#it makes sense she'd erase their memories of her experiments
swanpyart · 2 years
INSIDE JOB PART 2 Spoilers: Ron and Reagan
Honestly, I feel like people are a bit too hard on Ron in the finale. I feel like his feelings about not wanting to be involved with the Shadow Governments are perfectly reasonable and, if Reagan weren't so attached to her colleagues and Brett, and wasn't as ambitious in her career path, she would have immediately gone with him.
I don't think Reagan or Ron is wrong for their feelings. That's kind of the point: they care about each other but ultimately have different priorities. And, also, they're both clearly traumatized from their own experiences and trying to work it out in different ways.
Like, Ron is clearly self-destructive and pushes people away when he feels he's unable to connect with them. I think that's part of why Brett initially disliked him; Ron has little drive to appeal to others and is perpetually disconnected because of his own trauma. Brett starts to like him when he becomes more sincere in his approach. Not to mention, he's low-key kind of suicidal; he doesn't seem to want to die, but his obsession with memories seems to stem from his intense guilt. He was raised Catholic and clearly harbors intense shame for his entire life, and has spent his entire career doing awful shit, so he feels weighed down by his own brain and his own existence. The way he describes his experience drinking an entire vat of memory-erasing fluid sounds like he's describing a suicide attempt to Reagan. In the end, the only way Ron was able to free himself from his perpetual guilt is to forget it all, and he just assumed the same for Reagan, by assuming that this guilt was something they had in common. And he's not ENTIRELY wrong; Reagan has expressed countless times how much she's hated her job and her coworkers, so, naturally, he assumed she'd be excited to run away from it all with him.
Reagan, is not like that at all, though. She is constantly curious, determined, and angry. She doesn't resign herself to sit back and let the world burn, she wants to DO something. And erasing all of her memories would serve no purpose to her, because she prioritizes her own autonomy and mind, and her connections to others as above her own sense of peace. (plus, Rand has erased her memories before, and she probably doesn't want to go through that again). To Ron, ignorance is bliss and truth has caused him great pain, but to Reagan, ignorance blinds her to the truth of the world. It blinded her to how awful her father was, of how to open up to others, and how to accept the unfairness of the world.
Besides, and this might be a hot take, Ron is ABSOLUTELY correct when he says Reagan should quit her job. Every episode shows that Cognito is basically a zoo full of insane, awful people, Reagan has had to deal with monsters of all kinds, has nearly died on several occasions, and her coworkers are all assholes (even if they do care for her deep down). Remember, Ron hasn't seen everything we've seen of the company, and from his reactions, it seems the Cognito is WAY more dysfunctional than the Illuminati, meaning that Reagan is in even more danger. I mean, a halloween party culminated in everyone getting contaminated with a virus in which everyone wants to be his friend (and as someone with social anxiety, that is my worst nightmare). Ron even says that every time they get together in public they nearly die.
And you might say, "well, why doesn't Ron just quit and let Reagan work?" Even if he did, he'd have to live with the constant fear of his girlfriend/potential wife possibly dying from whatever horrific event is happening at her job that day, and their relationship (as shown in the alternate timelines) would eventually deteriorate, because its extremely difficult to control the entire world and lead a fulfilling romantic life at the same time. Even in Part 1, Bear-O said that her job at Cognito makes her life more difficult. Ron's whole Appleton plan would start them off with a clean slate.
A clean slate isn't what Reagan wants. She would lose all that she's worked for, and she would never give that up. In the end, they both lost what they wanted (each other) and got what they needed (Ron gets peace, and Reagan gets her means to make actual change).
If anything, I feel that Reagan and Ron's relationship, in some ways, is a direct parallel to Rand and Tamiko's relationship. Both Rand and Reagan want to rule the world, but they have someone they love who simply can't accept it and continue as if nothing is wrong. The difference between Rand and Reagan is that, while Rand insists that he can have both the entire world and the validation of this one person, Reagan knows she can't have both and lets Ron go, because she loves him.
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
I just read the surprise/early update and the sound I made followed by "Torielllll....! :(" after I finished... the anguish I felt is indescribable. This poor, poor woman, if only she knew why this feeling of not knowing what is "real" was because of the resets... You captured the feelings of terror, discombobulation, and bewilderment perfectly. A perfect punch in the gut!
oof yeah i feel in hindsight Toriel learning about the timelines was under-explored. ALSO SORRY IM RAMBLY TONIGHT LOL i just feel like talkin at lenght so apologies for all the long posts past midnight aslfkjasdlf. also THANK YOU for all ur kind asks i don't always answer cause when i get nice asks i like looking at them often but that means i don't respond ;o;
Her reaction is to care about how Asriel must of felt using the power (and granted, in the tumblr version she doesn't know/understand the fact that Asriel was Flowey for a long time before being revived as Asriel. Though in the redraw she's going to learn earlier.) anyway she's like, oh, that must been tough on Asriel ): how lonely
but like??? now i realize she'd have permanent deja vu from all the reloads that weren't erased with a true reset. (which, in AFR universe, isn't even a guarantee) she's suffered from this ability, more so than anyone else as she's the only one to truly know all the kids who've come through the Ruins. (Asgore is also the only other guaranteed one, but uh, we already know his... baggage... with the reloads...)
anyway when she finds out, she's going to go "ok? insane but you have scientific evidence let me adjust to this wild new information" to "wait wait were those unstable years when the kids fell REAL? my kids actually DID kill me? HELLO?" and that's going to be. interesting to explore!
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i feel like it could even be an EARLY reveal! I feel like Hol specifically is going to want to apologize for what they did. And now that I have opportunity to explore how Asriel is going to explain the age-up is more than just "oh yeah i was a flower for a while" cause. Toriel KNOWS the amalgamate experiments are (vaguely) recent. She fired Dr.Alphys over it. She knows the details now. So Asriel's explanation of being a flower for years in secret makes no damn sense if they've grown to 16 years old when they died at 12.
