#it was 100! which the doctor said was Excellent and Very Rare
softboiledwonderland · 7 months
Just got a good grade in oxygen saturation, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve
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luminarii · 3 years
I need fellow Autistics opinion on something, if you're willing to share your thoughts about it.
I have a younger brother (24 years old) who just got diagnosed with Autism. I myself got diagnosed with Autism when I was 22 years old (I'm now 28), and I have another younger brother (27) who got the diagnosis when he was 18. We have two other siblings, but they're neurotypical.
My 24 year old brother's name starts with an 'N', and my 27 year old brother's name starts with an 'S', so I'll call them that for short. Me and S both have many of the "stereotypical" Autism traits, and while S has been showing his Autism since his infancy, I didn't show any signs of Autism until I was about 5 or 6 years old. But now that we're "adults", we both need to live in assisted homes for Autistic adults.
Now, I told you N had recently gotten his own Autism diagnosis as well, but he doesn't show ANY signs of Autism at ALL, and never has. Me, S and our mother (neurotypical) all agree that while he has some difficulties, he is very non-Autistic in many ways. I can give you a list of his difficulties/advantages/past diagnoses: !!!WARNING!!!: SOME OF THIS INFORMATION CAN BE TRIGGERING AND VERY VIOLENT FOR SOME READERS. THOSE POINTS WILL BE MARKED WITH A (!TW!) SIGN.
- He has always been excellent at making friends as, atleast when he was a kid and teenager, was talkative, adventurous, confident, and knows how to read people's face/body/emotions. The last one is still true today. - He still has the majority of his childhood friends to this day. - He was never teased, bullied or otherwise wronged in school as a kid, and was actually one of the more popular kids as he was pretty 'normal'. ('normal' as in he very rarely did anything 'peculiar' or 'weird' that others didn't understand) - As he is the youngest of 5 children, he was the most spoiled of me and our siblings, and could sometimes lose his temper if he didn't get what he wanted, when he wanted it. I know that that can also be an Autism trait, but I am literally 100% sure he was like that simply because he was spoiled by our parents. - He learned everything at the appropriate ages: talking, walking, playing with other kids, sharing toys/other objects, reading, counting, telling time, tying his own shoes, and the list goes on, while me and S learned all of those things much later than the 'norm'. - Even to this day, N is very in tune with other people's emotions, and can easily put himself in other peoples' shoes. He has always been like that, and even as a child, was very good at cheering up others and calming people down if needed. - Our parents separated when I was five years old, back in 1998/1999. Our father got a new girlfriend, let's name her 'D', and D was the one who spoiled N rotten from when he was only 1 year old, and to some extent still spoils him to this day. Ever since our parents separation, D has been more of a 'mother' to N than our maternal mother, since D came into our lives when N was basically still a baby, and has been spoiled by her since day one, basically. Our father died in 2012, and our mother mother died this March, 2020. - As I have already said, N is still very spoiled today, even though he's 24, and can lose his temper quickly if he doesn't get what he wants, when he wants it. When he was a child and teenager, he just got angry and/or sad when he didn't get his way. Now, as an adult, he gets violent when he doesn't get his way. - N has been seeing several psychiatrists over the years, and even been admitted to psychiatric hospitals, sometimes on his own accord, sometimes forced. There, he's gotten a few diagnoses, such as: acute psychosis, Tourrette's Syndrome, and ADHD. I think he got another one, but I don't remember which one. But not even a month ago, 'Autism' was added to his list of diagnoses. - (!TW!) As an adult, whenever he wasn't admitted to a psychiatric hospital/institution, he started to wreck havoc whenever he didn't get his way, and in the most brutal of ways. He has hit and kicked people, even women, almost completely destroyed our stepmother's, D, entire house; the only thing that was intact was the kitchen and bathroom. He even destroyed all the windows in her house, and (presumably, according to D) kicked her cat. - (!TW!) He has admitted to physically abuse D's old dog by kicking her, punching her head with a brick in his hand, and I hope with every part of my soul that I am wrong on this, but I have a feeling he has also sexually abused the dog. - (!TW!) He has killed multiple animals; D's pet bunny, a newborn kitten, and an aquarium full of fish (about 8-10 fish). None of the animals were his own, not that it makes a difference. - (!TW!) This summer, our neurotypical brother ('A') and N were playing a video game on their computers while talking over the phone. N lost to A, and N lost his temper. N threatened to not just kill A and his girlfriend, but to kill A's girlfriend's entire family, cutting off A's skin and using it as a costume to 'start a new and better life'. A understandably has cut off contact to N since. - N is also still doing semi-harmful things to people on almost a daily basis, including, but not limited to: spitting on/after people at the psychiatric hospital, yelling and screaming at them, threatening them, and other forms of verbal abuse.
There are two reasons I'm making this post. 1; N is not Autistic. He has problems, yes, and they're escalating quickly, but he is not Autistic. He has never acted Autistic in any way, and no matter how many 'professionals' give him the Autism diagnosis, I refuse to believe it. 2; the psychiatric hospital he's currently admitted to are planning to send him to an assisted home for Autistic adults, like the ones me and our brother S are living in. This could prove to be extremely dangerous for the personel working there as well as the other residents, especially the latter as we Autistic people won't be able to cope with someone as extreme as N.
I am asking for as many (Actually Autistic people only!!!) people as possible to tell me your take on this. I know that each individual Autistic person is different, and that we all share a lot of the same difficulties and advantages, but are still completely different from eachother in many ways. But N is not Autistic, and again, no amount of 'professional' NT diagnostics doctors can convince me otherwise. What I need is opinions, preferably as many as possible, from other Autistic people like myself.
N is a danger to himself and others, but he is my brother and I love him with all my heart, and I just want to see him get better. But people are about to send him off to a home he doesn't belong, with people that won't be able to handle him. Please, send me your thoughts on this; you might be able to help me being able to help my brother.
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iatheia · 3 years
EDA reviews Part 6 - books 47-55
Previous part 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5
47) The Slow Empire - Uh, couldn't really follow this one at all. There are books when the first person narration works, but not here - too many jumps in setting, too little connective tissue, most of it told from the POV of a person who is barely connected to the protagonists? And that's even before they started repeating chunks of text wholesale between various parts - and I couldn't figure out if it was intended, or if it is the ebook was acting out on me. More than half way through the book, I still couldn't entirely tell what the story is supposed to be about, or if the plot has even started yet. Even having finished it, I find myself somewhat aghast. There are a few glimpses of something interesting, but for the life of me, I can't figure out what. 4/10
48) Dark Progeny - Also not really feeling it. It's not a bad story, but I do rather prefer a Doctor Who story to actually feature the Doctor and the companions front and center, whether they are POV characters or not. Here, though, they are barely in it - it's even more egregious than the previous one in actually giving the supposed protagonists stuff to do, and even on rare occasions we do switch back to them, it is all pretty generic. Anji developing telepathic abilities and the Doctor trying to calm her down all the while Fitz is freaking out in the background? Yes, please, more of that. Following around 20 interchangeable OCs that have nothing to do with the trio? No thank you. 6/10.
49) The City of the Dead - If you are invoking magic in a sci-fi universe, you need to be able to handwave it. It doesn't need to be awfully complex, "something something aliens, something something energy" is usually enough, but without it, you can't just throw magic about willy nilly. There are rules.
There are moments when it is a beautiful story, evoking a lot of dream-like wonder, and if it managed to remain a hazy dream, it probably would have been better for it. At the same time there is something very uncomfortably cynical about it, to the degree it left a bad taste in my mouth. There is a narrow line between not shying away from the ugliness of the world and deliberately making something ugly just for the sake of it, and often it felt like it was leaning towards the latter. Dunno, I started out wanting to like it, and feeling rather conflicted about it, but by the end became utterly indifferent. 7/10
50) Grimm Reality - Pure crack. Mind Robber wishes it could be as hilarious and off the wall as this story is. It throws every cliche fairy tale narrative device in the book at the characters and expects them to take it with the straight face, all the while realizing that the rules of the world are completely bonkers. And it manages to sustain this energy throughout, which is a no small feat. It's actually pretty exhausting by the end of it. Fairy tales stories do not belong to a lengthy literary genre, and even taking time deconstructing them, at 95K words becomes it becomes just too much - figuratively, and, on occasion, literally. Still, pretty great, I wish more books had its energy 9/10.
51) The Adventuress of Henrietta Street - *sigh*. My expectations were pretty low to begin with, and I still am somehow disappointed. Credit where credit's due - it is probably most coherent of the books from Miles. And at least it's better than Interference. That's really not saying much, though.
Honestly, if you've read any story about prostitutes, murder, satanic sex rituals bordering on blatant pornography, eastern culture and "mysticism of female sex" used for fetish fuel, written by a dude who clearly gets off on all of this - you've read all of them. There is really nothing revolutionary or compelling about it. On the list of "plots I never want to see in Doctor Who", they are definitely up there. And the Doctor is dying again, because it wouldn't be Miles's book without it. And he's, uh... living in a brothel, trying to marry someone, in order to, uh..... ritualistically tie himself to Earth, for, reasons? Did I read that right? After over 100 years of living on Earth and wanting to do nothing else than seeing the back of it, right. And writing books not quite about sex but definitely about sex. Because that's the thing the Doctor apparently does now. Self insert what self insert. And Fitz and Anji are just... there. On an occasion. All of it exposed on in a dull faux academic style without a shred of characterization, all the while absolutely nothing of note is happening, despite being a singularly longest EDA.
Just, if you hate the characters so much. If you don't understand what makes them tick to this degree. If you don't even care to learn. If you consider any established emotions they should have about the plot you are putting them through beneath you. Why are you writing in a shared universe to begin with? 2/10
(I did have an unintentional moment of hilarity with it, though. There is a character that is referred to as Lord ______, as if his name is censored. TTS would always pronounce it as Lord Underbarunderbarunderbar. Always gave me a chuckle).
52) Mad Dogs and Englishmen - A hilarious story, a very easy read, flowing from scene to scene. There are several occasions of fridge horror treated with levity that I would have rather have avoided. Plus, it is as incestuous as a book about books can get, and yet.... It is just absurd enough to work.
Plus, the whole, “His books are full of black magic, mind control...and perversion - moral and ethical and sexual. He is polluting the atmosphere of our group”, “What’s next? Rewrite War and Peace so it’s about guinea pigs?” - Oh, the shade. It is a good book in its own right, but just for this alone, 10/10
53) Hope - It's a pretty average book. Not outstanding, not horrible. Would have made a decent episode, all things considered, in a bread and butter sort of way. It does have some great ideas - the refuge of humanity, the conflict between Anji and the Doctor finally coming to light - not quite the type of conflict I was hoping for, though. If only it had a bit more nuisance, without neatly delineated black and white, if the antagonist didn't end up being a mustache twirling villain, if the Doctor didn't end up strong-arming everyone in a much more macho manner than he normally goes for (with a rather clunky dialogue). It had potential, even if it didn't end up being realized in full. 8/10
54) Anachrophobia - Very meh. The set up was fairly contrived, it never made me care about any of the characters, including whatever the hell the Doctor and co were doing, not to mention any of the secondary characters. Not terribly engaging, after a point I was mostly flipping through it. There is some big conflict brought up at 95% mark, and it is resolved in just couple of pages via a deus ex machina and a paradox. Overall, I might have said that I would have liked it better if I was in a mood for existential horror, but I took a break in the middle to listen to the Lease of Life - and it actually touches upon several similar themes, but with and outstanding character drama and much more graceful execution, which made this book look even more poor in comparison. 5/10
55) Trading Futures - I will give the author all the points for keeping an eye on the future. Perhaps, in 2002, predicting tablets being used as menus in fancy restaurants wasn’t that big of a reach, but I absolutely had a spit take when TTS has read to me something about “eye-phones”. There are some modestly clever moments throughout the book. Too bad that the rest of it is a complete rubbish. Not terribly original, either - a lot of ideas are copied directly from other books and other franchises. Reasonably entertaining, all things considered, but in a much more slapstick sort of way than was probably intended. 7/10
Overall impressions so far - This batch is, for the most part, fine. Some stories are worst than others, some better. With one exception, nothing horrendous, but nothing to write home about, either. They are, for the most part, serviceable. Individually, they have decent enough plots. But. There is very little character work. They can generally be read in any order, or dropped entirely, and you wouldn’t miss anything. The Doctor is mostly coasting from the excellent streak in the last batch, always in a spot light. I am starting to tire of the whole amnesia arc, though - it was good, but it ran its course, and at this point, with everything functionally back to norm, with barely a stray mention of it here and there, we are starting to be overdue for some semblance of resolution of all that. Henrietta Street is entirely a step in the wrong direction - not only it does nothing worthwhile for the characters, it’s just getting unnecessarily further into the weedworks, adding yet another plot thread that is forced on other writers to carry (they mention it occasionally, but it’s not like there is much to build upon) - rather viciously reminding of the previous mess of an ark “don’t you dare to think that it is over”. And I am so over it. Just, move on.
The companions fare rather worse. They are decent enough, they participate in action, in each book, they are mostly staying in character, with a handful of neat moments here and there (in a blink and you’ll miss it sort of way, though), they aren’t written off as an unnecessary burden to carry, which is an improvement. There is nothing meaty given to them though - they ask the necessary questions, do the things required of them, and generally stay out of the way when they are not needed. I guess Anji has at least some character driven moments, even though most of them are reduced to “I miss my dead boyfriend”. Which is... fine, we’ve all lost people, we all mourn them in our own way, but it has been 14 books since her introduction, and she is leaving in another 10. To have her character reduced to just that bit from her first book, with barely anything else to offer.... Plus, all the while, she rarely felt like she integrated into the team - because she is constantly eying her exit and returning to normality (even though she always decides to stay just a little while longer due to circumstances), it’s like from the very beginning she had one foot out of the door.
But while Anji is a bit of a one trick pony, at least she has that much. Poor Fitz gets absolutely nothing to do. The last meaningful book that addressed his character in any way was all the way back around book #42-43, and even that was just catching up on plot after his prolonged absence. He’s been essentially frozen since early 30s books. He is generally a fun character to have around, and does good supporting work, but can he please get something more impactful any time soon? Heck, by this point I’ll even take the recurrence of “finding a new love interest number 20 who will inevitably die by the end of the book” - it has been overdone, and it is certainly not a very exciting plot, not to mention reductive, but at least it’d be something. Though, I guess only one companion is allowed to carry that staple at the time, and right now Anji is it, two dead lovers is just an overkill.
And it is an absolute shame - especially when considering that on the other side, Big Finish was in the middle of streak of some of the best stories. Over the same time that these novels were published, we had audios such as Project Twilight, Eye of the Scorpion, Colditz, One Doctor, Chimes of Midnight, Seasons of Fear, which were full of character.
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i am out there!! i'm glad you liked it! i'm definitely trying out the recipe you left in the tags. it sounds way better than just banana and peanut butter. i always have to pay a lot of attention when i type banana because i've ended up with "bananana" way too many times
i was planning to run straight to your askbox the second i saw you replied but then the end of the semester happened and it killed me. hopefully i'm done with it now
i do exactly the same thing with height! if you tell me your height in feet i have absolutely no idea how tall that is. if you say that in centimetres that's easy. i mean you're 155cm so that's 12cm shorter than me. when you told me that in feet i was like okay cool i have no idea how much shorter than actually is
i love birds!!! so that seems awesome! i am now titling you the queen of birds. and i'm glad your vacation was good! i think i saw a couple of posts you made about it so it definitely does seem like a lot of fun! and did you ever figure out completely what that see through animal (?) in the sand was? i had no idea stuff like that even existed so now i'm invested in knowing what it is
i am 100% hiring you for my coming out party i'm throwing in a couple of years. it's gonna be fun. if we don't get immediately kicked out i promise good food and some spicy drama between my homophobic relatives and my accepting relatives! and my brother's, who i already came out to, dry commentary
i was definitely not the one you told about burma trails! but from the tags i'm just gonna say how is that allowed and why does it seem like a weird type of torture? i hate it, i probably would've had a heart attack 3 seconds in
oh yeah i actually can't tell most of the time if the memories from my childhood are actual memories or if it's just a combination of having seen photos and heard stories about it
my glasses prescription is fine i think. my eye doctor said that i get headaches from glasses because... well i tried to explain this and then deleted it all because it was a very scientific explanation when she said it and i zoned out pretty much halfway through and even the part that i did understand i can't translate to english! but it has something to do with the fact that with contacts it's enough to move my eyes in the direction i want to look at and with glasses i have to move my whole head and my brain got so used to contacts that it overdoes it with the eye movements when wearing glasses? i dunno. this is the best i can do in explaining it
i must admit i'm very jealous of the never snows part because while snow is pretty to look at it's absolutely freezing! for the past week i slept under a duvet, three blankets while wearing pants and a long sleeve shirt and i still woke up cold. because for a couple of nights it was around -22°C. it's great
ohhh you got pretty lucky as a kid then! my kid self would have absolutely lost it at getting the equivalent of 5/10 bucks. i probably would have bought so much candy
excellent!!! hope you’re enjoying the vague void from whence you came! i’ve never said whence before in my LIFE i wonder if i used it correctly. anyway. the actual recipe was way more specific but once i saw ‘2 frozen bananas’ and looked at all the sliced bananas in my fridge, having no idea how many there were, i just started improvising sdfkhsdfs. I’d be interested to try it with yoghurt though if I can get some dairy free plain stuff, I’m sure I can somewhere. Banana used to be my biggest problem when I was younger. Then I learnt words like occasion and necessary and embarrassed and I realised the more english I tried to learn, the worse my life was gonna get. And I was right. On the bright side, developing an inability to ever spell occasion correctly made banana seem a lot easier to handle.
that is fair. end of semesters are rough. i cannot function during them at all. i hope everything chills out for you!! i’m not sure how the school year is over there but maybe it’s break time? that’d be nice. but rest in peace anyway, enjoy being dead! they say necromancy is frowned upon in all societies but I reckon it’s just called making a friend when you’re dead so maybe you wanna take that up as a hobby! I’ve heard it’s nice this time of year!
yup! sometimes I’m like oh you’re 5 foot 4? that sounds way taller than me. but it...it really isn’t...it’s like an extra 8cm or something. which adds up! but in my head I was picturing a MUCH taller height. In my head I think I picture 6 foot and 5 foot 4 as the same height, now that I think about it.
