#it was one of my biggest and most irrational fears as a kid
bokettochild · 4 months
Random Legend Headcanons that haunt my brain at stupid hours <3
He has a big sweet tooth, but less so for sugary things and mostly more for fruits
greatest seemingly "irrational" fear is dogs, he has never liked them even since childhood, and the only dog he can stand is the old sheepdog his grandparent's kept to keep track of the goats
Sky is his favorite. Sky is real with him and doesn't dismiss him as an asshole = automatic favorite. They also share a lot in common
he and Sky like gossiping when no one is paying attention to them. Not about the other heroes necessarily, they just both find it fun
oral stims: he likes his hands free, but chewing/sucking on things helps him focus better and stay calm. He refuses to admit how many times he's found himself chewing on his medallions
he loves puzzles. You'd think he'd gotten enough of them in his adventures, but nope! Hes been doing this long enough that going WITHOUT puzzles to solve actually makes him feel bored. He likes the challenge of it, it keeps his brain ticking
history nerd. A lot of Hyrule's culture/history/tradition was lost because the people were just trying to survive after Ganon killed the hero, so Legend really likes trying to hunt down the pieces of the past to put together what it was like. It's a big puzzle for him, and he loves talking about it if he feels he'll actually be listened too
he knits. He doesn't know many patterns, but he knows some basic stitches and the repetition calms him down
good at most needlework, sucks at embroidery. He likes it, it's just too stressful for him. He's in awe of the fact that Sky's so good at it.
he actually loves the sea I know most writers have him scared of it, but he's got far more happy memories than bad ones, so while it's bittersweet, he still enjoys being near the water (as log as it's not storming)
hates lightning storms with a passion. Storms in general make his arthritis worse, but the lightning trauma sucks a lot more
actually enjoys light rain showers. it still effects his pain levels, but not super bad, and it's worth it to him
has the most un-attractive laugh ever. He tends to snort and cackle like a madman. He does have a "polite laugh" but it's far less genuine.
he CAN cook, he just doesn't care to. Food is an annoying requirement and necessity for him most of the time, and more of a chore than he's willing to admit
he has the biggest soft spot for kids, partially because of Gully, partially by nature
the most susceptible to Baby Therapy (the effect of feeling at peace, content, happy, or relief while holding a small child) Ulli figured this out early on and now abuses it.
he loves stargazing. Stars are a constant no matter where he goes and they're like old friends (got this from the manga)
he's an artist and a perfectionist, his preferred medium is paints, but he does carry a sketchbook
loves physical contact, but is hesitant about others boundaries, so he rarely initiates or maintains it
I have more, but yeah, this is getting pretty long :')
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AITA for not watching my sick goddaughter and then not wanting to watch her sick brother
*fake names used obviously
Two days ago I got a message from my goddaughter's mom, Nancy, saying that my goddaughter, Natasha, had thrown up at school. The reason Nancy let me know was because her husband would be picking up Natasha's little brother, Dennis, who I watch from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM most days.
Anyway, I have an extreme, irrational fear of throwing up. So after Nancy let me know Natasha was sick, I was afraid Nancy would then ask if Natasha could come over to my house the next day along with Dennis. Nancy works the night shift so she sleeps during the day and her husband works from 8 AM to 4 PM. I've watched both kids since they were infants. I love them as if they were my own, but when they're sick with a stomach bug, or just throwing up for whatever reason, I would prefer they stayed home away from me so that I can avoid getting what they have lol.
I've always felt bad about this, because they're little and I feel like at my grown age I should be okay with being around them if they've thrown up. Yet, I find myself internally freaking out about getting sick AND I get so paranoid I swear I make myself sick sometimes. Nancy knows this about me.
Sure enough, Nancy calls me and nonchalantly asks if Natasha can come over the next day with Dennis because the school told her Natasha couldn't return for 24 hours. Usually I would give in and say yes because I feel bad saying no, but recently my brother's have reminded me that Nancy only pays me 200 dollars every two weeks to watch Dennis four days a week, eight hours a day. Nancy has acknowledged that she'd have to pay way more at a daycare, so she appreciates what I, and my family do for them.
I love the kids, I really do, but despite having known their parents for so long it feels as though Nancy and her husband only really see me and my family as the help and almost expect us to always be available. Or maybe I'm just projecting my insecurities onto them about not feeling appreciated enough? Which I know is bad, but it's instances like this that have bothered me in the past. You wouldn't take the children to a daycare if they've thrown up right? Or if they're sick with something like covid (which they gave us like two years ago), or if they have a fever, but they've brought them over anyway. It feels mean, you know? Like I love the kids, but I don't want to get sick. Maybe I'm just a horrible, paranoid, awful person and I do think that sometimes. Ha ha, is this an instance in which it would be ok to set a boundary🤔😭
On top of that, I don't charge Nancy extra (nor does she offer to pay) when she asks me to watch the kids on the weekends for a few hours or when she's got time off of work and wants to bring them over. I know this is my fault, because I do not charge her, but again I feel bad asking for more money. My biggest fear for a long time was that she would stop bringing the kids over if I did ask for a little raise or asked her not to bring them over if they were sick, but was always reminded by my brothers that Nancy didn't want to pay for daycare. Still I felt too ashamed to ask for more babysitting money or for Nancy or her husband to keep the kids home sick, and again I feared she would find someone else to watch the children.
Anyway, I told Nancy no. I was very apologetic and reminded her that I get really paranoid when someone is sick throwing up. I told her I just didn't want to get sick because then I'd be out for one to two days. Which would mean I wouldn't be able to watch Dennis and she or her husband would have to miss out on a day of work. Nancy sounded let down, maybe annoyed? I'm not sure, I can't remember. I am kind of spiraling about it  as I'm typing this out now. I feel really bad that I said no, especially because Nancy called me from her car so Natasha heard me say no. Luckily, Natasha was happy that she would get to go spend time with her mom at work. Nancy works in an office as the manager of a warehouse, so it's not like Natasha had to wait in some break room or alone somewhere.
