#it was obvious but holy shit
miscellaneoussmp · 8 months
That reveal fucking got me, it got me so fucking hard guys!!! It's bringing me out of my writing break, that's how hard it got me!! Anyways here's Bagi being alone, she's coping (cw/tw: implied mental health issues/violence, mentioned gore):
It was getting real late, and Bagi was only now just returning to her small apartment. She couldn't stand it, being alone, so she spent all her time at work. Work being the small private investigators that hired her after she lied her ass off about her age and experience. She was using them, really. If she rose up the ranks, then she could lie about needing to go to that prison. Then, she could finally complete her plan. She's been dreaming of that day for years.
Bagi's apartment is mostly bare. Aside from a TV and DVD player (that cost most of two paychecks), the table they sit on, and a couch with a blanket and a few pillows. Her kitchen is a bit nicer, but not by much. She had stolen most of the nicer things. Like her knife set. It had been a hassle, but she managed. She walked through the kitchen, not grabbing any food but instead grabbing one of the knives. Bagi isn't hungry right now. She hasn't felt hungry in years. She eats to survive. She wonders vaguely if her coworkers noticed. It didn't matter. They haven't noticed anything yet. Not how she lies through her teeth, not how she steals most everything she owns, not how her clothes look two sizes too big even if they're supposed to be her exact size, nothing. They don't even notice when she stares a bit too long at crime-scene photos.
Her sat on her couch and turned on the TV. It was left on the main menu of a documentary DVD. This documentary was about her brother and every gorey detail of his list of crimes. She couldn't care less, that's her brother and she loves him all the same. Her brother. Her other half. Her brother, Cellbit. Bagi and Cellbit, attached at the hip. Twins, forever and always. She holds the knife in her hand. She wonders if she could do what he's done. She doesn't care if she goes to hell, as long as she goes to hell with him. They share the same face, the same eyes. Is it mom or dad's face they share? Are her teeth as sharp as his? Bagi doesn't eat meat. She'll never know. When the documentary ends, Bagi wipes tears from her eyes. She didn't even know she was crying. She does this a lot.
After a few deep breaths, she tries to keep her composure. She can't be crying. The investigation isn't over yet. It's not over until she's face to face with him again. She can't cry yet. The documentary is finished. She'll change the channel back for now and turn it back when she goes to sleep. For now, the news. She regrets her decision almost immediately. A breaking news story about multiple escaped convicts. They show the mugshots. One is her brother. No. They're fucking lying, this is some big fucking joke.
Bagi barely suppresses a scream as she throws the knife she's holding into the wall just above her TV. No fucking way Cellbit is leaving behind again! He couldn't fucking wait for her this one time. She was going to save him! She just fucking found him again! Her rage buzzes under her skin. She can't stay here tonight. She's going back to work. Bagi can already feel her phone vibrate, them begging her to return. This case will big a break for them. It'll be her magnum opus. She grabs the knife from where it stuck in the wall and stuffs it into her bag. She can't fucking believe it. Cellbit forgot about her, again. She'll deal with it when she finds him.
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i've been asked multiple times for Awake Barnaby so instead you get messy lights out Laughingstock doodles
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ribbonbonny · 2 years
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You gotta wonder if Mr Grizz discussed anything at all w the other two fuzzy mammals left alive right
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chetney-pockopea · 1 year
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Everyone go watch Netflix's Lockwood and co adaptation it's a masterpiece.
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azaraeth · 22 days
thinking about how, out on the football field with Maddy/Tara, Owen tries to convince themself that this—the gravity & reality of what Maddy is suggesting—is like the drainlords. that if they don’t think about it, it can’t hurt them. and Owen has to cling to that, believe it, or else they have to face it. they would have to face that the reality about the world and about themself that Maddy offers is true. that the thing that they’ve been so afraid of being inside them—the girl, the static—has been there all along, just as they suspected but never checked.
i wonder if there’s also a double meaning: it has to be like the drainlords, which is to say, fictional. that Maddy/Tara is the one living in a fantasy, in the world of the TV show, a world that doesn’t exist. that Owen’s reality isn’t the one that’s a simulation.
