#it makes for good data
mechsbrackets · 2 years
And now, Wednesday's update! There's only 2 more days to nominate people for the Most Gender Mechanisms Character Bracket, so get your nominations in soon!
And now, our list of 86 nominees from 72 whole responses!!
Ashes O'Reilly 44 Gunpowder Tim 44 The Toy Soldier 34 Loki 31 Lyfrassir Edda 30 Mordred 25 Jonny D'ville 24 Ulysses 24 Nastya Rasputina 22 Drumbot Brian 20 Dr. Carmilla 19 Marius von Raum 19 Ivy Alexandria 17 The Aurora 17 Raphaella la Cognizi 16 Frankenstein's AI 14 Orpheus 10 Yog-Sothoth 10 Iphis 9 Majors Hatter & Hare 9 Galahad 8 Captain Joseph Robert Mathea 7 Guinevere 7 Lancelot 7 Odin 7 Alice 6 Comsat Cheshire 6 The Octokittens 6 Ariadne 5 Arthur Pendragon 5 Blogbot 5 Narcissus 5 Rose Red 5 Sigyn 5 Briar Rose 4 Pellinore 4 Scuzz Nishimura 4 Bertie 3 Cinders 3 General/Caterpillar 3 Hereward the Wake 3 The Pendragons as a unit 3 Thor 3 Arachne 2 Dormouse 2 Gawain 2 General Snow White 2 Hades 2 Jack Spratt 2 Oedipus 2 Squamous Things 2 The beast Pellinore was tracking 2 The spiders operating Aurora 2 The Stranger 2 A drunk space pirate 1 Actaea 1 Daedelus 1 Dorian Grey 1 Dr. Capelli 1 Dr. Gretel 1 Dr. Hansel 1 Dr. Pilchard 1 Ector 1 Frankenstein 1 Gunther the Octokitten 1 Heracles 1 Icarus 1 Marquis de All the Knives 1 Old King Cole 1 Penelope 1 Persephone 1 Prometheus 1 Scheherazade 1 Siegfried 1 Stowaway 1 The Acheron 1 The Bifrost 1 The Moon Kaiser 1 The phoenix planet (Redeath) 1 The Rose Reds 1 The saxophone from Lucky Sevens 1 The scorpion from HNOC 1 Tom Thumb 1 Vivian Nimue 1 Whatever that stringed instrument Marius is playing in DTTM 1
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the fact that shakespeare was a playwright is sometimes so funny to me. just the concept of the "greatest writer of the English language" being a random 450-year-old entertainer, a 16th cent pop cultural sensation (thanks in large part to puns & dirty jokes & verbiage & a long-running appeal to commoners). and his work was made to be watched not read, but in the classroom teachers just hand us his scripts and say "that's literature"
just...imagine it's 2450 A.D. and English Lit students are regularly going into 100k debt writing postdoc theses on The Simpsons screenplays. the original animation hasn't even been preserved, it's literally just scripts and the occasional SDH subtitles.txt. they've been republished more times than the Bible
#due to the Great Data Decay academics write viciously argumentative articles on which episodes aired in what order#at conferences professors have known to engage in physically violent altercations whilst debating the air date number of household viewers#90% of the couch gags have been lost and there is a billion dollar trade in counterfeit “lost copies”#serious note: i'll be honest i always assumed it was english imperialism that made shakespeare so inescapable in the 19th/20th cent#like his writing should have become obscure at the same level of his contemporaries#but british imperialists needed an ENGLISH LANGUAGE (and BRITISH) writer to venerate#and shakespeare wrote so many damn things that there was a humongous body of work just sitting there waiting to be culturally exploited...#i know it didn't happen like this but i imagine a English Parliament House Committee Member For The Education Of The Masses or something#cartoonishly stumbling over a dusty cobwebbed crate labelled the Complete Works of Shakespeare#and going 'Eureka! this shall make excellent propoganda for fabricating a national identity in a time of great social unrest.#it will be a cornerstone of our elitist educational institutions for centuries to come! long live our decaying empire!'#'what good fortune that this used to be accessible and entertaining to mainstream illiterate audience members...#..but now we can strip that away and make it a difficult & alienating foundation of a Classical Education! just like the latin language :)'#anyway maybe there's no such thing as the 'greatest writer of x language' in ANY language?