#it lagged my pc to save and it was SO stressful every time
cebwrites · 4 months
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emo x punk nerds as featured in @lovinglawzine 💕
thank you so much for letting me show off the boys in the SFW & OC/X-Reader section, it's been super fun working on my piece/with my assigned mod o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
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newhologram · 3 years
I know only a few of you are on IG so I wanted to give an update here on the past few days. I am doing this knowing the potential risk but I need to also record where I'm at right now in case anything weird happens.
My week has been like this so far. Sunday: Family Member 1 misplaced their Xbox controller. They kept asking me if I knew where it was, each time growing more and more aggressive. I don't have an Xbox, I reminded them. I have my own controller for my PC. But they kept knocking loudly on my door. They followed me outside where I was vaping and tried to accuse me of I don't even know what. Pawning off their controller? FM1 said, "Is there something going on that you're not telling me? SOMEONE'S messing with me!" Later that night they and their gf were making dinner. FM1 suddenly knocked harshly on my door and said aggressively, "WHAT DID YOU DO WITH THE OVEN MITTS" in an angry voice. I was already stressed from them harassing me earlier about the controller. I came out of my room, heart racing, and told them I had not used them that day. I helped find the mitts, which had fallen behind the trash can because the hanging hook had broken. I went to bed on edge, feeling unsafe and targeted, wondering why my family member was suddenly acting so paranoid and accusing me of misplacing their things... Something they actually have done to me my whole life, denying it until the moment my item is found, when they suddenly remember they did move it there (or accidentally throw it out/destroy it). The controller ended up being some random place in the living room. Monday: I went to leave for my acupuncture appointment. My booster seat/pillow thing was missing from my car. Not in the trunk or anything. I cannot drive without it. I'm too short to see over the steering wheel. I called FM1 and they have no idea where it could be, despite the fact that they drive my car every day. FM1's gf helped find it, in the garage. But I still had an epic fucking meltdown, sobbing the whole way to and from my appointment. I just cannot handle people moving my shit and disrupting my schedule like that. And it just hurt so much more knowing that FM1 was so awful to me the day before about their stuff being misplaced. I'm always having my personal belongings, my feelings, my personhood, disrespected. It hurts deeply. When I got home I stressed to them that this is my car, and my accommodation should not ever be removed from it under any circumstances. It was after this that I decided it was time to hold a family meeting. I called Family Member 2 and 3 over to the house. I read a long letter to them in which I told them about the talks I have had with my therapist, psychiatrist, and another psychologist. Even though I cannot be formally assessed and diagnosed at this time, I am being treated for autism. I detailed to my family my entire life of trauma that is traced back directly to my autistic traits, and my needs not only not being met, but being outright denied. I was denied empathy most of my life for my sensory issues, my pain, everything. A big part of this is gaslighting. Even if it's unintentional or not malicious, gaslighting is incredibly traumatic. Especially when it comes to my sensory issues. I have had even more problems with overstimulation the past year which means I can barely sleep, so my daily naps are even more important. I try to coordinate my naps when there is less activity in my house. But if I'm in a ton of pain and extra sensitive and ask for quiet, that's when I get in trouble and a fight happens. That's when FM1 tells me I "need to be realistic" and "can't expect the whole world to shut up for you"... when I'm literally saying "I have a migraine and need to rest, can you please not play loud music or slam cupboards in the kitchen for a few hours?"
I was emotionally neglected and abused by both parents. A lot of it is just the result of their own trauma that they have not dealt with... But I have also been physically threatened and assaulted by them at different times, though it only happened those specific times. (They won't ever admit to it though.) The emotional and mental abuse still goes on in my home. I am not allowed to have emotions. I have been told "STOP. WHY ARE YOU CRYING. LIFE'S NOT FAIR. WHEN YOU GET OUT IN THE REAL WORLD YOU'LL HAVE SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT" over and over--like... in response to me crying about my pet dying, or in response to me crying bc I'm in horrible pain from my chronic illnesses, or crying after my usual yearly ER visit. I am also not allowed to have boundaries. I have tried to communicate with FM1 that these things hurt me deeply. And their response is basically, "YOU'RE SO UNGRATEFUL. I PUT A ROOF OVER YOUR HEAD!" and threats such as "BETWEEN TAKING CARE OF YOU AND GRANMDA, ONE OF THESE DAYS I'M GOING TO DRIVE OFF AND YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN!" or "I'M THE ONE WHO SHOULD KILL MYSELF BECAUSE I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOU"-- y'know, in response to having a disabled child. Ouch. The message is clear: I am nothing but an inconvenience and a burden to my family. I still have nightmares about them abandoning me, or abusing me more. I think in their heads they think that they love me. But this isn't love. If I try to talk to them about how dangerous it is for them to say things like that to me, they say "I never said/did that." Which brings us back to the gaslighting: I said that every time they gaslight me and tell me that my emotions/thoughts/experiences aren't real, it triggers me so badly that I self-harm and become suicidal.
I was very clear with them: I said that I can no longer have that in my life because one day it will kill me. I don't wanna die that way. I want to live. I have very bad PTSD and it's something I have worked on for 8 years but it has been worse the past year with so many disruptions and FM1's worsening narcissistic traits. I gave the choice to them. I said if they gaslighted me again that they were making the decision to not be in my life. Because this is about preserving my life. I'm trying not to die here. I'm literally trying to save my own life, even if that means not having a relationship with my family. They accept that I am autistic... But they then took turns gaslighting me. When I pointed out, "that's gaslighting. that's exactly what I just said in my letter. What you're doing is gaslighting" they went even harder on it. They said my experience and my trauma is "not in line with reality". They also said I "need to be reasonable" with the boundary that I'm setting (meaning: they don't believe in boundaries at all). They tried to guilt trip me with, "you can't cut someone out of your life because what if they DIE and then you FEEL GUILTY??" (I mean, what if I killed myself because you keep hurting me? Wouldn't you feel guilty about that?) They also guilt tripped me with "well we TRY to invite you to family stuff, and we try to include you, but you never want to go..." um... I guess they forgot I am chronically ill? Sorry if I don't have the energy or pain tolerance to drive an hour each way to a loud family party after I've worked all week? I cried and cried, I said this is exactly what I told you that you do to me and how it endangers my life... and you're doing it... while telling me you don't do it to me... They were all weird and told me "we love you and would do anything for you!" except... I guess, not gaslight me constantly? Idk. I felt so trapped. I felt so hopeless. I was up all night crying. I wondered, "Why is the idea of me having distance from them somehow worse than me being dead? Why would they prefer that I die rather than set a boundary that will save me?" And then I remembered: I had set the terms. They broke them. You do this, you're out of my life, because me being alive is more important than us having a relationship which will eventually kill me. I'm not trapped. It doesn't matter if they think they can prevent me from setting this boundary because they can't. I'm in charge of my boundary. So I blocked them on social media, as well as their phones. I have to unfortunately keep FM1 unblocked bc I live with them, they drive my car, and they look after my cats while I am at work. If I didn't have so many great things happening behind the scenes, if I didn't have my cats, if I didn't have amazing friends and followers who are supportive and kind... I can definitely see that I would have ended my life that night in some alternate timeline. That is how much pain I was in from them doing that to me. Them literally trying to gaslight me into not setting a boundary. I mean it would've been so ridiculous on their part, can you imagine? Me: Hey family, when you gaslight me, it makes me suicidal. I don't want to die, so either you stop doing that, or we can't have a relationship. Family: UHH NO *gaslights me anyway* Me: ok *kills self* Family: *surprised Pikachu face* Like???? Would they really have been shocked because it seems like they should have known since I told them directly? And that just shows that they really don't take my pain seriously at all. They think I'm overly sensitive and that my trauma is not real. That would have been a painful wake up call for them. I told my therapist all of this. And she agrees that this is good, this is going to not only ween them off of me but also allow me to focus on all the good stuff I have going on. I have to get moving. So much stuff has been lagging because I'm constantly recovering from them triggering me. I'm going to focus, and heal, and gtfo of here. Thank you for your support and for never invalidating my pain.
