#it varies slightly depending on if she likes or doesn't like the person
trannydean-moved · 2 years
michigan and arizona (my rvb oc) would bully the SHIT outta each other constantly
I can believe it! Mich loves to mess with anyone and everyone. It's pretty much her full-time job to be a nuisance 👍
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sneeb-canons · 4 months
heart is the lowest-empathy of the bunch. he gets caught up in his own emotions, no time for anyone else's. if someone else is upset when it's happy, it'll be annoyed at them. if someone else is happy when it's upset, it'll... also be annoyed at them. it's an involuntary response, sometimes he feels bad about it later. usually he doesn't. whether or not he acts on it depends on how pissedoff he is
mind is the highest-empathy, by some counts; she is the most capable of properly understanding others' feelings, but what she decides to do with that information varies. they generally (try to) remain composed, of course.
soul doesn't know what an empathy is. has considered herself low empathy in tthe past due to not really reacting to others pain with much more than 'uhm. Awkward!!..." but also cannot bring himself to kill an ant in his shower because it Feels Bad despite threatining the other two's lives as, yknow, a major point of the loop so?? who even the fuck knows. Not them certainly (just like me fr)
theyre all also alexythemic as shit. they rarely know how they feel unless the emotion is very powerful and even then it's basically either 'Good' or 'Bad' with little recognition for nuanced tones--with the exception of anger, which they feel clearly and distinctly.
that even applies to heart, of course! must suck being an incredibly emotionally driven person who cannot distinguish their emotions (minus anger and spite, of course) to save their life. not like i would have any experience with it. haha. slowly turns to the camera
On a slightly lighter note, uhh
i have a special interest in rain world so. they all get to be rw fans. yayayayay.
[rain world spoilers from here on out LOL sorry.brainrotting]
mind mains spearmaster, and has probably actually speedrun their campaign once or twice. big into movement tech. once wanted to make her own region mod but couldn't come up with any interesting ideas and eventually gave up. sees themself in five pebbles in a 'recognition of the self in the other (derogatory)' way, but would never admit to it.
heart mains artificer. has claimed to relate to them, mind told him that this is what some might call a 'red flag'. has several really cool region mod ideas but no lediting skills, alas. a lore guy more than a tech guy. despite not knowing much in the way of movement, is a force to be reckoned with in arena mode. also relates to pebbles, but in a slightly different way
soul mains rivulet (gotta go fast!) and genuinely cried when getting their ending with moon. tends to prefer vanilla to downpour, but has an attachment to each individual downpour campaign (it's complicated). ascension supporter. out of all of them, i think soul is the most likely to actually engage with the fandom. saint kinnie, because of fucking course they are /silly
Headcanon #602
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zylphiacrowley · 6 months
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✧ ✦ ✧ Basics ✧ ✦ ✧
Nickname: Vahl is technically not a nickname since it's his actual given name but he only lets a handful of people call him by it. Age: 32 Nameday: 15th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon (June 14th... it's my birthday because I didn't want to have to remember it). Race: Seeker of the Sun Miqo'te Gender: Male Orientation: Bisexual. No clear preference Profession: Officially registered as a bard.
Hair: Strawberry blonde, typically worn swept back and held in place with pomade. Eyes: Odd eyes; Right: teal green, Left: purple. Skin: Varying degrees of tan depending on how much sun he's gotten. Tattoos/Scars: Trademark miqo'te markings around his eyes and on his cheeks. No tattoos. Slightly noticeable scar on the left side of his chin and a sizeable gash on the back of his upper left thigh from getting caught by Zenos' blade in Rhalgr's Reach.
✧ ✦ ✧ FAMILY ✧ ✦ ✧
Parents: Mother (deceased): X'rennia Reht. A frail woman in life who was unable to provide in any meaningful way to the tribe which was cause for her and her son to be heavily ostracized by many other members of the tribe. Any friends X'vahl made as a child he lost just as quickly when they learned who his mother was. She would lightly chide him whenever he came home covered in bruises and blood after getting into another fight with one of the other children for defending her. "They're not your battles to fight my dear." She would tell him while wiping the blood from his forehead and petting his ears to calm his anger. Father (deceased): X'laenn Nunh. Deeply in love with X'rennia but unable to stay with her due to his duty to the tribe. Instead he chose to do what he could to be a good parent to X'vahl when he could and spent much of his free time teaching him survival skills; such as how to make camp as well as how to hunt and fish and to prepare his catch. X'laenn also had a strong proclivity for music which he shared with his son and even gifted him a handmade instrument for his 12th nameday. Siblings: Elder brother (deceased): X'nez Tia. He only knew X'nez by name and from stories since he passed away before X'vahl was born, having drown while playing in a river one day while X'rennia had glanced away. Stricken with grief from the loss of her first child, X'rennia instilled a deep-seated fear of water and drowning in her second son. Grandparents: Unknown. Others: Children (alive): Twins; a daughter, M'vahren and a son, M'raiel, 13 summers old. Their mother was an M tribe scout and hunter named M'likki Trais who he thought he had fallen in love with at the time. He has not seen them since they were infants and is not allowed to see them for everyone's safety as M'likki hails from a satellite tribe to the main M tribe and the satellite tribe's Nunh was not known for his benevolence to others who would encroach on his tribe's territory or members. Pets: A young fawn who was given the name Flag before he came to care for her. He has yet to decide if he wants to change her name.
✧ ✦ ✧ SKILLS ✧ ✦ ✧
Abilities: Archery, Combat dancing, Gunblade combat, Astromancy. Hobbies: Music (both singing and playing), fishing (despite the fear of water), hunting, cooking.
✧ ✦ ✧ TRAITS ✧ ✦ ✧
Most positive trait: Tries his best to be a calming presence, which has gotten increasingly harder to maintain since becoming the Warrior of Light (the reputation of a godslayer and savior of the star doesn't typically paint one as "calm, warm, and inviting"). His peers however, see him as a lighthearted and sincere person who wears his heart on his sleeve. Most negative trait: Has trouble telling people no when they ask for his help. Also has a tendency to mask his own negative feelings in favor of maintaining his calm veneer for others much to his own detriment. This habit has only become worse since gaining the title of Warrior of Light and becoming publicly recognized almost everywhere he goes.
✧ ✦ ✧ LIKES ✧ ✦ ✧
Colours: Deep greens and browns. Smells: Soil after a heavy rainfall, pine, a campfire after it's just been put out. Textures: Wood grain, the feeling when you run your fingers over the flat side of a feather. Drinks: warm drinks like chai and matcha, sometimes ciders.
✧ ✦ ✧ OTHER DETAILS ✧ ✦ ✧
Smokes: Never Drinks: Rarely, only socially. Drugs: Never Mount Issuance: Not so much issued, as requested himself; a white chocobo. Her name is Lumi. He found her as a chick and brought her to a farm since he wouldn't be able to care for her at the time as he was set to board a vessel in Limsa headed to Thavnair and he didn't know if or when he'd be back. When he did eventually find himself back in the area, he sought out the farm to check on her. She seemed to remember him and he asked if he could take her back, to which the farm allowed under the condition that she be officially registered with a Grand Company. Been arrested: Arrested once for piracy (by association), detained once in Radz-at-Han during his first visit in his 20s for disturbing the peace.
