#her experience is universal 🤢
rjalker · 2 years
"trans men and nonbinary people aren't allowed to have words to describe the specific oppression they face, because trans women don't oppress them!!!"
well I hate to fucking break it to you but the term "transmisogyny" literally does not fucking mean "trans men and nonbinary people oppress trans women" it's literally fucking talking about how **cis people of all genders** react to and treat trans women in particular, punishing them for not being feminine enough, but then acting like when they are feminine, that it's all fake and performative.
The book it's from is also literally exorsexist as fucking hell and racist, (She fucking insists that the white western gender binary is only so prevalant **because it's right** and not because of the fucking systemic genocide and colonization white people have inflicted on other cultues!!! no, no, it's definitely because Everyone is either inherently male or female because their brain is gendered and nonbinary people are just actually binary trans people who are in denial about it so they can be cooler than trans women) and insists one moment that trans men are priveledged because they're seen as women, and then the next starts insisting that they never have trouble passing as cis men and despite the author's claims that she's only talking about her personal experiences, she also literally just pretends her experiences are fucking universal.
But okay. Sure. You can just say you don't give a shit about other trans people and think the oppression we face doesn't exist. You don't need to hide behind protecting trans women as your excuse. It doesn't fucking work. Transmisogyny literally does not fucking mean "trans men and nonbinary people oppress trans women"
Life is not a fucking game where literally all the negative status effects get pointed at trans women and everyone else gets the positive effects. That is literally not how this works and NOT EVEN what fucking Julia Serranno was saying when she coined the fucking term transmisogyny.
And even if that was what she was saying, it wouldn't fucking matter, because she literally does nothing but downplay and ignore all the oppression trans men and nonbinary people face, and fucking says nonbinary people only identify that way so they can feel superior to trans women specifically, oh and also they aren't actually nonbinary at all, they just don't want to admit they're binary trans, because then they wouldn't look cool enough -.-
so like, let me get this straight:
trans men get harassed en masse because they want to create a term to talk about the specific forms of oppression they face. According to some trans women, trans men talking about the oppression they face means they're speaking over trans women, despite trans women not having anything at all to do with trans men being oppressed by cis people.
nonbinary people talk about the ways we are oppressed that binary trans people don't face, and again, specific kinds of trans women leap to accuse us of speaking over trans women, acting like us saying "binary trans people have priveledges we don't" means that we're saying trans women oppress nonbinary people, even though trans women have nothing to do with nonbinary people being oppressed by cis people.
Literally just the other day I saw a post that said "afabs need to stop pretending they're uniquely oppressed for having a pussy".
so maybe, just maybe, the problem here is not trans men and nonbinary people speaking over trans women, on issues that have literally nothing to do with trans women.
Maybe the problem is people think being trans makes it perfectly fine for them to be misogynists, and certain trans women think that the forms of oppression they face (even when they're white, and able-bodied, neurotypical, and perisex, and well off financialy) are the most severe forms of oppression in existance, and that means they can do and say whatever horrible, bigoted shit they want, and it's okay, because they're oppressed, so they can't do anything wrong.
And these certain trans women, who think being oppressed in one way means they're allowed to be a bigot in every other way, now have a vested interest in making sure no one can "out compete" them in being oppressed, because they think other people treat their oppression as a shield to be a bigot the way they do. So any time other people talk about the ways in which they are oppressed, that are different from the way this person is oppressed, then that must, of course, be an attack on them, because if other people say they're oppressed by the same systems, just in different ways, then suddenly they can't use that oppression as an excuse to be a horrible bigoted person -.-
If you see trans men and nonbinary people talking about the specific ways that cis people and our cis-rewarding society oppress them, and you insist that they be silent and "listen to trans women", instead of talking about their own problems, you are literally just a bigot.
And if you say shit like "afabs think they're oppressed for having pussys" you are a fucking misogynist.
No, trans men and nonbinary people do not need to listen to trans women on topics that only affect trans men and nonbinary people. Trans women are not telepathic. Trans women do not get to remember all their past fucking lives. Trans women's experiences with misogyny and transphobia are not fucking universal. That's kinda the entire fucking point of having the term "transmisogyny" - specifically that the things it describes do not apply to everyone.
But certain trans women think that it means they're now part of an exclusive club of "the only people really impacted by transphobia and misogyny in any way worth discussing or calling out", and if anyone else dares to talk about the ways they're oppressed by transphobic and misogynistic cis people, then they take that as a personal attack on their victimhood, which they use as a shield for all their heinous behavior.
If you think the statement "afabs aren't oppressed for having pussys" is perfectly normal and fine and sound and totally a rational argument, then I don't think you have any concept of what misogyny is.
If you, like a person with morals, think that statement is fucking evil and misogynistic as fucking hell, then you do in fact have a responsability to call people out when they say shit like that, and support nonbinary people and trans men when they talk about the ways in which our society oppresses them.
How is trans women using the way they're oppressed as a shield to be a bigot any better than cis white queer people using their queerness as a shield to be a bigot? Or autistic people using their autism as a shield to be a bigot?? I'll give you a hint: it's not.
TLDfuckingR: Julia Serrano is exorsexist and lies about what trans men and nonbinary people experience. Nonbinary people and trans men deserve to have words to describe the specific intersections of misogyny and transphobia they face, and other trans people talking about the ways in which they're oppressed does not oppress trans women or demonize them, because cis people are the ones who systemically oppress trans people, not other trans people, and it's only a small but vocal number of trans women who are misogynists, and they need to be called out for their bigotry.
