#siramay the showgun dragon
aparticularbandit · 11 months
Oh man I saw your ryoko post on the tag I loved it and as I Junko analizes myself I just wanted to say if you need help just ask I'd love to trade thoughts with yah
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Thanks! I'd be cool with talking thoughts, but probably in the future would be better? I only just started getting into Danganronpa, so I'm still in DR2 (just finished Case 2 when I last played!), haven't seen DR3, and haven't played DRV3 or Despair Girls. (Or the Summer? Game? I basically bought Decadence, which doesn't have Despair Girls, so idk when I'll get to that one.)
I'm trying to go through things mostly in order - I started with the anime then went DR1 (yes, I know, they're roughly the same) and then read DR0 while I was playing through DR1 and starting out DR2, so my thoughts are...in process as I continue to go through the things, and I'm trying to avoid getting any more spoilers than I've already gotten!
But yeah - I'm still collecting thoughts as I go through, so I'm not really on super analysis yet! Just. thoughts! ^^;;
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Forgive me, all, for I have sinned...July has passed and I still haven't returned to "as a ship". But I promise you all that during the past couple of months I've been preparing for them! I'm just making absolute sure that they will be worth it. I consider it as kind of a "project", if you will. So, just give me some more time, and I guarantee that it will all be worth it 🙂 Once they are posted, you will see exactly why they took so long.
UPDATE: I've decided to tag those who are waiting on their requests for this post, so you all know exactly what's going on, and for me to reassure that I have not forgotten :)
@joneleslament - Tenko/Keebo
@julia-bunncat - Kaede/Kaito
@multishipper-baby - Kaito/Angie
@clemmytiney - Angie/Korekiyo & Akane/Mikan
@silvered-ring - Sonia/Kiyotaka
@danganronpaautism - Leon/Rantaro
@ebonysword0 - Gundham/Chihiro & Mukuro/Chihiro
@cosmiccambion - Gonta/Korekiyo
@bifluidmax08 - Chihiro/Kokichi
@melikey1987 - Kyoko/Celeste
@the-background-ghost303 - Jataro/Kotoko
@roobjoshi - Hifumi/Tsumugi
@chaoticstarlightwonderland - Nagito/Korekiyo
@faraway-co - Hajime/Nagito
@spiritofdecria - Miu/Byakuya
@dbshis - Hiyoko/Kazuichi, Kokichi/Himiko, and Kokichi/Kirumi
@whisp-crs - Yasuke/Chihiro & Miaya/Chihiro
@siramay-the-showgun-dragon - Ryoko/Makoto
@bigbarrysyx - Makoto/Yasuhiro
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kokiwiouma · 10 months
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Commission for @siramay-the-showgun-dragon who wanted Naejunko and ocs super proud how it turned out honestly
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(Post despair) AWE JEEZ I am so sorry! I am so so sorry for all that I’m not affiliated with him but I feel miserable on your behalf! If theirs anything I can do within reason I shall do it have a cookie *gives miu and shuichi cookies* I am so sorry about that allow me to introduce myself I am siramay! The showgun dragon I know all about yah from the multiverse! So let me apologize on their behalf and know I know your love is true and wholesome but also a little raunchy…. So…. How’d it happen?
((This is very lore heavy and mucho texto, so apologies for taking so long to answer))
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Shuichi:...Well I'm not really sure if we should accept things from a stranger...but you seem friendly for now.
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Miu:As to how it happened? Well it all started when Shuichi decided to hang around me while we were trapped in that fucking school, I started showing him my inventions, eventually our relationship progressed to the point I feel about telling him my secret...or what I thought was my secret.
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Shuichi:Miu told me she thought she was an augmented human, and then thought of opening herself to check, I didn't hesitate for a second and stopped her before she killed herself, I stopped her and she ran away, she...um...how do I say this...
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Miu:I fell in love with Shuichi, I fell hard, harder than...huh, I don't wanna talk about it. The point is I didn't know how to handle it at first and because...well, traumas that I don't know if they're real anymore, so I thought Shuichi was in love with me at first, I didn't understand that he was just being nice, but eventually I calmed down a little. I was still in love with Shuichi but I wanted to get him to fall in love with me first...
