#it was from a video about one of the endings to the first game
cowboymcflurry · 2 days
To Be Alone With You | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Summary: After you had spent an entire rainy Saturday afternoon playing video games on your new Nintendo with your best friend Eddie, he wants to head back home to spend some time practicing the guitar, when the rain turns into a violent storm. He agrees to stay a little while longer when a power outage suddenly plunges the room into darkness…
word count: 1,7k words
includes: first kiss, fluff, making out, friends to lovers, no description of reader, no use of y/n, Eddie is a shy cutie, reader is oblivious, reader’s gender is not mentioned, Eddie gets a boner whoopsie
“You are the worst person to play Gyromite with, Munson!” you laughed.
“It’s not my fault you can’t communicate!”
“I can’t communicate?” you gasped dramatically. “At least I don’t confuse the buttons - there are TWO!”
Eddie rolled his eyes, laughing out loud while nudging you with his elbow.
“Anyways, I gotta get going. I have to practice some more for our show next week. You’re coming right?” he asked.
“Of course I’m coming.” you laughed. “How could I miss that?”
“Good. If I don’t see you there holding up a sign saying ‘Eddie, I want to bear your children’ don’t even bother coming, okay?”
You broke out laughing. “Alright.”
Eddie would say these things sometimes, things that sounded flirty but you knew he didn’t mean them. It was simply his sense of humor.
“Are you guys like going out?” Robin had asked a couple of weeks ago, after school. Your face had immediately gotten hot and red.
“Uh, no, we’re just friends. Good friends, that’s all.” you’d said, while simultaneously imagining what it would be like if you weren’t just ‘good friends’. What it would feel like if he picked you up in his van, and you would go see a movie or get a pizza or do whatever it was that other people your age did, going on dates and stuff. But you knew that Eddie didn’t think of you that way. And you hoped he didn’t know that you in turn did feel about him that way.
Ever since he’d borrowed a piece of paper and a pen from you in Mrs. Marshall’s class you had been under the spell of his dark intoxicating eyes. Then you had run into each other at a concert in Indianapolis, making him realize that you were one of ‘his kind’ as he’d put it. He’d quickly ‘adopted’ you, inviting you to join the Hellfire Club, where you met Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Gareth and Jeff. You never really saw him talking to any girls at school but you knew that a bunch of them had a secret crush on him, whispering about what a great head of hair he had.
Suddenly you heard the rumble of thunder and when you looked out of the window you saw lightning striking in the distance. The storm had gotten worse, the rain violently pounding against your window.
“You sure you don’t want to stay until the storm is over?” you asked, worriedly looking outside. Eddie pulled a goofy grimace.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get home safe. But it’s cute, that you’re worried about me,” he said, winking at you when a loud crash of thunder made him flinch. “Yeah, okay, maybe I’ll wait until it’s over.”
You sat down on your bed, watching the raindrops dripping down your window, when Eddie joined you, sitting at the other end of the bed. Immediately you felt your heart beating faster and when you looked at him, you saw his mouth open, as if he was about to say something, when a lightning bolt illuminated your room for a second, immediately followed by another crash of thunder.
There was a clicking sound and suddenly Eddie and you sat in pitch-black darkness.
“Shit.” you hissed, feeling the hair on your neck stand up.
You heard him rummage through his pockets, when there was another clicking sound, only this time coming from his lighter.
“You have candles or something?” he asked, the flame illuminating his face.
“Uh… Yeah, sure…” you said, watching the flickering light dance off his face for a second too long.
“Nothing.” you quickly said, before getting up and stumbling to your desk, on which you’d placed a small candle a couple of months ago. It smelled of fresh laundry and relaxed your busy mind when you were studying for school late into the night. Picking it up you handed it to Eddie, who lit it and then placed it on the window sill right next to you.
“So romantic.” you joked, hoping it would come across the same way it did when Eddie said things like that. But he didn’t laugh. Instead, you saw him looking at the flame, his lips pulling into something that you could best describe as a sad smile.
“Yeah, right?”
“What’s wrong?” you whispered, trying to get him to look at you.
“I don’t know… It’s just…” he slowly began, rubbing his neck.
He paused for a moment until he finally met your gaze. His lips slightly parted, as if he wanted to say something only to press them together again. Slowly you reached out for his hand that was loosely placed on his knee, to which he flinched.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to-” you began, but then you felt him clasping your hand with both of his. You felt his thumb drawing circles on the back of your hand, giving you goosebumps which you hoped he didn’t see in the candle-lit room. You’ve never touched his skin before, never deliberately. It was always an accidental brush, that made your face turn hot. But now he held your hand in both of his.
His gaze shot up to your eyes, his thumb continuously stroking the back of your hand.
“I always thought you’d figure it out at some point,” he said softly, his eyes shifting between yours. “But you never did.”
You felt your stomach drop.
“Figure out what?” you whispered.
Another crash of thunder made both of you flinch. After the rumble slowly settled, Eddie bent down over your bed, rummaging through his backpack.
“Here,” he said, placing his headphones on your ears, before he opened his Walkman, turning over the cassette that had been inside and hitting play.
Some keyboard. A guitar riff.
“Lie down,” he whispered, catching you off guard.
“Come on, lie down,” he repeated, before blowing out the candle and lying down on your bed, motioning for you to do the same. Reluctantly you did as you were told, lying down next to your best friend you were secretly in love with, while there was a storm raging outside and rain pounding against your window.
You turned your head to the side and caught Eddie watching you listening to the song he had put on, when you realized that he was still holding your hand.
To be something, to be with you Don’t say that you’ll never know
He mouthed the words along, making the back of your head tingle.
Half the time it could seem funny The other half is just too sad This west bound moon’s They rise and fall Lost you and I want you today
Slowly he brought up his other hand to your face, gently stroking your cheek with his thumb, before he gulped and anxiously looked from one of your eyes to the other.
Love to love to love you
You felt your stomach doing a flip. Too many thoughts were racing through your head, but when Eddie propped himself up on his elbows, his face hovering above yours, your mind went blank.
His gaze fell from your lips back to your eyes, his expression nervous, as if he was waiting for some sign, for your permission. Without wasting another second you pulled him down to your face by his collar, planting a short and soft kiss on his lips. When you opened your eyes, you loosened your grip, seeing the surprise in his eyes. For a second you thought you misread things when his lips pulled into a smile.
Slowly he bent down, lifting your chin with both his thumb and his index finger to his mouth. Your noses brushed against each other when he carefully kissed your upper lip, before turning to the lower. Softly you parted his lips with yours, a muffled moan escaping his mouth. Carefully you slid one of your hands up his neck into his hair, while the other was still grasping his collar. You never wanted to let him go and you didn’t know if you ever could. Your kisses slowly grew more passionate, more urgent, as the tip of his tongue slowly found its way to yours, gently brushing it, while his thumb was firmly running along your jawline.
Another crash of thunder made both of you flinch, causing you to break apart from each other, both of you gasping for air.
Eddie’s dark eyes darted from your eyes to your lips, looking both intoxicated and hungry, like an animal that has been starving and finally had gotten to eat. You probably had the same look on your face.
You took off his headphones, slowly propping yourself up on your knees, being less than an inch away from his face. You felt his hand cup the side of your face, his thumb brushing over your lips before pulling you in another passionate kiss. Eddie’s chest pressed against yours and as you felt something hard brush against your thigh another moan escaped his mouth, making him gasp for air and immediately pull away from you.
Red-faced he cleared his throat, trying to avoid your intoxicated gaze. You took a deep breath and looked out the window, realizing that the thunderstorm had moved on. Dizzily you fell back on your back, faintly hearing the beginning of the next song of Eddie’s mixtape playing while staring up at your ceiling.
When you closed your eyes you felt Eddie lying back down beside you.
“I’m in love with you,” he whispered. Your eyes fluttered back open and when you turned to look at him you now found him to be the one looking up at the ceiling.
“I have been for some time now.” he said softly, before clearing his throat, “And I didn’t want to tell you because I was scared it might mess up our friendship.”
You were silent for a few seconds, taking in what he’d just said.
“I’m in love with you too, Eddie.”
His face abruptly turned towards you. Softly, you let your fingers trace his features, his eyebrows, his nose, and his cupid's bow before carefully tracing the curve of his jawline.
“I’m madly in love with you,” you whispered, to which his lips pulled into a wide smile, pulling you closer to him. Your noses brushed against each other, as you looked into each other’s eyes, softly planting kisses on each other’s faces, while the rain continued to pound against your window and the thunder rumbled further in the distance…
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ghostdiva · 12 hours
ok so the new trailer for episode 3 just dropped. big hype. here are some theory's, notes, and observations.
also I took a lot of screenshots...
anyway here we go.
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so the adventure is set to be "The Mystery of Mildenhall Manor". Now, I do think that Caine is gonna be the quest giver this time, sending the gang to find something inside the spooky, probably haunted manor.
small guess is that they gotta find Matilda, one of the ghosts haunting the manor, and trap her in a vacuum. idk why, it's literally just a hunch.
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Jax also takes a moment to harass Pomni with a vacuum, which just makes me think of Luigi's Mansion.
anyway, the gang (minus Zooble) are gonna go in the manor and try to find whatever they're looking for, and either by agreement or random set of events, the gang is gonna split up, Pomni and Kinger being paired up. I don't really know if Ragatha, Gangle, and Jax stick together or not, as they're not really shown much in the trailer.
I am inclined to believe it is a set of events that separates the gang tho.
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it's the one of the reasons I can think of that'd make Pomni climb on the door like that.
I mean... outside of the very spooky decorum.....
