#it may seem silly and childish. but it makes me happy ^w^
glacialmaples-pkmn · 1 year
also I've been working on my oc's/Maple's design and I'm really enjoying the work and progress!
I haven't gotten any farther than designing the base of the coat and some small ideas written down here and there abt what I want/possible ideas to consider. but I'm really happy with the small amount of progress I have made!!
in the end I'm probably gonna end up with more than one outfit cos there's so many design elements I like vs. which designs look good together. I might post some WIP's soon cos I'm really excited with where I'm going with this.
I'd prefer if they were digital but with my current setup that's not possible rn. and for someone who's years out of drawing practice, I'm really happy with how things are turning out!!
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good-beanswrites · 5 months
Fe Aspec Week Day 6: Supports
The restraint it took not to do another Lukas-Python support piece... But no!! I needed my yearly dose of Feliciazura!! And was personally offended that they don't have supports together!!! 😤 I usually like the idea that Azura doesn't realize she's ace and Felicia helps her realize why she's felt so different her whole life, but in writing these I ended up completely reversing that dynamic haha. I'm real happy with how they came out! Alright, roll Are You Listening?...
C Support:
🩷 Alright, here goes. One… two… eek! Lady Azura, I didn’t see you there!
💙 My apologies, Felicia, I didn’t mean to frighten you. If I may ask, what were you doing…?
🩷 No need to apologize, I was just, um! Just cleaning. Right. 
💙 Are you certain…? You were standing in front of the mirror, with all these books open around you. 
🩷 E-exactly! It’s a mess, so I was just cleaning all of that, no need to –
💙 Oh my, they’re all romance novels! I see…
🩷 No! You don’t see anything!
💙 All these pages you have open… your pillow in your arms… were you… practicing kissing, by any chance? 
🩷 ACK!
💙 Haha, I remember growing up in Hoshido, all the little children would practice kissing with their pillows, too. I didn’t realize the custom was shared with Nohr.
🩷 Gods, this is so embarrassing. To be caught doing something so childish! Why can’t I get anything right? (leaves)
💙 Oh, Felicia, wait! I didn’t mean to embarrass her. I actually thought it was rather cute...
B Support:
💙 Felicia, there you are! I’ve been meaning to speak with you lately.
🩷 Ugh, if this is about the other day, there’s no need. I have been mortified about it ever since…
💙 Why are you ashamed? As I said, that’s a very common practice in Hoshido.
🩷 Yes, for kids! Kids who are clueless about romance and doing something silly with their friends. It’s not the type of practice you’d expect from a grown woman who should certainly know how to kiss by this time in her life. I’ve already proved myself a failure at everything else, I suppose it makes sense I’d be falling behind when it comes to romance, on top of all that.
💙 What makes you a failure?
🩷 I’ve never kissed anyone before. Like, really kissed them. I’ve fallen in love and tried to do it right, but every single time I leave like a coward when things get too serious. If even kissing is difficult for me, there’s no way I could do anything more…
💙 … Are you calling me a coward, as well?
🩷 W-what? Of course not, milday! Why would you say such a thing? 
💙 Well, I have no experience with kissing either.
🩷 *sigh* Lady Azura, you don’t have to try and make me feel better. You’re the most competent, gorgeous, charming, and calm woman in the whole army. Surely you have hordes of suitors at your heels! You must have experienced everything that romance has to offer, by this point. 
💙 You flatter me, Felicia. But there’s no need to put yourself down so harshly. From what I’ve gathered, you and I are very similar. I never had experience with those types of things because I never wished for them. Everyone seeks different things in a relationship.
🩷 Yes, but everyone wants to kiss their lover!
💙 Not everyone…
🩷 I told you that you didn’t need to make me feel better. If you’ll excuse me. (leaves)
💙 Ah, I really thought we were getting somewhere this time.
A Support:
🩷 Lady Azura, could we speak for a moment? I’m feeling a little guilty about how our last conversation concluded. 
💙 Oh, what is it Felicia?
🩷 I was so caught up in my own worries, and I wasn’t truly listening to you. When you said we were very similar… did you mean, you also weren’t looking for the more physical aspects of a relationship?
💙 That is correct. You’ll need to pardon my assumptions about you. I do hope I did not overstep.
🩷 Not at all! B-but, doesn’t that frighten you? I’ve always feared that I’m not enough for others. Any time I think about confessing my love, it seems like I’ll need to be more, do more, than I want. So I’ve never acted on my feelings for another.
💙 It certainly can be confusing, at first.
🩷 When I’m falling behind with my duties as Corrin’s maid, Jakob just tells me to practice, practice, practice! I had hoped the same would ring true for these struggles. But no amount of practice or preparation has helped me, yet. If it’s true, and you also haven’t had experience like that… Well, how are you so content with not being enough?
💙 Why, because I am enough. When you find a partner, you find someone that completes you. Neither of you demand anything from the other. You communicate and compromise, as any relationship. But if there’s something you simply cannot give, they need not ask it of you.
🩷 Hm… that is a nice thought… 
💙 So if you don’t want to kiss anyone, or do anything else that may seem unappealing, that doesn’t make you a failure by any means. That just makes you, you. No practice necessary.
🩷 Thank you milady, I’d never thought of it that way before. I have some thinking to do, I believe.
💙 I’ll be here anytime you wish to talk.
S Support:
🩷 Lady Azura, I have a confession to make.
💙 A confession?
🩷 Well, two actually. My first is that… on the day that you caught me practicing kissing… well… it was because I had hoped to kiss you. 
💙 Oh!
🩷 I noticed my feelings a long time ago, but any time I tried to admit them, I got too nervous that I would fall short. I thought if I tried extra hard, maybe I could show you that I could give you anything you needed.
💙 Felicia, I hope you know that I will never ask you to be anything other than yourself. You’re absolutely perfect the way you are. And it's very sweet that you wanted to do something out of your comfort zone for me. You work harder than anyone here, I believe.
🩷 Of course I wanted to! I’ll do anything for the people I care about.
💙 I know. That’s why I admire you so much. I’m really glad the two of us could talk. It’s been so long since I’ve met someone so much like myself. Maybe it’s for the best that I stumbled in on you, hm?
🩷 Oh no, I’m still horribly embarrassed by that!
💙 Haha! And what of your second confession?
🩷 That’s right – my other one was… ack ! It was going to be a love confession, but I guess you already know that now! Ah, I’ve gone and done it all backwards…
💙 I don’t mind in the slightest. My answer, of course, is yes. I’d love nothing more than to be yours.
🩷 I just love you so much! I promise you, I’ll do whatever it takes for both of us to be the most comfortable.
💙 And I vow to make sure you never feel lacking. Together, we will be more than enough.
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haifengg · 3 years
WayV Dealing With Period Related things
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TW: This doesn’t contain anything graphic! But you might not want to read this if you’re grossed out by the topic in general.
Genre: Fluff // Crack
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-> Kun. So here is someone who randomly reads up on the topic. And one day he found this fact about women only bleeding roughly a shot glass worth of blood every month. Which got him in fact very confused. So he hastily walked into the kitchen, his eyes opened in shock: “Is this true??” 
You quickly scan the article and nod. “Yeah, that seems about right.”
“It’s just this much??” 
“How much did you think it was??”
-> Ten. Probably the most chill person to be around. I kind of expect him to have a lot of female friends who openly talk about this kind of thing right in front of him. So even if he mind in the beginning he doesn’t anymore. You can literally ask him to get you whatever or cook for you and he will do it. He would probably do the chores if you’re in a lot of pain. As well. Let you wear all of his shirts if you want to and you get to decide what shows to watch. But he would either in a very subtle way do all those things or make you praise him lol. Like “Look what a great stay-at-home husband I can be! You’re very happy to have me.” Just because he knows you don’t like to be obviously pampered. You rather have all the work taken away from you by force and not expect him to do it.
-> Xiaojun. You usually never ask him to get pads or anything because you know how much it kind of grosses him out (even though he would never admit it, because he loves you). But there was this on time where you didn’t manage getting them yourself and you would run out of supplies the next day so you asked him to pick something up on his way home. But you immediately regret asking him as you hear him assuring you it was no big deal on the phone. Because, well, you it kind of was. Xiaojun was ver much clueless. And your intuition should not be failed.
 As he came home and unpacked the bags he proudly presented you diapers. After you ask him why the hell he got diapers and not just common pads he said: “They had this as well but the package said something about anti leaking and then I started to think about leaking. And if there would be leaking - well, I figured you didn’t want that. So to fully prevent it I got you these!” He looked so proud and manly, gaining full pride from having thought about his girlfriend this much and actually read the package at the store without being embarrassed. But you just blank look at him and bluntly say:
“Xiaojun, I am menstruating. I am not shitting myself.”
-> Lucas. May I present you the most childish one. You may correct me but you can’t change my mind about hi having the highest sex drive in this group. And the most ludicrous humour. So he cracks jokes about it all the time including the one about real men moving into the Red Sea. But in his case the only place men move to is the sofa at night because you heard this joke too many times. Overall he is sweet though. He will use the jokes to cheer you up because he knows you share that sense of humour. He will also get you these cliche things like chocolate. 
But just the second you think he stopped being dirty minded and came to care for you he pulls out an article saying orgasms being a great pain reliever because of endorphins and such. 
You hit him with the paper. “So this is what it takes to get you to read a medical journal??”
Nevertheless you have to admit that with all his silliness, he is actually reliable and without his jokes it would be a pretty triste week.
-> Hendery. Women having their periods are his war flashbacks. Having grown up with loads of sisters has taken it’s toll on him. It used to be very chaotic and hormonal. So he is kind of every careful with you when you’re on your period. Extra nice and quiet. Just as if he’s trying not to wake up a beast. At first you were really offended by his behaviour. Then you got to meet his sisters and even though they are very sweet you could see by the way he was behaving next to them and how he was their little brother; you understood where is caution came from. So you just let him be. For the time being he disappears and yo barely get to see him. But your cramps are not so bad in the first place so you’re actually fine on your own. 
It takes him a while to realise you’re not moody or cranky at all - just hidden somewhere in a lot of blankets. So he occasionally drops by to bring food.
It is actually very sweet how he chips in to be there for you  every now and then. 
He obviously tries his best.
-> Winwin. Usually keeps his questions to himself. He also doesn’t google because he is scared of what he is going to find. So he takes matters in his own hands and tries to find answers to his questions himself.
So hone day you come home early and catch him in the kitchen, soaking a clean tampon in a glass of water. Winwin obviously got scared and panicked not only by you coming home and catching him red handedly but also because this thing just soaked up so much water and got huge. You stand in the doorway looking at him curiously. He’s looking back in shock. But you didn’t say anything since Winwin tends to do weird things from time to time and you’ve gotten used to it. After three seconds of silence he couldn’t help but ask: “W-why is it so big?? How does that possibly fit??” And you just burts into laughter. Apparently he just still is a kid after all, so you say whining away a tear: “First of all that is where your dong goes - and secondly it is also where babies come from so it better stretch.”
 His looks is worth a million bucks, really.
-> Yangyang. He is and will be a kid. Not because he is young but because he is childish. So you don’t trust him at all and actually google a picture of the product you need. Yangs offered and insisted of getting you supplies because he somewhere picked up that this is what responsible boyfriends do. So for shits and giggles you let him. But you know he will chicken out once he is facing the aisle. Hence the picture.
“If you don’t know where to find this, just ask a shop assistant. They know.” 
He reassures you that he is fully capable and you should not worry.
When he came home he handed you a small bag not only with the product you asked for but also some more enhanced ones. And you find your boyfriend avoiding your eyes mumbling: “The lady said you might like these better because they are more comfortable. It’s a new product so she thought perhaps you want to try it. But honestly I have no idea what ‘wings’ mean or why pads need them.” 
He is kind of embarrassed but you are proud of him that he said ‘pads’. So you spare him the explanation.
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kunikiiida-kuuun · 4 years
Part Of You (Kunikida x reader)
As Kunikida's hand hovers over the wooden shelf in search for a certain document, instead of the familiar row of neatly arranged files, he is greeted with a sight of dolls lined up next to each other.
"What... “Kunikida mutters under his breath. Upon closer inspection, he finds that they aren't just ordinary dolls. They are dolls modeled after every member of the Detective Agency, each doll matching perfectly to their counterpart.
"Who put their dolls here?! And where are the files that were kept here?" Kunikida points towards the dolls and looks for an answer from his seated colleagues.
“Don’t worry, the files have been moved to that shelf.” You come up to Kunikida, smiling widely, "Aren't they adorable? Kyouka-chan made them with Naomi-san's help!" When you suddenly lean in close to Kunikida and he can’t help but stiffen up. Even though the two of you had recently started dating, Kunikida wanted things to be strictly professional at work. "Kyouka-chan said she had made her own dolls before." You whisper into his ear.
He nods curtly, understanding your underlying meaning. Her parents had been killed while she was still a child. A comfortable life had been snatched away from her, a child forced to grow up to early in this harsh world.
Yet, all Kunikida wanted right now was to complete his file work on time.
In spite of himself, Kunikida doesn't ask Kyouka to put the dolls away. Moreover, he had been caught by you, admiring the dolls she was steadily adding to the collection, each of them better than the other. He didn't say it out loud but Kunikida really loved the little version of you; everything about the doll right from the adorable shape of your face down to the smile resembled you accurately.
He also didn’t comment on it, but the day Kyouka presented the doll she made after him, he was secretly really happy about it. On the other hand, he saw that you were hardly concealing your excitement about it, constantly giggling adorably over his furrowed eyes and how cute his little smile looked, distracting him from the work at hand more than he let on.
One morning Kyouka stands before the shelf wearing her usual stoic expression, "It's not here." She mutters under her breath.
Atsushi comes up to her and asks, "What's not here?"
She turns to look at him and points at the shelf, "One doll is missing."
Atsushi scans the shelf, sure enough all the dolls had to be here...That's when he realizes that it's Kunikida's doll that is missing.
"That's strange." he frowns, tapping his chin in thought. "Who would take it?" He adds after a moment of speculation, "If it's Kunikida-san's doll that was taken, then I suppose it could only have been taken by Kunikida-san himself, right?"
When they seek to inquire him about it, they are barely able to get their question through as Kunikida was as busy early in the morning as ever. The two youngsters go around the office asking every agency member if they happened to see the doll anywhere. Tired of watching their poor attempt at an investigation, Ranpo finally speaks up, "I know who has the doll."
Atsushi beams at Ranpo, who was smiling like a cunning cat, legs propped over his table in his usual carefree manner. "Were you able to deduce it using your ability, Ranpo-san?"
Ranpo snorts at Atsushi's obvious naiveté, "Of course not. I only happened to see the person concerned when they thought that nobody was around."
Atsushi continues smiling, happy to know that the mystery would be solved, "Who is it then?" Although it was strange to wonder that anybody had taken it, since they practically asked everyone in the office.
"That person is," Ranpo's emerald eyes gleam with the familiar shine he has when he declares the murderer in a murder case, "You, y/n."
You flinch as all eyes turn to you, including Kunikida's, even though he was engaged in his paperwork, his eyes full of surprise. All your previous attempts to hide behind your laptop fail as you find out that the cats out of the bag.
Before anyone can get a word in, you shoot up from your seat, "I-I'm sorry for all the trouble!" you pull out the doll from your bag and go over to Kyouka, holding it before her.
"I'm sorry Kyouka-chan. I was playing a bit with it and somehow, the sleeve tore off. I didn't want to upset you so I took it home for repair." you explained to the young girl. You bowed in apology, "I'm really sorry."
Kyouka nods slowly, accepting your explanation. "It’s alright." she takes the doll from you and holds it up to inspect it. It was barely noticeable but it was obvious to the maker the difference in the stitches. “Thank you for mending it.”
"That's solved then!" Atsushi chirps happily. As the minor distraction had been resolved, the workers are about to return to their work when Ranpo speaks up once again.