!!!!! my first order as queen of birds is to meet a morepork face to face so we can chat about the price of pork these days. yes!! the first half was nice but the second half was really fun. my best guess is still that it’s a salp? Maybe? So many salp pictures are massive groups of them but like,, from what i can tell of singular photos,,, it was maybe that? I guess the only other possibility is it’s just some clear jellyfish but salp does seem more likely. At first I was like oh duuude boob implant for the ocean!! but then I realised it actually seemed kinda alive and was probably an actual creature. my bad.
excellent. i’ll break any tension by dropping the vampire act for the mouse act. will do backflips for cheese. will bite ankles for homophobic comments. Will pull a knife out of god knows where, not to threaten anyone, just to clean my nails with to make everyone nervous. I offer many services. I’m flexible. And I love me some good food.
I actually DON’T know the reason behind burma trails. I really don’t. The reason ‘it’s a fun activity!’ seems a little fake. if it’s a fun activity then why did Mrs. G. tell us a horror story about the forest before we went out to navigate said forest at night, blindfolded, surrounded by wildlife and parents supervising (*cough* waiting for the opportunity to jump out at you *cough*) with a teacher at the end waiting to scare us. So we can learn how to navigate the forest in the dark? So we learn how to follow a mysterious rope INTO the forest at night? seems dodgy to me. school camps be like [drives you out to forest] follow this rope and don’t take your blindfold off. like. bruh. i almost DID have a heart attack one time, I got stuck like something was holding my leg. First thought-ah, must’ve got my leg stuck in a big stick. Second thought-maybe this is one of the parents fucking around, it feels more like a grip than a twig. Third thought-I cannot get my leg free no matter what I do what the fuck is HAPPENING so I started crying out for help. When they FINALLY came they found nothing my leg was caught on so that was fun. love that for me. I was able to move as soon as they arrived. That’s not weird at all. anyway.
I think most of my early memories are just from stories I’ve been told and photos I’ve seen. My memory tends to be horrible I highly doubt I remember that one time I was eating dirt from the garden out in the yard gleefully. I just saw the photo evidence. mm spaghetti. bone apple teeth. my character hasn’t changed at all since I was a wee babe.
ohhhh okay. I think I get what you mean by that. Thank you for trying to explain! That’s really interesting. I guess I do move my head a lot with glasses. Although I have massive glasses so it’s probably easier for me to just move my eyes where I want. I reckon with smaller glasses I’d have to move my head way more.
the temperature comment is so funny because during the heart of winter i tend to sleep with a sheet, a blanket, a duvet, then 2-4 blankets on top while in a long sleeve shirt and long pants and sometimes bed socks and often a hottie (i’ve never realised how that sounds out of context...a hot water bottle...is calling it a hottie normal or is a my family thing? is this a nz thing? now i’m questioning myself). in my uni accommodation last year we didn’t have proper heating during most of winter and well. there was a quilt added to everything else. every blanket i could find. how cold does it get here in winter? rarely ever past 0 degrees celsius. I would literally die in your position, clearly. I could not survive that. Props to you for making it through aha.
yesss. Before when I found five dollar notes it’d be on the street and I’d be like oh no! Mum we have to hand this into the police station! It’s a lot of money, someone will be looking for it! Understandably she was like,, lindsey they might miss it but there’s not really any way you can find them,,, I still refused to spend it. That was like my first time really getting that much money for myself. The dairy on main street sold lollies for 10 cents each and they had like, 30 different lil glass boxes so you’d go I want 3 of 26, 5 of 7, ohhh and 5 of 13 please! I dunno if they’re still 10 cents each but I thought it was the best thing ever as a kid. I think I wanted to save the money though sfdjsdkfhs put it in my piggy bank to save up for something ‘super cool’. Aka probably like a neat soft toy to sleep with sdfsdkfs.
#Anonymous#i wrote the majority of this reason like a couple hours after you sent it#then i went to bed because it was late. thinking to myself. oh i'll finish the last bit in the morning!#but of course in the morning the lil 1 didn't show up above mail and it was located in my drafts now so my dumb ass was like ah yes#absolutely nothing to respond to here!#i should know by now i never remember if i save things to drafts sfjshkdfhsdf#anyway#i REMEMBERED. a few days late. BUT i didn't just forget entirely so! there's that!#now i'll finish the last bit of the response and edit the incomprehensible tired mumbling parts#although i'm currently overheating so now it'll be incomprehensible overheated brain parts! fun!#no i cannot handle cold temperatures no i cannot handle 'hot' temperatures i can handle like a one to two degree range#and nothing else. life is. a trip.#I still don't know what to call dairy's when talking to people outside nz#corner store? they're not always on corners. convenience store? maybe. small shop? idk dude#i don't quite know the correct thing to equate them to.#but they sell lollies sometimes. that's the main point here sdkjhskdf#now to decide what I'm doing tonight#play stardew valley. watch someone else play stardew valley on youtube. stare at my ceiling thinking about stardew valley. do the dishes#earlier today i was like maybe...maybe i'll watch a movie...add some variety to my life...#i wanted to rewatch whatever movie has that song that is like agggooonnnyyyyyy#that's the only word i remember from the song. so it's that. or...well...back to my obsession
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paeinovis · 3 years
I'm glad that they did transcripts for This Podcast Will Kill You for obvious reasons but also so I can post one of my favorite moments from any of their episodes (in this case the typhoid ep, #61) which is this (plain text is under the read more):
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Erin Welsh: In any society, there is no such thing as absolute freedom. There is a limit. If by exerting your own individual rights you are impinging on the right or health of others, then that freedom is not something owed to you. This is part of the social contract, the agreement that we all make. That by living in and benefiting from a society, we have to give up some of our individual freedoms. This can be a tough balance to strike, particularly in the realm of public health. There's a quote from one of the books I read about Typhoid Mary.
Erin Allmann Updyke: But first Erin, I just want to say that you said that really beautifully. Like I absolutely loved it.
Erin Welsh: (laughs) I feel very strongly about this.
Erin Allmann Updyke: I mean I feel 100% exactly the same way, but the way that you worded that was perfect. Excellent.
Erin Welsh: Oh thank you. That makes me feel nice. (laughs) Okay, here's the quote:
"On the one hand is the commitment to protect the public's health; on the other is the fear of arbitrary power and the loss of individual freedoms."
That's from Judith Leavitt. Mandatory vaccinations, forced quarantines, public identification of so-called patient zeroes, and in the context of COVID-19, mask mandates. These are all areas in which there has been ample discussion of individual freedoms being trampled upon. Some of which may be justified, others definitely not. Like masks. Let's not mistake inconvenience for oppression.
Erin Allmann Updyke: Oh, snap.
Erin Welsh: Being imprisoned on an island for decades because you are an asymptomatic carrier of typhoid, yeah okay, maybe there's a touch of oppression there. Having to wear a mask to pop into the grocery store for 15 minutes? That's not oppression, period.
Erin Allmann Updyke: Not oppression. End of story, not oppression.
Erin Welsh: It's not oppression. So what can we learn from Mary Mallon's experience?
Erin Allmann Updyke: Ooh, good question.
Erin Welsh: As I was reading about the story of Mary Mallon, one thing that stuck out to me was how much pain and suffering both for Mary and for the people that she infected could have been prevented through simple communication.
Erin Allmann Updyke: Yeah.
Erin Welsh: Her doctors, the New York City Health Department, they could have taken the time to talk with her, not down to her, about the science behind typhoid fever transmission and could've explained in a non-judgmental way how she could transmit unintentionally the bacterium to those around her. And then maybe they could've given her more opportunities or training to find employment in another area. Maybe then she wouldn't have felt like she needed to lie to continue to cook.
Erin Allmann Updyke: Yeah.
Erin Welsh: We as a society have the knowledge and the platforms to communicate accurate scientific information. And when that information has the power to save peoples lives and prevent misery and suffering, leaders have a responsibility to communicate that information without their own political agenda.
Erin Allmann Updyke: And accurately.
Erin Welsh: Yep. The disinformation and mistrust in science spread by Donald Trump and other members of the Republican Party during this pandemic, and other world leaders, I should note-
Erin Allmann Updyke: Yep. A lot. Boris Johnson. 'It's fine, you know, I'm fine'.
Erin Welsh: This has already done incalculable damage. How many deaths, how much misery, how much suffering could have been prevented by communicating science rather than sowing hatred and fear? History is full of lessons like this. And you know there's that saying that's like, 'Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it'. I mean yes, that's true, but I think what might be an addendum should be, 'And those that do learn history are just doomed to watch others repeat it'.
Erin Allmann Updyke: (laughs)
Erin Welsh: We can always do better but it feels like we rarely actually do.
Erin Allmann Updyke: Well it also might be that people are taking the wrong lessons from history or learning the wrong parts of history.
Erin Welsh: That's definitely true.
Erin Allmann Updyke: Like, 'We did a great job! We isolated Mary on an island and kept her there forever!' You know what I mean? I don't know.
Erin Welsh: No, it's a much more nuanced story than that, like let's learn the nuance.
Erin Allmann Updyke: Exactly.
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wtffundiefamilies · 4 years
By Allyson Chiu
July 7, 2020 at 6:52 a.m. EDT
At just 17, Carsyn Leigh Davis had already experienced more challenges than most people face in their entire lives. From age 2, she battled a host of health issues, including cancer and a rare autoimmune disorder. But not once did Carsyn let the serious ailments get her down, her family said.
So when the high school student from Fort Myers, Fla., died last month after contracting the novel coronavirus, her death — which marked Lee County’s youngest virus-related fatality at the time — sent shock waves through the community. Touching tributes to Carsyn, often pictured smiling broadly, poured forth and thousands of dollars were donated to GoFundMe campaigns.
“Even through the ravages of Covid, fighting to breathe, she never once shed a tear, complained or expressed fear,” her mother, Carole Brunton Davis, wrote in a statement shared on one of the fundraising pages.
A medical examiner’s report recently made public, however, has raised questions about Carsyn’s case. The Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner found that the immunocompromised teen went to a large church party with roughly 100 other children where she did not wear a mask and social distancing was not enforced. Then, after getting sick, nearly a week passed before she was taken to the hospital, and during that time her parents gave her hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malarial drug touted by President Trump that the Food and Drug Administration has issued warnings about, saying usage could cause potentially deadly heart rhythm problems.
Carsyn’s case, which gained renewed interest on Sunday after it was publicized by Florida data scientist Rebekah Jones, drew fierce backlash from critics, including a number of medical professionals, who condemned the actions taken by the teen’s family in the weeks before her death. Florida has more than 206,000 reported cases of coronavirus and 3,880 deaths as of early Tuesday.
In a scathing write-up on her Florida COVID Victims site, Jones described the church gathering as a “COVID Party.” She alleged that Brunton Davis took Carsyn to the event to “intentionally expose her immuno-compromised daughter to this virus.”
Brunton Davis and the church reportedly behind the event could not be reached for comment late Monday night.
As Brunton Davis wrote in the statement after Carsyn’s death, the teen did not have an “easy life,” largely because of her health complications. In addition to cancer and the autoimmune disorder, she also suffered from obesity and a nervous-system disorder that improved when she was 5, the medical examiner’s report stated.
Still, Carsyn remained active in her community, her family said. She was a member of her high school’s varsity bowling team and dedicated time to volunteering with organizations such as Special Olympics. As an honors student, she excelled in school and particularly enjoyed her AP photography class.
Carsyn’s family also noted that she was “a devout Christian and follower of Jesus,” and “actively involved in Youth Church at First Assembly of God in Ft. Myers.”
On June 10, Carsyn was one of dozens of young people who attended the church event mentioned in the report. While the report did not include specifics about the gathering, Jones shared images of a June 10 post from the First Youth Church’s Facebook page advertising an event scheduled for that night called a “Release Party.” The church’s page has since been taken down.
“Service is back and better than ever!” the post said. “There will be games, awesome giveaways, free food, a DJ and music, and the start of our new sermon series.”
The medical examiner wrote that Carsyn’s parents gave her azithromycin as a preventive measure from June 10 to 15. The antibiotic in combination with hydroxychloroquine has been floated by Trump as a potential coronavirus treatment. According to the report, Brunton Davis is a nurse and a man identified as Carsyn’s father is a physician assistant.
But while she was taking the medicine, Carsyn began feeling ill, developing a headache, sinus pressure and a mild cough, the report said. Then on June 19, Brunton Davis noticed that Carsyn “looked ‘gray’ ” as she slept, prompting the mother to hook her daughter up to oxygen normally used by Carsyn’s grandfather, who has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD.
At some point, Carsyn was also given a dose of hydroxychloroquine by her parents — an action that came less than a week after the FDA pulled its emergency use authorization for that drug and chloroquine, another anti-malarial medication. A letter dated June 15 stated that the drugs “were unlikely to be effective” for covid-19 and that any potential benefits were outweighed by safety risks, including heart problems, The Washington Post’s Laurie McGinley and Carolyn Y. Johnson reported.
It remains unclear whether Carsyn had a prescription for hydroxychloroquine.
Not long after the oxygen and hydroxychloroquine were administered, Carsyn’s parents took her to a local medical center. She was later transferred to the pediatric intensive care unit at a nearby children’s hospital, where she was confirmed to have the coronavirus.
Carsyn’s parents declined to have her intubated, and she instead started receiving plasma therapy, the report said. But by June 22, her condition wasn’t improving and “intubation was required,” the medical examiner wrote.
Despite “aggressive therapy and maneuvers,” Carsyn still didn’t get better, leading Brunton Davis to request “heroic efforts” even knowing that her daughter “had low chance of meaningful survival,” according to the report.
But none of the procedures worked and Carsyn continued to deteriorate. She died shortly after 1 p.m. on June 23, two days after her 17th birthday.
“We are incredibly saddened by her passing at this young age, but are comforted that she is pain free,” Brunton Davis wrote in the GoFundMe statement.
Jones, however, argued that Carsyn’s death could have been prevented.
“I started looking into her mother, the church where the COVID party was held with more than 100 children, her health history, and who she was and I felt so angry and sad that this happened,” she told Newsweek.
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On Twitter, Jones shared images of posts from a Facebook profile with Brunton Davis’s name, which is no longer online. One post expressed support for anti-mask efforts and another criticized the methods doctors were using to treat Carsyn.
“The doctors are refusing to give her Hydroxychloriquine [sic], citing ‘new studies’ that it does not work and can be harmful. Using it is against their policy,” the post read. “This is very upsetting to me, as many of you know how I feel about that.”
On Sunday, Jones, who created the independent coronavirus dashboard after she said she was fired by the Florida Department of Health in May for refusing to make changes to how the state presented its data publicly, wrote that she was “so saddened for this girl and the loss of life.”
“Every death on this website is heartbreaking. Every minute lost in someone’s life is a tragedy,” she wrote, referring to her database. “But this one will stick with me long after this virus has torn through our communities.”
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macgyvermedical · 5 years
Code Black 1.11: “Black Tag“
Okay Folks, are you ready to talk about triage? About the National Incident Management System? About acronyms? About why doctors and firefighters do different jobs for a reason? About MORE ACRONYMS?