So yeah, that's going to be something that'll be pushed to a boiling point in the next chapter(s). HOW exactly is she going to handle all this??? like obviously, she's not going to treat this the same if this were adults committing these horrible acts. they're children. Toriel will continue to love them and forgive them because it truly is not the same situation as it would be with, say, Asgore making the calcuatled decision to murder innocent people. like Hol thinking they're some adventurer badass and killing a monster is very much different from that. (and yeah Asgore is more complicated as it relates to war and the barrier and all that bla bla)
Anyway rambling aside i really really look forward to exploring this. cause like, frankly, toriel canonically has all that angsty bs that people put on sans (when he doesn't even remember reloads or gets killed except last minute in no mercy runs 🙄) like toriel had 6 human kids who canonically reloaded around her. give me THAT angst and exploration of that's consequences. I like getting the chance to explore more of Toriel's psychology, baggage and her journey to moving past that. i'm really sad we don't get to see how toriel improved as a mother and person in AFR but rather just that she did. now we get to!!! fuck yeah!
but yeah god what a horrifying, truly awful thing to experience. like on one hand, she must be relieved "oh so there's nothing actually wrong with my reality i don't have a life altering memory related mental illness (yet)" but also "oh so that was all real and i can never truly look at these kids without knowing they've done something truly, truly unforgivable to me. (but i will forgive them)"
AND NOW i'm thinking that toriel had to been told by flowey at some point what they've done to her too. in one of those reloads, flowey likely confessed to get a reaction from her. after the shock of it, she'd pretend it didn't bother her to forgive them. and that'd build up resentment because Flowey doesn't want to be forgiven, they want punishment and consequences and for it to have mattered.
just. AUGH. so many thoughts on this its killing me inside
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aceofnace · 1 year
4x10 was truly one of the worst tv experiences of my life bc what was that with Tristan and Nancy, literally what in the fresh hell was that? They looked so in love, they have them so much it's driving me batshit. Even with the theory of the black door I can't accept that, the only way I'll stomach it is if he's some form of ace or has half of his soul on top of the black door. If they're going to go the Tristan is her soulmate in every lifetime but she's gonna choose ace in this one I might need to be committed bc who does that to their main ship in the last 2 eps of the show, the only form I'll accept is if she's been destined for Tristan but she's been choosing ace in every lifetime too. I can't even begin to imagine how they're gonna wrap this up in a way that's remotely satisfying, bc they're gonna need half of the last 2 eps to just be about nace, I'm sorry but now that we're getting no scenes of them actually together I'm gonna need a sex scene a rain kiss the most romantic hug and I love you soulmates in every life confirmation and a wedding or a scene that confirms they're married with a daughter or something I'm not kidding
I get it. Somehow, I was less angry after first watching 4x10 than I was after watching 4x09, which makes no sense because Tristan wasn't even officially in 4x09, but I think it's only because I went into 4x10 with the lowest of low expectations that we'd get any Nace so I was at least a little prepared. But I wasn't prepared for was...that ending scene with Nancy and Tristan on the floor. Yeah, they looked a little too cozy. And Nancy used her soft voice with him that she normally only uses with Ace. And that forehead touch? NO, THAT'S HER MOVE WITH ACE! WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING?
Look, at this point, I have no idea what's going on, other than it's something very strange and will end up explaining everything in the end. But will it be a satisfying explanation? That remains to be seen. My guess as of right now as to how or why that scene took place is this: if Nancy went to the black door with a specific sin with the purpose of erasing/altering her feelings for Ace (so that they could be happy again and easily move on), then it could explain why Tristan is so enamored with her—because the sin of hers that he ate was charged with her love for Ace. And maybe Tristan doesn't remember a sin once he's back in his human form, but it's possible that he subconsciously does. And as for Nancy, her newfound feelings for Tristan are easy to explain: the black door altered her memories and her feelings. She has only really shown any actual interest in Tristan since the episode after she supposedly went to the black door. Even in 4x07 when she told Ace she'd gone through an intense situation with Tristan and wasn't sure how she felt about it yet, it was easy to see that she was testing him. She wanted to see if that bothered him. And when Ace showed no signs of it bothering him (even though it absolutely did) she was visibly disappointed and so upset she dropped the dice she was holding onto. No, these "feelings" Nancy suddenly has for Tristan are not real.
If you re-watch that last scene with them, surrounded by candles, staring into each other's eyes while talking about walking paths together many times before, it's actually not as romantic as it seems upon the first viewing. Compare how Nancy stares into Tristan's eyes with the way she has been staring into Ace's eyes ever since the scene in his apartment in 3x13. There's just no comparison. When she looks at Ace, you can feel the deep yearning, the desire, the unadulterated love. When she looks at Tristan at the end of 4x10, she looks curious. Like she's trying to solve a mystery. But she also, honestly, look like she's maybe under a little bit of a spell. There's no real warmth to her. There's no longing there. And yeah, they touched foreheads, but they didn't kiss. WHY didn't they kiss? This is Nancy we're talking about here. This girl doesn't shy away from physical contact with men she's attracted to. If she had wanted to kiss Tristan, she would have. Heck, she was trying to kiss Ace for all of 4x01 even though she knew it would kill him. Now, you could say, "well, the Glasses interrupted them before they could kiss", but they really didn't. There was plenty of time for either Nancy or Tristan to lean in and at least touch lips, but no attempt was made by either one. That is WEIRD. Especially with how that scene was set up. Again, something very strange is going on here.
I feel like I'm getting off-track here, so I'll get back to the point of your ask. The soulmate thing is weird and very out-of-the-blue. I'm not sure where they're going with it, and I'm not even sure where I'd want them to go with it. I don't really see the point of introducing a character late in the game and then revealing that he and Nancy have walked this world together many times before as soulmates. That would be a very interesting (unaffectionate) choice for the writers to make, knowing how rabid the fanbase has always been about Nace and how we've been calling them soulmates since season 2. So we'll just have to wait and see what they've got up their sleeves. I'm with you, though, I could definitely get on board the train of Nancy choosing Ace in every lifetime, even though she's been destined to be with someone else. Any other scenario will probably not sit right with me.
