#it is. 6 am. and i haven’t slept yet bc i was studying for finals but i suddenly had this thought
aalghul · 6 months
jaykyle as Odette and Derek from The Swan Princess (1994)…the rivalry…
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ificanthaveu · 4 years
Don’t Tell The RA || Shawn Mendes
Description: RA!Shawn asks for your help with studying for your final exam, but an RA should always expect the unexpected. 
A/N: Happy 1st day of my semi-not-really-ficmas! I’m positive I’ve used every winter/Christmas themed fic idea, but I scrounged together a few so here’s the first of the installment. These’ll probably all be pretty short (except for 1 probably bc i have a lot of ideas for it). Also.....if this gif doesn’t look like RA!Shawn trying to get his freshmen boys to stfu so they can start and end the hall meeting ASAP.
Word Count: 2.4k
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You were the first person out of the room when your History professor dismissed you, meeting your awaiting roommate Micah across the hall. The two of you started walking back to your dorm without much of a word until she launched into how difficult her calculus exam is going to be.
“At least it’s related to your major. I’m about to fail a gen-ed,” you said as you rolled your eyes. “I’ve never liked History, and this is a literal nightmare.”
“Hey, only one more test, and we’re done,” she reminded you.
Before you could respond to her, you heard your name being yelled from behind you. The both of you stopped and turned around to see Shawn maneuvering his way in and out of people, his tall stature poking out from the rest as you smiled at him.
“Have you started studying for the final yet?” He asked as he fell into step with you and Micah, making your way out of the building.
You practically snorted with a head shake before you said, “Absolutely not. I’ve been so caught up in my biology classes that I’ve barely started looking at this. It’s not looking good for me.”
“We get it. You’re pre-med,” Micah mumbled before you elbowed her.
“Yeah, I don’t think I’ve cracked open the textbook since the first week,” he said.
“Oh, you opened yours? Mine’s still in the plastic wrap,” you said as proud as you could.
That earned a laugh from Shawn as he shook his head at you.
“You may be worse off than I am,” he said.
He paused for a moment, looking between you and where he had to turn to go to the freshman dorms, opposite campus from the junior ones.
“Would you wanna study tonight?” He asked.
You heard Micah choke on her breath as you prayed he didn’t hear it.
“Yeah, I definitely need it,” you replied.
“Can’t do it in our room,” Micah interjected quickly. “Josie is coming over for calc.”
“We can study at mine,” he said. “If that’s ok with you of course. We just might get interrupted by check-out questions.”
“Sounds just fine with me. I could never do what you do,” you said, looking up at him as he shrugged and looked away, the blush almost evident on his cheeks.
“Well, my room and board is paid for, so I’ll deal with throwing up freshmen in the bathroom at 2 am,” he said. “Does 7 work?”
“Sounds perfect,” you said as you turned to go towards your dorm. “See you then.”
Micah followed behind you as you began to cross campus, waiting until you were clearly out of earshot of Shawn.
“You really had to say we couldn’t do it in our dorm?” You asked as you gripped onto her wrist and she laughed. “Now I have to be extra alone with him.”
“That’s the point,” she said flatly. “Don’t act like you haven’t been staring at him all semester. That man is the total package.”
“And we’re studying together, nothing else,” you quickly pointed out.
“Well it may start that way but-“ you cut her off before she could finish.
“Don’t say something that won’t come true,” you said as you swiped into the building and walked up the stairs to your dorm.
“You wish it will though,” she said in a sing-song voice as you unlocked your door and pushed her in.
“So what are you wearing?” She asked as she whipped open your closet.
“I’m not changing,” you said.
Micah turned around and looked up and down at your sweatpants and sweatshirt with a look of disgust.
“Can you at least put leggings on and a clean sweatshirt? Maybe put your hair in a pony-tail instead of that bun that looks like it was slept in - scratch that - a bun that was slept in,” she said as she threw you a pair of black leggings and a school crewneck.
“This is ridiculous,” you mumbled as you changed.
“You’ll thank me later,” she called after you.
