#it vibrated and spasmed for the next 3 months!
skylarmoon71 · 10 months
Timeless Wells (Flash) - Speedster Chapter 6
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Being in Star Labs alone had its perks.
Although you know for a fact that Barry is still monitoring your every move, you feel the most relaxed at night when it’s just you. You were forever grateful for the room Cisco tidied up for you. Despite his clear unease around you, he still cracked jokes and even sent a smile.
Maybe that’s the difference.
The majority of Team Flash is cautious, but Barry just has rage. 
For you and every other Thawne in existence apparently.
Clutching the blanket, you try not to think about it as you force yourself to drift into slumber. You haven't gotten a good night's sleep in months. You’d long given up on it. Each night you were plagued by some memory that woke you at an unreasonable time. All you could do was take as many hours as your body would allow before it gave in to the inevitable.
It takes a moment for you to get your thoughts to settle. When you do, your breathing evens out.
“Monster, that’s all you are!”
“She’s a monster!”
You jolt upright, and your eyes move to the clock.
That’s a record.
You actually got three hours, you’re surprised.
You get out of bed begrudgingly. Kicking the sheets off, you head for where Cisco keeps the snacks. Might as well get something to eat if you’re gonna be awake for the next few hours. Your shoes tap against the empty halls and you yawn, stretching your arm. The quiet is almost eerie. You flinch when you hear something rustle behind you. Turning, you see nothing.
You were supposed to be alone. Maybe Cisco was working late.
There’s a brush of wind against your back and when it's your turn you gasp as you're grabbed by the neck.
You scream, or try to. The face that’s looking back at you should be impossible.
“Hey sis.”
You choke out.
“Thought you could just kill me and get away with it? I thought we were family." He tightens his hold, and you fight against his hands, struggling, kicking and crying.
When you blink away the tears, his face is replaced by another.
“I told you I’d be the one to stop you.”
“B-Barry s-stop..I..I..” 
You can hardly speak due to the pressure on your neck.
“I’m going to kill you.”
He lifts a vibrating hand and your tears are uncontrollable now.
“Please don’t..please..I’m sorry..I’M SORRY!!”
You scream, body dropping to the floor. You’re gripping at your chest as your screams continue and Caitlin rushes over to sedate you. She grabs the syringe and Chester follows Cisco to try and calm you down. Before they fully have a chance to subdue you, your screams go quiet and your eyes roll back. Your body starts seizing on the ground.
“W-What’s happening to her!” Allegra cries in alarm.
“Don’t touch her!”
Caitlin instructs. Both men move back, and they watch helplessly as your body continues to spasm. It takes a few moments, but you finally stop, body going still. Caitlin rushes to check your pulse. Relief overtakes her features.
“We need to get her to the med bay.”
They don’t need to be told twice. Chester and Cisco get to work. Allegra alerts Iris, Barry and Joe.
For now, they have to wait. 
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Shenanigans and Love (Adrenaline Junkie Part 13)
Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5     Part 6     Part 7     Part 8     Part 9     Part 10     Part 11     Part 12     Part 14     Part 15     Part 16     Part 17
Spotify Playlist (collaborative)
Warnings: the Warden, mentions of death, phantom pain syndrome, extreme fluff
Word count: 3,226
The light glow of the redstone lamp illuminated your work space. Currently, it was about two hours before everybody was due to wake up and you were hovering over your journal containing your notes on the Warden. Not much was known about the cave-dwelling creature, but you found a couple of books about it at the library. So far, you found out that it indeed didn’t have eyes; it navigated via a mixture of hearing and a vibration network found in the blocks that had the glowing tentacles on them (you now knew that they were called ‘sculk blocks’). The sculk blocks would pick up on movement or touch, it would send vibration waves through the air, where it would reach the Warden’s own sculk stalks. Without the sculk stalks on the Warden’s head, the Warden was defenseless.
You also read about the anatomy of the creature. Known juvenile specimens ranged from seven to eleven feet tall while adults spanned from twelve to a whopping twenty feet tall. While their average lifespan is unknown due to the parasitic nature of the beast, it is known that they are out of their juvenile stage once they are approximately twenty years old. Thinking back on the one in the cave, it was about twice as tall as you were. That was a juvenile mob and it’s probably grown rapidly since then. The thing that killed you so viciously was a juvenile. You shuddered thinking about what an adult could do.
Juveniles are charted to be more erratic in their decisions while adults were known to be calculating and alert. Known weaknesses were known to be the sculk stalks and the heart. It was going to be incredibly difficult to take it down by yourself, but if worse comes to worse, you’d gladly take the beast down with you. Just in case, you left behind a small will with things you were planning on giving to your family. You were going to leave your workshop and your blueprints to Arthur, your collection of diamonds to Tommy and Wilbur, your stock of netherite and gold to Technoblade, and your wealth and life savings to Philza. You requested that Philza take care of Arthur, you couldn’t ask for a better father figure to have than Philza. Only the best for Arthur. In addition, you had a letter prepared for every member of your family. They were still in their first drafts, but they were coming along fast. In them, you detailed how grateful you were for every single one of them and reminisced on your favorite memory you shared with them. You still had about a week and a half left before you planned on attacking the cave, but you always liked to have extra time to complete things.
Your alarm clock sounded with harsh, lazer like beeps before you quickly silenced it. You didn’t need Arthur or Philza waking up so early. Sighing, you hid your journal and letters under a false bottom drawer and gently closed it. You trudged up the stairs quietly and made your way to the bathroom to shower for the day. When you took off your prosthetic, you could feel the phantom pains shoot up your nonexistent wing. In addition to that, the feathered stump and the areas around it felt stiff. The warmth of the shower did nothing to alleviate the pain.
After your shower, you started to make breakfast. Soon after, the other members of the household filed into the kitchen with differing energies. Arthur, the hyper, knowledge craving kid he was, walked into the kitchen with a bounce in his step and his head held high while Philza followed him with disheveled hair and tired blue eyes. With breakfast situated at the table, everyone started eating. You continuously shifting uncomfortably in your seat didn’t go unnoticed by the two as they eyed you after they woke up a little more.
Finally having enough of your constant movement, Philza finally spoke up, “(y/n)?” You hummed, turning to look at him, “yeah?”
“Is everything okay?”
You suddenly become hyper aware of your movements as you force your body to sit still. “Everything’s fine, why you ask?”
“You look a little uncomfortable. Are you sure everything’s alright?”
You sighed, “I’ll tell you later. Arthur did you have anything specific you wanted to learn today?”
His eyes shone with the brightness of all of the stars in the universe as he made quick work to swallow his mouthful of toast, jumping in his seat slightly as he chewed. “Yes! I was wondering if you could teach me how to work with comparators!”
“That takes a lot of time and patience to learn, we probably won’t get it all done by the end of the day today. Is that alright?” He enthusiastically nodded, shoving the last bit of toast in his mouth and running off with a mouthful of unchewed bread.
You could feel a slight worry stab your gut, “Arthur, swallow your food before you run! You could choke!”
You watched as he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, vigorously chewed, swallowed, and resumed his sprint upstairs. You dragged a tired hand through your hair and sipped at your coffee.
“Ender, now I know how you felt with us when we were kids. Kid’s gonna be the death of me.”
Your dad chuckled, sipping at his own coffee. “He’s a lot more tame than you four were. Techno and Wilbur weren’t that bad, you were just a tad bit more chaotic, and well, you remember how Tommy was. You’re just way too worried about him. Kids will be kids, they do crazy things and sometimes you can’t stop them. After the couple months of adopting Tommy, I just let him learn from his mistakes. You gotta let them learn from their mistakes or else they’re never gonna learn. It’s just something all parents have to do if they want their kid to grow as a person.”
“That’s tr- wait, parent? Arthur’s my protégé, not my kid.”
He smirked over his mug and raised an eyebrow at you, “really? Cuz you seem awfully worried about him.”
“Dad. I’m just worried that he’s gonna accidentally kill himself. What, can I not be worried about my protégé?”
“No need to get defensive, just trying to point out the obvious-”
“The obvious? Dad, I'm only twenty. I’m not adopting anyone anytime soon.”
“I adopted Techno when I was twenty three,” he pointed out with raised eyebrows, “besides, I think you’d be a great parent. You’re already a parental figure for Arthur anyways, so nothing would change too much.”
You were silent for a moment as you stared at him blankly. You never viewed yourself as a parental figure type before. Your current lifestyle of never leaving your workshop would never be able to accommodate having someone that depended on you. You could hardly take care of a goldfish (you still had Bubbles’ grave in the backyard at your house in L’manberg), let alone an entire human child. Sure, you babysat Fundy when Niki was too busy to, but that was your nephew and it was only for a day at a time. You planned on taking Arthur with you back to L’manberg (only if he wanted to of course), but you didn’t think that far ahead. He was probably going to have to stay at your house. You weren’t cut out to be a parent, you wouldn’t be good enough for Arthur.
Philza, noticing your slightly panicked zoned out state, quickly reassured you, “you don’t have to make a definitive decision right now, you have time. Just- just consider it. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to come to me. I think I’ve raised enough kids to know what I’m doing,” he chuckled to himself.
Your feathered wing dropped in relief as you gave him your best smile over your coffee mug. “Thanks Dad, I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you, you’re a lifesaver.” Right after that, a particularly large burst of pain shot along the length of your nonexistent right wing and loitered in the area around the base of your wing. You bit your tongue at the sudden pain as you felt the muscles twitch.
“It’s no problem, I’ll always be here to help ya.” He smiled at you before his eyes snapped to something behind you. His smile dropped as he eyed you concerningly, pointing behind you. “Is- is it supposed to do that?”
You followed his eyes behind you to your prosthetic wing. The metal was twitching in sporadic bursts with varying intensity. You could hear the slight scratching of the metal clashing lightly against the wooden chair. Though it was very inconvenient, you supposed you should be glad that it was moving with the muscle impulses of the muscles you used in flight. Suddenly, you could feel a muscle directly on the base of your wing twitch as the metal moved in tandem with the impulse. The entire wing extended to it’s full length and knocked over the chair next to you. It stood erect for a bit before another twitch caused another spasm that worked its way throughout the length of your metal wing. This time, the wing reared back to your body and almost smacked you in the face. If you didn’t move, your eye would’ve probably been plucked out by one of the metal feathers.
Your flesh wing puffed up slightly in embarrassment as you turned to look back at the blond man in front of you, “technically? I mean, it’s just the sensors picking up on the twitching. I-I’ll get the chair.”
As you stood up, you grunted in pain as another spasm hit you. This time, your wing extended fully perpendicularly to your back causing the muscles in the base of your nubby wing to be pulled unexpectedly. Hissing, your hand shot to rub at the base of your wing. “Fuck that was a bad one.”
You heard the screech of wood on wood as Philza stood up and hurried over to you, dodging a couple of swings from your wing. His hands were hovering indecisively in front of him. “Tell me what I need to do.”
“Take it off. Just- hhh, just take the sensors off. There should be seven of them, all on my back and shoulders.” You bent over with your hands gripping the table with each spasm of your muscles. You could feel the fabric of your shirt being pulled slightly from your body and the warmth of your dad’s hand brushing against your twitching skin as he hurriedly ripped the sensors off your skin.
Once they were all off, the metal wing drooped limply downwards, occasionally being moved slightly when what’s left of the flesh stiffened. “Good, can you unfasten the belts? There’s three of them, they’re a little- ah, a little tricky. After that, carefully pull the metal out through the slit in my shirt. Make sur- sure the sensors don’t rip.”
You sighed when you felt the wing being taken off from you and pulled through the slit in your shirt. Slumping back down into your chair, you reached a hand around to nead the skin on your back. You could feel the twitching slowly decrease in intensity, leaving a sore feeling in its wake. Your wing was placed gently onto the table in front of you, some parts hanging off the side. “Goddamn, I haven’t had an episode that bad since I grinded out making weapons for the War.”
You could hear water running before a glass was placed in front of you and Philza picked up the chair you knocked over and pulled it up next to you. He started to rub circles around the muscles around your wing. You sighed in content, feeling the knots in your back being relieved, “thanks. That feels good.”
“(y/n)?” A small voice said from the doorway of the kitchen. You shot up and bit back a groan when your sore muscles were moved. The young boy was leaning into the doorway with his hands on the sides and his mop of brilliant copper hair hung downwards. He looked worried and slightly scared.
“Hey Arthur, we can start your lesson soon, I just need a sec.”
“Are you okay?” His wavering tone and small voice combined with the tears slowly filling his eyes broke your heart. Eyes softening, you stood up and walked over to him, pulling him into a soft hug. “Of course I’m okay, you don’t need to worry buddy,” you deepened your voice and spoke dramatically, ‘(Y/n) Minecraft the Great, Conqueror of the Unknown’ will never be taken down!”
He gave a watery chuckle against your shirt and burrowed his head deeper into your shoulder, gripping you tighter. You reached up to stroke his hair and wrapped your left wing around him loosely, shielding him from the world with a protective feathery barrier. You could hear Philza picking up dishes from the table and quietly start to do the dishes. Despite the occasional twitch in your back and the phantom pain shooting down your wing, you directed all of your attention to Arthur. Eventually, he pulled away and wiped at his blotchy face. “Are you still up for the lesson?”
Just as Arthur opened his mouth, Philza interrupted him from behind you, “you’re not doing anything until you feel better (y/n).”
“Dad, honestly it isn’t that-”
“Don’t say it honestly isn’t that bad, we both know that’s not true. You’re on bedrest for today.”
You grumbled to yourself as you stood up and handed your glass of water to Arthur, who sipped at the contents giving you a small “thank you.” Nodding, you were escorted out of the kitchen by Philza and ushered to the couch. Once you were laying down on your stomach, he handed you a book and placed a hot water bottle on your back. Before you could stop it, a pleased hum left your lips as your body relaxed on the couch. “You’re staying here. I better not find you anywhere else when Arthur and I come home.”
You lifted your head up and stared at him with an eyebrow raised, “where’re you taking him?”
The corners of his mouth twitched and his eyes lit up slightly before he put on his stern facade once more. “Just to the village. I need to pick up a few things.”
“And you need him why…?”
“Well, I can’t go without someone helping me! I’m an old man after all.” He started to nudge Arthur towards the door and slipped his shoes on.
“You’re only thirty six, but whatever. Arthur, be good for my dad.”
“Alright (y/n), feel better soon!” He gave you a bright smile before he was pulled out of the house by Philza.
You tried to read, but the nagging worry for Arthur in the back of your mind never allowed for you to be immersed in your book. You knew Philza would never let anything happen to him, but you couldn’t help but worry whenever Arthur wasn’t in your line of sight. You supposed that it was a part of being an avian hybrid; you needed to constantly know if the child was alright. You tried to force yourself to go to sleep, but the pain prevented you from doing so, so you ended up mindlessly watching the seconds tick by on the clock. Before you knew it, your eyes closed and you were put in a light slumber.
You were awoken by the front door opening and laughter filling the house. You cracked open your crusty eyes and groaned as you sat up. You looked at the two with bleary eyes. Arthur was laughing at something Philza said as the blond looked over at you. “Hey hun, you feelin better?”
“Yeah a bit. What’d you get at the village?”
“Just some things for dinner. Arthur, wanna help me cook?”
Arthur, being the walking ball of sunshine that he was, nodded vigorously and started to drag the older man to the kitchen. Furrowing your brow, you called out to them, “do you want me to help?”
“No, stay there. Don’t come in!” Arthur’s excited voice shouted back to you, making you raise a brow at his words. You couldn’t lie, you felt nervous at his words. Just what did he have in store for you? Occasionally, you could hear yelps and bangs, which made you want to go into the kitchen even more. But you held off, trusting Philza.
About an hour and a half passed before you were summoned to the kitchen by an overly excited Arthur. Once in the kitchen, you were in slight awe. Spread out on the table was your favorite meal with the addition of fresh cookies left to cool on the stovetop. “All this for me?”
They smiled at you as Arthur ushered you to your spot at the table. “I… don’t know what to say. I- thank you guys.”
“Don’t thank me, it was all Arthur’s idea. I just helped.” Philza looked over at the blushing boy with a smile.
You reached over to ruffle his hair, “well, thank you Arthur. You know me too well, these are all my favorites!”
The boy bashfully smiled at you, “there’s something else too, but that’s for after dinner.”
You put a hand against your heart, touched, “Two surprises in one day? Ender, you’re spoiling me!” Arthur laughed at you.
Dinner went by fast with light-hearted laughter bouncing throughout the kitchen. The dinner and cookies tasted amazing, your taste buds felt like they were in heaven. After dinner, Arthur drug you to your room with an excited Philza following you two. On your bed sat your wing, but it had colorful things attached to the surface. Furrowing your brow, you looked closer to find various magnets sticking to the iron surface.
They ranged from the nonbinary flag to small mobs to little puns (your favorite ones were ‘olive you’ and ‘bird puns fly right over my head’). You could feel your smile widening at every magnet you saw, your wing fluttering in happiness. One of the magnets made you stop completely though as you stared at it with wide eyes. It was simple, but oh did it make your heart sing in joy and your eyes fill with tears. On the magnet, in big, bold letters were the words ‘world’s best parent’.
“Arthur…” You looked at him through blurred vision. He looked nervous, looking anywhere but at you and shifting on the balls of his feet. You lunged forward and pulled him into a tight hug and wrapped your wing around him, making sure he was as close to you as possible.
Philza watched the exchange with a soft smile before he decided to let you two have some privacy. His heart was full of happiness as he walked downstairs to clean up the kitchen with a bounce in his step and his wings fluttering uncontrollably. He was ecstatic to officially welcome Arthur to his family. Sure, he had a small hand in leading Arthur over to the ‘world’s best parent’ magnet, but it was Arthur that picked out the magnet for you. He knew you were going to make a fantastic parent.
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii  @satansphatass  @bxkubitch  @bxmentchildxx
Series taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@acecarddraws @ravennightingaleandavatempus  @dirtydiavolo  @yeiras-world  @immadatmostthings  @hee-hee-haw  @jackalopedoodles  @m1lkmandan  @vanhakirja  @im-a-depressed-gay  @coolleviauchihadreamerlove  @questioning-sanity  @camisascam  @bongwaterflavoredgatorade  @kakamiissad  @jayistrash4  @lifestylesleep  @speedymaximoff  @sun-shark-tooth  @appetiteofapeoplepleaser  @lestrangenymph  @kinismanditory  @dragons-lurk-here  @rinzyx05  @the-wandering-pan-ace  @angelic-scent  @shinipii  @dont-hug-me-im-a-fander  @izzydimensional  @used-avocado  @laura--444  @wing-non  @lovely-echoo  @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual  @mysteryartisticwriter  @momo-has-a-gun  @misfortunatem00n  @w-0-r-n-n  @v-kouya  @kusuinko  @cheybaee  @dulcedippers  @jaciahbabes
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a-dorin · 3 years
pairing: maul x human!reader 
word count: 685
warnings: none really. some tooth-rotting fluff. mentions of periods. mentions of pms... umm.. lemme know if there’s anything else. 
a/n: not me indulging in self-projection fic. i’m currently suffering from a migraine/my period. also, the reader is human in this. i’m sorry to all my peeps who have alien ocs :// i hope you guys enjoy. it’s been a long time since i’ve typed for my favorite zabrak <3 
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maul loathed the human species. 
he despised their fragility. their weaknesses.  how pathetic they were, really.   how vulnerable they were to harm. how they possessed a multitude of health issues and diseases. how every single human was different in their own way, carrying a variety of complexities along with them. 
stars, how his lip curled in disgust at the mere thought of a human. 
yet, he was here, with you wrapped around his frame, running a steady hand through your scalp, massaging your roots. the other was absentmindedly running circles on your exposed back, dipping from the junction of where your shoulder blades met, down to the curve of your spine, just above your butt. 
a low, hushed tune drips from his lips as he does so, an old paecian lullaby. one he swore was erased from his memory he years passed, but it just flowed with such ease from his mouth. 
“are you feeling any better?” 
you stir, wrinkling your nose as another spasm of pain ripples through your skull, the pain shrill and unforgiving. 
“you know how much i don’t like seeing you suffer like this,” his voice is delicate, careful not to be too loud for your sensitive state, “i wish there was more that i could do.”
“you are all i need right now,” you whisper, half-dazed from sleep, half-awake from the discomfort, “just, stay here.”
there’s a rumble in his chest, warmth blossoming within his two hearts. a throaty purr vibrates his upper half, the hand that was tangled in your hair drifting towards your face. 
he holds your cheek for a moment, the pad of his callused thumb savoring the smoothness of your skin, the way it feels so wonderful under his fingertips, “you know i would never leave you here like this. i’d worry too much while i was away.”
there’s a beat of silence as you snuggle closer to him, wriggling your body so that his warmth could envelop you. his tender touch and cautious demeanor have you melting, as he was typically never one to show such affection. 
however, he wanted to swath you with it, especially when you needed it most. 
and maul knew this was a monthly occurrence. it was almost like clockwork, even. he knew when it would start to the exact day. you whole aura would shift. you would become more susceptible to the migraines that would rack your skull. you would experience cramps in your abdomen. sometimes so badly that it would keep him up all hours of the night, holding you in his arms as you sobbed and sobbed, begging for the pain to stop.
maker, did maul wish more than anything he could help the pain subside.  
he hated those aspects of the human anatomy. the menstrual cycle. why did humans have such a complicated way of doing things? particularly, he didn’t like seeing how physically weak it made you at times. 
oh, how fragile you were like this. 
maul leans forward, placing a gentle kiss on your head. you murmur a string of incoherent babbles. something about a thank you. or, was it i love you? the zabrak couldn’t quite make out the words. 
