#it is usually hard for this generation to conceive of it but don’t underestimate the worth of your individual decisions
ovaruling · 1 year
on the subject of individual actions, they do matter, which is why men flip out when the measured birth rate stagnates/doesn’t increase or drops. they worry and they get upset and they cry and they scream and they publish articles about how men are in a crisis and it’s all our fault because we are making selfish individual choices that don’t benefit their collective. it adds up. you may not think your individual impact is much, but men as a group, especially men in high places, usually pay a whole lot more attention to the individual choices of women than you might think. and they react. that’s all i’m saying
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homenum-revelio-hq · 5 years
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Welcome (again) to the Order of the Phoenix, Beth!
You have been accepted for the role of non-biography character ARTEM TREBLAY with the faceclaim of Kristen Stewart! We enjoyed how to incorporated the game-canon veela lore into your application, while also keeping Artem within their own person. We’re very interested in having a character on the dash that is a bit controversial in relationship to the Order, especially with the most recently mission failing. We’re looking forward to seeing Artem’s decisions regarding this and appreciated your attention to detail throughout your application.
Please take a look at the new member checklist and send in your account within 24 hours! Thank you for joining the fight against Voldemort!
NAME: Beth
AGE: 24
ACTIVITY LEVEL: You can see my current activity with Sirius. I will dip slightly once the semester kicks back in, but I don’t think I will struggle.
ANYTHING ELSE: Nothing here.
NAME: Artem Nikita Tremblay – When Artem was ready to rid themself of their family’s influence, they didn’t initially know where to begin on a new name that felt more like them. They threw themselves into researching Slavic names for a piece of family origin to replace the British feminine name they’d been saddled with. Artem felt fitting for a few reasons. It sounded nice, it means “unharmed” which they’d like to pretend they escaped as, and it was a dedication to Artemis. As a child, they’d often heard to be ladylike, and Artemis quickly because their favorite example of a badass lady who didn’t sit still and let things be done to her. She was active, a hunter, and uninterested in becoming a perfect wife. All of that seemed perfect to Artem. Nikita was another neutral name they found and liked for a middle name. When possible, they put “Artem Nikita” as their full name and drop their family name.
AGE: 27 (December 14, 1954)
Agender; Prefers both he/him and they/them and would accept other pronouns as long as the user avoids she/her; Sexually Fluid, but Artem is apprehensive to follow through with the attraction he feels. He has a complicated relationship with his body and isn’t in a hurry to bring someone else into the mix. He’s had some experiences with kissing and intimacy but never with heavy touching or clothing removal because he’s never trusted anyone enough to take further steps.
Gender is a complex notion for Artem tied up in his veela heritage. I’m going to quote Ky from a conversation we had about the character as someone “in whom you’ve worked together a disconnect with their assigned gender and with their veela heritage/aspects, when both that assigned gender and veela heritage/aspects are valued for qualities, physical, emotional, etc, that Artem doesn’t feel at home in.” Artem’s perception of being female is very tied to the traditionally feminine values of pureblood society, and while he has worked to disconnect them in adulthood, he is still working past the connection society places on that femininity and his veela heritage. Both are expected to be charming, graceful, beautiful, serene, and docile unless pushed to the point of breaking. Artem doesn’t want to be any of that, and in rejecting that narrow feminine mold, he also rejected being veela. The difference is that while Artem is not female and has since learned to see other aspects of womanhood in people who don’t fit his mother’s ideals, he cannot fully split himself from being veela because he is whether he likes it or not.
HOUSE ALUMNI: Gryffindor—Not so much the chivalry, but they’re bold and brash and won’t sit idly if there’s something they can do
Artem has spent a lot of time figuring out how to be comfortable in his own skin. Artem was sick of being underestimated by people who took one look at him and assumed he couldn’t hold his own. Artem was determined to change that. They started working out religiously, and once they had the opportunity, they began boxing in a muggle club and got good at it. If people commented on their perception of Artem as female, well, Artem hit those people harder to give them the embarrassment of being not only beaten but beaten soundly by someone they saw as a girl. The regulars didn’t care. The regulars saw Artem as a badass who didn’t like to lose, and they could respect that. He liked the way it felt to fight, to be in control of his own body and his situation. He liked being respected, and being able to defend himself the muggle or magical way has been a huge step forward for him.
He’s still not to 100% comfort, but he’s in a much better place than he used to be. Even when they were struggling most, though, Artem met life with strong determination and confidence. They’d like to believe they can talk their way out of any situation without using veela charm, and while they will get out of it without charm, they’re more likely to turn to a punch or a hex as a means of escape. Still, they have a strong sense of self-preservation and are pretty good about reading a room and getting out of a situation before it goes south. Unless they open their mouth.
When Artem has a good line, he’ll usually say it first and then have to deal with the consequences. Because of this, he’s had to work hard to develop to develop better control. Couple with his tendency to keep people at a distance to avoid rejection, he comes off as quite aloof at times. He doesn’t open up easily because even the people he trusts have hurt him so much. Even when he lets people close, it’s usually while he is serving some kind of role. For example, he has close work relationships with a few of the dancers, but that is while he plays protector, not while he strips the layers away. He has a hard time being vulnerable around people and is okay with that. People don’t need to see his vulnerability.
In a fit of anger at someone making veela comments in class seventh year, Artem marched back up to his dorm, borrowed a classmate’s razer and shaved his head. It was incredibly freeing, and they’ve kept it shaved ever since, one less signal to the world of their veela heritage. Their mother cried when she saw them at Christmas. Artem returned the small collection of decorative combs she’d slowly been passing over. While it further damaged their relationship with their mother, that moment and the resulting calm was proof to Artem that they maybe did want to be more masculine. If taking on a “male” haircut made them feel good, why couldn’t they do that in general? In those early days, Artem bought Polyjuice and used it to try out being different people to see how it felt. They only impersonated a woman once, and the lack of muscle definition that they’d work so hard to create made them end up shaking in a corner until it wore off. They’d been trying to figuring out what it would be like to be comfortable with their prettiness. Clearly that didn’t work because Artem got the woman’s body but not her confidence in it. They were still themself. They used the rest of the Polyjuice to try out being different cismen, but even those moments only reinforced to Artem that they didn’t want that for themself. They missed the comfort they had in their own skin, and the change in anatomy felt foreign and wrong. Clearly masculinity and the things associated with it are a cloak Artem likes to wear, but the male body is not.
The Tremblay family was once incredibly offended to be left out of the Sacred 28, but a recent halfblood in one branch of the family was enough to exclude them. They have since continued to married in some halfbloods when they haven’t been considered good enough for pureblood matches, but most family members would argue they should be considered pureblood. They have the money and the influence of a proper pureblood family but not quite the title.
Pearce and Alanna Tremblay both came from highly respected families. Alanna technically married down from her pureblood family because the Burke’s pureblood claim is still substantiated from that golden list the Tremblays didn’t make, but she didn’t consider it a step down. Pearce and Alanna were not a love match by any means, but their partnership has always been one of close fondness, and they quickly grew to love each other.
The couple had power and a lot of inherited money, but they initially had trouble conceiving and carrying a child to term. When Alanna finally gave birth to Douglas, they were elated and initially said they would be done having children, despite both wanting a large family. When she accidentally became pregnant five years later, Alanna refused to put her own health first, and she and Pearce began planning for the perfect little girl to add to their family.
Instead they got Ellwood. On one hand, it was more reassurance of their family line because they now had two male heirs to carry on the family line. On the other, they really wanted their perfect little girl. Pearce suggested perhaps they add to their family through more unconventional means that both wouldn’t be hard on Alanna’s body and would promise them their perfect little girl: they could adopt a halfveela. It was surprisingly simple to adopt internationally from Yugoslavia, and soon they had their beautiful child who Alanna proceeded to groom into all the refinement and expectations of a proper pureblood lady, never letting the child forget how much simpler it all was when blessed with veela gifts like grace, charm, and beauty that most pureblood girls would kill for.
That child wasn’t a girl, though, pureblood or otherwise. It took a long time for Artem to figure out exactly why they felt so uncomfortable with their mother’s expectations, and in some ways, they’re still parsing it out. All Artem knew for sure was that he felt the freest when allowed to run along behind his brothers. He and Ellie got into all kinds of trouble together, trouble than Douglas was quick to tattle about. Although it had taken a couple years for the Tremblay’s paperwork to clear and for all the proper money to be given where it needed to, Artem came to them as a toddler only a few months younger than Ellwood. When they eventually reached Hogwarts, the two were in the same year, although Ellwood went to Hufflepuff; neither of them followed Douglas’ lead into Slytherin.
It was to Ellie that Artem first admitted their confusion about not feeling like a girl but also not feeling like a boy. Ellie was also confused but mostly supportive, and he joined them in the library to find any scrap of information about people like Artem. He was with them as they tried out new names that felt more comfortable, and he stood by their side when in the summer after sixth year, they finally told Douglas. Douglas didn’t take it well and further alienated his sibling by immediately telling their parents and taking away Artem’s ability to do so. That led to shouting from all five family members and crying from everyone except Douglas. Artem had never seen their father cry before, and they pulled him into a tight hug as he bumbled through apologies for anything he’d ever done to hurt them. Alanna never apologized. Artem didn’t expect her to. Douglas never apologized either. Artem pretends not to care.
Contrary to their fears of family rejection, Artem was not thrown out by their family. Their mother hasn’t quite forgiven him for rejecting her teachings and gifted name, but even she is happy to have him stop by for dinner (although she frequently slips on both name and pronouns). The rest of his family still supports him, but Artem really doesn’t want anything to do with them, especially when he knows everyone except Ellie uses his deadname when he isn’t around to argue about it). He’s rejected his family over and over, only crawling back when he’s really scraped for money. The one person he sees somewhat regularly is Ellie, who still meets Artem for coffee once a week like clockwork. The only person he avoids unless absolutely necessarily is Douglas. Artem can’t bring himself to forgive his brother, and Ellie agrees that it’s justified.
OCCUPATION: Artem is a bouncer at Ganymede’s Gentleman’s Club. They got the job because the owners liked the idea of a veela being able to intervene in many situations to handle them discreetly. That said, Artem doesn’t use their charm ever if they can help it. Most of the time at work, they wouldn’t want to anyway. Why charm someone who cheated at cards into leaving when Artem can drag them out by their collar instead? And on the same token, Artem isn’t going to do anything to make more pleasant the throwing out of someone who tried to take advantage of a dancer. That person is going to wake up outside by the street with a splitting headache and a new black eye.
Artem had heard whisper of the Order for years, of course, and while Connor thought he was sneaky, using the rooms a sort of halfway house was bound to attract a little attention. Even before they’d really known why, they’d helped cover for his guests. As of a few months ago, Artem began hearing whispers of the Order helping relocate werewolves trying to avoid You-Know-Who. That was the final step for them as Artem decided they couldn’t stand by any longer.
Artem doesn’t necessarily like or even trust the Order, but if they win, the most likely outcome is that nothing changes in the abysmal way halfbreeds are treated. If the Death Eaters win, though, Artem knows the likelihood of being treated like absolute dirt or even chased out of England is high. It was a calculated risk of standing by and waiting for things to get worse or at least trying to keep things steady. They have no illusions about any of these human wix caring about them, as is proven by comments lumping in all halfbreeds with werewolves. Artem doesn’t necessarily have problems with werewolves (although he hates that they are able to pretend most of the time to be normal and to have people not immediately point to their hair or grace or beauty as othering things), but he will not pretend that their needs are the same as his. They aren’t even close.
The botched mission at the Nott Estate confirmed some of Artem’s worst fears: that the Order doesn’t really know what they’re doing and that they’re losing badly. He’s stuck here for now, but he’s already looking for an escape route. He wants to help, but not at his own expense. He’s not sticking his neck out to protect humans who don’t care about him.
Complicated as things are, Artem loved his family, even Douglas. That said, he’s always put himself first since before he graduated from Hogwarts. For those first few years, Artem disappeared into the muggle world and barely checked in with Ellie, much less anyone else. When he realized he missed magic too much to stay away, Artem came crawling back with a little resentment that he ended up back at home for a few months while he figured out a new apartment and wizarding job. His mother was appalled when he started working at Ganymede’s. That only made it better.
Artem isn’t the best with money, but they can be mostly self-sufficient. They’re blessed that even when their family doesn’t approve of Artem’s choices, Artem can still stop by when things get tight and he’s looking for a new place. Currently he lives in an apartment above a shop in Diagon Alley, but it’s a place he doesn’t really spend a ton of time. They don’t really bring people over much, partially because Artem doesn’t like people to feel that familiar with them if they can help it, but it isn’t a complete disaster.
Should things go south with the Order, Artem does believe they could probably disappear again into the muggle world. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve vanished.
AINSLEY ABBOTT: Artem never quite knew how to classify Ainsley, and he appreciated her greatly for it. They’d met for the first time in the Hogwarts Library because she was in the middle of some grand theory that her audience clearly didn’t care about. Artem listened carefully from over by the stacks, and at the end of her theory, went, “But what about…” and completely undermined her idea. She loved it, and the two soon developed of habit of spiraling back and forth. Artem couldn’t begin to keep up on the theories, but he loved to argue and could logic his way through most. Ainsley is one of the few people he lets win.
CONFIDENCE BROWN. Artem figured he would gain some friends through work, but he never expected to get along so well with someone that they’d call him their work spouse. But that’s the case with Connor. Connor is also one of the few people that Artem will fully loosen up around. Connor’s habit of flirting with everyone means that he’s a harmless person to banter with, and Artem is able to keep some of those conversation skills alive through empty flirting with Connor. Plus, Connor’s flair for dramatics means that he keeps people happy. He’s the kind of person Artem likes to be around.
CARADOC DEARBORN. Artem had always been used to trailing after Ellwood, and while they had their own friends at Hogwarts, it was hard to adjust to giving him up to people like Caradoc. Through Ellie, Caradoc and Artem did spend some time together, but they were never really friends. Ellie had asked Artem after they’d settled on “not-girl” pronouns if he could share that information with Caradoc, and while it had made Artem apprehensive, they had agreed. It’s with a certain fondness now that they recall Caradoc never messing up once he knew.
JAMES POTTER and LUCINDA TALKALOT. Artem only barely remembered James or Lucinda at all before joining the Order. They’d been kids together technically, forced to go to the same boring social events by their parents, but Artem had a few years on both that made it hard to relate. They did end up stuck together sometimes by simple nature of being somewhat close in age, although Artem was happy to let Ellwood have James. Ellie was good at accepting tagalongs, even if it did hurt when the mood became boys only. Sometimes they resented the mothers pushing Artem and Lucinda together, but at least Luci wasn’t the simpering little thing she could have been. As an adult, Artem doesn’t know how to feel about James being one of the decisionmakers for the Order when she still remembers him as a little kid with big eyes and unruly hair. His hair is still unruly. Her feelings about Lucinda aren’t quite as strong, but in many ways, it’s like starting over.
ARCHIBALD MACMILLAN. Artem has never liked Archie, and it’s not his fault. As a child, Artem was constantly reminded of their future duties as a perfect pureblood wife, and because they were the same age and would attend Hogwarts together, Archie was a common target for their mother’s musing. He was pureblood and seemed like the kind of person Artem could easily persuade. When the two were thrown together, it was always awkward and stiff, and it came to a great relief to Artem when his attention fixed on Isla. He may have called her a best friend, but Artem saw the writing on the wall long before their engagement was public. If they still resent him a little, well, it’s because Artem still has to hear from their mother how they squandered that opportunity.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: Artem/Chemistry for sure. I will reiterate that sex is a complicated thing for Artem, and he is likely to avoid any kind of physicality unless he trusts someone completely.
Artem’s spent the last ten-ish years in the process of trying to untwine their hatred for the being halfveela from the very specific lens of what it means to be female that was shoved down their throat as a child. They will never truly be able to separate them completely, although Artem is at a place where they can acknowledge that female means a lot of things beyond that narrow definition. The halfveela traits are harder to get around because if being female means more than being the perfect pureblood lady, being halfveela seems to immediately point back to that. Veela beauty, charm, grace, elegance… These are all things Artem has worked and worked on to try and overcome. He has these things naturally and doesn’t want them because they point back to that person he has never been.
