#it was pressed upon them by the scions that they join a grand company
impossible-rat-babies · 5 months
rotating in my head the way the bureaucracy of the twin adders hates eyrie for weird legal situations
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jenovahh · 5 years
KYKM - 6 Months, 30 Days
Glancing up from the book he was reading, Zenos watches as you nearly burst through the door of your own home. “Yes?”
You’re wearing armor he’s never seen before; a black mask over your face, sharp, spiked things upon your shoulders that could barely be called pauldrons. In fact the entire look could hardly be called armor at all for how little protection it offered, though to be honest, he had seen you much less.
He doesn’t flinch as the oversized axe you toted makes a large thud as you drop it to the ground, grinning widely as you hold up a pristine bottle of sake. “I’ve finally reached the end of my training as a Warrior. I want to celebrate.”
Arching an eyebrow he simply bookmarks the page he was on before closing the book gently. Only a few hours had passed since you ventured out, going on about how you needed to complete a warrior’s training and something of the sort. You claimed it would be dull and not to his liking, so he had no problem remaining in your home, left to his own devices.
“Congratulations, Warrior.” standing he watches as you move to your bedroom downstairs to change, the sound of metal hitting the ground in your hurry carrying up the stairs.
“I’m decent!” he hears you call, a sign that he may join you. Descending, he watches as you come out of your bedroom and into your second lounge area below. It’s fitted with a single table with chairs and a couch surrounding it. You’re pulling what seems to be cakes and other desserts from a nearby cupboard, placing them with care on the table.
“I thought we might also play a game.” your good mood radiates off you in waves, though he is far used to it by now. You are just genuinely happy, and he would not ask for naught else. “Our question game. But with higher stakes.”
Two glasses are pulled from a cabinet, your grin somewhat mischievous as you hand him his own. “For every question that is asked, we must drink.” He did not take you as one to participate in drinking games, never seeing the point in them himself as he had never felt the slowing effects of alcohol. He was willing to indulge your whims, however.
He was willing to indulge a lot where you were concerned.
“Your victory has put you in a bright mood.” he observes, allowing you to pour him the first glass. 
“It has. I’ve wanted this for a really long time.” You pour your own cup, grabbing a piece of cake as you seat yourself in a chair, Zenos choosing the couch. He reaches for a piece of cake as well, glad to see it is one you baked yourself. “Who shall have the honor then?” he asks, crossing one leg over the other.
“I’ll take the first turn.” You chirp. Getting comfortable, you take a bite of cake, staring at the ceiling as you think. “What is one thing you detest in other people?”
It continues on as it had before, going back and forth asking each other questions. With each cup your face grows redder; words more slurred. He can only chuckle as you become more and more inebriated, a fact that has not gone under your notice.
“And I thought could handle my liquor. You didn’t tell me you knew how to drink.” you growl, pouting as you slouch in your chair. “Look at you...it might as well be water!”
“It’s not my fault that you did not think to study your opponent before issuing a challenge Warrior. You are free to call it quits if you cannot continue.” he baits, watching as you snatch the bottle of sake off the table.
“I’m not done! I’m just a little tired is all, swingin’ a big axe around...” you pour yourself another glass, chugging it down in one gulp to slam on the table afterwards. “D-Do you think of me as a friend?” you manage to get out, gasping at the burn of the alcohol as it goes down.
It’s not an easy question to answer, as his terms of friendship are terribly skewed, for they do not exist at all. To what he knew of true friendship, one could objectively say the two of you were friends. You traveled together, fought together, enjoyed each other’s company. They were not things he said out loud but he could tell from your change in demeanor over time that you received his feelings all the same. He had never treated anyone with such patience, such understanding, such...care. In fact, he long thought himself incapable of such feelings. Feelings he told himself he had no need of so very long ago.
He doesn’t know when it happened, seeing you as a friend. When he extended the offer to you months ago, he expected a rival. For the two of you to sharpen each other like knives, trying to slit each other’s throat. He would have never guessed that he would spend months watching you smile, fighting by your side, aiding you in your adventures. What else could it be besides friendship?
Though it was obvious in his actions, you probably still needed, wanted to hear it from his own mouth as you had with many other things before.
“I do.” he answers, the truth of it rolling through his very being. Your eyes have closed, barely awake to hear his answer as you smile.
Before he can prepare to refill his glass to ask his own question, you slouch further in the chair, mumbling some incoherent nonsense. Clearly at your limit, he sets his glass down, carefully moving the table away. “I believe you’ve had enough for tonight.”
“I’m fine...” your words are muffled by the arm of the chair.
“Can you stand, or must I carry you to your bed?” he waits a moment, watching as you teeter on the brink of consciousness. He can see the exhaustion in your frame, limbs sprawled haphazardly. The hour had grown late, far past the time you usually allowed yourself to rest.
Saying nothing he reaches down, scooping you up with ease. “Are we going to bed?” you ask, voice muddled with sleep.
“You are going to bed. You have had too much alcohol.” Nudging the door to your bedroom open, he maneuvers around to the side. Setting you down, he grunts as your fingers fist tightly in his shirt. “Warrior,”
Before he can say anything else he’s pulled onto the bed, hands reaching out to brace his fall before he crushes you beneath him. He meets your eyes that are now staring back at him, still hazy as if you’re only halfway awake.
“Soryu.” you whisper. Your hands have not let go of his shirt, if anything they have gripped even tighter. “I trust you.”