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barelylivingscholar · 5 months
“Herta, with a childhood bestie who is in Genius Society as well…”
Crack post. Don't ask what I was on while making this... - You and Herta met during kindergarten, whereas you would act as her “research assistant” in her tiny experiments which would evolve into something else pretty soon… How did Herta ask you into becoming her assistant? You basically won the idgaf war regarding her attitude and that pretty much sums up how you two became “friends”. - At first, it was strictly business. But over time… You got her involved in many of your chaotic ideas and experiments that you would do whenever she’s out and about… Somehow, she would always catch you in the act… 😃😃😃 Be it be… Feeding the warp trotter with your latest invention that’s named “Scooby Snacks.” 😈😈😈 It ended up with the trotter becoming hyperactive… Or, that time when you said you wanted to test if you could go to the moon without using oxygen and just by using a trampoline… Yeah… 😬😬😬 It was pretty embarrassing but it worked! But you ended up in the hospital for days since… Y’know…   - Fast forward to when you guys were teenagers, you grew up to be a chaotic scientist that would usually either… A. Do experiments that would either end up in flames or something will go wrong or B. Do experiments whereas people expect it to flop 🤢🤮 but it didn’t??? 🤨🤨🤨Okay but you slayed??? Somehow??? So yeah, a mixture of yay or nays, while Herta went off to become that bitch by whipping up experiments that have a 100% success rate like okay queen pop off! You were proud of your bestie despite the attitude she gives you while the two of you collaborate on research… 🙄🙄🙄 Oh, and you get to like, have some of her “leftovers” meaning, her research that was unfinished because she, quote — unquote “lost interest” like girl what is you doing??? 🤨🤨🤨 - Anyways another time skip and she got invited to the genius society and you guys were now old while she went off to become famous for her contributions, you on the other hand, was also famous but… Not in the way you expected… It was the memes, the iconic interviews you did with other people, and the contributions that you made that made no sense but YOU made it have sense… 💅💅💅Idk where I’m going with this but POV: You are famous for the memes not for your contributions lol. So… You got invited by Nous too, slayyyyyy 💅💅💅and Herta invited you along with some random people, like president robot, cake lady who somehow magically always have cake wherever she goes, and kid who plays games 24/7… You were confused about the lineup but sat down on that chair anyways… So, Herta invited you to become a part of the simulated universe project and you were like??? The f am I going to do in the project??? Troll the beta testers???And then… Herta looked at you seriously 😈😈😈 and said, yes. So now you’re a part of the team, you ended up talking with the president robot, side eyeing the lady with the cake so she gives you more cake, and trolling the kid who does not touch grass in his games…
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exhosong948 · 4 months
Some “Bleeding Rose” Universe Headcanon that for some reason I wanna voice right now….
Character headcanon and tidbits for my story:
Serial Designation - J
As I’ve mentioned before, she fell in love with V back in the manor when it was just the two
After N came around and caught V’s attention, J’s resentment of him developed, this being the reason she’s so hard on him most of the time
Awhile ago, Tessa asked her if she wanted to be recalled for Mentoring other Disassembly Rookies, but because of her lack of patience even in “parental mode”, that idea was thrown out
A little idea that may or may not be kept: J might not have been switched out of parental mode…
J was one of Tessa’s first to be saved, the scenario was she accidentally disrespected Tessa’s father and toddler Tessa visited her while chained up outside, beginning their bond
I do boat with the headcanon that J likes plushies
J is an absolute mess when V flirts with her, while trying to assert her authority, she just kinda stands there😂
Being that J’s the oldest, she was made squad leader, and later the Flock Alpha (Doggyverse stuff) Only answering to Tessa as her higher up and is incredibly loyal to her, which may or may not cause some problems, hhhhhhmmmmmmm-
Serial Designation - V
During their time in the manor, she did in fact have…some feeling towards J, but after spending more and more time with N, when she learned she what love was, $hit hit the fan(Thanks Cyn😒)
Originally, she used her Boss’s “affection” for her own benefits, later actually falling for her
The two were always seen together as unlike poor N, they had each other to combat loneliness
V had also had experience with mentoring rookies, quickly being pulled from the program for her disobedience and violent tendencies
Being that she can be pretty reckless, she’s always a bit embarrassed when J fusses over her, that (for now) being J’s only leverage over V
V is very weary of Tessa and her intentions, doesn’t fully trust her but still respect and registers her authority
V is the menace of society, B being called her spawn😂😈
Serial Designation - N
N is pretty good at finding things and scavenging, that’s basically the girls only use for him, sending him off to gather supplies
He also likes drawing, as seen in canon, collecting shiny things, and he’ll go nuts over them (All DD’s have a thing for shiny stuff, just J and V repress it significantly better then N)
He’ll gift shiny objects and drawings to Uzi on a regular( A sign of affection)
He’s definitely a bit more weary with his family around Tessa, not as much as V but still
Is basically the Manny of the flock
Once the kids are around(hint hint nudge nudge), he normally doesn’t go psycho unless to protect them
Like the girls, at some point he was used as a mentor and switched into parental mode, was actively never switched out, explaining his feelings and behavior towards B
B also kinda reminds him of Cyn
Miscellaneous Stuff
Uzi is only ever called to babysit if N isn’t available, J doesn’t trust her as far as she could throw her, which we learn is pretty far)
B tends to remind Tessa of Cyn, so she scares her a bit, especially with her V’s inherent aggression and certain events that happen (again, hint hint nudge nudge 🤐)
Thad and Lizzy are slated to be married(marked for angst, you’ll see and so God help me if they are in fact canonical related, Please forgive me🤢)
Don't worry, Dizzy is in fact and will be made canon in this series, just not for a while in universe….