Relationships || X'vahl x Erenville || Address: Primal > Exodus > Lavender Beds > Ward 10 > Plot 31
Tagged by: @gatheredfates Thank you so much! I've been wanting to do a bio for him for a while but haven't been able to find a format I was happy with. Tagging (if you want to do it and/or if you haven't done it already): @ambalambs @uldahstreetrat @airis-ray @shamelessdisplay @lilvulpix-alex and @ishgard
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an-eldritch-peredhel · 4 months
I’d love to hear your thoughts on what Eldritch peredhel entail
Sorry this took so long @outofangband and thank you for asking this I am! Delighted! And am preemptively putting a read more down because I cannot shut up about they <3
alright I'm just gonna put stuff and headcanons down as they occur to me so expect low-moderate levels of coherency
shapeshifting is an obvious one (gets weaker down the generations) but because my brain is Like This I have caveats!
thanks to my whole peredhil things=gender allegory that my brain spit out without my permission I've long struggled against my inherent feeling that while they can shapeshift they don't like it
but because I'm now aware of my brain's reasoning I can say it's because of ✨fantasy dysphoria✨
that's oversimplifying, obviously, but peredhil already have so much issues with working through who and what they are and compromising between body and mind and spirit that actively choosing to change into/present as something/someone who They Are Not is. Not usually their cup of tea.
As a whole they tend to have specific forms that they prefer as being closer to themselves, and distinct enough that it doesn't feel like they're faking something they're not
(changing to look like a different person, or a edited version of themself is Very Very not fun unless either explicitly for disguise or shenanigans)
(the exception to this is that Luthien can make herself look almost perfectly human without any real issue. she doesn't do it often but especially as she ages she likes to catch glimpses of her reflection and get both excited and sappy. this is in contrast to making herself look almost perfectly like an elf which makes her feel like her skin is on fire.)
(Also I'm pretty sure all of them can flip their agab presentation while only feeling varying degrees of off, and even then it's a different feeling than the shapeshifting dysphoria. Dior and Elwing are the two who I think mind it the most)
They all have the (agonizing to write) trait of feeling very distinct relationships to their species in their body vs soul/mind vs spirit/fea and they all feel it very differently! This isn't exclusive to Luthien's line but the maia blood does make it worse.
Oh! This is a new headcanon of mine actually but!
They all have faces that are very very hard to capture in image. They are the bane of portrait artists (and, to a degree, sculptors) everywhere because the art never looks accurate to life
It's not blatantly off it's just. missing something? Or something was added? maybe it's a little too wide, or narrow, or long, or short, in one place or another
It's not unrecognizable but if you've ever seen the subject in real life you can just tell
It's especially bad with Luthien (and Daeron) and Dior (to a lesser extent) because everyone literally sees them differently, as in their features will be slightly different depending on what each person finds attractive/aesthetically appealing and beautiful
(not a lot, again, it's not unrecognizable, but there has never and will never be any accurate depiction of Luthien as she was as a person)
(as a concept, though, as the most beautiful creature to have ever existed in Arda, a little of her image exists in every portrait lovingly made of a beloved spouse, every child's drawing of their family, in biological sketches of songbirds and field mice, in a sculpture of a stranger's face. Daeron remembers his sister perfectly, but he collects these regardless)
(Arwen, Luthien come again, isn't described as such by her grandparents. Galadriel and Celeborn both knew Luthien, and while Arwen and her father both look as closely to her as genetically possible, to those who actually know them both it's nothing more than uncanny family resemblance. Luthien was to most a concept personified, Arwen is a person with concepts imposed on her.)
The list of people who have seen Luthien how she actually, physically, defaultly is, essentially consists of Melian, Daeron, Beren, and Dior
Beren doesn't see her as she is right away because he doesn't know her right away, but they learn about each other and she shows herself and he sees her and by the time she rescues him from Tol-im-Gaurhoth there are no echoes on her face
(He's always a little bit haunted that he nearly died without realizing he'd never quite seen the truth of her before)
Neither Thingol or Beren can quite see their own features on their children's faces. They clearly take after their mothers, after all!
(This leads to much affectionate eye-rolling on Melian and Luthien's part)
Hair stuff!
It's alive! kinda! it's definitely not normal hair!
It moves a lot on its own. Sometimes like a breeze is blowing where there isn't one. Sometimes more like tentacles. It depends on its mood.
They've got some very pretty traditional cosmic horror vibes swirling around on their heads. It's very sparkly and colorful but in a Forbidden Shrimp Colors that your brain is unable to comprehend way so it reads as iridescent black mostly, or holographic white, where applicable
Luthien's hair actually is a glimpse into space, Daeron's is a glance at a star
(Luthien's magic hair cloak survives, I think, into the 4th age and beyond, though if anyone/anything has found it they certainly don't know the origins of the beautifully intricate living star map. It has seen the reign of countless north stars, yet the lines always point to the same coordinates- where the ancient, sunken, ruined remains of what once was Tol-im-Gaurhoth lay)
Speed round!
Fangs and talons and horns oh my! Are they tooth and keratin and bone, or are they petrified wood and gem and stone? Yes!
They all smell a little like ozone and a lot like petrichor, flowers, and Green. If you've smelled green you know what I'm talking about. Also, unfortunately, like bird. Birds don't smell great, especially wet bird.
Weird Foresight Powers++
(Most of them don't have actual foresight, but all of them are more in-tune with the Song than is natural for an incarnate)
Their eyes glow, most notably in the dark, unless the irises turn black as they sometimes do. They are also all unnaturally bright versions of the less-spooky parent's- Dior's are gold, Elwing's are blue-green like a tropical sea (Elured and Elurin split the color between them- ultramarine and emerald), Elrond and Elros have pale star-gold, Elladan, Elrohir, and Arwen all have silver.
(Daeron and Luthien being the exception again, because I decided they have Melian's eyes before I decided this, and I don't know what color eyes Thingol has. Watsonianly: Melian's spooky genes overwrite a lot. Luthien's genotype is probably much closer to his than her magically overwritten phenotype)
Their sclerae turn black and their pupils white, on occasion, usually when using powers
They don't bleed right. It's a little too red for an elf, a little too light for a human, and it shines strange as it beads like quicksilver on the skin
They have very shiny, cool skin. Luthien looked like her's was silver plate under a stretched stocking, the rest toned it down from there but it's still noticeable.
The Song is. Attached to them. They are all very much Main Characters. Their lives have a clear story arc with symbolism and narrative parallels. They are all subconsciously aware that their lives are a fairytale, whether tragic or no, and yes this has many Implications and affects. They are not the only ones like this, but they are the only ones who, to some level, know they are in a story.
This is the fundamental separation between them and everyone else.
The difference in how they perceive themselves between heart soul and spirit is very difficult to explain and understand, but not impossible to someone who knows them and is willing to put in the work.
The life-long knowledge that they are Important to the Song and their every choice and event they experience and their mere existence serves a greater purpose in a way that most other people simply do not- that's very, very isolating.
No one else can understand how they see the world. Very very few people are willing to try, and even fewer in a way that's not frustrating. There is a reason most of them find only one person to latch on to outside of their family, and a reason they hold on through hell and high water.
(This is about being neurodivergent)
#asks#outofangband#eldritch peredhil#gonna go into more detail about preferred shape forms here bc it's important to me but not relevant lol#luthien: nightingale/s (obviously) but also a starling and to a lesser extent various other birds- preference toward passerine and raptors#wolf and deer are both fine- wolf especially for snuggles- she can go bat and enjoy it but only after thuringwethil#(which is a whole thing for her to unpack)#dior: cat (male calico specifically) wolf and bat#and then a kingfisher starling nightingale red-crowned crane and a bird of prey (currently thinking maybe a swallow-tailed kite?)#e^2 1.0 don't actually have the same feeling towards shapeshifting bc of the whole consumed by doriath to become Entities thing#so they're closer to maiar vibes-wise than even luthien entirely was#elwing: starling beach mouse and then pretty much most seabirds#but on the whole Song's Specialist Little Guys thing#obviously its up to individual philosophy on if free will can exist in the face of Destiny#my opinion is yes but i think all of them have a different take#luthien thinks no but is happy/fine with this and thinks its very romantic. daeron also thinks no but is resigned and ultimately content.#neither of them understand the average person being deeply uncomfortable at the idea of the lack of free will#their mom is a maia this is just normal to them#dior thinks yes at first but flips around a lot through his life#its a pretty hard no post-death but when he gets reembodied he becomes deeply aware that he is No Longer Important but nothing changes so??#elwing thinks absolutely not and uses this to cope. she feels like she has so little agency already#at least if it's cosmic there's nothing she could've done#at least if it's cosmic her mistakes are worth something#(she needs so much therapy)#earendil is the only spouse who comes to fully understand this. he cant decide what he thinks. every option seems horrifying in its own way#elrond and elros both think yes and use this to cope. they can be better. they can make things better.#there may be a story but they can make it a happy one.#they're people and that has to count for something.