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soulerflaire · 6 years
Guys, Subnautica is going to be free on the new Epic Games store from December 14th to December 27th.
I cannot stress enough how amazing this game. It’s super atmospheric, it’s absolutely beautiful, and it’s one of my all time favorite games I’ve ever played. Every time I finish a play through, I end up just wanting to play through it again.
It’s a survival game where you crash onto an alien world that is 99% ocean, with all kinds of creatures in it. There is a plot and a goal, but the game is pretty much completely left up to you to explore as you wish.
There’s really only 3 problems with it.
1. It’s pretty graphically intense, so your pc might struggle with it if it’s not fairly new.
2. It has some bugs, and they tend to get worse when your computer struggles to run the game. Before I got my new graphics card, I would sort of lag through things on occasion, include the ground. While annoying, these bugs are rarely game-breaking, and usually giving the game a moment to catch up sorts them out.
3. This is an underwater survival game, and if you have any fear of the ocean, this rapidly turns into survival horror. The game is very good making you feel very small and very exposed as you go deeper underwater. I really enjoyed that, but I understand that not being for everyone.
That said, I highly, highly recommend picking this game up. Even if you can’t currently run it, grab it and save it for when you get a new computer. If you want to see what the gameplay looks like, both Markiplier and Jacksepticeye have played a ton of this game. However, if you want to see someone play through the full release blind, I recommend LobosJr.
I do recommend playing the game yourself first, though, because exploring and finding things yourself is such a huge part of it.
This game is so good. And they’re working on a stand-alone expansion, so if you get the game and like it, there’ll be more to come.
Also, you should watch the trailer here. It gives you a taste of the tone of the plot, although the game definitely has its share of humor, too.
EDIT: Oh my god I completely forgot, the music is phenomenal. Holy shit this soundtrack is so good.
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ask-cephasred · 6 years
It really sucks not having a computer to edit videos. It takes A LOT of data to edit footage from cameras and gameplay as well as audio files, and then the processing of the video takes up even MORE data. In order for me to edit videos properly without lag and risk of freezing I would need a computer with 32gb of RAM. It's too bad any PC with that much RAM costs thousands of dollars to purchase.
Gosh...you all have no idea how badly I want to make videos right now. I miss my editing software too, and I know that I could just buy it again monthly, but I don't have a credit card and Adobe doesn't have their Paypal method working.
There are so many roadblocks right now that it's getting so stressful! I want to make videos and have fun doing it! Why do I have to keep hitting a brick wall every direction I turn?! It's almost as if I'm not allowed to progress and grow but just maintain a state of uncertainty!
Man, I just wish I could just tell life to slow down and let me catch up, and also not take away every single cent of my finances when I get paid from my job so I can bloody well save up. I lost almost $600 due to my car's water pump this week and had to get it replaced as well as pay my bills and dues on time.
I can't find work in my preferred field of theatre and film here, I can’t find anything in regards to Voice Acting, my job is dragging me down, I can't find the energy to even stream because I come home late every day from work...
I honestly wish someone would just help me catch a break...because I'm almost at my wit's end.
The worst part is when you need to go somewhere or do something that costs a massive amount of money but will help with your preferred career and future, but you can't because life likes to screw you over again and again and force you to pay for things to sustain your home/work life from crumbling beneath you...
So in all honesty...I wish there was someone out there who could help me catch a break, because it feels like I'm just not getting anywhere in the state I'm in right now by myself.
Thank you for your time reading this vent. You may go on with your day.
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sympxls · 7 years
TS4 CC Basics 101
😍 😍 😍 😍 “Oooooooohhhhh look at that. That’s perfect/pretty/gorgeous!!! I must have this in my game!!”   
If you are a simmer that uses custom content, you’ve said this at least once. 😋 If you’re like me, you say this at least once a day. 😝 To avoid cc blunders & problems with your game as a result of using cc, below are some things that, I hope, any cc user can find useful. (under a read more due to length)
✪ Right click & open in new tab when following links to download content. Just clicking on a link alone can result sometimes in a ‘not found URL’ or something of that type of error by mistake. 👌
✪ The only file type that should be going into your mods folder (with the exception of MC Command and Whicked Whims files~follow the installation directions given by those mods creators) are .packages. No matter the amount of, or the type of, files a creator included in their .zip folder, .packages are the ONLY ones that should make their way into your mods folder. EVER. Adding unnecessary files to your mods folder results in longer than usual loading times as your game is taking more time to read files it doesn’t needs to work. 👌   
✪ Any folder you download that ends in .zip, .7z, or .rar, should be unzipped, or unpacked, before placing into your mods folder. Most recent computers already come equipped with an unzipping program. If not, or if you prefer not to use what your comp came equipped with, you can download programs like 7zip or WInZip, for free. A google search can be your best friend in this instance for either a program or how to unzip a folder. 👌
✪ Its always a good idea, & safer for your game, if you direct your comp to download files to either your download folder (your PC name > Downloads) or another folder you have specifically for your downloads, & not directly to your mods folder. Its always a good idea to “test” out any new cc you download, be it one day or one week at a time, in order to weed out any cc that isn’t showing up for lack of not downloading meshes that were noted as required, or because it conflicts with other content already installed in your mods folder. Its always a good idea to keep this new or new-to-you content in a testing folder, that way you know exactly where it’s located for easy removal, if need be. If you test out the new cc & you’re satisfied with its performance, you can then move it into your mods folder along side your other installed content. 👌 
✪ Its always a good idea to organize your mods folder. & by organize I mean, categorize your content in some way, shape, or form, so its easy, or easier, to find if & when you need to. Most simmers will categorize something along the lines of how the game categorizes content (ex. CAS vs. Build/Buy, Female clothes vs. Male clothes, Clutter vs. Comfort). Some categorize according to the date they’ve downloaded it. Find a method that works for you & stick with it. It’s never too late to organize your mods folder. 👌
✪ The Sims 4 already comes with a mod folder installed in your game folder (Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods), unlike previous versions of the game. & it also comes formatted for you to use subfolders within your mods folder. If it does not, instructions on how to add them can be found in this post here. It comes formatted to go up to 5 subfolders deep, but it’s been found that most content will only work when its 2 folders deep, ex Mods>CC Folder 1. Going any deeper can result in the game being unable to read the content, which results in it not showing in game. 👌 