“i love you, my shining star,” maul resumes his actions, his touch so achingly wonderful as you fall into a deep slumber. 
oh, how maul did not favor how he got here. how you were in such despair. yet, the tranquility of the moment, the way your heartbeat synchs with his, the way you just fit so perfectly against him, a glimmer of happiness bubbles up. 
he’s content like this, really.
the zabrak was well aware he would be doing this again next month. and the next, and the one after that. but, truly, in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t all that bad. just an excuse to dismiss his duties, to tend to you. to savor moments like these. ones that would stick in his memory for years to come. 
oh, how maul loved you. so much. 
maul didn’t like humans. 
but you. 
you were the only exception. 
his favorite human. 
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tagging some maul mutuals: @maulieber​ @justalittlecloud​ @zabrak-show​ @elenamiria​ @anakinswhore​ @mother-0f-monsters​ @maximumninjavoid​
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ka-za-ri · 4 years
Personal Assistant Pt. 2
Part 1: Here Part 3: here Part 4: here Part 5: here Part 6: here Part 7: Here Crossposted to Ao3: here
Hi. Hello. Thank you for reading the first chapter and for all the new follows. I’m still new to this whole fandom so excuse me if I overstep any boundaries. Unbeta’d because we die like heroes here. Please leave a comment or something idk, validate me?
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader Wordcount: 5,900 ish Genre: Smut Tags: Edging, Oral Sex, Orgasm denial, masturbation, sex toys, under-desk blowjob, sexual tension, sex on a desk, overstimulation
Probation Period
Lucifer wasn’t joking when he said you would be occupied with a lot of work. The first two weeks at the office were dedicated to acquainting yourself to the systems you would be using on a daily basis, learning the location of all the supplies as well as memorizing  what floors all the departments were. It was a proper nine-to-five with all the bells and whistles of benefits, overtime pay and paid-time-off as long as it was approved. Being so close to the head of the company, you came to realize just how much work actually needed to be done. Lucifer’s schedule was always full and you were constantly trying to squeeze in just one more meeting for him. It almost made the interview you went to feel like a feverish dream. 
Every now and then, you would steal a glance over to your boss after he finished speaking with another department head or analyst. The two of you would lock gazes and for a moment there would be a heat that welled up between your legs reminding you that everything he promised was real. 
You thought you were prepared for the job with your skill set, figuring fluency with an office suite was the bare minimum. However, you never thought you’d be learning six other proprietary systems while also having to answer a phone that never stopped ringing. 
Humans didn’t know many things; but, they could always be easily taught anything in the world with some proper training.
For someone who had lived hundreds of years, ensuring that you were well trained to actually handle the duties of his office before starting proper private lessons was a small price to pay. It barely passed in his mind that you could be needy and wanting more of what he had offered the night you signed your contract with him. He often looked fondly over the document after hours when even you had gone home, smirking in pride when he knew you hadn’t read everything thoroughly. No one ever did. 
You were beginning to think that the promise of “after hour activities” had all been made up and fell into a rhythm at work, quickly becoming efficient at weeding out the unnecessary meetings and phone calls by settling the issues at hand with a well worded email.Things were settling and finally you were in a lull where you could comfortably work and not feel like you were drowning in information. Still, even if you were a month and a half into your new position, the last thing he told you the night of the interview rang in your head. 
“Wear the same lipstick, will you? I’d love to see what that color looks like smeared all over my cock.” 
Ever since that night, you came into work with the same shade of red on your lips, hoping it would be the day he would get to see what the image of your lipstick all over his hard length looked like. It became so ingrained in your routine, you had even bought a few more tubes of the same color, just in case the current one you had ran out. 
Yet, nothing. No indications whatsoever from Lucifer that he took notice how obedient you were of his request. No outward signs that he was even remotely as affected as he was on the night of the interview. Soon enough, you had chalked it up to some persuasive tactics he used to get you to work for him. 
So, it was much to your surprise when you walked into the office in the beginning of your second month and found a small box sitting at your desk. Once your things were put away, curiosity got the better of you and you opened the non-descript box. The moment your eyes laid on the phallic object inside, you gasped and dropped it back onto your desk. 
“Is it not to your liking?” Lucifer’s low, silky voice came from behind you. He had somehow soundlessly made his way to your desk, watching your every move as you unwrapped his gift to you. 
“I uh… Uhm…” 
“A present… for making it through your first month here.” He explained, coaxing you out of your chair and bending you over your desk. Your body was as pliable and malleable as he remembered it to be. 
“I… Thank you… Lucifer…” you breathed, swallowing hard as you eyed the object nestled in the box. 
“Let me help you into it.” He offered, taking it into his hand. He moved one of your legs to be propped up on the top of your desk, the AC hitting your heat in a way it hadn’t in what felt like ages. Nearly nothing had been done and a fog of desire had already settled upon your brain. 
Now that he had an excellent view of your panties, he rubbed the stout, girthy toy up and down your slit, watching as your body twitched in reaction. Pushing your panties to the side, he pressed the tip of the toy into your pussy only to have a strangled gasp come from you as you weren’t wet enough to accept it yet. 
“I should have expected as much…” He murmured to himself. How foolish of him to forget that even if you had been in his care for the last month, your true training was starting today. Of course he couldn’t expect you to be as wet as he wanted as soon as you walked in. “Stay still.” He commanded and the warmth of his body left your side. 
Making his way to his desk, he unlocked a drawer and took out a bottle of lube. Generously coating the toy while he walked back to you, you saw the same glittering darkness in his eyes that made your heart race from the interview. Fearful that you had disappointed him, you started babbling apologies and begged for his forgiveness, promising to do better. He hushed you with a firm glare before going back to what he was doing. “The only thing you need to apologize for, is if you’re unable to be wet enough to take this first thing in the morning by next week.” he said coolly. 
The slick toy now much easier to slide into you was met with only the resistance of your tight pussy as he pushed it into you. “Starting today, you’ll wear this during your working hours.” He readjusted your panties once the vaginal plug was snuggly in you, the bottom of it just peeking out between your lips before your underwear covered them once again. Satisfied, he helped your leg down from the desk and put the bottle of lube into one of your drawers. “Don’t let it fall out now.” He said with a self satisfied smirk, turning heel and heading back to his desk as if nothing ever happened. 
The plug inside of you stretched you out and filled you deliciously so. However it wasn’t nearly large or long enough to properly satisfy you. Sitting down at your chair to start your own duties for the day, it pressed further into you, stimulating you and made it hard to concentrate on your tasks at hand. As hard as focusing was, the fear of disappointing Lucifer looming over you was even more oppressive. Any moment your mind wandered to the stretch your pussy was feeling, you forcibly had to look at something else or distract yourself with phone calls in order to get through the day. 
No matter how many distracting tasks you came up with, it did nothing to quell your arousal. The way the toy pressed at your entrance and teased all the spots inside of you that needed attention had your nerves on fire. You weren’t sure how you were going to survive if you needed to wear it on the regular. By the time your shift ended, there was a significant wet spot on your chair and on the back of your skirt. You were eternally lucky that there hadn’t been any physical meetings set up for the day. Though, you weren’t quite sure if it was actually luck or if Lucifer had orchestrated the day to work out like that for you. 
Regardless,cleaning up the mess you became in the bathroom was an adventure. The toy easily slid out of you and you groaned from both relief and desire. Having it inside of you all day only made you want something more. More being specifically Lucifer’s cock dragging itself in and out of your walls. As you washed the toy and stowed it away in its designated drawer, your mind meandered, wondering if today would be the day that you would see your lipstick on his dick. 
It was very much to your dismay though, when you came out of the bathroom, Lucifer had already left for the day and you were alone with your thoughts and a throbbing, aching pussy. 
The moment you got home, you frantically searched under your bed for the box that held your own small collection of toys and grabbed the first one that you knew could satisfy you in the way you had been craving all day. Thrusting it into your sopping core, you moaned wantonly, throwing your head back and flopping onto your bed, not caring to take off any more clothes than absolutely necessary. 
The toy worked in and out of you and you bucked against it. Almost forgetting that it could vibrate, you turned it on and let it do its work, making you moan as you shoved its full length into you. If only it was Lucifer and not a piece of silicone. If only he had bent you over the desk after work and filled you. Your fingers rubbed at your clit and you angled the toy to brush against your g-spot, gasping and writing in pleasure as your vision filled with stars. You panted heavily, the pressure of an orgasm building quickly in your abdomen and you couldn’t wait for the release it would give you. It only took a few more hard thrusts of the toy on its highest setting before you came undone, crying out gratefully and spasming around it, your mind reeling in the euphoria of getting off after hours of being teased by a damn toy. 
But it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t him. And it somehow felt dirty that you had cum without his permission, without his heated gaze on your body. A feeling of shame and guilt washed over your body while you powered the toy off, gasping for air after the whirlwind fucking you had given yourself. You whined, pulling it out of you rolled over, the initial high had been great but it left you feeling dissatisfied for some reason. 
It was as if your pleasure belonged to Lucifer. No matter what you did to yourself, it wouldn’t be nearly the same as what he could give you. Your pussy ached for more stimulation just thinking about him, even if you had just cum. Yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to relieve yourself unless it was at his behest. Sighing heavily, you dragged your limp body to the shower to get rid of the mess between your legs and to prepare for another day of long torment without relief in sight. 
It took less than a week to train yourself to be wet enough to slide the vaginal plug into you without the aid of lube. First thing in the morning, Lucifer got a front row show of you parting your legs, taking the toy out of the drawer and putting it in you. You adapted quickly, kicking your skirt up before you sat down so that your bare ass came in contact with the chair and you would have less to clean up. Lucifer was kind enough to have the foresight to supply you with a leather chair to ensure your essence could be easily wiped up at the end of your shif. Ever since the first night, the desire to be fucked only grew in you. You hadn’t touched yourself since then, hoping, praying that he would show you mercy and relieve you in a way only he could. 
Ah, but Lucifer was cruel and he took his training very seriously. As soon as he knew you had grown accustomed to the first toy he introduced, he was ready to push your limits again as yet another gift graced your desk a week later. The butt plug, adorned with a glittering red jewel made you swallow hard. You hadn’t ever explored using your other hole, but Lucifer was at least gentle as he trained your asshole open that morning. 
Plenty of lube dribbled down your backside as he slowly worked the hard metal plug, pressing it against your tight ass and easing it into you, cooing and praising you the whole time. He pet your hair as you gasped from being stretched to your limit, he stroked your face as the plug finally slid into you and your whole body was alight with a flurry of sensations. “Good girl…” he praised softly, planting a kiss on your cheek before going back to work. As soon as you sat down, you knew you had a long day ahead of you as the duality of having both holes filled cast a fog over your mind.
Part of his responsibility as a boss to you was to make sure you were cared for, looked after and treasured even if his normal disposition was rather chilly. He was a stern businessman after all, but he did dote on you in some ways. The main way being that he made sure to be there every morning to fit the anal plug into you while you slid the other one into your waiting pussy. Every step of your training was meticulously overseen by him and he just loved the way your body accepted everything he tried as long as he was patient enough. 
Your workload never seemed to lessen, even with the weight of the plugs inside of you every day. The corporate world didn’t stop for anyone and you had to adapt even further to hide your sexual frustration from the guests that frequented the office during his meetings. Guiding them to the little alcove in the corner of the office lined with couches that served as a miniature ‘waiting room’ was the hardest part. Every step you took sent jolts of pleasure down your legs and you struggled to keep your pace even while maintaining perfect posture. Your muscles clenched and strained to ensure nothing fell out of you. Even if the journey was a short one, it felt like it lasted for miles with how much effort it took to look professional. You always ended your introductions with a smile, letting your esteemed guests know that Lucifer would be ready to see them shortly before having to make the long, arduous journey back to your desk. 
Lucifer took pride in the company he built and the people he trained. You, most of all, were so susceptible to all his lessons and adapted quickly. It only felt natural for him to spend on gifts for you, giving you a plethora of options to choose from on how to stuff your pussy for your day. Every few days, it seemed like there was a new box on your desk. Whether it was deliciously textured balls that rubbed against each other and stretched you in a way that made you see stars, or smooth orbs with weights in them, making you clench anytime they shifted inside of you, they all had one thing in common: they all left you wanting more. None of them ever seemed to stretch you far enough or deep enough to satisfy that itch and craving you had for Lucifer’s cock and you were driven nearly mad at that fact. 
He could just how frustrated you were as you cleaned up after yourself and bent over your desk, waiting for him remove the anal plug from your ass. Your essence flowed freely down your thigh at the end of the day and he was satisfied; especially when you let out that precious breathy moan of yours whenever the plug left you empty. You would always look back at him, pleading with your eyes for him to take it further and fill you, but it was business as usual for him. He’d tell you to go home and you would be left on the edge, unable to cum unless he gave you explicit permission to do so. 
The end of your second month working at Akuzon as Lucifer’s personal assistant drew to a close and by the third month you were there, no matter what task you were doing, your mind reeled with fantasized images of how you wanted Lucifer to take you and make you scream. It invaded every fiber of your being. It was so endlessly frustrating to see your boss completely straight laced and nonplussed at your predicament. He could tell you were close to your breaking point, almost a month of teasing and yet no release in sight; it would soon come time for him to give you what you truly craved. 
“Ah… This is a problem, can you come here and help?” He called you over to his desk and pointed at the space underneath. “I dropped the whole box of paperclips and I really don’t have time to pick them up before my next meeting. Be a dear, and help?” 
“Yes, of course, Lucifer.” you obliged, thinking nothing of it and scrambled on your hands and knees to pick up what seemed to be hundreds of paperclips on the ground. Before you were even a quarter of the way through, you heard the elevator in the distance ding, signalling the arrival of your next guest. Scrambling to get up and greet them, you only found yourself blocked off by Lucifer sitting down, scooting his chair right up to you and blocking your escape. 
“Don’t make a sound now.” He said quietly, looking down at you with an expectant expression on his face. “This guest is of the highest esteem and I would like to make sure this acquisition goes smoothly.” 
“Y-yes, Lucifer.” You mumbled, shifting enough so that you were settled somewhat comfortably between his legs and staring right at his thighs. 
“My apologies for not having my assistant greet you.” Lucifer said as his guest came in. “She’s on an errand and couldn’t make it back in time. Please, take a seat.” He stood up, gesturing to the chair on the other side of the desk and got right to work, discussing the terms of his next acquisition and his expectations once the companies merged. The talk was mundane and there was a fair amount of back and forth as schematics were discussed. 
He kept one hand on his thigh, gently stroking his crotch, and you watched wide eyed, barely daring to breathe as he got hard right in front of his client. His voice betrayed nothing, staying smooth and low while he discussed business matters. You could barely think straight as his finger beckoned you closer to his clothed crotch. His musky scent mixing with the smell of his cologne and newly dry cleaned clothes made you dizzy. As his cock started to strain and press against his pants, you carefully leaned forward, nuzzling his crotch and basking in his closeness. 
He seemed to enjoy this little development. His hand wandered over to your hair, pulling you closer and encouraging you. The thrill of possibly being caught sparked an arousal in you that you hadn’t expected. The conversation above you melted away as you focused on the hardening length pressed up against your cheek and breathing in his scent, getting intoxicated by just his proximity. His hand gently patted your hair as you nuzzled him to full mast under his clothes. You felt your arousal rise along with his cock, your slick essence soaking through your panties. Yet you didn’t dare touch yourself or make a noise. 
“Ah, how foolish of me. I forgot the final paperwork in my car. Please, excuse me for a moment while I retrieve it.” The client said as they drew close to closing the deal. “I’ll be right back.” 
“Of course, please take your time.” Lucifer said. You couldn’t see it, but you could almost feel the self satisfied smirk that was undoubtedly on his face once the guest left to retrieve the documents. 
As soon as the elevator dinged and they were alone, his grip in your hair tightened. He slid back just enough to see your face peeking out from between his thighs. “Don’t ruin this for me.” he warned, unzipping his pants and pulling out his cock. You started salivating as you saw his length unfurl before you, hard and throbbing, a drop of precum dribbling from the tip and your tongue darted out to catch it and taste him. He smirked, loving how obedient  you were without him asking you to be. “Don’t mess up my suit. Understand?” 
“Yes… Sir.” 
The dark glitter of lust shone in his eyes for a brief moment as you addressed him properly. He settled himself back into place and you were once again alone under the desk; but this time with a very important task at hand. It was a long ride up the elevator from the ground floor to the top, which gave you ample time to suck him off as loudly and as lewdly as you wanted. His cock filled your mouth hot and heavy, the salt from his precum and his scent cast a haze over you as you put as much of him in your mouth as you could. Your hand fisting the rest of what you couldn’t handle all at once. 
His hand in your hair set the pace, making your head bob as you slurped and sucked. Only once did you hear a satisfied groan come from him. But, that was enough to send your hormones into overdrive and you redoubled your efforts into pleasuring him. Your knees ached and your whole body felt too hot to be cramped under his desk like this; but the taste and feel of his cock in your mouth was worth it. It was truly too soon when you heard the tell tale ding of the elevator in the distance, signalling the return of your guest that you had to abruptly stop being loud. 
“I didn’t take too long, now did I?” 
“No, not at all. I was just reviewing everything to make sure everything is crossed and dotted properly.” Lucifer replied calmly, but you could hear a slight strain in his tone. His hand pushed your mouth further down his length until he hit the back of your throat. You fought back a startled squeal and resisted the urge to gag, relaxing your body and your reflexes to accept him as he saw fit. Satisfied, he removed his hand to go over a few more things on the paperwork and you took the prerogative to keep taking him until every inch of him was down your throat. You had to take slow breaths to keep yourself from passing out, his girthy cock blocking much of your airway. 
You could feel his thighs tense as he was balls deep down your throat. As soon as he was able to, his hand returned to your hair and set a languid pace, using your mouth and throat as a fuck toy while he hashed out important business details. Drool pooled at the base of his cock as you let him use you. The worry of ruining his suit caused your whole body to tense in anxiety and you prayed that everything would drip onto the chair below him and not on the expensive tweed of his suit. 
“Yes, I think all of that checks out. Just our signatures left.” Lucifer’s voice floated into your consciousness, the first clear sign that it was all going to be over soon. He didn’t know just how wet you were from sucking him off under his desk. Just rubbing your thighs together, you knew there was a slick mess for you to deal with later on your own. 
Just a little bit more… You told yourself, holding your desire and your breath as you heard the tell tale scratching above you of papers being signed. From there, it was only a few more congratulatory remarks and the guest was on his way out. As soon as he leaves I’m going to suck his soul out from his dick. You determined, fantasizing about how his hot load would taste going down your throat. 
“Yes, that’s the last of everything. I’ll have the receptionist see you out.” Lucifer shuffled the documents on his desk and slid them into a drawer. 
“Of course. I look forward to future business ventures with you.” 
“And I as well. Thank you for coming.” 
Something happened then that you didn’t think could ever happen. You stifled a whimper against his cock buried in your face, but it was impossible to not make a sound. Your whole body shivered when he said that word. The way it lilted and the meaning it held to you had involuntarily made you orgasm. All the sexual tension you had been asked to hold for the past month came crashing around you and you were a shaking wreck, clenching around the small toys inside of you. The lack of air making the euphoria of your climax all the more surreal. 
“Did you hear something?” 
“Must have been the air conditioning settling.” Lucifer lied easily, gripping your hair tightly as a warning. “It does that sometimes… scares me half to death when I’m alone after hours.” He chuckled and gestured towards the door when he saw a message on his desk phone light up. “My receptionist is already here to see you out… Please be sure to drive safely home.” 
“I will. Thank you again.” 
The pain of his hand in your hair grounded you as you rode out the unbidden orgasm. As soon as the elevator was on its way down, the pressure of his cock filling your mouth and throat as you were roughly pulled away from him. You gasped, tears of relief streaked down your face as you took deep unhindered breaths to clear your mind. Whatever plans you had to swallow his load earlier were completely dashed as he pulled you off his cock. 
He slid his chair back assessing your disheveled figure under his desk.  The sight of your drool and lipstick smeared across your face, your hair an absolute rat’s nest from the rough treatment and your trembling form in the aftershocks of your sudden orgasm did things to him he hadn’t expected. He knew he had you trained well with the toys; but it never crossed his mind just how much power his words had over you. Just the casual phrase he let slip had made you cum. The knowledge of that sent a thrill through his body as he immediately started to scheme all the things he could do to you. 
Lucifer glanced down at his cock, looking at the long red streaks of lipstick smeared all across the length. He smirked, loving how the color looked against it. “I was right… that color does look good all over my cock.” He pushed his chair back again to give you just enough room to timidly crawl out from under the desk and stretch your aching muscles. Seeing you on all fours also made him want to do things to you, things that would have to wait until later. “I was going to reward you for a job well done.” He started, pulling you up and sitting you on the edge of his desk. “But unfortunately… it looks like someone got too much pleasure out of this exchange without my permission.” 
His hands spread your thighs apart for him and he pushed your soaked panties to the side, the toys peeking out of your ass and your pussy were absolutely drenched in your juices. Your nether region quivered, and pulsated around the small toy, trying to milk it as you had done to his cock months prior. “Every one of your orgasms… belong to me.”
“Ye… yes, Sir…” you breathed. “I’m sorry, Sir. It won’t happen again, Sir.” you babbled, praying he would forgive you. 
