#it took me 4 hours because I was either blushing every 5 mins or crying because my friend reminded me that Goose is dead
caveiratimida · 2 years
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Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close forever and ever? And ah, take me out, and take me home You're my, my, my, my Lover
THEY ARE THE DEFINITION OF TWO PEOPLE AND ONE HEART I SAY Here are more details that I loved whilst making this:
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chimchimchoo · 6 years
Fly Me to the Moon :: Ch 8
Genre: Pure fluff crack
Word Count: 28,636
Pair: Yoongi x Jimin
Collaborated with @tayvengeance
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Jimin stared at the note on the bathroom wall for a solid 5 minutes before he pulled out his phone and typed in the number.
authors note: we do not own any of the pictures, for better formatting so it’s more comfortable to read, check it out on AO3! AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14944508/chapters/36315222 Twitters: Tae’s Sujin’s <3 - Tae & sujin
Prepare yourselves, this is a 28k moNSTER of fluffy goods
**WARNING, mild smut toward the end
Chat With Mochi_Moves:
its the day
where it’s okay to be the most disgustingly
cute and amazing boyfriend to it’s fullest power™
I love you Min Yoongi
you complete me
c: c: c: c: c:
you’re really fucking hot when you play the piano
just saying
(i havent stopped thinking about that video since you sent it to me)
Morning, Jimin-ah
love of my life
The Sid to my Nancy
The Sally to my Jack
I’m sorry these are het couples
you’re my everything
I love you too
I cant wait to spend all day
in the hotel
it’ll be so nice to get away from everything
and just be with you
tomorrows the big date night
and im even more excited for this
do you wanna hear the big plan i got for us?
(also side note, there is a piano in the lounge that I will
play until I am forcibly removed from it, just for you)
i noticed by pure coincidence
that fall out boy was having worldwide concert
and one of the locations was here
so i /may/ have gotten us tickets for it
holy shit
but afterwards
i got a whole picnic planned out by a park
specially made by Jin because
1. its cheaper
2. he’s an excellent cook
but it’s going to have candles and music
and we can dance under the stars
and it’ll be the most magical thing in the world
I’m not crying
I promise
my eyes are just sweating
and tHEN
after you made that booking for tonight
and went to the bathroom
i added a second night
because why the hell not c:
c: c: c:
does this plan sound alright?
Jimin, that sounds so damn perfect
I could kiss you
in fact
I WILL kiss you
many many many many times today
because I CAN
is my command your wish?
will you submit to my demands?
will you do anything I ask?
baby tonight is your night
and i will do you right
so check in is at 3
before that
I made lunch reservations at a nice restaurant
at noon
and I figured as soon as you’re ready for the day, you could just come
over to my place and be with me until lunch
because it’s 8:30 am and I haven’t seen you in like
6 hours
well heck
where the hell are my pants
and my scarf
and the box of chocolates i may or may not have gotten for you
6 hours is so long
i’m coming over asap
(wow look how Gay™ we are)
I’m so whipped for you
Yoongi sat his phone down and realized he had a stupid, huge grin plastered onto his face. He couldn’t help himself. Two whole days with Jimin. No, three whole days with Jimin. Without faltering his grin, he got up and put on his date night outfit -- fitted black slacks with a white silk blouse that cut down mid-chest, topped off with a black and white floral jacket and a thick choker. He looked in the mirror and thought he might be going a little overboard but fuck it, he was spending Valentine’s day with Park Jimin -- aka the actual love of his life. And while it was exhilarating to think about, he was actually growing nervous about having sex with Jimin and was overcompensating for his nerves by over dressing.
Not more than five minutes after he had finished getting ready, Yoongi heard the soft rapping of Jimin’s knuckles on the front door, and he thought his heart might explode. When he opened the door, he was greeted by a Jimin imposter. There was no happy, bubbly, soft, sweet boyfriend staring at him, oh no. This Jimin had his hair pushed back and a choker around his neck. He was wearing a black blouse similar to Yoongi’s and tight black pants, complemented by a blue velvet jacket. Yoongi was almost positive that this was not the same boy who was just texting him sappy shit because it’s Valentine’s day. No, this was NOT Park Jimin. Yoongi licked his lips habitually, but also because the man standing in front of him was making his mouth water.
Jimin leaned against the doorframe, biting his lip followed by a wink. “Hey there sexy beast.” He wiggled his eyebrows, using everything he had to hold in his laughter.
On second thought, this 100% was Park Jimin, his complete dork of a boyfriend. Yoongi smiled as his eyes met Jimin’s.
“Hyung!” Jimin screamed as he jumped toward Yoongi, slamming his lips onto his. “Happy Valentines day to the best boyfriend in the whole entire world.” He shoved the glittery heart-shaped box of chocolates in his hands. “Is this cheesy enough for you?”
“I have no idea what ‘this’ is referring to, whether it be your fucking ensemble or the kiss, or the chocolates. BUT I will have you know that I am flattered and extremely turned on,” Yoongi babbled, taking the chocolates and pulling his boyfriend in for another kiss.
“Says the one who went out of their way to wear a silk blouse.” Jimin muttered under his breath.
Yoongi smirked, bringing his lips to Jimin's ear and his voice to a low growl, “I bet our bed sheets will be just as silky smooth against our naked bodies tonight.”
“Ohhhh,” Jimin wiggled his eyebrows dramatically again. “Someone's a little excited. We have a whole day ahead of us though, try to keep your mind out of the gutter for a few hours will you?” He giggled, his eyes turning into their usual crescents.
“Says the one who went out of their way to push their hair back,” Yoongi huffed.
Jimin dramatically flipped his hair with a grin. “But you love it, don’t you? I spent a whole hour trying to gel my hair into place okay, it took every ounce of my effort.”
Yoongi pressed his lips against Jimin’s once more, “Baby, ‘love it’ is an understatement.”
Jimin wrapped his arms around Yoongi’s waist, holding him closely. “Good thing my efforts didn’t go to waste then.” He took in Yoongi’s appearance, feeling a blush creep up his cheeks. He had no words to express how much he loved Yoongi, or how amazing he looked for that matter. He was about to spend three whole days with this man and he couldn’t be happier. “I’d say you look absolutely gorgeous right now, but that too, is an understatement.”
Yoongi chuckled, “We both put too much effort into this. It’s just Valentine’s day for fuckssake.” He pulled Jimin along into the house and shut the door behind him. “But, can I interest you in some of Jin’s freshly baked Valentine’s treats?”
As if on cue, Yoongi heard a door slam open and feet hurriedly make their way to the kitchen. Jin appeared in the area with wildly tousled hair and one of Namjoon’s hoodies on. “I swear to GOD if either of you touch an unfrosted cupcake or cookie, I will decline Jimin’s sweet request to cook you dinner tomorrow.” Namjoon followed behind, munching on an unfrosted cupcake.
Yoongi looked at Jin and Namjoon with a ‘tch’ and crossed his arms over his chest, “First of all why does Namjoon get to eat one, and second of all, why haven’t you frosted anything yet?”
Jin almost looked appalled Yoongi would ask him such a question. Almost. He’s good at being fake. “The answer to both your questions is because I was too preoccupied getting completely fucked by Namjoon to care about frosting anything or the fact that he took unfinished pastries.”
Jimin stifled his laughter as he watched the scene unfold. “They’ve really hit it off since the knife incident, haven’t they?” He muttered towards Yoongi. “Jin-hyung! Since we don’t have any plans until lunch, can I help with the rest of the valentine treats?” Jimin pleaded.
Jin looked over at Jimin with a grin plastered on his face, “Of course, Jimin-ah!” His smile quickly dropped as he looked between Yoongi and Namjoon “You two on the other hand, stay the fuck out of my kitchen.”
Yoongi looked offended, “Excuse me, I have never disrespected your kitchen. Why am I being shunned?”
Jin grabbed his frosting knife and waved it in Yoongi’s direction, “Because I need alone time with my son. Gotta have the talk. You’re already too fargone, but I might be able to spare his innocence. Now the two of you can get the fuck out of here. We’ll call you when the sweets are done.”
Jimin gave Yoongi an innocent wave and joined Jin in the kitchen, putting on his spare pink apron covered in little hearts and bears, fitting for Valentines day. His eyes grew wide at the sight of all the treats covering every counter in the kitchen. “Exactly how many people were you expecting to feed with all of these treats hyung?”
“You’ve obviously never been around a hungry Namjoon. He’ll eat a dozen of each on his own. I swear he’s going to contract diabetes one day.” Jin tied his own lacy pink apron around him and motioned for Jimin to bring the big pink KitchenAid mixer over to the counter.
A squeaky laugh escaped from Jimin as he followed Jin’s request, carrying the mixer to an empty counter. “So,” Jimin leaned over, eyebrows wiggling. “You and Namjoon? Things are going well I assume?”
Jin tried to hold back a smile, but was betrayed by his own muscles, “Yeah. I’ve always fancied him, but never really thought we could be more than bickering housemates. I was so wrong. Our compatibility is wildly high. He’s so fucking smart and sweet but totally dumb at the same time. Also he’s really fucking good at sex, so I really can’t complain.”
“It’s like a match made in heaven. You’re the band-aid to his destruction.” He leaned against the KitchenAid, letting out a dreamy sigh.
“Not only the band-aid, but also the one to prevent the destruction from ever happening. You know how many Namjoon-related accidents we could have prevented this whole damn time if I had been with him to say ‘look out’ or ‘Joonie take it slow?’” A fond smile settled on his lips as he sliced off a chunk of butter and placed it in a small glass dish, “Can you soften that in the microwave for me?”
With a nod, Jimin took the small dish and placed it in the microwave, setting the timer. He carefully pulled out the warm dish when the timer went off and carried it back to Jin, dumping it into the mixer.
“Now as I mix the powdered sugar pour the buttermilk in, but not all at once. You can also throw in that vanilla whenever as well. We’re gonna mix on low until it’s all mixed, then gradually go faster to whip it up. Speaking of whipping things up, you and Yoongi are pretty serious, yeah? He told me you guys have a hotel room today and tomorrow.” Jin looked at Jimin as he flipped the switch on the mixer.
Jimin’s face suddenly flushed as he bit his lip, replying with a nod. “It’s a big weekend for us. But this entire week, I’ve been so nervous. Is that a bad thing hyung? I mean, it’s just Yoongi. I love him, and he knows that. I don’t know, it just feels...different this time?”
“Jimin, tell me this. Are you able to talk about sex? Because if you can’t talk about it, you aren’t ready for it,” Jin quipped as he scraped frosting off the side of the bowl and back into the beater.
“Yoongi and I have brought it up a couple of times in the past. But you know, I trust him, I really do, and I know he wouldn’t do anything to make me feel uncomfortable.”
“That’s good," Jin smiled. "You know, I’ve never seen him so mushy over anyone before you. He’s constantly smiling and in a good mood, and it’s so fucking weird. I guess we just got so used to him being so depressed and moody. He really cares about you, Jimin.” Jin turned up the speed for the mixer.
Jimin watched the mixer in a trance as a bashful smile crept up his lips. “I really care about him too hyung. So much, it almost makes me feel sick.”
“Ah, to be young and in love.”
Jimin glanced up at Jin, raising an eyebrow. “What does that make you and Namjoon then?”
“Our sex life might be new, but our relationship spans many years. We’re just two old fools.”
“Jin, you’re only 25.”
“Jimin, I didn’t ask for your sass.” Jin turned off the mixer and scraped the sides one more time. After confirming the frosting was fluffy and ready, he unhooked the bowl from the mixer and pointed to the red dye. “We’re gonna make it all pink. Pour in a few drops.”
Jimin carefully squeezed three drops of the red dye but nearly dropped in the bowl as he heard a loud knocking on the front door, follow by a slam as it forcefully swung open. “I heard someone was making treats today!” He heard a shout and peeked out of the kitchen, watching Taehyung pull Yoongi into a playful headlock. “Yoongi! Look how dressed up you are. Getting ready for the big bang tonight? You got all your condoms and lube right?” He sneered, ruffling Yoongi’s hair.
“Taetae, get your hands off my boyfriend. He worked hard putting that look together.” Jimin threatened waving Jin’s frosting spatula toward him.  
“Taehyung, if you wish to continue being able to fuck Jungkook, I would advise you taking your hands off me right now,” Yoongi deadpanned.
Taehyung quickly pulled his hands off Yoongi and wrapped them around Jungkook, who still stood at the door. “Forget I ever put my hands on you, Yoongs.” He spat with a glare.
“The whole dysfunctional family is here now,” Jimin closed his eyes, muttering under his breath. “Lovely.”
“All we’re missing is Hoseok,” Jin noted, mixing the red dye into the frosting.
A faint scream echoed in the hallway. “You were saying?” Jimin glanced up at Jin.
“I ran into a fucking idiot who was on their fucking phone and made me drop all my fucking chocolates. This was fucking expensive, I busted my entire fucking paycheck to spread my fucking love to you all.” Hoseok dropped the bag onto the kitchen table. “And now half of these got fucking destroyed.” He sat in one of the chairs and crossed his arm, pouting. “Happy Valentines day, fuckers.”
“I just wanted to spend the morning with Jimin,” Yoongi muttered.
“Yah, you’re spending the next two days with Jimin. Shut up and thank Hoseok for the lovely chocolates,” Jin snapped at Yoongi, scooping some frosting into a squeeze bag and handing it to Jimin.
Ignoring the loud rambling and shouts being thrown back and forth, Jimin put all his focus on decorating the cookies as best as he could. Sticking his tongue out, he slowly drew on a cookie until he was finished, admiring the large, lopsided heart covered in sprinkles. “I did it!” Jimin beamed. “Hyung, look, look. I made this one just for you.” He picked up the cookie, setting it in Yoongi’s hand.
Yoongi smiled and placed a soft kiss on Jimin’s cheek, “It’s beautiful. How can I destroy such artwork by eating it?”
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” Jimin grinned before smearing a small amount of pink frosting onto Yoongi’s nose and ran back into the kitchen.
“You can say, he’s whipped frosting now.” Taehyung whispered from behind as Jungkook bent over in laughter over his dumb joke.
“Kinda like when I ate whipped cream off you last night,” Jungkook poked through his laughter.
“I don’t want to fucking hear this,” Yoongi turned and walked over to the kitchen. “Don’t make me stay in there with the kink kings.”
“It’s fine. I’ve had my conversation with Jimin. You can help too if you want. Those cupcakes over there need frosting and sprinkles,” Jin pointed to the opposite counter and handed Yoongi a squeeze bag of frosting.
As Jimin finished the cookies on one of the counters, he moved over to where Yoongi was, standing close beside him, admiring the work he had done so far. “These look wonderful.” Jimin smiled. “Almost as wonderful as you.” He heard Taehyung make gagging noises in the background.
Yoongi ignored Taehyung and pulled Jimin in for a kiss, “Eat one and tell me how well I frosted it.”
Before Jimin could take a cupcake, Hoseok shoved his way between the two and grabbed one of Yoongi’s decorated treats and took a bite out of it. “What? Look, I deserve this after that tragedy I went through.” He whined with his mouth full and left the kitchen as Jimin proceeded to pick up a cupcake and tasted it. “Just as sweet as your sugar lips.” He grinned, extending it toward Yoongi. “Try it!”
Yoongi leaned forward and bit into the cupcake Jimin was holding out for him. Jin really knew how to make a cupcake. He smiled as he chewed and continued to frost the rest of the cupcakes.
When Jimin’s frosting bag was finally empty, he set it aside and took off his apron, admiring the treats he put all his effort into. He pulled out a stool and sat at the kitchen bar, watching Yoongi finish decorating his with dreamy eyes.
“You’re so fucking whipped.” Taehyung whispered in his ear and sat beside him.
“Yeah, I am.” Jimin sighed happily. “Look at him. Have you ever seen someone look so attractive decorating cupcakes?”
Yoongi bumped the side of his hand on a cupcake and accidentally frosted himself. With a mischievous gaze, he looked up at Jimin and proceeded to lick it off slowly.
Jin turned around and caught Yoongi in the act and kicked him out of the kitchen for licking his hands while frosting.
Jimin threw his head back in laughter, smacking Taehyung’s arm as he shouted in protest and smacked Jimin back. “Save your sexual innuendos for later, hyung.” Taehyung stated as Jimin covered up his cheeks, trying to hide the blush that found its way up.
“$90 bucks they won’t make it until tonight.” Hoseok shouted as he entered the kitchen.
“You’re on!” Taehyung shouted.
“Knock it off you two.” Namjoon interrupted, “Don’t you have anything else better to do than bet on their love life? Go take valentine selfies together and bother Jungkook instead. He’s been sitting on the couch by himself for gods sake. What kind of boyfriend are you Taehyung?” He shooed the two away from the kitchen.
He approached Jin, wrapping an arm around his waist. “How are the treats coming along, snookums?”
“Almost done. Just these last dozen cookies, baby cakes.”
“I’m gonna vomit all over my nice clothes,” Yoongi chimed in. “Come on, Jimin. We’re taking a plate of sweets and hiding in my room.”
“Ugh,” Jungkook groaned from the couch, “Why is everyone here so fucking nasty with each other? Save me, Hoseok. Insult my boyfriend!”
Hoseok shrugged innocently. “It’s Valentines day, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He shook his head as Taehyung jumped onto Jungkook, nuzzling his nose into his hair. “I wuv you soooo much munchkin.”
“Just choke me out and end this,” Jungkook replied with a pained expression on his face.
“Choke you?” Taehyung’s eyebrows rose in surprise. “Well if you want to get kinky here and now,” He grinned. “We can get kinky.”
Hoseok groaned in disgust. “I’ll be at the kitchen table, eating my destroyed chocolates.”
Jimin shoved a cookie in his mouth as he helped Yoongi make a small pile of treats on one of the heart-shaped plates and followed him to his room, shielding his eyes from whatever was possibly happening on the couch. Jimin set the heart plate onto Yoongi’s desk, letting out a sigh of relief. “I love everyone to death, but they can be so exhausting sometimes.”
“I understand. Well, on the bright side, they successfully managed to waste two full hours of our time. Which means, our lunch date will begin soon and then we can check into the hotel and remain alone together until the day after tomorrow.” Yoongi smiled and walked behind Jimin, wrapping his arms around the younger’s waist. “Just the two of us, isn’t that just magical?” He kissed into Jimin’s neck as he finished talking.
“Just the two of us?” He replied with a laugh, “That’s a first.”
Yoongi trailed kisses up Jimin’s jawline, “And definitely not a last.”
A soft sigh escaped from Jimin’s lips and he spun around, wrapping his arms around Yoongi’s neck. He pulled him close, leaving no space between the two and pressed his lips against Yoongi’s. They had done this many times before, but every single time he kissed Yoongi, butterflies grew in his stomach feeling like it was his first all over again.
“We can’t let Hoseok get another $90, now.”
“So we’re making Taehyung rich then?” Jimin pouted.
“Fuck, there’s no winning,” Yoongi grumbled.
“We should start joining these bets, we’re guaranteed to win every time. We’ll make big bucks.” He gave him a mischievous smirk.
“Oh my god, you’re right,” Yoongi chuckled.
“I’ll take you out on hundreds of dates with the money we earn.” Jimin promised with a wide grin. “How great would that be?”
Yoongi smiled and kissed Jimin’s smiling lips, “I want nothing more than our friends to pay for our love.”
“That’s the dream.” Jimin muttered but then was interrupted by a light growl from his stomach. “Oh my god.” He hid his face in embarrassment.
“Babe, you hungry or something? Jeez,” Yoongi chuckled.
“Food has been on my mind ever since you told me about that reservation.” Jimin answered shamelessly. “A guy’s gotta eat, you know?” He stated with a shrug.
Yoongi’s chuckle turned into a chortle, and he hugged Jimin as close to him as he could, “Soon, Jiminnie.”
Jimin let out a whine and grabbed another cookie, shoving one in Yoongi’s mouth as well. He cackled when the cookie left a frosting mustache on his lips. “You should consider growing a mustache, it’s not a bad look.”
“And ruin this perfectly smooth face? I don’t think so. Plus, do you really wanna kiss a hairy face?”
“Who knows, maybe I have a thing for hairy faces and I just don’t know it yet.”
Yoongi scrunched his nose, “Find another man to test this possible kink of yours. I for one will not ruin my good looks for the sake of experimentation.”
“Oh but you’ll let me put my lips on another man?” Jimin teased. “Why don’t I just go ask one of the guys out there, I’m sure they’re willing to be a test subject.”
“If you really want to kiss one of them, go for it. I have nothing to worry about. I know you love me,” Yoongi smiled mischievously.
“Oh?” Jimin rose an eyebrow. “You’re sure about that? So I don’t need to go grab, I don’t know, Hoseok and test this out, just in case?”
Yoongi rolled his eyes, “Yah, Jiminnie.” He pushed Jimin down onto his bed and slotted himself between the younger’s legs. “Stop being a brat.” He wrapped his arms around Jimin’s neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss.
“Nah, I get a kick out of teasing you.” Jimin murmured when their kiss broke and gripped Yoongi’s blouse, capturing his lips again. The feeling was intoxicating and he couldn’t get enough. His sweet lips tasted of sugar and vanilla. Warmth radiated through Jimin’s body, his heart pounding so hard against his chest, he was sure Yoongi could feel it. When Jimin pulled away, gasping for breath, he gazed at Yoongi, taking in his features. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes glazed and lips slightly swollen from their kiss. He lifted his hand, brushing a thumb against his cheek. “You’re so perfect.” He whispered, his lips curling into a small smile.
A fond smile slipped its way onto Yoongi’s face in return, “I know I say this all the fucking time, but I love you so much, Jimin.” He played with the short hairs at the nape of Jimin’s neck and brought their foreheads together, “So so so much.” Yoongi let his eyes close as he breathed in, breath mingling with Jimin’s due to their proximity. “My beautiful Jiminnie.”
“I love you too, Yoongi.” Jimin uttered. “I feel like the luckiest person alive.”
“I know I am the luckiest person alive when I’m with you. You’re like an angel, sent to protect me,” Yoongi mulled, stroking Jimin’s hair as he spoke.
“You have Hoseok to thank for that.” He ran his fingers down Yoongi’s spine, gliding over the silky fabric. “He was the one that wrote your number on a stall. I simply followed with a meme.” His fingers curled against the fabric and he pressed a chaste kiss against his lips.
“He can be best man at our wedding, and I’ll name our first adopted child after him,” Yoongi muttered against Jimin’s lips.
“I’m sure he would love that more than anything else.” Jimin giggled. “Having our own kid named after him. As long as we can name our second one after my precious Taetae.”
“Taehyung doesn’t deserve to have me name my child after him,” Yoongi huffed. “He didn't bring you to me like Hoseok did.”
A laugh escaped from his lips. “Alright, that’s fair. But lets get through this valentines first before we start naming our future children.”
Yoongi chuckled, “I’m getting ahead of myself, I’m sorry baby. I just… I see my future, and you’re right there with me. It’s a new sensation for me.”
“I mean,” Jimin grinned. “It is nice to think about how cute and domestic we’ll look in a little house with screaming children. But if it gets out of control, I’m paying Jin-hyung to be a nanny.”
Yoongi bellowed, “Imagine Jin, coming to our house dressed like fucking Mary Poppins, ‘practically perfect in every way.’”
“He’s got the voice for it too. He can teach the kids supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”
Yoongi’s smile remained as he imagined the scenario, “I love everything about this future of ours.”
“I love everything about it, and I love everything about you.”
Yoongi’s phone beeped then, signaling his reminder for lunch reservations, “Well, would you look at that. It’s time to head over to the restaurant. Just what you’ve been waiting for.”
“Finally!” Jimin cheered, throwing his arms up in the air. “Let’s go, let’s go, let’s go!” Excitedly, he pulled Yoongi toward the bedroom door, snatching one last cookie along the way.
“Joonie, I’m taking your car, hope you don’t need it!” Yoongi yelled as Jimin pulled him to the front door.
“Remember hyung, condoms for safe sex!” Taehyung shouted across the apartment.
“Safe sex is the best sex!” Jin yelled after.
“Enjoy that big bang, fuckers!” Hoseok screamed.
“Preparation is vital!” Jungkook added on.
“You shouldn’t know this, you’re 12.” Namjoon whacked the kid across his head.
Jungkook rubbed his head where Namjoon hit it, “I’m 20, thank you very much, and I was too eager my first time with Tae Tae and really hurt myself. Prepping yourself is KEY.”
“Oh my god, go be a kid and watch fucking Pororo.” Namjoon groaned.
“I hate this family, Tae Tae doesn’t disrespect me like this,” Jungkook pouted.
Jimin followed Yoongi down to the car, fingers interlocked with his. “We finally escaped from our dysfunctional family.” Jimin giggled, jumping up and down gleefully. “Two whole days together Min Yoongi, two whole days!”