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Shuichi:I didn't know how to feel at first, though the apprehension I had with Miu was eventually fading away and I was beginning to fall in love with her too, though it's not until later that I realized it.
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Miu:I almost made the biggest fuck up of my life by trying to murder Kokichi and then win the class trial, it failed, Kokichi almost turned the tables on me with the help of Gonta, but I managed to escape due to a failsafe I had installed, I couldn't rat him out because I would have been rated out too for trying to kill him...after that we began to notice Kaito was sick, but at the time he kept denying it, we managed to unlock his lab and we got more memories...or what we thought were true memories.
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Shuichi:Afterwards Kokichi revealed that Miu had made weapons that we can use to break the road of Despair, Miu was put on the spot for not revealing them sooner but I and a few others defended her by pointing she was afraid that they would use them against her, after things calmed down we decided to finish the road of despair once and for all...I stayed close to Miu at all times to make sure she was all right.
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Miu:We managed to get to the end...until we found out that the outside world was a hellhole and basically unlivable, and that ww where on space of all things...or so we thought, and prepare to hear that a lot because to this day I wonder if we're not still under some shitty lie.
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Shuichi:Kokichi then "revealed" himself to be the mastermind and that he had Gonta as his "Forced" Partner, they both had used Miu's inventions to murder Monophie and Monotaro without everyone else knowing and then used another invention of her to take control of the exisals, then proceeded to take Kaito hostage to force me to give him the button to enter the hangar, after that he trapped Kaito in the hangar and Miu and I in a classroom, he said he considered us the biggest threats to him...why he looked us two together instead of separate? I don't know but I thank him for that.
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Miu:I was honestly depressed and scared as shit, there was nothing in that room which would allow me to make an invention to get us out...and I didn't feel like making anything either, I was just tired of everything and clinged to Shuichi for comfort, we talked and vented over everything and then I...confessed that I planned to kill Kokichi and win the class trial, also that Kokichi tried to kill me in revenge, I thought that if I was gonna die in there, might as well go out with no regrets.
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Shuichi:I didn't know how to feel about all that, I mean I should have been mad about it, I was mad about it...but then I remembered Miu had been pushed to this point just like everyone else, I could see she regretted it and didn't want to go through it, after giving it some thought I decided to forgive her for that...and I blurted out my feelings for her.
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Miu:I was surprised that Shuichi forgave me after all that...and I was so happy that he liked me back, it was like a ray of hope in this shithole of a situation, so after nearly fu-I mean celebrating our union before realizing it wasn't the best moment, we were wondering what we should do now, before being freed by Maki and that fucking bitch Tsumigi, more on that whore later.
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Shuichi:Afterwards they showed us a flashback light which made us think Kokichi was part of the Super High School level Despair...which was not true, but we didn't know this at the time, maybe if we did...well, it doesn't matter now. We formulated a plan to stop Kokichi and free Gonta and Kaito...but at the end it was too late.
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Miu:By the time we managed to break through the hangar, someone had died. We didn't know who and by the class trial an exisal arrived that passed itself as either Kokichi, Kaito or Gonta, we had no fucking idea of who it was, not even Monokuma knew which meant we where in an unsolvable class trial...but eventually thanks to my intuition and Shuichi's detective prowess we were able to realize it was Kaito in there, and that Kokichi wasn't the mastermind...and that those three were trying to put an end to the killing game by making an unsolvable murder case and therefore Monokuma couldn't act by his own rules.
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Shuichi:I tried to keep the plan alive but Monokuma began catching on and then the exisal pilot revealed itself to be both Kaito and Gonta...I still don't know how they fit in there to this day. But anyways, Kaito admitted he was Kokichi's killer through their mutual plan and Gonta revealed he was helping Kokichi to end the killing game as long as they didn't hurt anybody else...the plan went off the rails with Maki but it was a messy situation for all of them...we wanted to stop the execution but the Monokubs were back with the exisals and then Kaito decides to accept the punishment since he was dying from his sickness, it was painful...but at least he died on his own terms and passed away with his sickness before the execution could finish.
