#genitals mention
just-antithings · 2 days
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That doesn't even look like a vagina, what is this person on?
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prokopetz · 8 months
Public statues with well-polished noses because people can't resist the urge to boop the snoot and public statues with well-polished groins because people can't resist the urge to rub some nuts are not opposites, but expressions of the exact same impulse.
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that plush training potty seat 😭 silly littles pulling their pants down to go pee-pee in the potty and sitting teddy on the real training potty...or littles with a thingie standing up to use it like a training urinal. the opportunities for silly littles to make a mess thinking they're being really grown-up is endless
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littles who don't like the cold plastic of their potty, so they use teddy's soft, cozy potty
littles who think their dolly's potty is so so pretty, so why can't they use it?
littles who are too little to be potty training, but their cg wants to get them comfortable with the idea of it - except, it's worked too well, and the little wants to try potty training right now, not understanding that it's not an actual potty
littles who are currently potty training, except their potty chair is in the bathroom, not where they're playing, but the plush chair is right here and they really have to go......
and then, bc it has a lid, when the little is all done they can shut it and their cg will be none the wiser... at least, for a bit
if padding is dry, the actual potty chair is empty, or a small puddle is slowly making it's way underneath the plush potty tho, it won't take long for the cg to put one and two together 😅
if it all gets absorbed though....... then that's just the little's silly, soggy little secret ❤
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rjalker · 8 months
if anyone tell you pap smears don't hurt they're a gods damned liar
next time I'm going to ask them to just give me fucking laughing gas or something.
Edit two days later:
For the fucking record to ward off jackass, this post is being made by a nonbinary trans person. My pronouns are it/its. Any TERFs or other transmisics who touch this post will be fucking vaporized.
For a damn preface, for those unaware, a pap smear is a procedure done on people with vaginas to test for cervical cancer or other health problems. It involves sticking a medical device into the vagina and using it to widen the walls of the vagina so the doctor can stick a tiny brush into the cervix to collect cells for testing.
And if you try to look up whether or not this procedure can hurt, every where you look will tell you it doesn’t.
And I'm still fucking infuriated by this. Because it’s a fucking lie. Everywhere I looked beforehand said it wouldn't hurt, I might just feel some pressure. Every single fucking website and blog post and video said "It won't hurt! It doesn't hurt!"
Even now when I am specifically trying to find other people talking about how it hurts, 99% of the results are saying it doesn't hurt, and if it does, it's just because you're nervous and anxious and causing yourself problems.
Except every where I fucking looked told me it wouldn't hurt. The doctor said it wouldn't hurt. My fucking mom said it wouldn't hurt.
I was not tense. I was not anxious. I was told it wouldn't hurt and I believed all the people who'd said so.
And then it felt like having a knife shoved inside my body.
And I was told to just do some fucking breathing exorcises and relax.
Even though I'd been fucking relaxed until it started hurting, because everyone fucking old me it was painless, just mildly uncomfortable.
And I am not talking about pain like "a little pinch", I mean fucking pain like being stabbed with a needle or having a knife twisted inside you. And it just got worse the longer it went on. They had to fucking stop early and might not have even been able to collect the fucking cells they were supposed to be testing.
And when this was finally over the doctor told me that the only reason it hurt was because my hymen was intact (So what about all the fucking shit going around for years about how that breaks for everyone in fucking gym class???? More fucking lies!!), as though that had anything to do with the pain inside.
And now every fucking thing I try to look up for reasons why it can hurt is literally just fucking repeating the same shit about how it doesn’t hurt, and if it does, it’s only because you were nervous and anxious and embarassed and all the fucking things I WASN’T. BECAUSE I WAS TOLD IT WOULDN’T HURT.
Every where I fucking look, I’m told that these things don’t hurt, and it’s just anxiety, and blah fuckity blah.
For fuck’s sake, this is real fucking medical gaslighting going on on a fucking absurd level.
These fucking websites and videos and blog posts and articles may as well just fucking call my hysterical at this point for all they fucking give a shit about people who are hurt by this procedure.
Everyone’s too fucking busy insisting that it doesn’t hurt and you have to get one and if you avoid getting one then you’re a bad person and you’re going to get cancer and die.
I’ve literally found exactly one (1) article talking about how it does hurt for some people, but that this gets constantly brushed under the rug and shouted down, and how this is a fucking problem. One fucking short article out of almost a hundred that I checked.
