#it is really not a pleasant feeling to have to relive just. fuck i cant do this
zamalie · 3 years
im required to finish a speech class for my AA and i initially went oh. Just once huh. Yeah this is fine I can power through it! what could go wrong
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mikecardenmpreg · 7 years
recovery, etc.
so its been just about a year since i got back into therapy and i just want to say this because i didnt make it clear enough when it happened. when i went in for my intake session last december, they wanted to hospitalize me. like. that day. right then. they didnt even want to finish the interview. they just wanted to admit me. because people reporting numbers like mine were in hospitals on suicide watch. they did not want me to leave the premises. i had to assure them that i wasnt going to kill myself (even though i knew that wasnt a promise i could make). i had to sign a CONTRACT promising i would not kill myself before my first therapy session. the intake specialist was skeptical but he let me go (though he had no idea how i was able to function on a daily basis - jokes on him though because i wasnt functioning at all). he had a look in his eye that told me he wasnt sure letting my leave was a good idea. when i went to my first therapy session with ann a few weeks later, she also wanted to hospitalize me and again i found myself assuring someone i didnt know that i wasnt going to kill myself (and that still wasnt a promise i could make). a year ago i was so sick that i was nearly hospitalized for my own safety and for the safety of others. i smiled and joked and laughed through it all. i reblogged relatable sad posts. i tried not to make it seem like it really bothered me. but i was barely hanging on. 
i got my diagnosis on december 13th. i didnt talk to ann much but i told her just enough for her to deduce i had bpd. its something i knew for at least two years. i sat with my knees to my chest the entire session, uttering a few words here and there, picking at the fraying knees of my jeans. she took notes. she told me my numbers were concerning, that people with numbers like these are generally in inpatient care. i stared. nothing behind my eyes. i was a shell. she said “hopefully next time we meet youll be more comfortable with me and we can talk some more”. i felt like an asshole for sitting there and wasting her time. i thought i was a lost cause. i thought there was no way i was gonna get better.
and for the longest time i didnt. i was hurting so much. i was separated from all my friends and still dealing with the aftermath of not one but two absolutely devastating (at the time) rejections. i wanted to kill myself so badly but didnt have the means to do it efficiently and effectively (ive always been too scared to actually try to kill myself in case it didnt work - something ive told my therapist). i felt like the biggest fucking loser. i remembered the summer of 2012 and thinking (back then) that there was no way i could feel worse than i did then. i was wrong. how i felt in december 2016 through january-march 2017 was the worst ive ever felt in my entire life. looking back its mostly static. dont remember a lot of it. all i remember is being angry and suicidal and wanting to hurt everyone around me.
in april i started dbt. it took awhile for me to get into the class. ann had me take other classes to help cope with my other problems (anxiety mostly) and helped me process some of my issues until i could get into dbt. borderline is a little out of her area of expertise but she knows how to listen and is very very good at validating all my little hang ups (i love my therapist).
it took me a few weeks to see the value in dbt. for the first few months all it did was dredge up old shit and trigger me until i was hollow and numb. every week it felt like i was being ripped open and flayed. every week i got to relive a different traumatic memory. every week i disassociated to keep myself safe in this room of strangers (who were also disassociating to keep themselves safe). (disassociation is not a healthy coping mechanism) 
but then i went on medication for my depression and anxiety and the combination of that, dbt, and regular therapy sessions actually began to like work? like? thats wild? and i started to see changes in my life because i was learning how to communicate appropriately and deal with my trauma effectively. and i stopped dwelling on the things that made me feel bad and started diving in to the things that made me feel good. i started spending more time with friends and reaching out and actually putting an effort into being a better friend. i started being honest and open with my parents about my progress rather than being super secretive and hiding things. and somehow the constant stress dreams and nightmares and violent thoughts and suicidal ideations stopped. i was finally able to enjoy things again. i was even able to spend time with my parents and actually enjoy it. hell i even looked forward to seeing them and talking to them (which is a really fucking big deal).
there have been slip ups along the way. things have happened that have really bent me out of shape. but i was able to deal with those things and recover. last december i was prepared to ruin every relationship i had. i told my parents to not come to my graduation. i almost deleted all my friends phone numbers and unfollowed them on all social media so i never had to speak to them again. i was ready to isolate myself from everyone so that when i killed myself (which i was getting ready to do) i wouldnt hurt anyone.
im not gonna say that i cant believe that person then and the person i am now are the same people because i can absolutely believe it. there are times when i want to go back to my old ways because regressing is a lot easier than constant progress. and getting better doesnt always have 100% positive results. ive learned a lot about myself and others along the way. ive had to sever ties. ive learned that some people arent capable of change. ive learned that sometimes taking a break from the people you love the most is the best thing you can do for yourself (and for them). ive had to have hard conversations because getting better has forced me to learn that you gotta actually work for what you want. 
i havent been perfect this whole time either. i still havent learned how to value my own feelings over the feelings of others or how to accept that other people care about me. im sure some day i will. a year of therapy isnt going to fix everything. but some day ill have a breakthrough.