After all the pain and suffering we've gone through this season, we deserve to get a "sex scene a rain kiss the most romantic hug and I love you soulmates in every life confirmation and a wedding or a scene that confirms they're married with a daughter". I'm hoping we at least get one of those, but I'm not sure if we will since time is running out and it's running out fast. No matter what, we'll get at least one more kiss, and it will probably replace their last one as being the best kiss of Nancy's life. But we might have to just accept that's all we'll get in the end, and we'll just have to dream of what could've been had everything been done differently.
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venus-star-bynding · 11 months
a little bit about... Matilda (Tillie) Scarlette!
HI GUYS ITS ME aren't you guys so happy i'm doing these more and clogging up your dash some more !!!! (just kidding vsb is Fucking awesome and if you don't like it. dandori issue)
so name reveal.... yes her full name is MATILDA... tillie is a nickname sad emoji
anyways... so tillie is the porky au of vsb!! and oh boy... i have some things to say about her. strap in.
so, first i'll explain a little bit about the Empire of the Mind.
the empire is a nice little fascist regime run by a certain mind alien by the name of Gyiyg (giygas au)! it is responsible for the creation of chimeras, among many many other things.
the empire's first ever project was an experiment known as the Onett Project. the onett project was a fake town within the empire's chimera laboratory that housed several of their first chimeras, those being Tessalane Starriy, Niiya Tenni (Franklin), Pollyanna Talj, Zamor Roosevelt (Twinkle), and Matilda Scarlette. these chimeras were/are all young children that were abducted from their homes as babies, alien style. the goal of the onett project was to provide a (fake) "home" for their chimeras so they wouldn't try to escape. this ultimately did not succeed, but that's a conversation for another time.
now, the thing about the empire's chimeras is that they are all humans (or, were humans, rather) that were given either Mindkin dna which gave them PSI (and we will be explaining mindkin later, don't worry), metal/robotic parts, or both. in some cases, their Magicants were also altered (brainwashing basically) (we will also be explaining magicant lore at some point! probably in the same post as mindkin maybe). the chimerization process is very painful and very violating and just. not a good experience
but the thing is, tillie was never chimerized. not like the other onett kids.
no, gyiyg saw potential in her.
she was instead chosen as his Vessel.
so, he entered her magicant and took over as her mindkin. from there, he examined her insecurities, her flaws, her weaknesses. and he used those to slowly manipulate her into becoming a perfect, empty vessel. and he used her so he could have a proper physical form.
now, i know the timeline of vsb makes no sense, but one thing that we're certain about is: the onett project took place around 45 years before the present (we do not know what year the present is). so, you may be wondering.. why are the onett kids still, well, kids?
well, that is because of a very special substance known as Silence! silence is a black liquid that manifests mainly in magicants and is EXTREMELY dangerous/toxic. this shit can and will and has and will continue to kill people. it also has amnestic properties; a large enough dose will completely erase one's most recent memories. physically, it can also stunt one's growth, though this mainly only applies to mindkin.
silence is used very prominently during chimerization. so the presence of silence in the onett chimeras (since they have mindkin dna) sorta stopped them from aging.
but, you may be thinking, tillie wasn't chimerized. so how come she's still a kid?
well, silence was used very frequently on her. every time gyiyg would use her as a vessel, he'd inject silence into her so she'd forget. this eventually built up, and along with stunting her growth, it also broke her magicant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which is so fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mental illness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyways all this is to say that tillie (and all the onett kids) is chronologically like 55 years old
OK THATS ALL I FEEL LIKE TYPING RN... pleaese read this it took like 3 hours to type. please
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ebdanon · 5 months
why is it concerning 😭 i dont get it
i completely agree about needing to learn lessons/have experiences before meeting the right people
it's possible that's just memory issues if you notice it happening about the most random things but it's not in my case, because the only things getting twisted are the ones where she knows what she did/said wasnt right and got called out for it
got another short update for ya: for easter yesterday, my husband and i went over to my parents. during the argument the other day, my mil called up my mom, and my parents and even my sister all reached out via text within a few minutes worried about my husband and i. i told them not to worry, its no big deal, we'd talk another time about it. so when we were over, we finally revealed all of the shit talking my shitty grandma has been doing with my mil and how close they've become behind everyone's backs (because that's something they could help put an end to). and that's when my dad revealed he was over to her place the day before (day after the argument) to fix something on her new phone, when he saw about a dozen calls with my mil through the fb app. my husband said he checked my mil's phone and there were no calls between the two whatsoever except for stuff like christmas to wish happy holidays, which my mil has mentioned before. but other calls were also missing from the log, which we know happened, like with my sil or even me, the only two people in the call log were with two cousins she has, and it went back for months with no one else there. turns out she's been erasing the call logs. my dad also checked my grandma'a regular call log outside of fb and noticed many calls to an unsaved number he wasn't sure who it belongs to. and he asked my grandma why she called my mil, and she said "idk how to work the phone, my hands shake, i slipped it was an accident" and he started wondering how many times does that happen in a single day because the answer doesnt make sense. he didnt get why she'd be hiding something weird like that in the moment, but fully understood when we told him what's been happening.
and then the most jaw dropping reveal happened from my dad: this crazy woman kidnapped me as a baby when my parents were having a random argument. my parents asked them over to watch me for a couple of hours so they could go over to my mom's parents to figure something out (they'd had a few of those arguments the first few months i was born) and when they came back home, no one was there. this was a time before cellphones and even home phones so they couldn't immediately call up my dad's parents to check. the only option they had was walking over to their house, because they didn't have any other transportation option either. and when they did, my grandma sent them back refusing to say a single word?! my grandpa had to do the explaining that she didnt want to stay in my parents' apartment because she felt like going home and they had to take me with them, but also according to her they were unfit parents so she'd be handling it from now. i dont know when they got me back or how.
