#it would be very funny to see the witch king walking around in a hoodie and just hanging out though
musubiki · 2 years
Ok final boss idea: an angel that suffers from delusions with a savior complex obsessed with the idea of restarting the world and guiding her believers to “the light” (excruciating world ending destruction)
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AN INTERESTING IDEA !!!!!!! the current final boss beta actually isnt that far off from this idea!!! (im not sure if ive ever rambled about the witch king/final boss so here it is!!)
the tldr version of what the final bad guy is supposed to be is that its the first witch king who went through too much shit and also has too much power given to him by the gods of the stars, whose big ideal is that he wants to essentially cleanse the world of anyone who doesnt have magic !!!
from what i see it as in my head right now, magic was originally supposed to be used to HELP humankind (heal sickness, flourish crops, make life easier, etc), but something something selfish human nature, basically non-magic users got jealous and greedy and it turned into one of those "they have too much power, gotta kill them before they realize this and kill us first" kinda things that sparked a decades long war between the witches kingdom and other kingdoms. said witch king lost too many people he loved in the process (and you know how witches are with their love), so eventually the witch king went "fuck it, youre right" and DID go and kill everyone. decided "fuck those guys, we're gonna make it so that theres just no more normal humans left to eliminate this conflict altogether for now and for the future. everyone will have magic and the world will be better"
the cat witch at the time was his right hand and of course didnt agree with the idea at all. thought they should just suffer through the conflict instead of going scorched earth. and USUALLY when a witch goes off the rails (at least from what mochi knows in her time), theres a thing called the divine wrath of the stars where the gods strike you down (not subtly) for breaking your oath to not take life of another, but this didnt happen with the witch king and no one really knew why.,.. (some people think the gods of the stars loved him too much and couldnt do it)
either way, the cat witch tried to rally the other of the 5 major witches (crow/snake/frog/spider) to go against him, but the plan fell apart and the most she could do is use up all her power to seal him away. (quick aside: these 5 were the first witchs guild - the guild of the dragon witch king, so the title "the cat witchs guild" references mochis guild with her friends as well as the guild mochi HERSELF IS IN!!! the collective power of the guild is supposed to match the power of its respective witch for this purpose, in case said witch needs to be stopped, so she wouldve needed the other 4 to fully take him down)
another beta idea connected to this is that there was no time limit on when the seal would break, but the seal becomes weaker anytime you use the dragon witches magic, which later became the "dark/forbidden" magic!! i think ive mentioned before that there is no magic thats inherently evil, but there is magic that you shouldnt use and this is the reason. (timeline-wise, i think its when mochi uses that forbidden magic to save lime that the seal really starts to become undone. that was one of the last cracks in the glass, the beginning of the end)
for thousands of years following there were prophecies written that were supposed to point to warning signs of the witch kings return, one of the big ones being that there will be magic overflow in the witches of the time hes supposed to come (this is also the reason mochis magic is so powerful and grows beyond what tiramisu or pom thought it would. the way witches describe it is that the magic is trying to prepare (compensate?) mochi and the other witches for whats to come, equipping them with what they need, if you will!! murda and the other 5 also grew with unnaturally high magic power)
lime, while he acknowledges the gods of the stars probably exist, really doesnt like them during this whole thing going on. hes really pissed off that they did not follow their word to lay their divine wrath on the king when they shouldve and now mochi has to shoulder the problem, and he also hates that theyre using mochi and the rest of the witches to solve a problem they could do themselves. he has a whole thing against the stars, but unfortunately i dont think any of them ever have a chance to confront them. its going to be like that scene in botw where zelda is praying in the pool and the goddess remains silent. "oh, to know the hearts of the gods, something we puny and stupid mortals will never understand." he says in a bitter tone.....
(there was a very last component to the final conflict that im not sure i wanna go through with yet but its a beta idea: basically the witch kings power has grown so powerful over the years that his lifespan is connected to the magic itself, and they find out that killing him will essentially kill every magic being/user in the world too. but letting him live would mean the death of every non-magic creature, so then they get faced with the impossible choice of well, do we kill all magic creatures or all non-magic creatures - and this is still in beta because i havnt found a resolution to this that i liked yet)
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mha-smipy07 · 3 years
It's a Date?
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plot(ig):you get asked on a date by itadori yuji and it was good unit he started acting funny.
warnings: langage and i kinda mad itadori a fuck boy in a part of it :) oops(not really tho)
A/n: aaa i had so much fun with this idea, i hope you like it and please like and reblog it
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"ya so its a date?" you couldn't change your mind with the smile on his face so you agreed and =g with his friends, and damn he was fast. he only lose one because his very kind friends dog knocked him over.
you started laughing and your friends asked what was so funny. "that guy's dog just body checked the one with pink hair" you covered your asusment with your hand over your mouth. but your friends looked confused
"um (name) there's no dogs over there" your best friends looked at you like your losing your mind. but she was crazy there where 2 dogs over there.
"what do you mean? look a black and white dog- oh shit never mind" you shook your head and looked back over, where those curses? you forgot that you were the only person in your friend group who could see curses, you didn't want to tell then because they didn't believe in them.
"that guy is cute imma go talk to him!" you quickly jump up and walk over but you noticed the girl who he was talking to, was that his girlfriend? you wouldn't be surprised he is extremely handsome. but woers goes to worse it is his girlfriends but there black hairs dude with the dogs is cute to.
"hey can i pet your dogs?" you asked looking at the blue haired guy, who gave you a very surprised look.
"y-you can see them?" he asked looking almost scared. you shook your head and waved at the pink haired one. you needed to know his name. "um ya you can pet them but you do know those dogs ar-"
"are curses? yes i know. and yes i can see curses, no i'm not becoming a jujutsu sorcier" you cut him off, smiling like it was a common and normal thing to say. he just nodded and looked over to his friends. "hey what's that guys name?" you asked pointing to they guy you where eyeing "and does he have a girlfriend?"
"thats itadori yuji, and no i dont think theres anyone in the world besides gojo and nobara who can stand him" he rolled his eyes and looked at you. "oh don't tell me you think he's cute or something?"
