#it was like a 3hr walk with one of my friends
les-mys · 3 months
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forgot how much i like going on walks for the fun of it :]
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b4kuch1n · 5 months
what if I stream tonite. for dragon business
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echovale052 · 9 months
Your turn now ;)
Name ur ocs and their strengths and weaknesses!!
This is gonna be a lot, this probably ended up taking my at least 3hrs total?
This is all of my character and I do mean ALL. (All I have designed or thought about yet) Good luck but you opened this can of worms my friend.
Highbrooke Manor:
S: A good teacher (which encompasses most of her strengths as a general term… good listener, observant, constructive, etc)
W: Nosy, and sometimes can’t put things down.
S: Extremely observant, (you’re not sneaking anything past this woman), prudent.
W: Lacks subtlety, and holds grudges
S: Not easily scared off, very loyal, can roll with all of the punches
W: Laurel…
Ms. Holloway (Laurel):
S: The Resident Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss
W: Abusive (absolute bastard we don’t like this one folks)
Jade Pistols:
S: Smooth, a business person at heart
W: Afraid of their own magic, and would never use it on other people no matter how much they are in a situation where they should even for their own safety.
The Deities:
The Patron:
S: Impartial
W: Doesn’t meddle in mortal affairs like at all.
The Huntress:
S: Just, recognizes the importance of morality and ethics in mortals and doesn’t tolerate their bullshit
W: Unchecked Bloodlust (she’s the type to remind you don’t forget you will die.)
The Poet:
S: Easygoing and passionate
W: Petty (only with a very certain thing, don’t disrespect the dead)
The Elder:
S: Patience is unmatched, protective of her followers
W: A bit biased when it comes to choosing her followers over people who speak ill of her.
Remainder of the Byleia characters:
S: Good at lying, and fundamentally good but willing to do whatever they need to for their customers.
W: Has a savior complex
S: She is a powerful mage, specifically her type of magic is very versatile.
W: The past holds her back
S: Absolute ball of energy
W: Fae cursed and chronic overthinker
S: Curious
W: a little too competitive
S: A trained hunter so she knows what she’s doing, and knows decent first aid.
W: Aggressive and her tendency to make rash decisions, a lot of internal biases (bc of how she was raised to hate vampires and magic users etc)
S: Hella flexible and girlie has a prehensile tail (lamia shit)
W: She’s not good at words
S: Strategic, and very empathetic and she’s a dragon shifter.
W: She’s a bit harsh about her criticism and she’s very elusive 💀
Corollary Listener Characters:
S: Speaks 3 different language and observant as hell
W: I wanna say Carol but tbh it’d probably be their tendency to be too patient.
S: They don’t blindly follow beliefs they’re fed.
W: Forgets a filter…. Carol (although she’s a lot of people’s weaknesses at this point)
S: Intelligent, doesn’t let people walk on others or herself.
W:(kind of discussed in the story) but she gets too invested in her work life and it comes off as being cold to her friends and family.
S: Easy to get along with and genuine with everyone they interact with.
W: They can come across as a bit rude sometimes even though they’re just being honest.
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libra-stellium · 3 months
Tracking my transits this year!
I took notes from Planets in transit by Robert Hand
Jupiter opposite Mars (Feb 19 - Mar 22, if you have 12° Scorpio Mars the dates are the same)
Extremely exuberant transit makes you inclined to do everything in a big way
I have had to really fight to stop myself from online shopping so much but I still did I spent like $300 on clothes and stuff 😭 It was also time to go to Sam’s club lmao
Energy level is high, great need to expend physical energy
Have not felt this one that much or at least haven’t acted upon it bc I did start a saturn trine mars transit and I think that’s draining me more than this Jupiter transit is giving but I did go out with a friend on Mar 17 and visited another friend Mar 18!
You are capable of doing a lot but don’t exaggerate or overestimate your abilities
I took this one very seriously lol I had a 3hr dance party in my apt the first day of this transit and I was like mmm yeah let’s go sit down before my knees keep me from walking for the next week lol I also decided to cut and re-hem this skirt I have 3 hours before going out lol but it was successful! I also spent many hours taking notes on my 2024 transits and some days I did overdo it and I was exhausted lol
Don’t take unnecessary chances, the feeling of omnipotence is not real
I almost left my apt without my nose spray knowing I would be taking my mask off and I remembered this and went right back in to get it!