this woman has done some insane shit throughout my life that one ask wont cover. maybe 3-4 lmao. but i thought she was maybe losing her mind in her old age over the last decade (shes in her 80s). but apparently not. and then both my parents revealed she'd been trying to mess with their marriage in many ways ever since they got married over 30 years ago. god knows why, but she had also been manipulating my grandpa while he was alive to get her way. he'd been apologizing to his sons for her actions for years, all behind her back. (once upon a time i wanted taylor to write a song about this crazy woman; right now i need kendrick to go in with "master manipulator" lines lmao).
my parents didnt get why we hadn't revealed this earlier, it's been happening for two years now, but we were never 100% sure that it really was my grandma calling her up that often because of the empty call logs. a lot of the shitty stuff my mil would say about various members of my family lines up with what ive heard her say throughout the years, but not everything. she's never talked shit about my mom or cousin for instance. i kept trying to prod my parents the last six months by hinting my grandma and mil seem to talk but they were oblivious to my hints, thought i was joking.
i hope i get a job out of this country this month and never see any of them again once i move. i desperately need to be away from crazy, and if it bothers any of them, they can go at each other's throats for all i care.
“why is it concerning” my sweet lore anon literally none of this behavior is normal what do you MEAN you were kidnapped as a baby 😭
the grandma and mil allyship needs to end for all of your sanity oh my god
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magicalberserk · 1 year
The Nonliving
Name: Maria Adesso 
Nicknames: Rhea, R-43A
Age range: any ages 20+, most likely to be 27-40s
Hair: light brown/dark blonde, bobcut, curly/fluffy, side bangs. Can turn white and shorten.
Eyes: blue-green/teal, can change to yellow 
Skin: fair, changes to navy blue
Body type: busty hourglass, "thin" waist, 5'11"
Sexuality: Bisexual, male/masc lean
Maria was the second oldest to a large family. She's got a big softspot for children and because of this, was studying to become an elementary school teacher. She grew up in NY, had a normal and fulfilling childhood, and graduated highschool with above average grades and a nice group of friends.
A few short months into her second year of college, she was kidnapped and tested in an illegal lab by an organization called Pius, trying to create a bioweapon. The bioweapon was the virus R-43A (codename Rhea), designed to mimic cells, avoid detection, and kill as quickly as possible. It essentially succeeded, but to do so it had to copy the nucleus, DNA, and RNA. So when it reached her brain, the virus copied all her knowledge and memories, taking on her form and conciousness.
Maria suffered through dehumanizing and painful testing before she discovered some of her useful abilities and escaped. She was forced to live a life on the run, never again to see anyone who ever knew her. Pius had tracked them down, erased their memories, and gave some (including her family) new identities, so she'd never find them.
Concerning the actual event of Maria's escape, she had started a riot upon escaping by letting all the other subjects loose. This would prove to be a fatal mistake, as the lab, along with everyone in it, would be destroyed in the chaos with Maria as the sole survivor thanks to making it outside before it all came crashing down.
When not running from Pius, she prefers to be alone and go sight seeing, as well as read. Despite prefering to be alone, it's for the sole reason that she feels like she has to be. Maria is lonely, and enjoys socializing when she can. As a result of Pius, she has claustrophobia as well as nosocomephobia from being kept in a tight cell and trauma related to labs/doctors (though, is fine with medical procedures in a different environment), and better enjoys the simple pleasures of freedom. Back in college, she was a very sociable, mother-hen type friend and that part of her bleeds through should you come close enough. She still longs for the old days, when she used to care for children and go to parties, and shopping, and girls night-outs. She doesn't/didn't care for anything too crazy, or nights lasting too long, but she is an extrovert who loves caring for others.
The best way to describe Maria, most soon after escaping Pius, is broken. The practices and experiments used on her were dehumanizing on her best days there. She's almost constantly in an existential crisis, trying to decide if she's alive, or not, or if she's even real. Part of the reason she doesn't sleep is because when she tries, she has nightmares of Pius. The only thing keeping her alive are the happy memories of her family and stubbornness against Pius having her or her body to experiment on. Despite most definitely wanting to die on some days, she also wants to outlive the people of Pius out of spite.
Much longer after her escape, she'd end up a much happier person. Depending on the events of the rp or leading to it, Maria would be much of the same person as she was back in college. However, this Maria would lack the sense of naivety she used to have and be eerily desensitized to gore and bodily functions. She has the social skills to keep from disturbing other people with this part of herself, but it also makes her feel slightly disconnected and she'll forget to react when something gross/gruesome happens.
Maria can transform into her virus form, which is an alter ego dubbed "Rhea". In virus form, Maria is a dark blue humanoid monster, with a lean and toned build, no sexual organs, sharp teeth, thin white hair, pointed ears, and claws on her hands and three toed feet (similar to a bird in design). She technically isn't alive, despite having a human mind and sentience. Rhea can shut off the basic human functions she mimics, which when running will trick her brain into believing the body is dying or dead. Which will leave her permanently braindead. This means if one were to want to kill her, they'd have to destroy or remove her head. Other abilities implied or otherwise include:*
•Ability to shut off nerves and feel no pain
•Near eternal endurance
•Biological immortality (can only be killed by outside force destroying head or curing virus)
•Being completely uneffected by harmful illness, poison, or chemicals (unless corrosive or related to cure, etc.)
•healing factor (can be trained to increase speed of process)
•No need for normally basic needs such as food, water, oxygen, sleep, blinking, etc.
•Reattachment/regeneration of limbs
•Prevent any form of bleeding
•Manipulation of natural chemicals generated by her body (example: increase adrenaline at will)
She's not a trained fighter, but if it comes to it she prefers straight forward sneak attacks. If it were to come to one on one combat, she'd be all about ending it as quickly as possible, whether that means playing dead or knocking the opponent out fair and square. Or in a usually rare case, finishing the job.