"That story may be true, but there's more to it isn't it, Y/N?" He smiles, eyes twinkling with amusement.
You hesitate, and stutter upon your words, “W-What are you talking about, Ranpo-san? What more can possibly be there to it?”
"Well, certainly you don't need to take it all the way home to mend a small tear like that?" This time it’s Dazai, who leans forward on his desk and smiles innocently at you, "Since you did lend Haruno-chan a needle and thread that you carried in your bag when she needed to mend her skirt in an emergency."
You stand hesitantly at a complete loss for words at their observations, although this much must be a piece of cake for the two clever detectives. "Uh... Well... “You search for an explanation in your head, a single excuse to escape the situation, but you know you've arrived at a dead end, considering it was Ranpo and Dazai before you.
Your jaw drops in shock as this time Kunikida asks you directly, "Then for what reason did you take it home?"
"Do you want to know?" Ranpo grins, his glasses glinting in the sunlight.
Realizing that you have no chance of escape at this point, you quickly grab Kunikida's arm and pull him out of the room. Closing the door behind, silence engulfs among the two of you as you try to gather your thoughts. A moment passes before Kunikida's deep baritone cuts through your thoughts, "Well? Are you going to say something?"
“First I need you to promise that you won’t laugh.” You look at him with such a determined look, he simply nods without a question, “Okay, I promise.”
You bite your lip nervously, your eyes darting all over the place, "You see... I was just..."
“It’s been a while since we went on a date or spent any time together,” You start to explain while he nods nimbly, prompting you to continue. With the sudden increase in the number of requests piling up for the agency, Kunikida was the first to arrive at office and last to leave. It was unlike him, but there was no other choice than to postpone the dates he had planned with you. You had been so kindly understanding about the situation that Kunikida thinks he fell in love with you even more.
“And you don’t like any sort of PDA…” You mumbled to which you added hastily, “Which I completely understand, and agree with.” He nods again silently.
"But that doll looked so much like you... I thought it would be nice to hold it…Like having a part of you with me...“You explain with faltering confidence, feeling more and more embarrassed at yourself. At this point maybe a double suicide with Dazai sounded like a good offer.
"And before I knew it, I carried it off with me.” You fidget with your sleeves absentmindedly. “I mean what could I even say? ‘Hey, can I just borrow this adorable plushie of my boyfriend for one night?’ without seeming like a weirdo.” You continue ranting before noticing that Kunikida hasn’t said a word all along.
“C-Can you please say something?” You hadn’t expected him to be this silent. Kunikida continues to stand still, eyes shaded by the glint of his glasses. There is a sinking feeling in your stomach like you've disappointed him. "I'm sorry if I creeped you out, okay? I don't know what made me do such a thing! You must think that I'm so childish right? Honestly I'm not-"
You stop when you notice Kunikida’s shoulder quiver and he turns away quickly from you, covering his mouth.
“Hey, you’re laughing at me aren’t you?!” Your voice comes out as a squeal your and cheeks turn red in embarrassment. His reaction completely takes you by surprise.
Kunikida bites his lip, clearly restraining himself. He clears his throat and composes himself, “No, I’m not.”
“Yes you are! Even though you promised not to laugh!” You pout your lips at this. “So much for being a man of his words!”
You let out a gasp as Kunikida pulls you into a bear hug. "If you wanted a hug, you should have just asked for it." he whispers softly.
Getting over your initial shock, you immediately melt into his arms, all your worrisome thoughts scurrying away. "I'm sorry; I didn't want you to think of me as clingy just when we started dating."
"An ideal boyfriend takes care of his partner's needs." he says in his monotonous manner that makes you smile widely.
You feel a blush spread on your face as he whispers, "Besides, you don't need a doll for something like that when you can have all of the real thing." Kunikida's husky voice in your ear was making you weak in the knees and you were glad that he was holding you firmly, a hand hooked onto your waist and another caressing your head softly.
You remain in each other’s arms for a few minutes until Kunikida asks, "Are you satisfied?"
You nod your head even though either of you seem reluctant to let go. He had his schedule to adhere to, yet when it came to you, he seemed to forget the looming sense of time and work.
"Let's get back to work, shall we?" Kunikida adjusts his glasses and clears his throat awkwardly a slight blush adorning his cheeks as well, as he suddenly remembered that they were still at work.
You nod, a blush still gracing your cheeks, "I'm sorry for interrupting your schedule."
"Don't be silly. You know you're more important than that." At this, your heart flutters just like a young girl in love. You're amazed at how he says the most romantic things without even trying to do so. “I’ll make up for all the time we lost. I promise.”
If possible, your cheeks heat up even more, "Okay." You compose yourself, reminding yourself that the others were still present behind that door.
Nodding his head curtly, he pushes the door open to re-enter the office. As you walk back to your seat, you feel a few lingering eyes follow you, but apart from that everyone is silent, focused on their work.
When it seems like everything is normal, Dazai's drawls out in his teasing voice, "A nice long kiss would have been better, Kunikida-kun. How boring." He stretches out his words, making a perfect mockery Dazai style.
Not even a second passes as Kunikida explodes like a volcano and holds Dazai in a choke hold, a string of insults pouring out, while the man in question continues smiling and teasing his partner even more.
You try to hide your face behind a file in embarrassment. The rest of the agency tries to ignore them, but fail, finding Kunikida's reaction so obvious and hilarious.
All among the chaos in the background, Kyouka walks up to the shelf of dolls and makes a slight alteration.
She places Kunikida's doll next to yours, tiny hands entwined together, and smiles to herself in satisfaction.
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madexinxheaven · 3 years
@whoxyouxhate​ said: 🚼 - Does your character have or want kids? @ the mains
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“I always figured it would happen eventually.”
Caitlyn’s affections to the idea of motherhood are born first from her family life; Being an only child to two VERY loving parents. And second from the mess that had become of the slums. From saving Vi and taking her in as her partner in the L.G.D to the lab experiments and kids saved INADVERTANTLY when she was just tryna rescue her parents... Caitlyn has and always will have a soft spot for kids. I mean, how could she NOT with memories of her mom rocking her on the way from Victoria? With memories of her dad teaching her how to shoot? With memories of them getting her very first RIFLE at eighteen? How could she NOT want to do that herself? For her own kids? Of course, nowadays, Jayce has disillusioned her to the idea. But maybe if she’d ever be able to find a love that DIDN’T burn out...
“Maybe there’s still time...”
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“Me? Kids? I... Can’t say I’ve really thought about it...?” 
Honestly, she still felt like a big kid herself. Exusiai’s outlook on LOVE & LIFE was still very bubbly and immature, founded on hypermania and sociopathy. Sure, she was CARING & OPTIMISTIC ENOUGH, and would likely be good in the role of a caregiver. But... But could she actually be a FULL-TIME MOM? Honestly, she wouldn’t even know where to start. The idea made her feel SUFFOCATED. Fears that she’d grow BORED or FRUSTRATED or that she’d inevitably come upon a bridge she didn’t know how to CROSS. Oh, God, what if her kid needed ADVICE? What would she do then? Heart palpitations were going crazy at this point. God, there were no VACATIONS in motherhood. And no adventure either. And WAAAAAY too much responsibility. 
“Yeah, I don’t think I’m ready to think about that kinda thing...”
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“W-Wait... You... Isn’t it a little too EARLY to be talking about KIDS?”
Makoto was still very much a kid herself. A fact her elder sibling seemed so determined to DRILL into her head. Freshly graduated and still in training for her DREAM JOB. Not to mention looking after her own big sister and being essentially still dependent on the older woman for stability and shelter. Yeah, Makoto really did NOT have enough years in her yet to open her mind to the possibility of being a mother. But maybe in time she could. Maybe she could pass down her Buchimaru collection? That’d be kinda cute, huh? But now was SO NOT THE TIME to think of that kinda thing. first she had to finish her training and actually prove to Sae Niijima that Makoto COULD make a career out of being an Inspector for the Lungmen Guard Department. Then and only then could she worry about everything else. Like...
“Whether I have kids or not, I won’t end up like my father...”
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“Kids? What kinda crazy fuck would find the balls to ask that?”
Swire was, in every sense of the word, a SPOILED BRAT. She also just so happened to be one of Lungmen’s proudest patriots. And, despite all appearances, the girl took her role as Superintendent VERY seriously. At least, as seriously as one could with friends like Hoshiguma, Yushia, and CH’EN HUI-CHIEH. The girl had all the money in the world and no time to spend it. Not to mention all the bad run-ins she’d had with every single parents in this Godforsaken city. Lin was kinda cool, tho. But that HARDLY counted. Honestly, Swire just didn’t wanna end up like her Granddaddy. Didn’t wanna end up TERRORIZING her kids. Raising yet another generation of herself, Ch’en, Talulah and Yuhsia. Hadn’t they themselves been through enough? Wasn’t it about time those kinda tragedies came to an end? Way Swire saw it, if she could stay kids with the people around her? (As kiddy as they had done, at least.) Then that in and of itself would be a HAPPY ENDING.
“Yeahhh, look, here’s the thing: Adults suck. And I’m not about to be the villain in another kid’s story.”
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“There are two necessities in this world. Good parents. And people to protect them.”
What a foolish question. What a foolish question, born of IGNORANCE and DISPARITY. Honestly, it was such a perfect exhibition of how MISALIGNED their realities were. Their outlooks on the world, cold and grey as it had always been. Talulah had been daughter to MANY a father. And yet, all of them, without fail, had fallen short of protecting her. And of the few who hadn’t abused her? Well, they themselves had no one to protect THEM from abuse. Such was life. The world had been allowed to turn for far too long without change. The corrupt held a MONOPOLY on FATE. And the poor pawns were crushed beneath them. Talulah had seen this countless times with her own two eyes to a point where she could no longer tell the DIFFERENCE. Perhaps, at one point, she had indeed wanted children. Perhaps, that girl in the photo, smiling as she clung to the shoulders of her EMOTIONALLY-ERRANT SISTER... Perhaps SHE could’ve been a mother. Perhaps she WANTED TO BE. But that girl was DEAD. And while Talulah’s name remained. She now knew, deep down, just what role she had to play in this terrible, GODFORSAKEN, world...
“...Some people are meant to have kids... But I’m not one of them...”
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“Hah! Holy shit, you’re stupid. What kinda fucking question is that?”
Still despite all outward appearances, the question seemed to DISTURB something deep inside W’s chest. One that could very well have kept her up at night. For as long as memory held, she’d been holding STEADFAST to this story that she couldn’t even remember her own BIRTHDAY. Whether or not that was true was NO ONE’s BUSINESS except her own. But it did perhaps hold the first clue of what drove W forward as a person; Seemingly rushing toward the future with a CACKLING LAUGH, CRACKLING DYNAMITE, and a tendency to DESTROY rather than to CREATE, W definitely seemed to have far more to her than she’d ever let anyone know. And as for where children and normalcy fit into that story? Reality was... They really COULDN’T. Even if she wanted them. Even if she wanted love. Which she’d swear up and down ‘til it killed her that she DIDN’T, there was still a matter of fact that... She WAS a criminal. She WAS a terrorist. She WAS a MURDERER. And yet she was still so far away from her goals she couldn’t even BEGIN to think emotionally. 
“Have you even met me? I don’t think you’ve met. You can call me W. Now, please, fuck off.”
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“Kids...? Hm. That’d be nice, huh?”
A novel idea and gentle question, if asked with a little TOO MUCH optimism. Yuhsia used to be like that at one point. So it wasn’t like she could hold it against the other. But the simple fact was... Yuhsia may just have been the furthest away from having kids than ANY of the above. And that was ESPECIALLY IRONIC considering she’d already had names picked out for her and Ch’en’s babies. Okay, that wasn’t ENTIRELY true. Look, she was a kid back then, okay? She had a stupid. Childish. Crush. Like, come on, people back then wanted to be SPACE ELVES and HEROES and CAT BURGLARS. None of ‘em actually meant it... Right? The name’s were Ryoko and Kuma, by the way. Which weren’t terrible creative, considering they literally stemmed from “Dragon” and “Mouse” respectively. (What? They were PRETTY!!) But those days were long past. Yuhsia was a GROWN UP NOW. She’d let go of those SILLY notions and that STUPID crush. And those sad reminders of what USED TO BE. (Used to?) And long come to terms with the fact that... Well...
“But let’s be honest here. If I have kids at this point. It’ll just be so father doesn’t run out of heirs...”
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iyliss · 4 years
have you been playing Duel Links much? What do you think of the new content?? Stay safe and take it easy!
Thanks a lot for sending an ask!! and for the nice words.I am technically safe if that’s anyone’s concern, but Im going through a quite terrible time. Probably gonna put it in the tags because it’s quite hard (at least for me) but it feels strange avoiding to say it. Anyone thanks for helping making me thing about something else. Im probably gonna talk a whole lot, sorry in advance. I started playing duel links when it launched. I remember it was when I was in new year holydays with my mom and her partner in a little place in the mountain we rented for a few days. It may sound silly but that’s one of the new year I remember the best. Just chilling near a fire with nice food and playing dl while it’s all silent. And I think I played it quite a bit at first? I was bad but trying. Soon enough they added Bakura too so like. I was all the more invested. But then i believe my interest in dm started to wear off, and I played less and less. Sometimes to grab an event character, quickly not at all. Got back to it when gx entered but I don’t think I was super there either. Like I stopped when i unlocked Edo and Asuka and that’s about it. I still came back when there was event for new characters and all. And then Saiou was leaked. I remember when it happened, I was at one friend place when I receive this from another friend and let me tell you I spend a good few hours just hitting the sofa i was on with my arm for how happy I was (my happiest stimming is like a hitting movement, and i prefer doing it on surface im sure i wont break. the only 3 time I remember doing it was for my birthday, here, and when we rewatched s2 with my friend). And yeah Saiou kind of made me get back into it real hard. I HAD to complete the whole event from day 1 to the end. Also they soon enough added darklords and fabled and well guess who had to make Levianing canon haha. Darklords were still so fun, playing it on dl really helped me understand how to play it IRL. I still can’t believe I unlocked every single thing about Saiou, all of his levels, all of his skills. I even played some ranked. Since then Ive been mostly playing for new content? This time with the added interest of dialogues between interesting characters, tag duel, and little content like this. I am even more doing it that my friend stopped playing so i kind of provide for the both of us. I started Zexal World, and I’ll probably try getting kotori and then go back to waiting for various event?
And yeah I am so happy to see Zexal world! I really can’t wait to have more content for them all, and also to reach later series and qldfjd rn there isn’t that much characters but I am very hyped for dialogues between all of them. Also also, o’brian is coming it’s nice!! i just hope they fix darklord bug cuz I am not really interested in playing any other deck (maybe I should actually try making a decent Arcana Force one?). Also thinking about what’s to come, I wonder what personnality they’ll give to Sora. Since it seems to stay as close to early canon as possible to avoid spoilers, i guess it’ll be his childish personnality but... I kinda want to see him more as his neutral later self in a non world-ending situation? I want to be sure he’s doing good ;w; Also please put Zone and Aporia I want them to talk even if it’ll be horrible.
Though I don’t think Ill go back to heavily play it until there is a character im really interested in. Maybe Astral on his own though I don’t super like his deck. For sure though, Ill max out Thomas, or Aporia since they should be the first one to come between the character Im really, really excited for. thought I also want to see Sherry for her dialogues with Aki. and Antinomy of course. And fubuki (hopefully not as darkness it’d be more fun). And for Zexal pretty much everyone would be awesome lol. Oh also. I have not hope but. I can’t help to imagine if they added 1) crossover dialogues (but of course none of my fav will be concerned im sure ;w;) 2) an unpossessed Saiou. probably s4. like i know it won’t happen but it’d be so damn nice. Like first of because FINALLY I can play a game without feeling like im entertaining the light and hurting Saiou. Second because saiou s4 is damn cool. Third because i want to see him interact and god imagine s4 saiou talking with Edo? ;w; And uh. uh. they didnt put all the arcana force yknow. okay i know i know, the world and the fool just won’t be good to put in a game like dl but.... and those non-used voicelines..... Anyway, thank you! I hope I wasnt too boring.