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which Pomni has a pretty reasonable reaction to
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btw, I fucking love Pomni's cartoon physics with the squash and stretch rubber-hose animation. it's so expressive and fun to watch.
anyway, it seems Caine is determined to have Zooble go on adventures. so he literally sits them down and tries to therapize them.
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though with Caine being an AI with very little knowledge of how the human mind works, this goes predictably horribly.
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I imagine Zooble tries on some level to convey to Caine the ludicrousness of their situation. stuck in a digital world getting repeatedly traumatized by meaningless adventures that seem to do more harm than good. though I get the feeling Caine would miss the point, leading Zooble to correct him, and/or get upset at him for not understanding. watching this verbal fight happen between these 2 will probably lead to us, the viewer, understanding more about Zooble.
anyway, back to the manor with this cute little guy.
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look at him, he's so cute and squishable. unfortunately this guy is the only cute and squishable NPC here because Pomni and Kinger seems to really be going through it.
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they're mostly poking around, opening drawers and stuff. maybe they're looking for a key to get back with the others or something? who knows.
they both probably stumble around in the dark for a bit, both figuratively and literally.
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they might end up stumbling into an antagonist NPC, which is the only way I can explain some of these screenshots.
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it looks to me like Kinger is facing something. I mean, He's missing an eye in the first one, smacking something with a gun in the second, and looking really worried in the third. Plus the fist 2 have similar lighting so I'm inclined to believe those 2 pics come from clips in close time frames to each other.
there's also another image that has similar lighting...
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now... this may sound weird, but I think that either Pomni got Possessed somehow, or something tried to take her shape. Possession seems more feasible since we know at least 2 of the NPC's in this adventure are ghosts, and at least in media ghosts are known to possess people. seeing as digital circus seems to love pulling from video game mechanics, this wouldn't surprise me at all.
this would also kind of explain why in the "POMNI WAKE UP!! IT'S TIME TO GO ON AN ADVENTURE" video, in the "Kinger with a shotgun" clip, he seems to be hitting Pomni with the gun. it makes a lot more sense if Pomni ends up getting possessed somehow, forcing Kinger to hit her in order to defend himself from the ghost.
this also could tie back to the worried look on Kingers face in the screenshot before Possessed Pomni. Cause he'd know what he has to do, even though he doesn't want to hurt Pomni.
Hell, I'm pretty sure Kinger even openly protects Pomni in this episode.
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because of the shot in the trailer taken from this hole's perspective
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not only is Pomni hiding behind Kinger, but he has one of his hands out in front of her, as if to protect her from whatever is in that hole.
also in regards to guns, Kinger isn't the only one who gets to have a gun.
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Pomni gets to wield a shotgun too, and it's likely to help both herself and Kinger fight off whatever was after them in the hole.
Ghost possession and gun-slinging aside, I do think that Pomni and Kinger have a little heart to heart in this episode.
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boy doesn't that screenshot look familiar. reminds me of episode 2 with the blue lighting and concerned expression on Pomni's face. That scene in the test room where Pomni comforts Gumigoo. this time tho, she's comforting Kinger. it almost makes me wonder if this will be a reoccurring theme, with all the other characters eventually having a heart to heart with Pomni, and Pomni comforting them.
it'd really make her live up to her quote in episode 2 "I guess I just don't want you to feel like you're nothing. I don't want anyone to feel like that".
the only thing I do still have questions about, is wtf is Kinger looking at here?
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I mean, it looks like the eyes of a ghost, if they could make their eyes glow like that.
ya know what, maybe he's looking at a mound of pillows or something.
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yeah, like that.
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evilminji · 15 hours
Back on my: Holotuber Jedi Youngling - OC Thoughts >.>
Prev <-
You think folks debate at first? Shtick or Real Thing? Like? No... no WAY could that be one of those Mysterious Mystic Space Cult Kids. No WAY. They would NEVER let their kid be unsupervised on the Net.
But like... (and since I'm a She, gonna use She, but realistically could be any pronouns here) she LOOKS like she's recording from a...? Is that a closet? This one looks like a vent. THIS video is definitely some sort of maintenance area. So she's definitely sneaking...
Ooooh! Thaaaat's a Jedi! REAL FUCKING JEDI. Just dropped down silently behind her. Arms crossed. Mouse droids be snitching. BUSTED.
"Uuuuuuh, h-heeey, Master Uvalii. Fancy seeing YOU here!"
"Yes. Quite interesting isn't it? Since you should not be able to access this area at all, much less to achieve holonet access. Of which we are both aware you are expressly Forbidden To DO unsupervised."
".........I can explain?"
"Please. Do."
*feed ends, chat goes fucking NUTS*
Like? Oh SHIT. Baby Jedi in troooouble. But also? Oh no! What's gonna happen?! Are they gonna be okay?! S-should they TELL somebody? What do Jedi do to kids who disobey them? Does anyone actually KNOW? What DO any of us know about them!? Someone find their Com Code! MA! MA, I need you to yell at space monks! An adorable CHILD MIGHT BE AT STAKE!!! D:>
Even coming BACK on? For a supervised feed? Going "no, I'm just in trouble. Have to right paragraphs and meditate on 'why I felt the need to do this' (even though I KNOW why, not that they'll LISTEN. They just hope I'll meditate until I come to an answer they LIKE)" under the offscreen supervision of a teacher or Creche master?
Whole ass Net gonna be like "youngling! Blink Twice if they're holding you hostage! We can afford bounty hunters! We got a group pot thing going already!!! Aaaaaaaa-!"
Like? *waves at the camera and chat* she TOLD you. They don't believe you. This is part of WHY she wants to do what she's doing. Palpatine's and his Master's machinations have been building for a while. Eroding trust. The Jedi have become strange, dangerous, semi-mythical cryptids with magic powers we must HOPE are benevolent.
Not people.
Why would they expect some unfeeling, magical, sword-wielding space legend to be patient or kind to children? To even have the capacity? We are said to kidnap children and be unfeeling. Can not reach enough people to show otherwise. To reveal the mundanity of our lives. The traditions. The norms.
Food, children, laughter.
The Common Good.
And like? She obviously isn't gonna name Sith-ly NAMES. Not on CAMERA. But her lil "why I wanna play the tooka game and chat about lunch" speech? Convincing. Calms chat down. Still in trouble, mind you. But... provided it's SUPERVISED? And they work out some sort of effective moderation? Alright.
It's a matter of SAFETY, youngling. And no matter HOW much good you wish to do? They will NOT be sacrificing children to achieve it. That is NOT the Jedi way. There are plenty of old masters who would live nothing more then to ramble all day into cameras, if only to here themselves talk. (Oh? Good to know. Guest speakers pog?)
Like? Imagine making a game. Have a "mystical sage" character you TOTALLY BASED of Jedi in it. And your feed gets? Flooded with XD reactions in response to some smol bby streamer playing it? You go to check it out. Cause you're kinda a big deal on your planet. And?
Oh No™
That tiny streamer? Is a tiny JEDI streamer. Who is sitting there, in the stills, going O.o like "Wut." And the next still? Her lil friends are pulled in. The next? A teenager. The NEXT. An adult. The one after THAT. A few adults looking over her shoulder. Then a CROWD. All deeply, deeply confused looking.
The comments are DYING. Howling with laughter. The Jedi were so earnest. Trying to identify which Era you must be referencing. Which sect. But the head dress... cultural, maybe? It doesn't fit with the features though. Could be adopted. A hint at, I believe the term was, "lore"? No, no, those are DEFINITELY padawan beads! But so MANY? In THAT order?
They aren't even connected to a braid! And he's supposed to be a Master, right? But, wait. Perhaps it's meant to suggest he is a Padawan of the Force itself? A student of life? No, that wouldn't make sense! Stolen? It could suggest he has TAKEN the beads? Is regurgitating stolen texts without true understanding? Much like wearing bead he did not EARN?
They keep going and going. Ripping your character design to SHREDS. Picking it apart. Not even meanly! They are genuinely confused. AND IT ONLY MAKES THE CHAT LAUGH HARDER. Because it devolves into a MARATHON, after the game has been paused, of chat spamming different character names? For the Jedi to go "???" Over.
T...that's not? What? How does he even EAT in those robes? And those ones don't seem very non-humanoid friendly. Is he FLOATING HIS SWORD WITH THE FORCE? WHY!? Just keep it on your belt!!!
And? Now every game developer in the galaxy is PARANOID AF. Either make their mystics Very Obviously NOT Jedi rip offs... or shoot a "if I pay you $20 will you consult on something real quick" email. It's just... just easier man. Last guy got laughed into oblivion. Oof.
They can bill it as "Realism" or something. See guys? WE do or reasearch! Give us your credits!
Oh YEAH? Says the growing fan base of this Funky Lil Monk Child. Then put you game where your communication organs are. Send her the game, you cowards.
Do It.
Cut to "oh no, guys! The sorta-jedi died! What? Next objective? No. No we gotta give him a funeral! Oh good, we ca-BURY HIM?! What!? No!!! I could understand if he was from a race that held beliefs that bodies must be returned to the soil from whence they came, but this guy is a SORTA-JEDI! Absolutely NOT!"
"Let's cut down some trees. WE are building him a PYRE. Never ran one of these, but I can look it up. Gimme a moment. Okay. Draaaaag, him on to it. Where's his weapon. There! Thanks chat! On it goes too. Okay. Looking it up..... got it. Ahem...!"
*hold funeral for the sage character by burning his body*
*mods are IMMEDIATELY created to change the "burial" scene to a "Funeral pyre" with somber music*
Just? I can not let go? Of how the subtle shift would spread? Not in shining senatorial halls, but in class rooms and living rooms, dingy pubs and long hyperdrive flights? Anywhere boredom might be found and "hey check this out" might spread? Where someone else, might overhear and get curious?