✪ Take time to read what the content creator is writing in their download post. In it they will, 99% of the time, note if you need anything else for their content to function &/or show in your game. This can range from what pack the content may require, to what mesh is needed for their recolor to show. Please don’t just go and click download all willy nilly. You could potentially be ignoring important information. This is not the case for all content, but it is the case for most. Taking your time to read what is written will pay off. 👌 
✪ Sometimes a contents poly count matters when speaking about loading times & lag experienced in game. Poly count refers to the amount of polygons being rendered per frame. Example of low poly content is mm (maxis match) content, although not all mm content is low or lower poly but most is. Example of high poly count content are some curly alpha hairs. Having said curly alpha hairs in game won’t cause lag specifically, but having said hair on your sim, & every townie, & then they’re all at a place of business together, for example, well you could very well experience lag because of that. High poly build/buy content will also have the same effect. If you have a lot of it in one room or on one lot, then you may experience lag. How do you avoid this you ask? Just don’t use a lot of it at one time. How does one tell what the poly count is? Easiest way to tell if a piece of content is high or higher than usual poly, is to check how big the file is. You can find that by opening up the folder its located in, & in its file size column it will say it, or you can right click on the file, & select properties. It will tell you its file size. You can also check the poly size by opening up the .package with Sims4Stuido & navigating to the meshes tab. Anything above 5-10K polys, or 10K in file size, in my opinion, can be considered high poly. The better your comp is, the better equipped it is in rendering the high poly & the less lag & loading times you should experience. 👌 
✪ When a patch or new EA content is released, your best course of action is to completely move your mods folder, your save folder, and your tray folder out of your Sims 4 folder before making the update. This is to ensure that nothing happens to it, in the off chance that some new or updated code EA releases doesn’t destroy it. The likely-hood of this happening is slim, but to save your self stress & headache, just move your mods folder before an update or install new EA content. After you’ve installed the patch or new EA content, open up your game and start a new bullshit save. You can trash this save once you are done. Its only purpose to verify your game is running smoothly without cc installed. Once you’ve run your game after the update/new content install, & you’ve ensured you can move around CAS &/or any world with a new save, & you have zero problems, you can then exit the game & move your mods folder back & resume your current save. 👌
✪ Once you’ve updated your game, while your testing out the same fresh bullshit save from above, don’t forget to go into the game options & TURN BACK ON YOUR MODS & SCRIPT MODS. If you don’t do this, you will not be able to see your installed cc once you start the game up again with your previous save. If you do forget to do this, & you accidentally save over your old save, you old save will now be cc free, & you’ve ultimately ruined your previous save. 👌 
✪ Deleting your localthumbcache.package (located in your Sims 4 folder) periodically can help in seeing new content that should show in game. The localthumbcache is responsible for storing your thumbnails. It’s perfectly okay to delete this file as a new one will be regenerated once the old one is deleted. Keeping its size at around 80K-100K is ideal. 👌 
✪ Merging cc can help reduce load times & in game lag. My preferred method of merging cc is through Sims4Studio. There’s a video explaining how it’s done here. Its logical to me to merge like items together, but again, stick with whatever system works for you. Its best to keep the pre-merged files amount to under or around 200mb, or you can risk items not showing in game. Why this happens, I don’t know. And always, always, ALWAYS keep a back up copy of whatever content you’ve merged, clearly labeled somewhere (another folder on your comp, a cloud drive, an external drive) if you can, so you know what came from where in the instance that you have to remove from or add to that merged package file. 👌
CC Basics 102 coming soon? Feel free to contact me with any questions, or suggestions. 👍
Happy Simming!
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Doom Eternal on Stadia looks great
id Software’s Doom Eternal is one of the best-looking shooters ever made. Powered by the id Tech 7 engine, the game delivers even higher resolution textures, more complex environments and a tight lock on its target 60 frames per second. It’s also built from the ground up for the Vulkan low-level graphics API, meaning that in theory, it’s a match made in heaven for Google’s Stadia – a system that focuses on Linux and Vulkan for its technological backbone. However, after putting some time into the game, it’s disappointing overall – at the most basic level, lag makes the Doom Eternal experience a good deal worse than any other platform.
There are advantages though, of course. Taking Xbox One X as an example, you have a 41GB download to get through before you can pick up your controllers. Stadia’s cloud-based set-up means that the process of getting your hands on the game is instantaneous. But in the case of Doom Eternal, that’s where the plus points for gaming at Stadia come to an end.
In assessing this port, we’re pursuing our usual strategy of running the game with the best quality set-up. That means we’re using the Stadia controller connected directly to Google’s servers via WiFi, with imagery delivered via Chromecast Ultra to an LG OLED B8, rated for 22ms of lag under Game Mode. A 300mbps Virgin Media fibre connection, with the Chromecast attached via Ethernet removes any home WiFi-related latency that might occur, while our lag measurements were carried out with no other devices sharing the line. Pulling up the Stadia connection tab, our set-up is rated as excellent with 4K enabled. Despite this, there are still some minor, very infrequent stutters in performance.
With all that in place, let’s see what we’ve got. Delivering such a rapid, supremely detailed game at 60 frames per second is no easy feat – especially avoiding detail loss through compression. I’ve got to say from a purely visual slant, Doom Eternal looks stunning on Stadia. Image quality holds up and every shotgun blast, every squelch of an instant kill takedown, and every skull lining the dungeon walls comes across clearly. Slow the footage down and zoom in and of course, we can highlight some macro-blocking, notably on darker elements of the screen. You can also expect banding artefacts in the shadows, but otherwise it’s absolutely as good as you can realistically expect from a dynamic streaming platform.
Doom Eternal given a full breakdown on Stadia, with latency tests versus Xbox One X.
The high pixel count we’re getting plays a big part in that. Stadia runs in a majority of samples at 3200×1800 – which matches Xbox One X for maximum resolution. I haven’t spotted anything under this yet, but it’s a likelihood given the dynamic resolution setup on other consoles. However, curiously there is more to it than just running at 1800p. Stadia has all HUD elements present at 4K, but at the same time, parts of the gameplay also seem to resolve at 1080p. Pixel testing any objects in front of the skybox – the distant background detail, gives results at 1920×1080. A potential theory is it’s a lower resolution depth of field buffer, a different effect with a different resolution – that causes a less clear outline for objects occluding it. In the main though, you’re getting a comparable 1800p image to Xbox One X, which is a level up from all the other consoles. Meanwhile, for those on 1080p displays you’re getting a straight native 1080p picture from Stadia all round.