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shibereshu · 5 years
Hi, I really love your writing!! Could you please do 83 with Harin from ONEWE? I feel like he doesn’t get enough love and attention 🥺
oh it’s been so long since we posted some writing! i’m sorry ! but actually we had no requests and didn’t know what to write about, so guys please send more requests! the groups we write for are in the bio of our blog and we may add more so please stay tuned !! you can use this prompt list for inspiration and we may reblog more !
i hope you guys enjoy this little scenario ! i settled for a royal au because.... knight harin???? i’ll take 8. i think it turned out very cute and it’s not very often that i’m this satisfied with a writing of mine despite it being so short sjfhdsjg
83. “Can I kiss you?”
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You let out yet another deep sigh that once more went unnoticed by the twins standing in front of you as they kept looking at each other and arguing, each remark louder than the previous one. Despite pretty much growing up with them and being close to them even though you were just their servant, you felt lost and didn’t know what to say to calm them down when they got like this.
Although serving the young princes was officially your position in the palace, they never liked it when you referred to yourself as a ‘servant’. It was true that you were never really treated as just that and both the kings and everyone else living in the palace treated you and each other kindly and with considerable equality. Perhaps you should have spoken your thoughts out loud and they would have stopped their silly argument to instead complain to you about your choice of words.  
Before another long exhale can escape your lips, someone’s approaching steps get your attention and make you turn your head from Dongju and Dongmyeong to the owner of the footsteps. A smiled was drawn on your face as you recognised the person before you had even seen them.
—”Ah, Harin!” —You exclaimed. For a second, the twins heard you and turned their attention to the new presence in the seemingly-endless hallway of the palace, but quickly went back to arguing between themselves without even greeting the knight.
—”Hey, what are you up to?” —
Before answering, you take another look at the younger boys and then shrugged, making him catch the message and then chuckle. After all, this was a pretty common occurrence. He opened his mouth to say something again, but another voice spoke over everyone else’s. It was one of the chefs who worked there. Everyone there smiled just from the sight of her, fond of her kind heart and gentle voice when she talked to anyone around here and who was always making sure that no one, no matter if they were the kings themselves or just a mere gardener who came to water the plants every few days, was well-fed.
—”Your Majesties, I have prepared a pudding for the both of you.” —She announced with a smile, and the twins quickly changed the upset comments they threw at each other for shared squeals of excitement before they ran off following the chef.
—”Dongju! Dongmyeong! Do not run in the hallways! Ah, wait for me- ! “ —Before you could go after them, Harin grabbed your wrist, not letting you leave.
You turned your head around enough to look at him, and your heart skipped a beat as you looked at the sweet and gentle smile he was giving you. After knowing each other for so long, could your heart ever get used to Harin’s charm? You were almost convinced by now that it never would.
—”We have finished all our training for today, and it’s been quite some time since the last time we went stargazing…” —
You looked back in the direction where Dongju and Dongmyeong left, and saw the chef still standing there, giving you and Harin a smile. You returned it shily and opened your mouth to ask permission for her to take care of the princes while you and Harin took a little break at the garden, and the lady nodded before you could even say anything.
—”It’s okay, dear, go and take a break. You’ve been running after the princes for the whole day.” —You thanked her enthusiastically and Harin released the grip on your wrists to reach for your hand. You laced your fingers with his and started walking towards the big glass door that leaded to the royal gardens.
The joy in your smile and your rhythmic steps, almost as if you were skipping happily, made Harin chuckle and think that, after all and despite how mature and responsible you had to act to take care of the princes, you still had that young and almost somewhat-childish and bright spirit that they didn’t really need to suppress, and he was happy he could bring that side out from you and you could enjoy yourself and distract from the routine.
After you two sat on a bench, still not letting go of each other’s hands and with his head resting on your shoulder, Harin thought back of the moment he approached you back in the hallways.
—”What were Dongmyeong and Dongju arguing about this time?” —Harin asked after breaking the calming silence you two had been submersed in and chuckling as if he already knew it would be something minor, as usual. 
—”Dongmyeong ate the last piece of cake that Dongju had been saving to eat as dessert after dinner.” —He laughed again, and you quickly joined him in it as you thought of just how silly the situation had actually been, although in the moment it almost became kind of stressing because you couldn’t get them to stop.
—”So, the typical, I see.” —You nodded and then tilted your head a little to rest it on his that was still on your shoulder.
There was silence again for a few minutes as you two looked up at the stars, his thumb softly caressing the back of your hand as you kept your hands linked.
At one point, Harin lifted his head and regained his usual firm posture, but he was looking at you instead of the starry sky. You didn’t notice and were focused in trying to find any of the constellations you and the princes had read about in books during one of your study sessions. Seeing the stars reflected in your eyes and making them glow, Harin spoke up again.
—”Can I kiss you?” —He asked.
As soon as you repeated his words in your head, you finally reacted and quickly turned to look at him. You felt the warmth of your blushing cheeks contrast with the chilly night breeze and Harin seemed slightly amused by your surprised expression.
—”H-Huh? W-Why so suddenly?” —You asked back, and Harin just shrugged.
—”Can I not kiss my fiancée?” —Pressing your lips together without even realising, you nodded, and automatically relaxed your lips and closed your eyes as Harin’s face came closer to you and soon was kissing you softly. His free hand reached up to cup your cheek and it stayed there for a few seconds even after you two pulled away.
A few more seconds passed and you two went back to the same position you were in before; your backs leaning on the back of the bench, Harin’s head on your shoulder, and your hands holding each other’s. You couldn’t stop the corners of your mouth from curling up as you looked at the palace where the both of you lived, worked, and where the both of you met and saw your relationship blossom into a soon-to-be marriage. 
Illuminated by the moonlight and contemplating it while being next to the person you loved, you were sure it had never looked that beautiful.
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amenomiko · 5 years
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Thank you for the request!
So SORRY for the LONG WAIT. It took me a while to choose (because for this kind of thing, all 10 warlords is too much and there's no specific warlords chosen I will follow the rules in "RULES OF REQUEST" as for me to choose the warlords for this storyline ya)
I find these requests are almost the same and so I will make it into one story then ❤.
So.... Jealous Warlords ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)~~
I will make it for Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Masamune, Ieyasu and Shingen aye ❤ (Other Kasugayama Lords to jealousy is too predictable, that is why I only choose this Sweet Tooth Daddy Charming-- 🤣)
"She never blush and laugh shyly that way towards me." He thought to himself as he stand not too far from MC who is talking to one of the barbarians that visits the town of Azuchi that day.
She turned and her laugh change into a smile as she waved at him, but to only get a cold respond from him instead. He had turned his back to MC, and return back to the castle even when MC is calling for his name.
She followed him after excusing herself from the foreigner, and managed to clench on his haori.
"Nobunaga..! Didn't you see me at the town just now-"
"It must be nice, isn't it. Looks like you can use some of your future knowledge just now."
She tilted her head in confusion. "Huh? What do you me-"
"I'm saying it's nice you could speak fluently to that barbarian." He scoffed.
She frowned. "I didn't even know English that much.." She mumbled. Her eyes peek to Nobunaga who still refuse to look at her. Then after a few seconds, she got the idea.
"Honey... Perhaps.. Are you jealous?"
"...What if I am? I don't care if you wanted to laugh at me, because I bet the way you laugh with that man just now enough to make you happier--"
"Well of course, he complimented that I look beautiful like a princess and he won't be surprised if the well known Oda Nobunaga fell in love with me."
He froze. "I-is that so..?" He slowly peered at her from his shoulder.
She nodded with a smile. "...and I smile shyly because.. What he said is true." She lean to the side playfully as she added, "And to add more to it, I'm even married to that so-called well known Oda Nobunaga."
He pursed his lips into a pout. His childish side came out over a small thing.
"I will go now." She gave a last check on her hair before sliding the door.
"You went out quite often lately. Any occassion?"
He noticed that her orbs avoided his gaze. Again. That happens frequently these days and he can feel somewhat.. Uneasy.
"Uhm.. Yeah. Seamstress commissions you see- so.." She nodded, moving backwards and out from the room. "See you later..!"
"Wh-wait..! MC!" Before he could reach for her hand, she's already away from the place he were standing at.
"Don't you want to run after her?" A familiar, sneaky voice echoed behind him. It was Mitsuhide. Before he could retort, the fox continued, "I saw her with a man lately. They were quite.. close."
"What are you trying to say? MC is cheating on me??" He grit his teeth. "Watch your words Mitsuhide!"
The white haired man shrugged. "Well, before it's too late. I can't blame her. You are too busy lately." He chuckled, walk away from another of Hideyoshi's fuming of anger.
"...She wouldn't.. Right?" He whispered to himself. Yes, like it or not, what Mitsuhide had been saying were true after all. He is busy these days and the only time he spend with MC is nothing but sleeping on the same futon every night after those tiring mundane days.
He shifted in his sit. Many times. He is uneasy with this disturbing thoughts. Eventually he rose on his feet, as it brings him out from his room.
He excuses himself to rush among the crowds as he search for MC along her usual fabric shop. Then when he caught a glimpse of her, he let out a sigh of relief, but it completely turn into a choke in his throat when he saw a guy in front of her, patting on her head.
MC..? Instead of feeling shy, she is all happy and giddy in that man's touch.
Hideyoshi clench his fists as he sprint towards her, pulling her by her wrist. "H-Honey?? W-wait..!" She tried to push his tight grip away but failed as he leads her to the small alleys.
"Hideyoshi- Honey, what's wrong? I thought you will have to attend war council soo-""I know.""Huh? T-then why-"
He turn to face her, his face is between an anger and sadness at the same time. "...I know I've been busy, MC. Why..? Are you tired of me? Because I didn't spend time with you?"
She blinked. Once. Twice. "What are you saying..?"
"That man.. Just now. The one that pat on your head, lovingly. Other than me-" He mumbled the last part. "Am I not good enough?"
She blend it all in. Then she snorted when she understand the whole situation. "M-MC? Why are you laughing?? I'm serious here..!"
"Pffftt.. I'm sorry..! Aww Honey..! You are so adorable I can't help myself." She pinch her arms, holding back herself from laughing some more. "Silly..! He is just one of my clients. I bet you didn't look at him properly just now. He may seem tall and handsome but he is an OLD MAN!"
"Wha?" He is dumbfounded from her explanation. "Then-"
"He would always pat my head because he think of me of his own daughter. Well, his house is full of sons and he had no daughter, so yeah..!"
"....Oh." He blushed. "B-but then why did you avoid my gaze just now..? No, not only just now, almost recently you've been doing that..!"
Now it's her turn to blush. "Uhm.. That's because.. Even though you are so busy lately, you seem to be so charming despite being tired and all. Sooo~ you can say I'm holding myself back from kissing you. Or else.. You know.." She pursed her lips.
He is a blushing mess when she said that. He covered it with a cough and mumbles "Good news though, my works had finished actually and we can- it's been a while."
She giggled and tip toed to kiss him on his nose.
"Did I ever feel jealous, you say? Why MC, are you testing my level of trust and confidence?" He smirked at her.
"I'm just asking, silly. Because you are always confident and knowing you, you won't let those feelings take over right?"
"You bet I am. I'm confident I'm not one of those who will get jealous easily. Heh." He shrugged as he continue to stir the soup in the pot. "So..? Other than missing me aren't you supposed to go anywhere?" He pointed at the parcel in her hand.
"Oops! That's right..! There's customer waiting for me in town..! Okay I will go now! See you later Masamune..!"
"Uh? Wait- where's my goodbye kiss?"
"Oh please, it's just the town." She giggled and waved as she continue to run.
"...'Masamune' she said.. I'm her husband tho. Where's my usual sweetly "Anata" goes to?" He pouted and chuckle to himself. "Looks like that customer of hers is more important huh-" He pauses. "Pffft. That's not jealousy right?" He snorted. "Hahahaha nope, nope. I'm the most handsome warlord who could ever make her blush other than me-" He's about to grab the salt next to the pot, only to find it empty.
"...Tch. Of all time.." He look down at Shogetsu. "Could you look after the pot?"
Hideyoshi who coincidentally passed by the kitchen and had listened to his short conversation with Shogetsu gave him the "look". "Masamune. Let me look after it instead. But you know you can always ask the maid for it right?"
"Nah I think I'm going to go on my own. I realized some ingredients for our dessert tonight has finished too. Thanks Hideyoshi!" He run and rush to the town before Hideyoshi could nag him with "Don't run in the hallways!"
As he was shopping for the ingredients, he came across MC. He grinned, planning to surprise her from behind until he found her smiling towards something.
He followed her eyes, and his eye widen to a man, around his age, has been waving at her from afar. Masamune didn't know why but he can feel a pang in his chest. "...Hey. What are you looking at?"
He squeezed her shoulders. "What we have here. You seriously want to make me feel jealous?" He narrowed his eye at her. It looks normal to others but to MC, there's anger in his blue orb.
"Honey, he is not waving at me..!"
"Then what are you smiling at..?"
She pointed to that previous man who were holding his son's hands together with his wife. "You see.. I'm just thinking if one day we could be.. You know, like that?" She smiled sheepishly. "..I can't wait. Don't you think so too, Anata?"
BOOOOOM! His heart explodes.
It was when she realizes her feelings for him. He knew, yet he choose to push her away.
It was a bad choice for him. He regrets it.
He find it irritating when she is spending time with other warlords, except him, because she knew and he knew the chances of any possible confessions will not succeed for sure. So it's like a silent, mutual agreement and self understanding that it's better to stay away from one another. Still....
"I love you..! Princess..!"
He froze in his tracks to the conversation not too far from the place he were standing.
"I- I know I'm just a mere vassal, but my feelings for you is true..! I will try my best to get to the top, so that you will be happy..!" The young lad blushed as he clasped her hands in his.
He is seething. His breathing is heavy. Heavy with anger. It's annoying. To the way that man hold her delicate hands. It's irritating for the way she blushed towards him. It's disturbing.... For the anger in his heart.
Don't touch her..! Don't touch her...! The voice in his mind echoed within him and
"Don't TOUCH her..!" His abrupt voice startled them both.
"I-Ieyasu..? / Ieyasu-sama..!"
Before MC could say anything, her head is already buried into his chest as he glared at the vassal. "She's already belong to someone else. Are you blind?!" He harshly pulled her hand, bringing her to his chamber.
"Ieyasu..? Ieyasu- it hurts-..! Kya..!"
He pushed her onto the futon, caging her body with his arms. "Ieyasu.." She continued, "I thought we have a mutual understanding and even though we didn't say it, I'm sure you know that I- mmf..!"
He kissed her, deeply into her lips. She had pushed him many times, but each push will be returned by another kiss. And another then another, until she slowly gives in and they immediately took each other's yukata off roughly.
He is matured. Jealousy is not in his dictionary of life. That's what he thought.
She won't blush giddily like the other women he have met throughout his life, and she won't give in easily either. Pick-up lines of flirtations never work on her. She rarely blush to his sweet words.
Playing hard to get, it seems. But hey, they have tied the knot anyway. Since they are married, she is fully his and he is sure that jealousy won't ever happen and will never happen to him. Well of course, MC won't fall into sweet words from others so the case of her talking lovingly to another man (when they flirt with her) is low obviously.
"You are really beautiful, Miss. You are like an angel, kind and pretty. I guess if you smile, a withered flower will bloom right away."
"Awwww~~~~ ❤❤❤❤❤❤~~!!"
Did she just- "Awwww"-ed to a little boy's simple, innocent talk??
"....That's.. Unfair. MC." He mumbled to himself, enough to make MC hear it.