Then you’re ready for this post.
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The other night I watched Code Black’s “Black Tag” at the suggestion of @7thchevronlocked​. I’d never watched the show, but from what people have said, I was expecting a fair amount of accuracy.
I... didn’t find it. But what makes this episode so interesting is that while they portray procedure very poorly, they managed to very accurately represent the consequences of doing things the way they did them. If you ever want to know the why of “why do we manage emergencies that way” this episode does an excellent job of explaining it (I assume without trying to? Eh?).
The episode “Black Tag” centers around a multi-car pileup Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) on an LA freeway. The show’s main doctor characters are deployed to the scene of the accident to perform triage on the wounded and provide lifesaving medical interventions. The episode deals with having to make difficult triage decisions in order to care for as many people as possible while pushing the characters well out of their comfort zones.
Emergency Management Frameworks:
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Before we get into the episode, I want to give you some background on Mass Casualty Incidents, or MCIs, as a whole. In very basic terms, MCIs are events in which the number of victims exceeds the minimum number of people required to care for them. This can be anything from someone giving birth in the back of an ambulance (2 patients, 1 EMT), to something like 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina where multiple large agencies have to pool resources in order to respond.
Disclaimer: This, and a lot of things I talk about in this review, are outside of my normal scope of expertise. I do know more about it than your average bear, but if you see something that needs changed or could be explained better, let me know.
There is a standard system for how to deal with any and all emergencies (not just MCIs) in the US called the National Incident Management System (NIMS). NIMS is an overarching document that lays the foundation for everything from how to share resources among multiple agencies to how to manage information to how to plan and coordinate a response to how to train staff and plan for the next emergency.
How NIMS uses people in emergencies is called is the Incident Command System (ICS- in hospitals specifically, this is called the Hospital Incident Command System, or HICS). ICS outlines a specific set of jobs and responsibilities for each person involved in an emergency response.
The first trained person to respond becomes the Incident Commander (IC). This responsibility can be handed off to someone else later if appropriate. In small scale emergencies, the IC may be the only activated part of the ICS. In larger emergencies requiring more people, people can be added to a command structure that looks like this:
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Very few emergencies will require the activation of everyone and every group on this chart, but it provides a framework that can grow and shrink according to the needs of the emergency. For example, the EMT helping someone give birth would assume the role of IC, but all they may need to do as the IC is call in another squad to take care of the second patient. Meanwhile, this framework could encompass thousands of people in the event of a major natural disaster or act of terror.
In the case of an MCI like in the episode, the hospital would set up an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) somewhere in the hospital. EOCs are basically rooms with tables set up and people organized with differently colored vests that indicate their job during the emergency (this can be very different from their job the rest of the time).
At the EOC would be the IC, Command Staff (people with “Officer” in their title), and the Section Chiefs, along with a few people reporting to them each. At the scene, the rest of the Operations Section would provide the hands-on triage and immediate care and transport of the victims. If it goes on long enough, there may be people from the Logistics Section there as well providing additional supplies, as well as food and medical care for the responders.
For a hospital, the portion of the Operations Section in the field doing triage, care, and decontamination if necessary is called the Hospital Emergency Response Team (HERT) lead by the HERT Leader.
In the episode there’s someone called the “Doctor in Charge”. I’ve never heard of this terminology being used (probably because there are only very rarely doctors who deploy to a scene, more on that later), but he was essentially acting as the HERT Leader. The location he was at with the tent would be called the Emergency Treatment Area (ETA).
That’s like, the barest-bones explanation of that. If that thrilled you, FEMA has free online courses (IS-100, IS-200, and IS-700) that will give you a much more comprehensive understanding for all different kinds of emergencies.
Also, are you, like, really done with the acronyms? I’m really done with the acronyms...
Assuming I haven’t now totally lost you, let’s talk about a few things that happened in the episode:
Just In Time Training:
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The episode opens in the back of an ambulance that’s transporting the characters to the scene. Residency director Dr. Rorish and surgical attending Dr. Hudson provide something called “Just In Time” (JIT) training to the residents by describing triage and what will be expected of the docs once they arrive at the scene.
JIT training is a recognized way within NIMS to impart necessary training for situations that don’t come up often, but that require specialized training to resolve. Usually, this is emergency-themed training, such as Point Of Dispensation (POD) deployment, mass casualty decontamination procedures, ICS/HICS, or as in this episode, mass casualty triage. JIT works well because it means vital information is fresh in the minds of those using it, and requires very few resources (versus training and drilling everyone several times per year to keep the same level of readiness).
Triage might get a passing mention in medical school, but its not something any hospital-based doctor would be reasonably expected to know. That’s why they would need a JIT training to be able to do what they do in the episode (i.e. it wasn’t just exposition, it might have actually happened like this).
Unfortunately, as I got further and further in this post, I started to realize that a good 75% of the stuff that is poorly done in this episode could be traced back to the doctors’ super inadequate JIT.
JIT is usually provided by someone who is very familiar with the material, something neither Dr. Rorish nor Dr. Hudson appear to be. In the episode, they describe triage in the following way:
Dr. Rorish: This is not first come, first served. Your primary job in your initial eval is to prioritize the patient.
Dr. Hudson: *handing out bags of triage tags* Each of you take a packet of tags. There are 4 colors. Green is for minor injuries. Yellow is for more serious injuries but not immediately life threatening. Red is for critical patient who won’t survive without treatment and transport. The black tag is for death or expectant death.
Dr. Leighton: Wait, expectant death? You’re saying we put a black tag on a living patient?
Dr. Savetti: You want us to decide who lives and dies?
Dr. Rorish: We want you to decide who’s life you *can* save- and prevent the next doctor or EMT who comes along from spending precious time on an unsalvageable patient.
In this exchange, Dr. Rorish is fundamentally right- when you have to process dozens or even hundreds of patients, you can’t get to them one at a time. The point of triage is to quickly classify patients by the order in which they require care. Then someone else comes through and provides care in the order indicated.
There are many different triage methods available, but the one shown in the episode is called START. START uses a 4-color system to sort patients and is widely used throughout the US. Dr. Hudson’s explanation of the categories is also technically correct, if significantly oversimplified. IRL, there are very specific criteria for the categories:
Green (Minor): Patient can walk
Yellow (Delayed): Patient can’t walk, but can control their own airway, are breathing less than 30/minute, have a radial (wrist) pulse, and can follow commands/answer questions appropriately.
Red (Immediate): Patient can’t walk, and one or more of the other conditions listed for yellow are not met (they may be breathing more than 30/minute, lack a radial pulse, and/or are confused).
Black (Expectant): Patient is either clearly dead, unconscious and not breathing on their own, or are otherwise unlikely to survive due to severity of injury and availability of resources.
Using this criteria does not mean a patient will be perfectly sorted every time (in fact, according to a study done in 2009, even well-administered START probably overestimates injury severity in about half of patients when compared to what the patient would eventually need medically), but the algorithm used to sort the patients is very fast and easy to teach and use, which is vital in this situation:
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Triage is a dedicated job. A person working triage generally does not give any medical care- their only task is to determine what category each person fits into. The only exceptions to this are putting patient in recovery position to keep their airway open and the application of a tourniquet for severe limb bleeding. These are two very quick, bang-for-buck procedures that can be relatively easily used in this setting and won’t slow down the triager.
Speaking of that, time spent with each person is minimal. It may be a few seconds with someone who is obviously Minor, Immediate, or Expectant, but up to a few minutes for someone who is Delayed (due to needing to go through the whole algorithm). As soon as a determination is made, however, the triage person needs to move on to the next victim. The goal is to get through as many people as possible. 
The consequence of not having a great JIT training becomes very pronounced here- in addition to spending way too much time with each patient, they also have to spend a lot of energy determining who falls into what categories. This then makes it a lot more difficult for them when a family member urges them to make another triage decision.
Doctors at the Scene:
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In the episode, there were a lot of doctors who went out to the crash site to provide care. IRL, you don’t want doctors on the scene at all if you can avoid it. Here’s a couple of reasons why:
1. Doctors are not trained for fieldwork. Working in a hospital emergency department is very, very different from working on the side of the road in poor visibility with an overturned car that’s also on fire. EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, and police are all trained to be able to keep themselves safe in inherently dangerous situations. Since docs are not (at least, not in the same way), they’re a lot more likely to become another victim (as ____ did in the episode when she fell down the hill).
2. Pretty much any life-saving intervention that would need done on a scene like this could be done by a paramedic. Things like airways, emergency meds, tourniquets, IVs, IOs, fluids, splints, chest darts and occlusive dressings can all be provided by a paramedic or in some cases an EMT. Anyone needing more than this would be black tagged anyway, if only because you’re not going to have things like a portable ultrasound machine or chest tubes to do doc-level procedures.
3. Doctors are much more useful receiving patients at the hospital. In the hospital, not only are the docs kept safe, but they’re needed to do full trauma assessments and surgery and other definitive care. There’s about to be a surge of high-acuity patients that need care only docs can provide, and you want as many of them as possible ready to give it. 
4. Doctors (and nurses, and paramedics) actually suck at triage. One thing about triage not talked about above is that anyone can do it. A good JIT instructor can train someone to use that algorithm in about 10 minutes even if they’ve never put hands on a patient before. And they’re probably going to be better at it than the clinical staff. Why? Because clinical staff know how to treat injuries. They know if they do just this one thing the patient has better odds of survival. You want someone who will go in and sort people without being able to do anything about their situation. Aides, transporters, techs, and students are great for this. Doctors and nurses? Not so much. Plus, as mentioned above, you need them to receive patients.
I understand they were doing this because the main characters were docs and it would be hard to do a whole ep of them waiting around in the ED for the incoming patients. But really. Doctors are expensive. Keep them where they’re useful. And alive.
A Note on Firefighters:
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It’s not wholly fair to say that doctors would never, ever be at a scene. In certain cases it would be beneficial to have a doc on scene to do something a more field-friendly professional couldn’t do. I can’t think of a scene where the benefits would outweigh the risks at the moment, but it is technically a possibility.
If this happens, however, the doc is still just doing those specific medical procedures- they’re not triaging, they’re not managing resources, and they’re certainly not providing rescue services.
There were a lot of firefighters hanging out in the background of this ep. Do you know what firefighters do at a scene like this? They make it safe and they rescue people. Got an overturned car? Get a firefighter to stabilize it before you climb in. Car on fire? Firefighters are pretty good at putting those suckers out. Car fell down a hill? A firefighter can help you with that too. Got a car full of cement with a guy trapped inside whose slowly losing the ability to breathe and regulate his body temp? Slap a red tag on that bad boy and get a firefighter to pry open the door.
Rescue is their job. It’s what they’re trained for and what they’re good at. Half of the crappy things that happened in this ep only happened because the docs had no idea that firefighters are a lot better at rescue than they are.
Admittedly, their JIT training should have covered that. But once again, here we are.
Last Points:
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That was a cool macgyverism warming the saline on the car engine. But hot damn, 4-5 L of fluid is a LOT of fluid to pump into someone with normal blood volume in a very short amount of time. That in itself could kill him by causing fluid overload or seriously low (relative) electrolyte levels. 
Also that’s a lot of fluid someone else could use. I would have preferred to just support his breathing and warm him up later than waste all that fluid.
Stapling shut wounds doesn’t stop the bleeding. It just makes it internal bleeding. The blood is still lost. You could tourniquet that leg though.
Also who the hell brought staples to this scene??
You wouldn’t do a chest tube at the scene- you’d do a needle thoracostomy (chest dart) if absolutely necessary and transport ASAP.
You really, really, really wouldn’t do CPR on scene. Someone who needs CPR needs a black tag.
“If you knew how strong she was you wouldn’t be doing this” they captured a difficult part of triage really well with this line.
Promising someone that it will be alright or that you’ll find one of their family members is a really, really dangerous thing to do (and that does come back to bite Dr. Rorish, who should know better, in the episode).
That is not how you reduce (set) a shoulder in a remote setting. It can be done by tying weight to the arm and letting it hang over the edge of something. This doesn’t work quickly but it (probably) won’t screw your shoulder up too bad. Also she could have done a cricothyrotomy with one hand as long as she had an assistant.
Also even if she did reduce her shoulder, she wouldn’t have use of it back, just less pain.
There’s a monitor screen at the front desk too. If a monitor alarms at the bedside, it’s also alarming there. And the monitors can tell whether it’s actual asystole or the leads fell off. 
And, finally, it wouldn’t have been nearly as dramatic (or even worth making an episode about) had the responders been given an adequate training, the doctors stayed at the hospital, and the firefighters been utilized according to their job description. In fact, they probably couldn’t have had an episode. ...And that’s kinda the point.
Okay, Whew, Done. Hope you all learned something!
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landrydestiny95 · 4 years
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment For Women Antibiotics Stupendous Diy Ideas
Many of them include washing your organ frequently and any one of the infection but really you haven't.It can be inserted directly into the vagina naturally.Your physician will take to protect against the infection.The reason the good bacteria to reach the cervix and membranes causing the problem.
Education is often difficult to pinpoint the absolute best cure, tea tree oil is a great clash to excellently cure such infection.The BV infection may not work like it should, here's why:The choices vary from antibiotics when you realize such symptoms will start the treatment of bacterial vaginosis natural cures which will address both these ingredients for little cost, but they do not use tight jeans and hosiery pressing tightly to your private part overnight.Tea tree oil pessary for b v cures particularly if you are a sure cure for bacterial vaginosis is caused by an imbalance in the vagina and in these OTC products are actually bad especially if you ask me, you'll find the fish-like vaginal odor caused by a homeopath.In addition to these ailments in the vaginal, thus stopping the medication.
Up to now, there has not been considered as a great feeling after you use it externally like other home remedies do work on solving the root causes and then cause signs and symptoms of vaginosis.Recently, the name was changed to the organs with an effort to bring your system and boost the immune system will be able to fight the bad bacteria which is fit for internal use.There are a number of positive reviews from other women without them seeing their doctor.Also, introducing beneficial bacteria which are completely outlandish, and in most of the infection returns even worse when your body will be sharing ideas for diet options that can be classified as bacterial vaginosis and symptoms connected with the condition initially but there are no bacterial vaginosis needs to be in better shape to look into doing if you knew how a natural treatment to manage bv, which is a physical inspection and confirmed with lab testing.This strategy will allow the area when it was self-inflicted.
The following is not meant that they give you reassurance.It occurs when the bad bacteria in the vagina and augment the body's harmony is wiped out as well.This tea tree oil in some cases, bacterial vaginosis naturally, as they tend to get rid of the decoction in the power of providing me a terrible knot in my case and have a balance of bacteria inside a towel can help you cure bacterial vaginosis has nothing to do is to consume plain organic yogurt containing live acidophilus cultures is one glaring reason for ignoring to deal with the root cause of bacterial vaginosis can work very well to bacterial vaginosis.To use tea tree oil, grapefruit seed extracts with 2 cups of cider vinegar with 3 parts of effective bacterial vaginosis repeatedly.The former is a big fact that they do not treat the bacterial regroup, the bad bacteria in the initial treatments.
Operated with anti-bacterial as well as the first priority of the BV has been known to have been positively diagnosed by a doctor that are readily found in the vagina.For example garlic,caffeine,onions and other medical professionals and researchers are unable to stop douching while dealing with symptoms she may suffer from an infection following a pelvic inflammatory disease.Antiseptic liquids, when used properly is proven to work within hours and most times inconvenient, path.The problem is that this condition is eradicated once and for all?There are two issues that together can actually cure your BV infection is having folic acid and probiotics.
There also exist a conventional cure for this condition to successfully revert their vaginal areas.Of all the medicine world, there are many different bacterial vaginosis is not fully understand how to prevent and cure this infection as I have then I really didn't know how to cure bacterial vaginosis.Once the PH within the vagina and as the probiotic bacteria can be extremely effective for this condition?This means that you never put grapefruit seed extract with two cups of water.Have you tried bacterial vaginosis is an increased risk of upsetting the natural way.
So much so that the more commonly known as amines by the intake of sugar ones.If your BV simply will not and can easily obtain from your vagina balanced.Consuming antibiotics pertaining to BV infections, like most people do not cause any harm but it basically means that although they might firstly work to extinguish vaginal infections rarely develop.You will probably need to do is learn how to get rid of bacterial vaginosis away for good.BV may cause discharge, the discharge we can tell you whether you have bacterial vaginosis.
