#it starts out so. normal. there's a lot of big settlements and ghouls are only in the wasteland. people are Safe. and then. shit happens
ruvviks · 2 years
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'Look- Ghouls,' Layla quietly said, leaning over Mac as she pointed at a few rapidly moving dots in the distance. Mac gently nudged Gabriella's camera aside, the knot in his stomach tightening when he moved a little closer to the backseat window to be able see it as well. A small horde, charging with incredible speed at the opened hangar of the wall. They moved unpredictable; changed direction to the approaching vehicles, a view similar to a flock of birds going for a sudden dive. Several little flashes of light came from the cars, and the ghouls dropped one by one- the gunshots were too far away to be heard. || [x] + [x]
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morgenstern16 · 2 months
I played about ten hours of Fallout 4 in Survival Mode and I think this might be the platonic Fallout 4 experience. For those who don't know, survival mode is the ultimate hard mode in Fallout 4 and the changes it makes completely alter how you play the game.
The most fundamental change survival mode makes is that you can only save when you go to sleep at a bed. These can be scattered quite a ways from each other, and if you aren't regularly sleeping, you could lose a lot of progress if you get unlucky. And the thing is that in survival, you need all the luck you can get, because it is vastly more lethal than regular gameplay.
Enemies do way more damage to you, to the point where even a handful of grazing shots can force you to retreat. Firefights you could reliably tank in normal mode will kill you in seconds. That small band of raiders in normal gameplay that act as a roadbump are a serious threat in survival mode. Get jumped by ghouls? Prepare for the fight of your life. Power armor, which in normal gameplay feels like overkill for 99% of all fights, is a necessity for taking on any large fortress or settlement and walking out of there alive.
Healing is much slower in survival, so you can't heal your way through a firefight. If you take damage, it's not going to heal in time for the next round of bullets or melee strikes. Hell, it's probably not going to heal until the entire firefight is done with. Given that the quickest way to make enemies not damage you is to kill them, this also means that reloading is absolutely terrifying. You may be ducking around cover to fall back, but if the enemy decides to pursue, it could mean being sent to your last save.
This also means that any sort of combat ally, such as a walking protectron or merc helper, is a godsend in combat, not only acting as a distraction but providing valuable fire support. I did an entire quest with an NPC merc along my side and by the end I was genuinely grateful for his help, instead of seeing him as an asshole getting in the way of my gun. Proper companions are always helpful, but they're especially helpful here, as they can be healed if they go down covering for you.
They also fill the role of walking backpack, which is very helpful when everything has weight. You can't carry 5 million pounds worth of every type of ammo at all times, you need to decide what types of ammo are worth collecting and holding onto. As your weapons improve, so does their weight, and all the junk you need to sell or use for upgrade gets harder and harder to carry back home.
On top of all this, you need to manage your hunger, health, thirst, and sleep. If you aren't taking care of your body by eating, drinking, and sleeping regularly, your stats will get worse and worse until you eventually die. Not only that, but you can't use food and water to restore your health unless your basic needs are already topped off. So before you go out scavenging out in the wasteland or going on a quest, you need to fill up on all your basic needs and bring supplies with you so you aren't caught starving while out in the field.
Now these are more than just a timer. Remember how I said how combat is much more lethal in survival? Well one of the ways you can even the odds is by using combat drugs. These can boost your damage, increase your defence, or even slow down time. It can very easily be the difference between life and death. In normal gameplay, the downside is getting addicted, which causes stat debuffs if you start going through withdrawal (addiction can be fixed though by going to a doctor or by taking meds, but those are few and far in between). In survival, these also put a lot of strain on your body, drastically cutting into your need for sleep, food, or water. In a sense, carrying supplies is what allows you to go all out in an emergency, letting you pull off maneuvers you have no right to.
Now here's another big change survival mode makes to the game: no fast travel. You can't press a button and travel to the other side of the map instantly. You have to haul ass over there yourself. This isn't as long as it looks once you start clearing out the map and you can just run from place to place, but it means you need a lot more safe places to rest and heal up at. This means you have to really engage with the settlement system to create a network of bases at which you can resupply at. Settlements aren't just a cute little minigame anymore, they're a vital part of your exploration. Building up all these settlements also means you need to engage with merchants much more in order to get rare parts instead of just scavenging when you need them.
In short, survival mode brings all the disparate parts of the game together that really makes Fallout 4 feel like a real cohesive game with a unique emergent narrative. It is deeply frustrating at times but when you can actually scrape out a win against the hellish beasts of the wasteland you feel incredible. I don't know how far I'll be able to get in the game with survival mode on but I'm willing to try.
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tea-with-eleni · 5 months
This week in Barovia Darkon....
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Compiled from like four maps, including the VRGTR one. I had a proper think, read three of the Ravenloft books that detail information on Darkon/Azalin, read the VRGTR chapter on the topic and discarded most of it, and read part of an AD&D adventure set in Darkon/Barovia and discarded a lot of that, too.
Anyway. A few towns have flipped which side of the river they're on and I'm not 100% sure I have ALL small settlements, but if you want a high resolution map of Darkon for your adventures, hit me up?
But I digress.
This week, my players headed to Tempe Falls and were shocked to find a relatively normal town. Like. Okay, it's boring, but that seemed to be the worst of it. There was way more racial diversity than they're used to (Barovia being almost entirely humans with the odd dusk elf for variety). The innkeeper cheerily sold them four rooms and they settled in to enjoy some decent dwarven alcohol.
(Their was a funny moment when everyone collectively realized that a: they have a TON of gold and jewels from the amber temple and b: they probably can't use the gold because it all has Strahd's face on it and all they know about Darkon is that it went to war with Barovia at some point in the past.)
There were some people in the inn: assorted traders, a clerk who appeared to be staying in town while doing some audits or paperwork or something, and a couple of guard/soldier types with some kind of chain denoting rank as part of their uniform. They also had a chat with a somewhat disoriented sorcerer, one Firan Zal'honen. He claims to have only emerged from the mists himself a few weeks ago. I'm sure he's nothing to worry about. It's fine.
The party traded gold for a carriage and two draft horses, on the grounds that they now have
the cleric
the rogue
the fighter
the artificer
the wizard
the bard
Ireena Kolyana
Ludmilla Vilisevic
Volenta Popofsky
and of those, the wizard, the artificer, and the two vampires have issues with sunlight. Oh, and Darkon has an excess of suns. It's fine.
They then decided that they ought to try and find a larger town. The innkeeper gave them the skinny and said that Corvia is a decently big place, but Il Aluk is an actual city. She also warned them to please, fucking PLEASE follow the laws or else they're likely to end up in a world of trouble. The party did briefly lose their minds when they noticed a piebald raven flying around town that headed back to the inn where they're staying. Again, it's fine.
Then they headed out of the Balinok mountains and into the foothills and the town of Mayvin. It's a gnomish town with a massive clocktower and patent hall; the artificer is delighted.
The local scuttlebut is that something really fucking bad happened in Il Aluk and the golden star in the sky overhead appeared shortly thereafter. So naturally my players are like, "WELL WE GOTTA GO THERE!" They also heard the name "Castle Avernus" and the fighter (originally and quite recently from the Forgotten Realms) started freaking out about Elturel. The players also noticed something really off about the (as yet unnamed) Kargat stationed in Mayvin. I ruled that they have no good way of knowing exactly what the Kargat are, though, since the concept of ghouled mortals is basically nonexistent in DnD. (I saw a sidebar in the Ravenloft Gazetteer and thought it was interesting enough to include it...)
My reading list for this week is the first half of The Neverending Story, because I feel like The Nothing is a decent analogue for what's happening, slowly, to Avernus while Firan is swanning about near the borders.
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sosu-morgue · 5 years
Romanced companions reactions to having a child with Soul.
Aww, that’s so sweet
I was going to do this whole convoluted process of who is and is not having a child with Sole since non-humans can’t reproduce, like Hancock - ghouls are sterile.Unfortunately, there are many complications with that which make it too complicated to really enjoy. Curie is a synth, Danse is too, Deacon isn’t so Sole would carry the child but that means a gender neutral Sole isn’t possible.Default reacts will have a neutral Sole. I don’t want anyone to feel left out.
So Sole will be gender neutral and all children will be adopted children taken in by romanced Sole x Companion. It allows everyone to love, adopt, and raise a child while allowing you guys to imagine your own Sole; male, female, or really any gender you want whenever. : )
Context:It was a depressing reality in the commonwealth. This post-war world was changed when Sole emerged from Vault 111, but the harsh world still exhibited no mercy on the defenseless.During their travels Sole found something in need of their help. Or rather, someone.
Cait:Sole, the singular person she cared for dearly, had found a child. An infant to be exact. The kid was wrapped up in this mix of torn clothing and a section of what looked to be tarp.
Cradling the infant in their arms, Sole had this look in their eye. Something connected to them instantly. Cait didn’t know that look, but she had a guess. “Don’t tell me you’re thinkin’ what I think you’re thinkin’.”
Sole seemed awestruck by this child. A young boy with a tuft of brown hair and hazel eyes. “He has the same eyes as Shaun…” They said quietly, like a shocked response under their breath. “It’s… kind of funny. He looks a lot like Shaun, actually.”
Cait stared at Sole who never looked up for even a second. It didn’t take long for Cait to figure out what Sole wanted to do. Though they still fought to save Shaun from the Institute, they couldn’t shake this feeling.
“The hell we doin’, Sole?” Cait’s usual harsh tone caused Sole to glance up, a worried look in their eye. “We can’t just leave the little noise maker here. I know you still got Shaun’s crib.”
Sole smiled and reached to give Cait a hug with one arm. The red haired woman just shook her head. “He’s… kinda cute lookin’. For somethin’ that cries nonstop.”
Curie:Now she didn’t need a lot of convincing. She was more than thrilled to see the infant Sole brought back to Sanctuary.
She held the child, rocked them, and read them stories. She learned all these practices from various surviving books as well as Sole’s instructions. Curie felt so deeply connected to the infant the second she held them.
This affection came as a surprise to Sole and a very welcome one at that. She spent as much time as she could with the new child in their life, sharing parenthood was never something she thought about. She didn’t think it was a possibility considering herself as a synth and Sole searching desperately for their own son.
“Sweet little thing…” Curie held the child close, hugging them to her chest and kissing their nose. “I love you.”
Danse:His life was a… complicated and confusing mess since he was kicked out of the Brotherhood. As a synth he believed his life was an affront to humanity, a threat to future of this world. The Institute created him in a lab, he was not born, he had no family.
Well, expect for Sole. They became his only family and he was thankful, even though he didn’t understand why Sole chose to be with a synth.
Now the complicating life he lead with Sole got even stranger. He figured, before he discovered he was a synth, eventually he would have a family and possibly a child. He would age, he would have to retire from active duty. Something he never wanted to happen, but now that he wasn’t with the Brotherhood…
He held the infant in his arms up, careful to support their neck and head. He had no idea what to do, this was far more confusing than anything else.
But Sole knew what to do, Sole knew everything from the very beginning. Which made sense of course, they had a child before so of course they knew more than Danse.
Yet he held the child, felt how soft their skin was, how they smiled until their face turned red.
And he fell for the child immediately. It was difficult, he didn’t know what to do about this, he didn’t know if he should say this or if this wasn’t normal.
Sole placed a hand on the baby’s head, catching Danse’s attention. They smiled at him and he grinned back.He never thought much about a family outside the Brotherhood and now he wished he had before. He loved the promise of this new civilian life.
Deacon:He missed his wife dearly, he always thought about raising a child with her. Of course he knew that wasn’t possible now, but back then… it was a different world.
Holding this child in his arms he patted their back to calm them. Sole had this sweet, loving expression as they watched Deacon with the child. Deacon was surprised he had imagined it so accurately, specifically how it would feel to hold a child of their own.
This infant was all he wanted as a family. The kid wasn’t a big crier, they seemed more into staring and touching than anything else. When the infant grabbed the rim of his glasses he chuckled. They were reflective and that was perfect for the kid.
“I think they’re digging the shades, Deacon.” Sole took a step back, watching Deacon’s smile widening.
“Of course, they have good taste.” He lifted the infant up, watching them holding the sunglasses to their mouth and sucking on them. “I didn’t mean literally.”
Hancock:The kid was cared for certainly - it was unfortunate that the parents were part of a violent gang ambushing caravans. Sole had to stop the attacks, they were crippling Minutemen supply lines to settlements. Sole and Hancock had no idea there was an infant down here until they heard the cries.
Sole took a shine to the kid the second they found them. Carrying the infant out of the dilapidated super duper mart, Sole found themselves unable to let go of the kid.Then Sole proposed the… option of taking the infant back to Sanctuary and raising them. It was sudden and unexpected, Hancock had no idea what to say.
So Sole suggested that they take the kid in, but Hancock didn’t have to be there. They simply did not want to force anything on Hancock especially since this was such a sudden turn of events and a huge commitment.
Hancock hesitated, he didn’t know what to do. All he really knew was he was in deep with Sole, he didn’t want to leave their side. It took some time, he took a few days to consider it.
In the end he saw how much Sole loved the child, how much they doted on them. He figured Sole was the person he wanted to be with, if there was anyone he wanted to raise a kid with… Sole was definitely the person.
At the end of it all he took up the responsibility. After all, someone had to be mayor when he retired.
MacCready:Having a kid was nothing alien to MacCready. He loved Duncan like his life depended on it. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for his son and he didn’t think he would have another child anytime soon.
