#it was janky and dumb and had some awkward moments and was kind of a mess
sabotourist · 5 months
bow chicka bye now
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motheatenscarf · 2 years
Okay, we're 6 episodes in now and I wanted to wait and make sure the first 3 eps weren't a fluke, but they weren't.
I am really enjoying S2 of TLoVM so far!
It's still good!
S1 had a rough start, but like, pilots are hard. I get it. Selling people on this world and these characters is a lot, setting the right tone is hard. I don't even think they botched it, I think it was just awkward for those first few episodes, but by the end of the Briarwood arc they really proved they can make a worthwhile story out of this with fucking gorgeous animation and solid character work.
S2 continues to impress me in terms of animation, I complained that the one dragon of S1 along with a few undead warg looking things were janky as fuck and looked terrible. Not the case anymore! The Chroma Conclave are CG and they are GORGEOUS, both in design and the way they move, I'm so glad they gave them the attention they need! The Sphynxes looked a little wonky, but in a way that implied maybe they were made of stone, and they're not here for that long anyway, so it's nothing that doesn't work well enough to get you through until they don't matter anymore.
My one nitpicky ultra critical complaint remains what it's always been; character talk too fucking much when they could just shut up and trust their audience to put two and two together.
I know that's like... a petty thing to complain about, but god it annoys me. It shouldn't! It's not like this is trying to be high art or anything! It's a fun dumb adventure story with focuses on action, horror, and comedy, and 2/3 of those it nails every time! It just bugs me that they make crude jokes, they curse, they have gore out the fucking whazoo, they are clearly branding themselves as a Grownup Show For Adults, so the way some of the unnecessary dialogue holds people's hands through scenes like they are small children who don't have any kind of understanding of visual language just... annoys me.
Spoilers below the cut for the most egregious example of this specific gripe;
Okay, so Scanlan being the one to "wound" the Sphynx was something I saw coming a mile away. That's not a bad thing, I've said before if a narrative has done its job, you know what's coming because you've been paying attention to the themes and foreshadowing. I don't remember this being in C1, but I barely remember this part of C1, so that's not saying much, everything between the Briarwood arc and Westruun kinda blurs together for me. But! I knew that it was gonna be Scanlan and that he'd do his bard cutting words shit and wound the Sphynx by reminding him of Osysa. And he did! And it was a sweet moment, I liked that we see the effect it has on the Sphynx as he looks sad and cries. I am a human adult who understands simple emotional cues, I can see he is wounded. The fucking Sphynx does not then with his words need to tell me "You have done what no other has before, you have wounded me; you have wounded my heart." I know that! Scanlan knows that! We saw him crying!
The dialogue that follows is, y'know, clumsy, but I get why they have Scanlan say with his words that he is lonely even though everything in the narrative is beating us over the head about it. But god the whole "Oh, you have wounded me!" thing was just. It irritated me. Just have the Sphynx cry and THEN say, "You must know great love in your life to understand such pain as this." That's it! That's all we need!
It just bugs me!
And it shouldn't!
And I know it!
I'm fully aware how petty I'm being but my god, if you are making a grown up show for adults, trust your audience to be able to discern that a SAPIENT BEING THAT IS CRYING. IS EMOTIONALLY WOUNDED. For FUCK'S SAKE.
Anyway, A- so far, the animation really is amazing and the characters and world are a lot of fun. It's fun! It's fun and worthwhile and good and doesn't try to be anything more than what it needs to be, which is good, I'm just insane and impossible to please.
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 09.10.20 lb
lol, lemme preface this by telling you what i know about the show from my out-of-context insta-viewing:
kabir sends his gf riddhima in to spy on vansh RAISINGHANIA (naam ka wazan check karein ji. kaafi hi bhaari-bharkam, just like the fake baritone the actor playing the character is being forced to put on.) vansh is some kinda shady, but idk WHAT SPECIFIC KIND of shady..... like is he just your garden-variety-evil-capitalist-ala-ambani-bezos, or is he into shit like drug smuggling and human/organ trafficking???? no one knows. maybe a little bit of both. but kabir’s a COP, and we all know that those fuckers are the shadiest shits around (#ACAB) so yeah, true to type, kabir shadyyyyyyyy. he’s actually the secret illegitimate son of vansh’s stepmom and together they wanna ruin vansh and take all his monies. so anyway, kabir sends in riddhima, who’s just a whole special brand of dumbass, but also extraordinarily determined in the way only tellywood heroines are. so she’s basically sticking her nose everywhere that doesn’t belong and being a pain in the ass of literally everyone in the show, including her own (coz she seems to get injured in novel and entertaining ways in every second episode.) kabir ultimately manipulates her into marrying vansh, while vansh has apparently married her KNOWING that she’s a spy and is probably playing the long game to see who her puppet-master is. long story short, heterosexuality is too potent a force and the Stupid Spy Girl and Gangsta Guy are currently slowly giving in to the Feelz™, despite missing that one-little-teensy-weensy-who-even-needs-it-in-a-real-relationship thing. y’know, that little thing called, idk, i think it’s called “TRUST” or some such strange unheard-of concept.
oh, in between all this there’s also some bizarre plot about some ex of vansh’s called ragini, who’s dead??? missing? idk. kabir is real interested in that and wants to jail vansh for it, but we’ve long forgotten about ragini by this point #RIPSis anyway, there’s some kinda statue of her’s in the attic or some shit, coz vansh is some kinda modern day gender-reversed medusa who turns women who cross him into statues??? idk man, idk. so riddhima is pretty much in constant danger of being statue-d.
also vansh has a requisite irritating famiy in tow, that he’s burdened with being in charge of (coz no rest for the unfortunate eldest son who lives in this godforksaken mansion, be that an oberoi or a raisinghania) feat: a dadi who is well-meaning, but as annoying as the one in IB was, constantly spouting platitudes about how vansh and Spy Girl trooooooly lurrrrrrrrrrve each other *kissy noises*; some chachi/chacha who are all “HEY WHY DOES HE GET TO BE THE BOSS, WE WANT CONTROL OF THE CRORE-ON KA BIJNESS TOO”, some very fake kanji-eyed siblings/cousins who are supreme bitches, and ofc one (1) normal sibling who is sweet but really does nothing around here. oh and there’s his right hand man/bff too, who seems to be not 100% (maybe just 83%?) incompetent like everyone else. that poor sod just got suckered into marrying Kanji Aankhon Waali Bitch Sister, who is pregnant with some total rando’s baby, and is just an all-round asshole to Riddhima/Right Hand Man, because “ugh, yeh do kaudi ke middle class naukar log, cheeeeee.”
ok now that the sasta, not-at-all-useful recap has been done, LET’S GET INTO THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
the chachi is screaming her goddamn headdddd off coz her room is on fire. ofc it is. when has anything good ever happened in this manhoos house of horrors.
lmao the kanji eyed cousin has like 3% concern that his mom will be fried like a taaza jalebi. he's literally sauntering luxuriously towards his mom's room jaise park mein tehel raha ho.
chachi's screaming is getting on my nerves. aunty you're wasting valuable oxygen this way.  
riddhima is behind some secret box that aryan and chachi stashed in the room.