Lik?? Imagine being the bounty hunter, who fuckin HATES Jedi, thinks they're sanctimonious BASTARDS, hearing someone snort laugh. Just... just fucking CHOKE on their cheep beer. Oh? Now everyone's interested. What's funny?
It's a teeny, tiny, lil jedi youngling. Playing that new Bounty 5 game. Unrealistic as hell. But they are going "I am a MASTER of stealth. A LEGEND of the hunt. You will not see me. I am sneaky. So, so, sneeeeakyyyyy!" As they concentrate on sneaking through back alleys.
Only for their character to fall RIGHT of a ledge, bounce against three buildings, smash into a parked Speeder, and roll right into a cut scene. Where they are call the "greatest bounty hunter of all time".
They look so incredulous.
"Are you SURE? Cause I'm fairly certain that phrase alone is banned for the trouble it causes, near most Bounty outposts. Could be the concussion talking though!"
They are? A sarcastic lil SHIT. Roast EVERYTHING. Know a surprising number of them. Given that they gave the Duros support character a modded in hat. Named him Definitely-Not-Cad. The fake look mustache REALLY sells it. Yeah, Bane. Clearly not you. YOU don't have a mustaches. *watches as she unleashes the Not Cad Bane like a highly tactical meat thresher on legs* brutal lil shit. They like her.
Granted, it's only BECAUSE it's not real she does so.
But I just? Have so many ideas? Spam the Galaxy with "this is who we are. We are people. Develop bonds with us. Care about us. KNOW us." Because the Sith can not possibly kill us all. Can not stop truth, so widely spread. Light dies, when you smother it in closed hands, hidden away in dark and long forgotten places. When you let fear dictate your actions.
It thrives in the open. With people. With the chance to SPREAD. Grow. Bloom.
It's about talking and caring. Being heard. What better place? Then on the screen in their pocket?
@babbling-babull @hypewinter @hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @spidori @spidori
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actuallysaiyan · 1 day
Video Vamps(Vampire!Hizashi Yamada & Vampire!Shouta Aizawa x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: smut, biting, vampires, hypnotism, mentions of rabies, bats, scary video game, blood drinking, oral sex(fem receiving), nipple play, dark and suggestive themes, pet names pairings: Vampire!Hizashi Yamada & Vampire!Shouta Aizawa x Fem!Reader word count: 1.2k summary: Hizashi and Shouta invite you over to show you a scary video game they found, but really it's just to get you to consent to their own little mind game. a/n: for @nanamiscocksleeve's collab event, Monster Mash. Dividers by @adornedwithlight
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You walk in between both Shouta and Hizashi. They had called you up tonight to ask you to come over to play some spooky video game they had just gotten their hands on. As per usual, Shouta isn’t nearly as invested in this as Hizashi is, but there’s a look of mischief in his eyes.
“Is this a bogus story just to get me to come hang out? Like the one about the bat that bit you two last week?” You ask, skeptically wondering what the motive was.
Hizashi turns to face you, standing under a streetlamp, “I promise you that actually happened! We had to go see a doctor to make sure we didn’t have rabies.”
“Right right…rabies.”
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Hizashi is about to grow defensive, but Shouta is eager to get back to his shared apartment with the loud blond. The three of you pile in the door, taking off your shoes and then going to the living room. Then Hizashi heads into the kitchen to get some refreshments for all three of you.
You sit on the tattered couch as Shouta boots up the old video game console. Just in time for the game to start., Hizashi sets down a bowl of popcorn and some sodas for all three of you. You wonder what this video game is really going to be like.
The screen is black at first, then the dripping red text appears on the screen. Video Vamps, the title reads. You’re a little more intrigued now. It seems like it could be something spooky and fun. It’s perfect for this time of year.
Hizashi is the first to wrap his arm around your shoulder and to pull you in even closer. He whispers in your ear, “If you get scared, I’m here to hold you.” You scoff at his words, but you do like being close to him.
Shouta starts the game. It plays like a very old Super Famicom game. He’s controlling what looks to be a teenager in an old mansion on the screen. The teenager fights off bats and skeletons with an old sword.
He beats a few levels, then he passes the controller to Hizashi. Hizashi smirks at the dark haired man. “I think I can continue, Sho.”
You snuggle closer to Shouta, and he wraps his arm around you. He pulls you even closer, surprising you in a way. He presses the softest little kiss on your forehead, which shocks you. Neither of them are shy about flirting with you, but Shouta usually is the more subdued of the two when it comes to affections.
One Hizashi has beaten a few more levels, he passes the controller back to Shouta. This goes on for a bit before the screen turns to black again. Then the same bloody red text appears on the screen. This time it says, ‘It’s too late to run…’
You look up for a moment, unsure of what it’s meant to be warning you about. This is when you realize you haven’t heard anything from either Hizashi nor Shouta in a bit. You look at both of them, but they are very fixated on the screen.
“Uh…so was that the end?” You finally inquire.
You’re met with even more silence. It’s becoming a little eerie in this way too. Usually Hizashi is quick with something clever to say, or Shouta is trying to be the logical one. But neither of them can tear their eyes away from the screen.
Then there’s a sudden loud noise. The screen turns bright red and both men seem to almost snap out of it. You look at Shouta then at Hizashi. Shouta smirks at you, loving the way fear is written all over your face. Hizashi grabs you and pulls you even closer.
“Didn’t we tell you something happened to us?” he whispers in your ear.
“N-no…wait…does this have to do with the bat?”
He laughs as he begins nipping at your earlobe before kissing down your neck. Shouta leans in and holds your wrists down. You try to break out of the tight hold, but it’s impossible. He’s got you pinned down pretty good.
“Look at the fear in her eyes, Loudmouth.” Shouta comments.
Hizashi laughs, “Oh she’s terrified.”
Before you even have time to react properly to what either of them are saying, Hizashi sinks his fangs deep into your neck. You cry out weakly, desperate to get away from him. You feel a warm liquid dripping down your neck and you know you’re bleeding.
When Hizashi pulls away, Shouta leans in to lap up the blood from your neck. He sinks his fangs in as well, drinking from you. Then they both pull away. Hizashi kneels before you, hiking up your skirt. Shouta nips at his own wrist, bringing it to your mouth.
“Drink, baby. Or else it’ll hurt more.”
His words don’t make sense, but you do as you’re told. You drink his blood, finding it more appealing than you could ever imagine. All the while, Hizashi has your panties pushed to the side.
“You’re greedy, Hizashi.” Shouta scolds him.
Hizashi smirks, “Can you blame me? I’ve been wanting to do this for so long.”
You’re trembling as this intense feeling overwhelms you. Hizashi’s warm tongue presses against your folds while Shouta is working on taking your shirt off. So much for being patient, you think to yourself. His hands are calloused and feeling so rough on your skin as he finally frees your tits.
“She’s perfect,” Hizashi moans between long, languid licks of your pussy. “I’m so glad we decided to include her in this.”
Shouta pulls you onto his lap, spreading your thighs even more for Hizashi to be able to devour you, “I’m glad with our decision as well.”
You lean against him, feeling the muscles against your back. You shudder when Hizashi leans back in to lick you again, suckling on your clit to make you shudder.
“Let me tell you,” Shouta whispers in your ear as he tugs on your nipples. “You did so well for us. But this will be an adjustment, baby. You’ll become just like us.”
You have so many questions, but with the way Hizashi is licking you, you know you won’t be able to muster up the brain power to ask any questions just yet. The coil in your stomach tightens so tight, you’re seeing stars in your vision. Shouta smirks as your legs begin to shake and he actually reaches down to tangle his fingers in Hizashi’s hair. You only barely just notice the claws instead of regular fingernails.
“That’s it, Hizashi. Bring our little darling to orgasm.”
Your body is tingling. Your eyes flutter shut and you’re panting. All at once, this intense wave of pleasure and energy overwhelms you. You cry out as you begin soaking Hizashi’s face and the floor with your juices. You feel the teeth in your mouth getting sharper; your nails turn into claws.
When you open your eyes again, it’s like the world is breathing. Everything around you looks more vivid. Colors are vibrant. Hizashi’s eyes are glowing red as he looks up to you and smirks.
“Welcome to the nighttime world, kiddo.” Shouta whispers in your ear.
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reblogs and comments always appreciated!
©actuallysaiyan 2024– do not repost on other platforms, copy, translate or edit my works!
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maybe-boys-do-love · 2 days
Aof Noppharnach writes some my favorite openings I've seen across all genres. They open like musicals and fairytales. He writes these beautiful monologues that set everything up while romantic scores roll out and the camera floats across the settings. For real, watch the fluid camera work in any of his openings; it's one of the way he snags you. I just swoon.
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Look at the opening lines of He's Coming to Me: "It was as simple as that. My heart stopped beating and I died. I have the same dream every time. You must be wondering how a ghost can dream." Call me Ishmael, who!?
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And like, the way after the title sequence of Dark Blue Kiss, though, that the music and camera instill a magical fondness on the main characters as it establishes them in their natural habitats--swimming at pool, tutoring at Sun's cafe, etc.--with partial shots that reveal their confident faces in quick and steady succession!? Like, oh yes, all my old Kiss Me Again friends are glowing and tryna make the best of it all.
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1000 Stars monologue about second lives in video games might be cheesy except we're cutting between a slick moneyed boy at a roulette table, an earnest girl on a bus, and a group of rangers scouting the forest in pitch black, and wondering who's about to die as mentioned in the voice-over and why are these randos living worlds apart being braided together like this!?!?