Yet here he stood, Sole at his side cradling an infant and cooing to them. Sole loved the child, adored them with everything they had. The kid would want for nothing under the protection of the pre-war survivor from Vault 111. Between Sole, the Minutemen, and Sole’s network of loyal friends and factions - this was the most well protected child in all the commonwealth.
When Sole raised the child to MacCready and he held the infant in his arms, he was smitten with them. The infant held his finger, all bubbly and just happy to be there. Such a sweet happy little child so curious and excited.
He held the infant close, rocking the baby until they grew tired. When the infant fell asleep in his arms, such a content look on their face, MacCready realized Duncan had just got a sibling.
Sole was glad because they already knew the kid would be staying with them in Sanctuary. There was no other option. With MacCready and Sole’s experience raising children, they both were ready for this one and more than happy to take the child in.
Nick:In this dark, grisly, and struggling world raising a child seemed impossible to Nick. For more than one reason for Nick, obviously him being a synth made having a child with any relationship he started would not happen.
Still people raised children and they grew up either in the commonwealth by wanderers, by settlers, or people living in the few towns in the area. He found it rather hopeful, he was glad to see people still trying to live their lives. Seeing the kids run around Diamond City was always a welcome sight.
He never thought about caring for a child himself. There just wasn’t that option, not until he arrived in Sanctuary seeing Sole in their home holding an infant in their arms.
The kid was not Shaun, he knew that. Shaun was older than an infant, they learned that from Kellogg’s memory. This was another child, he didn’t know where from but seeing Sole carry them close…
Nick sat down across from Sole, sure to be quiet as the child slept. Sole gave him an almost nervous smile which Nick returned. He figured this was how it would happen. Unexpected, surprising for sure, yet he welcomed the chance to raise a child with Sole quickly.
Piper:She was always trying to raise Nat, always trying to keep things together. Between work, raising her sister, and crossing the commonwealth with Sole she barely had any time to herself.
So when Sole and Piper found a child in the home of some farmers that had been murdered by raiders, she didn’t know what to think.
Sole took the child back to Sanctuary, resting the exhausted and upset infant in Shaun’s old crib, they took a serious look at their options. Watching the child sleep, Sole knew exactly what they wanted. They wanted to move on… Sole still had Shaun, the synth child made by the real Shaun, who was gone now.
But giving Shaun a sibling, having the chance to raise a child… Sole felt a compulsion to have this chance.
Piper wasn’t against the idea really, she just didn’t know what to do. How to raise a child in the commonwealth wasn’t an easy task. Seeing Sole coddle the child brought a smile to her face.When she cared for the infant, she grew attached quicker than she anticipated.
It didn’t take long before she and Sole agreed to raise the child together, Shaun now had a sibling, and Nat became an aunt.
Preston:He was proud, thrilled to get this chance as a father. He wanted a family, he wanted to make the world safe enough to have a kid and a significant other like Sole.
Now, with the General of the Minutemen, and the Minutemen themselves connecting all across the commonwealth. This was the most secure they might ever be.
When Sole found the child and shared their plan with Preston, he was happy to take on the challenge of raising a child with them. He adored the child, dedicated his days to caring for them and making the world a safer place while they grew up.
He was the happiest he had ever been, it had been far too long since he felt this hopeful for the future. Rebuilding the Minutemen made him hope for the best, but it wasn’t the same.
Now he had someone he loved, a child he would give his life for, and a people he could trust to do right by the commonwealth.
His life, even though he still fought against raiders, mutants, and so many other threats, was perfect. He had everything he ever wanted and never imagined he’d have.
With Sole and his own child in his arms, he knew everything would turn out just fine.
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wham-bam-alacazam · 5 years
Elvira Martin : Laid Bare
Name: Elvira Martin Sex: Female Nickname(s): El - This was a nickname given to her by her ex-husband Nate. She still really likes the nickname and it has a lot of icky sentimental feelings attached to it. 
Ellie - A term of endearment given to her by Cait Age: 27 Sexuality: Bisexual Height: 5 foot  10 inches Weight:145  pounds 
Skin tone: Elvira is very pale. She works hard to maintain her pale appearance, wearing long sleeves and carrying around a parasol to block out the sun. Scar(s): Elvira has a scar along the side of her face. It started about half way down her forehead and runs down by her eyebrow. It’s deep and left over from her days in the military doing field work. A suit of power armor exploded and metal blasted everywhere. She has a few other places on her stomach, arms and legs where the metal scarred after being removed. 
Tattoos:  She has one tattoo of a planchette on her high thigh that is very gothic and dark  
Eye color: Brown Hair: She has straight bangs and a bob of dark black hair. She maintains it very well. Whenever she can, she does her best to wash and tend to her hair. Impairments: She needs glasses for distance. Accent/Voice: Her voice is very smooth and regal. She speaks like she is always in charge. She keeps a tone like she owns the place, whatever dump that may be. Makeup: Her makeup is heavy and always on. She wears sleek winged eyeliner that is somehow always perfectly straight. Her shadow is a dark base with purple around it and under her eyes. Her brows are filled in to keep that thin, arched look. She wears a little blush high on her cheeks but that’s about it. Her lips are always a bright, bold red color with a maroon lining. Freckles/Birthmarks/Etc.?: She had a mole on her forehead that pokes out from under her bangs. 
Clothing: When she’s not in her armor, she wears a tux or a sleek black dress that she’s sewn together herself. Her armor is a vault suit with whatever she can find over it. She often wears a militia hat. She always wears her glasses. Weapon(s): Her signature weapon is a modified black baseball bat that’s been painted with her own intricate and ornate white detailing. It also has razor blades wrapped around it. She likes going in fast and hard. If she needs a gun, its a shotgun or a submachine gun. She’s also been known to use knives when need be. 
Faction Affiliations: Elvira is very much so a lone wolf but she was wrapped into working with the Minutemen and the Brotherhood of Steel. She doesn’t support or stand for much of what the Brotherhood does but she can’t help but feel secure in the familiar feeling working in a military setting with power armor. 
Stats Strength: 5 Perception: 5 Endurance: 4 Charisma: 7 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 3 Luck: 2
Perks: Big Leagues 2
Hacker 2
Locksmith 2
Local Leader
Science! Addictions: Alcohol Loves: 
The dark and mysterious
Honest people
Being Goth
Working on power armor
Tinkering with weapons 
Faction discourse Dislikes:
Being blood soaked
Her hair being ruined 
Classical music
Super Mutants Hates: 
People with alternative motives 
Being disrespected 
Working for free Fears: Assaultrons- She had worked with too many in the past and know exactly what they are capable of, making them a huge fear of hers. 
Turning into a ghoul- While Elvira has nothing against ghouls, she hates to even think about turning into one herself. 
Disappearing- Elvira is terrified that she will disappear one day. That people will just forget about her and that she’s not important.  Quirks: She makes a ‘tch’ sound with her tongue whenever she is thinking or judging someone. Whenever she is anxious or worried she’ll play with her hair. Backstory: She met Nate in the army. She was working in engineering with power armor and he was a soldier. They married young due to pressure from their families. They weren’t really happy but because of pressure from their families, again, they stayed together. It was a toxic relationship on both sides but it all happened behind closed doors. They tried to look normal. Had a kid. Went to block parties. Smiled and waved. But neither were happy. Nate wanted to have a kid. He wanted so badly to have a kid. Elvira didn’t. They ‘had trouble’ having a kid. Their trouble was El continuing to take her birth control. When she finally found out she was pregnant at 26, El panicked. She tried to hide it from everyone, denying it to herself. But eventually she began to show and the jig was up. Looking back, that was the only time she never fought with Nate, purely because of how doting and kind he was being, she didn’t have enough energy to fight with him. After 9 months, she had Shaun. She wanted nothing to do with him and had severe postpartum depression. She wanted to get rid of it. She couldn’t raise a baby. It was Nate baby. Not her’s. She spent days in bed, doing the minimum she could with the baby. Eventually Nate called a doctor to the house to help and they did. She shook the depression and coped with it, but she never got rid of the feeling that the baby wasn’t hers. Of course, it was hers, but it felt so foreign. She started working more and more, trying to stay away from home and Nate ended up staying home with the baby. She got questions about it at work, wondering why she came back so fast but she avoided them all. Whenever she came home, she would always fight with Nate. He was disappointed in her mothering skills. He was angry that she was never home. That she wasn’t a wife anyone. She wasn’t ever a mother. He was the one always putting Shaun to bed and waking him up and changing diapers, giving 2am feedings. She hadn’t even tried to breastfeed. They would scream at each other. She had to work. She didn’t want this. It was his fault that she couldn’t leave. His crazy religious family. It was his constant nagging and complaining that drove her to work herself to death. Elvira ended up cheating on Nate and it came to a snapping point in their relationship. That brings it up to the bombs and the events of the game. She’s slow about trying to find Shaun because she never really wanted a kid but there was always that nagging sense of motherly duty that drove her to find him and the guilt of there being a baby out there alone with a stranger. Although, she was just as much a stranger to him as anyone else. Lover’s Embrace Quotes: 
“Wow you were loud enough to wake the dead.” 
“I did say I’d try anything once..” 
“Nothing could capture this moment” 
“Remind me to bring more candles next time we have a seance at the witching hour.” 
“Breakfast in bed, my dear?”
  Relationships Codsworth: He had always been kind to her, despite seeing the failing marriage he was involved in. He stuck around after the war and helped around the settlement because he found that he enjoyed helping people and serving. Elvira turned him over to Preston where she knew he would be happier serving.  Dogmeat: Good boy. She keeps him safe at him in Sanctuary. He stays at the house and is a lap dog. Preston Garvey: Preston and her are close but it is a very business like relationship. She thinks that Preston is too uptight and too driven. He had no goals outside of the Minutemen. But it worked out for her so she sticks around. She enjoys rebuilding the Commonwealth and bringing something other than violence around. Nick Valentine: She and him have very similar humor and get along well. They go out for drinks often. She appreciates his efforts to help her find Shaun and his sympathetic ear that he often leans. He understands. Piper: She gets on her nerves. She’s too peppy and sticks her nose where it doesn’t belong. But she’s doing the right thing. Cait: Elvira gets very attached to Cait after saving her from the Combat Zone. She feels like they were cut from the same cloth. She helps clean her up and takes her all over the Commonwealth with her. They get romantically involved. 
John Hancock: El and Hancock are bros in the first degree. They are very different but they go together very well. She is always ready for a drink with him. They can talk for hours and laugh and joke forever. Robert Joseph MacCready: Elvira likes how she can make MacCready squirm. He’s got a personality where she know how to mess with him and she does. She doesn’t like how weak willed he seemed to be. Paladin Danse: If Preston is uptight, then Danse is… something else. She regrettably works with him often but that doesn’t mean that she enjoys it. She tries to make the best of it but they clash heads just as much as she did with Nate. She and Danse will scream at each other until the world’s end. But when push comes to shove there is one big difference between him and Nate. El will take a hit for Danse. They have a connection on a deep level. A loyalty to something bigger than themselves, even if Elvira’s is gone. Possibly a romance here? Deacon: Little shit is everywhere and El laughs at it. She picks up on his lies quickly and plays into them. They are trouble with a capital T even if he gets on her nerves. Maxson: El and Maxson run circles around each other. They both have very dominant personalities but they don’t clash. They circle each other like dangerous and hungry lions. 
spotify playlist: x
images: x x 
writing: x x x x x
fic: x
pinterest board: x
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boarix · 6 years
Wraith in the Ruins: A Fallout 4 Story Part III
I Find You
Trigger warnings: Canon violence/language/gun & drug use. Panic attack, self-injury. Mature/suggestive content.
Game spoilers!
Please enjoy!
  “Be careful around the brahmin, Shaun. Preston was just hurt because two of them lost their collective minds over nothing.”
Wraith and Hancock had just returned to Sanctuary from a settlement security patrol. She had been stopped at the Big Bridge Gate by provisioners and the sea of brahmin was making her nervous.
“Okay. Sorry, grandma.”
It made sense to Wraith. She had “created” the child who became Father and Father had, in turn created Shaun. It had taken all of Dr.Amari’s expertise to help the synth understand who and what he was. It was a rough endeavor with lots of crying all around. Wraith had added the event to her already enormous mountain of guilt. Yet, it had been important to her that Shaun knew the truth, and that he was still going to be loved. That he was still a person and had a family.
Shaun had spent quite a bit of time in Diamond City since the fall of The Institute as Wraith wanted him to spend time with other children his apparent age and make friends. He could attend school there and have some semblance of a normal, safe childhood. With the threat of the Gunners looming over Sanctuary, as much as it pained her, Shaun was safer the less time he spent there.
Her recent appointment to mayor had Piper very busy, but she had made it very clear to Wraith that Shaun was welcome to stay with her and Nat and that she would be the “Best Auntie Ever”. Hancock had a strange smile on his face when Piper told them she had given Shaun his old room, “I made sure I went through it thoroughly.” She had seemed disappointed that she hadn’t found anything incriminating.
You had one job. One job as a mother.
“Grandma, may I go find Panther?”
An enormous house cat that had appeared in Sanctuary just after Wraith had brought Shaun back from the Railroad, Panther seemed head-over-heels for the child and the two were almost inseparable. Wraith would shake her head in wonder at the sight of Shaun lugging around a 30lbs cat like it was a stuffed animal.
“Okay, honey. Just stay inside the walls.”
“I will!” As Shaun trotted away (kids hardly ever just walk anywhere) he passed MacCready and the two exchanged a wordless low-five-side-fist-bump handshake.