THESE PPL ARE SO CHILL ABOUT A WHOLE ROOM ON FIRE (note: it’s shivaay's room in IB) and they're just hanging out in the living room (which if you’ll remember, IS ATTACHED TO THE ROOM THAT WAS SHIVAAY’S) as if fire doesnt have a tendency to y'know..........  SPREAD RAPIDLY.
riddhima is fighting with the bloody fireman saying ki i need to save the box. #priorities
aaaaaaand the fireman is kabir, who has come to haath maarofy on Box of Secrets.
and we know this coz he did a DRAMAAAAAAAAATIC reveal by taking off his mask. in a room FULLY ON FIRE. idhar non-flaming rooms mein bhi ab mask nikaalna danger ho gaya hai, and this guy justtttttttttt dgaf. tum jaison ki wajaah se hi we can't bloody stop the spread.
my god this house has been decorated soooooooo fucking tackily. never thought the oberois would be the classy ones.
shady saasumaa and riddhima stinkeye-ing each other over a bowl of shehed. lol, what even. truly some "rasode mein kaun tha" lvl of politics.
oh ho, saasumaa and kabir lagaaofied the aag.
saasumaa gloating over the fact that riddhima will now never get her hands on Box of Secrets.
flashback time: hahahahaha KABIR LITERALLY LOBBED A MOLOTOV COCKTAIL INTO THE ROOM AND CHACHI DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING HEAR IT OR ANYTHING. lmao everyone in this show is a dumbass. how blissful life must be with just one (1) working brain cell.
riddhima runs into flaming room. ofc now we will have a prolonged sequence where kabir tries to keep his identity and riddhima being the dheent that she is, will give chase.
please note, that not even 48 hours ago, this woman walked barefoot on a bed of coals AND a hallway full of broken glass. AND NOW SHE'S RUNNING FULL SPEED BEHIND KABIR AS IF SHE’S PT USHA. SIS, TUMHARE PAIR HAIN KI KYA HAIN? YOU'RE LONG OVERDUE FOR AN INTENSE PEDICURE AFTER THIS WEEK.
and ofc, he got into a getaway car and made it away.
yeh lo, iss beech mein dadi behosh. ouff.
whooooooooops, dadi has some weird blue nishaan on her neck.
some more stinkeye politics between saas bahu.
bahu is passive-aggressively giving saasumaa roses to congratulate her on winning this round.
riddhima is dheent!max. she's like kuch bhi ho, i'll find the secret anyway and your victory will witherrrrrrr awayyyyyyyy like these flowerssssss and you will be left with the thorns that will prick youuuuuuuu!!!!!!!
just looking at helly's ears is making my ears hurt like a bitch. 
hey riddhima, have you ever thought that maybe this secret child of hers is NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS?????? like honestly, the entitlement desis have to know the workings of other ppl’s wombs.
lol dumbass mummyji crumpled the flowers in her hand and played right into riddhima's stupid kaante waala metaphor. #ramMilayiJodi
hero ko covid hai toh ainvayi ke phone calls se kaam chalaana pad raha hai.
the dude left his house for literally the first time in months and the place is on fire and dadi got shot in the neck with poison. and the wife doesn't think she should tell him so that he doesn't become "pareshaan". sure, this seems like a dude who'll take this kinda thing real light when he finds out later.
(hint: he’s not. he’s a crazed, overprotective weirdo about his family. sound familiar?????)
this guy's dialogue delivery is so dodgy. idk what it is, it just seems so affected.
that plus the ainvayi ka editing just showing him in some random car (clearly from the earlier eps)  is just adding to the jankiness of the scene.
husband dude seems to know wifey's quirks quite well. kinda cute, kinda creepy. 
lol kal tak toh yeh banda itna romantic nahi tha. like he had a smooth moment here and there, but he was mostly real awkward and robotic and unsure how to handle These Strange New Feelings™. now he’s spouting cheesyass lines about being able to see the one who is special to you with dil ki aankhein and idk what.
who are these people who like SHARING their room with another person? #unrealistic
but i also i get you, riddhima. he was pretty much the only thing worth looking at in this room, coz the rest of it is so damn fugggggg. this room should be the one set on fire.
dang, some steamy scenes between them in the flashbacks. ouff abhi jaake episodes dhundne padenge. coz #tharkiTTisTharki
riddhima doing dadi seva. boooooooooring.
ofc dadi ki sui is always atkofied on playing cupid for pota, taaki she can score some par-pota/potis.
riddhima ki best friend ka happy birthday hai.
riddhima is like a lottttt has happened in my life, can't really tell you over a call. yup, that’s for sure. 
ok apparently sejal who said she’s in dubai now is NOT in dubai?? she's just up and flew to mumbai to "surprise" riddhima...... on HER OWN birthday? #doesNotCompute
lmao kabir's annoyance with mummy's useless glass of water. WHY DO MOMS THINK EVERYTHING CAN BE SOLVED WITH DRINKING MORE WATER?!?!?!!
now he's yelling at mom about how she's ruined everything. sure. blame the only one who's actually doing shit around here, while you sit on your ass in this room, glaring and growling like a hangry bear.
some menacing dialogue about how he needs to thikaane lagaaofy riddhima's hosh.
which has been overheard by bff sejal, who went and dropped a showpiece from shock. cool. so she gonna die. bye sejal, hardly got to know ya!
sejal being here doesn’t even make sense. she thought he was a PT teacher. then why did she show up here at his police waala office? also how did she connect the dots about the whole damn story with like 0.04% context that she got from what she overheard? kuchhhhhhh bhi.
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agentbarton12 · 5 years
Sticky Business
AN: and here we have it folks! ive been putting off posting this cause im lAzY but i finally did. most of the chapters are already done so updates will vary. this is a post homecoming fic btw
masterlist | series masterlist
Ah, New York. A beautiful place, truly it is. Amidst all the commotion and flying aliens and mutants, I always manage to find some sense of calm. Be it the rhythm of the car horns beeping, or the occasional yelling of an angry passer-by, there was always something to be seen, to be captured, which is why I found myself situated on the roof of our apartment building, against my mother’s wishes.
I am not a rebellious child, truly I’m not. But when I believe strongly in my opinion and a figure of authority happens to contradict said opinion, you best be sure that I am going to stand for my beliefs. If it means a few days of detention, I couldn’t care less. I actually don’t care. I have never been to detention — well I have never been sent to detention, but I make my occasional visits to the hollowed out and depressing classroom — and I know that it is because my teachers are afraid that I will say something about the social injustice of how I am not allowed express my opinions without getting reprimanded because it does not conform to the way they want me to think. Or something like that.