"Oh come on, Anata. It's just a little boy. Unlike adults, children's words are pure and sincere ❤!"
"...Are you saying I'm not pure?"
"..Your mind maybe?"
Shingen had refused to eat dinner and sweets that day.
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Can I have G 1 and 17 with Vivienne please? Love your work 💕
Aw, thanks so much for the kind words, anon! Glad I could offer you somethings you like! I’d be happy to write this for you; thanks for taking the time to request and I hope you enjoy! ❤
G1: “Sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re a bit of a moron.”
G17: “I may be small but I can be intimidating. You ever seen a chihuahua? Yeah, same shit. Don’t try me.”
Vivienne’s facade was working.
She had been tasked with buttering up a businesswoman who had enough artifacts in her home to supply a newly erected museum. MC was the one who was to scope out the premises--explore the terrain of the woman’s home to try and discern where she hid said artifacts. “I have heard such wonderful things about your company, darling,” Vivienne’s rich, sycophant voice blares through the tiny wire attached to MC’s ear, drowning out the silence that flooded the mansion, “you seem to be the epitome of a strong woman, no?” MC could sense her hackles rise as she harks to the businesswoman’s sheepish reply. It was something so shy that it put MC to shame whenever Vivienne touched her--and THAT was a wonder all on its own. Even though MC couldn’t see Vivienne, only hear her through a mirage of crackling static, she could sense the gentle smirk that teased the seductress’ ruby lips--dangerous lips, one that could kill if enough lipstick was lathered on. “Yes, strong women are what this world needs. They have their solicitous charm that just really melts my heart like no other. Do you agree, mademoiselle?” MC ignores the plumes of anger that billow within her and focuses on the businesswoman’s bedroom; uprooting every drawer and hamper and any other potential hiding place for secrets that she could think of checking. But there’s no key or password or even scrap of acknowledgement that the dreaded artifacts exist. MC grows antsy. Over the wire, a barked laugh catches MC’s attention again and she listens to her girlfriend’s indirect charm pour into her ear.
“I feel like your life must be tricky, especially with all of the business you’ve got to go through,” there’s a deliberate pause, one that sparks, electric, as if the wire was malfunctioning--it wasn’t, “you must have men and women alike throwing themselves into your lap, endeavoring to become your little lap dog. It’s a wonder that you haven’t been claimed by anyone so far.” MC’s face reddens with barely restrained frustration, and under her breath, she mutters something bitterly. “Yeah right.” Since there was a microphone clipped to her ear, it picked up the sound and MC hears Vivienne’s quiet ‘tch’ over her own pounding heart. “W-what is something... wrong, Ms. Tang?” The businesswoman inquires with a mountain of overwrought concern and MC fears their cover might’ve been blown. Shit, did I just fuck everything up? But the suave, seductive Vivienne swoops in and swimmingly saves their mission, her voice the same immodest purr it was before the interruption. “No, I’m just a little frustrated with the lack of attention you’ve been given--if I were in charge of it all, I’d have you swamped in all the attention you could wish for.” As if a spell was woven around the clueless, wreck of a businesswoman, she disregards Vivienne’s behavior in exchange for her fooling words. Soon after, MC finds the artifacts and carefully extracts them from their nest of velvet and silk that garnished their hiding place, and scoops them up into her arms. She was in a rotten mood despite her success--Vivienne and her had a lot to talk about when they get home.
The celebration erupted as soon as the Gilded Poppy arrived back at their hideout, and despite the grievance that stuck to her from the heist, MC was able to bask in the joy of accomplishment. Pleased, Nikolai collects the artifacts from MC with a crafty compliment to her before her need to stay relents. Seemingly, as if their minds were linked, Vivienne comes to the same conclusion and whisks into her room--a flash of red in MC’s peripheral vision. The Cuban artist follows the seductress into her room, her jovial grin scrubbed away by a frown. Vivienne makes a beeline for her vanity, snatching up a hairbrush to fix her unusually unruly hair. She doesn’t even notice MC brooding by the door. Frustrated, MC clears her throat. “So... what was that?” MC dives in straight to the point; she wasn’t aiming for any of Vivienne’s evasive language tonight--she just wanted to fizzle the jealousy in the pit of her stomach. It’s jealousy, right? I’m not a certified lunatic, right? Vivienne offers her a baffled smile; a polite offering. “What was what? There’s a lot of that’s I could identify, love, could you be more specific?” She flutters as she drags the brush through her long glossy hair. If MC didn’t know Vivienne like she did, she might’ve mistaken Vivienne’s cluelessness as taunting. But MC could see the genuine confusion in her girl’s face and knew that Vivienne truly had no idea what she was talking about.
“The heist. Your part in it and how you... you...” MC trails off as her pent up resentment amounts in her chest, tangled and hissing. “I’m just going to apologize ahead to time and say sorry to burst your bubble, but you’re a bit of a moron.” The words teem from MC recklessly and she doesn’t regret it until Vivienne’s face first dilates, shocked, before it sours fastidiously. The seductress seemed like she was about to lash out against MC, fangs bared and tail rattling, but then her features are effortlessly combed of any hostility. She simply straightens her spine, sifts the luxurious brush through her black tresses, and casts a sultry smirk over her shoulder. “Degrading, huh? I had known that you were a woman of rogue desires but I didn’t know that there some this vile...” Vivienne keens. The sparkle that haunts her hazelnut eyes reflects off to MC, which prods a flurry of heat to tiptoe up MC’s nape. Don’t let her throw you off-track! Get it together, MC, she’s playing with you! “Vivienne, I’m serious,” MC softly insists, her hands rising to her hips, “you almost sensitized our heist all because you heard me quip over the wire.” The artist examines Vivienne as she places the brush down on her vanity, her hair now the signature gentle wave of pitch lilting down her shoulders that MC was familiar with. Now the disturbed curve to her brow returns and she pivots on her stool. It was evident that she didn’t like MC placing the blame on her.
“Me? Oh darling, it was certainly not just me who nearly flunked the heist. What about the woman who breathed her grievances into my ear, causing me to nearly give away my cover?” Vivienne deflects, her voice more soft than harsh, as she studies MC with imposing eyes. MC meets hers without flinching as she thinks over what Vivienne said--she was right. If there was anyone to blame, it was MC. If she hadn’t lost her cool over meaningless seduction, maybe she wouldn’t be standing here trying to force guilt onto her fairly innocent girlfriend. God, I’m more childish than I thought. Sighing, MC presses the heels of her hands against her eyelids. Then she bursts into a quiet melody of breathless laughter. She couldn’t believe how she had reacted. Vivienne had been in her zone, conducting her magic little spells of seduction until MC had to go and ruffle her feathers. Maybe that was why Vivienne had been so clipped--MC had overreacted to the seductress flirting with the businesswoman by implying that she wanted to be the woman’s lapdog. At that, MC couldn’t stay as mad as she was, only slightly vexed.
Vivienne is caught off guard by MC’s laugh and her eyebrows hike an inch. she looked intrigued and the impatient smudge she had on her face melts away some. “What’s so funny, MC?” The artist shakes her head, her hands cupping her face as she recoups--slowly. “It’s just,” MC streaks her fingers down her face as she sighs, amused and slightly frustrated with herself, “I got mad at you for flirting with a woman who thought having a lapdog was something to get flustered over.”
Like a massage to the tense air, knots unravel and the thickness depletes. It feels like MC could breathe properly again. That is, until Vivienne’s rosy lips camber into a smile so soft and dazzling that her lungs malfunction in her chest. The seductress rises from her vanity and with a swift sweep of her cape, she was in front of MC, her caring arms surrounding MC’s waist. Vivienne was only a couple inches taller than MC, but when her beautifully toned eyes and earnest smile were right there in front of MC to see, she could’ve swore Vivienne was much taller--towering over her like an angel descending the heavens. I don’t care if that’s cliche--it’s more true than it sounds. “I didn’t think of it like that,” she crests her palm against the subtle dip of MC’s back, her hand an anchor to the Cuban artist, “I was so caught up in feeding that woman something she wanted to hear. It was an unintentional ploy, I assure you.” She soothes the remaining tension strung along MC’s spine as she smooths her hand up and down her back, one still secured around the beginning of her hip. In Vivienne’s dapper arms, MC could relax and relinquish any remaining feelings of jealousy. After all, the businesswoman had been much older--in her late 30′s as far as MC knew. There was little chance Vivienne would run into the arms of someone so much older when she could just stay with a woman who was younger. “Yeah, I thought it over some and I figured it as much. As charming as you are, Vivienne, I don’t see you as the type to be someone’s lapdog.”
That sparks a new kind of tension in the air--one that’s heated but silly with the leftover fumes of playfulness lingering around them.
Vivienne’s smile becomes wry as she presses MC closer. “I’m full of surprises, darling,” she purrs, her hot breath ghosting MC’s lips, “maybe if you put the right collar on me, I could be a little more willing to be your lapdog.” The dirty insinuations ring in MC’s head as she becomes scarlet in the face. She quickly averts her eyes from the devilish woman in front of her. Putting a collar on Vivienne... that’s something I’d dream about and know that I’m dreaming about. “Oh really? I always thought I was the lapdog in our dynamic. You know, the tiny spawn of Satan that is more evil than even the biggest, most feared dogs.” MC spins the conversation in another direction to avoid being the lamb for Vivienne to daunt. She keeps her voice teasing--not Vivienne teasing though, or else there was a risk that her dress would be a few shredded scraps on the floor--and playful. Vivienne’s eyebrow lifts and her lips are smirked humorously. “Hm, that description certainly matches you. Small, ready to bark and nip when provoked, able to make people regret underestimating her...” The seductress tapers off impishly, her eyes roving the traits of MC’s face. She ticks them off thoughtfully. Those traits harden into a challenging smirk as the artist pulls away from Vivienne to shoot her a more wide-angle grin. “Hey, I may be small but I can be intimidating. You ever seen a chihuahua? Yeah, same shit. Don’t try me.”
Her dry remark reels a laugh out of Vivienne, who sidles closer again to mockingly stroke her fingers across MC’s head. “Aw, you sweet little thing, you wouldn’t hurt a fly!” She derides a coo as she gently pets MC, who wriggles away from her hand and pretends to nip at Vivienne’s hand. Almost as if they were in a play, Vivienne’s expression takes on a scolding shadow, though her smirk remains. “Bad girl!” She chastises through a laugh, her eyes crinkling with a smile that soaks her face in glee. At the sight, MC reciprocates it like it was contagious; because it was. But then she burns up as she thinks over Vivienne’s words. Bad girl... Just like before, the seductress’ sultry implicit replies makes MC blush more than it should. 
And MC wishes Vivienne’s effect wasn’t so prevalent on her--kind of.
I don’t mind it most of the time but right now? I could do with a little more headspace that isn’t hijacked by Vivienne’s lewdness.
Thanks again for your request! I loved writing this for you!
If you want to request something, here’s the Prompt List, here are the Guidelines, here’s Who I Write For, and here is where you can Request me.
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ashtray-girl · 5 years
Morrissey and A. E. Housman
From Morrissey’s Autobiography:
“New air is discovered in the words of A. E. Housman, scholar-poet, vulnerable and complex […] who was said to be a complete mystery even to those who knew him.[…] He shunned the world and he lived a solitary existence of monastic pain, unconnected to others. The unresolved heart worked against him in life, but it connected him to the world of poetry, where he allowed (in)complete strangers under his skin. In younger years he had suffered from the unrequited love of Moses Jackson, the pain of which was so severe that it doomed Housman for the rest of time. All of his work would be governed by this loss, as if life could only ever offer once chance of happiness (and perhaps, for every shade and persuasion, it does?) […] The pain done to Housman allowed him to rise above the mediocre and to find the words that most of us need help in order to say. The price paid by Housman was a life alone; the righteous rhymer enduring each year unloved and unable to love. […] Now snugly in eternity, Housman still occupied my mind. His best moments were in Art, and not in the cut and thrust of human relationships. Yet he said more about human relationships than those who managed to feast on them. You see, you can’t have it both ways.”
Housman’s name comes up again when Morrissey talks about the press vilifying him in the 90s after the Joyce trial and he uses one of his poems to reflect on the tribulations he was experiencing at the time:
“The thoughts of others Were light and fleeting, Of lovers’ meeting Or luck or fame. Mine were of trouble, And mine were steady; So I was ready When trouble came.”
When I wrote about the role of Elizabeth Smart’s writing on Morrissey’s lyricism, I said that I thought Morrissey used her novella By Grand Central Station I Sat Down And Wept not just as creative inspiration, but also as a way to relate to and to sublimate his feelings towards his sexuality in general and Johnny in particular. To put it shortly, I think he did the same with Housman but, as much as he praised his poetic output, he probably related to him on a more personal level than he did with Smart, and for two simple reasons: 1) Housman was a queer man 2) He harboured an unrequited love for his best friend Even though he apparently found out about his work before meeting Johnny, I feel like this must have hit even closer to home a few years later. (Also, the thing that slightly freaks me out is the fact that Housman and Jackson first met in 1877 and parted company in 1886, while Morrissey and Johnny first met in 1978 and The Smiths broke up in 1987 – almost exactly 100 years later.)
But who exactly was A. E. Housman?
According to Wikipedia, he was “an English classical scholar and poet, best known to the general public for his cycle of poems A Shropshire Lad.
After winning an open scholarship to Oxford, he went there to study classics and this is where he first met Moses John Jackson, with whom he formed a strong friendship.
He failed his Finals and had to resit the exam but, though some attribute Housman's unexpected performance in his exams directly to his unrequited feelings for Jackson, most biographers adduce more obvious causes. Namely, Housman was indifferent to philosophy and overconfident in his exceptional gifts, and he spent too much time with his friends.
After Oxford, Jackson went to work as a clerk in the Patent Office in London and arranged a job there for Housman too. The two shared a flat with Jackson's brother Adalbert until Housman moved to lodgings of his own, probably after Jackson responded to a declaration of love by telling Housman that he could not reciprocate his feelings.
Two years later, Jackson moved to India, placing more distance between himself and Housman.
When he returned briefly to England to marry, Housman was not invited to the wedding and knew nothing about it until the couple had left the country.”
De Amicitia (of Friendship)
“In 1942, Housman's brother Laurence deposited an essay entitled “A. E. Housman's ‘De Amicitia’” in the British Library, with the proviso that it was not to be published for 25 years.
The essay discussed A. E. Housman's homosexuality and his love for Moses Jackson.
Despite the conservative nature of the times and his own caution in public life, Housman was quite open in his poetry, and especially in A Shropshire Lad, about his deeper sympathies.
Poem XXX of that sequence, for instance, speaks of how ‘Fear contended with desire’: ‘Others, I am not the first, / Have willed more mischief than they durst’.
In More Poems, he buries his love for Moses Jackson in the very act of commemorating it, as his feelings of love are not reciprocated and must be carried unfulfilled to the grave.
His poem ‘Oh who is that young sinner with the handcuffs on his wrists?’, written after the trial of Oscar Wilde, addressed more general attitudes towards homosexuals.
In the poem the prisoner is suffering ‘for the colour of his hair’, a natural quality that, in a coded reference to homosexuality, is reviled as ‘nameless and abominable’.”
I read the essay and here are the parts I found to be the most interesting:
“… his deepest friendships were with men, [that] those friendships caused him trouble and grief and [that] – in one instance at least – he gave a far greater devotion than he ever received in return. In that greatest of all his friendships (and probably in most of the others), there was no response in kind. Almost every friendship that he formed was destined to be a lonely one – the emotional element which went to the making of them his alone.”