"sorry but he is very cute but what's your name? we could be friends" you flashed a smile at yuji when he looked at you.
"well i think your just his type, but you would probably get along with him. oh also my name is Fushiguro Megumi" he smiled a little at you and then took out his phone.
"that's a cute name but im going to go talk to itadori now, also you dogs are cute!" you said walking over to itadori.
"hey" you smiled "i was wondering if you wanted to be friends i guess, i was watching you guys race from over there and you looked like fun to hang out with" you glanced at the girl he was with and your guessing her name is nobara based off what Fushiguro said.
itadori eyed you up and down before giving you a toothy grin that almost looked cocky. "ya for sure! you wanna hang out with us for the rest of the day? we are gonna go to the mall soon and then we going to get some food" he offered and you looked bad to your friends and the to the grass. you guys were hanging out, but then again you guys hang out all the time. they will be fine without you for one day.
"ya sure, but i drove here with my friends so id have to ride with one of you, and i have to go tell my friends nicely i'm ditching them" you let out a small giggle.
"ok that's fine we have one more seat in nobaras car" he pointed to the girl next to him and she waved at you, she was really pretty. you nod and ran over to your friends.
you walked up to them and smiled shyly. "hey, so i'm going to go hang out with that dude and his friends today, is that ok?" you asked as the guilt of leaving your life long friends for some guy you just met.
"ya that's fine we can hang out tomorrow but go get yourself laid we all know you need it" your friends waved you off before giving you side eye and started laughing. "ya ya shut up, you two have fun" you grabbed your purse and ran back over to the 3.
"ok they know your not kidnapping me" your comment made nobara and itadori laugh. it's your mission to make megumi laugh and to flirt with itadori witch will be easy.
"ok lets go" nobara grabbed her bag and keys and we started walking to her car. "im sitting in the front. and yuji i will punch you if you try to beat me to the car" megumi grunted and glared at yuji. it was hard to tell the he actually wanted to hang out with either of them, he didn't smile much and he would insult them but that may just be him.
you hopped in and reached for the seat belt but-- "uh there's no seat belt"-- you quickly realized there was no seat belt on your side.
"oh ya sorry my cousin decided to cut the seat belt in half you have to side in the middle or not buckle" you gave you a apologetic look.
"oh now i see why Fushiguro didn't want to sit in the back" you chuckled because it was getting a little awkward in the car.
you slid next to yuji and placed your bag on the seat you should be sitting in and buckled. "good choice, nobara sucks at driving" yuji whispered in to your ear sending chills down your spine. you giggled and took out your phone to check you messages from your friends.
you had 2 text your friend. 'what's that guys name?' and ' has he dicked you down yet?' where those said text. you started laughing and went to reply forgetting how close you are to yuji. 'the guy with the pink hair is itadori and sadly no lol'
itadori smirked at the text before leaning in to your ear. "sadly uh?" you wiped your head away from your phone almost hitting him in the face with yours. his smirk went away as soon had he saw your face. "um sorry i shouldn't have read your text" his face turned a little red and he looked up so see you guys had 5 mins till you got to the mall.
"its ok, but can i have your number?" you ask holding out your phone. he shook his head and took your phone to put his number in, and but his name as 'hot guy from park' you snorted at the name and rolled your eyes. the last 4 minutes when by fast as nobara started blasting her favorite songs and you guy where at the mall in no time.
nobara and megumi when into a clothing shop because she was going to give him a better style so you and yuji went to look around a shoe store a little bit away from them. you and yuji started talking about shoes you guys wish you could afford and laughed a little together before leaving to grab ice cream.
"hey so this may be a little random and i get if you say no but would you wanna go out together? like tonight maybe" yuji scratched the back of if head as his face started to turn red.
"ya sure like a date?" you asked taking a lick at your melting ice cream.
"ya so it's a date?" you couldn't change your mind with the smile on his face so you agreed and he texts nobara that you two are going to go out. you guys start talking about where to go to eat and what to do.
"why don't we just stay here and there's a taco bell down the road we could go to for food later?" Yuji looked at you and started laughing.
"i'm ok with that but taco bell for our first date?" he snickered as you shook your head. "ok im good with that" he grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers. his hands were so much bigger than yours, he was so much bigger than you in general. you had a thin shirt on and it was getting a little chilly and Yuji nodisted so he almost forced you to take his hoodie and put it on almost drowning in the sent of cedar wood and sage.
you guys found a bench and sat down to start getting too know each other, sharing childhood stories and your likes and dislikes. he looked a little cold because he didn't have a hoodie on so you scooted closer and wrapped his arm around him in a weak attempt to warm him up a little.
"you looked a little cold" you almost whisper nuzzling your head into his chest. the laugh that left his mouth sounded so deep when your head was against him. his heart beat was getting faster and faster like he was getting scared or nervous. he was fine before, maybe you were pushing your boundaries by snuggling up to him. you glanced at his wrist and there where 2 black lines forming around his wrist slowly so you pulled away from him to look at him.
the only thoughts that went through your mind was 'holy shit' and 'what the fuck is going on?'. Yuji now had some black face markings on him forehead, nose and cheeks. not to mention that this didn't look like Yuji, ya his hair was the same before he pushed his it back and same clothes but it wasn't Yuji. "Yu-"
"I'm not Yuji sweetheart, Im sukuna and this brat besided to eat one of my fingers but i'm the king of curses." sukuna cuts you off and smiled, fuck even their smiles are different and his voice is so much deeper than yuji's. "but damn this brat can pull some cuties, i always like to take a look at them myself, normally scares them off"
"oh well nice to meet you sukuna" you said slowly still trying to process everything, but it makes sense if megumi has his curses and training to become a sorcerer, no doubt him and nobara and too. they probably go to school together. but you have an idea that he had a curse but this is not what you expected. but he was hot, you hated to say it but he was but he was only hot because Yuji is to.
"damn it sukuna stop that. your so annoying" the voice was Yugi's but there mouth was moving, god this was confusing but apparently he can still talk when sukuna have control over the body. "your lucky i cant kill you brat. but fine i'll go" sukuna replied to Yuji and the markings started to slowly fade.