Then tonight I get a message from Nancy saying Dennis threw up, and the panic set in all over again. I feel bad telling her to keep him, even though she eventually offered to keep him home after my many questions: what time did it happen; did he only puke once; does he have a fever; how is he feeling now? I'm sure she's annoyed that I might say "Yes, please keep him." Because that would mean she would either have to stay awake with him and not sleep before work tomorrow night, or that her husband would have to stay home. I think I'm going to tell her to keep him. I feel bad, but I guess not bad enough, huh? I'm trying to justify it to myself, I know, but that's why I'm here. Am I the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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M6 and MC during a storm or other bad weather event? Can be as fluffy or as angsty as you please.
(Bonus: What kind of umbrella would each LI have, if any?)
The Arcana HCs: M6 during thunderstorms
~ the way my mind gets flooded with serotonin just thinking about thunderstorms XD I've added some pics of the kinds of umbrellas I think they'd use too ^.^ thanks for the prompt anon! - brainrot ~
TW for mentions of panic attacks in Julian's and Portia's sections and tooth rotting fluff in general
HATES thunderstorms
They take him right back to the night he lost his family, until he's a scared little boy holding his baby sister and waiting for his parents to come save them all over again
Just the sound of rain alone used to send him into panic attacks as a kid and young teen, but he's been an adult on his own for a long time at this point and it's rare for him to have that reaction now
That doesn't stop him from getting anxious though
He'll alternate between uncharacteristic silence and feverish chattering, making overly casual comments on the weather
He will also be laser focused on you. He knows it's irrational, but he's got a deap-seated fear that the storm will take you from him too and he will follow you like a shadow
He doesn't want to become a nuisance though, so he'll be fussing over you nonstop - layering you with blankets, insisting you eat or drink every thirty minutes, dosing you with vitamins, etc
Of course, you love him, so you find a way to make things bearable
The sound of thunder and sensation of cold rain bother him the most, so cuddling in bed where it's warm and dry and the blankets can muffle the sounds is ideal
The best is when you ask him to read out loud to you. He gets to be close to you, make himself useful, and stay distracted all at once. Just don't let him have coffee, the jitters will send his anxiety through the roof
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(He rarely uses his umbrella, but it's as gothic as he is and has a raven head carved in the handle)
LOVES the rain
Their magic is water-affiliated as it is, and you're telling them that everything's being splashed with it? Well what are you waiting for, MC, it's clearly time to go outside!
Constant smiling and giggling
The streets are almost completely empty because everyone sane is staying inside, and he takes full advantage of that. It's the most childlike, playful, and hyper you'll ever see him
Tag, you're it!
They'll run and give chase for as long as you can manage it, and as soon as one of you slows down they're pulling you into their arms to dance. Don't worry about the music, they'll make it happen somehow
Kisses in the rain with his hair plastered to his face will never not be delightful. He won't hold still for very long though, if you hold him too close he'll take it as his invitation to tickle you and run
Puddle-jumping competitions for the biggest splash
If you're not in the city, oh boy, they're hunting for the biggest mud pit they can find and pulling you into a match
Does not have the healthy fear of lightning that he should. Will stand in the middle of a field or try to climb a tree for a better view, and you have heard him at his loudest when he shouts back at it
The foamiest hot bath when you get home, they'll spend the rest of the evening curled up with you in front of the fire with hot chocolate
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(They don't like using their umbrella anyways, so it turned into a magical art project)
Rain holds unusually fond family memories for her
For starters, it usually signaled a drop in temperature, which was a welcome break in the tropical Prakran climate
But back home in Prakra with six busy older siblings and royalty for parents, thunderstorms were when everybody took a break and spent the day together in the palace with games and tea
She doesn't have to think twice about continuing that tradition with you
She'll usually give everyone the afternoon off once basic Palace upkeep tasks are finished and spend it with you
She loves sitting on the veranda with you in the afternoon, commenting on the lightning and listening to the thunder and rain, drinking tea with you and telling you stories of her childhood
As soon as it starts to get dark she's taking you inside and putting together a dinner in the kitchens. You and the palace chefs know she doesn't really cook, so they'll leave some "ingredients" to find
"Ingredients" often being a cold roast bird of some kind, a freshly baked loaf of bread "hidden" in the cupboard, a bowl of greens with the dressing on a different table, and two "forgotten" plates of dessert
You don't know if she knows that kitchens aren't usually like that, and you have no intention of telling her otherwise
She'll retire with you to her chambers early, so she can lie in bed with the windows open and listen to your voice and the rain
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(She has a collection of umbrellas for different outfits, mostly used for garden events)
You didn't expect it, but Muriel feels supremely at peace when it rains
As a kid, it was one of the only times when the city would get quiet. He could go out in the rain, and just for once, walk as far as he wanted to without bumping into anyone or being looked at
He could stand in the middle of the widest street and hold as still and breathe as deeply as he wanted to without a single person yelling at him to move
And nobody wanted to attend the roofless Coliseum when it was raining
Out in the woods? It's even better
He takes a quiet pride in knowing that for once the forest is louder than the people are
And the cold doesn't bother him in the slightest
There's a part of the hut roof that juts out by several feet and he keeps a stool there. He'll lean back into the tree roots and stone wall, watching the curtain of rain an arm's length away with a contented smile
To him, rain sounds and smells like freedom and new beginnings
He'll never pressure you to join him, but he'll be so happy if you do
It's an atmosphere where he's the most at home in his own body, so you can expect him to initiate a lot more physical touch
He'll be comfortable enough to pull you into his lap and wrap a cloak around the two of you to keep you warm and dry
Gentle kisses against the cold stone, wrapped up in his warmth and a thick blanket while the earth smells fresh and the rain tap dances on the leaves all around you
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(Asra got it for him as a gag gift and he unironically adores it and uses it all the time)
She gets super irritable when it rains
Do you know? What hair like hers likes to do? When it gets this humid? Do you know? How much time it takes? To clean up the bucketloads of mud? That Pepi tracks all over the floor?