Doll can’t see herself as part of the colony anymore in the future, ends up self exiling and wanders around
Uzi could care less for “J’s brat” but still is willing to take care of her and keep her safe
Khan gets better as a parental unit, just never with Uzi
Tessa knows B and V have some trust issues with her, but being that she still deeply cares for them and they respect her (to her face) she lets it slide
Disassembly Drones are slated to “Migrate” for newer territories and to later let the land heal
Being that SD-B can’t fly, she’s a fast runner and high jumper, which later becomes her fighting style
And for now I think that’s everything, definitely will be updated after bleeding rose ends but for now, goodbye
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fawn-wickenshire · 8 months
For Fawn‼️‼️
(💍) if they get married, who do they marry? why?
(🤢) how do they react when they're given one of their hated gifts? what do they do with it?
(🌽) what are their favorite crops of each season?
(🍙) what is their favorite food?
(🙄) do they have anyone they openly dislike? why?
Ahh thank you for the asks, dear mutual! Here are her answers!
(💍) if they get married, who do they marry? why?
Fawn is aro-ace, and so she doesn't want to marry anyone. She's not repulsed by it, but it's still definitely something she doesn't experience or want. Instead, she becomes roommates with Krobus!
(🤢) how do they react when they're given one of their hated gifts? what do they do with it?
If it's something like magic rock candy--something she only hates due to the past but doesn't actually despise--she'll try to make use of it and will still be thankful. Considering the gifting person didn't know, of course. If they did know, she'll still pretend to be thankful and take it from them, but complain about them to Haley or someone.
If it's something like broken glasses or straight up trash, she'll politely refuse the gift. She's scared of starting a fight.
(🌽) what are their favorite crops of each season?
Spring: rhubarb Summer: starfruit Fall/Autumn: bok choy
(🍙) what is their favorite food?
I'll list here favourites from her intro post.
Loved: All universal loved (except magic rock candy), truffle, rhubarb pie, blackberry cobbler, poppy
If you forced them to pick an absolute favourite they'd switch between rhubarb pie and blackberry cobbler. Also, bok choy is supposed to be in there but I forgot.
(🙄) do they have anyone they openly dislike? why?
Fawn gets along with everyone in town by the end of her story. She's a people-pleaser, and doesn't like the idea of not liking someone for "superficial" reasons. Her least favourite is Morris, but she doesn't actively hate him. She just tries to see him as...A bit different.
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gaaralover55 · 2 years
Winx Club Season 6
What I LIKED about this season:
Love the Bloomix aesthetics for each girl.
Tecna and Timmy's relatationship ♥️
Faragonda's new outfit
Daphne and Thoren's relationship ♥️
The new scenery and worlds.
The Specialist's new armor
The Specialist's new weapons
The creatures from the legenderiaum (They actually had good designs and intressting fairy creatures)
What I DIDN'T like about this season
Bloomix is useless against the creatures from Legendarium. (HELLO!! THIS IS THE FREAKING DRAGON FIRE WHICH IS PART OF CREATING THE MAGIC UNIVERSE!)
How the winx each earned Bloomix in the worst ways possible.
Mythix horrible aesthetics. They looked okay in design. But in 3D they
Switching Tune and Digit with Cherie and Caramell as Musa and Tecna's bonded fairies. Because writers wanted it to be connected with Pop Pixie( Which is stupid!)
Turning the girls into 16 year olds again or whatever age they are now?
All of the specialists and winxs relationships (except Timmy and Tecna's) are chaotic and the writers force unneceseary drama into the show!
Musa's relationship with Riven.
Riven being so damn competitive against Sky like season 1. Making so he dosen't take the situation seriously.
The matching uniform outfits🤬🤢🤢
Bloom being of course the center of the season once again! Even all of her story arcs are over!
Aisha's weird love triangle with Roy and Nex. Wouldn't it be better to let the girl be free this season after what happened in season 4.
The cheap animation and the music!
Mythix transformation. They should have replaced the transformation song with "You spin my head right round " by Flo rida. Because the girls just spin around!
Tecna and Musa's so called fight because Tecna didn't like the same thing like Musa in the music college. And then after 5 minutes they are friends again?!
Eldora is useless and just their for comidic relif when Stella is not around or not her turn.
Stella being turned into the comic relif in the show and the writers making her into the whining, childish "Dumb blonde" in the serie! When she was the oldest of winx and had more experience.
Daphne being there but has nothing to do. Then just her relationship with Thoren, talking about the legendarium or history.
They ahould never have bringed her back to life! She was once a beautiful eatherial Nymph! With lovely golden flowing dress, a crown that look like a phoenix on her head and a mask that gave mysicism around her.
Thoose bastard took this away FROM HER!! They made her plain, kind of boring dressed and they only form she can transform into is Sirenix!
I really don't like the dresses in this season. They are to uniform, to cheap and look to heavy to wear! Unlike the dresses in the earlier seasons.
The winx being so freaking happy all the time! Like they laugh at everything and the use of words like "cool", "awesome", "amazing" and many more to things that is just meh.
All these damn pointless parties!
That they changed producers and writers for this show. All to make it more for children when they could have make it more mature.