He then goes on to talk in more detail about the relationship between Housman and Jackson:
“My brother and Moses Jackson first met when in 1877 they both went up to St. John’s college Oxford with scholarships. Their association remained unbroken for a period of four years, for the last two of which (together with A. W. Pollard) they shared lodgings in St. Giles. Their association was resumed when […] my brother became a Civil servant at H. M.’s Patent Office, where Jackson was already in a position of somewhat higher standing. From 1882 till somewhere about 1885 they shared lodgings, together with Jackson’s younger brother Adalbert, in Talbot Road Bayswater. In 1885 or 1886 they parted company and my brother went to live by himself at Byron Cottage Highgate. After that they met daily at the Patent Office, and as a rule lunched together, until Jackson in December 1887 sailed for India, where he remained […] for the greater part of his life. On leaving India he took up another post of a similar kind in British Columbia, where he died in 1923.”
“The shared lodging in Bayswater ended in an incident of which I do not know the full explanation. Quite suddenly, and without a word of warning, my brother, after something which must have been of the nature of a quarrel, disappeared for a week; and an anxious letter from Jackson came to his father to say that he did not know what had become of him. […] After a week’s absence he returned, but only for a short time; probably the strain of such close association with a friend who could not respond with the same warmth of feeling had proven too much for him; and he found it better to part. […] But though there was disagreement, there was no final parting […]; they remained firm friends through life, but always with a difference.”
He then goes on to talk about the diaries he kept:
“In those diaries nothing whatever was entered of a personal character except what had to do with his association with his friend Jackson. […] But hardly once is his name given - ‘Jackson’ never; once or twice the abbreviation ‘Mo’ for Moses. It is nearly always ‘he’ and nothing else.”
“In the diary of 1889, nothing is recorded for six months; the friends do not correspond. In October of that year Jackson returned to England, for a reason which [my brother], it would seem, did not know until a month after the event. […] He and Jackson only met twice during the latter’s stay in England from October to December; once in the company of others and only once alone. At the time of their meeting – only three weeks before Jackson’s marriage – it is evident he’d not been told of it.”
“When Jackson had resigned his Indian appointment, and was on his way to take up another at Vancouver in British Columbia, he stayed in England for the last time; and it was at the house of their mutual friend A. W. Pollard, that the two had their final meeting. There was no estrangement; all three were, in Pollard’s account of that meeting, ‘very youthful and light-hearted’. For my brother the remedy of age had come to ease the old trouble which had left on his life so deep a mark.”
“Nobody reading these diaries can have any doubt about the emotional nature of my brother’s love for Jackson; it was deep and lasting, and it caused him great unhappiness. Even in memory the emotion of it remained. Only two years before his death, I had proof of it. In his rooms at Trinity College Cambridge, two portraits hung near together over the fireplace – the one a portrait taken in youth, the other in late middle-age. The youthful one, I learned later, was of Adalbert [Jackson’s younger brother]. I asked him, when I was staying with him two years before his death, whose was the other. In a strangely moved voice he answered: ‘That was my friend Jackson, the man who had more influence on my life than anyone else.”
Does any of this sound at all familiar? No? Well…
“When I sleep with that picture of you Framed beside my bed Oh, it’s childish and it’s silly But I think it’s you in my room By the bed Yes, I told you it was silly.” (Late Night, Maudlin Street)
I’m gonna end this with some of my fave Housman’s poems, which I also think may apply to the Morrissey-Marr relationship:
More Poems
XII I promise nothing: friends will part; All things may end, for all began; And truth and singleness of heart Are mortal even as is man.
But this unlucky love should last When answered passions thin to air; Eternal fate so deep has cast Its sure foundation of despair.
XXIV Stone, steel, dominions pass, Faith too, no wonder; So leave alone the grass That I am under.
All knots that lovers tie Are tied to sever; Here shall your sweetheart lie Untrue for ever.
He, standing hushed, a pace or two apart, Among the bluebells of the listless plain, Thinks, and remembers how he cleansed his heart And washed his hands in innocence in vain.
XXX Shake hands, we shall never be friends, all’s over; I only vex you the more I try. All’s wrong that ever I’ve done or said, And nought to help it in this dull head: Shake hands, here’s luck, good-bye.
But if you come to a road where danger Or guilt or anguish or shame’s to share, Be good to the lad that loves you true And the soul that was born to die for you, And whistle and I’ll be there.
XXXI Because I liked you better Than suits a man to say, It irked you, and I promised To throw the thought away.
To put the world between us We parted, stiff and dry; ‘Good-bye’, said you, ‘forget me’. ‘I will, no fear’, said I.
If here, where clover whitens The dead man’s knoll, you pass, And no tall flower to meet you Starts in the trefoiled grass,
Halt by the headstone naming The heart no longer stirred, And say the lad that loved you Was one that kept his word.
XXXVII I did not lose my heart in summer’s even, When roses to the moonrise burst apart; When plumes were under heel and lead was flying, In blood and smoke and flame I lost my heart.
I lost it to a soldier and a foeman, A chap that did not kill me, but he tried; That took the sabre straight and took it striking And laughed and kissed my hand to me and died.
XL Farewell to a name and a number Recalled again To darkness and silence and slumber In blood and pain.
So ceases and turns to the thing He was born to be A soldier cheap to the King And dear to me;
So smothers in blood the burning And flaming flight Of valour and truth returning To dust and night.
Additional Poems
II Oh were and I together, Shipmates on the fleeted main, Sailing through the summer weather To the spoil of France or Spain.
Oh were he and I together, Locking hands and taking leave, Low upon the trampled heather In the battle lost at eve.
Now are he and I asunder And asunder to remain; Kingdoms are for others’ plunder, And content for other slain.
VI Ask me no more, for fear I should reply; Others have held their tongues, and so can I; Hundreds have died, and told no tale before: Ask me no more, for fear I should reply -
How one was true and one was clean of stain And one was braver than the heavens are high, And one was fond of me: and all are slain. Ask me no more, for fear I should reply.
VII He would not stay for me; and who can wonder? He would not stay for me to stand and gaze. I shook his hand and tore my heart in sunder And went with half my life about my ways.
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ask--rhys · 6 years
Atlas!Rhys x Reader
A/N: I had posted this yesterday but Tumblr cucked me and it all got deleted. So-- I had to retype it all. I am sorry for the delay.  I am not used to doing x reader stuff so this is more of a warmup thing? If you want a part 2, let me know.  This was requested by Anonymous, I hope you enjoy!
Summary: After building Atlas from its former shambles, the newly found CEO Rhys finds himself to be overwhelmed with work until a familiar face reappears in his life. A new assistant. 
A long, harsh day weighed heavily on the back of the CEO’s neck. Paperwork, staff complaints, remodeling mishaps, bandit attacks, the list seems to never end. Rhys began to think he’s in way over his head- even though he has his friends to help, there is only so much they can do. The young man sat stiffly at his work cluttered desk with his elbows propped on the hard surface. His stressed face occupied by the familiar warmth and the cool metallic sting of his hands. A man lost in thought brought back to reality by a knock at the large metal door. The simple tone of the knock is one he grown accustom to. The pattern is none other than Fiona’s three prong bunny-hop knock. An oddly childish tune from such a serious person. Before Rhys could respond, the automated door had slid open while FIona entered and a familiar face followed closely behind. “So, Rhys, got a minute? I may have solved your little problem.” The stylish ex-con basted with a slight cocky tone. With immediate interest, his head rose from his hands with his miscolored gaze trailed to his friend who stood with her hand on her hip. However, his attention went to the slender figure behind her. His eyes traced over the details of your face and ended at your eyes. Those beautiful e/c eyes. He could recognize them anywhere. The two used to work together at the late Hyperion Station. It’s to Rhys’s relief that you’re still alive and in one piece. “Y/n” The CEO stammered out. “Oh, so you two already know one another?” Fiona asked. “Well, that makes this a lot easier. Sasha said that they’re pretty handy with organization and..stuff.” She paused slightly as if she were trying to remember what her sister had said. “I.uh..” Rhys seemed distracted for a moment before he shook himself out of his thoughts. “Yeah, we used to be old co-workers. “ The tired tone struck harder than he had expected, in hopes to ease the fatigue he allowed a friendly smile to occupy his lips. “It’s good to see you again. How have you been?” You seemed rather surprised that Rhys would remember you. Yes you two worked together but you two didn’t talk much. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to, you just didn’t know how to approach him. Every time you tried to hold a conversation with the cyborg, you would fumble over your own words or his friend Vaughn would claim his attention. Though, the awkward play continued for years, you two always managed to help one another and make the cluttered environment of Hyperion seem less as such. You both had a silent appreciation and trust of that. Rhys, however, wasn’t any better at holding conversation. He himself found it difficult to talk to you. Not for any harsh reason, only because he found you very attractive which caused him to be a loss for words. Perhaps he was taken back by the fact that someone like yourself would be wanting to talk to him? Either way, he knew his luck when it came to talking to people of interest, so he kept his mouth shut most of the time. “It’s good to see you too, sir.” You replied in a polite yet formal tone. A soft smile formed on your lips  in return of the friendly gesture. “I’m-- alive.” You responded with a quiet chuckle to follow. Your gaze met his for a moment --as if his heart had skipped a beat, Rhys seemed to be at a loss for words. Those feelings from before had struck back in the harshest way possible. That smile, he never realized how much he missed it. After a moment of awkward silence and staring from the dreaming CEO, he finally stammered a question. “Not that I’m complaining but, why are you both here? Please tell me you brought food--”
“Well, as I said before you treader off to...where ever you go in that weird brain of yours, I may have found a solution to your problems.” Fiona nodded in your direction before continuing. “Y/n here seems sane enough to help you out. Kinda like an assistant.” “I don’t need an assi-” “Shut up, yes you do.” She interrupted the CEO. “Have you seen yourself? You have more bags under your eyes than Vallory does her entire body.” She walked to the desk and leaned her hands against the edge.  “C’mon Rhys. This is one time I’m practically handing you help. What do you have to lose?” Rhys glanced from you to Fiona then back to you who stood behind, patiently waiting for them to finish. You felt uneasy knowing the two of you were talking about you as if you were not there. You felt his gaze on you once more which in return was met by yours. Little did you notice the heat rising in your cheeks, causing you to blush. Was it perhaps that someone was staring at you? Or, that you were scanning over the details of Rhys’ slender face. From his two-toned eyes to those soft lips trailing to the tattoo that peeked ever so carelessly from the neck of his outfit. You found him cute before but now.. he has changed so much. Even in this tired, stressed state you found him to be very handsome. “Alright .” His soothing voice pulled you back to reality. “You win, Fi.” “When have I ever lost to you?” A chuckle of victory cooed from her voice before turning on her heels to walk towards the exit. “Have fun you two. You know where to find me if you need me. So....try to not need me.” With that, Fiona left the office as the door closed behind her. Now it’s just the two of you, aware of such, you began to awkwardly fiddle with the edge of your jacket while you waited to be given orders. Admittedly, Rhys has never had an assistant before so he was unsure on where to have you begin. Also, knowing there wasn’t a spare desk in the room made him feel a bit uneasy. “Please, have a seat.” He managed to speak with a motion of his hand to one of the cushioned seats in front of his desk.”Make yourself comfortable.” You did as told and sat on the oddly comfortable chair. It seemed to envelop you in nothing but soft warmth which you found extremely cozy. It became obvious when a soft sigh of relief escaped your lip without intention. A soft, genuine smile formed on Rhys’ lips once more, happy to know that you found comfort even in the clutter. “Well, if you don’t mind, I’ll have you work at my desk until we can figure something out for you, desk wise.” “Oh, I don’t mind at all, sir.” You replied in a happy tone. “As long as I’m helping in some way, I’ll work anywhere you need me.” Your soft voice sent chills throughout the aching body of the CEO. “I..w-well..Thank you.” He replied.
Distracting himself from you, he looked over the piles of paper in front of him in hopes to find something to get you started on. He found just the thing. Taking a couple of piles, he placed them in front of you. “Do you mind sorting through these and separating the urgent from the others? If you find doubles, just toss’em. If you’re unsure of what’s what, feel free to ask. And please, just call me Rhys.” With a quick wink, his focus turned to the monitor in front of him. That familiar heat rose back into your cheeks from the charm of this man. Taking the stack, you began to quickly skim through reading key words to see what was absolutely important and what could be trashed. This went on for several minutes with nothing but the clacking of his keyboard and the sounds of papers being turned to fill the silence. The sounds began to irritate you a bit so you spoke up to fill the dead silence. “It’s been a while since we’ve talked. What happened? I heard you were being hunted down by Vasquez for a while.” The clacking stopped for a brief moment before a sigh followed. “That...is a long story.” “I have time if you’re willing to tell.” Rhys looked at you with a spark that seemed to shine in his eyes. His heart bubbled with a feeling he hasn’t felt in a long time. He truly has missed you. “Well, it all started with a...job change.” Rhys began. You both continued to work while Rhys told of his adventure of how he ended up as the newly found CEO of Atlas. Of course, there were many times he had gotten way into the story and acted out a few things and of course did silly voices when impersonating other people. The next few hours seemed to pass quickly as the two talked, you asking follow-up questions of his story which allowed him to know you were listening.   The end of the day crept quickly upon you both, catching both by surprise. As the alarm chimes, the sound used to be pleasing to the CEO’s ears. This time, he felt disappointment in his gut. The both of you look at each other for a brief moment, silence filling the room. You stand from your chair and straighten your top before turning your attention back to Rhys. As soon as you were about to speak, he beat you to the punch.  “Y/n. Would you..like to..maybe.. uh..” The man began to rub the back of his neck while his eyes shifted to the side. “Would you like to get a drink? It’ll be on me.” You gave your boss an odd look, as if you thought he was kidding but noticing how nervous he acted, you gave him a solid answer. “I would love to, Rhys.” 
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Demencia Theory- Not What She Seems
hello my villainous fans and random scrollers by I am from the villainous amino and I am about to show you a theory made by my friend M. with the help of me and a few others to show you a side of dementia you do not seem to see, so before I show it heres a link to M’s original theory on amino:https://aminoapps.com/c/villainous-4971691/page/blog/demencia-theory-not-what-she-seems/8BWv_8mvCmujakwpQx6kxLZvbMaxp5L6LbghR now lets begin
Oh, Demencia, you childish, hyperactive ball of enthusiasm!
With your evil chaotic-ness and your enchanted feelings for your boss, how could you ever be more than the silly thing that meets the eye?
We could think of a few ways.
The following theory is brought to you by the amazing minds from the  Villainous Theory Chat! Those that were involved with this theory include: Notdepresso, Siramay (hey that's me :D), Snivy, and Lynxi!
(And me but eh)
I'm almost tempted to say "forget about all of the other theories about Demencia you may have heard of before" because, this. is. insane.
We Villainous theorists believe that Demencia is....
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A Podemos Bailar agent. 
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Now before you start shaking your heads, hear us out.
Yes, she acts like she has an evil agenda.
Yes, she's the practical personification of chaos.
Yes, she's absolutely head over heels for Black Hat
And yes, she's just so darn silly and maybe even annoying to some.
And doesn't she play it off so well?
Demencia is always at the max with all of these qualities and they never waver.
Her imperfections are too... Perfect.
But oh, is it an amazing disguise.
Who could possibly realize they're being fooled when they are too busy laughing at the fool?
As we all know, Demencia annoys and bothers both Black Hat and Flug with her obsessive and destructive qualities, to the point where they try to avoid her at all costs. Notice how it's always Demencia who approaches them and that it's never the other way around unless the two are absolutely forced to?
The woman has a ridiculous amount of free time to herself; finding the time to teach a bear and a handful of robots a song, destroy thousands of dollars worth of products, draw her Demencia Tips, attempt to romance Black Hat, make puppets, learn guitar, etc.
With all that free time and privacy... Who really knows what Demencia can and will do?
This disguise, this face she has made for herself is perfect. She is free to stalk her subjects right in front of them and not be questioned for it except for the occasional, exasperated "what does sHE THINK SHE'S DOING!?"
And this is just the minimal tip of the iceberg.
There's so much more.
Demencia's bizzare behavior truly doesn't raise any real questions because everyone within the manor is so used to it that something as odd as messing with a computer to creating your own "advertising" short without anyone's knowledge to it is seen as Demencia being Demencia.