Yoongi grinned as he slid into the driver’s seat and stuck the key in the ignition, turning the car on. “Two fucking days with the love of my life. It doesn’t get better than this, ladies and gents. Also please buckle up, Jiminnie. Seatbelt safety is important.”
“Of course, hyung. We need all sorts of protection today, don’t we?” He sneered, buckling himself into the seat.
“I can’t have the most precious thing in my life get hurt now, can I?”
Jimin’s ears grew red as he bit his lip. As Yoongi pulled out onto the road, Jimin extended his arm toward the radio, turning up the volume. A spanish opera blasted through the speakers and Jimin choked, trying to hold back his laugh. “I always took Namjoon-hyung for a hip hop person, but this is even better.”
“Joonie listens to weird shit. He’s all over the damn place,” Yoongi chuckled. “I suppose that’s a good thing though, to enjoy such a wide range of music.”
Jimin smiled as the spanish opera played softly in the background. He turned his head, watching Yoongi with admiration, his mind reeling back at the little things they’ve done together the past couple of months. It all happened in such a short span of time, but it feels like it’s been years.
Yoongi’s thumb tapped on the steering wheel to the tune of the music, and he had to smile in the tranquility of it all. “Lunch is on me. Order whatever the hell you want. Make yourself happy, Jimin,” Yoongi broke through the silence.
Gasping, Jimin’s eyes glimmered with excitement. “Really? You mean it? Anything?”
A small squeal of delight escaped from Jimin’s lips. “This is already the best day, ever!” He was already having a hard enough time containing his excitement. The opera eventually came to an end and Lil Wayne followed after.
“See, very diverse.” Yoongi pulled up to the hotel parking lot and into a spot. He killed the engine and got out, walking over to the passenger side to open the door for Jimin. He held his hand out for the younger to take as he helped him out of Namjoon’s car. “Come with me, Mr. Park. Your lunch reservation awaits.”
“Look at you, Min Yoongi.” Jimin gasped. “Be careful,” He leaned in closely, “you’re just making yourself more irresistible by the minute.”
“Maybe that’s my plan,” Yoongi replied with a wink, opening the door so Jimin could walk through first.
Jimin glanced at him with an offended expression, clutching his chest. “How dare you.” He whispered before they walked over to the elevators and Jimin’s eyes went wide as Yoongi hit the button for floor 35. They rode up with an electric excitement bouncing off them.
“I’ve always wanted to bring someone here,” Yoongi whispered even though they were the only two in the elevator. “Always sounded romantic.” The two walked out of the elevator as it reached the 35th floor, and Yoongi held the door once again for Jimin to enter the restaurant. They were greeted by a woman at the front.
“Welcome to Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul,” She greeted with a warm smile. “Have you made a reservation?”
“Yes,” Yoongi responded, walking in behind Jimin. “The name will be Min Yoongi.”
“Right this way,” The maître d' grabbed the menus and mazed through the elegantly decorated restaurant, guiding them to their table. “Here you are.”
Jimin seated himself across from Yoongi, thanking the maître d' before taking a moment to look around, admiring the place. Beside them was a large window with a clear view of the Bukhan mountains beyond the cityscape. The ceiling above them were decorated with glass chandeliers, emitting a dim, amber glow. “This place is amazing Yoongi.” He opened the menu, gaping at the selection it offered. He always admired this place from afar and dreamt of trying their food one day, but he forgot how expensive it was.
“Only the best for you, love,” Yoongi replied with the smile of a man in love.
Jimin smiled warmly and studied the menu, mulling over the choices. “My god, do you even know what you want?”
“Well, we can do chicken or fish. What do you desire?”
“Mmm,” Jimin pondered for a moment. “Fish. Fish sounds wonderful.”
Yoongi hummed in agreement, “Fish it is. Shall we get a wine to go with our meal?”
“Yeah!” Jimin nodded, “It’s not every day you get to try wine in Seoul.”
“It’s imported French wine. Let’s do the white wine. I hear it’s more tasty than red wine.”
“If you say so, then white wine it is.”
Yoongi nodded, and when the waiter came over to take their order, he relayed their choice to him. he smiled and let them know he’d be back with their wine shortly and that he’d bring water glasses over while they waited.
Jimin extended an arm across the table, taking Yoongi’s hand in his, a comfortable silence hanging around them. “What are you thinking about, Min Yoongi?”
“How much I love you,” Yoongi smiled, looking at their intertwined hands. “How happy I am to be here with you. How jealous Jin will be when he hears we ate here, just to name a few things.”
“I bet he’s going to try to drag Namjoon here after we tell him,” He grinned. “Maybe get a few cooking tips out of a chef or two. You know he doesn’t like anyone who cooks better than him.”
Yoongi giggled, “Namjoon is too cheap to come here. There is no way Jin could convince him to waste his money on expensive food.”
“Not only that, but he’s too clumsy. Look around, there’s glass everywhere.”
“Namjoon is the bull in the china shop.”
Jimin covered his mouth, muffling his laughter. “Poor hyung. How Jin controls that beast, I’ll never know.”
“He just has to bat his pretty eyelashes at Joonie and he’s putty in his hands,” Yoongi snorted. “Always been that way.”
“Good,” He smiled. “It gives them both something to do anyway.” The waiter returned with their drinks, pouring the wine into the glasses and left the bottle at the table for them, announcing their food will arrive soon.
Yoongi brought the glass up to his nose and smelled the wine before lowering it to his lips and taking a small taste. He was surprised at the taste, having only ever tasted rice wine before, but it wasn’t a bad difference. “This is pretty good. Try it Jiminnie!”
Jimin grabbed his glass, catching the sweet smell of the wine before taking a small sip. He smacked his lips for a moment, tasting the flavor. “Hyung!” He replied with a surprised expression. “This is really good!”
Yoongi smiled at Jimin adoringly. “I’m glad the wine is good.”
Jimin took a few more sips. “I don’t think I can ever go back to soju after this.” He commented, gently swirling the wine in the glass. “It’s quite refreshing actually, and sweet, like you.” Jimin grinned.
Yoongi snorted, “Don’t get too used to this, love. This is a one-time kinda thing. Otherwise it’s not special, yeah?”
“Of course, but it’s so special that I’ll think about this wine every time I take a shot of soju, most likely for the rest of my life. Say, let’s come back on our 100 year anniversary.” Jimin laughed. “That’s far out enough, right?”
Yoongi laughed, “How about our golden anniversary? Nothing says 50 sweet years together like a nice rosé.”
Jimin’s eyes widened in delight. “That’s even better! It’s 50 years sooner!”
Yoongi smiled, “It is better, isn’t it? 50 years with you would be amazing.”
“There’s so much we have to do before our 50th anniversary!” Jimin exclaimed, growing excited as ideas ran through his mind. “So many things like...like traveling to other countries, or trying all the cafes in Seoul, or flying kites. Or make paintings for each other!”
Yoongi couldn’t hold back the laughter that overtook him as he watched Jimin’s face light up at the different ideas soaring through his head. “Those are all very good anniversary ideas, Jimminie.”
“That’s only 50 anniversaries.” Jimin signed, growing overwhelmed. “But I have hundreds of ideas, how do I even fit them all…”
“Then we celebrate every single month we are together!” Yoongi exclaimed. “That way, you can multiply 50 by 12 and have that many moreanniversaries.”
Jimin’s smile widened at the idea. “It’s perfect! On the 15th of every month, you’re mine for the whole day.”
Yoongi’s smile softened, “Hopefully someday the 15th won’t be the only day you’re mine for 24 hours.”
“Here’s to letting that someday come as soon as possible.” Jimin lifted his glass in the air. “With frequent interruptions from our lovely dysfunctional family.”
Yoongi softly clanked his glass against Jimin’s and took a sip of wine. “You know, you look so good in here. The fancy atmosphere makes you look like a lord or something. It’s damn sexy.”
Jimin leaned back, resting an arm against the head of the chair and crossed his leg, smirking. “Sexy, you say?” He subtly licked his lips and wriggled his eyebrows.
“Woah, baby. Save it for the bedroom,” Yoongi chided, nearly choking on his wine. “I’d rather like to make it through lunch without any issues.”
Jimin’s snigger faded the instant he spotted the waiter arriving to their table with the food. Gasping in awe, Jimin watched the waiter set the plates down and quietly thanked him. “Is this food or is this art? Wait!” He pulled out his phone, turning on the camera to take a picture. “I gotta do it for the ‘gram” He muttered under his breath and quickly snapped a photo. “It looks delicious...let’s eat!” Jimin picked up his fork but couldn’t get himself to touch his lunch. “It’s so pretty, I don’t want to ruin it.”
Yoongi chuckled and stabbed a bite onto his fork, guiding it towards Jimin’s mouth, “Take a bite, baby.”
Jimin took a bite, chewing the food slowly. “It’s so good! Try it!” He jabbed the fish onto his fork and hovered it toward Yoongi. “The best fish I’ve had yet.”
Yoongi smiled and let Jimin feed him. Jimin was correct. The fish was delicious. “Yah, that’s so damn good. What the fuck.”
Jimin lightly slapped his arm. “Yoongi!” He hissed quietly, laughing. “Watch your language, this is a fancy place. But you know, I completely agree. This is fucking delicious.” He whispered, making sure no one heard.
“Yah, I’m a man with a refined vocabulary. All the fancy people say things like ‘fuck’ and ‘damn’ to indicate their emotions,” Yoongi joked, taking another bite of food. “But yeah, definitely don’t get used to this place, Jiminnie. Shit’s expensive for the portions we got.”
“You’re right.” He glanced down at his place. “It’s like the size of your emotional capacity. A teaspoon.”
Yoongi nearly died trying to contain the food in his mouth while also trying to hold back a snort, and ended up choking on his fish. “Holy fuck I wasn’t ready for that,” He cried, gulping down water to help clear his esophagus. “You fucking bastard, how dare you go there.”
Jimin grinned proudly, taking another bite of his small dinner.
“Well, at least we won’t be eating a lot. That means there won’t be a lot to digest, which will mean whoever ends up taking it in the ass tonight should have clear passageways,” Yoongi concluded with a sly grin, patiently waiting Jimin’s response.
Loud coughs erupted from Jimin as he choked on his fish, disrupting the peaceful atmosphere of the restaurant. He waved apologetically to a waiter who shot concerned glances at him and chugged down his water. “You little shit.” He murmured, glaring at Yoongi. “Ruining such a beautiful moment between me and my dinner. Jesus.”
Yoongi just chuckled, “Sorry, I just wanted to get a reaction out of you.”
“Yeah and you got the whole restaurant’s attention too.”
“Ah, but only you heard what I said,” Yoongi winked.
Jimin’s ears grew hot as he resumed eating, trying to look anywhere but at the man in front of him.
“Aw, baby, did I embarrass you?” Yoongi asked, concern on his face. “I’m sorry, it was a joke. A really bad sexual joke.” He placed a hand on top of Jimin’s free one.
“No I just, i mean, thinking about tonight I-” He stammered.
“Jimin, if you’re not ready, we don’t have to do anything,” Yoongi reassured him. “There is absolutely zero pressure. If we kiss and cuddle all night, then we kiss and cuddle all night and that’s that. I just want to spent my nights with you next to me. That’s all I need.”
“I know,” Jimin smiled softly. “and that’s what I love about you. But it’s not even that, I just...there’s no one else in the world I’d rather do it with than you.
Yoongi sent Jimin a warm smile, “You set the pace these next two days.”
“Thank you, Yoongi.”
Yoongi finished his meal and watched Jimin finish his, “Hey, beautiful.” He smiled at the boy across from him, completely enamoured by him.
“Hey, Mr. handsome and stoic.” Jimin replied. “How was your teaspoon?”
“Delicious. Yours?”
“Absolutely amazing!” He exclaimed and picked up his glass, finishing the last of the sweet wine. “This was actually the greatest idea ever. Best Valentines day I’ve ever had, thank you for taking me here, hyung.”
“Anything for my Jiminnie,” Yoongi smiled. The waiter came back with their dessert, clearing their lunch plates to make room for the sweets. Yoongi smiled in thanks and grabbed his spoon to start eating.
“Wait!” Jimin stopped him immediately. “Hold on,” He pulled out his phone again, getting the camera set up.
Yoongi smiled as he watched Jimin take a photo of the food.
“Smile, Min Yoongi!” He held the phone up in the air, trying to get the two with a clear view of the restaurant in the background.
Yoongi shot Jimin one of his wide, gummy smiles.
As Yoongi resumed with the dessert, Jimin snapped a candid of him, smiling bashfully to himself. He wanted to freeze this moment and live in it forever, sitting at a table in Pierre Gagnaire à Séoul with the man he loves right in front of him. There was no other feeling he could compare it to. He put away his phone and grabbed a spoon, joining Yoongi.
The two sat in silence as they finished their desserts. It was a comfortable silence that Yoongi didn’t feel the need to interrupt for any reason.
Jimin set the spoon on the empty, glass dish with a soft clink and let out a satisfied sigh. “For something so small, everything had so much flavor in it.” He rested his chin in his hands. “Is it possible to thank you for this again, and a million times over?”
Yoongi smiled, “Of course. Just wait until we get to the room. You’ll be thanking me for other reasons too.”
“Oh?” Jimin perked up, raising his eyebrows in curiosity. “What other reasons?”
“We’re in a junior suite. It’s not exactly the royal suite, but it’s a fucking nice room with a big bed and a nice ass bathroom with a bathtub, and there’s space so like if you wanna dance around the suite you can,” Yoongi beamed.
“Space?!” Jimin gaped. “A big bed? Well if this room is that great, then by all means, where’s the check?” He scanned around the restaurant for their waiter. “I need to see this for myself. Excuse me!” He waved down the waiter, requesting their check.
The waiter came back over a moment later with the check, and Yoongi brought the check up to the cashier with a smile, paying for the dinner and thanking the cashier after the food was paid for. The two made their way out of the restaurant and back down to the receptionist to check into their room. Yoongi smiled at the girl as they walked up to the counter, “Hello, are you checking in?” she asked with a warm smile.
Yoongi nodded, “Yeah, Min Yoongi.”
“One moment while I search for your booking,” she smiled as she started typing onto the computer. “Min Yoongi, two nights in the junior suite?” She asked.
“Yeah, that’s me.”
“Fantastic. It looks like your room is ready! You’ll be on the club floor, 30, room 3069.” She slid a set of room keys over the counter and a small map of the building. Yoongi heard Jimin snickering behind him as the receptionist told them their room number. He held back a snicker himself, and accepted the keys from her. “Checkout is at 11am on the last day. Enjoy your stay with us.”
Jimin couldn’t hold in his excitement as he bounced beside Yoongi, nudging him toward the elevators. But as they walked toward them, Jimin took a moment to look around, admiring all the details surrounding them. The entire reception had a calming amber glow to it, one of the entire walls in the lobby was replaced with glass, showcasing a large waterfall. In the room were tables scattered around and a grand, pure white piano. “Look,” Jimin tugged on Yoongi’s sleeve. “The piano there, you should play it during our stay.”
“Should I play your song for everyone to hear?”
“Would you?” Jimin asked, his eyes glimmering with hope.
“I’d do most anything you’d ask me to do,” Yoongi smiled, taking Jimin’s hand into his own.
Jimin grinned and left a light kiss on his cheek as they continued across the lobby.
“Floor 30, huh. That’ll be one hell of a view,” Yoongi mused, walking into the elevator.
“We’ll be able to see most of Myeongdong,” Jimin stated. “And Namsan tower!”
“Woah, that will look so pretty at night. Too bad I have a better view right in front of me and won’t be looking outside too much.”
“I know, I know.” Jimin struck several different poses dramatically in the elevator. “Look at this body. No one can resist.” He teased, slipping off his velvet jacket halfway, and winked, a small bit of his shoulders showing.
“You’re making this the hardest elevator ride ever, Jimin,” Yoongi whined, noticing they were only passing floor 20. “I for one am finding it extremely hard to resist.”
Jimin pulled back up his jacket, giggling as his eyes turned into crescents. “I’m sorry, hyung. You’re just too easy to tease.” He leaned against his shoulder, batting his eyelashes at him.
The elevator finally dinged, signalling their arrival to the 30th floor. Yoongi grabbed Jimin’s hand and pulled him out of the elevator. They were nearly running down the hallways, looking for room 3069. Jimin let out a yelp when he found it and pulled Yoongi back so he could open the door. Yoongi stuck the keycard in, and opened the door to their suite. He made his way over to the bed and threw himself on the pillowy surface.
“Yoongi, this place is gorgeous!” He shouted, his eyes widening in surprise. The room had a small wall in the middle of the area, splitting the bedroom from the living room. In the living room was a giant window that overlooked the city with the Namsan tower on a mountain behind it all. There was a small leather couch in the room, just big enough for the the two of them and a tv perched on the wall. The bedroom contained a carefully made queen bed with a lamp on a nightstand on each side of the bed and door that led to the bathroom. But Yoongi was right about their room, there was so much space that he could dance across the floor without bumping into anything.
With a squeal, Jimin ran and flew onto the bed, landing beside Yoongi and buried his face in one of the plush pillows. “It’s perfect,” Jimin smiled, rolling around the large bed, ruining the work that went into the folded blankets. “It’s absolutely perfect.”
“Nothing but perfection for the perfect man,” Yoongi smiled, pulling Jimin against him.
“You spoil me rotten, Min Yoongi. What did I do to deserve you?” He curled up close against Yoongi, their legs tangled, their noses inches apart as he brushed his fingers along Yoongi’s cheek.
Yoongi leaned into the touch, “Whatever you did, I’m glad you did it. Because I certainly don’t deserve you.”
Jimin leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss against his lips and smiled, staring into Yoongi’s dark eyes as if they carried the entire world. “I love you.” He whispered so quietly, it was almost inaudible. “I don’t think you understand how much you changed my life in such a short span of time. There’s no one else out there that could do this, even if they tried. Before I met you I...I really just holed myself away in the dance room. I didn’t have the energy to do much else, I just dedicated my whole life to getting into this school. Except for my dance team and Hoseok-hyung, because I was already around them all the time, I didn’t make the time to make new friends or go out anywhere. Actually, that day I texted you, I was hiding in the bathroom stall to avoid a dinner night with them and a couple of their friends.” Jimin went on, letting his words spill. “I don’t know, wasn’t something I usually do, I just saw the little scribble on the stall and thought, maybe this guy is like me, let me send a funny picture and make them laugh.” He shrugged, a light chuckle escaping his lips.
“I’m so glad you did, baby. I was so fucking depressed. You know about my loveless childhood, and all that sad shit. It really messes with you mentally when your parents are shit at loving you.” Yoongi stroked Jimin’s hair as he spoke, gaining comfort from the soft locks. “Even living with Joonie and Jin wasn’t really enough to get me out of my depression pit. I guess Hoseok was finally done dealing with my sad ass and hoped someone would answer his pleading call for help. Then you came along.” Yoongi smiled and kissed the tip of Jimin’s nose. “And you wiggled your way into my life, and somehow you captured my heart along the way. Baby I hated living before I met you, and now I don’t go a day without thinking about how lucky I am to be alive.” He placed a soft kiss on Jimin’s forehead. “I love you so much. More than you can know.”
Yoongi’s words made Jimin’s chest clench as he slid his arms around his neck, pulling him into an embrace. “I know some people hate hearing this kind of thing,” He combed his fingers through his hair. “but I’m so sorry you felt this way Yoongi, I’m so sorry you had to even experience that kind of feeling, ever.” He sniffled quietly, feeling a single tear roll down his cheek. “If Hoseok-hyung wanted us to meet so badly, he could have just forced your number in my hands forever ago. He wouldn’t stop rambling about you for the longest time.” He laughed quietly. “Funny how fate works out in the end.
“My god, all he ever did when we were together was talk about ‘Park Jimin’ this and ‘Park Jimin’ that, and how good of a dancer this kid was,” Yoongi let out a soft chuckle. “It kinda pissed me off. But he was right about everything. You are amazing.” Yoongi took hold of Jimin’s chin and pulled the younger boy’s face closer to his, making it easier to close the distance between their lips. “I love you,” he mumbled against Jimin’s mouth.
He sighed against his lips, a bundle of warmth spreading from his chest. Jimin couldn’t explain the feeling that rushed through him from Yoongi’s touch, even if it was the lightest one, like a feather. It could be a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins or just purely bliss from lying beside the man he loves with his whole heart. He loved every second of it though.
Jimin ran his hands along his spine and murmured soft ‘I love yous’ between each break they took for air. He felt so much more than those three simple words toward Yoongi though, but he had no other way to tell him than by just saying ‘I love you’ over and over.
Yoongi sat up to take his jacket off, since the garment was restricting his ability to move his arms freely, and tossed it onto the back of the nearest chair. He finessed this all without breaking contact with Jimin’s lips, too greedy to let a moment go by without the feel of Jimin’s lips against his.
Jimin’s velvet jacket joined Yoongi’s on the chair seconds later, snaking his arms around his waist and pulling him closer, if it was even possible. He tilted his head, trailing light kisses down his neck, careful as if Yoongi was the most delicate thing in his arms. He may have had that headstrong personality, but his light skin and smaller, intricate frame gave him an appearance that of a porcelain doll. When Jimin’s lips brushed below his ear, he whispered sweet little nothings to him, a soft smile growing across his lips. All Jimin wanted to do was shower Yoongi with affection and for him to understand that he was really, truly loved.
Yoongi let a soft moan escape his lips as Jimin started sucking on the sensitive spot behind his ear. They had made out multiple times before, but it was never this intimate. Yoongi tried to find his voice as Jimin kept sucking and biting on his delicate skin. “Ji-Jimin, baby. That feels so good.”
“Good,” Jimin murmured. “You deserve to feel good. You deserve to be happy.” He smiled as their lips met again,  his fingers curling into the fabric of his silky shirt.
“Jimin,” Yoongi said between breaths, “I want you so bad. Baby, please.”
“Do you?” Jimin gasped as he pulled away for just a moment, admiring the man he loved in front of him, their cheeks flushed and their breaths heavy.
“I do, Jimin. I do,” he breathed, tangling his hands in Jimin’s hair. “I want to show you just how much I love you.”
“So do I.” Jimin replied softly, gently pushing Yoongi down on the bed, mounting himself between his hips. “I want you to be mine and mine only, Min Yoongi.” He leaned forward, their lips locked. Every kiss had a raw intensity to it, hearts racing, soft moans of pleasure escaping their lips and electricity running through their skin. Their bodies melded together in the blissful evening, completely and utterly drunk with love for each other.
∆ ∆ ∆
Jimin opened his eyes to the faint glow of the morning light threatening to peek through the curtains and tilted his head up toward Yoongi, smiling at his sleeping expression. His features were softened, his mouth slightly agape, making him look peaceful and childlike, only for Jimin’s eyes to see. His heart filled with so much happiness, he swore it was going to explode.
Under the blankets, their legs were tangled and their skin were covered in marks of love. Jimin nestled himself against Yoongi’s warm skin, resting his cheek against his shoulder, his fingers grazing over his collarbone. He felt so wholesome and complete in his arms.
Yoongi shifted and pulled Jimin closer to him, craving the skin-to-skin contact as he found himself stirring awake. “Morning, love,” Yoongi mumbled, leaving soft kisses along Jimin’s skin.
“Good morning, sugar lips.” Jimin smiled. “Sleep well?” He brushed the messy hair out of Yoongi’s eyes, looking at him fondly.
“Jiminnie, I haven’t slept this well since Christmas.”
“I agree with this.” He replied, “It’s so peaceful here too. Let’s just move into this room and stay here forever.” Jimin nuzzled his nose into the crook of his neck. “I’ll be content with that.”
Yoongi chuckled and kissed the top of jimin’s hair, “Baby, if I could afford to live in this hotel, I would move us the fuck here at the drop of a hat.”
Jimin smiled at his words. “Two days here is going to feel like a lifetime. We still have a whole anniversary date ahead of us and an entire hotel to explore.” He paused for a moment. “Speaking of which, happy two months honey.”
Yoongi smiled and rolled over so he was hovering over Jimin, straddling his hips, “And what a happy two months its been.”
“The happiest I’ve ever been. Here’s to more happy months.” He gave him a toothy grin.
Yoongi leaned down and took Jimin’s lips into his own, not even caring the two of them had morning breath. He worked the kiss slowly until he could coax his tongue into Jimin’s mouth. Yoongi let his hands get tangled in Jimin’s already wild hair, and pulled Jimin’s body as close to his as possible. “I love you,” he whispered as they briefly parted to breathe.
Jimin whimpered quietly under his touch, his skin growing hot. “It’s so early, sugar lips.” He chuckled under his breath. “I never took you for a morning person.”
“Baby, I’m a morning noon and night kinda guy,” Yoongi chuckled.
“That explains why you don’t get enough sleep unlike a normal person.” He teased, sticking his tongue out.
