#it when theyre rooting around in there but they never mention it...it that outside of their expertise are they Solely abt the teeth
steelycunt · 8 months
blushing over the compliments my dentist gave me on my brushwork...words like fantastic were thrown around..i love 2 get a good grade in dentist <3
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liquidstar · 10 months
my big fat greek wedding is the realest greek rep in mainstream american media, not because its completely accurate- a lot is rooted in lighthearted sort of self-stereotypes, and is overall pretty shallow if youre looking for legitimate emotionally resonate representation of any kind. BUT thats also EXACTLY what makes it vibe w so many greeks anyway because we hardly ever see those very specific little eccentricities even mentioned, letalone be made the focal point, so we kind of love making fun of it in a way thats like "oh my god thats JUST like my thio maki!!! and thats just like thia calliope!!! oh fuck that ones just like me"
all things considered i dont think greek representation is like the most important ever or anything, but its so rare to see greece acknowledged beyond ancient stuff or mythology, or maybe the occasional jab at eastern europe, that its just... fun to see yourself and your family a little bit on the tv. it doesnt really get into the super deep parts of the culture or anything like that but its fine bc its fun. i think most greek families (esp of diaspora) have bonded to this movie because theyre just like us for real. before this, i think the closest thing id seen to actual greek rep on tv was from an episode of the suite life on deck where it was mainly just an eastern europe stereotype 😭 abt being hairy and playing with pig guts as balloons and shit idk. i mean also true but in a way that comes off as more mean spirited lol. but even then i was excited just to see our flag on tv and remember pointing at it to my mom so i cant say it was the worst. but hey!
anyway i like my big fat greek wedding a lot, wanna see the 3rd sometime too but never got around to it. it just vibes and is fun. and again like i said before, greek rep wasnt the most important thing ever growing up (even if it is super cool to see and does make me very happy to have our culture acknowledged outside of ancients!) but it does make me understand why representation is important in a more general way and why it means so much to people. and i also understand that it can mean a whole lot more to people whove been historically treated way worse by media. like, lack of acknowledgement is one thing, but outright malicious stereotypes are another. i do get this with lgbt+ rep too but since i was lucky enough to be born in a time where its becoming the norm i also cant imagine how it must have seen so much worse and then live in a world where every cartoon has 2 girls kissing. its not perfect and often corporate but... also a good sign
sorry this post is super stream of consciousness so its probably all over the place but i think my general thoughts are that ppl who shit on a series for having any kind of representation they dislike (being "too progressive" or something) is not only an awful unsympathetic person but also like. on the flip side will never know the joy of seeing yourself like that. but i do realize it also comes with the tradeoff of not being seen to begin with so its not like its a net positive but... those ppl still wont know! they will not understand the true joys of "[country] mentioned!!!!" when the country is The United States Of America. the end
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cornfarm · 3 years
waves against the rocks
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saiki kusuo x reader
word count: 2.0k
synopsis: you show saiki your powers. he’s unbearibly jealous, yet for the first time, he feels seen and understood by another person.
cws: mention of the reader having a bad family
genre: melancholic fluff
reader is gender neutral!
greetings... i promise i’m working on cease and desist part 2 but i keep starting one shots;; I ALSO DECIDED TO CHANGE MY TEXT FORMAT... i yoinked all the capital letters away... it feels a bit more liberating
whenever i make my crazy op self insert oc, i always think about how i can make them a foil/double to the characters i like. for example my gintama s/i is also a traumatized war veteran. i thought like... wouldn’t it be fun to write the reader character as a direct foil AND double to saiki? they have everything he doesn’t, but he has a lot that they dont and it’s like,., mutual jealousy.
i also wanted to write saiki properly empathizing with someone. aiura and toritsuka are so fun because they both have different moral compasses with their powers and how they’d like to use them. however despite the fact theyre all psychics, saiki can’t really empathize with either of them.
i wanted to have saiki be excited about something, and feel truly seen. empathy is a very powerful thing.
i hope the “ability” i chose isn’t too cringe;;;
i can’t help but feel like i write saiki ooc so feedback would be super appreciated!
perception. the way people are seen by others, the mental images and sour thoughts rooted in nothing but misconception. the falsafied persona of greatness, beauty, and kindness. perception.
you kept saiki afterschool. tugging at his sleeve, you quietly asked “i need to show you something, stay here for a few extra minutes?”. he refused you at first, but you stayed firm, “i need you to stay.” fierce. he decided to stay.
but you stood before saiki, right? were you there? he suddenly felt a bit weary, head pounding at the thought of you. your name, voice, scent, failing to find matches in his library of records. when he thought of you, his brain flickered through the faces and names of everyone else he knew.
you were a gap, a void, a sudden unconjurable memory. it was horrifying. but he quickly accepted it. the body circling behind of him was none of his concern, because there was nobody there. he supposes he should go home now. why was he standing alone in the classroom anyways?
firm hands land on his shoulders, warm, present. he remembers why he’s here.
“it’s not that i’m invisible, it’s just that your brain can’t recognize me, and refuses to acknolwedge me as a thing that exists.”
like a wave crashing against a rocky shore, the void is filled. your voice, your scent, your name, all slotted back into place in his mental library. he recognizes the hands on your shoulders as yours. 
a hand snakes around and pushes up his glasses, covering his eyes.
“it’s not about visibility, it’s perception. you are unable to percieve me as a living thing, or of anything of importance. that’s why you can’t read my thoughts, and that’s why you’re so quick to give up trying to recall me.”
he’s practically trembling- you have one power. it was simple, but it managed to find a loophole around practically all of his.
“that’s terrifying.”
you take your hands away and step in front of him. he adjusts his glasses properly.
“were you born with it?”
you nod, “it caused me trouble when i was a kid. i almost got left at an airport,” you chuckle.
“does anyone else know?”
“i’ve tried to tell my parents but they don’t believe me. they called me a liar and delusional, so i decided to stop trying with them. nobody else knows, i’ve never told any of my past friends either. when i found out about your powers, i thought maybe someone would finally understand. that’s the only reason i wanted to tell you.”
your lip quivers, “you believe me, right?”
truth be told, saiki’s stunned. he wasn’t expecting someone like you to have such an abrasive ability. despite how reclusive and fittingly unnoticeable it is, it was certainly powerful.
he’s jealous. you were able to freely aquire something he wanted- privacy, but he does believe you, afterall he just watched you waltz around him, outside of his keen field of view. 
“yeah, i do.”
you smile, bright and wide- you’re nearly trembling. was being believed that big of a deal to you?
you take a step forward and embrace him, wrapping your arms around his torso as your head presses against his chest. he goes a bit stiff, and glances at the door. “hey, someone might walk in-”
“it’s fine.” you look up at him, meeting his eyes, and oh. your eyes are glimmering, shining greater than he’s ever seen them, “they won’t.”
burying your face back into him, he tenataively wraps his arms around your back. you continue, voice muffled, “’m sorry, you’re the first person who’s accepted me. i’m happy.”
the emotional explanation for your actions ease him a bit, “it’s fine.” he states back.
you finally pull away, and for a brief moment as you lose connection, you flicker out of his view, but you come back in again, placing your hand on his.
“actually, i can touch you while using my power without you being affected by them, but i’m manually using it on you right now.”
“if you touch someone while making sure they still can’t see you, what does that make them experience?” his voice is clear, a bit fierce in tone. you always had trouble reading saiki, but you could tell that this was interest. perhaps he was threatened, but he was certainly intrigued.
“they might whirl around and look who’s touching them and account it to a person around them, but if not, they might think they’re having sensory hallucinations. i can also talk to people, but because my voice doesn’t have any weight to it, it’s almost like a hypnotic suggestion.”
“so you can brainwash people?”
“not necessarily,” you let go of his hand, you must have released your power, your eyes are dark, “if i suggest something to someone and it’s something mild, they’re more likely to do it because it already falls into their line of thinking. if i suggest something bold, they might do it thinking it’s an impulsive thought.”
“most people won’t do extreme things, they’ll read those as intrusive thoughts. but sometimes people think my voice is the voice of god, or a passed on relative, and will do intense things regardless of their judgement. others have poor impulse control, and some are just batshit crazy.”
you sheepishly scratch your head, “but i don’t really like having that much control over people. i don’t want to use my powers to hurt anyone.”
“do you want to use them to help people?”
you pause. it seems you’ve thought about this quite a bit.
“well my powers can’t help people. they give me the ability to help people, but they can’t help people directly. i think it’s a matter of it i’m strong enough to help people.”
“are you?”
“would you hate me if i said no? of course i lend a hand to my friends when they need it, but i don’t think i’m strong enough to really make a difference. i want to live peacefully.”
you look down at your hands, “i wish i wasn’t born with it.”
saiki felt unnervingly softhearted. he struggled empathizing with his peers, but his heart pounded in solemn familiarity. “i don’t hate you for that, i’m the same. having the powers i do means i have the responsibility of keeping the world in peace. people would be jealous of me for the self-fulfilling purposes i could use my powers for, but i don’t want to use my powers to hurt people. i don’t want to help anyone either. i just want to be left alone.”
guilt. guilt was a disease, just like jealousy is. it eats at you from the inside, and creeps up at times least expected. it left both of you hollow and empty.
“i wish i didn’t have powers,” he continues, “i don’t think i’ve ever properly experienced life in the way i’m supposed to, like everyone else has. i’m envious of you, you’ve had a bit more normalcy than me.”
“i suppose we’re equally unhappy, then,” you smile at him. he had been staring out the window, but he turns to looks at you. you’re leaning on the door of the classroom, tilting your head, you ask him a silent “walk home with me?”. 
“i mean,” you begin, “i’ve missed out on a lot. i’ve always had trouble making friends- my powers made it difficult for people to remain interested in me. i’ve gotten pretty good at controlling them, pk academy has been really good to me, but it doesn’t heal the damage it’s caused me.”
your teeth gnaw at your lower lip, “your family is so supportive of you, they love you so much, it makes me angry. i wish i could say the same about mine.”
it wasn’t too empty in the school, but your footsteps were loud and clear, both you and saiki walking in sync. saiki didn’t really know what to say, so he stayed silent. 
sighing, you continue, “i don’t want to be alone, but it’s too easy to be reclusive when that’s where you’ve always been. if you live a life of isolation, making friends is scary and draining,” a grim smile forms on your face, as if you’re trying to comfort yourself.
but saiki does have to admit that the two of you have much more in common than he initially thought. he quietly thinks to himself, perhaps he could use your abilities.
“y/n,” he begins, eyes meeting yours, “will you do me a favor?”
“yeah, what is it?”
he doesn’t like being indebted to people, but he wants to test your limits. you don’t give him the chance to ask, “you want me to use my powers while we walk out together, don’t you.”
his mouth falls a bit open, lips parting, “how did you know?”.
you laugh, “you’re not the only one who can read minds,” and reach out to wrap a hand around his forearm. he raises a brow at you, seemingly amused by your comment. he expected you to take his hand again, but your firm grip on his arm was admitedly unexpected.
he felt his heart skip a beat.
“well? are you doing it?”
“yup, you won’t feel any different though.”
walking down the steps together, people passed the two of you, strangers, familiar faces, teachers. nobody noticed.
the two of you passed toritsuka at the steps, but he paid no mind. “you know,” saiki started, “when i use my invisibility power, that guy can still see me.” 
“can he?” you murmur, your voice a bit low. 
“if it’s easier, you can just think what you’d like to say to me, we can talk that way.”
you squint your eyes in concentration, “like this?” you think to yourself. 
you smile. you continue to hold onto his arm as he changes his shoes. 
“that must be frustrating, that he can still see you.”
he nods. he supposes if toritsuka can’t see you, then aiura probably can’t track you- and him, down either. 
“hold onto my arm while i change mine.”
without breaking contact, he gently wraps his fingers around your wrist. you hastily change your shoes, and slide your hand a bit up, taking his in yours.
“is it neccesary to hold hands?” he asks. his expression was nearly deadpanned, but the slight crease in his brows communicated just enough. he felt sheepish, a bit lost.
“no, but it’s nice.” 
teruhashi stands idly at the exit, waiting, doing her best to gently shake off the boys that surrounded her.
“she’s looking for me.”
“is she? do you want to talk to her?”
you pause. 
“is she the reason you asked me to do this for you?”
he nods.
you turn and head towards the gate, but not before waving a hand in front of her face. you take a deep breath, before exclaiming a loud “teruhashi!”. she whirls around, trying to find the source of the voice, looking rather bewildered.
letting out a hearty laugh, you grin up at him. a slight huff of air escapes his upturned lips.
the two of you slip past the front gate.
“but you owe me something in return, i don’t give out my labor for free!”
he sighs, “what would you like?”
“wait, really? i was joking, you don’t have to do anything for me!” you double down on your demands.
“you say that, but i know you’re secretly hoping i’ll treat you.”
“shit, i forgot you can read my mind. that’s so invasive.” you pout, “not fair!”
“it’s fine, i don’t like being indebted to people, and you did do me a favor like i asked, so i’ll take you somewhere.”
you look a bit nervous, “really? you’re sure?”
“just accept the offer before i revoke it.”
you twirl in a circle, letting go of his hand and hopping a few steps ahead of him. “you’re buying me a nice coffee then!” 
he lunges out to take it again.
and once more in sync, both of your hearts skip a beat.