His eyes widen a fraction at that, too startled to fight back as you pull him even closer. The smell of sake is strong on your breath, but you move as if you are very aware of your motions. “I mean it. I trust you like I’ve never trusted anyone before.” your voice is hushed, raspy with too many emotions for him to pick out. The warmth of your body reaches his own, grunting as you try to pull him closer still.
“I see now why you do not drink often.” He grunts, still struggling to pry himself loose as you giggle. You are clearly not in your right mind, and need to sleep this off, as amusing as this was when he wasn’t practically straddling you on your bed.
“No one’s ever tried to get to know me like you do. Not the Scions. Not the Grand Companies. No one.” you continue, as if he had not spoken at all. “You’ve made me the happiest I’ve felt since...since...” your voice trails off before finding your words, “I just really wanted to thank you. For being my friend.” He’s rendered immobile as you reach up to press your lips against his cheek, finally releasing his shirt.
“Promise me.” Your breath ghosts over his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. “Promise me you won’t leave.” your voice is light, hand falling away as you finally surrender to sleep.
For a few minutes, he’s unable to will his body to move, mind still processing what just happened. With a sigh he carefully moves himself from atop you, moving to sit at the edge. You’re fully asleep, dead to the world, knowing he will keep you safe.
“I trust you.”
The words circle through his mind, obsessing over it. There’s a sudden weight on his shoulders, making him slouch forward.
“Promise me. Promise me you won’t leave.”
“Warrior of Light.” his voice is barely above a whisper. Reaching a hand out, he gently brushes hair from your face, blue eyes half lidded as you lean into his touch.
He finds himself caressing your face, your skin soft and smooth. The action is new to him, enjoying the feeling of being so near someone without fear. He can’t make himself stop as his hand reaches to hold your own, his heart loud in his own ears. Calloused just like his own, yet somehow still gentle as he brings it to his lips, whispering softly against your fingers.
“I’ve never left you.” 
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catte-bard · 5 years
Prompt #26: Celebrations (Slosh)
slight shb spoilers
“You filched that from one of the kitchens didn’t you?” 
Thancred scoffed at the accusation. In his hands a rather expensive looking bottle of wine. “Now why would you go and say something like that?” He asked, feigning offense.
Bellona sits up in her bed, a brow raised. “Because I know with you there are two constants.” She holds up two fingers. “You are a bard at heart. And you are a rogue at heart.” 
“Very studious observation.” He hums as he strolls over to her. “I just thought we’d have our own little celebration. Since the Warrior of Darkness refuses to leave her room to join in the revelry.”
She wrinkles her nose up. “If I stepped out there, I’d be swarmed.”
“Yes, yes. By those who wish to praise your deeds and show their gratitude. How torturous.” He laughs as he rummages around the little kitchenette for glasses. 
The Crystarium had fallen into revelry since they returned from the Tempest. It was a special time of celebration. The Lightwarden’s were gone, the night returned, and the Crystal Exarch was safe. 
Sometimes, she could hear the raucous sounds of the festivities outside her door. Happy fools drunk on spirits and the atmosphere. She was glad everyone was happy. Glad that they actually were able to have a moment like this after so many years of living in fear.
But the battle against Hades still weighed heavily on her. Simply leaving her too tired to join all the revelry right now. Nay, she was perfectly content with celebrating their victory from the peace and comfort of her inn room within the Pendants. 
Her ears prickle at the slosh of wine as he poured the two of them glasses. 
“You don’t have to trap yourself in here with me.” Bellona told Thancred. “You and the rest of the Scions deserve to take part in the festivities. Go and have fun—enjoy yourself.” 
He and the other Scions deserved this as much as she did. They were just as much Warriors of Darkness as she was. Their coming to the First had been entirely accidental, but she felt without them she never would have destroyed all the Lightwardens.
“Nonsense.” Thancred smiled and came over to press a kiss upon her brow. “If my lady wishes to spend the night in, then I shall spend the night in as well to keep her company. Asides, I did try to enjoy the evening, but our dear friend Urianger decided it was Embarrassing Story Time. And was driven to drinking only water for the next hour.” 
Honestly, the man could be surprisingly devious after a few cups. 
Bellona giggled. “Oh you poor thing. How torturous.” She teases. “But perhaps, I should spend the night with him then? I’m sure he has all sorts of entertaining accounts about you.” 
“You’d rather spend an evening with dusty, old, Urianger instead of me?” He sniffs.
“Only because he seems like he seems like quite the entertainer. His years here on the First certainly seemed to have brought out his fun side more.” She muses. “But come on, you can’t really want to spend the evening with boring, old, me. It’s grand party out there. You should go enjoy it.”
“You really think I’d prefer to spend the night with a bunch of strangers instead of you?” Thancred arched a brow. “And my dear, if it’s entertainment you want. I can provide that just fine.” A mischievous smirk as he leans forward, gently taking her chin in his hand. “Come now, there’s no pressing matters to interrupt us. What say you to us having our own private celebration here?” 
Bellona places a hand over his. “You know, there’d be so many people jealous of you right now. Getting a night alone with the Warrior of Darkness.”
And he snorts. “The whole world get to have you as their hero. So few times do I get to have you as mine and mine alone.”
“Ah, so it is you who is the jealous one.”
She laughs. 
“Well lucky you then.” She says as she wraps her arms around his shoulders. “As it seems this Warrior is all yours tonight.”
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