It had started snowing by the time 6:45 came around, and you began your trip across campus. You were regretting not wearing a jacket as you shivered and crossed your arms tightly around your chest.
The person at the front desk smiled at you as you made your way up to Shawn’s dorm, scanning the rooms for the one that said “Residential Assistant” on the front.
You knocked twice once you found it, rocking back and forth on your feet and trying to shake the cold. You glanced around at the winter-themed decorations around the hall before Shawn swung the door open.
“Hey,” he said brightly with that big smile that made you weak. “You look freezing.”
“I am,” you said as he welcomed you in. “Big mistake not wearing a coat.”
You scanned over his room quickly as he shut the door behind the two of you. He had white Christmas lights strung along his window, making for a beautiful reflection mixed with the snow. His overhead light was off, but the lamp beside his futon was on. It was surprisingly clean, but you attributed that to him never knowing when someone was going to need to talk to him.
Two mugs were situated on his desk in the corner of the room. He crossed the room and grabbed one and handed it to you.
“It’s mint tea,” he said. “Helps with studying.”
“Ah, of course,” you said, taking the mug and sitting on his, surprisingly comfortable, futon.
“And a blanket,” he said as he pulled it from the back of the couch. “Since you look like you might have hypothermia.”
“Thank you,” you said softly as you wrapped it tightly around your shoulders.
You pulled out your book and binder, flipping to the study guide that was handed out in class.
“Ok, where do you want to start?” You asked as Shawn pulled his slightly crumpled study guide from where it was tucked in his book.
“Well, I know nothing,” he said as he scanned over the paper. “Actually, I know one.”
“Which one?”
“The one he told us the answer for today.”
“That does not count.”
The two of you determined an order to study from as you kept his open textbook balancing on both of your knees, occasionally having to lean closer to the other to take a look at a passage.
Shawn skimmed the page, pointing at a passage and trying to explain it to you as you looked at him. You couldn’t hear a word he said as you watched how into the topic he got, using his hands to try to express his point. You sent the butterflies to the bottom of your stomach by taking a giant sip of the tea and moving onto the next question.
He asked you the next one, taking the textbook from you as you leaned an arm on the back of the futon. You glanced between him and the mini Christmas tree in the corner as you tried to explain it as best you can without the book as a crutch.
You looked back at him, his head cocked to the side and an interested look on his face. A few curls fell onto his forehead as he studied you. You tried to keep talking as his gaze was unwavering.
“Sounds right to me,” he said, his face dangerously close to yours as he also leaned his arm on the back.
“I honestly wouldn’t know,” you whispered. “Were you even looking at the book to make sure I was right?” You teased.
“I had something else I had to look at,” he said at the same volume.
You felt him lean in as you did the same. You could feel his breath fan over your lips as your hand rested on his knee.
Three solid knocks sent you flying away from each other.
Shawn cursed under his break as he stood up and swung the door open quickly.
“What?” He said to the kid in front of him, who was significantly shorter than Shawn.
“Kevin knocked over the-“ he paused as he saw you watching from across the room. “Oh, sorry, Shawn, I didn’t realize you had a girl over.”
You choked on your sip of tea as Shawn shoved the kid out the door and slammed the door behind him.
You pulled yourself together as you could hear Shawn’s muffled voice through the paper-thin walls.
“Why the fuck would you say that with her right there?” He said.
“I didn’t know! I would’ve gotten the RA on duty if I knew you were on a date,” the kid yelled back.
You could hear Shawn huff and could imagine him tugging at his hair.
“It’s nothing, Cade. It’s literally nothing at all,” Shawn said quickly. Your stomach dropped.
“It didn’t look like nothing,” the kid - Cade - teased back.
“Just tell me what’s going on, so I can study, which is the only thing we were doing,” he trailed off as you could hear the two of them walking down the hall.
You tried not to let yourself get too disappointed as you half packed up some of your stuff, not wanting to overstay your welcome if he didn’t see anything here. You felt yourself begin to overthink, wondering what would’ve happened if he kissed you. If he just wanted something quick before break, a finale to your semester together in class.