“Hey there, boss lady! You guys just get back? See anything cool?”
“Oh, Mac, perfect timing, could you take my pack for me?”
“Why do I always end up hauling your shi… crap anyway?”
Wraith leaned backward onto his chest and looked up at him while batting her eyelashes, “Because, daarrrling, you are so great at it!” Returning her focus to the clipboard she was holding, she missed MacCready’s flustered blush. “Nothing too exciting on patrol. I did just see you and Shaun exchange a flawless secret handshake, so that was cool. How is sniper school going?”
“Shaun is doing great, the kid’s a natural. Speaking of school, you’re not coming today right?” It was a loaded question; he really wanted her there but he also wanted her to rest. “You guys just got back, and you have to be exhausted.”
“Yeah, but I said I would so…”
She trailed off as Danse came “clumphing” up in his freshly painted Quantum X-01 armor. Wraith couldn’t help but smile as Sturges had really outdone himself. The symbol for the newly commissioned 1st Commonwealth Heavy Dragoons was done in yellow paint across the chest plate. Hancock had been enormous help during Wraith’s research and she knew he would be happy to see it applied. Based off of the flag used by the Revolutionary War’s Continental Light Dragoon cavalry, it was a sun-like orb with upside-down wings and ten rays: five above and five below. Ribbon-like scrolls above and below held the creed “The Commonwealth calls, and her children respond in tones of thunder”.
“Oh my! Danse! That looks so amazing!”
Danse looked about as proud as one could, and he beamed at her.
MacCready was hugely annoyed by the interruption and was rolling his eyes so hard it was almost audible, “Yeah, yeah. It’s real great. You didn’t answer me. You gonna come shoot or are you going to go to sleep? Sleeping an hour every other day isn’t good for you ya know!”
“When was the last time you ate, General?” Danse smirked at her, more than happy to flip their customary roles.
Wraith passed the provisioner back their clipboard and gave them a nod before turning away and walking toward her office, “Ha! My two dads… I got it under control, fellas.”
“Where is Hancock, by the way? He’s the only one who can get you to take care of yourself.” MacCready looked around as he and Danse followed her up the street.
“He’s exhausted and I knew he wouldn’t go lay down until I did. I gave him some of the new sleep aid Curie and I have been working on, said he could help with our dosage trials. Stuff knocks me out but it’s too much. Lasts all stupid day… I’ve too much to do.” She pointed to a couch someone had set up on a nearby porch, “That’s as far as he got.”
“You gave Hancock chems?” Danse was incredulous and MacCready’s face had turned scarlet and grumpy.
“Don’t you guys start with that, now. It’s perfectly safe! MacCready?” She didn’t like him mad at her but at the same time there was only so much admonishment she was going to take.
He hugged her pack to his chest and looked at his feet, “He uses so much less now. I just want him to be clean, ya know?”
“I care about him too Mac. He’s resting and he’s helping.” Putting her fingers to her mouth, Wraith whistled for Dogmeat. Crouching to meet his jubilant greeting, she roughed him affectionately, “Hey my buddy! Whose sooo good? Do me a favor and keep an eye on your blood brother for me.” She pointed at Hancock’s prone form and after an affirming yip, the German Shepherd bounded over to the couch and wiggled himself into Hancock’s embraced.
“Hey there, puppy love. Who’s momma’s good boy?”
“Well, he’s still alive anyway.” Danse was frowning.
“Not the point, tin can!”
“Alright, that’s enough. Come on you two.” Wraith continued up the street with Danse close behind.
Sighing loudly, MacCready fished a blanket out of Wraith’s bed roll and spread it over the delirious ghoul.
“Hmmmm. Thanks, little brother.”
  “Hey, Hancock…” Her voice cut through his delirium like a ripper, “hey, come and eat with me.”
Disentangling himself from dog and blanket, Hancock blinked and gave the sky an accusatory look, “It’s dark! It’s night?!”
“Quite the pair of eyes on you.”
“You let me sleep all day?”
“Yeah, sorry about that. I guess the dosage is still too high. Plus I figured you needed it.”
Hancock took her by her shoulders and scrutinized her face, “I needed it? You need it sister. You had any?”
“I tried for a few minutes this afternoon, but couldn’t… shut down. Hey sorry about knocking you out. I didn’t mean to… I wasn’t trying to get rid of you.”
Shaking his head, he dismissed the issue and ran his hands down her arms, pulling her closer. “I know you, sister.” His hands found their way to her hips and he cocked his head to the side, “You know, I have a few methods we could try to help you sleep.”
His charming smile and insinuating tone were making her feel warm. “Oh? Are you going to read me a story? Tuck me in?” She tried to make her voice sound challenging and firm, but was certain her flushing face was betraying her.
“I could do that.” Placing a hand at the small of her back, he removed any remaining space between them, “Whatever you need from me.” He was looking at her with a hungry intensity that made her weak at the knees.
“One of your long mayoral speeches ought to put her out. You kids know this is technically a public street; wouldn’t want to have to report you for indecent exposure.”
“Valentine!” Pulling away from Hancock, Wraith went to hug the synth detective.
“Thanks, Nick. Thank you very much.” Hancock had still had his arms up but now dropped them, defeated.
“Hey, kid,” Valentine patted her back affectionately, “you get those notes I sent about the Norseman case?”  
“Yeah, but Val, I thought I was going to meet you in Diamond City. I don’t like the idea of you walking all this way on your own.”
“Sweetheart, I’ve been crossing the Commonwealth for centuries. No need for you to worry after me. Besides that, with my new lead, it will be quicker for us to leave from here.”
The pair turned and Wraith took Valentine’s arm as they headed up the street, leaving behind an apparently forgotten Hancock. Sighing loudly he crouched and addressed Dogmeat, “You love me, right? Give me kisses?” Dogmeat happily washed his face for him.
Remembering him, Wraith yelled back over her shoulder, “You comin’ or what?”
Sighing again at the double entendre, Hancock nodded at her, “Come on, puppy love, I’ll split a steak with ya.”
“Arooero. Garryip err.”
“Oh, I beg your pardon! Of course you’ll have your own!”
“Arreeyow mnnngrow!”
“Two?! Now, let’s not be greedy.”
  On the foundation of a previously existing house, Wraith and Sturges had built a community eating area, with several picnic tables and a large outdoor oven/fire pit. Shaun had long been put to bed and most of the settlers had gone home.
“Hearts and I’ll go it alone!” MacCready, Cait, Curie and Danse were playing Euchre, and despite being three-sheets-to-the-wind, MacCready was still dominating. “Read em and weep,” Rather than play out the whole hand, the former merc simply laid out all 5 cards on the table.
“Fuckn’ bollocks!”
“Bon, monsieur MacCready. We win. Yahoo!”
“Best three outta five?” Cait hated that she was losing even though this was a friendly game intended to teach Danse and Curie how to play.
“Oh, I would enjoy that very much! This game is exciting, no? And working together in pairs is excellent for team building and bond-forming, oui?”
“How ‘bought it Tin Man? You feel any ‘bonds’ forming?”
Ignoring the baiting, Danse turned to Cait, “I’ll do better this hand. I give you my word.”
“Oi, Danse, it’s not all your fault. If you don’t get the cards…”
Taking a swig of beer, MacCready gave a long grumpy look toward the conversation being held at another table. Hancock, Wraith and Valentine had been discussing a case all night. Feeling left out and jealous of Hancock and Wraith’s time, he was drinking a lot more than intended.
For his part, Hancock’s irritation at Valentine’s earlier interruption had dissipated as soon as he realized he could help. His near-perfect recall of anything he’d read happened to included Norse Mythology. The perpetrator on their current case was committing seemingly random murders, whose only connection were notes left behind at the scene, pinned to the victims like name tags, identifying them as one of the various Norse gods. Confused as to why some of the gods had been used more than once, Hancock’s suggestions and input was proving invaluable to them.
“I wish I could come with you two but as it is, Fahrenheit is gonna have me tanned for new boots if I neglect my ‘Mayoral duties’ any longer.”
“It’s a real shame, John. I sometimes forget how useful you can be.” Valentine gave the ghoul a wink.
Yawning hugely, Wraith stood up and stretched. Standing as well, Hancock admired her shamelessly. MacCready, his eyes on Hancock, scowled from the other table.
“Hancock, would you be a gentleman and escort me home?”
“Well, I can do one of those things for sure. Heh.”
“Goodnight everyone! Goodnight, Val. I’ll be ready to go in the morning.” Wraith bent and gave Valentine a kiss on his cheek.
“Hey! Where’s my sish… kish?”
Without missing a beat, Hancock stooped slightly and kissed MacCready square on the mouth. Wraith’s eyebrows threatened to throw themselves off the top of her head and she wasn’t the only one.
After blinking owlishly for a second or two, a huge idiot grin spread across MacCready’s face, “Hey, man, thanks. That was… that was really nice.”
“Anything you need, MacCready. Shall we go, General?”
Hancock offered Wraith his arm and as the two turned the corner they could hear MacCready as he yelled straight into Cait’s face, “I love those two guys! A loft! But I’vetasay, between ‘em I don’t know how they get an edge in wordwise. A wisest… Hedges!”
“Alright ‘MacDrinky’, you’re cut-off, boyo”
 Smiling to himself, Hancock was lost in thought and absidmindedly rotating his right shoulder.
“What’s the matter you sleep funny?”
“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about.”
“Is it your coat? You know, yours was the first one I did so if there is a seam too tight… I’m a lot better at it now so you should let me fix it.”
“Sister, what I want you to do now, more than anything, is to go to sleep!” It wasn’t true of course, what he wanted them to do was actually quite different.
“Well, we won’t see each other for a while and I don’t want you to get hurt because I fucked up your ballistic weave.”
“If it’ll give you some peace of mind…”
Wraith had a workshop set up on the first floor of her home/office and leading the way she waved her hand until Hancock surrendered his trademark coat. “Is the blue one okay? Better give me that one too.”
“You know, my pants…”
“Ha ha, very amusing.”
Wraith tried her best to admire Hancock without him noticing. Despite all his bravado, it was rare that he was in any state of undress around her. He certainly was lean, but despite that and the scarring, there was something undeniably handsome about him. Perhaps it had something to do with the way he carried himself, or that amazing voice, or the way he wore his trousers low on his hips…
What are you even thinking about? How dare you look at another man? Nate has only been in the ground for a few months!
She started to shake uncontrollably and her chest tightened.
What was your plan, bringing him back here? Oh sure, have yourself a nice fuck while the love of your life rots in the dirt! He died trying to protect your son. Your son is dead. You killed your own son. You had one job! One job as a mother.
“Wraith?” Hancock could see her gasping for air, “Wraith! What happened?”
“I killed them! I KILLED THEM ALL! They are all dead because of me!” Bringing her hands up on either side of her head, she proceeded to dig into her temples with her fingernails, “I killed my SON!”
“Wraith stop!” Hancock grabbed her wrists and straining against her, managed to pull her hands away. Groaning when he saw she had drawn blood, he pressed his forehead to hers and said her name over and over, “Wraith. Sister, come back. Come back to me. I’m here. Listen to me, to my voice. Wraith. Wraith.” She had stopped fighting against his grip and her breathing slowed, “That’s it. Just breathe. Breathe with me. Count with me. In two, three, and out two, three. I got you.”
They stood together for several minutes, Hancock counting their breaths. Wraith eventually sagged against his chest and he held her close for several more minutes.
“I know that this is unfair, but would you stay with me? Just until I get to sleep! You wouldn’t have to stay all night. Shit! I didn’t finish your coat!”
“Whatever you need from me.”
“I’m going to go check on Shaun, and I’ll meet you in my bedroom. I can finish your coat before you leave tomorrow.”
Panther had draped itself like an ushanka hat around Shaun’s head. Raising its head when she walked in the room, it greeted her with a gruff, growling purr. Satisfied Shaun was safe and asleep she gave the cat a pat and went back downstairs.
What am I going to sleep in? I don’t want to give him the wrong idea. Oh god, what does he sleep in?
Deciding on a pair of shorts and a tee, Wraith washed her face and hands and brushed her teeth. Taking a deep steadying breath she opened her bedroom door.
Hancock was standing next to her bed waiting for her. He had removed his shoes but left his shirt and trousers on, “How do you want me?”
“Would you…just hold onto me?”
“Anything you need, sister.”  
 The Norseman case wrapped ugly in a chaotic gunfight, with a screaming perp and a dozen or so raider minions. The Norseman turned out to be a man who had assumed the moniker Skuld after one of the three Norns. Proclaiming himself the “Guardian of Destiny”, he was in truth, completely out of his mind and thankfully a terrible shot. The seemingly random victims had been chosen just as Hancock had thought: anagrams of characters from Norse legend that had been punished after disobeying the gods. They assumed that the names were derived from a book on Norse mythology that was found on Skuld’s body. After convincing the raiders that he was going to lead them to a “greater destiny” and “lots of good chems” they had protected Skuld with fanatical loyalty.
It was a cluster fuck if there ever was one.
Valentine and Wraith were on their way back to Diamond City and were staying the night in a Minuteman safe house, at the detective’s insistence. While she got water to a boil, Valentine locked the stairway door and did a window check.
On perhaps his third lap around Wraith noticed his pacing, “You alright, Val? You’re making me nervous. Are you expecting someone?”