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And then Moonlight Chicken is just *chef's kiss* using a post-Covid news segment to invite us into a struggling Pattaya neighborhood. And we hear about the economic hardships, the intentions of joy, the Chinese lanterns hanging outside, and see shots of the staff and late-night customers in bright warm light. Then we cut away to people watching the clip at a much dimmer version of the diner as business gets underway. Complaints and arguments and interruptions all occurring within A SINGLE SHOT until Jim walks out onto the street as the music just fully swells, and I'm passed out from the CINEMA of it all!!!!
The comparison I jump to quickest is the opening of Disney's Beauty and the Beast as we are told through stained-glass images the tale of the castle's enchantment and then toured about the small-minded town and its inhabitants as they gossip about Belle. By the end of the two sequences we have learned about every main character and their motivations with a smooth, inviting flow across the physical space and conversations. I honestly wonder if Aof studied the Disney Renaissance openings (majorly influence by another gay visionary, Howard Ashman)?
When it's an Aof script, you just know the viewer within the first fifteen minutes has everything they need to be prepared and excited for the ride they're about to take. Tone and Rhythm: established. Setting: explored, Characters: I already love them more than life itself.
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r4vn · 2 days
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jann x reader
w.c: 5,711
disclaimers: +18, smutty smut, nsfw, dom!jann, fem!reader, hook up is first sorry, unprotected p in v (stay safe out there guyz), creampie, grinding, sexual tension, cunnilingus (my boy a eaterr), getting railed like a nail ;), hypersensitivity, delayed orgasm, drinking, jealousy, pining, edging, fingering, hickeys, mutual orgasm, command and obey, 'good boy', reader is a TOXIC WHORE,
—synopsis: you were looking for a simple hook up to sasiate your needs. unfortunately it didnt do enough, so when your certain entanglement finds out, he intends to out-do that hook up of yours.
a/n: hi guys :D major disclaimer: you "fuck" matty davis first. but he is a nobody in this college AU except for being an attractive nerd..its slightly long but i swear its all worth it in the end ;) so bear with me for the beginning. but i hope you enjoy this dominant jann that plays with you :) all love and sorry for typos!
「divider by @/cafekitsune」
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you weren't the type to get around on campus like the stories you heard of girls who did. but you did like you get what you want. you were a gorgeous girl, one who wasn't afraid to say what was on her mind. in your friend group, you entangled yourself with a particular guy, jann mardenborough. you and jann had been friends with benefits for a couple of months now, ignoring any and all allegations towards you two. in the group, it was known but unspoken of the chemistry you had with the tall brunette. but with being unclaimed, you did your own thing and it would cause problems with jann. you subtly flirted with anyone you found your type. you didn't mean anything by it, but when jann saw it, the tensions would grow between the two of you. the last time you were with him was weeks ago and right now you were aching for some intimacy.
you decided to find a hook-up. and what perfect hook-up would anyone be if it wasn't a hot nerd? you enjoyed a good cliche. matty davis was a rather quiet guy in your math lecture, but god was he rather good looking. soft black curls, broad shoulders and brown skin.
he reminded you of jann just briefly, but before you could stop your thoughts, you wondered how he, jann would react if he saw what you were about to do. how rough infatuation rage would curl at the lips of his mouth.
how hot his hands looked gripping your body...
you snap out of your thoughts to stop the boy you were with now, matty, from yapping away.
"and so the f of x is imputed by 6x–"
"matty ..let's take a break, yes? yes." you answered yourself before the deja vu looking man could respond. you hopped up from off the floor to sit on the edge of his bed. "come sit by me?" you asked sweetly. matty stuttered to catch his words, eventually clearing his throat.
"s-..sure yeah. did you want to play.. video games?" he queried with a soft, reluctant voice. you smile gently as him while your eyes glanced down to his crotch area.
"no, let's practice more math actually. my lips plus your lips." you declared. you then went to straddling him and leaning in centimeters away from his face. you giggled at the sound of matty gasping and physically tensing at the position you two were in. he almost forgot to breathe as his eyes darted between your gaze and your mouth.
"you wanna kiss me..–?" he asked in perplexity. you parted your lips and nodded eagerly, wanting to devour the boy right here.
"so so bad matty.." you gasped hurriedly with lust and quickly clouded your head. your body ached against the fine build of a man. you felt his hands resistant climbing your thighs to your waist as if he were trying to calm a severe urge inside.
"god..please [y/n]." he frustratedly mewled out. his and your eyes glazed over in pure tension between you two. before you could give permission, matty kissed you full of held-back hunger. all the eagerness. maybe because his body ached when you around. he never thought he had a chance with you. he was an attractive guy yes, but his dorky introverted demeanor did not lead him for the popular type. he was definitely known to be unusually attractive for an average computer science major though.
anyone could tell he worked out whenever he wasn't wearing a hoodie or jacket. his midnight black curly hair complimented his clay brown skin. and his soft, darkened brown eyes simply brought the whole face together. you leaned into the kiss equalling his hunger, arching into him as his hands roughly held your hips. it sent a tingle down your legs.
matty then held the side of your face with one hand, wrapping an entire arm around you with his other. you pulsated right onto his growing tent, moaning into the curly boy's mouth. grinding your hips against his earned you the most walls-aching moan you could hear from the boy under you. your walls pulsated and you could feel the drool dripping into your underwear.
you loved dominating a man just enough to the point where his entire body bent to your will, your touch, your mere presence. you always got off to male audios on pornsites, not caring for videos. seeing a man submit and tremble did things to nearly every fiber in your being yes, but hearing it rocked your walls. you gained a second heartbeat immediately listening to an audible male moaning.
"yes matty, yes–" you moaned again into his mouth, a moan of his replying. you soon were flipped onto the bed, earning him a gasp. he kissed down your throat, beginning to suck at your skin.
"not too many–" you whispered in a hush tone. "–i'll allow just one hickey." matty quickly obeyed, sucking at your neck again. he stayed in the same spot and sucked and licked, hushed whimpers escaping your throat. matty soon stopped abusing your neck and continued his kisses down your torso. you gasped as he pulled off your pants and slid in between your thighs.
really just skips right to it huh ..
you replace the brief unamusement off your face into another lusted one, watching as he kissed your clothed pussy.
hm..he kinda looks like.. that's it. no further you thought.
"hey wait– lets just...grind. i wanna tease you, please. a slow building orgasm hits way harder, i promise." you advertised. he stared at you in the slightest confusion of his foggy expression. matty blinked back into reality after thinking to himself and he began to take off his pants, simply pulling out his boner from his underwear.
"i'm alright with that ..c'mere." you giggled as he grabbed you by your waist to pull you to his lap, his cock sitting right between your soaked lips. you groaned in surprise at the pulsating warmth you felt against your entrance, nearly wanting to risk it all. but you didn't want him in the end. the beginning was just fine, whilst another man occupied your thoughts for the end.
the noirette man wasted no time grinding up against your pussy. you moaned suddenly, not expecting to be as sensitive as you were as he clothed fucked you.
"[y/n]–...[y/n] ugh–.." the man moaned under you and you quickened your pace against the man.
your pussy pulsated. you were close to cumming. it was unexpected but maybe it was because you were imagining someone else. he damn near sounded like him, only more masculine. you liked when your men trembled and mewled under or over you. to see a man look like that, made you want to ride him for hours just to hear him like that. you closed your eyes to listen to matty's whimper. you felt his legs shake and the tremble in his voice started to produce.
so close, so close, so close..!
"fuck–!!" matty suddenly said, stopping your hips. you immediately open your eyes to the boys cock convulsing between your clothed folds, that peaking orgasm of yours hitting the tip just for a second before decreasing rapidly due to no more friction being present.
"o-oh god..yes..[y/n].." he groaned. his eyes rolled even. you then sighed deeply in disappointment, matty too out of it to catch it.
"we should....we should do this again sometime." he exhaled out.
"right." you gave him a half smile and got up off of him, immediately getting your clothes.
"awh jann has become all famous on us, being a real racer and all yeah?" a boy jousted, sipping on his beer. you couldn't help but join in on the laughter of teasing jann around the bonfire. the group of friends you and jann shared would always hold a bonfire session every couple of weeks. it was nice to hangout and share a couple of beers (sometimes stronger alcohol) to get away from classes and exams.
"heh– its a good reason to get out of class most definitely." jann replied with a cheeky smile. antonio shrugged and nodded.
"thats very true, not having to sit in physics class and instead driving for fun seems like the better option." the group agreed. you sipped your beer, simply listening to the conversation. you occasionally watched jann, making sure to look away from him when he looked at you. one thing about women is that they can always tell when a man is staring even when not look at them.
"yeah definitely. i still need to study though before exams, or i am so fucked. " jann scoffed, briefly thinking about how low this grades have been. he was passing the majority of his classes, but with C's, and damn near failing physics. racing was distracting him from his more studious responsibilities and he needed to improve.
"speaking of studying–" leah chimed in, subtly walking over to you from her spot with antonio. she finished the second half of her beer before placing the bottle at her feet. a smirk played on her lips as she looked at you.
"a little birdy– cough antonio cough –told me that he saw you and matty leave math class together yesterday." your heart dropped. you didn't know why, because it's not like you were in a relationship. but for some reason anxiety filled your ribcage.
"wh– matty? the odd quiet computer nerd?" jann asked quickly, not hiding his shock. leah giggled and nodded to the curly brunette. your eyes looked over to jann, whose gaze darkened but diverted. he began to down his beer subtly, opening another one right after.
"so what?" you started. "yes we studied together, why is that such a big deal?" you scoffed.
"maybe because the two of you were nowhere to be found on campus 'studying', [y/n]. which can only mean you when to his apartment or he went to yours." leah rebuttled, tilting her head down. you took a big swing of your beer, giving her a distasteful look.