“I suppose I can cut you some slack. Even I didn’t know how sensitive you can be from my words.” His fingers stroked your labia, his touch driving you insane. It had been so long since he had last been intimate with you like this, your whole body was in complete sensation overdrive as it relished being touched by him again. Sure, he spent a few minutes every day prepping your ass; but that was nothing compared to what he was giving you now. 
“Thank you sir.” You sobbed, your heart nearly beating out of your chest at the prospect of feeling more of him. 
“Of course… It’s only proper that I congratulate you on making it through the probationary period.” He replied casually, pulling the plug out of your ass and letting it drop to the ground. He chuckled, as you whined, feeling your anus being stretched out as it exited you and then feeling the emptiness that came after it. The toy in your pussy came out next, but he made sure to take his sweet time to drag it out of you, watching it come out bit by bit. The needy whine that came from your lips as your empty cunt begged to be filled again was music to his ears. 
It was only a short moment after that all your needs were fulfilled. His cock easily slid into you, assisted by the copious amounts of your essence that coated your nether region. The dull thud of the toy hitting the ground sounded so distant. All that mattered was finally feeling full and having your needs satiated by Lucifer. With no one else in the office anymore, you moaned loudly, throwing your head back and clutching the edge of the desk to brace yourself. Your legs wrapped around his waist, drawing him closer towards you. It had been so long since you had felt his cock inside of you; yet, your body seemed to remember every ridge and edge of it as he filled you up. 
“Does that feel good?” He purred, very pleased at your reaction. Holding off on fucking you was possibly the best decision he had ever made. However, now that he had you, he knew he couldn’t hold off again like that. Not when your heat surrounded him and released all the carnal desire he had reigned in for the past months. 
“Yes… Yes, Sir!” 
“You’ve wanted this for a long time, now huh?” he asked, starting a slow and steady pace to build you up to yet another explosive orgasm. “The toys I gave you weren’t enough? You wanted this inside of you instead, huh?” 
“Yes… Yes… “ You were delirious, swimming in a sea of pure pleasure as his cock hit every sensitive spot in you that had been craving attention for months now. You couldn’t see or think straight. It was all like the first time you had coupled during your interview. All of it was so intense and amazing, it took your breath away. “I want you so much, Sir. I can’t stop thinking about you.” you admitted freely. 
“What a good girl…” he praised, stroking your hair gently. “Your hard work will be rewarded.” He said before roughly slamming his hips into you and burying his whole length into you. Your cries of pleasure rang in his ear as he picked up the pace and chased his release inside of you. Your walls, so tight after your first orgasm hugged him deliciously and he saw stars every time he was balls deep inside of you. 
“Oh… thank you! Thank you, Sir.” you sang endless praises for him as he fucked you senseless, taking you to highs you had never experienced. Being teased for months on end had made all your nerves so sensitive, you could barely handle the reward he was giving you; and that was possibly the best part of it all. “This is the best… reward.. Thank you… thank y---” 
Lucifer cut off your words with a deep kiss, shoving his tongue roughly into your mouth and exploring your mouth. He could taste traces of him in you and it only served to make his hips snap into yours even faster and harder. He was close again. Anytime it came to being inside of you, he knew it would be over soon. Perhaps that was why he preferred to tease you for such long periods of time. The payoff was so worth it in the end. 
“Cum.” he commanded once he broke his kiss with you. “Cum like you did the first time, milk me.” He hissed, his pace now erratic and needy. 
“Yes! Yes! Yes, Sir!” you obliged, the pleasure building up in your abdomen crumbling all at once and you came around his cock hard. Your vision whiting out for a moment and your ears ringing from the force of your climax. 
It only took a few more brutal thrusts before he emptied himself inside of you with a satisfied groan, his long lashes fluttering as your walls pulsed around him and accepted every drop of his seed. “Very good…” He murmured softly, holding you in a close embrace and patting your hair as the both of you came down from the highs of your orgasms. 
Lucifer hissed as he pulled out of you once he was soft enough to do so. The image of his cum dripping out of you was so enticing, it almost made him hard again. Satisfied that you were properly trained for his needs, he adjusted your panties back over your crotch and looked up at your blissed out face. “Congratulations, you’re now a permanent member of my staff.” He cooed, leaning in and placing a soft kiss on your forehead. 
You weren’t even in the right mindset to thank him, your brain reeling from the pleasure and your body relaxing after finally getting the release you had been craving for months. His words sounded like they were coming from under water, muffled and garbled. You blinked, in a haze, trying to focus. 
It wasn’t until something cool hit your neck that you jolted to consciousness, grounding yourself with the new sensation against your heated skin. A thin, delicate chain held up a beautiful pendant in the shape of a peacock feather now adorned your neck. In your high, Lucifer had pulled the gift out from his desk and helped himself to putting it on you. 
“A small gift… I think it suits you.” he explained softly. 
“Thank you…” You said, rather touched by the gentle gesture. “I’ll wear it with pride.” 
“I expect nothing less from you.” 
It was true, humans didn’t know much at all until they were trained. You were proof of that and he couldn’t wait to see what other things he could teach you to do with your body.
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emwritesfootball · 3 years
Sotto Voce: Chapter Five | John McGinn
Word Count: 1,815 Warnings: overheard masturbation, teasing, oral sex (female receiving) A/N: Since this is the last chapter, I just wanna give a HUGE shoutout to @sammisze for encouraging me to actually post this (I wanted to keep it for myself but she made me realize I shouldn't), @meteora-fc for beta-ing this and loving Meatball as much as I do, and @lawsandother for just reading this and telling me how much she loved it before I ever put it out. I hope you've all enjoyed this as much as I loved writing it <3
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John knows something is off the moment he steps through the door on Monday after training. He doesn’t know what it is until he hears voices coming from her end of the house, and he doesn’t think as he follows the noises.
Her bedroom door is open, but he doesn’t go in when he doesn’t see her. The voices seem to be coming from her bathroom and John can’t help but be a little jealous when he thinks she’s got a man with her, until he recognizes the sound of his own voice from one of his audios and his blood runs cold.
He pauses, the muted sound of a vibrator in the bathtub mix with her throaty whimpers and John’s dick twitches. When she moans his name, he doesn’t know what to think - does she actually know it’s him or is she just imagining the man speaking on the audio is him? - but he intends to find out when she comes out.
She hides her surprise well when she sees John lounging on the sofa after she gets out of the bath. She hadn’t heard him come home but she’d sensed his presence while she was having her soak, making sure she’d turned the volume up on TheScottishLad’s audio while she masturbated to his voice. It hadn’t done much for her except leave her more sexually frustrated than before, and she hated that her body craved an orgasm specifically from John at this point.
“Mental health day?” John asks nonchalantly when she emerges from her bedroom in short-shorts and one of his Scotland kits.
She’s acutely aware of how his eyes graze over her body in the outfit she’s chosen, breaking out in goosebumps as a thrill races down her spine and her pussy clenches around nothing. “Yeah.” She takes a seat next to him, and John instinctively moves her so that her legs are laying across his lap. “Sometimes you just need to sleep in, have a bath and a nice wank, ya know?”
John blushes, his ears tinging pink as his grip tightens almost imperceptibly on her knee. “I, uh, I heard.”
“Oh?” She feigns surprise, looking at him innocently. “Sorry - I can get loud sometimes.”
John clears his throat, swallowing hard at her innuendo. “I-It’s okay.”
“How much did you hear?”
“Enough,” he replies, not meeting her eyes.
“You’re gonna have to be more specific, Johnny,” she whispers in his ear, reveling in the power she holds over him right now. “Did you hear me cum?”
His eyes are glazed over with lust and she knows she has him right where she wants him. “I m-might’ve heard you, uh, moan my...name.” His accent is thicker now and there’s no doubt in her mind now that TheScottishLad is him.
“That’s because I was thinking about you when I got myself off,” she murmurs, dragging her nails down his chest. His breathing is ragged and she can feel his heartbeat under her fingertips and it drives her wild.
“You...you were?” He sounds stunned.
“Mmhmm,” she hums, nodding. “Besides...you’re TheScottishLad, aren’t you?”
John pauses, his eyes searching hers. “How did you find out?”
“Oh, Johnny,” she tuts, smirking. “You’ve got to learn to be more subtle.”
“I thought I was,” he pouts, and she resists the urge to lean down and kiss it away - they’re not there yet, even though she desperately wants to be.
“Actually, you were,” she amends, thinking about it. “I just know you too well. It took me a while to figure it out.” She pauses, leaning in. “So...do I get to see where the magic happens?”
“Depends on what you want.”
“I thought I made it pretty clear what I want,” she says, her hand drifting down his torso to cup his erection over his joggers. John’s eyes flutter closed and he lets out a low moan at her touch, the sound going straight to her clit.
“You’re being a tease, love.”
Those are the words she’s been waiting to hear directed at her since the moment he used the phrase in one of his recordings. “What are you gonna do about it?” She challenges, letting out a squeal when he abruptly gets up and drags her to his end of the house.
Her eyes go wide as she takes in the bedroom he’s transformed into his mini-recording studio. To anyone who doesn’t know better, it just looks like an elaborate gaming setup or some Twitch thing; to her, all she can picture is him getting himself off as he speaks, all those audio recordings reminding her exactly what he sounds like doing so.
“Wanna record with me?” He asks, suddenly seeming shy.
“What about the other girl?” She retorts, the jealousy popping back up inexplicably.
“What other girl?”
“The one you record with.” It sounds stupid now that she’s said it out loud, but John doesn’t make her feel stupid for it.
“I don’t have anyone else that I record with,” he explains, stepping towards her until he’s pinned her against the wall. “I always picture you when I make these.”
It’s her turn to be stunned. “R-Really?”
“Really.” He runs a hand up her arm, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. “I’ve wanted you for months now - I’ve just been using these audios as a way for me to take care of some of my more sinful thoughts.”
“Does this mean you wanna tie me up?” She asks, her mind going to his most recent audio.
John smirks. “Guess you’ll just have to find out.”
“So,” she starts, looping her arms around his neck as she pulls him closer, “are you gonna kiss me or not, Johnny?”
He responds by finally capturing her lips in his, and she can’t help moaning into his mouth at how good it feels to finally be able to kiss him the way she’s wanted to for months now. His hands find her hips, pulling her flush against him so she can feel how hard he is for her.
They’re both breathing heavily when the kiss ends, and she knows she’s never been needier in her life, especially now that her body knows John’s going to give her an orgasm. “Are you going to let me record you?” He asks again, his expression serious.
“Yes,” she breathes, nodding. “Now?”
“If you want - or we can wait until-”
“Now. Now is good.”
John smirks. “You know, if we record, you’re going to have to be quiet for me, right?”
“I know.”
“Let me get everything ready.”
When the equipment is all set up, John picks her up and sets her down on the table. His hands reach under her shirt and she gasps when they slide up her bare torso.
“Can’t believe I finally have you like this,” he starts, and she instantly recognizes his recording voice. There are similarities to his normal speaking voice, but the timbre and cadence has changed just enough to be unrecognizable. “Your body feels just like I imagined it would. All those late nights stroking my dick and pretending it was your pussy but now I get to have you like this? Truly mine. Are you going to let me do everything I’ve fantasized about?”
“Y-” she starts to say but remembers she can’t so she just nods.
John visibly softens, tucking a lock of her hair as he leans in. “I can edit this out.” A pause as he switches over to his vocal personality again. “I want your verbal consent, love. Are you going to let me do everything I’ve fantasized about?”
“Yes, John.” She groans, biting down on her bottom lip. “Make me cum so many times I forget my name.”
His grin matches as hers. “With pleasure,” he replies, leaning in for the last kiss before TheScottishLad takes over once again.
“Oh, God, I love your body,” TheScottishLad says as John kisses his way down her neck, his hands sliding up her torso again. “I could spend days touching you and not get tired of you. You’re perfect.”
His words made her melt, and she knew he wasn’t speaking just as TheScottishLad - he was speaking as John McGinn, her friend and now-lover who she now knew had been thinking of her the entire time he’d been making these - and the knowledge made her heart race and her pussy drip.
“Perfect neck,” he continues, kissing his way down to her breasts. “Perfect tits.” More kisses down her stomach as he cups her pussy and she resists the urge to moan. “Perfect pussy. And it’s mine - all mine.”
All she can do is nod, arching her back as she spreads her legs for him. “Let’s get you out of these clothes so I can start making you feel good.”
He takes his time, making sure every sound of him undressing her is captured on audio. When she’s fully undressed, he steps back, his gaze raking appreciatively over her body. She feels so exposed yet so sexy at the same time, and it turns her on more than she thought it would.
“Are you gonna let me taste this juicy pussy?” He asks, kissing his way up from her knees to her thighs as she nods. Her hands find his hair and her hips buck involuntarily, the gasp that leaves her lips when his stubble scrapes over the sensitive skin barely audible. She mouths his name when he finally gets a taste of what’s between her legs. “Mm...addictive. You taste like honey, love, and I’m gonna need all that I can get,” he murmurs, his breath fanning out over her clit and making her walls clench around nothing.
“I’m gonna make you cum on my tongue,” John promises, slipping two fingers inside her slick entrance. “And then I’m gonna make you cum on my cock.” He pauses, placing a sucking kiss to her clit that has her grip in his hair tightening. “And then...I’m just gonna make you cum until you can’t anymore.”
She brings her hand to her mouth, biting down hard on her palm so she doesn’t make a sound when her eyes roll back and her body spasms through that first orgasm.
“Good girl,” he praises as he slides his fingers out of her pussy, smirking as she lets out a breathy whimper both at the loss and the praise. Her eyes lock with his as she watches him suck his fingers clean. “What do you say we take this to the bedroom so I can really make you scream?”
In seconds, he’s flipped off all the recording equipment and saved a copy of their audio for him to edit later. She’s growing impatient, but only because she wants to finally have her way with him. “Done?” When he nods, she takes his hand, leading him to his bedroom. “Good, because it’s my turn now.”
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Kinktober Day 23 ~ kink: orgasm denial
pairing: bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
warning: smut, smut, smut
word count: 3,650
a/n: thanks to @bungeegumsurprise for giving me this idea, I was at a phat loss for what I was going to do LMAOOOO but... I really really like it so I hope you enjoy. and also to sky for working out a weird bump in my story ilysm!
Losing to Bakugou was one of the worst things in the world. 
Not because you were then embarrassed, you never were when losing to him. It also wasn’t because he would never let you live it down either. 
The reason was plain and simple: you hated to lose to the ash-blond because he was a tease. 
Your fingers gripped around your pencil so tight that your knuckles turned white. 
Your breathing was very controlled, but you felt as if your ears were burning hot. What was happening was too much, this was too too much. 
Aizawa’s voice droned on from the head of the classroom reminded you where you were. Today was the start of your final trimester here at Yuuei and there was nervous excitement in the air. Everyone was listening in. Occasional soft whispers exchanged as no one wanted to alert their homeroom teacher. 
As for you?
You couldn’t hear a single word of what was being said. 
Nope. All you could hear was the low hum that was making your legs spasm without your consent. The low hum that you prayed no one could hear. The low hum that was making your hips shift in ways to relieve yourself from the vibrating pulses. 
Your eyes glanced across the room to Bakugou, your boyfriend, who concentrated in on Aizawa. His hands shoved into his pockets. 
Composure was not something you had in mind as you leaned backward, desperate for the low hum to disappear within you. 
Before the beginning of an intensive winter break Hero Work, you two had a deal. It entailed that of whoever could apprehend the most villains within the month would win. The loser would have to do anything, and by anything you two meant anything, the winner wanted. 
Typically when you won, you were cruel. 
You made Bakugou tap dance for the new first-year class of Hero students one time. Another time you had him profess his love to Mineta. An event that was forever recorded and celebrated by the now Class 3-A group chat. Hell, you even made Bakugou eat the spiciest chile pepper in the world. Of course, only because he said he could handle it, and you didn’t believe him! (Spoiler alert, he could not handle it.) 
Bakugou, however, was a tease. 
The first time he won he had asked for a kiss. That, of course, started your relationship, so to this day you had no qualms about it. But he started to use it to explore kinks that he had previously been too ashamed to mention. Today though, he had decided your punishment for losing was to go to class with a pair of remote control panties. 
It hadn’t started off too bad, a lulling vibration that pressed against your sex. Hell, you could go as far as to say that it was relaxing, comforting even. It wasn’t until you were talking with Todoroki, who sits next to you, did the pressure somehow increase. 
Your friendly conversation with the quiet boy had left you smiling. Your hands clasped as you leaned toward him ready to talk even more. It had hit you then, the smile erasing from your lips as your eyelids fluttered.
“Are you okay?” Todoroki asked, his face filled with concern and pure ignorance of what was happening.
You nodded quickly, your smile weak as you sat onto your chair and faced forward. Your ears felt stupid hot and your fingers trembled as you glanced over at Bakugou. He was having a conversation with Midoriya. His hand shoved in his pocket.
It was like he was oblivious to what he was doing. Of course, your opinion changed when Bakugou’s vermillion eyes swept over to yours. His eyebrow quirked as he smirked. What a fucking dick!
He had left you this morning with one request. His lips finally leaving yours as his fingers snapping your special panties’ waistband. 
“You’re not allowed to come, not until I say you can.”
Currently, you could feel your arousal starting to seep around the vibrator. Your twitching nerves overcoming your senses as you tried to pay attention. But all you could think about was how dirty this was. The sex toy was completely swallowed in your lower lips. Your tongue was being mashed between your teeth in order to keep yourself from crying out. The vibrations somehow get stronger, and your pencil snaps in your fingers. 
You ignore the glances that come your way. Placing your pencil down on the table, electrifying pleasure courses through your veins. You’re so close. So near the edge that it is starting to hurt. You know you can’t come, but your hips are rocking against the sensation. Your toes curling inside your shoes as a light pant escapes your lips. Your eyes are locked on Bakugou who has his hands shoved into his pockets. His arm so relaxed you would have no idea what he was inflicting on you. His body so blissfully unaware you felt slutty.
The vibrations stop, and you feel as if you can’t breathe, your body entirely too stiff as your orgasm is so close. Your heart hammers away as Bakugou turns his head around, a coy smirk on his face as you two lock eyes for a millisecond.
The vibrator is turned up all the way. You knew that because of the way you physically reacted to the powerful fluctuations.
So now vibrations coursed through you with such intensity you thought you were vibrating. You slammed your head against the desk a soft moan leaving your lips. The sound of your head slamming against the desk was loud. Breaking through Aizawa’s announcements, and the vibrations stopped.
You should have been glad that the continuous assault against your stimulated clit was over, but you had yet to come... and you needed it.
“Y/l/n?” Aizawa says, his tired eyes looking curious and annoyed. You pressed your fingers against your now throbbing forehead. “Is everything okay?”
With a scorching face, you nodded your head. You felt disheveled, tensed, and your pussy is throbbing from a denied orgasm as you stutter out a response. Your breathing pitched. Your eyes returning back onto your papers as you hear a chuckle from Bakugou.
Please let this day be over…
For Hero Basics today, it was sparring matches. No quirks were now allowed, it was a plain and simple hand to hand combat training. It was useful for your class as many of you were going to be fighting heroes. Even the future rescue heroes needed skills outside of their usual domain. 
You were entirely too stiff, though. You couldn’t get into your normal fighting stance in fear that the vibrator would fall out of you while it was on. You believed that while it was vibrating it would be more susceptible to falling out. Also, you weren’t letting anyone touch you in fear of someone feeling the waves flowing through your skin.
The majority of the day you had stayed far away from Shouji and Jirou. In your overwhelming paranoia, you thought that they would somehow hear the vibrations coming from you. 
Your eyes locked on Kirishima in front of you, and you groaned. You knew already that Bakugou was going to spike up the charge on the vibrator the moment Kirishima touched you. You hadn’t come today, thank the lord. But you weren’t too sure you were going to be able to last through the intensive cycles of the powerful vibrator. At least not for much longer. 
“Begin,” Aizawa called out. You rolled out your shoulders as you dropped into your lowest fighting stance. The stance you would permit yourself to be in at least. You were small in comparison to most males in your class and in Japan. You were a low fighter. Using your size, speed, and agility to your advantage when fighting without the aid of your quirk. 
But right now? You were nearly standing straight up, your legs in a half-assed lunge. Kirishima, unknowing of the predicament you were in, hesitated to go after you. You were one of the best hand to hand combat fighters, and if this was a new style of yours he had the right mind to be cautious. 
You felt the vibrations of the toy stop, and you almost cried in relief as you sunk into your normal position. Kirishima adjusted accordingly and surged forward, but you were ready. You shoot towards him. Your body low as you watch as his arm pulls back to punch at you, his speed slowing down, but you pick up speed.
You chuckle as you catch him by surprise, he had not expected this, so all he could do was watch as you slid between his legs. Your own leg sweeping him out as you stood, your body twists ready to pin him with your victory.
Bakugou turns on the vibrator at full power and you yelp. Your body folding in on yourself as Kirishima regains his composure. Grabbing your distracted body, he pins you to the ground. Your eyes clenched in both failure and increasing pleasure building upon you. If Bakugou didn’t fucking stop--
“Are you okay, y/n?” Kirishima asks, his eyes wide as your hips buck against his thigh despite your best effort. Your eyes crack open to see Kirishima’s face as red as his hair from your movement. The friction aiding in your pleasure. Despite the coursing pleasure wracking through your body, you manage to flip him over. Your knee pressing into his chest as you wheeze.
But the vibrations continue, and worse yet. They are somehow getting stronger, sharper, and too excessive.
Your teeth are biting against your lower lip so hard that you taste copper in your mouth. You’re trembling on top of Kirishima. Your fingers shaking on the grasp his gym shirt, your toes curl and your back arches the slightest of bits.
