#it just can feel very gendered sometimes ykwim?
jojotichakorn · 3 months
i actually have another character for the ask game - q 🙌
truly, thank you so much for indulging me 😌
choose a character and ask about my headcanons here, if you like
🏳️‍🌈 a sexuality headcanon
🏳️‍⚧️ a gender headcanon
he has the most he/they trans masc swag on planet earth actually.
🧸 a headcanon about their childhood
i think he started drawing really early on and instantly showed signs of being really talented, so his parents probably planned for him to be an artist right away.
👻 a headcanon about what scares them
going right into psychological stuff, i would say... feelings. not like overwhelmingly so, but he can be a little afraid of really letting himself feel things when he is faced with some new emotions.
🎶 a headcanon about music
he listens exclusively to niche bands you've never fucking heard of that have like 500 monthly listeners on spotify. and he's proud of it.
💤 a headcanon about their sleep
he is legitimately able to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere, if he so wishes.
💝 a headcanon about their love language
i'd say acts of service for sure. he does so many things for toey, he takes care of him, he sharpens his pencils, he does his assignment for him, he sings for him. acts of service big time.
🫂 a friendship headcanon
he is not really an extrovert or an introvert, because he makes friends really easily but at the same time likes to keep his circle of friends small.
💔 an angsty headcanon
he also cried a lot after breaking contact with his milk frappe boy. it was a sort of panicked decision and it was ultimately really sad for him too :(
🪢 a headcanon about their family
i feel like his parents are a little quirky, not your ordinary pair. the kind of parents that all your friends think are really cool and you think are kind of embarrassing, ykwim gjkdfjgkfdjgl
📓 a headcanon about their hobbies
i feel like he is genuinely really art-oriented, so he loves going to museums and watches lots of drawing videos on youtube, etc. etc.
👗 a headcanon about their clothes
he is literally the only person in this series serving cunt. he actively cares about fashion, and it shows.
🔪 a headcanon relating to fighting/violence
i feel like he can throw a punch or two, but that's not really something he'd jump to.
🌟 a headcanon about their desires/wishes
even though it's not easy to make it in that particular field, i think he genuinely wants to be a traditional artist, selling his paintings to collectors and museums.
🥇 a headcanon about what they’re best at
not really a headcanon, just objectively painting.
🍫 a headcanon about food
he loves spicy food. the spicier, the better.
🎭 a headcanon about what they lie about
his feelings. sometimes.
❤️‍🔥 a romantic headcanon
he is actually a really romantic person, but it's sort of a simple and constant romanticism. it's in affectionate gestures and cute nicknames and small gifts and things like that.
💄 an appearance headcanon
he has a tattoo somewhere we can't see. it's something very artsy and sophisticated.
😺 an animal related headcanon
he gives me the vibes of a person who loves some animals that are more on the weird side, like snakes.
😬 a headcanon about the worst thing they’ve done
unfortunately, and i do have to say this, cutting off contact with milk frappe boy. it was a horrible decision for him, for toey, just overall not a good call.
😶 a random headcanon!
his favourite art movements are symbolism, post-impressionism, and any kind of abstract art.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Hii first of all i hope youre doing great! Make sure to drink water‼️
So i saw that your requests r open but idk if u can do matchups so feel free to ignore this if u dont
But if u do, i was wondering if u could do a jjba matchup from parts 2-7 (any gender idm)
Some info ab me:
Im agender but i use any pronouns, im aroace (! Aroace ppl can still feel romantic feelings js limited, just letting u know bc ppl get confused🥲!)