"if you must know, yes, we studied at his apartment. which, mind you, is literally a walk away from the residence building we all live in. its not like i was an hour away with a guy i sort of don't know." you explained. leah's lips formed into a downward smile before she surrendered, backing off with her hands in the air.
"these are valid points yes, but were his flat-mates there?" leah continued obnoxiously. its as if she was playing chess and she thought you were playing checkers. you rose a brow and took a glance at the rest of the group who also seemed to be interested. you had nothing to hide though. you were going to say everything but you didn't want everyone's nose in your business, especially the particular nose who wasn't looking at you but was still listening.
"no, his flat-mates were not home. we studied for maybe half an hour before i made out with him." no one said anything. shock washed over leah's face and her eyes glanced over at jann, who still wasn't looking at you. it was silently known that you and jann had a sort of different relationship than others in the group, a closer one. but the two of you always said you were single. anyone in the group could see the chemistry whenever you were near him but could also always feel the tension whenever you and jann got into ruts.
"and yes, if you must know, since you all are in my business, he was a good kisser. anything else?" you were met with silence again. you simply shrugged and grabbed another beer from the cooler, cracking it open. and with the universe already slightly fucking you over, you heard cop sirens, perking up.
"time to go!" antonio yelled, dumping a pre-filled bucket of water on the bonfire. you cursed under your breath, quickly grabbing your bag and the empty bottle. you threw it in the now unlit barrel before you, leah, jann, and antonio began running to the cars.
"go go go!" leah yelled, laughing drunkenly. you chuckled at her unseriousness, before hopping into one of the cars. you saw both leah and antonio hop into the car next to you, meaning only one thing. you turned into the driver's side door opening to jann jumping in. his eyes still wore a dark expression, and you could only curse mentally. you didn't have time to switch cars though, so you buckled up. yes, you were slightly glad jann was a professional racer which meant he could outsmart the cops. you could only hope for antonio and leah though.
jann shifted gears and reversed quickly from the empty industrial lot before driving off, antonio quickly behind. in the rear view mirror you saw the blinding cop lights, exhaling sharply.
"hold on." jann finally says. you immediately tighten your seat belt and grip the car door as jann took a sharp turn, then another, and pulled into an alleyway. he immediately shut off the car before looking behind him. antonio's car zoomed last and not long after, so did the cop car. your phone buzzed and you quickly opened it seeing it was leah.
we'll lose them don't worry. you two head home!
your shoulders relax a bit more before leaning back in your seat with a sigh.
"leah said go ahead without them they will be okay." jann didn't say anything, only starting the car up again. the ride back to the flat was around 10 to 15 minutes based on traffic. you had two beers, three counting the full one you were still holding. jann had only two, so you presumed he was sober enough to drive. it was a silent ride, you didn't dare start any conversation after what was said at the bonfire. you just wanted to get home and thank jann for the ride. you lifted the bottle to your lips and quickly downed a third of it, the action made jann glance over at you.
"are you serious right now. drinking in the car?" he rolled his eyes at your absurdity. you looked around, narrowing your brows.
"i'm not the one driving, so therefore it is not unlawful." you heard jann scoff but say nothing else. seconds passed before he spoke again.
"matty, huh. you went for that out of all people?" at last, a smile threatened to appear on your lips. you knew this conversation was coming. it was* a little funny to you seeing jann jealous over someone who isn't his.
"why do you care?" you sighed.
"i don't." the brunette replied sharply. you glanced at jann again to see his eyes forward and only* forward. his hands gripped the steering wheel tighter than usual.
"so why ask?" you bit back, sipping your beer again. you were met with silence again. jann was in a pissy mood and frankly you had no time for it. if he wanted to do something he could. the two of you have history, well, a background since history means in the past. but the last time you were with jann was almost a month ago, so it was relatively recent. you got into it with him because of your feelings. you got jealous at a party and you didn't want to accept you were so jann tried to call you out on it. you then went into defense mode and said some harsh things.
"i wasn't looking for an answer. it was a rhetorical question." you hummed in response. you didn't say much else and looked straight ahead as jann did.
what the fuck do you want from me ..
you didn't get with matty to spite jann. matty was attractive to you. he was what you wanted yes but not what you needed. not what your body yearned for. not what your head buzzed about.
"i didnt fuck him," you started. "there was dry humping involved though."
"oh really?" jann rolled his eyes, laughing in disbelief. you turn to the irked racer and smiled sweetly. resting your elbow on the center console with your chin in your palm, you admired how pretty jann look while jealousy painted his aspect.
"yeah. wasn't really 'dry' though, considering i was soaking through my panties. and he didn't have underwear on." you told with another few sips. jann's breathing gradually shallowed ever so slightly at your words. the car picked up speed and jann didn't dare look at you. you weren't scared, instead keeping your devious demeanor act going. you knew jann would never put you in danger and you trusted him with your life regarding cars.
"so i straddled him and grinded my soaked, clothed pussy onto his dick until he came." jann's head began to cloud his hearing, thoughts buzzing louder than your words. he didn't dare look at you, he couldn't. not with the words that left your tongue. his body became hot. and he couldn't decide if it was hot and angry or hot and bothered. neither one sufficed him though because in the end, he'd get what he wanted.
"unfortunately didn't get to finish myself. so, don't think i'd do it again with him." you sighed out dramatically before sitting back in your seat. the air in the car felt heavy now and you said nothing else for the remainder of the ride. you noticed he drove on his side of the residence building, not where you lived.
"c'mon." jann finally pulled into the parking lot of the residence apartments and quickly got out of the car. you wanted to argue. you wanted to walk away but as much as you enjoyed the chase, you obeyed jann's command and followed him to his apartment. jann unlocked his door and you followed him into the silent flat. he turned on the lights to the living room.
he then swiftly grabbed your bottle of beer and walked into the kitchen, also opening the cabinet to grab a glass.
"hey that's mine–" you started, shoulders immediately slumping as he finished it. you stood near the counter with your arms crossed as he downed your drink.
"that's for drinking in my car." he stated. the bottom of the bottle slapping the counter loudly. you shook your head and began to walk towards the door.
"stop." you did. you don't know why, but you did. you turned to jann who pulled a bottle of vodka from the fridge and filled a fourth of the glass. he immediately downed it, his lips curling at the taste.
"what, jann. why am i here?" you questioned, tired of the riddles.
"don't know, why are you?" he responded in a snarkish tone.
"you told me to follow." you replied, followed with an eye roll.
"and you listened." you were silent this time, simply staring at the tall man dominating your presence with his. his eyes met yours for a series of seconds before he took another shot of vodka. the alcohol warmed his chest even more. jann chuckled to himself with a sigh.
"i told you to follow. i told you to stop. and you listened. funny how that works?" jann pulled off his jacket, placing it over the kitchen counter. "you are at my beck and call. my command."
jann walked closer to you and you instinctively stepped back. but the second you stepped, his hand grabbed your waist to keep you from retracting. your breath hitched as you looked up to his dark gaze.
"you pine for me, [y/n]." jann derided you, chuckling. you felt taunted, mocked. because jann was right, the second he commands you, you obey. like a puppy listening to its owner. you were magnetized to the man looming over you. god you practically ached for him to either be in you, under you, or over you.
"i bet i'm better than him at it." jann finally said.
"better at what? grinding?" you snorted, grabbing the bottle from his hand. you poured your shot in his glass, downing it quickly as he did. the drink burned your throat, almost immediately hitting your bloodstream.
"that, and kissing." he scoffed.
"show me then." you proposed. you were damn near prepared for him to attack your lips.
"you first." jann retorted cockily. you rose a brow, wiping the excess vodka from the corner of your mouth.
"y...you want me to show you how he kissed me?" you asked, quite baffled.
"yep, show me." jann continued to challenge. he must have forgotten who you were. how you were.
"okay." you replied, and damn sure wasted no time.
"oka–" before he could finish repeating after you, you had pulled him by his waist and smashed your lips together like water and fire fighting for dominance. your hand cupped the entire side of his face and you wrapped a hand around his waist like matty did to you. jann made a sound into your mouth. a groan of some sort, but hearing it sounded like an impatient growl. jann quickly pinned your hands behind you on the counter, pushing up against your body with your hips connecting.
"he's a terrible kisser.." jann huffed out, caressing your face with his, and your lips with his lips. he made sure to keep the slightest amount of distance so you couldn't fully capture his lips again.
"so show me how much better you are." you managed to gasp out. jann immediately grabbed your jaw with his free hand and kissed you again. this time, it was much slower, and made you even weaker in the knees. your eyes fluttered shut as you matched his speed, moaning into his mouth. jann slowed it down even further, making sure to listen to the wet sounds of disconnecting and reconnecting lips again. the sound made you pulsate downstairs between your thighs. it made you whimper helplessly at the slowest, most hottest make out you've ever had with jann. the slow pace made you buzz all over. him humming as he kissed you with tongue made you moan from the vibration on your lips. your hips bucked against his. the slow kissing turned you on immensely and the intimacy left you in mere shambles.
"please jann." you mewled into his mouth. jann hummed tauntingly in response before picking up speed when he firmly grabbed your hair. he tilted your head back slowly whilst kissing you faster, your whimpers becoming more prominent. this, was janns secret weapon, because he knew. he knew your mouth was your erogenous zone and how it affected you physically and audibly. how you dripped at the mere action of kissing and how it made your core hot.
"you wanted better, i'm giving you better. you enjoy the chase more than being caught [y/n]," jann kissed you roughly again. "you enjoy the tension and the pining." you cried out at his words. "you'd rather be teased for hours than fucked, because the game is much more fun for you than the prize." he was right, you loved foreplay, so much that you got off on foreplay.
you loved when you and jann would have a lazy day and suddenly while watching tv he would caress your clit. flicking and rubbing to start an all-day edging session. it was one of your favorite things to do because the orgasms in the end made you able to feel your walls contract against one another.