Yeah, she didn't think so
She doesn't talk about it (and frankly, she's not the introspective type, so she might not even be aware of it) but the trauma of that shipwreck stays with her even if she can't remember it completely
So no, she doesn't get flashbacks or nightmares, but as soon as it starts thundering she's plagued with a sense of unease and danger that she just can't shake
She also associates it with watching her teenaged older brother panic and meltdown, which isn't the most positive memory
And of course, it doesn't help that rainy days mean keeping a very active person cooped up inside with nothing to do but keep house
She'll spend the first few hours obsessively getting her space in order - meal prepping, cleaning, organizing, list-writing
It's better not to get involved until there's nothing left for her to do
That's your cue to help her tie back her hair, brew some soothing tea (or something stronger, if she's really fidgety) and sit with her on the couch while she talks a mile a minute all about her week
It will take a few years, but eventually she'll come to associate rain with you so strongly that she might even come to love it
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(She likes having the brightest, most distracting umbrella possible for such miserable weather)
He doesn't like thunderstorms. At all
He's generally tougher than he acts - he grew up with Morga as a parent, after all - but his brand of bad weather as a kid was snowstorms and blizzards and fierce winds
Not all this business with metal-attracted bolts of sky electricity and sudden, loud noises and water that makes everything muddy and gets everywhere (especially on the dogs!)
Unless it's impossible, he's spending thunderstorms inside, no matter how tight your budget is
As soon as it becomes anything more than a light drizzle, he's cancelling all of today's plans and going off in search of affordable, effective shelter
If he had it his way, he'd do his best to sleep through the whole weather event hunkered down beneath a pile of quilts and blankets
The problem is with Mercedes and Melchior. They love the rain
There's mud! There's exciting new smells! Let them out, let them out to play!
And Lucio, of course, will let them out like the doting dog dad he is, and then they'll come back inside with their white fur drenched and matted with mud and shake it all over everything
The only thing all three of them agree on is that lightning and thunder = bad
The dogs of course have sensitive ears, and no matter how many times he hears it, it always makes Lucio jump (too unexpected)
Your cuddles will be desperately sought after and much appreciated
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(The first umbrella is the one Lucio wanted to buy. The second is what he got, because it needs to fit in his traveling pack)
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Gojo headcanons bc ive got too much time on my hands
bro ate chalk as a kid and ive got proof
look at his kid self for a sec, he’s got a grown out buzzcut and the blue eyed stare. thats a chalk eater
you can’t convince me he’s a good swimmer
he’s lanky and tall, bro gets swept away the min he is near the ocean. he’s built to be shark food, sorry luv
the cloth he wears to cover his eyes is raggedy as hell
let me explain. he wears it constantly both in and out of battle, he wears it in any weather, and let’s be real he’s so odd that he probs sleeps in it sometimes
this leads me to believe that even tho he almost never gets hurt during a fight the blood and grime gets all up in the cloth
no amount of Tide or even acid could get rid of the STENCH that mask holds
it smells like ten cans of bounce that ass. one whiff could, quite literally, kill an old man
he’s a chronic podcast listener
tried to become one of those skater kids, failed miserably. geto never let him live it down
i think he’d make a great partner but if you listen to Hozier he will cause a scene
basically what im saying is he’s jealous of Hozier
Gojo knows that no matter how strong he is he will NEVER compare to that man’s vocals/lyrics and what they do to you
que Gojo trying to sing your fav Hozier song(s) but he can’t match the pitch which sends you into cardiac arrest
other than that he’s a pretty good singer, could probs serenade you to sleep
you know how everyone has an irrational fear? yuh his is birds
you ever see him interact with one in a normal way?
you see a bird, he sees a sack of organs with hollow bones that sore through the sky and sometimes they can talk
he pisses his pants when he sees a macaw
he’s a rich bitch and it’s a problem. not cuz he’s an ass abt it but bc he spoils the hell out of the teens
we know he would buy Megumi anything in the world but Yuuji and Nobara get the same treatment
he saw Yuuji’s orphaned ass and immediately transferred HUNDREDS to Yuuji’s bank acc
ain’t no student of his gonna be broke, that’s for sure
probs carries around pics of Megumi from when the teen was a kid
some are cute such as Megumi at the beach or having a fun at the zoo. others are of Megumi fighting for his life
i feel that when Yuuji entered the equation he also started taking pics of him during cute, fun, or important moments
very much sentimental older brother energy
whenever Gojo gets sick or injured he either becomes a massive baby or denies it until he’s dead
depends on the problem tbh. if he’s got a head cold he needs to be hospitalized but if he got his legs cut off he’d ignore it for weeks
you know how most men’s body wash or shampoo is named in, what’s considered, “masculine scents”
like redwood, campfire smoke, whiskey, fucking piss water
yuh he’s not a fan
i don’t think he’d really like those scents. in his mind, why does smelling like burnt coal or salt = masculine?
he probs just grabs whatever he likes, maybe orange scented stuff or even subtle vanilla
whatever cologne he wears tho is fucking delicious. you smell it and immediately your knees give out
i think if you gave him a huff of old spice tho he’d just disintegrate
im thinking of his general hygiene now, he has a solid routine
it’s not a million steps, probs just good quality face wash, serums, and moisturizer
that being said he suffered horrific back acne as a kid. dont ask how I know this, i will eat you alive
he looks and acts flawless but we know the truth. he sucks at card games
Yuuji’s biggest flex is he beat Gojo at go-fish 28 times in a row
he says calabunga and not a single person can stand it
that’s it for now, i’ll probs add more headcanons later
thanks for coming to my ted talk, i hope this post finds you before Sukuna does
(this is all mildly unedited, soz for mistakes)
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druidberries · 1 month
also 🕷️🌌📣 for seb!!!!!
