#it is very much in third place on that 'active development' list
thirteenemeraldcats · 6 months
Care to share with us what your no-longer-shortish wip is about???? 👀
So I mentioned in this post that I had a short-ish WIP in my 'active development' pile that's angsty, Jamie-centric, and involves a cat. It's set in the nebulous time between Jamie rejoining the team at the end of 2x02 'Lavender' and the Dubai Air protest in 2x03 'Do the Right-est Thing', so Jamie's very much on the outside looking in.
Originally, it was only focused on Jamie having crushing feelings of social isolation, itchy feelings of touch starvation, and a cat. Now it's merged with another WIP from the 'extended mountainous pile' and given Jamie crushing feelings of social isolation, itchy feelings of touch starvation, a poor sense of self worth, terrible self-preservation instincts. And appendicitis. And a cat. (And Dani!)
(Even more characters just keep showing up too. I didn't invite them. They're just. Here.)
So now I'm smashing two different outlines together with all the single-minded enthusiasm of child convinced they've got the right jigsaw pieces. (They do not.) And while this isn't going to be long, it is no longer the short-ish length that I LITERALLY BEGGED IT TO STAY AT.
I LOVE the angst potential of the early-season-2-time-period and I would be remiss to not shout out our beloved @jamietarttsnorthernattitude who already covered it beautifully in 'i'm lost, but i'm hopeful, baby' and is DOING IT AGAIN RIGHT NOW!! (I'm very very excited 🥳)
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fufuheheii · 2 years
Cyno’s Ultimate Guide to Wooing You (tips from Tighnari)
Edit: Cyno x female!reader
You and Cyno have been friends for a very long time.
That’s why the boy never expected that he would develop feelings out of nowhere, especially not right when you smash an  Ajilenakh nut with his pole arm in anger.
He could have sworn his heart went doki doki along with the broken nut.
“You have got to be kidding me,” was all Tighnari could say when Cyno approached him on the very same day with the biggest blush ever.
“She was glowing Tighnari,” Cyno furrowed his eyebrows as he looked off into the distance. “The Love Archon have placed a curse on me-“ “there is no love archon you lummox.”
After a long ass debate and Cyno listing down pros and cons of liking you, the fennec boy decided this topic went on long enough and decided to just throw some suggestions.
“Why not just ask her out on a date? Woo her with something. If I recall, Y/N said she liked charcoal cake.”
And that’s how The Guide to Wooing You (Ft. Tighnari) book was created.
First Operation: date
Now, you and Cyno have been friends for a very long time, meaning you’ve done much activities together.
When Cyno asked you out, you took it as an average hangout and the day turned into a whole TCG war. 
Cyno has no idea how you guys ended up in Port Ormos, both of your decks out with his strongest cards in his hand. People surround you two, all in awe at the amazing strategic display in front of them. No, to say he is confused is an understatement.
“Wait Y/N-“ “No I’m not falling for that again Cyno.” “No, we weren't supposed to be playing.” “Wow I can’t believe you just threw that card out, how am I supposed to win that?” “Wait that was unintentional-“
He never got to confess. But at least he won the game.
Second Operation: food
On the day he was free he barged into the Sumeru tavern, causing a few scholar to run out screaming as he approached the counter with menacing aura. 
“One charcoal cake. Do you have a pink ribbon? Wrap it with a pink ribbon. Maybe add a heart on the cake if possible. Write the name ‘Y/N’ on it. I expect no word comes out about me here.”
When you see it, you roar with laughter. “Bruh, this is the funniest thing you pulled so far!”
Tighnari gets no sleep that night as Cyno comes into his room and murmurs by himself in the corner, confused as to what exactly is he doing wrong.
Third Operation: physical contact
Cyno wipes his hand on his shorts for the 15th time as he awaits for you at Gandarvha Ville. Today was the day of his next operation: hand holding.
Cyno wasn’t the type to force any physical contact, unless it’s to punish all evil wrongdoing. But today he was going to go the opposite way. 
He will brush his hand against yours, and if you don’t move away he will then proceed to look into your eyes as a sign of love affirmation. You will be struck by his determination and then he will move to intertwine his fingers with yours. And then he will confess. 
“Hey Cyno! You’re here early,” you appear in your goddess glory, your smile so dazzling the Mahamatra has to block it out with his hand. 
“What a sight to behold.” “Did you say something?”
When you two walked together, people were clearing the path. You figured it was because of Cyno’s title, but in reality it was because of his red shot eyes that was glaring at your hand. 
Above you both is Tighnari using his binoculars to watch you both. He mutters curses specially at the Matra, and Cyno could’ve sworn he felt chills go down his spine for no reason. 
Do it now you imbecile! Touch her hand! What in the archons are you doing? 
Cyno’s heart was thumping so fast he thought you could hear it. He swallowed as he stared at your hand, the delicate fingers that was tempting him to lic-hold it. 
“Cyno?” He snapped his attention to your worried face. He inhaled when you step so close to him that your faces were mere inches away. 
Tighnari gasped. Are you guys kissing? Why the hell are you guys kissing first?
“Are you okay? You look really stressed,” Your eyebrows furrow together, your cheeks pouting out so slightly. 
Your magnificent breath tickled his face, your doe eyes peering into his wide dilated ones. He could smell the faint chicken wings you ate earlier on your body. He could see your collar bones just saying hello to him. Your hair tickle his face as well as his bangs to yours. He looks back up to your eyes and he finally utters his response.
“Stressed? More like I’m a damsel in distress.”
Tighnari to this day doesn’t know how that was a joke to Cyno.
Operation four: Just confess
“Now we all know you have this natural instinct of throwing in a stupid joke out of nowhere,” Tighnari covers Cyno’s mouth before he could retort. “Now imagine I am Y/N. Show me how you’re going to confess to me.”
“No what the f-” “Do you really want to ruin the biggest operation with another joke?” “…”
Cyno sighs and the two boys sit facing each other. Tighnari crosses his arms and mimics your voice in a ridiculously high tone, “Hey Cyno! What’s up?” 
“Hey Y/N, um…there’s something I’ve always wanted to tell you,” Cyno inhales, trying to pretend the boy in front of him was his favorite girl. He smiles when his decent looking friend’s face morphs into your beautiful features. “We’ve been friends for so long and I know it’s definitely hard to believe but…I really like you. To me, you’re the most beautiful star in the desert night, the star that guides me to my destination. Will you be mine?”
“Wow Cyno I’m so happy!” Tighnari sings happily with a horrifying giggle. “See, that wasn’t so bad-”
 A big thud silences them all.
The two boys slowly look to the side in horror as both you and Collei stand at the doorway stunned. Collie’s basket is on the floor, and an apple rolls to Cynos’ foot. 
“I always knew master and Cyno had something!” Collei runs out the door, covering her face in glee as her OTP has finally come true.
Cyno’s face pales as you blink at him and then at Tighnari and then back to him. Then you turn away quickly before they can hear you snort with laughter. 
General Mahamatra and General Watchleader weren’t seen for a few days, but there were rumors circulating that the WatchLeader was trying to kill the Mahamatra. 
Final operation: Cyno
“Just be yourself Cyno,” Tigh’s words repeat in the boy’s mind. “What do you think will get your feelings across as Cyno? Think about it, and then face Y/N when you’re ready.”
Truth to be told, Cyno has never been open about his own feelings to anyone before. Sure, he told his best (and only) friend that he likes you, sure he beat up sinners to express his irritation of them forcing him out into the desert for three days just to bring them back, but it’s different with you. 
He enjoyed all the times he’s had with you, all the moments where you and him argued about who won, the moments where you fed him food when he was loaded with work, the moments when you smiled at him when he would come to see you...he treasured every single second.
He was scared that if you did not return his feelings, your friendship would be broken. You meant that much to him.
But he knew if this one-sided feeling went on much longer he will go crazy and full of hope. He can decide how to proceed with his feelings once he gets an answer from you.
You finally appear. You look around the rather grassy area, before looking up at the night sky full of stars.
Cyno watches with adoration as your eyes light up at the sky. It must be the same look he has when he’s with you. 
He silently approaches you with a familiar book in his hand, and you finally see him.
He hands you the book and you blink at it curiously before you open the book and read the contents.
He slowly smiles as a blush spread across your cheeks as you read over each operation listed down and the attempts the poor boy made to gain your affection.
“How did I miss all this?” You whisper, bringing the back of your hand to your face as your ears burn. “Cyno I...”
He places a hand on your arm and comes forward. His eyes are so full of desperation you can already hear what’s he going to say. 
“I’m not supposed to be…having these feelings as a Matra. It’ll only get in the way, but...I do have feelings for you Y/N. I enjoy my time with you, I enjoy eating with you. I enjoy fighting with you. I like you. I am in love with you. Will you be the padisarah to my Duel Soul recipe?”
A few days later rumors go around that the General Mahamatra has been stalking a certain girl and the girl is a criminal waiting to be caught in the act. 
It’s only a few days later (again) that there is confirmation that the girl is actually the General Mahamatra’s beloved girlfriend.
Omg this was so bad but so funny at the same time aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Sorry if this seemed so rushed, but it came to me in the middle of the night, and I had to write it all down! Hope you guys enjoyed it! :,)
Edit: whoa thanks for the love guys! Can’t believe this got so much attention, I’m happy I managed to give some laughs!
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godslush · 8 months
Hello again! hope your well! So I think I get the premise of this but correct me if I’m wrong so In your comic sunstar doesn’t technically exist therefore if he were to develop a soul like the other stardroids it would be a whole other issue of “being that never existed develops an existence?”(or something similar? I’m not sure sorry ;-;) and figuring that whole situation out (I’m guessing the stardroids have to do that [like babysitting? Kind off??? I dunno]
And in “escape the temple” Sunstar being freed and becoming complacent with his status as a god has the stardroids(terra in particular) having to keep him out of trouble especially with the traps made for the sungod lines. It honestly makes me think of like those child leashes except Sungod size ( that made me laugh a little with sunstar just wondering off and whoever’s holding the leash getting dragged along{however unlikely that he would let himself be made to wear that I just thought it was funny}). I’ll be completely honest with you I live reading oc info pages and seeing art and stories/ storylines for them just gets me excited! I tell you I read through your entire oc list before I got to the comics cause I just love reading them helps get the brain cells moving for ideas lol. Especially cause of how interesting and well written they were! Just really gets me engaged and interested in the stories :) honestly thank you for answering my asks ;o; especially cause your not as active on here as on twitter and this is my only way of really asking ;-;. I hope you’re doing well and I hope you have a good rest of your day/night! Thank you!