*Not all her abilities are immediately accessible for rp use. Depending on the circumstances or setting in her personal timeline, she can have all, none, or only some of these abilities.
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t4t-lumpygrab · 2 years
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ID: a digital drawing of Lemongrab 1 and 2 based on their segment from the videogame “Explore the dungeon because I don’t know.” The border around the image consists of Lemongrab 1 standing on the left, covering his left eye with his hand while crying.The top of his head has been removed, exposing his brain. His right arm has been mutated into a cotton candy creature, made out of differently coloured warped flesh with a huge hand at the end, his arm forms the border around the image, with his huge hand behind his head. The centre of the picture is Lemongrab 2 strapped to an examination table in a straight jacket. The top of his head has been removed, exposing his brain which has various writing on it. He is on the verge of passing out with blood dripping from his nose and mouth, where it has left smears on his skin. He is crying. Princess Bubblegum is stood behind him though only her hands are visible. She is lifting his head up with one hand, and holding an eraser in the other to erase his memories of her experiments. She is wearing a white labcoat. ED.
Inspired by the Lemongrab level from the video game “Explore the dungeon because I don’t know”, and the fact that Pb can cannonically erase Lemongrab’s memories. 
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romanoffsbish · 3 years
Chapter 2: Warm Welcomes
Chapter 1 | Masterlist | Chapter 3 | Words: 1,069
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"Are you sure about this Y/N?" Fury questions
"Yes Nick!" I reply with a loud groan and an eye roll
"Even though you think it's stupid, I'll gladly go by 'Stevens' to protect Tony's peace."
"Well, suit yourself. I personally believe some humbling will do the man some good. Also, you know as well as I do that the truth comes to light for everyone eventually."
"Then I'll handle it when it does, at least the shock of seeing his little sister for the first time in twenty years will have worn off."
"Okay, then let's go!" He commands
Fury escorted me to the meeting room, and pulled me into a brief hug. After a couple minutes I heard the two knocks on the door, which was my cue to make my entrance.
I walked into the room, then felt everyone's eyes on me. Most stares were curious, but then I felt two different sets of eyes burning into me.
Tony's gaze was full of anger, resentment, and a twinge of guilt that the average person would miss. I took everyone in, and discovered the next set of eyes trained on me belonged to James Buchanan Barnes, also known as the former Winter Soldier—my captor and the one to murder my parents. His gaze was full of shock, confusion, and mostly remorse. I'm not even a minute in and my secrets on the verge of being exposed. I quickly look into his eyes and give him a reassuring smile.
"Everyone, this is Y/N Sta—Stevens. She was a former hydra captive, under going a multitude of experiments and trainings. A little over a year ago I sent some shield agents out to take down a hydra base and we found her. We free'd her from the base, and soon I realized she'd be a perfect fit for the Avengers initiative." Fury boasts, almost exposing me. I know he fumbled on purpose, as he did it while staring Tony down.
"Hello." I greet with my best smile.
Everyone greets me, seemingly friendly enough. I make sure to enjoy the moment, because as soon as I'm out I know Tony's going to ruin it for me.
"So, Y/N, what is it you bring to the table?" The Captain himself questions me.
"She is phenomenal! Hydra's had her for about twenty years, so she's been given a multitude of powers." Fury cuts me off.
"Twenty years? How old are you?" The redhead former assassin, I now know to be Natasha Romanoff asks
"I am twenty six." I reply knowing everyone's going to be all weird about it.
I sense a multitude of sad gazes on me. I choose to skip over all of the pity stares and continue on.
"I was quite literally their lab rat. They spent the first five years focusing on my mental strength, and also coercing me into being submissive. At the age of ten they started poking me with syringes. Their intention was to poke me with a syringe, and through training, enhance the specific power. Then after five years they'd inject me with a new syringe full of another power to enhance. I also spent many years training in combat, being prepared to fight their battles for them.
As for my powers, I'm able to go completely invisible, and I can also push this power onto two other people if they're holding onto me. I have a low grade super soldier serum in me, giving me an above average strength, as well as enhanced healing and hearing abilities. I am not invincible though, I learned that at Hydra as well, I very well can die. Lastly, my newest power is telekinesis. It was my last power they had planned before they were going to release me as their "new and improved winter soldier". I was saved by shield agents a week before they planned to complete my "transformation" by erasing all my memories, and submitting me into their mind control." I ramble on, ending with an anxious smile, and an uncomfortable bout of eye contact with Tony.
It's silent for a moment, everyone's clearly trying to take in everything I said.
"So, did I pass the test?" I joke.
"Yes, wait, sorry. There was no test." The Captain laughs out.
"Well, that's all fine and well... Anymore questions?" Fury asks hesitantly knowing how invasive this team can be.
"Why can't I read your mind?" The woman I know to be Wanda bluntly asks
"Interesting question. Why can't I read yours? My simple answer is my thoughts and my trauma are mine." I bluntly reply with a shrug.
"I hope to be able to earn everyone's trust without you needing to see within to the chaos that is my mind. I would like to be clear, I already have a baseline of trust in all of you. You guys risk your lives for the greater good, so that's honorable and should warrant my trust. Any other questions?"
I hope there's no more, I can tell the others have questions, but after the last one they seem hesitant.
"Good! I expect you all to treat Y/N well. I trust her, I know her well, she's been with me for a year now. I don't trust lightly, you all know that, so be smart moving forward. Now, who would like to escort Miss Stevens here to her room?" Fury boasts out with a glare.
"I can do it!" Both Natasha and Bucky respond.
"Barnes you can escort her. Romanoff, I need to talk with you, meet me in thirty minutes in my office."
He nods which signals the meetings over. Then he pats my shoulder, not wanting to hug me in front of everyone, then he leaves. Everyone besides Bucky and I stay behind to I can only assume talk about me.
