#iscan and melli are staying together
patriamrealm · 1 year
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You know, it never sat right with me that Kamado was able to get away with everything he did during the red sky. So let’s just break it down. He banished a kid for doing exactly what he was told, threatened war to the two native clans should they help her, went back on his word that the child would just be banished and sent a ninja to finish her off. Trespassed on sacred grounds to fight something coming out of the rift in the sky. Fought said child who had the solution to the problem just like he ordered and then...gets away with it with just an apology? No.
No way that’s not how that works. At the bare minimum he threatened to go to war with the diamond and pearl clans. That has to be taken seriously. Relations would be very tense following the red sky. And in this he also tried to kill a child the clans basically adopted as one of theirs and got one of the wardens mortally wounded. Yeaaa it would be way past square one that Kamado would have to build back up from.
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As for those involved in the fighting and everything, the wardens they are all recovering. Several of them stay with one another and neither of the clans will let Akari return to Jublife villiage. So since Gaeric is already looking after Lian and Ingo he takes her in too despite the fact that he also needs to take it easier.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Can I request the diamond and pearl clans comforting banished reader
I’ve already written for Adaman and Irida comforting the reader here but I’ll include some bits from the wardens in this for you!
Pearl Clan:
News of your banishment reaches the wardens slowly, as they’re not within the sphere of communication. As they return to their village, however, they learn of your banishment, and how Irida is hiding you in their village. And they rush to your aid, heartbroken for the betrayal you’ve faced
Ingo brings you kits, purring bundles of fur that nuzzle into you and mew mew mew for your attention. He shows you how they like to be petted, sitting close to your side to let you not feel alone. He’s here. He’ll protect you.
Calaba knows recipes of times past, passed down to her from her ancestors. She coaxes you into helping her make them, showing you how to prep meat and vegetables and cook them with pastas and breads to create the most delicious of foods you’ve ever tasted. As you eat, she pets your hair and promises you a home in the Pearl Clan, no matter what
Palina offers hugs and kisses to soothe you. She cuddles you closer, pressing kisses to your head as she rocks and sings. Her voice carries so soothingly, that even in your despair you’re able to sleep in her warm embrace. She stays by your side at night, to make sure you’re not haunted by nightmares
Liam doesn’t know how to help like the adults, so he takes to distracting you. He bring you his entire rock collection, and teaches you about each stone. He talks and talks and talks, anything to get you to smile at him, to get your mind off of the worry of how you’re going to solve the problems weighing you down
Gaeric is of the idea that exercise solves everything. He wants to go on runs together, to do push-ups and rock climbs until you’re too tired to worry about anything. But after you asking (or Irida scolding him) he eases down. Instead, he shows off his strength to distract you, having you on his back as he does push-ups or climbs mountains.
Diamond Clan:
The Diamond Clan is horrified to hear of the slight you've received, cast out of the home you thought you knew, could trust, could be safe within. They happily accept you into their village, and the members rush to let the wardens know what happened, leading them back to you
Arezu clings to you during this time, fretting over you even if you have no injuries. She takes you on what is basically a spa day, washing your hair, cutting it, styling it, and giving you clothes and such to model for her. She wants you to have a little fun, to forget your sorrows and relax. Anything for her favorite little faller
Mai has big sister mode fully activated. She mothers you quite a bit, fraught with gentle teasing to make you laugh and smile. She makes sure you're well fed and taking care of yourself on your journey to discover what to do, and worries about you constantly
Melli is furious. He hates you (so he says), but this is outrageous! To be abandoned like that! He vents to you about how terrible Kamado is, how cruel he is to do this to you, validating all your feelings of anger about what's happened. You hug him, and he yelps, groaning as he pats your head and continues on with his ran about how the Great Melli would never do that to you
Iscan cries a bit over your banishment. He feels for you, being so scared and seemingly isolated. You get many a hug from Iscan, who clings to you as though to protect you from anything else that could hurt you. You relish his hugs, his warmth, his protection, even if there are no monsters around. He has a lovely singing voice as well, taught by Palina, and his lullabies are beautiful, lulling you to sleep with ease
Sabi weeps too, once she gets to you. She cries about knowing something bad would happen to you and not doing anything about it. To make it up to you, she's on you like a Komala, clinging to you wherever you go. She wants to play, to make you little gifts and bring you things she and Braviary find while flying around. You have to assure her she's not to blame some, but even still, she wants to comfort you however she can
ta-da! finished moving house and cranked this bad boy out!! enjoy!
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monsoon-of-art · 1 year
Donut Hole - Chapter 15
Two Time
I'm out on the block again (Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba) So hopped up that I can't pretend (Ooh) Two time! (Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba) Stay friends Problem that you can't defend (Oh) Hands up, feel okay (Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba) Whose heart could I break today? Two time! (Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba) Stay friends Problem that you can't defend
[Big long chapter for you guys to snack on!] [ao3 Link!]
The two clan leaders met on the path to Jubilife.
“Good morning, Irida.”
“There is little good about it.”
Adaman smirked a little at this. “Oh, Sinnoh forbid you had to wake up early-”
“There was an accident at my settlement.” she said, the coldness in her voice immediately made Adaman regret his joking quip.
“I-I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware. Is it an overstep to ask what happened?”
“Yes. Yes it would be.”
They may have been working together to quell the nobles with the Galaxy Team, but things were still…frosty.
But Adaman wasn’t one to give up. “Just as well.” he said, arms crossed over his chest, his tone casual. “We’ve had issues as well. Currently half of our settlement is buried under mud from a landslide.”
“But it’s not the season for landslides?” Irida said quietly, raising an eyebrow.
“I know. There was…an incident.” he explained. “That's why I’m here, to seek the aid of the Galaxy team. My people can’t handle the frenzied nobles and the aftermath of a landslide.”
Irida was silent for a moment. “...there was a fire. A very bad one. I am here to discuss options-”
“It was the boy, wasn’t it?”
She shot him a surprised look. “How did you-?!”
Adaman shook his head. “Call it a hunch. And between you me, that kid was behind the landslide. He’s been running my poor people ragged. He ruined Iscan’s tent, and he even bit Arezu.”
“He bit her?” she repeated, “I suppose we’re lucky he only caused a fire.”
“That you know of. He’s still in the Icelands, right? Pray your precious mentor can handle him!”
“Well he handled Palina, Lian, and I-” she shook her head. “We are getting off topic. My people need to rebuild, and my Wardens cannot afford any more of their time. He already rattled Ingo something fierce. He won’t tell us what Berry said to him, but it’s clearly bothering him-”
“Well. Then we are here for the same reason.” Adaman drawled. “That kid needs help. And we don’t have the time -”
“- or space -”
“- to do anything about it. But Jubilife should be able to help, right? I’d hate to ask, but this seems like their…thing. They took Dawn in, what’s one more wayward child, right?”