#maybe there are just different styles and yes levels of expertise and skill but also a high degree of subjectivity#and variance in the way that we as individuals and members of different cultures/time periods experience any work of media#and that's okay! and should be acknowledged!!! and allow us to give ourselves permission to broaden our horizons#and explore the stories of marginalized/underappreciated creators#instead of worshiping the List of Top 10 Best (aka Most Famous) Whatevers Of All Time/A Certain Time Period#anyways things are famous for a reason and that reason has little to do with innate “value”#and much more to do with how it plays into the interests of powerful institutions motivated to influence our shared cultural narratives#so i'm not saying 'stop teaching shakespeare'. but like...maybe classrooms should stop using it as busy work that (by accident or designs)#happens to alienate a large number of students who could otherwise be engaging critically with works that feel more relevant to their world#(by merit of not being 4 centuries old or lacking necessary historical context or requiring untaught translation skills)#and yeah...MAYBE our educational institutions could spend less time/money on shakespeare critical analysis and more on...#...any of thousands of underfunded areas of literary research i literally (pun!) don't know where to begin#oh and p.s. the modern publishing world is in shambles and it would be neat if schoolwork could include modern works?#beautiful complicated socially relevant works of literature are published every year. it's not just the 'classics' that have value#and actually modern publications are probably an easier way for students to learn the basics. since lesson plans don't have to include the#important historical/cultural context many teens need for 20+ year old media (which is older than their entire lived experience fyi)
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deadmaidclub · 1 month
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experimentation with data
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skunkes · 2 months
its a shame acnh was ultimately so insanely flawed and devoid of the Feelings of the previous entries bc it really is so beautiful
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rikunih · 10 months
Soriku week day 3
Ars arcanum/ Datascape
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owleics-fr · 8 months
Considering all the concerns about the fest skin and accent contest winners, potential staff bias towards certain users, and whether or not new people can even get a chance to win, I was curious just how many players who win in the contest are actually new and how many are more experienced, long term winners.
With this in mind, I went over the previous 5 festivals covering the latter half of 2023. There's 16 potential winning slots per fest which mean 80 wins total- with 57 unique winners.
Out of those 57 unique winners, 26 were first time winners.
Typically there are 5 first time winners per fest- this does vary and the highest amount of first time winners in this time period was 7 during rockbreakers ceremony, the lowest was 4 during thundercrack.
Some extra info: Under current usernames and considering unique winners only, there was 20 winners in this time who have between 2-5 wins in the database. There were 4 winners with 6-15 wins in the database. There were 7 winners with 15+ wins in the database (highest total was 32, with that users earliest win dating back to 2015).
I think the biggest take away from this is, there are people who take part in the skin and accent contest month after month, and have over the years racked up their wins. And equally there are people who have never made a skin before in their life who decide to take a leap and win! Purely by statistics, the odds seem fairly even to me.
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maeamian · 1 year
lmao I love you idiots, but tumblr polls remain a completely unscientific and useless methodology, staff saying in a post that about a quarter of the site is queer isn't going to be disproven by fucking tumblr polls
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bulldog-butch · 25 days
trans men 🤝 trans women, having wildly better orgasms after starting hrt
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shady-tavern · 1 year
A Hero’s Return
Continuation of this little short story. No particular warnings, but let me know if I should tag something.
'Ready when you are.'
It felt as though the message was burning a hole into your pocket as you stared at your hero costume. Freshly laundered, repaired perfectly after your fight with that telekinetic villain and just as practical and flashy as before. It shouldn’t be scary.