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hbnjhgv · 2 months
Aot characters favorite Alchoholic drink
(I am under 21 and don't drink so I'm sorry if I get any of the tastes or drinks wrong) (all characters are after the time skip so they are all 18+)
Eren Jeager: Jeager Bomb. Fitting and he likes the act of dropping the shot of Jagermeister into an energy drink. He also tells people sitting around him that the Jeager Bomb was named after his family, in hopes of getting a free drink.
Mikasa Ackerman: Traditonial Mead. Likes the balance between the sweet honey but also the slightly acidic taste of fermented yeast. She mainly drinks it for the sweet edge of honey.
Armin Arlert: Malibu Sunset. Doesn't really like the taste of alcohol but seems like the kinda guy who really likes the taste of pineapple. Can only have like 1 or 2 drinks before he switches to some kind of juice (normally apple juice).
Jean Kirstein: Manhattan. He enjoys the slight bitterness and I don't see him as a big sweet tooth. Also eats any garnish that comes the drink.
Marco Bodt: May Day Cocktail. He likes the 'explosian of flavors' he also like the sweet but tart taste to it.
Connie Springer: Beergarita when he's not drinking with Sasha. He likes the mix of sweet, sour, and bitterness.
Connie and Sasha when they're together: They both get Scorpion Bowls. They both LOVE the super strong taste. Thinks it feels like getting a slap in the face. Also slaps eachother in the face after the first sip.
Sasha Braus: Blue Hawaiian. She enjoys the sweet tropical flavor. Defiantly acts like a "cool surfer dude" after she drinks one.
Annie Leonhardt: Sea Breeze. Likes the grapefruit taste. Also not the biggest vodka fan so enjoys how she cant really taste the vodka and likes the fruityness of it.
Reiner Braun: Vodka Cranberry. Thinks its the most perfect drink ever and doesn't think its too sweet or too tart. But if he's not feeling like he wants to wait long or had a bad day just White Rum.
Bertholt Hoover: Bellini. Thinks its super refreshing and enjoys the fruity taste of it. He also 1000% is a brunch guy.
Ymir: Irish Coffee. Probably the type of person to be drinking coffee all day every day. When she finishes the drink though she just gets what ever Historia is getting.
Historia: Wine. She is a total wine drinker. Her favorite is Riesling but it kind of varies. She also very much prefers white wine over red wine.
Hange Zoe: The Batanga. Thinks its fun to say the name and really likes the sweet and tart flavors that come with it. Theyre also the type of person to order a drink thats on fire.
Moblit Berner: Will drink literally anything. He drinks sp much be he always loves Irish Mule. Is also an avid Ginger Beer drinker. (me too) Type I'd person to just eat straight ginger. (me too)
Levi Ackerman: Just a Vodka on the rocks. Nothing too complicated.
Miche Zacharius: His go-to is always any type of whiskey, but if there isn't any whiskey he'll just drink vodka. Drinks beer casually. He will also drink wine when he's at some sort of fancy event. When he drinks wine he does the whole swirl the wine while the glass is on the table to "awaken the aromas", sniff it up close AND from a distance tilt the glass to check the wine, then drink it. But that's only at fancy events to "edicet" when he's no where fancy it's whiskey. He can also tell what type of whiskey it is just by the taste.
Nanaba: Any wine or vodka. It really depends on the day and how she's feeling but normally goes with wine.
Gelger: Litterally anything. Typically likes a super strong vodka but if it's not he'll still drink it. Grabs the first thing he finds and drinks it.
Erwin Smith: Kinda has what ever Miche has cause they go bar hopping together but he'll have Abstinthe as his go-to.
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antianakin · 7 months
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First off, don't watch the Ahsoka show and even if you do, it's immensely anti-Jedi so none of it should be considered worthwhile content in figuring out how relationships work between the Jedi normally, especially since Ahsoka herself doesn't consider herself OR Sabine Jedi (she doesn't even WANT Sabine to be a Jedi). The only other Master/Padawan relationship in the Ahsoka show is Baylan and Shin who also don't consider themselves to be Jedi.
Here's the thing with "found family" as a concept. A lot of people like putting people into certain labels and going for a basic nuclear family mom/dad/kids kind of set up. But it does not HAVE to be that way. A "found family" can be a bunch of people who consider each other friends, with no familial feelings at all. It can be literally anything.
Rebels does go for more of a sort-of mom/dad/kids deal, particularly with Kanan, Hera, Sabine, and Ezra. Zeb however lives in a somewhat more nebulous gray area where you COULD see him as a fellow "child" in the dynamic, but he doesn't really care for being considered a child during the episode where he and the other Lasat find Lira San and he's clearly older and more experienced than either Ezra or Sabine, so he could just as easily be considered an "uncle" of sorts if you wanted to, or an older cousin or something maybe.
The other thing to consider with Rebels is that, while the group does include two Jedi, none of these relationships would necessarily be typical representations of how Prequels Jedi relationships would have looked or how they would've thought of each other. Kanan and Ezra's relationships to the rest of Ghost crew is impacted by that difference, especially since Ezra specifically did not grow up in the Temple among other Jedi and spent most of his childhood and early teens in a very different situation. And Kanan, by Rebels, would've spent more time WITHOUT any relationships with other Jedi than he would've had WITH them.
So with all of that in mind, I think that the Jedi's relationships aren't NEARLY as clear cut as people seem to want them to be. They're a family, yes, but they're a family that is 10,000 strong at least. I don't know about you, but I have a hard time keeping like less than 50 members of my family straight, what their names are and who they're related to, much less ten thousand people. I think it's very likely that all Jedi would feel a kinship to fellow Jedi, but that they probably don't personally know every single Jedi. In TCW, Ahsoka seems to need to be introduced to Tera Sinube for the first time when she's 14 years old. So while she might see someone like Plo Koon as a closer parental figure, she's not going to feel the same way about Tera Sinube who she barely knows.
I think any Master/Padawan relationship is going to sort-of vary depending on the individuals involved. Some of them might be quite close, some might be more professional. Some might be pretty close in age and so their dynamic leans closer to friends and siblings than it would parent and child. Others might have a larger age gap and so the dynamic could lead closer to parent/child or even grandparent/grandchild. Some of them might shift over time, too, or have layers of more than one of these dynamics. For example, Anakin calls Obi-Wan "the closest thing he's ever had to a father" in AOTC, but Obi-Wan calls him a brother twice in ROTS. So their relationship may have had shades of both dynamics given the age difference, the relationship dynamic could have shifted over time from a more parent/child relationship to a more sibling relationship, or they each may have seen the relationship slightly differently with Anakin looking more for a parental dynamic while Obi-Wan is perhaps going more for a relationship of equals (at least by ROTS). It could be any of these three things combined, too.