Hey there! Since these are getting long and a little specific, I’ll put it behind a cut, though I may opt to shift these to private answers if they start getting too spoily or personal.
The Stardroid comic is a “years later” followup on Gigamix, so I’m somewhat beholden to what Ariga-sensei has revealed, whether it be on TwiX or in lore-dumps like the Maniax books. Thankfully, he’s also VERY much a proponent of fans coming up with their own stories and headcanons (as mentioned when asked about hairstyles; since fans will frequently take his opinions and designs over the canon ones even when he’s not working in an officially-moderated capacity, and he doesn’t want to cause a rift with Capcom’s control over their own franchise and his own chances to work with them in the future).
That said, there isn’t MUCH 'canon' information on the Gigamix Stardroids, even in Maniax, with the bulk of it being focused on Terra and Mercury... but out of my own preferences, I’d still like to keep what’s available intact, and build off that, even if I end up building a LOT. In Sunstar’s case, he’s not even a robot, just a conglomerate of destructive energy and negative emotion. So trying to work with that and give HIM closure was rough. First, he needs a body and a soul...
Once he gets those, it's a bit rough on the Stardroids, too, but at the end of the day gets resolved by them (and a critical third party) realizing that what they understood of him was incomplete, and trying to figure out how to fix that...
Escape the Old Temple, in contrast, is technically built off the games (since it’s designed to be a game, itself), but presents a branch where Sunstar didn’t actually die at the end of World 5/V, merely faking his death and then masking the presence of himself and the other Stardroids (also miraculously surviving) so that they could rebuild at the edge of the solar system without further human intervention. The only reason Rock was able to defeat him in the first place was because he had just awoken from a who-knows-how-long slumber, and was essentially still booting up. Once at full power, he’s beyond pretty much anything human technology could throw at him in their current state.
He simply steps in when a ‘relic’ of the Stardroid’s ancient past (in the form of Antares’ trap-filled temple/tomb) shows up. On one hand, if Antares is still active, it could pose a threat to Earth. On the other, if someone like Wily decides to meddle, he could gain access to technology that could negatively impact what chances Earth has at a continued ‘peaceful’ existence. Rock proved that peace was possible, and Sunstar wants to do his part; whether or not the other Stardroids agree is another issue entirely, but their own stability is also threatened by the temple’s presence, so they might as well be the first line of defense (plus, they’d know what to do with the technology they loot, unlike some wacky mad human scientist).
Sun isn’t so much running off on his own, but when the others fail to return from scouting the temple, he and Terra dispatch themselves to get them back and end the threat personally. Sun’s approach to it is just... a little more haphazard and forceful (and frustrating for Terra). It’s less of a child-leash issue... but I will be honest, the mental image of that is hilarious and pretty much on-point. It’s definitely how Terra feels at times!
And thank you so much for the kind words on the OCs-! But it... doesn’t really change my feeling on the verge of giving up (likely temporary, but no less debilitating)...
Mental Health Dump ahead, feel free to skip, but it’s the gist of things as they stand:
My biggest success with the [REDACTED] fandom pretty much set me up for unfair expectations on engagement, and ever since the thing that made me fall out of that fandom (which involved getting into official development, only to have my soul crushed and disregarded and left to rot under an NDA until it was too late to salvage my emotional state, causing me to lose many friends and all of my self-worth), I’ve suffered from intense RSD. That - plus a constant stream of working myself to burn-out for little to no engagement - has made me more or less a wreck, who can’t maintain reasonable creative function without sufficient external positive reinforcement to keep up my energy. However, because of my past expectations and relative success when it comes to OC engagement, the threshold for what’s considered ‘sufficient’ reinforcement is a lot higher than most people, and not reaching it causes me to sink lower and lower each time I ‘fail’.
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Couple that with my bad track record for being stuck in jobs I hate IRL, and you’ve got a recipe for frequent meltdowns.
I know I should be getting help/therapy for this, but attempts to do so have ranged from getting simply brushed aside put on meds that make matters worse, to literally being told by a mental health screener that there’s nothing wrong with me and that my ‘problems’ are all because I’m a woman and my hormones are making me miserable (I’m not joking).
I was able to get decent headway into the Mega Man fandom as an escape born of trying to return to my roots, but I also had, at the time, just gotten a job I actually loved, and seemed stable and fulfilling and it gave me life and energy and enough free time to actually dedicate to larger projects (like the comic).
...And then the boss of that job started loading most of his management work on me (while keeping my title as 'sales associate' so the experience wouldn't reflect for future job hunting/unemployment), before betraying me and throwing the company away to pursue gambling and crypto (presumably, due to his suspicious lack of communication when asked for details), which landed me back in Corporate Retail Hell, which is where I currently reside, living alone amidst rapidly increasing rent, utilities, and general cost of living.
I am once again reliant on engagement... engagement I’m just not getting because the Tumblr environment has changed since the [REDACTED] days to dissuade comments/replies/asks, and the TwiX environment has changed to be so painfully algorithm-dependent that I can barely get scraps.
To be honest, I’m not ‘more active’ on TwiX anymore... and if anything, I’m on my way out there, too, due to the way Stinky ruined everything and made the environment hostile and unstable. But I can’t shift my weight fully to Tumblr, either, because I don’t trust it to not eventually fall into the [REDACTED] trap of people only approaching me hoping I’ll be their friend so that they can get free art out of me (and a few people have already thrown up the red flags of that behavior, making me even more on-guard).
I also get the feeling that this is a community that prioritizes giving the time of day to people actively mingling with all the other creators; I can’t get away with what I did at the height of my drive, where I’d create characters and people would stop by and enjoy them with me. What little energy I have either goes to creating, or to maintenance, and unless I’ve got a reasonable stream of incoming energy to spend, I can’t feasibly mingle the way people seem to expect. It’s too big a space to spread myself so thin.
When I started my comic, I lived in a hole under a rock. The world I knew was small, and a small amount of engagement was enough. Then I stepped out from that safety and into the fandom and saw how large and expansive it really is, and how insignificant I am, and how effortlessly other people doing similar things to me can get all the validation in the world from 5-minute white-background line doodles of their own OCs, while I struggle to get full pieces recognized... and I’ve more or less become overwhelmed by a combination of fandom agoraphobia and personal futility.
If I can make something that looks okay in one go with minimal frustration, I might post it... but seeing how little that gets me unless it involves "popular fav" canon characters means that if I hit any snags in a larger project with original components, ANY frustration at all, I’m more likely to simply stop, out of fear that the energy spent to leap the hurdles won’t be recouped by the final product.
That's why the one Ask still sitting in the Remes box hasn't been answered; I wanted to precede answering it with a larger story (albeit an unrelated one, but I wanted to get that story into people's heads going forward), but hitting snags in that story and realizing I'd most likely post it and get 6 notes total made me just... not feel like it'd be worth it.
I thank you for your kind words, I truly do... but right now I am just one failure too far over the line to be anything more than an eyesore and a liability until I recoup...
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leqclerc · 1 year
Am I the only one who can’t see Lewis to Ferrari happening, like, at all? Hear me out...
It’s not just about the money, or the duration of the contract. Mostly, I think they clash too heavily in their respective philosophies. Lewis is a seasoned, established figure at Mercedes, and as such, he enjoys a lot of freedom regarding his commercial and personal image. He plays a role in the creative decision-making in the team. He says what he wants, he wears what he wants, he’s involved in several ventures and he generally has Mercedes’s support to do all those things. And then you have Ferrari, where The Brand always takes precedence, where maintaining a very specific kind of image is of paramount importance. Even now, when they’ve crossed the threshold and embraced 21st century internet culture and are seemingly actively committed to appealing to a younger social media audience, some things just don’t change. It’s undesirable and inconvenient for Ferrari to have a driver whose star power overshadows The Brand itself (a problem they’re arguably close to facing with Charles and his ever-growing popularity.) I mean, hell, they apparently had the power to pump the breaks on his fledgling leisurewear fashion company after he’d registered it as a business and started making and test-wearing prototype ‘fits. Allegedly because of the Ferrari x Puma sponsor deal that’s in place (I guess they let him design, or at least contribute to the design of the Monaco GP 2023 special merch line as a consolation prize but still.)
Second of all... it’s Ferrari. Contemporary Ferrari, who has endured a whole slew of disappointments and bizarre decisions and mishaps that have turned them into a meme. They seem to be unable to maintain consistency throughout a season (never mind a regulation cycle). There’s a lot of turnover at the team. There’s a lot of internal politicking, different factions pushing and pulling in different directions, often to the detriment of the racing team (something Seb himself has spoken about.) When Mercedes produces the third fastest car, they act like it’s a disaster. We’ve had Toto outright apologizing to Lewis for “what he has to drive.” You don’t get that at Ferrari: you drive the car available to you and you do so with minimal complaining. Sometimes, depending on who is in charge on the pitwall at the time (hello, Binotto 🙄) you might even get told that the car is fine, the strategy is fine, and you are probably the problem.
Ultimately it takes a lot of patience and a fair amount of brainrot to willingly subject yourself to that by getting on the Ferrari struggle bus. Charles and Seb for example always talked about how it was a childhood dream to one day make it to Ferrari. It was always a goal, the main goal, and not just a random career stepping stone. And even they often got chewed up and spit out and endured heartbreak and disappointment and betrayal. For drivers who don’t have a team bucket list... contemporary Ferrari probably isn’t worth the trouble tbh.