This lizard lady could do almost anything without ever being truly interrogated for it.
She has trained her prey to not be scared of her as she walks right up to it.
Another thing to note about Demencia's behavior is her job at Black Hat Organization. As stated by Flug in the Anniversary short, Demencia handles all hero extermination. This, however, is only to his knowledge. We have no evidence other than Flug's word and a possibly staged picture to prove this. We've yet to find anything stating that a hero has died at any particular time.
In fact, we dont even know if this is really Heavy Punch's cape from the Evil Conquest episode.
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Bish W H E R E ?
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(And don't try to tell us it's because it's a kids show, Gravity Falls, a DISNEY production, managed to sweep in 2 paragraphs full of hidden jokes within the same screen pan without drawing too much attention from the younger audience) (besides that there are to many dark and demonic jokes in villainous for that to be a reason also just look at the episodes on mojo jojo and rob) ((this bold is me))
But this all pales in comparison to what's truly incriminating about Demencia, and the answer is found buried within this fandom's favorite bookmarked tab: Podemos Bailar.
Now, I made a post the other day about what we discovered is going on in that right side scrolling of commands on the website: http://aminoapps.com/p/56jwha
What we discovered is that two people are interacting over that animation loop. One person is telling another how to decode a specific piece of an audio file in order to get a message while the other is actually inputting the commands to do just that.
We can firmly assume that these two are our last two dancing agents.
Now how does this tie in with Demencia? Well, it has already been established that Demencia knows how to create her own codes and sneak them into BHO's production videos as we see happen in the very first short, The Perception of Evil, in which a code flashes on screen saying "Demencia Was Here".
Funny enough, a short was released a few months back called "Demencia Wuz Here". And my what a controversial short this one is if you see it like we do.
Let's break it down:
So Demencia left a hidden code for someone to decipher that referenced an advertisement short that didn't even exist yet. This means that the short was a premeditated thing and not just something done at the spur of the moment for some pickles.
What's also good to note is that there was no reference to King Wazuq's Glove before ((well like that one end frame but nothing else in like actual videos that what I think he meant)) this episode and the outer Demencia doesn't appear to be the type to search for information that deeply for something she wouldn't even know she'd need months before hand.
Unless... The heist was staged.
What we also see in this short is Demencia being able to hack into The Defence Departments, high security, Area 52 cameras in order to capture her stealing the glove. A very difficult task I'd imagine for an empty-headed lizard girl. But... She really hasn't proven herself to be all that has she?
Another thing to note is that Demencia created this entire short on her own. 505, Flug, nor Black Hat knew of this until they walked in on her but, once again, do nothing to stop her. It's just Demencia being Demencia.
Also, have any of you noticed that Demencia is the only character in Villainous so far that labels herself as an agent?
Oh, but this only goes deeper.
Not only is Demencia a Podemos Bailar agent, and not only is she working as an undercover agent amongst villains, she is also the agent telling the other what commands to input on the Podemos Bailar website.
She is telling her true co-worker exactly what to do to find a code she has hidden especially for him in her "advertisement" short.
But how can we be so sure that it's her?
How can we be so sure that it's that video specifically?
Because, if you click and drag the I See All picture into the Google search bar, you will find a link to the website's assets page. With that page are a series of links to different parts of the site. One of those links holds the exact audio file from the "Demencia Wuz Here" short...and it is the only short there.
The short Demencia made without anyone's knowing.
The short that she aquired impossible information for.
And the short she specifically designed and planned from episode one to reach out to her last comrade for and betray her villainous coworkers.
I mean, just look at her body type and compare it to the yet-to-be-found female Podemos Bailar agent! They're a practical match, thick ((EXTRA THICC note I hate using that word)) legs and all! And there is no way that giant next to her is Flug!
Also, another thing to consider is, if neither of these last two agents are on the villainous scene, then how have they been aquiring photos from within the manor? Flug's notes about 505's creation and the picture of the organization's plans to go to Japan are prime examples!
 (another thing about that japan plan pic is that in the same episode it was released with we can see dementia reading that EXSACT same magazine that's in the picture! the clues are hiding in plane sight and no one is any the wiser!)
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The evidence is stacking here people, and we the Villainous Theory Chat truly believe that it's only going to become more suspicious as time goes on.
This also means that there is a secret audio code that we need to find in the "Demencia Wuz Here" video. All we need to do is follow the steps she's given us on the site in order to find it.
There is a spy among us and she is clothed in green. (A sheep in lizards clothing)
I hope you enjoyed reading our idea!
Happy Villainy!
and that's his theory he has others to I might post here but if you like this then go to the villinos amino and join are theory chat! and if you are against this theroy tell me why and we at the theory chat will try to debunk you debunking this unless your right BUT YOU GOT TO OPEN YOUR EYES DEMENTIA IS NOT WHAT SHE SEEMS, SPREAD THE WORD or not black hat might be listening and we don't want to blow her cover! but I would like to see more talk about this
so I'm siramay and remember keep claim and drag-on
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Sonamy boom how sonic found out that he liked amy or vice versa
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(x) Preview image made by Fennec! Please support her! (I love how self-aware Sonic is in this comic where he looks at his heart he just made and is like ‘crap’ lol XD)
“Sonic! A word with the bird?” Soar quickly had charmed his way into stopping Sonic’s morning run, who rolled his eyes and folded his arms; groaning.
“Mr. Hedgehog, rumors have flown up to my part of the sky and stated that you’ve been running since before the dawn of time! What do you have to say?” He almost jabbed Sonic with the mic, and he had to lunge down to dodge it.
“Hey!” He glared.
“Well said.” Soar pulled the mic back, and then turned to the camera, “Now, for the juicy gossip.” he bounced his eyebrows, as Sonic looked confused.
“W-wait a minute, I thought you just talked about rumors? Why are we going into-OFFPH!”
“Zip it, I haven’t questioned you with intimidating camera lights yet.” Soar shoved his mouth shut before then putting an arm around him and in a flashy manner, raising his head up.
“Ladies and Gentlefolks watching, it’s time for Dropping an Ease!”
Suddenly, Sonic was whisked into a chair, “Hey!” and immediately strapped down from his arms, legs, and braced to the chair.
The chair then squeakily was adjusted to move up with some pump-mechanics and a strobe light flared down on him.
“Wrong light!” someone called, and the light that was blinding Sonic suddenly changed to an interrogation light.
“Better! Roll with it!” the same voice cued and then a hand whipped to a point for Soar to come back on.
He swerved in, happy as ever, before starting up his question again, pulling out a card. “Oh, there’s the lights! Haha! Now then, Sonic…”
“I-I-I don’t think I signed up for this.” Sonic fidgetted.
“Who is…” the man narrowed his eyes, leaning closer to the chair.
“No…no… no!” Sonic kept swishing his head around, before Soar slammed a hand down on its side, stopping Sonic from struggling.
“You’re… Crush!”
“I don’t have one!” Sonic shouted out.
“Don’t lie to me! Lie to them!” Soar then pulled him out of the chair when the locks came automatically off and pulled him up to the camera.
“Honestly! I’m way too cool to have a crush!” Sonic’s face was partly smashed into the camera, as Soar pulled him away, giving him a funny look.
“Really? That’s so… Boring.” he flung Sonic over his shoulder, a humorously blank expression on his face, and Soar looking disappointed.
“Well, that was lame. Sorry, folks! But I guess that means his heart is still up for grabs! Any takers?”
The twins at home squee’d and tapped their feet on the ground.
Dave rolled his eyes, apparently having peeked into his mom’s room to see what she was watching.
Amy.. held her blanket closer to her side, and looked down.
The next day, Sonic was recounting the odd experience, but Amy seemed a bit bitter and was countering everything with sarcasm and ridicule.
“Woah! I’m sorry, but… when did this turn into pick-on-Sonic day!?”
“Last Thursday, but I forgot.” Amy glared back.
“Woah, you two need to chill out.” Tails put up his hands and stepped in-between their odd bickering, before then looking to Sonic with an arrogant glee in his eyes, “I mean. Pfft. We can’t all have love interests.” he gloated, clearly having a crush already.
Sonic groaned again and stomped off.
Once he was gone, shaking his head and growling in anger, she softened up and gripped her heart.
“How can someone NOT have a love interest?!” Amy complained at her group meeting, as the other members looked to each other, and awkwardly back at her. “I mean.. when you spend enough time with a totally cute girl you tend to fall for her, right!? Am I missing something? Could it be her hair? Her cooking? When you literally go out and see a guy-flick WHILE complimenting his manly musk- how can you not get brownie points for that? HOW CAN HE NOT HAVE A CRUSH!?!?”
The rest of the members saw her outburst, and out of fear, nodded and scooted back, all trying to reassure her standpoint or agree in some way to her while they muttered in fright.
Walking home, Sonic dashed right by her, and she mumbled something under her breath about him being a ‘fly-by’ kinda guy, before he came back, seeing her with a smile.
“Oh, hey, Amy, how are ya? Alone? Tonight? Dark night? So am I! haha..?” He suddenly chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his head.
“Yeah. Real chilly.” she hunched forward, sighing. “Sonic… can I ask you something.. personal?”
“Personal? Why Personal? Why do we need to be personal?” he fidgetted, rubbing his arm and looking away, trying to keep up his smile. “Ehem, but on the off chance it’s something cool, what did you have in mind?”
She sighed again, “What.. do we have in common?”
That stopped him real quick, as he looked up to the stars. “W-well..”
“I mean, we both love fighting robots… I guess.” she tilted her head, “And you like to eat and I like making things to eat, so we get along there too..” she gestured a hand out. “I just can’t seem to remember anymore…” she lightly scuffed her hand against a piece of wild wheat, letting the little particles fall where they may as she then dusted her hand off.
Sonic began to reminisce, it was a night like this one too… when he found out…
Amy acting silly and over-the-top, ranting on about the movie they just saw.
“I can’t wait to someday take down a whole evil army!”
“Yeah!” Sonic jumped up, “And I can save a princess!”
“Pfft, please.” she flapped her hand out, “I’m the one saving lazy princesses! You and go and uh… slay a dragon or… something.” she happily balanced on a pole before Sonic spoke up again.
“Hey,… I could save anyone I wanted too! That’s it! A dragon princess!”
“Lame.” Amy did a unique flip, which caught Sonic’s attention. “Woah…” he stared, “Hey, that’s actually kinda cool. And I should know, I’m the epitome of cool~” he flashed his best ‘cool-guy’ finger guns and smile.
She stared a moment before her red cheeks turned away and giggled, sitting down on the horizontal pole. “I guess I just like to be athletic.”
“And that’s totally cool!” Sonic jumped and grabbed the pole, lifting himself up by his arms, showing off. “Hey, Amy. Me and Tails were thinking… you.. you could be pretty cool if you were a hero, ya know.”
She gave him an odd look, “What do you mean? Could?” she teased, lifting her head before ducking it and seeming to blush again, but he didn’t notice, looking up at the night sky.
“I mean.. the first time I met you, you stormed through our door and demanded to be apart of our gang, right?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Well, you made it! You took down Eggman’s robots and even out swung Knuckles! It could be fun, you know? Even if you are a girl…” he looked away, growing strangely shy.
He didn’t seem to mean coming off any particular way, but Amy puffed up her childish cheeks and went to get him.
“And what is that suppose to- ah..aHHH!!!” she lost her balance! Falling fast before Sonic impulsively moved and grabbed her hand.
“Hang on!”
He tried to pull her up, as she watched with amazed eyes before their fingers slipped.
He dashed down in a quick spin-ball like way, ratcheting off of trees and a building nearby to then grab her in his arms.
The two stared in wide-eyed enchantment at one another…
Sonic’s heart was racing, but he figured it was from all the excitement of the daring rescue.
He had never been this close to a girl before…
Amy stumbled out of his arms, growing increasingly more embarrassed. “T-there! You saved a girl! Way to go!” she seemed to aggressively speak the words out, but Sonic took it literally.
As she adjusted her dress and patted her flaming cheeks, he looked at his hands, and then smiled gleefully up at her.
“I did!”
She turned around.
“I totally just saved your life! Ha! You must think I’m the coolest dude around now!”
She couldn’t help it. She turned with a gentle smile, “You were cool without the heroics… Sonic.”
He paused a moment, watching her expression and feeling something stir once again to be closer to her again.
She batted her eyes away, a cute touch, before closing her eyes and tilting her head in a way that made her hair sway with the gesture.
“I always thought of you as my hero.”
Then, something odd and strange happened to him.
He pouted, feeling embarrassed as his face brightened and he angrily wagged his arms about.
“BUT THAT’S NOT FAIR!” he hollered, “I’m supposed to be cooler than that!”
What he never admitted, was that the heat that seemed to come from anger… was from being so touched by such a strong, graceful girl considering him her hero before he officially saved her.
Sonic shook his head from this thoughts, “I always thought we had saving people in common.” he smiled gently, not expecting her to catch on to his inside-reference.
“Hehe, yeah… We’ve always loved saving the world.” She smiled then, turning back to him.
She put her hands behind her back, “You know, we’ve saved it so many times!”
“It’s been fun.” his voice lowered, his eyes lingering on her younger self, the image in his mind.. the feeling of holding her again..
“Yeah, well… I guess it never gets old, huh?” she turned to look back at the stars, not even noticing him staring sweetly to her.
He tilted his head, “No.” he tenderly closed his eyes and looked down. “I guess not.”
He forgot the world for a second…
He’d rather save her again…
If ever she got into trouble again, she was too careful these days…
Too good at saving others and herself.
She suddenly saw something and went over to get it, before tripping and Sonic opening his eyes, almost too late to notice.
Could it be..?
His heart raced, he wondered if fate had heard him before Amy caught herself and balanced her landing with a beautiful roll and poise.
“Ta-dah! haha! No girls’ complete unless she can catch herself, huh Sonic?” she cheekily smiled behind to him, grinning wildly and hoping to make him feel impressed.
However… from his point-of-view… it was cruel. Oh so mockingly cutely..
His hand was still inches from reaching out for her…
He withdrew it back and folded his arms, turning grumpy.
“Yeah,.. swell.” he pouted. “Call me old fashion… but I liked it when heroes saved princesses…” he muttered out.
Amy blushed and looked away. “Y-yeah… I guess that’s just you.”
He frowned harder.
“But…” she giggled and kicked the ground, “Nowadays… girls need a new kind of hero..” she skipped on, and in curiosity, Sonic followed after her.
“Like what?” Sonic stated, rounding to her side. “What kind of hero do girls want?”
“Not want.” Amy stated, winking at him and turning, “Need.”
He pursued, “Y-yeah, but you didn’t answer me!”
“So persistent~ Why are you trying to find out what girls need in a man, Sonic?”
“You said hero.”
“Fine. I’ll tell you.” she put her hands on her hips and spun around. “Girls need a hero who saves them from the things that aren’t attacking them on the outside.”
He paused, not understanding.
“…A princess…” she touched her heart, looking suddenly sorrowful as she peered down at it. “Needs someone who will save her tears…”
She walked on, and Sonic found himself falling in love all over again… 
Sonic then deeply believed that it was an inexcusable sin to make girls cry.
“Oh no...” he shuttered. “I think I did lie.. But not to them.” she was already out of earshot.
“...But to her.”
He didn’t want to save princesses.
He wanted to save the one girl that saw him as a hero... before he ever was one.
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icyhobi · 7 years
Forgotten (M)
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Summary: Loving Kim Taehyung was just so cruel, since he only saw you as his childhood friend. But after years of wanting him to return your affection, you finally saw the look of love shine on his eyes - but it wasn’t meant for you. No, it was meant for her... Pairing: Taehyung x Reader Genre: Smut, Angst, bestfriend!au, university!au Word Count: 4.5k A/N: Original request here . 