Irida grimaced. “Argh. Dawn. Should we tell her?”
He waved her off. “Nah. Poor girl has so much on her plate already. She doesn’t have to worry about some…feral kid.”
As the two approached the gates, who else but Dawn ran out to greet them. Despite themselves, both Adaman and Irida smiled.
Despite the circumstances of their previous meetings, both of them had grown quite fond of the girl. 
She was a sweet little thing, kind and quiet. Every warden she had previous interactions with spoke highly of her (aside from Melli). And her way with pokemon, while terrifying, was equally as endearing. She really did love them.
“Irida! Adaman! It’s so good to see you!” she chirped upon seeing them, running up and around them like an energetic shinx. “I caught the most AMAZING pokemon yesterday! You have to see him!”
“Oh, I would love to under normal circumstances.” Adaman said, sounding genuinely disappointed. The last time she wanted to show them ‘an amazing pokemon’, it was the Alpha Sliggoo from the mirelands. “However, we must meet with the Commander. Time is short-”
“Oh, come now, Adaman. I am sure your Almighty Sinnoh won’t mind you spending a few moments to entertain her. Besides, I was told to offer well wishes from Ingo.” scolded Irida. “We would love to see your Pokemon, Dawn.”
Dawn’s grin split ear to ear. “I found him on the Coastlands yesterday, and he’s beeeeautiful!”
(Irida was almost positive it would be a Gastrdon. Adaman had his bets on a Drapion.)
Dawn presented the two with a buizel, slightly smaller than average. But the main thing was the color; this particular buizel was a pale yellow, its collar a brilliant white.
“Look! Look! It has different colors!” she squealed, hugging the pokemon tight. “He’s one-in-a-million! He’s absolutely perfect, and we’re going to be best of friends!”
“Wow, I’ve never seen a buizel like that!” Adaman said, looking it up and down. “And I bet you’ll take good care of it.”
“Back home, my bestest friend in the whole world had a buizel.” Dawn said, voice barely above a whisper.
Adaman and Irida shared a look. Dawn rarely, if ever, spoke about her time before Hisui. 
“Yeah?” Irida asked, more than a little curious. “What was he like?”
The dam burst, and Dawn began happily telling the pair everything. 
“Well, we were neighbors, and we went to school together! From the very beginning!” she began, swinging the buizel in her arms like a stuffed toy, practically bouncing in place. “None of the other kids liked him because he talked and talked, but I liked hearing him talk!”
(Irida and Adaman wanted to interject and ask questions, but there was no stopping her now.)
“And we’d go on adventures! We traveled really far! He was always a step ahead of me, but he’d always make sure to wait! And when my bike broke, he’d let me sit behind him on his bike and he’d take me places! We’d share food! He loved- he-he loved-”
The joy in her voice was quickly souring. She had stopped bouncing. Adaman and Irida had noticed the shift, and even the buizel in her arms seemed to be aware.
“H-He loved pecha berries. An-And whenever we’d eat, I-I’d give him my berries. We-We got our pokemon together. W-We were side…side by side…always…always… and…a-and I miss hiimmmmmm…”
Dawn melted into a blubbery, weeping, whining mess, crying into the buizel’s fur. Immediately, Adaman and Irida knelt by her side, trying to comfort her.
“It’s alright, it’s alright, no need for tears now.” Irida cooed, petting the girl’s hair. 
Adaman put a hand on her shoulder. “I’m certain you’ll see him again, Dawn. It sounds like you were the best of friends, and I doubt that Almighty Sinnoh would tear you two apart.”
Dawn wiped at her face, still holding the confused buizel in one arm. “I-I named this buizel after him, a-after an inside joke, where we’d call a buizel ‘Barry’ and I-I’d call my friend ‘Human-Barry’, h-he never thought it was funny-”
“Dawn.” Irida said, an anxious tremor in her voice. “What was your friend’s name again?”
“Barry.” she repeated. “His name is Barry.”
“And…what did he look like?” Irida continued, suddenly looking very pale.
Dawn sniffled a little, the strangeness of the question seemingly distracting her from her sadness. “He…he was slightly taller than me. And blonde, with hair that tended to spike up, no matter how hard he tried. And he loved his green scarf, because he thought it made him look like his dad-”
“His father. What was his father’s name?” Irida continued the questioning, slipping into her ‘leader’ tone of voice.
“Uhm. Palmer?” Dawn squirmed, leaning closer to Adaman. “You’re freaking me out.”
“Irida, back off a little.”
She did so, hesitantly, flitting back like a spooked starly. “I-I apologize, Dawn. This must be hard for you.” She grabbed Adaman’s arm, starting to pull him away. “W-We really must be going now-”
He spun around, confused. “But what about Kamado-”
“I. Need. To Talk. To You. Remember?” Irida said through grit teeth, glancing at Dawn. “Alone.”
Irida dragged him away, giving poor, confused Dawn a polite wave as she did so.
Once a decent distance - out of Dawn’s earshot anyway - Adaman yanked his arm out of Irida’s grip. “Look, is all this really necessary-”
“The Boy that has caused so much havoc. He appeared out of nowhere, with clothing not native to Hisui, with the innate ability to tame pokemon?” Irida hissed through grit teeth. “Sound familiar?”
Adaman blinked. “...Ingo?”
“No! It-” Irida took a moment to stare vacantly into space, processing. “...maybe. Not what I was going for. We’ll put a pin in that.”
Adaman tried again. “You can’t be saying the Boy is the same as Dawn’s friend Barry. What if you’re wrong? Would you be willing to break a little girl’s heart by raising her hopes like that?”
“I’ve seen him. You haven’t. He’s a blonde little boy with spiky hair and a green scarf! Although granted, he looks as though he’s been dragged through dozens of mud puddles - You cannot deny these coincidences!”
“But what if they’re just that? Just coincidences?”
“What if they aren’t?!”
“What if they are?!” Adaman shook his head. “We are going in circles. What do you suggest?”
"We bring Barry to Jubilife. By any means necessary. If he is not Dawn's friend, then the Galaxy Team can take care of him at the least." Irida said. "We'll drag him here if needed."
"That I can agree on. Should we tell Kamado?"
Irida hesitated. Adaman didn't answer either. An uncomfortable silence fell over the two.
Adaman finally answered for her. "...so that's a no. Let's get Barry here first. And we'll explain along the way. I'll tell my Wardens. I still believe this to be nothing more than a series of unfortunate coincidences."
"And I believe you to be a fool."
When Barry finally woke, most of the egg pokemon were gone. A few chansey and happiny lingered, but the rest of the herd had left.
He awoke to a shrill noise, one that annoyed him initially, but after a moment caused alarm.
It was crying. 
Barry sprang to his feet, ignoring the confused noises of his team, the aching in his legs, and the cold starting to seep into his bones.