The latest batch of rumours that has been swirling in the midst of a slow news week suggests that Lewis would be signed to work alongside Charles, and not, as previously assumed, replace him (in what perhaps could be a direct Mercedes-Ferrari driver swap.) Even so... we’ve seen how they mismanaged Charles and Seb, and then proceeded to let Seb go arguably too early, so now we’ve got a lineup where technically nobody is an outright number one, nobody is an outright number two, and we lost a massive source of motivation, internal competition, and knowledge for Charles. Having to go through yet another cycle of “who gets to be number one” or, alternatively, boxing Lewis into a support role from day one (seeing as the latest Gazzetta article suggests Elkann still plans to build the team primarily around Charles as the lead driver), is hardly going to go down well imo.
We’ll see how this situation develops in the coming weeks/months of course, but I wouldn’t put much stock into the rumours. At best it would be a lateral step for Lewis—at worst, a downright downgrade.
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seventeenlovesthree · 2 years
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Fandom Shipping Polls - Yamato Ishida Shipping Analysis (Poll I + Poll II)
As pointed out in the main post, every single Chosen Child will get their individual analysis post to check on the status of the current popularity of their ships. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at Yamato, shall we!
The overall results / spreadsheet
Disclaimer: As the “Someone from 01/02″ and “Others” options from poll 1 and the “Someone from 01/02″ option from poll 2 have been excluded from the final analysis due to redundancy reasons and all results were culminated in another “final count”, the results will not be 1:1 to what the polls look like:
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Overall votes: 116 (approx. 91 in sum after the exclusion), the main poll got 84 votes, the secondary poll got 32 votes.
The “Others” choice in the main poll received 6% (approx. 5 votes) and 0% (0 votes) in the secondary poll. The comments/tags did not specify any preferences here (aside from characters that were already part of the main choices).
Ship Analysis
1st place: Taichi (37%) led the poll from the beginning and was, at no point in time, threatened to be surpassed by any other choice. As mentioned in Taichi’s analysis already, Taiyama/Taito has always been going strong and is a very popular choice for both parties. The ship is, not only in fandom but also in canon, a relationship that is highly focused on in terms of how they clash, but also complement, support and make each other better - which is also why there are tons of official promotional art that could have been used for the graphic! Taichi is Yamato’s (development) foil for a reason and the way their dynamics are being presented make them an appealing choice for one another.
2nd place: Similarly to Taichi, Sora (28%) has sat comfortably in second place throughout the entire voting period. Which shouldn’t be surprising either, as Sorato is one of the very few confirmed canon couples in the series to end up with each other - even if their screentime is severely surpassed by Taiyama, which may explain the discrepancy in the votes.
3rd place: Likewise, the third winner never really had to fear being overthrown; Jou’s votes (17%) picked up only slowly throughout the voting period, but seeing how Joumato has gained more attention on Twitter lately, it is no surprise to see him here - as several media forms have focused on their relationship (for example the novels, the stageplay - and of course the episode that actually activated the Crest of Friendship)
Honorary mentions: Since Yamato’s polls have not received as many votes as Taichi’s (and the results are also being very clear in terms of who gets favoured), there aren’t many other choices to really point out. No other option surpassed the 10% mark after all, but Daisuke (7%) and Jun (5%) may be singled out at this point; the Motomiya siblings have actually ruled over the secondary poll (aside from the “Someone from poll 1″ choice) after all! With only 4%, Mimi also joins the squad, even if Mimato appears to be a much more popular ship in other internet spheres (such as Instagram or Facebook).
“The 1 vote squad”: This space is reserved for Ken (1%) - and Meiko (2%), who got 2 votes.
“0 votes go to...”: This group will be interesting to look at if we take a glance at the reversed results, but let’s just list them for now: Koushiro, Hikari, Miyako, Iori and Menoa.
Annotations: Takeru was automatically excluded as a choice up front. Yamakeru does not seem to be a wide-spread choice in English speaking fandoms, even if a look at Japanese centric spaces may suggest that it’s fairly popular there.
What did the other polls say?
Yamato is one of the characters who hasn’t won any other poll - but did come in second for Taichi (21%), Sora (31%) and Jou (17%), thus mirroring his own results at least to a certain degree. This underlines once more how clear the preferences appear to be in his case. 
He also came in as third choice for Meiko (13%).
He was generally a niche choice for several characters, such as Mimi (6%), Ken (2%), Daisuke (1%) - and Hikari (4%), who shall be pointed out in particular here, as she received 0 votes in Yamato’s own poll, but actually had 4 people vote for him in her poll.
He received 0 votes in the polls for Miyako, Iori - and Koushiro, making this the first poll where neither party received a vote, thus having nobody pick Yamashiro as viable option.
Notable additions / comments / thoughts
As mentioned above, his polls did not receive as much attention as Taichi’s, thus, I really hope to reach a wider audience if I choose to repeat the polls once the fandom is not as quiet as it is right now. 
The three winning pairs have never really been threatened, thus showing that the parts of the fandom that participated in the voting can agree on who they see as viable options for Yamato - and if we look at canon evidence, Taichi, Sora and Jou are likely to provide the most consistent results.
There were some niche choices that are very interesting to look at - the Motomiya siblings really seem to have left an impact in 02. Meiko and Ken did not receive a lot of votes, but people might still think fondly of them because of their anime interactions. Last but not least, Mimi and Hikari did gather some attention for their respective fandom corners. Aside from that, Yamato’s more aloof attitude in the series (and focus on the characters mentioned above) may have make it harder to see his as viable option for other characters.
The comments in the tags have only referred to Taichi overall, so the “Others” option did not reveal any other potentially preferred suitors. This leaves room for speculation, but usually, the option is reserved for OC ships or for when people prefer to not ship a character at all (which will definitely be a future option to include as well!)
Other Analysis Posts 
Taichi Yagami Shipping Analysis
Sora Takenouchi Shipping Analysis
Koushiro Izumi Shipping Analysis
Mimi Tachikawa Shipping Analysis
Jou Kido Shipping Analysis
Takeru Takaishi Shipping Analysis
Hikari Yagami Shipping Analysis
Daisuke Motomiya Shipping Analysis
Ken Ichijouji Shipping Analysis
Miyako Inoue Shipping Analysis
Iori Hida Shipping Analysis
Meiko Mochizuki Shipping Analysis
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death220467 · 2 years
My thoughts and headcanons on elven prenatal development
I think we all know how conception works. What happens after that according to Tolkien is a year long pregnancy and then postnatal development happens (if you want to know more about it you can check it out). However this wonderful afternoon my brain decided to dwell on prenatal development.
I had several questions and I have thought of acceptable answer for most of them. If one wish to debate with me on these questions they are welcomed to do so. If you have more questions I can think on, ask them. Now straight to the questions! (They are listed in the order I came to them)
Why was so important for Feanor that he didn’t share a mother with his half-siblings?
What’s the contribution of the father to the prenatal development? (This question applies to the not bearing the child parent but it’s quite long thing to write so many times, ergo father)
How is shaped child’s fëa?
How is shaped child’s hröa?
While Feanor seemed not fond of his half-siblings until Melkor came and certainly disliked Indis (or the idea of his father remariage?), Feanor did believe immediately that Fingolfin was planning to usurp him. But the focus of my thoughts is ‘half-siblings’. Why it is so important? Like, yeah I probably won’t warm quickly to a step-parent and half-siblings (who are so much younger than me, like Arafinwe is around Maedhros’ age), but for some reason my brain doesn’t think it’s only this. So this the place I thought ‘what if…’ and my homework was forgotten.
What if the mother/child-bearer and the father didn’t have equal contributions in the prenatal development?
Obviously the mother takes more ‘active role’. Children grow in their mothers’ bodies. What does the father do? Usually help the mother during the pregnancy however elves have (in my mind) placed greater importance on the child’s soul aka the fëa than the Men. So how does the father contribute in this? Does he just give genetic information? Or does he do more?
Personally I think that the shaping of the hröa can be done by both parents. In the beginning, when elves started giving birth no one knew much about it and looking at Feanor and his Fingolfin’s physical appearance, both resembling their shared father in hair color, I can say that the genetic info passed down very well. Feanor’s birth is a bit strange. Why did his mother die? There were Valar around. Yes, post birth illnesses exists, complicated births exists but is said that Feanor took much of the strength of her fëa when he was born. This leads me to the opinion that while elven child’s hröa is developed by their mother’s body, the child’s fëa must also be sustained by another during the prenatal development. And both parents have to sustain the fëa. Finwe was busy with setting down his people during Miriel’s pregnancy. He is not a bad guy, he just didn’t know that he had to help more because there was not much knowledge about pregnancy and he was also a king.
Now on shaping of the hröa. Why do some children look more like one parent or another? (Well, dna I guess but since I am thinking on non-human prenatal development why not? Why should I be ‘normal’? About it?) Elven children are said to have greater grasp on their bodies and Nerdanel called her son ‘well-shaped’ and she is a sculptress so here we go—
Eleven hröa is shaped. If it’s left just like that you get what the mother is imagining (if Eru thinks the genitals are ok ig?) but the hröa could be shaped. (All Nerdanel and Feanor’s sons are alike their parents but have lots of differences as well). So Nerdanel actually told Feanor that she is in fact shaping their children to look like them but also themselves and called her firstborn her greatest creation.
This is why the half in half-brother/sister is so important. After so many researches they find out that Feanor and his half-siblings are more like third cousins than siblings
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digitalclasses0 · 2 years
Digital Teacher Smart Class Features
The product presents a Unit Plan to the teachers which can either be adopted as it is or customized as per their needs in the planning stage of the instruction delivery.
A template of the Lesson Plan is provided to break the instructions of a unit at class-to-class level along the lines of the unit plan.
The pace of instruction delivery is placed in the hands of the teacher through the “Overview” section of the product, which gives a bird’s eye view of the subject matter of a particular unit.
A typical unit is divided into Introduction, Instruction and Evaluation sections on the lines of standard teaching-learning process.
The content under Introduction section is divided into three sections, which helps the teacher to recall the previous content covered,maintain continuity of the subject.
The content under Instruction section is divided into several types, namely, the “Concept Model/Activity”, “Law/Principle”, “Theory/Lab Activity”, “Derivation/Numerical Problems” and “Uses/Applications”, based on the nature of the science subjects.