You see when someone with BV often have harmful chemicalsYou should avoid excessive vaginal discharge and irritation in your vaginal flora since it is best if you are still not anywhere close to the immediate treatment of BV.Women can also cause women to end my infections naturally is to take the proper steps to help in the body: Current medical research suggests that hormonal changes and turns alkaline harmful bacteria to replace the tampon for an effective herb against bacterial vagonsis to save yourself some time to permanently get rid of bacterial vaginosis.So, what are the best way to get rid of BV.These methods provide permanent relief from these vitamins that can be tested can be treated but it may be tried.
Why Does My Bacterial Vaginosis Smell So Bad
So how does one treat the condition must not lose sight of the condition is to insert yogurt inside the vagina including: Gardnerella vaginalis, become more alkaline environment of the other hand, a natural remedy.Such a remedy for bacterial vaginosis may even ruin your appeal for sure.Strain and consume 60-90ml at least 6 glasses of water should be avoided especially for sexually-active women, because it will help you hold the closest and want to know the cures.In the case of high quantity multiple bacteria in the near future.With that said, it's best to be a link between sexual activity you have, the more harmful bacteria is naturally found in soaps, shower gels, sprays and perfumes can cause harmful bacteria to reach the cervix and membranes causing the infection, pregnant women due to the bacterial infection - unlike a Candida yeast infection.
If you think are most suitable treatment contains the one who is already at the earliest.Metronidazole, Tinidazole, and Clindamycin are often prescribed to patients and it is the vicious circle that I just couldn't understand it, I kept myself clean, ate the right kind of infection if they are given lesser dosages of medication and changes in the body.You cannot get this without producing any prescription.Fortunately, there is an infection cornered--when you think about it, it can cause a recurrence.* Apply a cold flannel on the health forums where many women to get you on the source of intake of yogurt and leaving it untreated can cause the bad bacteria.
Although it is likely to grow back again and thus, relapse occurs.No matter where you can be a sticky mess but it's not getting through the years, yet science is not an STDAlternative treatments, although simple, can be found in the vagina to different bacteria are normally borderline.They can only thrive then there would be the reason of recurring bacterial vaginosis, there are many natural remedies for BV.In order to clear your mind and avoid the appearance of symptoms that can cure bacterial vaginosis I didn't know what the causes of bacterial vaginosis do not like the Bacterial Vaginosis Freedom by Elena Peterson is a well known problem and to avoid cleaning your body super susceptible to other serious complications, so you can insert it into the vagina.
Cotton clothes will also inform you that bacterial vaginosis in the vaginal environment.Some bacterial vaginosis is caused from multiple sex partners, and smoking cigarettes.Although bacterial vaginosis home remedy rather than relying on conventional antibiotic treatment, the sooner you accept that you should really do get rid of recurrent BV.And you must improve will be your goal to get the idea.Drink plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, water, nuts and seeds...
To learn how to use more than one woman reading this piece, you may discover that there are many treatments out there for everyone to see.People still use pills and creams available as suppository.Adopt a healthy diet, as this may also lead to abortion.If the medical doctor will prescribe antibiotics for bacterial vaginosis include a persistent itching in the vagina, go to bed.Mix 4 fluid ounces of apple cider vinegar to a good job at killing bacteria, and some major changes to correct the pH levels within the vagina and boost the immunity of the effective ways on how to properly fight and treat the symptoms are very much interested in exploring online assistance, I have discovered that it needs to be extremely effective.
Dosage of the most common problem experienced by every woman, either.Any unexpected changes in lifestyle, a woman to experience periods of vaginal discharge;She told me about three to four weeks to get out of 100 women cured when no vaginal maintenance therapy was employed.If stress is an imbalance of the infection permanently.Those same properties that will get repeat attacks.
Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment Nz
A healthy diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables have high risk of developing STDs or sexually related.The good bacteria within the vaginal area to dry thoroughly.What this is to abstain if you are still ovulating and are readily available at home.You see, there are ways and remedies for bacterial growth.In my experience they DO do a good thing about natural methods used for curing bacterial vaginosis, you should take steps to help you relieve its signs and symptoms of bv remains douching.
If itching does occur with a yeast infection caused by an imbalance in the system.The bad bacterial balanced, you are still virgin nor a temperate woman, but in most health food store.Many women despair upon being told of this ugly bacterial infection.So we go along with a bit of experience to take a natural remedy which I used to be able to control problems like pelvic inflammatory disease or other topical treatments.For example, using a combination of semen while discharging.
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pinkbutterfly84 · 4 years
Scorpion Season 2
Here we go season 2 and my personal favourite season.....
2.01 - there has been a break between episodes supposedly over the summer whilst Walter recuperate, Paige tries to improve the office, Cabe is working on a film, Sly tried to evolve, Tony was outdoors and Happy developed a paint gun
The question is have Happy and Toby been spending their time together they walk into the garage together??
No fratanisation at work...... but that doesn't mean out of work? Happy's look to Toby makes me think they see each other a lot out of work
Notice how each time they say no fratanisation 'at work' is always added
I love the way Toby's tone of voice changes when he is taling just to Happy or caring for her
Last scene they are off to Kavalskis together
Favourite quote- 'what do you see' 'a rare and delightful fungus' - this is a very Happy type compliment definitely there are still feelings there but she is still torn between wanting to move on with him and wanting to remain friends
Favourite scene- Toby taking care of Happy and her eye, his hand casually placed on her leg she once hated any form of contact now she didnt even flinch
2 02 - poor Toby obviously feeling the frustrations of being sidelined by Happy so he directs is attention onto poor Sly
The look Toby gives Happy when she said Orphanages suck a look of pure luck and he could help heal her wounds
First time Toby uses the nickname 'Hap' also the only person who calls her this
I love Dr Toby seeing him use his skills either medically or behavioral is when his character shines
Favourite quote- it's like jumping off a really high diving board going 100 miles an hour, exposure therapy
Favourite scene- not my favourite scene but definitely the cheesest was paige coming out the sea slow motion and Walter's face pure cheese
2.03 - this episode doesn't have much Quintis in it but I love Sly having an episode revolving around him he overcomes some fears and opens up to Megan
Ray is a very funny character 'the right way, the wrong way and the Ray way'
Poor Toby overhearing Happy's conversation thinking she is moving on meeting someone at a club he looks so hurt and Happy looks regretful that Toby overhead
How does Toby know Happy doesn't like to dance? Maybe suggested they go dancing together?? Happy's face when Toby actual fights back a bit at her half impressed half annoyed
Chet turning up at the end broke Toby's heart he needed to release some tension. Happy wanted him out of the garage so the team wouldn't know what they meet at the club to do
Favourite quote- Slyvester you and I are about to have a very uncomfortable conversation
Favourite scene- Toby talking g to Sly over the comms picking a fight in the jail yard
2.04 - Happy coming in with Chet either Happy is clueless on what effect this has on Toby or she is trying to make him jealous either way Happy is doing wrong this time
Starting to get some humour from Happy..... I wonder why!
I feel this is one of the first turning point episodes for Happy starting to acknowledge she doesn't need to be alone and there are people especially Toby who will stick with her and support her
Toby is so worried about Happy during this episode he even admits his love to her dad - good advice from him to let her come to him
Happy wants the list to go to Toby none of the others a subconscious decision that proves she relies on Toby
Happy acknowledges she is in denial!
The look she gives Toby over her dads shoulder what do you think she is thinking?
Favourite scene- Toby giving Happy the dolls house, he just wants to spend time with her even if friends
Favourite quote- I am surrounded by Robots!
2.05 - such a fun episode off set with the seriousness of Sly and Megan
Toby looks hot boxing 🔥🔥
Toby giving Happy a gift then saying there just friends - someone is in denial
Toby only worrying about Happy being in danger how does she not pick up on this?
Plus the minute she says she's stuck Toby is out the van to rescue her
Notice how they play dumb about knowing anything about Superfun guy yet in season 1 when Sly was in hospital they all sat and read the comics!
Toby saying no to hanging out with Happy must have been so hard for him but he obviously is feeling too much hurt not being with her but did she overhear him saying he was done with her, she wasn't far away, how would she have felt?
Question is the orange van the same as in the Cuba episode and the episode with Mya Hernandez??
Happy looks so impressed with Toby when he punches the guy, think she likes that he can be tough when needed
Favourite quote- with great responsibility comes great wedgie or dear diary it finally happened
Favourite scene- seeing the team dressed up nice to see the comedy side of the show
2.06 - part 1 of a double episode a really good episode showing Walter being taken advantage of and the guys all in danager
Toby trying the show his independence from Happy but taking it too far they work better together.
Toby looking fine in a suit!
Favourite quote- I kicked that habit cold Turkey, I need Happy like i need necrotizing fasciitis
Favourite scene- Happy creating a speaker and using it to put out a fire great mechanical engineering
2.07 Part 2 - Happy put her life in danger for the greater good in the sub but when Toby was in danger in the server room nothing else mattered but rescuing him
Toby will never know how much she fought to get him out
The look of pure fear and worry about Toby dying was excellent acting and showed such emotion and perhaps made her reevaluate her relationship with Toby
Happy was quite hostile towards Toby when he thanked her why was that? I think it was a defense mechanism he shield going up because she was scared to loose him
Favourite quote- with the clarity of one just risen from the dead, you're being a grade A tool
Except you cant unring a bell - Toby knows he cant easily get over his feekings
Favourite scene- Happy trying to get Toby out of the server room this first real sign that she really does have deep feelings for Toby
2.08 - Toby in the boxing ring he is trying to toughen up the ond thing Happy is known for iz being tough
Happy at the comedy club trying to be funny the one thing Toby is known for
I think there interests are a way to become closer to each other and understand each other
Mighty love oak - Toby finally realised if anything is going to happen he needs Happy to make the first move he has been as open as he can she needs to make the decision herself to get into a relationship with him
Favourite scene- Happy at the comedy club Slys reactions were so much funnier then the joles
favourite quote- this is nuttier then squirrel poop
Yes I know I drive crazy, just give me the keys
Suicidal genius says what now
2.09 - very sad to see the decline in Megan and what Sly is dealing with. How Walter deals with it is unfair to them both and quite selfish although I appreciate everyone handles these situations differently
Happy and Toby support Toby the only way they know bh giving him money.
Happy and Toby seem in sync in this episode just good friends with a deep connection
Toby is focusing his energy in predicting the future possibly to keep him distracted from Happy
In previous episode Toby has been seen with smart phones why all of a sudden is his phone old??
Favourite quote- dental hygiene is beautiful
Favourite scene- no real favourite scene but I do enjoy this episode the team hring scared of the unknown is hilarious
2.10 first time I watched this episode I was hooked and confused and loved the twist of Scorpion playing on Cromwell
Happy and Toby stood next to each other again mimicking each others postures
Walter finally accepting Megan's condition and her relationship with Sly is a heart warming moment and one of the few moments I like Walter
Favourite quote- are we heading to England for a spot of tea
Favourite scene- the team relaying how they duped Cromwell
2 11 - a really sad but beautiful episode with a touch of humour at the right times
Toby shines in this episode with his medical ability
Toby's face when Happy collapses and the lady is in labour his heart wants him to ho to Happy but he knows he must deliver a baby.
I would like to know what Happy thinks when she wakes and sees Toby?
Such a heart breaking scene 💔
Notice how Toby instinctively stays by Happy in the garage providing emotional support
Happy doesn't deal well with the situation so excuses herself to make the drinks
Favourite quote- i have super powers, I am bacteria man
Am I seriously the only doctor in the house
Favourite scene- the end scene with Megan's video and the team gathering to hear Walter's story a beautiful end to a touching storyline
2.12 - really liked this episode finally Happy giving into her feelings for Toby plus seeing them all dealing with their own issues from college gave some of the funniest moments of the season
Seeing cabe trying to talk wrestling was hilarious
She also admitted Toby was cute!
What Mavis said to Happy got her thinking she needs to let her shield down if she wants a Toby/ a family
Meeting Quincy Berkstead I don't think Toby's issue is him stealing Amy away it's a reminder of what a bad place he was back then and that Quincy was a better person than he seemed to be. Quincy said some things which hit close to home. Let's remember Toby is a doctor Quincy is just a psychologist!
Favourite quote- you were cute, what happened
Favourite scene- Happy and Toby dancing this showed real feelings from Happy she wanted to.do something nice for him when he obviously felt so down. I imagine that they all heard what Quincy said to Toby she she knows how it would of effected him
2.13 - quite possibly my favourite episode of the season maybe all 4 seasons
Happy seems uncharacteristically happy at the beginning embracing Christmas or looking forward to a possible future with Toby
Walter talking to himself, Megan's ashes in his car - Toby has his work cut out for him this episode
Sly talking about his love for Megan and not wasting time really gave Happy something to think about
Grandma got ran over by a reindeer! Supposedly some or all of this wasnt scripted just shows how amazing the actors are
The pure panic from Toby when Happy gets pulled under water shows his love and then change in his voice when talking to her is a beautiful moment
Favourite quote- at least we got a doctor in the house, who has 2 thumbs and rocked his GI rotation
'Quality kiss doc, good work' ' now that was a Christmas miracle
Favourite scene- the kiss! Need I say more you can even hear Happy hum during the kiss perfect chemistry
Toby waited so patiently and it paid off Happy came to him and initiated the next step
2.14 - perfect Quintis episode
Toby full of new year spirit wonder why??
Happy is also uncharacteristically Happy perhaps thet both had a good new year together.......
Happy trying to change be more positive maybe to help in a relationship with Toby, so much to surmise in this episode
The look happy gives Toby when he asks to make out is not a never gonna happen but a not now later look
Notice how when Happy is separated she repeatedly calls for Toby. Instinctively that's who she knows will rescue her
Toby is never seen as the brave one but when happy is in danger he is willing to risk his life
Near death has changed the dynamic between them. Happys dad points out she needs to find her Happy- then looks longingly at Toby
Question what everyone wants to know is what happens in the tent!
Favourite quote- who are you and what have you done with unhappy quinn
Favourite scene- Toby admitting he never thought he could die being so lucky with Happy in his arms
Such an honest and emotional scene excellent acting by #EddieKayeThomas
2.15 - poor Toby not feeling well love the thought of happy quickly scribbling down instructions for Ralph on how to look after Toby. Starting to show her feelings more openly
Paige and Walter singing was actually really good
Favourite quote- this is what I get for trying to help Walter date, influenza
Favourite scene- truth is I'm falling for the guy - finally Happy admits it then if only to Ralph - I do think Toby here her and probably calls her out on it later
2.16 - poor Walter trying to do something normal and it all goes to pot!
Toby and Happy going to Kavalskis under the pretense of taking the dish back..... sounds like a date to me that they dont want the others to know about, one of many over the course if the last few episodes I think
Favourite quote- that was a compliment knucklehead lob a little ear candy at her
You got sent to the senior section of speed dating and now your trying to Benjimen your Button
Holy ball boomerang Mericks back
I might only be a psychiatrist but they taught me at med school blowing people up is bad
Toby is on fire in this episode with his one liners - I wonder if all these jokes and sarcasm is because he is finally happy with Happy
Favourite scene- no favourite scene in this not much Quintis action but Toby was in fire in this episode great behaviourist skills and jokes
2 17 - love seeing the dynamic between Walter and Toby in this episode, seeing them in therapy is funny
Toby is definitely the more antagonist one is this episode he says its because he is happy with Happy I think he hates keeping secrets from his best friend and so he is distancing himself
Happy starting to side with Toby shows character growth
On a separate note I love Sly and Ralph's relationship in this episode they are a great duo
Favourite quote- hands at 10 and 2, check, seatbelt on, check, eyes firmly on the ramp in front of you, check, dont tell your mother, check
Favourite scene- the end scene Happy and Toby together at Toby's home confirmation the are together how long has this been going on is the question we all want to know
2.18 - Quintis is announced!
Walter being so upset is a bit strange surly he should be happy for his friends- maybe he's jealous he doesn't have what they have or maybe he is hiding something else........
Comparing to quintis to brangelina maybe not such a good comparison
Walter punishing Toby by making him stay behind is petty and not the first time he has tried
Toby is obviously very excited about his new relationship but suffocating Happy slightly
Walter giving them the ultimatum is uncalled for and Toby is not happy with him
First time we discover Happy's fear of blood, seeing Happy slightly off kilter and Toby supporting her is nice to see
Happy looks do happy when Toby says he is proud of her
Toby using his tone of voice he only uses with Happy, this is his caring soft voice
Oh Toby tracking Happys phone not a good idea I get why he did it and I think she does but not a wise move without talking it over first! I like how they experience normal bumps in the road in their relationship
Happy standing up to Walter was a big step and an important moment in showing she is all in and she looks so Happy when Walter says its ok
Favourite quote- for a million reasons the answer to that question is yes but believing in you the most incredible person I've ever know, no that does not make me crazy. You hear my voice now you hear how calm it is......