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oceanicpoetry · 2 months
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Loki's arrival: official concept art (by Andy Park)
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infinityinakiss · 3 days
so i just watched the venom movies for the first time, and while i have always vaguely been aware of symbrock, i never thought i would be brandishing my sword, ready to strike down anybody that dares to suggest that they are not made for each other. by the nature of their existence, they are soulmates. true, actual soulmates, not just by their love, but by their biology. and their love is not even limited to this earth, it transcends this universe. "soulmate" does not even begin to define what they have.
how the fuck do i be normal about that?
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amaranthdahlia · 7 months
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if you won't be mine ... then
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glitterfish1272 · 11 months
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noelle + asta if he had more than 2 braincells
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deepseatime · 10 months
i am thinking about the title of the unwanted guest...
because at first it's about palamedes being an unwanted guest of ianthe's but that's not it, is it? it's about naberius in ianthe. or ianthe in naberius. it's about the cav and necromancer relationship as a whole innit. the unwanted guest of the souls in the lyctor. like holy shit.
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washipink · 10 months
I'm tired of seeing it! My friends on TikTok send me HEN-SHIN, on Discord it's fuckin CAST OFF! I was in. A Server, Right? and alllllllll of the channels were just CHANGE. BEETLE. I showed my Champion Underwear to my girlfriend, and the logo I flipped it and I said, "Hey Babe, Grandmother Said This: He Who Walks The Path Of Heaven Shall Rule Over Everything! haha Kimi no tonari tatakau tabi umarekawaru!" I fucking looked at a trash can and I said, "PUT ON". I look at my Penis, thought of the rider's helmet and I go, "PENIS? more like COCK. UP."
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v-toast · 9 months
Please explain your Nailmaster Oro and Lost Kin headcanon, I would like to hear it very very much.
GLADLY !!!!!! (thank u sm for this ask :]]] )
so, assuming the vessels all have the same base experience when they escape the abyss and head into hallownest, Lost Kin in theory starts off with the same base abilities that you have at the start of a playthrough. no nail arts, charms, etc.
i bring up nail arts specifically, because one of the attacks that LK does in the boss fights: the dash attack
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which. to me, personally, looks like the dash slash !! which is the nail art that you can only learn from Nailmaster Oro (in-universe, maybe you could also learn it from Sly, or one of the other Nailmasters despite it not being their speciality? but this is just going off what i think would be most likely rather than all the possibilities ever)
it has the same moment of charging up, and then the overall appearance of the attack just looks like the dash slash. it has further range, but LK is bigger than Ghost, so that could be one explanation for that
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also, relatively to the rest of hallownest, the two of them aren't actually that far from one another ! and the path isnt too complicated. Oro is definitely the easiest nailmaster to get to from LK's room, so i dont think it'd be a stretch to say that they could've made the distance while not infected
the final 'evidence' point (and the weakest) is that LK does the same bow the nailmasters do, when they are beaten in the dream realm
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i say that this point is a bit weak, because other characters also do a bow, like grimm and the mantis lords, so it may be more widely known in Hallownest's society to bow after a fight/duel/whatever. however, LK's room's closest (least complicated to get to might be more accurate?) character that canonically bows in respect after a fight is... oro ! so i choose to believe this is where they got it from
this part comes second to the previous stuff i provided and is more just things i think about now that im committed to the hc
Oro is very reluctant to take Ghost on as a pupil, and remains very distant emotionally, especially when compared to his brother Mato. this could, technically, be explained by the feud between him and Mato leading to his isolation, and some other stuff going on in his past. which i do believe contributes to it !
but another thing that may also contribute to specifically having an aversion to accepting students and getting close to them... well... what if he previously had a student that left, or he got separated with for whatever reason ? and that student never came back ? the only company anywhere near his isolated hut, and theyre gone and he doesn't know where they went or what happened to them
final and strongest propaganda point: reluctant mentor figure that eventually has to admit that he does enjoy the company of his mentee, and mischievous mentee that incessantly bothers the mentor trope dynamic. that is all
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rowenwolf · 4 months
Delilah used all that magic for her love of Sylas 🥺 and now wants Laudna to do that for Imogen!!!
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buddiebitch · 24 days
BuckTommy shippers stop calling everything you disagree with homophobia challenge
level: impossible (apparently)
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okcoolthanks · 21 days
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Red strings of fate
Without heart+close ups (:
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ede917 · 1 month
Brooklyn's alive
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Also can I just say this show is really good at making things hurt and I love it.
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