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chaosnightmare · 3 years
i want to say before i say any of the rest of this post that this is the least hostile i could ever possibly express this i have been a part of aroace communities for years i consider myself gray aroace and sex and romance repulsion have been a part of my life for its entire duration so i truly do not think i feel this way out of ignorance but look.
i cannot continue to listen to yall base your ideas around sex and romance off of YA content and cartoons and fanfiction and i CANNOT continue to listen to yall talk about them like they're these awful dark evil cults of weirdos. sex and romance are so nuanced and beautiful and magical and fantastic. QPRs are not good because "romance so dramatic and full of games and jealousy" because that's not what romantic relationships are for a lot of people. what is this to you, a disney channel original movie. QPRs are extremely beneficial in many ways and theyre a completely legitimate form of love for other people in their own right without you trying to delegitimize romance the literal concept of romance. sexless dating isnt good because "sex is so icky and weird and uncomfy" sexless dating is good for a myriad of reasons but SEX BAD EWW is most certainly not one of them.
its not "what is wrong with allosexuals what is wrong with alloromantics are the allos okay" because theres nothing wrong with them just like theres nothing wrong with you. when i first discovered that i really am a deeply romatic and sexual person, i felt stupid for thinking that allos were like some alien other group of idiots and weirdos. theyre not theyre literally not and you don't have to oppose them to make your point. sex and romance are so rooted in many peoples queer experiences, and who would want to deny the beauty of that.
romance, now that ive seen it up close, isn't this rigid set of rules and boundaries, and it isn't an endless game of arguing, and it isnt inherently jealous or clingy, and it isn't demanding, and it isn't confusingly convoluted, and it isn't scary. romance is just another way to love somebody, but it can be freeing, comforting, adoring and passionate, lively and joyous, and very healthy. whatever negative ideas you have of it, you need to rethink. sex isn't this disgusting, odd, terrible monster. while society does have an unhealthy fixation on it, sex isn't the problem itsself, sex is just a thing you do. its just an action. at the same time, though, it can lead to undeniably gorgeous experiences that are just as alive as their initiators. sex is one of the most intimate things you can do with someone, when in the right circumstances. it is most definitely NOT just violent, animalistic, and selfish the VAST majority of the time. whatever negative ideas you have of it, you need to rethink.
you don't need to try and validate yourself to cishet people by expressing disgust with other queer people? its okay. you're right that being aroace is queer, youre right that it's good to be the way you are. you don't have to try so hard, you're already right. its okay. alloness isn't something to be afraid of and allo queer peoples experiences will never violate or negate yours, so you don't need to wig out about it. all the time i see people who are in the wider aroace community (my very community, once again.) express anger and hatred and disgust towards allo people seemingly for just existing as if they infringe upon you literally at all? when we spoke about aroace oppression years ago, we meant that our allosexual society is built without aroace people in mind, and that aromantic and asexual people have no natural place in it. i'm pretty sure what we didn't mean is "WOAH aren't allo people so weird and crazy?!?!". get a grip. if you're trying to make a statement, you're all doing a shit job. grow up, grow a pair, go outside, something.
(btw before anyone can even think about mentioning it yes there is and will always be a difference between injokes and genuine sentiments just the same as with like, trans and cis people. just. exercise critical thought)
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thelakesuite · 4 years
ideas for a roots musical have been BANGING around in my head for at least a month now so i’m finally bothering to write them down. expect reblogs of this when i get more
- there are two actual background pieces: outside of the house and the basement (which is pulled over when required, the outside one need not be lifted i dont think). the real backdrops consist of two.. cross-hinge-things? no more than half the background’s height (or ~2ft higher than the actors if that’s taller) that can be folded flat to show four faces (the workshop & attic will probably use the same wood-panel back) or can be moved aside (wheels presumably). i’m not sure how windows would work since those are vital in at least two levels, but rn im thinking theres just another wall piece with a window in it
- the five corrupted hotel guests act as stagehands, moving the pieces while the curtains are up. they never interact with anyone directly (besides william? maybe?) until the end where they tie up frank & leonard
- aldous and william do their shit at the beginning & drop possibly too much exposition. william’s corrupted soul is a different actor standin behind william who’s reveald when william fuckin dies. aldi just pulls out a crow mask(?) from behind himself & puts it on a la paradox & is like “well i’ll call ya nephew cya”.
- corrupted william is there for most of the show, mostly there to do weird stuff in the background, get talked about, and hand people stuff
- i’m debating on whether the opening number is just james complaining/getting freaked out or whether the whole (adult) family come out & do a dance bit while james is just. really confused
- i don’t think we can have a dog :(
- i’m sure theres some kind of expanding tree prop that could be used, but if there isnt its not like we’re outside all too much it could just be different trees
- the staircase/the elixir is one number where james gets all hubrised. mary’s there. urging him not to do this, think of the kids, think of the things you could miss, whatever. he drinks the elixir, there’s a suspenseful pause, then he chokes & dies lol. probably either no wake or a highly modified one
- oh also i’m not sure if c-willy or the hotel guests Collect the Sacrifices but the guests definitely carry off the bodies. obviously theyre obscurin em while they do it and actually walk out with a Concealed Prop except maybe emmas tears
- sam & albert are there during fertility talkin to emma. sam is anti-alchemy-shenanigans and is like ‘you know what happened to dad’ while al’s just bein ominous
- sam gets his fortune read by ida in a musical number. for each tarot card the associated person walks behind them (on a platform if it can be managed) and acts out the prediction. the devil is the 2nd to last to come up, albert walks out with the skull and dolls of course. the last is death, sam’s like “what’s that mean” and ida’s like “oh i’d rather not tell you” while al’s doing the slit-ya-throat gesture in the background (yes i know death isnt the worst one its actually the tower but not everyone does and death sounds cooler)
- the search is a musical number. that’s all i got for it.
- william isnt there during the lying game, its just the four playin 2-truths-1-lie or whatever. when al is exposed he storms off & bumps into mr. crow who gives him the deer skull
- there might be an added solo/monologue of albert making the dolls. i’d love to have crow urging him on but that might not be fitting
- family band is a musical number, starting with The Tune of course. then al knocks leonard and mary out with his tuba & shows off the dolls as the music changes to whatever goes on for voodoo. him, sam and ida move center while mary & leonard get escorted off (and mary’s teeth get harvested ya know). voodoo stuff happens, al sings about how he hates sam and loves ida or whatever, sam n ida die, al’s smug, the usual
- the well is a whole piece man. the inside shot not just the surface (tho thats a thing too). it gets wheeled out for frank’s lament at the bottom (with the basement backdrop) then used for Nothing Else!
- oh i didn’t mentioned the aboveground well has a floor in it that frank just chills in whenever he’s in there
- i’m not sure how communication would work out. or leonard’s missing leg for that matter but that’s later. (maybe theres something else that could be sacrificed thats reasonable but i dont know)
- i have. one line. and thats frank going “and next you will be the king of hell” when he puts the crown on albert during checkmate. and immediately strangling him afterward. im hoping al’s head can be covered up by the table for the Brain Harvesting, it might need to get knocked over though. the table not the brain. albert does also get knocked over though
- all three timepieces are collected in one number, though im not sure if you see them all at once or if its sequential. graveyard might also be an issue
- the closing has the six dead guys march out in the background (hopefully on that platform if we could get one earlier) holding their sacrifice jars, lookin all mournful. they do some rounds of sayin ‘live’ (including frank n leonard) while rose does her thing. they all kneel and/or hang their heads low at the very end, just before rose emerges with the baby & the curtains close
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savnofilter · 4 years
answering all hawks asks
i choose to answer this separately simply because i think it's important to me and not promote the stigma of “sounding black” or any other stereotypes like that. while there are most common ways such as AAVE (formerly known as ebonics), not everyone from one race will sound and act the same. while i will not ignore that yes, race does sometimes play in how you act or talk, but no one does it the same as another person. to lump us altogether and give us a “look” is degrading and disgusting. black people are not just one person, and if you think a foreign group or culture is lower than yours because it’s not the same, you need to reevaluate yourself. the asks on the topic i will be answering are the ones in regard to this screenshot.
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if you guys didnt read in the post, some people made some distasteful ignorant comments about important black community topics. as someone from the black community, many things in and outside of our community has bothered me. whether it be racism, colorism, police brutality etc. i am the biggest believer and supporter of uniting the black community no matter what hair texture, what their kids will look like or how dark their skin is -- and it doesnt just stop there.  
-> on the topic of the black community, here are some BLM petitions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
+ protest safely 1, 2!
-> Zeno Robinson is such an amazing man, and not to mention he also went to the premiere dressed as hawks. his adoration for the characters he plays always shines through, no matter what role you put him in. you may have seen him in young justice as victor stone (cyborg), kimetsu’s no yaiba genya shinazugawa and many more! the way he embodies the characters he plays should never EVER be shadowed because of his skin color. this is for every black voice actor too. if anyone wants to make poor “jokes” about him not “sounding black” then you go fuck a fork. zeno did not show up to sound black, he showed up to play a character (which he does sUPERBLY at, and this is coming from someone who doesnt like hawks). if you think any type or form of stereotyping is okay, then i ask you kindly to escort yourself from my blog and never look back. i dont want your support. 
-> i have heard about the Miruko (with her v.a Anairis Quinones) situation, so i will be touching on that too since both of “doesnt sound black” and “sounds white” has been tossed around. theres a BIG difference between not liking someone’s voice, and relating it back to their skin color. i can see the point of we were expecting more of a more punchier tone (saying this because of the relation and excitement like we’ve seen in her interactions with bakugo) but if youre saying she sounds white, you can go eat a spoon. again, Zeno and Anairis didnt show up to “act” their race. they showed up for the job, and were hired for it. i love both of their voices so much and i love them, they dont deserve this.
i love my people, and i will stand for them because it's the right thing to do. i want my followers to see and understand why it's important to be aware of the different communities around them. without further adieu, i will get started. everything is under the cut (answered from oldest to the newest)!
TW: pseudo racism (microaggression), fandom discourse.
*Hawks’ English V.A (Zeno Robinson) & Hawks for reference. 
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*Miruko’s English V.A (Anairis Quinones) & Miruko for reference.
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~ Asks I’ve answered that I think are insightful on the Hawks situation (1, 2) ~
Anonymous said:
I would like to add onto the Hawks situation if that's ok? For those who don't know, Zeno Robinson is a black man and voices Hawks. When his English voice was revealed in trailers A LOT of fans commented how PERFECT his voice was. So Zeno literally embodies what makes Hawks' Hawks for some people. Also fans have also compared and drew Hawks as Egyptianesque gods. So to sit down and say/accept someone saying things like 'he doesn't sound black' and 'George [FLOYD] is a regular dude' is not only
A microagression and a blantant show of lack of compassion/support for a character that is a part of your safe space if you come home and thirst about hawks, but don't want to make your safe space 'political' by posting about police brutality. I'm not trying to make this explanation too 'political' but fans have to think what it's like for Hawk's VA to see someone like him getting murdered almost everyday in media for no acceptable reason and then have fans that choose to turn the other way.
- this is exactly the right point. people will not open their eyes to see what is wrong here. whether it be mocking a black actor’s voice acting, an ignorant comment about George Floyd, or ignoring black petitions to help the community. its subtle shit like that gives us and let’s us know that there is still ignorance and that these people dont hide it. it's disrespectful and disgusting. 
the writer’s who said the George Floyd comment has since now apologized, but god that makes me so angry. people actively make a safe space that is supposed to be for EVERYONE not welcome by promoting stuff like that. its gross, it's disgusting, and people need to see that theyre actions are wrong. furthermore, if anyone thinks inappropriate race “jokes” are somehow funny, i will not be associating. i will not waste me energy on people who refuses to get the point.
Anonymous said:
Bro Zeno is an angel and hawks voice is fucking phenomenal, it's the only dubbed voice I've ever liked tbh. They don't deserve him. and WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT I'M SORRY HUH
- I FUCKING KNOW! letting that shit slide is beyond fucking disrespectful. i dont fucking like hawks but i will absolutely fight for zeno. that disrespectful isnt “not important” -- these people are actively ruining safe spaces for fucking everyone! let me be fucking damned if thats not “important enough” for you. 🙄
Anonymous said: 
If you like Hawks at all, The LEAST you can do is not say or stand for things like 'George [FLOYD!!] is just a regular dude' and 'his voice doesn't sound black'. Don't be a part of the reason that makes Zeno's daily life and experiences harder than what they should be. 3/3 This goes for the amazing Mirko as well but I'll stop for now.
seeing stuff that is hurtful, and it is damaging. people need to wake up and realize that anything can trigger anyone for any reason. people need to wake up and realize that “it’s not important” BECAUSE IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO MANY PEOPLE! considering everything that is happening, this type of stuff will be deep rooted into someone who comes across it. i know what it's like to be blind about color until one situation flips your thinking on a switch.
for the Miruko situation, i remember seeing stuff about it. people need to understand that people are their own out of their skin color. we are people are people out of our skin color. let that sink in. if you dont like their voices outside of expecting them to sound “black” then that is completely fine. if its racially charged there is no excuse.
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mysmedrabbles · 5 years
RFA Reacting to a Muslim MC
requested: twice by the same anon :P
a/n: note that I am not a muslim nor am i a hijabi, so if i get a detail wrong, im super sorry and please pLEAse let me know so it can be fixed!! :D this was really interesting to write, enjoy!! 
would you like to support this Muslim MC? want more specific WoC MC’s? buy me a coffee to support my dangerous coffee addiction so i can do em for ya!
warnings: n/a
-hyped mod alex
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-his strong faith in Christianity was admirable, his ideals set in stone as he abided by them; but of course there was the smallest bit of apprehension in getting to know him, how would he react to someone with ideals different than his?
-he was never one to announce his faith publicly, he still isn’t, however he likes taking with you about your respective religions, sitting on the balcony of his penthouse taking in the cool night air,,, wine for him and Aryana’s Halal Cola shipped all the way from Montreal for you
-orders you the finest hijabs for you to wear, most of them custom made exactly the way you love them, elegant and refined. he also learns the level of modesty you tend to wear your clothes, buying you occasional stunning gala outfit that he knows you’ll both love and feel comfortable with
-you own the most stunning abayas
-absolutely takes you with him on his trips to the middle east. he’s an avid believer in learning about your own roots, and especially if you have family there, he’ll more than certainly take you, going together to see all the sights, take private tours of museums and enjoy life
-makes Chef learn specific halal recipes, and is more than willing to import any food you want from other countries that you cant get in Korea
-learns Arabic in about a year flat,, of course his Korean accent hits heavily, but its so sweet hearing him carefully pronounce sentences to your parents and or relatives
-on eid al-adha he’s aware of the old tradition to sacrifice animals and share with the poor, needy and family; so as a compromise he decides to donate 300 lbs of meat to various homeless shelters and soup kitchens. both you and him going down to help with transport, hand every box to the people, a sort of community service combined with observing a time old tradition.