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lawyeryuri · 2 years
The heart thing but im not gonna describe how to kill you cause youre a cool mutual however i wanna hear what makes naruto a good anime and also what makes it bad also i wanna hear your favourite headcanons of the guy on your pfp and sakura if you have any
I wanna hear you absolutely infodumps me into oblivion. Obliterate me with your naruto facts, headcanon and whatever in betweens. Take your time to answer this i will be waiting, until that here take this cat with ya ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
(giggles and kicks my feet) thank you so much for this ask!!! ^_^
ok so what makes Naruto a good anime in my opinion are the characters, their emotions and how they relate to one another. (also it's like really gay) Naruto has a pretty big cast and a ton of filler episodes, so a lot of the time, it's used to get into different character combinations, specifically at the end of the original series, with the 80 episode stretch of filler, (honestly a bit excessive) that's basically just naruto hanging out with the other teams. filler is truly a double-edged blade, because if its not good, it is a SLOG... i didn't skip any episodes until like ep 450, where it breaks from the war (exiting, fun, plot-relevant) to cut to a parallel universe retelling of THE ENTIRE SERIES UP TO THAT POINT. it lasts like 20 episodes, and sasuke's a cop (old, dumb, acab)
another gripe i have with Naruto (the show) is best summarized by that post that's like "i miss when naruto ran around and bit people. now he's just a liberal" cause he kind of stops growing as a person at age 16. "as soon as you question your ideals, it's all over" ok buddy. how about you learn and grow with your experiences. other than that that though love the show, though I do think it's an interesting choice to redeem/offer justification for every single (canon) villain in the whole series.
OK my favorite head cannons for rock lee (pfp guy) and sakura... I think that rock lee speaks without contractions because he wants to give every sentence his all, and not take the easy way out. in a filler episode, rock lee builds a training dojo, and I think that's super in character for him, and I bet tenten helped him fix it up, and she's got a tool closet in there or something. I also hc that bor🤢 boruto Era 🤮 lee is like a taijutsu teacher and works with shino. as for sakura, I think she and Lee spar together all the time so she can improve her speed. I also hc her as an aro lesbian because I can #relate to.. the whole sasuke deal. I also feel like she would take up art, once she takes a break from work.
I actually also have a theory about naruto (the boy) I've never talked about, I actually think naruto can sense chakra signatures. this is because he sensed zabuza during the land of waves arc. it would also make sense that his sensing ability is just enhanced by sage mode instead of pulled out of nowhere. not to mention that the most powerful and precise sensor introduced is an Uzumaki as well. (shout out to my girl Karin) probably the reason it never comes up is because he doesn't know what a sensor is 💛
uh wow that got long. starting this I was worried I didn't know enough about naruto to infodump, for some reason (I've literally been obsessed since February why would I think that) anyways THANK YOU SO MUCH for sending this ask, it literally made my week :D💛💛💛 I know for a fact you are also a very cool mutual (I have no lame mutuals) and have a great week!
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nijigasakilove · 11 days
Well the episode definitely lived up to the Food porn title. Aoi, Chiaki and Toba cooked up some really interesting dishes today. Some good, some.. not so good. Mayonnaise doesn’t go on pizza 🤢
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That aside, nice seeing the “B team” of sorts have a nice camping experience and try out different foods. Everyone’s reactions when Aki threatened to bring out her homemade sausages had me dying tho. Anything but that again 😭
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The mix of truth and embellishment made for some really funny moments too. Guess we’ll never really know what happened on that camping trip lol.
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Poor Hanpen getting left behind while the girls travel back to the present lmao. That YouTube subscribe and like gag came out of nowhere.
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Nadeshiko already thinking about passing the torch literally and figuratively on to the next generation of students is really sweet. It would be cool if Yuru camp continued even after the girls graduate with a new cast.
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In the meantime, with the in universe Sakura viewing season coming up I can’t wait to see the girls do some spring time camping!
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hislittleraincloud · 12 days
anon again! just a few more things nick has done in the duration i talked to him for:
- said “i’ve always liked girls your age” when i said i was 16
- trauma dumped during our first conversation
- sent me a pic of..
- said it was good that i was cutting myself
- constantly tried to make every conversation sexual
i used to be one of those lana del rey i love older men vibe girls but now i’m just sick and over it. hope you don’t mind the asks again, it’s the first time i’ve seen someone discuss his behaviour
*sighs a big ol' sigh* No, no, I don't mind at all. Like I mentioned at the end of the last Answer it's actually pretty relevant to what I write about, and given this new info, I'd say it's pretty damn important to blast. I just gotta take some Old Man Pills first. And smoke out...bc otherwise I'll get really angry again.🫠
Aight, point by point:
🚨 "I've always liked girls your age" 🤢 More stench of Humbert, and more evidence of his intentions. Humbert was a pedophile/hebephile, nickn0t seems to have admitted his ephebophilic feelings there.
🚨 Trauma dumping at first meet: I'm really not surprised, given that his letter was a huge sign that he's stuck in his own head/holding his own dick and not caring about whoever is his subject/target.
🚨 If dickn0t sent you a 🍆 pic:
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That's probably the Cardinal Rule of engaging with minors online: Do not ever send your nudes/🍆 pics to minors. And if he knew you were 16 when he sent the pic, then I ride at midnight. ⚔️❤️‍🔥☠️❤️‍🔥⚔️
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🚨 Cutting: I tried to get out of a relationship with a younger cutter after nothing I tried to do/say helped. She used to send me pics of her scars and once on facetime, she had freshly cut LARGE cuts along her forearm and I almost vomited...never did I tell her that it was good. In fact, I never told any of the cutters that I've known for over 35 years — this includes the girl who accused me of attempted 🔪 — that cutting was a 'good' thing; my own experience with it wasn't a good thing (I cut/carved a poem into my arm the day after I was beaten and thrown from my house by my father...oh wow, it's been just over 32 years). Does it provide psychic pain relief, ofc. But like most pain relief, it's temporary, and even though life has not treated you well enough to feel like you deserve to exist, you don't need to scar yourself with reminders of others' ignorance or callousness. I find directing the anger, sadness, and pain into creativity is much more relieving. Young ones cut, but it doesn't (usually) last into adulthood, which is when those most damaged often turn to other coping mechanisms. No destructive coping mechanism is a good thing, but as for advice on this, I don't have any bc everyone is different and there's no universal bandaid for trauma. I'd tell you to stop, but I know I don't have any purchasing power there. Just be safe🌻✨
🚨 "constantly tried to make every conversation sexual" Well, then we know what he's looking for.