Oh, no.
With your senses heightened, and you feel as if you’re breaking at the seams now. Your breathing is a harsh pant as Kirishima’s hands place themselves against your waist. Your cunt throbs at the feeling of his heated hands pressing through your gym shirt. Your back slams back down hard against the floor. 
That’s all it takes. 
Your hand slams into your mouth to keep yourself from sobbing out in pleasure. Kirishima pins you to the ground in victory. His legs straddling you to the floor, and your body thrashes under his. Your orgasm shoots through you. The long-overdue orgasm setting every nerve in your body on fire as your twist.
Your hand leaves your mouth as Kirishima stumbles off you. His face beet red and the low vibrations against your clit have lessened into a soft hum before stopping. Everything feels dizzy, your body deliriously light as you stare up at the gym ceiling. Despite the ongoing breathing issues you were having your eyes found Bakugou. He is expressionless. His face was stone hard as he turns away.
You had come, and you had come against his best friend...
This was not going to end well for you.
You expected Bakugou to be fuming at you because you came. You were not expecting anything less from your emotionally driven boyfriend.
What you weren’t expecting; however, was the rope around your wrists, the ties around your ankles, the fabric gag in your mouth, and the machine between your spread legs.
“I’m surprised you lasted as long as you did, you fucking slut,” Bakugou growled from beside you. Your tear-filled gaze looked at him. Your pleas for forgiveness muffled by the damp fabric between your teeth. “I’m sorry, did you say something? Only good girls who don’t come around her boyfriend's best friend get to speak.” He snarls his hand gripping your inner thigh.
Your legs buck in desperation, you needed Bakugou, you craved him so bad.
Since getting back to the dorms, Bakugou had almost sent you over the edge more times than you could account for. If you had thought the vibrator all day was bad... you would much rather get back onto it instead of this barbarous treatment. He was putting you through hell right now.
Your pussy had never once been this sore. Your legs coated with your juices, yet not a single drop of it was from your orgasm. Your body twitched excessively, your overstimulated yet denied body craving a release. 
A release that Bakugou was refusing to give you.
Bakugou stood without a shirt on, but his dark grey sweatpants hung low around his hips. His face dark and pissed, yet the satisfied smile and raging boner said otherwise.
“Since you want to be a filthy slut and come around someone who isn’t me, why don’t you take this fucking machine?”
Your eyes follow Bakugou. Your raw throat making noises that can not be understood, and he turns on the machine. 
A sob rips through your throat as the machine presses the dildo into you. Your sopping walls easily letting the dildo slip in without trouble. Your arms tug you one way, and your legs thrash in an attempt to lessen the friction. You wanted to come, but you didn’t want to come around the fucking machine!
“Stop pretending that you don’t want to be fucked like this,” Bakugou growls, his hands slamming your wiggling hips back into the mattress. Your heavy cries are useless as he overpowers you. The machine is sliding in and out of your cunt. Stretching your walls in a way you’re not used to as your hips bucked involuntarily. “See, trying to pretend you didn’t want this dildo in you, and look at you! Fucking it like a whore.”
You blubber against the gag, your hips bucking in time against the machine as Bakugou laughs. His mouth coming to press harshly against your throbbing clit, and your body twists again. The feeling overwhelming as he glides his teeth against your puffy bundle of nerves. It doesn’t matter how much you yell, however, Bakugou continues on. 
“Maybe I won’t even let you come around my fucking cock, baby.” Bakugo sighs as if he accepted that outlook. 
You shake your head, your arms trembling as you once again resist against the machine. The rhythmic thrusts of the machine are so fucking good though. Your inner walls fluttering against it despite your greatest effort. You were so desperate for a release that you would do it anywhere at this point. 
Bakugou’s hands grope your breasts, and you arch against him. His fingers roll against your pert nipples. His tongue trailing saliva against the valley of your breasts and your muffled moans only stir him on. Your legs begin to shake, a sure tell of your oncoming orgasm and Bakugou looks up at your clenched face.
Your hips were ramming against the machine harder than the machine was entering you,. You were so preoccupied with your nearly crashing orgasm you didn’t notice that Bakugou had seen you trembling.
The machine is now removed from you. The sounds of the twirling motors the only reminder that it had even been there.
“You’re such a fucking, cockslut,” Bakugou smirks as he presses kisses against your clammy neck and you sob. “Do you want to come?” He growls and you pathetically nod your head.
Your need for release for so high at this point that you were desperate for anything to get you over the edge. Your eyes flutter closed as Bakugou smiles against your skin. His lips trailing open mouth kisses against your skin as he pushes away.
Your eyes feel heavy as you watch him remove the restraints from your legs as he removes his sweatpants. Your chest heaving at the sight of Bakugou’s now freed cock slapping against his stomach. His erection making you clamp your thighs shut, rubbing together for friction as he takes a hand through his hair. 
His eyes locked on your needy form, a cocky smirk on his face as he crawls over you, his hands planted to the sides of his head.
Bakugou leans against his left hand, his right-hand maneuvering to release the gag from your mouth as you stare at him. Tears long gone from your eyes, but the same overpowering lust and need for an orgasm pounding throughout your body.
Your jaw feels like it cracks as you close it, your hands shifting in the harsh constraints. You never liked using rope because it always chafed at your skin…
“Are you ready to come around an actual cock?” Bakugou growls into your skin, and your head nods quickly, your voice unable to make a noise as he chuckles.
You don’t know what’s happening, only that Bakugou has thrust his full length into your awaiting cunt. Bakugou’s hiss rings into your ear as he bottoms you out, and your shriek is now muffled by his hand.
“Shut the hell up,” He snarls. “I don’t need our entire fucking class knowing I’m fucking you!”
You nod your head, trying to keep quiet but his cock is stretching you out in the best of ways, your chest arching and brushing against his as he pounds into you. Your hips are attempting to keep up with his insane speed, your legs wrapping around Bakugou’s waist as he holds your ass.
His fingers clench onto your supple skin as you find yourself being thrust into the mattress. Your jaw dropping, silent screams ringing into the air as he is merciless in his conquest.
Sharp pleasure pierces through your body. Never-ending heat flooding your cunt as his length continues ramming into you. The two large veins on the side of his cock adding even more friction against your inner walls. 
“Ka-Katsuki!” You mewl loudly, your body trembling in his grasp as he continues pounding into you. Again and again, he slams harder into you, faster into you. Electricity flows through your veins as your eyes fall to the back of your head. Your body growing tense yet weak in his grasp. “F-Fuck! Fuck me faster, fuck me harder, please!” You beg.
Bakugou, never one to back down from a challenge, complies.
Your legs are thrown over his shoulder, and the new angle lets the tip of his cock brush against your g-spot. Bakugou grunts, having picked up on all your tells and adjusts himself. He rams back into you, the penetration further, the angle even more pleasing than before.
Your body shakes around his hold, his cock now slamming against your g-spot and without mercy. Your stammering breathing and incoherent praises only will Bakugou on as the fire within you burns. The seeming never-ending pleasure within you courses through your body as your hands slam against the restraints.
“You can-- fuck-- you can keep fucking going,” Bakugou snaps, his hips still going as fast and hard as ever. “Don’t fucking come yet!”
“B-Baby, please!” You sob your body contorting, your release so close you can taste it on your tongue. His cock twitches from within your walls, and the tip of his cock slams back against your g-spot. Your legs kick wildly, you being unable to contain your nearing release. 
Bakugou pinches your legs as he holds them tighter against his chest, and you’re practically seeing stars as he grunts out sweet nothings.
Sharp pants escape his mouth as he places his hands onto the pillow by your head. Your legs hooked around his shoulder stretching as your hips meet his with every thrust. Your arousal intensifies as a burning pressure erupts within you. Your head falling backward as you lacked the energy to keep it up. “Look at me,” Bakugou growls. The pleasure searing through your veins. It almost prohibits you from staring into his lustful eyes.
Bakugou drops to his forearm, and you sob, the tip of his dick hitting your g-spot with full force now.
“Did you like that?” Bakugou mocks against your throat. You nod your head as he angles himself into the same position and rocks even harder. Even further than before. Your body is spasming underneath his own. Languid moans seeping from your mouth in harmony with Bakugou’s grunts.
“You’re so fucking good to me!” You bawl as the heat within your core is overwhelming. Your breathing hitching with every slam of his hips.
“Do you need to come?” Bakugou snarls against your neck, and you nod frantically. “Then fucking come.”
That’s all you need and the pressure breaks, and you come hard onto his dick, your mouth opens as his lips messily press against yours. You cry his name as you pathetically squirm underneath him. Your pussy clenching around his dick with every following thrust. The tingles spreading throughout your body as he chases your orgasm.
You feel Bakugou curse against your throat. And with a stuttering thrust, expels his sticky and hot seed within you.
Bakugou stays over you, his breathing ragged, trying to calm down.
You chest heaving as you watch him with heavy-lidded eyes as he falls down, his hand resting on your stomach.
“Can you untie me?” You mumble, and Bakugou chuckles, his hand moving to undo the restraints.
You sigh in relief as you slip your raw wrists from the material and immediately curl into Bakugou’s side. 
“Did I hurt you?” Bakugou asks, his fingers gingerly grabbing your wrists. His warm fingers massaging the aching skin.
“Just my pride,” You giggle as his lips press soft kisses against the tender skin. “You did make me come on Kiri, and I don’t think I can ever live that down.”
“Yeah, well imagine how I felt, shitty woman. Who the fuck do you think you are, coming because of another guy.”
“You’re the tease who used the highest setting on the vibrator!”
“I love you, ‘suki.”
“...I love you too, y/n.”
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(Just to preface, this doesn't exist under MMR rules. Has no relation, and all merfolk swim using the stereotypical up and down motion.)
"Are you absolutely sure?"
Jotaro flicks an ear, folding himself lazily across your lap with a rumbling purr. The darkness of the dusk makes his gorgeous, hidden marks start to glow softly. You stroke lightly down the powerful muscles of his spine as your legs adjust to his weight, inwardly preening when you feel the very subtle loosening of his muscles.
Jotaro was an odd one, even among merfolk. He had been a loner, which was generally a death sentence for mers. Since most if them were so petite and only had two venomous spines - located at the base of the fluke, and usually brightly coloured - they made easy meals for anything smart enough to avoid those spines.
Your mer was also dull coloured, muted purples and blues interlaced with shiny golden accents and silver speckles that were only visible at and in darker spots. The first time you saw his body light up like that, you had taken to calling him Star.
(He pretended not to like it, but you always caught glimpses of him preening like other mers each time you said it.)
When you asked him if he ever felt inferior to other merfolk, Jotaro snorted. With his signature sigh, he claimed that it made it easier for him to hunt during dusk and dawn, but you always took note of the slightly jealous side-eyes he'd shoot other mers while you were swimming.
Another oddity was that he was travelling by himself along the coasts. The staying alone in groups was one thing - some mers were like that, but usually followed the pod as they migrated. Jotaro, on the other hand, would vanish for a maximum of 3 months, and you only found out that he was alone when you carefully asked a female from the permanent pod.
Turns out he had travelled by himself up until earlier that month when he stumbled upon an equally lonely cecealia.
At first you were worried.
A cecealia? As in, a member of the very species that commonly ate merfolk... Had podded up with your merman?
You nearly fainted, more so when the chopper female continued. According to hearsay, eyewitnesses, and rumours, the cecealia was named Kakyoin and had subtly roped your friend into becoming his podmate.
So when he showed back up at your dock with two silver haired mermen, a cecealia, and some kind of... Siren-merman thing, you had started crying.
You were snapped out of your nostalgic thoughts by Jotaro lifting himself up onto his forearms. His tail lifts over his shoulder, the dull purple tip of a poisonous spine just barely digging into the meat of his bicep.
"Listen to me: I don't care what you were on the surface. I don't give a flying fuck what sort of stupid shit, or what kind of full-brained shit you've done up here..." He falters, tail slapping down onto the cool water below. You hiss, the water lapping a little higher up your unclothed calves. Jotaro's brows are furrowed, sharpened fangs worrying at his lower lip before he releases it in one hissed breath, "I know you can be something better with us. Even if you..."
Pulling away, he pushes his hair forward, hiding his face behind the soaked strands. "Yare yare daze... What I'm trying to say is; we'd be happy as fuck if you joined our pod."
You blink slowly at him.
His ear fins flick to and fro, folding back when your silence persists and he huffs, "It is painful as fuck from what I've heard, and I guess that no human should ha-"
His eyes snap up, secondary eyelid blinking in shock.
You flash him a small smile. "I mean, I have nothing much up here." He follows the broad sweep of your arm, taking in the small boat next to you both, as well as the dull backdrop of your town.
Jotaro's fins flex, tail curling back up. His poisonous spine tips brush his shoulders, then sinks back down with a soft ripple as his bright blue eyes shift back to you.
A small smile twitches over your face.
His hands slide down, pulling you into the water with him. Your hands latch onto his shoulders, flinching upwards when his tail slots between your legs. Jotaro clicks softly.
One hand steadies you, the other carefully running the cold ocean water across your shoulders to ease you into the cold.
Ducking down, and tightening your legs, you whisper, "How... How bad will it hurt?"
His clicking stutters, shifting into a Predator-esque chitter as his moving hand presses against your hip. "... I can't say. I've never..."
You smile nervously. "Well... I guess the faster it's done with, the easier..." Curling your legs tighter, you press against him tighter. "Right?"
Jotaro is silent, and you peer up nervously. Some small silver spots on his face light up his eyes, making him looks softer yet more intense than usual.
"Just... Exhale. It'll make it faster."
Then he dunks you both under.
Your body instantly tenses, struggling and kicking until he starts making an interesting purring sound.
You hold out for longer then your mind is comfortable with, thrashing before the purring seems to amplify, multiplying and shoving itself into your mind like a persistent leech. It vibrates into your very being, burning itself into the very fibers of your soul and making your head loll back.
Your body burns, thrumming violently as Jotaro finally releases you. Your body jerks, begging you to swim upwards yet your muscles won't allow you to as they've already submitted to the enthralling roll of Jotaro's purring.
Jerking violently, you can feel your legs fusing, can feel Jotaro soothing his hands across the freshly forming hip fins and the steadily unfurling dorsal fin. Your lungs gurgle, filled with sea water and the ocean's breath. Another set of hands clamp over your mouth, one pinching across your nose harshly.
Your chest spasms, tail flailing and thrashing in panic.
Your head jerks again, trying to pull away so you can, but the palm tightens.
"No, actually breathe."
And you do.
Your chest heaves, lowering with the disconcerting feeling of water whooshing out of your neck, jetting out so hard you can feel your hair ruffle. The hands lift, brushing down and pulling your shirt away from the newly formed gills.
Another set, presumably Jotaro's judging by how rough the inner knuckles are, reach up to brush your eyelids.
You tilt towards him, gasping as your ear fins flutter. Your ears are far more sensitive, flooding your senses with a lot of information that your mind doesn't quite know how to process. Water rushes over your left ear, and you immediately twist...
Only to immediately flip ass over tea kettle when your new, weighty tail flicks a little too harshly. You cry out, choking on the rush of sea water. A pair of hands catch you, you can hear people tittering so you snap your eyes open.
Saltwater stings your eyes, making your ears start flattening your fins back.
"Haha, second eyelid, ma chérie."
You gurgle, unable to talk. The hands that caught you, shift up and press against the outer corners of your eyes. Almost immediately, you feel something press closed, sliding from the outer corner to the inner corners in one, smooth sweep.
Blinking slowly, you look up. Only to immediately start going a little starry eyed when you come face to face with Jotaro's pod.
Polnareff grins back at you, his brilliant silver, black and gold tail flexing beneath him and nearly glowing in the dark.
Avdol floats next to him, his longer, dark red and orange body ripples like an underwater lava flow, the bright yellow and black patch of scales across his throat signifying his siren status.
Kakyoin's arms are stretched, the wall of lime green, acidic yellow and shinning silver a stark contrast to Jotaro's darker colours.
And then Jotaro's grandfather, the silver barracuda himself, Joseph Joestar. The large merman is grinning, visibly vibrating in his spot in pure excitement. The faded greens and yellows of his body are beginning to be washed out, turning nearly pastel due to his age.
Jotaro curls around you, nuzzling into your head.
"Welcome to the Ocean."
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mischiefandi · 4 years
A Shitty Love Song (Part 4) - Stiles Stilinski
Cheap Thrills
A/N: hey everyone! part 4 is where things start to change a little for y/n, and im really excited for u guys to read it! I work really really hard on this series so it means a lot to see you guys enjoy it <3
Summary: Y/N is a 17 year old girl who struggles in an epic battle against herself. Whether it is amor’s icy grasp or life’s unexpected course that forces her to open up, only one thing is certain. The truth cannot long be hidden.
Warnings: light cursing i think and mentions of panic (nothing severe)
Word Count: 5.3 K
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader (Y/N)
Series Masterlist
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(picture is not mine -> credits to @ clemono on unsplash)
The school doors opened, thus concluding winter break and the holidays, the thrilling sound of students’ footsteps echoing throughout the halls. It had only been two weeks since they had last seen each other, but the ecstatic teenagers greeted each other with wide smiles and warm hugs, their excited voices overlapping as they recounted the tales of their winter shenanigans.
Y/N burst through the large metallic school doors, her brown suede bag hooked over her right shoulder, and she sighed happily as her eyes scanned the crowd, searching desperately for her friends, the people she had missed so much. Most of the group had gone away during winter break. They had all kept in touch, but Y/N had found it quite difficult being alone in Beacon Hills, stowed away in her dark room, anxiously waiting for her busy friends’ texts. Being away from them had been harder than she had thought it would be.
So she walked past the cafeteria and turned a left, almost sprinting through the corridors as her quest continued. The bell was going to ring soon and she frowned, impatiently tapping her fingers against her side. Maybe they were all late. Or maybe they just hadn’t thought of saying hi before going to class. Y/N winced a little at the idea. She stopped mid-step and looked down at the floor, her eyes vaguely stinging when her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the feeling of warm hands clapping on her shoulders. She whirled around and her lips curled into a large smile when her eyes rested on Scott and Kira.
“Scott!” she exclaimed, wrapping him in a tight hug he happily returned.
“I was beginning to think you were avoiding us,” he joked, holding her tightly before letting her go.
“Har-har,” she said, hugging Kira next.
“How was your trip to Boston! You guys have to tell me everything!” Y/N couldn’t help the high pitch of her voice, her excitement difficult to contain as she breathed in Kira’s familiar cherry perfume and Scott’s musky cologne.
“It was amazing. We spent the whole week sight-seeing and I even managed to convince someone to ice skate with me,” Scott replied cheekily, hooking his arm around Kira’s waist and she scoffed with a smile.
“Everything was going great right up until that moment,” she whined and Y/N couldn’t help but giggle. “Everyone knows I’m the clumsiest person on Earth.”
“If you want my opinion, I think he took you there to act like the perfect gentleman when you fell,” Y/N whispered conspiratorially in Kira’s ear.
“I heard that.”
Kira grinned widely, her eyes fixated on her boyfriend’s goofy smile.
“It was definitely worth it then.”
The trio talked some more until the bell interrupted their conversation. Groans and whines echoed throughout the halls, clanging against the lockers as the students slowly started to shuffle into the classrooms.
“Ugh, already?”
“I’m gonna be honest, definitely have not missed this part.”
“Before you go, have you seen the others?” Y/N inquired, tightening her grip on her bag.
“No, not yet. I have class with Isaac and Stiles right now though.”
“Meet up for lunch at the cafeteria?” Kira asked with a soft smile.
“Yeah, definitely. See you then!”
Y/N waved goodbye to the couple and sighed softly. Seeing them had done her a world of good. She walked away from the lockers and into her classroom for math.
Words could not describe how badly she hated this class. Whether it was the teacher or the actual course in itself, Y/N couldn’t bear it. She had always been terrible at it. Abstract notions had always been excruciatingly difficult for her to grasp. They just didn’t make any sense to her, they never had. Even at her previous schools, math was the only class she constantly failed, no matter how much she studied and tried. Math wasn’t just something she disliked. It was something she feared - because it meant failure.
Y/N groaned in the palm of her hand as she scribbled the rapid-fire explanations her teacher was giving into her notebook, her thoughts desperately trying to catch up with his messy rambling. Her fingers curled around her pencil and she winced, a small wave of stress passing over her. Her foot tapped furiously against the floor, the blunt sound echoing in her ears, resonating as loudly as the lockers being slammed in the school halls. Y/N closed her eyes, inhaling as deeply as possible, hoping with every inch of her body that her spasms would cease soon. She focused all of her thoughts on calming down, breathing steadily, her eyes still shut tight.
She wondered why she was so easily affected by the stupidest things. Who freaks out over algebra?
The sound of her phone vibrating in her bag made her snap out of her funk, and she immediately reached for it, sending a glance at the teacher still busy lecturing about equations before checking the screen.
Stiles: where are you hiding?
Y/N’s lips instantly curled into a wide smile as she read the text, a wave of relief washing over her. He hadn’t forgotten about her.
Y/N: math class :(((
Y/N: where were u hiding?? couldn’t find u guys this morning
His reply was immediate, the phone vibrating in her hand almost as soon as she had sent her message.
Stiles: jeep trouble again
Y/N: do i need to get u a new roll of tape?
Stiles: do i sense mockery?
Y/N: ding ding ding
Stiles: oh i see how it is
Stiles: how’s math going
Y/N: it’s hell on earth lmao
Stiles: anything a genius like me could help you with
Y/N: genius huh?
