyishly. She looked away from his freckles cheek and the cute eye-bag that was more prominent on this side of his face. She raised a brow, opening her mouth to say her piece, except she could only laugh. 
He scowled, leaning forward to press his face against her neck, and laid down on her to stop her laughter. Dean grabbed her thighs to lift them so she’d wrap them around his waist. He bit his lip and squeezed her tightly. She whined in protest, lazily and weakly attempting to push him off her. 
Her heart began racing and heat grew between her legs. The way he moved his lips down her neck, placing wet kisses across her skin, didn’t help her fight between what she wanted from him, and what Cas wanted from her. 
“You don’t look like you want me to stop,” he murmured with a smirk against her breasts. 
“I don't want you to,” she agreed quietly, “that’s why… I’m hoping you'd be nice to me and get off before we waste sweet time doing awesome… stuff.” 
He chuckled against her skin and lathed her nipple up in saliva, needily tugging at it before getting off her. He slid his hands down her sides and groaned at the sight of her, fighting with himself to get up and get changed. 
“I was just trying to wake us up,” he pouted, reaching beneath her to cup her ass and squeeze. “I just need five minutes,” he offered, lifting her hips up suggestively. Her heart leapt excitedly, her stomach flipping when he started to shuffle forward on his knees, his cock nudging her folds. 
“Nah, you can’t change your mind more than once,” she told him playfully, wagging a finger at him with a huge smile. She sat up to wrap her arms around his waist, trying to make him feel better, and pulled him with her as she got off the bed. He groaned and followed her reluctantly to get ready. 
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“Wait, wait, wait,” Dean chuckled dryly, leaning over the table with his palm on the surface, gazing at his girlfriend. “You’ve been working on the case the other me’s were talking about before we left?” She leaned forward and placed her hand over his, perfectly showcasing the ring he had given to her just three months ago.
She inhaled, then exhaled. Dean braced himself. He expected a lie, an explanation. 
“Yes,” she told him bluntly. He appreciated the truth, but he scoffed, and gripped her hand—the one with the ring on it. He brushed his thumb gently over her knuckles, his verdant eyes wide, filled with confusion and hurt.
“We’ve never had this problem before,” Dean frowned at her, it made her tilt her head in regret, “it’s why Sam, and Cas, and literally everyone keeps you out of plans if it involves lying to me…” Dean paused and released her hand gently, realisation dawned on him. “It was that other me, right? That’s why it’s different…”
Sam quickly began to escort Cas and Jack out of the library, the three of them moving out quietly to give them space. Neither of them said anything about their departure, instead Y/n took Dean’s hand again.
“Look,” she sighed, tugging him to stand between her legs. “No matter what reason I give for hiding this from you, you’re gonna poke holes into my logic, and I’m gonna realise you’re right…” She looked up at him, opened his palm, kissing the callouses there lovingly. “We’re in this together now, I should’ve thought about that before hiding this from you. I’m sorry, Dean.” 
Dean cupped her face with both of his hands, taking her words into consideration as he looked into her earnest, soft eyes. He’d never been lied to by her, which was exactly why he couldn't help the hurt in his chest. Still, he leaned forward and kissed her on her lips, slowly, barely feeling her response, before pulling away with his eyes closed. 
“Don’t do it again,” he murmured, sliding his hand down her neck. He brushed his thumb against her collarbone, gazing down at the ashamed expression on her face. It didn’t make him feel better, he knew something was off the past month, but he thought it was the wedding plans that were distracting her.
She placed her hand over his and nodded wordlessly.
“I’m gonna go get them,” she told him quietly, squeezing his hand before getting out of his grasp and walking away to give Dean a few minutes to think and let the information sink in. 
Dean watched her go and took the seat she got up from as he thought about what she’d done. It’s not like… she’d be unfaithful. He knew she would never do that. And she knew him so well she didn’t give an excuse, but he’d like to hear one now, just to understand why she didn’t let him know.