Visual differences between Xbox One S and X were already few: anisotropic filtering is better on X and likewise for terrain LODs. Stadia by comparison retains the high texture filtering quality of the latter, and all settings are otherwise equal. There are differences in level of detail though, where Microsoft’s enhanced machine delivers higher quality terrain closer to the camera. Stadia is delivering a curious mixture of both base and enhanced console quality – the resolution of Xbox One X, the terrain detail of Xbox One S (or PC’s medium, if you prefer). The action is moving too fast to notice though, and every other effect, and all textures, run at the same quality level as Xbox One X.
There are some big changes to Stadia’s video options, too. The film grain option is removed outright – which may be disabled to help with video compression. Lots of visual noise does no favours in beaming game footage over, and it makes sense to see this removed – whereas X still has the option. Strangely, the field of view slider is also removed on Stadia and so it’s stuck at the default 90 setting we have on Xbox One X. It’s not obvious why this has been axed; other than to possibly save on performance hits when widening it. What you do get in exchange is a motion blur menu with a suite of options – much like PC’s. The effect is fine on its default medium setting but if it’s not to your tastes you can turn it off. Xbox One X doesn’t have this level of granularity, offering an on/off toggle instead.
Doom Eternal’s performance on console is already a great achievement, and that extends to Stadia. You’ll bump into some hitches and drops, purely based on the quality of your online connection. In my case I got lucky and played for two straight hours without any major problems – aside from one or two big stutters it’s been excellent. The actual, hardware-side performance level is also sticking to 60fps, which helps give it a strong baseline to work from. Accepting some drops to 58fps or so in spots, Stadia isn’t struggling against the huge amount of enemies or effects on screen – at least for the opening few levels. It’s a fluid experience server-side; rendering the action at 60fps is not the issue – and so it’s up to your connection to keep up.
Frame-rates are solid then, and that must help in lowering latency – but this is where the Stadia experience starts to come unstuck. From pressing the trigger on the Stadia controller to seeing the muzzle flash on-screen, there’s always going to be more of a delay compared to locally rendered playback on a home console. TV input lag is a factor for all systems, but Stadia has the extra challenge of sending your input to a server, and then beaming back the video encode of the result as soon as it can.
To cut to the chase, using a 240fps high speed camera, the difference between pressing the fire button and the action playing out on-screen sees Stadia adding an extra 79ms to 100ms over the same motion executed on Xbox One X. Yes, to be clear here, 79ms to 100ms is the extra latency you get by playing Doom Eternal on Stadia. Interestingly, the Xbox One X result is quite laggy in and of itself, with 94ms the most frequent result, but adding anything up to an extra 100ms on top of that and then adding display latency means that Doom Eternal on Stadia delivers cumulative lag over one fifth of a second.
Doom Eternal – the original Digital Foundry tech review, covering all aspects of the game’s tech plus a behind-the-scenes look at some of id’s new tools.
There’s no skirting around the fact that Doom Eternal is inherently less fun to play on Stadia. It looks fantastic: that 1800p picture is incredible to behold, and even compression isn’t too much of a bother. The real sticking point is latency. Even after adapting to it after a few minutes, I found getting a perfect shot on an enemy much easier by strafing slowly left and right, until the reticle aligns with them – rather than panning the camera with right analogue stick as usual. And that’s the problem. My entire method of aiming changes to accommodate the lag. It’s playable, and the more you practise with that extra delay, the better you get at timing the trigger pull just right. The immediacy of your actions is dulled though. It’s blunted by a constant online relay of inputs and returning video feeds that takes just a few milliseconds too long to create a firm connection – between you and the action.
All of which raises an interesting question. With the current Covid-19 lockdown situation and the increased stress on internet infrastructure in general, are we looking at a genuine problem with the game itself or simply the notion of Stadia itself underperforming in extraordinary circumstances. We went back to Mortal Kombat 11 – a game we tested for latency at launch – and found that we were looking at some increased latency. It seemed to vary between 14ms and 26ms more lag, but this may be down to the fact that it was tested on a different connection (albeit one running on the same Virgin Media network). Maybe the situation will improve once the world regains some sense of normality, but even so, the extra lag does seem very much on the high side, even factoring in the variance added by the Mortal Kombat 11 re-test.
The unavoidable conclusion is that this is a game that is simply a lot more fun to play on a local console. Once you bundle in the field of view option, the improved terrain and the snappier input it’s hard to justify going with Stadia purely on the grounds of convenience, unless you don’t have another console available. It’s certainly playable, but to appreciate the hard work id Software put into nailing Doom Eternal’s high tempo action, there are much better options out there. And for a genre that’s defined by its speed of gameplay, it stands out more so than most Stadia games I’ve tried. Sadly then, it’s a fascinating test case, but as with Wolfenstein Youngblood, the practical result spells out the problems Stadia has with running FPS games: visual quality holds up, but the gameplay takes a hit.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/03/doom-eternal-on-stadia-looks-great/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=doom-eternal-on-stadia-looks-great
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charllieeldridge · 4 years
Essential Equipment For Online English Teachers
When starting any new job, it’s normal to worry about what supplies or equipment you’ll need in order to successfully do your job. Luckily, as an online English teacher, you won’t need a ton of specialized tools or resources.
I’ve been an online teacher with VIPKID for 3 years now and have mastered my online classroom! In this post, I’ll break down exactly what equipment you’ll need and how to choose the best supplies and resources for teaching online.
Must-Have Technology For an Online Classroom 
If the name didn’t give it away, your new job as an online English teacher will involve a bit of technology. Though there is some variation between companies, you’ll definitely need a teaching device such as a laptop or tablet, a headset with a microphone attachment, and a strong internet connection.
Here’s a list of the must-haves.
Laptop Or Tablet
For most online ESL companies, having a relatively new desktop or laptop computer will be sufficient for online teaching. Some companies like VIPKID will allow you to teach from an iPad. Companies such as Palfish even let you teach from your smartphone. 
No matter which device you’re using, make sure you’ve updated your operating system. On a laptop or desktop, you’ll need to use at least Windows 7 or Mac OS 10.x. You’ll also need to make sure you’re running the latest version of Flash.
HD Camera
Most modern computers have a built-in HD camera that will work just fine for your online English classes. If you’re using an older computer or a desktop without a built-in camera, you’ll need to buy an HD External camera so your students can see your face and teaching resources ��� in focus. 
Click here to compare costs and brands of HD Cameras on Amazon.
Headset With Microphone 
All online teaching jobs will require some kind of headset with a microphone attachment. This is because teaching without one can cause a weird echo sound for you or your students. This is distracting and should be avoided.
Some companies are particular about their teachers using over-head headsets, but other companies are more flexible.
With VIPKID, I’ve used Apple earbuds and a regular headset from time to time. I typically use the regular headset when I’m home and the Apple earbuds while I’m travelling. So far, I haven’t had any problems with the sound.