-comes down with you to the night prayer at the mosque during ramadan, and even though he stays near the entrance and the garden out front, hearing the prayers coming from the inside and seeing all the people that you know and love around you, smiling and having a good time, it makes him happy
-she grew up catholic, lives catholic; but this isn’t to say she’s close-minded to other religions,, she always loves learning more, especially if its about you, who she loves with all her heart
-when youre cuddling, she likes fiddling with the edge of your hijab, just feeling the material and knowing you’re there makes any day of hers better, no matter how hard it may have been
-you being muslim doesn’t have much of an impact, she’s respectful to your beliefs, and even puts in halal foods in the cafe
-this is, of course, after months of her experimenting with different recipes, often finding her in the kitchen at midnight, flour on her face and apron dirtied, sleeves rolled up in a frenzy as she mutters under her breath 
-shes so proud to finally present the finished deserts and foods to you!!
-one time you used one of her woven silk scarves as a makeshift hijab when all of yours were in the wash and she almost cries seeing how pretty you are in her stuff (the scarf is yours now)
-always interested in your religion, and she likes learning the differences between the traditions she was raised with and the ones you were
-during Ramadan, the two of you keep the shop open later for anyone wanting to eat after the sun has set, figuring that no one had to break their fast alone if they didn’t want to
-she gets up very early to prepare Suhoor for you in the morning, a simple oatmeal with dates, blueberries, grapes, almonds and honey
-likes to read her own books aside you while you read the Quran and do your morning prayer, its often the most peaceful part of your day, just having a clean and quiet space as you both enjoy each others company while also doing your own morning routines
-sweet boy, he knows very little of,, well any religion to be honest, and outside of 10th grade history, his knowledge on Islam as a whole is quite limited
-always asking questions about your traditions
-he reads the Quran at some point, wanting to understand you better,, and even though it takes him a long time (mostly due to having to re-read the passages over and over again to understand what was going on), but he’s devoted to learning about your culture
-he drives/walks you to the mosque, but doesn’t leave,, he’s not sure if he can go in, so instead he opts to walk around the area, enjoying the park and waiting for you to come back out so you can walk/drive back together
-he learns so many recipes specifically for you everything from mawmenye, harira, and moroccan krsa to berber bread
-he loves spending time with your family, he loves the sense of community and the celebrations that take place in your household, specifically during religious holidays
-he legitimately cries when you eventually decide to go to Mecca, leaving for hajj, because he knows he cant be with you for around a week and a half,, he can’t help it, he’s so sad he won't be able to see you for more than a week
-he’s so used to stopping all gaming and quieting down devices during salah, that even when you’re not around he still stops for five minutes at the designated times, mostly out of habit, but it also serves as a break from working, studying or gaming
-Lisa,, lisa loves your prayer mat, always trying to knock it down from its rolled up position next to the couch and sleep on it, so instead yoosung buys her a smaller prayer rug to lay on and its the cutest thing you've ever seen
-although he’s always been the one to mention his own faith in Catholicism, he’s also the one to be most curious about other faiths.
-he likes hearing you talk about the way you grew up, specifically hearing you talk about Islam and asking questions about traditions and practices you have to do
- “wait y/n!!,,, are honey buddha chips halal???”
-if theyre not, he opts to buy pringles in bulk instead. hes going to binge eat chips and damnit he wants you to join him!!! 
-when it comes time for you to perform Salah, he makes sure that you have total peace, even stopping his typing for the duration, letting you connect fully with Allah and your spirit
-since theres little to no sunlight that appears in the bunker, he makes a simple little app that alerts you when the times of prayer come, pre-dawn, noon, afternoon, sunset, and night, using the bells that are primarily heard in mosques as the ringtone for the app
-if anyone dares to mess with you or insult you in any way, Defender of Justice 707 will send a nasty virus their way, because theres no way anyone is getting away with hurting his angel
-its canon that he knows Arabic, and often times, when you can’t go to sleep he’ll sing to you in the language, and although his singing isn't the best, focusing on the strength and passion in his words, the almost comforting way he sings, it sends you calmly to sleep
-incredibly respectful of your religion and the fact that you’re Muslim
-he sets himself to learn everything he can about your faith and things he might have to change or alter in his own life to be respectful of the way you live yours
-he cuts down on alcohol. a lot.
-this isn’t to say he stops drinking altogether but he certainly cuts down, only having a beer or two in the fridge for emergencies
-bursts in one day, phone in hand as he wheezes, leaning on the couch for support, “y/n ArE wE hALaL dATiNg Or?”
-if you believe that sex should be saved to be only after marriage, he respects that, if not,, well he respects that too
-WILL spend extra money on an abaya from serenity scarves as a gift, just for you being you
-his only goal is to make you as comfortable as you can be, and he Will Not Stand for islamophobic comments directed towards you, but in most cases he won't even let them reach you, cutting off interviewers before they can say anything with a stream of gushing about how perfect you are, and smoothly taking you to the other side of the room if he thinks someone is looking at you, shooting them a mean glare before looking back at you and smiling, whispering something to make you laugh as you guys walk away hand in hand
-respect is this mans middle name, he’ll meet your family the second you start officially dating, making sure to make a good first impression, the second, and third, and fourth impressions
-likes going shopping with you, and is constantly in awe of how stunning you can make anything look, going to the little middle eastern kiosk in the mall to buy food
-he’s such a shameless fan of those cute matching couples outfits, and his heart bursts everytime your hijab matches the colour or pattern of his shirt or jacket
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clownmoontoon · 6 years
As the expert on anything and everything relating to jyushimatsu, how would you describe the relationship between jyushi and choro?
you bring up an interesting point bc at the time you sent this ask (SORRY FOR THE WAIT BTW I WAS DOING RESEARCH I SWEAR) i hadnt really thought about their relationship much bc they dont really hang out together a lot in the show so its not as open/clear as like suuji or sue.
so decided to call upon my buddy @aristotels‘ choro expertise to combine w my obsessively useless and vast jyushimatsu trivia haha
yknow how in groups of friends you have the mom friend? choro is the mom brother in this group of brothers
i mean,
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the only bros he isnt mom over are kara and oso bc theyre older but thats another post, today we talk about WAKABA🔰
JUST LOOK AT THIS OFFICIAL ART OF CHOROMOM AND JYUSHISON(he acts mom over all the youngest imo but ESPECIALLY for jyushi)
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tbh jyushi does much of the same stupid stuff as oso, if not more w craziness level to 1000+ but choro never gets mad or yells at him like he does w oso, IN FACT IN ONE EP CHORO LITERALLY SAYS HE CANT GET MAD AT HIM, EVEN IF HE REALLY WANTS TO.  (an au ep but it makes a lot of sense to the canon story line too)
and we think its bc he thinks oso should know to behave better (since he’s the eldest/leader), while jyushi is just too young and dumb to get it yet, he needs guidance. jyushi needs to be taught. and choro is the one determined to teach him how to behave.
its not always in a condescending way, in fact choro is actually genuinely caring towards jyushi!! in ep 9 he was incredibly supportive of jyushi’s new relationship and even held the biggest flag for him! he never said it doesnt make sense or wont work. he seemed genuinely proud that jyushi made a relationship outside of the family
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when jyushi’s heart was broken the first brother you see isnt ichi, or even totty, the brothers we know are canonically closest to him
we see choro
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and ofc we all know how heart breaking it is that ichi looks away bc he cant stand to see jyushi in pain, but choro tho
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imo kara, ichi and oso never expected it to work (maybe they hoped it would but they werent convinced it was possible), but choro, totty and jyushi thought it absolutely would work out u_u
and even when choro says things that should be considered insults
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bc choro is the kinda person who takes everything at face value. so if you act stupid (even as a joke) choro will think you actuallyare stupid, not even in a mean way, but if you present yourself as that, then thats how he will see you.
and jyushi is just too happy to play along (for the most part) IVE MENTIONED BEFORE HOW JYUSHI OFTEN DOES THIS (acts like a dummy to get a laugh) HE’S EVEN SAID IT ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS
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and he keeps up this “character” pretty consistently except when things happen that cause him to break. im sure we can all think of at least one example COUGHSEP9COUGH but another less heart breaking example would be when the cold puts him in a shit mood
in this moment he drops all the “im trying to make you all happy and comfortable” and straight up asks choro to get the kerosene, knowing that he wont want to, bc nobody wants to, but like IF YOURE GONNA PLAY MOM THEN ACT LIKE IT IM COLD
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choro’s even said on more than one occassion about jyushi “are we sure he’s human” bc he just cant wrap his head around someone like him
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and if choro says to ichi “this is our first time meeting” then it can be implied he’s never really met jyushi, bc of this he just does whatever he can to support him and help him grow as best he can since he has no idea of even what he is haha
while all his intentions are pure, it doesnt mean choro is actually good at this but, just like with imaginary taxes, he doesnt let something like his lack of knowledge on the subject get in the way of being the best brother mom he can be!
and jyushi is perfectly happy to be as supportive as he can be in return 💛
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((unless its funnier to be against him))
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foolgobi65 · 7 years
What’s the deal with padmavati?
this is going to be a long long post im so sorry in advance.... to start off with, im a diaspora kid raised in a dominant caste hindu family, and i just finished watching this movie in hindi which is not a language i understand well so if i didnt catch some things im so sorry and please feel free to add more. 
im basically going to separate the movie from the news event, and go further into why its both a bad movie and a bigoted one. the rest of this is under the cut
ok! padmavati/padmaavat (they had to change the name) as a movie and as a general News Item is .... a fucking disaster. 
in terms of the news, the karni sena which is a hindu nationalist (terrorist) group decided that this movie was an affront to their ancestors and dishonored their “queen” padmavati. Padmavati is the character in a Sufi poem called the Padmavat, and thus did not actually exist. There was talk of some dream sequence where she got with Khilji, the antagonist but most people are pretty sure it doesnt exist. The Karni Sena and their ilk has turned to rioting since the Indian Supreme Court ruled that the movie should be allowed to play, and their latest act of Rajput Valor has been attacking schoolchildren to show India the true glory of their caste. Before the movie came out there was a bounty on Deepika Padukone’s nose, her head, the director Bhansali’s head, and threats by Rajput women to commit jauhar (burn themselves alive). 
All of this, notably, without a great deal of interference and sometimes the tacit encouragement of the BJP government in power both within the provinces that are affected as well nationally. 
This mess meant that the movie released about 2 months after it was supposed to, and created this idea that to watch it was to support free speech. 
padmavaavat as a MOVIE is also a giant fucking mess.
it’s got a ridiculously regressive worldview, and the movie so far is casteist, sexist, islamophobic and homophobic. it is also a poorly written, plotted, and edited movie. 
casteist: it glorifies the dominant rajput caste, does not include anyone from outside that caste at all, will not fucking shut up about rajput valor when its clear in the present that rajput valor and values has led to a lot of shitty things. within the movie the rajputs basically constantly lose yet are still somehow portrayed as winners. their biggest victory comes from padmavati, who is from Singhal (sri lanka) and uses her intelligence instead of just fronting about her “rajput values.” Also historically the rajputs didnt become winners until they surrendered to the mughals and became commanders of the mughal army. they’re huge losers who are trying to rewrite history because theyre a pathetic martial caste known for hundreds of their women burning themselves alive when the men lose a batttle. 
sexist: the whole concept of jauhar is based on the idea that a woman’s chastity is more important than their life. 11 year old girls, pregnant women, it doesnt matter. A rajput woman cannot be allowed to live if there is even a glimmer of doubt that she may be touched by a man. Within this, she doesn’t even have the dignity to choose to die, and must ask permission beforehand from her husband. Are there women who might have wanted to live? Who knows? They’re all dead now, coerced into burning themselves alive. I’d also like to add that the movie never addresses the fate of the /non/ rajput women, which highlights a huge issue of caste and how it affects gender dynamics of hindu women. Dominant caste women are considered pure, and so they must die to preserve this purity. Other women are ignored -- if they are taken as slaves, it doesnt matter because the real victory is that khilji couldnt take the Rajput women. 
Islamophobic: the entire movie exists to highlight the differences between the “perverse” “dark” “dank” “dirty” “insane” “cheating” “evil” Muslim, and the “clean” “light” “honorable” “pure” Hindu. The colors, the scenery, the food, and of course the characters themselves, all serve this insidious idea that Muslims are the savage invader, in India to plunder everything beautiful about it, especially its dominant caste women. By all nominal accounts, Khilji was a conqueror, and he acted like many conquerors did -- including, I might add, many “hindu” conquerors. If he was crueler than other conquerors, that is of course because of who he was as a person and not because of his religion. Khilji’s wife played by Aditi Rao hydari might have been the only actually good muslim character and even then she’s portrayed as the islamophobic victim muslim wife, trapped in a horrific marriage with a savage. There’s more to be said but like ... the foundation of this movie is the idea of a primordial culture clash which of course doesnt actually exist 
homophobic: malik kafur is khilji’s eunuch slave general and he’s portrayed as being in love with khilji. its one sided, and theres one homophobic comment by the rajputs at some point. khilji maybe could be seen as reciprocating a little but tbh its all just to further this idea that khilji and co are savage, foreign (muslim) perversions. a few scenes directly contrast malik and khilji v padmavati and ratan and clearly, the hindu heterosexual couple is meant to be the good, pure, holy one. i will say malik/khilji was the only pair i was really rooting for, and this was an almost 3 hour movie meant to center on padmavati/ratan. 
bhansali also lowkey exotified sri lanka and made it seem as like .. some foreign place with lots of buddha statues and like ... shes this strange jungle princess??? i appreciate the mention of buddhism in sri lanka/south india but i dont think she was shown to be buddhist so .... yikes. also it was 7 minutes but it was weird. he cant do anything right. 
special shoutout to the absolutely horrific jauhar scene for valorizing and glorifying hundreds of dominant caste women killing themselves because their king is too incompetent to win in single combat. the way khilji wins is btw a pathetic attempt by bhansali to make his victory actually ratan’s victory even tho ratan is a huge loser who cheats on his first wife, drones on about his honor to the point where i want to kill him myself, has the military sense of a guppy fish, and is visibly proud that the love of his life wants to burn herself alive for him. 
also SPECIAL shoutout to the end positioning of the battle between the rajputs and khilji as a “dharma yudh” or a war of righteousness. it is compared to rama v ravana, and the kurkshetra war and khilji v rajput is said to be the third war of righteousness, akin to these religious struggles. khilji is directly compared to ravana. its ridiculous. its dangerous. its horrific. of course the victory of truth in this instance is that the women khilji covets (only the dominant caste ones ofc) are burned to death. to position khilji (whose army carries flags that look EXactly like the pakistani flag) as the essence of pure evil, and the fight against him a righteous war of religion in this especially islamophobic time is disgusting. the writers should be ashamed. 