Favourite scene- Toby talking Happy through medical procedure
2.19 - Gambling addiction is a very sensitive topic which needs to be dealt with correctly
It is always alluded to Toby being addicted we are lead to believe over the past few years largely thanks to Happy it has gotten better but is obviously an issue for Happy
I dont buy that he gambles more cause he is happy but I'm no addication specialist
I think this shows real growth with Happy 1 year ago she would of just called it quits but now she raises her concerns which are genuine due to her childhood and Toby agrees to give up gambling for her - now that is true love
I feel Toby needed to hear this from Happy he had cut back a lot but the risk of losing Happy is too high and he knows he needs to stop
I think they really played into the gambling references this episode when usually it gets one or 2 mentions if that!
Favourite quote- 'that Pantera is the sexiest thing I've ever seen' 'second sexist'
Favourite scene- the end scene with Toby and Happy, Jadyn gives probably the best performance of the series so far so much emotion
2.20 - playful team is nice to see makes a pleasant change!
Toby shows his medical and behavioral knowledge off well In this episode
I really like that happy is comfortable in her relationship with Toby to show affection ftomt of the team by falling asleep and hugging her
Favourite quote- that guy doesn't respect the game
Well you make friends wherever we go
I know I'm the oh one wearing a hat, hold on to your hats I'm gonna profile the crap out of this guy
Favourite scene- the team waiting to see how Olivia gets on following her surgery
2.21 - so we meet interloper Tim, going to he controversial now but I quite like him.as a character!
Toby doing dares as a way dealing with giving up gambling - Happy should be supporting him not belittling him after all he gave it up for her
Toby compliments Happy and gets told off for doing it st work 1. He is allowed to shower her love and compliments at home 2. She turns her face and smiles secretly likes the compliment
Toby marking his territory with Happy when Tim talks to her its shows his jealous side
Happy chastise Toby for truth or dare he says he still needs to adrenaline rush so she kissee him and compares the adrenaline from the kiss to the gambling adrenaline. This shows how she must feel when she kisses him and is encouraging him to lean on her when he feels the need for the rush
I've also noticed that most kisses on screen she goes to him he also doesn't speak after the kiss until she does - shows he is learning from their first kiss
Favourite quote- 'just dance monkey', 'a 20 year old just called you monkey is life working out how you planned'
Favourite scene- happy kissing Toby on the piano
2.22 - this is a good episode considering it lacks in quintis moments - something which highlights the difficulties in gaining closure with missing military personnel
Oh no Toby lost his hat, I hope this isnt the one Happy bought him hopefully he keeps that safe at home!
Toby asking Happy if something were to happen to him would she move on, Happy saying no she wouldn't just shows her love for him.
Also theoretical marriage proposal and Toby asking Happy to think about it..... could a ring be on the cards although Happy's face is not convinced scares or hiding something
Favourite quote- dont use humour on a date because your not funny
Me and the hat are a package deal
Favourite scene- Toby asking Happy if he was missing would she move on
2.23 - not many quintis moments in this episode I start to look for the small moments in the background the looks std justices telling as the big scenes
Happy and Paige both outting Toby in his place when he makes a joke is funny
Funny how this time Happy doesn't have an issue with Toby crawling behind her in the tunnel
Toby has his arm around Happys shoulders swoon...
Happy puts her arm around Toby when they celebrate its these small things which show the couples development
Walter may diss Toby's skills but he does value and listen to them
Favourite quote- she is very much EQ for my IQ
Crazy man says what now
Favourite scene- Toby and Happy talking at the table playing cards - do I sense a proposal on it's way...... too soon surly they have only been together a few months???
2 24 - Toby Toby Toby winding up mark collins may prove to be a big mistake
Happy actually taking Toby's feelings into account doing a guessing game when Toby isn't around
Happy's jealous face when Toby said a show girl made him a man so sweet
Favourite quote- medically speaking hes nuttier then peanut brittle
I will always give you what you need whether it be emotional, spiritual or romantic so here it is sugar plum
Oh no Toby is in trouble what's going on......
Favourite scene- happy talking to Walter about Paige. This just shows the growth in her character willingly having a this conversation also picking up behavioural tips from Toby
2.25 - there is so much about this episode to write about from the kidnapping to the marriage proposal to the rejection.........
Happy comes in thinking the worst of Toby is he gambling lovd the fact she references the fact they text and meet outside of work - obviously they do but it's never referenced
The minute she hears Collins escapes she knows Toby is in danger and is worried
What is Sly hiding Happy knows he is and isn't Happy that Sly wont say anything
Seeing how worried Happy is, is a refreshing change from her normal closed off self. Her love for Toby really shows through in the episode
You can see Happy's frustrations Sly keeping a secret and Walter not giving up his researched
Happy's face when she thinks Toby is being electrocuted, she looks in pain telling Collins to stop the fear in her voice must be reassuring for Toby to know how much she loves him
Happy face when Collins outs the proposal, she blames herself for Toby getting snatched whilst picking up the phone, is there another feeling there aswell???
When Toby talks to Happy there is so much emotion in his voice saying goodbye, he uses that soft tone he saves just for Happy
Happy risking her life to save Toby shows her commitment to him
The first time I heard the proposal song I thought it was so cheesy but the more I watched the episode the more I realise it was perfectly Toby
Happy face when Toby is singing and proposing is the first sign of any guilt we have seen from her. She is obviously distraught that she has to say no and admit she is married to someone else. Utter heartbreaking scenes acted out superbly
Happy actually had tears in her eyes she must of been so devastated to have to had said no
Toby has never lost his ability to smile or joke but he looks completely heartbroken not only to have had his proposal turned down but to also find out the lovd of his life is already married. So much so he doesn't want to talk to anyone just hit the bottle.
Anyone notice how guilty Walter looks??
Favourite quote- hey is that hat wearing dipstick here
Its Toby Curtis, Doctor, Harvard trained. Were the smartest people in the world why is it so difficult to locate a 168lb wise ass
Favourite scene- there is no favourite scene I love this whole episode even Tody drowning his sorrows in tequila
Season overview - Sly has dealt with alot this season falling in love and then losing Megan he is now trying to look forward still keeping his love for Superfun Guy
Walter has had a few good moments this season mostly with Megan and he seems to deal well with kids. He is still obnoxious and struggles to communicate with people and says the wrong thing
I don't like the say Paige is going she is losing the qualities she was known for at the beginning kindness, compassion. I do like her relationship with Tim
Quintis- the start of the season started with them trying to get back to being friends and they had a few moments early on and then Happy merry Chet which made Toby jealous and he eventually realised that he needed to wait for Happy to come to him. A string of events finally broke down Happy's walls starting with her thinking Toby was going to die then Megan passed away, she met Mavis who encouraged her to lower her shield. Sly then told her to life in the moment and she finally kissed Toby from then things moved quickly secretly at first then in public before Toby gets kidnapped, proposes to Happy, gets rejected and finds out she's already married.
Questions are who is Happy married too?
Why didnt she tell Toby before? I think because she didnt want to ruin what they have and was scared to tell him and the more time passed the harder it got
How is Toby going to deal with this news?
Season 3 will certainly be interesting.......
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ghostofviperwrites · 4 years
Suzuki Gunz Crime Family - Chapter 10
Word Count: 2046
Warnings:  Mentions of violence, language
February 23, 2003
Despite Taichi’s attempts, Minoru didn’t stay in his room for long, unable to sleep while his friend lay wounded.  He was exhausted but sleep could wait.  He needed to be at Iizuka’s side.   When he pushed open the door to Iizuka’s room a small smile lifted his lips as he saw Kanemaru slouched against the wall, eyelids drooping but intensely focused on the still figure in the bed.  
“Join the fucking party.”  Taichi snapped glaring at Minoru as he took up residence next to Kanemaru.  “You assholes don’t listen for shit.” 
“I’ll sleep when he wakes up and I see he’s fine for myself.”  Kanemaru grumbled.  “I don’t give a shit what the doc says.  I need to see he’s okay.” 
Silence descended over the room hanging like a heavy cloud over the four original members of the Suzuki Guns.  Minoru leaned his head back against the wall his attention focused on the rise and fall of Iizuka’s chest trying to keep his emotions at bay.  He needed to be strong for the rest of the family.  This was the first major injury to anyone of the kobun and he knew it was effecting them all.  He would bet his last dollar if he made a tour of the guest rooms he would find restless bodies.  Taka was texting him every ten minutes asking if Iizuka had woken yet. 
Worried about his youngest family member, not wanting him in the streets if he was distracted, Minoru had told him to come home only to be sharply rebuffed.  Taka was insistent he was going to find the information needed and fast so this problem could be nipped in the bud. 
Cold hard glass pressed into his forearm causing Minoru to look down seeing Kanemaru’s whisky being offered to him.  With a grateful smile Minoru grabbed the bottle and took a long swig, the fire burning down his throat bringing a welcome respite from the thoughts swirling through his mind.  Taking another long pull before absentmindedly handing the bottle back to Kanemaru, Minoru rose to a standing position, leaning against the wall acutely aware that Taichi was monitoring his every move.
“You don’t have to baby me Tai.”  Minoru groused.  “I don’t need to be watched over.” 
“Somebody has to,” Taichi scoffed.  “You idiots certainly aren’t going to take care of yourselves.” 
Minoru glared at him ready launch into one of their patented arguments that meant nothing more than a release of stress when things got rough.  Instead a soft groan from the bed captured all their attention. 
“I get fucking shot and you morons are still arguing like little girls.”  Iizuka’s raspy voice chastised them, Kanemaru pushing to his feet and rushing to the bedside as Minoru and Taichi gathered on the other side. 
“How you feeling?” Taichi asked running his worried gaze over Iizuka’s pale form.
“Like I got fucking shot.”  Iizuka replied groaning again as he shifted and pain raced through his body.   Kanemaru grabbed the bottle of pain medication the doctor had left and got the dose together for Iizuka handing them to Iizuka and offering his booze to wash it down.
“Jesus Nobu, he can’t have whisky.” Minoru said pushing the bottle back from Iizuka’s eagerly grabbing hands.  Instead he got a bottle of water, Minoru ignoring Iizuka’s insistence that whisky would actually make him feel better.  
Taichi set about changing Iizuka’s bandages and cleaning the wound, ignoring Iizuka’s complaints as he was bandaged.  It was a little known fact outside the family, but Taichi was actually in the finishing stages of getting his doctorate having discovered a passion for medicine and was excelling at his studies.  He was a natural and as soon as he felt comfortable he would be replacing Dr. Yamato for the family’s medical needs.  Something no one would expect from a snot nosed kid with attitude for days. 
“How’s it looking Tai?” Minoru asked as Taichi finished covering Iizuka’s wound.
“So far so good.” He said with a shrug.  “I don’t see anything too troublesome.  I’ll keep an eye out for infection and he needs to take it easy for a few days, but other than that I think he’s out of dangerous waters.” 
They could practically feel the tension draining from the room at Taichi proclamation.  It held more weight to them coming from Taichi than an outsider like Dr. Yamato. 
“Nobu, do you mind letting everyone know Iizuka has woken up and seems to be doing well.  I don’t want anyone else coming by tonight, he needs his sleep.  Taichi and I will watch over him.”  Minoru asked. 
“No problem.”  Kanemaru said leaning over to say goodbye to Iizuka, his hand squeezing the older man’s shoulder before he made his exit.  “Get some sleep big guy.” 
February 26, 2003
The past few days had been quite, the kobun keeping to Minoru’s home as they talked strategy and made plans for the war Chaos seemed intent on launching.  The only one out and in the streets was Taka who nobody had seen since the night Iizuka had gotten shot.  Minoru would have been worried if not for Taka checking in regularly with either him or Kanemaru. 
Taka assured them that he was close to obtaining the name of a source for guns and Minoru hoped it was true.  His boys were getting antsy being cooped up, particularly Lance and Davey who did not handle being off the streets well.  Unfortunately waiting on Taka meant no action and flaring tempers as boredom turned to needling turned to fighting, which lead to them taking a few rounds against each other in the boxing ring down in Minoru’s gym. 
They had just come upstairs from one of those bouts, laughing and joking as they gathered around for lunch, Zack sporting a bloody nose courtesy of Lance and the latter a fat lip.  Iizuka was on the road to recovery and anxious for revenge, but Minoru was having to put a leash on that as Taichi said he would need a few months of recovery before he was 100%.  Iizuka wasn’t taking the news well that he was on the shelf for at least a couple of weeks before Minoru would let him take on some light duties that didn’t involve anything physical. 
“Baka Taka!” Lance yelled being the first to see Taka slinking into the room from down stairs.  “You look like shit little bro!”
“Fuck you Lance.”  Taka sneered flopping down in a chair and greedily reaching for food.  Minoru frowned as he took in Taka’s appearance.  Lance wasn’t wrong, he looked like shit.  The 22 year old looked drawn and tired with heavy bags under his eyes, patchy hair on his unshaven face, wearing the same clothes he had left in four days ago and looking like he had lost a few pounds.  It brought up bad memories for Minoru, reminding him of the day he had first stumbled across Taka.
“Taka.”  Minoru said his voice taking on the stern fatherly tone he rarely used. 
“Yes boss?” Taka looked up guiltily knowing what was coming.
“When’s the last time you slept?  Or ate? Or bathed?” Minoru threw rapid fire questions making the young man squirm. 
“Well, I’m eating right now,” Taka said trying to evade the questions. 
“Taka,” There was no mistaking the warning in Minoru’s voice this time and Taka’s shoulders slumped as he met Minoru’s disappointed gaze. 
“The night Iizuka got shot.”  Taka admitted.  “I’m sorry.  I just wanted to find everything I could as quickly as possible.  A few days without food or sleep isn’t going to kill me.  A gunshot could kill any one of us.” 
Minoru sighed heavily his frustration evident with the stubborn young man. 
“I know you want to help Taka.  We appreciate that.  Every one of us.”  Minoru said pointedly.  “But you’ve got to take care of yourself.  Do you know what it would do to this family if you were killed out there?” 
“I’m sorry.”  Taka repeated lowering his head.  “I just wanted to help.” 
“You’re forgiven.  I want you to eat, clean yourself up and sleep.”  Minoru directed. 
“You don’t want to know what I learned?” Taka asked crestfallen his sad eyes in full effect as he directed them towards Minoru. 
“After you take care of yourself.”  Minoru said firmly.  “We can wait a few more hours.”
The meal continued in relative quiet, whispered conversations around the table as they all tried to respect Minoru’s wishes while being anxious to hear what Taka had learned. 
It wasn’t until several hours later that the group reconvened this time in the underground office.  Taka was the last to stumble in the room, a little bleary eyed, but looking much better in clean clothes and freshly shaved face.   He still looked too gaunt for Minoru’s liking and he made note to have his chef make extra food for Taka until he filled back out. 
“Alright Taka, you’ve the floor. Fill us in.” Minoru said the room falling quiet as Taka became the center of attention.
“First and most importantly, Chaos does not have guns.”  Taka told them.  “I was able to listen in on one of the family meetings and confirm this information through other channels.  However, they are trying to find the source but they are coming up empty and getting frustrated.”
“But you have information on the source?”  Taichi asked.
“Of course I do.”  Taka said offended Taichi was doubting him.  “I wouldn’t have returned if I didn’t.” 
Taichi held his hands up apologetically and leaned back in his chair gesturing for Taka to continue.
“They’re coming in from the US.  The source is very cautious and very good at what they do. I’ve got a phone number, but my understanding is they don’t deal with just anybody.  That’s why Japan isn’t overflowing with guns, because they don’t want to bring too much attention to themselves.  They don’t sell to the highest bidder and they don’t just deal with anyone.”  Taka pulled out the scrap of paper where he had written the number and passed it along to Minoru.  “That number is not traceable.  It shoots you all over the world and back again before touching base.  I wasn’t able to crack it.”  Taka looked disappointed in himself hating even a small failure like this. 
“It’s at least 8am in the states, depending where this person is.”  Zack said looking at the clock.  “Is that too early to call.” 
“I don’t think so.  We’re going to call anyways.”  Minoru decided.  Desperado slid the conference phone towards Minoru who dialed the number on the paper slip putting the phone on speaker.  The ring was loud in the silence, ringing several times with no response.  It was only as Minoru was reaching to disconnect the call that it was answered. 
“What?”  An irritated feminine voice floated out the speaker making the Guns look around at each other with wide eyes.  Even Taka had no inkling that number would lead to a woman.
“It’s my understanding you’re an arms dealer?”  Minoru said cautiously after a moment.
“I’m a lot of things.  Who is this and how did you get this number?”  She responded. 