According to my bio I said I'm a big pervert, and it's true. I do like my innuendos and flirting (hey, I'm a Gemini...we ✨flirt✨). And I hold a unique position in that I've been on both sides of this coin: I was the younger girl who chased after older men when I was your age, but I'm now the older man whose life was severely affected by younger women (my ex/the one I lived with for 10 years was 11 years younger than me). I know a thing or two about the sexual dynamics between younger/older, and what younger is looking for vs. what older (AMAB, by longtime observation) is looking for.
Nick's already shat on the thing that makes y'all so beautiful (your brains/your minds), so why waste your time with that? He says he's 40 in his bio. He's not a child by any standards. If young 😺 is all he's after, he needs to suck it up, stop bothering underage girls, and just go onto the multitude of free porn sites out there that have "18+" girls featured. Plenty of free fodder for what he wants/needs to do.
You were good to get out of that situation, but so long as he remains on here prowling for students, there will be more of this 💩. Save/screenshot everything, because according to the law, you're not culpable for the 🍆 pics or unsolicited explicit chats that he sends you, but he is.
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I don't mind the father x daughter ships completely (as I ship Ritacoln... so-)
but I do think it's a BIT overdone, and they always over sexualize every Releationship Lincoln has
like it's all just porn. I want a story.
not just a unrealistic 14 inch cock on Lincoln.
I want a fucking story
plus I hate Remy. I also hate luancoln.
idk why. luan I just hate her- probably cause her pranks nearly killed her entire family.
basically my problems with them;
they make it all sexual
Remy (🤢)
luan coln.
personalities only copy and paste.
flat character personalities for non copy and paste
Lincoln fucks everyone ( I ship a LOT, but him and the cop lady, and news lady? really-?)
unrealistic penis size for Lincoln. no his six/seven year old sister isn't taking a 14-17 inch cock. that'd oeage permanent damage.
your universe actually has a story!
good art
no Remy.
and you're good at what you do.
I miss lilycoln and Ritacoln. but your lucycoln, lolacoln, lenicoln, and esspically Lunacoln is amazing.
well, ritacoln is a thing. they have a daughter named ranette (renette?)
luancoln is a thing, its just luan and lincoln kinda have it off and on. as for remy? i dunno what that is. is that rita and lemy? whatever. lilycoln i jut chose not to ship it and go on a different direction as to not have her be with lincoln. its over done.
i mean, lets beat around the push. lincoln still fucks everyone. he just has a little bit more self control and has some morals. he wont fuck one of them in a football game, a church or i dunno, in the park. maybe in the back of the car in a drive in
(fun experience i had in my life)
but yeah the main goal of the loudcest universe is to have an actual story to give characters development. ya know i hung out with those famous sinkids and loudcest artists. and after awhile you kinda get tired of it. after my disconnection with that fandom i decided to do things my own way just to prove i can do better story wise. i'm sure they're trying to be wholesome now. but only cause of me and how people respond positively to my AU.
this is why i had alot of requests to take loan and give her actual development. after patanu being exposed to the rat he really is, i decided yeah, i'll take loan and i'll develop her and give her a healthier life with a family who actually loves her. and yeah. glad you enjoy it. be sure to go on my deviant art and expect updates as i post more on that site.
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fedonciadale · 3 years
Re: Sansa's first flowering. The very scant sources we have on girl's menarche (first menstrual cycles) suggest that the further you go back in time, the later a girl would experience her first menarche (the data I've seen from Norway shows that the average was 17 in the 1870's, with the number dropping to 13-12 over the next 120 years). Like, the idea that all girls begin menstruating in their early teens is a very recent one (cont.)
(2) But it's super telling that both Daenerys and Sansa have already gotten their periods at ages 12 and 13 (according to the wiki of ice and fire this is also the age at which most highborn girls flower?) making it okay in universe for them to be considered sexually mature. Basically Martin decided that even though girls are only considered women grown at age 16, they are conveniently considered ready to be bedded when they are much younger than that which... yikes.
(3) My point is, there is nothing to suggest that Sansa would be considered a 'late bloomer' if she experienced her first flowering at sixteen in the actual middle ages (or in any time prior to the 20th century, really). Like you, I want to give Martin the benefit of the doubt and put it down to ignorance but it's so hard with him giving 16 as the age of majority only for all of the girls in his work to flower when they are barely out of childhood and then be considered sexually mature 🤢 
Hi there!
Agree with all of this.
And honestly, this idea that the period makes a girl/woman sexually mature is ridiculous.
Maturity is not about the development of the body but it is a question of where the girl/woman (or the boy for that matter) stand in regard to their social and mind development.
First menarche is dependent on different factors, nutrition being one of them. That is probably why GRRM thinks that highborn girls should have earlier periods.
But nutrition is not the only factor. Girls form the bourgeois background (who were well fed) also started their period rather late in the 19th century.
Another factor seems to be sleep. We sleep less nowadays and that accelerates puberty because the body gets less melatonin. Even how much a baby sleeps might get into that.
So, the gist of it is, that there are still things we don’t really know and research is still being done on that and GRRM is simply mistaken about some of the things.
I can only reiterate my opinion, that he should not have written the children so young. It’s his biggest mistake.