As a movie, the dialogues which i admit i didnt fully understand are apparently overwrought, sappy and ridiculous. 
the plot was too much, there were a bunch of plot points that could have been cut to make a better movie.
i was never convinced of the central love pair because there really wasnt anything about them that made me feel the other was worth being their one and only love. the falling in love process was rushed to the point that i think it should have been cut out altogether and the movie should have started with padmavati established as his queen. 
the treatment of ratan’s first wife was horrific -- shes basically sidelined and is jealous a few times and then kills herself along with everyone in the fire. just ... bad writing all around. 
the editing overall was bad. the editing of ghoomar to make the karni sena happy was atrocious. 
i hated ratan, i liked padmavati for like 30 minutes maybe when she’s in charge of the kingdom and is smart, i liked khilji despite the ways he was villanized, i liked aditi rao hydari as khilji’s wife, i liked malik kafur. the visuals were fine but the battles looked weird. 
overall its a shitty bigoted movie that people are watching because the movie itself is like ... soft bigotry and portrays a bigoted worldview but the karni sena hindu rajput terrorists are stupid and decided to throw a fit and stone schoolchildren. it became some free speech victory to go watch a movie that espouses the same worldview as the ones trying to shut it down bc 2018 sucks. 
sorry for the long rambly reply, if you have any more questions feel free to ask! if anyone has more to add please do -- like i said theres stuff that i might not have caught given my privileged worldview 
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hannahindie · 7 years
Maple Leaves and Flannel
Characters: Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester (mentioned) Word Count: 2,608 Warnings: Cutesy fluff and extreme descriptions of fall. (I don’t think that’s really a warning, but I’m a wordy girl so...maybe?) A/N: I wrote this for @impalaimagining’s Favorite Seasons Gif Challenge! Fall is my favorite time of year, so I was excited to get to write a fic that primarily focused on that.
Beta’d by my wonderful @trexrambling, because without her, a lot of my thoughts would be jumbled: “THIS. HANNAH, THIS!!!!!! YESSSSSSS I LOVE THIS LINE IT IS MY NEW FAVORITE LINE. Gaaaaaaaaaah this is wonderful.”
And my sweet @pinknerdpanda, who encourages me even when I hate nearly everything I wrote and feel like starting over: “ I love this whole sentence sooooo much!”
As usual, tags are at the bottom. Please let me know if you’d like to be added!!
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Fall has always been my favorite time of year. Summer had its moments, but when the stifling heat finally started melting into cool breezes, when I could enjoy the sun’s warmth on my face without immediate fear of being burnt to a crisp, I was in my happy place. If anyone were to ask me why fall was my favorite, besides the cooler temperatures and the lack of sun poisoning, it would be hard to pinpoint an exact thing.
It could be the brilliant colors the leaves inevitably changed to, a magnificent splash of reds and oranges and yellows all mixing together to make it look like the landscape was on fire. The slow appearance of Halloween decorations that would go up bit by bit; a zombie here, purple and green lights there, fake spiderweb stretching across every available surface. The extraordinary amount of pumpkins that would just appear with no warning on porch steps, balanced precariously on hay bales that also would magically appear, a majority of which had simple faces that had been painstakingly carved into them by excited children who cared less about the carving and more about cleaning out the slimy guts inside.
So, had you asked me what my favorite thing about fall was, I would have told you it was too hard to choose and wandered off with my pumpkin spice latte to find some crunchy leaves to jump in.
Well, that’s what I would have said. But then I saw him.
Right in the middle of town is a large maple tree. Large is really an understatement. This maple tree is one of the oldest I’ve ever seen, and it’s huge. It’s right on the edge of the sidewalk, and the roots have pushed up the concrete slabs like they’re made out of foam. Every year, I expect one of the massive branches to break off and land on top of the old, Victorian-style house that sits empty next to it, but every year it proves me wrong. It also sits directly on the path I take from my apartment to the library, and every time I walk past, regardless of what I might be doing at the time, I glance up at the huge spanning limbs and falling leaves. Most days, there’s nothing remarkable about it. It’s beautiful, yes, and it’s one of my favorite things about my town...but generally speaking, it’s the same scene every single day.
Except one day when there was an addition to the normal scenery.
I had just crossed the street and was making my way down the sidewalk when I glanced up out of habit and stopped dead in my tracks. Standing just under the maple was a tall man, his head bent as he looked down at his phone. His shaggy, chestnut hair hung down and obscured most of his face, and I held my breath as I waited for him to look up. He was wearing a burnt orange coat and a lighter orange flannel; he was like the perfect autumn day in a ruggedly handsome, broad shouldered package. He must have realized someone was staring at him because he looked up and locked eyes with me, a small smile playing on his lips.
“Hi,” he said softly, his voice deep and smooth.
I finally released the breath I’d been holding, my eyes wide. “H-hello.”
He took a couple of steps towards me and pocketed his phone as he did, “Sorry to bother you, but do you live around here?” I nodded but remained quiet. “Do you know much about this house?”
“Oh, yea, it’s one of my favorite places in town. Are you...are you interested in buying it?”
He shoved his hands in his pockets and nodded, “Yea, actually. Me and my brother grew up in a house like this, and I just happened to be driving through when I saw it.”
“So do you live close by?” Surely I would have remembered seeing him around.
He shook his head, “No, I'm here on business. I've been kind of looking for a place to start over, and since I was already here, I thought I'd look around.” He held his hand out, “My name is Sam, by the way. Sam Winchester.” I took his hand, and I was unsurprised when his totally engulfed mine.
“Y/F/N Y/L/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Same.” He smiled again, and just as he opened his mouth to say something else, a muffled ring interrupted him. He quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. After a quick glance, he looked at me apologetically, “I'm sorry, that's my brother. I gotta go meet him...family business stuff to work on. Maybe I'll see you around?”
I smiled at him, “Yea, that would be nice. See you later.”
He gave a small wave and started walking down the sidewalk in the opposite direction that I was going. Luckily, that wasn't the last time I saw Sam Winchester.
The second time I saw Sam Winchester I was at the library, coffee in hand as I flipped through pages upon pages of town history. I had just started at the local newspaper, and my first assignment was to put together a large series leading up to the town’s centennial celebration. Most people would have wondered what they had done to deserve such a fate, but I loved stuff like that. There was something about getting lost in old newspapers and books, scattered photographs that lay forgotten in people's attics, only remembered when you ask them if they have anything that would help you. I could sit all day at the library, curled up in one of the overstuffed chairs with a giant book. Most of my days consisted of that, actually.
I had been reading about The Great Flood of 1928 when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up to see Sam looking at me, one corner of his mouth turned up in a smile. “Hey, Y/N.”
“Hi, Sam,” I said as I shifted into a more upright position. “How are you?”
He shrugged, “Pretty good. I think we’ll be here for a few more days.” He nodded towards my stack of books, “What are you researching?”
I glanced down at the book in my hand, “Currently, a catastrophic flood that destroyed most of the town in 1928. In general, just getting some information for a series I'm writing for the paper. The centennial is coming up. Although I have to say, there's less interesting and happy things than there are devastating natural disasters, murder, and general bad luck.” I closed my book and sat it on the table. “Why are you here?”
“Well, I needed to do some research of my own. The librarian told me you might have a book I need. It's actually a collection of property deeds and stuff.”
I raised an eyebrow, “That sounds…”
“Boring,” Sam laughed. “It is. Which is why I'm here and not my brother.” He sat the books he'd already claimed down, “Mind if I join you?”
I shook my head as I handed him the book he was looking for, “Not at all. I can't promise that I'll be exciting company, though,”
He laughed, “At least we can be boring together.”
And so we sat, the next three hours consumed with what was supposed to be serious research but had quickly turned into us laughing about some of the more ridiculous things that had happened in town.
Sam sat back with a laugh, and I couldn't help but stare at the deep dimples that formed when he allowed himself to truly smile. “Wow, it's been awhile since I laughed that much. That was nice.” He pulled his phone from his pocket and his smile quickly disappeared, “But it looks like it's time for me to head out.” He stood and shouldered his coat on, “Hopefully I'll get to see you before we leave.”
I smiled, “I would enjoy that. See you around.” Sam smiled and strode quickly out of the library. I looked down to find that he'd left the book he'd asked for open, and I pulled it around to look at the page he'd marked.
The deed was for the old abandoned house with the giant maple in the yard.
The last time I saw Sam Winchester is a little blurry. It's kind of a long story, and honestly I'm not even sure that I have all the details. I remember seeing the deed for the old house. Curiosity got the better of me and I did the one thing that I'm surprised I hadn't done before but realize now should never have; I googled the address of the Victorian house with the town’s oldest maple tree.
I vaguely recall reading what had to have been one of the more disturbing stories of our town that I had soundly decided not to include in our centennial write up. But even after I sat down to read something else, determined to not focus on the vicious quadruple murder/suicide that had occurred in the house, my mind kept returning to it.
Which had led me to my next question; why was Sam so interested in that house? And what family business was he doing that he needed the deed information? Nothing was adding up, and I was beginning to wonder what that handsome stranger was up to.
I remember leaving the library, bag in tow and determined to figure out what was going on. I had stopped at the end of the sidewalk before taking a big breath and striding up the cracked concrete like I owned the place.
And that's when things get a little fuzzy. All I can really remember is that I saw something that shouldn't have been real. That moment of pause, the shock of seeing a man that was long dead standing directly in front of me, nearly cost me my life. What I do remember is Sam appearing out of nowhere, quickly followed by a shorter man with bright eyes that I guessed was his brother, and a loud shotgun blast.
Then I was outside, my back against the maple tree and a large, rough hand cradled against my face.
“Y/N...hey, are you alright?” Any other time, opening my eyes to that handsome face would have been welcome. As it was, I could barely remember where I was, much less who was in front of me.
“I...yea...I think so...what happened?”
Sam breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s a long story.”
I shifted my weight and groaned as my bruised ribs protested at the movement, “What exactly do you and your brother do, anyway?”
He chuckled, “That's also a long story.” He helped me stand up, and I grimaced again. “Are you sure you're okay?”
I nodded, “Aside from the fact that I just saw something impossible, and said impossible thing tried to kill me...I'm pretty sure I'm good. Ask me tomorrow.” He smiled sadly and my chest ached, “You won't be here, will you?”
He shook his head, “No, we uh...we have some other things to take care of.” I stared at him for a moment and tried to memorize the way his hair fell in his face, the little mole on his chin, how his eyes seemed to change color. There were too many details, and I knew it would be impossible to do him justice in my spotty memory. So instead, I put my arms around his waist and pressed my ear to his chest and listened to the strong, steady beat of his heart.
“It was nice to meet you, Sam Winchester.”
Sam didn't say anything, but he wrapped his arms around me and held me a little tighter.
It's been a year since I last saw Sam Winchester. A year since I saw him standing under that maple tree, its bright red and orange leaves falling around him as he looked at his phone, unaware of the dumbstruck girl staring at him.
It's been a year since I let curiosity win out over common sense and I discovered that there was far more to this world than I could have ever imagined, and that the gentle giant that I had laughed with over coffee was responsible for keeping it all in check.
Sam and Dean had driven me home and the ride there was mostly silent. Sam sat in the back with me, his long legs tucked in as well as he could, and I had curled tightly into his side. My ribs complained the entire ride, but I ignored them; I wasn't passing up what could be my last chance to be this close to Sam.
Sam walked me to my door and pulled me into one last hug, and it took everything I had not to beg him to at least stay the night. He'd started to walk away, but at the last minute, turned back and pulled me into him, his soft lips working against mine almost desperately before he pulled back, gave me a tight lipped smile, and walked to the car. The next morning I went to stick my hand in my jacket pocket and found a piece of a napkin containing small, cramped handwriting. There was a number, and under that a single word - 'Sam'.
We had texted quite a bit for awhile; what he and Dean were up to, plans to get coffee when they finally made it back into town to visit, the most recent book we'd read. I knew that with their lifestyle, it would probably be awhile before I got to see Sam again, but I held on to hope. Then, finally, the messages stopped.
I'd like to think that he's okay, that he's saving people from the monsters that linger in the shadows, but I often worry that something happened. I think I'd feel it, though. For that much good to leave the world, I'm sure my heart would know.
I've kept the same routine this whole year. I walk the same path, go to the same job, live in the same apartment. And every day, I walk past the old Victorian, the maple looming over it with its canopy of fiery leaves. I’d always looked towards the house, only now I do so in hopes that I'll see a man, dressed like fall, and smiling. When I don't see him there, I like to imagine that he's off saving the world with his brother, one monster at a time.
That is, until today.
Because today, I walked the same path down the same road, crossed at the same corner, and just like I did exactly one year ago, I looked up at the house and the maple. Under its falling leaves, standing just where he was the first time I saw him, was Sam. Only this time, he wasn't looking down at his phone; this time he was looking straight at me. He was a bit thinner than he was back then, and he'd cut his hair a little different, but the smile was the same. I stopped a few feet away, afraid that if I blinked he'd disappear.
“Sorry I'm late,” he said softly, “things got a little...crazy.”
I nodded, “Long story?”
Sam chuckled, “Yea, you could say that.”
I walked over and wrapped my arms around his waist, my ear to his chest, and sighed happily. I never realized how relieved I would feel to hear someone’s heartbeat. “You know what, I have all day.”
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transfagged · 7 years
all 92 😘
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?no way man she’d probably dom the fuck out of me
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?nope.
3. Have you taken someones virginity?n o p e
4. Is trust a big issue for you?YEAH
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?like in terms of romantic??? no. like in terms of “we have a really weird relationship and idfk how i feel @ you”? yeah.
6. What are you excited for?april 19th!!! my friend and i are going to go see phoebe bridgers in madison!!!!
7. What happened tonight?its 10am so ill roll with last night: i played nv and got killed in a beautiful cacophony of deathclaws and the legion :) and then my game crashed.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?no bc id be right there with them
9. Is confidence cute?very
10. What is the last beverage you had?i think some water? okay not the last but: hot water is so good with wildflower honey pls just drink some its good for your soul okay???