"uh i'm sorry about that, he likes to do that sometimes, he's a dick but i'm not! he just gets cireus and wants to see things in his own eyes" Yuji appolagised letting out a big sigh. "he used to be worse but im starting to get him whipped, he thought this era was better than this." yuji started to chuckle so you did to.
"i can still talk and see you tho" a mouth appeared on Yuji's cheek then disappeared.
"uh now that's a little freaky" pointing at his cheek you start to laugh. "but just know this isn't gonna scare me off, i've seen a lot of things before"
A/n: sorry but im getting lazy on this and idk what else to put on here :) so here you go, please like and reblog also sry if i spelled any names wrong
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rohad93 · 4 years
Moonlit Masquerade: Ch 13 - End
Luz had a hard time looking at either of the Clawthorne sisters as they sat Sunday morning eating breakfast. 
Mostly Eda.
Anytime she caught the older witch’s eye she would grin and snicker, causing Luz to flush.
King seemed to catch on pretty quickly.
“What’s so funny?” He looked between the two. “Tell me!” he demanded, pointing a clawed hand at the witch.
“Nothing!” Luz squawked, before Eda could say anything. “Nothing is funny!” Her voice climbed an octave which made Eda snort into her cup of apple blood, but decided to take pity on her lovestruck apprentice; for now.
“Yeah, yeah, nothing,” Eda said but still couldn't wipe away her grin. King grunted in disappointment.
“Leave her be, Edalyn.” Lilith said, but there was a small smirk on her own face, that if anything, was worse then Eda’s full-blown laughter. 
It was one of the longest breakfasts of Luz’s life.
Embarrassed as she was she was still riding the high from the previous evening. It had taken her a long time to fall asleep with all the happy, excited energy coursing through her. 
She’d laid in bed drawing light glyphs for a while and simply basking in their light as she replayed the entire evening in her head over and over. 
Skimming over some of the emotional whiplash from initially being turned down and focussing on every smile or laugh she’d been able to get out of Amity, their dances especially took up a lot of her thoughts. She could still feel the other girl’s head resting on her shoulder and her fingers wrapped around her neck. Her skin tingled with the ghost touch she swore she could still feel.
One moment more than any other always came back to the front of her mind.
Standing in Amity’s bedroom, close enough they could feel each other's breaths, hands gently smoothing her mussed hair and the way the young witch's eyes glowed in the cobalt moon light before Amity’s finger threaded through her hair as she kissed her. 
Her face grew warm thinking about and she squirmed happily under the covers.
She let her face drop into her pillow and sighed dreamily. 
She thought she had been a mess before, this was something else entirely. Something overwhelming and awe-inducing; something wonderful.
'Is this what love feels like?' she wondered as her eyes drooped closed.
Eventually, she fell asleep with dreams of warm golden eyes and a smile she always wanted to be the cause of.
She’d promised Gus and Willow she would meet them right after breakfast today to tell them how it all went; she needed to get going.
When breakfast mercifully ended she stood and headed for the door.
“I’m going to meet Gus and Willow, bye guys,” she called back toward the kitchen.
“Hold up, kid,” Eda called before stepping into the living room, catching Luz as she reached for the door.
Luz stopped to look at her mentor, who wore a serious expression.
“When you get back I think we need to have a talk.” 
“A talk?” Luz blinked, brows furrowed. “About what?” 
“You know…” Eda twirled a hand as if searching for the right words. “The Talk.” she finally said.
“The…” Luz started before realization struck her and her face turned crimson. “Oh my gosh! No!” 
“It’s an important talk every young witch needs to have.” 
“Eda, No! My mom is a nurse, I’ve had the talk!” she wailed, red faced. 
And she had. The most awkward conversation she had ever had with her mother, or anyone really, after telling her she was bi, complete with charts and diagrams from her work that made her grimace just thinking about it.
“Well you have a girlfriend now, you need a refresher.” Eda crossed her arms. 
“I’m leaving!” Luz didn’t look back as she ran out of the house, the door slamming open and cutting off Hooty’s call of good morning. 
Eda snickered to herself as her apprentice vanished into the woods. 
“You’re terrible,” Lilith huffed, from the kitchen table, but couldn’t stop the small grin playing on her lips.
“If I’m going to have a kid and all the responsibilities that go with it I should at least get the fun parts too.” she shrugged. 
Lilith only rolled her eyes.
~ ~ ~ 
Gus and Willow were waiting for her at the fountain in town when she arrived.
“Luz!” They called when they saw her.
“Hey, guys.” She grinned.
“Well, tell us everything, how did it go?” Willow leaned in, practically vibrating with anticipation. 
“Did you tell her, what did she say?” Gus followed bouncing in place. 
“Okay, okay, I’ll tell you.” she chuckled, unable to wipe the grin off her face.
They sat on the edge of the fountain while she recounted the entire party to them, though she did leave out a few things here and there. They didn’t need to know about what she and Amity had talked about when they had been sitting in her backyard playing twenty questions, that was personal and she was sure Amity wouldn’t appreciate her sharing those things with anyone. 
She also carefully left out what happened in her bedroom. They would never go around telling people about it but that was something she wanted to keep all for herself. She decided to just conclude her story by saying the evening as a whole was… well, magical.
“That’s so romantic, Luz.” Willow gushed, holding her hands to her cheeks. “Like something out of a love story.” Gus made a face at that but still congratulated her. 
"So, are you two dating or?" He asked quizzically. 
"Well, we're going to meet for lunch today and it is a date...so, I guess?” She shrugged but there was a happily sheepish face on her smile.
“Whoo!” He cheered. 
“I told you you could do it, Luz.” Willow smiled knowingly and Luz squinted at her. Now that she had a better view of the whole picture there was just something suspicious about how Willow had acted about it all over the last couple weeks; it suddenly clicked.
“You knew, didn't you? You knew Amity liked me the whole time,” she asked after a moment, but it wasn’t really a question. She knew she had been oblivious but she knew Willow was much more observant.
Willow’s eyes shot open and her cheeks turned pink.
“Well… yeah,” she admitted.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” She threw up her hands.
“It wasn’t my place, would you really want to hear it from me rather than Amity herself? Didn’t you just say last night was amazing?” She held out a hand.