Transit may signify a conflict with another in which you try to break away from the other’s restrictions
I think this was that phone call with my aunt and she was ordering me to pray for my mom I’m NC with lol like girl I’m not even religious and then for her on top of that?? 🙄
You must examine the issue very carefully before you act, avoid acting on impulse
This has been harddddd I def ordered food on impulse multiple times!
Transit confers real courage, if you are cool and collected this can be a time of considerable triumph as you overcome obstacles and accomplish deeds you usually feel incapable of
Facts I did my taxes, my aunt’s taxes, I went to work one day and printed so much omg, i cleaned my fish tank after 4 months oops, and I organized my clothes and put them all on hangers and in drawers which usually does feel impossible lmao
Successful Jupiter transit I think lol nothing major going on. Jupiter is also transiting my 3H and my mars is in my 9H so not major action houses!
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 4 months
Sorry, rambling again. Lack of sleep is getting to me…
Last night I ended up in an unexpected nearly 3hr long phone call. I had hurriedly sent a “Yikes, sorry I haven’t answered in 3 weeks. Been busy/exhausted, but wanted you to know I haven’t forgotten you. Gotta go fix supper.” kind of message. And then they called, so I got to eat after 10pm instead.
I dunno. I want to talk to people, but man it’s exhausting. Especially since it always feels so one sided. I have to make the supportive, listening noises, but rarely get any venting myself.
I do get it. My life isn’t as high drama with a large cast of characters. The stuff of soap operas, with plot lines overlapping and twisting into knots.
At one point they wondered if they had a medical issue causing them to feel depressed and tired, and after everything I heard it would have been shocking if they WEREN’T depressed and tired. Mom used to say sometimes people have good reason to be depressed. In those cases you need to do something about the circumstances even more than the chemistry.
Actually, there is another reason I don’t get to vent to her. The truth is I am too alien to her. I mean, she’s alien to me too, but I’m used to that. I am used to being understanding and sympathetic to people that baffle the hell out of me. I can make the right noises, even if I have no clue why the hell you care about something except that “It’s a thing they care about”.
I’m too alien. Maybe they are making the polite noises too as I talk about things they can’t understand. Maybe I just hear the way they are puzzled or disinterested. Maybe I sound just as fake. Maybe the distinction is I just know to care that they care even though I don’t care and they more simply don’t care but don’t want to seem not to care but would rather move on quickly to what they care about….
Okay, that sounds confusing! LOL
I mention I moved books all day, and the friend was like “why books?” Ummm, because 90% of my family’s belongs are books, magazines, and comics.
We are talking THOUSANDS of books. Not just shelves of books, not just stacks of books, but mountains of books. We have books everywhere. There are books in every room of the houses but the bathrooms (NEVER take books into a bathroom, but ALWAYS have books on the dinner table was a family thing). There are books in the storage buildings, in the barn, in the leaking shop, there are even rotting books (RIP, I miss you guys!) in the collapsed house, leaky storage containers outdoors, and the dead cars… My brother “hated” reading because he’s dyslexic BUT the other day I had to move at least 50 of his books and a bunch of mags and comics in his old bedroom. We are such “book people” that the book hater had more books than most anyone around here.
If I am moving “stuff” trust that much of it will be books. And arm loads of books get heavy fast! LOL
I don’t know other book people. I don’t see bookshelves full of books. I see shelves with maybe a few books, but the rest is stuff. Someone hearing me talking about having a lot of books once giggled and said they had a “stash”. We don’t have a stash….we have a library without the building!
But the truth is we really are extremely different. For her a walk in the woods is “an adventure”. For me it’s Thursday. For her makeup is something she wears everyday. For me makeup is that eyeliner I bought for 75% off and five months later still haven’t tried because I haven’t got a clue how you even put that stuff on without looking like a clown. She wears clothes because she thinks they look good. I wear clothes because of the stuff I rummage around for in my parents stuff, they mostly fit and can stand up to a mucky life. She’s got a complex family with many generations, and I’ve got family you can count on the fingers of one hand. I don’t use TikTok, go out to eat, care about gossip, blah, blah, blah….