The fandom on the other side should also just stop to fixate on the first bleedings of the teenage girls. It says nothing about their maturity, not even about their bodily maturity. Girls can get their first period and still have virtually no breasts whatsoever, while others do already have breasts. Reading posts on how Ary@ will get her first period and become a courtesan always makes me shudder. Please, not even GRRM is that fucked up.
I mean GRRM really is not a biological expert. Just think about how all the Baratheons are blackhaired and how Ned knows that Joffrey & Co can only be Jaime’s  because they don’t have Robert’s dark hair. Sry, not sry, that is not how genetics work.... So, he is wrong in several aspects.
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puthyflapps · 2 years
Jealous Shelby sure but honestly what I'd really love is some jealous Toni. At this point I sorta wanna see Toni go thru it and like smack a bitch or some shit in regards to Shelby.
I started thinking about it some more and honestly it’s easier to imagine jealous!Toni in alternate universe because right now, in the bunker, who’s she gonna be jealous of? The boys? Have you seen them? 🤢
I mean I feel like we all love a little hot-headed jealous!Toni bopping someone upside the cranium because they were all over Shelby or sumn. But I also love like an innocent jealous!Toni. Like a Toni who has been best friends with Shelby her whole life and has spent every waking moment trying to make the other girl smile. Shelby’s attention is like a drug to her and she’s been addicted to it since they were kids. It should be mentioned, however, that more often than not, Toni ended up completely embarrassing herself in her quest to impress the other girl.
Like the time in second grade when Toni broke her arm during recess after falling off of the monkey bars. She’d watched how the blonde looked on in amazement as Dot swung from rung to rung with so much ease. Toni just wanted those green eyes to look at her like that; like she was special. And yeah, in hindsight climbing on top of the playground equipment and attempting to hang upside down like she was Spider-Man was rather dumb on her part. However, to this day Toni maintains that the whole experience was worth it in the end because later that afternoon when the cloud of anesthesia finally lifted, the first thing her groggy eyes saw was Shelby.
Shelby was there in her hospital room and she was sitting on one of those hard, plastic chairs with a homemade get well soon card resting in her small, worried hands. As some time passed and the drug induced haze wore off, Shelby had demanded Toni pinky promise to never scare her like that again.
Toni still has that card by the way and Shelby still giggles when she thinks about how she was the only one allowed to sign the girl’s bright green cast.
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sweetestpopcorn · 3 years
hiii what are your opinions (and some headcanons) about the conquerors? do u support the lesbian visenya x bisexual rhaenys agenda like i do
Hi 🤗
Unfortunately I don’t XD I don’t share those headcanons. I think there was Aegon/Visenya and Aegon/Rhaenys; I do think Visenya and Rhaenys loved each other a lot, but only as sisters. The polygamy practiced by the Valyrians, and later by the Conquerors and Maegor, is described - to the best of my understanding - as a man having several women and having a relationship with each of these women - the most common type of polygamy in our world as well. Nothing is said or implied about any relationship between these women beyond them being sister wives. Specifically to the case of Rhaenys and Visenya, there was nothing about their relationship that told me that they loved each other past sisterly love.
Aegon spent one night with Visenya for every ten with Rhaenys, but that’s about how far we are told about their sex lives. 
Do I think that if there was something more going on that George would have told us? Yes, absolutely I do. When a character is gay or bi George does make it very explicit - e.g., Rhaena Targaryen (Aenys’s daughter) and Laenor Velaryon. Do I have an issue with people having the headcanon that there was something else going on between those three? Also no. Personally I don’t believe it, but I see nothing in canon that would explicitly contradict that headcanon so I - a no one on the internet - deem it valid 😂😂
Some headcanons hum... let me think 🤔 I don’t have that many to tell the truth.
About Visenya:
Very unpopular one I am sure but I do see Visenya as being aromantic (I hope I am using the correct terminology correct me if not). 
I also think she was her father’s favourite, I don’t really have an explanation for it XD just call it a sixth sense. 
And yes I do think she dwelled in the dark arts and that Maegor was a dark magic baby - but sex was also involved.
I also think many times she liked to appear more serious than she was - probably to scare people. I imagine Rhaenys saying something funny and Visenya having to hold herself to not break down in laughter.
About Rhaenys:
I think the “rumours” of her having lovers are just history’s attempts to make House Targaryen - especially its women - look bad; much like it was done with Rhaenyra Targaryen (by Mushroom) and Baela Targaryen, and as we also see in the current asoiaf timeline being made with Dany - all those rumours of her being insatiable even using horses I mean 🤢🤮 what was it with men in the asoiaf universe and being obsessed with Targaryen women’s sex lives?!! Why Rhaenys one might ask? Because it was through her that the Targaryen line continued. 
I think she loved being a mother and that it was something she had wanted for years, and I do think she doted on Aenys a lot. He was the only man besides Aegon and her own father that she loved. 
I also like to think she was a great singer and that she played the harp - hello?! Rhaegar’s music skills have to come from someone - and maybe other instruments as well. I imagine she would always play and sing for her parents and siblings during feasts.
About Aegon:
I think he married Visenya first and only afterwards Rhaenys.
I did think he loved Rhaenys in the romantic sense more than Visenya. As  sisters and advisors though I think he loved them equally.
A little NSFW warning and maybe too much information warning as well, and really not based on anything except my own imagination XD so feel free to tell me to go f_ck myself, but I imagine that on their wedding night Aegon felt kind of guilty about him having experience and Rhaenys not. Rhaenys didn’t mind of course but she did comfort him by saying that she wasn’t his first but she would be his last - since she was younger than Visenya. She wasn’t though, and I think part of Aegon always felt guilty about it and it was just another thing who made him resent and pull himself away from Visenya. 