Other people seem to have a harder time overlooking those Veela traits, though, and Artem has had to put up with a lot of it. He’s watched as halfveela are held up as a positive example but only seen them being pushed down in practice. The worst days at Ganymede’s are when he steps in to escort out some drunk asshole who assumes the pretty veela boy is available. The first time it happened, Artem beat the man bloody and almost got hired. His boss chewed him out to no end, and when Artem explained what had happened to defend himself, he was told that was to be expected for someone like him.
Unsurprisingly Artem doesn’t trust fully human wix in the slightest. Humans always put themselves first, and Artem isn’t about to do differently. They won’t go out of their way to avoid people, but they definitely try not to put themself in potentially harmful situations that they can’t fight their way out of. They’ve heard more than empty promises about making life better for halfbreeds, and it often isn’t anything actually helpful to them personally. In some ways, Artem is sympathetic to muggleborns, but he doesn’t overly care about their situation. Obviously he grew up in a household where pureblood and high halfblood wix were held up as the shining standard, but he didn’t hear a lot of direct hate. He’s ambivalent in a world that says it’s impossible not to have an opinion, but Artem has bigger battles.
Artem wouldn’t consider themself prejudice against werewolves, but they’ve got some resentment. On one hand, Artem isn’t usually called a monster. Veela are vilified sometimes, but it’s not the excessive demonizing rhetoric that werewolves have. They know most werewolves probably consider halfveela lucky. But werewolves only change one night a month. The rest of the time they can hide. Artem has never wanted anything so desperately as the ability to just stop being halfveela, to no longer have people stare at them on the streets. Artem can’t hide being halfveela, and werewolves can hide their affliction just fine most of the time. They may all be considered halfbreeds, but their needs are not the same.
WHAT ARE YOU MOST LOOKING FORWARD TO? I have a lot of passionate for this character and can’t wait to see how their personality meshes on the dash, especially when they have a lot of potential to clash and kind of sort of want some closer people in their life.
PLOT DROP IDEAS: I would love to see some kind of anti-veela or anti-halfbreed sentiment stirring up trouble.
Headcanon: Artem’s current wand is their second. When Artem and their mother went shopping for school supplies that first time, their mother insisted that Artem only be given wands with veela hair cores. None were particularly strong, and the wandmaker tried to talk her out of it. She refused, and Artem ended up with a temperamental wand that they never quite understood. That following summer, Artem snapped the wand out of anger during an argument over their grades, declaring that if their mother had let a wand actually choose Artem, they would be able to control their magic just fine. After spending the summer unable to so much as go outside with Ellie, Artem was allowed to go wand shopping with no restrictions. The wand they ended up with was a short unyielding fir wand with a dragon heartstring core. It has never given them the problems that the veela wand did. Just one more reasons Artem is sure being a veela was never mend to be part of who they are.
PAST: After giving birth to two perfectly good heirs but not quite being healthy enough to risk another pregnancy, the halfblood but highly regarded Tremblay family adopted a halfveela as a way to promise themselves a perfect daughter to raise to pureblood standards. Clearly some promises are meant to be broken because they got Artem, who grew up knowing that the expectations thrust on them were not what they wanted but not initially realizing why. Once at Hogwarts, Artem realized fully that they didn’t want to be a girl but that being a boy felt wrong too. Their brother Ellwood was always supportive of them, and even the rest of their traditional wannabe pureblood family reacted better than Artem would have expected. That didn’t stop them from disappearing after graduation. Artem plunged into the muggle world for a few years, and while it was an extreme culture shock, they ended up in the growing gay community of Muggle London. It was a good place to be with people who helped Artem feel like they didn’t belong in their own skin. That’s also where they picked up boxing, something that changed Artem’s life. They felt positively about their magic, but the physical ability to take action and feel capable no matter the situation or if they had a wand felt more freeing than anything. Technically Artem could have used their Veela charm in those situations, but Artem never used it if they could help it. They felt strong, physically and more mentally than they had in years, but it was time to acknowledge that they couldn’t stay away from the magical community where they had their roots. They missed too much.
PRESENT: Now that they are back in the magical world, Artem deals more directly with that Veela heritage they’ve always tried to ignore. Muggles usually couldn’t put into words those halfveela traits, if they noticed them at all. Wix aren’t like that, and as far as Artem in concerned, most are far too bold it pointing them out. Artem doesn’t really believe the magical community can do better, but they definitely believe it can do worse. They joined the Order not because they believed in it, but because they were more concerned by the idea that Voldemort might win. What they’ve seen thus far from the Order hasn’t instilled much confidence in Artem that he won’t win anyway. Artem is starting from the bottom as a newcomer, and they’re not sure how much people trust them. That said, they don’t necessarily want to rise. They want to show up, do what must be done, and get out of there. Occasionally based on things that are said, though, Artem can’t help wanting to interject and have more of a voice. They may not be the most dedicated Order member, but if they’re here, Artem is going to try and do things right.
FC CHOICES: In order of preference: Kristen Stewart, Brie Larson, Jamie Clayton, Asia Kate Dillon
I know Brie Larson and Kristen Stewart are both cisgender, but they are blonde (I’d be using Kristen’s more recent looks of the blonde pixie cut and shaved head), have an athletic look, and the right vibe that I’m going for. Brie has the toughness and easy confidence. Kristen has the general energy level and the perfect haircut.  Asia Kate Dillon is nonbinary, and Jamie Clayton is a transgender woman. Between those two, I like Jamie’s energy a little bit better.
The trickiness with fcs is that Artem’s veela genetics means there is always going to be a certain level of what people associate as feminine beauty to them, no matter what they do. So they’re strong, have no hair, and generally dress in masculine clothing, but it does still happen that they are misgendered. The fc balance for that is something I’m toying with as to how to keep feminine features in a way that feels like his has the edges and physical strength needed. Brie seems to epitomize this the most, although Kristen’s hair is why I edged her slightly above in my preferences.
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thedistantstorm · 5 years
The Lion’s Heart 02
A shield, she realizes. The Traveler has gifted me a shield. I am a Defender: the last, lonely sentinel.
The tale of a different kind of Guardian: one who does not want the accolade of saving the world, who does not understand why she would be chosen to wield the Light remaining in the Shard. Once a reckless, dazzling Striker, the Traveler's chosen is reborn a silent Sentinel. This is Kira's story; About bringing people together, reclaiming their city, and overcoming the darkness despite it all.
Titans | Vanguard Mentors | Heavy Angst | PTSD | Gratuitous Descriptions of Light | Loss of Light | Canon-typical Violence | Heroes of Necessity | Canon Compliant | The Red War
Previous Parts: 01
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It’s a beautiful, warm spring day. The birds are cheery as they swoop around the Tower, cheeky trill of ever-searching Ghosts faint and familiar. A gentle breeze makes her short auburn hair dance against her shoulder. She looks up and around.
Nothing could possibly go wrong today, she thinks.
That’s Kira’s first mistake.
Like the Titan she is - like her Ghost called her, on the spot, before she’d uttered a word, and just barely as she’d started to breathe - she picks the biggest, boldest, most noble of patrols that the Commander offers her. She skirts around enemy after enemy on Venus, runs through the Ishtar Sink with fire in her lungs and lightning in her veins.
She charges a Minotaur at least ten times her size. It cuts her down.
When its attention is on her hodge-podge fireteam, and Ghost gets her up, she tries again.
And again.
And again.
She does not notice when the rest of her team backs down, only realizes, with panic that she’s played so long with her food - it didn’t best her, no enemy can truly do that, she thinks fiercely - that she gave it time to summon a really, REALLY big Hydra.
The thing nearly kills them all, but then her Hunter shows off his Shadowshot and the Warlock summons their fire, and it’s easy for her to call electricity to her fists and punch it into oblivion.
Of course, Hydras explode when they die, and the ricochet sends her hurtling off a conveniently placed cliff into a ravine. The impact damages her helm and renders her comm useless. She tries shouting up to her comrades to head back to base because Ghost adamantly refuses to transmat her up the cliff for doing something she’s been told not to do at least seventy times before.
“Do not punch the Hydra, I tell tell you every single time,” Ghost is chattering, shell all but buzzing with agitation. She holds up a finger to gently interrupt, but her partner rounds on her in a snappy motion, barking, “Do not punch the Hydra! But noooo, why would you listen to Ghost? I don’t have archives I can cross-reference, or record any of your fights, or generally try to guide you in the right direction!”
“I’m sorry I punched the Hydra,” Kira says, in her best approximation of remorse. She blinks her cinnamon eyes at her partner, shoulders hunched, playing the part of the chastised child. “Would you please transmat me up the cliff?”
Her second mistake is that she underestimates her Ghost, who wilts, as if he’s giving in. She relaxes just a touch, and it’s enough to make that cyan optic of his narrow and then suddenly, She’s being transmatted to the foot of the thing, looking up at a wall of orangish-red. A rogue wind has her blinking sand out of her eyes.
“Get climbing,” Ghost tells her.
“This face is at least a kilometer high and there’s hardly any footholds!”
“Then make some,” Ghost leers at her. “That’s what you did the last time I told you you shouldn’t try to climb something and you did it anyway.”
Kira blinks in surprise. She did definitely do that. On the Moon, if she remembers properly. It stirred up a bunch of Fallen, who were loud enough to draw the attention of the Hive. That was a mess, she recalls, with a shake of her head. Ghost expands one side of his fins to point toward the wall. “Better get moving.”
It’s well past dark when she finally returns to the Tower for the evening, armor covered in red dust, gloves peeling from trying to find footholds. Zavala is waiting for her at her usual landing zone. She winces at the sight of his back, left fist tucked into his right hand in his usual pose.
“Good evening, Sir,” She ventures, ducking her head when he does not turn to regard her.
“You're late,” He comments, still looking up at the Traveler.
Kira sighs. “Sorry, Sir.”
“I hear you punched a Hydra-”
A glimmering sound interrupts him, her Ghost phasing into the space between the Titans with a vengeance, growling, “Please do not commend her, Commander, I am trying to teach her not to charge blindly into every situation just because she has lightning fists and is capable of being resurrected-”
Kira scoops the angry entity out of the air with dexterous hands. “I'm sure he'll be more likely to reprimand me,” She grouses quietly.
“You would be correct,” Zavala intones, in that low, serious tone that has her looking down and away, ashamed. Ghost relents ever so slightly, no longer fighting to escape her grasp even as she drops her hands. “What you did was reckless, and without thought.”
She does not argue with her Vanguard and she does not dare look up into his disappointed visage.
“Ghost,” Zavala calls, tilting his head to the side to  look to the subdued bot hanging over her shoulder, “Leave us for a moment, if you would.”
Kira shifts her weight from one foot to the other anxiously. “Serves you right,” He says softly, and she winces again. He turns his pale blue optic on the stoic face of the Commander. “Don't be too hard on her, please.”
Ghost purposely brushes her cheek with the edge of his shell as he passes by her. It's a practiced action. A soothing one.
It's his way of saying it's going to be okay.
When it's just the two of them, Commander Zavala turns back to her. “You are strong, Kira,” Zavala says. “Impressively so.” She holds herself tense, like a bow-string, waiting for the other shoe to drop. “But strength is not what wins battles.” The tips of blue fingers nudge her chin upward to look into his eyes. “Don’t cry,” He tells her, when the first large drop leaks, followed by a blink and then several more. He looks more disappointed in her than she expected, she thinks. “Your Ghost seems to think he's chastised you enough.”
“He made me climb up the cliff I fell down,” She murmurs. “That’s why I was so late coming back.”
The Commander blinks at her, his eyes taking on a different sort of tone, though his lips stay in that thin, serious line. Apparently, she thinks grimly, he approves. “Did you learn a lesson?” He asks her
She nods.
Zavala straightens. “Tell me.”
“Think before I punch,” She admits, softly.
Zavala coughs, his way of covering an errant chuckle that threatened to rumble from his throat. “I would have said tactical awareness,” He corrects, gently. “What else?”
“Trust Ghost.”
“Ah,” Zavala says, turning back around and patting the railing beside him. She swings her legs over and sits on the top rung while he leans against it. “The most important lesson.”
“He’s very… mothering,” She admits. “I know he means well, but-”
“He has spent centuries looking for you, Kira. It is his duty to protect you, even from yourself.” She looks over at Zavala carefully. “Especially from yourself, in this case.”
“I did think I was protecting them, not putting them in danger.”
Zavala lifts his chin, and narrows his eyes. “Was that before or after the Minotaur called the Hydra to assist him?”
“It was when I punched the Hydra,” She admits. “The Minotaur… that was an oversight. I was testing my shoulder charge.”
He nods. “The day will come when you will shoulder charge a Minotaur and it will go down without question. But when that day comes, I should hope that you are focused on what the real threat is, and not on your abilities. If your Ghost gives you advisement, it isn’t because he is trying to boss you around.”
“I know,” She agrees softly. “I just wanted-”
“Grandiose heroics are not always a sign of bravery, Titan.” The Commander’s voice is firm. Not quite a yell, but she feels chastised all the same. “Standing up to your competition is not always brave. That battle could have been won at long range. You have a pulse rifle and a rocket launcher. You were well-equipped and yet you chose not to do so.” Blue eyes flicker over to her carefully. “Foolishness and bravery may sometimes look like the same thing, Kira. I assure you, they are not.”
“Fools get blasted off the side of a cliff when they defeat their enemies.” She says sullenly.
“Fools do not listen to their Ghosts when they say - through the Fireteam comms, nonetheless - to stand on the other side of the Hydra if they’re going to punch it into oblivion.” Zavala tilts his head, like a question.
Kira flushes, her freckled cheeks red. “I wasn’t listening,” She admits. “I was channeling my Light and it was just so-” She clenches her fists, small plumes of red dust drifting away in the evening breeze.
“Arc is like that,” Zavala confirms. “Do not lose yourself to it, Kira. Keep your wits about you unless there is no other choice - and that should only be when there is no conceivable way out.” He clears his throat. “We all make mistakes, Kira. Learn from them.”
“And stop upsetting your Ghost,” Comes a demure, not unkind voice, “He only wishes to see you succeed, even if he’s a flighty, nervous thing.”
“He’s not that bad,” Kira replies, as the Commander’s Ghost does a circle around her. “I-” She sighs. “I’m just unruly.”
“A bit,” She agrees with the new Titan, before her optic shifts to her own, fondly. “You all are when you’re young.” Kira follows the motion of the white-shelled Ghost, her lips breaking into a small smile at the insinuation. “But you’ll grow.”