But when she listens it can be stressful too. She also is rather…assertive? Sure? Pushy? I dunno. The aren’t quite the right word. She means well, but also thinks she knows best. Think a child trying to force a puppy to eat by holding it’s head into the food. The puppy may be starving, but it’s gonna wanna get free of the kid even more.
So when I have stuff weighing me down I don’t expect her to listen to me vent, and if she does I kinda wish I had kept my mouth shut.
For hours I listen and say the things she needs me to say.
It gets a bit tricky when a “Don’t you think?” Or “You don’t think I’m…” slip in there. People want agreement and validation when they say it. They want you to go “Oh, yes! I do agree little green men live among us!” or “No, I don’t think you are a bad at ice skating”. The fact you don’t believe in alien infiltration and that they have fallen over six times in the last five minutes while skating makes inherent honesty a bit dangerous. But I have a lifetime of diplomatic and nuanced honesty compensating for my unwillingness to ever lie.
When it was over she seemed like the conversation did her good. As for me, somehow I just felt more alone and isolated. I guess it makes sense. She felt heard and I felt….
Well, TBH, in most my friendships I’ve been the “listening” friend that’s a little too unrelatable once I try to take a turn at venting. It shouldn’t frustrate me so much. I dream at night of friends I can talk to without constant care and judgement, that I can say what I think and feel to, that sort of get me without trying to make me be them. But they are imaginary friends, shadows of what “a friend” means in my heart. I mean, FFS, my dream friends won’t give me a lift when I go to the repair shop or let me us their printer because I can’t afford to replace mine. Better a real friend that I can’t just talk freely to than no friend at all!!
I dunno if there is a real point to this. Maybe I just needed to vent a minute to all you friends, the folks half way between real and imaginary.
(Yes I KNOW you are mostly real people, with maybe the occasional bot thrown in. But you know what I mean. You are posts and messages in text on a screen I trust to be human, but without the face and voice to read along with the words.
The three worlds…Real, digital, and imaginary. Real has blood and hugs, engaging all the senses, capable of anythings. Digital has mostly words, but even when there are images and sounds, it’s all selected. Filtered to create an impression. Imaginary is lovely, allowing for whatever you need or what…except it can’t give you the surprise, the unexpected, the true delight of engaging with someone else. It’s cozy but lacks the spark of life.
Or one world where we fart just because bodies do that and everyone smells the stink. One where we fart and no one knows unless we tell them, usually as a joke. And one world where no one ever farts unless it’s has a narrative reason, and no one else knows unless we turn it into a story or art.
All of us exist in the real world, meet here in the digital, and projecting each other into our own imaginary worlds we’ve spun. )
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starberryroad · 4 months
Top 10 pisses you can take in your life
(Written during my piss)
1. The piss you take right as your 10 ends
2. Pissing on the grave of a nazi/war criminal
3. Taking a piss on a tree in a rich neighborhood
4. Taking a piss in your home
5. That one drunk piss (you know the one)
6. The piss right after you have sex (we promote good sex here)
7. The piss you take when you and a friend both have to take a piss
8. The piss you take right before you go to bed
9. The piss that you held whist on the way home
10. piss in the ocean....
Honorable mentions:
The piss you take right before your 10 (points docked because I feel rushed when I go)
The piss you take during a class (the walk is nice but also I like learning)
The piss that you take at your friends house (idk I like looking at their shit)
From my friend James:
“uhhhh maybe the piss you take after scrolling in bed for 3hrs in the morning rather than getting up… that's like a weekend ritual XD lolss… i don't wanna get up ^>^”
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bright-and-burning · 5 months
bored at work time means stupid questions how do you feel about ikea and costco and or regional massive warehouse store of ur choice
omg!!! thank u for sending a question this has interrupted my bored scrolling and made my DAY
i don’t think i’ve ever been inside a costco tbh (not a regional thing but a not-a-member thing lol) BUT
this one house of my friends in college were costco members and also you know. early 20s men. so they were insaaaane w it. like bought a bajillion squishmallows and a tv too big for the stand they had (so then they went back and bought a new stand) like i just feel like you must walk into costco and be possessed by the spirit of shiny things
i LOVE ikea tho. the closest one to me in my hometown was like. 2-3hrs away? so i’ve only been like twice but im OBSESSED. the ROOOOOOMS it makes me so happy it’s like . people watching almost but the reverse? where u just get to wander through these show rooms that are set up SO hyperspecific and imagine the kind of ppl who live there… i also love that they give you the theoretical square footage of the “home” idk it’s so fun it’s like . i would go to this kids’ museum when i was younger that had a whole mini grocery store where you could pretend to shop and pretend to be a cashier and there was like plastic versions of all the foods. and it feels like the more grown up version of that. also i love interior design i looove furniture (my mom ran an antique store for like most of my life) it’s just the perfect letting my imagination run wild store. also my parents would go on dates there when they were broke ass grad students in the 90s bc the meatballs were like . a dollar or whatever . (they also got married the first time JUST to get a cheaper apartment so. u kno)
the largest like candy warehouse store in i wanna say america??? was like . within an hour of my hometown. idk the vibes are so fun honestly i love a big place you can get lost in that has like . stuff for sale that you never imagined anyone needing . or at least not needing in bulk or whatever
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annicaax · 1 year
Help! I have a new fave!!! PLUST's MIKOTO AMAMITSU
Mik's story was so good. Freakin hilarious and cute but also involved sentimental themes and emphasized on not giving up your dreams and aspirations. And how much it's comforting to work on your goals together with your partner/friends.