“It really was…” she smiled dumbly to herself, starting to drift into her thoughts of last night before catching the teasing grin on Gus’s face and snapped herself out of it. “You’re right… thanks, Willow.”
They spent the rest of the morning walking around the market and chatting before Luz realized it was almost time for her to meet Amity and waved goodbye to her friends as she took off toward the bakery, weaving through the moderate traffic of people meandering through the street and stopping to look at the various stalls and their wares. 
She rounded the corner and could see the shop at the end of the street, but her eyes zeroed in immediately on Amity, standing outside of it, waiting, and Luz grinned, chest swelling at the sight of her. She was wearing the same outfit she had been the last time they had met in the market when she had let her borrow her fifth volume of the Azura series, except instead of her necklace she had Luz’s brooch pinned to the front of her dress and it made Luz giddy to see.
Amity hadn’t spotted her yet and she self-consciously brushed any imaginary dirt from her clothes and straightened out her hoody before jogging over. 
“Hey, Amity!” she called.
The witch jumped, turning toward her and a smile immediately broke out on her face that made Luz’s stomach roll.
“Sorry, I was with Gus and Willow in the market, I hope you weren’t waiting long.”
“No! no, I just got here,” she quickly assured, a lie, she’d been waiting outside the shop for over half an hour, but Luz didn’t need to know that.  
“Great!” She grinned and held the door open for Amity, who managed to keep her face only a slight pink as she walked into the shop with Luz hot on her heels. 
The same man Luz had seen before looked up as the bell chimed and he greeted them.
“I’m gonna guess I know what you want?” She looks at Amity questioningly as they move toward the counter and she digs through her pocket for some of her tip money.
“No, let me, you’ve spent enough on me lately.” Amity quickly interjects. After everything Luz had done for her over the last few weeks she feels like she really needs to reciprocate in some way.
“I don’t mind.” Luz smiles and Amity knows she means it, but she feels guilty, unlike her, Luz probably has to work for her money and she knows well enough that flowers and jewelry aren’t cheap, besides, she wants to treat her. 
“Please?” she insists and Luz can’t find any will to argue with that face. 
“Okay” she nods, she is not going to argue about something so silly, she’s just excited to be here with her. 
“Do you know what you want?” she asks and Luz taps her chin, contemplating the display case filled with food.
“I dunno, food is so different here than in the human world… I’m never sure what's not poisonous to me… or still alive…” she grimaces thinking of some of the things she’d seen Eda eat, or the weird things served in the cafeteria. Amity giggles at the look on her face. “Surprise me.” She finally shrugs and turns back to Amity, smiling. 
“Alright.” she returns the smile but it turns into a grin. “I’ll try not to poison you.” she teases and Luz grins back.
“That would be very much appreciated. I’ll go find us somewhere to sit.”  She pointed over her shoulder with a thumb. Amity nodded and she trotted off.
The place was mostly empty so she plopped herself on a stool at a small round top table near the windows. The bright sunlight streaming in warmed her face as she kicked her feet back and forth nervously. 
This was her first date, and even though she liked to think she knew Amity pretty well and knew for a fact she felt the same way she did, it didn't stop the nervous energy bubbling up inside her.
She looked out the window at the various people and creatures moving about town. It was weird how used she had gotten to the sights after only about two months.
She must have been staring for a bit because suddenly Amity was sliding onto the stool across from her with two little white saucers with matching tarts on them. Thornberry tarts, Luz was sure.
"I hope this is okay…," Amity started, sliding one of the plates across the table to her.
"Yea!" Luz grinned, pulling it close to her. "They look just like the ones back home, I was half tempted to eat the one I got you," she said, looking down at the treat in front of her, it's deep red filling was shiny in the sunlight.
"Ed kept trying too...till I bit him," she mumbled the last part, but Luz heard her and looked up.
"You bit him?" she laughed, and Amity blushed.
"Only after the third time he tried to stick his hand in the box," she grumbled. Luz just snickered and Amity couldn't help but smile.
Amity waited, watching as Luz picked it up and took a bite; she really hoped she liked them. She didn't have to wait long as Luz's face immediately lit up, brown eyes sparkling in delight.
"These are so good!" she said with utter amazement after swallowing the bite. Amity smiled behind her own tart before taking a bite; sugary sweetness coated her tongue.
They didn't say much as they ate, Amity savoring hers and Luz practically wolfing down hers. It was hands down the best thing she'd ever eaten since coming to the Isles, she said as much too as she licked any remaining jam from her fingers.
"You have jam on your face,” Amity said in response, smiling. 
Luz licked at her lip, hoping to get any remains of the sweet filling.
"Did I get it?" 
"No," Amity snorted as Luz continued to try and lick off the jam and made silly faces as she tried. Amity rolled her eyes even as she grinned and picked up her napkin without thinking and reached the short span across the table to wipe the red smear of her date's cheek.
They both turned pink as soon as the action was finished.
"Oh, heh, thanks." Luz smiled sheepishly at her.
"No problem…" Amity trained her eyes on her food, till Luz smacked a hand on the table, making her head jerk back up.
"Why didn't you tell me I had your lipstick all over my face when I left last night!?" Luz suddenly said, remembering.
"What?" Amity's face darkened at the sudden exclamation.
"When I got home there was lipstick all over my mouth." As she said it her face pinked and Amity's went from pink to red.
"I…" Amity scoured her memories of last night, as though she hadn't a hundred times already since Luz had left Blight manor, but now she was thinking specifically of the few moments on the porch before Luz had flown off and realized there had been some discolored smudges around the other girls mouth. "I didn't notice," she finally said, eyes wide and mortified at the sudden realization. "I'm so sorry!" Her face was bright red.
"It's okay!" Luz waved a hand, chuckling. "Eda thought it was funny…she laughed for fifteen minutes… maybe next time let me know," she mumbled, still pink.
"Next time?" Amity squeaked, almost dropping her tart.
"I mean… not that there's going to be a… next time per say, or that there won't be... I uh…" she trailed off, not exactly sure where she was going with this.
Amity seemed to recover first, playing with the crumbling edges on the crust of her treat, face still hot, but looking up at Luz from beneath her lashes.