Your hands weren’t trembling when you put it on, but it was a near thing. It helped to know that Silver was waiting on the other side, not a floating terror ready and willing to kill. If you failed, no civilians would get hurt or killed. You would not die knowing you had been utterly useless, or wake up miraculously to find hundreds of people dead because you hadn’t been strong enough.
You had grown stronger, you knew you had. Enough so, in fact, that the hero association had recently bumped you up to Class B. Which was a little frightening, you had never played in the upper leagues before and while you knew you were part of the bottom crowd of Class B, it was still very different to your comfortable, quiet little Class C.
You took a few deep breaths after buckling the last of your gear in place and you stared at the mirror, realizing that the costume didn’t fit like it used to. You had gained muscle and a bit of weight and…it didn’t look right anymore. The colors seemed too bright, the little fluttery accents you had once added to the design on a whim too useless.
You took another deep breath and turned away from the mirror. Now was not the time to get into an existential crisis over your costume. You could always order a new one from the association later. You grabbed your phone, staring at the most recent message for a long moment, your heart pounding nervously.
'Ready when you are.'
You could hear Silver’s voice in your mind as you read those words, could see his reassuring smile, the kindness in his mercury eyes that didn’t quite manage to hide patient anticipation. He was looking forward to this, you knew. He had been there every step of the way, as you had dragged yourself out of the hole your failure and terror had shoved you into.
You didn’t feel ready to be a hero again, but you had decided that it didn’t matter. You would never feel ready. You could run those obstacle courses and simulations Silver built a hundred thousand times and not feel ready.
'Ready' you typed back and hit send before you could stop yourself. 
The hero association already knew you would return to active duty today. The substitute hero had left the city last night, looking relieved. His stay here had been exceptionally boring, since Silver had refused to challenge him in any way. Aside from bugging him a bit for fun, but his pranks were always harmless.
You flexed your hands and for a moment you felt all the scar tissue pull tight, stitched up wounds and surgery scars and broken bones that had taken months to heal. You weren’t ready, but you were sick and tired of sitting around at home.
You were sick and tired of being scared, of worrying. Of thinking about the next Class A villain that could show up with murder on their mind. You wanted to be a hero, still, even now. You wanted to protect people and help them where you could. You straightened your shoulders and walked forward, projecting a confidence you did not feel.
It was showtime.
You watched civilians cackle in delight as they were pelted with marshmallow butts the size of half your palm. Silver was bouncing a bit on his toes at your side, grinning so wide it must’ve hurt his cheeks.
"Well?" he said with a grin. "Aren’t you going to try and stop me? Oh no, darling, dashing hero!" He pretended to fall into a faint, hand theatrically pressed against his forehead. 
He tipped over with thoughtless trust, knowing you’d be there to catch him. And you did, hands pressed against his signature leather jacket as he draped himself over your arms with exaggerated drama. He continued, "Whatever shall I do, my evil soul quivers!"
You couldn’t help but laugh, tension you hadn’t been aware of sliding off your shoulders like water off a duck’s back. When you caught your breath again, looking down, Silver had the softest smile on his face, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He looked far too sweet for someone proclaiming he had an evil soul.
He straightened from his pretend fainting after a moment and tugged his jacket properly back into place.
"Good first day back?" he asked quietly, barely audible over the huffing and puffing noise of his Ass Kicker 50, it’s wheel of used but thoroughly cleaned and disinfected boots merrily pelting butts into the growing crowd.
"Yeah," you answered just as quietly. "Glad to see me again?"
"Of course, darling." His soft smile got a mischievous edge as it grew into a smirk. "But you must be losing your edge, you haven’t even disabled my baby yet."
You couldn’t help but smirk back, tapping a piece of plating. "Dead switch is beneath this thing, isn’t it?"
He looked startled, then cursed and grumbled, actually looking like he had no idea if he was frustrated or delighted and instead settled on a weird mix of both. "I was hiding it so well! How the fuck did you know?"
