#it usually works the first time I load the game but gods forbid I shut it down to play something else for a couple of hours or get some wor
myautisticpov · 9 months
Trying to solve technical problems is a fucking roller coaster
Like, it's all fear that you'll get no results when you type it into DuckDuckGo, then it's elation as you get a bunch of results, then disbelief as you realise that this is a very common issue, but everyone actually has slight variations on it and there are thirty different fixes floating around, and then despair as none of the fixes work for you, then hope as you find a forum post of someone describing the exact variant of the issue you have, and then utter contempt for humanity as the only response is someone calling OP an idiot for not already doing one of the fixes you've already tried
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secretbangtn · 5 years
if only you knew (jjk)
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pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
warnings: mentions of sex, cursing, idk if it counts but jungkook is an asshole I'm sorry
word count: 2,131
summary: you’ve been friends with benefits with jungkook for a while now and things were great in the beginning, but then you became just another girl to him. now you developed feelings for him and now you’ve gotta get out while you still can.
author note: there will be a second part to this titled “if only you understood” that will be written in jungkook’s point of view so keep your eye out for it! also super huge thanks to @officiallynuts - my editor who puts in hard work every time I write anything! check out her stuff she’s amazing 
12:03. You stared at the clock, desperately willing yourself to fall asleep so you wouldn’t think about what you did. Once again, you had slept with Jungkook, though the previous time you told yourself it would be the last. That you couldn’t keep doing this to yourself anymore, just being another girl to warm his bed when he needed to feel something. You weren’t together, never had been. It was a rollercoaster of emotions with the two of you, one minute you were having sex and the other you were listening to him talk about the newest girl he was chasing. Your heart sank a little every time, knowing that you would never be enough for him, knowing that you were just another girl on his list.
The space between you two was growing, you knew that this all wouldn’t last much longer before it escalated into a fight that sent you two running for the hills. It wasn’t like you could keep holding in your feelings for him. Yeah, that’s what you’ve realized. Despite the conversation that you two had when this all began a few months ago, it happened. It was kind of crazy, really. Jungkook really wasn’t the nicest guy when it came to fucking around. He got his pleasure, gave you yours and then he was done, rolling onto his side of the bed to fall asleep with his back to you. Then the next morning act like the two of you were best friends and everything was fine. You hung out with the other guys. You wondered why you still did it, kept hurting yourself like this, even though everyone around you kept telling you that you should stop when someone else wanted you.
Jin. Just his name made your heart warm and made you smile. He really was the sweetest, always making sure you were alright. It wasn’t like he didn’t know what was going on, and Jungkook definitely liked to throw it in his face that he had you, and Jin didn’t. Whether it was jealousy - god forbid Kookie had any feelings or just pure pride, you didn’t know. But you weren’t just hurting yourself anymore, you were hurting the people around you as well the further you sunk into this hell.
You listened to his steady breathing from the other side of the bed, sighing quietly to yourself. You knew that he was out cold. He slept like the dead after all. You slowly got up, pulling your shirt over your head and your jeans back on. Heading out into the hallway, you heard the hushed voices of his roommates’. Tae and JHope were playing video games in the living room, trying to ignore what was happening in their roommates bedroom. You gave them both a small smile, one of which you knew they both would see right through. Since the start of whatever was happening between Jungkook and you, you’d become close with the other guys. They were like the older brothers that you never had.
“You okay Y/N?” JHope spoke quietly to avoid waking up their roommate, he really was grumpy if he didn’t get his sleep. “Yeah, I think so.” You took a seat between the two, resting your head on his shoulder. “You know, this isn't healthy.” Tae murmured quietly, not moving his gaze from the game of Mario Kart that the two boys were playing. “You gotta look out for yourself too. Jungkook is my brother and my best friend, but he isn’t going to treat you how you should be treated. It’s just how he is.” He murmured quietly, pausing the game to glance over at you. “I know.” You laughed bitterly, shaking your head as you looked up at the ceiling. “At least the last time I had an excuse, I was drinking so my inhibitions went out the window. But... I don’t have one this time. I just did it because I wanted to feel something. I wanted to feel like he cared for once because that’s the only time he ever acts like he feels anything for me.” You could feel the tears pricking in the corners of your eyes and you quickly squeezed them shut to avoid making a scene over some stupid boy. JHope just gave you a small squeeze and nodded. “He’s right, Y/N. Break the cycle while you can, or at least tell him how you feel, that’s really all you can do, you know?” You just nodded before standing up. “I should get home. I don’t really want to be here when he wakes up.” Tae stood up and nodded. “I’ll drive you home, you shouldn’t be walking at this hour.”
The car ride home was a quiet one, with you staring out the window and Tae knowing that you needed the silence. After the car stopped outside of your apartment, you looked over at him and gave him a small smile. “Thank you for everything, Tae. Really.” After giving him a quick hug goodbye, you walked into the apartment that you shared with your roommate Victoria, greeting your cat with a scratch under the chin. You quickly shed yourself of your clothes to get into the shower, letting your forehead rest against the tile while the water ran down your body. It was like you could still feel him all over you. Picking up the sponge, you furiously scrubbed at your body until you realized you were crying, sitting down on the shower floor. For the first time, you let yourself cry, let yourself feel everything that he made you feel, instead of trying to keep it in and ignore it. 20 minutes later you were in clean pajamas, cuddling your cat in bed. Eventually, you drifted off, images of Jungkook behind your eyes.
Dreaming was one of the worst things - you had to face what you truly wanted and what you could never have. Jungkook hadn’t always been an asshole. When he first bumped into you at the office you worked in he was all blushed, helping pick up the things you had dropped. He was the nicest guy, with his charming smile and soft spoken-words. You two bonded over your love for lamb skewers and video games. It was a friendship match made in heaven. Jeon Jungkook was a little piece of heaven on earth. He did have his faults though. He was messy, a handful and always a flirt. There was never a distinct line in your friends with benefits relationship because he was always pushing it. This dream was nice though. You were laying on the grass at the park nearby, just talking like how things used to be before you got drunk and started sleeping together. It was quiet and peaceful, the only thing heard was the laughter the two of you shared.
Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, blinking your eyes open to your phone going off quite loudly. There were 2 missed calls and a load of text messages from Jungkook, most asking where you went and that you forgot your backpack in his room. Victoria knocked on the door lightly before stepping in, raising an eyebrow. “Your phone has been going off for like three hours. I thought maybe that you were dead, considering you slept through it all.” You just shook your head, burying your face into your pillow. “Sadly, no I am not dead, very much among the living.” She just raised an eyebrow, perching herself on the edge of the bed. “What happened this time? Did you sleep with him again? Y/N... You know you can’t keep doing this to yourself when he doesn’t feel the same way as you. He’s just using you, and we all know he knows about your feelings for you. He’s just using them to his advantage to get what he wants. That’s what he’s always wanted. To be the priority in everyone else’s life and for everyone else to make him happy. You’ve got to own up so he can’t ignore it. Maybe then he’ll grow a pair and treat you decent or you can cut it off.” Burying your head under your pillow, you let out a groan. “I don’t want to lose him as a friend though.” She just shook her head, squeezing your hand. “Friends don’t treat friends like this.” She murmured before she walked out of the room, leaving you to your own thoughts.