“Someone’s in trouble-!” he muttered as he darted across the frozen, snowy wastes. “Someone’s in trouble! Someone’s in trouble!”
The crying grew louder, enough for Barry to realize it wasn’t a baby or child crying. It was a pokemon cry, but that did very little to dissuade him.
Finally he crested a hill, seeing the source; a little snover, wailing and crying as it tried to pull its foot out of a snare trap.
Barry felt his blood start to boil.
What heartless, absolute dickhead of a person would set traps for pokemon like this? Didn’t they have pokeballs? Unless…Unless they were going to kill this snover.
He carefully approached. “Hey, hey buddy. I’m here to help!” he said, keeping his voice low and soft.
The snover whined, trying to squirm away. “It’s OK buddy, I’m gonna let you go now. But don’t freak out.” Barry reached into his pocket for his knife, leaning forward to cut the trap.
The pokemon whined louder, fearing the knife in his hands, but the snover seemed to settle when it noticed Barry was cutting the trap and not at it. It even allowed Barry to cut the twine wrapped around its foot.
“There! You’re free!”
Barry was caught off guard when the snover almost tackled the boy in a hug. But he returned it as best as he could, if a little awkward. “Yeah! You’re welcome buddy! You’re free!”
When he let go, the snover continued to stare up at him. And when he started to walk back, the snover started to follow.
“Oh, you are. Coming with me.” said Barry, seeing the snover waddling behind him with determination. “How does this keep happening to me?”
Barry - with snover in tow - returned to the dug out cave where his confused pokemon were waiting for him. “So uh. I found this guy.” he glanced at the snover. “...girl. Unsure. But I think they’re gonna stick around!”
His pokemon chittered amongst themselves, as if discussing their new companion. Barry turned to the snover. “Well? Got any neat tricks or anything?”
The snover paused, looking down at the ground, thoughtful. Then, around its midsection, small white berries began to form. Once they were the size of a strawberry, the snover plucked one and handed it to Barry.
Barry didn’t hesitate in popping the berry into his mouth. It had the texture of frozen yogurt, and it tasted mildly sweet.
“...I’m gonna call you Snacks.”
The now-named Snacks gave an appreciative croon. But then it glanced down at its foot, red and swollen from the snare trap. Barry also gave it a glance with a frown. “...I bet there’s oran berries around here.”
Rummaging in his bag, Barry said, “Alright team, slight detour while we look for oran berries for-”
He paused, realizing that Fern and Pest did not technically have pokeballs. That was very dangerous, especially now that Barry had no way to carry Fern if they were injured.
Returning to his bag, he pulled out one of the remaining great balls and pokeball. “Fern, you have seniority, so you get first pick. Which one do ya want?”
Fern trilled, shaking its head. “No, c’mon. You need a pokeball for emergencies. If you get hurt I can’t drag you to a pokemon center. I won’t even keep you in it, but you need one!”
With this reassurance, Fern relented. As its paw hovered over the great ball, Barry quickly snatched it back. “Actually I want Pest in the great ball. I want the colors to match. You’re kinda red, Fern!”
Giving the boy an annoyed glance, Fern picked up the pokeball, carefully turning it over in its hands. Satisfied, Fern tapped the pokeball to its forehead, allowing itself to be captured.
(Pest thought it was a game, dodging the pokeball for a time, but he too, allowed himself to be captured.)
Upholding his promise, Barry released the two as soon as they were registered to their respective pokeballs. “Alright! Let’s start looking for some berries, then we can get back to the mountain! Spread out, but don’t go too far!”
Mystery cawed and cawed, gesturing to something behind the boy.
Glancing over his shoulder, Barry saw a little sitrus berry, set in the snow just beyond the dug-out entrance. And beyond the sitrus berry was another. And another. And another. Dozens of sitrus berries in a neat little line, leading off to…somewhere.
Normally, Barry would be very suspicious. If anything, this looked like a trap from a cartoon. But this wasn’t a cartoon, and he sincerely hoped that Team Galactic didn’t think he was this stupid.
There was no chance this was one of Team Galatic’s tricks. No, it must’ve been the chanseys! Trying to lead him somewhere.
So Barry and his odd little companions followed the trail of berries. He made sure his pokemon got their fill in this unexpected berry feast before tucking them away in his bag for later.
If he squinted, Barry could see the trail of yellow and blue berries snaking through the snow, twisting around a group of enormous icy spires. Maybe that’s where the blissey and chansey normally lived?
He was finding it a bit harder to cling on to his ‘chansey’ theory, especially as the giant ice blocks loomed above them all…
Fern too, seemed to sense something he didn’t. It stuck to Barry’s side, eyes darting about. His other pokemon were still collecting berries without a care.
After crossing between two massive pillars, Fern froze. As if standing steps away from a threshold of some kind, Fern refused to take a step further.
“...buddy?” Barry whispered. “What’s wrong?”
Then, Barry made the unfortunate mistake - or perhaps very fortunate mistake - of looking behind them.
There was a Magmortar clearly stalking them. Following the trail of footsteps they had left in the snow, obviously trying not to be seen.
Barry felt his heart skip a beat.
This was a trap, wasn't it.
“Don’t take anymore berries.” Barry hissed, keeping the magmortar in the corner of his vision. “We need to leave.”
But to his horror, he could see another stalking figure just outside of the ice pillars; an Electivire prowling the outskirts, blocking him in. The only path he could take was deeper into the ice.
Vaguely, Barry recalled nature documentaries. Packs of Pyroar intentionally luring their prey into bottlenecks or blockades, where they had no chance of escape.
Was he the prey?
Was he going to die here?
Barry found himself reaching into his bag and clutching his knife.
Barry and his team found the end of the berry trail, leading into a large clearing in the ice. And at the end of the trail was a shirtless man and a young girl.
The man glanced at the girl. "I cannot believe that worked."
"I told you it would! My clairvoyance is never wrong!"
Instinctively, Barry pushed his pokemon behind him. "Who are you? Are you part of Team Galactic?"
The man burst into a bellowing laugh. Only then did Barry realize - to his bewilderment and slight disgust - the man's chest hair was trimmed into the circular symbol of the Galactic splinter group.
It was obvious he was part of Galactic.
 "If I wasn't so furious, I'd almost be tempted to go easy on you for that!" The man said after settling himself down some, but a very irritated grin was still on his face. "Proper introductions are in order. I am Gaeric, Warden of the Pearl Clan!"
"And my name is Sabi, of the Diamond clan."
"You are Berry! The strange, wayward child that sets settlements ablaze and causes landslides!" Gaeric crossed his arms over his chest. The irritated grin was gone, leaving only anger. "And you will go no further."
The electivire slowly stomped into the clearing, the magmortar entering opposite it. From behind, Barry recognized the familiar silhouette of a Rhyperior.
Cornered. Trapped. Prey.