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?opposite is bullshit but i guess like,, 3? half my friends are nonbinary so counting EVERYONE regardless of gender and shit id say 6 people
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?im a proud supporter of boys in skinny jeans and i own 2 or 3 pairs
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?my main ho @thebonerfoy is coming up to visit me and were probably gonna pack all my shit in her car and play cards against humanity
14. What are you going to spend money on next? lmao probably my student loans. unless i can get the hours i asked for at work or a sugar daddy, then im gonna buy a proper lid for my fishtank bc my poor kid has a piece of cardboard rn.
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?no
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?yeah. even in a state of stagnation were changing somehow.
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?probably amanda, but im working on trying to be better with everyone
18. The last time you felt broken?my dude, im broken right now. its okay though. like i said, im working on it. were all fckn broken somehow.
19. Have you had sex today?not unless a ghost and i got in on in my sleep. which would be pretty cool ngl
20. Are you starting to realize anything?on a deep level: i deserve respect and a lot of my issues relate directly to my upbringing, including my inability to receive praise or speak well of myselfon a not-deep level: kinda hungry.
21. Are you in a good mood?i think i just heard fedex or ups outside so my mood just skyrocketed
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?maybe like. nurse sharks. theyre really cute.
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?yeah
24. What do you want right this second?to take a day to go into the city with all my friends that i cant see on a regular basis
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?probably be upset unless we discussed it beforehand. then id be fckn cheering for them like you go get some!!!! do it man!!!! in general tho: if i wasnt with them and they didnt show interest in me and showed interest in someone else id just move tf on.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?half of it is bc my roots are growing out
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?no. too boring.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?okay so i went to renew my library books and one of my favorite youtubers is on the library website dressed as one of his characters and i completely flipped because i watch his gaming channel and now hes interviewing authors for my library??? he doesnt even live in my town!! hes in madison!!
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?no? im enjoying my solitude atm
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?depends on the person
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?no! hes my friend and gives really good advice!
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?i think so. i mean, were kind of a thing.
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?yeah.
34. Listening to?killer - phoebe bridgers
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?only if im doing a rough journal spread, which i dont normally do
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?hes probably in class right now. 
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?love at first sight? no. some sort of mutual infatuation/attraction? yes.
38. Who did you last call?my mom
39. Who was the last person you danced with?dancing with as in both dancing at the same time? probably amanda or my mom.
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?we were dating and he was cute lmao
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? a couple months ago? 
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?no bc she leaves for work before i wake up
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?constantly.
44. Do you tan in the nude?lmao no.
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?no. as previously stated, i liked the guy and he was cute. why would i take that back?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?yeah
47. Who was the last person to call you?my mom
48. Do you sing in the shower?sometimes
49. Do you dance in the car?yEAH
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?yes i love my bow :’) its so good and wow i love archery
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?picture day junior year of highschool, and if that doesnt count: my mother took me in at jcp to have pictures taken when i graduated 8th grade and theyre awful bc my hair is so long and its so not me
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?excuse me, how dare you,, in this house we ask for war and peace for christmas because npgc1812 is so good and then get addicted to ghost quartet (@ anyone reading this: pls listen to ghost quartet it is so so so good)
53. Is Christmas stressful?depends on the year, but i hope in the future i can spend it with my friends :)
54. Ever eat a pierogi?i just had some last night for dinner and im probably going to eat the leftovers in a couple minutes. also, my mother is polish and we see her family for holidays, so yeah. lots of pierogi in this house.
update: i got the leftovers
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?idk??? apple? im basic okay i dont eat pie
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?1. teacher2. ballerina3. both 1 & 2, simultaneously4. paleontologist5. archaeologist6. both 4 & 5, simultaneously7. librarian8. game designer9. author/illustrator
57. Do you believe in ghosts?yeah
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?almost daily
59. Take a vitamin daily?im supposed to ;) vitamin d deficiency like a real champ
60. Wear slippers?real talk i never liked slippers but then i bought these cute pig slippers @ walmart for $10 and i love them so much i tried wearing them to sleep last night. also im wearing them rn theyre so cute
61. Wear a bath robe?i live in a dorm, so yeah. to the bathroom and back when i take a shower. sometimes im lazy and i just run around in a towel but so do half the people on my side of the hall lmao were all lazy and dead inside
62. What do you wear to bed?fluffy pajama pants or sweats, tshirt or hoodie, socks, sometimes slippers.. once i fell asleep with a beanie on. when im being an Adult i wear my actual pajamas!!! like a legit shirt and pants that match
63. First concert?none that i was old enough to remember :’) apparently my mom took me to the rodeo when we lived in texas and saw some country group but i was like 2 so idfk
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?TARGET I AM A CERTIFIED TARGET GAY
65. Nike or Adidas?adidas bc my feet are too wide to fit in nikes
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?yall real talk i used to love cheetos but i think im allergic to them now? last time i had them my throat got all swollen and hurt for like 3 days so im gonna have to say fritos. plus theyre really good if you put them in chili
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?sunflower seeds bc im a slut for anything i can have a spitting contest with
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?lmao i used to like her when i was like. 11. not my scene anymore
69. Ever take dance lessons?i dont think so?
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?anything that makes them happy, but also something fun!!!! like wedding photographer or a baker or maybe zookeeper?
71. Can you curl your tongue?idk??? kinda????? i can tie a cherry stem so i want to say yes.
72. Ever won a spelling bee?no i always got out bc my anxiety made me stutter/rush and miss letters, so i never even got past the classroom levels to the real thing
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?a lot!!! i laugh so hard i cry and get a stomach ache more than id like to admit
74. What is your favorite book?eleanor & park by rainbow rowell :) OR alice’s adventures in wonderland by lewis caroll
75. Do you study better with or without music?depends on if i can get into hyperfocus mode or not. if not, then i pick one song and put it on loop and blast it until it fades and is just loud background noise, but if i can focus then silence is best
76. Regularly burn incense?i used to but no burning anything in the dorms :( then i came home for break and it started giving me a headache
77. Ever been in love?i think so
78. Who would you like to see in concert?kesha, against me!, my chemical romance (rip), bigbang (also rip)
79. What was the last concert you saw?the one i mentioned earlier @ a rodeo
80. Hot tea or cold tea?hot tea
81. Tea or coffee?i live on coffee but i love tea too so both
82. Favorite type of cookie?mmm snickerdoodle. or just sugar cookies. chocolate chip is good when theyre hot and melty but not as good when theyre cold
83. Can you swim well?yeah! i love swimming!
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?yeah?
85. Are you patient?hahahahahahhahahahhahahhaa
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?oo. oooooo. okay so dj would have more variety of music but im a sucker for live music??? idk i feel like a band would be more memorable, but what if they fuck up your favorite song??? but what if they make it more special???????
87. Ever won a contest?yeah! i won an art contest once and got my drawing printed on christmas cards for a nonprofit that did things for cancer patients!
88. Ever have plastic surgery?im 17 i dont have that kind of money
89. Which are better black or green olives?depends on what theyre in?
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?good. live your life fuck the rules
91. Best room for a fireplace?bedroom!!! i love fireplaces in bedrooms its such a Look
92. Do you want to get married?idk. if it happens then it happens. im not planning on it though.
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warning, the following has mainly snarky (and possibly furious) opinions on Spirit of Justice. Reader discretion is advised.
Alright, on to part three, where Phoenix’s big fat mouth gets Apollo and Athena into deep doodoo.
way to ruin the moooooood XD
well athena if its any consolation, smelling like a rotten egg will probably delight sadmad.
y’know. cause youre a putrid egg yolk.
“Once a rebel, always a rebel!”
apollo was never a rebel
you sent him back to America before he could do any rebelling.
oh everyone’s met up now
“It was like watching a pair of ostriches bury their heads in the sand”
the FUCK does that mean, Phoenix?!???
“dubious hovel”
whats wrong with athena? i thought she was huddling up in the corner because she saw something unnerving, then maybe because of all the sudden people there–– but it’s implying she’s disgusted by the shitty state of the place?
what, is Athena a germaphobe now??
“He said he hopes you’ll come back and take over this office someday.”
“Those were his words! He might have been half-joking though.”
I’m not sure which I’m more offended by; the fact that Dhurke still assumed Apollo would make a shit lawyer, or the fact that Apollo does indeed take over. Spoilers. Haha.
“must’ve been because of you, dhurke!”
no it was because of Phoenix Wright because he was a cool guy, once upon a time. also because, unlike every other lawyer in the gotdamn series, Apollo just really friggin loves the law. He thinks lawyers are legit cool and he wanted to be one because he just happened to have a passion for litigating. He’s not a prop in your stupid story, he’s his own interesting person.
“Dhurke was never a hands-on kinda dad...”
you can motherfucking say that again, vore machine.
“...but not a day went by that he wasn’t thinking of ya. That much I’m sure of.”
yeah he sure was
thinking of the favours he could one day ask of him.
“Doesn’t get more paternal than that!”
Athena, you don't even have a dad. Your opinion on the subject is completely worthless. 
“(Dhurke... And to think, I really did spend my days trying to forget you...)”
god apollo you don’t deserve this. you deserve trucy and klavier and thalassa (being an actual mom for once) HELL you deserve your ACTUAL, REAL DAD.
“The victim’s passport and any pictures of him were burned up in the fire. Without knowing his real name, no divination seance could be performed.” 
So you’re telling me Jove brought every single glossy of himself into that blaze? And after the fire, nobody bothered checking the dental records on the corpse/asking where that neato musician from the other night went?
Once again, DDSOJ police, at their best. If there wasn’t a coverup involved, I’m gonna be pissed.
( My real dad... I was never really interested in learning about him. )
While this is a totally understandable and natural reaction... I really wish–– Actually, no; it’s best Apollo never learned that he once had a father who actually gave a fuck about him. That’d probably break his heart.
“As the son of the terrorist Dhurke, Nahyuta was expelled from the royal family.”
i.... why did Dhurke keep him in Koooraheen, anyway? He really couldn’t have sent him to a happier life in America with his half brother?
huh i think that face-palm is a new expression for Vore Machine. he almost looks reasonable.
“As his son, Yuty no doubt got the cold shoulder at every turn.”
amazing. not only was Apollo abandoned in America in some shit orphanage with zero contact from anything he knew as family, but Sadmad was forced to stay behind in a country that hated his guts. The perfect situation for both boys!!! No wonder they’re both so fucking grouchy all the time! Dhurke, you parental genius!
“Dhurke’s the kinda guy who can become fast friends with just about anyone!”
guess that explains the fandom popularity 
“Lol come over n play some jams bro”
“Ok dawg is it chill if i bring my kid my wifes uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
“Yeah its cool I'm great with kids”
“It’s like Dhurke’s done nothing but save me all my life” yeah... from messes he made.
“Jangly Justice”
god. i want to root for Jove but like. He looks like a tool, he sounds like a tool, his stage name is the tooliest thing ive ever heard... 
originally this section was me ranting about how Thalassa would never have just ‘stopped looking for Apollo’ when she heard that Jove perished in the flames, since Apollo’s corpse was never found and the rebels were out looking for her to give him to her– but instead I’m just gonna leave you with ‘that excuse is mad weak and the writers need to try harder.’
“You should try on the jacket, Apollo!”
“Yeah, yeah!”
Look, I can excuse Athena, because she doesn’t know. But Datz knows its mold infested and disgusting. And he just finished talking about APollo’s tragic past. What the everloving fuck is up with this sicko?!
Also Athena, you can’t laugh at him wearing an eyepatch when he just got done wearing one all last year. 
“I’d recognize those horns anywhere!”
“Is that really the only way anyone recognizes me?”
cue Phoenix harrumphing from the corner and brushing his spikes
yknow maybe ive mentioned this before but why /hasn’t/ the queen found the safe house? It’s Dhurke’s old law office; that’d be like, the first place I’d check. Its like wondering if Dumbledore’s Army is based in Hogwarts.
I mean I guess you could say the Queen assumes theyre not stupid enough to hide in their old main haunt but... they’re stupid. they’re really, really stupid. it’s been proven like 800 times.
so we just had a ladder convo about lizards?
also what do you mean geckos like to live in houses? i thought they just climbed around outside them. aLSO WHY ARE THEY EATING THEM 
... I appreciate that it ended in a Bugs Bunny Switcharoo though.
...And Phoenix ends it with “theyre just a plain old lizard”
I guess Phoenix doesn’t know flowers or lizards. 
i really don’t know why none of the revolutionaries think sadmad’s playing the long con. they’ve all just completely given up on him. what if he was pulling a snape??? they talk about trust and shit and yet none of them trust their own leader’s son? shameful.
“It seems like Gar’an has some serious leverage over him”
okay, they suspect he’s being controlled with some kind of blackmail... and yet do nothing to help him? they’re dumb enough to risk their lives doing something like that, but not compassionate or caring enough?? to their leader’s son???? what the fuck??????
aww i missed Beh’leeb. I hope she and her (born/ unborn? cannot tell if she’s pregnant or not) kid are doing ok.
“So she’s trying to help the revolution along... in her own special way!”
that sounds enormously patronizing phoenix, shut up. she’s pregnant and she has to deal with fucks like Datz running around blowing off firecrackers at government officials.
...youre giving the orb to datz.
ill eat my hat if nothing happens to it.
“We’ll attract undue attention if we go in too large a group”
oh also because youre dressed like baby’s first paint set but
“Do you know something about this?” “Nope! Just felt like shouting is all.”
yes, this is definitely the guy who should hold onto the orb for you. also i presented the attorneys badge. guess he has nothing to say about apollo’s proof of profession, eh?
“Yeah... You’d think Nahyuta might’ve cut his old man some slack, but no.” Dhurke you thick son of a bitch
wow. one single flashback occurrence where Dhurke wasn’t a dick. Well, 1/1000 ain’t too shabby...
“What? You came to visit me and you didn’t even bring me a present?”
What, like your plate of ‘my son is NOT a failure” sushi, Dhurke ?
“But I’m not a rebel.”
“Don’t be ridiculous– You’re a member of the defiant dragons simply by being my son.”