You couldn’t hold it off much longer, maybe it was just better to be done. Pulling on clothes, you stumbled your way out of the apartment and headed over to Jungkook’s place, hoping Tae and JHope would be there to at least keep things from getting too out of control. The weather seemed to match your sour mood, dark and gloomy with a hint of humidity that seemed to make everything sticky and gross. You hurried your pace to avoid getting drenched by the oncoming rain, wondering why the hell you decided to wear a white shirt in the middle of a thunderstorm anyways.
Meanwhile, at the apartment, Jungkook was laying on the couch playing Call of Duty with the other guys, laughing and joking around like usual. He had no idea the shitstorm that was about to be his life, and what was going down in his apartment that day. When you got there, you didn’t knock but let yourself in. They were often too lazy to let you in so they had just given you a key to make their lives and laziness easier. When you walked through the door, Jungkook looked up at you and grinned. “Hey, Y/N.” A smirk crossed his face as he remembered last nights events, and you almost threw up a little in your mouth as you noted what he was possibly thinking about and what you had to say to him. You almost backed down, feeling like you couldn’t do this anymore, but it had to happen so you stood your ground. “We need to talk, Jeon.” His smirk fell from his face as he realized how serious you suddenly were. It was like his heart dropped into his pelvis, and he got instantly worried. “What’s going on? Did someone die?” His eyes widened a little bit, his doe-like stare coming to his face. You glance over at the two boys perched on the couch with him, and they both quickly got the idea of what was happening, making excuses as they shuffled out of the room.
You took a deep breath and ran a free hand through your hair, watching him for a moment. “I can’t keep doing this. Being just another notch on your belt. And I know you’re going to say that I’m not, but we both know the truth here Jungkook. I can’t keep going home with you, sleeping with you and then acting as if nothing happened the next morning, like we’re just the same best friends we’ve always been. I’m tired of being treated like a toy to you, someone you can keep around when you like, and push off to the side when you find someone you’re actually interested in.” You shake your head. “I’m just a fuck buddy to you. I’m tired of it.” His eyebrows rose as he stood up, watching you. “You knew the deal when this all started. We talked about it, and you were okay with it then. You sure were okay with it last night when I was fucking you on my bed and you were moaning like a bitch in heat. I don’t like how you’re acting, You act like you thought we were going to fall in love and live happily ever after. This is the real world, Y/N. That shit doesn’t happen.” You could feel the tears welling up in your eyes and you let out a bitter laugh. “Here I thought you’d see me as your best friend, someone you care about more than just a simple fuck. But I guess I was wrong. Yeah, I liked it, up until I fell in love with you. I know we agreed on the no feelings thing, but sorry, it happened. Now I’m done. Because I’m nothing more to you than a girl you can have sex with when you like, and I don’t want it.” You grab the backpack that you left by the door the night before, sparing him one last glance. “Goodbye Jungkook. I’m done.” You turned and walked out the door into the storm, letting the door slam shut behind you with a loud thunk.
It was in that moment that Jeon Jungkook knew he fucked up as he watched you walk out of his life.
all rights reserved © secretbangtn | reposting/modifying of any kind is not allowed.
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theycallmemoosey · 6 years
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Dan x Reader
A/N - Yahoo! Back again for 2019! Happy new year! So, here’s another lovely request that I really really enjoyed writing from the wonderful @winchestergirl907 . I hope you guys enjoy it! Moose :)
“So guys,” Benny began as yourself and Dan settled into the chairs in front of the famous ‘Fine Bros’ scenery, “I know you’ve been and done this before for a couple of videos but I’ll just do a quick rundown so you know what’s going to happen. So, what we’re going to do is ask you a couple of questions about yourselves and your relationship etc etc and then we’re going to show you some clips. Act as naturally as possible and we’ll guide you in the direction we need you to go. Once we’ve shown all the clips we have for you we’ll ask you a couple more questions about the clips and what you thought and then the whole sign off thing. Sound ok with you guys?” 
“Sounds awesome” you replied, smiling and nodding as you sorted out your hair. 
“Received” Dan added, cringing slightly after realising what he had just said. 
“Ah-shit. Just got to talk to Rafi about something. I’ll be two seconds. Sorry guys” 
“Oh no,” you reassured, “don’t worry. No rush”
As Benny left, Dan leant into your shoulder and whined in your ear, “can you sort out my hair?” 
“It’s fine” you replied, not even looking at him as you checked your phone. 
“Stop it, Dan. It’s fine” you chuckled, lifting your hand to stroke his head. 
“You just messed it up. Fix it!” 
Sighing, you put your phone down and turned towards him, placing his curls in random places just to keep him happy. 
“Are you okay by the way? You seem…nervous”
“Yeah. Quiet and just fidgety. It's not like you haven’t filmed a collab video before”
“Yeah. No. I’m fine. I’m just really tired that’s all. Jet-lagged” 
“Well sorry you had to come back to MY country to see MY family for Christmas, even though I live in YOUR shitty, rainy, boring old country” 
Dan looked at you blankly, “Don’t be racist”
Laughing, you finished off ‘fixing’ his hair.
“Much” he smiled, kissing you quickly before returning to the position he was just in as Benny walked back onto set. 
“Sorry about that guys, we’re ready to start when you are” 
“Ok. I’m gonna do the intro and then we’re into it. Just act natural” 
“Easy” Dan smiled. 
“Dan Howell and Y/N L/N. You two are a very famous youtube couple that has a total subscriber count of over 8 million. How long have you two been together?” 
“We have been together for about…” you hesitated, looking at Dan for help, only to physically see the cogs turning in his brain as he too tried to work out how long you had been together. 
“7 years? We’ve been together since 2012 haven’t we?” Dan asked you. 
“I think so” you laughed, looking back at Benny who was looking at the list of questions on his sheet. 
“How did you two meet?” 
“Well we both were young idiots making videos on youtube and somehow we had already made quite a large fanbase separately. We were both invited to the Sony Awards that year in which Dan and Phil were nominated for the Golden Headphones Award for their radio show.” 
“Yeah, I remember that now. Oh god, 2012…” Dan cringed, remembering how awkward the whole event was, “Wait, why were you even there” 
“I think I was just invited by my uncle who was one of the nominees. You know he lives in England.” you replied, looking at Dan before looking back toward Benny to continue the story, “Dan and Phil didn’t know a lot of people there and I, for one, appeared to be the only American there. Naturally, the three loneliest people got together and we really got on” 
“We then showed her around London for the next two weeks while she was over here” Dan continued, “then we exchanged Skype usernames and our numbers and everything before she went home. Remember that? Skype? Ew” 
“I can still hear the ringtone” you laughed, remembering the hours the two of you spent calling each other. 