Concepts and processes presented using animation and procedures are shown via Simulations requiring minimal intervention through simple navigation system.
At the end of the syllabus coverage, important instructions are presented in a nutshell for the recapitulation of the learners in the Summary section.
Important Keywords are listed with links to the slides where their corresponding concept is covered in detail.
The Reference section provides links to rich multimedia resources available on the internet for the teacher to explore further on the subject.
It is essential that the students remain in touch with the subject matter taught in the classroom even after they leave the learning environment. Suggestions to the teachers on homework and project assignment for their student are provided under Follow-up Work section, to address this challenge.
The third aspect of teaching-learning process is Evaluation. On the same lines, the third section of the product is Evaluation. Here, a sample unit test paper covering the entire instructed unit is presented for the ease of the teacher and for mock assessment of the learner.
A Dash Board to manage a learning activities/history of the user.
Bookmark of the topics.
The content can be played on any System/Laptop,
Drawing Skills Section imparts the required drawing skills to the student.
Our aim is to make the teaching and learning process simple, joyful and effective.
We believe that teaching should make a student curious about the subject and we are confident that these digital training aids will be very much effective in achieving the objectives of Secondary Education in terms of providing knowledge, developing skills and inculcate the attitudes of the students towards continuous and lifelong learning.
Currently, this software is being used successfully in 7500+ Private and corporate schools across the state.
Many renowned educators have appreciated the product. Digital Teacher is an outcome of technology, experience and knowledge.
Proficient Subject Matter Experts were also involved in the development of the product. The product has been reviewed and vetted by the experts in the field.
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ssvas1966 · 1 year
ARUNACHALA RAMANA - Achalam to Arpanam – A Silent journey towards Self (Six days and six nights of solitude and peace)
Achalam to Arpanam – A Silent journey towards Self
(Six days and six nights of solitude and peace)
a.     I was aspiring for a long time to be away from the hustle and bustle of LIFE for uplifting my low spirits and regain some good health.  Initially I thought of going for a rejuvenation camp at Ujire – Naturopathy hospital; later decided that the mind is the one which require more of attention than body. This made me search for an opening.  My next thought was to join a third Vipassana course for full ten days and I started scouting for good centers.  Dharmashala was very inspiring and another center in Sikkim attracted me.  But the cost and time effectiveness was an issue.  
When I saw that there is an active Center near Tiruvannamalai, I decided that this is THE place which I was longing for quite some time. I had planned a family visit to this divine place blessed with the presence of Shri Ramana Maharshi and could not make it for long.  During a recent visit to Bangalore, Veenu bought a book written by Arthur Osborne – Teachings of Ramana Maharshi and this actually kindled my silent quest with life. 
b.     The very purpose of visit to Ramanashramam was to get the required equilibrium in the presence of Master of Silence and to continue with the practice of Vipassana at Dhamma Arunachala. One good old friend came very handy to get an accommodation at Ramanasramam and the name of the Guest house was “ACHALAM”.  
During our last visit (more than 12 years ago) we could not stay in the Ashram and were very disappointed.  It also occurred to me that Chinmaya would love this place and made him join me for this journey. Time was a serious constraint with two Charges to handle.  The moment I could finish an urgent work at Office, booked early morning flight to Bangalore to save time and took a bus to Tiruvannamalai.  I was worried about Chinmaya getting bugged with journey and my plans of not planning anything did not happen !!!  This was deliberately planned to be one aspect in developing acceptance to the circumstances making ourselves stronger.   But I had to restrain myself to give this experience to Chinmaya.
c.     We landed at Ashram at around 4.30 pm and to our great disappointment the request for stay was denied.  After much persuasion and talk, we were allowed to stay.  As per Ashram rules, one should send a mail and after getting a confirmation only we are allowed to stay.  This is to avoid tourists, visitors and not so serious devotees from thronging and disturbing the serenity of Ashram.  Moreover, there was also a serious water crisis in Tamilnadu.  
We immediately went to Achalam and get ourselves ready for a visit of Ashram as the time was very less.  We took a list of activities and scrupulously followed.  The first thing which attracted is Veda parayana by cute little boys in the Gurukul.  We had a short talk with Shri Srinivasa Murthy, an erstwhile Doctor from Bangalore and presently a permanent resident of Ashram and in charge of stay.  He could give a glimpse of the teachings and life story of Sri Ramana Maharshi and also present activities of Ashram.  
It was fascinating to listen to his composed voice about the teachings of Ramana and his life story.  Our journey towards Self had begun with a little conversation with this nice gentleman.
d.     I had already started reading a book written by Arthur Osborne – Teachings of Ramana Maharshi and I found that the teaching is entirely based on Advaitha, which was quite close to my heart. The direct method of Self enquiry taught by the Maharshi was a mesmerizing thought and I got deeply immersed into it.  This was also a triggering point to visit Ramanashramam. I had to postpone my solitary internal journey as I had an obligation to take care of Chinmaya.  End of the day we were so hungry and had to retreat to the benches of Lunch hall.  
After eating to the brim, again it was paining to walk back to the guest house.  When we were hungry there was pain-ache, and when we loaded our stomach, there was again pain.  I told Chinmaya that as per Adi Sankara, hunger is a disease and the food is its medicine !!  The context with which it was told could not be elaborated as we were also sleepy after a long journey.
e.     Next day early morning our quest continued to test physical stamina as we undertook “Girivalam” literally meaning “Giri Pradakshina” – a walk around the sacred hill “Arunachala” which is about 14 kms.  Started at around 4 a.m. and Chinmaya did not really like it due to sprained ankle.  We stopped several times and I was trying to encourage him that it is a test of stamina and many devotees were doing rounds.  Due to his injured angle joints, he got exhausted after about 10 kms and I saw no further point in continuing.  Took an auto and went to Arunachaleshwara Temple – one of the largest Shivan – temples in South India. 
This temple is known to be Agni Lingam and we actually experienced the heat inside sanctum sanctorum. It was just like entering an Oven and heat penetrating from all sides at 360 degrees.  It was fascinating to see so much heat generated only at this place and we enjoyed morning serene Darshan of Lord Shiva.  By this time, it was time for breakfast and before that we had to visit his better half which we did quickly.  After coming out, we had temple prasadam – Puliyogere, Sakra Pongal and there was no need for any other breakfast.
f.     This is a very ancient and sacred temple where Ramana Maharshi came in his younger days from Madurai.  It’s a huge temple with four entrances with the majestic background of Arunachala hills.  Ramana renounced everything in the pond and became a saint in this holy place.  It is said that he sold his ear rings and took a train and later walked upto Arunachala only to contemplate on SELF.  As an young boy, he had a near death experience and got self-realized in the intensity of his experience.   
His teachings were mostly based on noble SILENCE and many foreign devotees carried his message across the country.  His direct method of Self enquiry based in Silence was the precursor to my next part of the program at Dhamma Arunachala. I may be too small and beginner to write about his teachings and can only boast that we took our life turning decision in Ramana Ashram in Bangalore.  (This is where myself and Veenu took an instant decision to get married!! It all started here.)
g.     Back in Ashram, we meticulously planned to attend all the daily activities and attended one by one.  Ashram has a definite schedule from 4.00 am in the morning till 9 pm.  They follow strictly all the programs and we couldn’t miss any.  It includes chanting of Vedas twice a day, Puja followed by Narayana Seva (poor feeding)  reading from the teachings of Ramana, Tamil Parayana and selected Sanskrit Compositions of Adi Shankara.  
There’s an Ashram Gurukul where they teach Krishna Yajurveda to young lads. There will be a sumptuous lunch at 11.30 sharp and only Ashram invitees and residents are allowed to take food.  Chinmaya was fully satisfied with the variety and quality of food served and again stomach got filled up till the brim which made us sleep for more than an hour in the guest house.
h.     We came back to Ashram to climb the hill which involves about 1.4 kms trek uphill to reach Skandashram and climbing down to Virupaksha Cave.  Earlier days, we used to visit a number of caves in the deep forest area which is now prohibited by the Department.  This is where Ramana stayed for more than 17 years and occasionally used to visit Ashram when his mother insisted to come and see him here.  
It was an interesting story that one sage from Karnataka named Virupaksha came here more than 400 years ago and the villagers were taking care of him on the hill side cave.  They bring food every day and have darshan of this saintly man.  One day  he said not to come for a day and next day when they visited, it was only a heap of ashes in the cave and the man has disappeared.  It is believed that he left his body in the form of ashes and there is a mound in the cave where Ramana meditated for long.
i.      It’s now time to explore Ashram book depot where we could get food for thought.  The atmosphere in Ashram is so serene and peaceful that we could see a number of peacocks walking along with us within Ashram premises.  It was photography time and they were posing well to the DSLR.   Chinmaya had never seen such a calm and peaceful place and he thoroughly enjoyed its serenity and tranquility.  
Surprisingly, when we sat for a while in meditation hall, time flicked away like anything.  He thought that it is about 10 minutes and it was actually more than 35 minutes.  It was an amazing experience just to be in this place doing nothing visibly, but it greatly enhanced our energies and mental composure.
j.      With peaceful and pleasant memories, Chinmaya left alone to Bangalore and I continued my solo journey to a place called Perumbakkam (10 kms from Tiruvannamalai) to reach Dhamma Arunachala, an organic Vipassana Center.  Co incidentally the cottages were beautifully named as Achalam, Anuttaram, Anantham and finally 
“Arpanam” where I stayed in solitary confinement for three full days.  This is where theory followed with practice of Silence.  When I was reading the Book mentioned earlier, I could find references to other practical methods of self-realization which included a practice of observing breath as a means to contemplate Self, as explained by Maharshi.  
There is a direct link with this method and the teachings of Buddha which came in the form of Vipassana as a tool to eradicate deep rooted Sankharas (habit patterns) to purify the mind.  The teachings focused on a method of observing the sensations caused by the defilement's of mind and allowing them to evolve and evaporate as we keep observing with a Sakshi bhaav (witness-state).
k.     For the next three days, it was noble SILENCE which gave us company along with organic food (Red rice, mint tea, totally unpolished cereals used for preparing food).  The entire structure is mostly made up of mud and bricks made locally, and of course Mangalore tiles used for roof.  There was also Pagoda halls for serious meditators in the background of Arunachala hills.  