I love this title. It looks very promising so far. After reading Mikoto, I'd recommend it and the guy to everyone who has a similar taste. I'll list some of my forever favs (from Love 365) below so you'll know what I'm into.
MPD CTY, ASA, FILA, RMD, TLH... and PLUST (safe to add now. I think) So you can predict the themes I like now ;)
It took me 3hrs 47 min to binge Mikoto's story which I managed to do during different hours of the day. Spent about 240 hearts to unlock every heart choice and the SHE plus bonus track.
The art and the OST are gorgeous. I wish there's a steam release where I can buy the whole thing in one package with the OST. The OST is that good. It's so worth the effort (in reading a long story with a slow burn plot.)
(Oh this is a slow burn plot, mind you. And I love the stuff lol) The MC is fair enough. At times I cringed a bit, wondered why she wosn't protest when the guys casually get touchy with her. (Oh she does at times but she could grow more strong).
The fan service thing sounded unrealistic but it was still hilarious and cute. I was laughing falling in love not just with Mikoto but all the guys as a whole. They are all amazing. I think I'm gonna read every route. tho at present I have my eyes set on Mik, Wataru alone.
Guys like Claude aren't my type but I'm curious about him. I think Kotoha is a sweet guy, a tsundere. And Ryogo. Well I love childhood friend trouples so I'm gonna read his MS. He was super sweet in Mik story but the guy who stole the show (when it comes to side characters) was: Zeus.
The ThrOne guys. At first I didn't understand MC's obsession, specifically as they described the group is cold to its fans, but then I understood. That's not the scenario. Zeus has me very fascinated. I'll say I like him already. And his attachment to MC means we MAY get to see sparks flying between him and Mik. (I'd love to see Mik getting jealous haha)
Now I ramble about Mik here: Mikoto is a charmer but he's not overbearing or commanding. I only saw a trace of the pushy guys I played and liked in him. Just a trace. He apologizes when he's wrong. He thanks the MC. He encourages her!?
I expected Mikoto to be like Guy or more like Ikesen Nobunaga (both my faves) but he isn't.
Mik is so refreshing, so chill. Just like TLH Suzu was, captivating, with just one main story! He's blunt but not condescending. He's cheeky but with a sweet awkward side to him. He tries to shoulder his burden alone. The slow reveal of his true personality was a treat. I was rooting for him and MC! There were so many moments: them walking the ramp, rehearsing lines... Watching the show a pop star acted in, with the guy, and sharing a highfive? Haha. That's freakin cute. I love Mik and his Ducky.
So by the End of the SHE I'm super content and looking forward to MC and Mik's budding romance to blossom more. Which I expect to happen in MS 2. And anticipating more of the guys while hoping this title wouldn't take forever to get updated. (Well I understand making games isnt easy. I'm willing to wait tbh. But I see some title updates getting rolled out quickly, so)
Ugh! I went into rant mode there. Will post more content tomorrow. (Not much tho and not many spoilers. Don't wanna hit the game's earnings coz... well that's what I do. Be moderate. I think nicely done posts/shared stuff actually boost sales and earn more fans. THAT is what I try to do on my blog. Share. Share. But be nice.)