Stiles: yea, i’ve got a certificate and everything
Y/N: u should get it framed
Stiles: oh i did, not to worry
Y/N: niiiice
Stiles: seriously though, if u ever need any math assistance
Stiles: i’m your guy
Y/N’s heart radiated warmth as his words engraved themselves in her mind. He truly was such a good friend, and it was a nice feeling knowing she could count on him to help her out with stuff like this. In the past, always being the new kid in school meant she rarely made meaningful relationships with people, so she wasn’t used to asking for help, especially not with something as basic as math.
Y/N: i might take you up on that
Shutting off her phone and slipping it back into her bag, Y/N straightened her shoulders and breathed slowly, embracing the feeling of air slowly filling her lungs. With a newfound confidence and motivation, she sat up straight and went back to taking notes.
At 1 pm, the bell rang, and Y/N grinned from ear to ear, thrilled about having lunch with the gang. It had been a while since the last lunchtime they’d all shared in the cafeteria, and she had missed them a lot. Packing up her things and exiting her history classroom, she held onto her bag and walked past the people casually chatting in the hall.
The cafeteria was filled with noise and chatter, the sound of loud reunions and fits of laughter exploding all over the room. People bustled round with their trays of food, jumping from one conversation to the next. Y/N’s eyes zoomed in on her friends’ table, the familiar faces sending a jolt of joy straight to her heart. She ran over to them and their faces lit up at the sight of her.
Allison jumped out of her seat, immediately throwing her arms around her friend, and Lydia quickly followed suit, smiling widely. Isaac then bumped her fist and she laughed as Lydia rolled her eyes. Finally, Y/N’s eyes rested on Stiles who had gotten up, patiently waiting for his turn to greet her. His eyes lit up when they met hers and he rushed forward to hug her. Though the moment ended fast, it was lovely to be reunited.
“I was beginning to think you were avoiding us,” he joked and she scoffed.
“Duh, I’ve been trying to get away for months.”
The group chatted about winter break and everyone’s holidays, exploding into fits of giggles and chuckles, occasionally teasing each other as anecdotes were spilled over the table. Everyone was there: Scott, Kira, Allison, Isaac, Lydia, and Stiles. And it felt good.
As lunch started to come to an end, the hands on the clock announcing the impending return to class, Y/N was laughing with Stiles, ranting about Han Solo’s character arc in Star Wars, when Lydia interrupted the conversation, eyes staring at something in the distance.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Isn’t that the guy from Danny’s party?”
“What?” Y/N asked, turning her eyes to where Lydia was pointing. Her jaw dropped, completely dumbstruck.
Sitting just a few feet away from her table, surrounded by Beacon Hills High students, was the tall blond boy from the Halloween rave, the one who had so meticulously painted her body.
She gasped. It was really him.
“Who’s that?” asked Stiles, intently watching the chivelled blond shake his head with a laugh at one of his friends.
“Y/N’s blast from the past…”
The girl’s cheeks warmed up instantly as she remembered the rave, purple lights once again making an appearance in her mind. She still didn’t know who she had kissed that night, but she did know the boy she was busy ogling was really cute.
“His name is Jeremy, and don’t call him that, Ali,” she laughed, eyes still fixated on him.
Stiles raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything, taking a bite out of his sandwich.
One of the guys sitting across from Jeremy suddenly seemed to notice how curious the table adjacent them seemed to be at the sight of them. With a smirk, he pointed at Y/N and told his friend to look.
Jeremy turned around in the direction of his friend’s nonchalantly pointed finger, and his lips curled into a smile as his eyes met Y/N’s. He had recognised her.
Y/N felt herself shrink as he stood up, signalling to his friends he would just be gone for a minute, before walking over to the table. The pack grew silent as they all watched him, anxiously waiting for the scene to unravel.
“Hey, you’re the girl from Halloween, right?” His warm voice made her shiver as she gazed into his deep blue eyes, and she smiled shyly, tucking a strand of stray hair behind her ear.
“Yeah, you’re Jeremy,” she replied, flabbergasted.
“That’s me.”
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
He laughed, passing a hand through his hair, eyes never leaving hers.
“I-uh, I transferred over the winter break. My parents moved closer to here.”
Y/N nodded swiftly, taking in the information.
Jeremy, the boy from Halloween, the boy she’d spent hours thinking about after the party, was here, attending her school. What kind of trick was the universe playing on her now?
“By the way, hi, everyone, I’m Jeremy!” he exclaimed, suddenly realising he and Y/N weren’t alone.
“Hi, nice to meet you!”
“Yeah, welcome to Beacon Hills High,” Scott said, friendly as always, sending the blond a warm smile. He was immediately met with one in return.
“Thanks, man.”
Y/N couldn’t keep her eyes off of Jeremy, still not over the initial shock of finding out he was here.
“By the way, I still don’t know your name,” he laughed, sending her a look that made her heart melt right in her chest.
“Right, I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to officially meet you, Y/N. I missed you on the dance floor.”
Y/N’s heart stopped, his words echoing in her ears. So, he wasn’t the one she had danced with that night? Hundreds of thoughts clouded her mind. Who had she kissed if not him? Had it really been Stiles? Or had it been someone else entirely?
The entire pack stayed silent as they watched her watch Jeremy. The tension in the air was so tangible, you could cut it with a knife. Thankfully, the bell suddenly rang, snapping everyone out of the moment, the people surrounding them getting up and gathering their things to go back to class.
“We have to get to class, I’m sorry,” Y/N said, so nervous she could feel her heart beat out of her chest.
“-Yeah, so do I,” he said, anxiously shaking his head with a smile.
Y/N’s friends slowly got up from their seats, eyes still fixated on the pair of teenagers, intent on watching the whole scene. She smiled at him and pulled her bag over her shoulder, finally breaking their staring match.
“-Wait!” she heard him say, and she looked back at him, lips slightly parted in anticipation.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“Would you wanna hang out tonight? There’s a restaurant not far from here I really wanted to check out.”
“Are you asking me out to dinner?” she asked, practically wheezing as the reality of the situation settled in.
“Uh, yeah, I am. Is that okay?”
Y/N suddenly giggled, her smile widening slowly as her eyes twinkled with excitement.
“Yes, it’s okay.”
“So you’re down?”
“Yeah, that’d be great!”
He sighed with relief, before handing her his phone in order for her to type in her number. The pack stayed completely silent as the other students shuffled out of the cafeteria.
“Here you go,” Y/N said before handing the phone back to him.
“Thanks. I’ll text you the details after school, okay?”
“Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Great. Anyway, I should get to class. It was nice meeting you all!” Jeremy said as he started to walk away, sending Y/N a small wave along with a grin, one she happily returned before letting out a sigh.
“Y/N, what was that?” exclaimed Allison, jumping up and down with a shriek once Jeremy had left.
Y/N couldn’t believe what had just transpired. She had just been asked out. On a date. By Jeremy.
“I don’t know, but apparently, I’m going out tonight,” she replied, giddy with excitement.
“Congrats!” Scott said warmly.
“I expect a full report when you get home. And he better behave like a gentleman or he’ll have us to deal with,” Lydia added, tone dead serious.
“Absolutely,” Isaac agreed.
“You guys are dorks. But thank you, I’m excited!” she said.
As the group started to leave the table, Y/N looked around, trying to find her best friend and her eyes landed on Stiles’ back, the spiky-haired teenager swiftly walking out of the cafeteria.
“What’s that about?” she thought to herself before grabbing the last of her things and leaving as well.
Hours later, Y/N stood in her bedroom, the sun outside setting slowly. She stood in front of her full-length mirror, eyeing her outfit. She had chosen to wear a v-neck dark red sweater and black skinny jeans along with her favourite pair of black boots. Her look was okay, but she couldn’t figure out how to wear her hair.
Wrapping the long strands around her hand, she thought to herself, biting her lip with uncertainty.
“Updo or no?” she asked herself, tilting her head to the side to get a better look.
Y/N was so confused and anxious. Seeing Jeremy in school had answered one of her questions, but now she had so many more. Plus, she had never been on a date before. No one had ever taken an interest in her like Jeremy seemed to. In fact, it baffled her how this fun, friendly, and albeit seductive guy could even look twice at a girl like her.
“Half-bun it is.”
As she pulled her hair back and made her bun, she watched herself, thoughts still running wild with every passing second.
“What do people even talk about on dates? What if it gets awkward?”
She unfortunately had no answers for those questions, though she did know someone who definitely would.
Rushing over to her messy desk, she shoved piles of books and stray sheets of paper out of the way, scrambling to find her cellphone. She grabbed it as soon as she found it, hurriedly dialing Lydia’s number. A couple rings later, her friend’s voice echoed through the speaker.
“Hi! Lyds, are you busy right now?”
“Not at the moment, no. Why, what’s going on?” Lydia replied, confused.
“You’re kind of the relationship expert of the group, right?”
“Obviously, continue.”
“Well, Jeremy’s picking me up in like 10 minutes and I’m freaking out. I’m really nervous!” Y/N exclaimed in her phone.
“Don’t be. Just enjoy the ride,” Lydia said, the words rolling off her tongue so nonchalantly Y/N could almost laugh.
“It’s not that easy. What do I say? What if I get something stuck in my teeth?”
“Y/N, he asked you out. That means he likes you. So just talk to him like you did at Danny’s party and everything will be fine. Besides, he’s probably just as nervous as you are.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Are you more anxious than excited?”
Y/N paused, thinking deeply. Was she excited? Earlier that day, she had felt weak in the knees at the idea of going out with Jeremy. But right then, all she could feel was her heart beating abnormally fast. She was scared, scared he’d be put off by her, scared he’d want her to do something she wasn’t necessarily prepared to do. And something else was bothering her, but she couldn’t quite pinpoint it.
“I’m excited,” she finally answered, brow furrowed as she stared straight at her reflection in the mirror.
“Okay. Then go kick some ass. And by kick some ass, I mean be charming and blow his mind.”
“Thanks, Lyds. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow.”
“I don’t expect any less,” the strawberry blonde quipped and Y/N snorted.
She hung up and walked over to her dresser, placing various rings on her fingers, eyes just staring into the void. It was an odd feeling, getting ready for a date she was apprehending so much. Something just didn’t sit right with her, but she just couldn’t figure out exactly what it was.
As she passed her earrings through her lobes, she thought back on her lunch break from earlier that day and a pang of guilt suddenly hit her in the gut as she remembered Stiles walking out of the cafeteria, alone and not bothering to signal his departure. It had confused her, how he had just left without saying a word, especially after they’d had such a fun conversation all through the break.
Shaking the disruptive thoughts from her mind, she finally grabbed a small bag filled to the brim with her wallet, phone, keys, and makeup in case of an emergency touch-up.
The sound of her phone buzzing sent her heart into a frenzy and she read the words carefully, slowly breathing in and out to calm herself.
Jeremy: hey, i’m in front of your place :)
Y/N took one last look at herself in the mirror, admiring the dark shade of red lipstick she’d carefully applied to her lips, before nodding with resolve and leaving her room.
Sure enough, there he was, sitting in the driver’s seat of his grey Prius, and his eyes lit up when they met hers, a warm and inviting smile drawing on his face.
Y/N smiled back at him, ignoring the slight throb of her heart as she walked closer to the car, making her way around. Much to her surprise, he immediately jumped out of the car, stumbling over to the other side of the vehicle in order to open the door for her.
“Hi,” he said sweetly, eyes not leaving hers.
“Hey, thanks for picking me up,” she murmured, cheeks turning to a deep crimson.
“My pleasure. You look really beautiful,” he said and Y/N suddenly felt strange, a distant sense of uncertainty filling her mind.
“What’s wrong with you? He’s being really sweet.” She thought to herself.
She smiled through it, trying desperately not to show how scared she felt before slipping inside the car and into the passenger's seat. He soon joined her side at the wheel and turned on the ignition, pulling onto the road and driving away from her dimly-lit house. The sun had almost disappeared beneath the horizon, leaving the sky a deep blue. Y/N gazed at it, embracing the peace that came with admiring the first visible stars of the evening. She took a mental note, memorising the view for later. She couldn’t wait to paint this.
“So, did you have a nice day?” She heard Jeremy say, and her head snapped in his direction.
“Yeah, it was great seeing my friends. What about you, how was your first day?”
Jeremy laughed, eyes fixated on the road.
“It went pretty well. I already knew a couple guys from Beacon Hills so I hung out with their group. I gotta say your school’s bigger than my old one,” he answered with a warm chuckle.
“I’m actually new- I mean new is a relative term cause I’ve been going there since September.”
“Oh really? You don’t seem new.”
“What do you mean?” Y/N asked, a confused but playful grin on her lips.
“I don’t know, you just seem like you’re exactly where you’re meant to be, like you’ve got it all figured out.”
Y/N laughed, unsure of how to answer. She had never been told she seemed confident, so this was quite a foreign concept to her.
“Thanks? I guess,” she said in between soft giggles.
“You’re welcome, I guess,” the boy next to her replied, flashing her a wide grin.
Not too long after having picked her up, Jeremy pulled into a small parking lot next to the restaurant he had picked out for them, cutting off the engine with a twist of his car keys. 
“I hope you like Italian cause this place serves the best pasta in Beacon Hills.”
“Wow, the highest of praise!”
The teenagers walked into the little bistrot, and a waiter soon sat them down at a small round table by the front door. The room was dimly lit, though a rather large candle stood on the shelf behind Jeremy, illuminating the corner in which he and Y/N were seated. The sound of chatter and chaos in the kitchen filled the restaurant along with the divine smell of tomato sauce and smoked meat.
The pair carefully read the menu and ordered two bowls of pasta carbonara along with bruschetta and a bottle of water. As soon as the waiter had gone, Jeremy started up a new conversation.
“Wanna play a game?”
“Sure, what’s the game?” Y/N asked, unbelievably nervous on the inside but curious.
“It’s called 21 questions. We each ask each other 1 question after the other, you know, to get to know each other.”
“And let me guess, we stop at the 21st question?”
“Wow, you’re catching on real fast,” Jeremy joked.
“Yeah, well, I’m really smart so…”
“Okay, first question. How old are you?”
“17, how old are you?”
“I’m actually 24.”
“You’re what?” Y/N exclaimed, earning herself a couple of narrow side-eyes.
Jeremy snorted which sent Y/N into a fit of giggles.
“I’m just messing you, oh my god!”
“It’s not my fault if I was fooled by your terrific acting skills,” she replied, still laughing.
“My deepest apologies. My turn again. What’s your favourite color?” he asked.
“The color of my sweater.”
“It’s a really nice sweater.”
Y/N felt her cheeks fill with red at his remark, and she smiled shyly before clearing her throat.
“Would you say you’re a good student?”
“I’d say I’m not a bad one. Do you have any hobbies?”
“I love to paint. I actually picked it up again this year.”
“That’s really cool. What do you usually paint?”
“Nuh-uh, it’s my turn to ask a question!”
Jeremy laughed, throwing his head back.
“My bad.”
“What’s your favourite band?”
“I’m not really into bands, I like Kendrick Lamar, A$AP Rocky, stuff like that.”
“Oh okay. I don’t really listen to them. I mostly listen to rock music, so like Nirvana, Led Zeppelin.”
The food finally arrived, and the pair dug in, the delicious pasta invading Y/N’s senses with every bite.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding. Best pasta in Beacon Hills.”
“Right? It’s so good.”
Y/N almost moaned as she took another forkful of spaghetti and Jeremy stifled a chuckle.
“I see you’re really enjoying it.”
“It’s your fault for bringing me to such a nice restaurant,” she teased.
“That reminds me. Next question. Favourite season?”
“Summer! Favourite Star Wars movie?”
“Easy, none of them.”
“I’m sorry what?” Y/N almost choked on her food, sending him a wild look. “You don’t like Star Wars?”
“Uh-oh, did I poke the dragon?”
“How can you not like Star Wars?” she exclaimed, flabbergasted. “It’s iconic!”
“I don’t know, it’s just kind of repetitive. And also it doesn’t make any sense. Like, how is it that they all just perfectly understand the big bear when he makes those sounds.”
“It’s his language! And how dare you, they are not repetitive,” she half-whispered, trying to calm down before anyone could ask her to quiet down.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. I take it all back!”
“Thank you!”
The pair laughed and kept playing their game of 21 questions until they finished their dinner, happy, full, and content. The food had been delicious, and Y/N was actually having a very nice time, though still, a strange feeling loomed in the back of her mind, preventing her from completely enjoying the moment.
However, he was a very nice guy, he even offered to pay for dinner, telling her he had it covered. He was sweet and he seemed genuinely interested in everything she had told him that evening. So she tried to ignore her doubts, laughing at Jeremy’s jokes and smiling sweetly.
When the evening came to an end, Jeremy and her walked back to the car and headed straight to her house. The moment where they’d part was impending, Y/N couldn’t help but think about what was going to happen next. Was he going to try to kiss her? Was he expecting more? She felt her heart beat faster with every mile travelled, and she bit her lip in anticipation.
After what seemed like an eternity, the car finally came to a stop in front of Y/N’s house. All the lights seemed to be turned off, meaning her parents were probably asleep. She let out a shaky breath, placing her hand on the handle of the car door.
“Let me walk you back,” Jeremy said, shuffling out of the car. She appreciated the gesture, though she felt more and nervous by the second.
The walk up to her front porch was silent, the only sound perceivable being the chirping of small crickets gently making music with their wings.
Y/N stopped as she got to her front door, and she sighed softly.
“Well, this is me. Thank you for tonight. I had a great time,” she said.
Jeremy’s eyes bore straight into hers and he smiled.
“I’m glad you had fun. By the way, I still have one question left?”
“You do?” Y/N felt herself shrink as he took a step closer to her, his piercing blue eyes still looking deep into hers, her heart thundering in her chest.
“Yeah. Can I kiss you?” he asked gently, and Y/N paused, mind going blank.
She had known this moment would come eventually, but actually hearing the words slip from his lips made her freeze in place. Did she want him to kiss her? He had been extremely sweet and gentlemanly. He was nice and quite fun, and he even seemed to like her, unlike most of the guys she’d had her sights on in the past. But something just didn’t seem right. And much to Y/N’s dismay, she still couldn’t understand what that something was.
All she knew was that she couldn’t lead him on. He didn’t deserve that. This wasn’t amor.
Taking in a deep breath, she shook her head softly, looking him straight in the eyes.
“I’m really sorry, I don’t know why-”
“-But you don’t want to.”
“I’m sorry,” she repeated gently, concern clouding her features.
Jeremy’s smile slipped but he sent her a warm look despite his obvious disappointment.
“Is it because I don’t like Star Wars?” he teased and Y/N couldn’t help but laugh, a small wave of relief washing over her. Even after being turned down, he was nice to her. She truly didn’t deserve him.
“No! I know it’s super cliché to say but honestly, it’s not you. It’s just-” she paused, coming to terms with the fact that there was no reason for her hesitance other than a feeling.
It was so ridiculous of her.
“-I just can’t,” she finally breathed and Jeremy nodded.
“It’s really okay. Friends?” he asked, a hint of hope in his voice as he put out his hand.
Y/N shook it warmly and beamed at him, relieved that he still wanted to stay in touch.
“Definitely. I’ll see you at school?”
“Yeah, see ya!” he said before winking at her and walking back to his car.
Y/N watched the car drive off and she sighed. It had been an eventful night but a good one, and she truly was happy they could stay friends. Unlocking her front door and sending Allison and Lydia a brief text to say she was home, she walked into her bedroom and closed the curtains above her bed.
She plugged in her phone and shut it off, before slipping out of her clothes and into her pyjamas. After brushing her teeth, she climbed into bed and turned off her bedroom lights, though it took her a while to fall asleep. She couldn’t help but think about the events of the day.
Stiles walking away without saying a word really had struck a chord with her, especially since they hadn’t talked since then. She replayed the scene over and over in her head, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for why he had done that.
Perhaps the most obvious one should have come to mind immediately, but she didn’t dare think of it, pushing it as far away from her mind as possible. He had most probably realised he was late for class, or he’d forgotten something in his locker. Maybe. Whatever it was, Y/N felt her eyes grow heavy, and eventually, she fell asleep.
The next day, Y/N walked to school, fresh air invading her lungs with every inhalation. She couldn’t wait to see her friends so she could explain what had happened the night before. Even though she hadn’t kissed Jeremy, she still had a lot to tell Allison and Lydia.
She walked into school and headed to her locker, putting in her combination before taking out the books she needed for class, when a sudden clang erupted next to her. She jumped with a gasp and whirled round, her wide eyes landing on Allison.
“Y/N! You’re not gonna believe this!” The brunette exclaimed.
“Dude, you almost gave me a heart-attack! What’s going on?” Y/N asked with a laugh.
“It’s Stiles,” Allison said, voice so serious Y/N started to feel anxious, worried something might’ve happened to him.
“What, what is it?” she pressed, eyes wide.
“He broke up with Malia.”
A/N: thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed it! if you liked it, please please please reblog this, it would mean the world to me. it really helps us writers out and i work super hard on this series which unfortunately is flopping lol, so if u like it - reblog <3 thank you guys
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exosmutfactory · 4 years
How I Look On You 003
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Chun-hei is stuck between feeling too busy to commit and too young to settle down. And with her bustling book publisher business, bachelors and alike are all swarming around her for a chance at publicity. She’s doing a good job at keeping the men at bay—until Byun Baekhyun, that is. Doesn’t mean he’ll have it easy though.