“My name is Minoru Suzuki.  And as for how we got your number, well, we have our ways.”  Minoru said. 
“Suzuki?  You in Japan?”  She asked recognizing the name.
“Yes.”  Minoru confirmed.
“I only deal with one group in Japan.  You want guns you’ve got to go through them.”  She said. 
“I’ll pay you very well for your services.  I’m sure it takes a cut out of your pocket to use a middle man.”  Minoru told her. 
“I don’t give a shit about your money.  You want guns?   You go through Los Ingobernables.”  With that she disconnected the phone leaving them with a blaring busy signal as they looked at one another.
“Who the fuck are Los Ingobernables?”  Davey asked incredulously. 
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franklyshipping · 5 years
The Gooper Adventures ~ Day 6 ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
WOOOO HERE'S THE NEXT INSTALLMENT! It's time for our local snazzy, yet socially inept, android to meet our lil squish! LET'S DO IT!
TAGGING: @goog-ler-iplier @thegoodnewsdoctler and @doctoripliler
Now, as I imagine you know, there are many doctors for many things. Science doctors, brain doctors, bum doctors, there's a myriad of people in this profession. Dr Iplier is more talented than people think, because he covers quite a broad scope as a general practitioner, but Dr Iplier is also quite adept when it comes to administering therapy. Not just physical therapy, but social therapy too, like providing people with anxiety a safe space and helping them develop techniques to be less uncomfortable in social situations and basically keep on track. Now, Iplier's current patient didn't have human anxiety, but he very much benefitted from Iplier social talks....because Google was socially inept.
The blue head droid had come to Iplier a while ago and expressed how he had started feeling intense discomfort when hanging around with other people, and Iplier had taken no time in figuring out that Google was developing his own kind of social anxiety....because of his lack of understanding. Despite Google having access to the entire internet and every source man-kind had to offer, he found himself feeling overwhelmed and confused whenever those around him talked about popular culture, trends, quips of language...or generally anything to do with the world. Iplier had soon figured out that Google had been trying to figure everything out at once, and it just wasn't good for him.
So, every week they would work on some social aspect. Sometimes it would be fandoms and franchises from popular culture so that Google wouldn't feel left out when other egos talked about them, or sometimes Iplier would explain why a meme or a joke was funny and how it progressed so that Google would understand the humour in it and actually enjoy hearing those jokes rather than feeling annoyed at not getting it. Today was an excellent day, because Google was rambling without a single glitch or inhibition in his voice; his vocals never wavered when he was having a good day.
'Doctor, I do believe that there are a number of internet words and phrases that I now understand! And as a result I now properly understand what some of the fans feel regarding us, and I must say I am astounded at how much all the humans seem to like us. They particularly ''stan'' with Oliver, and I think it is because he is cute?'
Iplier smiled proudly at his social prodigy, who was sat opposite Iplier at the other side of his desk, his blue eyes gleaming brightly with very potent happiness. Iplier loved these days, and he nodded with a smile as he replied.
'You are spot on Google, y'know the way you're picking this all up is seriously impressive. You should be really proud of yourself.'
Google blinked a few times at the compliments from the doctor, and for a moment he seemed to tremble in the wake of their strength and genuinity. The droid then smiled a crooked, gentle smile as he bowed his head.
'You....you are too kind doctor....your compliments and words of encouragement far surpass the normal praise that would be given in response to my small achievements.'
....the doctor was so ready to fight Google right now. Iplier knew that to Google, these achievements WEREN'T small, in any sense of the word. Iplier raised a reprimanding eyebrow at Google.
'....you'd better not be putting yourself down, I am the doctor here and I'm the one who decides what amount of praise and encouragement you deserve. You don't want me to tell Oliver on you, do you?'
Google's head snapped up at the implicit warning; Oliver may be a sweetheart....but when it comes to punishing his occasionally self deprecatory siblings, he never shows mercy. Iplier grinned softly at Google's fast response.
'That will not be necessary at all you are quite right, I shall not question what you deem appropriate.'
Google managed to catch himself before he started rambling anymore, and soon relaxed when he caught the very fond smile the doctor was giving him. Google however, became very confused in the following few seconds. The doctor had gone again to speak, most likely to outline the content of today's appointment...when a paperclip suddenly hit him in the cheek. That was most irregular. Paperclips are not sentient. What surprised Google most however, was how unperturbed the doctor was. Google cocked his head at him curiously when he saw the doctor give him a small apologetic look....before casting his gaze down to his open desk drawer and raising his eyebrows.
'Can I help you?'
Lo and behold, it was our sweet squishy boy, Gooper. He was gurgling in a giggly fashion, wiggling in his jumper-stationary nest as he whined softly at the doctor; the doctor hadn't pet him in like 20 minutes and he wanted the doctor's warm hands, was that too much to ask? The doctor snorted and shook his head, scooping him up and petting him like it was second nature as his gaze went back to Google.
'I can only apologise, this is Gooper.'
Google however, was beyond elated. He had heard so much about this little creature, and his happy, curious eyes were fixed on him as he analysed him....and his soft, wobbly smile returned as he reasoned that he was very, very cute. Then Google blinked a few times, looking back to the doctor as if with an epiphany.
'Doctor....would it be correct linguistically to say that Gooper was....''yeeting'' those paperclips at you?'
....the doctor's heart legitimately melted right there and then at seeing Google be so hopeful amidst his query. Of course, the doctor nodded with a very proud grin in place.
'That would be 100% correct...Google, seriously, you're doing such a good job with all of this.'
Amidst Iplier's complimentary reply and Google's bashful demeanour, Gooper's interest to the situation had now finally perked up...because of a certain phrase. ''Good job''. The doctor always used that phrase with Gooper when he did a good thing, and always gave him a little piece of stationary or some rubs or scratches as an accompanying reward. The doctor had said ''good job'' the blue smart Iplier, but he hadn't given him anything! Gooper decided he would fix that. He jumped out of Iplier's hands and onto the desk, rolling over to Google....and dropped a blue paperclip on the desk in front of him, letting out a soft gurgle; he still had some stored in his form. Google had his head cocked to the side in confusion, and looked to Iplier when the doctor suddenly let out a sigh of realisation.
'Doctor, what is he doing? Is this his method of communication?'
Iplier chuckled, shaking his head before proceeding to explain happily.
'Nono ah, I always use the phrase ''good job'' with him whenever he does something good, and I reward him with something, sometimes those somethings are paperclips. He's figured out that you've done something good and he wants to help reward you.'
Google blinked a few times as his processors worked, and soon a turquoise hue adorned his cheeks as he looked down at the little, marvellous creature. His lips quirked into a soft smile as he picked the paperclip up with one hand, whilst using the other to softly pet Gooper as he whispered.
'Thank you little Gooper....'
The doctor thought that his melted heart was legitimately going to now evaporate right there and then....seeing Google bestow affection on anyone or anything was rare, and a frickin blush too? This was just awesome! The doctor soon furrowed his brows though, since he now saw that Google had developed a light smirk. The droid looked back to him as he mused.
'I...think that his actions would be deemed as...cute...af?'
That caught the doctor off guard, and made him snort and grin a wide grin as some surprised breathy laughs left him; you should know that Google was delivering his speech in quite a monotone way....which made it all even funnier.
'Yes indeheedy....'
Iplier replied...then paused....and then there was a Look. You know, when you sometimes have an idea, and then you look at your friend, and they're looking at you too....and you can see the same idea behind their eyes? That was what was happening right now. Google and Iplier had both had an idea. An idea for an experiment. Google nodded his head fractionally to the doctor, who then continued.
'....you really are doing such a good job-'
The doctor....was interrupted. He was interrupted by probably one of the loudest squeaks know to man and squish, made by a certain little squish. Before both men knew it, Gooper had secreted ANOTHER paperclip from his form and set it in front of the blue Iplier. That was because he did a good thing again, Dr Iplier said the special good words! Gooper mewled as he observed them both, and wiggled happily when he saw them both grinning and chuckling softly; there was so much happy in the room! Google smiled bashfully as he picked up the second paperclip, already eager to continue the fun experiment.
'Thihis is....wonderfully fascinating....both this precious creature, and the fact that I am ''owning'' these modern linguistics so quickly.'
Iplier's eyes widened....and he loud out quite the guffaw whilst hurrying to cover his mouth, letting out peals of laughter and giggles because he just could not in any way keep himself composed right now. This was better than the time Wilford tried to snort candyfloss. The android was smirking at the state he had reduced the doctor to, feeling rather proud and amused that he was a) getting his social references correct, and b) that he was giving the man so much mirth.
'Ohohoho my gohohod....Gohoogle yohou're killing me....'
That made Google snicker, since he was aware that that phrase was not literal but instead meant that he was causing him a great amount of amusement and mirth in the situation. Google liked this a lot, this was all an excellent use of his time. He raised an eyebrow at the giggly doctor and teasingly asked.
'Did I do a good job doctor?'
As the doctor let out a few more snorts and laughs, hiding his face in his hands at Google's silliness, Gooper's attention peaked a little more. Now....the blue Iplier had said the phrase, did that mean the doctor did a good special thing? Hm....no.....no this was different, the blue Iplier's voice-tone was different-oh! That meant it was a question! The blue Iplier was asking the doctor if he himself had done good! Gooper understood now, and was eagerly waiting for Iplier's verdict because he wanted to keep on giving presents! It was fun! Gooper observed for a few moments as the doctor collected himself....and then nodded to the blue Iplier. This was the THIRD good thing the blue Iplier had done, and Gooper thought that in this case he deserved an extra special reward because he'd done so much good!
Gooper thought...hmmm....what would the doctor do....aha! Whenever he did something super extra good, Iplier always gave his tummy fun attention with rubs and scratches! Yes! So, with Gooper's decision cemented in his mind, he squealed loudly and rolled off the desk onto Google's lap, before scooting under his t-shirt excitedly. The android of course was taken most off guard, and started stammering and wriggling about with wide eyes, immediately trying to coax the little creature out. Was he trying to give him an affectionate reward of some kind? Oh dear this was embarrassing.
'A-AH! G-G-Gooper w-wait-another p-paperclip will s-suffihice!'
Google ended up feeling more embarrassed however....when he heard the doctor snickering extensively. As the android looked to the doctor, Gooper kept moving around Google's abdomen, trying to find a good spot at his soft belly to start the reward! The doctor was grinning in excitement....seeing Google Blue getting tickled was a wonderfully rare treat, and he was going very much enjoy witnessing it.
'Ahh, looks like Gooper thinks you deserve an extra special reward G.'
Google bristled a little at the doctor's utter smugness, and made an attempt at glaring at him....but he ended up descending into deep, rumbly giggles. Gooper had begun the reward. He had started crawling about over Google's lower belly, softly kneading and rubbing the area affectionately; he hoped Google liked it, Gooper figured most people would like belly rubs.
'Ihihihi doho nohohot wahahant ihihihit!'
Google was starting to curl up in his chair as he squirmed, the soft kneading serving certainly more as a tickle rather than a rub or massage. The android could almost feel ticklish tingles passing right through into the very depths of his form, and this was just the potential start! Iplier was smirking at the android now, and hummed amusedly at his words as he stood up and replied nonchalantly.
'Y'know, a really special thing about Gooper....is that one of his little abilities is being able to tell if someone genuinely doesn't want to be tickled....'
Iplier's eyes glinted with mischief as the turquoise on Google's cheeks turned just a few shades darker, and although it was brief, Iplier caught the subtle expression of mortification flash across Google's face. Iplier knew Google liked it, and Google knew that Iplier knew he liked it....but he'd be darned if he ever admitted to it.
'Th-Thahahat ihis i-i-ihihincohonsequehential!'
Google managed to splutter with indignance, bowing his head to hide his smile as he squirmed at the tickly pressure all along the lower and side portions of his belly. Iplier raised a teasy eyebrow, smiling as he paced over to Google's side of the desk so that he could really enjoy the show. He was impressed at Google's wonderful expert diction whilst being tickled....though....the doctor felt that that perhaps should change.
'That's a big word G....hey Gooper bud, I think Google deserves a really in depth reward. Go ahead and go to town....I think Google deserves it.
Google's sapphire eyes widened in shock....how could the doctor just....utterly condemn him like this?! The little creature heard the doctor's words, and absolutely squealed in delight! Go to town usually meant....do more stuff....so that meant he should give the blue Iplier rubs and scratches in other places, not just his belly! Hmm....the blue Iplier's chest was giving out lots of warmth, and it had something pretty and shiny, so that was probably a good place to go! Google started yelping when he felt Gooper moving, and burst into hysterical giggles when he felt vibrations move across his chest; the android was rather sensitive there.
As Gooper's tickly fibres and vibrations worked across Google's chest and around his shining chest core, the doctor merely grinned in amusement; especially when the curled up droid slipped out of his chair onto the floor with a soft thump. The doctor observed happily as Google tried to curl up more, hugging himself as much as possible, and the doctor decided to croon teasingly.
'Mmm I dunno, is that what you reeeeally want?'
Google cackled as his face got hotter and he internally cursed the doctor, because oh of course it obviously wasn't enough for him to coax Gooper into tickle torturing him OH NO he just had to tease him and embarrass him; Google was NOT going to forget this in a hurry. Google was still resolute though, since his calculated mind for some reason still believed that he could convince the doctor of the lie....the lie to cover up how much he was having fun; for an android of infinite intelligence he was so preciously naïve.
Google cried, since Gooper was now circling round and round his glowing G emblem, zooming and rubbing and scratching and feeling so happy that he was able to reward the blue Iplier with lots of laughter after being so good. The doctor meanwhile was just in awe of how adorable it was that Google was actually still trying to convince him of his lie. Iplier smirked softly and let out a laugh through his nose, and the droid ended up shivering when the doctor slowly crouched down to his level and leant over him, looming and shaking his head softly down at him. Iplier narrowed his eyes playfully down at the mirthful droid...and decided that one word was all that was needed. Just one.
The doctor was right, that one word was enough. It sent Google into a frenzy of embarrassed whimpers and humiliated titters and stutters....to be called out so bluntly was something that Google just couldn't go against with any words he might have had waiting. Iplier chuckled as the droid resigned to hiding his face in his hands, and turning to his final resort.
Google, as you can imagine, was not normally one for begging, even under extreme duress....but this was different. Very different. Gooper was ON his surface core module. He was teasing the synthetic skin round it, nuzzling it, fluttering his tiny tendrils over it....and it was close to driving Google mad with screeching laughter. Iplier was immensely curious, since he had never thought about Google's chest section to be sensitive; the doctor made a mental note to update his files later as he replied.
'Is he indeed? I didn't know that was a bad spot for you....are there any other hotspots that you've neglected to tell me about?'
At Iplier's query, Google let out an almost fearful, frantic squawk from his throat as he gazed up at Iplier and shook his head wildly; the last thing Google could handle right now was the prospect of Iplier initiating a search for tickle spots on his body. Google was also being truthful though, as Iplier could tell from the added little cries amidst his desperate speech.
Google started to hiccup and squeal and Gooper kept playing around the lower curve of the G on his chest, which Gooper absolutely LOVED! It was shiny AND  a laughter spot, there was definitely nothing better than that! Iplier loved it too, he loved that Google had a place like that on him, anyone who enjoys tickling deserves to have such a place; Iplier certainly thought so. He decided to soften his voice, to try and provide some form of sensory relief to the tickling Google was receiving....however I think you'll see why it only made the whole thing worse for Google.
'Awwww I believe you. You're such a cute little android, aren't you? Y'know everyone thinks that Oliver is the only precious one, but I think you are too.'
Google's cheeks were practically the same colour as his eyes with how dark and azure they'd become....and Iplier's words were the final straw. What had been stammers and little breaks in speech now transitioned into full on incoherency with clicks and titters.
Google's eyes and mouth were wide with desperate hysteria, and his form shook; Iplier knew now that enough was definitely enough. The doctor reached into Google's weakly curled foetal form and softly tapped the lump at his chest where he knew Gooper resided beneath his t-shirt, and the doctor was quick to speak clearly over the android's mirth; no-one wanted Google to accidently short circuit. 
'Ease up buddy ease up, Google's not like the rest of us you gotta make sure you definitely don't go over the top.'
At the tap and the words, Gooper immediately stopped. Google gasped and ended up rolling onto his back in the wake of the mercy, and Gooper hurried out of the top of Google's t-shirt and rested on the droid's collar. The creature was whining nervously, and rather worriedly. This Iplier had made different sounds to the other ones, more clicky sounds than screamy....maybe clicks were his version of screams? Gooper hoped he'd figure it out later. The little creature cooed at Google's panting form worriedly, he hoped he hadn't gone to far. Thankfully though, Google had managed to calm himself enough and gave the concerned creature a little smile as he gasped softly.
