#it was not a good time folowing the red sky
patriamrealm · 1 year
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You know, it never sat right with me that Kamado was able to get away with everything he did during the red sky. So let’s just break it down. He banished a kid for doing exactly what he was told, threatened war to the two native clans should they help her, went back on his word that the child would just be banished and sent a ninja to finish her off. Trespassed on sacred grounds to fight something coming out of the rift in the sky. Fought said child who had the solution to the problem just like he ordered and then...gets away with it with just an apology? No.
No way that’s not how that works. At the bare minimum he threatened to go to war with the diamond and pearl clans. That has to be taken seriously. Relations would be very tense following the red sky. And in this he also tried to kill a child the clans basically adopted as one of theirs and got one of the wardens mortally wounded. Yeaaa it would be way past square one that Kamado would have to build back up from.
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As for those involved in the fighting and everything, the wardens they are all recovering. Several of them stay with one another and neither of the clans will let Akari return to Jublife villiage. So since Gaeric is already looking after Lian and Ingo he takes her in too despite the fact that he also needs to take it easier.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 5 years
For the prompt thingy, please! JayDick is my jam but we all know Jay’s our bisexual icon so my hope is for JayKara OR JayRose, the idea being the Batfamily and the SO’s fam finds out about the relationship/RECENT MARRIAGE via a group text. ;)
HI! I bet you guys all thought I’d moved on and wasn’t going to finish!
I have not!
So welcome back to the 50 Fics/500 Folowers Celebratory Prompt-A-Thon fills!
It was very hard to choose between Rose and Kara but I have another prompt for the one so...
Pearl - Read on Ao3
Words: 1015
Rating: G
Don't forget to take off your ring.
Seven little innocent, innocuous words.
And they’ve ruined Jason’s life.
Bruce and Clark are arguing in hushed tones off in the corner. Fingers jab in angry, red faces and they both look like they’re three seconds away from trying to take the other’s head off.
Meanwhile, Jason’s left to fend of the flock of birds and their annoying partners.
By himself.
He’s going to kill her when she finally shows her stupid, gorgeous face.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell us.” Dick is all but pouting.
“Of course he didn’t mention it,” Damian says like he knows everything. “Father is furious. But I’m much more interested in why she would debase herself with the likes of you, Todd.”
Jason rolls his eyes.
Tim, who has put himself bodily in Conner’s way for all the good it will do if the irate clone wants to come at Jason, just raises his eyebrows.
“What made you—“
“What was it like?” Jon interrupts Tim, vibrating like a coked up puppy. “Was it romantic? Were there candles? What did you dance to? Oh! Oh! Did she wear a white dress?! DO YOU HAVE PICTURES OF IT?”
Jason just blinks at the kid, rapid fire questions making it hard to figure out where to start.
Except that everyone is staring at him now. Even Conner’s expression has gone curious. Bruce and Clark have paused their conversation and inched closer.
Mentally, Jason cycles back through the questions, trying to find the one everyone has fixated on.
Uh oh. It’s gonna be hard to answer without getting others in trouble.
“Um... yes?” Jason responds then kicks himself. Stupid honest answers, being put on the spot like that.
“Wait a minute,” Clark says, moving back toward the group, Bruce following close. “She did? You had... like a real ceremony?”
“Just the two of you?” Bruce growls.
Christ. Jason knows he looks like a deer caught in the headlights. He gulps.
“No,” Tim answers for him, eyes full of a humor no one else seems to feel. “You have to have witnesses.”
That comment prompts an outburst of indignant and offended exclamations and accusations. They’ve all turned toward each other as everyone tries to figure out who knew and didn’t snitch.
He shakes his head at them.
Then, without a hint of warning, a soft voice whispers in his ear, “What’s going on?”
The only reason Jason doesn’t jump is because he’s used to it.
Instead he huffs and refuses to look at her. “You sent that text to the group,” he explains, watching the continued chaos, waiting for them to notice the newcomer.