Id like the matchup to be romantic and some characters i wouldnt rlly like u to include r stroheim, kira, pucci and funny valentine
Okay lets get to the main stuff
My personality is pretty confusing even for me tbh
I can be very serious at times but i can also be very js energetic and yk goofy ig? My energy gets drained quickly after that tho so yeaah
I get told pretty frequently that im harsh but im just honest🤷‍♀️
I prefer saying whats objective and truthful rather than sugarcoating stuff
I can be very supportive tho dont tske this the wrong way
Im an ambivert and idk if yk mbti but since it might help im an Intj e3
Also im a night owl so yeah i love staying up and stargazing from my window💁🏻‍♀️
As for how i act in daily life well, i always try my best to get everything that im assigned done and most of the time i do. I strive for perfection and success in whatever i do and i am very ambitious🏃🏻
At times tho i feel like i need breaks so once in a while i like to just stop and relax, to do absolutely nothing
I like to read books every now and then but i dont have a good attention span and i zone out A LOOOTT
Not just while reading, if im doing anything at all ill just zone out eventually
I really enjoy being in my head with my own thoughts its like my safe space even if its not safe ykwim
Im just a very brain-ish person yk i like thinking i spend hours in my head its like my comfort place
I also like being productive it makes me feel alive
Like doing stuff
Im also a result/success oriented person so yeah
Also other than reading im also into make up and i like to listen to music if u consider that a hobby
I have a very mixed music taste but my friends say its good
I really like lana del rey and indie music but I also love rock and grunge like ac/dc, nirvana, pearl jam etc.
I also listen to stray kids sometimes their music is cool (kpop) but i also listen to j-pop and classical music (ascends me to heaven fr)
I also listen to 90s hiphop. Yeah.
Thats a lot of stuff I KNOW but i told u its a mix
As in fashion i dress either very y2k-ish or like my friends always tell me i look like those 2 girls from mean girls (my clothes)
I like to dress coquette-like though too!
Id also like to be a gothic lolita but i cant so thats sad
I also have brown hair and brown eyes and im average heigthed
My friends say i have the best style so yeah
I dont really have a type but i do have a preference for either people who are like me bcz yk they get me
But i also like funny people like very energetic funny people
We can be like sun moon dynamic idk😭
I like every love language ngl
I have a slight preference for gift giving though
I mean thats the one i use so
The fic is up to u idm what it is
Tysm for ur time, ik that was a lot, feel free to ignore if u dont feel like it have a nice day/night <3
notes: omg hi!! I am finally doing your matchup <3 I feel like it has been in here forever omg. but i am so glad im getting to it today!! i literally have the PERFECT character for you tee hee so let's jump in <3
the character I chose for you is...
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you and him have a very similar personality. you can both have a serious front, but goof off with each other, which is the most fun
it makes you a super successful couple too because you both know when it's joking time or not
though you will find him making stupid jokes more often than not
he likes that your harsh/honest
it just really shows that you know who you are and you cant take certain stuff
it just means your strong-willed and that's what he loves about you
there is nothing wrong with being harsh and he tells you that all the time
you and him are very supportive to each other and it really helps the relationship grow
i feel like gyro is honestly a morning person, so you wont find him staying up with you late that often
so while he sleeps next to you pet his hair
but he will 100% stargaze with you while you talk about life and cuddle
you get shit done and that's what he loves about you
and when you two are together, you're literally unstoppable tbh
as ambitious as this man is, he is also lazy, so he will ask you to just sit and cuddle him so you can take a break
and who are you to deny gyro??? i would cuddle in those arms any day
doing absolutely nothing sounds amazing to him, so please stay wrapped in his arms
just know he will fall asleep
since you love reading, but zone out a bit, this man will read to you
he loves to read to you
even if you zone out, he will catch you up
he overall just enjoys reading out loud a lot, so you're going to hear a lot of it
while you're just thinking, he'll be right beside you
you are your own comfort space, but you begin to feel that he is becoming your new one
he is also a mixed music dude, so yall listen to whatever
literally force him to dress up to and you will be walking ICONS
do his makeup
he loves when you make him all pretty
he'll braid you hair if you braid his
he is super energetic and funny, so you have the literal perfect man for you
and he will provide every love language, just expect a lot of words of affirmation from him and way too many cuddles
and if you give him gifts, he gets all flustered and blushy
and then he'll get you gifts too :)
and now for your fic :)
You stayed up on the edge of your shared bed with Gyro and watched the stars from your window. You lived in a nice enough area to see all the stars and you were very thankful for that. You couldn't go to sleep, so you decided to open the window and get a breath of fresh air along with your view. Your boyfriend slept quietly next to you, his arms hugged around his own lanky body. You watched his breaths for a moment. In. Out. In. Out. You smiled and ran your fingers through his long sandy blonde hair before looking right back to the window. "Darlin?" You heard from Gyro, making you jump. "What's up?" You asked, seeing his long arms stretch in front of him as he sat up. "Can't sleep?" He asked, avoiding your question. "No, not really. Just wanted to do some stargazing." "Come here," he said, patting his chest. You gladly laid your head on your chest, having an even better view of the stars as he petted the top of your head until he fell back asleep.