“I think it was only a few weeks later that we officially got together. I mean, I knew from the moment I saw you that I liked you, and it was a few weeks after you left you finally told me you liked me back” Dan smiled, taking your hand underneath the table to keep the PDA to a minimum. 
“We were online boyfriend and girlfriend for months before I finally got enough money to go back over to the UK to see them again. We did this for ages” 
“And then eventually, Phil and I decided that we missed Y/N as soon as she left our apartment so we asked if she wanted to move in with us. We were looking to move apartments anyway so we thought, why not? We never did end up moving though so you moved into the iconic London apartment before we moved last year” 
“So how long have you been living together now?” 
Dan chuckled, “Probably about four years or so. Best four years of my life” 
“Shush you big baby” you laughed, slapping his arm playfully. 
“So we have a few clips to show you if you’re ready?” 
“Yup. Ready” you nodded at Benny, taking the laptop from him. 
“So I’m sure you guys have seen some edits of your relationship as you are the fan favourite relationship of youtube” 
“Are we really the fan favourites? I didn’t think we could compare to couples like Alfie and Zoe or Felix and Marzia…god forbid, I never thought we would be the fan favourites against the Joe and Dianne!” you blabbered excitedly. 
“How far back do these clips go? Right back to 2012?!” Dan asked, jokingly with a panicked tone.
“Yes! Right back to 2012!” 
“NOOOOOOO!” Dan groaned jokingly, placing his head in his hands as the first clips began to play. 
“Oh!” You exclaimed, “this is of you and Phil recording the radio show!” 
“We just wanted to say, “ 2012 Phil stated into the mic, “that we are so grateful here at BBC Radio 1 for all your votes that made us win the Golden Headphones Award last week. We are honestly beyond thrilled that our silly little show has brought you guys so much entertainment so thank you guys” 
“Phil,” Dan replied, “stop being so sappy” 
“Sorry. It was actually a great evening. Really fun. We met a load of new people and got to learn more about radio stations etc etc. Oh but Dan loooooved the party. We both made a new friend who happens to now be staying with us. She’s pretty awesome actually” 
“You hear that kids? Going outside can sometimes be a good thing!” 
“Hear that hun? 2012 Dan wasn’t lying. You really need to start going out some more…it can be a good thing” 
“But the outside is dangerous. And I’m not a kid”
“Shush, just watch it” 
The video went from present day back to 2012, Dan and Phil showing you around central London. 
“This is the famous Big Ben?” You asked, your accent thicker than usual as you were living in America at the time.
“I know, not very impressive is it?” Phil laughed, panning the camera over to the three of you, their hair longer and straighter than you ever cared to remember. It was easy to spot that Dan had a thing for you back then, as he could not take his heart-eyes off of you as you took in the surroundings. 
“Well, I’m not saying it’s not impressive but…it’s not exactly the Empire State, is it?” 
Dan laughed, “Yeah, it’s a bit underwhelming. Onwards to the London Eye!!”
Dan laughed, “Two days you had been in that country and you drag our entire culture down in a matter of seconds. Wow.” 
“It’s true! It is so hyped up. Although to be fair, we had a great rest of the day” 
“And using the Empire State in comparison. Y/N, you aren’t even from New York” 
“Yes but that’s what most people think about first when they think about America in general. After Hamburgers, Trump and guns” 
“Woah. Stereotyping your own country” 
“What’s this?” You asked, pointing towards the laptop. 
“Oh lord, it's the pink diary video. The one we filmed after we announced that we were together” 
“Shit! No! Do not press play, Daniel!”
“You had a bright pink diary when you were 12!” 
“Dude, if you think that’s bad, then you should have seen my room. Bright pink walls, curtains, floors, bedsheets…got how much I regret that. Well, perks of getting your older sister’s old room” 
As the two of you scanned through the pages, Dan flicked to the page where you mention your childhood crush. 
“Oh my…who’s Elijah, Y/N?” 
“What? Oh god, Dan wait” you laughed, lunging to grab the diary from his hands. 
“Y/N, are you cheating on me? Already?!” He gasped, laughing as he held the diary out of reach from you. 
“Dan, just…give it back. Let me see it!” 
“How do I explain Elijah?” Dan began to read, “He is the coolest, most popular, handsomest - Y/N, that’s not even a word!” 
“Shut up, Daniel” you slapped his arm. 
Dan chuckled and cleared his throat before continuing, “Handsomest boy in school. God, how much I wish he would notice me. O-M-G. I think I love him!!” 
You groaned, covering your face with your hands. 
“That will forever be one of my favourite things I have done with you” Dan smiled, pausing the video as you calmed down from your giggle fit. 
“Hearing all about my first love, Elijah? God, 12 was a good age for me” 
“What’s next?” Dan laughed, pressing play and starting the next video. 
“Oh! It’s my first gaming channel appearance” 
“Hello, DanandPhilgames spooky weekers!! Today, we are delving into the well-known game that is no doubt going to make me shit myself, Outlast! Unfortunately, Phil is not able to join me today because he has left me all alone in the house which was a very stupid idea. However, because I am too much of a pansy to actually do this by myself I invited, the one, the only, the very amazingly beautiful pain in my ass, Y/N!” He paused, waiting for you to roll the chair into frame. 
“Y/N!” He repeated, waving his hands as a gesture to get you over, “Seriously? Do I have to do this? Oh come on” 
Dan shuffled towards you and grabbed the arm of your chair, pulling you into frame as you frowned at the camera. 
“I don’t want to be here” you stated, Dan laughing next to you. 
“The people need a video and there is no way I am playing this game on my own at night in an empty house. I’d do it for you!” 
“Well, I’m here now aren’t I? Eurgh come on, let's just get this over with”
The two of you began to play, although the video had sped up until the first jumpscare. 
“I think that we need to - OH MY GOD!” Dan cried out, accompanied by your loud scream. You threw the controller onto the desk and shook slightly before clinging onto Dan’s arm tightly. He too was shaking slightly but laughing more at your reaction. 
“Daniel you know I fucking hate horror games. Why the fuck am I here?”
“You’re cute when you’re scared. It’s ok, you’re ok.” Dan comforted you, hugging you tightly after pausing the game, “Nothing has jumped out of the screen yet” 
You gasped and moved back from Dan, slapping his arm slightly, “Why the fuck would you say that! The nightmares I am going to be having tonight” 
“Come on, let's continue” 
“I still hate horror anything to this day” you stated, Dan laughing as he nodded in agreement. 