And... that’s it XD 
Btw sorry that I took this long to answer! Maybe in the not so distant future I might share something (else) about the Conquerors as it might be something I want to give to a friend 😉
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happysadyoyo · 2 years
hey real quick about your Harry Potter knockoff: don't. seriously. if you need advice on how to write "native people" you clearly don't know enough about Native Americans to feature them in your book. It's cultural appropriation at best - and racial stereotyping at worst (something JK Rowling already did enough of with her Cho Chang and large nosed Goblin bankers [jewish stereotypes]). Native Americans already have rich enough cultures and histories for you to come barging in and whitewash them as a British wizardry knockoff. Their myths and legends are often well-guarded to prevent people who just want to make money off of them or turn them into 10 cent ebooks- people who don't honor their sacred traditions and histories aren't welcome.
My advice: be orginal. Don't try to be another JK Rowling. 🤢 And if you care enough about "native people" read the stuff they've already written about their tribes and history and cultures & support native authors.
You clearly don't know how people who aren't from certain cultures should go about writing people from said cultures.
I am not trying to write closed Lenape traditions. What I'm trying to do is make sure that Talee is a modern kid with strong feelings about xyr culture and that I don't royally bone it up somehow.
The fact I want sensitivity readers before I publicly publish anything? Puts me eons above Rowling already. And the fact you feel you have to come in and tell me about the biggest and most blatant problems that Rowling's done is enough evidence to me that you actually don't know anything about me.
I haven't talked about this, but I also plan on having black sensitivity readers, nonbinary sensitivity readers who use neopronouns, sensitivity readers from New Jersey, etc. Or am I suddenly not allowed to write any of those experiences either because I'm acknowledging that my lived experience isn't universal and I want to make sure I don't fuck it up somehow?
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ladyhindsight · 2 years
The thing is that even if Magnus hadn't aged much mentally, he still has vastly more experience, power and emotional independence than Alec. He's dealt with heartbreak, death, failed relationships and the likes.
I think in Twilight it's the same. Humans stop aging mentally as well as physically when they get turned into vampires. So mentally Edward is 17. But. He has the life experience of a century old man. He's been to university several times, has interacted with humans for a century, has analyzed and studied human behavior for decades.
I've watched some YT videos where a therapist analyzes all the ways in which Edward is toxic and subtly manipulates Bella. That can happen with any 17yo, but the fact that Bella is convinced that she's dating an experienced man, with so much more knowledge, social and financial power than her greatly skews her perception of him: when the power imbalance is so vast, it's easy to assume that your partner simply must be right at all times, and you're just the whiny, inexperienced teenager who doesn't know any better.
It's easy then to let them walk all over you, keep secrets from you, accept miscommunication, even accept their tantrums and moods (aka Magnus pushing Alec to come out, and Alec thinking he was right to do so).
I don't particularly care for the legality of Malec. As I said, Magnus should have stayed away from an 18yo Alec as well. A number does not magically turn you into an adult, mentally.
And I honestly don't expect much from the Immoral Instruments anyway 😂
I have issues with the fact that they started flirting/sort of dating when Alec was 17, which makes the whole relationship predatory aka adds insult to injury, and as I mentioned it it's also yet another case of a straight author promoting queerphobic stereotypes. That's my main gripe with Clare: she promotes queerphobic and racist stereotypes for the sake of Sexy, Barely Legal Relationship *wink wink* Aren't they hot? Isn't Alec such a blushing maiden? And Magnus such an experienced scoundrel? I am a great ally!
I would have rather seen Malec get together in TDA, when Alec finally feels like a complete person on his own (he's still so young, but at least he has a personality now, and some social power and emotional independence)
Instead we get an insecure teenager dating a 400yo, powerful man, who gets so jealous he makes biphobic comments and tries to take away Magnus's immortality (which in never addressed... they even have one immortal child and one mortal child now, yet there's no talks about death and grieving and the future)
The power imbalance is so obvious it gives me the creeps. TMI Alec was simply not ready for a relationship like this. He deserved better. He deserved to develop emotionally, and experience normal, balanced relationships and breakups without terribly high stakes/lives in the balance. Without such a vast power imbalance, which was bound to make him feel inadequate from the start.
But we know Clare has a fetish for barely legal or even illegal relationships (like how she ships brothers Damon and Stefan from TVD and said that the relationship being abusive "makes it better ;)", how she had the incest plotline for Clace, how she wrote a RonxGinny fanfic called The Mortal Instruments 🤢🤢🤢 (her Ginny is basically Clary), and how she had Sebastian lust over his sister and assault her).
Bruh it just frustrates me how popular she is, because I can SEE the way she influences teenagers. The stuff her fans say online about queer characters and "forbidden" relationships is just... 🤮
Characters older than 100 please stay away form young adults. Like, I'm 20 and I can't even imagine lusting after a 17 or 18 yo and want to date them. Actually, characters older than 25 please stay away from teenagers 😂
I keep imagining Edward and Magnus looking all of their 107 and 400 years of age, lusting over and kissing their teenage partners and I just 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
It so sus that they couldn't find a different, older partner, and instead decide to mingle with inexperienced, easily manipulated teenagers 🤔 Really makes me think.
Magnus also kisses an intoxicated, minor Will in TID, which really doesn't help make him look LESS predatory 🤦🏽‍♀️ it's like Clare is incapable of thinking beyond "hot boys titillating age gap must kiss" and who cares about the message she sends to readers.
Sorry this is so long, I just wanted to rant.