“Let my zombie-ass live. I don’t need this negativity.”
Jimin burst out in laughter. “Is sugar lips feeling salty?” He cooed, pinching his cheek. “You’re mine, so I’m allowed to tease you as much as I want.”
Yoongi smiled, “Ah but it goes both ways, my Jiminnie.”
“That’s fair.” Jimin’s eyes formed into crescents as he lifted his head, pressing a kiss against his forehead.
“I don’t know what you have planned for the daytime, but I vote we just lounge naked in bed until the concert.”
“That sounds like the perfect plan,” Jimin nodded, shooting him a thumbs up. “I’m all for naked lounging.”  
Yoongi smiled wide and nuzzled his face into the crook of Jimin’s neck, “This is honestly so perfect.”
Jimin closed his eyes, the two of them laying under the blankets in a comfortable silence. Before he completely drifted off, a loud buzzing echoed from the nightstand, disrupting the peace. Jimin reached out with a groan, grabbing his phone and looked at the bright screen, temporarily blinding him in the dark room. A picture of Taehyung’s nostrils covered the screen as Jimin rolled his eyes, swiping the green button.
“Do you not understand what peace is, Taetae?” Jimin answered, mumbling as he stroked Yoongi’s hair.
“Put me on speaker.”
Jimin pressed the speaker button on his phone and held it in the air. “What is it?”
“DID YOU DO THE FUCK?” He screamed, his voice echoing loudly in the hotel room. “I can’t believe you stopped in the middle of a blow job to call them.” They heard Jungkook whine in the background as Jimin let out a snort, listening to the two bicker on the other line.
“Just hang up, baby. I don’t wanna deal with Tae right now,” Yoongi whined. “This is our time together.”
“You hear that, Taetae? My man wants some peace.”
“Yah, I’m getting blue balls here!” They heard Jungkook yell in the background. “Tae, baby, you need to finish me off.”
“Oh my god, Jimin hang up,” Yoongi groaned.
Jimin laughed so hard, tears pooled at his eyes. “Go take care of Kook, Tae.” He hung up the phone as Taehyung shouted incoherently and tossed the phone back onto the night stand. “They’re so ridiculous.” He wheezed, wiping away the tears. “Why am I friends with him?”
“Ditch him and come live with me,” Yoongi smiled, rubbing circles into Jimin’s waist with his thumb. “The pros are: you get to live with me and do whatever you want whenever you want with me, and you won’t live with that mess anymore. There are literally no cons, only pros.”
“You’re right,” Jimin agreed. “Kook and Tae practically live together now. What’s stopping me from living with you?”
“What, indeed,” Yoongi murmured, leaning down to leave a bruise on Jimin’s collarbone. “We could do this anytime. Fuck, I could wake up with you in my arms every day. You know, that’s my dream, Jimin.”
“You know I’d do anything to help make your dreams come true, hyung.” Jimin beamed. “I don’t think this one will be too difficult to accomplish.”
Yoongi perked up and hoisted himself onto his elbows, “Wait, you mean it? You’d live with me?”
Jimin reached a hand out, brushing a thumb along his cheek. He bit his lip and nodded. “There’s nothing else I’d love more.” Their eyes locked in a gaze as he gave him a warm smile, so ridiculously in love.
“Holy fuck. I mean, you’ll live with me, Jin and Namjoon, but they like never leave Jin’s room now so it’s not like there’s anyone to disturb us. Plus you get Jin’s cooking. That’s another pro of living with me.”
“Well I mean,” Jimin shrugged. “That is one of the major reasons I’d move in without hesitation. I mean-besides you of course! But you already knew that. But Jin’s food…” He swallowed, drooling over the thought of his cooking. “Hot, fresh breakfast every morning…”
“After some hot fresh morning sex, god what a perfect life,” Yoongi joked around.
Jimin rolled his eyes, giggling. “You’re getting ahead of yourself, hyung.”
“So you’re telling me that you wouldn’t want to do everything we did last night every morning?” Yoongi challenged.
“Well, I-you know,” Jimin stammered, unable to hide his grin and swatted Yoongi’s arm in embarrassment. “I mean, if that’s how our mornings went down, I wouldn’t complain.”
Yoongi smiled, “Only if we both want our mornings to start like that.” He leaned back down against Jimin’s chest and kissed his forehead. “But I’m just really happy you said yes to my request. I thought you would think I was moving things too fast.”
“If I had thought you were going fast, I wouldn’t be lying here buck naked.” He laughed. “But here we are. The only difficult thing about this is having to tell my clingy roommate.”
Yoongi reached over and grabbed Jimin’s phone, opening it up to his last conversation with Taehyung.
Chat With The.V.Zone:
Jimin’s mine now.
No, like he’s 100% mine now
as in
morning noon night
bithC WAT
that’s 100% what i’m saying
you got your mans to care for
pull him out of his parent’s home
i’m too busy fucking my boyfriend
in my home
whenever i want
because he’s gonna live with me now
u kno wat
it ok
i can accept this
it gives me a reason
to cum ovr more
and eat jins food
jesus fukcin christ
his cooking is 2 die 4
but also fukc u
Tumblr media
Love ya, cunt~
“What are you doing, hyung?” Jimin asked, his eyebrows rose in curiosity.
“I’m letting Tae know you don’t live with him anymore,” Yoongi smiled.
“How’s Tae handling that?”
“He’s in the acceptance phase. Jin’s cooking is a truly powerful bargaining piece.”
“That was faster than I expected,” Jimin grinned, pulling the phone out of Yoongi’s hand. “Well that settles it then, we got through the hardest part.” He tossed the phone aside, ignoring the buzzes of incoming messages from Taehyung and slid his arms around Yoongi’s neck, leaving a chaste kiss on his lips. “Here’s to this 24/7.”
“My god, do you know how happy I am? I get to leave this hotel with you tomorrow, and you will literally come home with me,” Yoongi grinned.
“That’s the plan.” Jimin beamed, “I’ll have my things moved over by the end of this week. But on one condition.”
“Please, for the love of god, let me baby proof the house. I can’t live with the anxiety thinking Namjoon is going to break a bone or two running into something.”
“Oh my god. I think he’d hurt himself even more trying to figure out baby locks,” Yoongi chuckled.
“Damn, you’re right. He’d probably break those baby locks without trying.”  
Yoongi laughed, stroking Jimin’s hair, “He’s lived a solid 23 years, I think he’ll be fine.”
“Then by all means, I’m set.”
Yoongi leaned in to kiss Jimin deeply, pulling his body flush against Jimin’s. One lick across Jimin’s bottom lip had the younger boy opening his mouth for Yoongi to lick into, causing Jimin’s hold around his neck to tighten. Yoongi let his hands trail from Jimin’s hair back down to his waist, gripping onto Jimin’s firm sides as they kissed. Yoongi’s thigh brushed up against Jimin’s exposed™ dick, and he could feel the younger man start to harden. He broke the kiss, panting heavily against Jimin’s neck “We should stop before you get too excited. You’re probably sore from last night. I mean, unless, you want to of course.”
Jimin whimpered under his breath, last night definitely left him sore, but Yoongi’s touch was so intoxicating, so addicting, he couldn’t get enough of it. “Just...one more kiss.” He breathed, drawing Yoongi back in, closing off the space between the two.
Yoongi complied with ease, moving his mouth against Jimin’s with urgency. His mouth eventually trailed off of Jimin’s and down his jaw, pausing momentarily where his jaw and neck collide to leave a small mark. Once he was content with the little bruise, he continued kissing down Jimin’s neck, leaving soft ‘I love you’s’ on his skin as he went.
Jimin’s fingers curled up in his hair, tilting his head. “Y-Yoongi…” He sighed, his skin growing hot from the contact.
Yoongi continued kissing down past Jimin’s collarbones and between his pectorals, resisting the urge to move slightly left or right and grab one of Jimin’s nipples between his teeth. He followed Jimin’s happy trail down to his navel and moved his mouth over to Jimin’s hip bone, beginning to leave a mark there as well.
“Yoongi...hyung, please.” Jimin trembled.
“Please what,” Yoongi asked, looking up at Jimin with hooded eyes.
“Please just, fuck me.” He begged, his voice shaking.
Yoongi smiled and brought himself back up to meet Jimin’s face, “Baby, I know you’re not ready for anal sex again.” He leaned in for a kiss, “But I can help you get off.” His hand moved from Jimin’s waist and brushed up against Jimin’s dick. “Would you like that, baby?”
“Yes hyung, please.” His body hitched at the touch, soft moans of desperation escaping his lips.
Yoongi smiled and brought his hand up to his mouth and spit in it, “I’m sorry baby. I have to use my spit as lube again.” He brought his hand back down and wrapped it around Jimin’s erect cock. “We’ll make sure to bring it tonight when we go back to our place for clothes and food. How’s that sound, baby? Honestly, we’re lucky I stashed a condom in my jacket pocket.” Yoongi purred, slowly pumping Jimin as he spoke.
“O-our place...I like the sound of that.” Jimin struggled to keep his words together.
“God Jimin, hearing you say our place is almost orgasmic,” Yoongi cooed, pumping Jimin to the pace of his light hip thrusts. “Tell me what we will do together in our place.” Yoongi grabbed hold of his own dick, which had been pleading for attention since he started hardcore making out with Jimin and paced himself with Jimin’s rhythm.
Jimin dug his fingers into Yoongi’s skin, his back arching as electricity rushed through his veins. “We,” He inhaled, trying to find his voice. “We’ll do a terrible job trying to cook food,” A chuckle escaped his lips. “We’ll read books on the couch on rainy days. Sit by the fireplace when it snows.”
Yoongi smiled and took Jimin’s lips between his, “What else baby?”
“We’ll adopt a dog, a little puppy and raise it ourselves. I’ll make you coffee every morning before I go to class. I’ll give you blow jobs while you’re trying to compose music.” Jimin teased, a smirk growing across his lips.
Yoongi moaned at the thought of Jimin sucking him off in his private music room, and quickened his pace, leading them both close to their high. “Baby that sounds so fucking beautiful.”
“We’re gonna be so fucking domestic,” A whimper escaped his lips, his body slowly reaching its limit. “In our house.”
“Fuck,” Yoongi moaned, his cock threatened to spill its load as Jimin -- with a shaky voice -- said ‘our house’ again. “Baby I’m so close, Keep talking to me baby, your voice is all I need,” Yoongi commanded.
“I love you Min Yoongi,” He cried, a shudder rushing down his spine. “I love you so much and I can’t wait to do all these things with you and outdo how domestic our roommates are. I’ll spend every single day making you smile and tell you how much I love you and how much you deserve to be the happiest person in the world.”
Yoongi’s lips found Jimin’s as he harshly kissed the man under him, and brought them both to climax.
Cries escaped from Jimin as his body convulsed from the release. “Yoongi, fuck…” He panted, their eyes meeting as Jimin studied his features. His fingers grazed over Yoongi’s swollen lips and gave him the faintest grin. With a push, he flipped the two around so Yoongi was flat on the bed with Jimin lying on top. He leaned forward, sending trails of kisses down to the nape of his neck, leaving a few more love marks to add to the growing collection scattered across his delicate skin.
“Jimin, baby. I love you,” Yoongi breathed, his fingers tangling in Jimin’s hair as the younger kissed and nipped at his neck. “I love you so much, my heart might burst.”
Jimin left another bruise on the collarbone and lifted his head with a small smile. He leaned in, their noses brushing. “I love you too, Min Yoongi. My Yoongi.” He whispered, pressing a soft kiss on his lips. “I’m gonna go shower. I need to get all this off me” Jimin grinned, gesturing to his stomach. “And as wonderful as it sounds to lay here all day, we’re going to need to eat at some point. Especially after that teaspoon sized dinner last night. Besides, this place has a buffet!” He squealed. “All you can eat!” He pulled up the warm blanket, wrapping it over his head and body and hopped off the bed.
“Oh, shower time?” Yoongi smiled, following Jimin out of bed. “The only activity that could be better than sleeping with you is showering with you.” Jimin rolled his eyes, but didn’t stop Yoongi from walking into the bathroom with him.
“You’re a clingy one, aren’t you?” Jimin giggled as he started the shower and wiped his stomach with tissues, Yoongi’s following his. While waiting for it to heat up, He pulled the blanket closer against his skin as they stood in the cold bathroom. “I’m not gonna lie, I kinda like it.”
Yoongi smiled and wrapped his arms around Jimin, “Good. Because I’m stuck to you like the annoying piece of gum on the bottom of your shoe.”
“But a lot less annoying,” Jimin stated, stepping into the hot shower with Yoongi following behind, mentally thanking the hotel for always having shampoo and soap in stock since they forgot literally everything. He proceeded to wash himself off and playfully rubbed the shampoo into Yoongi’s hair, attempting to make a mohawk as he burst into laughter.
“I feel like Jimmy Neutron,” Yoongi mumbled as his hair flopped into his forehead. He poured shampoo on his hand and turned around to face Jimin, generously lathering his head.
“An attractive Jimmy Neutron, might I add.” Jimin pointed out, wiping the bubbles away from his face.
Yoongi booped Jimin’s nose, leaving a soapy snout behind, “Hell yeah I am.”
After the two finished washing up and making mustaches out of bubbles, they stepped out of the shower, the bathroom foggy from the steam. Jimin buried his face into a fluffy towel, drying himself. “God,” He mumbled. “Even the towels here feel like luxury. Do you think they’ll track me down if I steal one for myself?”
“They’ll probably just add it to the room charge,” Yoongi shrugged, toweling his hair dry.
“Damn, it’ll probably be expensive too.” Jimin went back out the bedroom, a groan escaping his lips as he scanned the mess of clothes scattered across the floor. “We were so hasty...we even forgot a change of clothes.” He laughed to himself. “Hyung, now we really got to go back to our place and get our things.”
Yoongi chuckled, pulling his pants on, “Yeah, let’s go. I can’t justify going to see Fall Out Boy in this fucking suit. Let’s put like jeans on,” Yoongi smiled, holding his hand out for Jimin to take.
Jimin finished putting on his suit from the night before and reached his hand out, their fingers intertwining as they left the hotel room, Jimin quickly snatching their card key beforehand. “I second this, as much as we both know I look hot in this suit, it gets so uncomfortable. I need my comfy sweater.” Jimin pouted, following Yoongi down the hall until they reached the elevator. “Oh, I forgot to mention before, but I bought a little something for us.”
Yoongi perked an eyebrow, “Oh?”
Jimin grinned as the elevator doors opened, pulling Yoongi in with him. “You’ll see, I left it in my bag back at our place.” The metal doors closed and Jimin’s eyes rose in surprise at their reflection, their necks covered in bruises, obvious ones. “Oh my god hyung, look at us.” He pointed out. “Taetae is never going to let me live this down.”
“Flaunt it. Rub it in his face. I dunno.” Yoongi shoved his free hand into his pocket and clicked his tongue. “Don’t let it embarrass you.”
“Oh I won’t,” Jimin grinned. “I’ll make sure the whole world sees this. It’s not a bad look.”
“I think it looks hot,” Yoongi smirked, reaching over to lightly stroke Jimin’s neck.
“Full credits to you.” He beamed as the elevator slowly made its way to the first floor. “I can get used to this.”
“Good,” Yoongi smiled and pressed a kiss to Jimin’s cheek. “This is us now.”
“Ohhhhh, I can’t wait to tell Jin!” Jimin exclaimed as the elevator doors opened up to the lobby. “I’m practically a son of his. I’ll finally be living with my parents.” The two exited the hotel toward Namjoon’s car.
Yoongi rolled his eyes and gave Jimin a fond smile, “Well, at least you’re excited.” They walked up to Namjoon’s car, and Yoongi opened the door for Jimin. The younger boy slid into the passenger seat and buckled himself in. Yoongi leaned down for a quick kiss before he shut the door and walked over to the driver side. “Off to fetch our luggage!” He exclaimed, turning the key in the ignition.
Jimin smiled as the rap that was last playing faded and Beethoven’s 5th Symphony came on. He stifled his laughter, baffled by the variety of music that Namjoon had. Their drive home was a comfortable silence with the music softly playing in the background. As they reached their house, Jimin jumped out of the car and ran into the house screaming. “Mom, dad, I’m home!”
Jin pokes his head out of the kitchen, “I thought you two were on a romantic getaway.”
“We were,” Yoongi chuckled. “But it seems we forgot to grab our overnight bags in our haste to leave yesterday.”
“I thought I raised you two better than this,” Jin sighed.
Jimin gave him an innocent shrug. “I was a little excited okay. But mom, mom, guess what!”
Jin arched an eyebrow, “You had sex?”
Jimin coughed violently. “Um, that’s not what I was going to say, but this decision was made shortly afterwards in fact!”
“Hmm, well first I hope you two followed my instruction and practiced safe sex,” Jin said with a faux scold. “But, what else happened, Jiminnie?”
“I’m moving in!’ Jimin shouted, throwing his arms in the air excitedly. “Your son is living here now!”
Jin looks wide-eyes from Jimin to Yoongi, “You’re moving in, huh?”
“And paying my portion of rent, don’t you worry. I’ll even chip in on your groceries!” He leaned in. “Cause god knows both of these boys have a tendency to forget about paying for your culinary skills.” Jimin whispered
“Actually, Yoongi is a big help in the kitchen. You found yourself a man who can cook nearly as good as I can,” Jin replied, loud enough for Yoongi to hear.
“What?” Jimin whipped his head around dramatically. “My Yoongi can cook? Hyung, why didn’t you ever tell me!”
“There’s never been a reason to,” Yoongi shrugged.
“I thought-but-damn...you’re right.” His eyebrows rose. “Hyung will you make me food as a welcoming gift?” He batted his eyelashes, wrapping his arms around one of Yoongi’s. “I want to try hyung’s cooking.”
Yoongi looked over to Jimin with a soft smile on his lips, “Anything you want, love.”
“My God, you are so fucking whipped.” Jin laughed.
“Leave my man alone, he’s cute when he’s like this.” Jimin defended, his eyes forming into crescents when he gave Yoongi a wide smile. “Soft Yoongi is my favorite Yoongi.”
“Okay, but my question is, how soft is he in bed?” Jin questioned. “Seems like he’d be rough and dominating.”
Jimin’s ears turned red. “That’s only for me to know and for you to never find out.” He teased, grinning. “There are just some things you’ll have to rely on your imagination for.”
“Except me fucking you. Don’t imagine that,” Yoongi pointed to Jin with a frown.
Jimin snorted as Namjoon wandered into the room, clad in underwear and his hair ruffled, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “Honey bunny buns, what’s all the ruckus about?” He whined, before spotting the two. “Aren’t you two supposed to be in the hotel having sex?”
“Why does everyone assume that’s all we’re doing today?” Jimin huffed, flailing his arms.
“Because, they know how long I’ve been alone with naught but my hand to satisfy my needs,” Yoongi shrugged.
“Yeah, moaning Jimin’s name as he gets himself off,” Jin snickered.
“Thank god that’s over now.” Namjoon rolled his eyes. “He can escape to Jimin’s place to satisfy his needs and it’ll finally quiet down here.”
Yoongi chuckled, “Yeah about that.”
“Jimin is coming to live with us, hun,” Jin said, patting Namjoon’s shoulder.
“What the fuck?” Namjoon’s eyebrows rose. “We’re never gonna get any peace and quiet now.” He whined, letting out a groan. “In fact it might only get louder from here with this young love happening in front of us.”
“Sorry Joonie-hyung, just sleep with ear plugs from now on.” Jimin gave him a innocent smile.
“Oh, wah-wah. I’ve had to listen to you two since you got together. Consider this my revenge. I’ll make sure Jimin keeps you up all night.” Yoongi threatened.
“I need to warm up my vocal chords anyway.” Jimin boasted.
“So he is a dom,” Jin mused to himself.
“Jesus fuck, I don’t need to hear about this.” Namjoon complained, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Also, Jin. I’m not exclusively a dom,” Yoongi directed at the older boy.
Jin let out a small gasp, “Joonie we should try switching sometime.”
“Oh, I haven’t thought about that. It’ll add a little more fun, let’s try tonight baby boo.” He lightly booped Jin’s nose.
“And...that’s our cue to leave.” Jimin grabbed his hand, leading Yoongi to his room. “Oh hyung! My surprise!” He exclaimed as they entered the room, rifling through his small duffle bag, pulling out an insta-x, the same shade of mint as Yoongi’s old hair color. “I wanted us to take pictures of our adventures from here on out, but I did some thinking. Now that we’re living together, I thought we can cover one of our walls with our photos.”
Yoongi smiled and pointed to the wall his bed rested against, “There’s our blank canvas. We can get some fairy lights and clothespins and clip our photos onto the strands. How’s that sound, Jiminnie?”
Jimin lifted up the camera, taking a quick snap of his soft expression while he spoke, grinning as a little blank card popped out. “It’s a perfect idea.” He pulled out the card, waiting for it to develop.
Yoongi walked over to Jimin and put his hands on his waist, “Just know for every one picture you take of me, I’m taking ten of you and your beautiful face.” He leaned in and kissed Jimin’s lips. “Your beautiful, beautiful face.”
A blush crept up his cheeks as Jimin grinned. “For every picture you take of me, I’ll take hundreds of us. These walls will be covered before you know it.”
“Then we’ll have to move out into our own house so we can fill those walls,” Yoongi smiled.
“I look very much forward to that day.” He beamed. “So let’s fill these walls.” He lifted up the camera facing them and nudging himself as close to Yoongi as possible, smiling until there was the sound of a light shutter and a small card popping out again.
“Jimin, I love you,” Yoongi smiled.
“I love you too, Min Yoongi.” He replied and glanced down at the two cards, one already finished developing. “Look at your face.” He grinned, adoring the expression Yoongi had on his face while he was pointing at the wall, speaking. “Actually, this one I’m going to keep in my phone case.” He waved the second picture as it was nearly done. “This one of us can be our first picture that goes up.”
Yoongi smiled as he let go of Jimin and walked over to his desk, grabbing a piece of tape and rolling it up. He gently took the photo from Jimin and stuck the tape on the back before he knelt on the bed and crawled over to the wall to stick it up. “There.”
Jimin let out a squeal, clapping his hands. “I can’t wait to watch this grow. Let’s go on a lot of trips out of the country and take pictures there too. Europe! Let’s go to Europe!” His expression brighted, growing excited at the thought.
“Baby, we’ll go wherever you want. Pick a country, and we’ll go,” Yoongi smiled. “Once these winter recitals are over, I’m free for a little bit from teaching the kids piano.”
“Min Yoongi, do you know why I said Europe?”
“No. Why?”
“It’s the origin of the piano, the very heart of music. Do you know how many museums there are that we could go see? All the music, all the dancing?” His smile grew. “There’s even a Beethoven House with all the original instruments. I hear the food is great too, so that’s an added bonus.”
Yoongi smiled, revealing his gums to the younger boy, “I could kiss you right now. Wow. I - I honestly don’t know what to say, except fuck yes. Three month anniversary. We’re going to Europe!” Yoongi grabbed onto Jimin and spun him around in his glee, setting him down on the bed and following it up with a passionate kiss. “Have I told you lately that I love you?”
“Only a few times I think.” Jimin pondered. “Can you remind me again?”
Yoongi kissed down Jimin’s jaw and neck, whispering a small “I love you,” with each one.
Soft moans escaped from Jimin’s lips, and then after an idea came to him, his moans suddenly grew loud and ridiculous, followed by laughter. He could faintly hear Namjoon groan in disgust and curse out loud in the other room. “Just giving the boys a welcoming gift.” Jimin snickered.
“I mean I can rock the bed too and we can give em the full Easy A stunt,” Yoongi winked.
“We could do that, and then give them the full show on my first night here.” He wriggled his eyebrows with a teasing smile. “Nothing beats the real deal.”
“Why tease when they’ll get it all tomorrow night?” Yoongi smiled mischievously. “Which reminds me, let’s change. We have a lunch buffet to devour.”
“And a concert to attend to.” Jimin pointed out as he rolled off the bed, peeling off his formal wear to change into a black, short sleeved shirt followed by black pants that hugged against his toned thighs. He slipped on a white jacket and ran his hands through his hair, ruffling it up. “I don’t exactly know what to wear for the concert, but this works, right?”
“Baby, you look good in anything. You could show up to the concert in a potato sack and heads would turn,” Yoongi stated as he pulled on a pair of tight black pants and a white Union Jack tee. he strapped on black suspenders and a white bomber jacket before shoving his feet into a pair of Union Jack Doc Martens.
“H-hyung…” Jimin stammered, scanning him from head to toe. Without hesitation, he picked up his instax from the desk and snapped a picture. “This is one hell of a look, I love it sugar lips.” He pulled out the card and set it on the desk to develop. “Are you ready to go?” Jimin asked as he zipped up the small duffle bag, slipping it over his shoulder, holding out a hand for Yoongi to take.