“Yup. Games, movies, houses. Anything remotely scary and it's automatically a no-no for you. But its ok, you have me to protect you” 
“Says the man that falls off his chair every time he has a jump scare come at him” 
“Woah ok, thanks Y/N” 
“Day in the life of Dan and Phil!” Phil exclaimed into the camera, walking into the front room to capture Dan in the sofa crease, “What’s happening today, Danny-boy?” 
Dan laughed before closing his laptop, looking towards the camera before explaining, “we are going to pick up Y/N, who I’m sure you guys have seen before and if you haven’t, just…who even are you?” 
“Yeah, she and Dan have been dating for quite a while now. So, catch up guys. Sorry Dan, carry on” 
“Thank you, Phil.” Dan glared, “Basically, we decided that Y/N should just move in with us because she was spending so much money constantly travelling back and forth from America to see us” 
“We’re picking her up from the airport today and then grabbing some more things she needs for the apartment” Phil explained before sighing at Dan, “We have to pick her up in about an hour, why aren’t you ready?!” 
“Seriously, Danny? Phil was more excited to pick me up than you were?! And I’m YOUR girlfriend” 
“Yeah well…” Dan began, but you hit his arm to silence him. 
“Helloooo everyone and welcome to baking with Dan and Phil!” Phil began, Dan doing something weird as usual next to him.
“Today,” Phil began in a fit of giggles, “we are making spooky pumpkin spiced cookies” 
As the video continued in the background, you turned to face Dan, “I was so mad after this video” 
“Oh my god, I remember” Dan laughed, rubbing his eyes slightly. 
“They made such a mess and I had to fix it. And I wasn’t even allowed a cookie afterwards because the fat pigs had eaten them all. Doesn’t help that I was on my period at that point and super cranky. I think it was during the period I was moving in as well, so I was stressed as anything” you explained, Dan giggling softly behind you. 
“What did we actually upload? Because you had a proper fit” 
“Shut up you arse” 
“OH OH THIS IS WHERE YOU COME HOME!” Dan exclaimed excitedly. 
“Hey guys” you said, walking into the kitchen as you had come home from the meeting, “what you up to?” 
“Baking with Dan and Phil” Phil said, filming Dan as he whisked together the mixture. 
“You two are baking? This should be a shit-show” 
“Cheers for the support, hun” Dan said over his shoulder, jumping slightly when you kissed his shoulder. 
“I’m going for a shower, this place better not be burnt down by the time I get back”
“Famous last words” You scoffed, making Dan laugh as the two of you continued watching. 
The video had fast forward to the point you came back from the shower, changed into jeans and one of Dan’s shirts. You stopped in your tracks when you saw the mess in the kitchen. 
“What the hell have you done!” You shouted at them, looking at the state of the floor.
“We’re making cookies?” Dan shrugged his shoulders, eating icing out of the bag.
“BOYS!” You cried, taking a large breath before the clip cut to the next video. 
Dan paused the video and looked at you smugly, “I had to edit out your little fit because you literally screamed at us for two minutes straight” 
“Did you see the state of that kitchen? It was disgusting! You deserved it” 
“Basically,” Dan explained to Benny, “She then ordered us out the kitchen, tidied everything away, finished the cookies off for us and then went to bed to edit a video. Phil and I finished the video and I gave her some chocolate” 
“The way to Y/N’s heart is chocolate. Noted.” Benny replied, laughing as he urged the two of you to continue. 
“Helloooo Dan and Phil karters” Phil waved at the camera, Dan making some weird noise at the side. 
“Good. Dayyy” Dan dragged on, before snapping back to his usual persona he had on camera, “we are here today to celebrate the first Mario Kart session with Y/N!” 
“Good morning” You rolled into frame, shuffling the wheelie chair into the middle of the boys. 
“This is the first time you’ve been on the gaming channel since you moved in, Y/N. How does it feel?” Phil asked, pretending to hold a microphone up to you. 
“The same as it did when I was last here”
“Yeah but you now live here” 
“Biggest regret of my life. Girls, don’t move in with two boys. They smell. And if they order takeout, leave as quickly as possible or else you’re being the one who gets the joy of cleaning it all up” 
“When you’re quite finished dragging us into the gutter, Y/N!!” Dan cried out, placing his hand over your mouth jokingly to stop you from going on, “God. Imagine when she beats us, Phil…we’d never hear the end of it for god’s sake” 
“We just have to beat her then” Phil said, cracking his knuckles as he picked up the control to start the game. 
As the clip continued, you watched and smiled, feeling Dan take your hand and stroke his thumb over your knuckles. You glanced back at him and smiled, sticking your tongue out at him before leaning into his shoulder. 
“I stand by that by the way, Dan. Although I have to admit, you have been getting better at clearing up after yourselves. Phil too” 
“Yeah but Phil has just become a bit of an obsessive cleaner” 
“That’s very true” 
“What’s up guys, its a-me, Y/N. Today we are joined by my very sweet, very lovely, very amazing boyfriend, Daniel James Howell” 
“Hello everyone” Dan waved slightly, chuckling in his usual way. 
’What are we going to do today, Dan?”
Dan sighed jokingly, placing his face in his hands, “The goddamn bloody ‘Boyfriend Tag’ that I swore I would never do yet here I am” 
“Woah ok. If you don’t want to do this then I guess I should cancel the pizza I ordered” 
“Seriously?!” You burst out laughing, grabbing your phone from the bedside table. 
“Food - the way to my heart!”
“Not me then?”
“Nope” he smiled, giving you the famous heart eyes. 
“Guess I should pack my bags and head back to America then” you huffed as you sat back down, opening Twitter to get up questions and suggestions from fans.
“Guess you should” Dan smiled before leaning over and kissing your cheek gently.
“Can we get on with the video now?” You asked, sighing as you glanced at Dan, just wanting to get the video over with so that you could chill out with the boys and relax.
“Do you want to film this tomorrow?” Dan asked, leaning his head on your shoulder while giving you heart eyes.
“Babe, it has to go up tomorrow…” you whined, continuing to scroll through the comments.
“I’ll buy you your favourite ice cream if you leave that in the video” Dan smirked, laughing as you turned back to the camera and smiled, indicating you were going to continue with the video” 
“Jesus, it looks like I really do know the way to your heart huh?” Dan laughed, pausing the video to look at you. 
“Sure do. Offer me food and I’m putty in your hands” 
“OH! So not, you know, the years of affection I’ve given you or the fact that I let you move into MY apartment or my handsome looks or even, you know, that I LOVE YOU” he jokingly shouted, smiling at the way you laughed at him.
“No. Just the food” 
“Right I’m going to press play again because clearly, you don’t love me”
“First question…when did you realise you first loved me?” 
“Ew gross. Next question?”
“Ok. Just for me. I’ll edit it out the video” 
Dan sighed, looking down as he felt himself turning red, “Honestly? As soon as I saw you, I knew you would mean the world to me. And you really do”
You smiled at him, leaning in towards him as he went to kiss your cheek. 