Part 1 |  Part 2 |  Part 3 ✓ |  Part 4 |  Part 5 |
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
The Struggle
Uh, I make my money, and I write the checks
So say my name with a little respect
All my girls successful, and you're just our guest
Do I really need to say it?
Do I need to say it again, yeah?
You better stop the sweet talk
And keep your pretty mouth shut
“Fuck,” I pant, leaning back into my seat. “Mmm god, Baekhyun.”
The raven moans from between my legs, sucking harder on my clit as I tug on his hair in abandon.
“You’re so fucking good,” Purring lowly while running a hand through his hair, I tighten my grip again; arching against his mouth when he lightly drags his teeth across the sensitive bud. “I’m close.”
“Mmm.” He slides a finger inside, slipping in another one when he receives no resistance from my sopping core.
My moans grow louder in volume as he repeatedly hits my g-spot; that familiar knot in my stomach getting ready to release with every suck and swirl of his tongue on my clit. When my orgasm hits a loud ringing fills my ears; black dots circling my vision as I stare up open-mouthed at the ceiling. Thighs quivering around his head as he keeps lapping at my aching folds.
“You taste so fucking good,” He growls, moving between my parted legs while I look up at him in a daze. His hard member sliding along my soaking core causing both our breaths to hitch.
“Baek,” I panted, gripping his shirt. Please.
He slips inside; all hot, rigid and raw. I can feel every vein on his cock as I tighten my greedy walls.
“Look at you,” He grunts, snapping his hips and bottoming out with every thrust; the painfully good pressure at my cervix leaving me breathless. “So needy for my cock, baby. Have you missed me?”
Digging my nails into his leather seats, I can only moan and gasp with his every move; that familiar feeling of blooming pride swelling in my chest. My back arches to new heights when he roughly rubs my recovering clit; a cry pulled from my lips when he speeds up his rough movements. Sex is always good, but fuck, Baekhyun’s sex is out worldly.
“Fuck you look so beautiful like this,” He breathes; hair dangling in his brown eyes that are filled with an emotion I’m too blissed out to decipher right now. My grip on his back deepens the more that all too familiar knot forms in my stomach.
It takes all my effort to open my eyes and meet his again; a flow of pleasured noises I haven't made in years falling from my lips when he tilts my hips at a higher angle and slams right into my spot. I can only describe the look in his eyes as fondness as I tip over that blissful edge.
“God.” Baekhyun groans, hips stuttering at my spasming walls gripping his cock. His head snaps up from our joined parts, “W-Wait where can I cum?” The breathy tone of his voice has me tightening even more around him, pulling an almost pained moan from his thoroughly kiss-swollen lips. “Fuck baby, I can’t-”
“I-Inside.” I gasp, wrapping my thighs tightly around his waist, “Fill me up, Baekhyun.”
The whiny moan from his lips as he cums is devastatingly adorable, although I’d never tell him that. Or how right it feels to have his warmth filling up my walls. Can’t have him getting too attached now, can we? 
Our heavy breaths mingle in the heat of the fogged-up car as I move to reach for the tissue box on the passenger’s seat. “My meeting is in 30 minutes,” I sigh, trying my best to ignore his tempting kisses on my neck.
Baekhyun pauses, making a noise in protest. “10 more minutes with me?”
“Baek, after all that you’d be lucky if I came in 40.” I chuckle breathlessly, checking my Rolex. “Didn’t you say you had somewhere to be as well?” Quirking a brow, I turn back to him, blinking at the odd look in his eyes. He shifts his brown orbs away before I can identify it. “Yeah.” He clears his throat, leaning back to help clean up the mess. “I have to show an intern around.”
“Ooo that sounds like fun,” I smirk, laughing at the sour look on his face. “Oh come on, it can’t be that bad.”
“Imagine having someone ¾ s of your age following you around,” He grumbles; nose adorably scrunched as he gently wipes our aftermath from my inner thighs.
Ugh. Accountants and their ways of math—but wait. I tilt my head, “How old are you?”
Baekhyun freezes, hand right over my mound before mumbling something under his breath.
“Hmm?” I tuck a red manicured finger under his chin, looking into his sparkly brown orbs.
“I..” He hesitates, gulping. A red hue covering the tips of his ears. “24,” He mumbles.
“..Huh,” I lick my lips, grinning; keeping his gaze locked on mine. “And you’re just telling me this now?”
“Y-You never asked,” He looks off to the right before meeting my eyes with his defensive ones, “What? Is it a problem?”
“No,” I insist, shaking my head with a coy smile. “Just making sure,” My finger lightly traces down his neck to his delectable collarbones; his gulp adding sparks to a cooled down flame, “I’m not corrupting you.”
Baekhyun looks up at me then in all his unbuttoned shirt and sex tussled hair glory, biting that damn bottom lip of his, “And what if you are?”
I scoff, snarling playfully and giving him a light shove, “You wish. Come on before we ruin your seats.”
Together we finish cleaning off ourselves and the driver’s seat. Throwing used tissues in the trash bag under the passenger’s seat and looking all over for my earring and his tie. “Here,” I gently take it from his hands, straightening it, “You’re looking a little crooked there.”
Baekhyun says nothing as I end up retying the knot; his gaze burning on my concentrating form.
“There,” I smooth it out with a small smile, reaching for my purse while he runs a hand through his hair and steps out the car. The cold wintry air feels amazing on my heated skin.
“So,” He clears his throat, avoiding my eyes. I lightly tap my nails on the dashboard, very aware of the ticking on the clock. “Can I...see you after this?” He falters, peeking meekly over at me.
“I need to be able to walk tomorrow, Baek,” I mumble, reapplying my lipstick in the mirror.
“T-That’s fine, I mean...” He rocks back on the balls of his feet, “Do you.. want to go out for dinner or some-”
Wincing a little, I murmur, “I’m staying later to monitor everyone during overtime tonight.” My chest tightens uncomfortably after I utter those words. And even more so when I see the crestfallen look on his face.
“Oh..” He rubs the back of his neck, looking down at his shoes before meeting my eyes. “Are you free anytime this week?”
I don’t say anything—I can’t bear to as he looks at me with those damn sad puppy eyes that tug at a deep place hidden inside my chest. So I lightly shake my head, clearing my throat before returning my focus back to the purse in my hands. And the vibrating phone in my lap. “I’ll have to sprint if I plan to make it on time.” I note, eyes wide at the “2 minutes to spare” reminder flashing across the screen.
Baekhyun merely nods, moving out the way as I step out into the cold. The temperature is nearly unbearable as I take a step away from his warmth.
“I’ll text you the next time I’m free,” I mumble, throwing him one last look over my shoulder. I pat his arm while walking pass, trying to ignore the dejected look on his face. “See you ‘round.”
“Yeah,” He murmurs, the rest of his words taken away by the mid-December wind.
I huddle further into my wool coat as I round the corner. Quickly making my way into the building despite the light layer of ice covering the sidewalk before my gloveless fingers go numb. The gust of heat greeting me once I step through the door doing little to warm me up on the inside.
“Chun-hei!” Snapping my head up, my eyes widen at the frazzled secretary near sprinting across the floor, “Jihun, what-”
“You’re 10 minutes late!” She hisses, grabbing my wrist before bolting back over to the elevators. “Thank goodness the illustrator was able to distract the reviewers and the author with a selection of book covers. Your ass needs to be in there now.”
I give a speedy reply, thankfully making it to the meeting room in one piece despite our haste through freely cleaned, (and slippery,) floors. It takes everything in me to stop Jihun from literally bursting through the door before quickly checking over our appearances and walking through the entry with the expected swiftness and grace.
“Good morning everyone, sorry I’m late.” Briefly glancing over the blank and slightly irritated expressions on their faces, I drape my coat over the back of my chair, swiftly moving to start the presentation on the whiteboard. “Let’s get down to business, shall we?”
“I know you’re happy getting dicked down on the regular, Chun-hei, but fuck.” Jihun paces the empty room, running careful mint-green manicured fingers through her hair, “You’ve never been late to a meeting before.”
All I can do is press my forehead to the table and groan. Please don’t remind me. Thinking about all the nonsense I spluttered to Baekhyun in my hurry to escape makes me wince. Overtime? Being busy for the rest of the week? I just sent my workers off on a mini-vacation for being so diligent these past 3 months.
“Really, I know it’s doing you some good, but you’re really distracted now too.” I know she’s only speaking the truth, but it still hurts my pride knowing that someone—a horny man none the less—has managed to cloud my judgment again. To knock me off my tight-knit schedule and mess up a little of my reputation. And only with keeping my bed warm every now and then? Has my self worth stooped this low?
Or is it my guard being let down around him; my subconscious muses.
I shove that thought down fast.
“Jihun,” Her name comes out more whiny than intended. Though it stops her right in her tracks. “What?”
“I need help,” I mumble. In more way than one if I’m being honest. 
“With what—Baekhyun hasn’t done anything has he?” Her heels click rhythmically as she approaches the table, taking the seat next to me. “If he fucked you over, I swear-”
“No, no,” I shake my head, waving my hand around, “None of that. I need a drink.”
“..A drink?..”
“Straight up vodka,” I lift my head, nodding to myself, “And five shots.”
She gives me a pensive look, sharp eyes quickly picking up on the situation. “I’ll call the girls.”
Giving an appreciative hum, I let my head drop back to the table with a sigh. Willing away the thoughts of black hair and hypnotizing brown eyes. What the fuck have I gotten myself into.
“Let me get this straight,” Minji taps her chin, a glass of mojito resting between her fingertips, “You’ve been sleeping with this guy for a few weeks-”
“Months,” I mumble petulantly, nursing my own glass with shaky hands, “Over two months.”
“Over two months,” She repeats, “And when he asks you on a date, you freak out.” She concludes, setting stunned eyes onto me.
I shrug despite the lump in my throat; tugging uncomfortably at the neck of my crocheted long-sleeved black dress, “Pretty much.”
“Girl!” There is no time to avoid a snack to my arm. All I can do is cover the throbbing area and whimper at the pain. “He likes you, dummy!”
“Sure he does,” I roll my eyes, ignoring the fast pace of my heart; leaning against the counter when the room starts to spin. “We could say the same about-” I hiccup, “-Seojun.”
“Seojun has been far up his own ass since day one,” Jihun’s voice manages to float over the headache-inducing bass of the club. Perfect nails sticking out like sore thumbs under the neon lights, “It’s our fault for giving him the benefit of the doubt.” 
“How nice of you,” I murmur, taking my last shot glass with a sigh.
“Anyways,” Minji perks up, energy cranked up to 100 as she drunkenly sways to the unfamiliar dubstep, “I think you should totally give this Baekhyun guy a chance.”
An unwanted warm feeling blossoms in my chest at the prospect. I shove the drunken hope down quickly and make a noise in protest, “But-”
Another smack. “No buts!” She huffs. Jihun stands behind her covering up her snickering with a shot glass. “If you keep going on like this you’ll have too much money and not enough kids to help with college tuition—and I know you want to pay that college tuition-”
“But if said college tuition didn’t exist-” I almost trip over a stool trying to lean back from her raised hand and narrowed eyes, “Okay okay, you’re right!”
“Damn straight.” She huffs, turning to Jihun. “I can’t believe Seoyeon isn’t here.”
“Nah, it’s alright,” I drape my head over my folded arms, closing my eyes. Instantly being greeted by the sight of pink pouty lips and brown kicked puppy eyes. “She’d ruin the mood.”
“True, she gets all stiff when you mention men,” Jihun murmurs; cheeks already rosy as she throws back another shot. Sighing while taking a look around, “But why isn’t she here? It’s not like her to miss the opportunity.”
Minji starts to say something but makes a gagging noise.
My eyes shoot open as I quickly move out of her range, looking her over frantically from a safe distance. “Min!” Jihun pats her gasping form on the back, carefully setting down her mojito before resting a hand on her shoulder, “Are you okay?” Our petite friend refuses to respond, an action that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand as she gazes with an open mouth somewhere behind us; face turning pale. Curiosity getting the best of me, I slowly turn around to follow her line of sight.
I honestly can’t say that I’m surprised.
Seojun eyes me from across the room; brown hair messily swiped across his forehead. Seated in a booth with his shirt unbuttoned and two attention-seeking women pressed to his side. Dark brown eyes sweeping over my form. It’s sad to admit that that is how he won me over a year ago. There’s no denying his genuine model-quality looks, I’m just pissed that he used my name to get the career and the girls... And everything else he wanted. That familiar shit-eating grin on his face making my blood boil.
Someone blocks him from view; a woman with peach-colored hair that causes a spark to light up in his dark brown eyes. All I can determine is her familiar stature before a gag rings in my ear and the fluid I wanted to avoid the most falls down my dress.
I squeeze my eyes shut as Jihun pulls a sick Minji away, using all my willpower not to yell at the drunkenly swaying woman while bidding them a gruff goodbye and heading out to call a cab.  A few tears escape my eyes when the disgusting substance starts sticking to my skin. Great, this is exactly how I pictured my night to go. I manage to give the driver an address before curling up on the backseat, mindful to keep the mess from spreading to the back of the cab. The last time I rode in one of these vivid in my mind while idly running my fingertips over the back of the leather seat. A small smile curling at my lips. Huh, one night stand turned into something more, hm? 
I’m startled awake by the driver, leaving him with 5 dollars extra before stepping back out into the cold night. The apartment complex in front of me making my eyes widen in realization. Have I seriously memorized his address after riding in a cab with him about two...three times? I’d call another cab if I could remember the password to my own phone.
Next thing I know, I’m swaying a bit in front of his door. Second-guessing myself a moment too late when he’s already pulling it open; yawning like a baby lion and sleep-dazed brown eyes widening significantly. “Chunhei?” He breathes, face painted in disbelief.
I stiffen, suddenly sobering up and turning red in realization. Showing up at his doorstep at who knows what hour after practically running out on him this morning? I look down at my ruined dress, feel the sticky streaks of mascara on my cheeks and gag at the overwhelming smell of sweat and alcohol now that I’m out of that stuffy environment. Am I out of my fucking mind!? I gulp, palms getting ridiculously clammy. “I...” His sparkly brown eyes aren’t helping either. I turn away, already heading back to the elevator, “I-I’m sorry, I must have sleepwalked-”
“Stay.” He utters; soft and inviting.
I look down at his hand circled around my wrist, hoping he can’t feel my heartbeat as I follow it up to his cute face. Sleepy brown orbs eyeing me knowingly. There’s no use trying to hide how my gaze sweeps over his fluffy bedhead and pouty lips swollen from sleep before meeting his again. Even in nothing but a wrinkle white t-shirt and flannel pajama pants, Byun Baekhyun is the most stunning man I’ve ever seen.
“Okay,” I whisper. Stiffening again when he gently smiles, sliding his hand down to hold mine. He giggles—actually giggles—at the unsure look on my face before leading me into his home. And really, if I wasn’t so messy I might even give him a... hug.
•⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •⇔♦ •
Part 1 |  Part 2 |  Part 3 ✓ |  Part 4 |  Part 5 |
Hi yes this chapter is late because I was 2 seconds away from scraping the whole thing, but I think I managed to finish it okay? It's not what I originally planned but when does a plan ever go perfectly? XD I hope you liked it anyway♡♡
Thank you all for supporting this story, have a good weekend! 
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
The Shaky Path Forward
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Summary: Spencer has stopped abusing drugs, but the path forward is shaky at best.
Words: 1,847
Warnings: Drug withdrawal symptoms.
A/N: My next entry for @cmbingo​ 2020! This fulfills my addiction square and takes place between the events of Revelations  to mid season 3.
Tagging a few people who gave input regarding what they wanted to see addressed with Spencer’s addiction. @illegalcerebral​ @ilikepipecleanerswitheyes​ @stunudo​
In the first hours, right after Olivia tossed all the stashes Spencer had hidden across the apartment, she could feel his restlessness, his legs bouncing up and down, hands shaky with a burning need he felt ashamed to voice. She tried to get him to lie down in bed, but he couldn’t get comfortable, tossing and turning for hours on end as his muscles pulsed with an intensity he hadn’t felt in some time. “I can’t do this, Livie.”
“You can.”
She tried to soothe him in any way she could, but it was no use. His muscles spasmed until he was so tired he had no choice but to fall asleep, only to be woken up hours later with an overwhelming need to vomit. He barely got to the toilet in time, but the retching was so loud it woke Olivia up.
Running toward the bathroom, she rubbed his back, feeling helpless as the withdrawal took its toll on his body. They both took off for a few days, under the guise of both being ill with the flu, while the worst of Spencer’s symptoms subsided. His muscles throbbed, the nausea was debilitating, he slept for at most two hours at a time and for the life of him he couldn’t stop his eyes from watering – lacrimation. “What if they know?” Spencer asked. “About me? About us?”
Though the physical symptoms hadn’t lasted more than a few days, his hands still shook with anxiety. “When it comes to us, I’m sure they don’t know anything.”
“And what about me?”
Olivia smiled sadly and pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips. “It doesn’t take a profiler to see that something’s wrong, Spence. And we work with the best in the world.”
He scratched his forearm lightly, more than uncomfortable with the fact that they might know anything, let alone the whole story. “Ready to go?” She asked. “We’ll drive separately. Keep us a secret for a little while longer.”
“Thanks,” Spencer replied. He could only handle so much at one time. And right now it was just a miracle that he hadn’t shot up in more than 72 hours.
Spencer insisted on grabbing a cup of coffee on the way into work, and although Olivia trusted him, she insisted on going with him. The drugs had only been out of his system for three days. Cravings could derail him in an instant.
He was deluding himself into thinking that grabbing a cup of coffee would cover up his jitteriness. He could blame it on the caffeine. Obviously, the withdrawals were still clouding his judgment. Every member on his team knew either what was up or had noticed a change in him at the very least.
Either way, she placated him and they grabbed a cup of coffee before going into work. Hotch smiled knowingly at you when you exited the elevator before beckoning Spencer to his office. Olivia was certain he’d picked up on something, but she could only hope he realized that Spencer could still do the job, and that he was getting help.
Vibrating with anxiety, Spencer crossed the threshold into Hotch’s office, biting his lip in an attempt to keep any other visible withdrawal signs at bay. “What is it, Hotch?”
Spencer did as he was asked, trying to think of something to say.
“Now, Reid-“
“Sir, -“
“Listen. I need you to listen. If you think that I haven’t noticed anything, that the team hasn’t noticed anything, you’re in denial. We all have. I figured something was wrong after that case in Westchester shortly after everything happened. You were irritable and distracted. Then in New Orleans you missed that plane. I’m assuming you got hooked on the dilaudid Hankle was drugging you with and I know you’ve been struggling. I just need you to know that you aren’t in this alone and if you want to talk to me about anything, I’m here. You’re a valuable member of this team, and we don’t want to lose you in any capacity.”
Spencer swallowed hard against the emotion building in him. “Thank you, Sir.”
As he stood up to leave, Hotch called for him, asking for Olivia to be sent in next. “Sure thing.”
Olivia projected an air of confidence as she walked into Hotch’s office, hoping to deflect.
Hotch closed the blinds and placed his hand on her shoulder. “I’m going to tell you what I told Reid. I know about his addiction. I know he was reeling after Hankle. And I know that you know.”
Her shaking gaze only betrayed her in the slightest way, but it was all the confirmation Hotch needed. “He’s not alone.”
“He knows he’s not…and at least the first steps toward healing…they’ve been taken. We just need to keep an eye on him. He can still do the job, Sir.”
“I know that. Even clouded, his intellect is invaluable, as is he. Just…try and keep this under the radar. If something happens, something that I can’t keep away from Bureau management, I will have to report him. That’s the last thing I want.”
“Understood, Sir.” Olivia’s crystalline blue eyes glistened with fresh tears. “Thanks.”
Cases came and went, each one more gruesome than the last. For the most part, Spencer was able to compartmentalize, keep the cravings at bay while focusing on work. But occasionally, he found himself snapping at his team, unable to stop himself, regret immediately following.
It was the irritability that was truly eating at him more than anything else. After watching Jack Vaughn shoot that suspect in front of him, he tried harder and harder to save everyone, victim and suspect alike, and yet it was an impossibility that he couldn’t bear.
Nearly every case they came across he felt himself spiraling, before regaining at least a semblance of composure. The up and down was exhausting.
On top of that, everyone knew. The entire team. And every time they caught his eye it felt like he was being pitied, which he knew wasn’t true, at least 100 percent of time, but his brain wouldn’t shut up and he couldn’t take it.
Morgan offered to take him out for drinks, but Spencer was too afraid of swapping one addiction for another. JJ insisted he could call her at any time for any reason. Garcia had even been giving him unsolicited, wordless hugs that held on for just a little longer than normal.
Spencer had the entire team behind him and yet he still felt like he was drowning. The worst was when he took it out on Olivia, without whom he’d still be knee deep in drugs if not dead.
“Olive, I’m fine! Can you please stop asking?”
He turned to see the hurt on her face and immediately hated himself. “Sorry, I’m sorry, Liv.” With his head in his hands, he sat next to her on the couch. “I’m not fine. I don’t know, I-“
“Spence, talk to me. What’s being going on in therapy lately?”
She’d convinced him to talk with a therapist thankfully. It took some convincing, but he finally went and he seemed to be making progress, but then he stagnated. “We talk about what happened with Hankle mostly. How to move past it. How to make the nightmares stop. And it seemed to be helping, but now I’m getting angry again.”
“You craving more lately?”
“Yea,” he mumbled.
“What’s making you crave? Is it the cases? We’ve had worse.” Olivia rubbed his back as he tried to process the trains of thought that were barreling toward each other at Mach speed.  