A complete plan of rainwater harvesting and no wastage is allowed.  We are not allowed to use detergents and the likes to spoil the environs.  The place was very windy and hot but natural atmosphere without any disturbance from outside world, except honking of a bus at a gap of every one hour.
l.      Experiences of a short course in Vipassana only enhanced my understanding of human nature and my own Self.  It used to be around 13 hours of meditation in a day with complete silence.  It was a refreshing observation of the Self for three days, including my own low back pain which kept on bothering me throughout the sitting.   Of course, it also helped me to observe some deep-rooted defilement's coming to the surface and passing away.  
Nothing stays for eternity and the principle of “Anicha” (a Pali word for impermanence) got deep rooted in the mind.  Back to Bangalore, I could read some more teachings of Maharishi and they just Silenced my mind without further doubts and queries.  This all looked like a new beginning and we came back Home with bodies energized and mind refreshed with Silence. 
m.    It is said that solitude is an attitude of mind and the real silence is in achieving a still mind. A detached man is therefore, always in solitude and he need not be running away from the hustle and bustle of LIFE.  As per the teachings of Maharishi, the abstract knowledge is transmitted through EGO in the form of thoughts and words.  
Words are the great grandsons of this original source and if words can produce an effect of this proportion, how much more powerful preaching through silence might be.  The inner silence is self-surrender and means living without the sense of Ego.  
Silence is said to be perennial and speech is only an interruption.  All these gems of thoughts got correlated in deep contemplation and we returned ourselves to Home. These words are not exactly mine and liberally picked up from the teachings of Ramana Maharshi.  
To look deeply into the eyes of Ramana itself gives us a sense of silent introspection and a re-assurance that we all can remain in long lasting eternal peace through silencing the mind and making a self-enquiry as to 
WHO AM I ???, which is the very essence of teaching of Ramana Maharshi.
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brillmindztechz · 2 years
How much does it cost to build an app like Yelp and how to create
To build an app like Yelp, you need to purchase a Yelp business account. This way, your business will be listed on Yelp and your users can post reviews about your business and share it with their friends. The Yelp app is a free service that enables users to search and read reviews on their smartphones. The technology is built on open source code, making it a viable business model for multiple vendors. As businesses increase in size, they require more sophisticated applications from their vendors or third party software developers. The key question arises as to how much does it cost to build an app like yelp and how do you create a successful mobile business.
Visit here: How much does an app like Yelp cost to build
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Building the Yelp app is an unpaid internship program that builds businesses and their careers by increasing their visibility in the local market. Yelp has more than 25 million monthly active users who use Yelp to discover great local businesses, plan meals and save money. The Yelp app, which launched in San Francisco over five years ago, helped transform the way people found and shared information about local businesses and communities. Today, there are more than 500 employees, partners and third-party developers involved in Yelping-building across mobile, tablet and web platforms.
You get to pick what your app should do, while we craft the app's UI and interactions based on your input. The Yelp app is one of the best-developed apps in town. If you are serious about building a successful business or just want to improve your own personal life, the Yelp app should be part of your toolkit. The app allows users to find nearby businesses and access their reviews. If you’re interested in getting started on this, we have some tips for you:
The cost to build an app like Yelp is based on many factors, but the general rule of thumb is about $50k. You will also want to start off with a developer that knows what they’re doing when it comes to building apps. Many developers are very accustomed to designing iOS and Android apps, so the cost of hiring one or two people might mean that you could save money by outsourcing the whole process from design to coding to app marketing and such.
Yelp provides free mobile apps for iOS, Android and Windows platforms as well as a web-based version. The Yelp app provides businesses with an opportunity to measure their success, including word-of-mouth in addition to the extensive reviews. As a result, reviews can be prioritized and filtered by business category and by specialties (for example: child care centers, dentists or restaurants)
We've built Yelp to make it simple for people to find great restaurants, cafés, gyms and bars in their neighborhood. To keep search results fresh, we leverage real-time data from Yelp reviews that are submitted directly by our users (that means you). We also analyze your past searches and show you the results of other people's past searches so you don't have to spend hours digging through stacks of books. To help with this, we recommend you ask your friends and family who they like best or visit websites like Yelp to get some good recommendations before visiting a new restaurant.
The Yelp app is a mobile-optimized Android application that allows users to access the Yelp website, check their Yelp Pro tips, and find local businesses and services. Yelp is one of the largest local search providers in the world. It allows consumers to review businesses and make buying decisions based on their firsthand experience.
Consumers also use Yelp to discover great places or events to go, as well as read reviews from others who have recently visited or stayed at a particular location. The app brings together Yelp's interest-based functionality with a vast online social network built around real-world interactions.
building a fully featured, high quality app like Yelp is not just “a drag and drop” exercise. You need to know about how creating an app works, how it differs between different categories (e.g., business listings, restaurant reviews), and best practices for developing your product. Yelp is the world's largest community of local businesses and people. We get it. From restaurants to mechanics, hair salons to head shops and everything in between, this app makes it easy for you to find the best local businesses near you.
Get in touch with us at, [email protected]
People can also read: Best Mobile app development companies in India
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sandiegoproperty · 2 years
Things to Check When Buying Homes For Sale
Whenever looking for a new home, you might feel pushed to place an offer on the first home you see. It's not a good plan. When making any offers on Chris Sloan homes for sale, it's critical to properly examine the space and, if required, bring in experts, as appearances can often be deceiving. Obviously, there are certain little details to consider, such as outmoded equipment or a garish paint job. Other factors, though, might be actual deal breakers, and if they are missed, your new place could turn into a money pit. Here are some of the most important factors to consider whenever searching at Encinitas Condos For Sale.
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Get to Know Your Neighbors
When you're actually interested in a 92064 property, you should learn more about it online. You'll want to understand regarding local developments and activities, in relation to demographics & population statistics. You might also look at some community blogs and websites to get a better understanding of how residents feel regarding their town or city.
Investigate The Crime Rate
Whether you're relocating to a reasonably safe area, it's a good idea to research local crime statistics. Perhaps the community has an issue with illicit substances or vandalism that goes unnoticed in the local media. Crime statistics might help you get a better understanding of how the town handles illicit activities.
Examine the school district
Although if you do not have any children, Poway Homes For Sale in poor school districts are often more difficult to sell. As a result, they frequently have lower resale prices than Cardiff By The Sea homes with greater school access. To safeguard your investment, look into neighborhood academics.
Visit at various times of the day
As one might expect, most residents and real estate brokers strive to put their very best foot forward. As a result, they frequently choose to display properties throughout the day, when the neighbourhood is peaceful. But what about at night? Are the roads as quiet when they are during the day? Visit on a weekday to get answers to these critical questions. Whenever the sun goes down, a seemingly calm town may transform into a bustle of activity.
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Arrange For A Home Inspection
Whether you're considering purchasing an existing Cardiff By The Sea Homes For Sale, possibilities are it has flaws. From a leaking roof to a base crack to mould in the cellar, concerns should be addressed before making an offer on a 92130 Homes For Sale. A conversant home inspector is a wonderful asset to both sellers as well as buyers. He or she will compile a comprehensive list of all present and potential issues. If repairs are required, the inspection can even provide an estimate of how much they might cost. Based on this new information, the two or more parties can then reach an equitable price. As the purchaser, you must always rely on a third-party assessor who can check the property objectively for potential concerns.
Use these simple methods to find amazing prices on Homes For Sale 92128, whether you're a first-time shopper or a real estate wildcatter.
0 notes
transformhubb · 2 years
Essential Guide to Choosing Cloud Strategy Partner
A strong plan is perhaps the most important aspect of running a successful firm in any industry. But you need more than just a plan; you also need a trustworthy partner. Because cloud computing has evolved into a key component of many enterprises all around the world, cloud advice is just as important as everything else. 
You should start from the very beginning before you can even consider choosing the finest partner for your cloud computing endeavors. 
Learn as much as you can about your cloud strategy partners' capabilities, the value to your company, and the services they provide. When you have these elements in place, choosing and hiring a cloud service consulting firm will be easy. 
We'll examine some of the most important factors you should think about so you can choose wisely straight away. 
Read Also: Are You Struggling with Your Technology Partner? 
Important Considerations for Choosing the Right Cloud Partner 
Choosing the best cloud partner is a difficult procedure since there are two cloud service providers (CSPs) with different yet distinctive frameworks. Choosing the proper partner to manage the security and compliance of the infrastructure is extremely important when using the cloud environment. 
The important factors that businesses must consider while selecting their cloud partner are listed below. 
The first step for enterprises is determining their security needs because the security measures provided by various CSPs range greatly, and ensuring compliance with industry standards and laws is a need. Organizations may make wise choices by analyzing the security features supplied by cloud providers and analyzing their supplemental services. 
The main priority area for enterprises to examine when choosing their cloud service provider is in compliance with all applicable industry standards and compliance rules. After moving apps and data to the cloud, CSPs must make sure that enterprises are aware of their respective roles in attaining compliance. Additionally, they must convey the steps that enterprises will take to build a strong compliance posture for their cloud infrastructure. They should also prioritize third-party audits when confirming compliance with all organizational regulations. 
Reporting and analytics 
Organizations can track crucial KPIs in their cloud environment with an efficient, end-to-end analytics and reporting procedure. One of the main services provided by CSPs is advanced analytics, which provides enterprises with a thorough examination of historical data and enables them to guarantee the achievement of their mission-critical goals. Advance reporting systems that offer transparency about resource utilization, traffic, and other activities in a cloud environment are crucial for enterprises. 
When it comes to interfacing with current services and orchestration tools, cloud platforms vary greatly. Organizations need to be aware of their need to manage their cloud environment. They must also consider the practicality of switching to other comparable services provided by CSPs in addition to the simplicity of service integrations, which are essential for their organization. 