matchup rules | pinned post @tonberry-yoda
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vanikolya · 2 years
Im praying i dint have the wrong acc.
that or like. Sibling fret that also works depending on what u feel like writing.
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cw: none
reader info: they/them, no gendered terms used
notes: i can't tell if i hate this header or not but oh well. hi basil!! im watching an omori video whilst writing this note and the dude keeps saying basil and it's throwing me off, i think this is kinda funny and related bc you mentioned him but did you know about my funny little crush on fret yet? SHSJDJS uh for anyone who isn't basil there are some basil specific things here bc we're ✨️ friends ✨️ so
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miracle you both even ended up in a relationship ngl knowing sho
firm believer of the idea that he has very little emotional awareness and would also definetely not be the first to admit he loves you
even when he does say it most of the time it's some mathematical equivalent that you have to work out, some couples leave notes for each other that just say "i love you", sho leaves noted that say "solve for i: 9x - 7i > 3(3x - 7u)'
spoiler alert "i < 3u"
i think despite being not very emotionally aware he'd try his best to do things to help cheer you up when you're like, definetely, no doubt about it, outwardly upset or angry
although for the angry part he has definetely offered to kill someone if needed
bro can enter and leave the RG as he pleases, what is he gonna do, get arrested? it's the perfect crime
only i can turn relationship headcanons into murder talk wh, is this what i get for being aro
he also has like a very limited scope of people he cares a lot about, including you and, idk you're the only name on this list
he'd be an extremely unconventional partner ngl, bro ignores stereotypically romantic things like flowers and chocolates with a vehement passion, and would much rather just spend time with you normally as opposed to going on fancy planned date
i'd say he sometimes disappears for a week during his turns as game master but i feel like he'd get bored some days and just. "oh well i only need to be here to give tasks and then for a fight on the last day, yeah i have time to kill" and go visit you or somethin
i also feel like a lot of the times he comes to see you are completely unannounced. shows up at your door as if him randomly showing up for no reason is the normallest thing ever
will infodump to you about maths
he's adjusting to the fact that dyscalculate people exist pls excuse his ever-persistent maths talk 😔✊️✊️
he's slowly incorporating making sure both of you have eaten and drank something into his somewhat daily schedule
wait does sho even need to eat and drink
oh well
although when he does remember he's not going to let it go until he sees you eat/drink something
sho: grabs you drink water
least famous reference i'll ever make
i can't see him as being super physically affectionate like by himself, but would definetely be affectionate with you if you asked
like ykwim like if u asked to cuddle or something
i mean he'd probably say something teasing about it first but shh ignore him he has "i like you, i'm going to be mean to you but affectionately" type of caring for people
uh i'm gonna post these now because they keep not saving properly i've rewritten some of these sections like 3 times oops
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weebsinstash · 2 years
Consider reading Steel Under Silk and The Ghost's Nocturne. Both are BL manhwa. Both are kinda similar to Painter of the Night (on the pairing being a Huge Strong Guy With Issues and a Massive Dick X Petite Man) and yet completeley different. Both have noncon. Both are available on bato. to! Steel Under Silk is legit so good, I dont even wanna pitch it to you. The ML is *MWHAH* chefs kiss. You just have to read it and see for yourself. The art style on both are TOP TIER.