Valentine didn’t make unnecessary movements: his gestures and body posture were part of the memories up-loaded from the original Nick Valentine. But as he turned to answer her his head twitched unnaturally, “Sorry, kid.  I’m trying to figure out how to ask you something.”
“What’s wrong?” Alarmed by his tone and the tick, Wraith moved away from the cooking station to stand next to him. His nervousness was out of character for him. Something was off.
“I have a problem but before I get to that, I wanted to ask you about what went down between you and Deacon. Why did you… leave the family?”
Wraith flinched at Deacon’s name, “Why, what’s that got to do with anything?”
“Because, he’s offered me a… new suit. I’m having a hard time making a decision and frankly I feel a little lost.”
“Oh. Oh!” Wraith bit her lip, “Wow! I’m a little… I’m sorry. Are you afraid the offer isn’t genuine? He wouldn’t lie about something like that.” She folded her arms and looked at her feet, “The Railroad used me. They had information on my son because Deacon himself watched me leave the vault for the first time. They knew who I was and what I wanted and used me to take down their greatest enemy. They waited for me to approach them, until I helped them, before offering me any aid. Even then, accessing the Institute was as much a boon to them as it was to me.” She raised her head and smiled at him sadly, “The worst part, if I’m being honest, was that I believed Deacon when he said we were friends. I’m mad now because he has me second guessing myself. I miss him; his stupid jokes and running commentary. For a sneaky spy he sure talked a lot. This coming from a former lawyer…”
“Kid, I’ve known Deacon, in one form or another, for a long while and I know that he genuinely liked you.” Valentine placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze, “He was your friend. You were more to him then the battering-ram that the Railroad used you for.” Tilting his head to the side, he smiled at her, “You have a lot of enemies in this world, sweetheart, don’t reject a friend. Even if he’s a sneaky spy.”
“I’m sure I burned that bridge.”
“Bridges can be rebuilt. The reason I asked is because I want you with me if I accept their offer.”
“Of course I would be there, regardless of my own bullshit. But enough about that part of it, what are your reservations? Let’s break this down logically.”
“It’s hard to be logical when it’s this… emotional.” Valentine paced away from her, his hands clasped behind his back, “Well for starters, after so many long years, I’m used to this mug of mine. It would be trying to say the least, to adjust to a new look.”
“But you wouldn’t, not really. It should be easy for the Railroad to… um… adjust your suit.”
“You mean I could have it tailored?” Valentine laughed. His head twitched again and he seemed to be completely oblivious to the involuntary movement. “I want to hear your honest opinions on this. What would you do?”
“I honestly don’t know. I’m afraid for you! I want you to be safe and happy. I went through this with Curie and I was so scared that I might lose her… What does Ellie think?”
Wraith rolled her eyes at him, “Yes, Ellie Perkins. I think you are familiar with her.”
“I’m sure she would be upset that I didn’t pull through. Finding a good job can be difficult…”
“You have got to be kidding. Ugh, Val you are such a man. She’s going to be pissed at me for outing her but, her signals are obviously not getting through to you.”
Valentines eyes widened at the implications, “What? Why would she… I’m an old… toaster for heaven’s sake!” He wiggled his right hand at her, “I’m missing skin! She’s a beautiful young woman and I’m… Well, I’m not good enough for her.”
“I’ve never been beautiful, even when I was a young woman.” She held up her hand at his scoff, “I’m not saying I’m hideous or anything, but you can’t get much more Plain Jane than me. Part of the reason I did so well in the Railroad; slap a wig on me, change my clothes and I could be fifty different people, easy.” She returned to the cooking station and tossed in a few items from her pack, “Nate, on the other hand… You know that image in your mind when someone says ‘handsome soldier’, that was him.  He looked like he had been carved from onyx. Tall, dark and gorgeous. He could have had any woman he wanted and he picked the one who was eight years his senior and as mousy as you can get. Hell, I’m so loud and bossy, ‘shrew’ would be more appropriate.”
“I would say ‘lioness’.”
“My point is, sometimes wonderful people see something in us that we could never see in ourselves. Love goes farther than skin-deep. Ellie loves you, Val,” She stirred her dinner with a detached negligence, “you really need to talk to her about all of this. Now, from a business standpoint, your clients might be put off if your appearance was to suddenly change, but they knew you were a synth from the get-go.”
He didn’t respond. Something definitely was wrong. Her food prep forgotten, Wraith returned to Valentine and patted his arm. Nothing. He was standing perfectly still in the center of the room.
“Valentine?” Grabbing both of his arms she shook gently, “Valentine!”
He slowly raised his right arm, bent at the elbow, reaching for her.
“Val, can you hear me? Uh… blink once for ‘yes’ twice for ‘no’. Okay?”
One slow blink.
“What happened? Oh fuck, sorry. Do you know what happened?”
One blink and then two.
“So, ‘maybe’. Are you shot? Did you get hit when we were fighting the Norseman?”
One blink, then two.
“Okay I’m going to check you over but Val, it could get… intimate. Is that okay with you?”
He slowly reached out and touched her cheek while blinking once. She held his hand to her face for a moment trying to calm herself. Dragging a chair over to him she removed his hat and checked his head and neck thoroughly. Finding no new wounds she removed his trench coat, tie and dress shirt and went over his chest, stomach and back. There. Maybe. In the small of his back was what looked like a bullet hole. She had never seen his naked torso before, let alone scour it with this level of scrutiny but the scorch marks and melting on his synthetic skin looked new.
“I think I found it but I have to remove a panel on your back. Is it going to hurt you?”
Even after his single blink response she wasn’t wholly convinced. Wraith didn’t understand exactly how his sensors worked. He apparently didn’t realize he had been shot in the first place, but that could have been a result of the wound itself. Or he hadn’t told her as to not worry her.
They were going to have a talk about that later.
Wraith removed a scalpel from her med kit and set the edge to a seam in Valentines dorsal panel, “Okay, here we go.” Using it as a pry-bar, she ran the scalpel around the edge of the panel and popped it off one edge at a time. Returning to his face she checked in, “Still okay?”
One blink.
At first she didn’t see exactly what was wrong as it was easy to get lost in the technological maze of the synth detective’s inner workings. Then her eye was drawn to an arching blue light that was being generated from a severed wire. It appeared as though the bullet hadn’t done any structural damage to him aside from the entry wound. Valentines framework was essentially bullet proof; which was why he had refused ballistic weave.
They were going to have a talk about that too. The wires and tubes that acted as his circulatory and nervous system were definitely not bullet proof.
The slug in question had been rubbing against a set of wires and had cut all the way through one of them and about half way through the second. Had Valentine told her he had been shot immediately, aside from his pride, he would have avoided any real injury.
Oh, this conversation is going to get loud!
In her excitement of diagnoses, Wraith reached in and grabbed the slug. The resulting electrical discharge threw her back ten feet and she almost went through a wall. Dazed, she sat prone for a few minutes until the excruciating pain in her right hand brought her to her senses. It looked like she had cooked it in a microwave. Retching, she pulled herself to her feet and stumbled to the med kit where she injected herself with Med-X and a stimpak as fast as she could. Wrapping her had in gauze, she returned to Valentine who was blinking “no, no, no, no” at her.
“I’ll be okay. I just did something really dumb. I’ll be fine.”
Round one goes to the slug, you jackass!
Wraith traced the wires down to a connector and theorized that if she disconnected the whole unit she would be able to remove the slug safely. She then could replace the damaged wires and Valentine should be okay. But where could she find replacement parts?
We are only a few miles from ArcJet Systems! Danse and I tore through there a while back and there should be plenty of what I need!
With renewed enthusiasm, Wraith gently disconnected the wires and removed the slug. Holding it like a trophy, she showed it to Valentine.
His eyes were completely dark.
“No. No, no, no no noooo. Oh God!” She cupped his face in both her hands, “I’m going to save you, partner! I love you, buddy, and I’m not going to let you die. I’m going to save you. You hear me? I’m not giving up and I’ll be back real soon.” She pulled the chair back over so she could kiss his forehead and nose. Then she quickly geared up and left via the window.
As soon as she was outside she pulled out the emergency-only chems. Full-up on psycho jet and Buffout, she sprinted the entire distance to ArcJet in only a few minutes. Once inside she popped some Mentats and set to work.
This is going to work. This is going to save him. I’m not going to lose him.
It was a macabre scene as Wraith ripped apart synth after synth looking for an intact set of the wires amongst the pile of blasted and pulverized torsos.
This would have been a lot easier had you not nuked your right hand, you moron.
Just in case there were size differences in the connector sockets, Wraith searched until she found 3 sets. After some more chems she sprinted back to the safe house.
As soon as she reconnected the wires Valentine jerked awake as if from a bad dream. He spun around and grabbed Wraith by the shoulders, “Kid! What did you do? Are you alright? Your hand!”
“Oh, Val…” Sobbing and shaking violently from overdose symptoms, she wrapped her arms around him and cried onto his chest.
Scooping her into his arms he carried her to the med kit and held the addictol inhaler to her mouth, “What have you done to yourself? Awww, dollface…”
Hiccupping, Wraith fixed him with a glare that could melt steel, “Don’t you dare say you’re not worth it! I refuse to let you die. You stupid, big, dumb… ass… man. Ugh, too many chems…”
Valentine disliked that.
  A few days later, Wraith dropped the detective off at his office with plans that he and Ellie would join Piper, Nat and her for dinner later that evening. She wanted to give him time to have a long talk with Ellie. In the meantime she needed to run errands in the market. Buying more Med-X for her throbbing hand was top of the list.
She felt eyes on her. Not just the friendly gaze of a curious passer-by, this was an intense scrutiny. Crouching and pantomiming checking her shoelaces she glanced around. Gone. Whomever it was had either lost interest or had upped their game.
“Hiya, Ms. Wraith!”
“Hi, Nat. How are you?” Tousling her hair, Wraith momentarily forgot her injury and used her right hand.
“Oh wow! Wud you do?”
“I held a grenade too long.”
“For real?” Nat’s eyes got round, “Nuh.. nuh-uh! What happened for real?”
“I’ll tell you and your sister later. I’ve got some shopping to do,” The eyes were back. Closer this time. “Why don’t you go tell her I’ll be up to see her in a minute?”
Wraith watched as Nat jogged away toward the lift and as soon as she was sure the kid was safe, she stepped sideways into a shadow and vanished.
Deacon knew he had been made, “Damn, she is scary...”
Keeping to the shadows himself, he turned down the row of residences past the Science! Center. As he was passing the home of the former Doc. Crocker, the door flew open and he was grabbed from behind. With no apparent effort, Wraith flipped him over a coffee table onto a couch while swiping his glasses off his face and shutting the door.
Landing in a huge cloud of dust, Deacon coughed and sneezed dramatically, “Hack! Aachoo! Ugh, well that was rude! May I help you?” He had adopted an annoyed expression but his eyes kept darting to her bandaged hand and the little flickers of concern in his eyes called him a liar.  
“I thought I had told you to stay away from me? Have you been following me?”
“Well, aren’t we narcissistic? Believe it or not, Wraith, you are not the center of the universe.” He was glaring at her now, “And what you said was ‘stay out of my line-of-sight’. You’re the one who pulled me in here! Give me back my goddamn glasses!”
Frowning in the face of his anger, she put his glasses on and folded her arms, “No, I’ll be keeping these. You may consider it punishment for creeping on me.”
“Fuck you, Wraith.” His anger was genuine now.
What is your goal here? You do miss him… Lots.
“I’m tired, Deacon. Very, very tired. I don’t want to fight anyone anymore. I liked it better when I thought we were friends.”
“Well, we weren’t so…” He turned his head to try and hide his eyes, “I used you to destroy the Institute. Now that that’s done… so are we.”
His anger flaring, Deacon stood to yell at her, “What the FUCK do you WANT from me?!”
“One truth. Just give me one.”
“RRRRAAAAGGGHHHHAAA!” In an inarticulate rage, Deacon waved his arms around above his head. Then, apparently spent, he suddenly plopped back down on the couch, which resulted in another cloud of dust. He sat with his face in his hands for almost a full minute, “You scare the shit out of me.” Raising his head and making eye contact, his eyes where brimming with tears of frustration, “I found myself concentrating on our friendship… on keeping you happy and safe. You were becoming my priority. When you told me to… to go… I told myself I was relieved. It wasn’t true, of course. Now, between missions, I come and… I find you. Wherever you are, I find you. Because seeing you alive and safe… makes me feel better.” By the end, he was staring at the floor; no longer able to meet her eye.
Removing his sunglasses she folded them and stuck them in her lapel pocket, “I believe you. I’m still keeping this pair of glasses though.” She walked around and stood next to him, “As further punishment you have to hug me now.”
“Ugh! Don’t you know girls have the snooties?”
“I think you mean ‘cooties’, and yes, I’m crawling with them.”
His arms shook as held her close for a few seconds. As he let her go, he gently grabbed her wrist and brought her bandaged hand up between them while raising a ginger eyebrow.
“It’s from a thumb-war with an assaultron.”