Click here to compare costs and brands of headsets on Amazon.
☞ SEE ALSO: Working As A VIPKID Teacher: An Insider’s Review
Internet Connection
If possible, you’ll want to make sure you have an internet connection of at least 20 megabytes per second (Mbps) for teaching online. This is recommended by most online teaching companies.
I’ve been able to teach successfully on less than that when absolutely necessary, but slower speeds can cause lags. It’s harder to have a conversation with a student when there is a delay, and you could get in trouble with your teaching company if the delays are significant. 
Teaching at slower speeds can be stressful, so aim to teach with 20 Mbps of internet speed if possible.
You can check your internet speeds on websites like speedtest.net. When you use the speed test website, look at the download speed section. Don’t worry if your upload speed is much lower than your download speed. That’s normal. Also, a low ping score is a good thing!
Ethernet Cord And Adapter
One way to improve your connection while teaching is to use an ethernet cord. An ethernet cord will allow you to connect directly to your router and reduces the risk of internet connectivity issues. When I’m not travelling, I try to always use an ethernet cord.
It’s important to note that some newer laptops don’t have a designated ethernet port. If this is the case for your laptop, you’ll need to purchase an adapter to plug in your ethernet cord.
Click here to compare costs and brands of ethernet cable adapters on Amazon.
☞ SEE ALSO: Teaching English in China: Get Paid $2,900 / Month
Backup Internet Source
Even if you’ve set up your technology perfectly and have the fastest internet money can buy, sometimes things happen that are beyond our control — especially when you’re travelling and teaching abroad.
The power goes out. A storm comes through and rattles the internet connection. Your router just stops working for no apparent reason. You forgot to pay the WiFi bill… 
When that happens, you’ll be so thankful you have a backup internet source.
The easiest way to get connected in a pinch is to use a hotspot from your mobile phone. Make sure you have a plan that allows you to enable a hotspot and a few gigs of data available. In general, you can teach about ten, 25-minute video classes on 1GB of data. 
When the WiFi isn’t strong enough, or the power is cut, go to the settings on your phone and turn on your hot spot. Then go to the internet icon on your computer and click it so you see the different options. You should see one called “[Your Name] iPhone” or something similar. You can now connect to this hotspot just like you would any other WiFi network. 
What Equipment I Use For Teaching With VIPKID
According to the VIPKID official website, they require:
Computer: Desktop, Laptop, Mac, PC, or Surface Device
Camera: HD Integrated Camera or HD external Camera
System: Windows7 or higher, Mac ios 10.x or higher, latest version of flash
Internet: At least 20 Mbps, ethernet cord recommended
For VIPKID, I use:
Computer: 2015 Macbook Pro with Mac OS Operating System
Camera: Built-in HD Camera that came standard on my Macbook
Headset: Apple Earbuds or MPow headset
Internet: Ethernet cable when I’m home, WiFi when I’m travelling, Mobile HotSpot for back up
Looking For Teaching Jobs?
If you’re from Canada, the United States or the UK, there are some excellent companies that you can work for. Earn $22 per hour, and in some cases, teach from anywhere in the world!
For Americans and Canadians, VIPKID is by far the best option for you if you want to earn good money and have the freedom to work outside of your home country. 
If you don’t mind living and working in Canada or the USA, Qkids is another option. For UK citizens, EF Education First is a great bet! For all other native English speaking countries, check out our article: Teach English Online – Get Paid With These Top 7 Companies.
How To Make Your Online English Classroom Comfortable and Professional
You have the technical gear, but how do you put it together into something that resembles a classroom? In this section, I’ll talk about what you need to make your classroom comfortable and professional looking in no time.
Desk and Chair
Since you’ll be spending a lot of time in your online ESL classroom, it’s important to have a comfortable space. A desk and quality desk chair will save your back and shoulders during long teaching stints.
I love teaching from a desk with plenty of legroom and a chair with proper back support.
Lighting For Your Online English Classroom
Having good lighting is a critical part of online teaching.
Lighting allows your students to see your mouth movements. This is critical to language acquisition. Good lighting makes your classroom looks more professional. It also allows students to see your teaching resources when you’re using them.
To get good lighting, you have a few options:
Overhead Lights And A Desk Lamp: One easy option is using the overhead room lights as well as a desk lamp for teaching. Make sure to put the lamp directly behind your computer with the light pointing toward your face.
This prevents shadows on one side of your face. If you have a white lampshade, this also helps soften the light on your face, giving you a more natural look.
Selfie Ring Light: If that’s not enough, you can use a selfie ring light that can clip on to your laptop for additional lighting. Selfie ring lights are usually rechargeable and offer a ring of bright white light for several hours at a time. Clip one of these portable teaching lights to your laptop for extra bright lighting in a pinch. Compare brands and costs on Amazon here.
Professional Photography Lights: If you want something of higher quality, You can also use freestanding lights designed for photographers or videographers.
Just type YouTube lighting into Amazon and you’ll see plenty of kits that are more than enough for your online teaching needs. You’ll see halos with different color filters, photoshoot-ready soft lightboxes, and bright white lights with umbrellas to soften the glare.
With options like these, you could go as simple or complex as you want.
Full disclosure, I’ve never used anything this luxurious in my own classroom and it’s never been a problem. If I had a more permanent classroom area, I’d consider using some of the softboxes as the ring light can be too harsh after a few hours.
That being said, I’d only recommend using this kind of lighting if you have a larger classroom area and won’t be moving your classroom set up often. Trying to relocate a large lighting rig every few days would not be worth the slight improvement in light quality.
If you plan to travel while teaching, definitely stick to the ring light.
☞ SEE ALSO: Teaching English in Japan – A Guide To Finding Jobs
Laptop Stand
Proper posture is the key to feeling good during your lessons. A laptop stand puts your computer at a better height so you sit up straighter and put less strain on your back.
I’d recommend a laptop stand for anyone who works on a computer because it reduces the need to hunch over. 
A laptop stand is also an awesome resource if you plan to teach and travel as it allows you to put your computer at the proper height no matter what your desk situation is.
Click here to compare prices and brands of laptop stands on Amazon.
☞ SEE ALSO: 15 Pros and Cons Of Being an Online English Teacher
Educational Resources For Online Teachers
Now that you have the technical basics down, it’s time to get creative! As an online English teacher, you have the unique challenge of making your lessons interesting and engaging through a tiny screen.
Especially if you’re teaching young children, your classroom should allow you to explain difficult concepts in a way that’s fun and effective — otherwise, your students will lose interest, quickly.
Classroom Background
Your classroom background is a great way to get creative and show your students your personality. While many companies are fine with you just having a blank wall behind you while you teach, other companies prefer that you have something kid-friendly and academic behind you.
No matter what, you want your background to be clean and non-distracting. It should enhance the class rather than detract from it. You shouldn’t teach with your camera showing a room in your home behind you as this can be very distracting for students.