"I'll tell you next time," she finally said, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards.
Luz nodded, and couldn't keep the bashful grin off her face.
"Do you… want to go to the library?" Amity asked when she's finished eating and only crumbs remain on both their plates.
Luz perked up.
"Secret book club?" She grinned, bouncing in her seat and Amity chuckled.
"Secret book club," she agreed.
"Yes!" Luz flung herself off the seat but paused at the table side, a quick thought flashed through her mind and before she could doubt herself or rethink it, held her hand out to Amity who blinked at the outstretched appendage for a moment before smiling and slipping her hand into Luz's, fingers intertwined.
"Let's go!" Luz pulled them along as they ran out of the shop and down the street, both smiling, hand in hand.
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energonbunny · 7 years
First of all, LOVE your blog! Secondly, have any recommendations on Sterek Fanfics?!? I feel like I've read them all but I always need more!!!
Thanks! We’ve been mutuals for a while now and it’s always nice to see you pop up :) I actually have a sideblog entirely dedicated to TW so if you’re looking for a blog that focuses on it then maybe take a look at that, too. @wheredidhiseyebrowsgo is probably the best blog I know when it comes to fic recs/finding fics/etc. so you should give them a follow!
As for Sterek recs, oh geez… So, fun fact, on ao3 I actually have over 700 Sterek works bookmarked! And then I know there’s a ton of little ficlets in my likes on here, too, and really my point is just that there are so many great Sterek works and I will list some of my all time favs in case you haven’t seen them. And I do love all of these but my super-duper faves will have a ★ next to them. I started at the back of my ao3 bookmarks and went in about five pages I figured 25 would be good enough for now, especially since some of them are series so that’s actually more.
★★★He Fucks My Best Friend by mydickisthealpha (667 words, rated M)
“I, for one, would like to vote to keep this as part of all the meetings,” Lydia announces and Stiles flushes scarlet basically everywhere. (My comment: short and funny, Stiles&Derek forget the pack is coming by and are having sex. Scott POV)
★★★As the Lights Go Down by standinginanicedress (62,890 words, rated E)
Stiles is standing there looking bizarre – which maybe isn’t a very nice thing or even a convincing thing to say about a person that Derek’s basically invited over to hook up with (whatever that even fucking means to kids these days) – but he…does. He’s wearing dark jeans, a black hoodie with the hood pulled up so Derek can’t even really see his face aside from his mouth and jawline, and he’s got that metal baseball bat in his fingers again.He looks like he’s come here to literally beat Derek to death.Then, he grins, lifts one shoulder up in a half shrug, and says, “I can’t come in until you invite me.”Derek is mystified enough that all he can say is, “really?” He thought that was a vampire thing.(My comment: AU but they’re all still supes. Stiles is a spark and they are powerful things, him even more so because of plot you should read. standinginanicedress has several good ones you might want to peruse.)
★★★The Domestic Series by thepsychicclam (149,239 words, various ratings)
First work’s description: It’s Saturday night, and Derek Hale is at Toys R Us. Shopping for Leapfrog games. If asked, it wasn’t exactly how he pictured his life. Or his Saturday nights. In which Derek and Stiles have been married for ten years, have two kids, and are planning their five year old’s birthday party.
(My comment: The domestic series is just parent Sterek fluff for the most part and it is absolutely wonderful. Realistic, I think, in the fights that happen and how Stiles&Derek fit together. I love the children.
Also @thepsychicclam has a lot of wonderful works besides this series that should be read if you haven’t but this is definitely my favorite.)
Nothing Short Of Perfect by GotTheSilver (27,019 words, rated E)
In which Derek and Stiles are made aware of their potential and have to make a choice about what their relationship will be.“Let me get this straight,” his dad says. “You’re telling me a witch told Derek and yourself that you could be destined to be together and now Derek will be going to college with you?”Stiles shrugs, resting his hands on his legs to stop himself from fidgeting. “That’s about it, yep.”
★★★My Heart Comes Tumbling Down by DevilDoll (5,689 words, rated E)
“This is a casual, adult relationship based on sex, and it is awesome.” In which Stiles and Derek have a great time buddyfucking until a burrito ruins it all. (my comment: devildoll is one of those I see rarely recced outside of SFiYE [below] and they have some really good other stuff, too)
★★★Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll (76,956words, rated E)
“Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf.” An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
Won’t Do Me No Good Washing in the River by DevilDoll (5,939 words, rated M)
“Remember, Derek: you never get back what you lost.” Story by Devil Doll, artwork by Rahciach, podfic by Jinxy. This story has a happy ending, but please read the tags. (My comment: Angst with a happy ending. Major character death but they are brought back.)
★★★The One with the Napping by Captain_Loki (4,768 words, rated M)
It is a unique and somewhat unhelpful talent, but Stiles can fall asleep anywhere. 
★★★[Sleep]Walking After You by relenafanel (56,551 words, rated M)
Derek is a sleepwalker who keeps wandering into his downstairs neighbour’s bedroom.Stiles is pretty sure the hot guy from the park is going to kill him in his sleep. He knows he shouldn’t have been so obvious about objectifying the guy’s really fine ass.Too bad it turns out Derek is easier to get along with when he’s sleeping.
★★★Play It Again by metisket (63,206 words, rated T)
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself.“Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggests bets have been placed.)”
Hemingway Can Suck It by KuriKuri (10,054 words, rated T)
“For those of you who just transferred into this class or simply decided that day one wasn’t important enough to attend, I’m Professor Hale. Welcome to English 346, The American Novel.”Stiles is pretty sure his mouth is hanging open right now and that his eyes are wide with shock, because holy fuck, he thinks he knows why his students transferred. Hell, if he was still an undergrad, he probably would have transferred, too. (Or: In which Stiles is a Biology professor and Derek thinks he’s a student.)
★★★Baking My Way Into Your Heart by theSilence (178,630 words, rated M)
Derek is an uptight college student, all work and no play. His carefully scheduled life is thrown kilter when his regular barista is replaced with someone new. (My comment: Coffee shop/college AU with slowburn. It’s beautiful.)