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filthy-gorgeous · 8 months
The overwhelming urge to get up and make another quick sew pouch... Rather than attempt to go back to sleep. Especially given that I've been stuck in a 2hrs pre midnight + 3hrs late morning sleep cycle lately.
Maybe it's just ma's reaction to her little pressie that is setting me off cause she was 100% fawning over it and seemed really touched and I'm sat there unable to see what she sees. She's seeing the lovely edge wrap stitching, I'm seeing that it isn't evenly spaced. She's seeing the fact it has a closure popper, I'm seeing the two pin holes from sewing half off that popper on the wrong way up initially. She's gushing about that the thing she saw me working on over like three days, was for her - I'm stuck in all the ways it isn't up to snuff and isn't that much work.
I need to be kinder to myself. It's all freehand drafted and hand stitched, it's not going to look like the mass produced things you can get online or the work of pensioners that have been seeing since they could walk, but that doesn't mean it's all as trash and I peg it to be.
At least I can stop gnawing over the box for friend as it's now well sealed and taped so just waiting to be run up to the post office. Pro - not ending up with me going magpie and adding anything else from the chaos crafting. Con - terrified that my manic bubble wrapping won't be enough and/or customs will fuck it up. Weight restrictions really limited what I could add from the local makers, but I'm fairly confident there's a nice little mix. I may need to post it when it's quiet so I can ask the postmaster to write the customs label, avoid my absolute chicken scratch causing any issues 😅
Anyway, I've had some beads added to my collection and there's a few green ones from an upcycled bracelet which just scream to be used with a bit of vivid green fat quarter for something for sis. Or maybe I'll give my finger joints a little break and see if I can't use up my perler first instead.
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Submission about whether to leave a friendship or not
I've been struggling with this for awhile. Im 26& my best friend is 27. We been friends since we were 11&12. My best friend has never been open&honest. She's always hiding things or lying. I'm very open to her. I don't feel a need to lie or make up things.
I grew up living paycheck to paycheck. We never did family vacations/trips. We couldn't afford a lot of things. I had hand me downs from my brother&cousins.....  My best friend always had name brand/expensive clothes. She had her own computer/TV. She always went away every year to France or Canada for a month. She always had lots of money when we'd go out. Shed honestly joke about me being broke/poor. But expect me to pay for things so she didnt use her money. Messed up I know...
As we got older we changed. I couldn't afford to go away for college. She went away to 2 top notch schools. I used to get jealous because I knew I could never afford that. I hated how she expected people to look up to her since she went away. I went through a lot of traumatic experiences that changed me. I also became an addict at 16 (I'm recovered).
Fast forward: She never worked/used her degrees. But now at age 27 her parents want her to work. She now has no time for me/our friendship. Back in July 2021 I went through a life changing situation&ever since then she rubs it in that she would have done things different if she was in my shoes. She's becoming someone I don't know. She judges me for everything. It's hard. She doesn't drive but gets mad that I won't meet up (3hr round trip). Sometimes all she brings up is the past. The wrongs I've done or the trauma i went thru. She sometimes acts like she's perfect and like a queen. 
Before you say to talk things thru... I have many times. I explain that I'm hurt or that something feels wrong or distant. She always blames things on me or doesn't take responsibility for her actions. Makes up excuses for everything possible. Says she'll work on communication but after a week it's back to normal. I'm at a point where I dont know if I should just walk away. I look at the pros and cons. I explained things to my mom who thinks I should just leave. Especially for how she treats me. But I give people a million chances. She always was my childhood friend that I wanted to grow up with thru life. What's your advice or thoughts? I'm open to whatever. 
Tag if possible friends or best friends. 
Hey there,
This sounds like it is a really difficult situation to be in. On one hand you don’t want to walk away from this friendship with your friend as you want to be life long friends and give people heaps of chances to change their ways, but then on the other hand you feel like it may be best to just walk away from her. It sounds as though you are feeling pretty stuck in what to do but I give you credit for trying to talk to your friend already and for even writing a pro’s con’s list about all of this!
In my honest opinion (and no this is not telling you what to do as only you can decide this and what is best for you to do) I would feel like it would be best to leave the friendship. I suggest this because it sounds as though the friendship has become quite toxic for you and consequently isn’t the best for your overall mental health. But if you were to leave the friendship, how would this make you feel? Would you feel bad or guilty? What would you feel is best for you to do personally though if you were to take all feelings out of the equation?