the whole point of this though is that if i can make it through my darkest moments and turn my shit around....anyone can. but its important to know beforehand that its a process. nothing happens overnight. nothing happens in a month. recovery is something you have to work at day and night for the rest of your life. its something you have to want. it doesnt come easy and its not pleasant. its not all soothing baths and flowers and handwritten journals. its crying and screaming and addressing your past traumas and welcoming them into your home like theyre family (and then accepting that they happened but not letting them dictate your every move). its being honest - brutally honest - with not only yourself but with others. its letting go of people you love and learning to exist in the void of loneliness (until the people you love learn to accept the new you). its showing up every week (or month or whatever) and saying something for once, even if you think its stupid, even if you think its irrelevant. recovery is ongoing. im about to finish my first year. i still have a lot of work to do and im actually kind of excited to do it? which is cool considering my contingency plan has always been to kill myself.
anyway. i just wanted to say that. i dont pat myself on the back very often but ive accomplished a lot this last year. and not gonna lie but ive referred to myself as “most improved patient” in my head multiple times these past few months. im in a pretty okay place right now. im glad im still here (despite the world getting worse literally every day). im glad i have people i can share that with. and i hope some day soon i can return the love and support ive been given tenfold :)
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i really did feel like a massive asshole when i told you to stop texting me. i hated my self even more for refusing some one the right to talk to me. and i really don't want to send this e-mail. but for some reason i have to make someone understand how i felt(maybe some were inside me is a sensitive little girl just trying to escape). But that's not a conversation for now or later.I'll start be reminding you that i thought that your were an awesome person and perhaps you still are. your choices how ever i do not think of so highly.i don't understand did you plan all this out, written in the back of your mind the entire time, sometimes i wonder if you wanted all this to happen like some type of twisted social experiment, as if the details of your deception were known to you before the game ever began. at least from were i sit it starts to look like a very well planned robbery with no room for quiescence or happenstance. except money (of witch i have none) you wanted to steal time. the time we spent together witch meant nothing to me after learning you love some one else (P.S. not that i ever fell in love with you but you made the thought seem pleasant enough for a brief moment) the time that i spent hoping for you to have a great day and wishing for your happiness, even when you were not around or when i somehow knew that you were having a rough day. time that i may not have spent doing a single productive thing but spent with you, time that may have been spent telling some one else that they are an amazing person, time that i will never get back not because it has past not because i will never get to relive tomorrow, time that i will never get back because you stole it. like a thief in the night. time that you spent in part allowing me to think that maybe this could be something (you gave all the right singles) time spent thinking maybe you wanted this to be something. I don't understand why you took the time to ask me for my number even if you were on any level attracted to me at first(you love someone else), i don't understand why you allowed me to gain an attraction for you i don't understand why when we both made it clear that we were attracted to one another why didn't you stop it then. or was it just a part of the plan. i wonder if that day i gave you my e-mail and set up a time to hang out did you look forward to telling me that we couldn't be partners because you love some one else. it was only a matter of time to you, so you just sat back to enjoy the show. if i take enough of peoples change i can then make a dollar. if i take enough dollars i can make a ten eventually i can make a twenty or if i work really hard i can take enough dollars to make a hundred. but i don't get it what can you make with time, what do you get when you have taken enough time from someone, how much time do you need to be happy. why did you decide to steal my time.why is this so hard for me, why cant i just forgive and forget, why cant i just move on with my life, why cant i just let go, why does this have to hurt so much. if you haven't noticed i don't have many friends if i actually have any at all i have almost no family to speak of, most of the brothers and sisters i grew up with are already dead have completely forgotten how i am over the years or want nothing to do to me aside from my self i have my father, no other family or friends what so ever. so having to make the decision to tell someone not to speak to me is like watching another friend or loved one pass away. i had to give you a mantle funeral so to tell my heart that you were dead to me. it hurts almost the same as when i watched my best childhood friend get killed in front of me, yet the comparison is grotesque and absurd to most people i felt the same heart wrenching pain but not nearly to the same scale the pain was still vary familiar. i never want to tell someone to stop calling or texting me, i never want to use the words leave me alone to someone i cared for as a friend or on any other level. i never want to push someone completely out of my live because im deathly afraid of being alone, dying alone, just like i am now, alone. i never thought that you were in love with another man. you never showed a single sign. i would have never allowed any thing that did happen to have happened if i had the smallest of inclination you loved someone else. i took for an honest person at sight. that's my fault i could have asked more questions or simply followed my gut instinct.i felt lied to because you let feeling grow between us, all the while you love someone else. because you continued to spend time with me growing feelings all the while you love some one else. betrayed because i was traded in, i am the lesser man. yet the hardest thing i have done in a while is send you a message to stop texting me. to lose another friend. to watch some one i care for fade way. to wake up knowing i have one less chance to let someone know they make a difference. one less chance to tell someone there awesome. one less smile to enjoy. i cant stand to push someone away because im already alone. how many people do i push away before i have no more chances left.i don't know if any of this makes any sense on any level what so ever. how ever i validate this crazy babble with a (this is how i feel) if this makes me insane of totally fucked up in the head then so be it there is nothing i can do about that. i don't know if this a full or even a comprehensive analogy of whats going on inside of my head. i don't know if you even care at all. i don't know if i care. im still confused. still hurt, still angry. but some how i still don't want to push some out of my life even through all of the bad. after all the second chances i have been given i find my self challenged to give others a second chance. my heart of stone fails me again. this is way to long and any body that reads it will hate me by the time they get to the end of it. in all fairness the time it took to read this letter i stole because at the end of it there is still no conclusion no final thoughts via /r/dating_advice
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