Yoongi smiled and took Jimin’s hand into his own. “You look so good, Jimin. Baby, you’re so beautiful. Thank you for spending these past two months with me.”
“Anything just to be with my Yoongi.” Jimin beamed as they exited their bedroom, taking one last glance at the small polaroid taped to the wall.
“Oh, you guys finished up quickly.” Namjoon’s voice echoed from the other room. “I take it you had a rather enjoyable warming up your vocal chords Chim?”
Jimin replied with a snort. “I sure did, Joonie-hyung. It’s good to warm them up often.” He sniggered as Namjoon cursed quietly to himself. “We got everything so we won’t plan on coming back until tomorrow so, uh, go crazy.” Jimin grinned. “But don’t sprain anything, alright?”
Jimin squealed and left the house with Yoongi as Namjoon chucked couch pillows toward him. “I love living here already.” He sighed happily, exchanging smiles with Yoongi as they walked back to the car.
“Good. You’ll settle in quickly. I’m still so shocked you agreed to live with us though.”
“I didn’t want to wait any longer. I already go to your house so often anyway, it may as well be easier to bring my pillow and keep it there forever.” Jimin shrugged.
“We can get matching couple toothbrushes too,” Yoongi giggled, opening the passenger door for Jimin.
“I call the pink brush!” Jimin shouted before thanking Yoongi for the door, leaving a small peck on his cheek and went inside of the car. As Yoongi entered as well, Jimin leaned over. “Or we can get Kakao emoji toothbrushes.”
“In that case, I call Muzi,” Yoongi laughed.
“I call Apeach, it’s head looks like a little mochi. We’re practically twins!”
Yoongi’s laugh filled the entire car. He smiled as he made his way back to the hotel, holding Jimin’s hand on the centre console. The two kept stealing glances at each other, and would chuckle as they accidentally made eye contact.
When Yoongi pulled up to the hotel and parked, Jimin grabbed his bag and got out of the car. As they walked toward the hotel entrance, Jimin ran over, joining Yoongi and clung onto his arm like an annoying girlfriend with a wide smile. They entered the lounge, walking past the old, white piano sitting in the middle of the room with a view to the waterfall.
Yoongi stopped walking as they reached the piano and sat down on the bench. He looked at Jimin with a soft smile, and adjusted his hands on the keys. A soft melody flowed from the ivory keys, and Yoongi closed his eyes. The song poured out of him, his hands moving mechanically thanks to the countless times he played it in his studio. He opened his eyes as the melody became softer and glanced over at Jimin. A smile spread across his lips as he watched the younger boy stare at him in awe and wonder, finally hearing his song being played for him.
Jimin watched in admiration as Yoongi played his song, all his love and attention being poured into each note. The melody was so soft, so calming. He could listen to it a million times over again. Each key he played struck a chord in him, his chest tightening. He could feel the emotion Yoongi put into the song. Unknowingly, a tear ran down his cheek as he closed his eyes, attentively listening to his song play, a soft smile growing across his lips.
Other guests had walked over to the piano to listen, awe on their faces as Yoongi continued playing. He smirked as he played on, feeling a sense of pride as these strangers enjoyed Jimin’s song. A song he wrote for his boyfriend. He finished with a soft press of the keys and stood up, giving a small bow as the people around him applauded. He grabbed his suitcase and held out his other hand for Jimin to take, and the two made their way to the elevators.
Jimin took Yoongi’s hand, gesturing toward him to the audience as they left. “That’s my boyfriend.” He whispered to them, proudly boasting. As they reached the elevator, Jimin pressed the button, watching one of the doors open. The two entered and the doors closed, taking them back up to their floor. “That song,” Jimin bought up. “It was really beautiful. Thank you.”
“Anything for the man I love,” Yoongi smiled.
Jimin returned a loving smile as they waited for the elevator to arrive at their floor. Once the doors opened, the two exited, Jimin letting go of Yoongi’s hand and skipping happily down the hall, humming the tune of the song Yoongi played, until they reached the door to their room. He unlocked it with his card key and tossed the bag onto the small couch. “Ready to feast until we explode?”
“Baby, I was born ready. That fancy meal was so tiny last night,” Yoongi sighed, throwing his bag down next to Jimin’s.
“We’ll eat so much more than the size of your emotional capacity now.” Jimin joked, but his laugh faded. “Although, dare I say, it has increased?”
“Baby, I could tell you that I love you with all my heart, and it wouldn’t be enough to let you know how much I really love you,” Yoongi smiled, stroking Jimin’s hair as he spoke.
“It’s definitely not a teaspoon anymore.” Jimin whispered. “It’s as big as the universe now. Like mine.” He pulled Yoongi toward the door, exiting out of their room toward the lobby that held the buffet. He could smell the food lingering down the hall as they entered the large room, rows of hot and fresh food ready to be served. Jimin’s eyes grew wide at the sight, setting off a rumble in his stomach. “Hyung...there’s so much.” He grew overwhelmed, unsure as to where to start.
“Just fill your plate and go back for more,” Yoongi said, piling random food on his plate.
Jimin’s eyes glimmered at the sight of the food in front of them and grabbed two plates to fill up for starters. He grabbed as much meat as one could hold and the second plate covered in vegetables and pasta for him to try. Once their plates were full, Jimin carefully held his and scanned the room for a table, spotting an empty one by a large window. He carried his plates there, setting them both down and stood by the window, looking at the view of the city with awe.
Yoongi followed behind, setting his plate down at the spot across from Jimin and walking over next to him. He wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled the younger boy into his side with a smile, “Quite a view, isn’t it?”
“When we get our own place, I want to live somewhere high. As high as Namsan. I’ll never get sick of this view.”
“We could probably find something in Itaewon that’s nice and high for you. Or just stay in the heart of Seoul,” Yoongi mused. He rested his head on Jimin’s shoulder with a chuckle, “I will do all necessary research to find you the most beautiful apartment in the tallest building possible.”
“But,” Jimin chimed in. “we would also have to find a space with an extra room. For your music studio, and an area to fit a piano in. I can never grow sick of hearing you play it.”
“And I will never grow tired of playing for you.” Yoongi brought his hand up from Jimin’s waist, and started stroking his hair, “When we get home tomorrow, let’s make a binder full of shit we want to do together and what our dream home will look like and fucking everything we could ever want to do in the future. Kinda like a bucket list, so we can see exactly everything we dream of together.”
“That sounds like a wonderful idea.” Jimin leaned into his shoulder, his mind already reeling with an overwhelming amount of ideas.
“Let’s eat, and discuss this as we go,” Yoongi decided, letting go of Jimin and walking over to his spot. He sat down and began shoveling food into his mouth, “Yah, this is delicious. Eat up, baby boy. I know you’re hungry.”
“Hungry? I’m starving.” Jimin joined Yoongi at the table, taking a few bites of the meat as if he felt like he hadn’t eaten in weeks. He shoved even more food in his mouth, his eyes closing as he groaned in satisfaction. “This is so good.” He mumbled to himself, knowing that there will be more plates of food to come after the first round. “The binder can wait, this is the best thing in the world.” His voice was muffled, his mouth full of food as he stabbed his fork into the pasta, twirling it around.
Yoongi chuckled as Jimin ate like he was a starving child, “Baby, slow down. You’ll give yourself a stomach ache.”
Jimin gave him an innocent giggle before taking another bite of his pasta, clearing up one of the plates in a matter of minutes. “I’m just taking advantage of this buffet to the fullest.” He peered around the room suspiciously and leaned in closely. “You think anyone will notice if I sneak some of this bread in my pockets and bring them back to our room?”
“Baby, you could take a plate of food to your room. It’s the hotel buffet.”
Jimin’s threw his fists in the air in excitement. “As much as sex is great and all, I’m going to do nothing but eat all night. Sorry honey.” He teased, shrugging apologetically and ate another piece of meat.
Yoongi laughed, “Ah, my Jiminnie. You are so wonderful.”
“So are you, Min Yoongi.” Jimin crooned, waving his utensil toward him. “Alright,” He was halfway finished with the second plate. “Let’s get back to this binder of adventures.”
Yoongi smiled, chewing the bite of food he had just put in his mouth before speaking. “What are you thinking, Jiminnie?”
“First and foremost is our trip to Europe.”
“Obviously,” Yoongi smiled. His eyes lit up as he thought of something new, “Let’s go to America too! Could you imagine? The two of us in America!” Yoongi pondered the idea for a moment, “Fuck, we don’t know enough English to travel abroad. We have to bring Joonie with us. He’s the only one fluent in English.”
“If we bring Namjoon, he’s obviously going to bring Jin. If Hoseok finds out the four of us would go to America, he would invite himself along. At some point, Taehyung would find out through Hoseok’s big mouth and bring himself with Kookie. It’s just going to turn into a big family trip. But…” A smile creeped up his lips. “I like the idea of that though.”
“All seven of us having a Western adventure. It sounds like the best holiday ever. I mean, a trip with just the two of us would be fantastic, and I’m sure one day we’ll do it. But thinking about having the others with us brings a different kind of excitement to my heart. You feel me?”
“If our group chats are already crazy, imagine how wild it’ll get with all seven of us in America. America. The land of the crazies. It’s going to be a blast. Too bad Kookie wouldn’t be able to drink there yet.” Jimin chuckled, clearing the last meat on his plate.
“Fuck, let’s do it.”
Chat With international boys
Hey fuckers
I have an idea.
please hear me out on this master plan
u guys stopped havin sex
to tell us ur master plan
the dedication
Tae shut the fuck up
we haven’t even had penetrative sex today
can jimin walk yet?
or did you totally destROY his ass
Jimin can walk perfectly fine
it’s called prepping
and I know how to fucking do that ok
not only did they fuck but
they came home with news
that jimin is moving in
my bby boo is leaving me :(
Worldwide Handsome:
My son is moving in~
So Yoongi
What’s this “master plan”
kooki bby come live with me :)
we can have all the uninterrupted fun now
Kookie Monster:
lik my mom still dsn’t kno we datin
she might kno im gay
but lik
shed prolly let me room wit m bf(f)
kookie bby
lets fuckin tell her tonite
okay kids, leave this coming out talk for your own chat
Yoongz what’s your plan?
Jimin and I were talking about going to Europe and America
so like
We wanna do that
and I realized we don’t know English
so I said we’d have to bring Joonie bc he’s fluent
which then turned into all 5 of you.
what do u think?
ur fucking right about including me into this trip i mean, all of us
america is my homeslice
california loves me
and i love california
im gonna fucking pack right now
lets fucking go
Worldwide Handsome:
Hobi, have u ever even BEEN to California?
i always connected with that place
you wouldn’t understand Hyung
i’d better be treated to something good for doing the translations
for all you idiots
who never passed high school english
Kookie gay marriage is legal in some places there.
let’s get wasted and get married
and then go to vegas
you guys are fucking children
go to the park or something
Kookie Monster:
Tae i lov u n all
but lik
im 20
nd im not rly thinkn bout marrig
also i cnt drink in america
No one is getting married.
this is supposed to be fun
So yah
We wanna plan that shit
Worldwide Handsome:
I for one am looking forward to this.
let’s fucking
if we all share a giant hotel room
I call the bed by the window
and yall are buying me alcohol
one bottle per translation
so study up bitches
Worldwide Handsome:
Fuck no, we are not staying in a hotel
air bnb exists for a reason
We’re gonna stay in a fucking nice ass house
and live like KINGS abroad
this is why I love you smoochy poo
*gagging noises*
smoochy poo
never let me call you something that terrible
k, baby boy?
that’s going to give me nightmares
maybe we’re the ones that are going to
need ear plugs in our house
i need to find myself a man
who will call me snuggluffagus
what the fuck
Why am I friends with you
thats ur own damn fault sugar beans
ur welcome to leave this friendship anytime
i have jiminie poo anyway
I can’t
I already vowed to name my firstborn after u
i feel so powerful now
*first adopted
name ur second kid after me
Give me a reason to, then we’ll talk
my existence is already a good enuf reason
absolutely not, tae
Without hoseok
I literally would not have Jimin
Kookie Monster:
fin we wnt nam any of r kids aftr u eithr
Tumblr media
we have 2 name one after my precious chimchim
yoongi can be excluded from this however
Thank u
Worldwide Handsome:
I’m not naming any of my children after you lot
burn in hell
we fucking know jin
ur kids are literally gonna be
jin jr
jin jr jr
and jin jr jr jr
and maybe the fourth one is Handsome
Worldwide Handsome:
See Joon,
even Hobi thinks we should have 4 kids
Fuck that
i can barely take care of myself
i might snap an arm off of one of those things
Worldwide Handsome:
honey, the good thing about adoption, is that we can
literally skip babies and adopt children who can hit
you back when you do something stupid
what if i break one of their heads open
while they’re learning to ride a bike
or electrocute themselves in my music studio
Worldwide Handsome:
That’s why I’m part of this relationship you door knob
I’m here to protect and nourish, you’re here to
well, you’re here, sweet cheeks.
that actually makes me feel a whole lot better
thank you poopsie
maybe ill consider 1.5 kids for now
bur we’re getting a fuck ton of insurance for these little beasts
where is the other half of this child
u kno
in case one of their arms get amputated or something.
shmoopie may be here
but shit is still gonna go down
It’s a really good thing you’re gay
and won’t procreate
Worldwide Handsome:
But imagine if the two of us COULD procreate together
we would make one fucking handsome child
@science, I’m lookin @ u
Tumblr media
When yall free to travel to Europe and America
as soon as chimchim and i can bust out this final performance
at the end of the semester
we’ll both be fuckin ready to go
if ur talking like
this year
im always ready 2 go
i can buss my birthday money on these trips
my professors can deal with an absence or two
I’m talkin asap guys
whenever the fuck we can all just GO
a spontaneous holiday
i say when summer starts
Worldwide Handsome:
yes! I’m down.
Kookie Monster:
i bet you all $50 he’s asking his mom
yoongz made a fucking bet
tae u owe me 60 now
Kookie Monster:
Mom says I cn go if I end th semestr wit As & Bs
i fucking called it
cum over boo
i’ll tutor u
;) ;) ;)
Worldwide Handsome:
Do you WANT your boyfriend to fail?
Let Joon help you out, Kookie.
no one fuckin agreed to bet against you yoongi
ur not cool enough for this
come over after your classes and i’ll help you
i’ll throw in some of jins cooking too
Kookie Monster:
Sorry bab, I trust Joon wit skool more thn u
nothn prsnl
he jst a genius
my id isn’t fucking iq.148 for nothing
study up bitches
YAY America this summer it is!
im fucking PSyCHe DD
first of all I totally am cool enough to make a bet
right Jiminnie~~~~?
second of all I’m glad you are all in on this
you’re the coolest person in this chat sugar lips <3
excuz me bitch
second coolest
what now
have fun sleeping in the guest room, Jiminnie
move ur ass back here
i would nvr kick you out
you lock me out of our place twice a week tae
that sounds creepy
Jimin can do what he wants when he wants where he wants
in /our/ home.
that sounds rather intriguing
lock me in a room with you c:
is jimin fucking kinkier than we think he is?
Don’t worry
I’ll take one for the team and find out
why does this concern me
Any screaming you may hear from now on
is consensual.
i promise.
jesus fuck
jujubee, we need to find our own place now
Worldwide Handsome:
out kink them.
the games have begun
Kookie Monster:
y do i feel lik ur hom is gon turn into a sex dungn
I feel dirty thinkn bout it
ur 6
you’re not supposed to know what a sex dungeon is
Hobi_wan_kenobi left the chat.
im noping the fUCK OUT OF THIS CHAT
Worldwide Handsome:
I just
Tae, you’re crushing his innocent soul
Yoongi looked up from his phone with a laugh, “God, I can’t believe our friends sometimes. And you know, it’s always fucking Tae who gets everyone to leave the chat. What the fuck is up with that?”
Jimin threw his head back in laughter, replying with a shrug. “That’s just how Taetae is. What a beautiful friendship.” He wiped a tear away from laughing so hard and stabbed a fork into one of the meats on his fourth plate of food.
“What do you figure we should do until the concert tonight? We have that whole room to lounge in. We have a fucking bathtub with jets. The day is yours, Jiminnie. What do you want?”
“Joonie texted me earlier and said he slipped some video games into my bag. We can hook it up to the tv in there and watch me beat your ass.” Jimin grinned. “After our luxurious bath of course.”
Yoongi grinned wide, “That sounds heavenly.”
“But,” Jimin spoke up. “On the way, there’s somewhere I want us to go to.”
“Anywhere, baby.”
“We have to leave a lock at Namsan.” Jimin smiled and resumed eating his food.
“Of course. Yes. Let’s do it. We’ll go get a lock and write our names on it and lock it up for everyone to see how much we love each other.”
“Next time on one of our anniversaries, let’s get dinner at the top of the tower! There’s a really nice restaurant there.
Yoongi smiled at the thought of taking Jimin up to the restaurant at the top of the tower, “Of course, baby. Maybe we can get wine there too,” he added with a wink.
“Lot’s of wine!” Jimin exclaimed. “That’s going in our adventure binder.” He sighed, resting his chin on his hand. “There’s nothing more romantic than a date at Namsan. You know, when we put our names on a lock and throw the key away, it means our love is supposed to be eternal.” He bit on his fork, a dreamy smile growing across his lips.
“Good,” Yoongi nodded. “I don’t want our love to be anything less than eternal. More than is okay, but not less than.” He smiled, watching Jimin stare off out the window and knew the younger was concocting a fantasy of his own in his head.
His gaze wavered back toward Yoongi, taking in the sight in front of him. “You know,” Jimin finally spoke up. “I don’t get what our friends say about you being a cold hearted person. I never saw it in you, even from the start. You’re literally like a teddy bear.” Every time Yoongi smiled, Jimin’s insides melted. Whenever he spoke, he turned into putty. Even the first time they met at the cafe, Jimin couldn’t take his eyes off of him. He just simply didn’t understand why he was so intimidating to others. Yoongi was in fact, the softest person Jimin had ever met.
“I have a bad case of resting bitch face, and it scares people away from me,” Yoongi shrugged. “It’s how I weed out the weak ones.”
“I must be the strongest weed in your garden.” Jimin giggled
“You must. I can’t seem to get you out of my garden. But then again, I haven’t actually tried to.”
“Mmm,” Jimin scrunched his nose. “Don’t plan on trying. I already spread out and took over your whole garden.”
Yoongi stood up and walked over to where Jimin was still seated. He leaned down and placed a hard kiss on Jimin’s cheek and held out his hand for the younger to grab onto. He helped Jimin out of his seat and pulled him into a tight hug. “I want this whole damn hotel to know how much I love my Jiminnie.”
Jimin tightened his fist into the fabric of Yoongi’s shirt, his nose burying into the crook of his neck. “When we get to Namsan, I want the whole damn world to know how much I love you.”
Yoongi felt like he had a smile permanently etched into his face, but it didn’t bother him. He enjoyed the overwhelming feeling of happiness Jimin brought him. He loved the fact that he didn’t need to feel sorry for himself when Jimin was around. If a permanent smile was the price to pay for loving Jimin with his whole heart, then so be it. He unwrapped himself from Jimin, and pulled the younger along back to the room, “I have a lock in my bag. Let’s grab it and make our way to Namsan.”
“You...you have a lock?” Jimin asked with a surprised expression, following him back to their room. “You’re prepared for anything, aren’t you Min Yoongi?” A smile creeped up his lips. “Why do I feel like we’re the two disgustingly-in-love main couple of a rom-com movie?”
“I went to the gym the other day and forgot to take it out, but this is a better use for that lock anyways,” Yoongi shrugged.
“It works perfectly. The locks there are overpriced anyway.” They eventually reached their room, entering it after inserting the card key as Jimin watched Yoongi shuffle through his bag. His expression radiated when Yoongi found the small lock. “Got a sharpie in there too by any chance?” He squatted down beside him.
Yoongi shoved a few things aside, sticking his tongue out in concentration as his hand felt around the bottom of his bag for the familiar marker he knew was hiding inside. He let out an “ah ha!” as he gripped onto his lonely black sharpie and held it out like Link would hold his heart container. “I have a marker and a lock, who needs capitalism?” Yoongi smirked.
“Capitalism can suck it!” Jimin shouted before falling into a fit of laughter. “You’re always so handy Min Yoongi.” He stood up from the floor, brushing the dark hair out of his eyes. “Let’s go show the world how disgustingly cute we are together.”
“God, I want nothing more than that,” Yoongi sang out as he followed Jimin out of the hotel room.
Hands intertwined with Yoongi’s, Jimin led him out of the hotel and searched around the street. “Let’s take a bus to Namsan and then a stroll up the hill from there. It’ll be such a nuisance to try parking anywhere near that place.” He pulled him toward the bus stop, a bus luckily arriving right as they got there. They swiped their cards as they entered the vehicle, picking an empty spot toward the back. The bus wasn’t as crowded as Jimin expected, it was quiet except for the hum of the engine and a song playing softly in the background. He leaned his head against Yoongi’s shoulder, fiddling around with the lock in his hands.
Yoongi smiled at the contact, and wrapped his arm around Jimin, pulling him close. He leaned his head against Jimin and closed his eyes, taking a moment to relax. “Let’s write on the lock now so it’s all ready to lock up when we get there,” Yoongi suggested.
Jimin beamed at the idea. “It’s your lock, so you write your message first.” He tilted his head up, setting the lock into his hands.
“Jimin, my love for you surpasses the sound of the seventh trumpet,” Yoongi muttered as he wrote as small as he could on the back of the lock. He left enough room for Jimin to put his message underneath.
Jimin grinned widely, feeling his ears burn as he heard Yoongi’s mumble. When he was done, Jimin took the lock from him and bit his lip, thinking of a short message to write. When an idea came to him, he squinted and wrote the little note underneath Yoongi’s and added their names along the edges with a heart at the end. He proudly showed Yoongi the lock with a dorky grin. The note read ‘Our love goes to infinity and beyond.’
Yoongi knew the grin on his face was equally as dorky as Jimin’s but he didn’t care. Everyone in the bus could have been staring at them at that moment, but it didn’t mean a thing to Yoongi if he had Jimin in his arms. He kissed the side of Jimin’s head and whispered “I love you,” into his ear, and in the moment, it felt so intimate.
Jimin’s cheeks flushed as he looked down at the lock in his hands, admiring their scribbled messages. As dorky they were, it still made something in his chest flutter. The two were in their own little world on the bus, exchanging giggles and smiles. He took Yoongi’s hand in his, massaging little circles on the back of it. “Did I ever say,” He began. “Happy two months?”
“No, but that might have been implied during our morning handjob,” Yoongi smiled coyly.
Jimin sputtered, covering his mouth to suppress his laugh. “I mean, you’re not exactly wrong.”
Yoongi chuckled, “Happy two months, baby boy. Here’s to many more.”
“And to the best trip to America with our dysfunctional family.” He chimed in. “Happy two months, sugar lips.” He leaned in, pressing a kiss against his cheek.
The bus came to a stop, Yoongi nudged Jimin that it was time to get off, and the two made their way out hand-in-hand. They approached the entrance to the trail that spiraled up toward Namsan tower. The buildings of the city faded into a forest, trees surrounding them. The brick trail in front of them alternated from stairs to a flat slope. It was a beautiful walk up the hill, the weather cool enough for them to go up comfortably, but it was steep as hell.
Yoongi scrunched his nose as he looked up the hill, “Yah, I’m already tired. Baby, carry me up the hill.”
“You’re so lazy, come on. We’re almost there! Even the ahjummas are passing us.” Jimin grabbed Yoongi’s hand, pulling him up the steep hill. “Look! We’re getting closer to the tower. They have a lot of refreshing drinks and snacks at the end of the trail.
“Good. I’m gonna need some.”
A few turns and whines later, they finally reached the end of the gruesome trail. Jimin was about to take a moment to catch his breath when he caught a glimpse of the tower behind the trees and skipped toward it, jumping up and down. “Yoongi, Yoongi! Hyung, look, it’s right there!” He pointed at the building towering up into the sky.
Yoongi panted, trying to catch his breath as he followed after Jimin. “Jiminnie, wait for hyung.” He took hold of Jimin’s wrist and followed his pace up to the tower.
“Hyung, hyung!” He shook his shoulder excitedly, pulling out his phone. “Can you take a picture of me? I’m going to jump!” Jimin set the phone in Yoongi’s hand, running out into the open space in front of the tower, preparing for his jump-shot.
“On the count of three, baby. Jump for me, okay?” Yoongi requested, holding up Jimin’s phone. “One, two, three!”
Jimin flew up into the air, spreading his arms and legs. A shout erupted from him, as if it would have made the quality of the image better. He landed back on the ground with a thunk and ran up to Yoongi. “Did you get it?” He peered over his shoulder, looking at his phone.