🕷️ - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Seb is actually a big scaredy-cat🥺 he simply can't watch horror movies. he also HATES spiders. his biggest fear though would be something happening to his family, especially now that 3 of them are monsters 🤦‍♀️ there have been many nights he's up worrying about the way people might react to them, worrying about people finding out about his vampirism, and how the kids at school treat Raven. in their world occults aren't even a thing as far as most people are concerned, so Elowen showing up definitely caused some uh 'conversations'. there's a ton more detail I could go into about the world lore of this but we'll leave it at that for the sake of this post 😅
🌌 - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
I made Sebastian specifically for Elowen so there were a few things about him I knew I wanted! for starters I knew his name was Sebastian just because,, that's one of my fav names in the world and I feel like it sounds really good with Elowen. I knew he would eventually be a vampire but I wasn't sure how I wanted to go about it? eventually his story just snowballed to what it is now!
📣 - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim?
I feel like he can be loud when he's with friends but most of the time otherwise he's pretty good at having an inside voice 😅 if he's playing video games with the gang he absolutely screams. as far as a voice claim goes I know exactly what he sounds like but I have no idea how to get it across 😭 idk if this helps but he sounds how Sam from sdv would sound!
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lockandkeyhyena · 6 months
💥😭👪💤🍧🕷️❇️ For Andy, sorry there's so many! ^^;
no problem haha! long post incoming lol
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
oooh good one. i think he would have trouble dealing with actually caring about someone other than himself. like he wouldn’t know how to process it and end up just ignoring it or misinterpreting the feelings. he also cannot be genuinely heartfelt for the life of him. he’s always partying and taking the piss.
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
i don’t think he cries easily at all! only occasionally after a significant emotional upheaval or after getting really really drunk.
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
i haven’t fleshed out his family or anything like that yet, but i think he’d be an only child with a shitty relationship with his parents. think the type to kick their kid out the moment they reach eighteen.
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
he goes out like a light the instant his head hits the pillow. genuine envy on my part. he’s also an incredibly deep sleeper and rarely dreams.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
i don’t think he does, no. i think he came from a very financially unstable and tumultuous upbringing and likes to try and forget it now that he’s a big time star.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
probably being unloved! he needs to be adored and cheered on always and forever or else he crumbles.
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
maybe a specific murder weapon he likes to use!
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misc-obeyme · 1 month
I have so many things running through my head right now (all about Barbatos 🫶) but I feel weird sending multiple asks so I hope you don't mind if I put them all in one!
Firstly, owl Barbatos has been flying around my thoughts for DAYS. As a long-time bird lover, I can wholeheartedly say that he's very owl like in general! But this is less about him being a cutie patootie little bird and more about his onesie thing. I NEED TO HUG HIM. He looks so soft and comfy and squeezable EEEEE! I just need to spot him from across the room and then rush up to him and envelope him in the biggest embrace ever! Place several little kisses all over his beautiful face before he's had enough and just kisses me... 🙏 He actually looks like a dream to cuddle with in his onesie I cannot stand it.
Next, I am terrified of butterflies. This current even had me thinking all about how Barbayos would deal with this. Like, I am so scared of them that when I was a child, I was kicked out of the butterfly sanctuary for screaming and crying and scaring the other kids. Anyways, LMAO, I think he'd think I'm silly (I am) but still never make fun of me. That's what's so wonderful about him, he'll never judge!
I just realized these are all completely self-indulgent, and I apologize for that, but I have one more djmsjdwnwkow. So, I had left over chain from a previous DIY project, so I made Barbatos' collar chain that he has in his demon form!! I think it's super cool, and I think he'd think it is, too. I wouldn't even tell him about it, I'd just wear it one random day and see if he notices. (He will. He notices everything. More evidence towards owl Barbatos propaganda.) But, yeah, we'd match. I was wondering if you had any silly things you'd like to match Barbatos with! Personally, matching pajamas and keychains are SO cute.
Final thought, Barbatos would make you his home screen. Anyone can see a lockscreen if you look at their phone, but only he gets to see your face on his home screen <3
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Listen, I always have Barbatos brain so I totally understand. You're free to send in one long ask or several smaller asks, it's whatever you're most comfortable with! I don't mind either way 💕
Ahh, owl!Barb is truly excellent. Like I definitely think that's a good choice for him. Owls have a reputation for being wise, right? And while I think in reality they're probably just as dumb as any other animal, I still like the association of wisdom for Barb, you know?
I actually have an owl that lives behind my house. I've never seen it because it gets dark here at night, but I've heard it hooting. It's actually pretty loud lol. But wouldn't it be cute if that was something Barbatos could do to like check in on MC in the human world? I think something similar whenever I see the crow gang that lives across the street from me, except I imagine it's Mammon. That's probably pretty silly, but I can't help but think about them, you know?
I think there are a lot of bird associations with the characters, I mean we also got peacocks for Luci. Though I have never seen or heard a peacock around my house lol. If I ever see a cow in the street, I'll blame Belphie.
Anyway, getting off topic here, which is that Barbatos in his onesie is absolutely adorable and I love him. He would be a delight to cuddle with.
OH suffering from lepidopterophobia?? LOL yes okay I looked that up because I was curious. I was like there has be a word for being afraid of butterflies. Anyway, I don't think Barbatos would judge you at all. The fact is, most phobias like this are irrational, it doesn't matter if they don't make sense. For you the fear is real and Barb cares a lot more about your comfort than anything else. He wouldn't want you to be scared or anxious about it!