There's a comic where Obi-Wan is asked whether Anakin is his son and Obi-Wan responds that no, Anakin is his Padawan, his student. While this isn't strictly canon, I think it fits quite nicely into my interpretation that the Master/Padawan relationship is its own specific kind of dynamic and while it can be SIMILAR to other kinds of relationships, it is very much its own thing. It's not a static relationship, it's not just the Jedi version of parents and children, it is a distinct relationship that changes and grows with the individuals. There is no 1:1 comparison for all Master/Padawan relationships.
As for Ezra and Jacen, you could apply a similar concept. Kanan, much like Obi-Wan with Anakin, fills a parental role for Ezra, but he's also growing and developing ALONGSIDE Ezra and could be considered a younger brother of sorts, too. Jacen is family to Ezra, but I don't think you HAVE to place a particular label on what that dynamic is, whether they'd consider each other like brothers or whether Ezra would be more of an uncle. And it doesn't even have to specifically be defined by their respective relationships to KANAN, either. Jacen and Ezra might come up with their own dynamic that has nothing to do with how they each feel about Kanan and is specific to their own relationship. I don't think you have to be super specific about saying that because Kanan was Ezra's Master, this automatically makes Ezra basically his son and so Ezra and Jacen should consider themselves like brothers and never have an uncle/nephew dynamic. I think Ezra and Jacen can be whatever you want them to be to each other.
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lara-kaminari · 6 months
How do you think the HL boys will react seeing a Metamorphmagus mc. Like Nymphadora Tonks, MC is able to change her hair color depending on her mood or something? Or everytime they see her she has changed her hair color of sorts.
I imagine curiosity would be piqued in each of their peers, but why answer it when I can describe it (?).
For practical purposes and under my humble knowledge on this subject, the abilities of the Metamorphmagus vary according to its bearer and each mage usually has its limitations when transforming.
HL guys reacting to MC Metamorphmagus:
(Sebastian Sallow - Ominis Gaunt - Amit Thakkar - Garreth Weasley - Leander Prewett)
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Sebastian Sallow:
- He wouldn't even imagine it.
-One day Sebastian is bored from studying so much, you're standing next to him concentrating on your book and he decides to tickle your nose with his quill.
-"Sebastian!" you complain with a laugh.
-"Much better, nothing like hearing your laughter to lift my spirits".
-So you laugh slightly embarrassed, pray that your cheeks don't turn pink and it works....
-Except your hair is the one that turns pink.
- "WHAT? What's wrong? What?"
- "Your hair! It's pink!"
-You gasp and basically pat your head as if that makes the color go away, a little calm in your heart gets it back to its original color.
-When you look at Sebastian he's like crazy looking for something in his book.
-"Wait, wait, I read about this in one of my books... Here! It's dragon pox!"
- "It's not dragon pox, you moron, I'm a Metamorphmagus!"
-You cover your face with your hands, this is terrible. It was bad enough being born a freak and now the only guy you're comfortable with knows you're a freak from head to toe.
- "I guess that makes more sense," Sebastian muttered.
-You don't want to look him in the eye yet, it's too embarrassing, but when you dare to peek at him through your fingers you notice that the boy's cheeks are almost the same pink as your hair was.
- "I... I think it's fascinating," Sebastian murmurs. "I think you're fascinating."
Ominis Gaunt:
-You had never considered telling Ominis about your changing abilities, Sebastian knew about it long ago but you didn't think to comment to the blind boy that you can change when he doesn't even want to see you.
- "Hey Ominis, would you mind touching my face?" you asked.
- "Excuse me?"
- "It's just... Sebastian told me that you do that when you want to get to know the other person more, I think we're already confident enough to take that step."
- "You... You want me to do that? I thought it would be inappropriate".
- "Oh, come on, it'll just be a harmless touch."
-He agrees and you hold back your laughter at what you have planned.
-Ominis is too polite, he clears his throat several times before raising his hands to you and when he does.... He finds himself with a pig's nose.
-Ominis immediately pulls his hands away.
- "Is something wrong?" you ask with feigned innocence.
- "Nothing, nothing; just... let me-....."
-Ominis touches your nose again, which now has a normal shape, his hands continue their tour until he suddenly encounters a huge duck's beak.
- "WHAT?", Ominis touches your now normal mouth again and you giggle.
-He doesn't give up, he handles you like putty in his hands. The next phase is your eyebrows which in an instant you turn into mounds of thick hair.
-"Okay, what's going on?" he questioned.
-You let out a loud laugh and confess your secret to him, Ominis seems impressed.
- "Unsettling," he admitted, "Can you change what you want about yourself?"
- "I have small limitations."
- "But still... Can I feel your real face?"
-Without hesitation you let him.
Garreth Weasley:
-No matter how many times you tell him: HE STILL FORGETS IT.
-It's always a novelty for Garreth to see you change.
-It's in potions class when you decide to play with his bad memory a bit.
-"Okay, try this," Garreth said, holding out a vial.
- "What is it?"
- "Just some experimentation nonsense."
- "Is it safe?"
-"Come on, it's not the first time you've tried one of my concoctions.... No, I don't know if it's safe; isn't that the fun of it?"
-You fake a little fear and carefully drink the potion, most of Garreth's experiments are harmless because they go nowhere so you're going to take advantage of it.
-You wince, hold your stomach and duck your head.
- "Are you okay? What's wrong? Professor Sharp! Help!"
-You raise your head, and Garreth lets out an all-too-sharp cry when he sees you with housecat features.
-Everyone is looking at them, but you're too busy laughing as you return your face to normal.
-"Have you lost your mind?" replied Garreth.
- "Grounded you two!" said Professor Sharp.
-At least Garreth wouldn't forget your abilities for a while.
Amit Thakkar:
- You have become an object of study since Amit learned that you are a shape-shifter.
-You are lying on the floor of the astronomy tower and Amit keeps giving you directions.
- "Make your hair longer."
- "Longer?" you reply.
- "Remember this is for science."
-You heed his instructions, Amit takes the opportunity to leave little gold buttons in specific parts of your hair.
-"If this is Altair, then this must be Swan.... No no, I have to put the map back together again."
-He is... Putting constellations in your hair?
-It's not the most useful or eye-catching function.
-However, listening to him create star maps relaxes you.
- "Can you make your hair bluer?"
- "Sure, Amit, sure."
Leander Prewett:
- "Okay, try this."
-He and you were in the Great Dining Room enjoying some Bertie Bott Dragees, you pop one of the candies into your mouth without questioning it too much and the spicy flavor invades your taste buds.
- "It's spicy! It's spicy!" you complain.
-In the process of blowing and desperately drinking a glass of water, your hair turns a very bright red.
-Leander says nothing, just smiles.
-"Now try this one," he says.
-"If you're going to give me another spicy one..."
- "I promise I won't, try it."
-The next flavor is sweet, you recognize it right away.
-"Green apple?" you ask.
-He smiles, seeing the color of your hair changing to that color and how you still don't realize it.
- "Right on target," he says.
-You find it strange how Leander looks at you so tenderly but you don't question why, maybe it's all in your head.
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manicplank · 6 months
argument headcannons? Like what they’d do during or after?
Peppino: He gets very hot-headed and angry. All levels of anxiety turn into complete rage. Occasionally, he'll start crying because he's so mad. Afterwards, depending on what the argument was about, he'll be super stoic and passive aggressive, or he'll feel super guilty and apologize.
Gustavo: He gets pretty frustrated. It takes a lot to anger him, so he usually keeps his cool. He might get a little agitated. After he calms down, he apologizes and tries to talk it out.
Mr. Stick: He gets red-faced and aggressive. He will throw unnecessary insults in and make everything turn personal, even over the smallest thing. After, he can be very passive aggressive. He usually refuses to apologize first. He thinks he's always right.