“Okay.. so, the Dean stuff was good to know,” Sam breathed in and then exhaled as he entered the room with Cas, Jack, and Y/n. “But… I mean… whatever Lush is doing is… kinda confusing. It’s Lush, right?” Sam asked, giving his brother a glance to make a quick assessment of his mood.
“Yes,” Cas answered. 
“So, I can use jars of sand as a metaphor or the human body metaphor, which one?” Y/n asked Sam, then glanced at Dean with a tight smile. He gave her a soft one in response. 
“Start with the sand, and if we don’t understand the first one, try the human body,” Sam answered for Dean. She excitedly clapped her hands together and stepped towards where both can see her. 
“Well, let’s say one grain of sand is our current universe: all the stars, the galaxies, dimensions, y’know the makeups of one single universe,” she began, pinching her fingers together. “But if you have a jar of sand, that’s a multiverse. A second grain of sand would be the universe with Hunter Corp, and a third grain of sand would be the universe Micahel destroyed. Still with me?” She stopped waving her hands around, her eyes drifting away as she became engrossed with her explanation. 
“Yeah, yeah… grains of sand as an alternate reality, universe, parallel or whatever…” Sam quickly replied, almost with the same enthusiasm as her. Dean wished he could join in, but part of him was still hung up on her omission. 
“Yes, exactly,” she smiled at Sam. “Well, a whole shelf of jars would be the omniverse. Every multiverse-”
“Every multiverse? Like… what do you mean?” Sam interrupted, frowning. He was clearly overwhelmed with excitement as he ran his fingers through his long hair, hazel eyes adrift before focusing on her once more. 
“Well, one jar of sand would be our multiverse. A second jar of sand would be… the Doctor Who Universe, ya know? And a third would be… a Hunger Games universe. Every jar of sand would be a movie, show, book. Oh, it’s so awesome,” she sighed, leaning over the table with both her hands flat on the wooden surface.
Cas and Jack stared between them, dumbfounded. 
“Wow, yeah, that’s… a lot,” Sam sighed, pulling a chair out to sit down. He thought quietly to himself, chewing on his lip. “You said… every book, does that include maybe.. short stories?” He asked suddenly, pushing a lock of hair behind his ear. She lifted a brow.  
“Yes..? You have something specific in mind?”
“You know… the stories people write about… me… and Dean?” He cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably in the chair. Y/n burst out laughing after hearing the question, almost ignoring the disgust on Sam and Dean’s faces. 
“Gross, man,” Dean grimaced, crossing his arms over his chest, looking away.
“Okay, sorry,” Y/n brought herself to say between laughter. She wiped tears from her eyes and dried her fingers on her jeans. “No, yeah, that’s a good question,” she sighed with an amused expression, “anyway… no, those types of stories exist outside of the main multiverse, floating in the omniverse. They’re typically unstable—fleeting, and they collapse in on themselves,” she explained sincerely, an expression of relief while over Sam’s face.
“How come?” Sam inquired, leaning over the table with his fingers entwined together.
“Well, back to jars of sand. The jars are sealed; that makes it an isolated system—nothing gets in and nothing gets out. Nothing new can be created besides what’s already inside. The omniverse, however, is not an isolated system. When someone creates a book, movie, show, or whatever… if it’s… you know.. Popular and strong enough to not collapse in on itself in the omniverse-”
“If we could get to the main point…” Cas pleaded, interrupting their conversation. She looked over at Cas and pouted playfully—it almost made him laugh. She focused anyway, with a roll of her eyes. 
“Right, well, Lush Edryx is breaking those ‘isolated system’ rules by hopping multiverse after multiverse. None of us knows what she's trying to find, but she keeps destroying everything in her quest—or almost destroying everything—which means we need to stop her,” Y/n got to the point, staring at Cas with a glint of mischief. 
“How did she get so powerful?” Sam asked, gazing from her to Jack.
“Well, every multiverse has its own God, Darkness, Lucifer… and all that… Jack thinks that for Lush’s multiverse, the Darkness gave her the ability to travel from multiverse to multiverse. We just can’t find out what they’re looking for. We just know where she’s currently headed. Well, Cas and Jack know,” she started to ramble, carefully scratching the table with her nails mindlessly.