You waited patiently, your chin resting on your knees as you tried to look at the study guide with no luck.
The door swung open once again as Shawn came back. He shut the door behind him, running his hands through his hair as he looked over at you, noticing nothing but your study guide sitting out. He felt his stomach drop but didn’t say anything.
“Ok, where were we?” He said as he sat down again, dangerously close as his thigh grazed across yours.
Your breath hitched as he looked over at the study guide in your lap, looking at your one newly highlighted point.
You looked up at him as he asked you a question on the point. It was obvious he was looking at your lips.
You tried to answer the question and steady your shaky voice, but he leaned closer. Before his lips had the chance to press against yours, you rested your hand against his chest.
“Shawn…” you trailed off. “I can’t.”
“I’m so sorry,” he quickly said. “I didn’t - I thought - I’m sorry, I thought there was…” he trailed off as he tried to motion between the two of you as he leaned back.
“I just,” you paused as you let out a breath. “I really don’t want to be a one-night thing before you go back home.”
“Why would you think that?” He asked, an upset look clearly on his face.
“It’s nothing. It’s literally nothing at all,” you quoted him as you played with the edge of the study guide.
He looked at you confused as you looked down at the page, trying to distract yourself.
“Why would you say that? I don’t think this is just nothing,” he said.
“Shawn, these walls are paper-thin,” you snapped as you looked up at him. “I heard you telling the kid that this was nothing, and I don’t want nothing. So I’m stopping it here.”
He rubbed his forehead softly as you tucked your study guide into your binder, opening your backpack to put it away.
“I’m not going to tell one of my residents that he just interrupted something,” Shawn said quickly. “They’re my residents. I’m not about to tell them about my love life. I didn’t know you’d hear that. I swear I don’t think this is just nothing. I just don’t want them to know that stuff about me. There’s no reason to. I’m so sorry if it came off as any other way.”
You watched him continue to get flustered as he stayed relatively close to you, his hand almost hitting your shoulder as he spoke.
“I’ve been crazy about you since the beginning of the semester. I don’t just want to kiss you and forget,” he explained, leaning close to you again.
“Really?” You asked softly.
He smiled back at you, his hand almost resting against your shoulder as he draped it against the back of the futon.
“Really,” he replied.
This time when he leaned in, you let him kiss you. His hand enveloped the side of your face as you rested your hands gently on his chest. He tugged on your hip, and you followed his lead as you climbed onto his lap, smiling into the kiss as his hands stayed planted on your hips, gripping into your sides.
You pulled back before pecking his lips once more, leaning your forehead against his so you could see his big smile.
You glanced outside to see the snow getting worse as you let out a sigh.
“I should get going,” you whispered.
“But it’s a blizzard out there,” he mumbled as he pressed a kiss to your cheek. “And you don’t have a coat.” Another kiss at the corner of your lips. “Just stay,” he whispered as his lips met yours again.
“I don’t want to get us in trouble,” you whisper back.
“I know the RA. Don’t worry about it. I can pull some strings if he finds out,” he said with a cocky smile as you rolled your eyes, leaning in again.
“Won’t the residents know?” You mumbled against his lips.
“Let ‘em talk,” he said as his hand rubbed up your side, sending shivers across your body. “I won’t see them for over a month anyway.”
“Well, as long as the RA doesn’t find out, I think maybe I can stay,” you whispered as Shawn flipped you over so your back pressed against the futon and he hovered above you.  
“I’ll make sure he never finds out.”