          Thank you for reading! Like what you read? Looking for more? Please see the Wraith in the Ruins master-link by searching under my bio. I will also be reblogging the master from time to time.  =^..^=
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Name: Eliana Abrell Nicknames: Ellie, LeeLee (Only certain people call her that) Gender: Female Age: 218 Birthday: February 17, 2069 Species: Ghoul Height: 4ft 2in Weight: 55 lb Languages: English Relationship: Single Sexuality: -------------- (Not really Looking to ship this character) Left/Right handed: Right Voice: N/A Backstory:    Eliana was an average, pre-war girl before the bombs dropped. She always liked to watch her father work on his robots and wanted to be just like her father when she grew up. She loved to walk in the shallow river near her house and look for objects others usually overlook, these were treasure to her.    Her parents needed to go out for a few days for business, and left Eliana in the care of their Mister Handy, Arden. It just so happened that this was when the bombs dropped. It isn't certain how she survived, all you need to know is that she did, but was ghoulified as a result. Arden insisted that they wait for Mr. and Mrs. Abrell to return from their trip then discuss what they were going to do, but they never did come back to the house. The two waited there for several months before they were pushed out by raiders. Arden thought the next step would be to head to where her parents were, so they started venturing.    As the years pasted, both Arden and Eliana started loosing hope that they would ever find her parents. Eventually, Eliana gave up looking for her parents after around 40-50 years due to her accepting that they were either dead or had forgotten about her by now, but she continued traveling anyway. She realized she loves exploring, and finding things other people may find "useless". She started selling the various Pre-war knick knacks she came upon, even though she barely gets any business its better than not having any caps. She also started repairing Arden whenever he started breaking down or whenever he was damaged.    Now she travels from town to town, selling many various useless items to whoever is interested in looking at the past. Personality:    Eliana, even though she may not look like it, she is very independent. She still maintains many childish tendencies and acts like a child a lot of the time, many child directed things still interest her, though if questioned about it she'll deny it does. Eliana is smart for her size, but definitely not a genius by any means, just more advanced than most folks in robotics specifically. She wants people to believe she's old/big enough to act for herself and isn't a stupid little kid who needs worrying about. She'll insist that she's old enough to handle anything thrown at her, but she really isnt prepared for anything without Arden. Likes: - Machines - Traveling - Prewar stuff - Ghouls - Synths - Kid stuff (Though she will deny it if asked about it) Dislikes: - Chems - Raiders - Being treated like a child - Conflict - Important Information being held from her just because she's "A kid" and "cant handle it" (Being lied to) - Being looked down upon Strengths: - Eliana does know a decent amount about machines and she can fix something up for money or for herself. - Eliana has Arden, who is a beefed up Mister Handy, who normally handles any conflict they come across. He is completely loyal to her and normally always looks at her best interest rather than everyone else's Weaknesses: - Is a ghoul (Never the less a child ghoul). A lot of the time people don't talk or buy from her due to the fact that she is a ghoul. She is also attacked by many bigots who do believe that Ghouls are abominations. - Ellie knows zero combat skills herself and relies on Arden to defend her. If she were forced into a combat situation she would most surely die. Regular Inventory: - Around 200-300 caps on her (Cannot get these unless she is killed) - Random Knick Knacks (I.e.: Jewelry, Clothes, Bowling Balls, Sewing needles, Teddy Bears/Toys, Etc.) (Prices vary) - Will sometimes have comics or bobble heads on her (can probably be bought for 200 caps apiece) Relations: Family:    -Alessandra Abrell (Eliana's mother, a very respected high school teacher in the community) (Whereabouts: unknown)    -Ivrin Abrell (Eliana's Father, Works with machines) (Whereabouts: unknown)    -Arden (The Abrell family's mister handy. He is Eliana's full time caregiver. He is very conceited and moody, but is very well mannered. He looks out for the best interest of Ellie, stopping her from making foolish choices. He also keeps her from travelling with people for her own protection.) (Whereabouts: With Eliana) Friends: (Open?) Enemies: -Raiders (Open I guess) Notes: -Normally, Eliana can either be found in a ghoul centered town/settlement or just wandering around an abandoned city/town with Arden looking for goodies. -Its hard for her to stay in one place at once, she loves exploring and adventuring so much that if she isnt exploring somewhere new, she'll very slowly become a little sad and disappointed. Normally, her and Arden just leave without consulting anyone really, since there's nothing ever really stopping them. The only way Eliana would willing stay in the same place for too long would be if Arden were to be broken beyond repair. -If she is in a Town, then you would get an option to "borrow" Arden from Eliana for a short period of time, though you would normally need to do a speech check to actually do it. Its around 700 caps (which can be talked down to 450 caps) to rent Arden, and Eliana would make you promise to bring him back in one piece. From that point on Arden would act as a temporarily companion to whomever until you dismiss him. Eliana will stay in the town until Arden is dismissed back to her. -Isnt very fond of Smooth Skins and much more prefers Ghouls no matter what the situations is. She doesnt Hate Smooth Skins, she just isnt the MOST fond of them. 
Rules of the character: -NO pornography of the character whatsoever -You don't have to ask to draw her, just credit me -You may review her, I don't mind (I would really like them QwQ) -If you have Questions, You can ask -Anything else, I don't really care Fallout belongs to Bethesda
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zrtranscripts · 6 years
Season 7, Mission 22: Down on the Farm
This Little Piggy
[motorcycle engine rumbles]
SAM YAO: I still think the two of you should have taken a burn cube, Nads. Just in case.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Janine went over this before we left, Sam. Twice.
SAM YAO: I know, I know! But we do have burn cubes from Sigrid's island. And I know we don't have loads, but we did get them specifically to use on V-types. And now you and Five are running toward the biggest horde of V-types in the country!
NADIA AL HANAKI: A horde that's moving through the UK's most fertile farmland. The high yield [?] wheat grows there. A burn cube could poison the soil for generations. Look, the country's relying on us. Two more colonies fell to the horde yesterday, right?
SAM YAO: Did you hear about South Roughead?
NADIA AL HANAKI: The one with all the scavenged video game consoles? I loved that little place.
SAM YAO: [sighs] Yeah. The horde got them overnight.
NADIA AL HANAKI: All of them?
SAM YAO: Mm. A few managed to escape. But this horde. Well, it's not like normal zoms. Straggling, disorganized. It's like it waits and then strikes all at once. And the Ministry used to do the zombie horde reports so people could know what was coming, but we can't even work together well enough to do that anymore!
NADIA AL HANAKI: South Roughead used to think it was funny. The early warning stuff. They used to prank it, remember?
SAM YAO: Yeah. Those reports of zombies with the bodies of horses got them cut out of the warning network. So they had no idea the horde was coming.
NADIA AL HANAKI: All the more reason to work together now. Valmont says he's got an anti-V-type weapon that won't leave environmental fallout. That's got to be worth trying. I keep thinking some of the Riders would be happy about this. The bad ones, I mean. They're causing more chaos dead than they did alive.
SAM YAO: I mean, did they really like that? Chaos?
NADIA AL HANAKI: Some of them were almost religious about it. "You have to choose – order or chaos. No middle ground." Five, we're close to Valmont's rendezvous. That massive farm up ahead. The barn's the size of a small mansion, and it's got a huge water tower like a UFO on stilts.
BRENT VALMONT: Hello! Brent speaking. Uh, meet me by the stables. I have exciting news. Uh, do hurry. ANNIE has prepared some welcome canapés!
[motorcycle engine rumbles]
BRENT VALMONT: Legs! Oh, you're looking healthy as ever. I bet Sam is in your ear. Don't worry, I've got speakers ANNIE can connect him to.
SAM YAO: Oh no, please [over intercom] don't – ugh. Okay then.
BRENT VALMONT: And if it isn't my very favorite runner, old Hot Wheels!
BRENT VALMONT: Nadia Al Hanaki. Uh. There's food here. Help yourselves.
[pig snorts]
NADIA AL HANAKI: Is that a pig under the table?
BRENT VALMONT: Straight to business, eh? That is one of my new secret weapons. Come here, Voltaire. There's a good pig. Voli here is a special breed of truffle hog, an old Xia-Hifa pilot scheme here at the company's farm.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Big bacon market in the arms industry, was there?
BRENT VALMONT: [laughs] Oh, good heavens, no! No, Voli isn't for slaughter. Far from it. You see, my clients occasionally had a lot of bodies to dispose of, and well, pigs eat anything. So we engineered a breed which was enthusiastic about necrotic flesh.
SAM YAO: Guys, I've got cams up on the farm. There's more of those pigs penned in the barn. [laughs] Pretty cute, to be honest. Apart from the tusks.
BRENT VALMONT: I was think about V-types when it struck me, we can't blow V-types up because bits go everywhere. Except with the pigs, we can! We blast them and pigs gobble up the remains.
NADIA AL HANAKI: So basically, your plan is to turn the V-types into compost.
BRENT VALMONT: Never let it be said that Brent Valmont is not a friend to nature. [alarm rings] That's ANNIE's proximity alarm.
SAM YAO: Yeah, there's a bunch of ghouls passing near you, led by a V-type.
NADIA AL HANAKI: All right, this is your chance, Mr. Smooth. We can test out your idea, if you feel up to the challenge.
BRENT VALMONT: I was hoping you'd say that! I have a few grenades in the farmhouse. Why don't we grab some and welcome our new friends? Legs, the pigs are penned up in the barn on the other side of the farm. Run over there, open it up. They'll go straight for the smell of rotting flesh. Hurry, everyone. Time and ghouls wait for no man.
[explosion, zombie parts splatter]
NADIA AL HANAKI: I got the V-type dead on with that grenade. Took out the ghouls, too.
BRENT VALMONT: And one wall of my farmhouse, but I have others. Bits of zombie and ghoul everywhere, of course.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Here come the pigs.
[pigs snuffle, zombie flesh squelches]
SAM YAO: Oh, they're chomping away. That's cute and disgusting? Is that a thing? Adorable, yet awful? Ugh, look how they go straight for the eyeballs.
BRENT VALMONT: A rousing success! Now, with a little time to organize -
NADIA AL HANAKI: Wait. What's that?
BRENT VALMONT: Come again?
NADIA AL HANAKI: On the horizon. Big moving blob.
[alarm rings]
SAM YAO: It's zoms. A lot of zoms. In leather clothes. With face tattoos.
NADIA AL HANAKI: The Last Rider V-types? All of them, from the look of it.
BRENT VALMONT: Mm, ANNIE was sure they wouldn't come this way. The old girl has been a little bit unreliable lately. I'm still getting to the bottom of why.
SAM YAO: They're headed right for you. You don't think maybe they can sense you killed one of their own?
NADIA AL HANAKI: Zombies don't work like that, Sam. Smooth, how many grenades do you have left?
BRENT VALMONT: A gentleman never tells! Oh, there's that Learjet-downing look of yours. All right, three.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Won't make a dent in that horde. Wait, I have an idea. Everybody to the water tower. I'll explain when we get there. Just run!
SAM YAO: Okay guys, I see you under the water tower.
BRENT VALMONT: You know, Legs, life is so much more rambunctious when you're around.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Remember London, Five? When you blew the Thames barrier to wash away those V-types? If it worked there, it'll work here. We knock over the tower, it cracks open, water rushes out, zoms get scattered, we get time to escape.
SAM YAO: You better hurry, guys. That horde is closing fast.
NADIA AL HANAKI: We see them, Sam. I recognize some of the faces. See that one at the front? Minty Davis, just turned 14. Liked snakes. Became a Last Rider because he missed his mom. The worst Riders would have liked this. The rest... they were just lost. They didn't deserve this.
Five, chuck a grenade at the right support strut. Smooth, take the left. That should set it teetering in the right direction. We'll need to run clear before it falls. Regroup at the barn. Go, now!
[grenade pins are pulled, explosion, tower creaks and crashes to ground]
[tower cracks, water rushes]
SAM YAO: Guys, it's working! The tower hit the ground and split open. The water's like a tidal wave. It's washing the zoms away.
BRENT VALMONT: So much for the Last Riders, eh? The living ones are gone and the dead are scattered. They never were high achievers.
NADIA AL HANAKI: The survivors, the ones who weren't at the hotel, they're not all gone. Some of them are at Abel and other settlements now, trying to work out how to live normal lives.
SAM YAO: [sighs] That can't be easy. Were they – were they like, brainwashed into it or something?
NADIA AL HANAKI: Yeah. Some of them basically were, I think. They were confused about why they were there to start with, I think, and now they're not surrounded by cannibal nihilists, they're doing okay.
BRENT VALMONT: But some of them were enthusiastic about the old cannibal nihilism.
NADIA AL HANAKI: A handful. There's still chatter on the Last Rider frequencies. A few survivors saying there's nothing left to do but die in glory. Which is a worry, I'll grant you. But something's wrong. The horde was huge when we spotted it. And when the tower burst, it looked small.
[alarm rings]
SAM YAO: Guys, V-types coming out of the fields east of you. Lots of them.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Leather jackets?
SAM YAO: Yeah. It's the same group. Your friend Minty's at the front.
NADIA AL HANAKI: They split their forces while we were running, had some of them approach under the cover of the corn. They were trying to outflank us!
SAM YAO: Wow. That's like Janine-level thinking. We've never seen zombies do that.
NADIA AL HANAKI: We've never seen this many V-types in one place. All right, I know this sounds nuts, but could they be like, discussing tactics together?
BRENT VALMONT: I've been asking ANNIE for a helicopter pickup, but the nearest craft is uh, some time away.
NADIA AL HANAKI: They'll be on us any second. We need a new plan. The pigs. They're our only chance. They're over near the farmhouse. Don't gawp at me, Smooth! Run!
[pigs snort]
BRENT VALMONT: Oh, good God, Voltaire. Stop licking that skull and just eat it, please.
SAM YAO: Uh, why exactly did you name a pig after a French philosopher? 
BRENT VALMONT: Genius, enlightened man, name beginning with V. Whimsical nod at the historical competition. I don't see how my pets can help us, Nadia.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Those pigs have nasty tusks and eat dead flesh. There's dozens of them. If we charge them at the zoms, we might buy time to escape.