“How can we help if none of us has those kinds of powers?” Sam questioned, leaning back in his chair. 
“Well, technically Quetzalcoatl is my descendant, which means Jack can make it so that I can hop multiverses too,” Y/n mumbled thoughtfully. 
“Who now?” Dean finally spoke up. 
“Please, no more questions,” Cas begged once more, his head tipping back in irritation. 
Sam chuckled, leaning forward again. “How can we help?”
“Well, we can possess our multiverse variants and omniverse variants, and they already gave me permission so… what do you guys say?” Y/n asked, drumming the table with her fingers enthusiastically.
“Let’s do it,” Sam shrugged, looking over at Dean who nodded in agreement.
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“I see why you were excited,” Dean grumbled, poking the green grass with a stick. Sam looked up at the bright blue sky with squinted eyes. Cas and Y/n looked ahead, eyes peeled for what they were searching for. For who they were searching for. 
“Hmm?” She asked, looking down at Dean in his Mario outfit. She grinned once their gazes met and he rolled his eyes at her, a cute smile on his face. No words had to be spoken, she knew that he knew it amused her to finally be taller than him. 
“So, he’s taller than you in your universe?” Cas asked, taking her attention from her quieter-than-usual boyfriend. Well, it wasn’t their Cas, it was this universe’s version of Cas, Toad. She smiled down at him brightly, it felt amazing to do so. 
“Yup,” she said, putting emphasis on the ‘p’. “And you’re way cuter here. I could take a bite out of you,” she snickered, lifting her pink dress as she walked down the hill awkwardly with Dean, Sam, and Cas. Or should she say, Mario, Luigi, and Toad? That would be confusing because they look nothing like the originals, except for Toad, Cas, whatever. 
“Please don’t,” Toad pleaded, frowning. Dean took her hand to help her down, it made her flush. He looked so cute. 
“Of course not,” she murmured warmly, squeezing Dean’s hand. Before he could look at her, she spoke up. “So, how far until we get there?” She asked impatiently, looking around endless mushrooms of all colours, shapes, and sizes. 
“Not too far,” Cas reassured her.
“How come we didn’t just come in our normal bodies?” Dean asked, jogging to catch up with her. “Wouldn’t it be easier? We’d have an advantage in our original bodies.” She slowed down, brushing her fingers with Dean’s for him to take if he wanted. He took her hand fully, holding it gently in his, a single touch making her breathless. 
“Well, puppeteering or possession is less dangerous since it’s not a permanent link to the realities we go to. This way, there’s a smaller chance that we’ll cause destruction… y’know unlike Lush who’s actively invading what’s supposed to be an isolated system.” Dean mulled over her words silently, squeezing her hand. 
“Well, we won’t have to fight Boswer or anything, right?” Sam asked, moving her attention away from Dean and to him. 
“No fighting. We’re going in the opposite direction to find a Mega Mushroom,” Cas reassured him, still on high alert for any movement from sneaky mushrooms. 
“Which is what Lush is after according to… Jack and Cas,” Y/n added, scoping the area with Dean. 
They’d been searching for a while now. Long enough for her to have become bored with her surroundings, the thrill of feeling, seeing, smelling, tasting… all of everything amazing around her had died as the search for the Mega Mushroom began to take longer than she would’ve liked. 
She even went back to thinking about wedding cake flavours. Dean’s so… adorable. He wants a confetti cake. She’d indulge him in any way possible, but she was torn between serious flavours such as honey, strawberry and rhubarb, and white chocolate raspberry. 
And the colour scheme; Dean’s thinking of a soft pink, blush, watermelon, salmon… but all she can think of is matching everything to the green of his eyes, the gold of his freckles, the honey of his hair… completely ethereal colours that symbolise his beauty and her love for everything that he is.
The guest list wasn’t a problem at all, for obvious reasons, and neither was the music, but the location, the reception… If she could just stop being so worried about Lush, the omniverse, all the Deans, and everything else, she was sure she could help Dean out a little more. He was doing a fantastic job on his own—which wasn’t surprising. Of course he’d adapt perfectly to the situation-
“Oh, shit,” Dean whispered, tightening his grip on her hand to stop her from walking. She froze, her focus returning with the rustle in the tall green grass besides Dean. 