“Awww you big sap” you laughed, placing your hand on Dan’s as you kept watching the video, blushing as you felt Dan copy the video and kiss your cheek.
“Totally going to leave that in there” you chuckled, Dan gasping and clutching his chest.
“But you promised!” 
“You promised that I could choose what we had for dinner last night but that never happened did it?” 
“Touche” Dan chuckled, watching you lovingly as you scrolled down through Twitter to find another question, “I love you” 
“I know” 
“Honestly, the number of comments from fans after you uploaded this video was the most we’ve ever had, including Phil” Dan added, looking towards Benny who smiled, “I was speaking the truth there though Y/N. I still mean it, even seven years down the line” 
“Really?” You asked, the laptop playing in the background.
“Course. You’re everything to me” 
“Can you post this on YouTube or is this too NSFW” you turned to Benny, laughing as you blushed.
“Really Y/N?!” Dan laughed loudly.
You glanced back at the laptop, watching as Dan kissed you before heading to grab his phone from the front room. 
“Wait…I didn’t upload that. You kissed me, we both agreed that we wouldn’t kiss on camera…hang on. This is the full video. The unedited one…”
“Is it? Oh. You may have just uploaded the whole video by accident” 
“No…no I’m sure I didn’t. Remember, I spent hours doing this edit” 
“Shhh…listen” Dan nudged you, 
Dan sat down in front of the camera and did a big sigh before smiling gleefully, holding his phone to his ear as he appeared to be speaking down the phone to someone.
“Hey guys!” He spoke down the phone, “Thank you so much for coming back to me…oh fantastic! We’re going to America to visit Y/N’s family for Christmas on the 15th. I would kinda like to do it on the 30th if that suits you guys?…amazing. Thank you so much for doing this…yeah, yeah, she’s going to absolutely love it…I’ll speak to you soon…bye!” 
Hanging up, Dan did a little fist pump in the air as he imagined the collab video in just a months time. Just as he was going to switch the camera off, Phil walked in. 
“What did they say?” 
“They’re thrilled. 100% happy to do it” 
“Amazing!” Phil cried, going to hug Dan. 
“Seriously, I have literally never felt closer to crying of happiness since…since…oh, I don’t know. Since the birth of Dil” 
“Oh wow. Dil over Y/N. Smooth dude” Phil laughed, walking back out the room to leave Dan to switch the camera off. 
“Dan?” You asked him, glancing towards him in a state of confusion.
“What was all that about?” 
“I don’t know what you mean” 
“Well…this isn’t exactly an edit is it? It’s-“ 
Dan quietly pushed the door open to your shared bedroom, the camera pointing down towards the floor. Giggling softly, he climbed onto the bed where you were asleep, placing his legs over both of you as he stood up. Angling the camera towards you as you slept, Dan began to jump on the bed. 
“Happy birthday to you!” 
“DANIEL!” You cried angrily as you were jolted awake. 
“Happy birthday to you!” 
“Dan, stop it!” You shouted, the covers falling off of the bed as Dan jumped carelessly on top of you, showing you sleeping in just Dan’s t-shirt. 
“Happy birthday to Y/N” he sang out of tune, stopping jumping as he sang your name, the camera filming you squirm underneath him. He collapsed down to his knees, rolling over next to you while keeping the camera at arm's length to capture your shame. 
“Happy birthday to you” he whispered in your ear, kissing your cheek gently. 
“Thanks for the wake up call Danny boy” you giggled, turning towards him to kiss him passionately, his arm still outstretched to film the two of you. 
As you pulled away you smiled lovingly at him, before he stuck his tongue out at you. 
“We can’t upload this footage” he laughed, indicating towards the camera as he noticed your confused expression. You groaned as you realised what he was doing, moving your arms to block the lens as you tried to escape out of Dan’s grip. 
The video switched quickly to another, showing a video of the two of you on your first Christmas spent together at Dan’s family’s house. 
“What did you get Y/N?” Dan’s brother asked, standing up slightly to see over the lid of the box Dan had wrapped your present in. 
“Patience Adrian” Dan laughed, panning the camera over to his brother and parents before pointing it back at you. 
“Oh my gosh, Daniel” you gasped, instantly recognising the distance bracelets. 
“I was thinking white for you and black for me because it matches my soul” 
“Daniel…” his mother warned, smiling at the thought of his gift. 
“Thank you so much, Dan” you jumped up to kiss him, before handing his to him. 
“Its so that when you have to go back to America to see your family or for work, and I can’t come with you, you still have a little bit of me with you” 
“Oh god, I’m going to throw up” Adrian faked a gag, his mother slapping him on the arm as a result. 
“I love it, thank you Daniel” you smiled at the camera before it shut off, the video switching to another one. 
A snapchat video was played on the screen - one that was never posted for Dan’s immaturity. Dan was filming you driving in your car, dancing slightly to the radio. 
“Where we heading, Y/N?” He asked you, filming you glance towards him and see him hold his phone up towards you. 
“We are heading to Ikea today to do some shopping. We need to buy a new TV stand, some new houseplants for Philly and a new bed” 
Dan flipped the camera around to himself, smirking at the camera, “Because I broke it!!!” 
“I wouldn’t be so smug about that mister. You’re costing me a goddamn fortune!” 
“Calm down, Y/N. You sure weren’t complaining last night” he winked at the camera. 
“DANIEL!” You cried out before the snap ran out of time. 
“I’m so glad you didn’t post that” you laughed, wiping the tears from your cheeks, “Dan, what is this? We’ve never uploaded any of this”
“You’ll see in just a second” Dan wrapped his arm around you and pulled you to his chest, kissing your forehead and wiping a tear from your cheek before changing his attention back to the video. 
The video changed to Dan filming you asleep on him on the sofa, near Christmas as the decorations were stringed up behind you. He stroked your hair gently before resting his hand on your arm. 
“I just wanted to say that in moments like these, when you fall asleep on my lap and talk sometimes in your dreams, that I love you more than anything or anyone in the whole world. I would die in a heartbeat for you. I am so incredibly lucky to have found you. You are my whole world” 
The second clip started playing and Dan was filming you cooking in the kitchen. He set the camera against a glass and filmed him dancing with you, the bacon in the pan burning as he twirled you and swayed with you to the songs on the radio. At one point, he tried to lift you up in the air to do the dirty dancing lift but your squirming caused the both of you to fall to the ground in heaps of laughter. 
The next clip played and Dan was at the piano, filming himself playing his newest piece to send to his grandmother when you plopped down next to him, placing your head on his shoulder and listening to him play so elegantly. He was so humble about his talent and very rarely shared it online. The two of you started laughing when you placed your finger on a random key and disrupted his piece constantly. 