Man so like I was kind of indulging in this conversation with someone else earlier but, you know how there was like that cultural movement in like the 2000s onward where a lot of young women were uncritically consuming yaoi content and yeah there were definitely a lot of people being homophobic and fetishistic about it (legit I think the whole "yaoi is fine but yuri is gross" that was common for a lot of young girls was just internalized misogyny bc I was one of those kids and now I'm literally a queer person with a gender identity of Girl But Also Who Gives a Fuck) but like at the core of it it was younger folks being completely unbothered by queer media and even seeking it out, and then there was this reverse whiplash of "oh no only gay men can read these, if you read these you are gross/homophobic/racist" and it's like. I literally turned 26 the other week and even sometimes when im in YouTube shorts watching manhwa clips (believe it or not this can actually be a really good way to find more stories, some people make very high quality edits or clip and the algorithm will just eventually feed you manhwa shit nonstop) and whenever a BL story comes up, there's like, a sense of shame in my heart, like I gotta look away? "Like oh, better avoid that, consuming this media with gay men in it surely makes me fetishistic and creepy" and it's like, the queer community has not clawed its way to having some rights for us to pull this kinds inter-group othering like this 🤦‍♀️ im a fucking adult and im going to read these stories where dudes are gonna fuck and it doesn't mean a damn thing besides me wanting to see people getting Freak Nasty
But anyways yeah I will definitely add those to my recommended 👀 I think one thing I've been having to watch out for is that I will see a series and then I'll read the comments and it might be something like "dont read this, its extremely unhappy, the mc suffers constantly and the ending is sad" and its like. Yeah I like dark content but I have to be careful when it comes to stories that are kind of just straight up tragedy porn? Idk. Like. When I write dark content its kind of contained into like a one-shot or a story with a few chapters, it isn't extremely drawn out to the extent ive seen with a lot of manhwa. I had my eyes on "Broken Promise: Married Man" or whatever the fuck its called bwcause it looked like it had some kinky stuff in it and then I look into it a little and almost everyone was saying "oh no dude don't read this unless you have a strong heart, bad shit CONSTANTLY happens, this man SUFFERS"
Idk its just, sometimes it can be hard to find my personal limits with that kind of thing 🥺 I don't think I've ever dropped anything for messing me up or anything but there are times I've read fanfictions and it made me like depressed the whole day 😅 the hunt for good stories constantly continues!
Also. It isn't a BL but ive heard Finding Camelia is good? It's a manhwa about a girl who is forced to live as a boy because she's the only heir to her family or something and she has to go through a journey of self growth and learn to feel good as herself and a girl again? I dunno, i don't know many details about it but ive seen a lot of people recommend it. Honestly I'm trying not to start too many stories at once but like I can't stop, I find a good story, start reading, oh wait it isn't complete, better find a another story, oh wait it isn't complete, wash rinse repeat ykwim
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tinybed · 2 years
Tiny Bed, if some clique girl has decided she doesn’t like you because you’re not “girly enough” to, say, get your buccal fat removed to be on trend or wear the kind of perfume that’s so overly sweet it makes people sick when they get too close to you, that’s a Good thing. So what if you don’t like Lana Del Ray? You are your own individual person and YOU get to decide what you do and don’t like. Other people shouldn’t have any say in it. If you want to be “girly” then whatever you like is just that, by your own standards that you choose. Societal standards are only meant to box us into submission! Collect bugs if you want to! Also a lot of those clique types end up trad or terfs or being controlling and. I didn’t think you wanted to be that way anyway. Better to not associate with them now than lose the “friendship” later over something extreme or end up One of Them, right?
— Warning ⚠️ My response to this anon goes kind of off on a tangent and i wrote a lot, so im sorry lol —
i understand exactly what you’re saying even though this is written a bit colorfully and stretchy. the message of what youre saying absolutely shines through and i appreciate it a lot. at the same time, i dont want anyone to think i have anything against ppl who enjoy listening to lana del rey and use perfume, its more that…. i wish i was more like that in a sense, i think its pretty and feminine and kind of charming. and i feel very mixed emotions about it because i’ve always been very “tomboy” and i know a lot of what society says gender expression is is determined by ppl who want to sell things to you, but im also one of those ppl who was indoctrinated by that. when i was growing up in the early 2000s, there was a huge marketing campaign built around selling femininity to children using TVshows and commercials (i remember i watched a video about it that had a lot of books as sources that i want to read actually) and like. yeah i saw all of that for sure, but i’ve also grown up a pretty neglected child and even tho i didnt want to wear skirts, at some point i did want to explore femininity but couldnt… so i actually feel like i desire to be more traditional feminine but couldnt ykwim? i couldnt even be clean and presentable at the very least. so i think whenever i dont fit in with “traditionally” feminine girls, it bothers me …… im so happy u said that tho about like. whatever you like is feminine like i can catch bugs if i want to… i just wish it didnt change how OTHER ppl look at me sometimes 😿 this is extremely kind of you to send, thank you..