Pepperman: He'll argue over the simplest of things, mostly because he thinks he knows everything. You can present facts and cute your sources, but he'd still deny them. If you piss him off enough, he starts to scream, but that's very rare. He usually won't apologize first, even if he feels bad. He'll just pout as he paints vent art.
The Vigilante: He's a bit closed-minded and will argue over small shit. Don't get him started on conspiracy theories. He's very stubborn. There's no getting through to him. He doesn't get super angry. He will eventually be the bigger person and apologize.
The Noise: Depending on the day and his mood, he might be super cocky and passive aggressive. He'll taunt and insult them just to piss them off. He's super petty. Sometimes, he gets a little assertive and will raise his voice slightly. He'll get defensive. Other times, he completely rages. He has a short temper and gets riled up easily. If they're not careful, he'll attack and possibly even kill them. It varies on how he acts afterward. He might be pouty and still mean. He might calm down and give a half-assed forced apology (taking none of the blame). Noisette might drag him in by the ear and make him apologize. He might give them the death stare when he sees them. Veeery rarely will he come in crying and genuinely apologize (this only happens to Noisette). This was a long one because he's an asshole.
Noisette: She's very passive aggressive. She can usually control her temper during the situation. She's pretty stubborn. Even if she's wrong, she will refuse to admit it because she doesn't want to look stupid. She does her best to stay respectful, but if they insult her, she will LOSE IT. It takes a lot to make her rage. When she rages... RUN. She will throw things, break things, scream insults, and say things she doesn't mean. Sometimes, she shuts down and starts crying instead (depending on what the argument is about). She may or may not apologize. It takes a while for her to cool down. After, she will want to talk it out and hug.
Fake Peppino: He will get big and angry. He does NOT like being yelled at. He doesn't care if he was wrong. He has the potential to become incredibly dangerous. He screams and screeches. He doesn't listen and becomes very stubborn. If you insult him, he turns into a complete monster. When he settles down, he might come over and apologize.
Pizzahead: It takes a LOT to make this guy angry. He'll start off by not taking anything seriously. He turns everything into a joke. Then he gets petty and passive aggressive. If they piss him off enough, he'll lose his mind. He's screaming and insulting them. He'll throw things at them and try to harm them. He almost NEVER apologizes. He's quick to hold a grudge.
Pillar John: He almost never argues. He's a very nice and agreeable guy. It's actually hard to start an argument with him. He keeps his cool and tries to speak logically. He can mediate things pretty easily. The argument doesn't last long, and he apologizes even if he did nothing wrong.
Gerome: They're pretty much arguing with themselves. He just sits there with a hand on his hip and lets them yell. After a while, he'll go, "You done?" He never argues back. He thinks it's a waste of time.
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rileys-battlecats · 9 months
hello i was serious about the info-dumping thing earlier. anyway who wants to learn about the magic system of Minare and Vaitus's world
Magic; where it's found, how it's used, and ways it can be amplified
Magic is a form of energy. Everyone and (nearly) everything has magic in some capacity.
Minerals, plants, animals, people—almost all of them have at least a bit of magic. Magically inert materials exist, but they are rare.
The majority of people have low levels of magic, and thus it does not manifest in any noticeable way for them. Some people naturally have more than others, and this can manifest as an outward expression and control over magic, like Minare's light magic or Vaitus's life-drain. Magic tends to manifest differently for each person. It's an energy that can be used, but in the same way each person's brain works slightly differently, one's connection to magic differs from person to person.
Some individuals have magic, but don't notice that they use it (For example; there's a farmer that lives and works outside the capital city that has the ability of time dilation, but it only ever activates when she's In The Zone while caring for her crops. If she finishes her work faster than any other farmer in the area, well, her mom always said she was a quick worker. She doesn't think there's anything strange about how much she's able to get done when she focuses).
Most people who have magical abilities develop them sometime between 13 to 20 years old (amount of magic grows as the person grows), but it's possible to develop them earlier or later. Early magical development generally indicates a greater than average amount of magic.
There are old wives-tales that claim that eating a more magic-dense diet during pregnancy will give the child a greater chance of developing a magical ability, but this is unproven. Nonetheless, it's tradition to drink broth made from common magical herbs during pregnancy (this broth also functions as an anti-nausea medicine to treat morning-sickness).
In very rare cases, a magical ability can spontaneously develop as a response to trauma; it's generally understood as a "hysterical strength" phenomenon, where the body develops an ability to counter a life-threatening scenario. However, these abilities are usually "half-formed" as it were; because they are forced out in an unnatural scenario, the magic tends to be... disorganized. It can be unwieldy for the user, and will likely develop further with time and use.
Amplifiers can be used to strengthen an individual's magic.
The most famous example of an amplifier is the crown of the ruler of the kingdom. The crown is the most powerful amplifier known to exist. Historically, it was used by the original royal family to strengthen their light magic in order to protect the kingdom from monsters. Its method of creation has been lost to time, but it's proven to be capable of amplifying the current ruler of the kingdom's magic over a hundredfold. By some mysterious means, the crown is only capable of amplifying the magic of whoever is recognized as the ruler of the kingdom, and it adapts to fit the current ruler.
Depending on their method of creation, common amplifiers vary in how much or how little they strengthen an individual's magic, but none come close to the raw power of the crown.
An amplifier can be made out of almost anything, but they are generally made using tough materials that won't lose integrity too quickly. It's easier to make an amplifier with wood/paper/twine, but it won't last nearly as long as one made with metal or gemstones. Metal and gemstones last a lot longer, but they're much more difficult to create, and can be a bit unstable/lose their amplifying abilities suddenly.
The crown is remarkable because it is a functionally perfect amplifier; it is made of incorruptible materials, it is outstandingly powerful, and, most importantly, it is incredibly stable. No other amplifier has ever come close to lasting as long as the crown has.
There is an entire subset of magical scholars that study the theory around the crown's creation and how it functions. Amplifiers typically only work for the person who created it/whoever it's been attuned to (since magic tends to be very unique to the individual), so an amplifier that's theoretically capable of magnifying the magic of anyone who wears it is fascinating.
Exceptionally well made amplifiers occasionally become family heirlooms, but they don't tend to work very well for anyone using it aside from the one who created it. If a family has similar magic throughout the generations, an heirloom amplifier can be a bit more functional.
Potions are created by harnessing the inherent magic of certain materials.
Potions rely on the natural magic of the materials used in the brewing process. Certain creatures and plants are more magically dense than others; when used in brewing, their effects are more potent than materials with lower magical density.
Brewers, those who make potions professionally, carefully balance the types of magic used in their recipes in order to make a potion with the desired effect. Much of potion-making is carefully balancing multiple types of magic in order to achieve the intended outcome.
Potion-making is an exact science, and takes many years of study to master. Brewers must maintain a careful balance of the intensity of the magical effect, how long the effect lasts, minimizing any drawbacks to the consumer*, and maximizing the shelf-life of the potion.
Ingredients used in potion-making often times must be harvested carefully to ensure maximum potency. Master brewers tend to gather their ingredients themselves (or have a well trained apprentice do it) to ensure quality, but most causal brewers who run small potion shops tend to put up requests for certain ingredients with a reward for any adventurer who might find them.
*nausea is a common side-effect of poorly brewed potions, but catastrophic failures can induce far more deadly side effects
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scarlet--wiccan · 2 months
How famous are Wanda & Pietro in-universe?
Enough to be recognized by strangers but not, apparently, enough that they can't live private lives.