This, I know is a really difficult decision to make and I know that no matter what anyone says or suggests, you have to do what is best for you and your mental health. This is why you can’t let others decide what to do for you as it is you who will have to live with the decision you make and not them if that makes sense?
I really hope this has helped somewhat or at the very least given you some things to think about when making this very difficult decision. Please also do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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top 5 memories
1. That one time we went to this botanical garden...mom n my sister didn't want to walk that much so they sat on the lawn under the tree n i went with dad and went everywhere in the garden literally...n then when we got back we realised we were gone for 2.5-3hrs lol
2. During quarantine my friend started reading Shadowhunters....we used to talk on the phone for 2 hrs ish about the books it was so fun...we talked nearly daily ...n that's how we became parabros!!
3. MAKING SOBH THEORIES BESTIEEE...like literally it was so funnnn....i came up with something recently...but i didn't get time to elaborate it (college sucks)
4. That one time long ago when my story on Wattpad was kinda famous...like not famous famous...but i had few regular readers other than my friends it was soo coool
5. Literally every moment i spent with my best friend...like walking back home from class ...after school we used to go n wait near the next block till someone came to pick us up. There's this one specific corner where we used to wait n eat limlet candies....it was so niceee.. .like school sucked loads but I'd go back in time just for those specific times
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Tour Diary; Sixties Gold Tour 2022 Part 8
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Day 24, 17.11.22; Northampton
A nice slow start to the day in Liverpool before a wet 3 hour drive to Northampton. A little bit of driving round the one way system trying to find the parking area but we were in and all the way to the top of the old school theatre.
Met some friends for dinner; a really nice Italian place which treated us (especially one of us!) very well. We may have eaten too much but waddled back and played to a noisy Northampton crowd.
As we were staying in Liverpool, it was a 3hr drive back so no nightcap and off to bed. Blackpool tomorrow; the rain is here.
Also managed to get Jodie back for his pranks; he was asked to bring a jacket back for the friend we were staying with in Liverpool. He forgot it in the restaurant but Ches and I smuggled it out and hid it in the van. When we got back to Liverpool he realised and we let him sweat a bit before producing it, to his relief and much profanity. Good times.
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Day 25, 18.11.22; Blackpool
Another slow start in Liverpool but not too much of a drive to get to Blackpool. We left well fed and looked after as always. The venue was literally a 2min walk from the hotel so once the gear was unloaded we parked up at the hotel and didn’t have to move it.
There was a Lounge just opposite the theatre so dinner in there, a rest in the rooms then walked round to the show.
A packed out crowd, 1300 people apparently; a really great show. Al lived in Blackpool as a kid so an emotional show for him.
The amp I use was on the wrong channel to start so I did a heavy metal version of Here Comes My Baby but all good after that.
Nightcap in the hotel bar was slightly interrupted by a couple of dance mums wanted to talk but a little time to laugh after they went to bed.
Can’t believe we’re into the final run on shows; Scotland bound tomorrow.
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Day 26, 19.11.22; Loch Lomond - Day Off
A fairly early start, we were in the van at 9am and heading to Scotland. A relatively smooth drive and arrived at the place in Loch Lomond. An absolutely fantastic 5* retreat right on the Loch.
We spent the day drinking champagne in the pool, jumping in the Loch and then chatting in the hot tub for hours.
Made ourselves some food (chef Jodie) and had a lovely evening drinking, talking and laughing. Couldn’t ask for a better place to spend the day off; good to have friends in high places. It really was like a different world, so quiet and calm; nice to off in our own little bubble for a little while.