So, there I was, sitting on the roof of our janky old apartment building, sketching the dumb corner that blocked me from seeing anything. Even at this height, I was never able to see around or over that dumb corner. It’s not like I was expecting something to pop and surprise me, I lived in a pretty boring part of Queens, so I wasn’t looking for anything.
But then a man swinging through the alley caught my attention. Sounds went through my ears and a yelp of confusion caused me to lean forward a bit. Just slightly.
That’s when a flash of blue and red swung by me but came to a halt mid-swing and let of his webbing. Spider-Man. Queens very own vigilante.
He stopped short and stared at me on the roof. So, I guess I must’ve looked suspicious sitting on the railing of a roof with nothing but a notebook and pencil. I understand why anyone would be worried that I might do something irrational while I was up there. It made sense. But he just stood there on the ground without saying anything. I pretended to ignore him, and I continued sketching.
“You okay up there, Miss?” he asked tilting his head up to me.
I wasn’t expecting him to say anything. I thought he was just going to stand there until he made sure I was okay and then move on. No such luck.
“Yep. Just sketching,” I said back to him. I kind of shouted, but not really because I did not want to attract the attention of my mother.
He looked confused and glanced around him, looking for something. “What exactly has caught your attention?’
I snorted. He wasn’t wrong. There was absolutely nothing interesting to capture here. Where I was, it was just garbage can after garbage can. But there was something there. I just seemed to be the only one who could see it. “This is New York, Spidey! There’s inspiration everywhere.” And that was true.
I think he chuckled, I was too high up to really hear. “And what inspires — ”
“My purse!” a voice shrieked from somewhere nearby. Spider-Man held up a finger to indicate that he’ll be back and swung into action.
I craned my neck and watched as he disappeared around the corner. Once he was out of my sight, I went back to my sketch. My legs were dangling aimlessly over the railing and the sense of fear wasn’t kicking in. I guess it was because I wasn’t worried about falling because I’ve done this before.
Spider-Man came swinging back a few moments later. He stopped in the same place as before and gave me what I assumed was an apologetic look. I couldn’t tell with the mask and everything.
“I’m back.”
“So, you are.”
“Sorry about that,” he said, and I shrugged nonchalantly in response. He looked up for a moment, not at me, but he seemed to be thought. He snapped his finger like he got the answer to a question he had been stuck on. “I just remembered what we were talking about.”
I looked at him blankly. I was not looking to continue the conversation. I just wanted to sketch my corner in peace.
When I didn’t respond, he spoke again, “I believe I was asking what inspired you about an — ”
“ — MICHELLE!” Dang it. I visibly tensed up as my name sounded throughout the apartment.
My mother’s angry voice scared me enough to send me toppling over the railing and landing on the floor of the roof. No sound escaped my lips, I made sure of it. I silently cursed and got up. I quickly grabbed my bag and headed for the door.
“MICHELLE! I swear if you are on that roof again!” My mother yelled from the terrace of our apartment. I knew she couldn’t see me, but it felt like she could, so I quickly and quietly slipped through the door and started heading down the stairs. I stopped for a moment when I heard my mother yelp.
“Spider-Man? What are you doing here?” she asked. Good question. Why was he still there?
My mother never gave him time to answer though, she just ploughed on with the questions. “Are you here to help Miss Crux? Did she misplace her keys again? Poor soul, she loses them almost every day.”
“Oh no. I was just passing through. But if you could be so kind and check on her for me, that would be great.”
“Sure...um, okay.”
I thought the conversation was over, so I continued down the stairs.
“Uh, Spider-Man, you wouldn’t have happened to see my daughter up on the roof? Dark, curly hair, brown skin? Nose in a book?”
I froze in my step. If Spider-Man rats me out, I’ll be grounded for a week. (Not like I have anywhere to go, it’s just the thought that is chilling.)
I waited for the blow to come, but it never did. Instead I heard him say, “Oh no, I haven’t. Sorry.”
I let out a sigh of relief and ran down the stairs quickly. I jumped the last few and ran to our apartment.
“Michelle!” my mom screamed. “I want you here right now. Miche — ”
I opened the door and was in the kitchen before my mother got back from the terrace. “I’m here. Relax.”
She gave me her don’t mess with me look. “Where were you?”
I shrugged. “I was visiting Mr Torres downstairs because I know how lonely he gets during the afternoons and I thought he could use some help. It has been a while since we visited him, y’know,” I lied partly. We really hadn’t seen him in a couple of months.
My mother thought for a while then let out a sigh. “Sorry,” she said. “I thought you were on the roof.”
“When I know you don’t want me there? I would never.” I said with mock shock.
She rolled her eyes at me. I could tell she believed me. She wouldn’t have apologised otherwise.
“You need to tell me when you leave, Michelle. Tehy could be watching and they might see you and—”
“—I know, Mom. I know. Stop worrying, no one saw me.” Except Spider-Man, I thought to myself. Speaking of which…
I leaned over the kitchen counter and put my bag on the table. “Who were you talking to?” I asked, acting oblivious.
She looked hummed in confusion. “What?”
“On my way up, I thought I heard you talking to someone. Who was it?”
“Oh, no one.” She tried to brush it off, but I’m better at that than she is. I gave her a look that showed I was not buying any of it. She sighed in defeat. “I was just talking to Spider-Man.”
I snorted. Staying in character. “Eww. You were flirting with Spider-Man? You do realise that he could be a seventy-year-old under there, right?”
She rolled her eyes at me again. “It wasn’t flirting, it was just friendly conversation.”
I scrunched my nose in distaste and rolled my eyes, moving into an upright position. “Still gross.”
As if something occurred to her, she moved to her room and came back with her bag. “You reminded me. I need to check on someone.”
She gave me a kiss before leaving the apartment. I had a feeling she was going to see Miss Crux. Look at her, being a good citizen, listening to Spider-Man. Good for her. (That was sarcasm, in case you didn’t notice.)
I grabbed myself a slice of bread and buttered it. I poured some juice and grabbed the jam from the fridge. I ate in silence.
I was surprised when my mother agreed to check on Miss Crux. She’s never been one to…follow authority. I had assumed she was just saying she would do it but was actually going to lounge on the sofa with a cup of coffee. But when she actually walked out of the apartment and sounds of high-pitched laughter came from Miss Crux’s apartment next door, I was completely baffled as to why my mom did it.
I’m not saying she’s a bad person, she’s not, but she’s not the best in the world. She’s done some things and I think she feels bad about them, I don’t know seeing as she never talks about them. She’s moved on, I guess, from that life. I wouldn’t know. I can only hope that she has.