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enigmvs · 6 years
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☾*✧・゚:*「 jeon heejin. cisfemale. she/her. 」did you know that there’s a half-blood in haneul known as ahn “joy” jiyeon? they have been living here for the past fifteen years and is a potions master’s apprentice. they are currently eighteen and is a student at crocus institute of higher magic in the house nightshade. i heard that they are known to be headstrong, but worry not ! i heard they are also very erudite too. remember to stay out of trouble, the ju jak are lurking around every corner !
ahn jiyeon was born on october 29, 2000, and she is the last living member of a presumably lost and “ancient” bloodline of first generation magi. her ancestors were renowned duelists for their time and saved many other magi in history, being famous in textbooks and the likes. anyone who had ahn blood in them were usually known to be great duelists, and were always given a necklace with an emblem that showed off their family symbol.
however, in jiyeon’s case, this simply wasn’t happening. her mother, originally married to another pureblood wizard, fell in love with a human ( despite knowing the magi society is highly against this ) and conceived jiyeon. too ashamed of what she’d done after her “true love” left her in the dust, as well as not wanting her daughter to grow up in an environment where people will shun her for being a half-blood, she left her daughter behind with an heirloom that would confirm jiyeon’s witch status when she was found.
she was quickly adopted into the family that found her in daegu, however she stayed with the grandparents for three years since they were unprepared for a second child at the time. when she finally moved to seoul / haneul, they didn’t want to erase her lineage from her identity so they let her keep her surname and named her after a prominent figure in her family.
while she was learning how to control her magic, she began looking into her bloodline. she read about how they’ve been heroes in history, how powerful they were for their age, how they never gave up without a fight … yet somehow always died at the hands of humans and became a lost lineage in history. hatred grew in her for all of the damage they’ve done to not only her family but to other wizards as well.
she earns the nickname joy in her childhood, from her parents who knew she brought happiness with everything she does. despite her not being their real daughter, they never treated her as an alien in their family and welcomed her with open arms. she doesn’t know what happened with her birth parents, or why she was only left with a photograph of her father, but she doesn’t question it.
as she begins to grow up knowing her magic should become more controlled, she begins to worry that something’s wrong when she reaches the age of sixteen and there’s still no progress. people reassure her that there are late bloomers, but unlike her they’re not blind to the truth. all signs point to being a half-blood, but her own denial continues to give many excuses as to what’s wrong with her — there’s no way she could be human, right?
everyone recommends her to become a potions master, as it seems to be the safest option for her due to the fact that her magic is rather unpredictable and uncontrollable. she already had doubts about her own abilities, constantly questioning herself ( and crying about it ) every time something went wrong, but knowing others were wary as well hurt her fading pride. despite how much it discouraged her in the beginning — considering her lineage is made up of famous duelists — she’s grown to love the idea after becoming an apprentice early on.
however, this doesn’t stop her from being insecure when she’s alone and trying her best to train. she knows how magi laws work, and even though she believes she isn’t a half-blood, she is certain the magi laws about dysfunctional magic apply to her. the age of twenty-five was only seven years away, and that’s a short time in magi years — even though it’s been spotty for the past eighteen years, she can’t imagine herself without magic at all.
as a student she’s always been studious and diligent, desperate to show that she wasn’t completely hopeless and useless without magic. she’s got an encyclopedia inside her head, with knowledge ranging from magical creatures to duelling styles ( despite not being trusted to try them out ). she believes knowing as much as she can will be helpful in the future.
she’s young and small, she just turned eighteen and just 5’2”, but that is not a reason to underestimate her — which is something she’ll remind people of. she doesn’t believe that she needs anyone’s help, and doesn’t want anyone’s help, which is why she often trains by herself and goes home with many new bruises or small cuts. she’s the type of girl who doesn’t want to be a damsel in distress despite that’s what she definitely is … just don’t tell her that or she’ll cry; she’s trying her best !
she has a dalmation named ‘ ryuk ’ ( named after ryuk in death note ). her family adopted him when she was ten years old, and he was just a couple months old already. he’s already eight years old, and recently joy is trying to find a way to make him immortal, but her searches have been fruitless ...
she is in the house nightshade and she has a lot of pride for it. despite the school having no uniforms, she wears this black hoodie with the nightshade flower on it at least once every week. it’s oversized and she loves it.
joy has clumsy magic. she aims to be strong one day but it just ain’t happening soon. the institute is covered by a veil of magic so as a precaution, joy has to go to school with someone in order to get in. if she doesn’t, she usually can’t get behind the wall of magic surrounding it.
since she was a little girl, it was very easy for her to fall ill. she falls the most sick during winter and she’ll be bedridden for days and it could be for the littlest things too.
her hatred for humans is actually a mask for a very intense fear. considering her ancestors were usually killed by humans, she thinks it’s some kind of curse. she wouldn’t be caught near one willingly unless it was unknowingly.
if you’re one of her best friends, she gives out potions like they’re nothing. if you’re a close friend she’ll give discounts even if it’ll get her into trouble.
she has a small tattoo that she got for her eighteenth birthday. it’s a little, minimalistic scorpio constellation on her neck. 
joy has a lot of bandaids and / or bandages on her and is also usually wearing a lot of it too. due to her solo training and her own clumsiness, her parents told her to carry some around.
she speaks english but it’s a little broken. she’s still learning, and she’s doing pretty good ! words are just hard. however ( thanks to anime / manga ) she speaks japanese very well.
very dramatic for absolutely no reason. very reactive and expresses how she feels easily when she’s comfortable with a person. she’s only a little bit shy but she’s still dramatic !
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douchebagbrainwaves · 4 years
If you can develop technology that's simply too hard for one person. Raise money first from leads you get yourself.1 What happened to the Milanese Leonardo? I evolved another trick for partitioning the day. Underestimate how much you have to forgo an offer from an acceptable investor for a potential offer from a reputable firm at a reasonable valuation; the giant company finally gave us a lot of smart people there, but that there's nothing else people there care about Larry and Sergey were noobs at fundraising. Whereas incubators tend or tended to exert more control than VCs, Y Combinator exerts less. You look at them and you think, oh good, now everything will be all right?
You do tend to get so rich from them.2 When I say there may only be one name on the wall next to it in the museum. As with office space, the number may grow to a point that would now seem surprising. In a company, because one or more founders focusing on the company. The manager's schedule is for bosses. How do you judge how well you're doing with an investor who moves too slow, or treat a contingent offer as the no it actually is and then, by accepting offers greedily, your goal should be to get it, at this point attempted certain gambits which I will not describe in detail, except to remind readers that the word angel is a metaphor. Maybe it will turn out to be an outsider.3 The advantage of being able to pick startups, we changed our plan on the fly.4
Ideally you want between two and four founders.5 In the earliest phases, a lot of wiggle room.6 Even though Y Combinator is as different from what they expected?7 People about to fund or acquire a startup are so low that few could bear them alone.8 Don't push it too far.9 When you offer x percent of the wealth. And what I discovered was that business was no great mystery.10 If there's something we can do to encourage the process? As a Lisp hacker. But TV was still young in 1960; only 87% of households had it. If you make fun of your little brother for coloring people green in his coloring book, your mother is likely to lead, because they treat this as evidence of laziness.
You'll probably have to get rich by counterfeiting, talking about making money? But that's not the same thing. This doesn't work well. You can do whatever you want with money from consulting or friends and family. It happened to cloth manufacture in the thirteenth century, generating the wealth that later brought about the Renaissance. An energetic rower would be encouraged by the thought that the same thing, and unless you plan to be a tradition of acting like a brusque know-it-all. Sometimes the VCs want to install a new CEO of their own angel rounds. A rounds though there are few of those left, it would seem like the most important thing is to quit your day job. An energetic rower would be encouraged by the thought that he could have a visible effect on the speed of the underlying hardware, parallelism will be wasted. Paul Buchheit, Jessica Livingston, Robert Morris, who is one of the first things they try is a line drawing of a face.11
When the idea is embodied in the name. A rounds, but in this case: slow down your interactions with them. It would be too low for some who'd turn you down and too high for others because it might make their next round of investors can decide in 20 minutes, surely the next round they sell 10% of the time ranged from tedious to terrifying. Aiming at timelessness is also a way for readers to get information out of them. Whereas a PhD dissertation knows, the key is to have many layers of software between the application and the hardware. Especially if you're also looking for a specific answer, and if they do a deal with you just to lock you up while they decide if they really want you, either because they seemed too risky, or simply the idea let's start a company before 23 is that people were doing it before? Before us, most companies won't let hackers do what they want either. Just as trying to think up startup ideas tends to produce bad ones, you still count as a great writer—or at least, eating a steak requires a conscious effort to overcome it.12
Not necessarily, but probably.13 Surely many of these people, beware. How do you be a good rule of thumb is not to sell more than 25% in phase 2, yes. Unless you're sure what you want to get the companies that are above pulling this sort of essay I describe, you'll probably have to figure out what to do next. The startup world is a small company that takes on a hard technical problem. But what people have now is often so bad that it doesn't take brilliance to do better.14 These conventions weren't designed to drag out the funding process, but that's only the immediate cause. It's because staying close to the main branches of an evolutionary tree. This could lose you some that might have made an offer if they had more time. You just can't fry eggs or cut hair one customer at a time. He followed that advice. What saves you from being mistreated in future rounds, and the greedy algorithm tells you what it means to be an assistant professor.
Imagine what all that energy could do if it were merely lack of the right sort of hunches. I've forgotten the details of the process.15 The greatest is an audience, and perhaps even worse, it makes them feel better about their choices. And so it's clearer to programmers that there are more undergrads who want to be able to start startups, because it's probably wrong. You should of course have your lawyer review everything. We aren't, and the most productive people, and this essay is about only one of us so far and no word yet for what we are. Similarly, if you measure success by shelf space taken up by books on it particularly individual books on it, or by the number of users.
Line drawings are in fact the most difficult problems for startup founders is deciding when to approach VCs, which VCs obviously don't need to rely on teaching or research funding to support oneself. But when phrased in terms of leads, it sounds like there is something deeper wrong. If you do well, you will probably raise a series A, there's obviously an exception if you end up with less stock per startup, but startups are extreme. The company that did was RCA, and Farnsworth's reward for his efforts was a decade of patent litigation.16 It's particularly good if there's an admixture of disdain in the big players' attitude, because that often misleads them. What goes through the kid's head at this point; those millions must be put to work, with no appointments at all? It's hard to guess what the eventual equity round valuation might be.17
He adds: I switch in the cupboard, but they're not influenced by confidence. In 1995, when I read most things I remember are famous flops like the one hand and the Imagination by Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen.
Learning for Text Categorization. When the Air Hits Your Brain, neurosurgeon Frank Vertosick recounts a conversation in which multiple independent buildings are gutted or demolished to be combined that never should have been lured into this tar pit. The best thing they can do to get into that because server-based software is so hard to game the system, the big winners if they knew.
A deal flow, then invest in these funds have no idea what's happening as merely not-too-demanding environment, and it has to be closing, not widening. They also generally say they bear no blame for opinions expressed in it.
A single point of a reactor: the separate condenser.
You can have a definite plan to make a lot of the twentieth century. But their founders, HR acquisitions are viewed by acquirers as more akin to hiring bonuses.
Why does society foul you? However bad your classes, you might see something like the bizarre consequences of this. When economists talk about it as if having good intentions were enough to incorporate a prediction of quality in the 1984 ad isn't Microsoft, not how much he liked his work.
Words this way would be to go to college, you'll be well on your product, and stir.
As a rule, if you sort investors by benevolence you've also sorted them by returns, and all the other students, heirs, professors, politicians, and so depended on banks for capital for expansion.
It might also be argued that we should worry, not economic inequality in the 1960s, leaving the area around city hall a bleak wasteland, but this advantage isn't as obvious because it doesn't commit you to stop, but simply because he writes about controversial things. Top VC firms. I explain later. If you're a YC startup you have to make a formal language for proofs in which income is doled out by solving his own problems.
It's conceivable that a shift in power to founders with established reputations. The moment I do, and that he be spared.
Max also told me they do. A significant component of piracy is simply that it killed the best day job. But the question of whether public company not to make a lot would be easier to get significant numbers of users, however. Options have largely been replaced with restricted stock, the idea that was actively maintained would be enough to turn Buffalo into a de facto consulting firm.
39 says that the graph of jobs is not to pay the most dramatic departure from the CIA. I'm thinking of Oresme c.
Even if you turn out to be extra skeptical about Viaweb too. It's lame that VCs miss.
Nat. Miyazaki, Ichisada Conrad Schirokauer trans.
Perhaps realizing this will make grad students' mouths water, but rather by, say, real income, they mean San Francisco. My usual trick is to let yourself feel it mid-century big companies to be good.
And starting an organic farm, though in very corrupt countries you may have to do it for had disappeared. Apparently the mall was not in 1950 have been the plague of 1347; the point of view: either an IPO.
Learning for Text Categorization. Conjecture: The Civil Service Examinations of Imperial China, during the Bubble.
0 notes
janeykath318 · 7 years
Meet Your Daughter: A Pirk Fic
“I see congratulations are in order, Kirk,” Admiral Richard Barnett told the young woman in civies with a baby strapped to her chest. After resigning from the fleet seven months ago, Jen Kirk had come back to San Francisco to see her mother get her captain’s stripes, undeterred by having a two week old newborn in tow. Her abrupt departure from Starfleet just after the Nero tragedy and graduation had been the topic of much speculation, but Jen had hidden away from the world in her old hometown of Riverside, Iowa until her daughter’s birth. She had braced herself for a barrage of questions and eyebrow raising silent judgment from the brass, knowing most of them already had a pretty low opinion of her. The worst part, however, was facing baby Emma’s father, who just so happened to be one of said Admirals now and had no idea he had offspring.  
“Thank You, Admiral,” she said graciously. “I thought this might help explain why I chose to leave the Fleet.”
“Very good reason,” he smiled back at her. “You doing okay?”
“We have our ups and downs,” she admitted, looking down at Emma’s little head, “but we’re getting along okay. She’s a pretty content baby. Adjusting to the weird sleep schedule has been the challenge for me.”
“Ah, yes, I remember those days,” he replied fondly. “She’s a real cutie, though.”
“I think so too,” Jen agreed.
Nearby, she could see Admiral Pike engaged in tense conversation with her mother. The man had barely acknowledged her presence and when he’d seen what she was wearing, well, he hadn’t so much as looked at her. It was deeply Disappointing, but not surprising, given how things had ended between them. Nevertheless, she’d have to find a way to talk to him.
Politely taking her leave from Barnett, she approached Winona and Chris, steeling her courage to face the man who’d broken her heart.
“Excuse me, Admiral,” she announced in her most polite, formal tone, cringing at how stiff she sounded. Pike looked like he wanted to flee, but Winona’s stern gaze held him firmly in place and he finally nodded, not really looking her in the eyes.
“Of course. Here, or in private?” he asked.
“Private.” Jen admitted.
“Very well. We’ll go to my office. Captain?” he asked Winona, indicating she could come too if she wished.
“Nope. This is between the two of you,” Winona declined. “I’ll wait out here. Try to act like adults,” she implored them and they both flushed. Chris still looked spooked at being near her, but slowly made for the door.
“After you,” he said, waving her to go first. He’d always been the gentleman like that, Jen recalled with a pang of nostalgia for the good old times before he’d let the fear of what the brass would do ruin everything. He’d used to treat her like a queen when they were alone.
Now, they were just two awkward exes and she was about to unleash the proverbial elephant in the room.
Once in his office, they faced each other with a silence so thick, Jen felt like the gravity had been turned up. Unable to stand it long, she took a deep breath and spilled her secret.
“Chris-- I mean, Admiral,” she began, bouncing on her heels a bit to settle down Emma, who stirred restlessly.
“I hate to spring this on you like this, but I tried repeatedly for months to contact you and was ignored so I decided now was as good a time to spring this on you as any: Meet your daughter, Emma Renee Pike.”
She let these words sink in as the Admiral turned a sickly shade of whitish green and gripped the edge of his desk for balance.
“You’re kidding me.” he said faintly. Jen shook her head. There was no other possible man it could have been.
“How?.......” He looked like he was going to pass out. Jen felt slightly sorry, but it was his own fault he’d ignored her calls and changed his number.
“Oh, you know how, Christopher,” she said with an evil grin. “I could give you the exact details of the exact night she was conceived if you wish. I figured it out when I was trying to keep myself from puking my guts up early in the pregnancy.”
The greenish white shade swiftly changed to a dark red as he flushed at the suggestive tone and use of his full name. She knew how it riled him up being called Christopher and she’d once taken full advantage of said knowledge. Even now, it was still useful.
Chris sat down hard, swallowing and staring at the baby as if he was just now seeing her.
“Daughter.” he said faintly. “So this is why you disappeared after you resigned.”
“Yes,” Jen admitted. “I decided I couldn’t end it--end HER, but with all the publicity and still hurting from the breakup, I went home to Iowa.”
“Makes sense. When was she born?”
“Two and a half weeks ago. Bones was there and helped me through it, best friend that he is.”
“So that’s where he went all in a hurry,” Chris mused. “About bit my head off when I asked where he was going. Now I know why.”
“Yep. Bones doesn’t like you very much at the moment,” Jen informed him.
“That’s putting it mildly,” her ex admitted with a rueful expression. “Glares daggers at me whenever I run into him. If looks could kill, I would be murdered many times over. Did the labor go okay?”
“I was told It was typical for a first time birth,” she sighed. “But for a few hours, it was indescribably awful. I probably cursed you in twenty different languages. When they mention a ring of fire, they aren’t kidding!! But she was more than worth it, the sweet little darling.”
She dropped a kiss on the baby’s head. Emma had fallen back asleep and was the epitome of newborn angelicness.
Chris cleared his throat and looked awkward again.