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@avaastra @pupsandducks​ @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​ @imsuperawkward​ @futuremrspcy​ @mariamuses​ @turtoix​ @fallinallincurls​ @c25905 @under-a-canyon-moon​ @havethetimeeofyourlifee​ @nervousmendes​ @feliciaceciliamariajacobsson​ @haute-shawn @mendesficsxbombay​ @shawnsreputation​ @sarcasticallywitty15​
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hayesit · 5 years
matt’s 2019 year in review
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here it is! and it’s late because i had other/better things to do (and procrastinating), was recovering from hangovers (also procrastinating), and recovering from being sick (procrastinating).
i’ve been doing these year in review posts since 2016, so here is my fourth installment. every year i look back through my google calendar, my camera roll, and my bullet journal as a gratitude exercise and to chart my own development as an adult. 
here is my spotify wrapped 2019!
the beginning of this year was off to a good start: i met two friends that i know through the internet! i met my friend riley when she visited boston (i met her through a mutual friend and through overwatch league twitter) and my friend jimmy that i’ve known for…. 6 or 7 years (?!) through tumblr and designed the logo for me and alex’s late podcast, hardly tea, may she rest in peace. 
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i moved dorm rooms in between the fall and spring semester, and once again i was not happy with where i lived. i lived with 4 rando’s that i was placed with and the 5 of us barely even talked with each other. my direct roommate i saw for only two weeks, and for the nights he slept over in the bed (that he was paying room and board for) and had the worst snoring humanly possible that not even earplugs could kill (video below). i hardly slept while he was there and roamed the halls of riverview suites like a ghost due to the anxiety i felt about my lack of sleep (we love a vicious circle)! he disappeared after those two weeks without notice and i lived in fear of him returning for the rest of the semester (which he didn’t), but returned to my normal sleep schedule. 
that semester was my first semester of full-time grad school. i got a poor grade on an assignment that had a note from the professor that said she knew i could do better and it hit me how much different grad school is from undergrad and how much more effort and dedication it requires. after crying in my professor’s office, my work ethic has improved since then, but it’s not anywhere near where i’d like it to be (more on that later). 
now to more positive things for the spring semester: i met some friends that semester both ~on and offline~ that made the semester far more bearable AND i did however truly pop off in every last one of my powerpoint presentations for class. i looooove making powerpoints and just fuckin telling jokes about my research topic and have ppl tell me that they are looking forward to my presentation & that i should teach college classes :)!
me and 4 friends had a social group in which we’d drink and play board games and forget about the board game and drunkenly talk shit called cabam after all our first initials! i always looked forward to that and dug the group chemistry a lot.
during this semester i grew a   “ beard “, otherwise known as i chose not to shave just to  “ see what would happen “ (praythatitfilledin). sorry about that!
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the overwatch league was something that i had to look forward to watch every week and i had my experience enhanced through sideshow and avast’s unofficial companion streams, which guaranteed lots of laughs. i have bought tickets to two boston home games in 2020 which i am very excited about! analysts have predicted boston to be in 20th place this year (there are 20 teams) but i’m still excited for the 2020 season anyway!!
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i can’t have a year-in-review of 2019 without mentioning game of thrones. due to the show’s final season being undeniably weak, i enjoyed the camaraderie with the other people that watched thrones during those six weeks. i haven’t thought about the show or its universe for quite a while, unfortunately. i truly was quite into the world of westeros, but the weakness of the end of the story cheapened the journey of each of the characters, in a way. such a shame.
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while i got my diploma in december 2018, i walked across the stage of umass lowell’s tsongas arena with my bachelor of arts in psychology (and minor in theatre arts). it wasn’t as emotional or triumphant of an experience and just felt weird, considering i had already gotten my diploma and was going to remain in the clutches of rowdy the riverhawk as i am staying for my masters degree in applied behavior analysis/autism studies. i brought a ceramic monkey to graduation. it didn’t have any symbolism, but i just wanted to see if they’d stop me (which they didn’t)
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 this summer was better than most summers of mine go, i hung out with alex nearly every weekend, got my very first iphone, and got a data plan. the combination of these three things got me back into playing pokemon go, an unexpectedly fun pastime! went on lots of walks!
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my favorite day of summer was going to a lake with alex and our friend gianna, who i grew closer to after meeting her during macbeth last year. fond 2019 memories with gianna include: doing simulation patients with her, watching movies with her and alex, and the halloween party. what a great gd person and a great gd friend! big fan and eternally rooting for her. 