I cleared away everything I had used and washed my dishes. Even though my mom was feeling like the Good Samaritan today, didn’t mean that she won’t lash out on me as soon as she finds dirty dishes in the sink.
Once all that was done, I decided that I was going to visit Mr Torres — for real this time.
I stepped out and locked the door, slipping the key in my back pocket. I knew my mom had a spare and I just hoped that she hadn’t left it in the apartment. I shrugged the thought off and continued down the stairs.
Mr Torres lives in the apartment below ours and there was a time when my mom and I would constantly visit him, but when time and reality kicked us both in the butt, majority of the things we did together came to a halt.
Was this halt sudden? No, it wasn’t. Was it expected? After a while, yes. There was a time when I stopped inviting my mom to school stuff because I knew she wouldn’t be able to make it. She stopped inviting me to Take Your Kid to Work Day, because I always had homework to do or a book to read or something else. It never occurred to me that maybe we were just avoiding each other. Avoiding the awkward and emotional conversation that would leave us both bawling our eyes out.
We’ve never been those to wear our emotions proud for everyone to see — it’s one of the things we have in common — which is why I think we’ve been avoiding the conversation. It would lead to us openly discussing our feelings. Eww.
I didn’t realise that I had reached Mr Torres’ door. I shook myself off. I raised my hand to knocked on the door but stopped midway. I wasn’t afraid of him. I just didn’t know how he would act, you know having someone be there then disappear without so much as a warning and then poof! magically reappear. It made me feel like dirt.
When I finally knocked on the door, and heard a faint, “Who is it?” I took a deep breath in.
“It’s Michelle. Michelle Jones? Jo’s daughter. I stay upstairs and — ”
The door opened. In all my rambling, I didn’t notice the shuffling going on, on the other side of the door. Mr Torres greeted me with a smile and I gave him a lame one in return — tight-lipped, slightly forced and lopsided — noting that he probably didn’t notice it.
His smile never faltered, even as he ushered me in, even though I knew my way around, I allowed him to lead me. He gestured for me to sit down in the general direction of the chairs. I didn’t sit. I watched as he felt his way around looking for his arm chair, and only sat myself when I knew he was seated. I sat down.
He looked over to where he thought I was, and I shifted in my seat a little just to be in his line of vision. “It’s so good to see you again.”
That stung. I’m not sure if he was saying it out of habit or if he was making a joke or if he thought I forgot about his condition, that made me stiffen and suck in a breath. He must’ve noticed, because he let out a hearty chuckle and tapped his belly. “Only playing, Michelle.”
I nodded knowing full well he couldn’t see me.
Mr Torres was blind. Or visually impaired if you want to beat around the bush. I don’t know for how long, I never asked him. Thought that would be personal and emotional and…feelings. I assume he wasn’t born blind, because he seems to have memorized the layout of his apartment pretty well, seeing as he can get around without a cane.
“Can I help you with something, Michelle?”
It just then dawned on me how quiet I was being. Usually when I initiate a conversation, I know exactly what I want to talk about and I steer the conversation in that direction. But coming down here had been a spur of the moment decision. I had no time to think of what I would say, or do once I got here, and Mr Torres’ unintentional guilt tripping wasn’t making it any easier for me.
I took a deep breath and let out a sigh. “I-uh…I just wanted to talk. It’s been a while and I thought we could catch up.”
His eyes lit up (if that’s even possible) and he gave me an infectious smile. I smiled back even though he couldn’t see it. “I’d like that.”
And so, we talked. He told me about his nieces and nephews, about this lady who visits almost every week to check up on him. About everything I missed out on. And I told him about AcaDec, about how I was named captain and how I might have friends.
He never once asks about why my mom and I stopped visiting and I’m very glad for it because I don’t think I’m ready to talk about it. He seemed to understand because anytime the conversation was headed in that direction, he subtly steered it away. I guess he knew that I’d talk to him about it when I was ready to.
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miyoron · 5 years
Miyo’s Anime of the Decade though Actually Just 2019
***Before I start this list, I would like to continue to send out good vibes and hope to all those affected by the Kyoto Animation arson attacks this past summer. It still hurts and I hope things can get better for everyone affected by it, even though I'm sure some things will take a long time to heal, if they ever will. Just know that you will always have me wishing you the best I can and sending out hope for you to recover at your own pace.***
I like writing these things every year. Whether it lets me know if my tastes are changing or staying the same, or if I'm just sentimental, writing about things I like is fun. Anime is good and I like watching it. I watched a good amount of stuff this year even if some seasons I couldn't find anything I say would fit this list.
For example, I started watching the Symphogear series and it's fun but I wouldn't say I liked it as much as any of these shows. Anima Yell is a very cute show but I didn’t have much to say about it, same for Aggretsuko again. I liked the main characters of JoJo part 5, but I wouldn't say I liked watching that, especially as the villain was revealed more and more. Fire Force was fun for me for like 5 episodes or so but then I bailed so take that as you will.
But I don't want to sound too mean here. No, this is for stuff I liked a lot and I wanted to write about things I enjoyed. This year I actually kept track of shows I liked as opposed to figuring out what I'd go on this list at the last moment. Crazy, I know, but this could be a good idea. Don't worry, I didn't take TOO many notes so this will be pretty off the cuff of my head like normal though I'm sure. As always, I will be using whatever title is easier for me to write/preference.
With this bit of text out of the way, let's la GO!  In no particular order (as always)...
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Mob Psycho 100
This entry counts for both season 1 and season 2. I kind of sped through the first one a little so I could catch up in time for the second one. I feel it stuck with me just as much though. Mob Psycho is a solid action series with very silly things going on in the background of it...and foreground honestly). I suspect ONE is very good at making this sort of series. Honestly though, every character in this show is great and there's so many feel good moments. Mob  himself is a wonderful character. The most powerful psychic force in the universe but he just wants to get buff to go out with his crush.
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There's a lot to like about this series. The humor is on point and anything with Reigen is going to be hilarious, especially if it takes a while. Animation is consistently top notch, especially in season 2, and I love the psychic effects. They end up looking like an old 90's video filter or trapper keeper or something. However, the most impressive thing this series does is show that maybe fighting isn't the way to do things all the time and that the most important thing you can show isn't just sympathy, but empathy.
Mob is a really good show and both of the OVAs are fun as heck. I dunno why I originally slept on Season 1, but I'm glad I came aboard.
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Kaguyasama: Love is War
You probably know this one from that one ending with the pink haired girl dancing, that was going around for a while even though it was only for one episode. This series actually took me a little bit to get into mainly due to being WAY too tired to keep up with it. The set up being that the smartest boy and girl in the most elite high school both want to ask the other out. However, being the one to ask the other out would be to give up all power and admitting defeat. Basically it's a battle of two love struck idiots trying to get the other to ask them out.