The clips changed and Dan was now filming you on your phone in their patio garden, “You always look so beautiful and I constantly wonder how a guy like me scored such a gorgeous girl like you. We are going to have the most beautiful children...if they get all your genes anyway. God, I love the way you just make the simplest of actions the most beautiful things. I could watch you for hours…in a non-creepy way. You make me so happy. You are the reason I’m still here. You keep me going. I can’t wait to marry you one day”
The video changed once again and it was a video Phil took of the two of you when you all decided to go on holiday quite early on in your relationship. You and Dan thought he was taking photos so you kept doing different poses, some for your followers and some for yourself. Dan looked at you lovingly and held you tightly. Unknowing that Phil was filming, you kissed Dan gently with the sea in the background, smiling when his hands squeezed your waist. When you pulled away, Dan whispered the words “I love you” for the first time. You took a step back breathlessly, before jumping into Dan’s arms. You kissed him multiple times, saying “I love you” every time you pulled away. You didn’t know this video existed, but it was already one of your favourite videos of all time. 
The video changed once again, to the all of you shopping. Dan filmed you and Phil as you both looked through each of the clothes on the rail in Primark. He sighed contently, “Fuck it.” 
He filmed himself walking over to you and explaining he was just going to the camera store with Phil, kissing you on your temple as you were unaware he was filming. The video sped up as the boys walked out of the store, heading to the nearest Jewellers. 
“You’re going to do it?” Phil asked Dan, excitement in his face as he watched Dan browse all the rings. 
“Course I am. What do you think?” He asked, pointing at the rings in front of them. 
“Black diamond” 
“You read my mind” he smiled, walking into the store.
The video changed to the last clip, Dan set the camera against something and sat down in the chair in your parent’s house. Your father walked into frame and sat down opposite him, his arms on his legs as he looked at a nervous Dan. 
“Sir, I want to just say how grateful I am that you have welcomed me into your family and life. I love Y/N with everything I have and I swear that for as long as I live, I will give her everything she needs. Basically, what I’m trying to ask is…” 
“You want to marry my daughter?” 
“Y-yes, sir. With all my love in the world, I want to give her the life she deserves. I want her to be my wife. Forever” he began to laugh, wiping the tears from his eyes. 
“I thought you would never ask! Of course, Daniel!” Your father jumped from his seat to embrace Dan, laughing happily with him before shouting to your mother in the next room, “DANIEL IS GOING TO MARRY Y/N! WE ARE GOING TO BE DANIEL’S IN-LAWS!” 
You hiccuped, your eyes and nose streaming as your eyes were fixed on the screen. You watched the video of your father jumping up and down with Dan fade to black, laughing at your father’s immaturity. You wiped your eyes with your sleeve when you notice that Rafi has joined Benny behind the main camera, holding another camera down towards the floor. You followed his line of sight and gasped when you realised that Dan had moved from his chair and was now kneeling down next to you, a black box in his hands revealing a silver band with a square black diamond. You cried loudly as Dan took his own deep breath, starting to say the words, “Will you -“ 
“Shut up. Shut up. You know it's a yes you idiot! Yes! Oh my god, yes!” You jumped off of your seat and into Dan’s arms, making the both of you fall to the floor in a laughing but sobbing mess.  You heard Dan cry into your shoulder, muttering “thank you thank you thank you” over and over as he tried to push you away to put the ring on your finger. 
“Oh, Daniel…Dan, its so beautiful thank you so much”
You heard a large round of applause and cheers from behind the camera, as all of Benny and Rafi’s employees and other reactors had snuck in to watch Dan propose.
You and Dan climbed back into your chairs, very embarrassed as you had fallen onto the floor in a complete scene of PDA. 
Benny laughed, still clapping along with the rest of the crowd behind him.
“So guys!” He began, “You two are engaged!” 
“Yes!” You cried, holding your hand up and wriggling your fingers to show your new engagement ring, looking at the red, puffy-eyed Dan holding your other hand and smiling widely.
“Congratulations you two, how do you feel?” 
“I feel like I’m on cloud nine right now. Every dream of mine is finally coming true” you answered, still sniffling. 
“Best day of my life so far” Dan smiled, kissing your cheek. 
“Well, we expect you here next time to react to your wedding! And then your first child. And every relationship goals video ever” Rafi added, making the two of you laugh. 
“Of course” you nodded, still looking at your new ring. 
“We’re just going to wrap up the video now - if that's ok with you guys” Benny explained, yourself and Dan nodding. 
“Like this video and subscribe to the Fine Bros” Dan explained, pointing down to the floor as an indication for the description box. 
“Thank you so much for watching and we’ll see you again next time! I’m engaged!!” You shouted, moving your hand towards the camera as everyone laughed. 
Dan moved to hold your free hand and kiss your temple before you both looked towards the camera, waving your hands, “BYE!!!” 
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jungnoir · 6 years
Detective au + Renjun. My request is a drabble. Thanks.
huang renjun | all you leave behind is the ghost of your touch on Renjun’s skin and the memory of a person who had finally gained that upper hand. detective!au, criminal!au. | 2k words. | fluff(?), flirting, I don’t really know what genre this is, not humor but it’s kinda close.
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a/n: i love how straightforward this request is sfhisjfi here ya go. definitely based reader off catwoman because why not amirite
“Hello, detective. You’re quite punctual today.”
Renjun slides inelegantly to the doorway of the exhibit floor, the polished marble that made up the ground he walked on costing more than the net worth of half the citizens in the city combined. He only ever showed up to places like these when he had cases to solve, and he very rarely got to enjoy the glimmering chandeliers and pristine paintings hanging from the walls. Even now, as he was surrounded by jewels of all shapes, colors, sizes, and origins, you were the only thing that had his attention. You were the case he’d been dying to solve ever since you’d first appeared on his radar, and you were the case made with a diamond shell. Nothing could crack you open, not like the others.
You, his “arch nemesis” when put so informally, had gone from being a thorn in his side to a knife in his back. With each victory you claimed, that knife kept on twisting.
“Your clues are getting less obvious. What, are you afraid I’ll catch on to you faster if I know where to look?” “On the contrary, detective. I know you’re smart enough to figure me out.” The fact that you were dangling upside down from a rope going up and out of a vent in the ceiling made your wicked grin look like a frown. Pearly white teeth shined back at him as you raised a hand and waved, the tips of your black gloves looking particularly sharp at the ends, resembling feline claws. He was certain he’d never let those claws get too close to him.
The young detective makes a quick surveillance of the room, checking for anything out of the blue in case you decided to up the challenge again. You had managed to hack into the system (denying all outside access in the process) and switched off the alarm to get in only to quickly switch it back on the minute Renjun entered the gallery, your orders for him and him only to enter having been no surprise. It was your usual demand: always him, always alone, and always right when you were just about to get away with a crime.  You absolutely loved getting him one-on-one, but that didn’t mean you didn’t like adding a little fun every now and then, just to tease him more.