You gave him a small shrug. "It’s the only place that works and from the way the thing’s set up and built, it had to be in this area to avoid messing with the machinery. And it’s the only plating that’s not bolted down. Pressure opens it, right?"
You pressed down experimentally on one side and the plate popped open easily enough, swinging aside to reveal the big red button. Because of course it was a big red button. That was so very Silver.
When you looked up, his mercury eyes were bright and intense and that elated-frustrated look was still on his face. "And you once asked me why I fight you," he said, his quiet voice carrying a particular tone that you couldn’t quite place. It made you feel faintly flustered, though.
You fiddled with the plate for a moment, before closing it again. "Yeah, well, I’m just glad I’m not boring."
Silver drew up to his full height, actually looking affronted. "Boring? How dare you?"
The smile tugging at your face felt far too earnest and touched by half, but it seemed to soothe his insulted affront.
"I’ll have a conversation with whoever put that thought into your head," he said, pointing a finger at you. "And if it was you yourself, we are going to have a long talk."
Hearing a round of loud, delighted noise from the side, both of you looked over to see a group of goth teens cackling as they pocked little holes between the cheeks of their marshmallows butts.
"Ah, I knew I had forgotten something," Silver muttered and you dissolved into helpless laughter, ending up leaning against his shoulder and gasping for air.
By the time you calmed down, you were out of breath, your belly aching in the best of ways and you reached up to wipe some moisture away. Silver looked very content and happy, standing there and watching the machine pelt away, people jumping to catch the butts wrapped in paper to keep things sanitary. So they could be picked up and still eaten if they fell to the floor.
He was always so thoughtful, you thought, still leaning against him and not moving away. You had no idea what he got out of being a villain - well, aside from tax fraud, a bunch of other illegal activities and some very, very strange substances you were not going to touch, ever - but you were happy to see him happy. He deserved it.
"They needed that too," Silver said in this moment, nodding at the crowd. "This city hasn’t quite been the same since that villain attacked. They’re relieved to have you back and seeing us fight harmlessly should put more demons to rest."
You hadn’t even thought about that, too caught up in your own trauma as you had been. You looked back at the people and you saw that he was right. There was a visceral relief on many faces, a giddiness that was born half out of the silliness of the situation and half out of a release of fear-filled tension.
They had been even more helpless than you had been. Civilians with no combat abilities and absolutely no chance to survive the Class A villain. All they had been able to do was run while they had to watch you bleed and break and still stand up again and again.
A quiet realization struck you down to your core. You had wondered why people had been polite but not overly warm with the substitute hero. He had sent you regular updates on villain activity and how his patrols had gone, even if it had taken you a while before you had gotten the guts to read it all instead of only the summary. 
He had mentioned that people didn’t seem all that curious about him and he had sulked about that a bit.
All this time you had thought that you had failed them, these people who grinned and waved when they saw you. Who didn’t hesitate to call you away from the street and ask for help or offer you sweets or lunch when you had been patrolling for hours. People who let you hold their babies or hugged you when you brought their lost pets back.
But they hadn’t seen a failure that day months ago. They had seen you, standing between them and certain death and refusing to give up, no matter what. All because you wanted to protect them with all you had.
"Hey, what’s wrong?" Silver’s worried voice cut into your thoughts and when you glanced at him, his brows were furrowed. "Why are you crying? Do you need me to switch off my baby and back up?"
"I’m fine," you croaked weakly, though you totally were tearing up. "I’m just glad to be back, don’t read too much into it."
Silver’s face softened with a quiet bit of relief and he hummed in understanding. "I’m glad, too, by the way," he said after a moment. "To have you back that is. I may have been a wee bit lonely."
You raised an eyebrow, glad that no tears had spilled over. "You saw me almost every day."
"But not like this," Silver said. "Don’t get me wrong, I love watching you destroy the machines of the obstacle course or absolutely ace the simulations, but I missed going up against you like this."