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sonjaeson · 3 months
Hi, Again here's me again looking looking for someone who can comfort and talk through life :) There's this girl I've stalked on social network, I barely know her but we're from the same hometown (Camotes) now I managed to discover her IG and surprisingly she's active of posting "My day/Story" on her socials. So there's this story I think where it's about waiting for someone to do the first move hence, yours truly found an opportunity and started the convo. During these convos flirting was part of it, sleep call were conducted as well as the plan on meeting-up especially that I've booked a flight going home for fiesta. As days goes by, there's week where I didn't reply or the feeling of being ghosted was portrayed. She even initiate a contact where
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to give context as well I only reacted to her message. Fast forward where I landed to Camotes, she messages on IG to have a catch up and meet-up in person. As my remaining days during my lil vacation to Camotes Fiesta is slowly running out we've bonded not just once, but every night as long as there's entertainment. Party & drink here and there (4 nights straight alcohol dinner), First night was somehow memorable since this is the time the first party conducted and the fact that I haven't drank alcohol makes me don't want to party however, as the night lives with the connections from DotA I managed to interact some of my friends and was able to stay longer hence, we party till she was drunk hold hands for the first time, she even called me updating that she went home safely. Second night was the Soli-Soli Festival, siguro my first mistake was I didn't message her if she's available for us to watch together however, during the party we're able to communicate and even if it was 2-3hrs of partying with her. And a very mysterious phenomenon transpired due to her intoxication she wasn't in the right mind where she place her phone and was missing the rest of the midnight. I managed to stay by her side and actually help her finding it, even calling it numerously time hoping someone will answer it and return but to no luck no-one was able to return a call on that time. So I'm trying to comfort her while walking home, if only we were in the city I could have stay with her side all-day. I was able to convince her to go home and take a rest.
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On the third day morning, I've received a good news from her that she was able to retrieved her phone since the one who took it has a good heart from Poro. During this time there was a plan that we should have gone to the beach however, unplanned plans occurred this was my third mistake. I wasn't able to remind her, since this is desperas I should have planned ahead to go beach or anywhere. The whole afternoon were so idle feels like wasting time. Going to the 4th day, Fiesta happens fast forward during lunch time I reminded her "Where are you? tara lunch na" hence, she was able to attend naman. During the afternoon we're already drinking and was able to take a rest for 2-3hrs. As the evening starts, the party will be held at the Gymnasium where again we're able to meet-up the most memorable thing happened. We kiss, she initiated it and I should have initiated it again in return :) as the party ends was able to be somewhat sober till she's safe to go home.
The last day, Wednesday where it's time to return back to reality where I reserved a ticket for 5:30am trip I managed to convince everyone to skip it and I'll book another trip nalang later on the afternoon where she's also planning to go back to Liloan.
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Isn't she a beauty? Such a pity that the universe made fun of our strings in life, if it's meant to be it'll work out. Anywho, going back to yours truly where the inner hopeless romantic is slowly falling for her slowly getting attached to her. Slowly getting irritated why she delays a reply and overthinking what she's currently doing. But, what can you do, such beauty deserves options where she will not be hurt again and someone who stays by her side. Additionally, she also inform yours truly ahead as well that she's currently not ready to commit yet tho she appreciate our honesty for our explanation(the ghosting part). Pero siguro what I told her is just the tip of the iceberg information, enough information for a short and quick explanation. I really really want to know her more however, she's a type of person to give one-liner reply man. Siguro, she got turned off bec I told her I'm slowly falling? Lastly, I was also very very bullshit for treating her way before the Fiesta happened, been gaming every-night where I ignore the time she invests in me, this is the result of this childish part of mine that will go down in history.
"If I was given a chance, am I willing for a change to grow up?" That will be for another story of our life." I'm gonna be sad now for awhile now if ever she won't reply na, to an extend no amount of rationalization can really change that.
Again the 3 month-rule was supposed to be enough for two person to know each other, however 3 months for me is an excess.
** Currently planning to send this to her during her upcoming birthday, I'm still thinking what would be the purpose of sending this? To seek for a pity or do I think this is a romantic gesture? **
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minkkumaz · 8 months
ITS SO WEIRD NOT PUTTING THE ‘ASK ANONYMOUSLY’ BUTTON ON… at one point ill accidentally turn it on i can feel it TT
and yes thats quite literally me!! that was my smile after i saw UR NEW SERIES. YOUR NEW SERIES ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ because pause we need to DISCUSS.
its crazy cause i was literally talking to my friend about danganronpa last saturday.. im not well versed in the game(show???) but i remember watching those silent playthroughs when I was bored.. A bit boring but i love the blue haired mc.. (suichi?? shuichi?? i know his last name was saihara..)