Renjun straightens from his defensive stance slowly, watching you with the same intensity you watch him with. When he sees you don’t plan to pounce, he begins to walk forward, ever so slowly. There are red lasers running haphazardly along the floor, all ready to switch on the very loud and very expensive alarm if, god forbid, he managed to step too close to one of them. You watch his movements with great curiosity, grin reducing into a smirk of sorts. You always did love that little frustrated look on his face.
“You’ve been at this game for months. I’d think you’d have been able to fill an apartment with all the jewelry you’ve got.” Renjun glances your way as the stunning diamond necklace glints in the glass case right underneath you, “You probably don’t need this too.”
“And miss the golden opportunity of watching some wealthy old dinosaurs sniveling on live TV about their precious, ancient jewels going missing? I think I’ll pass. I mean, really, who sets up a snatch like these in plain sight for any other reason than for them to be stolen?” “I think you miss the whole point of museums, kitty.”
Your grin comes back tenfold at the use of the name you’d signed off with the first time you’d committed a high-profile crime like this one. It was a name you’d fashioned for yourself, and you had to say, you rather enjoyed hearing the young detective say it through clenched teeth, seething. It was rather cute. He was rather cute.
“You’re probably right,” you purr, “what can I say? I see a pretty thing and I just want to take it… better watch out.” The last part of your statement goes right over his head and it’s as much as you expected. Despite the fact that he was a kid genius, he was rather a dolt in the face of flattery.
The boy continues to proceed toward the middle of the room, the light shining from inside the glass case where your desires currently lay casting a warm glow on his features. The closer he managed to get, the more his furrowed brow became prominent. Swiftly, you pulled yourself up the rope so that you were hanging right side up this time, one hand clutching your escape route and the other resting over your heart, “You’re too young to look that stressed, detective. Am I stressful for you?”
“Yes!” Renjun answers with no hesitation, halting in his tracks to be sure that he doesn’t trip the alarm in his vexation. “Is that what you wanted to hear? That you’re starting to outsmart me? That I may actually be coming to a dead end with you? Because if that’s what it takes for you to stop, I will admit it to the whole city.”
You blink, “So I see you’re nowhere near figuring out my motives either.”
If Renjun’s stare could shoot daggers at you, they would most definitely be embedded within every part of your skin by now. The look he gives you could rival that of an angry bull. You have the nerve to even pity him, eyes softening just a little behind the slim mask that covers your face from your hairline to the very peak of your nose.
“Want me to tip you off?” You offer, resting a hand on top of the case to tap your nails along the surface in a discordant rhythm. The sharp point of one of them traces a circle between every few beats.
Renjun’s face falters for a moment, clearly confused. Your offer baffles him and it doesn’t take a genius to know why. He was never used to getting tips, hints, or help. After all, he was the Huang Renjun: graduated early from high school top of the class, grades so exceptional that top tier universities around the world were itching to take him in, to claim him as part of their student body. Why, who wouldn’t want such a bright kid walking their halls every morning? You didn’t blame them in the slightest, but you’d always found it quite sad how many of them wanted him more for his reputation than his mind.
It started as a simple rivalry, your young eyes that never followed anything but the words on a page or the numbers on chalkboard had been caught by someone for once. A challenge. A contender.
You had done everything in your power to pass him up from kindergarten all the way to high school, doing above and beyond the expected and then some to beat him. No matter how hard you both worked, neither of you could ever pass the other, not really.
Not until your sophomore year of high school, when he entered the nationwide science and research symposium (well under the minimum age to even participate, but his deception of age was overlooked in the end) and won, sweeping out contestants twenty years his senior and you, too, in the process. From there, it was no longer a competition between you and Huang Renjun because as far as the entire world was concerned, no one was and no one ever would be in his league. Renjun was the face of youthful intelligence. Renjun was unparalleled… except that once, he was.
It was as prominent then as it was now with you staring at him face to face (or rather, face to mask) and challenging him to crack the code. You dared him to remember you. Before you had arrived on the scene as “Kitty”, it was believed there wasn’t a mystery that that boy couldn’t solve. And yet…
Renjun finally exhales a loaded breath, your eyes widening a little in anticipation. Just as quickly as you’d gotten excited that you’d really gotten under his skin, he snarls, “In your dreams.”
Your snort rings out in the silence, just as your nail stops circling the glass. The trace you’ve made causes a perfectly rounded cut of the supposedly “impenetrable” casing fall in and leave a nicely sized hole in its wake. Perfect diameter for you to slip your arm in, pick up the necklace, and- “Well, I do dream of you, detective. Maybe that’s because it’s seldom you ever get close enough for me to do anything else.”
Renjun’s mouth drops a little and you think for once that he might have gotten one of your little jokes, but his eyes are clearly focused on the necklace in hand. He hadn’t even noticed what you’d been doing. Was he making this incredibly easy or were you just getting too good? Regardless, you slip the necklace into the small pocket at your thigh, feeling around for something to throw. When your hand catches onto the handle of one of your throwing knives, the instrument slipps into the palm of your hand and then slides right back out of it in the direction of the floor with expert ease.
The moment the blade pierces the connection between one beam of light and the another, a shrill blaring sound nearly deafens the two of you at once. You barely wince at the noise, finding the nervous look on Renjun’s face far too amusing. The doorways and windows are suddenly barricaded by heavy steel doors meant to keep any intruders from getting out once they’d gotten in, but you’ve got your own escape plan already. By the time those fools got access back to the system to shut it off, you’d be long gone from here.
In fact, you’re just about to shimmy back up your rope when Renjun surges forward, fear of tripping the alarm now irrelevant. His hand grasps your wrist and you look at him in real surprise; never had the two of you made contact like this before. It was always a fun game of cat and mouse with the figurative cat in this case never getting close enough to touch.
You are rendered speechless for the first time in his presence, unsure what to do first. Did you shake him off? Wait for him to say something? Relish in the moment before it eventually all came crashing down?
Renjun decided for you.
“You know, I never saw it before,” he says in a low breath, yet you’re able to hear it over the blaring alarm miraculously, “but I’ve only known one person in my whole life who could actually give me a run for my money. Know anything about that?”
You feel yourself slowly swell with pride and an abundance of elation. This, this. Never had he admitted to your power over him, and now you knew that he knew it too. You were his equal in every sense of the word, and if there was anyone who could tie the world’s favorite boy genius up in his own knots, it was you.
You slip your arm from his grasp and raise the nails on your glove to gently caress the underside of his chin, the boy visibly shivering under your touch. The sounds of law enforcement banging on the steel doors sounds so distant in this moment, a breath shared between the two of you lasting a lifetime almost. You clutch his chin in between your fingers with finality and lean forward so that your nose just grazes his own, “Why, detective, it’s my job to make the mysteries and your job to solve them. You’ll have to find out yourself.”