“Which text? I’ve sent a bunch in the last couple hours.”
Now he does give her his attention. It’s still hard to stay focused; she still takes his breath away. Damian’s words float across his mind and Jason finds it difficult to argue with his logic when he’s looking up into soft, sky blue eyes that hover above him.
Why is Kara with him? What does fucking Supergirl see in Jason Todd?
Why on Earth or Krypton did she marry him?
“The reminder to take off my ring.”
She stares at him for a second. Then snorts. “Whoops.”
Jason can’t help it. Her amusement is contagious and he finds himself grinning back.
Everyone is staring at them again. They look far less amused than Jason and Kara.
“Well?” Dick asks.
Jason and Kara exchange a look.
“Well what?” She says, putting her hands on her hips.
“Who was at your wedding?” Bruce all but snarls. His tone earns him an angry look from Clark.
“And do you have pictures?” Jon adds, still overly excited and not put off by everyone else’s horror. “I want to see how beautiful you looked!”
“Oh,” Kara says, like she was expecting something harder. “Ma and Pa were there.”
Clark’s eyes go wide and his jaw drops. He looks utterly scandalized and betrayed. Jason almost laughs. But Kara chooses that moment to elbow him in the side.
“Right. Uh, Alfred was there too.”
The silence that descends is oppressive. Bruce’s face is carefully blank. Dick’s expression mirrors Clark’s. Damian looks upset and Tim has frozen.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Clark finally asks. He sounds... hurt.
Literally every single head turns toward Bruce.
The man looks at each of them. Then grunts a hrm, strides to a shelf in the corner, and returns.
“Congratulations,” he says, infuriating smirk playing on his lips as he thrusts a small box—meticulously wrapped in white and silver paper with a professional looking silver ribbon—into Jason’s arms.
Jason scowls. “I fucking told you,” he snaps at Kara.
She just smiles and shrugs. “Open it.”
Once it’s open, Jason’s throat immediately goes tight and he’s gritting his teeth to keep the water welling in his eyes from falling. He knows what it is, the significance. He doesn’t have to ask.
But Kara hears his pulse ratchet up. “Jason?”
“I... Bruce, I—“
“When I found out, I had a set made for all of you,” Bruce explains taking the paper so the others can see the pearl cufflinks flanking a platinum necklace with a single pearl.
“Bruce... are those your mother’s pearls?” Dick asks quietly, reverently.
The older man nods, eyes fixed on Jason’s. “My father gave them to my mother to celebrate their love. It’s time to let go of their dark history; to give them a chance at a second life.”
They stare at each other, the implications of Bruce’s words hanging so thick in the air there’s no way anyone missed Bruce’s unspoken meaning.
That the pearls aren’t the only thing getting a real second chance in Bruce’s book. He’s finally going to make an effort with Jason too.
An elbow digs into Jason’s side making him hiss.
“For god’s sake, hug the man,” Kara mutters, voice a little thicker than usual.
At least Jason isn’t the only one affected.
Bruce smiles at him and holds out his arms for what feels like the first time since Jason was 15.
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angst-and-heartache · 6 years
Chapter 1: Old Friends
The folowing is a fictional story based off events in the show RWBY. All rights and ownership belong to Rooster Teeth. Any pallels between this story and future episodes of RWBY are pure coincidence and I claim no credit for them. Please support Rooster Teeth and watch the show through them if you haven't already.
There are many times, future and past, where simple changes create a whole new timeline. In this time the Fall maiden was rescued before she lost her powers and Beacon Academy was never attacked. While the attackers fled Qrow tracked them silently and reported back to Ozpin. It has been many years since the teams RWBY and JNPR finished their training at Beacon Academy. After graduating the teams went their separate ways. Team JNPR remained together and traveled the world offering their services as huntsmen and huntresses. Yang and Blake left for Menagerie, home of the Faunus, to get married. Weiss returned home to Atlas to reform the Schnee Dust Company. Ruby followed the example of team JNPR and set off on her own adventure. Just south of the kingdom of Vale was a small settlement, just large enough to be considered a village. This village was surrounded by thick woods save the large open space between the trees and the edge of the village, usually used for farming or gatherings too large for the village center. There were trails leading through the woods, barely noticeable due to lack of travel, and one road leading towards the larger towns and cities. It is here that our story begins.