Spencer leaned back into the couch and stared forward, his eyes vacant, yet his mind going crazy. “When Hankle was drugging me I kept thinking of my mom. All the ways I let her down.”
“Let her down? Spence, you’ve been the most amazing son. What could you possibly have to feel guilty about in that respect?” Olivia hated seeing the man she loved so tortured by guilt.
As if reliving the situation brought back the pain, he began to massage his arms, almost hugging himself. “I put her in a home. I started working a job thousands of miles away. I barely see her anymore.”
“Spence, you’re a grown man living your life,” Olivia assured him, leaning her head on his arm. “You made sure she has only the best in care. You write her letters every day. Even through her illness, she talks about you to her nurses and the other patients all the time. She knows how much you love her.”
“Still doesn’t make me feel less guilty.” A tear fell from the corner of his eye and Olivia wiped it away with the pad of her thumb. “It just brought up a lot of repressed guilt. The kind that was just below the surface, you know? Thing was, when I thought of my mom it was always as I was waking up, but when I first got knocked out, it was bliss.” He hated using that word but it’s how he felt. “When you find the right dose, you’re able to make your mind go completely blank. You don’t have to think about anything. Good or bad. I’ve never really found a way to quiet my mind completely and even though I knew taking drugs was bad, I was in a vulnerable place so I guess the strength to say no just wasn’t there…and then it spiraled.”
Olivia kissed his cheek and cuddled up closer to him. “You’re off it now, Spence.”
“I am, but I can’t quiet my mind anymore. With drugs or anything else.”
“Then maybe that’s something you need to address with your therapist,” Olivia suggested. “Ask about coping mechanisms and try and work through the guilt you have about your mom. That seems to be root of how you’re feeling. At least right now. You’re nightmares about Hankle seem to have stopped, right?”
Nodding, Spencer spoke, “For the most part, yes. Maybe once or twice a month. The other part of it is my guilt about shooting him.”
“Spence, it was self defense. I know he was sick, but he wasn’t in control of himself and Raphael was gonna kill you.”
“So I need to work on my guilt and I need a coping mechanism,” he said softly.
Olivia added. “And you need to be completely honest about the guilt about your mom. I can tell you haven’t told her. The only way to move forward is to process everything. And make peace with the fact that sometimes you’ll still think about this. About everything that happened.”
She squeezed his hand tight. “It’s hard,” he said softly, on the verge of tears. “It’s really hard.”
“I know,” Olivia whispered. “It’s gonna be okay. I promise.”
“Thank you, Olive.”
“For what?” She asked.
“For your patience. Just being here. As much as my mother tried, she couldn’t always be there for me. You’re the first person who always has been.”
“And that won’t change. Ever.”
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allie1804-fan · 3 years
Kerensa Part 2
This is a continuation of Kerensa Part 1 which you can find here
Kerensa (Part 1)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5 , Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13
Kerensa (Part 2)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Chapter 7, Chapter 8
Warnings: Explicit content.
Chapter 9
It's Really Happening
Keanu tapped his foot absent-mindedly as they waited for their scan appointment time. Kerry placed a hand on his knee to calm him. The truth was, she was anxious too but it took her mind off it to try and soothe his frayed nerves. Fortunately, there wasn’t anyone else waiting as the appointments were well spaced out so they didn’t need to be worried about him being recognised and asked for a selfie!
Finally, the door opened and a couple came out, smiling and holding a string of images of their baby. Kerry and Keanu each crossed their fingers, praying that they would have good news too.
Keanu sat at the side of the examination table and held Kerry’s hand as the sonographer squidged on the cold jelly and prepared to show them their baby.
Keanu let out the breath he didn’t realise he’d been holding as a clear image of their baby came into view. Kerry looked over at him - tears were rolling down both their cheeks with the relief that he or she was still there and growing just as they should be. The sonographer took their time doing all the necessary measurements and checks and explaining what they could see on the screen as she did so.
“Look baby’s hiccoughing there, did you see?”
At the end, they were given photos and a recording of the whole thing would be emailed later.
They left the hospital both feeling high on the joy of the moment. Kerry texted her sister the good news and then Keanu took her to the nearest restaurant they could find - Kerry was ravenous!
Over lunch they talked about the return to the US and Keanu shared something with her that he’d been pondering whilst he was away. Instead of going back to LA, he suggested they fly into San Francisco and take another trip down through Big Sur, maybe to Monterey or Carmel by the Sea. Perhaps a setting a little away from the hubbub of LA and somewhere with towering cliffs would be somewhere more like home that they could be based while in California.
After lunch they headed back to their hotel so Kerry could have a nap – she couldn’t remember ever feeling so tired before. Keanu tucked her in and pulled the curtains then headed out on a secret mission to a department store he’d spotted on their walk back. When Kerry woke up, Keanu had stripped down to his boxers and climbed in next to her She saw a small parcel in silver paper and tied with a bow on his bedside table.
“What’s that?”
“Just picked up a couple of things for you” he grinned “while you were sleeping”
“aww let me see”
He handed her the parcel which she tore open, discovering 2 adorable baby-grows -one featuring jungle animals on a white background and the other simply emblazoned with “I love my mummy” on the front!
“They’re adorable, thankyou”
She set them aside and leaned in for a kiss which he returned. She blinked away a tear, seeing so much love reflected in his eyes. He wiped it away with his thumb.
“What’s up?”
“Nothing, absolutely nothing” she replied “happy tears, you make me so happy,” she said before kissing him again. The kiss started out chaste but soon became more passionate and he eased her over onto her back and started to gently stroke her neck, moving down to her shoulders and towards her breasts.
“This OK?” he asked, unsure if she would feel ready yet, but desperate, after over 2 months, to make love again.
She just nodded and pulled him down into another kiss, moaning as his hands stroked her nipples through her bra. He made light work of removing their clothes, finishing, with her panties which he threw aside before burying his eager face in her pussy.
Kerry’s breath came in short gasps at the sensation of his tongue exploring her folds and teasing her clit.
“God I’ve missed you” she cried.
He looked up and grinned
“Just for the cunnilingus?” he joked mirroring what she’d said to him about her hand-jobs a few days before.
He returned to his task and she stroked his head as he moaned into her, the vibrations of his voice adding another level to her pleasure
“holy fuck” was her next response as he flicked fast over the swollen nub. Sensing she was getting close, he paused and kneeled up for a moment. His chin was covered in her flowing juices.
“Ready to come for me baby?” he said with a teasing look as he licked two long fingers and prepared to push them inside her.
Then he started to lick her again, sliding one hand under her to raise her hips towards his face as his welcome fingers slid inside.
As he began to pump, she thrust her pussy against his hand, she couldn’t get enough of him. His fingers curled with each thrust, seeking her g-spot whilst his tongue was rotating around her increasingly hard and swollen clit. Judging the moment perfectly, he switched to sucking, his whole mouth over her pussy and that’s when she let go - a long, loud moan and a flood of juices accompanying the fluttering and clenching of her cunt around his fingers.
He laid his head on her stomach and kissed it.
“Now that was your mommy cumming baby, she’s loud, isn’t she? And while you’re in there is hopefully the only time you’ll hear that!
Kerry giggled, still a little breathless from the exertion of her orgasm.
Keanu crawled up, straddling her, and kissed her, letting her taste what she’d released all over his face. By now his hard cock was pressing close to her entrance and she let him know she was ready for him, opening her legs and raising her hips to allow his gentle entry. They both moaned as he found his way home. He moved slowly and didn’t push as far as he would normally to start with, but she soon encouraged him.
“It’s OK darling, more, all of you, please, don’t stop”
“Oh god I love you, so much, ah ah, God yes”
Her pussy was already starting to spasm around him and he couldn’t have stopped in a million years even if he wanted to. Her screams took him beyond himself and he came, his face crimson and eyes locked with hers as they shared their joy.
Just 10 days later, Kerry found herself on the terrace of a beautiful cabin-style home on the outskirts of Monterey. The view was breathtaking, stretching several miles along the coast. Keanu stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her, hands gently cradling her small baby bump. He whispered in her ear.
“So what do you think, can you see us here, the three of us?”
“mmmm” she sighed, turning to give him a kiss.
“I love it – and it’s great that we can rent it, gives us a chance to see if it works for you, you know for work”
“and if it does, we can look for somewhere to buy or even build something of our own”
“You’re so generous do you know that?”
“naaaah – you know what I say”
“Can’t take it with you” they said together giggling.
“Right so we should enjoy its bounty OK? You, me, and the baby.”
After a few more days exploring the area, they headed back to LA where there were announcements to be made.
“You’re what?!” his mother said sharply at the news, not really believing her ears.
“We’re expecting a baby ma, in December. Kerry is a little over 3 months along now.”
“Was this planned?”
Kerry looked down at her feet, feeling the piercing gaze of Patricia on her.
“Yes ma, very much and we’re both delighted about it, OK?”
“Well, OK then, congratulations, Kerry how are you feeling?”
“Much better now, the sickness is gone, and having the scan gave us, you know, some reassurance”
His mother seemed to relax then and asked to see the pictures, even getting a little teary as she looked at the images of her grandchild.
“Kim and Karina will be thrilled, they always wanted to be aunties.”
“and you a granny at last” he teased.
“mmm I’ll have to let that one sink in” she laughed.
She was less impressed at the news that they would be renting a place in Monterey and spending far less time in LA but Keanu promised he’d always visit when he was in town and reminded her how often he was out of town with work in any case.
“And you can visit us up there – the place we’ve found has 5 bedrooms so plenty of space for us, the baby, and visitors.”
The news was greeted with surprise, excitement and joy by the rest of their family and friends. Keanu guessed Autumn would find out via the grapevine, but he made no effort to include her.
They also had a meeting with Cheryl, his publicist, choosing to wait until they were asked rather than make a formal announcement. They’d never even confirmed officially that they were a couple, Keanu preferring not to share anything about his private life in a formal way and Kerry being perfectly happy with that arrangement.
For the next few weeks, they stayed in LA but made preparations for the move to Monterey in July deciding what they might want to ship there and what they needed to buy new. Kerry was glad of the distraction this provided.
Distraction was good because of the fear in the back of her mind that this pregnancy wouldn’t last either and on top of that, the film Keanu had shot in Cornwall would have its premiere at the end of June and he’d asked her to attend with him. She was already showing so by then the pregnancy would be unmistakable. The process of being dressed for the event was entirely alien to Kerry and took some getting used to. Karina was her buddy supporting her with it, for which she was eternally grateful. They chose an empire line dress in a light turquoise fabric which complimented her fair complexion. The skirt was full and would accommodate the growing bump and the seamstress would make the final adjustments to the bust the day before.
When the day arrived, Kerry couldn’t quite believe the hoopla around such an event. They couldn’t dress at home, oh no, a suite was booked in a Downtown 5-star hotel where they’d be primped and preened before a limo took them to Mann’s Chinese theatre.
As they made their way down in the elevator with Cheryl, Keanu held her hand, rubbing little circles over it with his thumb.
“Smile” Cheryl encouraged “I’ll be right there the whole time so if he gets pulled away to an interviewer or to the crowd, you’ll never be alone ok. They’ll love you, you’ve made him happy.
That broke the tension a little and Keanu squeezed her hand and grinned.
“Off we go - and don’t forget you get to see your favourite place on the big screen too.”
Happily, there weren’t hordes of press at the hotel so she had time to prepare a little for the pop of flashbulbs and the noisy crowd that they were about to face on the short journey to the theatre. Nothing can really prepare you, but Keanu and Cheryl both worked hard to make it bearable by always talking to her, making her see the funny side of it all.
Kerry felt proud to be by his side and support him in his work, but the aftermath of the public appearance was intense scrutiny. She turned off all her social media and didn’t dare to look at any press. She knew from friends that it was filled with stories that focussed in on Keanu’s previous unhappy experience with Ava and Jen, making comparisons and, she knew, speculating if it would happen again. They were also stalked by paparazzi everywhere they went and were relieved that they would soon be out of the Hollywood glare.
@fortheloveoffanfic @kindainlovewithkeanu @omg-imagine @keanureevesisbae @penwieldingdreamer @paperplanesandwallflowers @witty-wallflower @karlee1225 @bitchyslut99 @toomanystoriessolittletime @ladyreapermc @kissmyromanticquote @tacticalchics @utterlynuts @kylosbitch @thebigbubowski @thelightnessofthebeing @gatsbynouvel @keanuficfiles @fanficsrusz @jardaniswife @cheezbort @mazzylana97 @maggiemoo1892 @girlfriday007 @siriussnape07 @yomnaislame @soarocks @fadingkideclipseempath @franny-banks-world @keanulowe @babylovejongin @lucky134ever @jasmindaughteroftheworld @tomorrowsanotherday @fokinqueen @littlefreya @leftyreea @wheretheriversrunintothesea @iworshipkeanureeves @fics-not-tragedies @ficsnroses @fickenstein @popacherryvisitalibrary @aah8903 @thethirstyarchive @cynic-spirit @australianpsychos @meetmeinthematinee
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malliebuu · 7 years
Escort Service
Day 1: Soft Blushes
Author’s Note: Smutfest prompts will be connected… stay tuned.
A soft blush crept across her glistening cheeks. She rolled slightly to the right, blushed cheek pressed tightly to the soft material of her pillow case. A tiny gasp escaped her parted lips as her palm extended and clutched at the plush material of her bedding. Sleep tossed blue tendrils slipped across her sweat kissed brow, tightly coming together as her nimble fingers worked between her thighs.
 Another soft sigh escaped her lips as she paused briefly to collect her breath. Her damp index and middle finger traveled across her exposed midsection before descending upon the swollen flesh of her nether lips. She had been teasing and stroking herself for, what felt like, hours. The slow build of her orgasam had her quaking with frustration. Sure, she could have gotten up, trekked naked to her kitchenette, but alas, she was too lazy to grab fresh batteries for her vibrator, a quick fix to her frustration and a solution to satisfy. Though, something about prolonging her ecstasy was all the more satisfying.  
 Her thighs arched back, parting slightly as she focused on her swollen clit, causing her hips to thrust forward as another painfully pleasurable wave shot through her entire being, causing her pink tips to harden painfully.
 Her tongue dragged across her upper lip as she cupped one of her breasts and continued her tempo, rotating her hips ever so slightly in a futile attempt to get herself off. She was close; oh so close.
 Her pleasure hazed mind instantly drifted to better days. Days when she had a warm body beside her; touching her, pleasing her, kissing her. What she would give to have something hot, thick and hard deep within her… right now. That thought alone had electrified jolts shooting through her, creating a pleasing white hot sensation that spread from her very core.  
 Her mouth dropped open, palm secured tightly upon her puckering nipple as her finger worked her to orgasam. Bulma cried out desperately, tightly clasping her thighs upon the arm buried between her thighs. She spasmed and jerked, closing her eyes tightly as she road out her terribly satisfying climax.
 It felt like hours she was laying there in attempts to regain control of her irregular breathing. Her eyes fixated on her trayed ceiling as she sprawled across her sheets, covering her glistening cheeks with her bare arm. Finally, none too willingly, Bulma slipped naked to the edge of her bed contemplating if she even wanted to go into her shift today. She needed to shower and get ready. She just didn’t feel like making the effort lately. It was her fault to allow herself to stoop as low as she had these past few weeks. As she drifted toward her bathroom, she hurtled over the cluster of a mess surrounding her room.
 I’ll get to it later…
 Shit, didn’t I say that last night?
 Well, TGIF… last day before the weekend…
 The hissing sound of her shower head became her realization that sitting in bed and wrapping herself in the comforts of her sheets was not an option. Work was inevitable. The past few months had been a blur. She had been in a bad place. She knew this. Caring wasn’t on her agenda.
 It was silly.
 It was pathetic.
 It was insane.
 She didn’t miss him, but she missed having him.
 “Bulma,” a voice shouted from the enhanced speaker of her phone.
 Bulma’s head snapped back, wet tendrils dripping as she cupped her phone, careful to keep an water source from damaging it.
 “Where have you been?” Her voice softened.
 “Working?” She nearly stumbled over her own speech, feeling pathetic responding with something so universal.
 “Obviously--I meant where have you been?”
 Swallowing the lump in her throat, setting the phone down on her dresser and massaging a damp towel over her azure crown, Bulma released a soft sigh, “I have been… I have been at home. Nothing special.”
 “You have been ignoring mine and Chi’s phone calls. We were worried.”
 “Don’t be worried.” Bulma smiled, brushing her fingers over her high cheekbones as she looked at her tired features
 “You know, that worries me more.”
 Bulma released a soft chuckle, running a brush through her damp locks, “Trust me, I am fine.”
 Her blue eyes traced back to the illuminated screen of her phone, making sure her phone hadn’t dropped the call. Her fingers traced the edge as she carefully leaned in, eyebrows coming together in genuine concern, “Hello?”
 “Bulma.” Juu broke the silence, concern obvious in her tone.
 “It has been two months. You have to come out of her shell, honey.”
 I don’t want to talk about him!
 Bulma pulled back, biting her lower lip out of fear she may say something to push away yet another person in her life.
 “What if I don’t want to? What if I want to stay in my shell?” Bulma whispered, gripping the phone and pressing it tightly to her forehead.
 “You don’t want to come out and play? Not at all? That doesn’t sound like the woman I know.” She could sense the playful expression in her voice. A grin formed on her lips, eyes darting to the ceiling and then back to the clock. She wasn’t paying attention to time.
 “So, you are calling me early in the morning to tell me I need to…”
 “Come out with us this weekend. We are gonna turn up.”
 Her eyes narrowed. “Turn up?
 “Yep, you need to go out. We are gonna go dancing, have a few drinks and eat food that isn’t good for us. What do you say? Don’t you dare say you aren’t going or you will forever be known as our boring friend. Lord knows you have always been the one who liked to be the center of attention, Bulma Briefs.”
 “I am not boring!”
 “You will be if you say ‘no’.”
 Bulma grumbled, “Who is we?”
 “You, me, and Chi-chi, of course.”
 Bulma paused, chewing on her lower lip, “If I say ‘yes’, I am only going out to have fun with you two. Nothing else, and don’t you dare embarrass me.” She pointed a finger, stomping a foot in emphasis.
 “So after work you’re coming?” Juu verified.
 She sighed dramatically, “Yes, I am coming.”
 “Told you she would agree,” A third voice interjected to Bulma’s shock. She pulled the phone from her ear, puzzled.
 “Well, I wasn’t sure. She has been a hermit, Chi. Fucking Yamcha and...”
 “Hush!” Chi-chi scolded, “I just knew she couldn’t pass up dancing or food.” Chi-chi laughed, feeling victorious.
 “You guys are horrible. Why am I even friends with you?!”
 “Because without us you would have stayed in your room for the next six years living off of chocolate and Ben & Jerry’s ice cream.” Bulma, at this point, wasn’t going to disagree-- sadly-- she knew they were partially right. The only thing she hoped was wrong was the six years. She didn’t want to be single for the next six years. A soft dramatic sob erupted from her throat as she pressed a palm to her forehead.   
 “Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get your ass to work. We will fill you in on our plans for this evening. You won’t regret it, sweetie.” Chi-chi interjected Bulma’s moment of realization.
 “Ok--” She whispered into the speaker, “See you at work.”
 Why couldn’t she just stay in bed all day? Why did she have to answer her phone?
 Next: Heated Glances -- Day 2
:Day 1_ Day 2_ Day 3_ Day 4_ Day 5_ Day 6,_Day 7_ Bonus Day 8_ 
Bonus Day 9 :
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creatrixsolutions · 4 years
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#Decompression table getting pulled with a #neck harness. The #lowback is next. If you havent done this before it can get pretty intense. The table vibrates and inclines for the neck and declines for the low back. Most of my adult life has included #Chiropractic care. I was born with structural issues and was in pain for years, then I grew 9 inches in 3 months, to only be ran over with a car in a parking lot. I try to get adjusted two times a month and get pulled beforehand. Most of the time I am pain free with unrestricted movement, even after a car wreck and knee surgery. So many people have tight muscles, spasms and #pain and use #anti-inflammatory medications, muscle relaxers, hydrocodone, #CBD and #THC to survive. I recommend a Pettibon trained #Chiropractor, #Cranio Sacral #Massage, and doing some specific exercises to strengthen the #multifidus and #interspinales muscles. When the root cause of structural issues has to do with gravitational forces that are unrelenting when the spinal column doesn't have the correct shape, medicating pain isn't the best long term solution. Use of CBD, #NMN and other natural anti-inflammatory substances is very helpful to the healing process. When I get injured I use a topical CBD and THC cream with DMSO that penetrates and heals. Never give up and settle for dealing with pain. I want to encourage people to consider the connection with gravity and the shape of their spine. Then implement some strategies to acquire the mechanical advantage. Too many people are like a car trying to drive around with a bent crankshaft. X-rays show my discs are in good shape, none of my spine is deteriorating or have any worn off edges, and I am still 6 foot tall and have not shrank. A major contributor to the condition of my spine is regular care. Practice some #selfcare and enhance the quality of your life. We will have solutions to restore the correct shape of your spine. We are in the manufacturing stage of the #neckshaper to reverse #forwardheadposture, so stay tuned. (at Columbia Valley Chiropractic Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAF_ze6hF4y/?igshid=mqb7g3w1nl5q
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ofseaandsky · 7 years
New Fic - The Ties That Bind
So this is something I’ve spent a few months now writing and polishing. It’s long, nearly 100K words at this point. I don’t have a number for how many chapters yet, because I’m still working out how I’m planning on splitting them up. It’s 90% done at this point which is why I’m comfortable starting to post it and I will finish it. It’s a slow burn because that’s the only way I see it ever really happening between these two. There will be smut later and apparently once they start, they don’t seem to want to stop, so there’s that. But I emphasize again, it’s a slow burn, there is quite a bit to get through before they get to that point.