Yoongi pulled up the camera roll and smiled, showing Jimin the picture of him up in the air. “Perfect.”
“Now you! Go on!” He gently pushed Yoongi toward the open area, chuckling at his protests. “Come on, I’ll take a good one of you, I promise!”
Yoongi pouted, but once he turned around and saw Jimin’s smile, his pout disappeared. With a gummy grin, Yoongi gave Jimin two thumbs up when he was ready to go.
“Okay!” He shouted. “Three, two, one, jump!”
Yoongi jumped up in the air, hands stretched up to the sky, and his foot coming out in front of him in a martial arts kick. When he landed, he stumbled over to Jimin to see how the picture turned out.
“Oh,” Jimin pouted, glancing up at Yoongi. “I didn’t get it.”
Yoongi frowned and tried to take Jimin’s phone from his hands to look himself.
Jimin threw himself at Yoongi, laughing. “I was just kidding hyung, I took a perfect one. See!” He swiped to the picture of Yoongi kicking in the air. “As promised.”
Yoongi pinched Jimin’s cheeks in retaliation, “You’re lucky I love you so damn much.”
Jimin grinned proudly and swiped through the pictures of them. Before continuing their adventure, he made them take millions of selfies in every angle possible while trying to get the tower in the background. After Jimin was satisfied, he tugged on Yoongi’s sleeve, dragging him all around the area. Jimin hadn’t been to the tower since he was a kid, he had forgotten how pretty everything was, from the little temple perched on the top of the stairs to the sculptures of locks shaped as trees.
Jimin gasped in awe as he went to the viewing area, hanging just off the edge of the hill. The view looked over to the sprawling city of Seoul in between mountains.
“It’s beautiful,” Yoongi breathed.
“I don’t know,” Jimin hummed, leaning against the railing, facing Yoongi. “I found a much more beautiful view than that.” As half serious as he was, it took all his resistance to not cringe at his own words.
Yoongi leaned in and kissed Jimin’s lips, far too fond of the boy in front of him to do anything other than that.
Jimin pulled him in closer, leaning into the kiss, feeling himself grow warm and fuzzy from the embrace. He tilted his head back and smiled at him. “Yeah,” Jimin nodded to himself. “Beats the view. One hundred percent.”
“Let’s put this lock on so I can take you back to the hotel room,” Yoongi purred against Jimin’s jaw, leaving small kisses in his wake.
“Impatient, aren’t you?” Jimin snickered as he wiggled himself out of his embrace, guiding Yoongi toward the large porch, the railings covered with an overwhelming amount of colorful locks. “Jesus, there’s so much more than what I remembered. Where do you want to put it?” He held up the lock between the two.
Yoongi looked around them and pointed to a spot behind Jimin, “I want to put it over there so that it can rest on top of the other locks and everyone can see how much Yoongi and Jimin love each other.”
“Let’s do it!” Jimin chimed in, spinning around. He searched for a secure place on top of the pile of locks to attack theirs to. “How about here?” He pointed to a cluster of pink locks scribbled with messages at the very top.
“There is perfect,” Yoongi smiled.
Jimin attached the lock into place, pulling the small metallic key and tugging on it to make sure it was secure.
Yoongi snaked his hand into Jimin’s and rested his head on the other’s shoulder, “Now our love is eternal. Amazing how that happened so quickly.”
Jimin held up the key inches away from his face. “We still have to toss it in the box, and then it’s to infinity and beyond from there.”
“Then let’s toss her in and make it official.”
Jimin approached the small box perched on a wooden post in the corner. He slipped the key into the slot, hearing it clank against the pile of god knows how many other keys. He said a little prayer in his mind, a habit after having visited many temples with his family growing up. “It’s done!”
“Jimin, I do believe we are married now. I don’t make the rules, I just follow them,” Yoongi smirked, pulling the younger boy into his side.
“Lucky for you, I’m a rule follower too.”
“Suck it, Korea!” Yoongi yelled, flipping off the skyline in the distance.
Jimin cackled and ran up to the railing, screaming into the city, disrupting the small crowd around them. “Korea can suck it!”
The two received weird looks from the people around them, but they either didn’t notice or didn’t care. Yoongi laughed along with Jimin, and the two of them began their decent back down the hill holding hands the whole way down.
“The walk down was nowhere near as bad,” Jimin exclaimed as they arrived to the bus station, waiting with a few other people. “Let’s come back when the flowers start blooming! It’s supposed to be gorgeous here.” He grinned and realized how much time had passed. Jimin pulled out his phone and checked the time. “It’s almost time for the concert! Let’s start heading to the venue, the hotel can wait until tonight.” He winked.
Yoongi chuckled, “We’ll probably be sweaty from the concert anyway. Oh, did you grab the picnic dinner from Jin? I can’t remember.”
“Yes! Namjoon packed it in my duffle along with the video games.”
“Good! Show should be done by 9. That buffet should hold us over until then. After we eat, we can dance around under the stars, because it’s just what I know you’re waiting for.”
“I mean, I didn’t eat 5 plates of food for nothing.” Jimin shrugged and followed with a smile. “Dancing under the stars,” He sighed, leaning against Yoongi’s shoulder. “How romantic is that ? God we’re so gay. I love it.”
“You know earlier how you asked me why the others said I was so cold hearted? I’m only a hopeless romantic when I’m with you, Jimin.” Yoongi chuckled, grabbing Jimin’s hand and walking into the bus as it pulled up and opened its doors. “No one else on Earth could convince me to dance under the stars after picnicking.”
“I feel like the luckiest person ever then.” Jimin seated himself comfortably next to Yoongi on the bus as the doors shut and went on with it’s route. “Is it greedy of me to say I like being the only one to see this side of you?”
“Nah. It’s not selfish if we both feel the same way,” Yoongi winked.
“Okay, good.” Jimin leaned himself closely against Yoongi, combing his fingers through his hair. “Because you’re my Yoongi and mine only.” He whispered.
“Oh, possessive are we? Another one of those kinks I’m finding you have a lot of?” Yoongi quirked an eyebrow at the younger boy.
Jimin replied with a smirk. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me yet.”
“Well I potentially have the rest of my life to figure it all out, right?” Yoongi whispered.
JImin nodded at Yoongi. “Of course. I would hope so.”
Yoongi smiled and kissed the top of Jimin’s head. “Technically eternity.”
“We may as well be the ones that get married in America instead.” Jimin laughed. “I don’t think spending an eternity with you would be so bad.”
Yoongi’s smile grew wider, and he pulled Jimin tight against himself, “Good. Because I think you’re kind of stuck with me.”
“You won’t be hearing any complaints from me, we made it through two months so far, haven’t we? Jesus,” He laughed to himself. “After talking about an eternity, two months seems like nothing.”
“What’s the saying? Time flies when you’re having fun? I definitely have fun when I’m with you.”
Jimin’s eyes formed into crescents. “I mean,” He flipped his hair dramatically. “People always said I was a fun person to hang out with.”
“Almost as fun as Hobi,” Yoongi smirked.
“You know what, you’re absolutely right. I can never outrank that man. He never fails to steal the show at every party we’ve gone to.”
“Him drunk is the party.”
Jimin snickered at his comment. “I’ve never heard a more accurate statement.”
Yoongi laughed along with Jimin, and the two kept their happy conversation going until they reached their stop. The two got out of the bus, thanking the driver (bc they ain’t a bunch of assholes) and made their way back to their room.
When they entered their rooms, Jimin bolted into the living room, jumping onto the couch. “Hyung! Let’s play mario kart!” He pulled out the console from his duffle bag with a competitive grin. “Winner gets a free dinner?”
Yoongi snorted, “How about, the winner is on top tonight.” He winked at Jimin as he grabbed the controllers and helped him bring the video games over to the TV.
Jimin hooked up the Nintendo® Wii™ to the TV and realized Namjoon left a CD in it. Pushing the eject button, it popped out and Jimin read the title, sputtering at the name. “Hyung,” He waved the CD titled ‘Cumalot’ toward him. “I think Namjoon left us a present.”
“What in the everloving fuck is this?” Yoongi asked, taking the CD from Jimin.
“Well, now we know a member of our family enjoys porn. I appreciate the gesture, but I think we’ll do just fine without it.” Jimin wiggled his eyebrows.
Yoongi laughed, “You’re right. We don’t need porn to help us get off. All I need to hear is you moan as I bite your lip and lick up your neck.”
Jimin swallowed, staring at Yoongi as he felt the heat creep up his cheeks, but within a second, the expression changed to a smirk as he inserted the game into the Wii™. “Don’t think you can use that as a distraction to win the game, Min Yoongi.” Mario Kart™  flashed onto the screen and Jimin hopped onto the couch, making himself comfortable. “Nothing can distract me from kicking your ass.”
“Oh, someone’s eager,” Yoongi chuckled. He sat himself down next to Jimin, and grabbed a pro controller and connected it to his wiimote. He looked over at Jimin, who was sat with his wiimote stuck inside the wheel add-on. He was sitting on his knees, excitedly bouncing up and down as the menu loaded up. “You look like such a child right now, baby,” Yoongi smiled. “You’re cute when you’re excited.”
“I get excited knowing I’m going to beat you, hyung.” Jimin bit his lip as he selected the Koopa Cape track and picked out the vehicle for his character, Toad. When the screen began the countdown, he hunched over with the wheel in his hand, ready to play.
“Baby, if you wanted to beat me, you wouldn’t have chosen Toad as your main driver,” Yoongi laughed, his Waluigi zooming past Jimin as the screen flashed “GO.”
“Wait...wait!” Jimin sputtered, shifting his wheel side by side to dodge through the other karts to catch up with Yoongi, but he was too fast. “Wait...you didn’t tell me you were good at this game. Hyung!” He whined, trying to launch items toward Yoongi’s car. “Just wait until I get a blue shell of death.” He murmured under his breath.
Yoongi laughed, “I’ll be too far ahead for it to make a difference.” Yoongi finished his first lap in first place, smiling as he saw the gap between him and Jimin in second place. “Also I was an unloved child with only one friend, you really think I didn’t master every video game I owned?”
“No, no no no!” Jimin tilted to the side, aggressively turning the wheel, finally finishing his first lap. “Sauron will remain victorious!” He collected a red shell and aimed it at Yoongi but it only hit the kart next to him. A string of curses left his lips as he scooted himself closer toward the TV, in full focus mode.
“Sauron needs to get comfy with the fact he’s gonna bottom again tonight,” Yoongi laughed.
Jimin pouted, refusing to reply to Yoongi as he finished his second lap, zooming past the other karts. His eyes squinted, watching his kart in the map catching up to Yoongi’s. Slowly, but surely. Halfway through their final lap, Jimin’s nose was practically inches away from the screen, shouting at his kart to go faster. When he glanced at Yoongi’s half of the screen, he watched his cart fly through the finish line at first place. Jimin let out a whine, falling onto the ground “No! Best out of three? I demand a character switch!”
Yoongi laughed, ruffling Jimin’s hair, “Alright, baby. That’s fine with me.”
“Yes!” Jimin jumped back up, changing the screen back to the character selection and picked Koopa.
“Ah, getting smart with your character choice, eh? Still no match for me and my Waluigi,” Yoongi said with a smug grin on his face.
“Koopa may be small, but he’s powerful.” Jimin glared at Yoongi before whipping his head back to the screen, in full focus mode again. “I only picked Toad to go easy on you.”
“Oh did you now? Alright, no mercy. I’m going back and picking the 150cc, and we are racing to the death.”
“It’s on, Min Yoongi, it’s fucking on.” Jimin scowled.
“You said best two out of three, but we’ll only need one more race to determine the winner,” Yoongi smirked.
“Shush hyung, I don’t need to hear this cockiness right now.” Jimin started the game and waited for the countdown, revving up his engine right before it started. When it said ‘GO’, the two of them zoomed off, racing side by side on the track.
“Oh, so he can race! I thought you were just messing around when you said you could beat me,” Yoongi jeered.
Jimin muttered an ‘I told you so’ under his breath as he tilted the steering wheel, trying to break through one of the item boxes, collecting a red shell. With Yoongi just ahead of him, he aimed it at his cart and watched it get hit, cackling loudly.
“You bastard,” Yoongi whispered.
“That’s what boyfriends are for!” Jimin beamed, keeping his eyes on the screen.
“I thought you loved me,” Yoongi pouted and leaned all his weight onto Jimin’s shoulder.
“I do, this is just my way of showing it.” They finished their first lap, Jimin shouting in victory as he placed in first and cackled at Yoongi. “Watch me kick your ass this time around.”
“Oh, sounds kinky.”
“Hyung!” Jimin screeched.
Yoongi just laughed and took a shortcut path to weasel his way in front of Jimin and back into first place.
“You...you-” Jimin stuttered, giving Yoongi a quick glance. “You cheated!”
“It’s called using my resources, and the game provides this shorter track for anyone to use.”
Jimin pouted and furrowed his eyebrows, spinning his wheel back and forth aggressively during the sharper turns. He glanced at Yoongi mischievously and pushed him with his arm, trying to throw him off.
“Fuck off, Jiminnie!” Yoongi laughed, still maintaining his spot on the race track. “That’s cheating.”
“I never said I played Mario Kart fairly.” Jimin stated, sitting himself in front of Yoongi to block his view.
Yoongi didn’t hesitate, licking up the side of Jimin’s neck as he blocked his view.
“Yah!” Jimin cringed, sliding himself away from Yoongi. “You brat! That’s not funny!” He shrieked as they finished their second lap, desperately trying to catch up to Yoongi.
“Oh babe, I’m sorry. I just thought since you seemed to enjoy it every other time I licked you, it might encourage you this time around.”
Jimin shot a glare at Yoongi, laughing sarcastically. “Not this time, Min Yoongi.” They were on their third lap now, Jimin shrieking loudly during every sharp turn, throwing his body to the side he turned the wheel. “No, no, nonononono” He muttered under his breath.
Yoongi pulled his item trigger to use his star power as they came up close to the finish line, gaining a speed boost and a “FUCK!” from Jimin. Yoongi just laughed as he crossed the finish line only seconds before Jimin.
“Damn!” Jimin tossed his wheel onto the couch, his arms flailing in the air. “I was this close, this close!”
“You know, since I’m the best boyfriend ever and you were that close to beating the Great Min Yoongi at Mario Kart™, I’ll let you top tonight anyways,” Yoongi grinned, pulled Jimin into his arms.
Jimin stuck out his bottom lip, pouting. “Are you sure you’re not just saying that out of guilt?”
Yoongi’s smile softened, “I’m sure. Plus, I fucked you last night. I wouldn’t have made you bottom again anyways.”
“Aw, Min Yoongi.” Jimin smiled. “You really are the best boyfriend after all.” He left a kiss on his cheek. “But I’m still salty you beat me, twice.”
“I’m just that good, baby,” Yoongi grinned, leaning back with his hands hooked behind his head.
“I’ll never admit that.” Jimin laughed, ruffling Yoongi’s hair. “You say what you want to think, but there’s a million more games out there I can clearly beat you in.”
“Okay, well we can certainly test that out. Every night before bed, we are now going to battle each other in different video games.”
“You know what, I’m up for that challenge. If we run out of games to play, we’ll just team up against Namjoon and Jin.”
“God yes. That sounds fantastic,” Yoongi grinned. Yoongi glances at his watch and let out an “oof,” as he read the time. “Alright, baby, it’s time to go! We’re gonna miss our bus if we wait any longer.”
“Let’s go, let’s go!” Jimin shouted gleefully, jumping up from his ground and grabbed Yoongi’s hand, helping him up as well. He grabbed the key and bolted out of the room with Yoongi, skipping down the hall, humming a song to himself. “I’m so excited, I haven’t been to a concert before! I’ve always been a classical show kind of guy.”
“Well, you’re in for a treat, baby. Fall Out Boy and Steve Aoki are gonna play for us.”
“I love Steve Aoki!” Jimin clapped his hands together, hopping into the elevator once the door finally opened, pushing the button to the lobby. “Oh my god, I’m going to see him live. Min Yoongi I’m going to see one of my idols live!” He exclaimed, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him.
Yoongi gave Jimin one of his gummy smiles, “Baby, I’m excited for you!”
“I’m excited for us! This concert is going to be so much fun.” The elevator doors opened again when they reached the lobby, exiting the hotel toward the bus stop. They only waited a few minutes until it arrived and entered the vehicle, taking the seats in the back. He nuzzled himself up against Yoongi, a smile grew across his lips, thinking about the concert and their little picnic afterwards. He was so ridiculously happy today, there was absolutely nothing that could kill off his joy.
Yoongi kissed the top of Jimin’s head as the younger nuzzled up against him. The two stayed seated in a comfortable silence the whole ride over to the arena. Jimin dozed off for about 40 minutes, but Yoongi thought he was too beautiful to disturb and let him rest against his shoulder. When the bus finally arrived, he nudged his Sleeping Beauty, and the two made their way through bag check and into the arena. They followed their tickets to their seats, and Yoongi’s eyes widened in awe at how close Jimin got them. “Yah, these are really good seats.”
Jimin shrugged innocently. “I just got lucky, I guess.” He pulled out his phone, taking pictures of the arena in awe. “This place is huge, hyung. Look how many people there are! Just imagine, one day you could be up there with the songs you compose.” Jimin exclaimed, pointing toward the stage.
Yoongi snorted, “I can’t even imagine that.”
“Are you doubting yourself? You’re a lot more talented than you think! Ask any of our friends, they’ll agree with me!”
Yoongi shrugged, “I’m mediocre at best.”
Lightly punching his shoulder, Jimin let out a whine. “You’re great, hyung!” The lights dimmed as the crowd screamed, Jimin jumped out of his spot excitedly, joining the rest of the audience. “Hyung, hyung it’s starting!”
Steve Aoki came out onto the stage then and began his first song. Yoongi looked over at Jimin and saw his face light up. A smile broke out across Yoongi’s face as he took in the sight. He leaned over to talk in Jimin’s ear, “Yah, you excited? I can’t tell!”
“This is the worst concert ever!” He shouted back with the biggest smile spread across his lips. “I’m such an idiot for thinking I would actually have fun!”
Yoongi playfully shoved him, and put his attention back on the stage… kinda. He mostly remained focused on Jimin throughout Steve Aoki’s set. Every time Jimin smiled or danced along, Yoongi felt a flutter in his chest, and a smile crept up onto his face. How this boy came to be his life in such a short amount of time, he’ll never know, but he’ll thank every god there is for letting it be so.
When Steve’s set came to an end, Jimin panted, brushing the hair out of his eyes. “That was fucking amazing!” He hollered, leaping beside Yoongi. “Did you see how close he was? He saw me, I’m sure he did!” The excitement rushed through his veins, impatiently waiting for the next show to start.
Yoongi laughed, “I’m sure he did, baby.”
“I understand why you like concerts now, hyung. There’s so much energy here, and I can dance as much as I want!” Jimin sighed, taking in the arena around them. “If that was only the beginning, I can't even imagine how much better it’s going to get.”
“I’ve heard Fall Out Boy puts on a good show, so we have a good time ahead of us!” Yoongi grinned.
“What should we do until then? We got quite some time, don’t we?”
Yoongi shrugged, “We can go look at the merch booth?”
Jimin’s eyes widened. “Do you think they have Steve Aoki merch? Let’s go, let’s go!” He grabbed Yoongi’s hand, leaving their seats toward the merch booth. “I’m telling you, I’d drop so much money for an Aoki shirt.”
“You’re not buying yourself a damn thing. I’m dropping so much money on Steve Aoki for you,” Yoongi scolded.
“Wait, what? Are you being serious hyung?” HIs eyes grew wide.
“Of course I am. You set up this amazing night, and I’m going to reward you for it in every way I can,” Yoongi smiled, kissing the back of Jimin’s hand in his own.
“Oh my god,” Jimin bounced happily on his feet, a smile forming. “You are literally the best boyfriend, ever!” They approached the merch booth as a gasp of joy left his lips, eyeballing all the merch hung across the booth. “There’s...there’s so many to choose from.”
“Get anything you want, baby boy,” Yoongi smiled, admiring the look of awe on Jimin’s face.
“Anything?” He gaped at the merch, pointing at a simple shirt with Steve Aoki scribbled across it. “What do you think of this shirt? And matching Fall Out Boy hats?”
“I love it,” Yoongi beamed.
Jimin asked for the two hats and shirt, holding them in his arms with a giant grin as Yoongi paid. He peeled one of the hats out of the plastic bag, putting it over his hair, fitting perfectly. As they left the booth, JImin took out Yoongi’s as well and set it on his head. “It’s a good look on you.” He beamed. “Thank you again, this is the best thing ever.” He unwrapped the shirt, looking at it with admiration. “I can’t wait to wear this!”
Yoongi laughed at Jimin’s excitement and adjusted the hat on his head, “I’m glad you’re happy, Jiminnie.” They stopped to grab a couple water bottles each, and walked back over to their seats with a good 20 minutes left until Fall Out Boy was supposed to even come out.
Jimin pulled out his phone, taking millions of selfies with them and their hats and filmed the arena around them, excitedly pointing at the stage saying Steve Aoki was just there. Once he was satisfied, Jimin sat back down in his seat, throwing an arm across Yoongi’s shoulders. “This is definitely going on my list of the top five best dates.”
Yoongi smiled and tilted his head towards Jimin, “Good. Me too.”
Jimin turned his head toward Yoongi, raising an eyebrow. “Best Fall Out Boy song?”
“I’m always a sucker for What a Catch, Donnie and Grand Theft Autumn/Where Is Your Boy. But honestly, The Phoenix is my hoe jam. Take This To Your Grave is their best album, but Save Rock And Roll had a lot of bangers.”
“And Thnks fr the Mmrs! You can’t forget the iconic chimpanzees.” Jimin chimed in.
Yoongi chuckled, “Ah, yes. That one is good too.”
“It’s a classic, alongside Dance Dance!” Jimin sat up from his seat, performing the dokiest dance while singing out some lyrics.
“Oh my god, stop that. You’re such a dork.”
Jimin only raised his voice, singing louder and serenading his boyfriend in front of the crowd of people sitting around them. He heard a few chuckle and one person cheering loudly further up the row. “See, they like it!”
Yoongi laughed and pulled Jimin down into a headlock, pulling off his hat and ruffling up his hair, “Yah, cute Jimin is for me and me alone.”
“Aw, is someone jealous that I got a whole audience to fall for my charms?” Jimin fixed his hair, readjusting the cap.
“I’m not jealous. Min Yoongi is never jealous.”
“Mhmm.” Jimin hummed, pinching his cheek. “That’s not what your pouty face says, sugar lips.”
Yoongi huffed and folded his arms across his chest, “Whatever.”
“Ohh, sugar lips,” Jimin cooed, scooting closer. “You’re cute when you’re annoyed.”
Yoongi stuck out his tongue at Jimin, not wanting to press further.
Jimin grinned, taking Yoongi’s hand in his. “Don’t worry, my cute side is reserved just for you only. In fact, I’ll exclusively give you my very own Fall Out Boy performance, no one else will ever see it.”
“This sounds like it could be kinky,” Yoongi pondered. “Will you be wearing clothing during this performance?”
“That’s up to you.” Jimin grinned, winking.
Yoongi shot Jimin a mischievous smile and wiggled his eyebrows at him. “Hmm, give me a lap dance to Dance, Dance. That would be sexy as fuck.”
Jimin let out a laugh, tilting his head back. “Whatever you like, sugar lips.”
Yoongi grinned, “Wow I’m so fucking whipped for you.”
“I know you are, but you know what?” Jimin glanced back and forth before leaning in closely, whispering. “I’m fucking whipped for you too.”
Yoongi turned his head to catch Jimin’s lips with his own, not caring that there were people all around them.
“You’re not so shy when it comes to public displays of affection, are you?” Jimin muttered against his lips, grinning.
Yoongi shrugged, “I don’t really care. If that couple three rows ahead can be so into each other without fuss, then so can I.”
“Then let’s show this whole arena how disgustingly in love we are, I don’t care.” Jimin smiled, grabbing Yoongi’s shirt and pulling him in for another kiss.
Yoongi smiled into the kiss, reaching up to caress Jimin’s face. “I love you,” he mumbled against Jimin’s lips.
“I love you more, Min Yoongi.”
Yoongi scrunched his nose, “Nice try, Jiminnie, but I’m the hyung and I love you more.”
“Nooo, that can’t be.” Jimin pouted. “I’m the one that found you, I was one hundred percent whipped from the start.”
Yoongi shook his head, “I don’t care. I definitely love you more.”
Jimin slapped the brim of Yoongi’s cap down, falling onto his face. “Shush, you can’t out love me.”
“Just you wait, Park Jimin. I’ll show you.”
“And how exactly will you do that?”
Yoongi winked, “You’ll find out tonight, baby.”