If you are so hellbent on getting people to get pap smears that you will literally fucking lie about the fact that not only can it hurt, it can hurt extremely, then you are not fucking helping anyone! If no one’s allowed to fucking talk about how painful this procedure is, no one can actually fucking give informed consent, because all of society is apparently too damn busy lying and saying it doesn’t hurt!!!!!!
This is blatant fucking medical misogyny and medical gaslighting everywhere you look and I’d have to be fucking knocked unconcious or given fucking laughing gas before I ever agree to do that again.
There’s even a fucking tiktok someone put on youtube where the original person was talking about offering anesthesia for pap smears, and then a fucking gynecologist comes in to say that’s stupid and useless and absurd and pretends that the only reason it can hurt is because people aren’t relaxed enough.
This is literal fucking society-wide misogynistic lying and gaslighting and it is pure fucking evil.
So pro fucking tip, for people who need to get pap smears: It can in fact hurt. Do not fucking let anyone tell you that you’re imagining it or you’re immature or you’re causing it yourself by being anxious. Do not fucking let them gaslight you and victim blame.
Pap smears can hurt, a lot, and anyone who tells you they don’t or can’t is just straight up fucking lying to your face.
So does this fucking mean I have endometriosis? Vaginismus? Some other fucking horrible thing I haven't heard of yet??? I don't fucking know! And it's gonna take three weeks to fucking find out the test results, assuming they even got to collect any of the gods damned cells in the first place!
Either fucking way, the fact that no one is allowed to talk about how this procedure can be excruciatingly painful because everyone else is just shouting at the top of their lungs that it doesn't hurt and you need to be a Big Girl™ and stop being embarrassed and go get one is fucking evil and I am fucking enraged.
(Edit again for the anon: Yes, you can reblog this, I am not embarrassed, more people need to talk about this so people can at least have some fucking warning. Feel free to copy and paste to other sites too.)
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 year
There’s a lot of versions of the death of Maui but the most often referenced one is where he tries to achieve immortality by climbing into death’s vagina and out through her mouth because that’s the opposite of being born I guess. So he turned himself into a worm and went to climb in while she was sleeping but turns out she’s got obsidian teeth in her private parts. Who knew? Now he’s dead. Shredded by the vagina teeth.
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catgirl-kaiju · 10 months
If you're not joking about having a micropenis, you're definitely intersex. That's an intersex condition.
yeah i'm not joking, i legit have a micropenis and have since birth lol
all research i've done on it and intersex conditions has seemed to indicate that some nonintersex people might just have a micropenis but that it might also be a sign of an intersex condition. i'm not sure if that take on it is universal tho
but there's other stuff about my body and my puberty that make me think i might be intersex. i don't feel comfortable sharing any of that tho. so i'll leave it at: i have a micropenis and maybe some other stuff, and bc of that, i may or may not be intersex depending on ur definition of intersex
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
Hey I was just wondering as a person with hyperandrogenism, could you elaborate more about people who take T to help with it? I want to transition at some point and I've been looking everywhere for information on what going on T would be like for somebody with PCOS.
*CLAPS* you came to the right blog and i'm SO GLAD I CAN HELP SOMEONE ELSE WITH THIS!!!!!
i was diagnosed with hyperandrogenism and PCOS at the age of 15 because i was having such heavy menstrual periods that i literally had to stay home from school because i had to change my pad every 45 minutes or so. they forced me on to hormonal birth control instead of presenting me with the option of testosterone hormone replacement therapy and to this day, i am angry at those doctors for not realizing they could've given me the choice, because they could've spared me from a lot of misery in my teen years.
i had been naturally growing a full beard with no outside help since i started puberty, and it was a nightmare for everyone BUT me because everyone else found it threatening. my mother made me put Nair on my face (that chemical stuff you use to burn the hair off your legs- no, you're not supposed to put it on your face and they did Not make the kind for your face back then.) to get rid of it because it freaked her out so bad, quote, "everyone will make fun of you and you'll get called a dyke and butch and a lezzie and a man and it'll be embarrassing, and then they'll think I'm all of those things, too." Mental gymnastics olympic gold winner, My Mom, everyone.