For classroom background ideas, here are a few of my favorites that I’ve used over the years. All of these can be hung with command strips and poster putty.
Paper World Map: You can reinforce the corners with tape to allow for multiple hangings
ABC Posters and Other Academic Classroom Signs: These can often be found in the dollar store or at school supply stores
Shower Curtain: Pick one with something kid-friendly on it, like world flags, animals, ABC letters, etc.
Felt or Fabric Backdrop: Attach felt letters to a large piece of fabric to welcome kids to class.
Decorated Poster Board: You can use markers, paints, and other crafting supplies to make a unique poster board background. 
If you plan to make your own classroom decorations, you can include things like the name of your teaching company, your name, and phrases like “Welcome to Class.” Click here to find some teaching supplies and ideas on Amazon.
3D Props
While you don’t need a lot of bulky teaching items, you should plan to have a few 3D props in your bag for teaching online. My most useful 3D props are:
A small dry erase board and markers
One large puppet or a set of small finger puppets for demonstrating conversations (I have a set of ten small finger puppets from IKEA and they are amazing)
A set of ABC Flashcards
2D Props
While relying on too many 3D props will clutter your classroom fast (and are more difficult to travel with), 2D props are another story. 2D props are my bread and butter.
Making them is simple. Either draw or find pictures of images you’d like to use in your classroom, print them out, and laminate them so they’re durable. I usually have the following 2D props:
Flags for the USA, Canada, and China (adapt this to match the nationality fo the students you teach)
A picture of a family
Pictures of different foods
Photos of nature and national monuments around the world (for example, a beach, mountains, the Great Wall of China, the Statue of Liberty, etc)
Pictures of different clothing items
2D props are awesome because they don’t take up a lot of space in your teaching area.
When I’m home, I organize my pictures in a little set of drawers on my desk. By labeling each drawer, I can quickly grab the props I need during a lesson without disrupting the flow of the conversation.
When I’m travelling, I have a Ziploc bag for my laminated pictures. Since all the pictures are jumbled in there together, I have to pick out which props I’ll need at the beginning of my workday.
When it’s time to travel, the bag of pictures is easy to pack and it slides in right next to my laptop, taking up essentially no extra space.
To determine exactly which 2D props you should make, keep a note pad next to your computer while you teach for a few days. Whenever you teach a concept and think “hmm, I’d like to have a picture of that” make a note on the note pad.
After a few classes, you should start to see some themes emerge for concepts that would be easier to teach with a visual aid.
If you’re working with children, classroom rewards can be a fun way to keep kids interested in the lesson. I started using rewards with my youngest learners.
When they did a good job, I would add a heart-shaped sticky note to my whiteboard. At the end of class, we would count up how many sticky notes they earned. It was simple, but it worked.
Over time, this evolved into more complex games and more exciting rewards, but the concept stayed the same: give students something external to look forward to during class and use this as a way to reinforce good behavior and progress.
If you’d like to incorporate rewards into your classroom, start with something simple like sticky notes or little erasers or stickers.
☞ SEE ALSO: 10 Things To Know Before Becoming an Online English Teacher
Tour My Classroom!
After talking through all the online teaching classroom requirements, let’s see how this looks when put together! I’ll talk you through two of my classroom setups over time to give you some ideas of what yours can look like.
Admittedly, my classroom for online teaching is a little pared down because I usually throw it into a backpack and travel. Still, I have used some more stable elements when teaching from home so I’ll show you both.
My Home Classroom
In my home classroom, I sit at a table with my back to the wall. On the wall behind me, I have a world map and a welcome banner for decorations. I use my 2015 MacBook Pro for my teaching device with the built-in camera and either my Apple earbuds or an over the ear headset.
For lighting, I use the overhead lights in the room as well as the selfie ring light to make sure my face is nice and bright. I have my laptop on a laptop stand so I don’t have to hunch over. Using a variety of 2D and 3D props like the ones pictured keep my students engaged.
My Travel Classroom
I took this picture while travelling and teaching online. Since I was staying in a hotel room, I didn’t have a proper desk and chair to teach from. In this arrangement, I used an end table as my teaching surface and sat on the floor with pillows for support. Behind me, I used a piece of felt that I decorated with felt letters and ribbons.
For lighting, I used a lamp I found in the room set up behind my laptop. My Apple earbuds worked great for travelling since they packed down small. I used my laptop without a laptop stand because the table was high enough as it was.
As you can see, I prefer to use 2D printable props while travelling so they don’t take up so much space in my bag. I’ve got a small dry erase board and a few helpful printables ready to go beside my teaching space.
When To Set Up Your Online Teaching Equipment
Ideally, you should have your classroom set up before your first interview with a prospective online teaching company. I totally understand not wanting to go out and buy a ton of gear just for a job interview, but you have the best chance of getting hired if you have all your equipment ready in advance.
Plus, many of the props and resources you’ll need can be made yourself or purchased from the Dollar Store or some other affordable shop.
Before you do your online ESL job interview, you should have
Your laptop or iPad teaching device
A headset, either earbuds or an over-the-head version
Good lighting
A classroom background
Teaching props 
Reliable internet connection
Most companies are looking to see that you meet their requirements from the get-go. You have a much better chance of getting hired if you can show that you have the right gear and a strong enough connection for teaching.
You don’t have to go too wild with it. No need to convert your guest bedroom into a full-fledged educational experience. But you should make an effort to show that you’re ready to teach as soon as possible.
Before you fill your shopping cart on Amazon, take a look around your house and see if you can find things that will work in your classroom. This is especially helpful for finding props and teaching materials. I taught my first month of classes with a dog toy as a prop, no questions asked.
Final Thoughts
By taking some time upfront to gather the best equipment for teaching English online, you’ll have an easier time getting started with your awesome new job.
For the technical aspects, give your devices a tune-up and make sure you have good video, audio, and reliable internet no matter where you teach.
For the more creative aspects of your classroom, you’ll have some flexibility. You can choose to go more minimalist with a plain wall and simple dry erase board as your prop, or unleash your inner artist and create your own classroom masterpiece.
Look around your house, take a field trip to the Dollar Store, or break out the markers and draw some teaching visuals. The sky’s the limit.
At the end of the day, you’ve succeeded if you’ve created an environment free from technical mishaps where students can learn and can have fun doing so.
I hope this article helped to give you some good ideas for teaching resources and equipment. If you’re an online English teacher, what did I miss? Which props do you use? Leave a comment below!
Images in this article are courtesy of Shutterstock — a top website for finding royalty-free photos and videos.
The post Essential Equipment For Online English Teachers appeared first on Goats On The Road.
Essential Equipment For Online English Teachers published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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Windows 10 Fall Creators Update - How to download this blockbuster
MICROSOFT has shown the next blockbuster Windows 10 update will be named Windows 10 Fall Creators Update. Here’s how you could get access to an early version of the working machine upgrade ahead of its release date.
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update is the next primary upgrade scheduled for the running machine.