"Here are your options!" Gaeric held up a hand. "You willing come with me to the Pearl Settlement, and you wait while we decide how to punish you for your crimes. Or…we drag you there by the ankles."
"Ooooh, tough choices!" Sabi chirped. "Which will you pick, hmmm?"
Barry glanced between the three pokemon trudging through the snow to reach him. It felt like hundreds of battle strategies and movesets and possibilities raced through his mind at impossible speeds.
(He remembered fighting side by side with Her. He had begged her to come to the Fight Area, and she had gotten lost trying to find the ferry in snowpoint. Oh, oh how he had teased her for that. “I thought it was my job to get lost!” he said between fits of giggling.)
(Then, Flint and Volkner had challenged the two to a battle. With Her by Barry’s side, he knew the two of them would never lose. Flint sent out his magmortar and Volkner sent out his electivire, and-)
“Pest! String shot on the electivire, it’s fastest, so we gotta slow it down. Then, keep it distracted! Keep it confused! String shot, confusion, quiver dance! Go!” he barked, Pest launching itself off his head to follow the orders.
“Mystery! You take on the magmortar! Dodge the blasts, get in what hits you can! Haze to keep yourself hidden!” With a loud squawk, Mystery took flight, circling the fire type pokemon from above.
Finally, Barry turned to face the rhyperior behind him. “Jen! You’re on the rhyperior! It’s slow and bulky, so skirt around it until there’s an opening! No necessary risks, got it?!”
Fern shifted, ready to join the others in combat, but Barry grabbed its arm. “Not yet. Stay here. I doubt that’s all the pokemon they have…”
And his assumption was correct.
Gaeric groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose and exhaling loudly. “I knew you would do something stupid like this. Fine. If you want to fight so bad, I’ll give you a fight!”
Behind him floated in a glalie and froslass, both of them looking to the man for orders. “Freeze the boy! We’ll drag him to the settlement as an ice cube if we must!”
“Fern, take care of the ice types! I’ll protect Snacks!”
And Fern was all-too-happy to spring into action; the glalie, the froslass, and Fern circling one another in a strange, combative dance, none of them wanting to take the first shot.
Sabi frowned as she looked at all the battles before her, “You’re being so rough to my friends! That’s not how playing works! You’re being so mean!” she said with a whine.
With their Pokemon engaged in combat, Barry began to slowly move away from the battlefield, Snacks shuffling awkwardly behind him. He was looking for a potential exit, an escape plan. But it looked like they were trapped by ice and the trio of ‘friends’.
His hand was still in his bag, gripping the knife’s handle so tight it felt like he was about to lose circulation in his fingers. He was completely trapped. Cornered. Cornered. Cornered.
Gaeric, as if sensing Barry intent to escape, began making his way closer. Barry started to tremble, pressing himself against the pillar of ice behind him. Snacks let out a mournful croon, wrapping its arms around Barry’s legs.
But the man stopped. He stopped a few yards away, arms crossed. He had a strange look on his face that Barry couldn’t identify; the irritation and anger was still there…but just underneath was something softer.
“You’re not leaving.” Gaeric finally said. “I know you flee at the first chance you get. It’s not happening.”
Barry pulled out his knife, holding it with a shaking hand. “S-Stay back! I'm warning you!"
“Who taught you how to hold a knife?" Gaeric asked with an unimpressed frown. “Look at that stance! You know what-” he resumed his stride, gesturing at Barry. “Give me that. Give me the knife.”
“W-WHAT?” Barry squealed, pressing himself even more against the ice.
He didn’t actually want to have to use the knife. Barry was hoping he could bluff his way out of this, and clearly he could not.
Gaeric grabbed the boy’s wrist, the same hand currently holding the knife. “Alright. Give me the knife. You’re going to hurt someone.”
“AH- LET GO OF ME!” Barry shouted, scrambling to pull himself away. But the larger man was as solid as a boulder. 
“Give me the knife!”
“Just give me the knife!”
A near in-human noise clawed out of Barry’s throat as he squirmed and writhed in Gaeric’s grip. He tugged and pulled, his free hand clawing at Gaeric’s wrist.
Gaeric stood there, looking at Barry as if the boy had transformed into a feral shinx before his very eyes. “You are freaking me out. Listen, you’re not going to win this fight. Look-”
He pulled the boy over, twisting him around to show the battlefield. Pest was still keeping the electivire distracted, Mystery was dodging the magmortar attacks, Jen was still keeping the rhyperior occupied.
Fern was currently locked in battle with his glalie, attempting to land a punch on the floating ice type. What Fern didn’t notice, though, was froslass creeping behind it.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with your deformed Gardevoir…Gallade…thing. But whatever it is, I know it won’t be able to take a shadow ball in the back.”
“FERN!” Barry screamed, still trying to tear his wrist from Gaeric’s grip. “FERN BEHIND YOU!”
The warning came just moments too late. Fern was just barely able to spin around and raise an arm to try and protect itself from the attack. 
The shadow ball was a direct hit.
Fern was engulfed in an explosion of purple, ghostly energy.
But when the smoke cleared, Fern was still standing. Shaking, clearly injured, but still standing.
Gaeric’s jaw dropped. “What in Sinnoh’s name IS that thing?!”
“That’s my FRIEND, you ASSHOLE!” Barry practically screamed, continuing his writhing struggles.
Snacks was crying behind him. Pest and Mystery were clearly growing tired. Jen was barely dodging attacks. Fern was outnumbered.
His pokemon needed him. His pokemon needed him! 
Barry kicked him. Kicked him hard. Right between his legs.
The surprised and pained squeak from the man was almost satisfying. But more importantly, as Gaeric slumped to the ground, he let go of Barry's wrist.
His glalie and froslass, alerted by their master’s distress, abandoned combat with Fern. 
“FERN!” Barry shouted, trying - and failing - to pick up Snacks. (Since when were snovers so heavy?) “GO HELP JEN!”
A bit slow from the shadow ball, Fern eventually staggered over to the rhyperior.
“Hey! That’s no fair! And no fun!” Sabi yelled from…somewhere. Barry had kind of lost track of her in the fight. But he finally noticed her on top of one of the pillars with a giant bird. “You’re cheating!”
And said giant bird looked mean. There was no way his team could take that thing on, not now.
“I’m fine with that!” Barry yelled back. “Take out the rhyperior!”
The rhyperior wasn’t sure which target to focus on with Fern joining the fray, and this confusion was enough for Jen to land a well-placed water pulse and for Fern to hit with a close combat immediately after.
The enormous rock pokemon staggered, falling onto its back. It wiggled pitifully, like a stuck ledyba.
It wasn’t fainted. But it was an opening.
“LEAVING NOW! LEAVING NOW!” Barry called to his team. He grabbed his very last pokeball, tapping it against Snacks’ head to capture it. “Sorry bud, you’re real slow. Fern, Jen, you too-” and he recalled them for good measure.