If you present him your attorneys badge he jokes about dying happy and apollo makes it explicit that he means via execution 
dhurke. that means apollo would die too. stop fucking joking about him dying you prickwad.
Apollo: Hey Dhurke know anything about this necklace
Dhurke: OOOAAHHH!!! OHHH!! AHHH!!!!
Apollo: So thats a... 
Dhurke: Hahahahah its a no son give it here
Apollo: Yeah ok i see nothing suspicious about that at all and i sure hope the secret behind it wasn’t important to this case or anything..........
me: jeez i hope that stupid necklace was the last thing we had to present
phoenix, appearance from god knows where: hey maybe ask about the hostage
me: bless you baby. also i forgot you were here
Phoenix: Sounds like the minister has someone you really care about, cause you totally obeyed everything he did.
i know what youre trying to excuse here SOJ staff but no, straight up lifting right out of JFA will never be ok.
“Is there a new lady in your life?” “WHAT?! DONT BE RIDICULOUS SON!”
I’m gay now! Hahaha. But seriously. Nobody wants to date Dhurke.
“Amara was the love of my life, but she’s gone now, and there will never be another.”
cue Dhurtz shippers furiously jamming their fingers in their ears and whistling 
what the 
fuck is happening 
to his aRM
oh there’s something hidden in there THANK GOD THAT SCAREDTHE FUCK OUTTA ME
“Oh I see– so youre hiding a woman’s photo up your sleeve”
oh yeah, a 3D photo. that has bumpy bits. absolutely apollo.
“You don’t need to keep secrets like that from me– You’re an eligible bachelor now. But you’ll... introduce her to me at some point, right?”
this has that creepy ‘parent insists you have a crush on that one kid’ conversation vibe to it, especially since it’s not like Apollo ever had an attachment to Amara to make him see her as a mother; she was ‘dead’ before he could even walk.
“Mon dieu! Are you into younger women, Dhurke?!”
Athena,,,,,,,, athena,,,, Apollo,,,,, he’s 
oh never mind.
“Heh heh. Dhurke, you old dog, you. You got yourself a younger lover.”
“This is Amara before she died. If you look closer, you’ll see that I was younger, too.”
“Hey. You’re right.”
“Aww, that’s no fun.”
“Wait a second... Haven’t we seen this woman before?”
i really love that photo though. everything about it is generally just really nice.
wait hang on. they. they just. they kept her around? after her fake assassination? they just–– WHERE YOU COULD GET A PHOTO OF HER?!
“She was confined within the grounds, but she was fit as a fiddle.”
Ga’ran. Ga’ran. Ga’ran. You stupid, stupid, stupid bitch.
“She was being held under virtual house arrest, so I freed her, and we made a run for it.”
“Of course, we didn’t just proclaim it to the people so that they’d realize Ga’ran was a dirty bitch; that would have been way too easy hahaha.”
Ohhh I see. They didn’t know Ga’ran was the one who did it. Except Ga’ran was the one who kept her under house arrest and faked her death so... It’s pretty obviously her? Amara would know that by putting 2 and 2 together? But no... Apparently Amara was suspicious enough to suspect Dhurke of being the arsonist like Ga’ran said, but brave enough to ‘accompany him so she could ascertain the truth for herself.’
hey remember when i said brave. i meant stupid. she was stupid enough to go with someone she thought might have tried to kill her, completely unsupervised. though i guess you'd have to be that dumb to actually fall in love with Dhurke in the first place.
AH, and she was immediately recaptured. Because Dhurke sucks. 
Waaaaait wait wait. How long and when did he ‘rescue’ her? The incident was 23 years ago, but Rayfa is 14– and Amara would need the usual 9 months to gestate– plus, the room she’s holding Rayfa in has the Defiant Dragons handbook in there, so it’s probably someplace of Dhurke’s–– 
Meaning there was a nine year gap but they still didn’t show her to the general public to depose gar– AGHHH. ITS ALL TERRIBLE!!!
“Apollo. We need to grill the queen about Amara when we have the chance.”
Hobo Nick’s ghost: Hey uhh me, that might get you uhhhhh murdered i thought we got over that after von karma tasered the shit out of u––
Apollo: hey maybe the baby Amara’s holding is me. 
Athena: Nah it’s too cute to be you.
Apollo: ....i just want to have proof that I’ve known the loving touch of a mother at least ONCE ATHENA OKAY???
“Hm? Oh... well, either way, it’s not you, son.”
yeah fuck you apollo the Sadmahdis only love their REAL children
also its Rayfa. it was in the safe next to Rafya’s letter; Rayfa basically identified it as herself when she saw it, it’s Rayfa.
Apollo: wow youre sure acting vague and suspicious about this; guess i’ll just accept it for what it is.
Dhurke: [tells apollo’s he's going to die and leave him fatherless again]
Apollo: [immediately assumes its another of Dhurke’s jokes because Dhurke’s jokes are horrible and always at Apollo’s expense]
phoenix: ...are you sick?
i shriek laughed 
Apollo: [clearly emotionally distraught] 
Dhurke: [continues to dance around the issue, thus prolonging Apollo’s suffering]
(Why is this happening now? Just when I was finally starting to feel like you really are my...)
So far Apollo hasn't said “i’m gonna do x and x and x, or die trying!” and honestly i know it’s a bit on the nose but it’s more true for this situation than any other ones it’s usually said in.
Dhurke: I’ve got a big secret
Apollo: You’ve been hiding something *ELSE* from me?
Dhurke: I’m afraid I can’t tell you what it is. I’d be betraying a certain someone if I did.
“You’ll discover a truth that is hard to accept. But I know you. And I know you can handle the truth, no matter what it turns out to be.”
After all, you’re super great at accepting all the misfortune my existence has heaped upon you! Hahaha!!!
“Apollo... Are you okay?”
“...I’m fine.”
they ask you how you are, and you just have to say that you’re fine, when you’re not really fine, but you just can’t get into it b
h e r e   c o m e   t h e   r e b e l s
and once again you have to manually move there. 
action bomb over here from Vore Machine 
also beh’leeb sweety youre doing amazing
“Dhurke belongs to the people!! Give him back!!!”
he what now
“They’ll be arrested? Just for protesting?!”
Apollo... you live in the real world, r–– oh well technically he doesn't hm
that point’s moot
“They are aiding and abetting a criminal by seeking his release”
uh pretty sure that’s BS yut
“Her Eminence, Queen Ga’ran, has ordered they be arrested and judged en-masse”
ok im fucking 
I'm wheezing so bad not ONLY do we have to save a revolution and Dhurke the rebel leader, but we are now about to defend most of the population of an entire country at once. Stakes RAISED bro
good fucking lord apollo stop being all “weren’t you a defiant dragon once?!wehh!!”
even Phoenix, with his Edgeworth obsession, didn’t really question it when Edgeworth was being his shithead prosecutor self.
Nahyuta: Sigh. Guess I can’t escape you. I mean I could use my magic beads to tie you up and then prance off but i have a plot to advance.
“Enough with the zen monk act, Nahyuta– Tell me how you really feel!”
Damnit, Sadmad, it’s not like we have someone who can read emotions by listening to-– oh yeah.
“She’s being held in secret where nobody is allowed to see her.”
second time’s the charm!
Apollo, simply bringing up the reason he’s doing what he’s doing won’t get him to stop. Remember the Phoenix and Maya situation? Until you can guarantee her safety, Sadmad’s just going to keep steam rolling along.
ok athena dish the dirt
alright, here we go, folks. time for Nick to get all their asses killed. i mean just listen to that ominous music :/
i love her laugh sprite. 
“a lawyer AND  a comedian, HOW DROLL”
the royal guards weird me out a bit though. its those masks. I'm getting high lady gaga gives 
lady gagaran
Apollo: better give her evidence to burn–– i mean, jog her memory with some evidence.
Ghost of hobo nick: future me!! stop this!! don’t you remember what always used to happen?!
...........that worked
....no it didn’t. just spring you damn trap already, gagaran.
Apollo: Hm better not tell the people, that could stir up the revolution and actually make it happen. Especially since there might be REAL terrorists hiding out there, just waiting until someone goes, “Hey, that dead queen isn’t really dead!!”
something went wrong?? no way
“Eeeek! Apollo! Don’t strip here!!!”
why is athena such a ditz in this case???
wow. apollo’s ass canonically bared in AA6
klavier gavin cries a million miles away
“damn i really thought he was hiding it in his skintight pants and vest. also ignore the other two, they couldn’t possibly have it.”
oh lord pls don’t hurt rayfa
“Your mind has been poisoned by the barbed one.”
“It was an honour and pleasure, your eminence”
phoenix i know that was highly badass and all but youre literally sitting pretty to be executed 
“Well, Apollo, let’s head back to the safe house for now.” 
yes, just in case any spies follow us! so that the queen can get her hands on the orb that much fast!!
oh hi edgeworht, youre in this game
“Moving along to things that actually matter...”
it’s true, but he shouldn’t say it
“Yeah, it’s like the more we learn about this case, the less we understand.”
just like me and this game’s writing process
“A trial without evidence...”
there’s evidence, you wankers, what do you think that photo of amara, the old case files and the necklace are????
“Athena, you’re too young and extra to die. Sit this trial out so we can save on sprite space.”
“Gotcha, chief.”
“Plus, there’s prosecutor Blackquill to think of. he said he’d use me for sword practice if he put you in harms way.”
Yeah, if Athena dies, who’ll his new punching bag be??? don’t think i haven’t forgotten story teller. i will not forget. i will not forgive.
“Remember; the worst of times are when lawyers have to force their biggest smiles.”
ugh, finally it’s used semi right. 
And so, we come to the end of another frustrating chapter. It’s finally time to move on to the final trial. I’m actually kind of curious to find out how everything went down– though something tells me my suffering won’t end when i do. 
Welp, friends –  till next time. The final hurdle is at hand. Or at least, part one of it.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: How to Keep it Simple with Your Camper Van Conversion
If you have dreams of traveling and camping in a photoshoot-worthy campervan, youre not alone. Lots of people are inspired by the beautiful campervan conversions they see on social media. But do you really need your camper to look like something out of a catalogue? Or do you simply want to live and camp comfortably while traveling?
The reality of converting a van into a campervan is that everything you add has the potential to create more work and more issues when youre on the roadnot to mention the upfront time and money youll need to install every fancy feature you find on Pinterest.
When I bought my GMC Vandura and started living in it part-time, simplicity was my focus. I wanted to seriously downsize my life, so I didnt want to fill my van with too many extras.
The Key to a Successful Campervan Conversion? Keep it Simple.
The van life movement is rooted in minimalism. The VW van-dwellers of the 60s didnt have Pinterest to source ideas from. They lived and camped in their camper vans as a way to escape the confines of too many possessions. And the recent resurgence of van-love, now replete with a hashtag (#vanlife), grew in tandem with the tiny house obsession, along with the idea that less is more. People wanted to reinvent the American Dream, without expensive mortgages and working their lives away to pay the bills. They wanted to get outside more. Mobile living (including tiny homes, vans, RVs etc.) offered a simpler version of comfort, along with mobility, freedom, and low-cost living.
Kelly S. is keeping it simple with her 2002 Chevrolet Express camper van conversion.
But as this alternative lifestyle has turned into mainstream clickbait, the minimalism is sometimes overshadowed by expensive Sprinter van build-outs and elaborate rigs.
Now, dont get me wrong. I love a gorgeously curated interior. I bet you do, too. But the reality is I dont have the budget or the time for all the bells and whistles. And when Im sleeping at campgrounds, I really dont need them. If youre looking to turn your van into a camper van, you might not be interested in the fancy build-outs either.
Whether youre parking at campgrounds or boondocking, you dont have to spend tens of thousands of dollars in converting a van into a camper van.
Lets break down the things you do need in your simple camper van conversion
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Two Girls One Van
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(@two_girls_one_van) on May 30, 2018 at 3:29pm PDT
5 Things to Focus on for a Simpler Campervan Conversion
I spoke to some fellow vanlifers some of them live in their vans full-time, others camp in their vans on weekends to round out my own advice on what you need for a simple van conversion.
M own camper van conversion is a 1986 GMC Vandura. Its old and creaky and slightly unreliable, but (most of the time) I love it, and its perfect for camping.
A Bed
The bed is the foundational difference between a van and a campervan. (Related: once you have a bed in your van, its officially an RV, according to AAA, and youll need their RV coverage if you ever want a tow. I discovered that on the side of the highway in Seattle.)
Ive seen vans with the backseats removed and a mattress thrown in. Ive even seen a hammock strung up inside of a van, which can be easily removed to maximize living space when youre not sleeping.
My van came with a bed that folds into itself to create a bench seat. Its similar to this one, built by @gnomad_home:
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Everyone has been asking us how our couch to bed situation works in our #van! So we decided to make this little #timelapse video for you all to see! Thanks for all the questions and compliments so far, and feel free to keep 'em coming!!
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Delilah (@gnomad_home) on Mar 5, 2017 at 12:43pm PST
But I keep mine out like a bed all the time, and find the bed works fine for sitting and occasionally working on my laptop. If I did a camper van conversion myself, I wouldnt bother with the fold-up feature.
The vanlifers behind Two Wandering Soles built a super simple platform bed in the back of their Chevy, and they offer detailed instructions on how to make your own.
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The sleeping area! A custom cut (bigger than) king sized mattress! It fills the back of the Doka and creates a HUGE bed!
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@Vanlifeing_com >>> #ThisisVanlifeing Captured by@vwdoka
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(@camper.lifestyle) on Jun 21, 2018 at 12:11pm PDT
When it comes to bedding, Im a big fan of an excessive number of pillows. And Im kind of in love with my Pendleton wool blanket. But now that the weather is warming up, its much too hot. I love the concept of the Rumpl blanket its made out of sleeping bag material which stays nice and cool, but also keeps you warm. Plus, my dogs hair wont stick to it, like it does with the wool blanket. I dont have one yet, but its on my list for summertime van camping.
Power + Light
Theres something special about being in the van at night. I drove miles up into the coastal mountains of Oregon to reach Horse Creek Campground on my first van camping trip. The dark tunnel of dirt road was eery, as I drove further and further away from civilization. But then I reached the nearly empty campground, turned on my collection of Christmas lights, strung around the vans ceiling, turned off the headlights, and felt right at home.