“Princess, Mario has to capture it,” Toad explains, “erm, I mean, Dean,” he corrected himself quietly, prying the lovers’ intertwined hands apart as the rustle got further away. 
Dean nodded, looking to his girlfriend who smiled at him encouragingly, before he quietly began sneaking through the grass, rapidly getting accustomed to his surroundings and his body. 
“He’s shorter than me here, more than usual,” Sam joked from behind her. She giggled quietly, turning back to look at Sam dressed in a Luigi outfit. He was once more, taller than Dean, but not taller than her. He had a silly smile on his face, pleased with his joke—as any sibling would be. 
“He could probably still beat us in a fight,” she teased, climbing mushrooms to get to the biggest one. Sam and Toad followed her to the highest point, trying to find the red of Dean’s cute little hat in the waves of long green blades. 
“Good point,” Sam laughed once he stood beside her. “Over by that butt looking mushroom,” Sam pointed to where Dean was pouncing on something and jumping. She laughed at Sam’s accurate description of the mushroom, at Dean once she found him again running in circles. 
To live far away from her world would be nice. This place seems nice. But the last thing she wanted was to kill innocent lives and destroy innocent worlds. Had she lost everything the way that other Dean did, she’d imagine she’d commit a billion atrocities to find her happiness—even if it was wrong. Is that what Lush was doing? Trying to find happiness? 
This was not the way to go, but then, she’d be a hypocrite to argue against it out loud. She knows in her heart just what she’s willing to do for her family, for Dean, for those she loves… She has the power, the opportunity to take what she wants. It might be worse than what Lush is doing. 
“Guys?” Sam asked to get hers and Toad’s attention. He got closer to the edge before jumping down and running towards Dean, calling his name multiple times. 
It was only afterwards, when she looked away from Dean that she saw a much larger rustle within the grass. Large enough to be human-human rather than video-game-human. It was headed towards the same orange mushroom Dean was after, but Dean noticed the rustle, too. 
Y/n quickly made her way quickly to help the two brothers, with Toad shouting some advice to her, which was pretty helpful in reminding her that she could use stuff from this world to help Dean and Sam. She slapped grass away from her face and lifted her pink dress so she wouldn't trip on it, running as fast as she could on heeled boots.
Dean abandoned the Mega Mushroom and Sam was close behind to catch what she figured could only be another Toad or Lush. A set of piercing blue eyes and a head of white hair rose from the green grass, removing a Toad as a suspect. It was Lush, who was focused on the Mega Mushroom while attempting to evade Dean, but when she noticed she’d been spotted, she tackled the Mushroom, gripping it by its leg before shoving it into her satchel aggressively.
Lush ran from Dean, towards the closest green pipe to escape from them, but before she could jump in, Y/n threw an ice ball at her from the pocket of her dress. The ice grew upwards, trapping her legs to the ground. She pulled something from her bag, a jar full of brown sludge and threw at Dean, the closest to her.
The glass broke at Dean’s feet. He stopped too late, causing the brown mud to splash over him. Y/n threw a second ice ball at her feet, watching it grow higher up Lush’s torso. Y/n was closer to Dean who started to grunt in pain, the brown mud sticking to him no matter how much he tried shaking it away. 
While Toad finally caught up to them and tended to Dean by pouring water onto him, Y/n and Sam pried the bag away from Lush.
“Give it back!” She shouted, the ice cracking at her torso, but Y/n was quick to create a portal a few feet away, and threw the bag into it. It shut immediately after the bag fell through, which made all the fight slip from Lush. 
It was as if she only now realised they were all there. She analysed them curiously, silently—confused more than anything. She didn’t recognize them, which was good. It’s why Jack and Cas didn’t come along, she’d recognise them.
“Why are you doing this?” Sam asked, stepping back as the ice cracked more and more, falling to the grass and dirt where it slowly melted. Instead of answering, she broke out of the ice and jumped into the pipe before Y/n or Sam could stop her.