“So much noise for such a small village.” Mumbled a woman as she approached the village, her form hidden by the shadows of night. She could hear the sounds of celebration from the woodline outside the settlement. Music and laughter filled the air. As she drew closer she could make out the shapes of the buildings in the village. She guessed there were around ten or twelve buildings in the village. On the left side were six buildings, all around the same shape. “Hm, living quarters perhaps?” She pondered, scanning over to the middle of the area. Here was a long and tall building with large windows. “Warehouse most likely.” To the right of this building were two more buildings. One was multiple stories tall with a very square base, likely a hotel of sorts. The other was a wide, single-storied building with multiple windows and double doors in the front. “That must be where they hold public meetings.” The woman was mere meters from the edge of town now, the music and laughter even louder. A flickering light, as if from a fire, danced across the building exteriors. When the woman stepped into the light her figure was illuminated. She looked to be about twenty-four, her hair was pure white, fastened into a long ponytail. Her face was stern and determined, a scar over her left eye. Her eyes were a brilliant blue, perfectly complimenting her hair and pale skin. Her outfit consisted of white heeled boots accompanied by a pair of white dress pants with a dark blue stripe going down the side. Her top was a short blue vest over a white undershirt topped with a white tailcoat. At her waist hung a silver rapier with a multi-colored revolver chamber. The blade was noticeably thicker than a normal rapier with elegant engravings adorning the blade and hilt. She walked with a stiff posture, hands behind her back. Her overall appearance radiated status, leaving no doubt that she was one of importance. As she rounded the corner of the warehouse she entered a clearing. There was a large group of people dancing, a fire burning in the middle of the clearing, and a band playing cheerful and upbeat music. The woman scanned the crowd carefully. Her eyes locked on a man in the clearing. As she did this the man looked up, locking eyes with her and smiling. “Miss Schnee, I presume!” He shouted from across the clearing, making his way over to her. Weiss approached the man, noting his size. He was easily a foot taller than her and massively built. He wore a pair of shorts and an unbuttoned hawaiian shirt. The man approached Weiss with a smile and outstretched arms. “Greetings, Miss Schnee, I’m Hacha. I’m the leader of this here village. I’ve been waiting for you.” Weiss nodded her greeting. “Hello, Hacha. Do you have somewhere quieter we can talk?” Hacha nodded and gestured to what Weiss assumed was the meeting hall. “We can talk in there.” The two turned and made their way to be building. As they walked Weiss turned her head to glance at the group of people.. “Looking for someone?” Weiss turned her head back, her gaze in front of her once again. “No one in particular. What’s with the celebration?” Hacha looked down at her. “It is an attempt to keep everyone's spirits high. To keep the Grimm at bay.” As the two reached the building two kids came running out, laughing and fighting with wooden swords. Weiss watched them as they made their way towards the festivities. They’re only kids and they’re already learning to fight. I hope they never have to put those skill to use, “Miss Schnee?” The chief’s voice snapped her out of thought. She cleared her throat before turning her attention to the building once more. “We have business to conduct, no?” He nodded and the two entered the building, closing the door behind them. A little over an hour passed before they emerged from the doors. “Then we are in agreement?” Weiss asked. Hacha nodded. “If you supply forced to defend this village I can guarantee they will have adequate housing and sustenance. They will be treated as family, I assure you.” The woman nodded. “Very well, I shall make the arrangements. I will send word ahead of when you should expect your new arrivals.” Weiss turned and began walking away. “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to stay the night, Miss Schnee? We’ve plenty of room.” She turned her gaze to the sky, the shattered moon hanging in the sky accompanied by countless stars. “I’m sure.” She said with a smile. It only took Hacha a moment to connect the dots. “Very well. Enjoy the view, Miss Schnee.” Hacha nodded a farewell before making his way to his own home. Weiss stood with her hands behind her back, taking in the night sky, a view she would never get in Atlas. “I suppose I should get going, wouldn’t want to keep father waiting.” She tore herself away from the stars, sighing as her smile faded. The woman looked around the village, the bulk of the celebrations had died down and people were returning to their homes. The bonfire that had burned so brightly in the middle of the town was mere embers, heat still radiating from it as she passed.