Organizations should study different architecture types and determine which ones best suit their application stack as one of the most crucial things to consider. These designs might be virtual machines, serverless architecture, or web applications.  
As enterprises are freed from efficiency, scalability, and infrastructure concerns and can concentrate solely on development, the majority of CSPs are already offering serverless designs. If a company wants to operate its servers, it may also use virtual machines. With a web application, businesses are free to execute programs and distribute code without having to worry about infrastructure, operating systems, or software installation. 
Supporting infrastructure around-the-clock is one of the basic needs of companies. This is especially important if they want to keep operating after regular business hours. To do this, enterprises must assess the CSPs' support offerings and the speed with which inquiries are answered. 
Read Also: How to Build a Successful Cloud Strategy for Your Company?
What Solutions Do Cloud Advisory Companies Provide? 
Customers of businesses like TransformHub, which provides the best digital transformation services in Singapore, make use of a variety of beneficial cloud consulting services. It's crucial to read through each one and get as much information as you can on the services offered. By doing so, you'll learn more about the consulting firm and its expanded offer, which is crucial when deciding which of them to pick as a partner. 
Some of the cloud services offered by the best digital transformation services company, TransformHub are:  
Strategy, business, and design 
Thanks to cloud computing, every company wants to speed up innovation nowadays. These firms can benefit from the assistance of cloud consultancy companies by having the foundational cloud strategy of their digital transformation aligned. 
By doing so, businesses may increase their use of digital technology while also increasing their productivity, which will support their basic business goal. 
Web and mobile app design services are also provided to assist clients in obtaining what they want when working from the cloud. As the task will be transferred to a consulting business rather than overloading your personnel, these services will help you save numerous labor hours as well as money. 
Infrastructure management 
DevSecOps and cloud adoption are simply the tip of the iceberg when it comes to infrastructure management. Did you realize that you could guarantee the timely and dependable operation of your system? 
With an annual growth rate of over 24%, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is perhaps the fastest-growing cloud market. 
You can guarantee your apps' scalability using IaaS and virtual machine management. Additionally, because staff members could be inexperienced in cloud administration, your business cannot rely on them to handle catastrophe recoveries and back up the cloud data. 
Cloud adoption and migration 
Choosing between IaaS, personal, and agnostic/cloud-native solutions is a need for cloud adoption. More crucially, businesses will need to decide critically essential matters about their industries, including security, management, technology, commerce, and others. 
A cloud-consulting partner like TransformHub is needed to assist your firm with the migration to and adoption of the cloud and to develop a unified adoption plan that considers the whole business portfolio of the organization. The cloud partner should also create a strategy, present a rationale for using the cloud, and identify platform capabilities. 
Businesses that seek to migrate their current IT infrastructure to the cloud frequently run into difficulties. However, a trustworthy cloud strategy partner will assist them in getting rid of any roadblocks and challenges they may encounter. Finally, these companies will provide continuing cloud support while assisting your company in implementing all suggested options. 
Services for DevSecOps 
It would be beneficial if you could keep in mind a few details about the development teams who want to use AWS for testing and coding. 
First off, DevSecOps combines software development with IT operations to create far better products much quicker. Numerous useful coding tools are available from cloud providers like Azure and AWS. To aid DevSecOps in creating whatever kind of solution they choose, they also provide automation solutions and a wide range of additional services. 
Having a DevSecOps consultant like TransformHub is therefore essential since they will set the foundation for your team. Your team may swiftly develop and test the quality of your software in the cloud with the help of a DevSecOps expert, enhancing the entire experience your customers will have. 
Additionally, these experts will provide advice on which deals and tools to choose by outlining all their benefits, which is great since if you did it the other way around, you would have to do it manually. 
Cloud optimization 
Partners in cloud strategy should create patterns for the best resource orchestration. Among them is auto-scaling for any load spikes that can happen during peak hours. They will also create performance testing techniques and select specific cloud services based on your company's needs. 
Your strategic partner will examine your whole cloud setup to identify duplicate resource use and create procedures to assist correct any issues that are already there. 
Observation, maintenance, and security 
All key performance metrics will be monitored by cloud strategy advisers, enabling optimal performance outcomes. 
Additionally, it is well-recognized that security and technology work together. This is especially true when discussing cloud migration. When used properly, cloud architecture becomes extremely secure. You must thus appropriately invest in cybersecurity. 
The cloud is situated in a common environment if you think about it. This implies that an unforeseen security risk will eventually arise. The cloud is quite vulnerable to security dangers and data breaches; therefore, you must develop security measures to prevent such tragedy. 
The greatest security methods will be used for your cloud environment, thanks to the experience of experienced experts. Since the procedures are intended to safeguard your data by avoiding potential dangers, your business will feel secure as a result. 
Development of cloud apps 
To achieve secure and quick code delivery, the cloud strategy partner you selected should assist you with designing cloud architectures and putting CI/CD pipelines in place. Additionally, your cloud partner will manage the full app development process on your behalf and help you select the best cloud technology stack. 
Read Also: Useful Cloud Security Tools for Your Business  
TransformHub - The Cloud Advisory Expert 
Employing a professional will enable you to set up a partially virtual office, giving you more freedom for your regular company responsibilities. Because of the proliferation of IoT devices with internet capabilities, accessing your data is now much easier and more efficient than ever before. The fact that many companies with worldwide operations now have a central cloud team is remarkable.  
Moving to a cloud environment has several significant benefits, including: 
Flexible working methods 
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It is an amazing achievement that cloud computing streamlines and makes work more flexible, but that's not all. Additionally, while linked to their virtual office, company owners may promptly access any data they require. 
Scalability boost 
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You should keep in mind that the cloud will also free up more time for you and your staff to concentrate on operating your business and other important tasks. 
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Regular updates 
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Business continuity and information security 
Regardless of the hazards associated with cloud computing, securing your system and its data is a crucial component. Huge power outages, natural catastrophes, and many other things are among these hazards. In contrast, if you put your data on the cloud, you can rest easy knowing that it is safe and has been backed up. 
Additionally, cloud consulting firms provide a lower chance of cyberattacks and data theft. All access to your data will be promptly closed in case of any of these circumstances, long before protective steps are taken. 
You'll have rapid and simple access to your data after eliminating the threat, minimizing wastage and downtime. 
Make sure you have the cloud advisory support you require before you start using the cloud. The greatest thing you can do is determine whether the prospective partner has the required technical and industrial skills as well as whether their security measures are in place and up to date with current standards. 
In addition to knowledge, you should look at the services your potential cloud consulting partner provides to make sure they meet the demands of your business. 
Finally, selecting a cost-effective partner is a benefit because every business aims to provide affordable cloud services. The time and effort put out in carrying out this due diligence will contribute to the smooth running of your cloud adoption initiatives and ensure that you receive everything you require to expand your company. 
Please contact us to find out more about the digital transformation solutions by TransformHub and how we can assist you in creating a flexible, cutting-edge platform in the cloud. Let's connect right away. 
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grcinfralocation · 2 years
Tips of Top Builders in Bangalore by GRC Bangalore
In the event that you are in desperate pursuit of private tasks for yourself as well as your family, you have arrived on the right page. Today we'll let you know how to track down the best private tasks in Bangalore.Purchasing a property may be an intriguing action for you, particularly in the event that it is your very first private or business property. Be that as it may, regardless of how invigorating it is for you, you should play out this activity with however much reasonableness as could be expected. Property ventures typically include gigantic financial speculations. What's more, when a lot of cash is involved, one should not disregard any step or uncertainty or realities says Top Builders in Bangalore
As indicated by GRC Bangalore, on the off chance that you are purchasing a NA plot and intending to fabricate the place of your fantasy, you could possibly construct it the specific way you need. Be that as it may, when you are purchasing a house in a private venture, you could wind up having a larger number of offices than your assumptions, and the lodging unit probably won't be the very way you needed it. In such a circumstance, you need to consider different elements like area, financial plan, and so on, and list your needs and needs.
The second suggestion by GRC Subhiksha to consider is to find and purchase a home that is reasonably affordable for you. A great many people imagine that purchasing a house is a definitive errand. It isn't the case! As a general rule, purchasing a house is the underlying stage. Then, at that point, you need to burn through cash on its support, water association, gas association, and so forth. Furthermore, on the off chance that you have applied for a home credit, you need to pay a particular EMI sum every month. You should think about everything and more prior to purchasing property by 2 BHK Apartments in Sarjapur Road
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petnews2day · 2 years
International Cat Day: UK's favourite cat breeds revealed - see the list
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-news/cat-news/international-cat-day-uks-favourite-cat-breeds-revealed-see-the-list/
International Cat Day: UK's favourite cat breeds revealed - see the list
Cats are the second most popular pet in the UK, after their four-legged foes of course.
According to the 2021 Cats and Their Stats report from Cats Protection, there are an incredible 10.8 million pet cats in the UK, with 26% of households owning at least one kitty.
According to the charity, Covid-19 contributed to this number with 7% of owners saying they got a cat for a reason directly linked to the pandemic, such as being furloughed or generally spending more time at home.
In time for International Cat Day today, CasinoTop10.net commissioned research looking at YouGov data, uncovering Top 10 cat breeds in the UK.
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READ MORE: Most and least beautiful dogs according to maths – how does your pet rank?
Top 10 cat breeds in the UK
The online casinos company compiled the list based on how many respondents had a favourable opinion on the cat breed, along with how well known the breed is, using the percentage of the respondents who have actually heard of it.
Here’s who came out on top:
British Shorthair
European Shorthair
Maine Coon
Russian Blue
Cheetoh Cat
Bengal cat
Topping the list is the Bengal. This hybrid of domestic cats inherited its appearance from the Asian leopard cat, which is also where the Bengal part of the name comes from.
Despite its wild ancestry, this is a very tame breed that easily attaches itself to its owner. Although Bengal cats are trainable, their curiosity makes them very active which is why they are so fun to play with.
British Shorthair cat
In second place is the British Shorthair. According to the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF), this is the most popular pedigree cat in the UK.
This gentle breed is perfect for families, but it also tolerates being left alone for up to three days. However, it is important to keep them active because of their muscularity.