As dumb as that sounds, the setups are often hilarious. Seeing the main characters trying to out scheme each other and keep a straight face while watching is a challenge in itself. It's like that 4th dimensional chess but the end result is seeing who will hold the other's hand first. Then throw in the wild card of Chika who seems to both not know what's going on while understanding how easy it is to end up on top in these battles and...look it's very funny ok? Even if sometimes the joke is just "weiner".
Shows that made me tear up count: 1
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Similar to the Kemono Friends and its big gold star award, I felt like Kemurikusa deserved a shoutout this year. It's still janky like Kemono Friends before it, but after everything that went down with that series, it was definitely telling when this was the better of the two. This is a weird series and only some of that is due to the animation. The studio does a wonderful job of making a world that's both interesting and haunting at the same time. Everything that happens all ties to a big mystery that isn't revealed for quite a while.
The characters are fun enough. From the serious Rin to the caring Ritsu. From the voracious Rinas to the dweeby Wakaba. It's a fun cast going on a road trip throughout the apocalypse as they try to find good water for their big plant friend that drives around their husk of a bus. It can get pretty dark at times even with the neon bright colors the titular kemurikusa shimmering softly in the background. Oh also there's a roomba friend and a girl with sharp teeth so I mean, it's got something for everybody.
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This series is a cute little show with a setup which is potentially mean if you think about it. Bocchi's best friend is afraid she won't ever be able to make any other friends since they're going to different middle schools. Because of this, she says they can't be friends again until she befriends everyone in her class. The biggest hurdle to this challenge being Bocchi is horribly shy and socially awkward which just makes things seemingly impossible for her to overcome. Luckily, this is a cute comedy series.
The show is basically about Bocchi trying to make new friends so she can hopefully one day reunite with her bestie from the past. As I said before though, she's kind of bad with knowing how to communicate with people so she has a bad habit of say following friend making tips she read in books or online to a t and not deviating from them. Thankfully she is able to meet with lovable weirdos like blunt Nako, pitiful Aru and ninja girl Sotoka. It's a cute little series that also has a lot of heart, especially if you've ever had to overcome your own social anxieties to interact with others before. It's also funny too so there's a bonus even.
Shows that made me tear up count: 2
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Carole and Tuesday
Shhhh. Don't let Netflix know I finished this before they did. Carole and Tuesday is a fun show from the creator of Cowboy Bebop, as evidenced in the fact it takes place on Mars and uses the same currency. It's a fairly simple plot, two girls meet up one day on the streets and start playing music together. One's an orphan who's basically lived alone for most of her life, the other is a rich girl running away from her politician mother (whose politics are a little too close for comfort these days). They just wanna make music man, and with a former big time agent with them, how can they lose!
Carole and Tuesday are fun characters and the show has a fun future sci fi vibe while still being grounded in reality. One of the biggest highlights is definitely the music though with lots of new songs in every episode and a good number of them being certifiable bangers. There's an overarching plot that also hits too close to home at times but the big finale at the end made it all worth it in the end really. This is an easy show to recommend and I am doing so to you right now. Go see these girls trying to make it to the big time!
Shows that made me tear up count: 3
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Fruits Basket (2019)
I skipped out on Fruits Basket the first time around. I always told myself I'd go back and check it out but, knowing how I do things, this never actually happened. Part of me is kind of glad I waited to check it out though since I really like the style of the new show compared to the one from the early 00s. What I'm saying is I should have checked this out a lot earlier than I did but I don't feel visually bad for doing so.
Fruits Basket is a show featuring Tohru, the most helpful lovable girl, and a cast of characters who all start to love her because she is the most helpful lovable girl. This might sound like a bad thing but it's not. All of the characters are really fun, save one who I don't know WHY they don't just beat up, and I love seeing all their interactions. I just grew really invested in all of them and keep hoping everything will end up ok for them in the end, while in some cases waiting for a really big shoe to drop and biting my nails in the process.
I dunno if I have a super bunch to say about it other than my favorites are Uo-chan and Hana-chan and I can't wait until part 2 shows up. I am ready to see more of these Zodiac weirdos get hugged by Tohru and become animals and have her solve their problems in that order.
Shows that made me tear up count: 4
....Now, as usual, I will take a break to talk about the Precures I watched this year...
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Futari wa Precure
This year, my friend Cheapsteaks and I decided to go after the OG Precure scene by watching the series that started it all. School girls run into fairies being pursued by weird monsters from another dimension/world/whatever and have to become legendary warriors to help them out. It's a story we all know well, just with lots of dropkicks and judo tosses.
As much as I like Honoka and Nagisa, and the opening theme...Futari wa has a lot of growing pains which is to be expected. Being the first one, it feels more like other magical girl series of the time compared to the style of later Pretty Cure series. From the rather uninspired villains, including one named Pissard, to the bland crush of Fuji P-senpai, and especially the obnoxious fairies, this is definitely one of the weaker series in my eyes. Again, it's probably not fair to judge it though since they didn't know what they were doing yet with this series.
That being said, there is a dumb fun to watching the Crunchyroll subs for a nostalgic taste of hard yellow subs and often not great audio. Again, the best parts of this are Honoka and Nagisa and I can see why they still get to be super popular today.
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Smile Precure!
The other older series we checked out this year was Smile Precure which is much more my speed. The characters are all really good and they're all super good friends and it just makes me feel good. Like just in general they'rea really good and strong cast and I love all of them. Reika/Cure Beauty is the secret funniest character just by being the straight man on a team of doofuses and it works so well.
Miyuki's desire to make everything around her "Ultra Happy" just makes you feel good seeing a character who just wants others around her to be as happy as she is. All she needs is a smile and that makes me also smile. Akane is fiery and powerful, Yayoi is a big sweetie whose artistic trials and tribulations I SUPER identify with, Nao is a super cool big sister and I already brought up Reika being great. This is really one of my favorite Precures I've watched so far and I'm going to be sad to see it go in a few weeks.
I'd also be remiss if I didn't mention that I love the stupid villain trio. Especially Akaoni. I love you big red oni doofus. (Please see oni times in the link below)
Shows that made me tear up count: 5 (ANY NAO EPISODE AAAA)
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Star Twinkle Precure
The newest Precure series! One we also dragged fellow anime friend Metalray into and I feel like it was a fun enough one. Cute alien encounters trying to help space zodiac princesses with a fluff unicorn and a tentacalien? Sign me up my dudes. Star Twinkle is a fun series and has a lot of things going for it, while also having weird similarities to Smile sometimes like soccer related attacks from good big sisters and prim and proper arrow girls.
The characters as always really make the show I feel when it comes to Precure and Lala is adorable enough to carry it entirely herself? But the enthusiasm of Hikaru is always fun because it usually just involves her being really into outer space and everything in it. Hey there's even Elena who is Mexican-Japanese and the show even explores a bit of her growing up being different from others so like, that's pretty cool I think? If it helps little kids learn to accept others and be cool through lil hermit crabs and dog space police officers, I think that's a real good thing.