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Miu:The execution being butchered ended up Kibo's antenna falling off, then he started to act weird after we were flashed with another flashback light, he asked me to put him every upgrade I could give him, I didn't question why, hell I was all for it. Then Gonta asked me if I could finish the prototypes Kokichi wanted me to make...and I guess because despite all the bad blood between us, he did wanted to stop all this shit and he did have good ideas, so I wanted to honor his memory in a way...oh and then Kibo wanted to destroy everything.
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Shuichi:Kibo believed that place was too filled with Despair to exist, so he wanted to destroy it even with us on it. However with Miu's help I was able to convince him that the killing game was being televised with the presence of the Nanokubs, afterwards I asked him for time while we investigated, which he gave us until down and then proceeded to rip apart the Exisals and anything that stood in his part with his new upgrades...we ended up finding out several things.
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Miu:One:Kokichi wasn't part of Super High School Level Despair, D.I.C.E. was just a harmless gang. Two:the true history of Hope's Peak which goes against what the flashback lights showed us. Three:Rantaro had participated in a killing game before and he was the Super High School Level Survivor. Four:A hidden room with a lot of interesting shit that put the first class trial on a new light and also the thing that shitted out Monokuma's:Motherkuma and fifth:The Flashback lights were manufactured in a secret room and you can choose what they show you, so those motherfucking things just were made to lie to us...oh and the room had a secret entrance through the the girl's bathroom.
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Shuichi:I demanded a re-trial of the first class trial we had, Monokuma accepted only if we removed the upgrades from Kibo, Miu and Kibo managed to trick them into thinking Miu could deactivate them at will when he just hid them, they also put the antenna back on him...In the class trial I proved Kaede failed her murder attempt and that the mastermind was the true culprit...I was angry, if you could no doubt tell. Not only was one of my closest friends murdered even though she was innocent, it proved all of this was a sham even by their own rules...and then I pointed out the true culprit...
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Miu:That ugly, disgusting, liar, plagiarist, fat, four eyed cunt Tsumigi. The bitch tried to pass it off as Junko being the true mastermind, which seems believable at first because I got to know that bitch after this mess...except she was fucking defeated and retired, plus they got everyone watching her ass so there's no way she could pull the same shit without the element of surprise and the help she got the first time. Then she tried to mess with our minds saying that was all fake, that we were just fictional, that we signed up for this...spoiler warning:It was all lies, this bitch doesn't know how to say anything that isn't spewing lies. I guess she was saying the truth with Kibo being the audience surrogate, but even then he was able to rebel outside of that.
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Shuichi:After giving us the choice of Despair or "Hope" and many arguments, I came to the conclusion that both choice sucked and the proper way to end all of it was not voting and giving the audience a ending they hate to end the "Killing Game Franchise", everyone thought it was crazy at first.
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Miu:And it was.
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Shuichi:It was, but I refused to let us be played around any longer by those people...in the end my plan worked, the Killing Games ended for good, Kibo sacrificed himself to destroy the academy with Tsumigi in there and we managed to escape, we began to think what to do next after all that and we decided to stick together to find out that and if Tsumigi was lying about what she said...and you probably saw this coming, she was, the events of Hope's Peak Academy and Jabberwock island did happen, because later on we ended up meeting with Makoto, Junko, Hajime and Natsumi who explained to us Team Danganronpa were fanatics of the killing game and hated that she retired after it.
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Miu:So they gave us a home and something to do with our lives, we eventually started this blog...and here we are.
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Shuichi:So our love story was uh...not exactly normal you can see...but I forever be glad that I met Miu.
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Miu:And I always be grateful that I met Shuichi, even in that mess.
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knightscanfeeltoo · 1 year
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I'm sure Takumi is taking this Very Well...
(thank you @siramay-the-showgun-dragon)
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blastthechaos · 1 year
Credit to @siramay-the-showgun-dragon for the idea
Miu:Happy birthday Shuichi! Here's my gift! *Hands over a cupcake in the shape of a hat*
Shuichi:A cupcake?
Miu:A capcake!
Shuichi:...That was a really good one
Miu:Thank you (⁠。⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠。⁠) please try it! I didn't put anything of me inside of it
Shuichi:*Takes a bite* (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)
Miu:...Shuichi?...did I do something wrong!?