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fire emblem: three houses came out on the switch in august and is, without a doubt, my game of the year. there’s truly so much to love about the game: the world, the characters, new changes made to the series, things that were gone but returned, interesting micromanaging, and best of all, how huge my brain feels when playing it. 
i got a 6-week summer job as a paraprofessional at an extended-school-year program for children with developmental disabilities at a preschool in haverhill which taught me a lot of lessons, such as: i hate cleaning shit off of children.
then i had feelings that didn’t make much sense for about a month! whoops!
my full-time job i currently have is working at my old high school as a behavior specialist. i provide consultation and work on programs to lead to more appropriate behavior in students, primarily ones with developmental disabilities. so far it’s been fairly rewarding, some days are more challenging than others, some days are a lot of sitting in meetings, and some days are a lot of running around. some days there is not much to do at all, which has its obvious upsides and downsides. working at the high school isn’t something that i want to do forever, but it’s a good place to start with. i’m definitely learning a lot and there are a lot of benefits to working here. sometimes i can work on my grad school work (which is all online until the 2020 summer semester) which is definitely huge. and my commute is either a 15 minute walk or 3 minutes if my mom drives me! 
a ~complex~ thing about working in my hometown is that it makes the most financial sense to live at home because it’s so close to work. this is my first time living at home full-time since high school and i’m not enjoying that part too much. most weekends i visit alex in lowell, but being stuck at home with no car (going to retake the license test in the spring when the ice melts!) and having to go to bed so early definitely hurts. sure, i have what is likely the lowest amount of expenses i’ll ever have in my life (no car-related payments, no rent, no groceries), but i feel landlocked. i feel like a teenager with minimal freedom, which is in part because my mom doesn’t quite understand yet that i’m a 22 year-old that should have a lot more freedom than i do now. the most i really do on weekdays after work gets out (2:30p) is go to savers with my mom if it’s tuesday (senior citizen day), maybe go for a walk if it’s nice out (which for most of the school year, it isn’t), or be on the computer watching bon appetit videos and playing overwatch, fire emblem, or pokemon, eat a bland dinner at 6, go to bed at around 9:30. sad! truly not a situation that i want to be trapped in that much that much longer!
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i think the best and most important part of this year was becoming closer with alex. as i mentioned before, we see each other most weekends, to our great benefit. our living situations have flip-flopped, with me living at home and alex living in an apartment near campus, which in both similar and different ways have taken their respective tolls on us. having each other while going through changes and stagnations in our lives has been immeasurably important. thank you alex for providing a place to be myself other than my own head. thank you for being my best friend. 
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now i come to the thing that i’m most excited about for 2020. not 2 suck my own horn but i have cobbled together a fuckin dream team of five friends (me, alex, chris, kelly, and molly). the two times we have all gotten together it has been so satisfying in such a wonderful and otherworldly way that i am filled to the brim of happiness being around them. the craziest thing is that i met chris and kelly through twitter! TWITTER. and they’re real-ass people and my real-ass friends! i haven’t been so pleased with something in my life like this for so long and it feels so good to have adult friends that i have chosen rather than friends by circumstance. it’s truly a crime that we can’t see each other more often, but we already have a day picked out for the next time we all do something together. feeling emotional writing this paragraph bc i love me gd friends so much!
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there is a lot of uncertainty about this new year for me. i sure as fuck don’t want to live at home more than i have to but don’t know where to go, my practicum class starts for me this summer which means i’ll most likely have to change jobs (fine by me, but will be exhausting), i recently began my search for therapists and hope to find one soon to help me ~unpack things~, my thesis begins in the fall semester and i don’t know what to do for it, and i’m not 100% dead-set on working in special education. it’s been hard transitioning from living on campus and going to school full-time to the life i have now. 