...Now Precure time is over but I'm looking forward to next year's offering and seeing what old ones we go after next. (Spoilers, we will probably do Max Heart and Fresh!)...
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How Heavy are the Dumbbells You Lift?
So this series has some problems in that like...wow sometimes during the exercise segments of the show, it just gets way too horny like...I dunno if I needed to see sensei in nothing but a bedsheet to show off how she worked her lats fellas. But I digress.
The main reason this show is on here is because it affected me enough to actually look at myself and start wanting to become healthier? Like the show is just a framing device for jokes and showing off exercise routines but the characters are all really sincere and the translation of the opening is even moreso? Like I feel this show helped me out a lot and I'm gonna let you all know about it cuz maybe it can help you out too if you need it.
I don't have a whole lot more to say but I will leave you with the opening I mentioned. Turn on the captions for this banger and remember that you can do it too!
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Wasteful Days of High School Girl
Hey, so can I say something amazing? Much like Asobi Asobase last year, this series was a very weird comedy that I absolutely ended up loving a lot in the end. The cast is full of delightful idiots, one aptly named Baka by her friends being the standout moron of the cast. The title pretty much says it all but you will find all sorts of high school girls here just wasting their youth away in their favorite ways.
You want a girl who draws BL doujin while listening to vocaloid tracks? We gotchu. What about a girl who is more invested in micro organisms in Petri dishes than her friends? Yo, we're set. A dipshit chuuni who climbs on top of absolutely anything tall and regularly needs to be rescued/leap out of trees because of it? Yea, that's here too. The show is not afraid to be weird any chance it gets and there's something I can respect about that. This series also had one of my number one laughs in an anime this year in one of the last episodes too and it still makes me laugh as I recall it right now.
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Also like Asobi Asobase, it has the plus of having a lovable witch girl who is as pure as she is into weird occult shit. Majo you're a sweetie. Even if your room is creepy.
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The Demon Girl Next Door
This show feels like something that should have come out about 5 years ago in terms of animation style, story set up, characters and even the jokes. I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing though because not only is it pleasant and cute, it also knows when to step back from teasing its unfortunate main character. Shamiko, the demon girl formerly known as Yuko by everyone who isn't her family, is a kind of pitiful character and this series could easily just make jokes that punch down and humiliate her way more than it did.
Thankfully, the show actually does it's best to show that she is comic relief but also that she is genuinely a good person. She's not very good at being a demon as she is still learning so maybe she gets easily tricked by resident blase magical girl Momo more than she should. However, she will go out of her way to make sure her rival is eating more than the crappy instant food she frequently microwaves. Like I said, it's ultimately a silly, kind of dated feeling series but the character interactions are nice and it's just genuinely good
hearted to see these girls become friends, even if sometimes it's due to trickier. The show makes sure not to be mean at all times to Shamiko compared to say Satania in Gabriel Dropout's treatment, or the snake girl in that Dropkick show I dropped after one episode. Shamiko is good and hopefully one day she will be able to use her demon powers to rule the world so her family can have a bigger, non cursed, budget to live on.
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O Maidens in Your Savage Season
Puberty is hard. Puberty is also maddening, wanting to drive you up the wall with new urges you are not used to. Simple joys like trains are replaced with weird videos you order off websites or somehow get from the back of a video store. Puberty is an inherently frantic time but it's also kind of funny if you think about it enough.
Maidens explores the tales of the Literature Club members as they go through this important stage of life and that's the fun of this series. All of the girls are each trying to find out exactly what it is they want out of a relationship. Is it just friendship? Is it Ess Ee Ecks? There's a lot of fun to be had as the series goes on. Whether it be Kazusa trying to get a bit further with a childhood friend, President Rika questioning her stance on relationships being even proper to have in high school or the writing adventures of HItoha going to sex chatrooms, there is a lot of different things going on in this show.
It's got a very good sense of drama as well; there were more than a few episodes where I found myself worried about what would happen next and hoping things would be ok. Niina's arc is very intense and gave me creeper vibes any time her old mentor appeared. The show is very good in general at just showing emotions and none of it felt like it was shoehorned or phony. The writing is top notch and I love all these girls. Puberty is a weird time but...they got this I'm sure.
Here are a couple of other shows I watched that didn't come out this year but enjoyed a lot!
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Thank God Trigger was able to come back from its previous offering to give us Gridman. At first I was afraid that all of its Transformers color scheme easter eggs were just trying to lure me in with a mediocre show. This was not the case because Gridman just rules hard. A sequel/spinoff to the old 90's series, localized here as Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad, this show was a love letter from the creators to the show and other tokusatsu shows in general.
Kaiju appear to devastate the city, shown from low angles that just make it seem even more like you're watching an old toku show. The toyetic nature of Gridman's various powerups and the design of Gridman himself just further pay homage to this. There was one Kaiju for a moment I swear you could see a string operating it (for the record, it was not a string but was in fact part of the Kaiju). It's not just a cheap nostalgic trap though because the animation is superb, the action is top notch and the main theme song just kicks ass. This is a really cool series and if you have any passing interest in toku shows, are a Trigger fan, or like seeing Actionmaster Thundercracker's color scheme, go and check this thing out!
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Other highlights include another version of Inferno Cop and Rikka's mom who is always fun and good.
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Dirty Pair (TV series)
Dirty Pair is a series I watched a good chunk of before but never actually finished. Thanks to the #DirtyDecempair hashtag though, I finally went and did it and well...Dirty Pair is still really good y'all. It's got space babes who kick ass and are not afraid to go after hunks along the way. Seriously, it's great when you watch a show older than you and it lives up to its hype.
Kei and Yuri are really good characters because they will snipe at each other but in the end, they are still besties and will mess up anything that gets in their way. I appreciate that they always try to get more PTO and pay out of their boss. Even more, I appreciate that the chief will put up with all their shit, whether it be the aforementioned blackmailing for vacation or the sheer amount of destruction they leave in their wake,  and still is 100% behind them. He knows they're the best he has and nothing will get in their way.
So yea, Dirty Pair. Still a good show over 30 years later. You should check it out next December! Or sooner, whatever!
That abut wraps up my list of anime I watched this year, but I'm also gonna throw a little bonus round on you! Some anime movies I watched and liked! Lightning round go!
Promare Good fucking movie, good fucking soundtrack. Good Trigger things this year. It lives up to its hype for sure. Go see this when it is out on DVD and Bluray!
Sound Euphonium - Our Promise: A Brand New Day This was a nice movie that felt like a good third season condensed into about 2ish hours.
Love Live! Sunshine!! The School Idol Movie: Over the Rainbow I actually like the music from this one more than the movie itself but seeing Ruby's arc gaining confidence is good and I love it.