Loving Kim Taehyung was like treasuring a forbidden artifact – you could appreciate it and love it from afar, but you could never touch it, never have it – just stand still and admire from a distance. Just like the artifact, he was untouchable and you could never have him the way you always wished for. Why? Well that was because he was your best friend since you were toddlers, but that was it.
You two were inseparable. Always playing and working together, making your classmates assume that you two liked each other. Of course, every time that accusation was made, you’d both deny it while saying how gross it was – but even then you knew you were lying.
At the mere age of 14, you realized that you didn’t just have a silly little crush on him anymore, no, you had fallen deeply in love with him. But who didn’t? His affectious boxy smile and playful bright attitude attracted many people towards him over the years, much to your dismay. But Taehyung always brushed it aside, and kept his attention solely on you. That is, once you two entered high school, then it all changed for the worse.
Right from the get go, it was obvious Taehyung would be more popular than you, but you didn’t mind, since he would still hang out with you and not treat you differently. But near the end of your first year in high school, the attention Taehyung was receiving, had gone straight to his head.
That summer, he didn’t really hang out with you much, since his family went on a trip to Hawaii for vacation. When he returned, it was like he was a whole different person. He dyed his hair to a dirty blondish colour, far different from his usual dark hair. He started to wear more expensive clothing, putting much more effort to look good. But he also, began to flirt a lot. Whether he was hanging out with you, or you were chilling at his house, he would always draw his attention away from you if there was a pretty girl messaging him or walking by.
Soon, he became a high school heartthrob and also a player, sleeping with every girl who fancied him. There were always rumors about who he was fucking and who was his next target, and that brought great grief to you. Even though he would still talk to you normally, he just would always see you as his childhood best friend, nothing more. Was it so childish that you wanted that to change? That you wanted him to see you as attractive as the other girls in school? But, you also didn’t want to be some random chick he fucked with once and never spoke to again. No, you wanted him to look at you with the same type of adoration, that you would look at him with.
And it isn’t till your last year of high school, do you finally see the look of love on his beautiful brown eyes, not the look of lust, but the look someone would give if they had fallen in love.
You should’ve been happy, that the infamous Kim Taehyung had finally fallen in love, but the only problem was – his love wasn’t directed towards you, it was for the new girl who stood straight past you.
“Hi, I’m Kang Seulgi. I just moved into town, and I hope you treat me well!” she spoke with a confident voice, as she introduced herself to the class.
She was on the shorter side, and had shoulder length dark brown hair. She also wore bright red lipgloss with heavy black eyeliner.
She was looking for a place to sit, whilst Taehyung couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He side eyed you, who was sitting in the desk next to him, before you poked you.
“Y/N go sit in the empty seat in the far-left corner,” he whispered.
Confused, you asked him with furrowed brows, “Why?”
“Cause I want to get to know the new girl, so I can fuck her. Isn’t it obvious?” he asked as if you were already supposed to know that.
Disgusted, you glared at the 18yr old, “Taehyung I was here first, so I’m not moving.”
“C’mon Y/N! Don’t cock block me on this one!”
“Just go fuck some other desperate chick! Who cares about her…” you aggressively whispered back to him. Even if you didn’t want to admit it, this new girl was different. You noticed the way Taehyung would ogle her, even as he was asking you to move, he wouldn’t even look in your direction. You knew that he wasn’t just interested in fucking her one time.
“Why? Do you wanna have a taste of my dick?”
“Then fucking move!” he growled, not noticing how you flinched at his cold voice.
Why did he want to be around her so badly? Why was he so rude to you? He’s never been this adamant into getting into someone’s pants before, and it worried you.
Sighing, you grabbed your stuff without saying anything else to him and got up to move to the far empty seat.
Making your way to the isolated desk, you saw the girl ‘Seulgi’ smirk at you, when you left.
What the hell is she smiling about… you mentally questioned. There was just something that seemed off about her, you just didn’t know what.
You grumpily plopped down onto the chair, and glared daggers towards Taehyung and Seulgi. It was no shocker to see that Taehyung had already graced a flirtatious smile onto his face, as he turned to introduce himself to her.
She returned the playful grin, and you scowled as you watched them bitterly, smiling at each other the whole class.
 “Hey, so you wanna hang out today?” you asked with a hopeful voice over the phone. It had been six months since Seulgi transferred to your school, and you absolutely hated it. Taehyung was just so caught up with trying to spend time with her, that it was ruining your time with him. You didn’t even know if they fucked already or not, but why was he still trying to be around her and not move on like usual?
“Can’t, I’m gonna watch a movie with Seulgi,” Taehyung replied, sounding as if he wasn’t even interested in your conversation.
“Didn’t you guys just go to the carnival together last week?”
“Yea, so?”
“So…” you seethed, trying to control your jealousy. “Can’t you spend this weekend with me? I mean we rarely hang out anymore.”
“Well she is my girlfriend, so of course I’m gonna spend a lot of time with her,” he sighed.
“Girlfriend?!” you choked out. Is that why he spent so much time with her? But why didn’t he tell you? Why did it feel as if you were the last person to find out about this?
“Yea, girlfriend.”
“For how long?” you whispered over the phone.
“I don’t know, maybe around three months?”
“W-why…” you stuttered, trying to control your unstable voice. “why didn’t you tell me?”
“Well why would I?” he asked. “Why do you even care?”
He was right, why did you care so much? You were just his friend, that was all. No matter how badly you wanted to change that, it never would.
Faking a happy tone, you said, “Ahh nevermind Tae, I’m sorry for annoying you. I guess I’ll see you around at school?”
Before you could reply, he had already hung up the phone. You sat there on your bed for a couple of minutes just thinking.
Sure, Taehyung did have a couple of girlfriends in the past, but it was mainly a sexual relationship that often only lasted a couple of weeks. But this time, his relationship with Seulgi seemed different, as if he was genuinely interested in her. Even as far as to distance himself from you, and act cold.
That night, was the first time you cried yourself to sleep about him.
 “Y/n,” your mom said, trying to draw your attention to her as your family ate breakfast.
“Yea?” you mumbled, while munching on your favourite cereal.
“Me and your father have been talking, and we thought it may be a good idea to move in with your aunt.”
“Huh?” you dropped your spoon, milk splattering on the table.
“Its not that we want you to leave sweetie, its just that we know you got accepted to the university that’s near where she is. It’s a really great school that only the smartest of people can get into. And it would be too much of a hassle trying to commute there every single day. That is, if you choose to go to that university.”
You hadn’t given much thought to which universities offer to accept yet, so you saw why your parents were asking you this.
“And we’d much rather have you move in with her, than live by your own if you choose to go away,” your father added.
You smiled at them, as you knew that they didn’t want you to leave, but still wanted to let you make your own decisions.
“Is aunty okay with me moving in with her?”
Your mother laughed as she replied, “Oh please Y/N, you already know she treats you as if you were the child she never had.”
Your aunt was only in her late thirties and still wasn’t married, as she was a successful business woman who tended to enjoy the company of various men, rather than settling down.
But then you thought about it, would you really leave home? What about Taehyung? Would he care if you left?
“Well there’s still a couple of months before school ends, so give it a thought.” your dad spoke.
“Alright, I’ll think about it.”
 It was the next day of school, and you were sitting in class not paying attention. Technically, you didn’t even have to show up to school anymore, since you already got plenty off university offers, but you had nothing better to do. Also, it was the only way you would even get to see Taehyung anymore, as the last time you messaged each other was two weeks ago.
It was as if he was ignoring you, and that hurt you greatly.
“May I go to the washroom please?” you raised your hand, having the urge to walk around a bit.
“Sure, take the hall pass.” your biology teacher said nonchalantly.
Grabbing the pass, you exited your classroom hastily. You walked along the dusty halls till you made your way into the girl’s bathroom. You hadn’t even opened the door to it yet, before you heard multiple moans, as there was a slick wet slapping sound. Curious, you walked in very quietly, closing the door. You could see that the last stall was occupied, but what made your eyes widen – was that there were two people in that stall.
“C’mon Seulgi, don’t be so loud baby,” a deep voice said in a hushed whisper.
“But your dick feels so good,” she squealed.
You should have known from the moans and the slapping sounds that someone was pounding into her, but all you felt was anger. This was because, you could clearly tell that the person that was having sex with her – wasn’t Taehyung. His voice sounded nothing like that.
You knew there was a reason you didn’t like Seulgi. She was a lying and unloyal bitch. You couldn’t believe that because of her, your and Taehyung’s friendship was deteriorating.
Determined, you marched furiously down to the last stall and kicked it open harshly.
“OWW! WHAT THE FUCK!” Seulgi shrieked, as the door had hit her square in the face.
You didn’t even know the guy she was fucking, you assumed he was an underclassman. They both had no shame as the detached themselves from each other, and turned to look at you, while fixing their clothes. You glared at both of them, and that was enough to make the boy run out, while Seulgi just smirked at you.
“What the hell are you doing? Aren’t you dating Taehyung?!?” you fumed angrily at her.
“Your point?” she said, as if she had done nothing wrong.
“My point is, is that you’re cheating on him!”
“So? I can’t stick to one dick at a time. I like multiple partners.”
You were seriously tempted to punch that smirk off her face, but you restrained yourself. “But Taehyung likes you, how could you do this to him?”
“Ahh well, I was planning to break up with him anyway…” she said as she glanced at you mischievously. “but since I know you love him so much, maybe I’ll just keep him to play around with longer.”
What? Was this girl insane or something? What the fuck was wrong with her?
“Are you okay in the head? Who the fuck does something like that?” you shouted hysterically.
She laughed as she replied, “I know I’m such a whore, right? But that’s the way I am, I can’t help it.”
She then shoved her way past you, not bothering to look you in the eyes. She was about to reach the door to exit, before you roughly grabbed her by the shoulder.
“Leave him alone,” you said in a threatening voice. “I know Taehyung fucks around a lot, but he doesn’t mess with people like you. He doesn’t deserve this, so don’t hurt him.”
She narrowed her eyes at you, before she slapped your hands away. “I’ll think about.” Then she carelessly walked out.
Grabbing your phone, you decided that you needed to warn Taehyung about her. Even though he was kind of acting like a jerk to you, you still loved him and you wouldn’t allow him to get hurt.
“Hey, can u come over to my house today to talk? I kind of missed hanging out.” You sent him through text message.
A minute later, he replied. “Funny, I was gonna ask u that too. But sure”
“K great, see u soon”
 As soon as you heard the doorbell, you jumped up from your spot on the couch and dashed to the door. You were nervous to tell him about Seulgi, but you knew you needed to warn him. You looked through the peephole, and saw the boy you fell in love with just casually standing there with his hands in his pocket.
You quickly unlocked the door and opened it widely with a smile on your face. Taehyung returned the smile, before he lunged forward after shutting the door. You had no time to react as he cornered you into the wall beside your front entrance.
You looked up confused at him, while he looked down at you with an unreadable expression.
“Y/N…” he said in a low voice.
“Y-yea?” you stuttered back nervously.
“I love you.”
It seemed as time stopped, as you stared with wide eyes back into his warm brown ones. The one thing you wanted to hear for so long, finally came out of his mouth. Did he really just say that? Was he being serious?
“Y-you love me?” you whispered back, feeling a big lump form in your throat.
“Yea…” he said, while the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen graced his face. “I really do.”
You let out a soft grin as you felt your eyes start to water. He loved you! You couldn’t believe it, but he really did! You were just about to cheerfully say you loved him too, before he interrupted.
“Perfect! That’s just the reaction I want when I tell Seulgi that I love her. Y/N, you’re so great at taking part of acting roles!”
And then the first salty tear – rolled down your cheek.
But it didn’t stop there, multiple tears kept falling down your pretty face, as you looked up to him miserably.
“Woah, I think you’re taking this acting thing a bit too far,” Taehyung joked. “You don’t need to get so emotional.”
“T-Taehyung…” you sobbed, not being able to control your emotions.
Worried, he grabbed you by your shoulders as he asked, “Hey, is something wrong?”
“Taehyung, she doesn’t love you!” you screeched out.
“I went to the girl’s bathroom earlier today, and saw her fucking some random guy in one of the stalls! And when I confronted her, she had no inch of guilt or remorse! She said that she likes toying with people’s emotions. Don’t you see? She’s bad for you! I can’t believe out of all people, you fell in love with her!” you blurted out, as the tears continued to stream down your puffy cheeks.
Taehyung stood there in silence, not even looking into your eyes. He removed his hands from your shoulders and clenched his fists tightly.
“You’re lying,” he spoke with venom.
Huh? Does he really think I would lie to him about this?
“I can’t believe you’d say something like that about her,” he muttered. “This must be because I haven’t been spending time with you, right?”
“No, I don’t know wha-”
“You fucking liar!” he exploded. “I can’t believe you’d make up something so ridiculous! I thought you were better than this!”
Is he seriously accusing you of lying? How could he? You two have been through everything together, but ever since Seulgi came into your lives, he couldn’t even trust you anymore?
“I’m your best friend and have I ever lied to you? How can you not believe me? I’m the only one who actually cares about you, unlike that bitch!” you cried.
“That ‘bitch’ is my girlfriend Y/N, not you. And I thought we were best friends too, but I guess I was wrong…” he said with no emotion.
The look he gave you, was the most cold-hearted thing you’d ever seen. It almost looked as if he hated you. So that’s why you didn’t stop him, as he left your house and slammed the door.
Seulgi knew all along that if you told Taehyung about her, he wouldn’t listen to you. That’s why she let you go, since she didn’t even need to stop you. She had Taehyung completely wrapped around her finger, and there was nothing you could do about it.
That was the second time you cried yourself to sleep about him.
 You sat lifelessly on the train, as you scrolled through your phone. You had already said your goodbyes to your parents at home, as they both still had work to go to.
This was it, you were finally going to start a new life, as you had decided to accept the universities offer near your aunt, and go move in with her.
The last time you saw or talked to Taehyung, was that day he came over to your house and had that argument. After that, you decided that you didn’t wanna stay any longer just to see Seulgi toy around with him. You just couldn’t bear to see him get heartbroken, even though he broke yours.
The next day after your fight, you told your parents that you had made your mind – that you would move in with your aunt to attend that university.
You took the whole week off from school to prepare for moving away. You decided to avoid graduation, even though you would be on the honour roll for your high academic achievements.
You closed your eyes in pain as your phone rung for the third time, while you were sitting quietly on your spot on the train. You looked at the caller ID, and saw that is was Taehyung who was calling you again. For the past 10 minutes, you’ve been getting phone calls from him and rejected all of them. It would be easier to leave if you didn’t have to say goodbye to him – you couldn’t handle saying it.
You assumed that he probably called you since he was worried about you not showing up at school for the whole week. Well, at least that’s what you told yourself.
The train finally let out a loud horn, before you could feel it vibrate to life as it finally started to move a bit. You were on an older style train, since you needed more room for your luggage.
It was a bit too hot in your booth, so you opened the window to let some fresh air in.
I guess this is goodbye…
Huh? Is someone calling me?
“Y/N!!!” you heard someone scream over the loud engine of the train.
That almost sounded like…
“Y/N don’t go!” they shouted again, then you heard knocking on your window.
Confused, you finally turned towards the glass – and saw Taehyung running frantically to catch up with the speed of the train.
“Taehyung?!?” you said, completely shocked. How did he even find you?
“Y/N please! I’m sorry!” he said through the open window.
“W-what are you doing here?” you replied, trying your best to not let your emotions show.
“I don’t want you to go! Please!”
“I’m sorry Taehyung, I’ve already made my decision.”
“No, you can’t leave me!” he cried in desperation, which made your heart shatter.
“I’m sorry…”
“Please don’t leave me! You’re my best friend! Just spend a little bit of more time with me!” he screamed, and you saw the tears running down his face.
“I’m sorry Taehyung…” you choked, as you felt your own tears falling. Why couldn’t he have told you this sooner?