Yo, no worries about self indulgence. I have so many self indulgent fics it's not even funny, this is what we're here for. I think Barbatos would be flattered that you would want to match with him. I especially like that it's something from his demon form, which he isn't in all the time, so it's like you're matching with him in a subtle sort of way. As for me, I don't know if I'd want something that's exactly matching, but I like the idea of something that's like clearly about him, you know? Like wearing a ring with a teal stone or something like that. I initially thought about wearing a teal septum ring, but then I realized I would like to be able to see it without a mirror so a regular ring would probably be my choice. I do like matching pajamas, though, that sounds adorable!
Oh yes, I like him being possessive. He's like, only I get to see this picture of MC, so it must be home screen. We'd kinda match that, too because this man is already on both my lock screen and my home screen yes I have a problem.
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detectivelokis · 1 year
Annie 👻 💢 🕷️ 🪤
Thank you, Biggie! Very excited to talk about my new girl.
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
She sure does! Annie’s mother used to practice seances scams when she was a kid. There were a few times she swears she felt the presence of a spirit in their house during them. A jilted lover and a murdered child being two of the big ones. Of course everyone outside of her family and family friends swears she just has a very active imagination.
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
Besides the tarot practice and the speaking to ghosts? Annie is a bit of a neat freak in general. She also has a bad habit of having full on conversations with herself, regardless of whether anyone else is there or not.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Annie is absolutely terrified of failure. And of just being wrong full stop. She’s been raised to believe that everything she thinks and feels is correct, so the reality of the world is a huge shock to her. Though, she does try to pretend like it isn’t. Her silliest fear is butterflies, though. She loves flowers, but their mere existence makes her steer clear of most public gardens just in case they try to land on her.
🪤 MOUSE TRAP - what will always lure them into certain danger? a loved one in danger? a promise of something they are always searching for?
All of the above? She’s a bit of an adrenaline junkie and prone to danger, more so than most women of her time. The thrill of a new discovery and a threat against a loved one are definitely in the top two, though. Unfortunately, those two seem to go hand in hand more than she would like.
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reaperkiller · 6 months
😭🍧🌋🕷🙈🙉🔪🎵 for caleb >:33 also HAIII i hope you're havign a great day!!!! <33
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
he does Not. he needs to though. Badly. it would fix him,,, he isn't necessarily emotionally constipated but my god. dude. PLEASE talk about your feelings. just once. Please. that being said though the one thing that would absolutely break him + make him cry for the first time in YEARS is seeing someone he cares about deeply get hurt in one way or another. he Will be insane and he Will be inconsolable about it.
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
he still has some paints and paintbrushes that his granpda got for him,, he doesnt use them anymore bc theyre no longer available,, and he does NOT!!! want to throw them away. ever. they remind him so much of all the time he spent w his grandpa going on fun little roadtrips as a kid so they could draw together. if he lost those?? well honestly him wanting to just throw himself off a bridge wouldnt even be an exaggeration. that would be the END for him. he CANNOT!!! lose them. it's all he has left to remember his grandpa by.
🌋 VOLCANO - how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
oooghhfjh now this is a good one bc it entirely depends on who he is with. 0 tolerance policy for anyone he used to work with at kang tago/biotechnica. if you pissed him off even a little bit youre going to hear about it. immediately. it's not even that he's losing his shit or anything or even an especially explosive temper. he just wants to shut you down then and there. and then never have to deal with it ever again. doesnt raise his voice or anything, just very calmly explains to you everything you are doing that is making him want to kill you with his own two hands. he sounds so relaxed but you can see how angry he is in his eyes. which i am Obsessed with. honestly. if he starts walking closer to you while being like that. start running/ [important sidenote he would never be like that w anyone he is close to. btw. he CAN explain things that are bothering him. like a normal person]
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
HMMM,, bc of his job most fears wouldve been ripped away from him at this point bc of how dangerous many missions were, and he wouldnt have gotten Anywhere if he was a shivering little beast the whole time. HOWEVER!! he has never fully gotten over his fear of heights. like he can be normal about it i guess?? but oohh trying to hide how terrified he is is SO exhausting he'd rather die. also very VERY scared of losing everyone he loves and has ever loved. but thats nothing to worry about at all ever. of course. [he needs therapy]
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
that he is actually very vulnerable and soft and mostly just. Sad. but he doesnt want people thinking he's weak,, he just wants someone to hold him. he wants to be shown love again. even if it's just for a moment. but he never lets anyone get close enough to be able to see that, in case they end up using it against him. he has So many barriers up but theyre So flimsy. they can be broken down so easily. but no one has ever tried,, Yet.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
honestly theyre is not much that can be said to him that will cause enough emotional damage to break him, other than like, hearing someone he was close to got injured/died. he's heard it all countless times over the years. but if i HAD to think of something,, probably someone calling him a coward. that would change something in his brain for the rest of forever, to the point where he will be hellbent on trying to prove that he is NOT!!!!!! a coward. life is so difficult. his job is terrifying. he doesnt know when a job is going to end in him getting killed, or worse. and to call him a coward would be overlooking all of that, all of the effort that it took for him to get where he is now. and he would HATE it. so much.
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
luckily enough he knows not to blame himself for things that are entirely out of his control - i.e. someone getting injured on a job when he's not there. obviously it's not his fault, he wasnt there to change anything. people get injured sometimes. it's just a part of life. he's not going to waste time carrying the weight of it all on his shoulders, he's gonna shut up and HELP. patch them up. do some stitches if necessary. get an ice pack. his brain kind of disconnects a bit, ESPECIALLY if it's a loved one, bc otherwise he would not get anything done. he would be too busy shaking and crying. he Has to get all the important stuff done first [stopping bleeding, cleaning them up, whatever], and THEN!! he can have an insane screaming crying throwing up moment. bc they are always the priority, not him. he needs to focus on their needs before he can focus on himself.
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
now this is going to take so long. so many weeks or months even to answer bc i do not yet have a playlist for him WJHJHDSFFGS but trust me. trust me when i say the Second i have some sort of playlist going for him. im going to be SO annoying about it. even more so w the kind of music i think he'd listen to. bc that is very important to me and i can never be normal about it.