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salt-volk · 2 years
surprised some ppl dont see that displaying your sexuality, race, & such on profiles can also be abt comfort. nothing is apolitical. in EVERY social space where your interacting with other humans broader social dynamics are woven into the interaction & can influence what ppl do/say. systemic oppression still exists in the world. as someone in a few minority groups sometimes i just feel safer in a space if i recognize others from my same or similar groups are there.
ex: while other gay ppl can still have internalized homophobia, or hold other negative views (being gay doesnt mean you cant be ableist, racist, or other), on AVERAGE very generally speaking, id be less likely to get ignorant comments abt my sexuality from another gay person than from someone whos straight. same with poc, or any other often marginalized groups.
which ofc am not saying you just cant ever trust white ppl or straight ppl or whatever LOL. just that when youre dealing with random stranger who you know NOTHING else abt/ have very few details to go off to judge how safe they are to you, small identifiers like that can help. if i had to spend 3hrs with a complete stranger & had to choose my conversation partner blindly knowing nothing abt them but their gender, id probly choose a trans person over a cis person, NOT bc the cis person is bad, but just bc on average i likely would have less chance of the trans person mocking or being hostile towards me for being gay, even if theyre not gay themselves. ykwim?
i know you cant really tell this from dv bios & most ppl on dv treat everyone the same but im just bringing up another possibility to help explain why its maybe useful for some ppl. for those who face oppression & violence in our daily lives based on our identities sometimes its more important for us to know who we can feel safe around before we talk to them (dont wanna strike up a convo with a new friend only to later find they fundamentally loathe a whole part of who you are lmfao). its not just looking for dates or for some other trivial reaosn, but ppl can also list these things to be able to identify communities or individuals they can feel a little safer around, knowing theyre at least less likely to experience microaggressions or things like that when talking to them. a way to be able to identify your community, which can be more important to some ppl than others.
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awildtei · 2 months
wails ok i actually don't watch yellowjackets (i just consume it avidly thru gifset. ykwim) but every few months i look thru jackieshauna gifs and get amvs for them on my youtube algorithm ALL the time lol so i was immediately curious about that one
Okay okay i'll try to reel myself in because jackieshauna make me certifiably insane and i could talk all day about them. I've only vague thoughts in this doc so all i can share is:
"Being Jackie’s best friend makes Shauna feel disgusting. There has always been something sordid and hungry in her; sometimes she thinks there is a yawning mouth where her soul should be. Loving Jackie brings the teeth to the surface, makes Shauna feel filthy and obscene and violent.
Later, she will say Jackie wasn’t a good friend. What she will mean is that being Jackie’s friend made her be the worst version of herself, which in turn made her hate herself. Was it Jackie’s fault? Was this ugliness in Shauna always going to fester, no matter who she chose to make friendship bracelets with? Is there any young girl who loves her best friend without wanting to eat her alive, too?"
but i can tell you more about where this is going: basically it's just a little shauna character study from before the crash. I think one of the most fascinating things she does in yellowjackets is cast herself in this very cliché 'unattractive sidekick to the hot rich girl who treats her like shit' role, even though 'um, actually, ellen, that's not true': she's on the most popular team in school, she's obviously beautiful, and jackie loves her and listens to her and is far from awful, really. The only one putting shauna in the corner, let's say, is shauna.