“Oh?” His eyebrows rose in surprise. “This just gives me another thing to look forward to tonight.”
“We’re gonna be up all night, baby,” Yoongi smirked. “It’s a good thing checkout isn’t until 11.”
“Hmm,” Jimin gave him a smug grin. “You’re so full of surprises, sugar lips.”
As Yoongi leaned in for another kiss, the lights dimmed, and the audience erupted into cheers. The Phoenix started playing, and Yoongi broke away from Jimin. He perked up, nearly jumping out of his seat to cheer along with the rest of the audience.
“PUT ON YOUR WAR PAINT,” Patrick Stump sang. Yoongi grabbed onto Jimin’s shoulder with excitement. “PUT ON YOUR WAR PAINT.”
“You are a brick tied to me that’s dragging me down. Strike a match and I’ll burn you to the ground. We are the Jack-O-Lanterns in July, setting fire to the sky. Here, here comes this rising tide, so COME ON!” Yoongi sang along, a wide grin present on his face the whole time. As the chorus hit, he started jumping and dancing around with Jimin. It was the best feeling in the world, letting loose with Jimin to some good, live music.
Jimin was smiling, watching his boyfriend sing at the top of his lungs. Everyone around them were cheering so loudly, the beat of the music vibrated against his ears, they could practically burst. But Jimin didn’t notice, everything around him became a blur and all he could see was Yoongi jumping beside him, lost in the song. He felt so happy and content watching him in his element. He danced beside Yoongi, singing along loudly, and probably terribly with him.
Fall Out Boy played for what seemed like a fleeting moment, but it was really two hours. Yoongi lost himself in the music, having the time of his life. When the last song finished and the confetti was falling into the audience, Yoongi looked over at Jimin with the biggest grin on his face. Sweat was dripping down his neck, and he could tell that Jimin was hot and sweaty too. They both just smiled at each other, reveling in the time they had just spent together. Yoongi held out his hand and pulled Jimin towards the end of the aisle, trying to squeeze their way into the mass exodus.
Slowly, they mazed their way through the crowd of people leaving, still in a daze from the excitement earlier. When they finally reached the outside of the venue, Jimin breathed in the fresh air, the breeze cooling him off. “That was literally the best concert I’ve only ever gone to!” Jimin commented as they made their way to the bus stop, grinning to himself every now and again whenever he thought about the concert or seeing how happy Yoongi was.
The grin on Yoongi’s face never faltered as he walked, swinging his and Jimin’s hands between them. “That was really fun. I’m glad you took me to see Fall Out Boy.”
“I’m so glad you enjoyed it!” Jimin replied, his chest fluttering whenever he glanced toward Yoongi, seeing his wide, gummy smile. He had never seen someone elated, it was only expression he wanted to see on Yoongi.
“I’m hungry and ready to sweep you off your feet, come on. Get on the bus, baby boy.”
Grinning, Jimin followed Yoongi onto the full bus, standing in the aisle and holding onto one of the handles.
Yoongi let Jimin hold them in place, as he wrapped his arm around his waist and held on tightly. “If you go down, we both do.”
“If I jump off a cliff, you would jump too?” Jimin asked, raising his eyebrows.
“You jump, I jump, right?” Yoongi quoted.
“Aw,” Jimin smiled, touched by his words. “You so loyal, hyung. Let’s just jump together from now on.”
Yoongi leaned his head onto Jimin’s shoulder, “You already know I’d do anything for you.”
“You should know that goes the same for you too, hyung.” Jimin ran his fingers through the hair peeking out at the back of Yoongi’s cap.
Yoongi closed his eyes and smiled as Jimin stroked the hair on the back of his neck, still coming off his post concert high.
The two stood quietly in the bus, eventually spotting empty seats to sit in halfway through their trip back to the hotel. When they arrived to the bus stop, the two got off the vehicle into the cool, night air. A shiver ran down Jimin’s spine, his sweat having gone cold. “Come on, let’s get changed and grab our food. I’m starving and we have the gayest picnic to attend to.”
Yoongi chuckled as Jimin pulled him up into the elevator, eagerly waiting the 30-odd floors it took to get to their room.
When the elevator reached their floor, Jimin skipped out, twirling his cap in the air, singing Dance Dance out loud as his voice echoed through the hallway.
Yoongi shushed his boyfriend, whispering that there were humans trying to sleep at this hour, and that he needed to be quiet in the hallway. Jimin just rolled his eyes at his boyfriend and continued skipping to their room, humming the song. “You’re a menace,” Yoongi mumbled as they walked into their room.
“Just for you, hyung!” Jimin shot gun fingers at him before rummaging through his duffle bag, pulling out a warmer set of clothes to change into.
Yoongi followed suit, discarding his tee and jacket for a maroon crewneck sweater with floral print on it.
Jimin slid into a cream colored sweater with a red stripe across the middle, GCDS written inside of it followed with dark washed jeans. He ruffled up his hair after it created a coconut shape from the hat and slipped the bag full of food over his shoulder, waiting until Yoongi was ready.
Once Yoongi was satisfied with his messy hair, he grabbed onto Jimin’s free hand and let the younger boy lead him out of the hotel room. “So, where exactly are we going?”
A soft smile grew across Jimin’s lips as they headed for the elevator. “Olympic park. It’s the best place for a picnic, but because it’s night time, it’ll be peaceful and quiet there. There’s the cutest little lake there surrounded by trees!”
Yoongi smiled, “Sounds perfect, Jiminnie!”
“And Jin made us so much delicious food, we’re going to eat so well tonight.” JImin nearly drooled at the thought, resisting the temptation to pull out one of the tupperwares and start shoving his face with food. They eventually exited the hotel, going back to the bus stop and getting on as soon as it arrived. After a while, with the occasional small chatter and bursts of laughter throughout the ride, the bus arrived to the stop near the park as Jimin hopped out beside Yoongi, stretching his arms out. “Ah, we’re finally here!” He murmured and led Yoongi onto a trail through the cluster of trees until they reached the small lake, the bright, full moon reflecting off the water. “It’s so beautiful out tonight!” Jimin gasped, running onto the grass to claim their picnic spot.
Yoongi chuckled, and followed behind at his same pace, letting Jimin start the setup as he neared. “Yeah, you are,” Yoongi winked.
Jimin paused his setup, nearly choking on his saliva. “That was the cheesiest response…” He mumbled, thankful that it was dark enough so Yoongi couldn’t see his flushed cheeks. He finished taking out the tupperware, peeling off all the lids. “Jin really went all out, he made so much more than I asked for...bless him. Best roommate ever.”
“Just wait till he and Namjoon start going at it on a day where you are tired to the bone and all you want is proper sleep,” Yoongi mumbled.
“Oh no,” Jimin whined, handing Yoongi his chopsticks. “We’ll just have to give them revenge on their exhausted days.”
Yoongi arched an eyebrow, “Oh will we now?”
“What comes around, goes around.” Jimin grinned, picking up one of the tupperwares, tasting the homemade food Jin made. “This is delicious, try it!” He picked up one of the kimbap rolls, waving it toward Yoongi.
Yoongi leaned forward and grabbed the kimbap roll between his front teeth, taking a generous bite out of it. He chewed and smiled at Jimin, giving him a thumbs up.
Jimin stuffed his mouth with the food, being hit with the post-concert hunger. The silence was comforting between the two as they ate, exchanging smiles whenever their eyes met. The park around them was empty besides a person or two strolling along the trails. The air was filled with the faint chirping of crickets and the soft splashing of the water hitting the land.
Yoongi broke the silence first, asking Jimin how the night was going compared to how he thought it would go.
“Honestly,” Jimin spoke up. “This is been one of the best nights. The best weekend ever, actually.” He gazed at Yoongi as he ate, not realizing the smile that was stretched across his lips. Butterflies fluttered in his stomach whenever Jimin looked at him, feeling so unbelievably happy and ridiculously lucky to have this man in front of him.
“Good, because I feel the same way,” Yoongi grinned, shoving a bite of japchae into his mouth.
“I’m so glad,” Jimin chuckled, finishing one of the tupperwares of food and setting it onto his lap, staring at Yoongi again, unable to take his eyes off of him. “Min Yoongi?”
Yoongi set his food down and looked at Jimin, “Yeah, Jiminnie?”
“I love you.” He smiled. “I know I say it a lot, but I really, truly mean it Yoongi. I love you.”
Yoongi leaned over and kissed Jimin on the temple, “And I truly mean it when I say I love you, Jimin.”
“It’s only our two month anniversary, but why does it already feel like we’re celebrating five years?”
Yoongi chuckled, “Because we are a couple of romantic saps.”
“We’re so fucking gay, that’s what.”
Yoongi guffawed, falling onto his back in his fit of laughter. “We really are.”
Jimin laid himself over Yoongi’s chest. “In my opinion, out of all of our friends, we’re probably the most gay couple there.” He brushed a thumb across Yoongi’s cheek, grinning.
“I mean, have you seen Jin and Namjoon cuddling on the couch? They are as domestic and married as it gets.”
Jimin rolled his eyes, laughing at the thought. “You do have a point, they’re about as domestic as any other parent out there with 5 children to feed.”
“I don’t think we need to rank all of us. It’s just a given nowadays that gay people naturally find each other and become friends. We can all just be equally gay together.”
Jimin let out a happy sigh. “We need more people like you in the world, Min Yoongi.”
Yoongi smiled, stroking Jimin’s hair. “Hey, I promised I’d dance with you under the stars. Pick a song, Jiminnie.”
“Under the Stars by John Legend.” Jimin giggled. “It’s fitting, no?”
Yoongi kissed the top of Jimin’s head, “Perfect.”
Jimin sat himself up, holding out a hand to help Yoongi up from the ground. “Let’s dance, hyung.”
Yoongi took Jimin’s hand and loaded up the music on his phone. As it began to play, he placed it on the ground and took Jimin’s other hand into his own, “Uh, I’ve never danced like this before. What do I do?”
Jimin let out a giggle. “Just follow my steps, it comes to you naturally.” Jimin took a step back as Yoongi took one forward, repeating with the other foot.
Yoongi dropped one of Jimin’s hands, and set it on the younger’s hip, “This is where I place my hands, right?”
“That’s right,” Jimin nodded, putting his hand on Yoongi’s shoulder. “Just move slowly and don’t think too hard about it.”
And so Yoongi followed Jimin’s lead, picking up the steps quickly. They swayed back and forth for a moment, Yoongi completely serene as he held onto the younger man.
“You’re a natural!” Jimin exclaimed, letting go of Yoongi and extending the other arm to give him a short twirl before pulling him back in. “Are you sure you haven’t done this before?”
“Not in real life, no. In my dreams, yeah. Always with you.”
“How can we be so sure that this isn’t a dream? It really feels like one.” Jimin smiled, gazing into his dark eyes he could have sworn held the entire universe.
“You can’t be. You just have to trust that you won’t wake up from this reality.”
“I never want to anyway, my reality seem far better than my dreams.”
“God, what cheesy drama are we acting in?” Yoongi laughed, leaning his face closer to Jimin’s.
“The kind that will capture everyone’s hearts and win a award in the most romantic and cheesiest.” He pressed his forehead against Yoongi’s, grinning.
Yoongi smiled, “Better than Goblin.”
“A million times better than Goblin.” Jimin stated and began humming to the song playing in the background, quietly singing along to the lyrics.
“You have the most beautiful voice, Jimin. Have I ever told you?” Yoongi swooned.
“It’s...it’s nothing.” Jimin stuttered, growing flustered at his compliment. “I mean, I like to sing but it’s nowhere near as good as the voices you hear out there.”
“Baby, I’m gonna write a song for you, and I want you to sing it, okay? Would you do that for me?” Yoongi asked with wide eyes.
“Me? Sing? I...are you sure?”
“One hundred percent.”
“Okay…” Jimin smiled shyly. “Okay, I’ll do it. Anything for you, honey.” They continued swaying gently, engrossed in their dance under the night sky of Seoul.
Yoongi smiled, resting his head on Jimin’s shoulder, “This night has been perfect.”
“I second this. This is the most peaceful I’ve felt in a long time.” They danced on until the music slowly faded to an end, finalizing their dance with another twirl, Jimin’s soft giggles interrupting the silence of the night. “Thank you for the dance, Yoongi.”
“It was entirely my pleasure, Jiminnie,” he smiled, letting go of Jimin’s waist and bringing his hand up to stroke Jimin’s hair.
Jimin tilted his head, leaning into his touch, his eyes never straying away from Yoongi’s. It felt like it was only the two of them in the entire world. Because of how calm and relaxed their past two days have been, Jimin’s mind had completely detached from the stress of reality. There was no one else besides Yoongi that could loosen him up this much, to realize that it was okay to disconnect himself from everything and enjoy the very moment between them.
Jimin realized at that moment that he was absolutely and completely smitten for this man. He could see his future so clearly with him and he could not wait for their lives to start as soon as this small trip was over. Just the thought of the littlest things like brushing their teeth together in the bathroom with matching toothbrushes or spending a Sunday folding their laundry together made him smile, excitement bubbling in his stomach.
“Jimin, let’s head back. It’s time to de-stress in that bathtub.”
“I’d love nothing more than that.” A soft smile grew across his lips as they went back to their picnic area, putting away the now empty tupperwares into Jimin’s duffle bag. He slipped it over his shoulder and they made their way back to the trail. Jimin followed behind, checking through his bag to make sure he had everything. When he found his small camera, he pulled it out and stopped in his tracks. “Yah, Min Yoongi!” Jimin shouted suddenly, causing Yoongi to jump around with a surprised expression. A bright flash lit up the area around them as a snort escaped from Jimin, a little card popping out of the camera. “Oh this is gonna turn out so good.” He cackled to himself, waving the card around in the air as if that would make it develop faster.
Yoongi stuck out his tongue at Jimin, “Did you get a good pic, baby?”
Jimin looked down at the picture, halfway through its development, nodding. “As usual, it’s so much easier capturing you like this than I expected.” He caught up beside Yoongi, holding the photo in his hand as if it was his prized possession. “Here’s picture number two for our wall.”
“Give me the camera, Jiminnie,” Yoongi requested, already reaching for it. “I need one of you now.”
“Mmm, no!” Jimin teased, waving his hands away from Yoongi, skipping backwards.
“Fine, I’ll just take pictures of you naked later tonight,” Yoongi teased.
“Kinky one, aren’t you?” Jimin pressed the shutter again, the blinding flash lighting up the space again. “You’re so photogenic, I just can’t help it.” He pulled out the developing card, adding it to his pile.
“Hmm, take one us kissing,” Yoongi said, pulling Jimin to his side.
Jimin tilted his head, pressing his lips against Yoongi’s as he held out the camera, the flash going off once more and the sound of another card popping out. He drew his arm back down and used the other one to pull Yoongi in, their kiss still lingering.
Yoongi didn’t mind the fact that Jimin kept kissing him. In fact, he just craved more of Jimin’s touch. He trailed kisses down Jimin’s jaw and stopped at the point where Jimin’s jaw met his ear. He took Jimin’s distracted moment to snatch the camera out of his hand and took a snapshot of a flustered Jimin.
“Hyung,” Jimin whined, pouting as he realized Yoongi’s ulterior motive, watching him take the developing card out. “That’s not fair, you can’t take advantage of me like that.” His cheeks flushed, crossing his arms.
“Hm, you can punish me later,” Yoongi winked.
Jimin’s eyebrows rose before a grin crept onto his lips. “Oh? If you say so.” He leaped onto Yoongi’s back, wrapping his arms gently around his neck and his legs around his waist. “Then hyung, carry me back, I’m tired. I need to save my energy for tonight.”
Yoongi grunted as Jimin jumped onto his back, but made sure to get a good hold on him. He walked them both to the bus, and sat Jimin down on the bench at the stop. “This was such a good night, Jiminnie.”
“I’m so glad.” He smiled. “I was trying so hard to out-do your last date with the sparklers at the Han River, but I’ll admit, it’s still my most favorite night. You should have seen your face when I finally called you hyung, I should have had the camera at the time.”
Yoongi snorted, “You have to understand, I wasn’t expecting that… like ever. You seemed so adamant to not call me hyung.”
“I was just waiting for the perfect time so I could get the exact reaction I got that night.” Jimin boasted. “At first I was too shy though, but you helped break those walls down. After that, I watched our friends make bets and waited. I gotta say, it was well worth it.”
“I’m glad you did,” Yoongi smiled.
The bus eventually arrived, Jimin hopping into the vehicle with Yoongi following behind. It was vacant, let alone the bus driver and Jimin skipped over to one of the seats, tugging Yoongi down beside him. He leaned against the window, stretching his legs across Yoongi’s lap. “You make a comfortable leg rest, thank you.” Jimin giggled as the bus went along its route.
“I’m here for you, baby boy. Whatever you need, I can provide,” he chuckled and rested his right hand on Jimin’s thigh.
“Ah, always there for me in dire times like now.” He giggled, his eyes forming into crescents. The bus was quiet and peaceful with a light melody playing softly in the background. “Min Yoongi, I don’t really think I’ve ever asked, but what’s your dream? Like after we finish college, what do you want to do?”
“I uh, actually wanna write and produce music,” Yoongi smiled.
“I think that’s amazing, are you looking into any music companies yet?”
“Nah. I just kinda post things on Soundcloud.”
“Ohh,” Jimin grinned. “I’ll post your soundcloud across all my social medias and promote you like the number one fan I am! Gotta represent my man, you know?”
Yoongi chuckled, “Good. I love you, Jimin. I hope you know that.”
“I too, love you, but you probably already knew that.” The bus made several stops in their route before reaching their destination. Jimin lifted his feet off of Yoongi’s lap and followed him out of the bus, thanking the driver before entering the warm hotel, the lobby now empty. They approached the elevator, waiting for the metallic door to open. Jimin stood closely beside Yoongi, his arm slung around his waist.
“I still love hearing you say it, though,” Yoongi smiled, kissing the top of Jimin’s head.
They entered the elevator, Jimin pressing the button of their floor before leaning in. “Well, I love you, Min Yoongi.” He whispered in his ear before leaving light kisses along his jawline.
“You really know how to seduce a man,” Yoongi smiled, eyes rolling shut in bliss as Jimin continued to kiss him.
“You’re an easy one to please.” Jimin grinned, stopping as the elevator doors open, leading Yoongi into the hallway toward their room. He pulled out the card key, unlocking the door and tossed the duffle bag aside in the the living room, bolting straight to the bathroom. “Bath time, bath time, bath time!” He shouted with a childish tone.
Yoongi chuckled and followed behind Jimin, slowly stripping off his suspenders and shoes as the door latched behind him.
Jimin peeled off his shirt, tossing it across the room, landing directly on Yoongi’s head and let out bursts of giggles. “That was purely accidental, I promise!”
Yoongi huffed and pulled Jimin’s shirt off his face. “Oh don’t think you’re gonna get away with that one,” he threatened, pulling off his own shirt and unbuttoning his pants.
Jimin stuck out his tongue, starting up the bath as it filled up, pouring some soap to create a thick layer of bubbles, the room lingering with the sweet scent of vanilla. He finished peeling off the rest of his layers, tossing them in a pile alongside Yoongi’s and stepped into the tub once it was filled, sighing at the warmth. He lifted up his arm covered in bubbles, gesturing Yoongi to join.
Yoongi smiled and stepped into the tub, situating himself between Jimin’s legs and leaning back against his chest. He sighed with contentment as his muscles relaxed in the hot water and turned his head to kiss Jimin’s cheek. “This is so perfect.”
“Not nearly as perfect as you though, hyung.” Jimin squeezed some shampoo onto Yoongi’s hair, massaging his fingers into his scalp, using a stress-relieving technique he once learned from Taehyung during the stressful nights before a big show. “Does this feel alright, honey?”
“It feels so good, Jimin. I now know why dogs like being scratched on the head.”
A snort escaped from Jimin as he ran his thumbs along the nape of his neck, pressing gently into some of the pressure points. “Let me know whenever you’re stressed out, I can provide with cheap head massages.”
“Cheap as in free for the man who stole your heart?” Yoongi inquired.
“Plus tax.”
Yoongi pouted, “The tax better be a kiss or something.”
“Hmm, I think I can take that into consideration. But one needs to make some money, you know.” Jimin shrugged innocently, shaping Yoongi’s silvery hair into little spikes across his head.
“Just add it all to my Jimin loan and I’ll pay it all off one day by buying us a home of our own,” Yoongi winked.
“It’s a deal!” Jimin beamed, piling bubbles onto Yoongi’s head. “We’ll have such a big and expensive place with all that loan money.”
Yoongi laughed, “Whatever you want, Jimin. Once I become a hot-shot producer I’ll buy you the biggest and best house ever.”
“I’ll support you every step of the way until you become one. You can do anything, Min Yoongi.” Jimin stated, washing the suds out of Yoongi’s hair. “Really, anyone who says otherwise is lying.”
Yoongi smiled, “Thank you, Jimin. I really appreciate you. Tell me, how can I appreciate you tenfold and help you with your dreams?”
“Just keep doing what you love and produce music for me to dance to, that is, if you like to. I love dancing to your music.”
Yoongi shifted so he could look at Jimin, “Of course, baby. Also, I know I said you could top tonight, but I’m so tired right now. Is it okay if we just relax and then go to bed? We can do whatever you want tomorrow in our bed.”
“Of course honey, we did a lot today and before you know it, will be back in school stressing over our assignments. Get as much rest as you can.
“Mmmh,” Yoongi hummed in agreement. “You know you’ll never be able to get me out of bed with you in the mornings. I’ll just hold tightly onto you and snuggle us deep into the blankets.”
“Now it’s just going to be harder for me get out of bed, sugar lips.” Jimin grinned.
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happy-meo · 8 years
Out of the Egg. (Jungkook x Reader) Part 4
“The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born must first destroy a world.” – Demian by Hermann Hesse
Jungkook x Reader; (with the rest of the BTS members here and there)
Fluff, Suspense, Angst; mentions of violence, death, sexual harassment (briefly), and warfare
War/ Rebellion Au
Summary: The world you had once known is now bare and rotting with evil. Families were torn, houses were burned, and businesses were shattered by the Oppressors. In your world, there were only two possibilities – if you weren’t working with them, you were owned by them. However, a new faction arises that sings of hope and taking back the world that was once for the people, calling themselves “The Changers”. Although you tried to go unnoticed by either of them, out of fear of being killed or captured, you soon find yourself deep in the middle of the rebellion after an unexpected encounter.
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 (Finale)
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Keep this safe until I return. I love you, so much.
                                                                       Always yours,
           You folded the letter angrily and stuffed it back into your pocket. Despondently, you pushed your face into your hands. It had been a few days since Jungkook and his unit were dispatched on a highly classified incognito mission, but your heart continued to only get heavier with each passing day.
           You had tackled and nearly strangled Namjoon the morning of his disappearance to get any information on him. But of course, it was classified. There was nothing he could say about his whereabouts and nothing about the probability of his return. With Namjoon, there were no words of comfort, but simply uncertain silence. He didn't want to lie to you, and you didn't want to delude yourself either, but damn did it hurt like a bitch.
           You punched the ground, annoyed. Jungkook had always been like this. When you were being bullied and teased behind your back, you remained ignorant while he got in all sorts of trouble to protect you. Although you were grateful, you were also ashamed. Jungkook still trusted you so little; he couldn't confide in you. He still continued to shoulder everything by himself, even though you had always been by his side.
           Had you known...had you known that was the last time you were going to speak to him...you would've spoken more. Had you known that that was the last time you were going to touch him, you would've held on tighter. Had you known that that was the last time you were going to be able confess to him, you would've said that you loved him out loud.
           You choked out a sob as you cried into your palms. You were holding onto your stupid pride and didn't want him to hear you say it. What a meaningless thought. What was the point of doing that? Why didn't you just say it? He deserved to hear it, after everything he had done for you, and still, you couldn't even do that for him.
           "I couldn't do anything for him." You cried.
           "That's not true."
           You wept harder as you heard the soothing voice of Tae behind you.
           "Still skipping training, huh?" he chuckled as he sat beside you.
           "It hurts Tae. Everything reminds me of him and then I think of the worst..." You curled into yourself. "Why didn't he tell me he was leaving? Why didn't he say goodbye?"
           "Maybe because he didn't want to say it out loud?" Tae scooted closer and patted your head. "Saying things makes them final. And I always felt like the Leader's words were very meaningful because he hardly says much. So maybe saying goodbye to you would mean that he wasn't going to come back, and he didn't want that."
           You wailed. "I still had so much I wanted to say and do with him! We still had so much training to go through! I was supposed to be on the battlefield with him, protecting him!"
           Tae wrapped an arm around you. "Well that won't happen if you keep slacking off like this. Imagine what he would say! He helped you get the best of Min Yoongi and you're letting all that go to waste!"
           You sniffled and lifted your head up.