i wanted to just keep my facial hair, but my mother was obsessed with keeping me a Presentable Girl while everyone else in my school, once they saw the beard, went. oh, it's a guy. and interpreted me in the polar opposite direction. they started relentlessly telling me things like "you're not a girl" "you can't be a girl" "it doesn't matter if you carry a purse or wear makeup you're not a real girl" because they saw my life from the outside and were now under the impression that i was "a guy trying to be a girl," while my mom was trying to prevent me from being "a girl who everyone thinks is a guy".
needless to say, this caused a lot of frustration and confusion in me, because i just wanted to go with what my body was doing, and i found that i was naturally very masculine and butch and let me tell you, starting testosterone was incredible. it was like i picked up from where puberty left off! i finally felt myself evolving into who i was meant to be, i swear, because it felt like i was a half complete person until i started taking T.
my voice dropped very quickly, i was getting voice cracks and croaky tones very early on, within the first 3 months or so. my facial hair took a while for it to stop being patchy, while i was growing a full beard, my mustache was very thin, and there was some hair that didn't grow in small patches, probably due to the years of aggressive chemicals damaging my face. i started growing very thick, bushy, noticeable chest hair very quickly as well, as well as thickened and darkened arm, back and belly hair.
i was a greaseball for a while and that was somewhat unpleasant- i think for about a month after i started i was extremely greasy, i noticed this because i had already been working out at the gym beforehand and i was suddenly. very. sweaty and slimy all of a sudden. honestly it gave me euphoria when i realized it though because i went "oh my god... the T is working!!!" it's the little things that give you Masculine Joy
my face got very sharp and angular very quickly, my cheekbones became way more noticeable and my jaw became a lot more streamline and sharp. i used to have a somewhat round face but now i have barely any fat on my face at all. after a long time on T, my mustache finally grows in fully! though it's still kinda hard to see, but it finally isn't just in the corners of my lips <3
i did have a period of a few months in the beginning where i was very emotional, i wouldn't say i was simply JUST angry. i was more passionate than normal, and it was easy for me to laugh or cry really hard, or sometimes be more irritable than normal due to being more sensitive in general.
Bottom growth happened very quickly and intensely, ive been told by several transmasc partners that i'm one of the biggest they've been with, so i would say you're likely to get fairly substantial bottom growth if you have PCOS or hyperandrogenism. =) it seems that area really takes to the extra testosterone and goes nuts with it! be warned, it will be extremely extremely sensitive to touch while bottom growth is occurring, like even seams in your pants can be uncomfortable, so go easy on yourself. i have never dealt with vaginal dryness or atrophy, btw, so i can't comment on anything like that.
hope that gave you a picture of what it was like for me, personally =) every person w/ PCOS and hyperandrogenism is different, but i'm really glad i could help provide a resource that is difficult to find! for many of us, those of us who have naturally high testosterone love and WANT what it does to our body, and we should be able to get to control how much T goes on in our body- that includes getting the option to increase it.
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intersex-culture-is · 8 months
Questioning intersex culture is trying to figure out how to measure clitoromegaly- seriously if anybody knows how to take measurements please comment haha
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pansyboybloom · 9 months
boypussy is great but lets give some love to the phallo cocks out there. gotta love a man with a dick of his own making <3
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quasi-normalcy · 2 months
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as awful as it is to have to deal with keyword-based censorship on commercial webbed sites (whether or not you're justified in the belief that you're being censored), you have to admit that it's fun to come up with all the wondeful misspellings. of "peanus"
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just-antithings · 2 months
Just anti things: claiming that writing a character having a penis and a vagina is fetishizing intersex people, even if the author is a nonbinary person who specifically said they wrote the character that way to get gender euphoria
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prokopetz · 9 months
I don't want video games to let me choose whether my character has Penis A or Penis B, I want them to administer a comprehensive twelve-part questionnaire about how I think elves reproduce and procedurally generate a set of genitals based on my answers.
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the UK government can suck my nonexistent fucking dick
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what-even-is-thiss · 1 year
Why do men sometimes just send me pics of their buttholes without even saying hello first like at least have some manners dude
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csm-5 · 1 year
losing my mind over that one throwaway line about denji selling his ball actually. i have so many questions. who bought it??? why?????? what does anyone need with a singular ball???????? and WHO is out there paying 100 grand for a single testicle??????
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