And all these feelings get mixed in with guilt and trauma in the wilderness while jackie is still alive, but they truly explode when jackie and shauna's baby die (both tangled up in really interesting ways). So this is kind of… okay, obviously shauna's feelings about jackie got all distorted by the grief and the incredibly traumatic experience she went through, but they were already complicated well before the wilderness. And this is me trying to explore that: what was shauna 'the butcher' shipman's inner world like before the crash? How was her love for jackie already bent out of shape by jealousy and projection and attraction?
One of the things yellowjackets makes very clear is that the wilderness didn't make the girls be violent and horrible, that was all them and something they already were before. And we see that the instinct for violence is in Shauna before and after acting as the butcher, the instinct to twist the knife in deeper and get her hands warm with blood (and there will be some exploration of gender and violence in this fic and how shauna's coming into masculinity mirrors travis's coming into femininity and contrasts tai's performance of masculinity...): fucking jeff behind jackie's back, being ambivalent about freezing allie out, hiding from jackie that she got into brown, snapping at jackie about the dress and then wearing it anyway (that one in particular is like, their friendship in a nutshell: jackie: hey, just wear the dress i gave you, you look so hot in it *gay stare* shauna: OH MY GOD JACKIE STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO. also shauna: *wears the dress*. shauna during their final fight: FUCK YOU, JACKIE, YOU'RE ALWAYS TELLING ME WHAT TO WEAR. jackie: 😟⁉️).
Shauna wants to hurt jackie as much as she wants to fuck her/be her/be with her, even if she then does some interesting historical revisionism and pretends that their dynamic was one of master/pet with her as the poor little meow meow. So this fic is just about how she justified all this to herself before the crash allowed her to be the worst version of herself unapologetically.
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transmascissues · 3 years
im transmasc myself and while i agree w the stuff in your pinned readmore thing im a little confused on how we are supposed to have grown up inherently different from cis women, or how our dicomfort with our gender is somehow innately different because we came to the conclusion we are men or otherwise trans. i dont think i completely agree. i think a lot of cis women go through much of the same, and possibly the exact same, discomfort we do because being interpreted as girls in society, or being dfab, is a difficult experience for most, especially for people who are gnc.
i think it really comes down to how we decide we are going to label ourselves or whether we pursue medical transition? a cis woman may be dysphoric in the same way we are, but decide she is not trans and is going to try to be comfortable with her body the way it is for whatever personal reason. she wont face the same stigma we do navigating society as transmasculine people, but we dont have to have an innate difference from her for our identities and our systemic oppression to be real, ykwim? like i can share the exact same thoughts and experiences as someone who decided they werent trans and still be trans myself, because being trans is an action i have taken to treat my dysphoria. i dont have to not feel like other girls (not saying this in a demeaning way just phrasing it like the post you made)
here's the thing: being trans as someone who was afab is about WAY more than just discomfort with being seen as women
first of all, it's not just about the discomfort - my experiences of gender euphoria are far more indicative of my gender experience as whole than my dysphoria is - sure, a cis woman could feel uncomfortable with what being perceived as a woman is like, but do they feel the same absolute joy when they're called a boyfriend or a brother or a dad or when they see their name next to "mr"? do they feel like everything in their life just makes more sense when they fit into it as a genderqueer man (in my case), or do they just not like what it means to fit into it as a woman? because there's a big difference
my point is, at the end of the day, it is impossible for me to have the "exact same thoughts and experiences" as a cis woman because those thoughts and experiences include Not Being A Woman, so anyone who shares my exact thoughts and experiences is necessarily not a cis woman
i think the real problem here is that you're viewing transness purely as a series of actions (social transition, legal transition, medical transition, etc)
sure, it might be that to you, but for the majority of trans people, it's so much more than that - i'm not trans in order to treat my dysphoria, i'm trans because my gender isn't the one i was assigned at birth, and that would be true regardless of what actions i take, because for me and most other trans people, transness as an identity and transitioning as an action are two separate (albeit often closely related) things