Leaving the village she entered the forests, the moon shining through the trees. Several silent minutes passed before a low growl caught the woman’s attention. She stopped, her hand moving to her rapier. The foliage around her lit up with several pairs of glowing red eyes. “Not good.” She drew her blade as she examined the area. “How many?” She took a deep breath, preparing herself for the first attack. As she steeled herself the first grimm lept from the bushes, slashing at the woman. She backstepped out the creature’s range, piercing its skull. As the first died another lept out, swinging as Weiss before she could recover. Her eyes widened as she saw the claws a mere foot from her face. Her body reacted before her mind, throwing herself to the ground as the beast lurched past her. Weiss hastily got to her feet, blood pouring from a gash on her cheek. The beast resembled a large bipedal wolf. Most of its body was solid black with an ominous black smoke rising from its fur. It's head was adorned with a white skull with two small red lines running parallel to each other from the snout to the back of the head. There were long, white, bone like spikes that lines the creature’s spine, forearms, elbows and knees. She grit her teeth, regaining her composure. “I can do this, it's just a beowolf.”She mumbled to herself. She stood, poised to strike as her blade glowed red, a white glyph appearing at her feet. Two more grimm emerged next to the first one, snarling at their opponent. Weiss lunged forward, her glyph propelling her towards the trio. She ran the middle one through, its body combusting instantly. The other two reared back, growling viciously. In one swift motion she pulled her rapier from the first grimm and leapt back. As she landed the middle grimm exploded into a burst of fire, igniting the other two grimm. Before she could admire her handiwork a massive force slammed against her side, throwing her against a tree. Weiss cried out in pain, feeling several of her ribs cracking upon impact. Panting, she pushed herself up to a sitting position, her back against the tree. Through her blurred vision she could see the outline of a massive ursa. A bear like creature that had the same white and red skull as the beowolves. This beast had spikes covering its entire back with huge white claws on the tip of its fingers. It was easily five times Weiss’ size. “Damn.” She spoke through gritted teeth. Weiss grabbed her weapon, using it as a crutch to get to a kneeling position. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her scroll. Her hands were shaking. She fumbled with the device, dropping it just as she activated the voice commands. “Hello, Miss Schnee. How may i assist you?” The phone chimed cheerfully. Weiss winced as she breathed. “Call… Winter.” “Calling Winter Schnee.” Panting, Weiss stood. She reached out to the tree to steady herself. One ring. The ursa began to move towards her, snarling. Two rings. Weiss tightened her grip on her weapon and pointed it at the beast. Three rings. Mustering all her strength Weiss charged at the beast. As she moved away from the device a click was heard, connecting to the other line. “Hello, Weiss. To what do I owe the pleasure?” a soft voice asked from the other end. Weiss swung clumsily, her blade glancing harmlessly off the ursa’s hide. The creature growled and swung it claws at the woman. She managed to block the majority of the attack, one of the claws slicing across her abdomen. Weiss cried out in pain and staggered back. “Weiss? Weiss are you okay?” The voice called out. Weiss fell to one knee, clutching her bleeding side. “Winter…” A coughing fit interrupted her sentence, blood landing on the ground beneath her. She took a shaky breath, the ursa moving closer once more. “Weiss, talk to me. What’s going on?” Winter was almost yelling now. “Ursa…” Weiss struggled. Now light headed from blood loss, the fighter collapsed, barely able to see the beast that was now mere feet from her. The ursa let out a roar as it raised its claws, poised to finish off the woman. The roar was cut short as three meter-long arrows pierced the beast’s chest. It staggered backwards, falling to the ground motionless. “Oh, Weiss. You really should be more careful. It’s dangerous out here.” Weiss tried to look to the source of the voice, catching only a glimpse of a hooded figure before passing out. The figure sighed and shook their head before picking up the phone. “Hello?” “What the- Who the hell are you? Where is Weiss? Answer me, dammit!” The figure chuckled and smiled. “No need to worry, Winter.” Hanging up, the figure pocketed the phone and knelt by Weiss. “Always biting off more than you can chew.” Sliding their arms under her the figure picked Weiss up and carried her off.