The thing is, if you want to do anything in your van at night, youre going to need light. Ive amassed more and more Christmas lights, which I plug in to The Lycan Powerbox from Renogy. If I want to read, I also turn on a little lantern I have hanging over the bed.
My lights, computer, and fan can all run at once from The Lycan Powerbox. So I have power for camping or working in a Starbucks parking lot (as Im doing, here).
I have a foldable lantern in the storage compartment over the drivers seat in my camper van conversion, so I can see to find my clothes. And a few smaller lights scattered around the van, so theres always one in arms reach when I climb in and need to see before I accidentally step in my dogs water bowl.
The UCO Gear Sitka Lantern is another appealing option. The extendable arm can give you light from above, which is especially handy when cooking or reading.
Im also a big fan of battery operated twinkle lights. Theyre not great for reading, but they give my van a cozy vibe for nighttime relaxation.
My dog, Jackson, likes the twinkle light vibe. He does not like it when I shine my headlamp in his face to take a photo.
Because you can never have enough options when it comes to your ability to see in the dark, I also keep a headlamp on hand. Ledlenser Headlampsare so much brighter than most headlamps Ive tried. Stick one behind your gallon of water for a makeshift lantern when its not on your head.
Fellow van camper Kelly S. also keeps it simple when it comes to lights:I didnt want to mess around with wiring a van, storing an extra battery, figuring out how to charge an extra battery, etc, so I have hooks on the ceiling for battery powered LED lanterns. This way, theyre portable too, and you can use them outside of the van!
Econoline-dweller Rachel loves her LED lights for keeping things simple, too: For lights I have an LED strip that plugs into USB and I just use those little backup phone batteries and switch them out and charge them through my lighter while Im driving.
Shelly S. is hooked on LUMINAID. I get the Cairn subscription box, which is how I received the initial run of this awesome little lantern and have been stuck to it ever since.
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We recently upgraded our water tanks. We bought 3 taller tanks that fit in the same space as our 2 old tanks. We now have ~ 15 gallons of water which can last 1-2 weeks depending where we are and what we're doing. Great decision. #garageviews
A post shared by Megan Cable (@meganmcable) on Jun 7, 2018 at 2:49pm PDT
Rule number #1 with any type of camping: Bring more water than you think youll need. This isnt hard when youre van camping theres plenty of room! But you have a bunch of options when it comes to water storage.
Kelly S. shares how she sourced her best van ideas from traditional tent camping, including water.
For water I have a 7-gallon aquatainer. If you need drinking water? Theres a spout right there! Coupled with a tub on the floor underneath the split, you have a sink to wash your hands, too! Having it bungee corded in place for transport works great, and then if you want to spread out somewhere you stop, you can take it out!
Related Reading:
This Family is Building a Modern Camper Out of Free Materials Found on Craigslist
When it comes to water storage, you really cant beat the classic big blue jug. The Reliance Aqua-Tainer 7 Gallon holds plenty of water for a summer weekend of water drinking, dish washing, and the occasional foot rinse after a barefoot stroll around the campground. Just make sure you have a way to secure it to the floor when youre bouncing down dirt roads.
As for showers, if your van is strictly for camping, then you can usually rely on campground bathrooms for bathing or simply embrace the dirt while youre out there.
If you want to get a little crafty, you can add a makeshift outdoor shower to the roof of your van with ABS piping and a hose.
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One afternoon last spring, we wandered into a Home Depot and stared up at the black ABS piping in the plumbing section. Keith figured there had to be some way to make a shower outta that stuff. Wed mount it to our @yakimaracks roof rack, the sun would warm it up, and gravity would send it down. And thats exactly what it does. Simple. Just like everything else we have goin on in this home of ours. We dont have a fridge, we have a cooler. We dont have LED lighting, we have an old string of Christmas lights. We dont have air conditioning, we have wet rags and a tiny tower fan we got for 9 bucks. We dont have a toilet, we havethe groundand Starbucks.. What Im saying is, you can install plumbing in your van if you want toyou can spend months on end googling every tutorial on earth if you want toyou can pay big money to build out the most well-equipped vehicle around if you want to We simply hope to serve as a reminder that you dont necessarily *have* to.
A post shared by Brianna Madia (@briannamadia) on Apr 3, 2018 at 7:50am PDT
Since I sometimes spend several weeks in my van, I wanted to have a place to wash my face and brush my teeth. I relied on disposable face wipes and gym bathrooms for the first few months. But then my friends at Wood Intimations built a gorgeous sink that is super simple and looks great and its been a game changer.
The pump faucet draws water from a 4 gallon jug beneath the sink, and gray water drains down into a hole in the van floor, so I dont have to empty anything.
It also provides some much needed counter space, and a little shelf for storing those tiny things that always get lost in the van, like the remote to my twinkle lights and my chapstick!
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. . #doit #doitagain #comfortzone . . #ontheroad #optoutside #wanderlust #nature #vwcalifornia #vankit #freedom #solitude #stayandwander #wilderness #rygg #vegan #croatia #roadtrip #issiontour #vanpuppy #explore #adventure #vaninterior #handmade #bagdesign #travel
A post shared by VANTALE (@van.tale) on Jun 8, 2018 at 8:31am PDT
Organization is so important for your sanity when living or camping in a camper van conversion. Even if youre a minimalist guru who wears one outfit and lives off protein bars, youre going to manage to collect more stuff than you think.
And if your lighting isnt great, its going to be even more difficult to find that stuff.
Staying organized will make you feel like you have a handle on the whole #vanlife thing. Organization can be as simple as a few plastic bins that can slide under your bed. Just make sure you know exactly what youre storing in each of them. (Clear storage containers are ideal so you can see whats in there when you inevitably forget.)
Shelly S. camps in her 4Runner. Its not a van, but the same concepts apply, she tells me. Organization is important for her, too. Mountainsmith has some nice storage cubes soft sided and stuffable. That being said, you can do about the same with those free cloth shopping totes, stored in either a cardboard box or a plastic bin.
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#HELP All right Vanlifers or Van designers or Anyone reallyI need your help! I have this space. All this space. Crazy right when you live in a van, usually it's the complete opposite. So.what the heck do I do with it!? I'd prefer not to put any more storage or I'll just fill it with crap (most of this stuff in the back is not mine). I don't need a pull-out kitchen or a place to store bikes, adventure gear. So other than turning it into a bedroom and renting it I'm at a miss.. Any suggestions???
A post shared by Sian Knox (@exmouth_vanlife) on Dec 22, 2017 at 9:07pm PST
Leah W. recommends as few belongings as possible for staying organized. My biggest recommendation is really paring things down to what you NEED. I had one set of basic utensils, one pot, plate, and bowl, a one burner stove, etc. A small toiletry bag, one duffel bag of summer clothing, one duffel bag of winter clothing. She agrees with Shelly about using bags for organization. While most people are fans of creating boxes for organization, we found that sturdy-ish bags worked best.
I went to the Container Store and bought a couple of soft containers with attached lids. Because the structure of the containers is fabric, theyre easy to stick into places where they barely fit, like the storage area above the driver and passenger seats of my GMC Vandura.
Hooks have also been a sanity saver for me in my sometimes not so organized camper van conversion. I keep a jacket and a couple of shirts that I dont want to be all wrinkly, hanging on a hook by the door. I always know where they are, and I can reach extra layers if I get cold at night. I also have a hook for my headlamp, because that is something that always gets lost.
When it comes to food storage, youll need to think about uninvited house visitors.
Store your food in closed containers or bins, advises Leah W. We started our trip with our food in an open crate, and quickly had mouse friends also enjoying our snacks.
Related Articles:
Truck Bed Tents
Off Road Campers
The post How to Keep it Simple with Your Camper Van Conversion appeared first on The Dyrt Magazine.
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cornfarm · 3 years
isjeishwish plz tell us more about anzai-chi
like her relationship with the another characters
also ur drawingstyle is 🥺🥺🥺
OMG i'm so happy you asked!!! i'm so happy people care abt her, and thank you!!!! :DD
i'll give some fun facts about her and then talk a bit abt her relationships! i wrote a LOT so i put most of it under a cut! i'll give anyone who reads it all a cookie lol
her planets name is mezpria! she calls herself a mezprian.
anzai is usually seen carrying around a mop. she usually has it slung across her shoulders carrying bags. shes very skilled in spearsmanship, so she sometimes swings around her mop for fun, and people with keen eyes for fighting recognize her precision with her strokes.
that being said, she does have a spear! i mentioned that she could channel thunder to strike, this spear is what allows her to do so. when she swings it and a certain speed, it creates a line of static, and lightning will strike whatever connects, or is closest to that line. because of how dangerous it is to be put in the wrong hands, she keeps it under her bed in her apartment.
her extensive use of it during the war is what caused her hearing problems. she's not entirely deaf, but she does miss things if people speak too quietly. she does know sign language! she teaches the yorozuya some so they can gossip about people across the room.
this does mean though, that she fights frequently with simply a mop. it's a similar gag to gintoki's wooden sword, but when people say she's holding a mop, she just tilts her head and says "this is a spear?".
this is her and her spear:
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sougo thinks she's funny because hijikata HATES her. he's always pissed off about how she's skirting perfectly around the law, and manages to avoid being arrested. he even hates her more because he really likes a certain type of cigarette she sells. she sells them in packs of 20, and they're made from a type of fermented, then dried wheat from her home planet.
he'll come into the shop yelling about he's "gonna arrest her and she better watch out" while buying cigarettes. the only quality he'll ever admit to liking about her is that she never comments on his hypocrisy, and that she doesn't (outwardly) judge him for his food choices.
other than hijikata, the rest of the shinsengumi is relatively neutral about her. sougo does find her antics very amusing. he definitely comes to her shop like "miss anzai will you please teach me how to roll cigarettes <3" and then puts cyanide in one for hijikata. then when it's the one she picks up to smoke he punches her so that she doesn't. maybe he hangs around because he can sense how mischevous she is.
she's always eager to teach people things about her culture and how she runs her shop! as much as she's eager to teach sougo, she also ends up teaching shinpachi and kagura lots of stuff as well. she would never say she's maternal, or a mother figure, but there's something about the way she explains things, and brings them food, and gives advice that get a "thanks mom".
sometimes she gets it from gintoki too, but when he says it she looks at him very sadly. she HATES being called mom and scolds them for it.
speaking of gintoki, i'm tired of a harem, so he likes her! it's entirely unclear to everyone if she reciprocates. she shows just enough interest to suggest she might have feelings, but she's so distant it's hard to tell. even though his kids tease him by saying shit like "please don't lower your standards to someone as low as him," to her, theyre all secretly rooting for him.
she initially met them because she needed some people to help her move and decorate her shop. they asked her why she didn't hire a moving company instead. she says there wasn't a particular reason, but she had been lingering outside their shop for a solid week before talking to them. they definitely noticed and were like "whats with this chick", especially cause she would just stand there and stare up at the sign trying to muster the courage. she really wanted to meet people and try to make some friends!
she pays them so well they actually do an okay job! anzai thanks them, and tells them they're allowed to come by anytime, and she'll give them a discount for anything they'd like. they come by very often, gintoki particularly likes the alcohol she sells, as a lot of it is very sweet, so they frequently drink together at night.
she also brings them food often. it's an easy way for her to express gratitude and affection. she's pretty poor at cooking japanese food at first, but she learns quickly!
her and gintoki have a lot in common, the biggest aspect of their relationship being their sense of humor! she's always amused by the things he says, and it's very reciprocated. he likes that her humor is so similar- they end up bonding really quick. they do banter a bit, but a lot of their interactions are enabling each other. he teases her a lot.
kagura and shinpachi don't like the way they talk to each other. kagura says their weirdness rubs off on each other too much, whereas shinpachi is simply baffled about how there's someone who can match his energy so well.
heres a silly comic i made:
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anzai does give him these judgemental looks sometimes, but they're done playfully. when he does cross a line and piss her off, she just disappears, always managing to be away when he looks for her. when they fight it's miserable to watch because gintoki's too stubborn to talk to her, and she's too freaked out by emotional confrontation.
they're all very thankful anzai is a little bit responsible and always makes up with them. gintoki frequents her shop and is like, "hey, i'm not here for you. give me 5 of those little bread things, three of them strawberry and the other two peach. that's what i'm here for, not for you. are you free later?" and then lingers around way too long.
she tries to give otae cooking lessons, masked by a "let me teach you how to make a classic mezprian dish ^__^" in an attempt to alleviate shinpachi from his despair. she manages to screw up even simple recipes so she just shrugs at him.
one time katsura's ronin try to assassinate her because they heard crazy rumors about her war crimes and exploits and she just looks at him like "can you stop trying to kill me please." eventually he's like "my bad lol we heard a bunch of crazy rumors about you" and she's like "those are all true :)"
she gets very silly and happy when drunk, so her and gintoki have a lot of fun drinking together. although sometimes she tries to tackle him, she doesn't have the arm strength when she's drunk, so he always ends up just swinging her around. she's definitely gotten a concussion at some point.
she also tends to crash with him, so when shinpachi sees her sneaking out in the early morning she always gaslights him into thinking he was seeing things.
hasegawa, gintoki, and her gamble often! she's pretty well off so she's not too worried about money, so she just thinks its fun. when they tell her to start stripping so they can continue gambling something away and she's like "absolutely not" and then takes her apron off.
i feel like i've spoken really only highly of her, but despite how she's generally liked and beloved by many, she's painfully distant. she's always a few steps out of reach from everyone, and because of that she feels like an outsider. heres another drawing of her:
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most people call her anzai(-san), but otae and hasegawa call her yae, while kagura calls her yae-chan. sougo commonly calls her boss, and gintoki calls her a slew of shitty nicknames, most commonly with her lastname, since it uses the kanji for "toki". she calls almost everyone by their first name with no honorifics.
AND THATS IT!!! i can definitely think of a hundred more scenarios with her and different cast members but i've already written so much ;__;
if you've read this far i'm giving u ur cookie of choice
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jinglyjangly · 7 years
In the Fallout world, what are considered Native Americans? Is that what the Tribals are they talk about? If so, does that mean the three families that run the casinos on the strip Native Americans?