Things I have decided to ignore:
1.     Science (insofar as Raven’s extra time buying solution wouldn’t work, but the show is pretty relaxed on how science works, so, sorry)
2.     Raven’s brain issue (it was a bit difficult to write in, but in theory it could be still happening in the background, but it’s not really relevant to the story so if you want to think she’s had it and solved it as she did on the show, that’s fine too. I’ve just not included it in the story)
3.     Translations of Azgedasleng/Trigedasleng (basically because I’m a bit lazy and I couldn’t get it to work naturally
4.     A couple of other thing which I won’t mention because Spoilers!
It’s set in 4x08 and goes off canon from that point forward. It’s unbeta’d so any mistakes are mine and I’m sorry. I try and catch them all, but it’s not always easy. Enjoy!
Chapter 1
Clarke stared at the empty spot where the destroyed radiation chamber had once sat. There was no trace of it apart from a few glittering shards of glass on the ground and scuff marks from where it had caught the floor as Roan and Miller had pushed it out of the room. An empty broken tomb of possibilities no one could stand to look at any longer. Especially Clarke.
She was still furious at her mother for her impulsive decision that had essentially destroyed their last hope. Abby was already packing up the last of her supplies, preparing to return to Polis, an urgent call from Kane prompting her into action. Clarke had no idea what had rattled her so much, but the discussion had been had behind closed doors and she had been too busy reconciling the events of the previous day to snoop.
Clarke couldn’t shake the shiver of discomfort that raced through her bones like an electric shock. She rubbed her arms to ward of the chill trying to force life back into her extremities but the heavy weight of failure and the sharp, bitter taste in the back of her throat filled her veins with ice as she thought back to the grounder’s last painful jerks and spasms as he spewed black blood like an oil geyser. She wasn’t sure what made the shard of self-hatred twist deep in her heart more: the death of the morally questionable man or her own half-failure in part due to her mother’s fear. She had never felt less like a leader than she did today. The weight of responsibility over so many lives was dragging her down to the ground, the gravity of it all pulling her down and making it hard to straighten her spine and continue standing tall.
Roan approached, dressed once more in leather and furs, sword strapped at his side. She watched him as he moved toward her with determination she envied, confident in himself and what they were doing. Or had tried to do. He had extended that faith to her and she felt shame burn deep at how little she deserved his earlier praise. He didn’t swagger with false confidence; it was part of the set of his bones. He moved like he knew he could part the seas and expected everyone else to acknowledge it. He moved like a king.
“Ready?” he asked and she nodded physically trying to shake herself from her thoughts.  
It was time to move forward and hope that they would find something in the next week. If not, there was nothing left. They would all die. She couldn’t hold his gaze but felt him watching her closely as she cast her eyes about the room. She wanted so desperately to feel a measure of the hope she’d had when she plunged the needle in her arm. She knew that had been the right thing to do, but it had all been for nothing.
“I just want to say goodbye to Raven,” she said and he followed quietly behind her, standing a distance away. He was still a little awed at the technology the bunker housed but hid it well, especially to those who didn’t know him well. Clarke had seen the brief flicker of pride on his face as she pulled the needle from her arm and thought she may read him better than many. Like recognized like after all.
“We’re heading back to Polis,” Clarke said, walking up behind her friend as she furiously scanned the data on the screens before her. She looked over at the world map; a series of bright red squares highlighting all the known locations of nuclear power stations and was overwhelmed by the visual representation of what was to come. Death didn’t come quietly it seemed. It raged against them and had the audacity to brandish its colors as it rode toward them.
“Yeah, okay,” the dark-haired mechanic said, not looking up.
Clarke sighed. She didn’t want to leave on such bad terms. There had been no other choice but to test nightblood the way they did, but she knew it had brought back memories that Raven was none too happy to revisit. Too many people died at Mount Weather for the sake of the human race. Too many more would die soon and she was helpless to stop it and too angry to mourn what was to come.
Raven turned to Clarke abruptly; she looked equal parts disappointed and proud. It was an expression that would have looked odd on anyone else. She studied her friend for a long moment, before rolling her eyes and pulling her into a hug. Clarke gripped her tightly, relieved in the small show of forgiveness.
“I found a way to redirect the existing solar power grid structure to continue cooling the reactor cores on this continent,” she said gruffly pulling back from her gently.
“What does that mean?” Clarke asked and just like that the spark that had been extinguished was flickering again deep behind her sternum.
“Another two months before radiation levels get unlivable,” Raven said, a little excitement flowing into her words. “Depending on the jet stream and how quickly levels rise in Russia.”
“That’s amazing,” Clarke sagged with relief. She looked over to where Roan waited by the staircase and surprised him with a dazzling smile. He frowned at her, but the corner of his mouth turned up just a fraction.
“It won’t mean anything unless we can find a solution,” the mechanic snapped, glaring at her with a hard look. “One that doesn’t involve any more human experimentation.”
“We will do everything we can. We’ll find a way,” Clarke said with a nod and just like that the steel returned to her spine. She needed a minute to think. Two months. They would surely be able to find something in two months.
“I’ll let you know if I find anything else,” the anger had drained from Raven’s tone and Clarke shot her a small smile.
“Thank you,” the blonde said. “If anyone can, it’s you Rae.”
Raven nodded and turned back to the monitor before her, dismissing Clarke to continue searching through the data. Nightblood may still offer a solution if only they could tweak the formula. And Clarke had already given a bone marrow samples for them to work with when Luna once again refused. It may not be perfect, but there was a chance. There was a little spring in her step as she joined Roan at the foot of the stairs.
“Our resident genius bought us two more months,” she grinned up at the king, her mouth still stuck in a stupidly wide grin. His eyes shot over her shoulder to look at where Raven was pointedly ignoring them, the quirk of his lips expanding into what could passably be called a smile. There was a twinkle in his eye that wasn’t there before and Clarke would have bet it was hope.
It was time to head back to Polis.
 The little optimism Clarke had left Raven with had all but been destroyed as she watched the warrior king stare down Indra and her fellow tribal leaders. The groundwork was being laid for a war no one could afford to fight. She wondered at what cruel joke was being played on her and their fellow survivors. She wanted to scream and rip the world apart with her rage. She felt it vibrating fiercely in her hands and had to clench her fists to make them stop shaking.
“We talked,” Roan said, looking at her significantly before he turned and left the bunker. She couldn’t stomach watching him leave.
Clarke felt bile make a home at the back of her throat once more. Her heart was shaking in her chest, fury at the unfairness of the fates conspiring against her making her want to explode and shower the world in her pitch and gore. This was not the end; she refused to let it be. She would rage against the coming darkness. She would not go gently into the night and let her people, grounders and Skaikru alike, slaughter each other when they could work together. Not this time.
“Indra,” Clarke turned to her sometime ally. “You cannot seriously want a war instead of the chance to survive!”
“It is the way it must be, Wanheda,” the other woman squared her shoulders and made to turn and walk away.
“Is there anything that can be done? Apart from war?” Clarke didn’t like the defeated edge her tone had. “You know that at best this will kill as many of your people as it will theirs. Probably more.”
“It is our way,” she repeated, but there was a flicker of doubt on her face. Clarke hadn’t even shared the extended timeline with anyone save Roan. Not even her mother knew. She would hold fast to that information until the very end.
“If there was someone that could unite the clans behind them?” Clarke pressed, casting a look at the warriors behind her.
“There is no longer a Commander to lead our people,” a bearded man said gruffly.
“I know,” she said urgently. “I’m begging you please, attend one more summit, with all the clans. If no agreement can be reached there, you can go to war.”
“I fail to see what that will accomplish,” Indra said eyes already burning with the promise of violence and war.
“Maybe nothing,” Clarke said, frustrated. “But if nothing else it will get more of your people in place to fight.”
“And more of theirs,” a woman interjected. The warriors looked firm in their resolve. Clarke thought quickly, they needed a leader not a child begging on their knees.
“You will need Skaikru to help you live in this bunker,” she changed tactics, it was time to pull out her Wanheda persona. “The tech is too complicated for you to learn. You will not survive without us, not in the time we have left.”
“You are willing to sacrifice your own people for Azgeda?” Indra asked appalled, but there was the slightest crack in her tone that spoke of uncertainty.
“I gave my word and I want everyone to see reason,” she said, her voice strong, shoulders thrown back, face cold and blank. “I am willing to do what it takes for everyone to survive. You will need Azgeda when that bunker door opens.”
“We will never need Azgeda,” a large man scoffed dangerously, spitting on the ground by his feet. But Indra watched her intrigued and the blonde pressed on.
“When that bunker door opens,” Clarke continued, staring down each of the Trikru warriors present, letting the righteous fire burning in her belly to shine through her eyes. “There will be nuclear winter. We may not see the sun clearly for years. The land will be cold and harsh, beyond anything you have seen. Beyond anything most of the clans have known to survive. Except Azgeda.”
“Why should we believe anything you say, Wanheda?” the same warrior from before took a challenging step forward.
“Because I want us all to survive,” she said firmly. “It is what I have always wanted us to do. Build a future together. Help each other. Survive together. It is what my father died for. If it comes to it, it is what I will die for. I was willing to just hours ago.”
Clarke stood tall, facing them as she would a whole army of warriors. Indra looked at her for a long moment, and she knew she was being evaluated. Dark eyes roamed over her face and Clarke held her breath with her chin raised and blue eyes filled with determination.
“If King Roan will call the summit,” she said slowly, ignoring the rumble of disagreement behind her.  “Trikru will attend.”
“That is all I ask,” Clarke said and left the bunker as quickly as she could manage. Now she just had to convince Roan to try one more time. As soon as she cleared the bunker doors she shook the tremors from her limbs and flexed her fingers. She was shaking but used the adrenaline of the half won fight to drive her up the stairs to the king’s chambers.
 “Wanheda kom Skaikru,” a guard announced as she entered the king’s chambers. Clarke had been surprised she hadn’t met with any resistance when she asked to speak to Roan. Echo glared at her as she entered and Clarke thought she saw Roan’s shoulders drop with a sigh. She wasn’t sure why that made her stomach clench in sympathy.
“What do you want, Clarke?” he said, pressing his hands down on the table. “I am preparing for war.”
He sounded more defeated than she had ever heard him as he stared down at a table filled with parchment and maps, hands heavy on the edge of the table. Clarke knew he wanted to work together but the look in his eyes as he faced the Trikru warriors and her own people when they reached the outskirts of Polis was one she would relieve for a long time. It had cut deeply into her though she did the best to warn him. She wouldn’t claim to feel as betrayed as he did, but she was certainly not running into the waiting arms of Skaikru any time soon.
“I have come to ask you to call the summit,” she said, eyeing Echo as the warrior scoffed. Her beautiful features were twisted in anger and her eyes were hot with rage and suppressed violence. It was obvious she didn’t like or trust Clarke and was just looking for an excuse to unleash her violence.
“The king will not place himself in such a position,” she said venomously, a hand on her sword. Her body was coiled like a snake ready to strike. The only thing that kept Clarke’s well-deserved fear of her in check was the deep loyalty Echo had displayed time and time again. She wouldn’t strike without the order and Clarke still trusted Roan.
“Echo,” Roan interjected after a moment. “Let her speak.”
Clarke maintained eye contact with Echo as she fell back. She wished she were having this discussion with Roan alone, but it appeared he was not about to offer her that trust. She supposed she couldn’t blame him all things considered, but the pang of hurt didn’t come as a surprise.
“I convinced Indra to bring Trikru to the summit,” Clarke explained, approaching him. “She promised she would come and hear us out.”
“Us?” the king straightened and turned toward her. His blue eyes were guarded and cold and glittered like ice.
“Yes, us,” she emphasized. “We are in this together. And you know it.”
“We tried talking,” he crossed his arms over his chest, the leather of his jacket creaking with the movement. He looked imposing and untouchable and Clarke swallowed against the knot of fear in her throat. She tried to focus on the faith that he had always seemed to extend her; she just had to find a way to encourage it.
“I need you to try one more time,” she said, reaching forward to lay a hand on his crossed arms. She saw Echo move closer and her eyes wearily flickered over to where she stood.
“I don’t have time for this,” he said. “And you are in no position to ask it of me.”
“I never betrayed you,” she said, feeling her heart race behind her sternum and allowed a little of her fear of him to slip into her expression. “I stood by you and honored our agreement. No one told me about the bunker. They lied to me because they knew I would never stand for it.”
“I believe you, it is why you are free now, but your people do not inspire my faith,” he trailed off, implication hanging heavily in the air, but didn’t back away.
 She felt the heat of him under her hand and recalled the feel of his body pressed against her back, cold knife to her throat, as she trusted him to hold his hands steady. The last whispered ‘run’ before he pulled her behind him, attempting to grant her escape while knowingly sacrificing himself. She focused on the memory and leaned closer.
“They pursued a dream and found the only help available,” she emphasized. “And Jaha thinks he has more power than he does.”
“That does not reassure me, Clarke,” he countered, arms flexing and firm under her touch.
“I risked my life to save yours, because I have faith in you,” she said softly, trying for a little privacy for her confession. “I would have given it up in that radiation chamber, too to save us all. I trusted you then and I still trust you now. Please, give this one more chance.”
His eyes glittered down at her, his brows drawn in a harsh frown, making his features even sharper. She felt the puff of his breath against her face as he watched her silently, evaluating. The heat radiating off of him made her want to both press closer to stave off her fear-borne chills and step away knowing she was encroaching too close into his personal space. Too close to the fire in him that drew her in so strongly and called to a part of her she hardly knew. She waited silently heart thumping heavily in her chest.
“Please, Roan,” she pleaded softly, squeezing his forearm gently, and his eyes softened just a fraction. “I swear if this doesn’t work, I won’t stand in the way of your war. And when you win, I will convince Skaikru to help you survive in that bunker. But that is not the way I want to do this. And I don’t think you do either.”
The silence hung heavily in the room after her promise. She hadn’t meant to play to his pride, but she didn’t doubt Azgeda would easily defeat Trikru and take the bunker. They outnumbered Trikru nearly five to one from what she had seen but it wouldn’t make for an easy survival in the confines of the bunker. There needed to be trust between the survivors otherwise they may end up killing each other before a year was up.
“Call the summit,” he instructed, Echo visibly balked as if she had been physically struck, but nodded and left them alone in the room. “Either way this discussion ends tonight.”
“Thank you,” she said as her breath left her in a great rush of relief and removed her hand from him. He watched her take a step back with a look that seemed to cut straight through her. One she was growing familiar with from the stoic king.
“Your Chancellor may attend if you do,” Roan continued, moving back to the table. He turned to lean his back against it and faced her in a way that was probably meant to be casual, but there was nothing casual about the king of the Ice Nation.
“I will,” she agreed, unsure what to say now that she found herself alone with the dark haired man.
“How do you plan to convince them?” He asked, challenging her with a raised brow.
“I’ll tell them everything we know about praimfaya, the probable timeline, that we have hopes that nightblood will be a workable solution, the room we have in the bunker,” she said, wondering what he was really asking. She had nothing else to offer, and could only hope that the clans would be willing to work together. It was the only way to guarantee that the human race would have a hope of making it through what was coming.
“And when they want to declare war on each other for the bunker?” Roan prodded, and she realized he had already run through probable scenarios in his head.
“I hope they will understand that they need each other,” she answered defiantly, knowing she was being naïve. He was watching her still, his eyes flashing enigmatically at her impassioned responses.
“The clans will need more than your words, Clarke,” he admonished softly, but not gently. “We cannot abandon our ways for yours because you wish it.”
“I’m expecting everyone to see reason,” she argued. “Surely they will once we tell them what we can offer. Skaikru has the knowledge to survive in the bunker, but each clan has knowledge that will help us after.”
“And they will understand that they need Skaikru, but no other, and even then they could kill you all once they learn how to operate the technology.  They will work together if you give them reason to trust in the Coalition. They cannot feel that they are sacrificing their own people to do what Skaikru or Azgeda or Trikru want. They need to feel they are a part of the plan, an essential part holding the whole together,” he continued, watching her.
“Working together is the only way humanity stands a chance. They are an essential part based on that alone. War will not solve anything at this point. We can offer an equal share of space in the bunker, we may even find more in the time we have left,” she said and thought back to the folded piece of paper tucked away in her belongings that burned her fingers every time they strayed over the already worn edges. She would not back down from this, it was too important. Surely, she could get through to at least one person.
“You never listen, Wanheda,” he exhaled in a rare show of irritation; the dismissive use of her title evidence of how far she was pushing his patience.
“I am listening!” she said, frustrated, taking the last remaining steps so she stood right in front of him. “I have been doing nothing but listen, we need to act! We can’t keep talking circles around each other. We have weeks left, maybe a couple of months if we’re lucky.”
“I agree,” he said, not phased by her sudden proximity. “And by allowing some concession to our ways the ambassadors will listen and choose those best suited for surviving what is coming. It would ensure humanity’s best chance at survival. And those who choose not to will be left to their fate.”
“What do you suggest?” she asked finally, and was rewarded with a small smile. This was the concession he had been waiting for.
“The clans will require blood,” he answered simply, sitting up a little straighter now that he knew he had her attention.
“More bloodshed?” Clarke asked, repulsed. “That is what we’re trying to avoid.”
“Blood oaths, Clarke,” he interrupted her before she could start venting her frustration. He held up the palm of his right hand where the wound from their initial oath was still pink and barely healed. Her own hand twinged in sympathy of their shared pain.
“Oaths?” she asked, frowning.
“And strategic marriage alliances,” he added and Clarke was hard pressed to define the look in his eyes. It seemed she had been too early to deem herself at all competent at reading him.
“Marriages?” She didn’t know what marriages would do to keep the peace but if a few marriages between the clans would ensure survival it seemed a small price to pay.
“Between kru people of similar standing that connect the clans who agree to the alliance,” he added, watching her mind work through the problem. “It would require a week of celebration, which I know you will object to, but it is the only way I see the clans coming to an accord.”
Clarke desperately wanted to object and had to forcibly bite down on her tongue to stop herself. Roan was watching her closely, an air of nonchalance that was a little too unaffected. She may not know every look he leveled on her, but after spending time with the reluctant monarch she felt she had started to understand when there was more behind his words. He had already weighted the merits of the other strategies and found this one to be the one most likely to work that much was becoming obvious. He had been silent most of the trip back to Polis, and Clarke had assumed that had been mainly due to her mother’s presence in the back of the rover, but maybe he had been running through probabilities.
“And this would unite the clans? Enough to buy us the time we need to prepare? Find a way to share that bunker?” she asked, looking up at him.
“Yes,” he replied.
“So we arrange a few marriages to intermix the clans, have a big party and that’s that?” she couldn’t help the disbelief that slipped into her tone as she folded her arms across her chest. Roan straightened to tower over her. She raised her chin to maintain eye contact.
“If you are trying to insult me it won’t work, Wanheda. Especially so soon after you’ve admitted you trust me. I don’t take such declarations lightly. Marriage is uncommon for many clans and basically unheard of between kru, this would bind them to each other by blood. Blood bonds are sacred and held above all else,” he explained, his voice a low rumble and face blank.
“And how do we decide who enters into these arranged marriages?” she asked, turning the problem over in her mind. She already knew it would be unpopular with Skaikru but desperate times called for desperate measures.
“Anyone entering these alliances must be willing. Your clan becomes their clan. Their clan becomes yours. It is no small burden to bear,” he looked over her shoulder briefly before returning his gaze to hers.
“So we bring this proposal to the summit and see who is willing,” she nodded, conceding to take a step back. “Those who are will be offered nightblood, if we get that solution to work, and any resources we manage to find, including the bunker, evenly distributed between the different krus.”
“That is acceptable,” he stated, placing the bone coronet on his dark hair, resuming the persona of King of Azgeda once more. A mask fell over his features as his eyes shuttered and sharpened. It made him look so much colder and she shivered under his scrutiny. A sharp knock on the door signaled the Summit was assembled.
“Who will you need from Skaikru? And how many?” she asked as she turned to leave. “We do not have an established monarchy or a warrior hierarchy.”
“I would think that at least one would be obvious, Wanheda,” he replied, his cold mask slipping into a smirk as he donned his cloak in preparation for the meeting with the gathered leaders and ambassadors.
Clarke slowly froze in shock, realizing the implication of the words immediately. She would be top of the list for her people, another in a long line of sacrifices she continued to make since that overheard conversation between her parents. It felt like time slowed and stilled, the world around her sharpening as the air was sucked out of her lungs. She wasn’t one to let others fly into battle on her behalf, but a part of her, a deep secret part of her, shuddered at the thought of politically motivated marriage especially since odds were she would never have met her groom to be before. The thought made her stomach twist and she focused on the scuffed toes of her boots.
“And who holds similar standing to the Commander of Death?” she spat the question, not daring to meet his eyes in fear of seeing humour, or worse, pity in them.
“I would suggest perhaps only a king,” Roan replied, an edge to his tone she couldn’t understand. When her head shot up in surprise to look at him, all she saw was his back as he left his chamber for the ambassador’s summit in the throne room. She felt like she knew less than she had going in but knew that something monumental had shifted. She only hoped it was in the right direction.
“Oh, shit,” she whispered, doing her best to school her features into the indifferent mask of the Wanheda when it felt like the floor had disappeared from under her feet. She trusted Roan, didn’t she? Suddenly she wasn’t so sure.
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