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chikorito · 7 years
Pokémon Tagg
Tagged by anyone
1. Favorite starter?
Chikorita, but I don’t like their evolutions, and Totodile
2. Favorite Pokémon?
Sceptile, my main, green fast yoshi
3. Favorite type?
Grass, followed by Fire and Dark
4. Favorite region?
Sinnoh, cold weather FTW, followed by Hoenn because exploration
1. Favorite game?
HGSS The most complete
2. Favorite in game player character? (Red, Leaf, Kris, Ethan, etc.)
Leaf is too cute
3. Favorite in game rival?
Silver cuz it’s cool and edgy so it feels good to kick his ass, but he learn and Wally because have a good improvement story
4. Favorite Professor?
Rowan because is an angry old man
5. Favorite Gym Leader/Kahuna?
Gardenia, but Sabrina, Nanu, Flannery, Erika, those are some of my favortie
6. Favorite Elite 4?
Hoenn, but I like Lorelei, Karen and Drasna
7. Favorite Champion?
Cynthia is the best
8. Favorite evil organization? (Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Galactic, etc.)
Team Magma because their motivation are not so stupid as Aqua but their are, also Aether Foundation because aesthetic
9. Favorite in game song?
Route 228 from locations, Colress theme from battle
10. What was your first Pokémon game?
Emulation of Red, then Ruby and save money to buy a DS so Diamond was my first legal
1. Favorite Pokémon anime season?
... Battle Frontier, nobody watched that, also Orange Islands was good
2. Favorite travel companion?
May because was competitive and really grow as a character
3. Favorite character?
Tracy, because he draws, also anime Korrina, Misty and Lorelei :D
4. Favorite movie?
Destiny Deoxys and the Mewtwo Strikes Back
5. Favorite of “the twerps’ Pokémon”?
6. Favorite of Team Rocket’s Pokémon?
7. During what season did you start watching?
First because I’m old
8. Top 5 episodes: 
I just couldn’t make just 5 so 10
10. Pikachu Re-Volts 9. The Semi-Final Frontier 8. Bad to the Bone 7. Queen of the Serpetine 6. Sweet Baby James 5. Go West Young Meowth 4. Training Daze 3. The Ghost of Maiden’s Peak 2. Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Team Go-Getters out of the Gate! 1. The island of Giant Pokemon
9. Favorite OP?
Pokemon World from the american folowed by Pokemon Johto and I wanna be a hero Advance Adventure from the Japanese followed by Spurt and V (Volt)
10. Favorite ED?
Glory Day, then Fantasy in my Pocket, Because the Sky is there and A New Oath
1. Do you prefer the Pokémon games, anime, TCG or manga?
Games but with this I realize I have really fond memories of the anime, also I enjoyed TCG some time ago
2. Would you live the Pokémon world?
YES, preffery on Hoenn or Sinnoh.
3. Contests or battles?
Battle but I do contest too.
4. What Pokémon berry looks the tastiest to you?
(OH) Magost
5. Tag people!
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