He could hear Pest and Mystery start to fly after him. But he could also hear the screech and wingbeats of the giant bird under Sabi’s command.
Barry risked glancing over his shoulder. The giant bird was gaining on them, any moment it’d swoop down and crush Mystery and Pest between its talons-
That was, until Mystery spun right around and smacked it with assurance. The giant bird, either taken by surprise or genuinely hurt, let out a loud squawk and gave up chasing them entirely. It flew back to Sabi, metaphorically tucking its tail between its legs like a frightened poochyena.
“HA! YOUR STUPID BIRD CAN’T HANDLE US!” He shouted, Mystery letting out a loud caw in agreement.
“YOU ATTACKED LORD BRAVIARY?!” the girl squealed, Braviary pitifully crooning and nudging its head into her chest. “You’re going to be in sooooooooooo much trouble!!”
“I don’t care what pedigree or whatever that thing is! You’re lucky I didn’t fine you two!”
With the electivire breaking the silk slowing it down and the magmortar helping the rhyperior back onto its feet, Barry knew it was time to leave.
He ran back into the frozen wastes, Pest and Mystery flying just behind, hoping that Gaeric and Sabi were too slow to give chase.
Luckily for him, they didn’t bother giving chase at all.
Sabi and Lord Braviary made their way to Gaeric, curled up on his side, on the ground. “Well. That could’ve gone worse.” she said with a shrug.
Gaeric laid there for a moment before asking, “...Sabi. How much of that fight could you see…with your foresight?”
“Hmmmmm, I saw most of it. Attacking Lord Braviary was a surprise-”
“So you knew. He’d kick me in the dick. And you said. Nothing?”
“Yeah! It was sooo funny!”
He groaned again, “I hate you. I hate you so much.”
[Finally!! Dawn Speaks!!! And the Leaders know…….] [And a team update! Now featuring Snacks!]
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mynamesaplant · 7 months
Gaeric Week: Ship
Thanks to @gaeric-appreciation for putting this together. Thanks to Mons too for betaing all this work, it is always appreciated. This has been really fun and I've really been looking forward to it! Each ficlet is between 500 and 1,000 words so they're easy reads.
Please note: In solidarity with Palestine and the global strike called by Bisan Owda, I will be pushing the release dates of these ficlets up to avoid conflict with this strike.
‘My joints are creaky, so I need you to go to the swamp in my stead. Think of it as a good learning experience.’
Half-grumbling, half-raving to the two Snorunt that refused to leave him alone, Gaeric made the journey from one settlement to the other in two days’ time. Lady Sneasler, still without a warden since the passing of her last, accompanied him through the mountains until they reached the marshy, red clay mireland. That was when he met up with Calaba, who snorted at the knowledge that Shion couldn’t make it due to creaky joints.
“My joints have been creaking for ten years. What an old bum.”
She didn’t say it unkindly, just an old friend who had earned her privilege of playful name-calling.
Gaeric hadn’t left the icelands, only a few members of the clan did when they had extensive training and knowledge of Hisui. Wardens were the exception as they were often picked by old wardens or by the nobles themselves. This was his first time in Diamond clan territory, and he couldn’t say he was impressed. The air was muggy, pressing on his skin and mouth like a wet blanket so he felt as though he couldn’t breathe. The only benefit to the place that he could see was the abundance of food from the rivers and streams, the trees, and the plants littering the ground.
Well, that and one other thing.
Diamond clan’s settlement was set up in a large circle around a monolith, Gaeric couldn’t make out its purpose, but there were a few people waiting for him and Calaba. Some were in familiar white and pink adornments of their clan, the other wardens he had yet to meet, and the others were in the blue and black of Diamond clan.
A man stood before the assembled group, tall, proud, and flanked by children on either side of him. The ages of the children varied wildly, but he saw a few who were around his age. A teenage girl came up to Gaeric, a relaxed smile on her face when introducing herself as Mai. She extended her hand expectantly and he hesitated, unsure what to do.
You didn’t touch strangers in Pearl clan. Even if the action was meant as a friendly one, Gaeric felt uncomfortable with the idea of shaking her hand. He didn’t see any of his fellow clan mates doing it, so his arms stayed at his side as he offered Mai only an aborted nod. Her dark eyes narrowed ever so slightly, like she was mentally cataloging a slight, before offering him another smile.
Mai took it upon herself to introduce her to the children around her, those who she called her siblings, even if they did not resemble her. A small boy she called Adaman clung to her leg. A boy of ten or eleven named Melli turned his nose up at Gaeric with an imperious sniff.  A girl of the same age named Arezu smiled sweetly, complimenting the luster of his hair.
“Maybe I can braid it later like I do for Adaman and Melli…”
She almost seemed to ponder, a humorous glint in her eye as Gaeric spluttered, protectively covering his hair.
“And this is Iscan.”
Gaeric would have liked to think that the heat rising to his face was from Arezu and not from the shy looking boy who offered him a half-hearted wave. Gaeric blinked, lifted his hand, and offered him a wave back. Unsure of what to do with his hands, he fumbled with them nervously with Mai talking at him about Lord Wyrdeer. He caught just enough to know that she was in a similar situation as he was with the transition between new and old wardens.
Iscan’s soft, dark eyes darted up to meet Gaeric’s gaze, offered him a fleeting if nervous smile, and just as quickly tore his gaze away. It made his chest hurt… Why did it make his chest hurt?
Mai asked what noble he would be warden of and Gaeric tried to answer like his face wasn’t breaking out in a sweat because he was choking on something in his trachea.
“Avalugg,” it came out more like a cough than anything. Gaeric cleared his throat, feeling embarrassment now flushing his face, “Lord Avalugg.”
He was spared from having to say anymore as Calaba summoned him with a look and a motion of her hand. Quick to excuse himself, Gaeric tore himself from the little group, but unable to pay attention as he watched the Diamond children from the corner of his eyes.
He didn’t understand the pang of envy he felt when Melli dramatically latched onto Iscan’s arm, the owner of the arm looking unimpressed with his antics before easily shaking the boy off.
He couldn’t explain his total disinterest in Arezu, who seemed to have a slight crush on him as she chatted nonstop when she cornered him and insisted on braiding a few strands of his hair. Although, Gaeric had to admit she did a nice job.
He only understood that his heart soared higher than Lord Braviary when Iscan approached him just before he and Calaba were heading back to her tent for the evening and told him he’d see him in the morning.
Gaeric lay awake half the night but he chalked it up to the stifling air and unfamiliar noises of the swamp, rather than the frantic, excited tattoo of his heart.
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I forget, did Irida and Adaman know that the protag was a sky faller before Kamado told them? If Irida knew then yeah she'd probably just march down and demand they be handed over, but otherwise she wouldn't know where the kid fell and it'd happen in the room while they talking about what to do with Kleavor. Which could be very chaotic.