You rubbed the back of your neck, straightening from your slouch against him. "You always say things like that with a straight face." You both admired him for it and felt envious. Sometimes you wished you could just simply say what was on your mind as well.
Silver smiled, a little lopsided and crooked. "Life’s short, so who cares what others think," he said. "All I care about is living every day the best I can."
You knew what he meant by that. He had told you a bit more about his fight against Terra after modifying some more simulations for you. You had even seen a glimpse of the patchwork of scars that fight had left on him, many of them surgery scars. He had barely survived his debut as a villain. His ever first fight and it had been against Terra.
"You know, I wanted to make the butts bigger," he said before you could say anything, smoothly but obviously changing the topic. "But there was only so much I could fit into Ass Kicker 50 and that just wouldn’t do."
"Are you going to run out of butts soon?" you wondered.
Silver hummed thoughtfully. "I guess there is a minute of pelting left at most."
The two of you waited until the machine stuttered and began to slow, the wheel of boots no longer finding marshmallows to kick into the crowd. Silver gestured grandly for you to go ahead and you pressed the dead switch with a small smile.
"Well then." He clapped his hands together. "I guess I should say hello to my favorite warden. He is ever so happy to see me every time."
You couldn’t help but snort, then you hesitated. "You know, you could just…go."
Silver actually looked a little insulted. "Don’t ruin my date with prison, my dear." He beckoned you closer with a finger, presenting his hands. "I want to see if I can walk out the front door dressed like a futuristic clown."
You blinked, in the middle of pulling out your cuffs. "What would that look like?"
He smirked as you reached out towards him. "I guess you’ll have to find out." He leaned in as your hands closed the cuffs around his wrists, warm skin pressed to warm skin and cold metal between. "I’ll make sure to make the news for you."
"Alright," you said, bemused and curious in equal measure. You noticed how warm he was, this close to you, your hands covering his. His breath smelled faintly of peppermint. "Come on, there are two new officers on the roaster who are eager to prove you can’t slip past them."
His face lit up. "Oooh, fun." He chuckled, low and menacing and for once sounding like the villain he was. "I do love ruining their day. Shattered dreams taste ever so delicious."
You rolled your eyes fondly, waving the waiting police over. They hurriedly hid the marshmallow butts they were snacking on and bustled over, trying to look important and menacing. Even if Silver was a very polite and very wonderful villain, he was still wanted for a number of crimes and the state really wanted to prosecute him.
"Be gentle with Ass Kicker 50," you told the clean-up crew who came in to tow the machine away to a storage facility. "She’s done good service."
When you looked back over to Silver, you caught the warm, unbearably fond smile as he watched you on his way to the police car. He cast you a wink as he got in, mouthing, 'Clown'. You playfully wrinkled your nose at him and saw more than heard him laugh as the door was closed.
"Um." A soft, hesitant voice made you look over and you immediately recognized the girl who had approached you. The teenager who had nearly died at your side months ago. "I’m very happy you’re back and that you made a full recovery." She thrust out a small gift. "Thank you, for saving my life."
"And mine." One of her friends bustled over, holding a little wrapped gift as well. "If not for you, I wouldn’t have made it."
You felt speechless, accepting the gifts hesitantly and that seemed to open the floodgates. You were swiftly surrounded by people thanking you and expressing their concern and relief in equal measure. Your arms soon overflowed with gifts, flowers from the elderly, drawn pictures from children and baked cookies from grateful parents. It nearly made you cry.
You did cry a little when you got home, sniffling as you sat in a pile of gifts, reading letters and smiling at the graceless but enthusiastic scribbles of a five year old. Suzie was curled up in your lap, fast asleep as a small bundle of warmth.
You taped all the pictures to one wall and pinned the letters to an old, large pinboard you had gotten a few years ago. You put the food away and the flowers into a vase and scattered the rest of the gifts across your flat in a smattering of decorations.