I'm pretty sure Fury's going to assign Romanoff to report back to him on my behalf. Giving him the scoop on my day to day experiences. We got really close in the span of the year. He seems to have an affinity for taking broken gays with daddy issues under his wing. He took really good care of me, and I'll be forever grateful to him for that. However, I do wish he'd stop being so protective, I didn't survive all my years at Hydra by being a scared and fragile baby.
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akirameta84 · 3 years
thinking about it, was there anything stopping kusuo from re-petrifying akechi over and over until he figured things out?
sorry for spelling mistakes haha. if its not major I'm too lazy to reread and catch em all(™)
it never says he has a limit on this ability like that, so if he had been extremely determined to not let akechi find out, he could've kept trying different future outcomes over and over
but would a person petrified experience hunger and thirst while in that state? if so, this would only be possible a day or two without serious negative effects. but from what we've seen, im fairly certain everything about the individual is frozen like that, so I doubt so
of course there was people and noticing akechi's disappearance, and akechi himself nothing the missed time. but if he got the timeline right, then akechi would've never been even entered the room in this instance, as seen by the failed timeline where hes closer with his friends group. thus its a moot point, and making the idea of keeping him frozen longer plausible
considering how the other two espers came to know about his powers, it really makes you wonder why he gave in so easily. kusuo had almost told aiura because he believed its be inevitable, but when he realized his aura was too large to be seen up close, he forfeited, only having to confess in order to save chiyo's life.
toritsuka had found out completely on his own, and by the time he approached saiki, there would have been too many memories to erase them all with his memory alteration, as its stated he can do a minute at a time.
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and, interestingly, in the manga there's a whole day between saiki receiving toritsukas letter and him arriving, while in the anime its the same day. saiki is even able to complete his psychometry on the letter. it actually makes more sense in the anime, though, as surely he'd have noticed his glove was missing before a whole day had passed?
anyways, point stands that family is the only people kusuo has completely willingly told about his powers were family members. and yet he gave in so easily to akechi.
something that's striking me as odd is when akechi revealed himself to be someone from kusuo's past, and someone who suspected him of having powers...he did nothing.
as seen on aren's first day, he could've easily had akechi transfer out or just make him stop attending.
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sure it might've been suspicious, but a combo of forcing him to transfer out and some memory alteration making him forget kusuo was at PK, that he attended PK, or that he was transferred out strangely, any may have possibly worked.
or better yet, petrify and perform the time leap stunts much earlier, before akechi had such concrete evidence. akechi likely would've responded readily to an invitation over to kusuo's house, and he could've attempted to deal with the problem then.
sure its possible he didn't think about that, but with how covered everyone of kusuo's bases have been throughout the series, I heavily heavily doubt it. and besides, I think there's more to it.
one thing kusuo mentions being happy to have fixed at the end of akechi's time travel arc is erasing the fact his younger self told akechi about his powers.
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he regrets this truly as a teenager, but his younger self was a lot more complacent about telling him, up until akechi spilled the secret himself in order to hope for kusuo's protection, but even kusuo acknowledges its normal for people to reach out to those who they know can help
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he smiles like this after his confused face fades, and tells akechi about his powers. his younger self didn't have much of a reason to keep his powers from someone he viewed as a friend, and even showed MUCH less emotional repression imo.
but there was one striking reason.
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look at how the smile on his face fades each time he recalls what his mother said. he actively wanted to show them his powers, not just akechi either.
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his older self acknowledges that akechi felt like a friend to him, which is kusuo speak for he felt they were pretty close friends, considering that the main cast is still mostly classmate or aquintence level at the end of the series according to him.
considering how easily kusuo gives in to telling akechi after his admittedly extensive process trying to prevent this outcome...I'd say, honestly, kusuo still feels the same way about akechi.
he certainly tolerates akechi referring to him by his first name, and even though aiura does as well, im not convinced she'd listen if he even told her off. (tbh, his whole friend group has issues with listening to him, and his mom forcing him on outings isn't helping. but thats a rant for another time)
the day akechi invites himself over, its done merely to hang out, and kusuo is slightly surprised by this.
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of course, even akechi has to cheat his way into staying, but kusuo is like that to everyone.
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kusuo isn't used to people coming over just to hang out, as whenever the rest of his friends bug him, they need something most of the time. and when the two of them get into betting on the horse races over cake, as frustrated as kusuo gets, id say he enjoys himself. one of the last panels says as much
I hit the image limit, but near the end of chapter 266 his eyes have the sparkle effect they do when he's actually feeling emotions. its so sweet. and during the end of the showdown arc, kusuo repeats to kuusuke the the same phrase akechi said to him after taking the power remover. "I can still be your playmate"
overall, coupled with how easily kusuo gave in to telling about his powers, without even a single death threat to keep akechi silent...yeah, he definitely thinks of akechi as a good, maybe even close friend. even if he doesn't believe or admit it to himself, its true.
thank you for reading i got this in my mind after rewatching the time travel arc, hence the random anime images instead of panels which I can grab more easily as examples lol
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amlovelies · 3 years
Can you do 🥰 and 😭 for Cynthia and Ortega if you dare?
oh you're just out to cause pain today aren't you anon? very cruel
🥰-Describe their best Valentine’s day experience. What made it so special? Is it still a good memory?
I'd like to hope that the best is yet to come for these two. they never really did anything during the sidestep days. ortega tried to invite cyn out, to plan a date, after they'd been making out for about a year, and cyn responded by disappearing for most of the month of february. the last valentine's day before heartbreak they did spend together, julia cooked and they made out on the couch and cyn walked away with a very large hicky on her neck.