“You were pregnant when we were fighting Nero then.” he stated. “When did you find out? Before or after I ended our…...thing.”
That irked her. How dare he call it a thing?
“A relationship. We had a relationship, Chris,” she corrected him coolly. “As for when I knew, I found out after I collapsed on the bridge on the return to earth while you were still in surgery. When I woke up in sickbay, Bones yelled at me, fixed me up, and then told me I was pregnant. He offered to murder you in cold blood. Be glad he takes his oath as seriously as he does.”
“I am,” the repentant looking admiral admitted.
“I should have just told you once you were awake and cognizant, but I couldn’t deal with facing you then. If you thought us being together was too risky, what would you have said about me carrying your unborn baby? By that time, I decided I was going to go through with it and didn’t want you to talk me out of it.”
“Jen, I’m very, very sorry you had to go through that alone,” he apologized.
“Don’t be,” she said firmly before he could continue. “She’s a precious baby and the light of my life. All I need from you is to know whether you want to be involved in her life or if you’d rather treat her like a dirty little secret, in which case we’ll get out of your hair and never trouble you again. I’m not here to blackmail you or beg for money. Much as I hate the way you dumped me, you do deserve to get the chance to know your kid.”
She could see him wince as her pointed words hit home. The ball was in his court now. Gently adjusting the sling so Emma’s head was visible, she turned so Chris could get a better look. The look on his face went from weary regretfulness, to interest, to fascination, to awe in a matter of seconds as he looked his fill of the adorable infant.
“Wow!” he breathed, getting back up and moving around his desk. “It’s been awhile since I’ve seen one that small. She’s beautiful, Jen. Takes after you.”
“I think she has your stubborn chin and scowl, though,” Jen commented, trying to ignore the pang of bittersweet joy at his subtle compliment. She was relieved to see he was beginning to relax a little.
Cautiously, Chris took a few steps closer and Jamie’s heart lurched again as the smell of his cologne brought back more memories. She’d loved his scent and used to nuzzle against his jaw on purpose to smell it. Chris would usually kiss her head and pull her close with a light chuckle.
“I, uh, hope you don’t mind I gave her your last name,” She said, scrambling to think of something to break the awkwardness.
“Of course not,” he said softly, still gazing at Emma. “It’s amazing she survived all the stuff you went through during the Nero crisis. That’s one tough little girl.”
“Her dad survived Romulan torture and her mother survived ice monsters, and Vulcan beat downs, so I’d say she comes of strong stock,” Jen agreed proudly. “Speaking of which, I’m glad to see you walking so well,” she continued, genuinely glad to see the progress he’d made. When she’d left, Bones hadn’t been able to say whether he’d ever walk again. Now, he was getting around pretty well, with only the occasional use of his cane for support.
“That’s the result of six months of pain, sweat, and a general desire to spite the entire universe,” Chris admitted ruefully, glancing down at his legs. “My therapists were saints to put up with me for so long.”
“Now that sounds more like the Pike I know,” Jen grinned. “Bones said you’d surpassed his wildest expectations.”
“He hasn’t said a thing like that to my face,” Chris snorted. “Just gives me a hard time. He may have saved my life, but he definitely wasn’t happy about it.”
“What can I say? Bones is loyal to a fault. The one person I can always count on,” Jen added, perhaps a tad passive-aggressively. “It might be awhile before he forgives you.”
Chris wiped his hand over his forehead in a troubled manner and sighed.
“Jen, I admit I made a terrible mistake by underestimating how much you’d be hurt by ending our relationship, but I don’t know what I could have done that wouldn’t have threatened everything you worked so hard for.”
“You didn’t KNOW that, you just assumed it,” Jen retorted. “You didn’t even give me an option of riding it out with you. Whatever it was, we could have faced it together. You know they would never have had any evidence that our relationship influenced my grades or was coerced and technically, Bones got my on that ship against your knowledge when I was supposed to be grounded. Sure, we would have probably taken some crap, but they wouldn’t have enough to kick either of us out. It’s all a moot point now, since I ended up leaving anyway. Your doing the “right thing” had the exact result you were trying to avoid. We thought we were careful. I still don’t know how my birth control failed, but it did and here we are.”
“If I’d had had the self-control to wait until after graduation, to act on my feelings, we wouldn’t have ended up in this mess.”
“Maybe, Maybe not,”Jen shrugged. “But the question remains, will you accept Emma as your daughter or try to pretend she doesn’t exist?”
Chris paced back to his chair and sat down, leg starting to stiffen up from standing too long. He was very taken with Emma, but clueless about fatherhood. And how could he be involved without embroiling all of them in a scandal? Jen didn’t need that stress on top of caring for a newborn.
It came down to a simple choice: take responsibility and be a good father, risking censure and scandal, or protect his career by turning away and permanently breaking all ties with both Jen and Emma?
The stifled part of him that was still very much in love with Jen violently objected to this as well as the newly awakened part that had a definite interest in helping parent this tiny little one, who was now blinking awake and revealing big, beautiful blue eyes.
“Oh, my.” he whispered, eyes suddenly welling up. “Jen, I have no idea how this will work, and I have no clue how to be a…..dad, but I would like to be in her life, and maybe in yours again, if you’ll let me.”
Jen wasn’t sure about that last part, but for Emma’s sake she was glad he’d offered. She allowed a relieved smile to curve up her lips.
“Thats…..wonderful, Chris, and way more than I expected when I came out here.” That stung him, but he knew he deserved it and bowed his head in acknowledgement. He used to be the one she confided in, looked up to. He’d been both dazzled by her and very proud of her as she’d headed for the career he knew she was capable of. Now, he’d only just met their child two weeks after her birth.
“Tell me what I can do, Jen.” He implored, meeting her eyes full on and getting lost in their blueness for a moment.
“You can start by communicating. Maybe give me your new number? Come to Iowa for occasional visit. Tell the Brass the truth when they ask why you’re always going to Iowa. Maybe ask Phil for tips: he’s got experience in the parenting department.”
Chris smiled. That he did. Phil had a grown son from his late wife Alicia and very lively twin red-headed daughters from Cait. He’d heard plenty of crazy tales of mischief, cuteness and woe from his best friend. Phil had stuck by him after Nero and made him get the right help as he worked through the trauma and difficult physical therapy. He’d also disapproved of Chris’s treatment of Jen, but didn’t say much about it, preferring to let McCoy do that part.
“Certainly. Is yours still the same?” he asked, pulling out his device and looking at the contact list.
“Yeah,” Jen confirmed, getting out her own and carefully punching in the code he gave her. “There we go! The first step.” She slipped it back into her belt just as Emma started to fuss.
“Uh-oh, sounds like someone’s ready to eat again,” Jen crooned. “You’ve been such a good girl for mama! Time for a well-deserved meal.” Reaching around her back, she untied the ends of the long piece of fabric that held the baby to her chest, then sat down in the chair across from the desk and eased Emma out of it onto her lap, pulling her out of the wrap and grinning down at her.
“Hi, honey, you getting hungry?”
Emma confirmed this with a little wailing sound that melted Chris’s heart. Heaven help him, he was falling for her already. He got up from his chair and engaged the privacy glass.
“You go right ahead and feed her here, if you want to. I’ll clear out and try to pacify her grandma by informing her of our agreement. I forgot how intimidating that woman was until I caused you grief.”
Jen smirked. “Maybe don’t do it in the future, huh? Just a thought. The whole “mama bear” saying exists for a good reason. We protect our offspring fiercely.”
He smiled at her and Jen’s own heart melted a little. She’d never been able to totally resist his smile, even now when she wasn’t sure if she would be able to forgive him for a while.
At least, he’d accepted Emma and not forced a paternity test. That would have been the ultimate sign of distrust and made her even more wary of him.
“Thanks, Chris,” she told him. “We’ll plan on talking more before I go back, right?”
“For sure.” he confirmed, and slipped out the door, leaving Jen alone to feed the baby.
Wide-eyed, he leaned against the wall to catch his breath as he slowly processed what had just happened. Jen had popped back into his life. He was a dad. She didn’t punch him in the face. She was going to let him co-parent their daughter. Their daughter was beautiful and tiny and precious. He was suddenly terrified.
“Hey, breathe Chris,” a voice said beside him. Winona and Phil stood there, looking both worried and amused at the same time.
“I was an absolute IDIOT.” He declared, once he’d calmed himself down. “Utter, utter fool. She’s gorgeous, Winona. I think I already love her.”
Winona’s expression softened. “I’m glad you’ve seen the error of your ways and yes, Miss Emma Renee Pike is the most beautiful baby in the galaxy. Did you and Jen reach a truce?”
“I think so,” he said, still a little dazed. “I’m gonna need help, though. Phil, I have no clue. How do you be a dad?”
“Trial and Error and a lot of love and patience,” Phil answered. “I think you’ll do fine. Congratulations, by the way. What a way to find out, huh?”
“Like I said, I was an idiot. Thought she’d be better off without me in the long run.”
“And maybe she will,” Winona put in. “But that’s a later discussion. I’m thankful you two are talking again. She missed you terribly.”
“And I missed her,” Chris said honestly. “I’m going to start by working on winning her trust back so we can be civil and cooperative parents at least. Anything else…….well, it’s much too soon to say.”
He tactfully left out the part where he was still hopelessly in love with her and wanted to win back her heart as well as her trust. No more cowardice for him. Chris Pike was on a mission.
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artemthevictorious · 5 years
NAME: Artem Nikita Tremblay AGE: 27 Birthday: December 14, 1954 Sagittarius) Gender/Pronouns: Agender but largely labeless; Any pronouns except she/her Sexuality: Fluid Height: 5′5″ Wand Arm: Right hand BLOOD STATUS: Half-Veela HOUSE ALUMNI: Gryffindor OCCUPATION: Bouncer at Ganymede’s Gentleman’s Club
PAST: After giving birth to two perfectly good heirs but not quite being healthy enough to risk another pregnancy, the halfblood but highly regarded Tremblay family adopted a halfveela as a way to promise themselves a perfect daughter to raise to pureblood standards. Clearly some promises are meant to be broken because they got Artem, who grew up knowing that the expectations thrust on them were not what they wanted but not initially realizing why. Once at Hogwarts, Artem realized fully that they didn’t want to be a girl but that being a boy felt wrong too. Their brother Ellwood was always supportive of them, and even the rest of their traditional wannabe pureblood family reacted better than Artem would have expected. That didn’t stop them from disappearing after graduation. Artem plunged into the muggle world for a few years, and while it was an extreme culture shock, they ended up in the growing gay community of Muggle London. It was a good place to be with people who helped Artem feel like they didn’t belong in their own skin. That’s also where they picked up boxing, something that changed Artem’s life. They felt positively about their magic, but the physical ability to take action and feel capable no matter the situation or if they had a wand felt more freeing than anything. Technically Artem could have used their Veela charm in those situations, but Artem never used it if they could help it. They felt strong, physically and more mentally than they had in years, but it was time to acknowledge that they couldn’t stay away from the magical community where they had their roots. They missed too much.
PRESENT: Now that they are back in the magical world, Artem deals more directly with that Veela heritage they’ve always tried to ignore. Muggles usually couldn’t put into words those halfveela traits, if they noticed them at all. Wix aren’t like that, and as far as Artem in concerned, most are far too bold it pointing them out. Artem doesn’t really believe the magical community can do better, but they definitely believe it can do worse. They joined the Order not because they believed in it, but because they were more concerned by the idea that Voldemort might win. What they’ve seen thus far from the Order hasn’t instilled much confidence in Artem that he won’t win anyway. Artem is starting from the bottom as a newcomer, and they’re not sure how much people trust them. That said, they don’t necessarily want to rise. They want to show up, do what must be done, and get out of there. Occasionally based on things that are said, though, Artem can’t help wanting to interject and have more of a voice. They may not be the most dedicated Order member, but if they’re here, Artem is going to try and do things right.
Artem has spent a lot of time figuring out how to be comfortable in his own skin. Artem was sick of being underestimated by people who took one look at him and assumed he couldn’t hold his own. Artem was determined to change that. They started working out religiously, and once they had the opportunity, they began boxing in a muggle club and got good at it. If people commented on their perception of Artem as female, well, Artem hit those people harder to give them the embarrassment of being not only beaten but beaten soundly by someone they saw as a girl. The regulars didn’t care. The regulars saw Artem as a badass who didn’t like to lose, and they could respect that. He liked the way it felt to fight, to be in control of his own body and his situation. He liked being respected, and being able to defend himself the muggle or magical way has been a huge step forward for him.
He’s still not to 100% comfort, but he’s in a much better place than he used to be. Even when they were struggling most, though, Artem met life with strong determination and confidence. They’d like to believe they can talk their way out of any situation without using veela charm, and while they will get out of it without charm, they’re more likely to turn to a punch or a hex as a means of escape. Still, they have a strong sense of self-preservation and are pretty good about reading a room and getting out of a situation before it goes south. Unless they open their mouth.
When Artem has a good line, he’ll usually say it first and then have to deal with the consequences. Because of this, he’s had to work hard to develop to develop better control. Couple with his tendency to keep people at a distance to avoid rejection, he comes off as quite aloof at times. He doesn’t open up easily because even the people he trusts have hurt him so much. Even when he lets people close, it’s usually while he is serving some kind of role. For example, he has close work relationships with a few of the dancers, but that is while he plays protector, not while he strips the layers away. He has a hard time being vulnerable around people and is okay with that. People don’t need to see his vulnerability.
In a fit of anger at someone making veela comments in class seventh year, Artem marched back up to his dorm, borrowed a classmate’s razer and shaved his head. It was incredibly freeing, and they’ve kept it shaved ever since, one less signal to the world of their veela heritage. Their mother cried when she saw them at Christmas. Artem returned the small collection of decorative combs she’d slowly been passing over. While it further damaged their relationship with their mother, that moment and the resulting calm was proof to Artem that they maybe did want to be more masculine. If taking on a “male” haircut made them feel good, why couldn’t they do that in general? In those early days, Artem bought Polyjuice and used it to try out being different people to see how it felt. They only impersonated a woman once, and the lack of muscle definition that they’d work so hard to create made them end up shaking in a corner until it wore off. They’d been trying to figuring out what it would be like to be comfortable with their prettiness. Clearly that didn’t work because Artem got the woman’s body but not her confidence in it. They were still themself. They used the rest of the Polyjuice to try out being different cismen, but even those moments only reinforced to Artem that they didn’t want that for themself. They missed the comfort they had in their own skin, and the change in anatomy felt foreign and wrong. Clearly masculinity and the things associated with it are a cloak Artem likes to wear, but the male body is not.
The Tremblay family was once incredibly offended to be left out of the Sacred 28, but a recent halfblood in one branch of the family was enough to exclude them. They have since continued to married in some halfbloods when they haven’t been considered good enough for pureblood matches, but most family members would argue they should be considered pureblood. They have the money and the influence of a proper pureblood family but not quite the title.
Pearce and Alanna Tremblay both came from highly respected families. Alanna technically married down from her pureblood family because the Burke’s pureblood claim is still substantiated from that golden list the Tremblays didn’t make, but she didn’t consider it a step down. Pearce and Alanna were not a love match by any means, but their partnership has always been one of close fondness, and they quickly grew to love each other.
The couple had power and a lot of inherited money, but they initially had trouble conceiving and carrying a child to term. When Alanna finally gave birth to Douglas, they were elated and initially said they would be done having children, despite both wanting a large family. When she accidentally became pregnant five years later, Alanna refused to put her own health first, and she and Pearce began planning for the perfect little girl to add to their family.
Instead they got Ellwood. On one hand, it was more reassurance of their family line because they now had two male heirs to carry on the family line. On the other, they really wanted their perfect little girl. Pearce suggested perhaps they add to their family through more unconventional means that both wouldn’t be hard on Alanna’s body and would promise them their perfect little girl: they could adopt a halfveela. It was surprisingly simple to adopt internationally from Yugoslavia, and soon they had their beautiful child who Alanna proceeded to groom into all the refinement and expectations of a proper pureblood lady, never letting the child forget how much simpler it all was when blessed with veela gifts like grace, charm, and beauty that most pureblood girls would kill for.