"please use me jann please—" jann kissed down your jaw now, listening to your pleading as he went lower.
"don't worry darling, we start right here in this kitchen." jann caressed your collarbone with his lips, allowing his full hand to cup your pulsing pussy. you drew in a slow gasp and your knees felt even weaker.
"stand." he said, and you obeyed almost on cue. he rocked his hand slowly against your clothed pussy, watching your hips move in a mirrored rhythm of jann's. you moaned ever so tenderly, eyes rolling as your body began tingling all over.
"look at you already losing your strength under me. so simple." the racer finally let your hands go so you could hold yourself up as he played with you. you gripped the counter and kept your head back in ecstasy. the friction was only minimal but you were hypersensitive when it came to foreplay, because your body ached for more than just light caresses and it was never fully granted, leaving you in a craving pile of lust.
jann abused your neck as his hand swiftly undid your tied sweats strings to loosen them. he noticed the one hickey you allowed, making his blood run hotter. his hand dipped in between the fabric of your sweats and underwear. applying pressure against the soaked fabric. your feet immediately arched and a sharp gasp left your mouth. you held onto janns arms now, panting at the slightest touch you hungered to increase.
"you're practically dripping, [y/n]." jann groaned against your now heavily bruised neck. he slightly surprised himself with how many he made. he stopped giving a fuck and continued down to your collar bone. he was going to make sure the others knew who you with the night prior.
"uh huh– mmh–..yes..for you jann." you managed to mumble out.
"im .." jann pauses, his hand finally reaching between your skin and panties now, massaging your clit in slow circular motions. you broke a moan, almost falling as the man touched you. "..pleased, [y/n]."
your womanhood practically longed for him down there again. his cool fingers increase the experience times two, causing you to ride his fingers excitedly.
"so eager [y/n], breathe for me." he cooed into your skin. reluctantly, you forced yourself to slow your huffs and pants, gulping down the lump in your throat. you wouldn't believe what was happening right now. you and jann, tipsy in the kitchen with his slender cold digits down your pants and decorating your skin with various colors of red, pink, and purple bruises.
jann closed his heavy eyelids and damn near melted into you. he focused on where his fingers touched you, the tips of his fingers gliding along your lubricated lips and even wetter folds. his ears got lost in your sounds from above and below. it was near silent in the flat with his flat-mates conveniently going out on this saturday evening. between your slickness and your salacious vocals jann couldn't decide what turned him on more. he head buzzed with foggy thoughts he was going to take action on soon. his middle and ring fingers finally suddenly entered you and you groaned at the slight relief of your ache. he groaned at how warmth your insides were.
"just like that ..mhm." you pleaded as his fingers kept a smooth hooked pace. you felt jann's hard-on pressed up against your thigh and he began grinding against it impatiently. the quivers radiated through your pelvic bone and caused your entrance to gush even more around the racer's hand.
jann groaned out of growing frustration. he clenched his jaw and finally wanted to stop standing. he took his fingers from your hole and entered them past your lips where you gladly licked them clean of your juices. you finally opened your eyes to a very aroused jann mardenborough. his cheeks were flushed, his lips parted with glazed over eyes. he looked so pretty while nearly wanting you as much as you wanted him. the curly brunette finally had enough and picked you up to throw you over his shoulder. you squeaked out of surprise, trying not to laugh as you bounced gently with jann's every step.
jann entered his room and gently threw you on the bed before stripping you of your clothing. when you were finally in your underwear, he secured your wrists again down near your core and dipped down between your hips. jann pressed his tongue against your wet underwear, sucking you though the cloth. your locked fingers fiddled with the jann's while you pressed your hips further into janns tongue. the sudden difference in temperature of his tongue and his fingers caused you to shudder. jann pulled off your underwear and dug his face into your core again, lapping up your juices in content. your body bucked and squirmed as he ate you from the outside in.
"yes ..yesyes..right here–" you huffed, nearing your end so quickly after so much build up. jann continued his motions of tongue around your clit. your walls clenched, then again, then another. you were nearing.
"jann– im gonna–!!" you squeaked, ready to explode onto his taste buds. alas, the man between your thighs paused and retracted his tongue. you whined in response.
"oh [y/n], you want to cum?" jann chuckled, his facial scruff tickling your clit gingerly. you keenly rotated your hips to chase after your climax with an impatient nod.
"yes, please. i was so close i–" you babbled, looking down at the view below you. jann looked hungry, but clearly held back just to make you suffer in sexual frustration.
"i know sweetheart, but i want to play with you for a bit. i want to show you how much better i am at pleasing you yes? so you're going to announce when you are close to orgasming and i will stop everytime till i believe you deserve to cum. do you understand?" jann carefully articulated his words, your foggy head slowly taking them in.
"yes .." you murmured.
"yes what?"
"yes sir." you corrected, nodding. jann dove back into your core, licking between your inner folds once more. he pushed his tongue into you, causing a whole other wave of pleasure.
jann edged you for up to 20 minutes and you were on the edge of losing your mind. he ate you, flicked your clit with the pad of his thumb to overstimulate, and used the tip of his tongue to circle your clothed pearl. you were a hot and bothered, teary eyed, trembling mess under the giant of a man. you begged and pleaded but jann ignored. yet, he couldn't ignore the growing wet spot in his own boxers. his pulsating cock was beginning to mix with uncomfortable pressure. at last, jann finally believed you had enough. he pulled off his pants and let go of your wrists. you immediately sat up on your elbows to a lengthy cock resting above your womanhood. it was worth, hot almost and you moaned at the sight of it.
"you're going to cum by my cock, not my tongue." jann concluded, rubbing your wetness with his length. his tip encircled your swollen pretty clit, causing him to curse under his breath. the way you were sprawled out under him practically pushing onto his cock made him want to finish right there. he wasted no time pushing his stiff length into you. a mutual moan escaped the both of you from the rush of relief and pleasure.
"jann.." you trembled out with every thrust. you were all caught up in your clouded mind, moaning his name over and over again. jann's eyes fluttered closed, listening to your voice like it was his favorite song playing over and over again. he lost all restraint inside of you, not holding back anymore. he grabbed your thighs and pinned your legs back to begin ramming into you.
jann's cock dug through you at the new position, nearly causing you to cry out loudly. you half covered your mouth with one hand and gripped the cotton sheets with the other. your vision went in and out from such immense ecstasy diffusing throughout your limbs, your bones, every fiber of your being.
"[y/n]– you feel so..good–" jann groaned, licking his lips. he smiled briefly to see you so incapacitated under him, full of bliss. your walls clenched around him again and again.
soon your legs began to tremble as you were rammed into like a nail with a hammer. you loved it, you missed it even. it had been nearly a month since you can jann hooked up, all because you wanted to deny certain feelings and thoughts. you didnt know what the hell was going to be said after this fuck session so you only worried about the present; you were reaching your orgasm for the upteenth time and you wanted it more than ever.
jann could feel your second heartbeat against the head of his cock and readjusted to hit right above your cervix, where the heartbeat met his tip. a shudder shot down his spine suddenly, he was close. and your increasing contractions were assisting both you and him to climax.
"are you going to cum [y/n]? yeah? hm?" the brunette moaned out. you mhm’ed several times, your voice getting higher with each one.
"i give you permission." and with those words, you shut your eyes and moved your hips to the rhythm of jann's for your reward.
"jann...jann–! ..yes yes im gonna– ..cumming–" you cried out, inducing full body convulsions. "–cumming!" you managed to sob out. jann slowed his thrusts to watch your being tremble under him. he was at his limit now, whimpering at your erotic demeanor.
"mmh– [y/n]– i need to cum ..please let me cum." you opened your eyes to a very pent of jann trying his best not to finish. you couldn't help but smile. such a dominant man still asking for permission. you could say you both are wrapped around each other's fingers.
"cum for me jann." you declared, mewling as he thrusted into you again for a few more. jann reached his orgasm right as yours was finishing, his cock pulsing in response to your walls. jann's voice went up a pitch higher in his moans with his hips bucking from his high.
"good boy.." you moaned out, reaching for him. jann leaned into your hands, allowing you to cradle his head as he laid on you. you moved his head upwards to meet his eyes before kissing him sweetly.
"good boy."
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© r4vn ²⁰²⁴, do not repost my work.
hope u enjoyed!!!
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atamascolily · 2 days
@tartrazeen said:
... Wait, what PSP game
Congratulations, you're one of today's lucky ten thousand! Madoka Magica Portable was one of the first games ever created for the franchise with a PSP version released in 2012. It is perhaps best known for the visual novel-style scenes which explore multiple scenarios/timelines not shown in the original TV series, including Kyousuke discovering Sayaka is a magical girl and rejecting her, Madoka gushing about Homura to her parents, and Mami becoming an idol singer with a debut single "Tiro Finale of Love".
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Talk about mood whiplash! But Madoka Magica contains multitudes.
In general, the game follows the basic plot of the anime, but there are a handful of original witches, as well a lot more content than could be packed into a 12-episode series. We also get to see Mami and Kyouko's witch forms as well.
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Mami's witch form Candeloro. Meanwhile, Quitterie the Needle Witch is basically Kyubey in a trenchcoat, lol.
There are continual debates in the fandom about how "canon" these events are as Gen Urobuchi supervised the scenarios and Inu Curry contributed new art. Personally, I think the events in the PSP game are generally canon-compatible aside from a few scenarios that directly contradict the anime (such as Homura defeating Walpurgisnacht alone but dying immediately afterward in one of the bad ends), but I'm not sure I'd go so far as to consider it "canon" myself and/or necessarily consistent with anything else later developed for the main series. Still, there's a lot of content, and it's interesting to see how the stories develop, even if I've only explored a small fraction of it, and a lot of people really like it. Definitely worth checking out if you're interested in that sort of thing.