“Please, just stay with me! I need you in my life!” he sobbed. But then the train started to pick up too much speed, that Taehyung couldn’t keep up with, making him fall to the ground in tears.
You cried as you watched the boy you fell so stupidly in love with, disappear slowly into the distance forever…
…or so you thought
 “Oh my goodness, just look at you Y/N!” your mother cried, as it was the first time you returned home in 7 years. You left home to move in with your aunt when you were only 18, but now you were a successful 25yr old woman, who had a well paying and respected job.
Of course you contacted your family a lot through phone and video calls, and they even visited you a couple of times at your place – but it still felt really nice to be home again.
“Mom, you saw me like 2 months ago,” you joked.
“Still sweetheart, we just missed seeing you in our home for once,” your dad pitched in.
You smiled brightly as you replied, “I know, I’ve missed this house too.”
You spent the next few minutes chattering about your work, and how your aunt was, before your mother asked, “So is there anything you wanted to do?”
“Umm well, I actually saw this new coffee shop that I wanted to check out,” you said.
“Oh, well the car is yours to borrow for as long as you stay.”
“Thanks dad! I’m actually gonna go now then!” you said cheerfully.
“But you just got here!”
“Byyeee!” you laughed as you exited the door.
Yea, you really missed having your parents around.
 “Can I get a regular double-double please?” you asked the cashier up front of the new coffee shop.
You were glad you came to see the place, as it was really fancy yet still had a cozy atmosphere.
“Sure thing! That would be $3.95 please!” the worker replied enthusiastically.
You heard the front entrances door ‘ring’ open as someone entered, while you fumbled through your purse. You don’t know if it was the cold breeze, or if it was the sense of another presence waiting behind you, but you turned around for the greatest shock of your life.
Taehyung stood behind you, carelessly scrolling through his phone as he waited for you to finish. His hair was a dark brown again, and he was much more well built than you remembered. He wore an expensive looking suit, which made him look absolutely priceless. The cute boy you fell for, was now a handsome grown man.
You hesitantly reached out, and put your hand on his shoulder. “Taehyung?” you whispered, as if he weren’t real.
He looked up at you, and you were expecting him to be happy – but you were so wrong.
“Do I know you?” he coldly glared.
What? Did he really not recognize you? You haven’t really changed much since you were 18, maybe that you wore a bit more makeup, your hair was longer, and that you took more care of your health, but that was it.
“You don’t recognize me?” you choked out.
“No, should I?”
How could he forget you!? No matter how hard you tried to forget about him, you just couldn’t. That’s why all your relationships failed, because you were just so helplessly in love with him.
Desperately, you tightly clutched both of his shoulders as you frantically stuttered, “H-how could you forget me?”
“Get your fucking hands off me!” Taehyung snapped, and then grabbed your wrists roughly. He held no recognition in his eyes, and looked at you as if he was staring at a murderous stranger. His outbreak, caused several heads to turn around and look at the scene. But what you saw next, made your heart drop;
Coming to put a hand on his shoulder, was Seulgi, who wore an expensive looking diamond on her ring finger. And as she glanced between you and Taehyung, her shocked expression slowly turned into a cruel smirk.
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arielle0808 · 7 years
Sea Stars- Chapter 10
Here comes the last chapter of my mermaid AU, which closes the series. I really hope you liked it.
You can also find it on AO3.
If you enjoy my writing, why don’t you check my Patreon for more content? ;3
Thank you sooo much for reading and your support!
We rushed to Seven’s house and knocked on the door, which talked to us as usual, which made us scream at it (as usual) until Seven finally opened it. He looked tired, bags and dark circles under his eyes, and quite pale.
“You stood all night up again?” Yoosung asked.
“Hi,” he replied in a tired tone.
I dragged him inside and put him to bed with Yoosung’s help as he complained, but didn’t really fight against us. He put his face against the pillow and I chuckled at his childish behaviour. Yoosung went to the kitchen and prepared some healthy food as I stood with Seven, caressing his red locks.
“Go with Yoosung and help him,” he asked.
“I don’t want to.”
He snorted. He seemed too tired to hide his mood.
Yoosung came back after a while with a tray with some soup which we made Seven eat. He reluctantly finished it and when he did we carried out what Yeileen told us. Yoosung shyly hugged Seven from his right and I did so from his left, both of us kissing his cheeks until he stopped fighting us, and that’s when I noticed he was actually completely flustered. I couldn’t help but laughing at his cuteness.
“Stop!” he exclaimed. “You’ve just awakened the Tickling monster!”
“Noo!” we exclaimed as he tickled us.
We ended up on his bed, exhausted from the war of tickles, and were falling asleep when I felt Seven sitting up and sighing. I touched Yoosung’s shoulder and pointed at him when I got his attention. I whispered in Yoosung’s ear that he should talk to him, since Yoosung had known him longer than I, and I went to the toilet. When I came back to the room, Seven and Yoosung were hugging and I saw Seven sobbing on Yoosung’s shoulder. I sprinted to the bed and hugged him too, Yoosung started to cry as well, and Seven moved to embrace me as well.
“I know Yeileen has told you to come to me, but there’s no need, really,” Seven said after calming down. “Just go home and forget about me.”
“Don’t be silly,” Yoosung said, embracing him again.
I kissed his cheek and the corner of his mouth, blushing and making him startle. Seven moved to look at me, puzzled, I caressed the light blush of his cheek. Yoosung soon enough felt the need to call our attention again and kissed Seven’s cheek again. Seven was flustered and shocked, so he let us continue. I kissed his neck as Yoosung kept giving him small kisses on his cheeks and I finally spoke up.
“Seven, why were you crying?”
He hesitated and I kissed his cheek.
“Because I want something I can’t have.”
“W-what is it?” Yoosung asked and imitated my gesture.
“I may lose two friends if I said so.”
I kissed his two cheeks, his nose and finally his lips, making him widen his eyes in surprise. I looked at Yoosung, who was still unsure, blushing like crazy.
“W-who are those friends?” poor Yoosung was at the verge of tears, fearing a rejection.
“Kiss him,” I whispered in Seven’s ear.
Too shocked to complain, Seven leaned closer to Yoosung, putting his hand on his cheek and kissing him softly on his lips. I think that was the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. They looked at each other in silence and I kissed Yoosung’s lips and then Seven’s again. Soon enough, our kisses became more confident and passionate, Yoosung and I making always sure Seven got all the attention and didn’t feel rejected.
I sat on Seven’s lap as I kissed him, caressing his tongue with mine as Yoosung kissed his neck from behind, holding my hand in his. Things became hotter and Seven was still reflecting insecurity in his kisses and moves, so I moved back even though it was almost painful and looked at Yoosung to indicate him to stop. Seven moved further away from us and gave us a worried look that broke my heart. Yoosung embraced him and we told him all we had been talking about in our way there.
He looked at us with a mixture of disbelief and hope in his eyes. There was also some kind of fear and pain, and Yoosung and I didn’t know what to say.
“I’m a secret agent,” he said. “I’m dangerous and I’m not good enough for you two. You should stay together and forget about me and be happy.”
My heart ached at those words and Yoosung and I embraced him at the same time, he crying and I reassuring him that it would be alright.
He let us stay the night, but wanted to make us sleep in the guests’ room. Of course, Yoosung and I went out in the middle of the night and got to Seven’s bed, where we drowned him in kisses, hugs and words of love. I woke up the next morning to find myself alone in the bed and when I went out to the kitchen, from which a delicious smell came, I found Yoosung hugging Seven from behind as he gave him some instructions to prepare breakfast.
“Good morning,” I rubbed my eyes.
“No!!” they exclaimed at the same time.
“Go back to bed!” Yoosung urged me, pushing me and kissing my cheek when he let me puzzled on the bed again.
After a while, Seven and Yoosung came back with a tray full of pancakes, fruits and chocolate and my eyes sparkled at the sight.
“Good morning!” they said.
I couldn’t, or wanted, to repress the big smile on my face. They had been so cute as to make me breakfast and bring it to bed for me. I tried some and it was delicious, and so I said. I gave Yoosung a small kiss to thank him and was going to give another one to Seven, but he looked away from me with a sad smile.
“Luciel Choi, if you won’t let me kiss you, I’ll go back with the sea and live with the oysters.”
He snorted, but Yoosung took it a bit too seriously and started to beg Seven to kiss me, on the verge of tears. He finally looked at me and I kissed his lips, smiling. Yoosung kissed him too.
“Well, enough, you two,” he suddenly said. “After breakfast, you’re going to go back to Yoosung’s and forget about all this.”
“But we love you!” Yoosung complained. I just continued eating my pancakes, knowing he was not as determined as he wanted to make us believe.
“Just because you think you lo...”
“We love you!” he interrupted him.
“So you...”
“We do!!”
Seven sat on the floor, giving his back to us. Yoosung started sobbing. I embraced him and looked at Seven, who was looking at us from the corner of his eyes. Our eyes met and he looked away, glancing back at us just a second later. Yoosung continued crying on my shoulder.
“Hey, don’t be so sad,” he said, but Yoosung didn’t answer.
“I’m not sad, I’m super angry,” he managed to say between sobs.
Seven sighed.
“Well, you can stay... until lunch.”
“Hug me,” Yoosung begged.
Seven complied.
We got to convince him that we really loved him and were not going to leave him alone and he finally acknowledged he loved us too. His hard and cold façade also fell quickly and became the loving little mess he always is. 
Eventually, Yoosung and I moved to Seven’s and soon established a routine. Seven and I would stay in bed until late, if Seven slept at all, and Yoosung would leave for school early. I would make Seven have a proper lunch with me and Yoosung came home afterwards. As he studied and Seven worked I liked reading, writing, listening to music, or hanging out with Zen, who would teach me to play the piano. I made dinner and Yoosung and Seven stood up until late studying and working. Some nights I stayed awake with them, caressing lazily Yoosung’s hair, or falling asleep on Seven’s lap. 
Some nights, Yoosung usually fell asleep studying and Seven carried him to bed, giving me a smile of complicity as we both contemplated the blonde angel sleeping. During the weekends, Yoosung finally had some time to stay in bed until late, poor boy, and Seven and I made him breakfast, and quite a mess in the kitchen, which he had to make us clean afterwards threatening us to call Vanderwood if we didn’t. We liked to drag Seven to some dates and when he didn’t let us after we had pouted, whined and begged, Yoosung and I went on our own. That was also quite fun and we would buy something that reminded us of Seven in the way. I liked falling asleep between them and see their hands intertwined. Before closing my eyes, I still remember the time I lived under the sea, surrounded by water and desire for the world above. Now I live there, surrounded by love.
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papillonrecordhouse · 7 years
Yuki x Sett: S-Support
In collaboration with: @sakudrew
Sett: *put candles and different colored stones on the ground* There... and there. Aaalright... *looks up at Yuki* Are you ready? Oh and don't mind me... We'll need all these stones to contain the demon once they're out.
Yuki: *nods* Thank you so much King Sett for doing this. So what should I do to help Sloth through this?
Sett: Well... I'd say that the most important thing is: don't let fear overthrow you.
Sett: No matter how nice you are, if you show weakness in front of a demon they won't hesitate to take control of you.  Believe in yourself, be confident!
Sett: You want to save Sloth right? Then you gotta show you're stronger than them. You will able to both share the same body at the same time and invoke them whenever you want.
Sett: So first step, let's try to invoke them without losing control.
Yuki: Okay. *takes a deep breath* Please be nice Sloth. I just want to help.
Sloth: Yuki, why are you so naive? Don't you realize this man is just trying to disable you. *sneers at Sett* He is no honest soul.
Sett: Oh..!
Sett: Why, hello theeeere~ !! You are Sloth aren't you?! Nice to meet ya!!
Sloth: Don't smile like some fool! Don't think I'll let you do this to Yuki! We are fine as we are!
Sloth: We do not need some half-dressed man t-trying to separate us!
Sett: Hmm?? But I'm pretty much covered today, compared to other days... Erm...
Sett: But there's a big misunderstanding sir...
Sett: I'm not here to separate you two. I just want to help Yuki to help you.
Sloth: Oh, is that so? *puffs up* Please, as admirable as it may seem, I know you are just doing this to get rid of me.
Sloth: But I will not allow it! Yuki needs me, I am all she has! Without me, she'll suffer and she does not deserve that!
Sloth: *scoffs* Unless you plan to "care for her". Well just know she is not some easy score for pompous royalty like you! *tries to raise his arm to smack Sett but his hand freezes midway*
Sett: *notices the hand freezing* *thinking: Thank god Yuki is doing fine...*
Sett: What do you mean she will suffer?
Sloth: Without my luck, she will have no luck whatsoever! That is why her true parents sacrificed themselves in the first place!
Sloth: I promised their daughter "no suffering" and damn it! I will protect her! *shaking and growling*
Sloth: You will not take her from me! *tearing up* Damn it Yuki, stop- Stop, don't show- *getting weak*
Sett: ..! It's okay Yuki. Let Sloth be for a little moment.
Sett: You'll be alright. *smiles* I'll protect both of you. *reads a spell from his book and moves some stones; they become blue and the air is getting colder*
Sett: Sloth, you like the cold too right? Then let's chill and talk more. There's no reason to be scared. With that spell, I bet you feel like your powers are getting stronger too... You could maybe kill me with one blow.
Sett: I've met a lot of demons in my life... But this is the first time I seen one with so much... devotion. Please just listen to what Yuki has to tell you. If you really care for her, listen to her. Will you promise me?
Sloth: I promise you nothing! *growls but ruffles himself* But I will listen to Yuki... *seems to go silent*
Sloth: *sighs* Are you certain? Can you even-… Fine... *looks at Sett then closes his eyes*
Yuki: I convinced him! I swear, Sloth worries too much. *chuckles*
Sett: Yuki!! You're okay?! *thinking: Phew... seems like he wasn't the only one...*
Sett: I thought he would never listen to me to be honest... But I'm glad he was willing to speak the truth pretty fast.
Sett: So what was he worried about?
Yuki: He was scared that you were tricking me into separating us, and well, that I couldn't handle possessing his powers. *shakes her head* He really should have more faith in me. *something about what she's saying seems off*
Sett: Hmm, I can't blame him. Maybe he actually thought that I fell for you and that I wanted to have you all to myself.
Sett: .........
Sett: Did I just say that out loud?
Yuki: ... Y-Your M-Majesty? *not sure how to feel* That's exactly what he thought... Is this some kinda mean prank? I really can't tell.
Yuki: PLEASE! *sobs* Don't play with my heart like this! This is not a nice prank!
Sett: I-I wouldn't joke about something like this!!
Sett: It just kind of.... happened. I wasn't sure at first but now this is very clear to me. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about what would happen if Sloth would have taken control and...
Sett: ...you have been perfect. I'm so glad you're safe and sound.
Yuki: Y-Your Majesty! I'm not sure what to say... I'm just so happy! I can't stop smiling. *looks at him* I mean, after all you've been so kind to me and- *stops herself before she finishes that, too embarrassed* having you come see me always filled me with such excitement.
Yuki: It may seem silly, but having your company has just filled me with so many smiles! *fidgets with her fingers*
Sett: S-so?! Does it mean... that you love me too?!
Sett: I'm so happy!! Man, let's go in town R I G H T  N A O W to buy a ring!! *takes Yuki by the hand* Hurryyyyyyyyy!~
Yuki: W-Wait! RING?! I know I said I feel the same, My Majesty, but we have to take this slowly!
Yuki: A-After all, you haven't even taken me on a proper date... I know that sounds childish, but I really do want to do this properly.
Sett: Hahaha alright, alright... Then let's go to a date!!! ε=ε=(ง ˃̶͈̀ᗨ˂̶͈́)۶ *nyooooms with Yuki*
Sett: I'll make sure you will never regret choosing me.
Yuki: *smiles and kisses his cheek* I could never regret that Your Majesty. After all, I'm the luckiest girl in the world! *chuckles*
[End of Support S]
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