BRENT VALMONT: These pigs are worth a fortune! And they're not meant for combat.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Then we'll need to motivate them. I'll rev my engine behind the herd. That'll get the pigs moving. Five, Smooth, take a sidearm each and run alongside the herd, firing into the air. Once they're in a good panic, we can break off. The pigs'll slam into the horde and we'll run as fast as we can the other way.
The zoms won't eat your pets. They're only interested in human flesh. Everybody ready? Don't give me that mopey look, Smooth. It's this, or we join the Last Riders, and once was enough for my lifetime. All of you, three, two, one, go!
NADIA AL HANAKI: The pigs are charging straight toward the zoms. Everyone, break off. Head into those fields.
SAM YAO: The pigs are just about to hit the horde. They're in a panic, but they're smelling the dead flesh. I don't believe it! The horde parted to let the pigs through.
BRENT VALMONT: Are they still coming after us?
SAM YAO: No. They're closing ranks around the pigs. [pigs squeal] They're tearing them to shreds, like they knew they were a threat!
NADIA AL HANAKI: That's too smart. And we didn't see them communicating with each other, did we? The whole lot of them moved as one, like they have one mind!
BRENT VALMONT: So much for my pets. And I had such high hopes for them. Oh well. ANNIE's mapped a safe route back to my nearest compound, so I think I'll be off. But let's all do this again, sometime. It was rather thrilling.
NADIA AL HANAKI: Five, get back to Abel. I'm going to head straight for the nearest colonies. I'll warn them to lock down or get out. There's nothing we can do to fight a horde like this.
SAM YAO: Okay. Good idea, Nadia. Five, you need to head away from the nearest colonies. You'll rendezvous with Peter and Janine to encourage the zoms to chase you, not Nadia. It's dangerous, but they're the only ones near enough to help. We have to draw that horde away from the settlements. Any direction will do.
[radio static]
COLONEL SAGE: Abel runners, this is Colonel Sage of Banktown. I think I can help. My plan requires split-second timing, but if you are willing to trust me, it may save all our lives.
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another-fo4-blog · 7 years
“Companions react to snowy winter and being dragged by Sole to ride a sledge, please. <3″
Love this! I may have gone a bit off track from your request, so I hope this is what you wanted. Where I’m from people often use the word “sled” instead of “sledge”, so I hope it’s alright if I use that instead.
Cait: Snow was an uncommon sight in the Commonwealth, and even when it did fall, almost no one viewed it as a good thing. Cait had a particular problem with it, given her hard lifestyle. To her, snow meant cold, and cold could mean death in the poorly-heated and half-ruined buildings of downtown Boston. She had been traveling with Sole for a while now, and had grown accustomed to the nicer accommodations in most of the settlements, but couldn’t help but cringe a little at the sight of a thick blanket of snow when they left Sanctuary early that morning. She was just about to comment on the hard times to come, and how much she disliked the snow, when she looked over at Sole. They were grinning, fucking grinning.
“What the hell are you smilin’ at?” she asked, as they walked towards the bridge, “It’s gonna be a lot harder to fight off raiders and ghouls in the damn cold!”
Upon hearing this, Sole’s smile faded. They stopped, thought for a moment, and began grinning madly again.
“Come on!” they said, and ran back towards Sanctuary.
When Cait caught up to Sole they were sifting through a pile of junk. Before she could comment on their apparent mental break, Sole pulled out a warped old board, laughed gleefully, and ran off towards the hillside leading up to Vault 111. Baffled by the strange turn of events, she followed them up the hill.
When Cait met them at the top their only words were “Get on!” as they sat her down. Before she could ask what the hell was going on, she felt a firm push, and began sliding down the hill. She hadn’t gone ten feet before she rolled off the side and marched back up to demand answers. Once Sole explained that pre-war families used to do this for fun during the colder months, she agreed to try it again.
She began to enjoy the thrill of larger and larger hills, and after that sledding became one of her favorite winter activities…so much so that Sole always had to come with her to make sure the hills were exciting, but not insane.
Codsworth: In all his years hanging around Sanctuary Hills, Codsworth had seen snow many times. In the early years after the bombs fell, there was very little in the way of precipitation, except the lethal radiations storms that would blow in from the Glowing Sea. It took quite a while before snow reappeared in the Commonwealth, and even then it was a rarity.
Until recently, he had only viewed snow as an obstacle-something that interfered with his ability to keep the house tidy-because he never got the chance to spend a winter with the Mr. and Mrs. before the bombs dropped. During this most recent snowfall, however, Sole had gone all-out with the decorations, hot chocolate, and as much seasonal music as they could find. To ensure that Codsworth got the full winter experience, Sole tried to take him sledding. The sled promptly caught fire from his thruster, so Sole decided to make a sled just for Codsworth so he could participate. The result was a metal sled with “arms” that could be attached to his body so that the sled would carry him down the hill.
Although Codsworth appreciated the effort Sole went to in making the sled, he found the experience disorienting.  He contented himself to make hot cocoa for the group when they finished for the day. He did participate occasionally though, because he loved to see the others laugh at the sight of a Mr. Handy sliding down the hill.
(He did once accidentally slide towards the Sanctuary bridge just as raiders were attacking, which confused them so much they ran off.)
Curie: Curie had heard the scientists in Vault 81 reminisce about snow and the cozy winters they spent with their families, but she had never actually seen snow until she began travelling with the Sole Survivor. When she emerged from her house in Sanctuary that cold morning, she was greeted by the sight of several children already engaged in a snowball fight. Sole-likely the one who started the fun-was among them. Quite content to let others play such a violent game, she spent a few minutes examining the snow and quickly tested it. She was surprised to find it was somehow radiation-free.
She was about to remark on this revelation when a badly-aimed snowball missed it’s intended target and knocked the sample right out of Curie’s hands. She was began instructing the children on the potential dangers of hurling objects at one another when Sole quickly intervened and offered to show her an activity she might enjoy. Curious, she followed them up to the hill overlooking the town. When they reached the top Sole handed Curie one of two curved boards they had apparently scavenged sometime that morning.
“What is this for?” she asked, confused.
Sole explained that people sometimes slide down the hill for fun, and offered to show her how to do it. Concerned that Sole might get injured taking an old board down the uneven hill alone-and a bit too scared to do it herself-she decided it would only happen if they could go down together. Sole agreed to this sent them racing down the hill.
Curie found she liked the feeling of letting gravity pull them along, but was too concerned for Sole to fully enjoy the experience. While she spent most of her time during the snowfall making sure others-namely Cait and Strong-didn’t hurt anyone with snowballs, she did occasionally ask Sole to take her sledding again.
Danse: Throughout his childhood and during his time with the Brotherhood, Danse had seen snow several times, but most of the people he’d grown up with were too scared of mutants or ghouls to go out and enjoy it and no one in the order seemed to think it was a source of fun either. Snowfalls in the Commonwealth and the Capital were few and far-between, and civilians and soldiers alike normally saw them as something they had to endure and get past in order to survive.
When Sole was visibly excited at the sight of snow blanketing the landscape, Danse was a bit confused. They seemed unperturbed by the somber looks from the settlers, and actively tried to get people engaged in snowball fights, building snowmen, and finding things to use as sleds. When sole found an old board in a junk pile that would serve their purpose, they immediately ran over and insisted Danse go with them. He began to ask about the group of ghouls they were supposed to track down today, but before he could finish, Sole was already halfway up the hill. Flustered, he followed them to the top, and Sole was already sat down on the sled when he arrived.
“Okay,” he said firmly “I’ll go down once with you but then we have to find those ghouls before they hurt anyone. Deal?”
Sole, apparently unfazed by the strict tone, eagerly agreed. Danse hopped on the back of their makeshift sled and pushed them down the hill. He had a bit more fun than he’d like to admit, and they went a few extra times before he remembered their mission. After they dealt with the ghouls and made sure that no one else needed help, they spent the rest of the day finding suitable hills and better sleds for the following day.
Deacon: Deacon had been in the Commonwealth for most of his life and he’d seen several snowfalls in that time. While many people in and around Boston viewed winter as a burden or a time of hardship, he saw the potential fun to be had. Back before he joined the railroad, he’d done his fair share of winter activities, but often prefered a good snowball fight over sledding.
It was early in the morning at Railroad HQ when one of the runners reported one of the first snowfalls in quite a while. They did this to notify Desdemona that operations might take longer than usual, but Sole had other ideas. Tinker Tom had found a way to increase the power of the thrusters used in Super Sledges, but it was too dangerous for use in a handheld weapon. Sole proposed that the thruster could be used for something more fun, and they began quietly working on their new project. A few days later Sole told Deacon there was a surprise waiting outside, and led him out the escape tunnel to the open street.
“We’re a little exposed out here...what’s this big surprise you have for me?”
With a flourish, Sole lifted the tarp covering their new invention: a rocket-powered sled.
“Tinker gave me some amped-up Super Sledge rockets to help us get around in the snow!” they said excitedly “This way we don’t even need a hill, we can just ride it on the snow-covered streets!”
Deacon was unconvinced, “I’m all for having a little fun, but this is just crazy.”
After several minutes, a lot of pleading, and a small bribe Deacon agreed to give it a test run. Sole activated the over-powered rockets and away they went. Later, when Deacon would tell the other Railroad agents about the ride, he would say he kept his cool, but in reality he actually yelped at the burst of acceleration from the little boosters. The sled went faster than even Sole had anticipated, and Deacon insisted that they use it to get around as long as there was snow on the ground.
(Desdemona shot down his proposal that all Railroad agents should use high-powered sleds in the winter)
Dogmeat: Dogmeat had seen snow plenty of times before, and while winters were cold, he loved to run around and roll in the soft, powdery drifts that would pile up around the Commonwealth. Once they met Sole, his affinity for winter only increased, and they spent their free time together enjoying it.
He was a bit confused, however, when his master found a seemingly normal piece of sheet metal, and ran excitedly towards the nearest hill. The energy was infectious, and Dogmeat chased after them, racing to the top. Once their, Sole sat on their newfound sled and motioned for Dogmeat to sit on their lap.
Confused, but excited, he hopped onto the sled with Sole and felt them push the metal sheet down the hill. The feeling of falling frightened Dogmeat a little and he jumped off before they reached the bottom, following the sled to make sure his master was alright. Once he saw Sole’s wide grin he ran back to the hilltop so they could do it again. He started having more and more fun each time, until eventually he was comfortable staying on the whole way down. Eventually some of the nearby settlers joined in, and that was how they spent the rest of the day.
Hancock: Hancock had seen snow a few times during his days of adventuring across the Commonwealth, and tried to avoid it as often as he could because it stung slightly when it touched his rough skin. One of his favorite things to do in the winter was take some jet and watch the snow slowly descend to the ground.
Lately, though, he had been travelling with  the Sole Survivor, and at the sight of the first snowfall he could feel their growing excitement. Once the snow had truly covered the landscape Sole was insisting that they go out and enjoy it, not just endure it. They casually mentioned the idea of sledding, and suddenly Hancock brightened up and agreed to go. Sole wasn’t sure what brought about the change of heart, but they didn’t care as long as Hancock was excited about it. They found a warped old door that would serve nicely, and set out to find a suitably large hill. 
Once they arrived, Sole was about to get on their new sled when Hancock pulled some Daytripper out of his jacket.
“I always wanted to try this!” he said casually “Wanna try it with me?”
Sole had no problem with Hancock’s use of chems, but they were hesitant because Daytripper was pretty rare, and they’d never tried it. They looked up from the pills to Hancock and saw how excited he was, and agreed to give it a shot. They each took a few, and Hancock pushed their makeshift sled down the hill.
They went down several times before the Daytripper kicked in, but once it did the two had trouble making it back up the hill. When they staggered to the top the stumbled down onto the sled and began sliding before they had sat down properly. The result was more of a tumble than a smooth slide and they rolled to a stop at the base of the hill. Enjoying the chems and the soft snow, they laid at the bottom, giggling, for the next half-hour.  
Once it wore off they headed home for the day, but they did take a few more “trips” down the hill before the snow melted away.
Nick: Nick wasn’t particularly fond of snow because of it’s tendency clog up his more-mechanical components, which made it harder to get around during the winter months. Fortunately snow didn’t last long in the irradiated wasteland, and normally he could get by with a thick scarf and some gloves. Over time he noticed that the children of Diamond City loved to play in it, which always brought a smile to his face. Winter had come to the commonwealth once again, and while Nick was dreading the fact that he would have to wear extra clothes for protection, he could tell that his travelling companion was more than excited for the snowy fun to come.
They were on a routine trip to Diamond City to trade and see if any more cases had rolled in, and decided to stay for the night. The next morning they awoke to the sound of a commotion in the market, and rushed out to see what was happening. Far from an attack or a synth sighting, they were greeted to the sight of the city’s children playing in the first sprinkles of snow, while their parents were engaged in numerous conversations about the hard times they faced. After getting what they needed from “Crazy Myrna”-as Piper was fond of calling her-they left the city and set out for Sanctuary.
As they travelled cautiously through the dangerous streets of Boston and Lexington, the snow began to pile up further and further. They passed several normally threatening creatures, including a pack of wild dogs and a Yao Guai, but all seemed to be settling in and preparing for the cold in the coming days. As they entered Sanctuary the snow was well past their knees and Nick was grateful for the literal Sanctuary that was his local home.