It had mattered. Ever single moment you had felt helpless and terrified had mattered. You hadn’t been a footnote on some document, lamenting a too early death. Because of you, so many futures still existed, those bright, burning lives not snuffed out by a cruel hand.
You would continue growing stronger for them all, you vowed to yourself. Even if you needed Silver to end the fight and save you again, you would be there. Standing between evil and everyone else as many times as it took.
For the first time in months, you felt like a hero again, too.
You dozed off with the news channel on and jerked awake sometime in the early morning hours just in time to blearily watch a repeated clip of Silver, dressed as a sparkly, futuristic clown, moonwalk dancing out of prison. There it was, his famous, Class A skill of getting out of trouble in the most ridiculous ways.
You were chuckling softly to yourself, reaching out to fish your phone from your coffee table. You already had a message waiting for you.
'Watch me, darling.'
You were still half asleep when you answered, a golden feeling like honey on warm bread filling your chest, 'Always.'
You hesitated, then tapped out one more message, 'If you have any more inventions, I’m ready.'
He answered immediately. 'Oh, darling.' It read and you could hear the glee in his voice in your mind, could imagine the way he brightened. 'I was hoping you’d say that.'
You loved this ridiculous, wonderful man so much, you thought, still bleary and half asleep. Your heart felt so full with good things it felt as though it was spilling over to the point where you had to squeeze a pillow, hiding a wide grin against it.
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queen0fm0nsterz · 11 months
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Courtesy of my friend Gaboul, go check her out on twitter!!! She did an amazing job extracting the models and reapplying the textures... sadly these are not 100% accurate as she explained to me that additional details (such as Tengu's very evident runny makeup and the large stain on Teapot's back) are added later on as additional layers. Here they are still visible, just not as evident as they'd be in the game!!
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melonisopod · 5 months
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Hon we need to get you some Adderall.
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Drawfee Bits Wrapped (2023)
Cats (2019)
Episodes referenced: 14 (14.89%)
Episodes not referenced: 80 (85.11%)
First reference: January 17
Last reference: November 30
Longest streak of no references: 20 episodes (June 1–August 24)
Shortest streak of no references: 0 episodes (Referenced in the September 14 and 19 episodes)
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Cascada (2005)
Counting for Cascada started on August 15.
Episodes referenced: 8 (22.22%)
Episodes not referenced: 28 (77.78%)
First reference: August 15
Last reference: December 26
Longest streak of no references: 12 episodes (August 22–October 3)
Shortest streak of no references: 0 episodes (Referenced in both the August 15 and 17 episodes; then again in both the October 12 and 17 episodes)
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Combined statistics
Again, note that this only covers August 15 onward.
Episodes where both were referenced: 2 (5.56%) (October 12 and November 30)
Episodes where only one was referenced: 10 (27.78%)
Episodes where neither was referenced: 24 (66.67%)
Other Notable Bits of the Year
This is a list I kept this year of the most enduring bits, but it's obviously biased.
Fight Song (Origin: Patreon Bonus Stream 03/24/2023)
Italian Cold Steel Cinquedea (Origin: Turning Words Into Drawings)
Merobiba (Origin: Turning Medieval Words Into Art)
So do, Scooby (Origin: Turning Monster Hunter Armors BACK Into Monsters)
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vore-scientist · 10 days
im still alive
im still PhD'ing
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serendipnpipity · 2 days
I updated the phanspiracy masterlist with the Helsinki special edition PhilsLion question! The only phanspiracy that ever mattered to me <3
Also!!! This is an open call to anyone at/listening to the Helsinki show to pls update the conspiracy options chosen for the night if you can! Thank youuu :D
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cloudydayjoy · 8 months
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It's amazing how a career change and antidepressants can transform the squad's biggest slacker into a borderline workaholic.
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...The career change itself was hell though.
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wizard-laundry · 19 days
for any writers seeing this, what are your opinions on NaNoWriMo's statements regarding AI use?
Statement on whether or not AI is allowed
Statement on NaNoWriMo's overall position
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