As far as I know, this game was never officially released in English, but I think there are unofficial patches out there for it, plus a lot of gameplay videos to watch on Youtube.
Hope that helps!
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aroaessidhe · 4 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
The Sword of Kaigen
standalone fantasy set in a rural mountain village at the edge of an empire that still holds traditional values, with families of powerful water/ice magic warriors
follows a powerful young heir who begins to question his beliefs about the empire when a new boy comes to his village from the city
and his mother, a housewife who has tried to forget her youth as a warrior and vigilante in the city since she moved back home to a loveless marriage
when there’s a violent attack on their village that they’re unprepared for, everything changes, and she has to embrace her old skills to protect her family and people
#The Sword of Kaigen#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#I’ve been meaning to read this for years and I finally got around to it! a really unique fantasy novel#I had always assumed this was ur average pre-industrial high fantasy and then was immediately hit with video games/tv in the first chapter#lmao. But overall (aside from the broader worldbuilding/politics) it is closer to the average ‘historical’ fantasy narrative -#so I can see why I got that impression#Some really compelling characters and interesting narrative structure that went in some unexpected directions.#It really focuses in on one village and how devastating a single battle in a war can be to their people - and how much work the recovery is#I feel like most sff is more concerned with a single person and/or the whole war so this felt unique. did also mean that the pacing was odd#- it's a slow start; then there’s a battle that must be hundreds of pages. The last section of the book feels a little too drawn out#and brings up random hanging plot elements that don’t really go anywhere. But I think overall this works for the story.#also one thing I didn’t love - cool complex interesting female character MC sure but also there’s weird moments like:#the first scene we see her is all the housewives comparing their attractiveness; she keeps referring to herself as an old woman (when she’s#and oh so meek and useless etc. And some of this feels like it’s part of the broader portrayal of the misogynist society#but some of it felt clunky or unintentional?#And then especially the end - when she and her shitty husband finally confront each other as equals and he apologises#she basically immediately forgives him and is like oh I was equally at fault because I am a meek woman who didn’t try either#like him realising he was wrong (and her realising he had a reason for being the way he was) doesn’t negate the fact that he treated her li#she acts like it was her fault for not trying too - when we have numerous examples of him berating her if she spoke up about anything?#like im glad he’s learning. but also that doesn’t mean she needs to suddenly forgive and love him wtf#that's the only real thing that annoyed me though.#also btw that 5yo seems kinda fucked up. are you guys gonna do anything about that
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hanzajesthanza · 3 months
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this looks like a long time but initially it said 1 MONTH 15 days
#i think i will just have to grab cutscene footage from online... im not waiting for that sh... lmao#this has me admitting that i'm not a gamer and left that identity behind some time ago... which is kind of sad but ok#thoughh when witcher 4 drops... 😈#oh my god i typed witcher 34 instead of witcher 4. i think that already exists on the internet LOL#i'm actually not as excited for w4 as i am for the remaster of the first game#i also don't have any saves and i need footage of like some late-quest stuff (just for a mention of lore inconsistencies LOL)#like what do i do go beat tw3 AGAIN just to get a clip of ciri facing the white frost#...................... well........#ok ngl actually a shot of emhyr in the beginning of the game would be better to explain 'lore inconsistencies'#because that's probably more aggravating to me than the 'we changed the white frost so you can fight it' thing#that thing is understandable. that's like basic video game logic. antagonists can be fought...#and though i don't like that messaging that forces of nature can be fought...#i understand this is a AAA game with outcomes that need to be written as endings. it's not an experiential VN#emhyr in tw3 though has just annoyed me and has actually annoyed me ever since i found out his character from the books#after all that you're gonna take him and pretend he just wanted to be a better dad and have a good heir on the throne...#well ok he did want a good heir on the throne. to be fair. just. not ciri but her child ... ahem#tw3 just dropped that pregnancy plot like a hot potato 😭 because it's so uncomfortable#without vilgefortz to decapitate in the end and the lodge actively plotting around i admit it loses its meaning#also to be fair tw3 does not have that throughline about reproduction and destiny that the books do#like the begetting of progeny is a huge huge huge theme in the books and so ciri's storyline is just one of a few ways it comes up#without geralt and yennefer specifically being angsty at the start about children it doesn't really work as a plot for ciri later on#the elbow-high diaries
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sysig · 9 days
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Animal collection as a hobby, a perfect fit! (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Pokemon#Helix#ZEX#DAX#And a Machamp and Zoroark(?) even I'm not sure lol#It's difficult to pick Pokemon for ZEX because are there any he /wouldn't/ like? Hard to think of any honestly#Mostly just carried-over thoughts from my own Pokemon stuff haha#Friend Balls look like VUX!!! Green with the red inlays (and also orange)!!!#A VUX is shaped like a friend you heard it here first#Now that I think of it why Haven't I made a ZEX friend shape.....Huh#There is already that one doodle of ZEX with a Pokeball also giving it a ''?'' haha I just couldn't help myself <3#And a Portal Cube! ZEX gets all the video game swag#If I was still in an Institute mood (I am - deeply) there was also the fact that Xigbar got a Pokeball at one point#Never saw him use it :0 Wonder what that was all about! Sounds cool :)#Clearly still in an Institute mood considering the final lol#Small silly scribbly based on that one comic haha ♪#What's there to talk about O> They're beautiful and that's that#What Pokemon teams would they have! How could ZEX possibly pick just 6 haha#He has a whole menagerie for a Reason#He Would end up with widely-agreed upon ugly 'mon wouldn't he...........Conkeldurr.......#Machamp is so obvious haha that's just a man! With four strong arms to hold you <3#DAX does not approve of your shenanigans ZEX#When does he ever haha#What would his team be like I wonder hehe ♪ Something loyal and serious hmm#A Stoutland immediately comes to mind for some reason haha#What would most VUX consider cute! An ever-question for me haha
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licorishh · 5 months
Replayed Modern Warfare 3 2011 on Veteran tonight and goooooooood night. Blood Brothers never gets any easier to watch no matter how many times you've done it and the ending really never misses huh
I apologize for the amount of yapping in the tags I reread it all on mobile and started giggling because it went on for so long but eh. Blessed are those who won't shut the freak up and all that
#call of duty#modern warfare 3 2011#i just. wow. wow wow wow wow wow#i've played these three games so many times over the last several years and i just.#they literally. never get old.#loose ends and blood brothers will never not make me cry and endgame and dust to dust will never not make me smile so hard#ending it with price smoking the cigar like he did in the first mission in the first game wHEN HE FIRST MET SOAP JUST UGHHHHHH.#i know y'all don't care but i don't care that y'all don't care i could literally yap about this until i shrivel up and die#i have never ever ever in my LIFE seen poetic justice played out so beautifully like it is at the very end#JUST. WOW. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW. WOW WOW. WOW#they do not frickin make games like that anymore DADGUM#i also forgot how frickin sad down the rabbit hole is?? like jeez louise they didn't have much screen time but gosh#i also have never in my life heard such gut-wrenching anguish from a grown man in my life like price in that one scene#I KNOW Y'ALL KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT THAT MAN MAKES ME FULL ON S O B IN THAT PART HE HAD NO BUSINESS#anyway i'll keep cutely living in denial and pretending literally any of the main characters besides price and nikolai are fine <3#foley and dunn and their team seemed just fine at the end of modern warfare 2 so i will accept that small mercy#at this point these games have taken everything else i love away from me so#y'all probably think i'm wild for how insane i get over these games but the nostalgia bit is a big part of it as well#like they're honestly in my opinion genuinely the greatest video games of all time#but the fact that i have that connection with my dad makes it so special#crazy cause he said he also cried in blood brothers and my dad is 54 and i have seen him cry one (1) other time in my entire life#heck infinity ward but also bless them i hope the devs live long beautiful wonderful prosperous delightful exciting fulfilling lives#Lord bless them and their entire bloodline for the contributions they have made to humanity not even joking#AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE FREAKING SOUNDTRACKS DO NOT GO THERE OAUSYDJAKAKDN#MW2 AND MW3 CREDITS. EXTRACTION POINT. COUP DE GRACE. RETREAT AND REVEILLE. CONTINGENCY. PARIS SIEGE. PRAGUE HOSTILITIES. RUSSIAN WARFARE.#UGHHHHHHHGHHHH everything about these games is so unbelievably perfect and immaculate#i have got to get over my art block NOWWWWWWWWWW#makarov is also the best villain i've ever seen idc bro he's frickin awesome#i mean obviously he's horrible and a disgustingly evil human being but as a character he's stupidly well-written
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blueskittlesart · 1 year
have you ever watch jacob gellers "every zelda is the darkest zelda?"
people constantly recommend video essays and zelda fan content in general to me like this and like. genuinely i understand where you're coming from and i appreciate the thought but. well. i have this thing about zelda content. when you think about these games as much as i do there comes a point where like, almost anything that can be said about these games is something ive already thought about (and i know that sounds narcissistic and like i think im better than other content creators and i PROMISE that's not that. it's just that ive spent like every waking moment since i was 11 doing this. so like genuinely almost anything you can bring up about these games i have spent some time thinking about) and i've also been exposed to so many bad-faith interpretations of these games that at this point i'd rather avoid analysis than end up getting angry at a stranger online. another piece to it is that i don't really enjoy watching video essays on topics i'm already super knowledgeable about--i feel like video essays function better as dumps of information to people who WOULDN'T otherwise have thought about the topic than facilitators of discourse between people who DO care a lot about the topic already. a video essay isn't a conversation-starter, it's a presentation, and presentations are BORING when you already know everything that the presenter is saying. I much prefer talking to people about mine & others' analysis via tumblr like this, because there's a bit more room for discourse and explanation & bad-faith interpretations are less easy to get caught up in!