😭-Describe their worst Valentine’s day. What made it so bad? Does it still hurt to remember or can they look back with a sense of humor?
they each get a different answer for this one
cyn: there was a point during the sidestep days where she almost told ortega everything, and then realized she could never. that to tell ortega the truth would mean losing her forever. valentine's day was always rough for cyn, a reminder of what she couldn't really have, couldn't really be, but it was a lot harder that year. the crushing realization that she could never have the connection she so desperately wants. that whatever is going on between julia and her will always be doomed to fall apart.
it should be obvious that the first valentine's day after heartbreak julia is not okay. not okay at all. just seeing all the messages of love and romance and relationships everywhere leading up to it, knowing she never told cyn how she felt. that she would never have the chance now. missing her so fucking much. knowing it's her fault she's gone. if she'd made a different call. . . its not a time she likes to remember, even now with cyn back, that doesn't erase the pain of those memories.
emoji valentine's asks
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letmebegaytodd · 4 years
(1/2) One of my Sole OCs is based off the 'sole is actually a synth' post. She escaped the institute via the railroad once before and they set her up with a little farm out in the wastes. She fell in love and married the daughter of one of the merchants she'd trade with. Eventually, though, the institute caught up with her, and her wife was killed in the fray. (She gets revenge tho, I promise) The institute tried to erase her memories and 'start over' but, even though it appeared to work, she still remembers her other life deep down. The memories manifest as vivid dreams and nightmares. The institute, discovering that her brain was 'compromised', placed her in vault 111 as part of an elaborate experiment.
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VERY into this concept!!
I'm always here for the sole is a synth idea that was touched on once by dima in canon and then never mentioned again, because I think it makes much more sense in the context of the narrative, and is more interesting
Anyway, I'm glad her story ends happily!
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steleangel · 3 years
“I’ve got you”
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Clary felt the metallic taste of blood before she came too. It was surprisingly not her own and very different for those she slain in battle. The first thing fully making sense as life filled her limbs was the careful handling of her body by the scent of ink and sandalwood filling her knows. It was like safety and home. Steady heart beats reassuring her as he pushed the hoard of vampires out of the way. tThe redhead was so lucky to have him. Not just because having someone love you so completely through even the hatred of your own people. The shadowhunters passed judgement and the strix seemed to think she was a passing fancy. Tristian was always so otherworldly and old fashioned in way that made her heart flutter. Sometimes, she felt like a queen being treated with respect. Yet, clary intimately knew what the passionate heat of his lips felt. He had been the one to worry. The shadowhunters would have left her to die. Uncaring if the vamp lover became a statistic of dying to young. Tristian had cradled her preciously after healing her. He'd experienced so much pain and turmoil. His own sister a worry. The blood still entered her mouth. They were always erasing the weight of former flings. The feeling of hands gently caressing her showed it. The bath seeming to loosen the soreness as the blood worked. oh how tired she was. So many demons and so many people. The fall afterwards. How had he learned not to lust after the red liquid painting her? Valentine had clearly set up an attack. His experimentally gifted daughter chose to live with a vampire and he couldn't come back from that. Was it wrong that defending herself felt good? There was nothing quite like making a demon burst with a seraph blade. Jocelyn's lies making her reflexes only now feel right. His hand was given a quick kiss as it made her way through the layers of dirt and grime. The bath looking red like her hair. Having his blood felt more intimate then anything she'd imagine. The sting of the recent tattoos fading away to the most relaxed to date. "Thank you. I always know you will be waiting. And understanding when I do awful things. I didn't want to kill them. But I feel vindicated and your hands feel as gifted as they always do. My own people left me to die. And you stuck your neck out for me. Besides, I didn't think bathing could ever feel this good. They will never understand that I am yours. I choose to be yours. Could you get my shoulder? The splatter seems to have really decided to claim that as it's own. I'm so sorry. I don't deserve the safety of feeling your beating heart or the warmth of your hands. Having a targeted hit isn't a fun experience in the slightest but I should have known you had the strix following me and were worried." It was a lot, but she meant it. This felt familiar and happy. Being utterly open with him about her thoughts was just as easy as being physically exposed. "I love you more then the days and nights." And it was true after all. She'd gotten blood everywhere. The bathroom looked like a murder scene. He so easily saw past that. The scarlet liquid staining his clothes in a way feedings hadn't. Joking and smiling was the usual comfort. Still, she had to say it. Even with the battle weariness and mental exhaustion. "Though I'm not certain I have ever wanted to remember every inch of you to memory. Even just your lips and arms. You could tell me about whatever genius plan you have created or- . I am a little flustered. Carnage like that I haven't seen since the originals came for you."
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fal-carrington · 6 years
On my own [4/??]
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Pairing: KamilahxMc
Disclaimer: characters are not mine
Prompt: Love can happen on unexpected occasions, people fall in love when they least expect, bringing feelings that they thought they had buried long ago within themselves. Falling in love with mortals was off Kamilah's to-do list until a certain stubborn mortal emerges and changes the CEO's heart. When Kamilah finally admits being in love, an unexpected event happens, but can love survive death?
A/N: Wow it’s been awhile, so sorry for this.
Tag list: @kamilahs-bitch @gavryllo @carolcunha7 @zoe6111 @aestheticsayeed @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @tephy24 @scarlet-letter-a0114 @foszil @ilovekamilahsayeed @yall-play-it-cool @alekai-sayeed
Hayley blinked a few times, her vision still blurred, her mouth dry and her head spinning. She had her back against the iron railings, she hardly knew when she'd last had a drink or a shower. Her stomach rumbled with hunger, but she was too sick to even eat that piece of bread that was on a porridge dish in the corner of the cell.
It was a few times she was conscious, most of the time she had no idea what was going on, but one thing she knew, she was in a hostile environment and was constantly being drugged by Jameson. He came in the night, she only knew the time for the little window, it was the only thing she knew, when it was day or night, Jameson drugged her, in the few seconds she stayed awake she heard voices, the voice of Jameson and another that she recognized by her visions. Gaius.
What they planned to do with her was still unknown. She did not know why they still kept her alive, or what they wanted with her. Why capture it? She was not a threat, she was just a human, just Adrian's assistant. Her mind was a mess, her memories blurred, but there was something she still remembered, in flashes of memories Kamilah's vision still lingered in her mind, and the last time she had seen her in that elevator.