That child wasn’t a girl, though, pureblood or otherwise. It took a long time for Artem to figure out exactly why they felt so uncomfortable with their mother’s expectations, and in some ways, they’re still parsing it out. All Artem knew for sure was that he felt the freest when allowed to run along behind his brothers. He and Ellie got into all kinds of trouble together, trouble than Douglas was quick to tattle about. Although it had taken a couple years for the Tremblay’s paperwork to clear and for all the proper money to be given where it needed to, Artem came to them as a toddler only a few months younger than Ellwood. When they eventually reached Hogwarts, the two were in the same year, although Ellwood went to Hufflepuff; neither of them followed Douglas’ lead into Slytherin.
It was to Ellie that Artem first admitted their confusion about not feeling like a girl but also not feeling like a boy. Ellie was also confused but mostly supportive, and he joined them in the library to find any scrap of information about people like Artem. He was with them as they tried out new names that felt more comfortable, and he stood by their side when in the summer after sixth year, they finally told Douglas. Douglas didn’t take it well and further alienated his sibling by immediately telling their parents and taking away Artem’s ability to do so. That led to shouting from all five family members and crying from everyone except Douglas. Artem had never seen their father cry before, and they pulled him into a tight hug as he bumbled through apologies for anything he’d ever done to hurt them. Alanna never apologized. Artem didn’t expect her to. Douglas never apologized either. Artem pretends not to care.
Contrary to their fears of family rejection, Artem was not thrown out by their family. Their mother hasn’t quite forgiven him for rejecting her teachings and gifted name, but even she is happy to have him stop by for dinner (although she frequently slips on both name and pronouns). The rest of his family still supports him, but Artem really doesn’t want anything to do with them, especially when he knows everyone except Ellie uses his deadname when he isn’t around to argue about it). He’s rejected his family over and over, only crawling back when he’s really scraped for money. The one person he sees somewhat regularly is Ellie, who still meets Artem for coffee once a week like clockwork. The only person he avoids unless absolutely necessarily is Douglas. Artem can’t bring himself to forgive his brother, and Ellie agrees that it’s justified.
Artem had heard whisper of the Order for years, of course, and while Connor thought he was sneaky, using the rooms a sort of halfway house was bound to attract a little attention. Even before they’d really known why, they’d helped cover for his guests. As of a few months ago, Artem began hearing whispers of the Order helping relocate werewolves trying to avoid You-Know-Who. That was the final step for them as Artem decided they couldn’t stand by any longer.
Artem doesn’t necessarily like or even trust the Order, but if they win, the most likely outcome is that nothing changes in the abysmal way halfbreeds are treated. If the Death Eaters win, though, Artem knows the likelihood of being treated like absolute dirt or even chased out of England is high. It was a calculated risk of standing by and waiting for things to get worse or at least trying to keep things steady. They have no illusions about any of these human wix caring about them, as is proven by comments lumping in all halfbreeds with werewolves. Artem doesn’t necessarily have problems with werewolves (although he hates that they are able to pretend most of the time to be normal and to have people not immediately point to their hair or grace or beauty as othering things), but he will not pretend that their needs are the same as his. They aren’t even close.
The botched mission at the Nott Estate confirmed some of Artem’s worst fears: that the Order doesn’t really know what they’re doing and that they’re losing badly. He’s stuck here for now, but he’s already looking for an escape route. He wants to help, but not at his own expense. He’s not sticking his neck out to protect humans who don’t care about him.
Complicated as things are, Artem loved his family, even Douglas. That said, he’s always put himself first since before he graduated from Hogwarts. For those first few years, Artem disappeared into the muggle world and barely checked in with Ellie, much less anyone else. When he realized he missed magic too much to stay away, Artem came crawling back with a little resentment that he ended up back at home for a few months while he figured out a new apartment and wizarding job. His mother was appalled when he started working at Ganymede’s. That only made it better.
Artem isn’t the best with money, but they can be mostly self-sufficient. They’re blessed that even when their family doesn’t approve of Artem’s choices, Artem can still stop by when things get tight and he’s looking for a new place. Currently he lives in an apartment above a shop in Diagon Alley, but it’s a place he doesn’t really spend a ton of time. They don’t really bring people over much, partially because Artem doesn’t like people to feel that familiar with them if they can help it, but it isn’t a complete disaster.
Should things go south with the Order, Artem does believe they could probably disappear again into the muggle world. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve vanished.
AINSLEY ABBOTT: Artem never quite knew how to classify Ainsley, and he appreciated her greatly for it. They’d met for the first time in the Hogwarts Library because she was in the middle of some grand theory that her audience clearly didn’t care about. Artem listened carefully from over by the stacks, and at the end of her theory, went, “But what about…” and completely undermined her idea. She loved it, and the two soon developed of habit of spiraling back and forth. Artem couldn’t begin to keep up on the theories, but he loved to argue and could logic his way through most. Ainsley is one of the few people he lets win.
CONFIDENCE BROWN. Artem figured he would gain some friends through work, but he never expected to get along so well with someone that they’d call him their work spouse. But that’s the case with Connor. Connor is also one of the few people that Artem will fully loosen up around. Connor’s habit of flirting with everyone means that he’s a harmless person to banter with, and Artem is able to keep some of those conversation skills alive through empty flirting with Connor. Plus, Connor’s flair for dramatics means that he keeps people happy. He’s the kind of person Artem likes to be around.
CARADOC DEARBORN. Artem had always been used to trailing after Ellwood, and while they had their own friends at Hogwarts, it was hard to adjust to giving him up to people like Caradoc. Through Ellie, Caradoc and Artem did spend some time together, but they were never really friends. Ellie had asked Artem after they’d settled on “not-girl” pronouns if he could share that information with Caradoc, and while it had made Artem apprehensive, they had agreed. It’s with a certain fondness now that they recall Caradoc never messing up once he knew.
JAMES POTTER and LUCINDA TALKALOT. Artem only barely remembered James or Lucinda at all before joining the Order. They’d been kids together technically, forced to go to the same boring social events by their parents, but Artem had a few years on both that made it hard to relate. They did end up stuck together sometimes by simple nature of being somewhat close in age, although Artem was happy to let Ellwood have James. Ellie was good at accepting tagalongs, even if it did hurt when the mood became boys only. Sometimes they resented the mothers pushing Artem and Lucinda together, but at least Luci wasn’t the simpering little thing she could have been. As an adult, Artem doesn’t know how to feel about James being one of the decisionmakers for the Order when she still remembers him as a little kid with big eyes and unruly hair. His hair is still unruly. Her feelings about Lucinda aren’t quite as strong, but in many ways, it’s like starting over.
ARCHIBALD MACMILLAN. Artem has never liked Archie, and it’s not his fault. As a child, Artem was constantly reminded of their future duties as a perfect pureblood wife, and because they were the same age and would attend Hogwarts together, Archie was a common target for their mother’s musing. He was pureblood and seemed like the kind of person Artem could easily persuade. When the two were thrown together, it was always awkward and stiff, and it came to a great relief to Artem when his attention fixed on Isla. He may have called her a best friend, but Artem saw the writing on the wall long before their engagement was public. If they still resent him a little, well, it’s because Artem still has to hear from their mother how they squandered that opportunity.
SHIPS/ANTI-SHIPS: Artem/Chemistry for sure. I will reiterate that sex is a complicated thing for Artem, and he is likely to avoid any kind of physicality unless he trusts someone completely.
Artem’s spent the last ten-ish years in the process of trying to untwine their hatred for the being halfveela from the very specific lens of what it means to be female that was shoved down their throat as a child. They will never truly be able to separate them completely, although Artem is at a place where they can acknowledge that female means a lot of things beyond that narrow definition. The halfveela traits are harder to get around because if being female means more than being the perfect pureblood lady, being halfveela seems to immediately point back to that. Veela beauty, charm, grace, elegance… These are all things Artem has worked and worked on to try and overcome. He has these things naturally and doesn’t want them because they point back to that person he has never been.
Other people seem to have a harder time overlooking those Veela traits, though, and Artem has had to put up with a lot of it. He’s watched as halfveela are held up as a positive example but only seen them being pushed down in practice. The worst days at Ganymede’s are when he steps in to escort out some drunk asshole who assumes the pretty veela boy is available. The first time it happened, Artem beat the man bloody and almost got hired. His boss chewed him out to no end, and when Artem explained what had happened to defend himself, he was told that was to be expected for someone like him.
Unsurprisingly Artem doesn’t trust fully human wix in the slightest. Humans always put themselves first, and Artem isn’t about to do differently. They won’t go out of their way to avoid people, but they definitely try not to put themself in potentially harmful situations that they can’t fight their way out of. They’ve heard more than empty promises about making life better for halfbreeds, and it often isn’t anything actually helpful to them personally. In some ways, Artem is sympathetic to muggleborns, but he doesn’t overly care about their situation. Obviously he grew up in a household where pureblood and high halfblood wix were held up as the shining standard, but he didn’t hear a lot of direct hate. He’s ambivalent in a world that says it’s impossible not to have an opinion, but Artem has bigger battles.
Artem wouldn’t consider themself prejudice against werewolves, but they’ve got some resentment. On one hand, Artem isn’t usually called a monster. Veela are vilified sometimes, but it’s not the excessive demonizing rhetoric that werewolves have. They know most werewolves probably consider halfveela lucky. But werewolves only change one night a month. The rest of the time they can hide. Artem has never wanted anything so desperately as the ability to just stop being halfveela, to no longer have people stare at them on the streets. Artem can’t hide being halfveela, and werewolves can hide their affliction just fine most of the time. They may all be considered halfbreeds, but their needs are not the same.
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deebormzone · 7 years
Klingdom Harps 3: Who’s the (Secret) Boss?
Sorry I haven’t written much lately. I recently got the standard English major’s retail job, which sucks away most of my energy. I gotta toughen up so I can produce more insightful content, like this:
I like Kingdom Hearts a lot because it lets me jump and fight and also my friend Jafar is there.
The big KH news, which is a couple months old by now, is that Kingdom Hearts 3 finally has a vaguely estimated release window: 2018. Now I can worry less about whether it will really come out, and more about how much of it will be DLC.
Besides DLC, series creator Nomura has also spoken about the now-traditional secret boss battle. In other Kingdom Hearts titles, there are one or more optional fights, designed to be the most difficult encounters in the game. They’re usually Sephiroth.
In terms of the secret boss, we can’t say anything at this time, but in terms of Sephiroth specifically, my development team are worried that we’ve had him come back so many times so they’re maybe worried it might be redundant at this point. We’re still deliberating on it.
I'm with the development team here. There’s room for more than just Sephy. But assuming they do put a secret boss in KH3 (and since the other big KH games have had secret bosses, excluding one from the biggest Hearts yet would be pretty shameful), who could compete with everyone’s favorite silver-haired genetic abomination?
There are actually a few good options. Here are some dudes I’d like to face in Kingdom Hearts 3 as an uberboss, loosely arranged from least cool to most cool. The only real requirement is that they be either Square Enix or Disney characters.
Crystal Enthusiast: Culex
Culex is a secret boss already! He’s from Super Mario RPG, but designed to look and act like a Final Fantasy boss. It’s implied that he crossed over from the Final Fantasy series to look for strong opponents. I don’t know why he would go looking in the Mushroom Kingdom, but I guess it worked out for him.
With his dimension-hopping and challenge-seeking, Culex would be a good fit for Kingdom Hearts secret boss. This is basically a pipe dream, though. Since he’s actually from a Mario game, it’s pretty unlikely he’d be allowed in. It may be his fate to languish in Mario Land for all eternity...
Principal Samurai: Master Eraqus
Eraqus was a major character in the Kingdom Hearts prequel, Birth by Sleep. He used to teach the protagonists how to use their Keyblades properly. Most of his lessons seem to involve hitting things, but that does tend to build experience in every game in the whole series. Go with what works, I guess.
Of course, he had an unfortunate accident, but that doesn’t prevent him from being a boss. Just call him “Lingering Spirit” or whatever. He’s probably the most likely person on this list to actually appear as a superboss, if he doesn’t show up in Kingdom Hearts 3 in some other form.
But despite being fairly important, his fighting style is sort of basic. He’s got a couple of big moves, but not much else. And even though I usually struggle against him in Birth by Sleep, he’s not that tough canonically. There may be better options.
Evillest Clown: Kefka
Ah, Kefka. He’s the boss of Final Fantasy 6, the clown who usually takes second place on the Final Fantasy villain lists... and sometimes first. This makes him a natural choice for Square Enix superboss if Sephiroth isn’t around.
I’m always down to clown. Kefka’s a manic, psychotic sociopath, which is often more fun to play with than your usual uptight or brooding villain. His fighting style in Dissidia, the Final Fantasy fighting game, is to annoy his enemy to death. Notable achievements of his include blowing up the world and becoming God, making him significantly more successful than your average antagonist. No worries about an underpowered foe here, though I’d rather fight his clown form than his purple angel form.
Somehow, though, I don’t see him getting in. Final Fantasy 6 has had almost no representation in Kingdom Hearts thus far. Is that game even still popular?
That, and the wacky clown personality doesn’t go over well with everyone. It might not fit the “epic boss battle” they’re planning. Shame.
Fallen Mascot: Oswald
I always love the Disney-based antagonists, but it’s hard to pick a definitive one. Maleficent usually takes the lead in villain meetups, but she’s not secret enough to be a secret boss. Is there anyone good left from the House of Mouse, besides maybe Walt himself?
There are plenty of great Disney villains who haven’t shown up yet. Dr. Facilier would fit right in with his control of dark magic. Yzma’s alchemy and sorcery could make for an excellent boss battle. Madam Mim’s shapeshifting could be an intense multi-stage fight. Turbo would jump at the chance to dominate another video game. Hell, they should put Cruella de Vil in the game just because.
The trouble with all of these is that they’re all single-world threats. They don’t hit hard enough to match up to, you know, Sephiroth.
There’s another option, though. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit was Walt Disney’s first animated character, but he took a backseat to now-international-icon Mickey Mouse. Sometimes, though, he reemerges - most recently as a dark version of Mickey in the Epic Mickey series.
In Kingdom Hearts, Mickey is (hilariously) a messiah-like hero of light, so Oswald could conceivably be a reverse version. A cartoony Keyblade wielder with dark versions of Mickey’s god-powers. He’s got the prestige and the lore. Why not take him on?
Of course, the same issue that applies to Kefka affects Oswald: he’s innately goofy, which might damage the brooding, trenchcoat image of a secret ultimate boss. Of course, what with Gruff Mickey as he appears in Kingdom Hearts, maybe they’d make Oswald edgy enough to fit. Somehow.
Numberwang: Sho Minamimoto
Here’s one of Nomura’s creations who could use some more time in the spotlight. Minamimoto is a villain in The World Ends With You, a Reaper who hounds the characters. He’s known for making big piles of garbage and shouting mathematical functions at people (“Sine, cosine, tangent!”). Basically, a flawless character.
The protagonists from his game appeared in the most recent Kingdom Hearts as major players, so there’s some small precedent. Also, he turns into a demigod or something by the end of the game, so he’s probably strong enough.
There are a couple of other characters from The World Ends With You who could work here. First is Joshua, but he’s been in Kingdom Hearts already. Next is the actual TWEWY antagonist, but he’s kind of forgettable. There’s also a secret boss in TWEWY who could show up, but he’s only intimidating because you spent the whole game talking to him and assuming his unimportance.
No, the reason I went straight for Sho is because he’s a certified memer. Don’t underestimate that meme magic. I don’t remember much about the main bosses of TWEWY, but I absolutely remember Shouting Math Guy, and being memorable is what counts in a super-secret ultimate boss fight.
Sadly, this is just grasping at straws. In the end, Minamimoto is a little guy from a little game - on a Nintendo console, even. But you know what they say: a dream is a wish your heart makes.
Burn Victim: Darth Vader
Yeah, I went there. Star Wars is Disney now, and all bets are off. Up is down, black is white, the Jedi are evil.
I’ve seen a lot of comments online about how terrible it would be if Star Wars or Marvel got into Kingdom Hearts, but I just can’t understand them. The whole point of this franchise, besides making big buckets of money, is to rampage across a huge range of wacky environments. Adding Star Wars would be super wacky AND good for more money buckets, so they should do it the moment they get the chance. It’s as simple as that.