BUT SERIOUSLY RHOUGH 8TURN AND DANGANRONPA?? frothing at the mouth. i’ll literally stay by minho all the way to make sure nobody does something devious..
knowing you,, you’d definitely sneak some yungyu love in there LMAO (not that im complaining bc recently his white hair has been resonating within me.)
i was supposed to be playing valorant w a few friends today.. but i overslept and napped for EIGHT. EIGHT HOURS 😭
so i woke up around 256am. its like 430 now and i have classes starting around 3hrs.. struggling.. BUT VERY EXCITED FOR THE SERIES ^^
(and yes leehan strutting in heels. he’d eat it UP??? he’d make his fish decide which strut looks better too. sungho and riwoo would be peeking at him through a crack in the door, just watching leehan talk to his fish as he demonstrates the way he walks.)
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omg its okay if you put on anon accidentally, its your split personality LOL
MY SERIES! i am extremely well versed in this game, and i have been hyperfixating on it lately so i seriously couldn't help myself ><
i have all of the games, and i also love the blue haired mc!! shuichi saihara! he has always been my favorite i'm constantly hyperfixating on him he's the love of my life since day one!
i cannot confirm nor deny any of your speculations.. but yes some yungyu love will definitely be snuck in because how could i not? he is the love of my life of course :D
no romance as of now but definitely some implied with a mystery member...
EIGHT HOUR NAP?? naps are either super refreshing or make u wanna explode after.. I HOPE YOU GOT SOME GOOD REST THOUGH YOU DESERVE IT! good luck with your classes ><
also u are so funny abt leehan he totally would LMAOO
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limey-self-inserts · 9 months
hello! sending house and maybe from the platonic selfship ask game for Viktor and Sirius!
house - how chaotic would it be if you lived together? how do you split the chores around the house? would you have any pets together?
Viktor - I think the only major level of chaos would be paperwork. is that document mine or yours? Viktor you left your science on the dinner table again. but otherwise it'd be rather smooth (...so long as no experiments were conducted at night when I'm trying to sleep, but also it'd be more likely Viktor would just do overnights in the lab rather than do stuff at home). we could share chore duties depending on who had spoons/capability, and knock on each others doors with the offer of tea or coffee whenever going to make one ourselves. maybe have a cat but unsure.
Sirius - chaos but it's a GOOD chaos. I'm coming in with surprise two boxes of half-price donuts and Sirius has redone the entire living room so the plants get enough sunlight. one day the cozy corner has a new coffee table. he's knocking on my door at 6pm asking if I want to get tacos from that little van that's a 30min walk away. we definitely need to have a chart up saying who is doing what chores on each day of the week in order to manage our ADHD brains. and we'd probably have like...2 dogs.
maybe - do you go on unplanned adventures? or are you the kind of friends to really plan the ideas through? how seriously do you take the other if they mention something about travelling abroad together out of nowhere?
Viktor - yeah nah if we're going anywhere we need to have a plan. how long will it take to get to X? will there be disability access? will there be public toilets? spontaneity gets as far as going to the local coffee shop for breakfast instead of having it in. if Viktor starts talking about travelling abroad out of nowhere then he's likely thought it through a lot in private, I'd just want to go through what he's planned too.
Sirius - this man is very spontaneous but I need to have plans. thankfully he also is very good at thinking a little in advance so if he suddenly declares we should take a 3hr round trip to a wildlife park or hiking route he's going to be choosing places that have plenty of sitting down opportunities and a cafe at the mid-point or end of the walking. it means we can be a bit more lax with other parts of the plan, and I trust Sirius if he jumps in with an idea for going abroad out of nowhere because, like Viktor, I know he's actually been planning a lot and this is the point he wants to make it more of an open discussion
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yourfavehasanosmia · 1 year
pre-emptively balancing the negative/positive posting ratio: monstera cutting I took in a silly way not only didn't kill my main plant and is growing great big roots, the place I cut it off is developing new growth too :') I recorded some audio for the first time since lockdown yesterday and it turns out that yeah the thing I like doing is actually fun when I manage to unclench and stop being viciously critical from the get go! its looking to be about 2-3hrs long atm. which is a good length I think. extra long podcast is what im personally looking for when I look for podfic anyway. someone left a floor standing ring light in the hall for adoption and its made my little sitting nook very cozy. kid walking behind me for a bit on my walk today kept saying "Olay...!" in the softest voice imaginable. very funny. also helping a friend move into the same building as me which will be nice, and one of my old friends from high school apparently transitioned and is living in this city. good things in the world.
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