Shuichi:...This is the best cupcake I ever tasted in my life...it's so good, it reminds me of my uncle's wife cooking.
Miu:It is? I mean of fucking course it is, your awesome, genius and sexy girlfriend made it
Shuichi:Thank you!
Miu:And it's not the only gift that I have ready for you ;>
Shuichi:...*Chuckles* I look forward to it
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drnewworldaskblog · 2 years
And I'm speaking to you by.... I donno probably magic that how it be sometimes
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[he getting overwhelmed by this]
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Sonic Prime Season 2 Brainrot Thoughts
for everyone including @misterah13 and Big the Cat lover @siramay-the-showgun-dragon
So Sonic Prime is about Sonic (and Shadow) being stuck in a new "Shatterverse" Right? and we've seen a few of them already. but my thoughts are these: 1. What about DARK Universes? and 2. What about other Sonic media (Past shows, the Movies etc.)
I'm talking about characters like Fleetway Super Sonic or even Fucking Xenophanes and the rest of the EXEs just casually showing up in the show. Even the creators pulling a Generations Reference and having Prime! Sonic meet all other variations of himself (like Boom! Sonic or Movie! Sonic, heck, even Classic!)
This could be a great way to look back at Sonic's history and celebrate in such a way that we can enjoy it!
Guys, my journey with Sonic started with the Sonic Paradox Shorts and I believe this could be a great idea to bring Everyone responsible for our love for Sonic (All the different VAs for the characters for example) and giving us one hell of a nostalgia trip.
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blightyartist · 2 years
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This was a fun little comic I did based on true events in the Sonamy Discord!
@aiolesauce @siramay-the-showgun-dragon
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authordgaster · 3 years
So who's your favorite danganronpa character
His reaction to everyone’s bs is equal parts hilarious and relatable
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dumbinvaderzimaus · 5 years
au idea! taking place in the 3 dibs au (with pilot, show and movie dib) where zim knows about the dibs and decides "it is time I fight fire with fire! and by fire I mean dib and by other fire I mean ZIM!!!" so he clones himself and the other zim's have the voices of his previous concepts so one zim being voiced by Mark Hamill and another by Billy West
This would be awesome
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aparticularbandit · 8 months
Ah I see you finishd dr2! Great! I want to talk to you about it! But you block your comments and only let people you follow message you and it feels to open to just repost in the open I leave a ask because I saw from scrolling you have thoughts and I can explain them! As a fellow Junko analizer and lore master I'd love to help anyway I can so please let me offer you this invitation
I'm sorry that commenting on posts feels more open! But I made that decision re: comments (only people I follow and who have followed me for a week) and messages for my own safety. (Because porn bots suck and I don't want to deal with that.)
And with messaging - the most fun I've had in the DR fandom so far (and usually in most fandoms this holds true) is having those sorts of discussions in the open so that other people are included. I've liked the yes and aspect of thinking about the games and the characters with @tobiasdrake and @thebibliomancer (and with @cobaltstarling! who hasn't played the games! but gets the vibes!) and would much rather lore discussions and analysis and commentary that way than in individual one-on-one messaging.
Which is to say, I would love to talk about the things! But would prefer it in the open.
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Yeah I know
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ask-deltakris · 6 years
I am back! and I am here to say, Kris...you're blue now
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*Yes they are still with you.
*Just confused.
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Well since spring break is over I feel it is Finaly time
*dramatic pose*
*ahoges swap body's with their blond counterparts for a total of 10 ask*
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Junko:What the!?
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Miu:The fuck!?
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Natsumi:You son of a...
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Huh, so this is how it feels to be tall.
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Makoto:I told you Junko, don't piss off the dangerous people, but you never listen to me.
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Hajime:Great, so no we're stuck like this for a while.
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Shuichi:I hope this doesn't become a problem for us, who knew running a blog would get us into this kind of things...
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Makoto:Everything we do turns into something weird, this is Hope's Peak after all.
*M/A Counter:10*
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so..well i was just listing to some danganronpa execution music and this idea caim into my head so I made it
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