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aesopsbaby · 1 year
Jokes on you, hypnosis don't work on me
I'll give you some facts anyway tho <3
~ I have a new oc in the making, Thier name is Telly and they go by any pronouns. They're a ghost in a TV head machine built by dice to be a walking servant to help them do tasks around the volcano that the minions cannot. The story is that crimson has 2 exes, and she killed one of them. The ghost of her ex finally decided to get back at her and attempted to possess dice to murder her, but missed and ended up in the AI machine, and couldn't get out. Once that happened they got chased out of the volcano after attempting to hurt dice and needed somewhere to flee. After a while if running, they got into an accident that I'm still trying to peice together and it wiped Telly's memory, all they can remember is a blonde lady and a shotgun. They found the city, found a friend to stay with (Carmen) and now has a job as a news reporter
~ Crimson has murdered tons of people, some of them with her bare fists, but the weapons she works best with are shotguns, swords and plain old knives. Dice works well with snipers and pistols
~ Ben has an irrational fear of running late to things. That's why he wears two watches
~ Lady No-Name can see, everything is very desaturated and static-y for her though. Despite this, her vision is surprisingly sharp
~ Tank is really literal minded and will take lots of things literally. That's why they don't understand memes
~ Boba the clown rhymes when she's stressed. Not on purpose, it's kind of a subconscious thing
~ The mushroom family is the biggest family in my ocverse currently, consisting of two adults and 4 kids (2 of them being twins). They've lived for a long time, way before the city was actually built. Mushroonian aging is weird, but every 1 mushroonian year is 27 human years
~ Mango is from an underwater kingdom, the one that Tatiana is currently struggling to run
~ most of my ocs were born and raised in the city, and blaze knows most of their parents, after living for so long amongst the humans. She gets kinda depressed sometimes because a lot of her friends back in the day are dead now. Goddess problems
~ blaze has been redesigned, btw! She's actually likeable now, look at that
~ Dice used to work a 9-5 job before he got money through being hired to kill people. Blaze was mayor then and came in one day to make sure the building was up to code because of the developing city and that's how they met. They became pretty good friends, but they also fought a lot
~ Most mushroonians you'd expect to see if you lived in the city is...well, none actually, but you'll see mushroonians wearing red with yellow spots like red cap mushrooms since theres a village slightly close to the city full of mushroonians of that type. But there are a lot of mushroom types out there, and that applies to mushroonians too! Another fun fact is that red cap mushroonians have poisonous blood (only poisonous to humans)
~ a surprising amount of children OCS I have used to live on the streets. I have no idea why I did that (examples, Caitlin (who got adopted by blaze and Gordon), Alyssa (still on the streets), Ozzie (taken in by Luxlie), etc)
~ Phantom can't cook for the life of her. Or do laundry for the life of her. Or actually a lot of chores. But with working with Bill on the flower shop, watering the plants and caring for them gives her something to do that technically counts as a chore. She doesn't mind doing it if it makes bill happy
~ Melody's skin stopped decaying, surprisingly, after a small amount of time. But she still drowns herself in perfume to make sure she doesn't smell like she still is
~ Before I became wizard, my old persona was this ordinary nerdy girl named AJ. Since she was in no way able to protect the city, that was blaze's job. She lived amongst the humans as a protecter to them but lost her magical abilities over time from not using them. Once wizard took over she became mayor and is the new protecter to her OCS. "But if wizard is the goddess of creation and gave all these people these traumatic backstories and is the cause of all these innocent people's misfortune, What is she really protecting them from?" Grain, mostly. Do you WANT grain, the literal god of chaos to steal your soul or burn down your house??? Didn't think so
~ Dice doesn't do his evil sociopathic crimes purely because he wants blaze dead. He does it out of hatred for the world. He does it because he had a terrible life and can't recall a single good memory from childhood to age 20, and wants to feel alive. He has no idea that wizard is the reason he had such a horrible life, and who knows what might happen if he finds out
~ I have an AU which would make a really great video game. It's based on a dream I had where I was in a murder library thing (basically a library but the people there are all murderers). Grain irl hopped into the dream and I was tasked to help them get to the front desk and get them a "no kill pass" which basically was a little card that meant you couldn't be killed while you're there. In the AU, it's a video game. The players are teleported into a randomly generated maze of bookshelves (with SOME npc enemies) and it's essentially a battle royale kinda thing, only that you can respawn. The front desk is hidden somewhere in the huge maze and if you find it, you can't be killed for the rest of the round, but you CAN kill others. The players can unlock oc characters that each have their own stats, buffs and special defensive and offensive abilities (such as crimson can teleport past dead ends and summon minions). They also have their own rankings, like common, rare, epic, legendary, etc. It's literally just called the murder library au. It would make a good game wouldn't it? Also what the hell is up with my dreams
~ the free for all au is also based off of a dream I had, where my ocs randomly started trying to kill each other
~ Most of the lore for my ocs is actually thought up by grain. We work together on creating realistic and believable backstories and I can't thank them enough for it lmao
~ Erin has a part time job right now selling ice cream in the marketplace at the town square. During fall and winter though, he sells hot chocolate and brownies
That's all I can think of rn! I think I'm about to hit the text limit anyway lmao. I'll get you more later on ✌️
Okay this took some time to reply sorry </33 BUT BUT honestly these are all so interesting! Everything is so well thought out and I adore the small details :,)♡ IM ALREADY SO INVESTED IN TELLY
Also Boba rhyming when she's stressed is such a funny and well thought out concept LIKE ITS SO COOL and really fits her character (I thinks)!!