While he took a moment to clear out some of the accumulated snow and let the meager heat of the house melt some of the ice off his skin, Sole was out trying to get the adults excited about the cold, and showing the kids how to build snow walls to protect against raiders. When Nick completed his maintenance he exited the shack just in time to see Sole uncover a badly bent piece of sheet metal from a nearby snowdrift. He had an idea of what the were about to ask and went to walk back into the house when Sole rushed over and grabbed them by the arm.
“You have to go sledding with me!” they said excitedly While Nick was pleased to see his friend so happy, he wasn’t fond of the idea of cleaning up all over again. 
“I don’t know kid...” he began, but they were insistent, and dragged him up the hill behind the town. Once there they hopped on the dangerous-looking sled and waited for him to join. He could see how eager they were to take the old synth sledding, so he agreed.
“Alright...I’ll go with you, but you have to fix anything that breaks.” Sole saw this as fair and nodded enthusiastically, then motioned for him to get on. Nick tightened his scarf in an attempt to keep the snow out, and boarded the damaged sled behind his friend. With a light push, he sent them off the bank and down towards the town.
As they picked up speed more and more snow began to fly up, and by the time they reached the town the poor synth was practically buried in in the stuff. The two tumbled, laughing, out of the sled and Sole helped Nick get back to the warmth of a nearby house. After that Nick tried to stay away from sledding and contented himself to watch the others enjoy the fleeting winter fun. (Sole did manage to convince him to go a few more times, but the rides always ended with Nick needing a hand back to get back home.)
Piper: It had been quite a while since Piper had seen a snowfall in the Commonwealth, but she always enjoyed used to enjoy taking Nat out to play in it. Since they had moved to Diamond City it had only snowed once, but it was too dangerous to take her outside the Wall to enjoy it. She had recently begun travelling with Sole, and they had cleaned up much of the area around the city, but she still wasn’t comfortable with taking Nat out to go sledding.
One day, when the snow was falling particularly hard, Sole told Piper that they had an idea on how they could still have fun in the winter, and led her up to the empty stands behind the market. When they arrived Piper was surprised to find that Sole had somehow constructed a ramp out of wooden boards that led from the top of the wall, down the stands, over the railing, and into the City’s garden.
“See? Why go outside the city to sled when we have an excellent hill right here?” Sole was clearly excited about their creation. Ignoring the fact that they somehow did this without any of the guards noticing, Piper thought the ramp looked way too dangerous.
“There’s no way I’m taking Nat down this! It’s a deathtrap!” she said, gesturing to the haphazardly placed boards.
Sole was unconvinced, “Come on! Won’t you at least give it a test run?”  Piper looked from her friend to the slope down the stands and admitted to herself that it did look like fun.
“...alright, I’ll try it...but you have to go with me. If I’m gonna get hurt, then you are too.” Sole nodded eagerly and pulled a sled seemingly out of nowhere. ;) They clambered onto the sled and Sole gave them a light push onto the ramp. 
At first they slid gently down the ramp, but the further they went the sled picked up more and more speed. Sole had tested the ramp the previous night and it seemed safe enough, but this time, with the weight of two, they went much faster. By the time they reached the small jump over the railing they were practically flying towards the ground, and flew clear over the end of the ramp, smashing through several of the City’s mutfruit plants before they came to a stop.
Later, after being yelled at by Piper, some of the nearby civilians, and several city guards, Sole offered to replant the mutfruit and begrudgingly disassemble the ramp. They never did get to take Nat for a ride, but Piper admitted some time later that it was a lot of fun.
Preston: Preston had lived in the Commonwealth-in one place or another-his entire life, and he’d seen snow plenty of times throughout the years. Often times settlers would groan about the cold and the wet and eagerly wait for the snow to melt so they could carry on with their lives. He had met a few lighthearted civilians that enjoyed the colder months, and he had tried out sledding before. Once he joined the Minutemen he was often too busy helping the inhabitants of the Commonwealth to take part in the fun, but during this latest snowfall, there didn’t appear to be anyone in need of help. 
Since he had recruited Sole to lead the Minutemen they had done an excellent job cleaning up the area. Most of the local threats had been taken care of, and the raiders were probably too busy preparing for the cold to cause trouble. Finally able to relax and enjoy the snow, Preston engaged in a few snowball fights with the settlers, and had started building a snow wall around Sanctuary with some of the local kids for fun. 
The General had been doing much the same, and while they were clearing out some of the snow by the road they uncovered an actual pre-war sledge sticking out of a small junk pile. They raced over to Preston, took him by the arm, and led him up to the nearby hillside. Without hesitation he joined his friend on the sledge and pushed them down the hill, enjoying the simple fun in the experience.
They managed to go several times before some of the kids noticed and asked if they could go. They gave up their new(ish) sledge to the kids and returned to the town for the day.
Strong: While Strong had seen snow before, he never gave it much thought other than “Cold”. To him, it didn’t seem helpful in his quest to destroy all humans, so it wasn’t worth thinking about. When snow began to fall that year, he noticed that his new friend had some kind of fascination with it. Sole had tried to explain that you could have fun sliding around in the snow, but Strong didn’t really understand what was fun about it. (They didn’t mention the concept of throwing snowballs because they didn’t want their super mutant friend to hurt anyone.)
Once the snow had piled up enough, Sole retrieved an old car hood that seemed big enough, and tried to get Strong to try sledding. He did try it several times, but he would get angry if he fell off, so Sole decided it was probably best for everyone if Strong avoided it in the future.
X6-88: Similar to Strong, X6-88 had seen snow a few times in the past, but never gave it much thought. It impeded his ability to carry out his mission, and therefore he disliked it. Snow had begun to fall in the Commonwealth and he noticed that his latest traveling companion was growing more and more excited as it piled up further.
“Why does this excite you?” he asked, “It’s going to take us at least twice as long to complete missions, and if it gets any higher we may have to stop altogether. This question was greeted by a puzzled look from his companion.
“Well, yeah...but now we can do other things...like...sledding!” 
X6 knew what sledding was, but didn’t understand why his partner was so excited about it. “Doesn’t it seem pointless to slide down a hill, just to climb back up?” Sole, determined to make X6 see the fun in the activity, grabbed a nearby board that could function as a sled, and led him up the hill.
At the top they sat the sled down and motioned for him to sit. Confused, X6 did so, and Sole hopped on behind him. With a shove, they slid off the bank, and down the hill. At the end X6 was covered in snow and seemed more annoyed with it than he had before. Sole tried several times to get the synth to see the fun in sledding, but to no avail.
This dragged on a lot longer than I anticipated, so in the future I’ll either write short reactions for every companion, or longer, more detailed stories if you specify which one you would like. Sorry MacCready didn’t make the list, I haven’t spent that much time with him, but I will rectify that in the future.
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concussed-to-pieces · 7 years
The Kindness; Part Eleven
Fandom: Fallout (3)
Pairing: Female Lone Wanderer/Charon
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: Only the epilogue to go! Whoo!
Spoon insisted on butchering the dead deathclaw and taking the meat with them. Charon could feel his happy-go-lucky rad-induced attitude starting to slip away, and it relieved him. He'd said too much when he was content and he definitely wasn't at his fighting finest when he was in a goddamn euphoric fog. He kept his shotgun ready, scanning the horizon for threats while Spoon peeled the hide off the corpse.
  “I'm definitely taking these claws with me.” She said finally, tugging down the bandanna she'd used to protect her airway from the rather rank smell of the dead animal and scrubbing the blood off her hands with some clean dirt. A dribble of snot from not breathing through her nose trailed down her face and Charon couldn't hold back a snort of laughter.
  “What? Aw ew, ew.” Spoon groaned, wiping her nose on her bandanna and shooting the still-grinning ghoul a dirty look. “It's not funny!”
  You look good no matter what, smoothskin. But goddamn, do you look wonderful when you want to knock my teeth in . “No, of course not.” Charon agreed, making her huff in annoyance.
  Spoon yanked her old boot back on, the remnants of her bloodied pant leg dragging in the dust as she stood. “I don't care, it fits me so I'll keep wearing it.”
  She seemed defiant, and Charon shook his head. “You don't have to rationalize to me, Spoon. You know that.”
  “Yeah...” Spoon shakily stood on her tiptoes and patted his shoulder. “Let's go, big guy.”
  “Lead the way, smoothskin.”
    When the leader of the settlement pulled a pistol on them, Spoon was hardly even surprised. It wasn't a settlement, it was a trap for her. Everyone knew about ' The Lone Wanderer and his seven foot tall ghoul ' thanks to a certain loud-mouthed radio DJ, and the bounty for her from the Talons must be pretty ludicrous if they were willing to set up a fake camp next to deathclaw territory.
  Charon, without a word from her, grappled with the man and snapped his arm like a twig. “Anyone else want to try? Anyone else want to get beaten by the zombie?! ” Charon roared as he stood over the man, teeth bared.
  Oh he's pissed , Spoon gulped as another man came at her with a knife, and she slammed the butt of her rifle into his head after sidestepping his blade almost without thinking. Then, there was no time to think after Charon issued his challenge, mercs on them like feral ghouls.
  Spoon soon found herself back-to-back with seven feet of snarling, swearing ghoul, a grin on her face as she heard him holler, “Watch out for the rotface , you cowardly pricks! ”
  “My ghoul!” She yelled proudly over the din.
  Charon's body stiffened for a moment, and then a low rumble from his chest indicated his approval of Spoon's claim. Spoon's grin widened when he answered, “My...smoothskin.”
    Charon couldn't help the sound that came out of him when he heard the small scavenger call him hers in the middle of the brawl. Her ecstasy was tangible when he replied in kind. He knew he must look like a maniac, cheesing from ear to ear while slaughtering a group of poorly-organized men. There was no helping it, though. The two of them could anticipate each others movements seamlessly, a literal dynamic duo of guns and fists against the pitiful horde that clashed with them.
  They finally stood victorious, hardly a scratch on either of them. Spoon smiled up at him, looking thrilled. That smile seemed to sing through his blood, his bones. Charon dropped his gun and swept her up, pressing her into the wall of the shack. He groaned into her neck, his codpiece feeling too small with her up against him. “ Fuck smoothskin, you can't do that.” He admonished, “Not in a fight. Christ. You'll kill me.”
  “Scold me later, okay?” Spoon breathed, her fingers framing his jaw as he easily held her. “Are you hurt at all?”
  “Scrapes. This old hide is tough.” Charon smiled down at her. “You?”
  “I'm fine, thank you.” Spoon looked at his mouth, then back to his eyes. “Could I...?”
  “Yes.” Charon growled, surprised when she slid her hands to the back of his neck and carefully tugged him down to her like he was delicate. The kiss was soft, quiet. Which was great in its own right, but...“You're not gonna break me, smoothskin.” He protested when she pulled away.
  Spoon shrugged, her flush back. “I don't really know what I'm doing. I thought it was okay.”
  “We kissed before...wait, what do you mean 'I don't know what I'm doing'?!” Charon's voice threatened to crack as the realization hit him. Oh my god, what if she's never kissed anyone else except me. Holy fuck she's never kissed anyone except me. “Fuck's sake Spoon, you could have let me know.” He grumbled, tucking a lock of her hair back behind her ear.
  “It's embarrassing!” Spoon blurted, “I can fight and smoke and drink but I wasn't kissed until you came along? Shit Charon, I'm an adult in an adult body over here.”
  “...please tell me you've at least fucked before? Someone's given you a roll in the hay, right?” The relief he felt when she nodded was short-lived.
  “I've never come though, so I don't know if it counts. At least I don't think I have? I don't really know what it feels like, so my frame of reference may not be that great.” Spoon bit her lip.
  She was so shy about the kissing and then this? Jesus Christ . Charon felt like all the air in his body had been knocked out by a massive punch. He was suddenly aware of the heat he was putting out, and the smoothskin's legs wrapped around his hips. “Smoothskin, that's not normally information you'd volunteer.” He pointed out weakly.
  She rolled her eyes. “I want you to know what you're getting into, Charon. I'm probably not the best in bed and I don't want to disappoint.”
  Charon closed his eyes for a moment, willing himself to be as patient with her as she had been with him. Smoothskin, how can you even say this stuff. As if the only thing I want is to get you into bed so I can 'test you out' or something. “Smoothskin...I'm a fucking ghoul , okay? That doesn't make me quite as desirable as I used to be, what with the missing skin and all. But I don't 'hook up' with people loosely, smoothskin or ghoul.” He said slowly, trying to be as clear as possible. “Ahzrukhal rented my 'services' out to a lot of people. It's fucked with me, and I don't know whether I'll...I don't know how non-ordered intercourse would go. So I mean, if we're gonna talk about someone being bad in bed...” Charon trailed off, grimacing.
  Spoon looked upset, and he felt like he ought to apologize. She waved off the stammered ' sorry ' as he let her down to stand regularly, her 'upset' quickly turning to 'infuriated'. Spoon stood up on her tiptoes, making Charon bend down so she could drag him in for another kiss.
  “Don't...” Her voice shook. “Don't ever say that about yourself, okay?”
  “I mean it's one thing for me. I've had a relatively easy life. Me being bad in bed is more funny than anything else.”
  “You've had the shit kicked out of you; you've been passed around and treated like an animal.”
  “You being ordered to do things you don't want to is never a light matter. And if...I mean, if we try to do uh, something, and you can't? Then we'll stop.” Spoon murmured, her tone matter-of-fact.
  Charon realized that he had hoisted her up against him again, wondering when that had happened. “Just like that?” He asked, closing his eyes when she began pressing those damn kisses up his neck.
