#it took like twenety fucking tries
rjalker · 2 years
"trans men and nonbinary people aren't allowed to have words to describe the specific oppression they face, because trans women don't oppress them!!!"
well I hate to fucking break it to you but the term "transmisogyny" literally does not fucking mean "trans men and nonbinary people oppress trans women" it's literally fucking talking about how **cis people of all genders** react to and treat trans women in particular, punishing them for not being feminine enough, but then acting like when they are feminine, that it's all fake and performative.
The book it's from is also literally exorsexist as fucking hell and racist, (She fucking insists that the white western gender binary is only so prevalant **because it's right** and not because of the fucking systemic genocide and colonization white people have inflicted on other cultues!!! no, no, it's definitely because Everyone is either inherently male or female because their brain is gendered and nonbinary people are just actually binary trans people who are in denial about it so they can be cooler than trans women) and insists one moment that trans men are priveledged because they're seen as women, and then the next starts insisting that they never have trouble passing as cis men and despite the author's claims that she's only talking about her personal experiences, she also literally just pretends her experiences are fucking universal.
But okay. Sure. You can just say you don't give a shit about other trans people and think the oppression we face doesn't exist. You don't need to hide behind protecting trans women as your excuse. It doesn't fucking work. Transmisogyny literally does not fucking mean "trans men and nonbinary people oppress trans women"
Life is not a fucking game where literally all the negative status effects get pointed at trans women and everyone else gets the positive effects. That is literally not how this works and NOT EVEN what fucking Julia Serranno was saying when she coined the fucking term transmisogyny.
And even if that was what she was saying, it wouldn't fucking matter, because she literally does nothing but downplay and ignore all the oppression trans men and nonbinary people face, and fucking says nonbinary people only identify that way so they can feel superior to trans women specifically, oh and also they aren't actually nonbinary at all, they just don't want to admit they're binary trans, because then they wouldn't look cool enough -.-
so like, let me get this straight:
trans men get harassed en masse because they want to create a term to talk about the specific forms of oppression they face. According to some trans women, trans men talking about the oppression they face means they're speaking over trans women, despite trans women not having anything at all to do with trans men being oppressed by cis people.
nonbinary people talk about the ways we are oppressed that binary trans people don't face, and again, specific kinds of trans women leap to accuse us of speaking over trans women, acting like us saying "binary trans people have priveledges we don't" means that we're saying trans women oppress nonbinary people, even though trans women have nothing to do with nonbinary people being oppressed by cis people.
Literally just the other day I saw a post that said "afabs need to stop pretending they're uniquely oppressed for having a pussy".
so maybe, just maybe, the problem here is not trans men and nonbinary people speaking over trans women, on issues that have literally nothing to do with trans women.
Maybe the problem is people think being trans makes it perfectly fine for them to be misogynists, and certain trans women think that the forms of oppression they face (even when they're white, and able-bodied, neurotypical, and perisex, and well off financialy) are the most severe forms of oppression in existance, and that means they can do and say whatever horrible, bigoted shit they want, and it's okay, because they're oppressed, so they can't do anything wrong.
And these certain trans women, who think being oppressed in one way means they're allowed to be a bigot in every other way, now have a vested interest in making sure no one can "out compete" them in being oppressed, because they think other people treat their oppression as a shield to be a bigot the way they do. So any time other people talk about the ways in which they are oppressed, that are different from the way this person is oppressed, then that must, of course, be an attack on them, because if other people say they're oppressed by the same systems, just in different ways, then suddenly they can't use that oppression as an excuse to be a horrible bigoted person -.-
If you see trans men and nonbinary people talking about the specific ways that cis people and our cis-rewarding society oppress them, and you insist that they be silent and "listen to trans women", instead of talking about their own problems, you are literally just a bigot.
And if you say shit like "afabs think they're oppressed for having pussys" you are a fucking misogynist.
No, trans men and nonbinary people do not need to listen to trans women on topics that only affect trans men and nonbinary people. Trans women are not telepathic. Trans women do not get to remember all their past fucking lives. Trans women's experiences with misogyny and transphobia are not fucking universal. That's kinda the entire fucking point of having the term "transmisogyny" - specifically that the things it describes do not apply to everyone.
But certain trans women think that it means they're now part of an exclusive club of "the only people really impacted by transphobia and misogyny in any way worth discussing or calling out", and if anyone else dares to talk about the ways they're oppressed by transphobic and misogynistic cis people, then they take that as a personal attack on their victimhood, which they use as a shield for all their heinous behavior.
If you think the statement "afabs aren't oppressed for having pussys" is perfectly normal and fine and sound and totally a rational argument, then I don't think you have any concept of what misogyny is.
If you, like a person with morals, think that statement is fucking evil and misogynistic as fucking hell, then you do in fact have a responsability to call people out when they say shit like that, and support nonbinary people and trans men when they talk about the ways in which our society oppresses them.
How is trans women using the way they're oppressed as a shield to be a bigot any better than cis white queer people using their queerness as a shield to be a bigot? Or autistic people using their autism as a shield to be a bigot?? I'll give you a hint: it's not.
TLDfuckingR: Julia Serrano is exorsexist and lies about what trans men and nonbinary people experience. Nonbinary people and trans men deserve to have words to describe the specific intersections of misogyny and transphobia they face, and other trans people talking about the ways in which they're oppressed does not oppress trans women or demonize them, because cis people are the ones who systemically oppress trans people, not other trans people, and it's only a small but vocal number of trans women who are misogynists, and they need to be called out for their bigotry.
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