With its broad chest and a well-developed muzzle, the British Shorthair was the inspiration for the famous illustration of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland.
Siberian cat
The Siberian cat came in third place. These cats, made for the rough Siberian winters, have a water-resistant triple coat that comes in various colours and different patterns.
Siberians are highly intelligent and they enjoy learning tricks and playing fetch. They are said to have a fascination with water, which can result in them dropping their toys in their water bowl or being very drawn to bathtubs.
Ragdoll cat
Ragdoll cats are fourth. Famous for their striking blue eyes, Ragdolls have a pointed coat, meaning that their extremities have a darker colour then their much paler body.
The breed is slow maturing, reaching their full size and weight at four. Ragdolls are often referred to as puppy-like cats because of their personality.
They have a tendency to follow their owner around and they are generally laid back, with a high tolerance of other pets.
European Shorthair cat
In fifth comes the European Shorthair cat. With their easy personality and easy grooming requirements, they are the perfect fit for those with no previous experience with cats.
They are very adaptable to new environments and are ideal for families with small children and other pets.
Although they are friendly and love to please their owner, they can be shy and timid around strangers. European Shorthairs come in a remarkable range of eye colours, and they can be odd-eyed, usually with one eye blue and the other green or amber.
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clareguilty · 2 years
AO3 Election Candidates!
If any of you are members of AO3 and eligible to vote in the election this weekend I would highly encourage it! The site has a great webpage (https://archiveofourown.org/admin_posts/22947) where you can do your own research on candidates, and I would definitely recommend everyone to check that out!
What sparked my interest in the first place were other people raising concerns about Tiffany G who is running for the board but does not seem to stand for the positions that AO3 is most known and loved for.
My personal impressions of the candidates will be down below, but please take these opinions with the understanding that I'm not attempting to sway votes (except for maybe away from Tiffany) and just provide my thoughts. These are also the notes I'll be using to cast my personal ballot
Natalia G - Fourth pick I like her Q&A answers well enough. She emphasizes the legitimacy of fanworks and references the terms of service. She does reference the attacks against AO3 which shows an awareness of the issues that are relevant, but doesn't make any strong statements that show a firm stance. Her diversity responses emphasize the push for a blocking feature, but nothing super concrete beyond that.
Noemie B - Third pick Noemie explicitly warns of the dangers of censorship and references that every platform has specific terms of use and committees in place to protect and develop. She cites a personal affection for AO3 which is important to me, but she also doesn't cite a negative experience and idk if thats a kind of willful positivity or not?
I do like that she cites user responsibility in exposure to problematic content and again points out the dangers of censorship. She also recognizes anti-blackness and transphobia as issues and cites specific actions and events to combat that.
Michelle S - Second pick Michelle also emphasizes the TOS and states that she has no plans to prescreen content or increase moderation, but she doesn't directly address concerns regarding censorship or the abuse towards the PAC team.
her diversity responses, like Noemi, reference the push to hire a diversity consultant. She specifically references AO3's existing features to handle harrassment and curate content, but doesn't take credit or promise any specific new features. Instead, she points out that the AD&T committee are the wizards who do that. She mentions maximum inclusivity and stresses user responsibility which are plusses in my book. She states she signed the June 2020 statement on racism as a chair
Heather M - Likely my first pick Heather is more user-focused in her response surrounding frustrations with the OTW. She also mentions the attacks against volunteers and has a nice statement about the response following the attack. She also cites a personal affection for AO3 and states that monitoring content is a ridiculous standard.
Her diversity responses are very strong to me as she shows an awareness of the racism in fandom but also an understanding of how systemic the issues truly are. She specifically references the proposed block feature and even cites a difference between active harassment and unintentional ignorance. She also cites specific features available to users to curate content and stresses the stance of maximum inclusivity. Her experience on the policy and abuse team is also a big plus. She also speaks about the history and purpose of the OTW.
Tiffany G - last pick She is definitely the most concerning of the candidates. Her statements are pretty sweeping and general and she doesn't list a lot of concrete stances or experiences except for personal anecdotes that dont always support her points. She is just as worrisome as the other posts make her out to be and doesn't answer with the same maturity and experience as the other candidates. I know im not saying as much about her specific stances but its hard to find anything of substance to even pull over into this post.
also in one interview she was weirdly against NSFW content which like... is kind of the whole reason AO3 exists
Obligatory Disclaimer: this is purely my personal impressions and opinions. I have been using AO3 for at least 5 years now (likely much longer) and been a member for over three. I've donated a considerable amount to the organization since AO3 in turn supports my livelihood as a writer, so i do have a vested interest in the well-being of the website also i think free speech and transformative works are important
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panharmonium · 3 years
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this is legitimately one of my top five favorite kakashi scenes.
i love seeing kakashi break the rules in the name of doing the right thing, and this scene especially is particularly satisfying to me, because his moment of defiance here is, to my mind, long overdue.  
one of my eternal frustrations in early naruto is how the leaf village administration gives kakashi the job of caring for a group of super high-needs children and then continually makes that job as difficult for him as possible.  they task him with being solely responsible for the development and well-being of three twelve year-olds - a group that includes naruto (a walking disaster with a god’s power trapped inside his body) and sasuke (a genocide survivor fixated on killing his own brother), BOTH of whom are being hunted by different groups of supercriminals - and then the village keeps getting in kakashi’s way or dropping the ball or actively ordering him to prioritize other things.  
so much of what goes wrong with the kids in this period is the result of other people interfering with kakashi’s work or being negligent or endangering the kids/putting kakashi in impossible positions.  team 7’s first big mission sets the tone for everything that comes after, with someone else’s lie putting kakashi in a situation where he has to single-handedly protect not just the client who deceived him, but the three children who were supposed to be the clients’ other protectors.  and after that, the list just multiplies:
ten anbu operatives can’t manage to protect sasuke’s hospital room from orochimaru’s minions, so kakashi has to do it himself and then whisk sasuke out of the village for a month, leaving naruto in the hands of a substitute and sakura with her parents
genma orders sasuke to chase after gaara when the chunin exams blow up, saying “you’re at chunin level already,” which forces kakashi to immediately dispatch more kids to bring him back, because “ffs NO i do NOT want him out there doing that why the fuck would you tell him to do that?!” 
aoba runs his mouth off about itachi when sasuke is standing RIGHT THERE, instantly undoing all the work kakashi just did to prevent itachi and sasuke from coming anywhere near each other (and thus sending sasuke to that disastrous first encounter, the outcome of which ultimately leads to sasuke’s defection)
jiraiya decides he should let sasuke try to fight itachi himself, “out of respect for the boy’s feelings,” leading to sasuke ending up in a tsukuyomi coma
tsunade orders kakashi to drop his teaching work and leave the village on a mission even though a) he’s just gotten out of his own torture-induced coma and b) sasuke is having a crisis that kakashi is trying to manage
and then when kakashi gets back from that mission and finds out that surprise, all of this meddling has led to a disaster, tsunade tries to order him away AGAIN
but this time - he just says no.
he walks right out of her office.  he turns his back on her.  and there is NOTHING i love more than seeing kakashi embody the philosophy that he’s chosen to adopt as his guiding light: those who break the rules are scum.  but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.
it’s not that he doesn’t understand where tsunade is coming from here.  but he knows she’s wrong.  she’s making her decisions based solely on concerns about the Leaf Village being in a tight spot - feeling like they can’t turn down missions because they’ll appear weak and thus become vulnerable to attack when they’re already operating at half strength.  she sends a group of twelve year-olds to bring sasuke back because supposedly the village can’t spare anyone else, “even if it means letting the sharingan fall into orochimaru’s hands” - but like.  it’s not the sharingan.  it’s a child.  sasuke isn’t just a repository for his hereditary jutsu; he’s not a pair of eyes to be passed around from one wielder to the next.  he’s a human child.  
tsunade doesn’t know sasuke.  she’s new to the situation and doesn’t know enough about it to understand how serious it is.  i don’t even think she was still in the village when the uchiha massacre occurred; the timeline makes it sound like she left long before that.  she doesn’t really understand who sasuke is or how much trouble he’s in - she makes her decision because she feels like her first priority has to be the well-being of the Leaf as a whole, not the individual people who comprise it.  kakashi, though, who a) lives his life by a very different philosophy and b) does understand sasuke’s situation, would not have dealt with the issue like this, and if the village had let him do his job from the beginning, things wouldn’t have gotten to this point in the first place.
kakashi is horrified that tsunade sent a bunch of twelve year-olds out to fight orochimaru’s ninja, and i think he’s also probably angry and/or frustrated about having been ordered out of the village in the first place.  he was dealing with the situation before tsunade sent him away.  he interrupted the fight between sasuke and naruto even though he himself had literally just gotten out of the hospital, and then he continued addressing the issue with sasuke privately (unlike jiraiya’s non-attempt to address it with naruto, when he said he was going to give naruto a talking-to but actually flaked out).  kakashi knew sasuke was struggling, and he was doing all the things a teacher is supposed to do to address it, but then he was ordered away, and even though it was just for two days, it was enough time for everything to go to hell.
if people would just let him do his job - if the administration would let him focus on the task they themselves assigned to him - things would be different.  but everybody wants him to do everything.  they want him to be everywhere.  they want him to protect the nine-tails jinchuriki (who is also kakashi’s dead teacher’s son), and train the last surviving uchiha (which is a task only kakashi and his sharingan can perform), and give equal attention to a third kid, for good measure, and they want him to do it without stepping away from any of his other burdens, all while other people around him constantly frustrate the progress he makes.
so this time, when tsunade tries to send him away, he refuses.  he disobeys her orders and walks out of the room.  he doesn’t care about the rules or what he’s “legally” obligated to do.  he knows what the RIGHT thing to do is, and so he rejects his new mission in favor of rescuing the kids.
i love these moments.  i love when we’re shown so clearly the person kakashi has chosen to be - someone who does what’s right, not just what he’s told.  he made an active choice many years ago to adopt that philosophy, and he’s been living by those new rules ever since.  he's wiser now than he was when he was a child - sometimes you have to break ranks to do the right thing.  sometimes you have to buck the system, even if it means you might face severe personal consequences.
he had one of two choices: either save the mission or his comrades.  of course, according to the law of the village, you cannot abandon a mission.  but to save the life of his comrades, he put the mission on hold.
kakashi may have spent a good chunk of his childhood trying to reject everything the subject of that story stood for, but none of his attempts to harden his heart ever stuck.  he is, in the end, his father’s son.