★★★The Well of Living Waters by Kalpurna (30,322 words, rated E)
King Derek takes a consort. (My comment: royalty AU. Demisexual Derek although I don’t think it’s explicitly tagged. So good.)
Pretty Human Virgin Boy Comes to the Pond- Feed Him All the Best Heads by Delta_Immortal (49,771 words, rated E)
Stiles knew it was a bad idea to go into the woods, but little did he know his actions would cause the death of everyone around him. Running from the thing that killed Danny, Scott and Stiles stumble upon a pond, which happens to hold a strange man named Derek who floats around in the middle of it. Derek assures them they’re safe now.What appears to be salvation is nothing more than the start of the death of everyone Stiles cares about. The being known as Derek haunts him at every turn, unsatisfied until Stiles succumbs to Derek’s whims. Stiles isn’t sure if that involves sexing him or eating him, and he really doesn’t want to find out.
(My comment: pay attention to the tags! This is not a fluffy Sterek fic; what sex there is in this is basically Derek mind fucking Stiles and possessing him. It’s good, I love it, but definitely heed the tags.)
★★★(Sacred) In the Ordinary by idyll (78,759 words, rated E)
The Pack, after college, graduate school and the starting of careers, comes back to Beacon Hills. Nothing’s gotten less complicated after all this time.Based on a kink meme prompt that grew legs and got serious.Note: This is a whole lot of pack!fic with a very slow build Derek/Stiles. (My comment: I have read this fic like 8 times now. The pack dynamics are wonderful and the gang is all older here, coming back to BH after college. Set after season one)
When the Bough Breaks by The Feels Whale (12,068 words, rated T)
Look, Stiles knows he’s not really part of the pack, but really? He wishes the others aside from Scott and Allison would stay a little more up to date on what’s going on his life beyond how it affects them. (my comment: Stiles adopts a baby. Scott is having a pissing contest w/ Derek over Stiles and Allison so Derek and his pack doesn’t actually know Stiles is adopting a baby. Adorable chaos ensues)
The Time Travelling Werewolf’s Confused Spirit Guide also by The Feels Whale (4,832 words, rated G)
Normally you don’t imagine yourself as living in the dystopian future that hapless time travelers accidentally stumble into.Or: that one where Stiles learns the hard way that reality is not static, time is not a river, and sometimes the way things are is not the way they were supposed to be.
How I Met My Werebunny by Moku (19,873 words, rated T)
“This is going to end in tears,” Scott told Derek while he watched the man easily lifting Stiles’ desk up with one hand and driving nails into the ceiling with the thumb of the other. “Probably mine.”Or:When a Stiles and a Failwolf love each other very much, they’ll engage in a prank war. Basically, it’s a mating ritual for dorks in love.
★★★For better, for worse by Vendelin (13,336 words, rated E)
Derek and Stiles have been married for six years. Derek loves his job as a successful lawyer, loves his financial security and his large house. It isn’t until Stiles gets shot while working that he starts to understand that maybe Stiles isn’t loving their life as much as Derek is.  (My comment: human AU! Stiles is a cop and gets shot in the line of duty. Derek hadn’t noticed they were drifting apart. Realistic with the coming back together & even has couples counseling. Angsty with a fluffy, happy ending.)
★★★the other shoe by stilinskisparkles (4,633 words, rated T)
They’re lounging on Derek’s bed one afternoon, Stiles halfheartedly trying to make headway on an essay, and Derek’s supposedly helping. Instead, Derek’s spent the last eight minutes mouthing lazily at Stiles’ shoulder, and Stiles is five seconds from giving up completely. (My comment: pretty much just fluff.)
★★★Those Are The Days That Bind Us by s_a_m (52,171 words, rated M)
His father wasn’t stupid. He was an officer of the law, trained to look for patterns. He confronted Stiles about werewolves and they shouted and Stiles tried to explain but his father was so, so, so mad, more mad than Stiles had ever seen him, ever in all his life and then his father looked at him and said, “It’s like you’re not my son anymore.”And Stiles broke.(My comment: I love this one. Has some major angst and an unborn baby does die due to a possession kind of thing. But out of all the “Stiles is kicked out of/leaves the pack” things this one is my favorite. I think Stiles’ progression through this is so good. It does have a happy ending but not without a lot of healing on Stiles’ end. Heed the tags.)
Divided We Stand by KouriArashi (156,742 words, rated M)
Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn’t expect and aren’t sure they approve of….
(My comment: This is the first work in The Searching Ceremonies. All of it is A++ and even has wolfcop (Peter/Sheriff Stilinski). It’s all AU and the world is very well developed, plus every part of it is over 100k words. KouriArashi also has a lot of other wonderful works that should be checked out.)
Stilinski’s Home for Wayward Wolves by owlpostagain (35,197 words, rated T)
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.” “There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly. Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding: DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him—Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.(my comment: fairly fluffy and humorous. owlpostagain is one of those that I never see recced and they have some amazing writing.)
here is the deepest secret nobody knows by owlpostagain (22,322 words, rated T)
“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?” (my comment: post s2 and the pack is just starting to come together. lots of pack feels)
will to follow through by owlpostagain (42,411 words, rated T)
“It depends entirely on how you look at it, I guess,” Stiles shrugs. “On the one hand, instant healing and the apparently inherited ability to pull off leather at all times. On the other, serious attitude problems and a suspicious disappearance of eyebrows.”“Even Derek’s?” Danny snorts, “that’s a lot of eyebrow to lose.”“I know,” Stiles agrees. “You should see, it’s so weird. Every time I want to ask him where they go, except he’d totally eat my face off.”“There are worse ways to die.” (my comment: Danny&Lydia&Stiles ultimate friendship post season 2. So good.)