The update brings a slew of new features, together with Timeline, which lets you scroll through a list of applications and workspaces which you have been previously the use of for your current device, or Microsoft apps on rival gadgets.
Microsoft is also which includes a cloud clipboard, so that you can copy textual content on one device and paste it on another, and stepped forward power-saving technology, dubbed Power Throttling, within the update.
The Redmond-based totally technology business enterprise has now driven out the first check build of the brand new Windows 10 upgrade.
Fast Ring Insiders – folks that get the earliest previews of upcoming Microsoft releases – can now get their arms on Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.
Dubbed Build No. 16193, the modern beta is the primary to release for the reason that Microsoft showed the legitimate call of Redstone three, the codename for the September software release. Unfortunately, the present day beta does no longer consist of most of the flashy new features previewed on-level at some point of the Build 2017 developer convention remaining week.
  Why Consider Opting For Tilt And Turn Windows Today
There are unique varieties of home windows in recent times. Each alternative gives some professionals and cons. Indeed, each of them offers a distinctive sort of functionality. But in case you want current home windows that provide extra selections in phrases of commencing and last, remember choosing tilt and flip windows.
It is simply the outlet and closing mechanism that makes this window kind very distinct from the other patterns within the marketplace nowadays. And the particular manner in which they may be closed and opened offers some super blessings.
Benefits Of Tilt And Turn Windows
You can manage the amount of ventilation – You do have a preference of starting actions – vertical or horizontal. If you need to permit a bit air to go into your room, you could just open those home windows at the top. You can also do that in case you are just gazing something outside. You also can pull this open in a sideways movement so you can absolutely open them in case you want.
Easy to smooth
Windows that may be opened inwards rather than outwards are very lots less difficult to clean. Moreover, you do no longer should put money into a ladder or perhaps fear approximately the safety issues that using it to effortlessly get right of entry to home windows in top stories. You just have to tug each window in the direction of then you definitely smooth it very speedy and properly. This is a totally extensive gain for those who are residing in apartments or in multi-storey homes and want to take care of their own windows.
Great for small balconies
Apart from presenting both a vertical and horizontal establishing motion, those windows often open inwards as opposed to outwards. And this makes them very best for rooms with home windows that appearance out in narrow terraces or balconies. Even when you have quite a generously-proportioned terrace, you will locate the inward establishing action of tilt and turn home windows helps you to to make better use of the handy outdoor space.
Apart from these, most house owners decide on this window type due to the fact they are popular, they save you excessive beginning, child-pleasant, and provide terrific safety functions. The manager is also crucial as it is able to control the hole of the window. A single twist will assist you to open it inwards. On the alternative hand, full half-flip lets in you to completely open the window at the aspect.
An Update on Transdermal Melatonin Use, Sleep Challenges, and Jet Lag
Ask a frequent flyer about melatonin and you will in all likelihood be met with mixed evaluations. While the melatonin internet site offers a protracted list of contra-indicators (1) customers nonetheless find it useful to some extent. It now looks as if the much less is more dictum of using melatonin will update the immoderate use of the beyond. Research is now suggesting that low dose melatonin added via the pores and skin (2) can also better serve people with sleep demanding situations which include jet lagged frequent flyers.
The jet lag trouble confronted by means of frequent flyers turned into in no way going to be cured with the aid of melatonin by myself. Flyers seeking out a consummate solution should observe all factors in their common flying lifestyle, however, a evaluation of the modern-day studies indicates melatonin can play a wholesome function inside the arsenal of equipment at the disposal of common flyers.
Here is a round-up of what we understand about melatonin in the interim. Starting with melatonin suppression (3), a scarcity encourages
Cancer proliferation Immunity compromise Disordered electricity metabolism Compromised reproductive feature and Altered ingesting behaviors Normal melatonin production encourages
Super antioxidant safety for the duration of the frame Immunological modulation Sleep onset and Regulates hormonal characteristic The buzz surrounding melatonin shifted gears with studies suggesting transdermal melatonin utility can be of advantage wherein traditional melatonin use formerly failed. Failures of the word are oral melatonin’s short elimination half of existence cycle, which meant while sleep onset will be achieved, keeping sleep for the period became now not assured. Another challenge becomes the opportunity of overloading the liver with oral melatonin and its metabolites. As disruptive as that is a knock on effect is in how these metabolites have interaction with different factors of the endocrine device.
Given the blended results and viable pitfalls of traditional melatonin use, I was skeptical however hopeful of transdermal melatonin’s promise. While my first desire is to usually choose natural options (like tart cherries in this instance), I can now say I would use transdermal melatonin alongside different wholesome tools in my jet lag beating arsenal.
What to Do If Your Downloads Are Taking Too Long
Slow downloads are not best stressful but also can fee you a number of effort and time Fortunately, there is a very easy manner to restore this problem which even an amateur can do. Here are the stairs you have to take to restore the gradual downloads to your computer:
Fortunately, there is a very easy manner to restore this problem which even an amateur can do. Here are the stairs you have to take to restore the gradual downloads to your computer:
Step 1 – Check Internet Spee
The pace of your Internet connection is crucial in case you want fast downloads. Nowadays, an average broadband connection is taken into consideration fast if it is over 1mb/s in pace. This essential manner that the connection has the capacity to download files at 100kb/s (the download speed is 1/tenth of your typical connection pace). To test what pace you’re getting for your computer, you ought to Google “Broadband Speed Test” after which click on the primary hyperlink. Run the take a look at on the internet site and if it is below your expectations, you must contact your Internet issue.
Step 2 – Check Download Server Speed
If your connection is okay, the problem would possibly lie within the “server” velocity” of the download server. Whenever you download a software of the Internet, you PC is largely connecting to another PC (known as a ‘server’) and downloading a series of documents from that. If the Internet connection of the other PC is bad then your downloads are going to be very sluggish. This is a trouble which cannot be fixed but you could try to keep away from it through the use of some other download server. You’ll have to Google the document call you need and it should show you some one of a kind servers (called “mirrors”).
Step 3 – Clean Out The Registry
One of the biggest reasons of slow downloads is genuinely the way to Windows itself. Many computer systems come to be making their downloads run gradually due to the fact the settings inner they are unable to examine fast or easily. This is a trouble which even the most superior of Windows structures can’t avoid and is where your computer will honestly store lots of its maximum essential settings within the incorrect way, corrupting & unfavorable them. This will make them not able to be study – this means that while you PC desires to download a file and it desires to examine a sequence of settings to do that, it’s going to turn out to be taking loads longer than normal.
Most gradual downloads can be constant by using cleansing out the ‘registry’. The registry is where all the settings on your PC are stored, and is where Windows appears for a series of ‘download settings’ on every occasion you want to download a document. These settings show Windows the way to download documents at the quickest fee viable, and it’s critical that they may be in the proper status. To clean out the registry, you can use a ‘registry purifier’ that is a software program application that scans through all of the settings on your PC and fixes them.