“God dammit, that shit hurts!” Dean complained loudly. “I’m pretty sure it’s fiery, acidic shit! It’s brown!” He continued to whine, shoving away the bottle Toad kept using to squirt water on him, washing away the muck completely.
“Dammit,” Y/n muttered, but brushed it off to check on Dean who was still wincing dramatically, curled up on the ground while Toad searched his backpack. Was that thing bigger on the inside? She kneeled beside him and smiled down at him, taking his hand in hers. “You’re gonna be fine,” she reassured him, lifting his hand to her cheek.  
“I forgive you. You know that?” Dean coughed, softening her smile. “I can’t stay mad at you, I love you so much. But I need to know why you hid it from me.” He groaned once more, clutching his stomach with his free hand, bringing her face down. She kissed his forehead rather than his lips, bumping the red hat off his head with a nudge of her nose. 
She indulged him as she squirmed and wriggled on the ground. With a sigh and a thought sweep over his grimacing face, she responded: “Because… I know you, Dean. You’d throw yourself into the case and then blame yourself for every little bad thing that happens. You’d be unhappy and pressured, and… you’d sacrifice yourself for the whole damn world. I hate that. So I decided to hide it from you because… I’d rather you be stressed out by cake flavours and colour schemes… you know? Pressured by the guest list, the location, and the music… I just want you to be happy, but… I should have been honest, I know, Dean… I truly had your best interest at heart,” she apologised once more, partially amused by Dean who was now laying on his side, squirming despite the sludge being nowhere in sight, absorbed by the dirt. 
He looked up at her lovingly, despite having a somewhat different face, it was cute. He was cute. Maybe cuter, with those giant green eyes full of admiration. A flush on his cheeks. She hadn’t looked at herself, but the way he looked at her, more animated, made her feel like a whole universe.
“Fuck Lush,” he whispered, “fuck the Monument, and the omniverse, and heaven, and the monsters, and everything else that tries to get in my way. In our way. I don’t care about the job. Or the mission, or whatever the hell else there is. I don’t care that I’m afraid all the time. I don’t even care that you’ll outlive me. All I know is that right now—as I exist in the same time and space as you, right now and forever, I want to be with you-”
“Don’t tell me all of this when you’re dying,” she interrupted his emotional speech, which made him pout. Toad, or Cas, gave her a heart from his backpack after a few minutes of digging through it, and she interrupted Dean halfway through his speech by shoving it into his mouth. Dean’s brows furrowed, he chewed slowly, and gulped down the heart. 
“That’s one way to shut me up,” Dean chuckled after swallowing. Dean slowly sat up, looking at Toad, Sam, the love of his life, then scooped her up in his arms.
“You’re wet,” she giggled, hugging him back. He buried his face in her neck, laughing with her.
“I usually say that to you.” Dean kissed her neck, then pulled away as Sam groaned in disgust. 
“You’re right,” she murmured, burying her fingers in his soft hair. “Everything that you said… I feel that way, too. I’ve got all this information in my head that I didn’t have before and I’m ancient in ways that I just don’t feel like I am anymore and.. I know what I want, I know what I need… and I’m not gonna let this, Lush, or anyone else stop me from trying to get it.” She pulled away and smiled at him, remembering they were in different bodies. “Well, I mean… I’d like your consent… but I already know how you feel, so really, I just need you to trust me.”
Instead of answering her, he leaned forward and kissed her glossy, pink lips. One chaste, long kiss that made her smile, fluttery, warm, and breathless.
“Feels weird kissin’ you here,” she mumbled against his mouth.
“You’re still a great kisser,” Dean pulled away with a smirk.
“We didn’t get to stop Lush, or even get to talk to her, but at least we’ve intercepted her satchel…” Sam interrupted their moment. They smiled at each other before turning to Sam. Dean stood up, then helped Y/n up off the wet ground.
“Jack will make sure she can’t come back here…” She reassured Sam, taking Dean’s hand, she took one last look around. Toad smiled at her, a silent goodbye. “Let’s go home.”
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