Adaman would definitely want to share custody of the protag though, you're so right. And even if they agreed to leave the protag with the Galaxy Team, Irida would still try to get Ingo to chaperone them, because it's dangerous and Ingo is literally their best bet at staying alive. Which Adaman couldn't really deny, but there's no way he's going to just let the Pearl Clan have a warden stay with the protag without giving them a Diamond Clan warden too so the protag isn't influenced too much in favor of the Pearl Clan. Probably not Melli since that'd leave the highlands without a warden at all, but maybe Arezu? She already goes to stay at Jubilife in the game the same way Ingo does, and she's affable enough that he assumes she's probably the least likely to potentially irritate or upset the kid.
I can't decide if it'd make sense for Kamado to add someone to watch them too. It'd probably be the protag counterpart, but then again Laventon already goes out with them even if he doesn't follow them around so Kamado might find that sufficient. Unless sending the counterpart had the dual purpose of getting Ingo to help them train their pokemon, which could be something Cyllene brings up (keeps her kid safe in multiple ways!)
i don't think they knew anything about the protag before kamado introduced them? and yeah that's a good point re: ingo not actually knowing where they Went. he might have caught a brief glimpse of beach when they got yeeted out of the rift, but like, hisui's got a lot of beaches. that could've been anywhere. could've been the coastlands, or it could've been the south mirelands, or the east fieldlands. who knows! and then she either recognizes them on sight based on ingo's description, or she puts it together very quickly after hearing that they fell from the sky.
OOH arezu being the diamond clan's like, representative observer/protector, is very fun. and i like that it mirrors that they both in canon eventually end up stationed in jubilife. it's also neat considering that among the wardens, arezu seems to be the most inexperienced/least sure of herself (well, least experienced among the wardens who are adults, and not the psychic five year old) so her suddenly having the additional duty of watching over sinnoh's blessed whatever-they-are With the pearl clan's weird oracle is a fun character thing. and of them all, she's probably the least liable (except maybe iscan? certainly less likely than mai and melli) to start a fight over Space vs Time the second she gets left unattended with a pearl clan member. and since the diamond clan lives in the mirelands and therefore already has a solid presence there, it's not a huge deal if arezu goes away for a while, which i think is why she's allowed to go get a second job as a hairdresser.
yeah i feel like given that the clans are actively squabbling over who gets possession of this teenager, kamado might want someone on the scene just to make sure neither of the wardens Try something about it. like, arezu seems nice, and ingo vocally has no opinion on the matter, but given the track record between them it's just better safe than sorry. in which case, he'd probably want an Adult there, and not the counterpart, who isn't really a match for either warden in any meaningful way. maybe laventon—or maybe even cyllene herself? since she's the one of the survey corps who can actually Fight, unless laventon has some hidden prowess i'm unaware of. which is also fun, bc, like you said, the counterpart and laventon interact/travel with the protag not infrequently, whereas cyllene takes more of a backseat in canon, so having her also be more mobile here is fun.
anyway. other thing. are sneasler and lilligant Also hanging out with the protag? like, following their wardens? or are they left in their respective regions so that there's still some presence there. it's cute to think of protag bonding with those two more and earlier
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headcanons for noble/warden relationship dynamics
lian & kleavor: kleavor is the Cool Uncle. probably lets lian stay up past the pearl clan's curfew. brings him cool rocks. except giant rock bugs aren't good at being affectionate so lian is mildly baffled.
mai & wyrdeer: mai trims wyrdeer's hooves while telling him all of the hot diamond clan gossip. wyrdeer is genuinely interested. he's a very good listener.
calaba & ursaluna: with calaba's age, i wouldn't be surprised if she helped raise ursaluna AND his predecessor. so she's his grandma. she's like a stern traditional grandma who does love her grandkids but also has high expectations of them.
arezu & lilligant: BESTIES!!! like if this were the modern day they would go shopping together and take purikura pictures together.
palina & arcanine: she's his big sis. she thought he would get more distant upon evolving, but no, he's still just a giant puppy who wants to play.
iscan & basculegion: iscan is terrified of basculegion. basculegion knows this, and wants to be friends, but also respects iscan's boundaries. he's been working on getting iscan to relax, though.
ingo & sneasler: sassy cat-weasel mean girl & her stinky train man bestie.
melli & electrode: mutual hype squad. you know how melli is always going on about how Great and Powerful his lord is? electrode does the same about melli. electrode is convinced that melli is hot shit and will not allow any pokemon to say otherwise.
gaeric & avalugg: it's difficult for avalugg to be friendly because of his size, but he's a gentle giant. he watches over gaeric while the latter is training. they have mutual respect for each other.
sabi & braviary: similar to the lian & kleavor dynamic, but braviary is better at being affectionate. he preens sabi's hair.
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madd-nix · 2 years
My brain has latched on to this au with Rosie being from Hisui and Ingo adopting her while he's stuck there, so here are just some thoughts I've been having about it.
Rosie lost her parents (abandoned? they died? who knows) and is found by Ingo in the Coronet Highlands. He takes her to his camp (aka Lady Sneasler's den) so she can eat and get some sleep, then he takes her to the Pearl Clan settlement.
At the settlement, he asks Irida for advice on what they should do, and after some talking, Rosie decides she wants to stay with Ingo and he agrees to adopt her.
The Pearl Clan is basically a big extended family for her. Lian loves getting to act like an older brother to Rosie. Palina is a great babysitter and Rosie absolutely adores her (and of course she loves Iscan too). Irida is super nice and she teaches Rosie all about the Pearl Clan's traditions. Gaeric gives great piggyback rides and he's a great help for tiring Rosie out before bed. Calaba is such a sweet, grandmotherly woman and Rosie loves getting to help her out with little chores.
Rosie loves pulling pranks on Melli whenever Ingo isn't looking. He makes her dad's job harder by extinguishing the torches in Wayward Cave all the time, so she'll just repay the favor. He absolutely hates that he can be so easily tricked by a child and Adaman is just so tired of hearing about it. (Adaman does tell Ingo about the pranks, mainly to shut Melli up but also to avoid any further issues between the two clans. Rosie is grounded for this, but this doesn't stop her from messing with Melli altogether. She finds loopholes.)
Lady Sneasler absolutely adores Rosie and she views Rosie and her own kits as cousins. Ingo and Lady Sneasler catch Rosie napping with some Sneasels one day and they both have to keep from crying because holy shit their babies are napping together it's the cutest thing ever!!!
When Emmet eventually arrives in Hisui to bring Ingo home, he's understandably verrry shocked to find out that Ingo has a daughter. He's also verrrrrrry happy to be an uncle.
Leaving is a tricky choice. Hisui is where Rosie has grown up. What if she can't get used to life in the future? Obviously Ingo can't leave his daughter behind, but he also can't leave his brother and original home behind. There's also the fact that the Pearl Clan is part of Rosie's family too, so either way, someone is being separated from their home.