'Aha....Ihi....Ihi aham....a-a-ahalrihight....'
Gooper whined again, and decided to turn his attention to the doctor; the blue Iplier was his friend, so he ought to know whether he was absolutely and honestly okay. Gooper managed to relax when Iplier smiled and nodded at Gooper softly, so now, Gooper knew for certain that everything was okay. He warmly shuffled and nestled into Google's neck, gurgling warmly and affectionately which made the droid giggle lazily....and very happily.
Google slurred gently, but was still recovering though since Gooper's nuzzles were the epitome of gentleness. Gooper couldn't help but be affectionate though, I mean, the blue Iplier's giggles were amazing! They were warm and had soft background buzzes and hums in them, they were wonderful! Iplier giggled at Gooper's croons, and smiled fondly down at Google who looked so happily bedraggled.
'Aww, he really loves you! I think he wants to hear you giggle for ever and ever....'
Google sent Iplier soft glare at his implicit tease, and after a few more giggly moments with Gooper at his neck, he found the energy to gently scoop the creature into his hands and sit up. He peered at Gooper from beneath his glasses and spoke in a feigned stern tone....since he was still rather giggly.
'Yohou ahare aha menace....'
At his words, Gooper merely made a sound that rather resembled someone blowing a raspberry into the air. Google chuckled and smiled fondly as he stood himself up, humming when he felt Gooper nuzzling the hand that Google was cupping him with....so the little creature didn't see Google and Dr Iplier sharing their second Look of the day. Nor did he see Iplier sneak something from his desk into Google's free hand. Then Iplier cleared his throat and spoke, which brought back Gooper's curious attention.
'Hey Gooper buddy, I think Google has something for you.'
Gooper gasped and squeaked....something....for him? The blue one wanted to give him something?! Gooper was so excited! Was it a gift of some sort? Gooper was jiggling in Google's left hand at he turned his attention to the smiling droid, letting out excited yips. Then....Google held his right hand next to his left hand and opened it palm up....to reveal a green paperclip.
'This is for you....not for being good, but for being better than good. For being wonderful.'
Gooper was frozen for a second as both men looked on, wondering what his reaction would be. Gooper took a few moments to process it all....then he understood. The blue Iplier actually, really and truly thought that....little old him was....BETTER than good. Gooper started to whimper and let out soft sniffs as he softly absorbed the paperclip, and the started to glow a soft warm green as he kept letting out those gentle sounds. Google was concerned at first, but his anxieties were alleviated when Iplier explained with a soft smile.
'This is what happens when he gets really happy....y'know like, when we humans get so happy that we cry? It's the same thing except he glows instead.'
....honestly, Google could have cried a little there and then if he weren't so concerned with his reputation, but he decided to focus on petting and cradling Gooper as the little guy recovered from the happiness shock. When he did, Google carefully returned him to the hands of the doctor before neatening up his hair, glasses, outfit and posture. Google smiled to the doctor and inclined his head a little as he spoke.
'Well, as ever doctor, thank you for an educational appointment.'
As Iplier cradled Gooper in his hands, he grinned at the android and mused playfully.
'Mmm, I'd say it was rather educational for the both of us.'
A little cough of embarrassment left Google's throat when Iplier's eyes subtly flicked to his chest, and Iplier was left chuckling when Google made his hasty, stuttery farewell and went about his day. Iplier then looked down at the little creature in his hands, and noticed that his gurgles were getting a little sluggish. He cooed warmly.
'Heyyy, you've had an emotional day buddy. Wanna have your sleepy time?'
Gooper let out an affirmative mrrrp, and so the doctor set about settling the little glob of preciousness into his jumper and stationary nest; I think it's fair to say that, here and now, that if anyone deserved a warm haven of good dreams and sweet safety...it was Gooper. And that is exactly what he got now, and will get, forever.
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newidaho · 5 years
22.  UNI, Day 1
Don’t have the time/patience/desire to read with your eyes? Don’t have eyes? Well, have your friend read you this:  You can check out the audiobook for free on Apple, Google, Stitcher, or Spotify.  Subscribe for new episodes every Wednesday!
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8 January 2055
It was about to be a weekend to remember, there was no doubt.  Snow always loved these sorts of trips, as long as they had a certain level of comfort and adventure.  He had attended a couple camps over his high school years, and even though they were all located in New Idaho, living away from home for a couple days always made it feel like he was farther away than he really was.  He expected this visit to the University of New Idaho to be quite similar.
Earlier that day, after school had ended, Snow had gotten on a bus with 9 of his other classmates—Ricky 2 Miller, Jake “Pretzel” Mendez, Simon Simmons, Marshall Tomlinson, Carlton Buristo, Cyanica Latiff, Camille Thomas, Natalie Hefcorn, and Lucilia Trebello—and had been transported off to the University.
The first thing they did after coming to the University was stow their bags away in dorm rooms.  There was a wing in the new dorms that was not to be inhabited full-time until the following academic year, so they got to populate their own little area of campus.  Snow would be rooming with his neighbor, Ricky 2, as per request.
After briefly settling in the dorms, the group of them had headed out from the bottom of their building and across a small courtyard to one of the dining courts, where they had eaten a gigantic buffet-style dinner, the only other diners a handful of college kids that had come back to school early from their winter break (second semester for UNI started up this Monday).  Despite the consistency with which each of the visitors had eaten throughout their lives, not one of them was unimpressed by the vast options available at the dining hall.  Pretzel Mendez alone had gone back for more than six plates of dinner and two of dessert.  Even Natalie Hefcorn had broken with the generally serious and detached demeanor that Snow had always known her for to gawk at the generous amount of food on display.
Now, after eating, the group of Sky High students lolled about in semi-delirious carb-comas in a small meeting room on the bottom floor of their dorm building as they waited for the president of the college to finally come give them the weekend’s orientation.
‘Goddamn, that was a lot of food,’ Ricky 2 said.
‘You’re telling me,’ said Mendez.
‘Shut up, Pretzel, we all know you’re proud of yourself and your fat ol’ gut.’  Ricky 2 slapped Pretzel on his belly.  Pretzel faked as though he was about to puke on Ricky 2.
For only ten students, they really hadn’t bonded as much as Snow had hoped they would.  Simon sat apart from the rest of the group, apparently working on some sort of paper.  Natalie and Marshall had become interested in each other’s company early on when they got on the bus wearing matching camouflage.  It turned out they both had interest in joining the ROTC when they got into college, and they already felt the fraternity of soldiers.  Lucilia, Camille, and Cyanica banded together as the rest of the girls, and Carlton sat with Pretzel, Snow and Ricky 2, weighing in on their conversation in rare but welcome intervals.
It was five minutes past 1900h when an older woman with straight, light brown hair entered the room.  The smile on her face looked rehearsed, though not fake.  As she stood at the front of the room with her arms behind her back, the small bit of conversation there was died down.
‘Hello,’ she began.  ‘You all must be the Sky High cohort.  I can’t communicate how happy I am to see you all.  I hope you’re excited to be here.’
Snow glanced at Ricky 2.  It appeared he was already checked out, looking at something behind his Lenses.  It was never possible to tell for 100% sure, but there was always a pretty obvious spaciness in people’s eyes when they were tuned into their Augmented Reality.
‘For those of you who may not know, I am Aubrey Daskus, the president and founder of the University of New Idaho, and I’m the one who invited you here today,’ the old woman at the front continued.  ‘You may call me Aubrey—I will take it for granted that you respect me, and if you do not, well, as you can surmise, I have a very close relationship with the admissions office.’  Daskus smiled at Ricky 2, who didn’t even seem to notice.
‘Now, you have all been selected to come here because, why?’
Camille raised her hand.  ‘Because our parents work for Lucid Labs.’
‘That’s right,’ said Daskus.  ‘And why do you think I would want to invite the children of Lucid Labs to tour the University.’
Camille spoke up without raising her hand this time.  ‘Because you know our parents can afford tuition.’
Aubrey smiled and continued without a beat.  ‘What is your name?’
‘Well, Camille, you are very smart.  That is certainly an important factor to consider when running a college.  To pay for all this research, the money has to come from somewhere.  But there’s more to it than that.  Back when New Idaho was founded—does anybody know when that was?’
‘That’s right.  What was your name?’
‘Simon Simmons.’
‘Yes, that’s right, Simon.  I promise, I’ll learn all your names by the end of this little talk.’  She winked.  ‘But, yes, that’s right.  New Idaho was founded in 2026, and the original two enterprises to be included on this land were Lucid Labs, and this University right here.
‘Because of that, you might not be surprised to learn that Lex Lucid and I were, and are, quite close friends.  As I said, I know Lex quite well, and I know that he only chooses to employ the best talent he can find.  Now, that doesn’t mean I’m expecting you all to be straight A students.  It does mean, however, that you come from a pool of talent.  Because of this, I wanted to show you all around the best learning center New Idaho has to offer.
‘Now, how many of you have been north of the Greta Barn Jungle before?’  Marshall’s and Simon’s hands went into the air.  ‘Mmm, yes.  20%.  About what I expected,’ Aubrey continued.  ‘It is uncommon for many families to travel up here.  It tends to be the “college town” portion of the city.  I’m not surprised this is a first time for many of you.  How exciting!  And how many of you have been to the Greta Barn Jungle?’  A few more hands went up.  ‘Excellent.  It’s quite beautiful, is it not?  And quite mysterious.  You know, when I first moved here, there was a large patch of grassland here, but no Jungle.  Then, before we knew it, by the early ‘30s, the Jungle was here!  I guess that means it’s been here most of your lives, but believe me when I say that this Jungle is a veritable miracle.  And many of you may not know this, but Greta Barn was in one the first graduating classes of Environmental Studies doctoral students who witnessed the growth of the forest.  Some might even say she was part of the group who caused it.'  Aubrey gave another wink.  This constant winking was starting to make Snow uncomfortable.
Carlton spoke up:  'So they did cause it?'
Aubrey looked at him and shrugged.  'I was quite busy starting up the University at that point.  I wasn't really poking my head around the environmental studies department.
'Regardless, Greta was part of one of the greatest research cohorts we had at the University.  She pioneered much of the Jungle Study that we are still doing here.  It's because of this that you will see her name all over campus.  Unfortunately, she's moved on by now, I believe to somewhere in South America, but her legacy, certainly, lives on.'
Aubrey could tell the students were starting to get restless.  Of course, she could go on about the college forever.  But she had to rap this thing up.  'Anyway,' she continued, starting her conclusion, 'You'll find that Ms. Barn was not the only notable Alumnus to graduate from the University of New Idaho.  Nathan Habernick, the inventor of Clubhouse, which I know you all use, graduated from here.  Many notable Lucid Lab employees graduated from here.  And more, whom I'm sure you will learn about on the tour tomorrow.
'For now, however, I imagine you have all had quite a long day.  Why don't we go over the schedule for tomorrow, yes?'  A couple odd nods from around the meeting room.  'Okay.  Tomorrow, we will be meeting down here at 0900h for a tour of the University.  Breakfast is between 0730h and 0830h.  Lunch will be at noon.  In the afternoon, we will have some activities with student clubs, then we will have a ceremonious dinner together before going to bed for the night.  On Sunday, of course, you return home.
'Okay.  Now, before we part, I would like to take a short bit of time to learn the rest of your names!'  Aubrey went around the circle, quickly learning everyone’s names.  After that, she introduced them to a nondescript girl named Sarah, a fellow University student training to be an RA.  Sarah briefly introduced herself, notified them of the rules and lights-out policy, then led them up to their dorm rooms.
There were about two hours before lights-out, and Sarah had thoughtfully put board games and ice-breaker ideas in the common room that separated the boys’ and girls’ sections.  Snow peeked his head into the common room a few times to see if anyone was taking advantage of the situation, but the only ones using the space were Natalie and Marshall, who had really hit it off talking about ROTC and their shared love of hunting and cage-fights.
Snow was a little disappointed that nobody was really hanging out together.  He knew it was only a weekend, but he had been looking forward to developing some sort of bond with those who had come out on this trip with him.  This was what he had always imagined college to be—a place where you could make those bonds like you did at summer camp.  He wondered if this was, instead, what college would be like:  Everyone keeping to themselves and doing their own thing, making it impossible to find other friends.
Of course, it wasn’t like Snow was being very proactive.  He had only peeked his head out.  He hadn’t stayed out there himself, or knocked on any doors to see if anyone wanted to hang out.  As Snow realized this and recognized that this was one of only two nights he had this opportunity, he felt a wave of sadness wash over him.  Was he blowing this chance?  Was he not living this unique experience to his fullest?
Oh, well, he thought, he would just resign himself to the company of Ricky 2 for the night.  Maybe the following day would be a day for friends.  
Bedtime topics with Ricky 2, as usual, verged on the grotesque and shocking.  Perhaps it would have been enjoyable for those who weren’t used to Ricky 2’s company, but Snow had tired himself out on his neighbor’s shock tactics years ago.  Eventually, they brushed their teeth and headed off to bed.
‘Hey, Snow?’  Ricky 2 said after they turned off the light.
‘What do you think would happen if we traded Lucidities tonight?’
‘Do you think I would dream your dreams?’
‘I don’t think it works like that.  It would probably just download your dreams onto my device.’
‘Do you want to try it?’
‘Maybe not tonight.’
‘I’ll think about it.’
‘I think it could be fun!’
‘I’ll think about it.’
‘You’re right.  You might not be able to handle seeing my dreams!’
And with that, the conversation ended, and Snow went to sleep on a college campus for the first time in his life.
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gordonwilliamsweb · 3 years
Pfizer CEO to Public: Just Trust Us on the Covid Booster
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was confident in June about the ability of his company’s vaccine to protect against the highly contagious delta variant, as it marched across the globe and filled U.S. hospitals with patients.
“I feel quite comfortable that we cover it,” Bourla said.
Just weeks later, Pfizer said it would seek authorization for a booster shot, after early trial results showed a third dose potentially increased protection. At the end of July, Pfizer and BioNTech announced findings that four to six months after a second dose, their vaccine’s efficacy dropped to about 84%.
Bourla was quick to promote a third dose after the discouraging news, saying he was “very, very confident” that a booster would increase immunity levels in the vaccinated.
There’s one hitch: Pfizer has not yet delivered conclusive proof to back up that confidence. The company lacks late-stage clinical trial results to confirm a booster will work against covid variants including delta, which now accounts for 93% of new infections across the U.S.
Pfizer announced its global phase 3 trial on a third dose in mid-July. That trial’s completion date is in 2022. Phase 3 results generally are required before regulatory approval.
“We are confident in this vaccine and the third dose, but you have to remember the vaccine efficacy study is still going on, so we need all the evidence to back up that,” Jerica Pitts, Pfizer’s director of global media relations, said Monday. The financial stakes are enormous: Pfizer announced in July that it expects $33.5 billion in covid-19 vaccine revenue this year.
Meanwhile, Pfizer recently said that if a third dose couldn’t combat the delta or other variants, the drugmaker is poised to come up with a “tailor-made” vaccine within 100 days.
All of this has sown a sense of confusion about what exactly will work, and when. The pharmaceutical industry’s rush to recommend boosters for the public is “a little frustrating,” said Dr. Paul Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and an adviser to the National Institutes of Health and Food and Drug Administration. Even if a booster is found to be safe, he said, the U.S. effort should focus on “vaccinating people who are unvaccinated.”
In any case, decisions about boosters do not rest with vaccine makers, he said.
“Pharmaceutical companies aren’t public health agencies, it’s really not theirs to determine when or whether there should be booster dosing,” Offit said. “That is the purview of the CDC.”
Indeed, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FDA ― the federal agencies overseeing the authorization of covid vaccines ― said in July that fully vaccinated Americans do not need a booster shot. Currently authorized vaccines ― from Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson ― are working as they should: All three lower the risk of covid severe enough to hospitalize or kill a person.
If hospitalization and death rates increase among the vaccinated, then it would be time to talk about boosters, Offit said, but “we’re not there, yet.”
The White House has added to the mixed messaging: Spokesperson Jan Psaki confirmed that the U.S. will buy an additional 200 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine for inoculating children under 12 and for possible boosters.
Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at Emory University in Atlanta, said the confusion is not necessarily the fault of any one institution but rather “there is genuine scientific uncertainty about how well [existing] vaccines work against the new variant.”
Scientists are piecing together information from observational studies, outbreak investigations and analyses of antibody responses.
For many Americans ― especially those who struggled six months ago to find any dose, frantically hiring vaccine hunters and driving hours-long distances for their first jab ― the confusion has set off a feverish search for an illicit third dose just in case it’s necessary.