"Kamilah..." Those were the only words that escaped her mouth. She tried to stay sane, lucid, but her mind was a whirlwind at that moment.
"Oh great. You're awake.” She heard Jameson's familiar voice. Jameson's blurred vision became clearer as he approached her on the other side of the cell. "How are you feeling?" He asked.
"Fuck you," Hayley snapped. Jameson laughed.
"You should review your manners." He shook his head. "I brought your food... Why, you did not eat anything." Jameson stared at the porridge dish thrown in the corner of the cell.
"You talk about the garbage you give me to eat? I'd rather eat shit.” Hayley rolled her eyes.
"You know, if you were a little more educated, I would make it easier for you." Jameson said as he administered his syringe with the contents that Hayley knew it was the drug again.
"What do you get out of it Jameson? I do not see what benefit you get from all this. The satisfaction of fucking someone else's life? "
"Oh, Hayley—"
"You've been drugging me for months, and I still do not understand your purpose. All you do is killing me a little more every day."
"It's been a year now. I never meant to hurt you, things would have been easier if you had not gotten involved in this world. You had a chance to get out of it all that night, but you wanted to know more, you wanted to venture further into it, it's all your curiosity, and look what brought you back?”
"I do not regret anything." She did not regret meeting Kamilah, did not want to forget her. She loved her.
"It involves so much more than that. You see, the master has a plan that's much bigger than all of us," he said.
"Gaius? I didn’t anything to him, I have nothing to do with this brawl he has against the council, against Adrian and... Kamilah.” Her name hurt only the mention of him.
"Oh, you do." That dark voice echoed through the walls of that dark place. The hairs on Hayley's arm twitched, she could feel his evil presence in that place.
"Son of a bitch, now that you've decided to show up?" Hayley raised her voice, even though inside she was panicking, she could not show fear, that's what he wanted.
"Hard words, coming from the mouth of a human, if I were you, I would take care of the words, you are not in a position to make threats." Gaius stepped out of the shadows and appeared in the light.
"Master." Jameson bowed. Hayley could see him for the first time. His pale, gray skin, white eyes with dilated pupils, looked like a dry corpse, no more hair around the skull, only a few strands of hair around.
"Jesus, time was a bitch to you," Hayley said with a mocking grin. Gaius frowned.
"Let's see how long you keep your sense of humor."
"You're already killing me, I do not know what you expect from me anymore." She shrugged.
"I've been experimenting things in you for months, and you've proven resilient, maybe it's by willpower to get out of here and see someone familiar... maybe someone you love. Maybe Kamilah or Adrian?"
“I—That’s not... How do you—?”
“I know everything. They’re both in love with you. Killing you? Do you think this is what I'm doing to you?" He touched the bars of the cell as he paced.
"There is no other explanation. You're drugging me."
"Even with two eyes you can only see half the picture," he said as he walked.
"What you want from me?"
"From you? What grace would it be if I revealed what I wanted from you? But on the other hand, you serve as a means to hurt who I want."
"The council beat you once. They can do it again.” Hayley said firmly. Gaius gave a dark laugh in response that made her shut up.
"The council? Those mere puppets that I created ?” He spoke with hate. "I thought they had some value, some sense of honor, they were my subjects, they should bow down to me, but they decided to revolt against their king, they are mere ants compared to my power."
"See this is your mistake. You who are old as shit should already know that the monarchical absolutist system does not work very well, all kings end up falling.”
“I’m not going to fall this time, girl.”
"Kamilah will defeat you. She's strong and powerful, she did it last time.” Hayley really believed she was strong enough.
"My queen..." Gaius's voice became anguished through hatred. "She betrayed me for Adrian. She turned her back on me and stabbed me from behind, she deserves my revenge as much as they do, except with her... I'll do something even worse."
"If you touch her—" Hayley screamed with all her might, but he laughed.
"What are you going to do?! You're under my power as much as they are.” He smiled. "See, this is your weakness, falling in love with a vampire is not a death sentence. The story is only tragedy if the vampire loves you back and you managed to get her to love you. I will destroy her heart, as I have done all these centuries, but this time it will be much worse."
“You should’ve killed me already.” Hayley said. “She already thinks that I’m dead.”
“For now. Yes.”
"She does not deserve this. Please do not hurt her. I'll do whatever you want.” Tears escaped Hayley's eyes.
"But you're going to do anything I want, why do you think you’re still alive?" Jameson opened the cell door and Gaius slowly stepped into that little space, for a moment there were only two of them in that place. "Kamilah broke my heart, she was the only one I hoped did not betrayed me. I gave the world to her, I turned her into a goddess and how she repaid me? Stabbing me just like the others."
"You arrested her in a toxic relationship for centuries, hurt her, turned her on without her consent and made her afraid of her life. Can not you see? It was never love, she never loved you, she just thought so."
"You really think she's good, do not you? Do you really believe she has found redemption? Oh, child, Kamilah did the same bad things I did, she's just as bad as I am. Oh, Hayley. You're too young to understand. But soon you will, I will not hurt Kamilah directly, not now, you will do it for me."
"I never—"
"... And you will do it without even knowing what you are doing." He smiled grimly. "You're going to break her heart and destroy it for me." He moved toward her, Hayley tried to escape to the other corner of the cell, but it was useless, before she could, Jameson grabbed her and she felt the prick of the needle on her skin, in a matter of seconds she was erasing again, she felt Gaius's cold hands grip her chin, causing her to stare at him in those mere conscious seconds. "...Forget that you ever worked for Adrian Raines, forget that someday you knew the secrets of the supernatural and the world of vampires, forget that you once loved Kamilah Sayeed."
"She's a good person, please, please do not do this, she's come a long way by now, if you do, she'll—“ Hayley's heart stopped beating with the mention of the last words and with a maddening rapidity, all the words, all the kisses, the declarations, every night went out. Suddenly the name who made her stomach turn and her body shiver, the name of the person she admired and loved meant nothing.
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