Bonus Saint Snow Track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUNNWxK2Dfs
Redline A movie I kept meaning to see and finally did thanks. Stylish and cool as hell, and the dub is really good too.
Dragon Ball Super: Broly They made Broly a compelling character finally, holy shit. Also some good Frieza comedy.
KonoSuba! Legend of Crimson Imagine a village full of dipshit chuuni wizards. This movie was fun and funny as shit. Warning: It does have one awkward joke related to gender but it thankfully passes by it real quick.
So I think this is my list. I hope you enjoy it. The next time you'll see one from me will be in the distant future of 2020! Hopefully things will be cool by that point to go with the good anime.
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terraclae · 7 years
Lore pings: @yuushanoah-fr @cityofinoue
Something soft for today.
The ship’s supply of spiced peaches was a decidedly more secretly kept stash. It had been a wonder Arodan had even gotten to them and yet, he was making his way over to the now common room with three jars of them. Atlas had initially told him to get the peaches. Caer had helped him grab four and he had gotten conned by Kassa out of the fourth on his way up. Not that he minded, at some point he had stopped being afraid of Kassa and the apologetic nods he got from them were enough to make him rethink his opinions bit by bit. Balam would have to make the final decision.
He entered the common room. It was well lit with light coming from above and through small windows on the side and the room was surprisingly welcoming. Inside it various chairs that had been in storage had been set by tables in circles. Carpets were laid out to make the floor less creaky and more comfortable. Shelves lined the walls and had been fixed to them, doors keeping them closed so nothing could fall out. Arodan had tacked a note to one telling people not to fill them to the brim that morning. Considering the ship’s sway someone was going to get buried in books if no one made sure the shelves weren’t chock full.
The only thing not as comforting as the room’s atmosphere was the vast blackness in the corner of the room. On a stack of crates sat Sachairi, a book in his hands he soon lost interest in once Arodan had walked in. His form smoked and flickered and the only thing truly recognizable were his eyes. To Arodan it was downright threatening and he could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. ‘That’s uh…’’
Sachairi met his eye and got up to leave the room. ‘Frightening?’ He spoke roughly, but not dominating as he had been. ‘I’m working on it, it’s not dangerous. Just a little janky.’
‘... Right.’ Arodan watched him saunter away further and it was as if he was watching him phase out of reality sometimes. ‘But you looked fine yesterday, so, you’re getting there.’
Sachairi perked up then and glanced at him over his shoulder. ‘Yesterday?’
‘Yeah, yesterday night?’ Maybe he was trying to start a bit of a futile conversation but maybe this was a good chance. ‘In the hallway.’
Sachairi looked at him puzzled, at least, Arodan thought he did. Then angry, then mildly agitated. ‘Right. Don’t remember that. Must have said something stupid.’ He continued his slow leave. ‘If I said something dumb, sorry.’
‘Sorry? You don’t-‘
‘He’s gone.’
Arodan spun around. He had barely noticed Carmen crouching in the opposite corner but she didn’t look even a little interested in what had happened. Guilt flipped in his stomach and it almost stopped him from speaking. ‘How- How long have you been there?’
‘A while before you came in and made an attempt at brief conversation.’ She looked up. ‘Come over here.’
‘Carmen, he’s weird.’ Arodan said as he walked over to her. She was bent over a crate she couldn’t lift quite yet and judging her furrowed brow she had grown frustrated with the task. ‘That’s weird. That’s Shade.’
‘Yes, that’s obvious.’ She quietly said and gestured at the crate. ‘You can put your jars in there if you want but help me lift this- are those peaches?’
‘... Yes, they are.’ Arodan’s attention drifted to the jars in his hands and he gently stashed them into the crate. They seemed to hold fabrics of all kinds. ‘Carmen?’
‘Are you okay?’
She looked ahead and leant on the crate for a bit. ‘No. But I’ll get there.’ She dragged a hand through her hair which bounced oddly now it was so short. ‘I know you want to start a conversation about what you just saw but I’m not really feeling it Dan.’
‘Yeah, I just…’
‘Carmen, this isn’t your fault.’ Arodan hovered his hand over her back for a moment before setting it down and guiding her to sit down. ‘I’m not going to ask you more about this.’
She did as he guided her and shook his hand off gently. ‘I’m… He’s more like himself like this than he is when he looks normal. Make of that what you will.’ She looked tired but for once peaceful. ‘That’s all I’ll say.’
‘Balam mentioned that too.’
‘I see.’
Arodan thought of what he had heard so far. Something clearly didn’t match up in people’s perception of Sachairi and he wondered if the Shade was better at pretending to be him or that something else was going on. This right now, wasn’t that important however, only later if he got to active questioning. He glanced cautiously at Carmen and he could see she was staring at him, honed in on something seemingly specific. ‘Carmen?’
‘You should shave.’
‘Yeah, Atlas mentioned that.’
‘He’s right.’ Carmen’s hand rose and trailed pensively along his jaw. ‘At this rate you’re going to have a full beard and I fear what that’s going to look like on your face.’
‘Is that an insult?’
‘It’s an observation.’ She drew back her hand and smiled wearily. ‘Can’t be too comfy.’
‘It itches a little sometimes.’ Arodan said, a giggle escaping him. Carmen laughed along and it was a nice chirpy sound he hadn’t heard in a while. ‘What if I grew a beard like Balam’s though?’
‘Don’t.’ She held a finger to his lips and looked momentarily intense. ‘I will personally shave you if you do.’
‘You’re going to cut my throat woman, that’s definitely a threat.’ He crept back a little and held his jaw with a false disbelief. ‘I’m not going to.’
‘I know.’ She managed to upkeep a smile once more. ‘You know, I used to shave Atlas in the past sometimes because he kept cutting himself on the razors.’
‘You did?’
‘And I kept Balam’s beard from taking over his face completely.’ She added. ‘Sometimes they spent longer times in forms like these and that made it grow a little messy.’
‘Huh. I pegged Atlas for someone to do that sort of thing himself.’ Arodan said. He could actually imagine him sitting down and getting help for something like that however. ‘Fascinating.’
‘The more you know.’ She said airily. ‘Maybe there’s lots of things you don’t know.’
‘You’re right. No use denying it.’ He said this with a pout that didn’t hide he had wanted to disagree. With a quick word she had turned the conversation to something lighter, he realized. ‘Then what can you tell me?’
‘Things about ships. Magic. How to stop asking so many question.’ She said, not meeting his eye. ‘How to lift this crate.’
‘Yeah, Yeah, I’m on it.’ Arodan grunted. He picked up the crate and although it was light enough for him to carry Carmen still helped him. Her good arm folded around the crate and her lost one pressed against it. ‘Tell me about magic then because I’m never going to stop asking questions.’
‘What do you want to know?’ She asked, focusing on holding the crate steady. Arodan let her try and gently supported her grip. ‘This one needs to go towards the hallway.’