sure, our experiences don't HAVE to be innately different from cis women's for them to be valid, but that doesn't change the fact that (at least for most of us) they still are innately different - sometimes things are just true even if they don't need to be
and i would caution you to be VERY careful generalizing the idea that being trans is nothing more than a treatment for dysphoria, because that's the exact logic a lot of t/er/fs use to argue that we should just find "other treatments" (aka usually conversion therapy) and not let anyone transition
and on top of the t/er/f issue, this logic also suggests that discomfort is the main experience of being trans, which allows cis people to keep portraying it as a mental illness / generally bad thing, and also fucks over anyone who wants to transition to achieve euphoria even if they don't have the associated dysphoria (for example, i'm not dysphoric about my lack of facial hair but i AM euphoric when i see myself with facial hair so one of my transition goals is getting some facial hair - it doesn't matter that i'm comfortable without it because i would be even more comfortable with it and that's what SHOULD matter)
to give you a somewhat simplified answer to your question: our discomfort with womanhood is different from a cis woman's because our discomfort is part of a much larger internal experience of a different gender, and theirs likely wouldn't be solved by living as a different gender because that wouldn't align with their internal experience (as evidenced by the cis women who have transitioned and later realized it wasn't the right path because that wasn't the real source of their discomfort), so while the discomfort might feel the same on the surface, it comes from a different place and will have different experiences attached to it
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diversetolkien · 4 years
I'm honestly surprised you're pro-jedi and not just, like, pro-force-user. Aside from the slavery, and general indifference, they're also arrogant and detached. The only Jedi I've seen being caring toward their clones(even the peons/privates/shinies) are Plo Koon and Windu. Anakin only cares if it's Rex and maybe one of his main teammates. Maybe. Obi-wan only seems to really care about Cody, etc. Sure they might be //nice// but there's a diff between nice and kind, right? (1/?) -Antijedanon
Pls don't take this as me being hostile or trying to fight. I actually kind of LOVE to debate stuff and I can never find anyone to do it with because everyone is too intense and keeps trying to convince me of their opinion, even when we're not talking about social justice stuff. Just. 'I'm right and you're wrong, now admit it' and it's like. Super subtle sometimes because I'll make it clear what I think and they'll just keep 'offering' more 'explanations' ykwim?(2/?) -Antijedanon
Anyway, I personally love the clones so much that I cannot forgive the Jedi for not doing ANYTHING to help them. They could've lobbied for rights, for shore leave, they could've //tried// you know? I feel like they weren't THAT powerless. Sure with Palpatine pulling the strings, everything was harder but it's like they refused to even take a stance? They could've at least expressed disapproval. What do you think?(3/?) -Antijedanon
 Hello there anon! Thank you for this ask! I think in general to sum up why I do like the Jedi is basically due to their core beliefs, their culture, as well as their relationship to the Force. Not only do I find them aesthetically pleasing, but i’m really obsessed with their mysticism. Getting into star wars, the Force and the Jedi were something that personally, I could really relate to. And the Jedi order and their belief and work with the Force became a bit of a comfort for me, especially when I was dealing with some hard and stressful times.
Watching the episode with the Younglings creating their sabers was really cool for me. Also, i like their family units. The fact that they are all a mix of difference species and genders makes you wonder their views on the outside world--they’re raised and reared so differently than others.
Cultural differences would mean nothing to Jedi because they grew up with people of different and stranger cultures. Humans and aliens grew up side-by-side, so discrimination really wouldn’t be an issue. Not just on a race basis, but also on a gender basis, simply because most Jedi were taken and raised in the temple. 
This typically translates to respectable adults. 
In general, I think the Jedi order is an order that can be good, thinks it’s good, but goes about it in a very, very bad way. In general I think they needed newer leadership and younger people on the council, as well as people with differing beliefs. 
But,  because of their blind belief in the Force, they’re prone to making phenomenal and harmful mistakes. They don’t question anything because they think the Force is leading them to where they need to be.
And then they’re compliant in the creation of a slave army, which should be a reasonable excuse as to why anyone should dislike them. There is literally absolutely no defense of that. You cannot defend or explain away the fact that they accepted a slave army, did little to help or advocate for them, and lead them to their deaths.