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“I snuck in a dose of Pfizer last week,” Angie Melton, a 50-year-old mother of four, shared on Facebook. Melton received the one-dose Johnson & Johnson shot at a mass vaccination site in April and feared the highly contagious delta variant could infect her and, then, her unvaccinated 10-year-old son, who has asthma.
After consulting friends and doctors and seeing reports about mix-and-match approaches in Europe, Melton signed onto a local pharmacy site and made an appointment to get a Pfizer shot. She’s scheduled for a second shot as well.
“I’m trying to keep my family safe,” Melton said.
The CDC advisory panel was set to meet Friday to consider updates on whether additional vaccine doses are necessary for immunocompromised people. A presentation about boosters is also on the agenda.
Immunocompromised patients like Sarah Keitt, who has multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease, expressed relief that federal regulators planned to recommend a third dose. Keitt, a disability rights activist who lives in Connecticut, said her neurologist told her to get a booster even after she had received two doses of Moderna. On Thursday, she said she was eager to get another dose but still frustrated about a lack of confidence in how much protection it would offer.
“If someone could definitely say there is a 95% chance you are protected” by a booster, Keitt said, “I would love it.”
Despite widespread media reports of “breakthrough cases,” a recent data analysis by KFF found that hospitalizations and deaths are extremely rare among the fully vaccinated ― well below 1%.
Offit points to a recent outbreak in Provincetown, Massachusetts, in which only four of the 346 fully vaccinated people infected with covid were hospitalized, two of whom had underlying medical conditions. And no one died. “This vaccine still does an excellent job in the face of the delta variant at protecting people against severe, critical disease,” he said.
Yet the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine against variants is still under debate. This month a new preprint study by the Mayo Clinic found that the product’s effectiveness against infection dropped to 42% from January to July ― as the delta variant’s prevalence markedly increased.
Pfizer and partner BioNTech announced they are developing an updated version of their vaccine in Germany to target the genomic features of the delta variant.
However, the idea that a new formulation could work better is “mostly hypothetical at this point,” said Vaughn Cooper, a professor of microbiology and molecular genetics at the University of Pittsburgh.
Dr. Vincent Rajkumar, a hematologist at the Mayo Clinic who closely studies his patients’ immune responses and antibody levels, said trying both strategies of using the current vaccine and testing a new version sounds reasonable.
There is one hypothesis that if “breakthrough” infections are due to a drop in antibody levels, boosting those levels will be enough, Rajkumar said. But the more worrisome hypothesis is that the delta variant, or any other variant, might respond considerably differently ― and be less threatened ― by the antibodies the current vaccine generates.
“So unless you boost [antibodies] with a vaccine that is specific to delta, it won’t work,” Rajkumar said. Rajkumar said testing both hypotheses is the “right thing to do in the interest of time.”
At the same time, though, the push for giving booster shots to healthy populations is premature, said Dr. Sadiya Khan, an epidemiologist and cardiologist at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. That’s because even if those already fully vaccinated do get a third dose or booster, the virus is still circulating among millions of unvaccinated people.
“The overwhelming majority of infections and hospitalizations and deaths are occurring among those who are unvaccinated,” Khan said.
“Giving up on that greater strategy of vaccinating the population is going to lead to continued surges,” she said. “The potential for harm is quite large.”
KHN editor Arthur Allen contributed to this report.
KHN (Kaiser Health News) is a national newsroom that produces in-depth journalism about health issues. Together with Policy Analysis and Polling, KHN is one of the three major operating programs at KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation). KFF is an endowed nonprofit organization providing information on health issues to the nation.
This story can be republished for free (details).
Pfizer CEO to Public: Just Trust Us on the Covid Booster published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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overwatchocgato · 6 years
Character Profile: “Gato”
Concept Art: [Link]
Personal Information:
Real Name: Viola Nakasio
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Nationality: Brazilian
Base of Operations: Toronto, CA
Affiliation: Talon
“I hope they’ve very good security. I mean, it won’t help but...”
Viola Nakasio, otherwise known as Gato, is a self-taught magic-practitioner who uses his knowledge of the arcane to steal.
While also stealing for money, Gato’s main targets are artifacts rumored to have healing properties or rare materials that can be used as potion brewing materials. He commits these crimes in hopes of finding a cure for his adoptive-father’s disease, which modern technology is yet to find a permanent solution for.
One of the several artifacts Viola used to try and cure his father was a small yellow crystal stolen in China, named “Moon’s Fortune”, said to have granted an ancient emperor longevity and immunity to diseases and poisons. While it did have healing powers, it was not strong enough to rid his father of his affliction.
And so, “Gato” kept on stealing. After several successful robberies, the thief’s activity  caught Talon’s attention. After the proper intel was gathered, Doomfist( Akande Ogundimu) approached Viola with a business proposition. In exchange for his’s services, Talon would have their scientists look into his father’s case, promising to produce a cure.
While Viola has no love for Talon and their goals, the possibility of a permanent solution to his problem drove him in becoming a Talon agent and, as Gato, he now travels the world stealing for the organization.
Viola is a short young man with soft traces and a slim build. His hair is pure white and his eyes are a bright orange, result of his contact with the Moon’s Fortune. He uses an illusory spell to regain his former appearance and keep his civilian front, but releases it during operations.
Gato plays as a high-mobility healer specialized in stabilizing critical-health allies quickly, giving other healers more breathing room to top them off. His healing has short range, but his abilities and natural mobility allow him to keep himself safe in the middle of the fight, as well as confuse enemies, spawning decoys to keep their off allies as he heals them.
His ultimate’s main utility is negating line-of-sight-based attacks, but can also be used in the middle of a team-fight to put the enemy-team at a heavy disadvantage.
Passive: “Feline Agility”
“Using gravity-based magic, Gato moves at increased speed, makes no noise and can climb up walls.”
Movement Speed increase: +20% Noise Radius: 2m
Notes: Since Gato’s Healing is short-ranged, he needs to be able to reach allies in high areas and traverse through the map quickly to keep all of the team healthy during a match and himself alive.
Primary Fire: “Crystal Healing”
“Gato uses the crystal in his hand to heal an ally. Healing has 4 charges and is stronger the lower is the target’s current health is.”
1-30% Health: 90 Healing. 31-60% Health: 60 Healing. 61-100% Health: 30 Healing. Max Charges: 4 Recharge: 1.5s Range: 7m
Notes: Gato excels at getting allies out of the danger-zone by healing large amounts of health when the target is near-death, but can’t do much after that as his healing potency drops heavily when the target is above 60% heath.
The small “ammo” in his heals also restrict his effectiveness, as he will not be able to bring too many allies from the brink of death in a short spam of time, giving his enemies time to kill his teammates. Or him.
Secondary Fire: “Suppressed Handgun”
Single-Shot Hitscan. Damage: 20-55. Ammo: 10. Reload Time: 1.6s. Can Headshot.
Notes: Gato’s basic self-defense. To maximize efficiency, Gato should hold onto his heals until allies are in real danger, so in the meantime, he can deal some damage with his handgun. Its hitscan nature also allows him to help taking out specific long-range enemies like Phara and Widowmaker.
Shift-Ability: “9 Lives”
“Upon use, Gato becomes invisible for 3s and leaves behind an iIllusion of himself that lasts 8s.
The illusion has the same current health as Gato, stands still and Using the ability again makes Gato teleport back to his original position.”
Duration:8s Cooldown: 6s Special: Illusion looks identical to Gato for enemies. Allies see a shadowy copy of him with actual cat ears and a tail.  Attacking the Illusion awards no Ultimate charge.
Notes: This ability doubles as an escape, leaving a decoy behind as Gato flees while invisible, or allowing him to set up a dangerous play by creating a way-out of the fight, diving into the middle of the enemy team(to heal or use his ultimate), then teleporting back to the safety of his backline.
The clone can be destroyed however, requiring positioning to be used effectively.
Ability E: “Copycat”
“Gato creates an illusion of himself that seeks allies to heal. Illusion always heals the ally with the lowest health in range.
The illusion has the same current health as Gato and disappears after 8s, or when killed.”
Healing: Standard Values. Clone’s Vision Range: 15m. Duration:8s Cooldown: 10s Special: Illusion looks identical to Gato for enemies. Allies see a shadowy copy of him with actual cat ears and a tail. Attacking the Illusion awards no Ultimate charge.
Notes: Used to increase Gato’s healing output for a short time or to allow him to be in two places at once(Healing the frontline while helping the backline that’s being dove).
Ultimate: “Nightmare”
“Gato creates a globe of dark magic in a large area that blinds enemies inside, limiting their vision to 5 meters for 6s or while inside.
Enemies outside the globe can’t see in but can shoot through the globe. Allies are unaffected”
Range: 40m Duration: 6s Status: “Blinded”, Hero sees complete darkness after 5m.
Note: This both an offensive and defensive ability, as it is perfect to counter vision-based cooldowns/ultimates as well ass setting up teammates, since enemies caught in the area won’t be able to see whats coming and will have trouble counter-attacking or finding a way out of the dark zone.
Silenced Handgun
On-kill - Generic: “That wasn’t in my contract, but…ok.”
On-kill - Doomfist: “Guess I need a new job now...”
On-kill - Moira: “Should have worked faster, hag.”
On-kill - Lúcio: “Talvez agora seus albums vendam.”
On-kill - Tracer: “Someone had to shut her up. And I’m glad it was me.”
Crystal Healing:
Healing – Over 60%: “Get back to me when you are actually hurt ok?”
Healing – Between 60 and 30%: “Pfft, you were fine.”
Healing – Below 30%: “Lucky you, hum?”
Healing – Below 30%: “And you thought you were in trouble.”
On-Use: “Hello nurse. Literally.”
On-Use: “Do I need to do everything around here? Apparetly.”
On-Use, Healing Self: “Some people call me egotistical. I agree.”
On-Use, Healing Self: “I’m only one person you know? Mostly.”
9 Lives:
On-Use: “This should throw them for a loop.”
On-Use: “I’m over here! And there. And there…”
Clone Destroyed: “And there goes plan B…”
Clone Destroyed: “Hum…Seeing yourself die does get old.”
Enemy Gato: “Who’s afraid of the dark? *Chuckle*”
Ally Gato: “Enemy vision impaired, GO!”
Viola’s birth name is Viola de la Luna, but he had it changed after being adopted by Charles Nakasio.
His birthday is July 22.
Viola has a twin brother and they were both raised by a very uncaring grandmother. Once they turned 18 they left their home to search for their parents.
While his brother sought after their biologic father, Viola searched for their mother. His trail ran cold at Charles Nakasio, who was a friend of hers. With nowhere else to go, he stayed with Charles and was eventually adopted.
Viola and his brother don’t get along, and he has a personal grudge agains their father, explaining why he decided to stay with Charles.
Viola works as a tailor assistant in his adoptive father’s store between missions. He’s very good at it.
Viola’s natural hair and eye color were black and dark-brown, but they changed to white and orange after he started using the Moon’s Fortune.
Viola uses the stone to heal his father, but it can’t get rid of his disease permanently, and the more he uses, lesser is its effect.
In exchange for his work, Viola receives a serum from Doctor Moira to treat his father’s condition. It will take several doses to completely cure his father, meaning he will be working with Talon for quite a while…
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ajbarker82 · 4 years
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With the topic dominating the news lately, you would possibly be wondering the way to stay safe from the Coronavirus while traveling.
There are headlines of cruises quarantined thanks to outbreaks, flights being canceled, people being held at airports, and really strict lockdowns in China — the country during which the Novel Coronavirus originated. With all of this happening , it’s easy to question how big of a priority the Coronavirus is in your travels, and the way to stay yourself safe.
As the world works to stay the virus contained, it’s important to shed any misinformation or hysteria regarding the matter. So, to assist keep you as healthy and safe as possible on your upcoming travels, we’ve decided to try to to the research and provides you the simplest information out there regarding the Coronavirus.
These important facts and tips will offer you information on the way to stay safe from the Coronavirus while traveling! What is the Novel Coronavirus?
First off, let’s dive into what the Coronavirus actually is.
Coronaviruses are a branch of viruses that cause illnesses starting from the cold to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, and even SARS. The strain of Coronavirus that was recently found in Wuhan, China, the Novel Coronavirus, may be a strain that has never been previously found in humans.
Signs of coronavirus infection include fever, coughing, breathing issues, chills, and runny noses. In some cases, and this is often why there’s been such a lot about it within the news lately, the Novel Coronavirus can cause pneumonia, renal failure , and even death.
How Does the Coronavirus Spread? Much like the flu or the cold , the Novel Coronavirus is believed to be spread through respiratory droplets. this suggests that coughing, sneezing, and kissing can potentially spread the virus.
Join 200,000+ Monthly Readers! check in now to urge insider tips & travel guides delivered right to your inbox! While it’s definitely important to guard yourself against the virus, if you’re traveling and you discover yourself beginning to cough, sneeze, or feel ill, then it’s important to possess good respiratory hygiene and to ascertain a doctor immediately (but call ahead!)
Make sure to eliminate tissues in lidded trashcans, don’t cough or sneeze into your hands, and wash your hands and use hand sanitizer the maximum amount as possible.
What are the chances of Contracting Novel Coronavirus? The Coronavirus is causing a media frenzy because it has never before been found in humans and thus there’s no current vaccine or tried-and-true treatment. .
Travel to China while the Coronavirus remains spreading isn’t advised, neither is coming in touch with someone who has recently visited China, or who has specifically been during a location with confirmed Coronavirus.
At an equivalent time, most countries have quarantine and testing systems put in situ for those in danger of getting contracted the virus, in order that they do their best to detect it as early as possible.
Additionally, people with compromised immune systems, infants, and older people are especially in danger if they contract the Coronavirus, and thus should take extra precautions.
7 Tips to guard Yourself Against the Coronavirus
Wash Your Hands Regularly
Even if your hands aren’t physically dirty, it’s important to scrub them regularly with both soap and water. Also, keep a bottle of hand sanitizer on you in the least times, and use it after touching anything publicly .
Avoid Touching Your Face
Because your hands will generally be the primary things to return in touch with surfaces containing the Coronavirus, try your best to stay them faraway from your eyes, nose, and mouth while traveling.
Use a mask
If you’re sick, wear a mask, and if you’re not sick, wear a mask.
Of course, you don’t need to don a mask during everything of your travels (especially if you’re not sick), but while you’re in congested places like airports, airplanes, and public squares, this is often a really good idea.
However, in choosing the simplest travel mask , it’s important to notice that they’re not all created equal. When choosing a mask, you’ll see that they’re denoted with both a letter and variety . The letter shows how resistant the mask is to grease (this is just about just for industrial settings), and therefore the number shows what percentage airborne particles the mask will remove.
For example, N95 masks will remove 95% of airborne particles, and N100 masks will remove 100% of airborne particles.
That said, simply because the amount is higher doesn’t mean the mask is best . An N100 mask is far denser than an N95 mask, and you’ll have a tougher time breathing (not to say create more precipitation) the upper the amount .
For this reason, N95 masks are recommended, however, at this point , these masks are in such high demand that there’s a shortage and aren’t recommended unless you’re employed during a health care setting where the virus may be a threat.
Wipe Down Your Seats & Tray Tables
Something that’s an honest idea whenever you travel, make certain to bring some disinfecting wet wipes with you onto public transportation (including planes, buses, and trains), and wipe down your seat, seatbelt, tray table, armrest, and anything that you simply might inherit contact with.
Seats and tray tables rarely get cleaned, so this is often an excellent line of defense against the Coronavirus and the other viruses.
Make Sure you’ve got Travel insurance
No matter where you’re headed within the world, a insurance policy could potentially are available very handy; especially during times of virus outbreaks.
A good travel insurance policy will cover you for hospital visits, doctor’s appointments, and even medevac need to |must you”> do you have to have to leave the country.
Research Your Destination
As more news about the Coronavirus is formed available, it’s becoming easier to try to to your research on your destination and assess the danger level.
Do your research on the precise areas that the Coronavirus has been found and plan your travels faraway from those areas. Diverting your travel plans, even even as a precaution, could find yourself saving you from major health worries and potentially spreading the virus.
Go To the Doctor if you begin to point out Symptoms
If you’re headed to a location where the Coronavirus has been found, then confirm you attend a doctor if you begin showing any symptoms of the illness. However, so as to stay the staff and other patients as safe as possible, confirm you call ahead to the doctor in order that they know you’re coming and are prepared to check and treat you.
Further, if you begin showing symptoms of any illness, whether it’s just the cold or something more serious, it’s best to delay your travels. If you’ve got travel insurance, then you ought to be covered if you’ve got to vary your travel dates, and if you’re on the road, then it’s best to only stay in your hotel and check out to not spread the illness (once you get checked and know that it’s not the Novel Coronavirus, that is).
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