           "You know him better than me, Y/N." Tae smiled as he wiped your face with his sleeve. "If you think back on your conversations, you'll find your comfort there."
           You nodded, exhausted, and took out the dog tag around your neck. "What do I do now, Tae? What do I do if he's gone?"
           Tae grinned. "Do you really believe he's gone?"
           You blinked. "What?"
           "My mom used to say that our hearts are connected, and if we trust our intuition and believe in it, we'll feel those closest to us despite being far." Tae explained. "I, for one, know it's true."
           "Because I knew you were crying at this exact moment and at this spot." Tae chuckled as he took out sandwiches from his pocket. "So I ditched dinner with the guys and followed my intuition here."
           You smiled gratefully as you accepted his food.
           "No news is good news around here, Y/N." Tae stated. "Besides, the Leader won't leave you behind so easily. Believe in him."
           Your thumb swiped across Jungkook's engraved name and you nodded in agreement. Your heart told you he was still okay. He was still alive. And if anything had happened, Namjoon would surely go to you first with the news.
           Tae was right. No news was good news.
           "Eat up." Tae tapped your sandwiches together lightly and took a bite. "You'll be back to own our male asses tomorrow right?"
           You chuckled and bit into your sandwich. "Damn right I am."
           Now more than ever, you needed to catch up to Jungkook. You needed to gain enough strength and skill to protect him and everyone you cared about. But in the grander scheme of things, you wanted to be a part of the change. You wanted to create a better world for the future, with your own power. Jungkook had always cleared the obstacles in your way, but now you wanted to carve your own path, so that you could remove anything in the way of the new world he was fighting for.
           If Jungkook was fighting for you and everyone in the city, you surely couldn't sit and mope any longer. You were going to fight.
           You returned to training the next day with only 25 laps as punishment for your negligence of duties, which you found to be very generous for Lieutenant Yoongi. But with more vigor and determination, you seriously attended to his lessons and teachings. Despite being arrogant and close-minded, Yoongi still was highly-skilled, respectable, and knowledgeable in the battlefield. His words and challenges were your only hope of gaining the strength you needed.
           Surprisingly, he eased up on you too. He was being less snide and hostile towards you, although he was still quite sarcastic. He offered constructive criticisms to your techniques and positions, and subtly suggested certain solutions to fixing those errors. You certainly had a lot to improve on.
           And without Jungkook to compose you, you used the hours you couldn't sleep to exercise and train yourself. You were more than familiar with his gun collection by now and so you requested for more variety from Namjoon.
           Although worried about your well-being, he obliged and provided you a new gun to test out whenever you asked. Seeing how determined and dedicated you were, Namjoon soon gave you access to the shooting range within HQ.
           "Jungkook used to come here too when he couldn't sleep...which was often, before you came along of course." Namjoon chuckled as he swiped his card to open the door.
           "Wow." You marveled at the purely white room with a single target at the very end of it.
           "I'll show you how the controls work. Come here." Namjoon beckoned you over. "These move the target, this adds other targets if you want to try shooting multiple while moving. This button opens up the gun case. Remember to press it again before you start to shoot. Bullets are collected and restored, and fall out of this slot once you run out."
           "Does anyone else use this place?"
           "No." Namjoon smiled. "I made this for Jungkook for his birthday a year or two back, because he kept waking people up by shooting outside when he couldn't sleep."
           "You're amazing Namjoon." You breathed.
           He blushed shyly and waved. "Well, happy shooting."
           Then he paused before exiting. "Oh. If you press that red button, you can reach me if you need anything. I'm not too far. And the blue button makes a couch pop out of the wall. Jungkook always did sleep here better than his own room. Something about feeling safer and more exhausted after a few rounds."
           You chuckled. "I know how that feels."
           Namjoon grinned. "I figured you would."
           "Thanks again."
           "Oh don't thank me." Namjoon shook his head. "Yoongi was the one that actually suggested I show you this place. I didn't even think of doing it until he brought it up."
           "Yoongi?" You blinked. "But why? Me and him don't exactly see eye to eye...."
           Namjoon smiled sadly. "I'm not so sure about that."
           "Hm?" You tilted your head.
           "He's actually the Council member that's most considerate of people around him, and would use any means necessary if it meant helping them in the long run." he chuckled. "That's why he made such a great a Drill Sergeant."
           "Hmmm..." You hummed, trying to figure out how Yoongi and "considerate" could be used in the same sentence.
           Namjoon giggled and stepped out before you realized that you had missed a surprising piece of information.
           "YOONGI'S IN THE COUNCIL?" You bellowed, flabbergasted.
           "Didn't we tell you that?" Hoseok laughed as you confirmed with them the next day. "Lieutenant Yoongi is one of the highest ranks in the city. In my opinion, he's second to the Leader in terms of skill and wit, if not a close equal."
           "Yeah, he's skeptic and suspicious of everything so it makes him attuned to every possibility out in the field." Jin explained. "We can't count how many stories circulate about how he saw through an Oppressor decoy and brought the Changers the upper-hand in battle. Some people even think he's an Oppressor spy because he's always so spot-on about their tactics."
           "But most people believe he's not?" You questioned.
           Jimin frowned. "He would never be."
           "Have you ever heard anything about Lieutenant Yoongi's backstory?" Tae asked.
           "Not at all. Other than the fact he and Jungkook were on the same squad and now, apparently he's a Council member, I know nothing about the man. Namjoon did say he was the most considerate of people, despite using questionable means to display it. Although I don't really know how to make sense of that."
           Tae chuckled, "Sounds about right."
           "Come closer." Jimin whispered and everyone scooted over intently. "Not many people know about his past, but I overheard some of the Scholars talking about it when they were helping out at my farm awhile back. I only told Tae so it's new to most of you."
           "I've heard rumors, but nothing past that." Jin commented.
           Jimin smiled sadly and started,
           "Well it all began a year after the Changers were founded..."
           "We saved some Survivors!"
           Soldiers came in excitedly.
           "Although one is kind of a brat."
           "Am not. You guys didn't need to hold me so tightly. I'm not a child. You could've broken by arm or something." A boy with dark hair  huffed as he dusted himself off.
           "Why you little, ungrateful --"
           "Welcome back!" a bright, cheerful voice cut in.
           "B!" The soldiers melted at her presence.
           She giggled and outstretched her arms.
           "Welcome Survivors, to the Underground City!"
           The children glanced around at the large space of cement and dirt.
           "Well this place sucks." The raven-haired boy blurted out.
           "Why you smart--" one of the soldiers growled angrily.
           B laughed and ruffled his hair. "Doesn't it?"
           The boy huffed and pushed her hand away from his head. "Are you all trying to starve us here? Where's our meal?"
           B grinned. "Follow me ~ we gathered some good food for you guys! I can't cook so I had someone else do it. Don't want to poison you right after saving you."
           The boy snorted.
           "Hah!" B beamed. "I got you to laugh!"
           He glared. "You did not. I just had something in my nose."
           "Need a tissue?" B questioned teasingly.
           "No! Go away lady!" He turned his head to the side.
           "You can't treat a Founder like that! Hey!" The soldiers complained, but B shook her head, refreshed by the young boy's attitude.
           "You're cute." she grinned as she knelt to his level. "What's your name?"
           "Yoongi." the boy murmured as he blushed from her close proximity. "Min Yoongi."
           "B?!" You gasped.
           "Have you heard of her?" Tae smiled. "They have a few pictures of her around. She was beautiful!"
           "Yeah..." you smiled sadly. "Yeah I've heard of her."
           "So Yoongi knew one of the Founders?" Hoseok asked. "Wow."
           "Not just knew." Jimin stated. "She basically adopted Yoongi as her younger sibling."
           "What??" You and Hoseok breathed.
           Jimin smiled and nodded. "Yeah. They were inseparable. Yoongi looked up to her and was a bit possessive too. They were two peas in a pod really. They had many similarities. Yoongi may look emotionless and unattached all the time, but apparently it went down the drain when it came to B. And vice versa."
           "Yooongggii ~" B lunged and hugged him tightly as she arrived in their room.
           "Get off me, B. I just got back from training." Yoongi huffed. "I'm gross."
           "You did so well! I was watching. I'm so proud of you." B giggled.
           "Didn't look like it." Yoongi rolled his eyes.
           B pouted. "You know I can't exactly show I'm biased."
           "Yeah, yeah. Being a Founder and in the Council means you have to have no feelings." Yoongi waved his hand.
           "You know that's not it." B leaned her head onto his shoulder. "You of all people would understand."
           Yoongi exhaled. He did.
           He understood that getting close to people was difficult, because when they disappeared, the people with attachments to them would be left with the scars. Especially in B's case. She was a Founder and the Changers' most brilliant and vivacious strategist. In order to come up with battle plans, she needed to push her emotions to the side and formulate the best strategy towards success, even if it meant sacrificing people to save the masses.
           She didn't want to get to know anyone. She didn't want to get attached, because it could and probably would interfere with her tactics. Emotions could fuel and motivate your progression, but it had no place in the midst of a battle, no less planning for a battle where death was inevitable.
           Yoongi knew that well, because he had the same mindset. After witnessing the murder of his family, surrounded by riots and killings, he realized the mortality of people and in turn, the greatest sadness of losing your loved ones.
           If feelings were the root of the pain, why have them?
           But the more he pushed B away, the tighter she clung to him. He wasn't sure why exactly, but eventually he let her in. And she gave him someone to love and cherish again, made him believe that emotions were capable of positive outcomes, made him realize that someone else would and could love him, care for him, understand him, and hold him like his mother once did. B had given him hope, a family, and a future.
           He didn't realize it until later on, but B was very lonely before they met. Everyday was the same for her. Their numbers were growing in the city but decreasing out in the battle field. If there were great casualties or if a raid failed, she blamed herself harshly. She got so caught up in trying to beat this "game" that she was beginning to lose sight of what it was all for. Everyone treated her as someone out of reach, someone benevolent on a pedestal. Who could she confide her worries to? If she were to break down in front of someone who looked to her for hope, she would crush their spirits.
           Then Yoongi came along. Sharp-tongued and blunt, refreshingly honest and realistic, yet shy and kind.
           She found joy in watching him at first. He would always be alone wherever he went, but she would catch him subtly helping others before disappearing. He would perform kind acts like picking up things people dropped, giving a younger child his carton of milk because the kitchen had run out, etc. Other times he would be telling people off loudly. He was never wrong, just a bit aggressive in the way he said it, but she understood it was his way of helping them.
           And he most certainly never changed his attitude towards her despite knowing of her importance to the city. Whenever she greeted him, he would simply glare and mumble a half-hearted hello in return. He treated her like everyone else and to her, that was everything. That to her was what she needed to remind herself why she was fighting in the first place. To help the Survivors like Yoongi. She didn't want the ranks and the appearances for anyone else's future. She didn't want them to fight. She didn't want anyone else carrying the burden of creating plans for soldiers to get slaughtered, just to take one small step forward towards freedom.
           In the stuffiness of warfare, she needed some room to breathe, and she found that in Yoongi.
           Unconsciously, tears began streaming down your cheeks.
           "Y/N!" Tae exhaled. "Why're you crying?"
           You wiped your tears hurriedly. You already knew how this story ended after all, but it didn't hurt you any less.
           "Sorry, sorry keep going."
           Jimin smiled sadly, "Apart from being a strategist, she was also one of their highest ranking soldiers. She was obviously sent out to battles often."
           "Why don't you make that Jeon hot-shot take his unit?! Why do you need to go?" Yoongi yelled angrily.
           "Yoongi." B exhaled. "I'm not going to send someone else to do a job I started."
           "You're the last surviving Founder!" Yoongi was grasping at straws to try to convince her.
           "Yoongi." B sat down beside him, amused. "You're in that 'Jeon hot-shot' unit."
           Yoongi grumbled. "I still can't believe you didn't put me in your unit."
           B squeezed his cheeks. "You've grown up to be so handsome, you know that?"
           "I've always been handsome." Yoongi scoffed. "And stop trying to change the subject! I have a bad feeling about this assignment B. Please. Don't go."
           "I can't, Yoongi. I have to do something. I can't just sit around." She cupped his face. "If there's a chance of victory, I'm going to seize it."
           Yoongi shut his eyes. "There's a high chance it's a trap, you know."
           "I know." she smiled sadly. "But there's some important information there that we need to get."
           She stood up and did a twirl playfully. "And who better for the mission than the beautiful genius strategist, B?"
           Yoongi raised an eyebrow disapprovingly, and shook his head. "So vain."
           She grinned and pulled him into a headlock. "And you're still a brat."
           They giggled then fell silent when they heard a knock on the door.
           Yoongi glared.
           "He can't come in here."
           "Oh stop." B laughed.
           "I refuse for you two to fornicate on this bed!" Yoongi bellowed.
           B turned red and covered his mouth. "We do not fornicate!! Shut up!"
           "But you totally want to ~" Yoongi smirked.
           "Shut up, shut up, shut up." B got flustered.
           Another knock was heard on the door.
           "Go on and open it B." Yoongi grinned mischievously.
           "I swear if you say 'fornicate' when I open that door. I really will fornicate on this bed you sleep on!" B hissed.
           "Fine. Fine. Gotta look good in front of your boyfriend." Yoongi shrugged as he plopped down on the bed.
           B blushed and went to answer the door.
           "Hi." Jungkook's brother greeted timidly.
           "Hey." B giggled.
           "Hi Yoongs." he called out.
           "'Evening." Yoongi stated curtly.
           "Let's take a walk?" B smiled as she stepped out, intertwining their fingers together gently.
           "Yeah, of course."
           The door shut carefully, and Yoongi clicked his tongue, irritated.
             And as his intuition predicted, the intel they had followed led B and her unit into a trap. A rescue mission was immediately issued and naturally, the unit led by her boyfriend was the first to come forth to take it. Of course, if Jungkook's brother hadn't done so, Yoongi would've volunteered himself.
           "Stupid B. Stupid, stupid. I told her this was a trap." Yoongi cursed under his breath to fight down the growing pit of worry in his stomach.
           He stifled down his insistent hunch about her condition and listened to Jeon's instructions.
           Unfortunately, Yoongi was placed with Jungkook's group, which had them go through the longer yet safer and stealthier path to the hostage room. So by the time they arrived, fighting was in full throttle.
           His heart was racing as he shot the enemies and scanned the room for any traces of B. Then all of a sudden, he spotted Jungkook dropping to his knees in the midst of the battle.
           "Jungkook! What the hell are you doing?" he yelled worriedly. "You're going to get shot!"
           "Cover me, hyung!" Jungkook commanded him as he scurried somewhere.
           "Ah, fuck." he huffed, irritatedly, but followed his order anyway. "Who the hell do you think you are..."
           His words faltered as he realized whose body Jungkook was dragging closer. Coldness crawled onto his skin, but a bullet fired too closely to his face, returning him to the reality of the situation. Swallowing down his emotions, he kept a vigilant eye for the rest of the enemies. But luckily, they were all taken care of in no time. The Oppressors hadn't expected a rescue team to be dispatched so they didn't have many men at the scene.
           Yoongi glanced down at B's stiff corpse. She would've simply looked like she was sleeping, had there not been scars and bruises that tainted her body. They had clearly tortured and harassed her until the end. He clenched his fist angrily at the thought. The color was already drained from her face and Yoongi knew that she had been killed long before they arrived. He bit his lip to fight back his tears as he studied her one last time. He was grateful that Jungkook had placed her beside the love of her life, because he wasn't sure if he could touch her cold, dead body. It made everything too real, and he knew he would go insane right then and there if he did.  
           His heart was breaking nonetheless. She was truly the last family he had. She had raised him, led him out of his darkness, and showed him the path of hope. She trained him harshly and confided everything in him, from the little things that irritated her to her biggest concerns. She was his big sister and his second mother.
           His throat tightened as a sob threatened to escape. He shut his eyes and looked away. He didn't want to remember her like that. And he knew she didn't want to be remembered like that.
           "Kook, we have to get out of here." Yoongi placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
           Who knew when the enemies would send their reinforcements?
           Jungkook was a blubbering mess in his arms, and Yoongi was annoyed because he wanted to do the same, but he no longer had tears. He had turned absolutely numb to reality as he dragged Jungkook away.
           "Yoongi." he heard a faint whisper and glanced down to see Jungkook's brother glancing at him weakly. "She loved you...so much."
           Yoongi swallowed.
           "Please..." Jungkook's brother smiled sadly. "Take care of him, of each other."
           Yoongi nodded, and although his feet felt heavier with each step away from B, he continued to walk to the exit. He clutched onto Jungkook's shaking body as his comrade wailed. And he dragged one foot at a time, willing himself to silently say goodbye to B, to his past. Because that was the only way he could go now, the only way B had ever taught him to go.
           Jin blew his nose and you and Hoseok were weeping into Tae's shirt. He patted you both comfortingly.
           "After B's death, he began his tirade of women not belonging in the army ranks." Jimin smiled sadly. "After hearing this story, I realized that he was just protecting them in his own way, you know? He plays the bad guy so no one feels sorry if they leave, and he acts high and mighty like that so it seems that the army is selective, so no one feels obligated to join. His trainings are harsh because he wants to over-prepare us for the reality of the battlefield."
           "And he doesn't get cozy with any of the soldiers because he's our genius strategist." Tae frowned.
           Your heart panged. You had gotten him wrong all along. Yoongi was protecting you, watching over everyone, and guiding you all to increase your chances of survival.
           He showed it the least, but he cared the most.
           "But you know, I think he's much harsher with you than he's ever been." Jin pointed out.
           "From the stories I heard, B sounds a lot like you, Y/N." Jimin stated. "He was probably more resistant to you joining because you reminded him of her."
           "Me? Like B?" You shook your head. "There's no way."
           You were far from being as skilled and as influential as her.
           Your eyes were still puffy and your thoughts were still swimming with the story of Yoongi's past as you made your way to the shooting range. Now you could understand Namjoon's statement from yesterday and why Yoongi had to slyly go through Namjoon to get you access into this range.
           You stopped short of your destination when you spotted Yoongi staring at the entrance of the shooting range in contemplation. Without thinking, you walked over to him and gave him a tight, loving hug; although you were more comforting yourself rather than him.
           Yoongi tensed and his hand instinctively reached for his gun. Then he realized who it was and what exactly you were doing. He hurriedly flailed and shoved you off of him.
           "What the hell are you doing?" he growled and dusted his clothes off like you had infected him with something.
           You smiled brightly and he contorted his face into one of disgust and confusion at your actions.
           "Do you want to shoot with me, Lieutenant?" You asked sweetly.
           He blinked, taken aback. He hesitated but then feverishly shook his head, as if remembering he wasn't supposed to get close to anyone.
           "No!" he yelled unnecessarily and stalked off. "Do it yourself!"
           You grinned as you watched him walk away fondly. Now that you knew he was a big softie deep down, his actions actually seemed adorable. But it also made you miss Jungkook even more. You touched your chest sadly, where the dog tag lay hidden beneath your clothes.
           Over the next few weeks, your entire unit improved greatly, and you were surprised to find that your efforts and extra training were proving to be useful. Not only were you keeping up with the other soldiers, you were becoming a formidable opponent. You were quick on your feet and naturally innovative, and thanks to your consistent shooting practice, you were skilled with all sorts of weapons.
           Your friends were also light with their bodies, easily evading attacks, and finding great hiding places. Tae was a bit dangerous, considering he preferred bombs to guns, and relied a lot on gut feeling and intuition. But surprisingly, it never failed him in the end. Jimin and Hoseok, being flexible and completely in control of the movements of their body were fantastic at hand-to-hand combat. Meanwhile, Jin with his keen eye was a top notch shooter and his steady and swift hands made him the best at defusing bombs.
           You panted as you found comfort on the ground, despite being covered in mud. Yoongi hovered above you coldly as you glanced up at him curiously.
           "Good job." he averted his gaze as he softly complimented you.
           You grinned, but before you could say anything, he had already walked away. Chuckling to yourself you relaxed further into the ground.
           "You finished quick." Tae appeared above you this time, his face covered in mud too, but he was grinning widely. His teeth were brighter from the contrast. "Those ropes grabbed my legs."
           "Tae, you just got your leg stuck in one of the loop holes that you were supposed to be using as a foothold."
           "Same thing." he shrugged and sat beside you. "But being covered like this reminds me of the farm."
           You smiled sadly as you sat up. "You miss them."
           Tae nodded. "Of course I do."
           Then he glanced over at Hoseok and Jin who were encouraging Jimin to push through the obstacle course.
           "But you guys are my new family now, so I'm not sad."
           Your heart welled up and you leaned your head onto his shoulder.
           "What about you? How're you holding up?" He rested his cheek on top of your head.
           "I miss him a lot." You sighed. "But I can hear him teasing me that I still won't be able to win against him in a battle, so I can't rest."
           Tae giggled. "I'm sure he'd be proud of how far you've come. I mean remember, we were dying at 10 laps and now we're getting through death traps in record time."
           You chuckled.
           "Shower and then dinner guys?" Hoseok approached you two.
           "Yeah." You laughed as you stood. "I really need to pee so I'm gonna go on ahead."
           "Plus you take forever showering." Jimin shook his head.
           "Jimin! Let's shower together!" Tae jumped onto his friend. "We have to save water!"
           You giggled as you hurried to your room. Shutting the door, you frowned as you glanced around the empty space. You hardly stayed in the room anymore because everything reminded you of Jungkook. His smell still lingered on his shirts and his shower products did nothing but bring tears into your eyes.
           He was everywhere but nowhere.
           You stepped into the shower and as always, you recalled the last night you two spent together. The way he had stormed in on you hungrily and confessed his love for you, the way his lips felt on yours, the way his fingers traced your skin. You shut your eyes as you let the warm water fall onto you.
           "Jungkook..." you exhaled worriedly.
           "Leader..." One of Jungkook's soldiers whispered as they hid in the covers of the forest.
           "Shh." Jungkook's gaze flitted over to a nearby rustle of the plants.
           "Any sign of the Changers?" a voice questioned sternly and Jungkook lifted up a hand to steady his men.
           It was the Oppressors' leader, commonly referred to as "D" by everyone in the Underground City.
           D for dictator. D for dick. D for destruction. D for darkness. D for discrimination. D for despair.
           Everything he had unleashed onto the world with his reign.
           Jungkook knew that the Oppressor leader walked around so freely because he felt protected, meaning that snipers were on D's trail, waiting for any sign of movement or attempts of assassination. As easily as it would've been to just shoot him right then and there, Jungkook knew they would be eliminated immediately if anyone gave way to their location. It was an all-or-nothing mission. If they attacked too soon, the entire plan would be thrown off and his other men would be left as sacrificial lambs.
           "None yet."
           "Good. Tighten security. I can't have them interfering with my plans." D chuckled. "They've been such a thorn on my side these days."
           "Yes of course, your greatness." one of the Oppressor men bowed. "An important day is coming."
           "The day where the world will be cleansed of all impurities! We can start fresh with all those who are qualified to keep on living and reproducing!" D boomed. "Plus those pig pens for our captives are getting pretty full, don't you think? Keeping them alive is pointless, but it's so fun to see them beg with their filthy mouths."
           Jungkook dug his nails into his palm to stop the bubbling anger inside of him. This was absolutely despicable. They had gotten information that the prisoners the Oppressors had been holding captive were going to be slaughtered soon, so they needed to take action to prevent such a massacre. Not only had they been treated like slaves all of these years, they were essentially looked upon like livestock. They were dispensable; their lives were meaningless.
           They waited in silence as the Oppressor Leader passed. Swiftly, Jungkook waved his finger and his men quietly disposed of the Oppressor snipers, throwing on their uniforms to blend in.
           Jungkook instructed. "Remember if any of you are compromised. Keep your honor until the very end."
           "Yes sir!" They replied softly.
           Jungkook cupped each of his men's faces lovingly. "It was wonderful working with you all this whole time. If all goes well, this will be the end of our struggles."
           They looked back at their leader with eyes full of admiration and respect.
           "We'll all follow you until the end, Jungkook."
           Jungkook smiled playfully. "A terrible idea, you know."
           His men chuckled lowly.
           "Let's go." Jungkook stated determinedly.
           "Y/N ~" Tae called out at the entrance of the gym, where you were taking out your latest insomnia episode on a punching bag.
           "Hey!" You heaved. "Why're you up so early?"
           "You're not the only one who exercises early nowadays you know." he grinned.
           You chuckled.
           "I wanna show you something though. Come with me." he grabbed your hand.
           "What? Where?"
           "You'll see! Follow me!"Tae giggled.
           "Well you're dragging me...I don't have much of a choice." You laughed.
           "You need a break, Y/N!" Tae intertwined his fingers into yours and you smiled, remembering all of the times Jungkook had told you the same thing about studying.
           You had such trivial worries back in those days.
           "Here!" Tae stopped and pulled you over excitedly to a hidden corner of the city.