You can’t explain away how Anakin is infuriated by slavery, but turns a blind eye to his own men and his role in their slavery. Or how the Jedi are supposedly anti-slavery (it’s either them or the Republic, but the Jedi fall under the republic) yet have a slave army.
I love Plo.
Plo is my favorite Jedi and character, but he did the bare minimum. Everyone who was nice to the clones did the bare minimum, and while I enjoy talking about how as far as other Jedi goes he and Mace are pretty good, I wish they did more. Spoke out more.
Anakin was married to a senator—why didn’t he advocate for his men? Why not advocate or be there for Rex? Especially after Fives (don’t even get me started on how painful that was).
That’s why the finale with Ahsoka and Rex felt so…off? I suppose this idea that Ahsoka was a heroine and stuck her neck out for the clones was bothersome when her onscreen recklessness has caused clone lives.
Watching the clones used as cannon fodder and their lives  be so ignored and underappreciated by the Jedi, except to make the Jedi look good, was infuriating. Watching Ahsoka only care about the clones to make her look better was infuriating. Watching Plo and even Yoda getting a slap on the wrist for just saying they cared was infuriating.
Like, do more!!
The relationship between the Jedi and the clones will never be a good one, unless the story is retconned and rewritten (Dave Filoni if you’re looking for a writer for ideas DM me XD). Every attempt to humanize the clones in relation to the Jedi is only made to make the Jedi look better.
But every single Jedi failed the clones. Every single one.
You’re right to dislike them for that—and even hate the Jedi. Because for a long time I grappled with this. The jedi got me into star wars, so understanding and having to accept that they are a very, incredibly flawed (and for some people, it’s more than flawed).
And this pretty much sums up my stance. I’m pro-Jedi because I think that fundamentally it’s a really good order that has it’s heart in the right place but communicates it badly, and is in need of new leadership. And due to that, i’m critical, especially when the order itself is incredibly hypocritical. 
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menlove · 3 years
I prefer pan because of how it applies to my own gender identity; I am not a man or a woman so sometimes my own relationship to attraction feels complicated, in that I can be attracted to any gender and have no idea what that means in relation to my own. Is my attracted to men gay or straight? What about women? Who knows! I like it because it means I don’t have to define MY gender while clarifying that I’m attracted to all genders. I think a lot of people feel that way. I get that it’s a preference thing in terms of labels but still, it’s one I chose in reference to my own identity, not because I think it makes me better than someone who identifies as bisexual. And I’m really tired of seeing people act as though a niche subculture of hyperonline kids on tiktok is enough to justify speaking badly about all pansexual people as a group when really it’s a label that makes it easier for me to be comfy in my own gender…like honestly it makes me feel badly and a bit hurt 😔
no I completely agree w you!! and like I said in the previous ask, I am not at all talking abt pansexual people as a group. the post starts out with "what bothers me in bi vs pan discourse" and so from there the referenced "they" is talking abt the people who are participating in said discourse. if you're not out there spewing shitty stuff abt bisexuals, you're not a part of that group ykwim? like. pansexuality is totally valid for whatever reason you have to identify that way and I'd stand beside even the hyperonline kids on tiktok if we were up against cishet people bc queer solidarity is more important than discourse.
that being Said, my complaint is simply w those people interacting w that discourse. and it's not always just hyperonline kids, it's been on here as well and from people of all ages. and bisexual people have been and are shitty as well in areas of discourse. but my post starts out with "in bi vs pan discourse" and that is solely what it is talking abt. nowhere in it do I imply I dislike pan people as a group- I'm Specifically talking abt a certain subset of pansexual ppl that identify that way in an attempt to distance themselves from bisexuals and do so in a very harmful way.
like I understand seeing criticism aimed at people that share a label with you and feeling hurt, but if you're not doing the things I'm talking abt then the issue isn't with you. like I see valid criticisms of shitty bisexual people a lot and I take a minute to reflect and make sure I'm not doing those things and if I'm not? then I know that post is not meant for me and I can freely move on knowing op isn't a bisexual hating bigot but is just venting frustration abt a group of shitty ppl that share a label with me.
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