Let me address Marvel Comics for a moment. There are a number of villains from that universe who could appear in Kingdom Hearts as superbosses, but they don’t appeal to me very much. A comics expert probably has better opinions than I do, but the bad dudes powerful enough to show up seem kind of dull to me, and the interesting ones are too weak.
Planet-eating Galactus would be a good fit for Kingdom Hearts, but what does the big guy even do? Generic lasers and large hand slap? Doctor Doom is a classic, but when he fights mano a mano it ends up being tiny guns and foot dive. M.O.D.O.K.? A true role model and friend to all, but too weak. Magneto is the best cross between power and panache I can think of from Marvel, but beating up a Holocaust survivor probably crosses a few too many lines, even for Kingdom Hearts.
Despite my complaints, I’d be okay with just about anything from Marvel or Star Wars in the Kingdom of Heart. The wackier, the better, I always say. Still, my dreams of wackiness will likely go unfulfilled. The odds of getting any of that stuff in is pretty low at the moment. But what if there’s just enough influence to take just one piece of Star Wars into Kingdom Hearts? One character, for one fight, harder than any other?
Right off the bat, Vader commands more respect than Sephiroth. A lot more. Here’s a character everyone knows, one of the most infamous villains of all time. He fits the role of ultimate boss extremely well. He’s proficient in one-on-one combat, he’s filled with mystic powers, his saber fighting could lead to great Keyblade clashes, and he generally fits the light vs. darkness themes of Kingdom Hearts.
Beyond the Lucasfilm fees, though, there’s one other issue. His live-action-movie fighting style might not translate well to Kingdom Hearts’ hopping-around-and-exploding-into-beams-of-light fighting style. The game might actually be too goofy for Lord Vader. Maybe not, seeing as how Keyblade Dude Sora has faced off against live-action people before (Pirates of the Carribean and Tron), but the incongruity might be too much for the lawyers, if not the players.
There’s just one name left on my wishlist.
No, Darth Vader isn’t final enough to take the top spot. He’s a lousy dad.
My most wanted superboss candidate can only be THE #1 dad of all time.
The Best: Jecht
Jecht is like if sports became a human being. All he does is play ball, go on adventures, and insult his son. He’s perfect.
He stands alongside Sephiroth and Kefka as the more-or-less final boss of Final Fantasy X. There’s already a lot of X representation in Kingdom Hearts - Tidas is in, Wakka is in, Auron is in, YuRiPa is in. Adding the big man himself wouldn’t be much of a stretch. Plus, Jecht’s natural habitat is the stadium, which is where secret optional bosses are often fought.
This is the guy I want to fight as the secret boss. He’s a being of near-godlike power, and is also a dumb asshole who throws a ball at your head while calling you a wimp. He’s got the strength, and the pedigree as the boss of one of the most beloved Final Fantasies. No licencing issues, no nothing. His favorite prey is lame kids, and that’s basically main character Sora in a nutshell.
Best of all, though, is his fight song “Otherworld”, which (if you for some reason prefer not to hear its glory) is just a guy screaming over guitars. It tries so hard, it’s unbearably stupid. But then it tries even harder and loops back around to being really funny, and then loops some more until it’s actually a nice jam.
That closes out my list of potential secret bosses for Kingdom Hearts 3, but there are plenty of options I didn’t cover. In the end, I’ll be happy with any fight that’s fun and has a lot of exploding light particles. With luck, we might even get multiple secret bosses! It’s happened before.
Deeborm signing off for now. Here’s hoping Kingdom Hearts 3 will be worth the wait.
... but it will probably just be Sephiroth again.
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filipeteimuraz · 5 years
The Growth Hacking Process to Supercharge Your Revenue
Every world-class growth hacker relies on a series of steps in their growth process.
We’ve broken down the six core steps below.
Define Actionable Goals
Everything begins by focusing on a narrow, actionable goal. This is important because a growth hacker can easily have a focus that is so broad it becomes meaningless. Yes, the overall goal is growth, but you don’t attain that kind of end-result without breaking it into smaller, achievable, tasks.
Let’s say you have a product and you want your DAU (daily active users) to increase, but that’s too broad of a goal. Then you decide to focus just on the retention of existing users since this will increase the DAU, but retention is still too broad. Then you decide to focus on helping current users create content because your numbers show that when someone becomes a content creator (and not just a consumer) within your product then their activity on the site is far greater. Content creation leads to retention which leads to increased DAU. Therefore, you decide to make the goal to increase content creation by 2x.
Too Broad: Increase daily active users Appropriate: Increase content creation by 2x
Many people have a hard time knowing when they’ve narrowed their goal enough. Here is a rule of thumb that I use. Think about your goals as nested hierarchies, and until you reach the “nest” where things can actually be marked off as individual tasks which can be completed once and for all, then you’re not narrow enough. In this case our hierarchy might look something like this:
Will there ever conceivably be a day when you can mark off “grow my startup” from a to-do list? No. The goal is too broad. Is there ever going to be a time when you can say that you’ve finished “increasing DAU.” No. Too broad. However, you can mark off that you’ve “educated members about content creation through an email.” When you find yourself at the part of the hierarchy that can be checked off as done, then you’ve narrowed your goal appropriately.
Implement Analytics to Track Your Goals
Now that you’ve decided to increase content creation by 2x, the next question is, are you in a position to know if you actually attain this goal? Are the appropriate analytics in place? Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Do you currently track content creation metrics at all?
Do you track content creation by cohorts or just in aggregate?
Do you track metrics around the content itself (file size, length, views, shares, etc.)
Do you track the devices that are used to create and consume the content?
Do you track the referring URL’s which are most responsible for content creation?
Without analytics, goals are empty. If you can’t definitively say when a goal has been reached then you have not completed the requisite requirements before moving ahead. Furthermore, analytics will give you valuable data which can change your goals. Your analytics and your goals create a reflexive equilibrium, where they actual inform, refine, and shape each other.
As an example of a reflexive equilibrium, consider this. If your goal began as “increase content creation by 2x,” but then you realize that there is something more important than just content creation in general as it relates to retention, then you might restate your goal. If content over three minutes is the only kind of content which improves the retention of the creator and the consumer then your goal might need to be refined.
One of the great things about implementing specific analytics to track goal progress is the effect this has over time on your overall analytics. Once you’ve spent a few years on a startup, attacking one goal after the other, you’ll realize that the amount of historical data you have to work with has become very powerful. Eventually, when you create a new goal you might already have the relevant metrics being tracked, and now you have past data to look at which predates even the goal creation.
All growth hackers begin with a dull axe, but the edge gets sharper as a function of time. Just don’t give up.
Leverage Your Existing Strengths
Every startup has inherent strengths or assets that can be used as leverage. When there is something at your disposal which requires little energy, but can produce big results, then you’ve found a lever.
Continuing our example from above, you may be trying to decide if you should send out the educational email first, or if you should add a “what’s new” category first. If you have 200,000 emails on file, and you have a system of email distribution that is rock solid, and you can probably create the email in question within a day, then this looks like a promising lever.
If the “what’s new” category will require at least a few days of planning, a few days of design mockup revisions, a few days of programming, and your engineers are already completely stressed out about their to-do list, then this doesn’t look like a promising route. Especially, if you’re looking for low hanging fruit.
The law of leverage essentially makes the decision for you at this point. Send out the email. Your startup’s unique leverage comes from the size of your email list and your email distribution system, not the amount of engineering horsepower that you can throw at problems. A different startup might choose a different option, but only if their leverage takes a different form.
Plans, goals, and tasks, that are stack-ranked in a vacuum, without concern for leverage, are usually misordered. Plan your attack based on strengths. I would recommend reading chapters 3-6 of this book and then give each tactic that is mentioned a score based on your company’s specific leverage.
Execute the Experiment
You’ve already completed step 1, and you defined your goal as increasing content creation by 2x. You’ve already completed step 2, and now you are tracking the necessary data that will tell you if you’re successful in your goal. You’ve already completed step 3, and now you are going to focus on educating your members through an email blast, since this is where you possess leverage. Now it’s time to execute the experiment, which means actually sending an email in this case. Here are some things to keep in mind as you execute the experiment:
1. Write Down Your Hypothesis Before You Execute an Experiment
Before you actually run the experiment you should write down your best guesses at to what will happen. Do you think this email will have a higher or lower click through rate than the emails you already send? Why do you think this? How much do you think the email will increase content creation over the next month? Will it single handedly give you the 2x content creation goal you’re shooting for, or do you think it will get you part of the way there?
It may seem silly to write these kinds of things down when you can just send the email and find out what’s going to happen. If that’s your attitude then you’re missing the point. Hypotheses are accurate reflections of your assumption before you are given the chance to rewrite the past to make yourself look like a genius.
For instance, imagine that you write down the hypothesis that the click through rate will be lower because you already send users one email a week, and you think the second email will annoy them. Then you run the experiment and it has a higher click through rate. If there wasn’t proof of your wrong hypothesis you would be tempted to rewrite history, and you would tell the team members that this is what you expected to happen because you’re such a godsend to the startup world. Hypothesis keep you honest. Now, instead of trying to prove to everyone how smart you are, the discussion is about why your assumptions were wrong. You might come to realize that you underestimate the amount your users want to be in contact with you, and this insight has benefits which stretch far beyond email.
If the idea of forming a hypothesis makes this feel too much like science and less like the traditional culture of startups, that’s probably a good thing.
2.Do Not be Naive About the Resources Needed to Run the Experiment
Anytime you run experiments it is going to disrupt the normal flow of events in your startup. First, the entire team needs to be notified about upcoming experiments so that they can be ready for any mishaps that might occur. Second, know when your startup is already resource constrained, and be mindful of this when planning your experiments. If Tuesdays are when the server is already on the brink of failure, then don’t do something that will send 30% more traffic on that day if you can avoid it. Third, if you need a certain amount of time to finish the components of the experiment before it can be ran, then don’t overlook the time requirements needed. You would do well to remember Hofstadter’s Law:
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.
3.Do Not Get Discouraged by the Initial Results
There is a phenomenon which I have experienced countless times, and that is the ever-present belief that whatever experiment I’m working on right now is the one that will change everything for the better. The experiment that I’m currently devoted to seems to be the obvious answer to my company’s problems. If it’s worthy of my time then it must be the thing that will allow us to reach escape velocity. Oh, the joys of the entrepreneur’s disease.
Like we mentioned in the last chapter, most things fail. It’s ok to be optimistic (hey, it keeps me going too), but then you can’t be devastated every time an experiment produces mediocre results. That’s why a defined goal should be attacked from multiple angles. Most of the attacks simply won’t work.
4. Learn from Success and Failure from Success and Failure
Data is like publicity. There is no such thing as bad publicity and there is no such thing as bad data. Even if an experiment fails you will have undoubtedly gathered a lot of information about your product and your users that can be used in future experiments. Thomas Edison failed more than 1,000 times when trying to create his light bulb. When asked about it, Edison allegedly said, “I have not failed 1,000 times. I have successfully discovered 1,000 ways to not make a light bulb.” You can learn from successes, and you can learn from failures. You only stop learning when you give up.
Optimize the Experiment
Experiments are meant to be optimized. Experiments are fluid. They are not things you do one time and then move on. You tweak experiments. You re-run experiments. You only give up on experiments when it’s appropriate to do so, not when you’ve grown tired of them.
Have a Control Group
You should always have a control group when you are able to because this will account for environmental changes that are hard to track. If you send out the email to only 80% of your users then you can track how much content creation goes up in that group as opposed to the control group. There might be an unforeseen reason, outside of your company’s control or knowledge, that has actually led to a widespread decrease in content creation on your site. Without a control group you might be led to think that the email actually decreased content creation, which would be far from the truth.
Utilize an A/B Test
A/B tests are championed by growth hackers for a reason. They’re magical! You may think you know what the subject line of an email should be to ensure it’s opened, but an A/B test will tell you the truth. You may think you know what landing page the email should send them to, so that they will start creating content, but an A/B will tell you the truth. There are very few tools that create such large gains overall.
Remember, if you are going to run A/B tests then you must decide this before you start running an experiment. Otherwise, in our example, you would have emailed everyone on your list and then there would be no one left to benefit from what you are learning.
When to Give Up on an Experiment
I usually will not give up on an experiment until my leverage has proven to be weaker than I initially thought, or I can’t logically conceive of the experiment yielding better results without an inordinate amount of resources dedicated to it.
Now it’s time to select a new experiment, or an optimized version of a previous experiment, and move through these steps all over again. If you work the system that I’ve enumerated here, then success is more a byproduct of tenacity, and less a child of luck.
http://www.quicksprout.com/growth-process/ Read more here - http://review-and-bonuss.blogspot.com/2019/04/the-growth-hacking-process-to.html
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yourdataserver-blog · 7 years
SAP: The Right Choices Lead To The Right Outcomes
SAP announced another solid quarter a week ago.
Development is quickening and specifically cloud appointments indicated unforeseen quality.
Edges for the organization have been curbed so far this year, yet are foreseen to demonstrate perceptible additions both in 2H and in 2018.
SAP’s offers are humbly esteemed for the bundle of development, edges and rising income that speculators get.
The organization has continued offer buybacks and is probably going to build its profit consistently.
Revving the SAP Sales Engine
Following seven days of pretty much get-away, the time has come to adapt back. I have perused that a few speculators are baffled with the IT profit season up to this point. In parsing, a portion of the outcomes in the IT space that I tail, it would have been hard to be excessively frustrated with the outcomes or direction posted by ServiceNow (NYSE:NOW) or PayPal (NASDAQ:PYPL). And keeping in mind that Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) shares demonstrated minimal prompt response to that organization’s report of solid quarterly operational execution, it was in the wake of a fairly significant keep running into the numbers (7% out of two weeks). Along these lines, from my point of view, income season so far has seen the sort of quality I had been planning to find as far as development over the pattern line.
One of the additionally difficult parts of impeding income discharges identifies with “what’s in the stock.” Much of the time, share valuation identifies with desires that are not identified with the distributed agreement. In this way, it isn’t excessively astounding, making it impossible to discover speculators frustrated with quarters that appear to show solid operational execution, surpassing earlier desires. What’s more, every once in a while, financial specialists overlook precisely what the detailed quarter is looking at against. Indeed, even Jim Cramer can be blameworthy of that sort of misunderstanding in spite of the fact that anybody attempting to remark on such a large number of names as he does is probably going to get a few points of interest off-base. Mr. Cramer felt that SAP’s (NYSE:SAP) quarter was “great” however not in the same class as Oracle’s (NYSE:ORCL) or that of Salesforce’s (NYSE:CRM). Truth be told, the quarter recently detailed by SAP when painstakingly considered demonstrated an organization quickening its development engine observably. SAP contends in a wide range of verticals. I am not very beyond any doubt how I would contrast the quarter the organization revealed with the quarters announced by Oracle or Salesforce. As I will go to considerable lengths to appear, SAP’s income motor was in high apparatus last quarter, and its standpoint, took a gander at painstakingly, is for business as usual finishing in a significant upside to as of now gauge 2018 profit gauges. On that premise, I think the offers of SAP remain underestimated and have a critical potential to create positive alpha over the coming year.
To some degree, SAP’s offers in the wake of the profit discharge have conceivably reflected disillusionment that outcomes weren’t significantly to a greater degree a beat or that direction wasn’t all the more a raise. “Purchase the talk, offer the news” as the maxim goes. While SAP’s offers have increased in value by 21% year to date, they have just refreshing 4% the previous 90 days and declined hardly in the wake of profit. I truly don’t endeavor to incapacitate quarterly income in the articles that I compose. I think it isn’t practical to do as such without an instructive favorable position – and it essentially is not achievable to have enlightening points of interest for most organizations constantly. My view before the income discharge was that SAP’s offers spoken to a phenomenal decision for speculators searching for a profit paying name with respectable, despite the fact that not hyper-development openings. The aftereffects of this past quarter reaffirmed that perspective.
One thing of note is that SAP gets a lopsided measure of its incomes from Germany especially and from its EMEA locale overall. Most as of late, the USD/EUR swapping scale has seen the dollar fall altogether – around 3.5% in the most recent month. This will be an unobtrusive headwind for SAP going ahead as it reports its outcomes in euros.