           You furrowed your brows. There wasn't much there. The ground was bare and it was dim, except for a single light a few steps ahead. Tae beckoned you over as he knelt down in front of the light. Curiously, you moved closer to him.
           Your eyes lit up brightly when you spotted a vibrant shade of yellow popping up from the ground.
           A flower.
           Being underground, flowers were hardly grown since they served no useful purpose to society. And even above ground, the sun rarely peeked through the clouds of smoke created by war machines and factories. Flowers never bloomed anymore.  
           "Tae...what..." You gasped as you kneeled beside him.
           "Pretty right?" he giggled.
           "I begged Namjoon to let me grow one. I had always kept a seed in my pocket when I was above because I wanted to plant something myself to give to my mom, and when I became a Survivor I still kept it." Tae explained as he lay on his stomach and admired the tiny flower lovingly. "It was my mom's favorite."
           You mirrored his position in front of him as you both stared at it in awe. "It's beautiful."
           "I take care of it on my own, but Namjoon helped install this artificial sun to help it grow." Tae pointed at the light. "It takes slower to grow the plant, since it's not the real sun, but I don't mind."
           You smiled. Tae was adorable, and you had an inkling that regardless of how logical he tried to appear, Namjoon was completely weak towards anyone who begged him earnestly enough.
           "When I feel down, I come here." Tae commented. "Because this little flower gives me hope."
           You glanced at your friend. You weren't sure whether you were more surprised to hear that this optimistic man had times when he was down, or more puzzled by how this flower removed his despair.
           "It's proof that things can be reborn into something beautiful with effort and faith." Tae smiled fondly. "When I found this seed in my pocket, it was beat up and a bit scorched. When I planted it, it cracked open a bit so I thought it wasn't going to grow anything. But I still continued to water it and give it sunlight. Then one day, I saw a small bud peeking out from inside the crack!"
           You grinned. Of course, Tae would find the most positive things from something so small. But maybe that was all there was to finding happiness in life. The little things, the little moments, the wonders that most people took for granted.
           "When we win this war, a lot of people said they were going to be sad because the above ground is basically desolate now. But this little guy here --" Tae poked the flower. "He showed me that there's a chance to grow even in the worst conditions. I want to plant a bunch of these when we're able to surface again!"
           You grinned and continued his train of thought. "There's a playground where Jungkook and I used to live. I want to rebuild it and play on there again. I want to swing as high as I can so it feels like I'm flying."
           You and Tae looked up. Although the Underground City was large, there was a closure at the top. It wasn't limitless like the sky.
           "And I want to see and feel the sun again." You smiled sadly as you put your hand beneath the light to feel its warmth.
           Tae grinned. "I want to live with the other guys, and you and Jungkook can be our neighbors. We'll have a bunch of dogs. Jimin and I can farm!"
           You giggled. "And on the other side of mine and Jungkook's house, Yoongi and Namjoon will live together!"
           Tae gasped. "Are they like that?"
           You laughed loudly, "I don't know. But I think Jungkook will be sad if they're not close to him."
           Tae smiled. "Okay, then I will order Yoongi to work at my farm! He'll have to work for me! And Namjoon will help grow my plants!"
           You cracked up. "You think they'll let you order them around like that?"
           "Well if they want food, they'll have to follow me." Tae grinned triumphantly.
           "We're so simple, huh?" You lay on your back, bathing in the warmth of the artificial sun.
           "What do you mean?"
           "We just want to be with those we love, live comfortably with food, shelter, and clothes." You smiled. "But all this happened because of greed and power."
           Tae scooted beside you. "Well tragedies like this help people realize what's truly important. I know I wanted a bigger TV and the latest game before everything happened. I begged for the latest books because I needed them right then and there like a spoiled brat. Now... I would give up all those things to see my family again."
           You rolled over and hugged Tae beside you, resting your head on his chest.
           "What kind of world do you want the New World to be, Tae?" You hummed and shut your eyes to relax.
           "Hmmm..." He wrapped his arm around you comfortably as he closed his eyes. "I want sunshine, butterflies, and flowers. I want the skies to be blue again and the ground filled with green pastures and hints of vibrant red, yellow, purple, pink, and white. I want to hear laughter and eat good food. I want the world to stop enforcing shoes and socks so I could run around barefoot."
           You chuckled, the vivid image of Tae's world soothing you.
           "I want it to be so full of love that people would be ashamed for hating someone else."
           Your lips curled up as you, for once, fell into a deep sleep.
           You weren't sure how you got to your bed, but your breath hitched as a figure lay beside you. You let your eyes adjust to the darkness as your heart raced. Was it Jungkook? Had he come back in the middle of the night? But you soon realized it was just Taehyung sleeping soundly. He must've carried you into the room and passed out next to you lazily. The man hated going to his own home. You checked the time and were super surprised to see that you had slept the entire day. You blinked, astounded. Silently, thanking Tae's presence for your much needed rest, you slipped out of bed.
           You weren't sure what excuse he had given Yoongi to get you two out of training, but you felt restless without doing some sort of exercise. If you didn't move your body, you felt like you were falling behind. You hurried to change in the darkness, left a quick note for Tae in case he woke up confused, and stepped out of your room. But someone was unexpectedly in front of the door.
           You gasped and stumbled back, but you were swiftly steadied by a firm hand. Your eyes widened to find Yoongi studying you intently. You blushed under his scrutinizing eye.
           "I'm sorry..." You mumbled. "I missed training..."
           Yoongi let go of your arm and replied. "All soldiers need proper rest or else they'll be useless in the battlefield."
           "Uh yeah...that's true." You scratched your cheek, not expecting him to be so blasé about your absence.
           "Well then." he bowed his head slightly then turned to walk away.
           "Wait." You grabbed his arm. "Didn't you need something from me?"
           Yoongi blushed and averted his eyes. He turned and placed a small vial in your palm. "They're sleeping pills."
           You glanced at the case of round pellets in your hand then up at the Lieutenant.
           "Your friend Taehyung told me you have a severe case of insomnia and sometimes you wake up from vivid nightmares." Yoongi mumbled. "These should help ease them a bit. But don't take them every day."
           "Thank you." You smiled gratefully.
           Yoongi waved his hand nonchalantly. "I'm not doing it for you."
           "Hm?" You blinked.
           "Someone asked me to keep a close eye on you in his absence." Yoongi stared at you deeply. "Can't exactly disobey him."
           You chuckled, realizing he was talking about Jungkook.
           "I know you're doing it because you're a secretly nice person, Yoongi."
           "Am not!" he growled and turned a shade of red. "They're orders! I'm only following orders!"
           "You don't seem like the type to follow orders, sir." You teased.
           Yoongi huffed then his face softened as he stared at you. You blushed, not used to him looking at you so kindly. His lips curled up slightly and he shook his head, amused.
           "You're creepy, you know."  
           "What?" You raised an eyebrow.
           He turned and waved his hand lazily. "Well I'm off to bed. Your ass better be on that training ground doing 10 laps before I get there as punishment. Tell that to Mr. Barefeet too."
           You grinned and clicked your heels, saluting him. "Yes sir!"
           You stepped into the shooting range, only to find that it was already occupied. Your eyes widened as you watched Namjoon suavely shooting the targets on the move.
           "Wow." You clapped once he exhausted his bullets, causing him to flinch from your unexpected presence.
           He grinned shyly as he locked his gun and walked towards you. "Oh Y/N. I'm sorry. I didn't think you would come practice tonight. I heard you weren't feeling well."
           "I just finally stored up on much needed sleep." You grinned. "But I'm so impressed, Nams. You're a fantastic shooter!"
           Namjoon chuckled. "Thanks. I guess I'm not too shabby for an ex-soldier."
           "What?" You gasped as you opened up the couch.
           "Did Jungkook ever tell you about our relationship? How we met?" Namjoon sat beside you.
           You shook your head.
           "It's pretty sappy. Of course he wouldn't." Namjoon grinned, exposing his deep dimples.
           You pulled your knees up to your chest happily. "I want to hear it."
           Hearing anything about Jungkook made you feel closer to him, and you were always curious about how he was during the years you spent apart.
           "Well at the time he joined the army, I was already training to be a soldier." Namjoon began.
           "Look at this dork." One of the bigger soldiers pushed Namjoon's chest. "You flick his glasses off and that's it! He'll be killed! You're going to let down your unit!"
           "Th-they haven't fallen off once during training! I made sure of it!" Namjoon retorted.
           "Yeah?" the soldier smirked. "What if I hang you upside down? Let's see if it stays on!"
           "Hey! You're not supposed to be bullying soldiers like an Oppressor." A decently muscular boy stepped forth.
           It must've been his first day of training because Namjoon didn't recognize him. He also spotted someone older who looked similar to boy shaking his head behind him. He deduced that that was the boy's older brother.
           "What did you call me?" the soldier shoved Namjoon down and turned his attention to the boy.
           "You heard me!" The boy puffed out his chest. "You're acting like an Oppressor! We should be learning how to fight them not picking on one of our own!"
           "Who is this pipsqueak spouting out nonsense?" the soldier scoffed and gripped the boy's throat easily.
           Namjoon gasped and scurried to grab the guy's wrist. "No! Everyone will be doing laps if you resort to violence!"
           The soldier chuckled and let go, dropping the boy to the ground. "I've got my eye on both of you now fresh meat."
           The boy glared at the soldier who walked away cackling. Namjoon worriedly helped him up and dusted his clothes.
           "Why do you let him do that to you?" the boy growled. "I hate bullies."
           Namjoon smiled sadly. "I was one of the Scholars, but since they needed more men in the ranks, I got transferred here. Soldiers don't really see eye to eye with Scholars."
           "Well because Scholars are highly respected...people think of them as the true head of the Changers, but the Soldiers disdain the fact that people who don't 'do anything' are looked at as equals to them." Namjoon explained.
           The boy pursed his lips. "I don't know what all these Scholars and Soldiers crap is all about. But it sounds like a load of bullshit."
           People murmured, hearing his statement. Namjoon got flustered and apologized on his behalf.
           "It's dangerous to talk like that here. Everyone's already on edge because we've been on a losing streak." Namjoon whispered.
           "Hm?" the boy hummed, ready to go off again.
           "Forgive my little brother." The boy's brother covered his sibling's mouth heartily. "He's very idealistic in this realistic world. What's your name, friend?"
           Namjoon's lips curled up. "I'm Kim Namjoon."
           "This loud mouth is Jungkook. I hope you two can become good friends. He's usually shy until he sees some sort of injustice happening, so he's not very good at making friends." Jungkook's brother grinned as Jungkook glared in annoyance.
           Namjoon blushed. Since he was ostracized in the army for his transfer and was essentially seen as a betrayer by the Scholars, he also didn't have any friends. He didn't have much of a choice because it was his father's decision in the end, being part of the Council and all.
           "I can introduce myself, brother." Jungkook elbowed his way out of his brother's grip and shyly crossed his arms, trying to look tough. "I-I'm Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you."
           Namjoon grinned. "Likewise."
           "If I climb up the ranks quickly, you let Namjoon back into the Scholars class." Jungkook challenged Namjoon's father a few months later.
           "What?" Lieutenant Kim chuckled.
           "He's brilliant!" Jungkook exclaimed, making Namjoon blush. "I know his brain and knowledge will help the city greatly, much better than having him in the battlefield."
           Namjoon furrowed his brows. Was he saying he wasn't a good soldier?
           "He's a great soldier, but he's not a killer." Jungkook continued to speak up. "He's someone that's meant to create."
           "A very interesting perspective, Jungkook." Lieutenant Kim smirked. "Very well then. If you climb up the ranks quickly AND manage to beat me in combat, then I'll re-transfer my son back to the Scholar class."
           Jungkook beamed happily and grabbed Namjoon excitedly, dragging him away from the crowd. "You hear that, hyung! You can stop drawing all those plans and finally build them soon!"
           "But Jungkook, no one has ever climbed ranks fast, much less beaten a high rank!" Namjoon complained.
           "You're too much in your head, hyung. Just because no one's done it, doesn't mean it's impossible." Jungkook huffed. "Believe in me more. I'm doing this because I believe in you. I won't let you give up your talents. Besides, you're much too considerate to ask for the re-transfer yourself."
           Namjoon's eyes watered because Jungkook was completely right. He didn't want to shame his own father and make it seem like he had made the wrong decision, that Namjoon wasn't capable of being a soldier like himself. Jungkook was saving him from leading a life he didn't want to.
           "Jungkook-ah!" A yell was heard behind them and they turned to find Yoongi waving his finger aggressively. "I'll be the first one to climb ranks quickly AND beat the Lieutenant!"
           "I don't know about that, kiddies." His brother appeared too. "It'll obviously be the oldest and more awesome out of all of you."
           Jungkook grinned widely. "You're on, hyungs."
           While the other three argued with each other, Namjoon smiled gratefully as tears streamed down his cheeks.
           "So I'm assuming they beat your father?" You beamed expectantly.
           "Oh hell no." Namjoon laughed. "They did climb the ranks fairly quickly, the three of them, but they never did beat him. Eventually, my father found their frequent challenges to be a nuisance so he re-transferred me to shut them up."
           You chuckled.
           "But the three didn't leave me alone even after that."
           "Psst. Namjoon." Jungkook's brother called him over, while he hid with Jungkook behind him in the hallway.
           Curiously, Namjoon walked over to them. "Yes, hyung?"
           "I heard you have samples of the new guns." Jungkook's brother nudged the bag that Namjoon was carrying. "Can you hook us up?"
           The three of them heard a cough behind them, and they scrambled to straighten up hurriedly.
           "Are you asking Namjoon to deal arms to you?" B raised an eyebrow while Jungkook's brother grinned sheepishly.
           "It's his invention! I just wanted to give it a test run." Jungkook's brother tried to quell the situation.
           Yoongi, who was hiding behind B, scoffed. "Typical."
           "What'd you say hyung?" Jungkook pointed, emerging from the shadow of his brother too.
           "It's typical that you'd want to get one step ahead of me by cheating." Yoongi glanced down at his nails arrogantly.
           "That's not very nice, Yoongi." B scolded. "Be nicer to your friend."
           "That brat's not my friend!" Yoongi argued, embarrassed.
           "He totally is." B pinched his cheek playfully. "You talk about him all~ the time!"
           Yoongi swatted her hands away. "Because he's my enemy! MY ENEMY!"
           Jungkook grinned and straightened up to tower over him. He knew showing off his height would tick off Yoongi.
           "You wanna fight, brat?" Yoongi growled.
           Jungkook smirked and lunged at Namjoon who made a run for it.
           "Namjoon-hyung! Give me that gun!"
           "They're only prototypes! I can't!" Namjoon bellowed as he sprinted away.
           Namjoon smiled fondly at the memory. You watched him endearingly. You could tell he really loved Jungkook.
           "And I thought my heart was going to burst open when he entrusted his dog tag to me of all people whenever he left."
           "Here." Jungkook gave Namjoon an envelope.
           "What's this?" Namjoon blinked.
           "It's my dog tag, silly hyung." Jungkook grinned.
           "Why're you giving it to me?"
           Jungkook laughed, "I want you to keep it safe until I get back. You're the only one I trust with it."
           Namjoon frowned at the symbolism behind Jungkook giving him his dog tag.
           "I'm going on my first incognito mission. So I'm looking forward to a new and improved city and more cool weapons from you when I come back." Jungkook grinned light-heartedly. "Wish me luck, hyung! I'll be back for my dog tag soon."
           Namjoon smiled and nodded. "I know you will."
           "And he always came back for it." Namjoon pointed to the chain around your neck. "I know he will this time too."
           You smiled thankfully.
           "So how did you end up being his right-hand man?"
           Namjoon grinned. "When he stepped up to be Leader, he changed a lot of how the class system worked. It eased the tensions between the classes by enforcing that they should be working together. He had the Scholars oversee the Council so that it wasn't only pure militant power, and in turn, the Council and the army was well informed about what the Scholars were researching and creating and for what purpose. He smoothed things over and formed an efficient class system."
           You laughed, "I'm pretty sure that was with a bit of guidance from you though."
           Namjoon chuckled and glanced down at his hands, "Of course. But he asked me about those things a long time before he became Leader. I had no idea he would eventually bring my ideals into reality. But then again, that's the type of person he is, right?"
           You smiled and nodded, knowingly.
           "Then he made a position for me as his Advisor, which was unheard of at the time. People didn't understand why he would want to share his power and authority, why he would leverage his leadership by having an advisor. People argued that he would lose credibility and his image and power of being the Leader would be ruined." Namjoon continued. "But he wasn't going to be swayed against doing so. He said he needed someone to guide him and to keep him in check. They all had to eventually agree about creating the position. Then he convinced the Council that I was the best fit to be an Advisor because I had both been a Soldier and a Scholar. That took awhile too, but here I am."
           He looked up at you with the gentlest of expressions on his face. "Jungkook turned the stain on my track record into something of value."
           You covered Namjoon's hand with yours. "No. You were always valuable. I'm sure Jungkook felt that way."
           Namjoon smiled and squeezed your hands thankfully.
           "You're not eating again?" Tae frowned.
           You picked at your food. "I'm not too hungry."
           "You need to." Hoseok worried. "You hardly sleep. Now you're not eating?"
           "Maybe its side effects of the sleeping pill?" You took out the case.
           "Well have a few bites." Jin urged. "You're not going to do much good training on an empty stomach."
           You smiled, touched by their concern. "Yeah, I'll force a couple of bites down."
           The dog tag's cold surface touched your chest and you shivered. Worriedly, you glanced down.
           "Jungkook..." You murmured worriedly as you glanced over at Tae.  
           Jungkook smirked as he clicked his heels amongst the men D was ordering. All was going according to plan. They had blended in among the soldiers and learned the layout of the building, as well as the names and faces of the prominent officials that needed to be taken care of. Just killing D wasn't enough, they needed to remove every person in the Capitol who had a similar mentality and hunger for power.
           The Oppressors were an absolute mess behind-the-scenes. Many of the officials were plotting to assassinate D and take his dictatorship for themselves. Greed, bloodlust, and thirst for dominance clouded the Capitol. It was unbearable and frustrating, but he and his men had to stay quiet, until the assigned time to launch an attack.
           He touched his wrist longingly, having stolen one of your hair ties before his departure. He never did understand why you stored up so many, but you probably wouldn't realize that one was missing anyway. He needed a piece of you to keep him going, to remind him what this was all for.
           For you, your future, for the New World.
           He missed you so much and he hated how much of a coward he had been the night he left. He couldn't tell you he was leaving. He couldn't tell you that this mission was going to be the most dangerous one he had ever been assigned to. He couldn't tell you he was going into the very Capitol where the root of evil resided. He couldn't tell you that he was going to exterminate other people for the sake of the rest of humanity. He couldn't tell you that the person you loved was going to turn into a monster in order to create a new world from the ashes of destruction and the blood of the fallen. He couldn't even tell you goodbye... because it made everything seem more real.
           He wondered if you hated him for being a coward, for leaving you again like he did when you were children. Were you eating well? Were you still a soldier? Were Yoongi and Namjoon watching over you like he asked? Was Taehyung still hugging and touching you in the way that made his stomach churn with jealousy? Were you happy? Were you laughing? Were you sleeping? Did you cry when you realized he had left you?
           He shut his eyes, trying to stifle down the thoughts of you and the pain in his chest. He moved with the other Oppressors in his unit. He still had a job to finish before he could run home and apologize to you, all while holding you tightly and never letting go.
           You groaned as you stepped out of the bathroom weakly. Tae frowned as he sat on your bed.
           "Are you getting sick?"
           "I think it's just cause I forced food down when I didn't want it." You frowned. "Can you take me to Namjoon? I want to see if he has something to ease my stomach."
           "Okay." Tae wrapped an arm around your waist and led you to HQ.
           "Okay. Let me run a few tests on you, Y/N. Just to clear all possibilities." Namjoon stated as you lay in one of the infirmary rooms.
           Tae sat down and watched the machines revolve around you in awe. "So cool."
           Namjoon chuckled at Tae then addressed you. "You haven't been taking the sleeping pills everyday right?"
           "No. Maybe once a week. I'd rather be training than sleeping anyway." You smiled.
           "And it's inconsistent right? You haven't been feeling terrible every day?"
           "It just hits me randomly. You think it's food poisoning?" You frowned.
           "Hmm...let me run a few more tests." Namjoon hummed worriedly.
           You continued to lay there and let the machine scan your body while Namjoon typed frantically into his computer. Tae was humming and swinging his feet, already over the hype of the cool glowing machines.
           "Y/N." Namjoon pulled the machines away from your body and stared at you intently.
           You glanced at him, feeling fear crawl into your skin at the look of panic on his face. Tae stood up and walked to your side too, sensing something was off about Namjoon's tone.
           "Wh-what..." You stammered nervously.
           "Y/N." Namjoon closed his eyes and grabbed your hand.
           "You're pregnant."
           The next few days were a blur to you. You ignored the visit to Namjoon's and tried to push the reality out of your mind. You snapped at your friends and Yoongi. You were being clumsy and reckless during training. Tae insisted you take more breaks but you adamantly refused. This wasn't going to stop you from being a full-fledged soldier. Nothing was. Even Namjoon tried to reason with you, but you shut him out.
           Finally after a few days, while you were punching the bag in the gym, tears began welling up in your eyes. You couldn't hold it in anymore. You cried as you continued to hit the sack as hard as you could.
           "Stupid Jungkook." You wept. "Stupid Jungkook. How could you just get me pregnant and leave me? Take responsibility of your child you idiot."
           Was this the universe's sick joke?
           You fell to your knees and broke down.
           "Y/N!" Tae scurried to you worriedly, having been searching for you all this time. "Does it hurt? Do you need to throw up? Is it kicking?"
           You didn't have the energy to tell him that the baby hadn't formed legs to kick yet. So you simply grabbed Tae and buried your face into his chest, letting out your frustrations.
           Truthfully, you were disgusted with yourself. You should've been ecstatic about carrying Jungkook's child inside you. The child that was formed from the love and bond you two shared. But you reacted quite oppositely. You were terrified, angry, and upset about the news.
    ��      "Tae..." you blubbered. "I don't want to have this child when the world is like this. I don't want them to grow up in here."
           Tae relaxed, finally understanding why you had been acting the way you have. He stroked your hair gently.
           "Then I guess we just have to create a New World before the baby pops out of you, huh?" he chuckled.
           You smiled into his chest as tears continued to spill out from your eyes, grateful that he didn't look at you any different.
           And after finally coming to peace with your predicament, you returned to your old self. You apologized to everyone you had hurt with your words and actions, but they didn't even remember what you were talking about. Other than Yoongi of course, who made you run laps as penance. Tae panicked and told Yoongi he shouldn't do that, but ended up earning a few laps himself.
           "If you're going to keep being a part of MY unit, you need to learn respect, brats!!" Yoongi scolded as you two started running on the track.
           You laughed as Tae clutched his stomach, having just eaten. "Back to where we started huh?"
           "I hate cramps." Tae groaned.
           "Piggyback? I can do it now." You smirked proudly.
           But before he could hop onto your back, a voice echoed. The urgent tone sliced through the air and sent chills down your spine.
           "Y/N. Yoongi."
           The two of you and Tae turned hurriedly to find Namjoon panting at the top of the hill near the training grounds.
           "Come to HQ right now."
           You swallowed and Tae grabbed your hand, squeezing it reassuringly.
           "It's not." he replied as if hearing your thoughts and seeing your heart physically drop to your stomach.
           "Let's go." Yoongi's piercing gaze turned to you and you followed him briskly, leaving Tae behind.
           "Jungkook and his unit have been captured. The nature of the mission has been compromised." Namjoon stood at the podium in front of what was left of the Council.
           You sat beside Yoongi, trying to keep your cool.
           "They're still alive though?" Yoongi questioned bluntly.
           Namjoon nodded. "Yes, we still have contact with the Leader."
           You exhaled, feeling a bit relieved.
           "We need to send out a unit to continue the mission they were given and doubly rescue the unit." Namjoon gripped the podium. "It's a large task. The enemy probably expects that we’re going to send reinforcements."
          “Well obviously, we can’t just sit idle.” One of the Council members who wore a sling around his arm spoke.
           "Which unit is going to be dispatched?" The other Council member, who was fairly old and weak already, asked.
           "Almost everyone was deployed to launch a simultaneous attack on the Oppressors at different key locations..." Namjoon frowned.
           "Who's left, Namjoon?" Yoongi questioned firmly, wanting Namjoon to stop hesitating and get to the point.
           "A few smaller units that just came back from a recent battle. Most of them are wounded, but are willing to get back out there." Namjoon hesitated again. "But..."
           "But?" You urged, also getting impatient.
           Namjoon glanced at you intently, then over at Yoongi.
           "It's going to be your unit, Yoongi. You're going to lead the mission into the Capitol." 
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