  “Yeah. It'll be a mutual thing, okay?” Spoon mumbled against his skin. Charon barely suppressed a tremor at the feeling.
  “I'll be careful with you, smoothskin.”
  “I'm not worried about it, big guy.”
    Spoon laid out on the bed, smiling at Charon encouragingly. “I figured we could start with undressing each other? It's safe enough, we've kind of already done it.” Charon's eyes met hers and then darted away. The ghoul fidgeted in the doorway, making Spoon's smile falter. “Are you alright, Charon?” She asked, not expecting the strange-sounding whimper that he made. “Hey...” She soothed, scooting out of bed and running to him. “Hey it's okay. It's alright. Shh, it's alright.”
  “I'm fucking terrified,” Charon croaked, “what the fuck is wrong with me?” He hid his face in his hands. “What the fuck, Spoon. I've kissed you, I've held you. What the fuck is wrong with me, why am I so scared?”
  Spoon carefully pulled his hands down, proceeding to kiss the knuckles on his left hand. Charon's breathing stuttered. “Tell me what's going on, Charon.”
  He made a noise in his throat that sounded like a sob. “F-Fuck, smoothskin, what do I do?”
  “Is it because this is planned, instead of spontaneous? Because it's here in front of you and you have to focus and over-focus on it?” Spoon asked.
  Charon's brow furrowed. “I don't...I mean, that makes sense smoothskin. I just don't know. I know I'm not in any danger, but half my skull is calm and the other half is screaming bells and goddamn whistles.”
  “What does the calm half want?” Spoon softened her voice. “What does it ask for?” She held her breath when Charon cupped her face in his hands.
  “It wants...I want everything. Everything you can give me. I'm a greedy son of a bitch, Spoon. You bought my freedom. You put food into me when I was starving. You patched me up when I was bleeding out.” Charon closed his eyes for a second, seeming to gather his thoughts. “I want to make you feel good.”
  Spoon started unbuttoning her shirt, reaching behind Charon and closing the door as an afterthought. He took his hands off her, watching warily. “What are you doing?”
  “Trying to feel good.” Spoon replied. I can't fix everything, big guy. But let me try. “This is what I do when I'm safe and happy.”
  “Fuck.” Charon's reaction was really all the gratification she needed. Spoon considered anything else after this point to be a bonus.
  She folded her shirt and dropped it on the floor, doing the same with her pants moments later. Spoon then knelt in front of Charon in nothing but her underwear, her heart pounding in her chest as she smiled up at him encouragingly. God, the way he looks at me.
  Charon seemed frozen, the only thing moving was his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. A nervous gesture, not hostile. He finally seemed to snap out of it; Spoon could feel the heat radiating off of him. “Smoothskin...Christ.” Charon breathed, crouching so they were eye-to-eye. “You make me so fucking hungry.”
  Spoon gulped, hoping it was too quiet for him to hear. “Hungry?”
  He nodded, hesitantly reaching for her. “Like I'm fucking starving and you're the banquet in front of me. Will I get my ass handed to me if I try to take some? Do I even care anymore?” The ghoul rumbled, carefully pushing her back to lie down. He crawled over her, still fully-clothed and staring with wide, unseeing eyes. “Can I have it? Should I? Will I fucking take it? No, never.” Spoon's breathing quickened as he bent closer. “But would you give it to me, if I tried?” Charon mused, running his fingers through her long hair until he reached the tiny beads braided in. “Would you fight me? Or would you just give in to me? What if I want it and you don't? What if I hurt you? What if I kill you? You've gotta' understand smoothskin, I was probably on a fucking leash for a reason.”
  “I know.” Spoon's mouth had gone dry. He's right. He's leaps and bounds stronger than me. He's been fighting for ages. He knows so much more. But... “You don't scare me.” Her bold statement seemed to shake Charon out of his blind-staring ramble, the ghoul looking at her like he'd never seen her before. Spoon was surprised herself to find that it was only the truth she had spoken. She wasn't scared of him, even after that little rant. “You're gonna have to try a lot harder if you want me to run.” she continued, unbuckling his first belt.
  “Jesus Christ smoothskin.” Charon pressed his mouth over hers, hungrily kissing her. Spoon arched up against him, making him groan. “How are you so fucking brave and fucking beautiful and fucking smart.”
  “Just lucky, I guess.” She grinned, laughing when the ghoul rolled his eyes.
  Spoon had pushed him onto his back and was fighting with his second belt when Charon stilled. “Smoothskin...I uh. It's. Been a while. Since I've even wanted anything like this. I'm probably not gonna' last that long.” His chuckle was nervous. “So, sorry if I blow my load like a teenager.”
  Spoon felt something throb beneath her fingers and she cursed the complications a simple buckle could cause. Charon sighed out a breath as she struggled with his zipper and yanked it down. Spoon's eyes widened, his brazen words to the raiders so many months ago ringing in her ears.
  “It's all in the skin...”
  Charon's cock pulsed, tapping against the ghoul's stomach and leaving a smear of precum there. “Spoon uh, maybe this is...” Charon began.
  “Just a second.” Spoon murmured. Gathering her wits and willing herself to be a little less turned-on, she pressed a gentle kiss to the base of his shaft, earning her a stream of curses and a tightened grip on her shoulders. It was just as gratifying the second time she did it, thumbing across the slick head of his cock as a follow-up.
  “Fuck...” The ghoul hissed, tilting his head back. “God Spoon it's been so fucking long-”
  “You've been so good to me, Charon. Let me be good to you.” She said softly. Spoon wasn't prepared when he groaned and dragged her up to his mouth. His rough cock slid between them, pressing against her stomach and making her gasp into his kiss. “Hmm, I don't know if you'll fit.” She teased, leaning back to make a show of measuring his member against her stomach. “Should I get you off once and then we can try?” Charon was just watching her wide-eyed, swallowing hard every few seconds. Spoon smiled encouragingly at him, unhooking her bra. “Touch me, please?” She asked, “It's less fun by myself.”
  The ghoul jerkily rolled his hips up against her, scooting himself into a sitting position against the wall. Spoon sucked in a breath, almost startled when Charon began gently kneading her breasts with his hands. “What do you like, Spoon?” He asked in a voice that shook. “H-How can I please you?”
  “Goddamn, you could do that for forever and I would not mind one bit.” Spoon sighed, nuzzling his neck.
  “So like this?” He murmured, cupping her breasts and rubbing his thumbs across her nipples.
  “God yes Charon yes more.” She begged, rocking somewhat excitedly on his lap. Charon groaned, grinding his cock against her.
  “What'd I tell you, smoothskin.” The ghoul grumbled, hands leaving her chest and balling into fists at his sides. “Fuck's sake. For fuck's. Sake.”
  “It's okay! Please, I want you to!” Spoon's fingers wrapped around his cock, slicked with spit. Charon swore under his breath, fucking into her hand. “I don't care, okay Charon? Please come for me?” she pleaded as Charon gritted his teeth.
  “Fuck's sake smoothskin y' can't beg me-” Charon stopped mid-sentence, come spurting through Spoon's fingers and dribbling onto his stomach. The ghoul sucked in a breath and released it in a clearly startled, “Uh.” Spoon kissed him hard, moaning into his mouth. His fingers dug into her hips, urging her against him. “Spoon, you still want...?”
  “Are you kidding me Charon. Jesus Christ. That was literally the hottest thing I've ever seen.” Spoon breathed, holding his face in her hands.
    Charon pressed his forehead into hers, grinning the widest he'd ever grinned. “Well then, hop on up little lady.”
  Spoon stood up to take her underwear off, blushing prettily when the slick sheen on them came into view. Whatever Charon was going to say escaped him as he drank in the sight of her fully naked in front of him. “Would it be alright if...?” He trailed off, tapping a finger lightly against her pubic mound.
  Spoon nodded jerkily, her hands resting on his shoulders. Then she cried out, the sound music to the ghoul's ears as he slid a hand between her legs.
  “Beautiful...” Was all Charon could muster up, his mind going quiet as he felt how easily his fingers slid against her clit. Christ. “Is this alright, smoothskin?” Spoon whimpered, flushing at the way Charon tried to keep from groaning by biting his lip. “So tight smoothskin...” Then, “Such a good smoothskin. You're doing so well, Spoon.” He growled, making her knees quake. “I know my fingers are big. Say the word and I promise I'll stop. I don't want to hurt you.”
  “I want more, please.” Spoon begged, her hips shuddering with his careful ministrations. “Please please please.”
  “You're killing me smoothskin, goddamn. You just want all of me right now?” Charon asked, his tone half-joking as he wrapped a hand wet with her slick around his cock, giving himself a few lazy pumps. Spoon keened, watching him hungrily. “I'll take that as a yes. I'll be gentle, Mistress.”
  Spoon covered her face, whether from embarrassment at his teasing or being flat-out overwhelmed Charon couldn't tell. After a few deep breaths, she slowly sank down onto him.
  Charon hissed out a breath, suddenly unsure of where to put his hands. “Shit Spoon, you're fucking tight. Too much?” He managed to say.
  “Mmmm...” The smoothskin's eyes were half-lidded and dazed, her arms draped over his shoulders. “Nope, pretty sure I've got the best seat in the house.” Spoon murmured.
  Charon's laugh was breathless, quickly dissolving into a moan as Spoon began to ride him. His hands found purchase on her hips, pushing her down as he thrust upwards. “I'll stop. If you need me to.” The ghoul growled, laughing again as Spoon shook her head, brushing her hair back over her shoulders in an act of defiance. Charon carefully twisted a hand into her hair, feeling her tighten around him when he gave an experimental tug. Trusting her to let him know if something went wrong, he slowly increased the pressure. He bent her back, shifting beneath her until she rested on the floor under him, writhing and making noises that shot straight to his cock. Her legs were wrapped around his back, thighs tightly gripping his hips.
  Her eyes were murder on the ghoul, pupils blown wide in the afternoon light. She looked content and needy all at once; demanding and helpless an enticing mixture on her face. “Don't forget to tell me if something hurts.” Was the last thing Charon said before coaxing her knees up onto his shoulders.
    Spoon had never felt so thoroughly taken care of in her whole life. Charon fucked with the same fluid motions he fought with, whole body rippling over her in a powerful display. The uncertainty of earlier had been replaced with a purpose and it was very, very obvious. Spoon cried out when he tugged her hair again, loving the delicious shock it sent through her body while he thrust into her. “Yes!”
  “More?” Charon growled in her ear, his voice alone almost as good as his teasing hair-pulls. Spoon tensed her thighs, feeling and hearing the startled exhale from the ghoul above her. “Fuck. Alright, I'm goin'.” He released her legs and slid a hand under her hips, sitting back on his haunches.
  “Charon!” Spoon's voice cracked as the new angle made his cock rub relentlessly against her front wall, the ghoul's breath hitching as she clenched around him.
  “Some people call me that.” Charon grinned, holding her hips tightly and pulling her into him. She could feel every inch, every throb of him and it drove her insane. She arched against him, whimpering and not even caring how loud she was being. Because he was just as loud, vocalizing his approval in her. “You fuck me so damn good smoothskin, Jesus. You're goddamn beautiful, fucking perfect.” The swears dropped in his husky voice made Spoon feel like she was on fire. She was impossibly wet and impossibly turned on and impossibly well-fucked and that fucking voice was going to be the death of her.
    “Fuck me until you're satisfied!” She burst out. Charon's rhythm stuttered for a moment, taking in the way she was moving beneath him and hungrily meeting him thrust for thrust. “Don't stop, please don't stop, you fuck me so good!” Spoon rambled, her hands fisted in her thoroughly messy hair.
  “God.” Charon rasped, kissing her as hard as he dared. Her lips looked swollen when he pulled away, and he rumbled his approval. Spoon moaned suddenly as she crested, body in spasm around Charon's cock. The ghoul seized up, choking out a groan when she quivered around him. “Fuck--”
  “Charon...” that blissed-out sigh was all it took to tip the ghoul over the edge, his orgasm making him cry out and shudder while he spilled into her. His arms threatened to give and he quickly dropped to his elbows over Spoon, gasping for air.
  Her arms wrapped around him and pulled him down to lay on top of her, a breathy moan of contentment escaping Spoon as his body fitted to hers. Charon wheezed, “Okay? Not crushing you?”
  “Nope.” The woman murmured. Then, “you're fucking amazing, you know that?”
  “Not so bad...yourself.” Charon replied, smiling against her neck.
    “Hey Charon...?” Spoon breathed, her heart rate still on its way to slowing down to normal.
  “Mm.” He grunted, tightening his grip on her. “What, smoothskin?”
  “Would you have bought my contract, if I'd had one?” The befuddled look the ghoul shot her almost made her laugh. Almost.
  “Hell no.” Charon growled, stretching his arms out and crossing them behind his head.
  He held up a hand, quieting her. “Let me finish, smoothskin. If Ahzrukhal was the one with your contract? No way in fuck with that two thousand caps bullshit. I'd get your contract out of his cold, dead hands. I ain't a diplomat like you, Spoon.”
  “I'm really glad that you gave me a chance.” Spoon murmured, wrapping herself around him and tugging the sheet up over them. “When we started out I was pretty sure I was going to irritate you to death.”
  “Well as you can see,” Charon gestured downwards at the bed, “I've had a change of heart.”
  Spoon laughed, smiling against his chest. His hand fell to her head and he started stroking her hair. “All it took was a little kindness, big guy.”
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