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The Bookshop
A boy sat next to me. We were trapped in the middle row of the peculiarly clean van. Apparently the university had decided that it would be mortifying for them to have six freshmen sit in a dirty van, despite the fact that each of these six freshmen had already paid their first college bill, and could care less about the cleanliness of a vehicle. Regardless of the van’s state, the boy, who will be called David, and I sat in silence. David and I found ourselves on a desolate island, unable to join in with conversations with companions that sat in the front and back seats. The curse of the middle row loomed over me, yet David appeared to be complicit with the current predicament. He simply stared out of the tinted window, scanning the pointed blades of grass and the pale houses with mahogany eyes. Wires connected David from his phone to his ears, and I became an unintentional audience to the muffled cadences of heavy metal and guitar ballads. I shifted in the gray, velvety seat, glancing at my companions in front of me. In the front row sat the guardians of the door. The first ones in, the first ones to escape the confines of the van. Two blonde girls chittered over Instagram blogs on their phones. They squeaked with delight at the news of rebooted TV shows, and laughter erupted when they read the words of an unfortunate and outspoken political analyst.
“What’s so funny back there?” Our driver piped up, amused by the girls’ jeers. She was a senior at the university, yet she constantly confessed her disappointment in how she looked like a twelve year old. Which, in my mind, was a reasonable complaint. She wasn’t tall, about 5′3″. She had a plain complexion, but many people had commented that her beauty was found within her wide smile. A round, dimpled face glanced through the mirror to take a look at the jittering girls. Her blue eyes faced the road with complete concentration, even though the road was as straight as a line and as smooth as marble. 
“They’re just laughing about boys,” The driver’s companion explained, pushing her glasses up to the bridge of her nose, “Maybe they’re laughing at David’s Instagram”. The front seat companion turned to look at the girls, and glanced at David. Flick was what we called her. An old childhood nickname, Flick had told us.
“I had big, buggy eyes as a kid,” She had added, opening her eyes wide to exaggerate the size. “Everyone called me ‘Flick’ because I looked like that ant from ‘Bug’s Life’”.  
The front section of the van chatted and laughed as they exchanged stories. Due to our status of “middle section”, David and I had been excluded from the conversation. Again, David was unconcerned with the lack of attention. I sat there, listening to the stories the front section told. In a way, I yearned to offer some input, yet, my nature as an observer led me to silence. Whispers from the back of the van caught my attention. A plump, brown haired girl leaned over to her tall, tan friend. She spoke mainly in whispers, while her friend spoke loudly and clearly. The yin and yang of the backseat. The plump girl was whispering earnestly about our destination. 
“I wonder what kind of books they’ll have!” She whispered excitedly, “I hope they’ll have some really good romance novels!” Her friend roared in laughter. It was not a vicious roar, but a friendly, amicable laugh.  “I’m sure they will,” She spoke loudly, “Most people give away romance books. Are you looking for the ones that have the stereotypical chiseled, long-haired man on the cover?” The plump girl blushed and nodded. The friends erupted into laughter. 
I feel that this is an appropriate time to focus on the boisterous friend in the backseat. The tall, tan friend of the romance-inclined freshman. The girl’s name was Caroline. And Caroline was a witch. 
“Hello, my name is Caroline!” Hand extended, golden eyes staring at me. I took the hand.  “Nice to meet-” I started, grinning at the prospect of a new friend “I’m a practicing witch!” 
Caroline intrigued all of us. She consistently talked about things she did, witchy things specifically. A bag full of tarot cards, stones, and astrology books only fueled our curiosity of her, yet she told us the bare minimum. Witches must keep their secrets. 
The van swerved with a jolt.  “Sorry sorry sorry” The driver apologized to us quickly, grimacing as she almost missed the cracked driveway. We had pulled out of the marble smooth streets into a pothole-filled, cement parking lot. I glanced out of the window. The sky had gone gray; a storm was brewing. The bookstore had cardboard signs in the windows that read, “Donate Books Here!”. Yellow paint chipped away from the side of the building. It was a dismal sight. I tended to have high and illogical expectations for certain places. Personally, I had expected a small, brick bookshop that had an old, withering, kind man to recommend books that we did not necessarily want, but needed. Clearly, I had been mislead by my wistfulness. Despite the exterior, warm lights emitted from the store’s windows, enticing our group to enter.
“We’re here!” Flick exclaimed, unbuckling her seatbelt. Quickly, she jumped out of the van, leaving the driver to grab their shared purse full of university money. Flick flung open the van’s double doors, a wide grin plastered onto her face. The two blonde girls in the first row scrambled out, still giggling about blogs. Next, David departed our isolated middle island. I followed him, stepping down onto the ripped up pavement. Thunder rung out in the distance. Flick and the driver looked expectantly at us.  “Well, come on!” They began to rush inside, despite the fact that the romantic freshman and the witch were still exiting the van. We all exchanged confused glances, with the exception of David, who was still listening to his guitar ballads. 
“Come on guys!”  We hurried after them, dodging the raindrops that had begun to fall. 
The bookstore was a quaint place. Our group of college students barreled through the glass doors, granting us cross looks from the teenager at the counter. Her hair was pulled tightly into a bun, her tight lips pursed in irritation. I flashed an apologetic smile at her as we tracked water and grime onto the cream tile floor. The driver waddled in front of us, wiping her hands on the front of her hoodie. 
“Alright,” She began as we lined ourselves up in front of her, like privateers facing their captain. “I’d say we have about an hour here before we move on to our next stop. So, start looking for books you might want, and don’t worry about the price. The university’s going to pay for it”.  I rolled my eyes. Of course the one time the university was going to help pay for any books would be when they didn’t need to help pay at all. I shrugged it off. A free book was a free book.  The group dispersed. David walked quickly to the back of the shop, passing rows and rows of a variety of books. It seemed he had a plan, but, of course, it was none of my business as to what he was looking for. The two blonde haired girls sauntered towards the fiction section, making side comments on the covers of books they passed. The romantic brunette shyly made her way towards the romantic fiction row. She stopped occasionally at different sections to fake an interest. I walked down the rows, studying the labels written in marker. The witch followed me, but not too closely. She glanced at the labels as well, narrowing her agate eyes. We passed labels that read, “Shakespeare, Poems, Old Literature” and “Horror, Fantasy, Sci-Fi”. I stopped, looking at the science fiction section. Caroline stopped too, scanning up and down the rows.  “Looking for something?” I asked her awkwardly. We hadn’t talked much at all. She smiled, and looked back at the labels, pushing hair behind her ears.  “Just some astrology books,” The witch answered, “But, I honestly doubt they have a section for that”. A label appeared in my mind. It had been small, written in green marker, sitting at the very top of a past row. I glanced back at her.  “I think I saw some,” I told her, shoving my hands in my pockets to keep them from fidgeting, “it was back at the front. It might’ve been the astrology section. I, um, I could be wrong though”. Caroline raised an eyebrow, looking me up and down. She grinned and uttered a simple “thanks”. The witch turned on her heel, and walked back towards the front of the store. Quickly, she disappeared into an aisle of books. 