In the end, Ingo and Rosie go with Emmet. They're reminded by Emmet and the protag that they have access to legendaries (Emmet and Celebi, and the protag with Dialga and Palkia) that can bring them back to Hisui whenever they want to visit, so it all works out.
Getting used to city life is definitely rough for both Ingo and Rosie at first. They both get earplugs to block out the city noise. Emmet has to help in teaching Rosie (and occasionally re-teaching Ingo) different future technologies. Luckily, Rosie is young and a fast learner. It's mainly just the noise and the overcrowded city that bother her. Ingo makes sure to never take her out in public during rush hours as long as he can help it.
I just really love Ingo and Rosie so much
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amnesiacwarden2 · 2 years
So, questions about your Primal AU.
First, what sort of physical changes are there? We know Palina has tails, and it appears that Sabi has wings in your Braivary sketch, but I can't help but wonder.
Second, what sort of ending did you have in mind? I'd assume it involves quelling Primal Dialga and Primal Palkia, and hope it involves the Clans making peace with each other.
Third, what happens to the masks after a Warden recovers? Is it gone for good, do they keep it around? What?
Finally, what happened with Iscan and Palina? I've left my thoughts under the break if you're interested. Apologies in advance for the detail I go into, the two of them happen to be my blorbos so...yeah. Don't worry, I'm not going to contest whatever choices you make (especially regarding shipping), but my ideas do assume their canon pairing is maintained. (Hopefully I'm not making any incorrect assumptions about what you're thinking with her and Melli.)
As much as I hate to say it, I see no reason to think their relationship didn't take a turn for the worse when the Clans started getting at each other's throats. Not to the point where they'd kill each other, but enough that there would be arguing.
There's no way of telling how that'd impact them while Primal. After all, Violet either had his feeling about Adaman completely reversed - or just is angry because of that "I Told You So" moment you hinted at.
Admittedly, we only know Palina goes Primal - Iscan might not. Assuming that is the case, I'd imagine Vixen would be...curious, about the fish-man. And perhaps less aggressive towards him than other Diamond Clan members. Alternatively, if you want to go the angst route she could basically be hunting him down for...something.
It might also be that Palina didn't die from, well, inter-clan warfare but instead from the storm that claimed Lord Arcanine. No clue if Palkia was enraged back then, but if so then I think it'd be perfect. Maybe Vixen sorta-remembers how the weird fish man tried to save her? He's last on the "To Hunt" list for some reason, even if she doesn't know why. Dying from the storm could also explain why she's sequestered the young Lord away - fleeting memories of his near-death, tangled up with her own, could make her paranoid.
I also think that one of the key memories for Vixen to recover would be that storm. Whether it was killed her or not, Iscan saving her (or at least trying to save her) is a key point in Palina's life. Recovering that memory could be what leads to her finally remembering who she was. No idea if it'd be possible for both Iscan and Palina to end up Primal, but if so that would lead to interesting situations. Maybe they're constantly at each other's throats? Maybe they're reluctant allies? Maybe they have this odd flutter in their heart when they see each other?
Maybe they have to regain their memories together? Not sure how that'd work, but it would be a neat touch.
Admittedly if Palina DID die because of Iscan, I...honestly think Iscan should end up Primal also, likely because of Palina.
Either way, Vixen and/or Primal Iscan regain their memories, the relationship would start being repaired.
wow 0.0- I’m gonna be honest I wasn’t expecting this in an ask but I’m super happy you did this!! And I’m more than happy to answer!!
So for the first question physical changes are mostly minor like increased body size, sharper teeth, tough claws(feet and hands), and some fur, or in a serious case like Violet or Vixen the two both are capable of spewing out fire or poisonous smoke which is common to the species they try to copy. These effects stay behind but only much weaker than before like Melli randomly spewing small purple clouds when upset or Palina spitting little embers at people. For Brave(Sabi) however the wings are connected partially to the suit and can be disconnected at will (probably won’t be removed even after the events that transpire)
second question: The ending does involve Palkia and Diagla but Volo makes an appearance with his followers and uses Giratina to restrain the two to take over the spared who have lost themselves completely at this point because of two pretty major things 1) The gods are panicked and linking themselves to ALL of their spared which is like a summoning to them 2) Giratina is attempted to over take the two control but is unable to because of a third entity drawing their attention away…
third question: (personal favorite) The masks do remain even after the wardens recover but are only summoned if the warden relapses from a traumatic memory that occurs from a memory of the attack or something that happened before example): Sneasler trainer who attacked Melli and captured Skuntank causes a relapse and Violet/Melli (it was a combined effort) almost take him off the census permanently… The guy doesn’t make through the month from a slow acting poison that brought him immense pain and Violet/Melli refused to help him despite Adaman’s attempts (the relapse can cause both feral and human mind to merge and the two can speak to each other in public it is a very unnerving thing for the rest of the clan however and Violet takes advantage of this a lot-)
fourth question: I’m gonna be serious with you… I respect your love of the two blorbos and I too care deeply for them. the two were in a relationship yes and still technically are- but Iscan can’t find Palina and is and has been aware of Vixen for a while partially why he warned Adaman of the dangers with Melli but as you can guess it didn’t work out… Iscan is a honorary spared to Vixen and Violet they respect him and will retreat from his generally space if they feel he is uncomfortable with their presence. The clans only started back at each other’s throats when Palina was announced missing and Iscan had been found nearby and they blamed him so the two weren’t really tense… His scent is all over the cliff side and it does intrigue Vixen as to why this man-who-smells-like-fish is walking around their territory
fifth question: this is a very important part of the story I will be honest with you… Violets anger and hatred stems from Melli’s feelings of betrayal and hurt that came from Adaman over looking important details and evidence that the other wardens brought to him to try to prove it and Melli had been injured when they went to talk to him but was immediately shut down by their older brother figure because he felt they were exaggerating the threat. These feelings grow into hatred and rage when Violet is “born” the confusion with these emotions and how bad it makes them feel makes Violet more violent towards their former leader and the trust that Melli had in Adaman will never truly be regained after it Melli basically d*ed a horrible and slow lonely d*ath of blo*d loss and hypothermia from a lack of protective clothing from the attack from the sneasler and the wounds they had Melli is physically and mentally scarred from that experience and can’t look Adaman in the eyes because they see him as untrustworthy with their feelings and events that occur around them because he might shoot their warnings/feelings down along with the fact that they almost lost skuntank because of him… and that’s not something Melli takes lightly trust me.