so tldr i haven't watched it and i probably won't simply because video essays arent my preferred method of engaging with this topic lol. i'm sure it probably makes some good points tho
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ruvviks · 3 months
made the realization my vampire story would work best as a video game and now i can't stop thinking about it
#personal#like. vtm meets cyberponk. do you understand#it would be very focused on prioritizing... because you do play as a fully established character#but you get a bunch of jobs to take care of and you have to decide what you do first and most importantly how you solve it#you can combine certain jobs to do at once to save yourself time and effort but everything you do comes with consequences#if you ignore a problem for too long or deal with it poorly it will come back to bite you in the ass later. you can lose friends and such#basically you have it all from the start and then gradually like. work your way towards a single ending#locking yourself out of other paths because of the choices that you make etc etc and so on#friendships can help you out but they can also get in the way of other things so you have to think about like#how far you're willing to let yourself get distracted. but also no distractions is also a bad way to go at it because you'll end up alone#it would have a wide variety of endings but i suppose the 'canon' one would be the one where everything works out#because of the whole already established character thing. and also this is not real this is my story so i can do what i want#if it was an actual video game it wouldn't have a canon ending but it's never gonna happen so i can say it has a canon ending#but yeah you can play as heavenly the vampire hunter or as sun the vampire and then you get cool vampire abilities :]#i do like the idea of romance availability but they're different depending on who you play as#valentine can be romanced by both but he's a little brat so idk if you'd want that#isaac can only be romanced by heavenly because isaac is a gay man. valeska can be romanced by sun only because#valeska and heavenly are exes. so you can have a one night stand with her as heavenly and then she ghosts you LMAO#you can go into clubs... you can play carousel with npcs. it would be a very immersive experience#if you hang out at certain clubs too much then other vampire factions will be warier of you when you visit their club instead#you can forge alliances to be allowed into certain areas in town. you can disguise yourself. you have to hide your weapons#there's actual ways you can research locations or people involved in gigs so you can prepare yourself properly and potentially like#learn new things that open up a new way to deal with a situation#sometimes you have to wait until nighttime to be able to go somewhere because it's quieter around those hours. or vice versa#sometimes you have to wait a few days before someone can meet with you but if you miss the meeting you have to reschedule#and then you have to wait even longer. and some quests don't give you that much time so then you'd have to improvise#being spotted in a location can be dealt with by wiping security footage / killing the person who saw you. or just reloading your save#but if you've been spotted and you don't take care of it then that will ALSO have consequences. etc etc and so on#difficulty level in the game would determine how generous the game is surrounding stealth / time for quests / resilience of the guy you pla#and it wouldn't like. necessarily turn enemies into bullet sponges because that's lazy. it's much more fun to change other things
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monster-noises · 22 days
OOF it's been a while since I've had a nightmare visceral enough to wake me up from a dead sleep into straight terror... But I guess I shouldn't have underestimated how much my brain would pick up from a podcast Teirlisting Horror Games. .....
(I go on to describe the dream in the tags so watch out if you don't want to hear descriptions of the horrors my brain can cook up.. cw Body Horror mostly)
#monster noises#I thought it would be Fine because they weren't Playing the Games or Experiencing the Narrative#but i guess they were talking about Enough details and things my brain already knew that the Terror Machine that runs my sleep was like#OHOHOHO..... Ingredience#the Idea was i was playing a video game level but i was In the POV#and at first it was just a creepy apartment#but then weird ghost kids started showing up and i had to get them all#which was more annoying than scary until one of them dislocated several joints and started Yelling#and the quickly the lights were out and i had a flashlight and I had to hide from this monster called 'The Granny'#and it mechanically it was one of those things that can't see but Can hear but it also had like Seeking Tendrils#and I was attempting to hide under a table but i couldn t get under fast enough without making a bunch of noise#and the tendrils coming in way too close#and then it Screamed and started after me but i was stuck under the table and had to try and blindly back up to the door#while crouch-carrying the table#and the tension and fear of that experience was so high i shot awake in complete fear with my heart Pounding#and it's still not back to like.. level#but like truly this thing was Awful#very well could have been an official silent hill creature#the opposite of when you wake up in terror from a dream and the thing you were afraid of was actually pretty ridiculous#you wake up from seeing this thing and go 'alright yeah okay that's fair i'm Fully also afraid of that'#it's like#.. a desecated large human head#on the end of neck like a snake's body#but it's just bones and bits of driedout flesh#and it's body a jumbled mass of bones and sinews with long distinct skinless dried out limbs coming out of it#that it pawed along low to the ground with#the whole thing was drapped in a filthy shroud and coloured this dark dark tan#like Mummy Colour#i'm sure you know what I mean#but it was Awful
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classicjdog · 8 months
#i have some christmas money lying around so i guess i'm just gonna have to buy an ethernet cable#my setup (if you wanna call it that) is really not conducive to getting wired up at all#but fuck man there's no way i'm gonna just not play this fucking game it's way too fucking sick#well at least i had plenty of time to play the story lol which for the first like 80% of it's runtime it's like hey this is fun#like it's not super boring & there are actually some really cool moments sprinkled in here & there#then there's the second-to-last jin/kaz fight which was kinda what i expected the finale to be#like ok they've got their big crazy final forms & they're gonna have their big over-the-top anime fight & that's all fine i guess#but then they have one last normal hand-to-hand fight#and speaking as a long-time hardcore tekken fan that last fight is one of the best most joyful experiences i've ever had with a video game#like i've always felt that jin's transition from tekken 3 to tekken 4 was such a cool melding of story with gameplay#like in story at the end of t3 he's betrayed by heihachi so in t4 he forcibly unlearns the martial art heihachi taught him#and this is reflected in gameplay by his moveset being completely different so them coming back around to that in t8#and reinforcing the whole theme of jin accepting his past by LITERALLY GIVING YOU HIS TEKKEN 3 MOVESET IN THE FIGHT AGAINST KAZUYA#WHILE A REMIX OF HIS TEKKEN 3 THEME PLAYS???? GOD WHAT A FUCKING SEQUENCE!!! CHEF'S KISS MWAH MWAH MWAH#and then just the lovely little moments of fanservice. obvious stuff like kaz wavedashing or he & jin doing the namco logo thing 1 last tim#but then obscure stuff like jins t3 df1 glitch & kazuyas weirdo t4 re-stun combos?? like how many ppl are even gonna know about that shit??#they hella did not have to do that but they did & it makes me so so so happy#so yea the t8 story is like 80% a fun entertaining little romp & 20% the hypest shit i've ever ever ever seen#and also reina is the best new character namco have made for tekken since steve in t4#it's funny cause in the whole leadup to t8 i was having a little trouble figuring out who i was gonna main#cause in t7 i spent most of my time bouncing around basically the whole cast before finally settling on julia near the end#obv no julia in t8 so i had to pick someone else & no one in t8 was really jumping out at me#lots of super cool characters that i'd already played quite a lot of but not really anyone that's like ok yea that's my fucking guy#lots of sick af potential secondaries but no main basically#then they released the reina trailer & i was like ok yea that's my fucking guy#sick design sick stage sick AS FUCK music & a bunch of mishima staples to go along with it???#she's got an electric? hellsweep? wavedash? flash punch combo? stonehead?#plus some heihachi specific staples? demon breath? heaven's gate? iron hand? fucking HUNTING HAWK??? then yea that's MY FUCKING GUY#so yea reina fucking rules & i just wanna play her against real ppl please for the love of fuck#OH ONE MORE THING THEY DID ANOTHER GREAT JOB WITH THE MUSIC. AT LEAST 3 NEW TRACKS ADDED TO THE TEKKEN PANTHEON OF ALL-TIME CLASSICS
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No one talk to me I just came back from a family vacation to find out my favorite youtuber ever is leaving the platform.
I am devastated.
(I am actually happy for him, he has given me so much happiness for like 8 years. He deserves to let the channel go an enjoy his life. It just hurts, but I'll get over it
I'm so thankful for MatPat and Steph. I Hope every future endeavour or project they take on is successful and that over all they have a happy and fulfilling life with Ollie.💚❤️💛💙)
#I leave to a place with no cellphone signal and come back to this?#may be the lord was protecting me idk#What do I call this? a personal rant? Im not really ranting more like letting my feelings out#venting if you#never done this on my blog before but I feel like I have to#I've been a Fan of game theory since I was like 13 or 14#He was like the first youtuber I ever suscribed to#that spoke english cause my first language is spanish lol#His videos and overall community meant a lot to me. I dont know how could I possibly express that#Of course Im going to still watch the videos after he is gone with the new hosts but still it wont be the same#Hope this doesnt sound too like sad. I dont mean to be negative. I am legitemetly so proud and happy for him#I mean He had one of the classiest goodbyes of YouTube at least I can say my favorite youtuber was never cancelled thats a win haha#But seriously he has achieved so much and has over all been such a positive influencer how could I not be proud to call myself a Fan#so truly I am not sad He ended on the highest note you could ask for. I cannot ask for anything more from him.#I am not sad However I did cry like a Baby during the Video. Man I just. Im tearing up even thinking about it#but anyway#You bet I am going to watch every single one of his videos the second they upload until march 9.#And then I am going to dedicate the day to the celebration he supposedly plans for then#I will probably vent some more in a bigger post then too. like I did in this tags lol.#Right now... I just cant. I need to process a little more heh#MatPat#Matthew Patrick#The game Theorists#game theory#goodbye matpat
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