His eyelashes flutter. Just out of your peripheral, you see his hand inching slowly toward your face. His fingers just skim the brim of your mask before you tug on your rope twice, your accomplice getting the signal to yank you upwards and away from the scene.
All you leave behind is the ghost of your touch on Renjun’s skin and the memory of a person who had finally gained that upper hand.
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Soulmate au with the matching tattoo where quiet!reader doesn't believe in true love because her parents didn't have a good relationship and finally divorce (to readers relief) even though they are soulmates. And she slowly falls in love with iwaizumi (her best friends since they were child) who found his soulmate, but he's in love with reader and oikawa is readers soulmate but she doesn't know because he's hiding the tattoo and knows iwaizumis and readers feeling each other, ignoring his feels.
Damn this sounds angsty. I’m not the best with angst, so bear with me here, okay? I should be studying right now, but I have no motivation. I had a date yesterday with this girl from tinder…it didn’t work out-we’re not seeing each other again. So, yeah, no motivation.
I kinda want to continue this and make a poly Iwa + Oi + Reader…
I’m posting all my works to Ao3 from now on in addition to here. Username: pirateship
~~Admin Keiji
You were supposed to be paying attention to the lecture, you were supposed to take notes on how the unit circle is actually magical (according to your over enthused teacher), and you were supposed to fall in love. What kind of misconceived notion is that, you thought bitterly as you glared down at you wrist, eyeing the roughly chopped heptagon.
Everyone was born with a soulmate, you were taught in primary school. The tattoo on your wrist was half a polygon, and the number of sides was what age you were when you met them, whether it was a formal introduction or bumping shoulders with them in the street; the two halves fit together perfectly; when you kissed for the first time, you’d then have a full polygon. You had half a heptagon, meaning you were seven when you met Mr. Perfect.
What a load of bullshit it all was, though. Soulmates are supposed to be perfect together, supposed to your other half, so why, why did your so-called-perfect-parents fight all the frickin time? Why did they seem to hate each other? Why? Why? Why?
Soulmates were bullshit, and you hoped you never found yours. That wasn’t a secret to anyone, either. All the girls ostracized you because of your unique views, and you quickly got labeled as the quiet girl. Well screw them. You didn’t need soulmates to find love.
Or did you? Iwaizumi Hajime was your best friend, and you loved him–you were in love with him, but he had his soulmate, had his completed tetradecagon. Still, you tortured yourself over it, vented to Oikawa about it, secretly wished his soulmate and he would fall out of love, but yet you still wished the best for him.
Oikawa was another mystery to you. Most people proudly showed off their wrists, hoping someone will shout “You’re my other half!” But not Oikawa. If he wasn’t wearing long sleeves, he had a sweatband on, covering the mark. Because of that and his good looks, he constantly had girls hanging off of him, hoping to convince him to show his tattoo, hoping they’d match with him. When you questioned him about it, he simply responded that he didn’t want a mark to determine love.
You thought there was deeper reason, but you weren’t going to press it. He was one of your best friends after all.
Oikawa sighed as he undid his tie that evening. It was getting harder and harder to keep his tattoo hidden, especially in practice. There were two people he was hiding it from, you and Iwa-chan, and he was almost always around one of the two.
He changed into more comfortable clothes and took his sweatband off to rub the skin on his wrist, looking wearily down at the roughly chopped heptagon. His mom said he was doing something good by not forcing some idea on you, but everyday it got harder to put that smile on his face.
In simple words, Oikawa was in love with you. Not because you were his soulmate, but because you were radiant. He was hoping that one day you’d feel the same, but he couldn’t show you his tattoo without ruining all chances.
From his room, he heard the front door of his house open and heard Iwaizumi announce his presence, so he slipped the wristband on before heading downstairs to greet his best friend.
“Iwa-chan!” He yelled, startling Iwaizumi who did not realize Oikawa was so close, “to what do I owe the pleasure of your brilliance?”
“Shut up, Shittykawa,” he mumbled, but it didn’t have the usual amount of grumbliness that Iwa-chan usually gave. Taking a closer look, Oikawa could see that his friend looked deeply distressed.
Oikawa headed to the kitchen to make some tea before making Iwaizumi spill his guts. It started something like this (in Oikawa’s mind, a few liberties were taken), “Oh magnificent King Oikawa, I don’t know what to do. Humble me with your advice. I love, _____.”
“I know, Hajime,” a soft response came from Oikawa’s lips, startling Iwaizumi.
“You know?”
“It’s actually pretty obvious. I think Mari-chan even knows; that’s why she’s always glowering at _____-chan.”
Iwaizumi had to think that over a bit. If Mariko knew, that explained a lot actually. It explained why she always had to go to the restroom whenever _____ got close. It explained why she never seemed to want to go to lunch with Oikawa and _____. It explained why Mariko had been looking depressed whenever she and Iwaizumi went on dates. How could he have been so dense until now? Well, she was his soulmate. Of course he’d think she’s the one.
But was she? No. She wasn’t.
“What should I do, Oikawa?” The look Iwaizumi had in his eyes pained him. It hurt more than the fact that his best friend was in love with his soul mate. It even hurt more than the fact that his soul mate was in love with his best friend.
“Tell Mari-chan. Then tell _____-chan. I think you’ll get a favorable response,” Oikawa smiled at him.
“Yeah. Now go, before Mari-chan goes to sleep.”
“Thanks, Oikawa,” Iwaizumi yelled back to his friend as he ran through the front door.
“No problem, Iwa-chan,” Oikawa said to the closed door and tears streamed down his face.
Oikawa didn’t go to school the next day, or the day after that. He couldn’t handle the thought of seeing Iwaizumi and _____ hold hands, smile, and, god forbid, kiss. He was happy for them, he truly was. But it hurt. A lot.
It was a mistake to not go in, it seemed. Iwazumi and _____ got worried about their friend, and they also wanted to share some good news with him. So after school on that Friday, you and Iwaizumi–no, Hajime–make your way over to Oikawa’s home.
As per usual, you two let yourself in. Mrs. Oikawa has told you to do so on multiple occasions. Oikawa wasn’t on the first floor, so you head up to his room and hear video games being played from outside the door.
Upon letting yourself in, your eyes are drawn to a certain place. Oikawa seems frightened as your eyes focus on his wrist and he tries to cover it. But he wasn’t fast enough.
He’s your soulmate.
Tears stream down your face as you apologize over and over, Iwaizumi looking dazed next to you.
“Why?” Iwaizumi asked, almost angrily. “Why did you prioritize us? Why did you hide this, Tooru?”
“I wanted you to be happy, Iwa-chan,” Oikawa gives a wide smile, though it wobbles as tears fill his eyes as well. “I’m happy for you two. I just need some time, okay?”
No one moves. No one knows what to do. That is, until Oikawa pipes up once more, “You guys wanna play Smash with me?”
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