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weblistposting-blog · 7 years
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Here's how speedy your internet connection honestly is
If you’re experiencing slow net speeds, run this check earlier than calling your service provider and coping with a potentially apoplectic state of affairs. It’ll let you know the top speed you can get at your private home with the carrier you currently have and can help you determine if it is your connection it’s the trouble or a selected device you are the use of to hook up with the internet.
1. Use a laptop (computing device or a PC) that has a Gigabit network port. Now not sure if yours has one? Here’s how to discover. Be aware that you’ll need a network cable to behavior this check
2. Make sure the test computer is the simplest one presently the use of the net:
When you have a modem and a router, unplug the router from the modem and the usage of a community cable, plug the laptop without delay into the modem’s network port. When you have a modem/router combo, Make certain the computer you’re checking out with is the only one plugged into the device’s LAN port. Also, you must disable c084d04ddacadd4b971ae3d98fecfb2a at the modem or router/modem, at the least all through the take a look at. you can do that by using logging into the device’s internet interface. Some gadgets have a hardware switch to turn off c084d04ddacadd4b971ae3d98fecfb2a, too.
three. Subsequent, from the PC, go to speedtest.net and click on “Start check.” (Instead, you can Also use other test services such as fast.Com, speed.Me, or test my.internet.) I suggest jogging it some times, and be sure to try out a few specific servers (when applicable) to connect to. Just Make certain they’re all truely close to your private home. The very best score you acquire is what your real internet velocity is.
Simple Solutions to speed Up Your internet Connection
Anybody Deserves A Faster internet Connection
net has ended up a primary part of nearly each person’s existence that without it, we are able to honestly face a difficult time dealing with our work and taking part in our non-public sports that require net usage. That is why you need to hurry up your internet connection with regards to browsing the internet or while gambling online games. Yet the annoyance of a slow internet connection is like a pandemic this is victimizing so many computer systems, weakening and killing all essential responsibilities you do on line. If you do not desire to go through this destiny, you need to do some thing to have your internet connection move at a lightning price. Do you want to understand the hints in tweaking your connection’s pace? Study directly to discover approximately them.
Here’s How you could Enhance Your internet Connection speed
Set your self-unfastened from the annoyance and frustrations of getting a connection that movements like a turtle by using following these smooth recommendations in enhancing your internet’s velocity.
Go for a Broadband Connection
If you are nonetheless the usage of a dial-up connection then you definitely do not need to marvel why loading Fb will take you a depend on 5 minutes or greater. You can not expect a fast internet connection with such company. What you need to do is switch to a rapid broadband connection with the intention to offer you the vital internet velocity required in doing all your on-line agendas. If you already have a broadband connection But nevertheless getting negative results, contact your net company and voice your issue that allows you to right now test what is wrong along with your connection.
Search for a fast Browser
Permits admit it, internet Explorer and Opera are both slow and often take a long term to load, hindering you from having that fast internet connection you actually need. you can try different browsers inclusive of Mozilla or Google Chrome, which are present day favorites of maximum net customers due to their swift velocity on the subject of net surfing. They may be loose to download online so no need a good way to spend cash.
Minimize the usage of Computer Settings
it is normal that Windows depends on settings that help it to run nicely, which is likewise the identical whilst surfing the net. But every so often, those settings are the actual motive as to why your net connection is crawling. That is due to the fact your laptop is capable of pick out the ones settings wanted in jogging the net, which is because of settings that are either distorted or corrupted. Although This is a not unusual trouble on the majority of Home windows computers, you may effortlessly fix it by using a ‘registry purifier’ (you may download this on line) software program. The software will very well scan every damaged file that may be the root of your net lagging.
Your sluggish net Connection Days are Over
I have skilled the horror of having a slow connection that it made my temper swings intolerable. Avoid having tantrums like mine by following the above smooth tips to hurry up internet connection so that you can completely experience surfing and playing on-line games. However if your connection is so bad that any of these tips don’t assist in any respect, you may attempt purchasing A few online gear so that it will answer your particular issues regarding a snail-like internet velocity.
five Ways to hurry Up a gradual internet Connection
gradual net connections are speedy becoming one of the most stressful issues of our technology – with tens of millions of humans having to place up with less-than-good-enough connection speeds to browse the net. Despite the fact that there are many different reasons why net connections will run slow, the good news is that it’s simply very easy to enhance the rate of your connection by means of the use of those 5 Easy steps…
1) check The “Naked Connection velocity” On your Pc – it’s often the case that net organizations will both have a hassle or problem that reasons the internet connection To your PC to emerge as slower than what you are deciding to buy. This is the most commonplace purpose why connections will run gradual, and to Make certain it’s Not a problem for you – you must kind “Broadband pace check” into Google, and click the first result. This could carry up a pace check website which lets in you to look precisely how rapid your internet connection is. in case your connection is underneath what you’re deciding to buy, or is below 1mb/sec, you ought to look to talk to the internet organisation about the hassle.
2) Close net Applications – it is a common trouble that human beings will deploy a variety of Applications / programs that become the usage of the internet lots. This is a large trouble because the net this is to your Pc is effectively “split” among your various Programs; which means that that In case you’re the use of the likes of Intention, Skype, e-mail or another net-extensive utility, you have to Close them down. Obviously, don’t Close the applications you’re the use of… But When you have them open and are not using them, they can be impeding the speed of your connection dramatically.
3) test network Computers – network computer systems “share” your net reference to yours. Which means that In case you’re in a community with other computers (possibly at home or within the workplace), you need to Make certain which you have no different computer systems which might be inflicting issues. You need to test to look if the alternative Desktops on your network are not downloading / importing, and are not using any net-intensive Programs that could purpose your machine to run slower.
four) Limit on line games – on-line games are a massive drain on connection speed due to the fact They’re always seeking to down load & upload loads of information to their diverse on line servers. When you have an Xbox or another console for your network, and someone is playing on-line with it, you might need to attend till they’ve completed as a way to have a complete speed internet connection again to your Laptop. Rather, you can ask them to delay playing until you’ve got performed what you want to your gadget.
five) Smooth Out The Registry – The ‘registry’ is a critical database for Windows, which stores a whole lot of vital statistics for your laptop… And is likewise one in all the most important reasons of slow internet speeds. Now not many humans understand this, however the registry database is constantly making your internet appear to run sluggish because it’s unable to Read the settings it needs to make the connection as quick as feasible. The registry is a database which stores all kinds of crucial statistics and settings in your Laptop – constantly saving quite a few critical statistics in your computer. every software and program that you use on Windows needs to Study 100’s of registry settings to help it run as easily and reliably as feasible… But it’s often the case that many registry settings emerge as damaged and unreliable – making Windows run extremely slowly because it struggles to Examine the documents it needs. That is a totally not unusual problem and often causes your internet browsers to run extremely slowly. To restore this, you need to try to use a ‘registry purifier’ to restore any of the damaged / corrupt settings that might be slowing your connection down.
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