Like all things in comics, it varies. Depending on what you're reading, and when, you might get a slightly different impression of how famous they are, and how the general public feels about them. The Avengers are public figures, and many of them, including the Maximoffs, don't have secret identities. They're in the media regularly, but we don't often see them getting hounded by paparazzi or journalists.
The twins and Clint garnered a bit of controversy when they first joined the team, but the public came around to them eventually. Wanda always had more of a civilian life in America than Pietro, and she and Vision made a bit of a splash when they got married. A photo spread of their home was featured in a magazine. There's a funny moment from the 90s where Wanda is visiting Cambridge, MA and is beset by fans and gives and impromptu interview to the Boston Phoenix-- a paper which sadly no longer exists. So I'd say she was definitely well-known, and people were interested in her personal life. Pietro's involvement with X-Factor and Genosha definitely kept him in the public eye for a good part of the 90s, too.
Fortunately, outside of the mutant community-- particularly on Krakoa-- it doesn't seem like the general public is fully aware of their involvement in the Decimation, so it hasn't tarnished their reputation as much as you might suspect. But again, in the 2000s and 2010s, you'll see that them getting recognized in public, even in other countries. This continues into the present day-- in #1 of Scarlet Witch (2023) Jarnette recognizes Wanda from a documentary on magic, which I thought was interesting.
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coraniaid · 1 year
Arguing with strangers on the internet about whether or not fictional characters are "good people" -- especially supporting characters in network television, whose actions often vary wildly from episode to episode depending on the needs of the plot -- seems like an incredibly unwise and unfun use of a finite lifespan.
That being said, every time I stumble into a post positioning Giles as the Good Parent and Joyce as the Bad Parent I end up wanting to break something. Especially when people suggest that this is also how Buffy herself relates to them. Because that is simply not what the show depicts and it is hard not to be uncharitable about why you might claim otherwise.
Yes, without question Joyce is shown to do some genuinely terrible things as a parent (largely because the writers don't care enough about her as a character to write her consistently from episode to episode). The more seriously you treat the metaphorical reading of Buffy 'coming out' as a Slayer to her mother in Becoming -- and I think it's a reading that's very much intended, given the language used -- the worse Joyce's response is. And the retcon in Normal Again that Joyce had Buffy institutionalized and then, well, just forgot about doing it, is obviously horrific. (Crucially, though, it's also pretty much impossible to reconcile with how Buffy's relationship with her mother is portrayed in the first five seasons of the show. It's not evidence that Joyce is "actually" a bad parent: it's just laughably bad writing and the only sensible option is to ignore the retcon entirely.)
Yes, Joyce reacts badly to Buffy being a Slayer while Giles doesn't. That's because Giles has known about vampires and slayers being real for decades before he meets her, while Joyce found out about all that stuff earlier that evening. It's not because Giles is somehow naturally a good and accepting person while Joyce isn't.
(Within the reality of the show, it is entirely understandable that Joyce is angry at Giles for signing her daughter up to be his footsolider in a supernatural war that he knows will end in her early death. It is entirely understandable that she blames Giles for sending her daughter out alone every night to fight vampires and demons while -- at his urging -- lying to her mother about what she's up to. Not only might Buffy have died alone in some underground vampire nest without her mother ever knowing about it, she actually did die, and Giles never even thought of telling Joyce. Do you really think the woman who faced down Spike with an axe and no powers in School Hard -- "you get the hell away from my daughter" -- is just going to be okay with this?
It's fun to point out that Joyce's claim to have "tried to march in the Slayer Pride parade" in Season 3's Faith, Hope & Trick is a little disingenous, and it's true: Joyce does eventually come to terms with Buffy being a Slayer, but she's definitely not there yet. But her talk about "hating" the fact that Buffy is a Slayer in that episode comes when Buffy has just admitted that she was killed fighting the Master and -- thanks in part to Giles -- she never told her mother. It is not at all surprising that Joyce is upset by this!)
Yes, Giles gives Buffy various comforting pep talks throughout the show and obviously cares about her a lot, even being willing to risk his life and lie to the police to protect her. Guess what: Joyce does all this too, consistently, even not knowing why Buffy is acting the way she does. (And, again, as a fictional character Joyce's primary purpose on the show is to be Buffy's well-meaning but slightly clueless parent. The fact she doesn't notice the signs that Buffy is sneaking out to fight vampires every night doesn't make her an idiot, it is just part of the fundamental conceit of the early seasons of the show.)
Yes, Joyce almost gets Buffy killed in Season 3's Gingerbread. That's because she's being possessed by a literal demon (compare and contrast with what Buffy herself almost does to Dawn three years later in Season 6's Normal Again). What's Giles excuse for drugging Buffy, robbing her of her powers, lying to her about it and almost getting her killed the very next episode of Season 3? Oh, his employer told him to do it? He was just following orders? Cool. Excellent A+ parenting there.
("But he confessed to her at the last minute! When he thought the test was no longer valid and he wouldn't suffer any consequences for talking about it!" Well, sure. I guess the father of the year award is a shoe-in then.)
Yes, Joyce is excited for Buffy to have gotten into Northwestern and thinks she should try to go there after high school, but … oh, wait, despite the fact Joyce's detractors on this site repeatedly bring this up as some kind of criticism, it is actually not a bad thing at all. Joyce's reaction to the news that Buffy was accepted into Northwestern -- "that's wonderful" -- literally mirrors Giles's later in the episode; and Buffy herself tries to arrange things so that she can go to Northwestern after the Mayor is defeated (Buffy herself applied for Northwestern, after all!).
Buffy wants to have as much of a normal life as she can and not just be the Slayer. This is a very central part of her character. She wants to do well in school: this is the whole reason she befriends Willow in the first episode of the show. It is frankly ridiculous how often people suggest that Joyce wanting the same things for her daughter is actually a point against her. (It is meant to be sad that Buffy can't take part in ordinary school activities, that she struggles in class because of the Slaying, that she ultimately can't manage to go to Northwestern, that she has to drop out of college altogether later, and that she can't get a more fulfilling day job. We are supposed to want better for her. )
Like, obviously the writers care a lot more about Giles than they do Joyce, and obviously they expect us to care about him more too. We know much more about his back story and how he spends his free time, we get to see multiple recurring characters from his past, we're encouraged to care about his romantic relationships. The writers can't even be bothered to keep track of what Joyce's sister is called, let alone show us where she works or let her have any friends who live beyond one episode.
And yes, sure, Giles is a more interesting character. He appears in twice as many episodes and has more than four times as much speaking time, so it would be a little weird if he wasn't! But it is simply not true that Buffy cares about Giles more than Joyce. Nothing she ever says or does suggests it. The highest Giles ever rises in her esteem is when she tells him in Season 6 that having him around is "a little like having Mom back". And then he abandons her.
Ultimately, though, I think you have to approach Joyce Summers the way you should approach Buffy's friends. Yes, they do some terrible things (Joyce telling Buffy she won't be welcome back home if she leaves to fight Angelus; more or less everything that happens in Dead Man's Party; Giles's actions in Helpless; Willow and Tara living in her home rent free while telling her she needs to get a job to pay the bills; Xander ... well, being Xander; all her friends and her own sister collaborating in kicking Buffy out of her own house).
The thing is that you either have to believe that these are to some extent unusual or out-of-character actions -- that the show doesn't always do a good job of depicting conflict between friends and loved ones and is sometimes just poorly written -- but that nonetheless these people all genuinely like and respect Buffy and want her to be happy. Or, alternatively, you end up arguing that Buffy Summers is an idiot who doesn't have any real friends and wastes her affections on people who don't even care about her.
And I have too much respect for Buffy to think that about her.
(Even if she is a fictional character I've just wasted time arguing about on the internet.)
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starrysupercell · 1 month
For the ask game, how about (general) 5 and 6 for kickshots?