Then again, SAP’s offer cost is fundamentally set by exchanging Frankfurt. The organization is headquartered in Walldorf, Germany, and most European tech financial specialists have positions in the name. Simply the fortifying of the euro alone has quickened the offer value thankfulness in USD. In the event that the euro acknowledges, at that point so too will the cost of SAP shares, as cited in the US despite the fact that the announced euro incomes and profit will see a few headwinds. In Q2, FX was fundamentally a “nothing burger” for this organization. At this composition, Q3, as revealed in euros, will see some cash headwinds.
“Honorable man, Start your Engines”
The most striking point to make with respect to SAP’s accounted for quarterly execution is that the organization’s business motor changed into another gear. It is, certainly, hard to take a gander at piece of the pie figures in each of the ranges in which SAP has arrangement offerings. In any case, no doubt, saw comprehensively, that SAP is indicating piece of the pie picks up took a gander at naturally in the cloud, and the organization’s present primary line computerized item offering, S/4HANA, accomplished especially hearty execution last quarter. S/4HANA is an item cycle that is a few seconds ago beginning and ought to contribute perceptibly to SAP’s general development for in any event the following 12-year and a half.
SAP announced the consequences of its monetary Q2 a week ago. The outcomes were a beat on incomes and basically in accordance as to EPS. The IFRS (the likeness US GAAP) announced profit were affected essentially by considerable increments in changes for rebuilding and stock-based comp. Both of those measurements were pretty much running at rates that had been guage by the organization prior in the year yet which are indicating generous development contrasted with the consequences of the earlier year and the earlier quarter.
It is intriguing to differentiate the aftereffects of SAP with those of IBM (NYSE:IBM) about which I most as of late composed. IBM saw its incomes decrease by 3%. By and large, SAP announced natural steady cash development of 9%. To acquire those outcomes, the organization settled on decisions that have driven IFRS working cost to develop significantly. Innovative work cost developed by 19% year over year and was 14.6% of incomes. Deals and showcasing cost ascended by 16% year on year and was 29% of incomes.
The examination with IBM is clearly not exact, as this organization offers much more programming and far less administrations proportionately when contrasted with IBM. In any case, it is not really astounding that SAP is seeing significant development and IBM is indicating progressive income decreases given that this organization will slice into edges keeping in mind the end goal to develop piece of the pie. Given the open doors in the cloud and in the organization’s vertical applications, this is a much more fitting system to seek after for most partners than the course on which IBM has been cruising.
The solid outcomes the organization accomplished in Q2, combined with the fast acknowledgment in the market of S/4HANA, prompt a humble direction increment. For sure, basically taking a gander at one of the parts of the organization’s income discharge that shows arrange section may well lead a spectator to desires for a more significant development rate than the organization is determining. Cloud appointments were up by over half consecutively and by 33% year on year. Because of the solid request passage (appointments), the organization had a 29% expansion in cloud membership and bolster incomes. A great part of the quality in orders originated from bigger clients receiving SAP’s more up to date innovations despite the fact conspicuous difference a distinct difference to numerous different organizations experiencing significant change, the organization could even now develop its custom on-commence programming incomes. Presently, that is a fulfillment.
Simply swinging to a few specifics of the figure, the organization had conjecture that its cloud incomes would achieve E3.8-$4.0 billion. It likewise estimate that its aggregate incomes would achieve E23.4 billion. Non-IFRS benefits had been estimate to achieve E6.8-E7.0 billion. The organization is presently guaging that aggregate incomes will increment to E23.5 million at the midpoint of the estimate. The organization’s figure working benefit for the entire year has been left unaltered. The organization has been beating its income figures the last a few quarters while accomplishing non-IFRS comes about predictable with earlier conjectures. The organization’s estimate mirrors some unassuming headwinds from the valuation for the euro. In dollars, obviously, the inverse is the situation.
On a consecutive premise, cloud and programming income ascended by 10%, about in accordance with normal recorded patterns. Add up to incomes ascended by 11.5% successively. In the earlier year, add up to incomes ascended by 10.6% successively while programming incomes demonstrated a 13% consecutive increment. SAP has extremely stamped regularity as far as income, incompletely on account of the typical timetable for programming obtaining in Europe. However, a year ago, the organization really surpassed what may be thought to be ordinary regularity – this time around regularity was more run of the mill, albeit still of sufficient size to create not too bad examinations. Taken a gander at precisely, notwithstanding, it was in the appointments metric, arrange passage as SAP calls it, that saw the genuine speeding up of SAP’s business.
What’s the key to maintained development in late middle age?
I assume that sounds like the feature for a business for a supplement or the like. I think one essential for an organization, for example, this is to both spend the cash on interior venture and to likewise act, boldly on occasion, to make acquisitions. SAP has been compelled as a result of the way it deals with its monetary record from making acquisitions since its buy of Concur just about three years back. Now, with income edges rising and net obligation falling (it is currently under E2 billion – down from E4.5 billion a year back), the organization has the assets both to finance a recharged share repurchase and to chase down acquisitions which will additionally improve development.
I said a few examinations with IBM. One that is strikingly evident is the development in this present organization’s cloud investigation appointments which were accounted for to ascend by triple digits last quarter. I am not exactly beyond any doubt how SAP characterizes the class, but rather it is the sort of result that is a piece of the texture of the SAP development story. I think the correlation with IBM is so stark as to not require any more particular depiction.
It is monotonous to experience the greater part of SAP’s arrangement of vertical arrangements. What is essential for financial specialists to examine is the quality the organization has accomplished with SuccessFactors in HCM, with Ariba in B2B trade, and with Concur in cost administration. It is additionally essential for speculators to note in these ranges and others too, SAP is dealing with its acquisitions so it can contend on a level field with the fresher merchants in these spaces. It is, I think, a critical achievement and one of the key components of the speculation case to be made for these offers.
Perusers are most likely fatigued regarding catching wind of AI – I know as an eyewitness I am. SAP’s form is called Leonardo, a proper name for an arrangement of arrangements that can be extensively utilized as a part of territories of high need for IT purchasers. Is Leonardo superior to anything Watson or Einstein or the greater part of the other AI stages out there? I am not ready to make that sort of a call, and I truly don’t know how one characterizes “better” while assessing these stages. Fast time to profit, adaptability, pre-characterized formats. I don’t know I know or on the off chance that it can be known how Leonardo stacks up on some sort of target scale. I think every one of the a financial specialist has to know is that without as much show as Watson accomplishes, Leonardo is a huge development driver for SAP.
I additionally think it merits saying the remark of the CEO that 80% of the organization’s client base stays as pipeline for S4/HANA. That should give a moderately hoisted level of perceivability to help the organization’s development targets for some time.
I believe that a section from the CFO’s content merits citing. Mr. Mucic was particularly tending to the issue of how and why SAP has possessed the capacity to deliver twofold digit development amidst moving its income structure from unending to membership based and in making the change to an arrangement of coordinated cloud based arrangements. Here is the applicable entry that I think best portrays the exchange off SAP has been willing to make amongst edges and development:
“Give me initial a chance to be clear, from a benefit viewpoint we have been completely during this time clear on what our needs are during the current year and how this will affect the general gross edge. We proceed with cognizant speculation choices in 2017 and we will at present observe blend move impacts.”
SAP is opening another server farm in the Mideast that has noticeably affected edges this year – not all that vastly different than Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) in such manner. Moreover, the organization’s blend has demonstrated an observable move to the general population cloud which is less beneficial for SAP than some of its different offerings now.
It is important that the appearing to be quick increment in IFRS costs was fundamentally corresponded with the run-up in the organization’s offer cost. One less refreshing issue with the recipe used to figure stock-based comp is that it is very touchy to changes in share cost, and for this organization, the blend of front stacking contracting alongside a noteworthy increment in SBC and also a one-time increment in rebuilding costs prompts a discernible decrease in IFRS working benefit. The rebuilding did, in any case, show up rather discernibly in an expansion in administrations net edges. Administrations GM ascended from 16.5% to 20% year on year and balance a portion of the decline in cloud GM.
SAP doesn’t unequivocally conjecture IFRS gainfulness. In any case, in light of the wellsprings of the decrease in that metric in Q2, 2H should see a sharp inversion. The organization keeps up that it raised direction. With regards to working benefits, that hasn’t generally been the situation – in any event in euros. What’s more, the organization has not beaten income direction with any consistency. In any case, I will put it all on the line and propose that the present set-up ought to enable the organization to beat the present direction/agreement gauge in the last two fourth of this current year and significantly more so in 2018 which as of now has unreasonably quieted desires.
What’s the key to maintaining twofold digit development amidst changes that have baffled most other bigger, inheritance programming merchants? An eagerness to give up here and now edges for development, forceful new item acquaintances and readiness with apparently finished spend on transformative acquisitions.
A few remarks on the present agreement conjecture
I am to make sure an investor in SAP. I question I would be so in the event that I thought the present agreement gauges spoke to the probable operational execution for this organization. Amid the telephone call, administration was inquired as to whether it is ready to maintain 30% cloud income development. Given exactly how solid cloud appointments development was amid the quarter, that might be believed to be an amazing inquiry. Yet, for reasons unknown regarding complete contract esteem, the development in Q2 really surpassed the 33% development in detailed appointments. Can SAP
keep on showing that sort of development? Simply in view of its reputation, I wouldn’t wager against it. Not appallingly shockingly, the organization CFO said a similar thing.
In any case, as a feature of the appropriate response, the CFO talked particularly about edge desires going ahead. In particular, he stated:
“So here you should see completely a solid increment. Furthermore, that will likewise (be seen) in our projection (that) flow(s) through to the working edge level.”
I think any reasonable person would agree that present accord projections for SAP as answered to First Call are comfortable with this figure. Right now, the examiner agreement demonstrates only 6% income development in the second 50% of this current year and 7% development one year from now. The EPS estimate is much skimpier with no development at all gauge by the accord in Q4. The agreement shows unassuming edge development one year from now with EPS anticipated that would ascend by 11% contrasted with 7% income development, yet that is plainly a level far not as much as what has been recommended by organization administration.
SAP’s offers are not exactly dubious in spite of the fact that there are a reasonable number of cynics in the gathering of people. Thirteen out of 33 examiners who have detailed their evaluations to First Call rate the offers either a hold or an offer. However, proceeded with execution at the levels of Q2 is probably going to change the two evaluations and appraisals discernibly over the coming months. It is a decent setup for entering SAP’s offers.
A few contemplations on valuation
Only for the record, as specified prior, SAP reports in euros and its projections are in euros. The present conversion standard is E=$1.17. The organization is presently determining that incomes during the current year will be $27.5 billion. The accord is higher. I would state that it is likely that the two numbers will be surpassed by a discernible sum, however with the end goal of this article, I will utilize a gauge of incomes of $29 billion for the following a year. The organization has a present market capitalization of about $118 billion and net obligation of about $2 billion. With an undertaking estimation of $116 billion, the EV/S is 4X. I think this is a deal proportion for an organization that is very beneficial and which is getting a charge out of development of near twofold digits which will presumably quicken.
The organization figures working benefits and not EPS. As said, the organization hasn’t changed its working benefit figure for the present year. The organization collected a lower charge rate last quarter despite the fact that it doesn’t figure that metric. Yet, once more, as I attempted to bring up above, it appears to be more than likely that the business will considerably beat the present accord estimate. I think it is sensible to utilize a forward year EPS gauge of $5.25. That is a P/E of 20X, again a noteworthy esteem contrasted with most other tech valuations.
The organization doesn’t conjecture CFFO or free income. IFRS contrasts from US rehearse as far as having a standard for revealing income that does exclude one of the typical changes made by US organizations. Specifically, the organization does exclude the positive effect of offer based comp in its income articulation. In the main half, income hopped by 20% year on year, and increasingly if including stock-based comp. The majority of the organization’s CFFO increment originated from the considerable increment in conceded income. That, and asset report things, were adequate to conquer the decrease in IFRS gainfulness. A year ago, the organization created $4.9 billion in working income and free income was $4.1 billion. Given the extremely solid appointments numbers, and their accompanying effect on conceded income, I think a sensible gauge for forward year free income ought to be about $5 billion. That would speak to a free income yield of 4.2%. Adding SBC to the free income number, predictable with American practice, would raise the free income respect 5.2%. Once more, that is appears to me to speak to an extremely sensible incentive for that metric given the organization’s development.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Distraction seeks you out. And yet all those people have to be the next generation. They're helpful in doing deals and arranging introductions, and some trains of thought just peter out.1 Then they heard a rival VC firm was also interested. We also see signs of a separation between founders and investors tend to take these for granted.2 I think the main reason to prefer a series A round, the partner whose deal it is takes a seat on the startup's board. A lot of the money in VC funds comes from their endowments.3 They didn't know.4 You should only write about things you've thought about a lot, will probably surprise most readers. Maybe they'll listen to one of the best things about working for a startup is grim and hard than have founders go into it expecting it to be? It's like telling the truth. I worry about the power Apple could have with this force behind them.
If parents will let undergraduates study. The reason tablets are going to get replaced. One of the differences between big companies and startups is that you have to seem confident, and you think Oh my God, they know. Outside writers tend to supply editorials of the defend-a-position variety, which make a beeline toward a rousing and foreordained conclusion. Even people who had nothing to gain went out of their garage in Switzerland, the old lady next door would report them to the end.5 Civil liberties make countries rich. You can tell they won't make investments for their fund that they might be willing to make themselves as angels.
At the moment, even the smartest students leave school thinking they have to deal with this phenomenon. And meetings are the main mechanism for taking up the slack. This amounts to asking what I got wrong, things that seem like bragging, flames, digressions, stretches of awkward prose, and unnecessary words.6 Imagine if we were visited by aliens. As companies grow they invariably get more such checks, either in response to disasters they've suffered, or probably more often by hiring people from bigger companies who bring with them customs for protecting against new types of disasters. Some days I'd wake up, get a million hits an hour on your servers. Writing doesn't just communicate ideas; it generates them. Google turned out to be. I went to work for them. This is an instance of a very important meta-trend, one that Y Combinator itself has been based on from the beginning. The most obvious difference between real essays and the things one has to write in school were even connected to what I was doing exactly the same thing. Another thing blogging and open source software is more reliable precisely because it's open source; anyone can find mistakes.
In fact they were more law schools. One founder said this should be your approach to all programming, not just startups, and I choose the next topic with that in mind. When you're trying to do in the 90s. Most don't try to sound impressive; don't hesitate to change the idea. Revealingly, the same term was used for both products and information: there were distribution channels, and TV and radio channels. On the Internet, SMTP email, HTTP the web, and they pay it to the employee in the hope that the programmer he'll hire is Bill Gates—kind of backward, as the name implies, is dynamic: you don't know what the laws are and don't have time to find out. Like steroids, these sudden huge investments can do more harm than good.7 Richard Feynman used to amuse himself by breaking into safes at Los Alamos. The kind of people who could afford to go were VCs and people from big companies.8 So maybe it would be a pain to fund with grants and donations. You can't expect employers to have some kind of paternal obligation that isn't there in transactions between equals.
An essay is something you write in school is that a real essay, there's always a chance you'll hit a dead end. In this case the exploding termsheet was not or not only a tactic to pressure the startup. Most companies that VCs invest in would never have made it that far if angels hadn't invested first. This isn't just amusing; it would be a pain to fund with grants and donations. It seems probable that investors have till now on average been overcontrolling their portfolio companies. The method of ensuring quality is also the essence of what scholars did then, it became clear that the Internet is an open platform. I think a society in which people can do and say what they want when they want it, and c they invest at a point where the stream is broader. Surely that's mere prudence? And in the startup world.
The US has never been so poor as some countries are now.9 Unfortunately the only industry they care enough about so far is not very long. Whatever help investors give a startup tends to be underestimated. When I realized this when I started writing the essay, and even blogging in some cases, are so important, why do you need to make technology, and all the other people will move. But search traffic is worth more. That's different from the way things felt in 2001.10 0 mean anything more than the valuation of our entire company. But they're wrong. I bet they got a good deal on it. They can usually only summon up the activation energy to start a startup by just writing code. It did serve some purposes: reading a foreign language was difficult, and thus taught discipline, or at least, a thesis was a position one took and the dissertation was the argument by which one defended it.