Back to Vixen and Iscan gonna say this first Iscan does go feral but it’s a little bit more into the story like about when the research trio meet ingo kind of into it Vixen hunts them down(Rei,Akari,Fate(OC) down and gives them a free trip back to cobalt coastland where Iscan is seen wearing a basculegin mask and squaring off with the local alpha Waldron and winning calming him down takes a little while but eventually he leads them to a small cave where Violet lies injured and unconscious Diagla had overtook Iscan(while alive) to use as a replacement for Violet while they healed(Diagla was upset with them for losing a fight with Vixen/Palkia during one of their full moon all out brawls) but released him soon after and he joins Vixens pack the two are close at this point but it is a respectful close even with the mixed (nice) feelings the two feel in close proximity to one another
When Iscan went primal a memory was triggered that woke up a feeling deep inside of Vixen and helped to slowly wake Palina up and Vixen and Palina did converse together for short periods of time and the two helped give Iscan his primal name Soul which Soul/Iscan liked very much
Palina’s “d*ath” actually happens from blunt force trauma her young lord witnessed it and it effected him badly and is much more skittish than canonly out of fear Palina was attacked by another Volo follower and was pushed off the cliff side by a alpha bravairy and it’s trainer Palkia warped space and brought her back to life as Vixen after she passed from the realm
when Palina has recovered she immediately books it from the med bay in Jubilife village hugs Melli as a thank you for being a good friend and honorary packmate and keeping them all safe knocks over Adaman and Irida in haste(you thought she was tall then she got even taller now) and runs-
to cobalt coastlands to see Iscan(who recovered very fast due to a shortened link to Diagla and not being technically “needed”) out of a conscious/subconscious need to see him and didn’t even break a sweat (Fate blames Palkia and Diagla for the wardens random “energy rushes”)
trust me though Melli and Palina were and stills are in no way interested with one another the two respected one another for their own strengths and we’re more than happy to join together to protect the research trio from Volos followers even after it all the two are often found conversing together in cobalt coastlands or in jubilife village when the two aren’t busy or have given their lords free roam out in the open(something they discovered is beneficial for themselves and their lords)
(I am pretty sure I answered everything- but please let me know if I didn’t completely explain something I am trying to be a bit vague with my explanations as this is still a work in progress and I am attempting to respect canon as much as possible in this au)
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bellafragolina · 2 years
More things that I’d do to mess with Jubilife (+The Clans Edition)
-Catch the gods/Legendaries they worship
-Treat Dialga and Palkia like normal Pokémon by training them to battle better. I would introduce them to human food from the future using those dishes to get them to behave.
-Establish a “Platinum” Clan to live in the Distortion World cause Giratina deserves followers too. Even if all the inhabitants end up being Pokemon, it’s still progress.
-Tell Adman about time capsules and Irida about us distorting space casually to teleport.
-Be a cryptid in photos where I rarely face the camera photographing me. Will allow me future anonymity if I am stuck in poke-verse.
-Have Pokémon with artificial sleep negating abilities (Insomnia, Vital Spirit) live on New Moon Island alongside Darkrai.
-Test Uxie’s limits on what they are comfortable knowing. I bet it doesn’t like thinking about when people procreate.
-Recruit Anthe to remake modern clothes to wear in the village, nothing to outlandish I only want something like a hoodie…
-Civilly ask Melli for help raising Poison-Types. Yes, I am annoyed by him. No, I won’t let the warden of literal living bombs know that.
-Introduce games like capture the flag to help the Survey Corps get used to working with Pokémon in large groups. Don’t know if that would trigger any memories from recent wars.
-Pull an Itachi pranking both clans by gathering as many Murkrow as I can for a morning flyover.
-Reform/Collect all of Vessa’s wisps.
-Make sure Vessa still be around people even if she/they can no longer disguise as a human all together. And find out who knew her back when she was alive to give both parties closure.
-Tell the first Hisuian Zoroark’s story so everyone knows how they came to be. I am sure I could find them somewhere in the region.
-Give Arezu “ideas” for her haircuts. :)
-Find if any villagers have medium potential so they can look after my Ghost Types.
-See if there are plans to build the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest yet.
-Drill into everybody’s heads that Magikarp can evolve from sheer rage so if they don’t have anything nice to say then stay quiet! Also under no circumstances are they to kick a specimen, James learned the hard way.
-Get Captain Cyllene to teach Abra other moves than teleport.
-Tell the stubborn pricks who probably don’t accept me even after saving the region real ghosts stories. And casually admit non-ghost type Ghosts exist in the world.
-Find alternative ways to make the Noble Lord Basculegion’s food so Iscan can save himself some fright of being around a Dusclops.
-Catch Alpha Pokémon.
-Get strong enough to lift my smaller Alpha Pokémon with ease.
-Ask how the Noble Pokémon deal with Alphas of their same species. Is there a special pecking order in authority they needed in at the start?
-Baby all my Alphas even the ten foot tall Garchomp that can look Dialga in the eye.
-Gift Professor Laventon a Gabite as a Pokemon partner due to its funny dex entry.
-Find out whether Rei, Akari or both of have any family. I might need to adopt them.
-Gather interviews progressively over my time in Jublife to record how everyone feels. I want their future to know that the threat of Pokemon was entirely real. And the hardships they went through learning to work together.
-Make sure the Miss Fortune sisters don’t get themselves killed so the timeline is preserved. Record Agatha and Bertha’s shared grandma.
-Ask how in the world Kamado snuck having a Snorlax and feeding it before I arrived.
-Have my most experienced Zoroak replace me so I can check out Michina Ruins if this is the Anime continuity.
-Catch all the mythicals.
-Ride Heatran up Mount Coronet from the very base to Spear Pillar. A challenge to us both.
-Organize Shaymin races if my own can get in contact with others.
-Travel exclusively through Darkrai’s shadow transport ability to scare people for a week.
-Talk to Regigigas about why it created only one Regieleki and Regidrago.
-Give Doran the biggest Alpha Buizel I can find.
-Question the Forces of Nature on why they traveled to Hisui.
-Find out where the Lake Guardians have feathers/claws.
-Visit Alola using the Creation Trio’s ability to get an Alolan Raichu. (They’re cute, sue me.)
-Attend Palina and Iscan’s wedding.
-Take so many freaking pictures with my God Phone. Hopefully, I can take it along.
-Make sure Rei and Akari know about type balance on their teams! Why does one canonically have two fairies?
-Keep the Porygon line a secret until I have Alphas of each stage. :)
-Start the Legend of Meltan and Melmetal if there are no mentions of them.
-Get Beni to teach me how to be ninja-level stealthy, plus how to parkour as easy he can.
-Complete Ingo’s Path of Solitude for every unevolved Pokemon. I will teach Magikarp to use Hydro Pumo so help me.
-Go an entire day without saying a single word (after solving red sky) to freak people out.
By Checklist Anon
checklist anon has chosen violence and i wholly support it because i wanna watch the chaos unfold! might as well, after all the protag goes through during the games, like sheesh
bravo! will we be getting little drabbles of these things you're doing? these would all be darling one-offs!
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