I turned back to face the aisle in front of me. Browsing the variety of books, I found that there seemed to be no organization method. Terry Pratchett was mixed in with Star Trek novellas, while Neil Gaiman was spread out within the likes of Dean Koontz and Stephen King. I took a step back, trying to focus on individual titles in a sea of monsters, spaceships, and dragons. Finally, I took hold of a Neil Gaiman, but to my disappointment, found the words “Sequel” written in bright yellow print. Sighing, I returned the novel to the shelf. I left the aisle, deciding that I wasn’t in the mood to walk through haunted houses, or to slay dragons. 
Silently, I glided to the next row of misplaced books. A label, written in bright red marker, read “Sexuality and Gender”. Quickly, I looked around me, a slight blush coming to my face, and entered the aisle of books. I was met with instruction manuals on explicit sexual positions, gender studies done by professionals, and a pitiful LGBTQ+ section. I stared at the minuscule section. Five dusty books sat on a shelf that had barely been touched. I almost felt compelled to grab one of them, to let it see the light of day, or at least feel the touch of a hand. I decided against it. I had only known the people in the van for about two days at this point. “Nobody needs to know that about me,” I thought to myself. A witch suddenly crossed my mind, flashing a toothy grin. “Well, not yet, at least” 
I left the section, heading towards the broadly labeled “Fiction” section. Most of the books I had seen had already been fictional, so I wondered why there was a need to label anything at all. At least this section was organized by author, so all of the Adams and Agards stayed together, while all of the Koontzs and Kingsolvers mingled by themselves. I moved up and down the rows, scanning for titles that caught my eyes. A’s passed. B’s passed. C’s, D’s, and E’s passed by too. Nothing seemed interesting. A pit formed in my stomach. I had always loved reading. It was one of my favorite things to do. Yet, I couldn’t find anything that sparked an interest. Fueled with panic, I snatched a book at random. The worn, burgundy book was creased and stained. White cursive lettering adorned the front of the novel. I flipped through the book. The musty aroma of the yellowing pages wafted through the air. I glanced at the description. An appraiser stumbles upon a manuscript dating back centuries. The manuscript holds secrets and dangers within it. Can the heroine stop whatever is coming? Can she trust the man who offers to help her? What will happen? I shrugged, tucking the book into the crook of my arm. “I’ll take you out of here,” I mumbled to the book. “Even if I don’t read you, my shelf’s a lot cleaner than this one”. The book crinkled in gratitude. I continued my search. If the university was going to pay for the books, I’d be damned if I didn’t get more than one. I found the front row blonde girls. They each had a copy of the same book gripped in their hands. One of them held a phone up to both of the books, and took a photo.  “I’m gonna tag you in this” One of them remarked happily. The other girl grinned, and gave her friend a username. I slipped behind them, and continued to search for another novel. 
It wasn’t long before I became acquainted with an old friend. The Poisonwood Bible glimmered in a mix of books. I smiled, remembering the summer I had spent scouring the pages of the Kingsolver novel. The traversal of the Congo with the Price family had been one of the best journeys I had had in recent memory, even if I had only gone on it because of required summer reading. This time was different, however. I could pick out whatever I wanted, without worrying about a report or project to do. It was decided immediately, then, that I would delve back into Kingsolver’s novels. A sand-colored novel whispered to me from the shelf. The Lacuna was a five hundred and seven page novel about a writer from Mexico. I tucked the novel on top of the burgundy book. Satisfaction wafted over me. Two should be enough, for now at least. I had plenty of other books waiting at home, but I was sure that none of them would mind some additional company. 
The two blonde girls arrived at the counter first, each of them clutching their one book. Flick proceeded to get out her wallet. David bounded up behind them, gripping three books close to his chest. He still had his earbuds in, an eternal audience to guitars. The romantic brunette found us gathered near the register. Blushing, she cleared her throat, and plopped her purchases face down on the counter. I placed my books down next, unnecessarily keeping a wary eye on them. 
“Has anyone seen Caroline?” The driver asked, looking around at the group. Everyone shrugged and mumbled a collective “no”. 
“Wait!” Caroline’s voice boomed from across the store. “I’m coming!” Suddenly, she bounded up to the counter, holding six large astrology books in her arms. The books slammed onto the counter. The cashier, with her tight bun, narrowed her eyes at the witch, who returned with a smile. 
“Sorry I took so long,” She sheepishly apologized to us. “It was hard to narrow down what I wanted” 
“It’s alright,” Flick said, “We weren’t waiting too long” The beeps of the register silenced them.  “That’ll be sixty eight dollars and forty five cents” The cashier informed us in a monotoned voice. Our driver, almost reluctantly, handed the cashier the money, and instructed us to take our books. A frenzy of hands appeared on the counter, followed by muffled “sorry”, “excuse me”, and “That’s mine!”. 
Rain poured down on the van. Our group huddled together under the entrance of the bookstore. 
“Okay, let’s just go,” The driver sighed at the rain. “It’s unlocked, so as soon as you get there, just-” 
We all tucked our books inside our coats, with the exception of Caroline, who bolted frantically towards the van in an effort to keep her books dry. The rest of us followed. David and I slid into the middle row of the van, isolated once again. The van was full of cold and wet college students, each of them clutching a book in their arms. The driver looked back at us, remarked on how happy she was to see so many books, and turned the key in the ignition. The van sputtered to life, and began to roll out of the parking lot. I glanced back at the bookstore. The yellow paint still peeled from the walls, and the lights flickered from the inside, yet, it was missing a few books. I glanced down at the crinkled and ragged books I had saved, and looked back at the decrepit shop.  “Well,” I thought, “It’s probably for the best” 
-Morgan Shepherd 
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