I love all of these tytyty <,3 btw will,,,will we know more about Tatiana and Milo? 👁👁
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ask-percyparker · 11 months
I know its from the other list, but who cares :3 🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears? 👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence? 🍩 DONUT - favourite sweet treat? 🌱 SEEDLING - what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
🕷️ SPIDER: What, you mean my biggest fear right now or in general? Uh. The biggest fear I have right now is dying in this hell hole with nobody noticing or caring… And in general? Not making it. Never being able to survive on my own. Dying with nothing to my name…
👊 PUNCH: … I kinda have to. If I’m not careful, especially now, I could die down here.
🍩 DONUT: I’m… not that keen on sweets. But the thing that comes to mind are my mother’s wheat cakes, if that counts. Those were always my favorite. We didn’t always get to have them growing up but whenever we did, it was a treat.
🌱 SEEDLING: Most vivid thing, eh? Hm… Here’s one: when I was a kid, I didn’t get a whole lot of gifts. Growing up in the Great Depression and WW2 meant that I didn’t really get a lot of things in general and there were definitely many nights where I went to bed without a meal. But when I was 15, my Aunt May and Uncle Benjamin from upstate decided to surprise me with the best gift I’ve ever gotten on my birthday: my very own personal camera!
See, back in high school, I was part of the school newspaper. Mainly as a student reporter but I also really wanted to get into photography. Heck, I was trying to save up my own money for a camera at the time too but I think my parents probably told them about it… While I don’t use it professionally these days, I still use it from time to time. It’s by far my favorite thing I’ve ever received as a gift and I’m grateful my Uncle and Aunt got me one even though we rarely even see each other.
- 📸
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weathered-canvas · 2 years
hi i'd love to hear about your ocs! i dont know which ones you want to talk about the most so you can answer these for any of them :D
👪 , 🕷️, 🌌
oh hello!!!! gonna do these for Raz since him and the crew are on my mind rn :D FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings? -> He's one of like five kids of his parents, and he's currently living a lie: he believes his parents and siblings are dead. [They used a battle's magic fallout to cover their fake deaths and uh. The letter they sent to Raz never got to him! So he thinks they're actually dead.] When he was young he was relatively fond of his family minus his older twin brothers who were just generally snobbish assholes.
SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears? -> Raz gets anxious whenever around someone wearing tap shoes/clicky stilettos due to the sound reminding him of things he went through as a soldier. His biggest fear is probably being incapable of protecting the people under his wing - he runs a little 'circus' that acts as a front for other nonhumans who want to travel with some safety - but especially Kalvan or Emyrin getting hurt worse. [A pair of twins, demon-vampire hybrids, who lost their parents and home to a feud between their ancestors and an elven family.]
MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them? -> Tieflings are my favorite D&D race and I really wanted to make a tiefling OC and lo and behold! The first thing was actually probably his hairstyle: I was really into undercuts at the time and gave him one.. It's a grown out canonically in his current design though, spending years shut into a library reading up on dark magic does that to you. [He's a former bard fully reclassed as a bloodhunter after his fiance was killed.]
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k-evans-reads · 1 year
4, 17 and 21 💕 I love Nat and can't wait for next chapter 😊
We love her too! Thank you! It's coming tomorrow :)
4. What are 3 of their irrational fears?
Nat: First one is easy - having a spider in my hair. I HATE spiders and the thought of having one in my curly mess of hair is a huge fear because I’d know it was there but wouldn’t be able to easily find it and get it out. Ugh, even thinking of that makes me want to throw up. 
Second, okay, this is very specific but I'm terrified of cutting jalapenos and then touching my eyes. I just am so freaked out by that and won’t even cut them because of it which is a shame because I love jalapenos. I just have to buy them pre cut or have someone else do them. 
Then lastly, any old basements terrify me. I avoid them at all costs. You know the scene in Home Alone when Kevin has to go down to the basement? Yeah that was basically a horror movie scene to me as a kid. 
17. Do they consider themselves to be romantic? Why or why not?
Nat: I actually think I’m fairly romantic. I wouldn’t say I’m romantic in the traditional sense but I just really love things and people. I just think there’s so many beautiful and special experiences that aren’t ‘romantic’ in the traditional sense but to me, when you have a moment when you just feel fully known by someone, that’s romantic. 
21. What are they most afraid of? What made them fear this?
Nat: I think a big fear for me and something I struggle with a lot is feeling like people put up with me but not really love or enjoy me. I know that I’m a lot, and can be really emotional and chaotic and so I think it’s something I’ve internalized but then with Shane, it just kind of reinforced that. So I think that’s my biggest internalized fear.
Send in a number for Nat from this list and we’ll answer it over the next day!!
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death-ward · 2 years
For my beloved Yadoris Finiva
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
🌙 MOON - what is your oc’s greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
throwing this under a read more bc i wrote so much LMFAO
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Her relationship with her family is...hm. Her family is human where she was born as a tiefling and it's certainly created a dynamic between her and her mother.
She's close with her sister but is extremely envious of her and her outgoing exuberant nature and how well liked she is by everyone. Her envy though isn't malicious towards her sister but more of the fact that she's everything she wanted to be. She doesn't blame her for it, or have resentment towards her for it.
Her father I'd say they have a decent relationship. She loves him, and he loves her he just kind of gets 'yes honey'd' by her mom.
Her relationship with her mother is strained to put it lightly. With Dori being born a purple tiefling of all things it means she was touched by devils. Tieflings aren't uncommon in her hometown as they are close to where the infernal planes influence is stronger. But they're typically red. Her being purple means she's got devils blood bound to her and to be frank Dori kind of sealed her fate by making her original deal with Lilith 300 years in the past due to a weird time bubble they ended up in. She viewed Dori as a bad omen. Then on top of Dori being able to talk to spirits and being into things such as the occult and wanting to understand things that couldn't be seen it deemed her as an outcast to which her mother resented her for. The resentment grew over the years as Dori continued to stick her nose into things. She knows her mother has resentment towards her but she still tries to be kind to her. It's hard.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc’s greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
NOW THAT I CAN TALK ABOUT ITTTTT Her greatest wish now is to figure out a way to bring their bard Road back. Her potential epilogue quest begins now and that's figuring out how the fuck they're going to bring them back and if that means she reaches lvl 17 and learns wish then that's how it's gonna be. But she owes them and will be doing anything she can to try to figure out a way to bring them back. She's already made the promise to Road's aunties (their hags they were a hexblood)
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
This girl is a ball of anxiety so everything is her biggest fear. Aside from the typical yknow. Death. Death of her friends, etc...one irrational fear she has is a fear of crabs. When they were traveling early on they stopped in a coastal town and had some stew there. The stew had magical properties and the one that Dori ended up getting was it made the sea creatures hostile towards her. Road would use minor image to summon a crab that would scuttle after her clicking its claws at her so she's got a fear of crabs now.
👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why?
She doesn't have a grand plan to go down as anything important nor does the idea of doing so do anything for her. The only thing she wants to be remembered as is a friend to those she considered friends. As for the why, she was rather isolated as a kid and teen never having many friends so to be remembered as one would mean she actually had some.
❇️ SPARKLE - what is their most prized possession? what do they value?
Her most prized possession is a very ornate set of tarot cards that was given to her by her mentor, an older water genasi medium named Madam Flo. Dori actually joined a traveling circus after Madam Flo took her under her wing to sharpen her divination skills. She doesn't use them as they're too pretty to her to use and mean too much.
☁️ CLOUD - a soft headcanon
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
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qah-naarin · 2 years
OOps sorry i randomly hit unfollow when I meant to write an ask 😩
13, 26, and 27 for Arpina
10, 41, and 49 for Miraak
Tanks 🥰
tysm for the ask bestie!! im sorry it took forever to post this was gathering dust in my forgotten drafts. finally time to rave abt shit i have no space for in the fics... from this ask game <3
13. Describe your character's typical wardrobe for the regular day.
Arpina doesn't have regular days, really, because she's always up to something. It fluctuates a LOT, but for a slow day, she'd just wear a nice dress, decent boots, and armored accessories—think leather braces, leather pauldron, and maybe a very prettily made corset with ivory boning and lined with thin chainmail and thick leather. No, I have no idea how medieval fashion and armor work.
26. Are they an animal person? Do they have pets?
Not particularly, but Arpina has a big pet sabre cat named Talin that frolics in her cabin by Lake Ilinalta. As a child, she was forbidden from having pets, and her general aversion towards them because of that carried into adulthood until she found her injured kitty near Riverwood.
27. What are their opinions on children? Do they view children as sweet angels or evil crotch goblins?
As a mother of six grubby little creatures, she definitely considers them as a mix of both. On one hand, wrangling them is like an Olympic Sport. On the other hand, she REALLY likes kids. Loves having them around, loves bonding with them, just loves kids so much. End of the day it boils down to the fact she will acknowledge that six kids are a lot, yeah, but maybeeee just one more?
10. What kind of jokes make them laugh?
Dumb witty things with the right tone of delivery. It's not really jokes that make Miraak laugh, more silly dumb quips and snarky remarks Not directed at him.
41. Your character has been punched into the face. What's their reaction?
Context-wise, if it was Arpina and she accidentally punched him in her sleep he'd probably pin her arms down for the rest of the night. Or steal her blanket if he's annoyed enough. Outside of that, he's using it as an excuse for Bloodshed and Violence and Loud Yelling. (Arpina usually stops him before it gets too nasty anyway.)
49. What is your character's biggest fear? Most irrational?
A genuine lack of control, an inescapable situation. And horkers. Miraak hates horkers and seaweed! He would rather walk into a sword than have to stick to either of those two things up close.
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saevus-brutalis · 2 years
🍧 🕷️ 🌌 📚 and 📦 uwu (anything for any of then but if u can do last one for both 🤲 feed us)
😪 fine
🍧 SHAVED ICE - do they still have any objects from their childhood? what significance does it have to them? what would their reaction be if they lost it?
Vincent [here]
Ragan – little animal wood carving he did as a kid and would play imaginary board games drawn in the sand with all the other kids, dried lizard tail he keeps in a jar – first he ever caught but got away; and a few pressed flowers between old comic pages. most valuable would be an old beautifully engraved silver revolver with a pearl handle he got from his father for his birthday.
he would be a mix of sad and angry upon realizing he lost any of these (okay maybe the lizard tails and flowers would be the least of his worries), but he would be devastated had he lost his gun; his father wasn't the nicest guy to him but it was sort of a family heirloom, so losing it would be tragic.
🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Vincent [here]
Ragan [here]
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Vincent – my inspiration was all over. i just wanted him to be hot. he evolved overtime and many aspects molded him into what he is today. first things that i decided about him though was: hair color, that's he's gonna have lots of tattoos and piercings and black eyes.
Ragan – thanks to you, asshole, Manu Rios became somewhat my inspo for Ragan 😪 one thing i wanted for him to be for sure was: to be a cowboy nomad and have long curly hair; the rest evolved overtime.
📚 BOOKS - how were they at school? what is their best subject? what is their worst subject? do they have a favourite subject?
Vincent – he was an overachiever; perfectionist, wanted to please his father (partially) but also wanted to be the best. science was his strongest suit – chemistry, physics and math. his worst subject was literature, economics; best – geography, chemistry and biology (got it from his mom 😌 smart boy)
Ragan – he only went to primary school for a few years back in Sicily, the rest of his education was primarily based on home-schooling. he exceeded in history, languages and geography but sucked at math and physics – he's more of a social sciences boy.
📦 PACKAGE - what are some "most likely to..." that can apply to them?
most likely to... Vincent – assassinate the president; set something or someone on fire; steal military-grade explosives; get into a car crash; play ancient songs from early 2000s and late 1900s
Ragan – hogtie you with a lasso and drag behind his car; be the most drunk; win a rodeo; walks around butt-ass naked in public; get someone's name tattooed on him after one day of knowing them.
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