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ynisamenace · 4 years
Headcanons for Tamaki, Bakugou and Eraserhead being in a relationship with dom! black reader
a/n: hi guys, I’m so happy and so grateful for all the follows and notes you guys have given me over the past few days💜. I’m working on a part 2 of ‘Party for One’ but here’s some headcannons I made for the meantime.
Amajiki Tamaki
Tamaki has always been more submissive in general. He tended to be a pushover at times which makes it easier for people to mess with him, which makes his anxiousness skyrocket at times. 
That was until he met you. You became friends with him after he graduated high school, fresh faced and promoted at his hero agency. You caught his eye the first day he came to work at his new office and stuck with him finding his shyness adorable but also helping him improve in his confidence.
He was entranced by your beauty, the way your tiny afro smelled like (favourite scent) when you walked by him, your lovely voice greeting him every morning, the way your vibrant melanin-filled skin contrasts with his paleness; your constant presence made him develop a crush on you but he never had the confidence to tell you to your face.
You of course weren’t aware of his little crush and his jumpiness and nervousness with you because you thought it was just his normal anxiety. It wasn’t until you overheard him talking to his friend and co-worker, Fatgum that you realized what it really was.
After that you actively sought out Tamaki just to see him be so flustered by your presence 😏 but after a while you had pity on the poor boy and asked him out for coffee and it all went uphill from there.
Loves buying you flowers and dropping them at your desk before you come into work every morning. Seeing your face light up as you read the little notes he leaves you makes the butterflies in his stomach flutter. He just loves seeing you smile in general this man is so whipped😩
He asked you to move in together after the first 4 months of dating and although you disagreed at the time, after your 6 months anniversary and him basically pleading about it every 5 mins, you finally gave in cause how could you say no to that face🥺
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As soon as you officially moved in with him, Tamaki before more affectionate... way more affectionate. Cuddles, kisses, squeezes; everything he could to show you how physically attracted he was to you.
The topic of sex comes up one day when you’re both on the couch, you on his lap and him trailing kisses down your neck. You’ve never gone past steamy make out sessions with eachother but it was clear that you both were very much ready to take the next step
Despite his shy demeanor, Tamaki is way more confident as well as loud in the bedroom. Loud whimpers as you trail your nails down his abs which turn into loud moans as you free his cock from his briefs giving him the best handjobs he’s ever gotten.
Tamaki sometimes does feel insecure about your relationship and about you having to have asked him out first, so he tends to overcompensate in the bedroom. This man is a huge power top. He loves making you feel good, he loves you telling him what to do and will do anything you ask with no hesitation.
Could eat you out for breakfast everyday if he could and definitely incorporates his quirk into it👀. Loves when you trap his head between your thighs it makes him feel warm. He loves when you tie him to the bed and edge him for hours on end while kissing his pretty tears away. He gets off on being vulnerable with you like that and has the most mind blowing orgasms once you decide to take pity on him.
Loves when you sit in his lap and let him suckle on your nipples while caressing his hair. Soft moments like that are what make him fall in love with you even more. Pegging also makes him fall in love with you even more, but more in a sexual manner. Looks at you like a goddess whenever you have his legs spread out, driving your strap-on into him so hard it makes his eyes cross.
Aftercare is so soft and private with you two. Untying his limbs from the bed, putting ointment and kisses on his bruises, cleaning him up with a wet rag and finally laying next to him on the bed, his face in your chest as you whisper praises and sweet nothings into his hair. God he was going to marry you one day.
Bakugou Katsuki
 Bakugou met you while in U.A High but didn’t start dating you until almost 3 years after graduation You had never interacted that much in high school as you always saw him as the immature, rash and not considerate of others feelings
  He gave off an air of someone commanding and who would never submit and you had never really cared for such men; the macho ‘call-me-daddy’ type men he actually did jokingly tell you to once when you guys were arguing which just made you steer clear of him more, angering him further.
 After graduating, Bakugou became more mature, choosing to develop himself into a better person than he was in high school, and became the no 2 hero of Japan, creating his own hero agency. You started working at his agency 2 years after graduation, you also steadily climbing the ranks of the hero world landing in the top ten heroes list. He began harbouring a crush on you soon after, looking for ways to finally confess to you but were still adamant on avoiding him, still believing him to be the same immature boy that he was in highschool.
  One day, Bakugou couldn’t take it anymore and cornered you in a hallway, confessing quickly while a light blush was dusted on his cheeks. He also apologized for the way he acted in highschool and basically pleaded to go on a date with you although he’ll never admit it lol
   After his confession, you both started hanging out more both at work and outside of work. He officially asked you to be his girlfriend after the third date when he came to your apartment to cook your favourite dish for you after a grueling day at work and you happily agreed as long as he promised to continue cooking for you which led to you two moving in together a year later.
  Dating the number 2 hero in Japan was not easy to say the least. Late night and early mornings plagued both of your lives, sometimes not being able to catch eachother at home at the same time for weeks on end. This led to arguments that turned into silent treatments until you both came to your senses and apologized to one another. He hates fighting with you, fearing you’ll leave him due to his occasional outbursts.
  When you guys do fight, he apologizes through gift giving and cuddles, since he’s not very good with words. Loves buying you brightly coloured clothes and jewelry that matches your skin tone because you look ethereal to him in them. Sometimes steals glances at you just to admire your skin and whatever protective style you’re wearing.
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   You and Bakugou had a long talk before you both started getting intimate. Although he was more mature, he still didn’t want to be submissive in the bedroom as he thought it would make him less ‘masculine’. He kept refusing until you managed to wear him down one day, him grumbling about how stupid it would be.
  Oh how wrong he was because this man thrives off of your dominance now. A bratty power bottom, he loves making you put him in his place, which is always under you. Something about you having the confidence to ‘dominate’ the number 2 hero in Japan makes him melt. Is very much into cock and ball torture and just humiliation and degradation in general. Loves seeing you in leather cause it gives you that dominatrix look that makes him whimper
  Very teary eyed when getting pegged and loves when you grab his hair to pull him back and lick his tears away. But at the same time, loves when you mercilessly keep pounding into him despite his tears, choking back a sob as he orgasms for the umpteenth time.
  Is the type of sub that looks like a dom out in public but has a vibrating buttplug inside him during meetings as he glances to you as you smirk and turn up the intensity every few seconds.
  The biggest brat ever omg he will rile you up on purpose just so that you can punish him by locking him in a chastisy cage and riding his favourite strap on you put on him, all while denying him the pleasure of touching you. That’s when he begs the most, mind dumb and babbling nonsense until you finally let his pretty little cock out.
  Aftercare is in equal parts for both of you as sometimes you get dom drop after long sessions. He knows that it can make you feel guilty o sometimes regretful and makes sure to tell you how much he loves you after every session. You also reassure him that he is more than enough for you, limbs tangled together in bed as you doze off next to him.
   His lips curl into a little smile as he falls asleep as well, thinking of you and the engagement ring he’s yet to give you in his bedside drawer.
Shota Aizawa
 Aizawa had never actively looked for people to date. He felt like he had too much on his plate already with class 1-A and didn’t think anyone would be willing to date someone whose life was so hectic. So when you joined U.A as a new teacher in class in class 1-B, he didn’t bat an eye only glancing at you at times as you pass the hallway.
 Glances turned into stares which turned into thinking about you and how your mini twists framed your face so perfectly and how soft your skin looked and how your darks eyes drew him in and-
  Ok so maybe he did have space on his plate for dating cause duh look at you.  He asked you out by whispering in your ear during homeroom one day as he dropped off a stack of papers on your desk. You were taken aback by his boldness but accepted nonetheless. You didn’t know it, but Aizawa had fallen for you long before he got the balls to ask you out😏
 You dated for 3 years and lived together after 2 until you walked into the kitchen one morning and saw him on one knee, flowers petals everywhere and a small smile as he asks “Marry me?” You didn’t know whether to laugh or cry oh to be proposed to by Shota Aizawa😭
 He loves referring to you as his wife and loves when you come to 1-A to give him his bento box, even though he acts like he hates it. Let’s you in his sleeping bag for a nap in the break room, even though Present Mic comes in to annoy both of you most of the time.
 Melts when he sees you interacting with the kids in 1-A, even heard Deku slip up and call you mom once when you came to his class to greet him.
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 Speaking of kids guess who has a big fat breeding kink. Even though you both know you’re not exactly prepared to have kids at the moment, the risk that comes with him making love to you raw turns him on. You definitely exploit his kink by telling degrading him, saying how he doesn’t deserve to cum inside you with his useless cock and that just makes him want to prove you wrong, rutting into you faster as he whimpers about making you feel good.
  Loves when you take him from behind and bend him on a surface and fucking him like a little whore, scarf stuffed into his mouth as a make-shift gag when he gets too loud. Especially when you do it on one of the desks in his classroom after hours, the embarrassment of a seeing a student sitting on it the next day making his brain fog and his cum leak out, painting the floor and the desk white as he spasms in your hold, tongue lolling out as you press him to the floor to clean up his mess.
  Is into somnophilia and has woken up many times to you bouncing on his cock, refusing to let him cum until you’re satisfied with the amount of orgasms he’s given you.
 Has definitely sniffed your panties before, even pocketing them into his dress pants and taking them to work with him, all so he can use them to fist his cock in the staff restrooms, panting like a dog in heat as sobs your name into his hand, secretly wanting to get caught by you.
 He loves your aftercare so much. Running baths for both of you, kissing the hickeys and scratches you left on him and letting him lay in your arms when his body gives out. Genuinely loves pushing past his limits with you because he knows he trusts you.
  Definitely the best husband and the best lover ever 10/10 would recommend.
Tags: @itzgabz22
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