Oh hell yeah! I was working through the list for my otps already, but this definitely helps with motivation to post~
What is their height difference? Age difference? Do either matter to them?
While I don't think too hard about exact measurements i do see them as roughly the same height, with either having the potential to be slightly taller. maybe they're in the 5'6-5'8/167-173 cm range. of course, it also depends on the au, because sometimes they're different species, or some other factor.
Their age difference! It's not terribly big, but i do imagine Shelly as older. At his debut, Fang struck me as 24, because young adult who wants more now but is stuck in his job when he knows he can be so much more. (also if he was born in the Year of the Tiger, 24 makes more sense than 12 or 36.. or more lol) Shelly feels more grounded and set in her career. so 28? Again, ages vary through stories, but I think Shelly is older. (by weeks, or months or years, it doesn't matter. she'll just always be older, lol.)
Neither matters to them!
How do their personalities complement each other? How do they clash?
Oguht. how does it ever <3
I feel like it's important to note that they both have a strong sense of competition. They strive to win, and get better and improve. Be it fighting, sports, their respective careers- acting and being a ranger.
Shelly seems to have a sense of more responsibility. From what little we see of her house, she washes laundry and hangs it up to dry, and she also has a whole little corner for her pet cat. In contrast with Fang's room, which is a little messy, but he's got notes and a marked calendar. He strikes me as the kind of guy who picks up his mess all at once and keeps it clean for a while, before he gets careless (and hangs out with friends) and it gets messy again. (It was movie night!)
Shelly's also focused on winning, and gets annoyed with unnecessary flashiness that can cost the win. She's not above teaming to get something she wants, lol. Fang left work to participate in a tournament because he was tired of it. He gives it his all and goes for the finishing blow.
That said, I feel like they're all for hard work and victories. Though when it comes to losing, Shelly definitely is a more sore loser. She's more frustrated and mad, while Fang is more lighthearted about it. Her stubborn anger is a contrast to his fire though. Because when Fang actually gets mad, he is mad. Hothead, basically. Completely biased against the person/thing he's upset with.
They wouldn't belittle the situation the other is upset over, but they'll try reasoning them down. It could take days, or more.
They're totally a battle couple, too.
I think they usually do complement more than clash but it's usually small details that they'd disagree about-- about Kit, about schedules, about things that's really more trivial than anything really. They're both types who don't takes things too seriously if you're honest about stuff, really.
if they ever get truly angry at each other, well, that's a whole other post, lol.
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taldigi · 5 months
why dont you like futaba/gen?
A lot of the persona 5 characters, while colorful and anime-archetype-y- do have a grounded-ness to them- they all have very real issues and very real skillsets... and While characters like Yuuske and Makoto (even Ren, depending on how you play him) could be considered prodigies and/or excel in their fields, Futaba stands out and further forward in terms of that. An infinately brilliant hacker that can basically pull miracles out of their computer? Just as brilliant as Makoto in terms of reasoning and problemsolving? She's mean and "Sassy" which really steps on Mona and Ryuji's area and is later pulled as empathetic like Ann.
I'm only a few steps into Palace 5 and already she annoys me from a character implementation standpoint. Instead of her worrying, it should be Ann. Instead of her figuring out what happened, it should have been Makoto or Yuuske.
Her persona is wild in the sense that it feels really... reductive comparative to the others. the "Wow! a persona as a vehicle!" factor from Makoto is absolutely trashed and outshone by Futaba's giant UFO persona. IDK it feels wrong.
Even her character design doesn't match the others. All of them have a.. tangibility. They all look like stylish thieves- even Ann, who does vary... is based off Catwoman! Yet Futaba doesn't mach any of them! Giant goggles, giant shoes. OK astro boy.
She doesn't fit in that brand of "Silly" that P5 has cultivated for me so far. In a game where there is a bobbleheaded cat that fights demons in clown castles, She feels like a cartoon character. Hell, I'd even say that she feels less like a character and more like a... tool. a plot device.
Persona also suffers from severe anime brainrot- and thats bad when she's so little sister coded, which would be fine if you squint... if she wasn't also a romancible character with unavoidable scenes. I KNOW she's the same age/ish as the others but she's also insanely immature, framed as childish, and is literally described as frail. She needs vitamin D and iron supplements stat.
...and for the most part I have been able to grit my teeth through that anime brainrot because it's been offering a really great story with really amazing characters. When Ren looses some of his personality to "Stoic Anime Protag brainrot" or they do something fuckin' weird with the girls as eyecandy. It's fine, it's whatever. But Futaba... she's.. something else. UGH wish I could put it in WORDS.
She's becoming more tolerable the further in I go to the next palace' storyline, but thats because she's not as relevant anymore to make way for the new girl (who I havent met yet but I like her a lot already) so I know it's not.. my ML-induced phobia of character bloat.
...and please don't try and explain her actions cause of her backstory, im talking from a character design and implementation angle. I think.. I think I'd like her more if she was an exterior member of the thieves, an actual child, and slightly less prodigy-ish.
tl:dr: she feels like a fanfiction character and is weirdly out of place.
She was also mean to Yuuske and Morgana for no fucking reason when she should have been mean to Ryuji instead. I want to push her down the stairs. I also want her to stop touching Ren please. I know ppl think it's okay or funny if it's a guy but it's not.
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cityandking · 3 months
3, 7, 12, 17, 25 for vesper, narayani + lira!
tyyyyyy // inquisitor as companion asks
3. What would some of their cutscenes look like?
VESPER — she has a couple cutscenes with her apprentices, if they survived her recruitment mission (if not the scenes won't trigger; the inquisitor might miss out on some approval/disapproval or a flirt option but it won't affect the game or a friendship/relationship). after her personal quest she’ll also talk about her experience being disowned by her family and the unexpected delight of finding such good friends with the inquisition. she'll participate in the wicked grace game, but tap out early. NARAYANI — rani has a cutscene with an inquisitor who romanced solas and had their vallaslin removed where she asks about it. her tone will vary depending on her approval/friendship but there's definitely an air of blame (what did he do to you?) and horror. the inquisitor can either tell her the truth (narayani approves; unlocks bonus conversations/codex in Trespasser and banter with solas) or refuse to talk about it (narayani slightly disapproves). either way, she'll comment on their relationship with solas (deeper than it seems from the outside, I take it; for what it's worth I'm sorry for what you lost) and, if the inquisitor is friendly, offer her support however she can. LIRA — lira can be found talking to leliana early on in the game (idle gossip, sort of like the cullen/dorian chess game; she'll say bye to leliana to talk to the inquisitor, which will trigger a conversation about the blight). she has idle ambient dialogue with morrigan and also alistair, which the inquisitor can talk to her about as special conversation trees later.
7. What would be on their tombstone in the fade (what is their greatest fear)?
VESPER — loss of control NARAYANI — forgetting LIRA — pointless
12. Do they believe the Herald of Andraste is really the Herald of Andraste?
VESPER — no. vesper doesn't believe it was andraste in the fade—she knows too much about magic to trust that assumption. that said, she has a conversation after In Your Heart Shall Burn where she allows herself to consider that maybe the herald is a sign from the Maker. after Here Lies The Abyss she's quietly, bitterly unsurprised. NARAYANI — not at all, and she'll disapprove if the inquisition is declared for faith. LIRA — maybe not the actual literal herald of andraste, but she subscribes to the cassandra school of "what we needed when we needed it" which is its own sort of divine blessing.