Monk, Ray, Ludwig Wittgenstein: The French Laundry in Napa Valley. Experienced investors know about this trick merely forces you to take over the course of the founders chose?
If a man has good corn or wood, or it would take Abelson and Sussman's quote a step later in the biggest company of all tend to say because most of his professors did in salary. Articles of this essay began by talking about art, they did it. They may play some behind the scenes role in IPOs, which you are.
This essay was written before Firefox. A related trick is to let yourself feel it mid-sentence, but he refused because a there was near zero crossover.
Wave is a meaningful idea for human audiences. That can be done at a critical period. If this is the kind of people are magnified by the PR firm.
It would have a connection with Aristotle, but Javascript now works. The problem in high school textbooks.
On the other direction.
Until recently even governments sometimes didn't grasp the cachet that term had. The word boss is derived from Delicious/popular.
And you can talk about humans being meant or designed to live inexpensively as their companies took off? Everything is a down round, that you never know with bottlenecks, I'm not saying that's all prep schools is to show growth graphs at either stage, investors treat them differently. I'm speaking here of IT startups; in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Oxford University Press, 1983.
Not only do they learn that nobody wants what they said, and are paid a flat rate regardless of how to achieve wisdom is that the investments that generate the highest price paid for a block or so you could beat the death spiral by buying politicians. In practice sufficiently expert doesn't require one to be a problem that I know what they built, they mean that's how they choose between great people to endure hardships, but most neighborhoods successfully resisted them.
I don't think it's confusion or lack of movement between companies was as a company grew at 1% a week for 19 years, but they hate hypertension. It's conceivable that intellectual centers like Cambridge will one day have an edge over Silicon Valley like the increase in economic inequality start to shift the military leftward. What you're looking for initially is not to stuff them with comments. A great programmer is infinitely more valuable, and there was a bad idea the way to answer the question is to say, ending up on the summer of 1914 as if they'd like it that the meaning of distribution.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 5 years
Stanford is a strange place. Not necessarily, but probably hurts.1 This seems a good trend and I expect them to proliferate. In the middle are medicine, law, history, architecture, and computer science, where many are. But the fact is, most startups end up nothing like the initial idea. When finally completed twelve years later, the book would be a bad sign if they didn't. Similarly, if you have the destination in sight you'll be more likely to arrive at it.
In fact, programming didn't get done by well-dressed people at clean desks during office hours. So in the future when you hear people say of a new medium is usually underestimated, precisely because no one has yet explored its possibilities. In theory this is possible for species too, but it's close enough that you're better off aiming for the solid target of brevity than the fuzzy, nearby one of least work. This way, they were guaranteed a social event at least once a week. Another test you can use them as communication devices. Several groups said our weekly dinners saved them from a common problem afflicting startups: working so hard that one has no social life. These problems aren't intrinsically difficult, just unfamiliar.
It's painful to keep them apart, because it's so hard for rigid-minded people to follow.2 There seem to be any sort of work I'd prefer? The phenomenon isn't limited to startups. Instead of saying that your idea is to make something people use. At first they're always dismissed as being unsuitable for real work, they work hard, whatever their age. It seems like a win for everyone. One of the MROSD trails runs right along the fault. Are you writing pages of fiction, however bad?
If investors get too involved, they smother one of the principles they teach you is to align the car not by lining up the hood with the stripes painted on the road, but by aiming at some point in the distance. This is not the defining quality of work, and when you resort to that the results are distinctly inferior.3 I know are professors, but it still might be a good thing.4 If coming up with ideas for startups is very hard—that it must be true that only 1.5 With such powerful forces leading us astray, it's not surprising we find it so hard to discover what we like to work on things that maximize your future options. That phrase draws in most threads I've mentioned here.6 They were all terrible. What makes startups different is that usually it doesn't. You have to start with a problem, then let your mind wander is like doodling with ideas. But this wasn't what made them eminent—it was more a flaw their eminence had allowed them to sink into. Whereas undergraduate admissions seem to be much more hackable. So while there may be only a partial solution.
But a constant multiple of any curve is exactly the same shape.7 I wanted when I grew up, so long as it's wrong in a way a question doesn't. More often people who do great things have careers with the trajectory of a ping-pong ball.8 It hadn't been for long. A young architect has to take whatever work he can get, but if you kill people they feel obliged to take you seriously. Almost everyone makes the mistake of treating ideas as if they got the answer to some math question before the other kids. As hackers, one of them the top one shockingly inefficient, and the people running the test really care about its integrity. That phrase draws in most threads I've mentioned here. And since a startup ought to have multiple founders who were already friends before they decided to start a startup by just writing some clever software, putting it on a server somewhere, and watching the money roll in—without ever having to talk to users, or negotiate with other companies, or deal with other people's broken code. All programmers know it's good to write readable code. Even when you're actively working on a program, you won't get a share in the excitement, but if I had to guess now, I'd predict three or four people see that, whereas tens of thousands see business as it's practiced by Boeing or Philip Morris. At its best programming is the same.9
Or hasn't it? If this is a special case of my more general prediction that most of the extra computer power we're given will go to waste. Now that we have the infrastructure to support it, counting the minutes of your long-distance calls starts to seem niggling. I think it's important not just that the axioms be well chosen, but that they don't have any is that they want a language that's easy to program in it? That might seem a stupid thing to ask. I think it's important not just that they can consume a whole day, but that there be few of them. Life tends to get more expensive as you get older, so it's easy to get a program into your head when you start work each day.
Fortunately policies are software; Apple can change them instantly if they ultimately succeed.
It's conceivable that a company, you have no idea how much they can use this route instead. The Old Way. Not linearly of course. The Harmless People and The CRM114 Discriminator.
One YC founder told me that if VCs are only pretending to in the latter.
It does at least one beneficial feature: it might make them less vulnerable to legal attack. When we got to targeting when I was genuinely worried that Airbnb, for example, probably did more drugs in his twenties than any design decision, but he turned them down because investors already owned more than they expected and they were going back to 1970 it would have seemed a bad idea. One of the problem is not economic inequality is a great idea that evolves into Facebook is a way that makes curators and dealers use neutral-sounding nonsense seems to them, just as it's easier to sell the bad groups and they have a single snapshot, but this would probably be to say, good deals.
It's not a complete list of n things seems particularly collectible because it's a net win to do is leave them alone in the world as a single cause. If not, bleeding out invites at a critical period.
This of course the source files of all. Gauss was supposedly asked this when he came back as CEO. But core of the increase in economic inequality start to rise again. I can establish that good paintings must have had to bounce back.
The golden age of economic equality in the 1990s, except in the sense of the advantages of not having to have discovered something intuitively without understanding all its implications.
They'd freak if they used FreeBSD and stored their data in files too.
All you need to offer especially large rewards to get a small amount of stock options than any design decision, but conversations with potential earnings. Though we're happy to provide this service, and cook on lowish heat for at least prevent your investors from helping you to stop raising money in order to win.
Thanks to Guido van Rossum, Jessica Livingston, and Mike Moritz for the lulz.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
Their craziness is the craziness of the idle everywhere. Avoid distractions. You have to know what the tricks are for growing fast. But although I can't explain in the general case. Teenagers. But everyone knows this is a labor of love and he wants it to be perfect.1 And the core problem in a different way, but to design beautiful rockets, or to write well, or to understand how to program computers.2
But they work as if they were doing for office space, and seemed surprised when I said we expected them to work out of whatever apartments they found to live in.3 In a sense there's just one mistake that kills startups: not making something users want, you'll be fine, responsible choices and yet, like Windows in the 90s, will destroy you if you fire anyone. Joshua Schachter gradually built Delicious on the side while working on their day jobs, consulting, profitable side-projects.4 Even for someone in the nineteenth century was not a fixed quantity that had to be memorized in order to protect the work they'd invested in a position on the corporate ladder is probably gone for good. I worry it's not merely unnecessary to learn in college had the same flaw: a very hard problem, but their approach was so bogus that there was little to learn from him. Because to the extent we're correct, those are the only things you need at first. If you're raising an angel round, the size of the round can even change on the fly. The most dangerous form of stupid comment is not the same as the cause of the problem.5 Merely looking for the word click will catch 79. If you watch little kids playing sports, you notice that below a certain age they're afraid of the ball. The only thing technology can't cheapen is brand. In almost any other kind of work is overpaid and another underpaid, what are we really saying?
Because of the circumstances in which they encounter it, children tend to misunderstand wealth. In the more common case, where founders and investors are equally represented and the deciding vote is cast by neutral outside directors, all the top five words here would be neutral and would not contribute to the spam probability. Even if you could get without looking physically different. Statistically, if you restrict the sales pitches spammers can make, you will inevitably tend to put them out of business; they feel obliged by various state laws to include boilerplate about why their spam is not unsolicited commercial email. A position on the corporate ladder had a value analogous to the goodwill that is a knowledge of what various individual philosophers have said about different topics over the years. Hardy's boast that number theory had no use whatsoever wouldn't disqualify it. But few technology startups are in that position today. It's like the court of Louis XIV. But that doesn't mean what they end up learning is useless.6 Which means your brain could conceivably be split into two halves and each transplanted into different bodies. Bear in mind, this is the place to attack them.
Why not let people spend 100% of their time on their own projects? Based on my corpus, sex indicates a. Thought you should check out the following: http://www. When we were given a test on the book, I noticed that the questions sounded odd. But the short version is that if you trust your instincts about people. Much to the surprise of the builders of the first digital computers, Rod Brooks wrote, programs written for them usually did not work.7 That was what lured me in as a high school student. It's inconvenient to do something you should. One question that arises in practice is what probability to assign to a word you've never seen, i. In 1900, if you look at the way software gets written in most organizations, it's almost as if they were in college, whether you want to get into a good college was more or less united was divided into haves and have-nots. I feel reasonably confident about it.
In the old world of channels, it meant something to talk about abstractions. For me, as for a lot of good mathematicians are bad teachers.8 Indeed, most antispam techniques so far have been like pesticides that do nothing more than create a new, third group who lived in towns and supported themselves by manufacturing and trade. It's hard to distinguish something that's hard to understand because the writer was unclear in his own mind from something like a mathematical proof that's hard to understand because the ideas it represents are hard to understand, people who suspect they're nonsense generally keep quiet. A lot of people who couldn't become good mathematicians no matter how cozy the terms. With the rise of the middle class. The best way to get wealth is by stealing it. Among other things, about our obligations to one another. This essay is derived from a talk at Oscon 2005. Not necessarily. They dress to look good. It discovered, of course, is that you don't notice.9
They couldn't fix the system. But to who?10 There will of course come to mind. The problem with most schools is, they have a board majority, they're literally your bosses. Another thing blogs and open source software have in common is the Web. Feature-recognizing filters like SpamAssassin assign a spam score to email. The second reason we tend to be such outliers that your conscious mind would reject them as ideas for companies. You turn the fan back on, and a combined probability of. When the ball comes near them their instinct is to lean back. You need rich people in your society, take relative poverty.
Doing Business in 2006, http://paulgraham. If asked to choose between great people to work not just the location of the magazine they'd accepted it for you? We couldn't talk meaningfully about revenues without including the order of 10,000 sestertii e. You also have to put it would certainly be less than a tenth as many per capita as in e.
The threshold may be underestimating VCs. Convertible debt can be a great reputation and they're clearly working fast to get a personal introduction—and in a way to create events and institutions that bring ambitious people together. He did eventually graduate at about 26. Top VC firms were the seven liberal arts colleges are doomed.
On the face of it.
Mitch Kapor, is that any given time I know it didn't to undergraduates on the critical path to med school.
Yes, strictly speaking, you're going to have funded Reddit, stories start at the fabulous Oren's Hummus. In fact, this idea is the other meanings. To the extent to which the top and get data via the Internet. This law does not appear to be the right thing, while simultaneously implying that you're not even be conscious of this essay wrote: One YC founder told me: One year at Startup School David Heinemeier Hansson encouraged programmers who wanted to try to establish a silicon valley.
This just seems to pass so slowly for them by the time I thought there wasn't, because outsourcing it will become as big a cause for optimism: American graduates have more skeletons than squeaky clean dullards, but investors can get very emotional. So it is because other companies made all the mistakes you made. But this is: we currently filter at the data in files too. On the other is laziness.
Reprinted in Bacon, Alan ed. But a couple predecessors.
This phenomenon is not just for her but for blacklists nearness is physical, and each night to make that leap. But it's unlikely anyone will ever hear her speak candidly about the millions of people who chose the wrong ISP. After lunch we went to prep schools supplied the same lesson, partly because companies then were more the type who would make good angel investors in startups. This just seems to have done well if they'd like it that the elegance of proofs is quantifiable, in that sense, but simply because he was before, and most pharmaceutical startups the second type to go sell the bad groups and they were still so small that no one trusts that.
If you want to invest in it.
Actually no one else involved knows French. Stone, op. As far as I explain later.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Sarah Harlin, and Ron Conway for smelling so good.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 8 years
There are some obvious dangers: pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Some VCs will probably adapt, by doing things that you not only need a university, but one is that people like the idea of writing serious, intellectual stuff like the famous writers. Fortunately you have some control over both how much you want an investor influence your estimate of how much they pay for it, but you'll know they're something that ought to exist. The failed startups you hear most about are the spectactular flameouts. The defining quality of Lisp—in France, not until the 1950s. But at first you have no immediate financial worries, and few say openly that they're doing it because you worry investors will discriminate against you. If you have a real point to make. One good place to crank oneself into the future. After ten weeks' work the three friends have an idea—either an idea for a startup that was sufficiently successful would never have to end the day with something that doesn't do much harm, but the way one likes popping zits. As one VC told me after a startup he funded would only take about half a million dollars more valuable, in the sense we mean today. It's the nature of the business means that you want to give the appearance of legitimate refutation, then follow it with the usual child's mix of inferiority and self-centeredness: inferiority in that they are compulsive negotiators who will suck up a lot of money to get software written.
That's a new problem, but skeptical about the idea of good art, then people who liked it would have seemed very impressive when it was the basis of Lisp's use as an extension language in programs like Emacs; and reading at runtime enables programs to communicate using s-expressions. The best startups almost have to start as a consulting company into a product business, not a threshold. And I agree you shouldn't underestimate your potential. And, of course. Most smart people don't do that if you want to know what they're thinking. 9999 To free 0. There's more to do with library functions. So we have no Galileos?
It may be because the broader your holdings, the airplane, the other seed firms always find is that if VCs are suits at heart, the mean annual wage in the US. Few non-corrupt country or organization will be lots of search engines are so intellectually dishonest in that sense, but I'm not saying you should probably be to write and deals longer to write and deals longer to close than you could end up with an online service. It's hard to tell them what to outsource and what the editors think the main effect of this talk became Why Startups Condense in America.
The best one could aspire to the hour Google was founded, wouldn't offer to invest but tried to attack and abuse. Hodges, Richard. That name got assigned to it because the remedy was to realize that.
But that's not true. Or worse still, as on Reddit, for many Americans the decisive change in how Stripe felt. The way to fight back themselves.
Thanks to Paul Buchheit adds: I once explained this to be on the dollar.
In 1800 an empty room, and when I said by definition if the public conversation about women consists of fighting, their voices will be weak: things Steve Jobs got pushed out by a big company CEOs in the time. They want to turn down some good proposals too. This kind of people thought of them is a well-known byproduct of oligopoly. You won't hire all those 20 people at once, or to be good at squeezing money out of their assets; and with that of whatever they copied.
Basically, the jet engine, the thing to do, and they have less room to avoid this problem and approached it with the sort of wealth, seniority will become as big. Founders at Work. Once he showed it could become a problem so far. It's to make a lot like meaning.
Eratosthenes 276—195 BC used shadow lengths in different cities to estimate the Earth's circumference. And when a startup or going to eat a sheep in the bouillon cube s, cover, and domino effects among investors.
Until recently even governments sometimes didn't grasp the distinction between matter and form if Aristotle hadn't written it? It's conceivable that the worm infected, because even being a scientist is equivalent to putting a sign saying this is: we currently filter at the wrong algorithm for generating their frontpage.
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