No worries, rants of any length are always welcome. 😊
Emotional independence is a big factor. If we look at Alec in TMI, he’s emotionally entirely depended on the people around him. In TDA, he’s not. He’s found his footing and is sure of himself. He’s also written on more equal ground with the others.
“When the power imbalance is so vast, it's easy to assume that your partner simply must be right at all times, and you're just the whiny, inexperienced teenager who doesn't know any better.” All of this just screams Magnus and Alec’s early relationship. It also reflects the narrative in the books. Alec is seriously written as more whiny and immature and toxic whereas Magnus, who has seen it all and felt all the pain there is to feel, is supposedly the mature one.
Not that this mature man ever considers that Alec was being manipulated by a woman Magnus knows is deceitful. Not that Alec is still young and inexperienced and his actions reflect that. Not that Magnus’ own behavior could’ve somehow contributed to that. Not that they have no reason to be together because they have absolutely nothing in common. As to emotional security, they are worlds away from each other.
It’s also questionable that if Alec’s true intentions were to learn more about Magnus, not to take his immortality like Clare said once about the topic, she had a pretty weird way of writing that, meaning not at all.
Clare is also pretty wishy-washy about the whole immortality aspect. Magnus and Alec don’t have honest conversations, and everything is capped by either of them saying “this is how it’s going to go, and it’s alright just because.” Clare argues that Magnus could also die at any moment and leave Alec alone, but like, you’re not going to ever even write that so is that really an argument here.
I really would’ve liked the idea that Alec had someone else for a while. To mature with someone closer to him mentally, learn and grow and become more sure and complete. But there’s only ever one true love (except for Tessa), and Alec and Magnus where given a happy family and marriage without truly ever resolving the underlying issues in their relationship.
It’s like Clare did that to compensate the fact that she didn’t write them much at all in TMI. Also, having to wait for century or centuries to find your soulmate isn’t really that romantic concept. Clare isn’t doing any favors for Magnus’ character by writing him directing his flirtatious behavior toward minors. That kiss with Will, like why.
Legality of Magnus and Alec’s relationship seems like a side note compared to all the points you wrote here. Sure, they are legal if Alec is 18 years old, great, but what about all these underlying issues the author does absolutely nothing in order to even acknowledge their existence in her writing.
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offtorivendell · 3 years
You're evil. 😘
⚔ Favourite enemies to lovers ship:
Aelin Galathynius x Rowan Whitethorn - Throne of Glass
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre - Throne of Glass
Beka Cooper x Rosto the Piper - Provost's Dog Trilogy. They're a crackship and, while I'm glad Beka stayed true to her reasons for not getting involved with the Rogue (and I loved watching her relationship progress with Farmer), a part of me is still a little sad they didn't have any sort of romance, even short-lived, because they had chemistry. So I get my fix with fan fic (though I haven't checked in a while).
🙄 What's a popular book that you dislike, but you'll get crucified if you say it?
I DNF'd The Cruel Prince. Got about 50% of the way in and couldn't do it. I've seen beautiful art, and read some interesting analyses about Jude as a character, so I wanted to love it, but in the end it wasn't for me.
🤢 What’s a popular ship that you despise, and why?
See: ☕
☕Drop a HOT unpopular opinion about a book/character. Be savage:
Oh god, really? Again? 😅
I hate being savage. Umm. Fuck. Why. I may not answer this one again. Okay, here goes. This is not anti any character involved, they all deserve love - please do not twist my words. With all the respect in the world to people who like the pairing, I will likely drop You Know Which Series if a certain guy becomes romantically involved with any character from the library. He is/was essentially the exercise therapist - and is definitely one of the protectors - of what is the in-universe equivalent of a women's shelter and, as a former health professional, I can't bring myself to read something like that for enjoyment.
Most real-world shelters and clinics have explicit rules against exactly this sort of thing. Without a large (very large) space of time in which the character from the shelter was no longer sharing the original power dynamic with the guy (and really, even then), I would never be able to put the idea of grooming out of my mind. I don't read this particular series to make myself uncomfortable so, for me, it's a fairly firm no. That being said, we all have different life experiences that inform our opinions, so (once again) no hate to those who do want to see them together - I wish them both every happiness.
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Hello! I'm here to ask about prompts 🌧️ and 🤢, for Sally and Joy please!
🌧️ Both Sally and Joy prefer to stay inside when it rains. Sally finds it soothing and likes to sew and drink tea while watching the rain. Joy is more ready to leave to go outside, but only to get to places like a cafe, museum, university, work, etc. The only time she willingly stays in the rain is when she's on a fair. That is because she runs warmer than Sally and likes to run around. (The pun wasn't intended, but it worked out nicely.) Sally will stay in a tent or any other shelter until the rain stops, because a rainy day in Galar is often cold.
🤢 Joy tends to react nervously when loved ones get sick. This partly stems from her own experiences with being sick, which always make her miserable. So she projects. Also, she had an anxiety attack in the past when she was a child and her aunt, Sally's moment, got a long cold with bad coughing. This was scary for Joy as a child and the experience remains with her even as she's going to therapy. (Although it'll get better in the future. It'll just take time.)
Her high-energy and being easily excited make it often difficult for her to feel if she's overwhelmed when taking care of others. She is a good caretaker (if something of a motherhen who tries to distract others from being sick). She has to be mindful of her own needs.
Sally is like the calm in the storm. She helps when and where needed, mostly with acts of services like making tea and food, reminding her loved ones to take their medicine, etc. while letting them do their own thing. She can see through anybody acting more miserable than they are to get out of chores. (That said, I wonder how she would react if it was a more serious sickness or a bad injury...)
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