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postcolonialrage · 7 years
Another Life in a Week coming up (because I cant seem to commit to updating my journal every day like how i had imagined it to be): Sunday (Oct 8):  went to Metrotown with C, she had to buy some stuff. we windowshopped for a while, had some poutine and bought ourselves mcflurrys. food makes me so happy. i also managed to exchange my ugly rain jacket for a prettier one and i have been wearing it almost every day since then.  took the bus to uni for the thanksgiving dinner - totally worth it bc i didn’t have to make dinner and the food was amazing. i went for seconds and thirds, sampled desserts and loaded up on snacks. oh my god i love holiday food thank you canada. then decided to stay at S’s place in burnaby and her neighbour (who i think is amazing) came over too and we watched the corniest Bollywood films ever and made pasta with sausages later in the night. then we texted this boy S likes to ask him out on a date. it didn’t go well though - he said he’s seeing someone else and wants to see how that goes but he’s incredibly sorry. She was clearly upset but hid it well so we decided to go to bed and deal with it in the morning. but we got up so late that she had to rush to class and i got home and napped till afternoon lol.  Monday (Oct 9): No tutorials :’) Day spent in bed - eating, reading, watching stuff. loved it. Tuesday (Oct 10): Went to class, hung out with L and C for a bit afterwards. C showed me all these k-pop videos she loves and introduced me to her favorite band. then i went home, napped i think? and spent the rest of the day in. Wednesday (Oct 11): Busy day - had an appointment with the c-op coordinator at 2 but had to meet S first to book my flights (i was using her credit card as i didn’t have mine then) so i went to her place at 1, transferred the money (to the wrong account which is something i had to call up the bank about, amidst all the existing madness as i dropped off another form at another office for another stupid thing), and then went to see the coordinator (after losing my way 282 times). then went to see another person about taxes and payslips who told me to go to payroll. so in between, i went back to see S, told her the transfer issue has been sorted, sent money to the right bank account and went to payroll. This really nice person explained everything to me and it was so nice. then i went for the writing workshop at 4 as part of my work-study - really enjoyed talking to all these people who genuinely cared about writing. got off at 6:30, went to S’s place to sort the ticket shit again but she convinced me to stay over. so we called her neighbour over again, ordered the spiciest kadhai chicken (my taste buds were crying with joy) and watched our fav bollywood movie. had to take a walk in the football field just to digest that shit. but it was so much fun. then we tried to study for a while, played some music and went to bed. Thursday (Oct 12): woke up to rains outside, stayed in the bed for what seemed an eternity, then took the bus to go back home. slept in till 5, then made myself some pasta and watched my favorite show.  Friday (Oct 13): had an appointment with the librarian at 2 (she’s really nice and helpful, i am glad we met), went to burnaby AGAIN, checked out some books from the library, finally booked my tickets at S’s places and we all took the bus to lougheed to get our eyebrows done. I am now hairless!!! i was so happy honestly because i was turning into chewbacca, no kidding. then we all went to walmart to buy a bunch of stuff. i finally got myself some tights and shit tons of junk food (that i now regret, i have 0 self control). didn’t buy any clothes yet though bc it’s so hard to shop with 4 other people in tow - i really need to go alone once. then got back home at around 11, talked to my sister for a while and went to bed. Saturday (Oct 14): so turns out the tickets i booked using S’s card were cancelled bc of some billing address issue but they deducted money from her card. in the meantime, my credit card arrived and i saw these v reasonable flights up for sale. so i booked them using my card and am awaiting a refund on S’s card now so that i can have my money bank cos im broke af and need to get a job asap. anyway, woke up at noon, prepared stuff for the tutorials and printed it out and ate all kinds of shit. N came over in the evening (she brought coffee and i had cookies) and we talked for the longest time. then we decided to smoke one (and it was really strong stuff, i am NOT smoking up again), came back to my place, listened to a lot of trippy stuff and studied for the next couple of hours. then we went back down again, she smoked another one and we decided to call it a night. as much as i like hanging out with other people and studying with them, i really need some time alone. i haven’t had any this week.  Sunday: which is why, today i decided to stay in completely and not see anyone at all. C was in the neighborhood and insisting on me coming out and studying with her but i said i didn’t feel like it. also got my period lol. i told her that she can come over whenever she wants to but i just didn’t want to go anywhere today. so i am home today as C is updating us on k-pop, studying a bit and thinking of making myself something. i love sunny sundays at home, listening to music and drinking coffee <3
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