‘Got it.’ Arodan thought about his question. ‘So, a while ago I made little magical charms to equip myself and cast magic. They aren’t very effective for casting however, so I meant to ask you, do you know how to create a channeling staff?’
‘You mean those things…?’ Her brows raised in odd ways while her jaw seemed to angle down and she looked weird thinking like that. Her bright orange eyes had drifted to the ceiling and she didn’t seem particularly focused on the work at hand. ‘That’s those staves Exorcists and Shade hunters use, no?’
‘Yes. I used to have one back in the day but uh…’ Well, his last ex might have broken it. He just knew it he disappeared. The channeling staff Sachairi had thrown to him in the crypt disappeared too but at least he knew where it went. ‘I lost it. And I really am not good enough at magic to cast elaborate spells without a staff.’
‘I can teach you.’ They set down the crate in the hallway by a doorway that led down into the ship. Carmen fumbled with the lining of her shirt and looked away. ‘You know, so I can be of some help.’
Truth was that Arodan preferred a staff. It wasn’t just his ability to cast magic that depended upon it, sometimes he liked a way to hold himself up, to have a way to fight back when magic failed, and above all, the weight was comforting. Yet, his heart spoke a little quicker. ‘I think that’s a great idea actually. I’d love that.’ The smile it put on Carmen’s face was worth it to him and it was as if she hadn’t been upset with him.
‘Hey.’ She quietly said, still smiling.
‘We’re having a conversation.’ She continued. Her eyes darted to the side for a moment and met his again. ‘It’s nice.’ She took a deep breath. ‘And I think I just need that.’
Arodan nodded with no other response. He knew how that felt and he wished he could express it better. Right now he wanted to reach out and do something but a pat might be too awkward.
‘Dan?’ She spoke before he could do anything however.
‘Yes?’ He said, blinking. His crests peaked alertly and it was the first time he’d been so aware that his body did that. ‘What is it?’
‘If I …’ She gestured in a choppy manner at herself first then at nothing in particular. ‘If I’m being particularly grouchy, if I say anything that would hurt someone or threaten them, then tell me, okay?’
‘Is this about last time we spoke?’ Arodan quietly asked, and he again felt the urge to somehow pat her shoulder assuredly. ‘Carmen, it’s okay.’
‘No, it isn’t.’ She shook her head slowly. ‘What I mean with this is that I’ve thought of some things. And I ask you this because I don’t want to be like the people who raised me because I feel bad.’ She sighed and the breath seemed to remain stuck halfway which made her look more pained. ‘I have discussed it with the others before, so please, help me too with this.’
‘... Yes. Yes of course.’ Arodan said, his nodding growing progressively bigger. ‘That’s what I’m your ally for.’ He only stopped when Carmen grabbed hold of his face and turned it to the side. ‘Uh?’
‘Dan. We’re friends.’ She looked grim at first then softened and turned his head to the side once more. ‘And friends… Go to see the person they’re told to see when they have a broken nose.’ Her hand immediately moved to pinch and pull his ear lightly. It wasn’t harsh enough to give him too much pain. ‘Although in light of recent discussions I can see you wouldn’t want to.’
‘Yeah.’ Arodan chose not to pursue the opportunity to talk more about the whole Sachairi situation. He would think about that more once he got the peaches delivered to Atlas. ‘Well, it’ll be fine. Not okay, but fine and dealing with it is enough.’
‘Yeah. Fine and dealing with it.’ Carmen murmured fondly. She let go of Arodan’s face and chose to grab a jar of peaches out of the crate. ‘Would you mind if I took one of these?’
‘Knock yourself out, I’m sure Atlas wouldn’t mind.’ Arodan retrieved the other two jars and was ready to set out. ‘What’s this crate for?’
‘For Atlas to bring to a lower deck.’ Carmen hummed. Her gaze drifted to the crate and she seemed lost in thought. ‘If you see your boyfriend tell him to get moving.’
‘I will, but I can’t promise anything.’ Arodan said, a heavy sigh escaping him. He wasn’t going to tell Atlas to do anything he didn’t particularly want to do but they all had responsibilities. ‘Maybe he’s on deck.’
‘Perhaps.’ She turned and started to walk off, only to turn again to meet Arodan’s eye. ‘Hey. Tell him hi from me. I’m glad you two are happy together.’
‘Yeah. I’m…’ That made him blush a little. He was happy, warm at the thought. At the moment it wasn’t just the thought of him but he knew what Atlas meant to him. ‘I am happy. I’m happy to help the people on this ship.’
‘Good.’ Carmen whispered, and turned again. ‘See you around Dan.’ She disappeared back into the common room and Arodan could hear her rustling through some other crate. He himself turned to the stairs to the deck. He made his way up and soon he was blinded by the late afternoon sunlight of that day. The days seemed to pass faster now.
What hadn’t changed was the way Atlas shimmered in the sunlight. Of course he would bask in it and shine so bright. He turned and as soon as he noticed Arodan he smiled. Arodan couldn’t help but smile in return and it made him feel as if he was going to float up from the boat. Atlas’ grin once he saw the peaches he was holding was far more excited however.
‘You brought them!’
‘I lost two on the way here, some other people wanted too.’
‘That’s fine.’ Atlas immediately took a jar from Atlas’ hands and popped it open. ‘Come on, try it. You’ve had spiced peach before right?’
‘I actually think peaches are too fuzzy for my taste.’ Arodan shook his head. ‘The texture feels weird to me.’
‘You just haven’t had a good peach before.’ Atlas grabbed a loose slice and held it pinched between his index finger and thumb. ‘That’s the fun thing about food. Unlike most other things you can try variations on food and find a way to eat it that you like.’ He chucked the slice into his mouth and took his time chewing.
‘I dare to disagree. I haven’t found anyone that can make a convincing dish with carrots I don’t hate.’ Arodan said and he intended to add an argument against peaches. He didn’t get to make it as Atlas smiled, and immediately lunged forward to kiss him. On his lips he tasted cinnamon and sugar and it was actually fine with him. Atlas pulled back and shot him a mischievous look while Arodan was still catching his breath.
‘So how’s that?’
‘Nice, But what if I had hated the taste though?’ Arodan retorted smugly. He still felt the warmth and he was certain he had to be a shade of lobster at this point. ‘In all seriousness though, I wouldn’t mind it if you did that more often.’
‘Maybe I will.’ Atlas chimed. ‘However…’ He pulled another slice of peach from the jar. ‘I do actually want you to try one of these. They’re pretty damn great.’
Arodan wanted to retort to that in equal measure, and didn’t. Instead he gently took the slice from Atlas’ hand and found that he didn’t hate the texture as much. The taste of that one, and the ones that followed after were worth it. As they ate, Arodan’s mind was soothed and he reveled in the idea that this was truly okay as he had before.
Maybe he could do this.
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