17. Where do they hang out in the Winter Palace? What’s their thoughts on the nobles/The Game?
VESPER — vesper lurks in the gardens. it's been a long time since she's been out in society and she's uncomfortable with the stares and the politics. she learned how to play the Game once, but that was a long time ago and she's never had any particular taste for it—that's always been for her siblings. still, she admires those who know how to play it well, even if she finds it largely pointless NARAYANI — is also out in the gardens—it's the only place she can get a breath among the opulence and the bigotry. when the inquisitor talks to her, she's uncommonly acerbic even by her standards, but that's what the inquisitor gets for dragging her off to play politics with a bunch of narrow-minded inbred shemlen. (though, as a warm approval or higher narayani will grudgingly admit, she's with you, just say the word.) LIRA — she can be found in the antechamber, conversing with the nobility (she's attending under a fake name; there's no need to go trumpeting the hero of ferelden around in the middle of orlais). much like leliana, she's surprisingly at home; unlike leliana there has never been any mention of her facility with politics or nobility. she treats it all with a somewhat nostalgic air—she has no love for Orlesians and their eccentricities, but she does sometimes miss the trappings of noble life
25. In the alternate reality, if they were corrupted with lyrium, how do they act? What’s their attitude about the end of the world/their inevitable death?
VESPER — relieved for it to finally be ending. she's distantly curious about the magic—she loves a bit of weird magic—but mostly she's just ready for it to end and doesn't even care about the time travel thing (it's real, she lived it, all that jazz). every last bit of hope has been wrung out of her—the hollowness of her face is genuinely haunting. (vesper, if told this after the quest, is unsettled but unsurprised.) NARAYANI — bitter. initially angry at the inquisitor (where have you been?) and then irritated about the fucked up tevinter magic and dorian's peacocking. she's steady at the end, though—death isn't the thing that scares her; she knows it far too well. LIRA — unflinchingly ready to act. she shuts down any conversation about what happened; isn't even pleased to see the inquisitor again, just prepared to make one last stand (she's always known she was going to fall in battle, but she's going to fight until the end)
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kawarikisaki · 1 year
I mean the supernatural and super powered people exist in DCMK so it could be lowkey canon. Agreed about the “Why you do it?” Being his catchphrase is nice support but what convinced me is his immediate understanding about how Aoko was feeling and trying to help her feel better. He a stranger picked up on her feelings before her childhood friend did. Do you think it helps him with Watson?
I do agree that it could just quietly be canon, but I also think that there's not really enough overt evidence to really say that. I'm the kind of person that's really picky about that sort of thing, I'm willing to move away from canon but I always try to use it as the basis for things.
So with regards to empathic Hakuba I tend to treat it as a less supernatural kind of empathy unless the story that I'm trying to tell is one more magically inclined, but then on the flipside, if I am trying to tell a story where the supernatural is on the forefront then I will make it a supernatural empathy.
As for the bit with Aoko, he picked up her feelings yes, but I don't think he did before Kaito. Kaito knew how she felt but and didn't respond anyway, that's the dynamic between them- Aoko tends to invite Kaito places and he always complains but then goes along with it in the end and tries to make sure that she has a good time. It's more or less Kaito's nature to not be honest with his own feelings; he knows she wants him to go with her, he wants to go too, but he can't say it, and it's easier to just follow the status quo. To pretend that she wore him down until begrudgingly he promises to come along. To not show how much he really cares. So what does that mean for our slightly socially awkward empath? He read them both, he doesn't know the details of their history together, but it's plain to see that they both care about each other and want to spend time together, and also fairly easy to see that if things keep up as they are with Aoko feeling like the only one that cares then things would end with one of them getting hurt. And with that information he tries to make Kaito show that he does care, and tries to make Aoko feel wanted.
But anyway.... Watson.~
If it's just normal human empathy then it's probably not a huge help, but when we take the more supernatural direction then it absolutely does, in several different ways.
The exact details would vary a bit depending on just how strong of an empath he is. Is he just getting a vague sense of emotions or is he getting it fairly clearly? What kind of range does he have? Can he pick out who the emotions are coming from or does it all kind or blur together? Can he project emotions of his own back or is it purely one-sided? For people that he's established some kind of bond with can he trace that to get a sense of how they feel even if they aren't nearby? My answers to these questions are all flexible, and vary based on my mood or again what story I'm trying to tell. And those answers are of course going to effect how this ability changes how he interacts with Watson.
To start with, it's probably way easier to train an animal if you have a solid understanding of how they feel. Way easier to condition responses if you understand how motivating different kinds of treats are, or if you can pick up on when they're feeling particularly attentive and when that attention drifts.
I like to think that animals probably 'feel' different than humans when it comes to empathy. So then it might be easy for Hakuba to pick up on it when Watson sees something that feels like a cause for concern, or helpful for Hakuba to try to focus on Watson's feelings instead when humans are overwhelming him.
If he can project his own emotions as well, then it becomes a basic form of communication between him and Watson, and depending on the range I can see a lot of ways it can be used to achieve different things.
But that's where I'm gonna end this one.
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miracleandplagueau · 11 months
MnP ✦ Wonders ✦ P2 ✦ Attributes, side effects
Part two, time to talk about how the Wonders affect the users themselves!
Unlike the canon, I actually wanted to make Wonders more magical and something that you could look at and think "Wow, that's some actual magic properties". Let's be honest, canon miraculouses are bland as FUCK. There is no flavor to them and the most magical thing about them is the bug like creatures that power your jewelry.
In Lady Wifi, we find out that the masks are forever stuck to a person's face as long as they're transformed. Nothing wrong with that, but I think I can add a bit more spice to that.
First, costumes are interactable. By that I mean the hero can totally take off the capette, change into their civillian clothes and walk around in the crowd. What you'll do with the anthennas, eyes and the tail is a different conversation, but It's totally possible.
Leading on, all the features that come with the transformations like wings, cat ears, tails, additional eyes stay all the way until the user detransforms.
Of course, It'd be too easy to recognize the heroes If they just took off the mask, wouldn't it? Because of that, the Wonder creates something of a non-physical mask around their face that makes them hard, nearly impossible to recognize. Their skin color, face features, race, hair color and other details are extremely hard to define
Additionally, photos of them make their face fully blocked. The entire face (with exception of eyes, mask and only certain features) is automatically blocked with light and there's no way to bypass this thing unless the person is only half-transformed. Alya's blog is pretty much photos of them without their face, because there's no way to compare closeups to anything, but It's not a bad thing! As It's difficult to define someone's charateristics, the people selling merc of them or doing motivational posters can indeed use the phase "ANYONE CAN BE THE HERO"
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Moving on, the transformation will bring the user with a few other side effects: most notably, hair color. With the first transformation, the Wonder will create a colorful fade, color itself depending on the artifact. For example: Jiayi has red fade, Adrien has dark brown/black color from below, Alya's color change isn't all that visible due to her already having dyed orange hair and Gabriel's light purple is often mistaken for silver hair. Master Fu hasn't transformed in a very long time, which is why his green fade is not there. On the other hand, in one of my previous posts I posted Alix's hero design where instead of a fade, she has white-blue stripes in her hair. It's due to Zodiac Wonder having a slightly alternated effect.
There are certain attributes that the users get when transformed
Insect-type users are much lighter and often have something resembling wings on their backs which allow them to fall slower and/or stay in the air for longer than others
Feline-type users have better agility, hearing and environmental awareness, supported by their tails
Additionally, Feline users often lack irises, with their eye color filling up the sclera
Exotic-type users are the most varying and don't share a similarity.
Turtle user's skin is harder and less likely to be bruised or cut
Ladybug user doesn't have irises or pupils visible. It doesn't affect the person's vision
Gabriel has two sets of eyes to make up for lack of glasses
Zodiac Wonders are much more "magical" or surreal. Visible example of this is Rabbit's curled up ears that translate directly to the user upon transformation
[Original draft was made in August]
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