Short answer: No. They’re fictional.
but you just pointed out the #1 issue with the Fallout Universe, and in turn the biggest issue with the scifi/fantasy genre and it’s most offending trope in one single question. Something I don’t see a lot of people talking about but I’m guessing it’s because they either don’t think about it because they don’t quite get it or they feel uncomfortable talking about it.Again I don’t feel like it’s my place to say what’s racist/what isn’t in most circumstances because I’m just some White Dude, but I feel like I’ve had a similar discussion with people when it comes to scifi utopias/dystopias where sexuality/gender is treated “equal” so in turn, doesn’t matter which... sounds good, but you’re also erasing the identities if you have everyone not care and never talk about being LGB and/or T and how their lives revolve around that. Obviously you don’t want to stereotype them by making their sole personality trait being a minority but you also can’t just, have it not effect them because it will. theres no way for it to not! whether it’s positive or negative effects depends on the writer and whether it’s offensive depends on how they frame it. How they frame it depends on who they think about when they’re writing it. A good example is how I’ve meet cis people who try and write trans characters and it’s really fucking obvious they were writing it from a cis perspective for the cis perspective, because it was framed for the negative experience to be empathized by cis people. Like gender dysphoria, there’s a difference between writing it as “I feel uncomfortable in this body and I always feel out of place” or “I hate my body and i want to be cis (aka normal)!!1!” Obviously yes, real trans people do have both experiences, so yeah you can write it like the second way, but as a fictional writer/artist/creator I think people always need to be aware that what they’re making is not real and at any instance they can change anything, ever. And the point of fiction is for people to think in a different perspective, for the audience to experience things they never would, something that is unreal...hence fiction. So if you make a trans character that hates themselves just because theyre trans and not hate the systematic oppression and pressure they feel for not being cis, you better have a bomb ass character arc where they learn to accept and love themselves for being trans and have a happy ending, because otherwise you’re just making a pity party for cis people to gawk at and think “oh boy im sure glad that aint me!”
how this ties in is how the tribes is kinda a long reach, but basically a huge chunk of canon fallout lore is written by white americans for white americans. The basis of the nuclear holocaust “restarting” the world back to 0 is interesting in a sense, especially if it’s at the hands of the American gov, and where you can imagine a world where people are trying to piece together their past can really be a awesome thing to explore and why I really love the lore/series. But so far every single tribe has been fictional and there’s barely any talk about anything that isn’t fictional. I headcanon Arcade as Ashkenazi Jewish! Yet there’s no talk about WWII, there are no Jewish characters in the entire series (that i know of), so no one knows how not only Jewish diaspora, but also post nuclear war diaspora would effect someone in this fictional universe, and how those two intertwine! You really don’t get any talk about anything about prewar history that isn’t like... white american. like with Raul, he’s from Hidalgo but he doesn’t mention anything about it outside of the fact that he’s just from there. How has being Mexican effect him both prewar and postwar? Has he had to deal with negative parts like any racism, and how does that intertwine with him being a ghoul? Were there positive parts, like meeting other people who have roots tied to being Latinx and bonding? What about Cait in fo4, she’s Irish, but outside of just saying she is and having the accent, she doesn’t have any cultural ties that they bring in to her story you know? Like... what’s the point of character’s in your series that aren’t white and/or aren’t american, if you’re not bringing in how it matters. Same with LGB and/or T characters, why write them into a series if you don’t make it matter (aka player sexuality).
Obviously based on what I said with the example about a cis person writing a trans person, the only way to write these kind of arcs and issues is to either have a Mexican writer, or have have a Mexican editor/reference. Gabriel is mixed Mexican and Cahuilla, and if I were to ever do anything ever even slightly professional outside of dumb comics and drawings, like fanfiction or a companion mod, I would get references who are real people, not just books. I made him sure, but he’s not for me project into. I made him because I thought it would be cool to play a game where the protagonist isn’t white so outside of that, I really don’t have a place writing him without help. With the Fallout Universe they kinda did this thing where they have more lore about fictional ethnic that kind of... replace real ones? Sort of? Which like, fictional ethnicity and race have a place, but it’s not replacing real ones, you know? Like the Dead Horses have a creole language mixed with Navajo/Diné and German. which is pretty cool, since it has happened so would likely happen ,like with Creole French, so it’s interesting to explore that possibility, but with how it’s framed... having no characters with direct connections to being Navajo/Diné, makes it feel like its erasure in favor for fiction. Hell they aren’t even mentioned in canon, all you really get is Joshua saying “idk their language is probably from the Res".
And then you finally come to where the question kind of points it out: do all the real, actual Indigenous ethnic groups who have to deal with not only non-fictional racism, but also this fictional pseudo-racism where they’re lumped into being “savage tribals who get rehabilitated” all over again, this time just fictionally?? How many of the 87 tribes caesar conquered, were indigenous? same with the NCR? What about before the nuclear war, how were they treated in 2077 if the government was even more obsessed with taking resources, and even more brutal? Basically Fallout Lore is whitewashed and americanized in the sense that the whole series, including bethesdas, prioritize fictional racism and fictional xenophobia over including actual arcs and stories that are written by people who aren’t white american and have to do with issues that aren’t about white americans. Again, it’s a bigger issue that’s not just fnv, and not even just fallout, and wont go away until white cis het dudes stop making the stories.
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feverhalo · 7 years
Teaser dump! Because I am an incredibly slow writer and want to give tumblr followers some sort of little boon for being cool and following me here
its a long post cause im teasing like 5 or 6 stories here. if the readmore doesnt work on mobile lemme know and I’ll try and fix it.
1 rule- no reposting anywhere please. these are teasers for the next parts of fics i’ll put up once i get them to a postable state. some of them i want to fully complete before breaking into chapters so you guys dont have to wait as long for updates, others I just got stalled out on and havent made progress in weeks.
theyre all VLD or FMA in here. I have a few ideas jotted down for Natsume too but havent gotten them started. I also just caught up on the new season and want to rewatch it some to get better characterization for some of the others.
Post Immunization pt2 FMA
“Brother? Brother, I know you’re tired, but you can’t sleep in the car any more.” Ed swiped his hands over his face. Everything felt warm and foggy except for the splitting headache he had and a rather uncomfortable heaviness in his arm pulsing low pain up his good shoulder. In short, not the nicest thing to wake up to. He mumbled out a jumbled mess of what he thought to Al.
“I know it isn’t very nice brother, but you don’t have to swear at me about it.” Ed shrugged, continuing to swipe the cool metal of his automail over his face as he let his flesh arm fall back to rest between him and the seat. Alphonse reached over the seat between himself in the back and his brother to nudge at Edward and disrupt him from curling back up and sleeping again. “We stopped and got dinner, and you might prefer being inside overnight, the military parking lot isn’t a proper place to sleep.”
“Don’t leave me in the parking lot,” Ed’s forehead creased and he took on a whining tone. “Geeze what kind of asshole-“
“If you get out now, you won’t have to go back to the parking lot. If I knew you’d prefer sleeping in a car over my oh so generous offer I really would have let you, you know.”
“That kind of asshole then.” Ed rolled himself up to sitting, bracing a hand on his aching head. A shiver quaked across his shoulders as he stumbled out into the evening air.
Turnabout Is Fair Play pt3 VLD
“Is he okay?”
“What do you think made that happen so quickly?”
“Is Lance going to be in bed all day?”
“Guys,” Shiro held up his hands, pleading. He pointed to the pathetic spread on the table, “Eat first. I don’t want us all neglecting ourselves when our energy needs to be there.”
They all sat and pulled hot cups over to themselves and rooted through the breakfast offerings. Pidge grabbed some sort of chip-like snack, Hunk took some of the burned toast and a fruit from the dish, and Keith uncrossed his arms long enough to pull some of the toast to his plate as well. Shiro waited for the crinkling of the packaging to quiet before he spoke.
“It got pretty bad, he was pretty dehydrated from the mission, and I guess between that and his fever… Anyway, he’s doing okay. Still a pretty nasty fever, but its not dangerous and he’s got water and medicine. Still sleeping, last I saw, which is good because it means he is resting and not in distress. I think the plan is going to be that he’ll stay in the med bay area for today. I don’t want you guys sneaking down there until he’s awake and decides he is up for it.”
“He’s okay, for real though?” Hunk was starting to fidget stiffly and uncomfortably.
A prompt that is unnamed as of yet VLD
The plumes of smoke were highly corrosive in nature, from the readouts on screen. Nothing in the atmosphere was welcoming to human life, and while the ocean here was a lovely lavender with waves that would make any surfer stare in stunned silence before rushing in- it was also extremely hostile to their human make up. Not to mention the huge shadows lurking beneath, and the huge scarred fins breaking the surface on occasion.
“You’re all doing wonderfully! There should be a gale of wind coming in from the south side in a few moments,” Coran crackled over the radio. “From my understanding this isn’t quite the ‘parasailing’ experience, but it is a much more advantageous training method for us!”
Even with their suits, the Lions, and all the careful planning and advanced technology, the stench of the volcano seeped into the cockpit of each Lion. Pidge was coughing harshly, trying to mute their line each time to spare the others. That tea from earlier had done wonders, for a while. But the acrid atmosphere, even if it was filtered well and none of the harmful particles were coming in, was so strong smelling it woke up the scratchy burning pain from earlier.
“Pidge! On your 7!” Hunk shouted during one of the coughing fits taking hold of Pidge. Below the green Lion the ground was starting to crack from the volcanic pressure and seeping smoke.
Pidge grabbed the controls with one hand, the other held in front of their helmet in reflex. One handed- they jerked Green out of the danger zone as the ground split and shot up hot vapors and flecks of molten minerals and bits of charcoaled vegetation still clinging to the surface. It wasn’t a pretty dodge by any means, but it did the job. The turn ended a little roughly, and Pidge was slammed into the side of the pilot seat, but other than that they were fine. Pidge took a deep breath after the fit subsided.
“Thanks Hunk-“ They cleared their throat before realizing the comm was still off. Pidge flicked it back on before repeating, “Thanks Hunk. Saved my tail there, literally.” Green flicked her tail around to show her thanks as well.
Ed Whump 2 Electric Boogaloo (working title will be changed) FMA
Upon arriving at the Hughes' residence, Gracia gasped, dropping the doll she had been holding when the door opened to show the two of them. Dirt caked and bandaged as Ed was, the Colonel was also battleworn, clothing torn in some places and with the dust of alchemic reactions stuck to his face and uniform. Elicia was still off on the background, her happy little voice filtering through the open door.
"Sorry to show up in such a sorry state," Roy gave her a lopsided grin. "I do not intend to impose, but I can't speak for the brat."
Ed swatted at the hand Roy had used to gesture in his direction. Throughout the walk Ed's energy flagged further, and he was left panting and speechless. He resorted to short, snapped comments and commands or simply swatting lightly at Roy with the automail. They had to stop a few times, even going as far as sitting down for twenty minutes on a bench after a stumble that caused Ed a hot flash of pain that left him nauseated. His bruised ribs were not making the trek easier.
"Oh, nonsense. Ed and Alphonse never impose," She gave Ed a smile. It seemed lost on him, he was trying to catch his breath and avoid pain at the same time. His eyes were glassy and he was sweating slightly. The fever the doctor had warned about was visible on his pink cheeks by now as well. "Come on in."
"Thank you," with that, she stepped aside and Roy walked in with Ed following. Mustang casually undid his jacket and hung it on the hook and respectfully undid his shoes and set them to the side.
Ed stomped on the heel of his boots and tugged his feet from them, bracing himself on the wall with his automail hand. That accomplished, he pushed them with his foot to the side and left them in a heap. Ed carefully worked his jacket off his injured shoulder and let it slide off his automail arm to the floor. Roy leaned down to pick it up after Ed gave it a half-hearted kick to try and fling it on top of his boots.
Ed Whump-in-progress 1  FMA
He grabbed a seat, kicking his feet up to rest on the edge of the seat across so he could use his legs as a tale to hold his journal. While they were in transit, he and Al may as well go over what they’ve learned so far to see if they may be able to gather anything while on this assignment.
The Elric brothers drifted into their own world going over their notes, and the rest of the group climbed aboard and the train started in motion after everything and everyone was accounted for.
Edward’s attention turned further away from his meal and their current destination as he and Alphonse nit-picked over small details and things they had learned through their travels so far, and soon found himself getting uncomfortable on the hard seat. Slowly the sounds of the rest of the military group in the cab trickled into his awareness, and he zoned out to a game of cards Falman and Furey had been playing together.
“Ah, they return to the world outside of alchemy. You guys excited for this?” Breda  was leaning over the seat ahead of theirs, watching them seemingly oblivious to everything as they hummed and hawed over their research.
“Yes, as much as I can be. I am really thankful that Colonel Mustang is allowing me to ride along. I understand its a really big favor,” Alphonse rubbed at the back of his helmet. “I’m very sure brother is thankful for it as well. We have a lot to go over.”
“Yeah.” Ed leaned back, wondering when he started feeling so exhausted. “He’s not being an ass about it, surprisingly.” He stared out the window for a few minutes, zoning out again. The sky was changing to a dusky purple, and with belated interest he noted the wall lamps lighting up. The motion of the train was adding to his exhaustion, making it hard to keep his eyes open. 
Alphonse encouraged his brother to sleep, and kept himself occupied joining the others in card games and listening to the stories they told. Edward rested his head against the glass, drifting off as the kilometres flew by. Hours passed and Alphonse found himself awake alone after a while. He watched his brother sleep, fitfully at times, with his forehead pressed to the glass leaving a foggy halo. He read some to pass the time, some notes and parts of the lighter novels he had started. 
Ed stirred eventually, stretching his legs forward with a groan. His eyes opened and he blinked a few times before registering Alphonse across from him.
“Mornin’ Al,” he mumbled checking the horizon. The dark sky dotted with pinprick stars drifted by behind the speeding scenery. “Can you open the window for a bit? ‘S hot in here.” 
“You can sleep more, brother.” Alphonse stood as quietly as he could to crack the window as his brother ran his hands over his face, shuddering as he tried to hold back a yawn. Ed nodded, seeming to miss the words entirely as he sat up straighter and stretched a bit more.
“In a bit,” he swallowed, “weird dreams. Its kinda stifling in here, could use the air.” Ed pulled his legs up onto the seat. He felt so sore, how long had it been? He searched his pockets for his watch.  
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