#it wouldn't let me do a cut on mobile anymore
catgirlwarrior · 10 months
GUYS help does anyone have that post w the advice about getting a whole house clean asap??
I can't find it and I need to get my disaster of a living area in presentable and also preferably VERY NICE condition before this coming Saturday because I'm hosting a cast party that pianoman will be at and my hopeless Simp ass wants to impress him. I also intend to use the clean and refreshed house to try and boost my mental health going into the dark of winter/the hell of my final semester, and to get rid of any last remains of the depression I was feeling last year over gunkbitch.
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mistymisfit · 1 month
So long, Marianne IV
Summary: Reader is a spy working undercover in Gotham when she meets Jason Todd, who despite her better judgement she forms a very close friendship with. This story follows their escape from Arkham asylum, their fall out and the times they run into each other as they get older.
Warnings: mentions of sex (but nothing smutty happens), mentions of past torture and sa!!, also one mention of Jason pushing reader's hair back but that's all that's said, no texture or anything specified.
Word Count: 4,1K
a/n: told myself i'd stop posting this series on tumblr and keep it only on ao3 but whatever, i'm having writer's block so idc
Read on ao3
Masterlist - Mobile masterlist
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Your first thought is "what are we even doing anymore?" It's great to have him back in your life, but what the fuck is going on? Ever since you worked things out with him after what happened in Gotham, you started to sneak and meet him in secret. First, it was random hotels until he bought a few safe houses in the city. You never went to the same place twice. The safe houses would always switch after a while, he'd sell them and replace them. Out of the current ones, there was one of them uptown, then the other was downtown, and the third one was near the harbors.
You've been doing this for months, secretly meeting him in the dead of night every once in a while, and it'd always end up the same way. You see him, you get overwhelmed with how much you missed him and cry, then he'd wipe your tears off, and you'd sleep with him and leave. Frankly, you were growing a bit tired of it. He wasn't honest to you most of the time, wouldn't even tell you what he did when he was not with you. It didn't matter how great he was, it was exhausting being pushed away this much.
The first time you met him like this you cried, telling him all about how sorry you were for yelling at him like that, for saying all those things to him and leaving so cruelly. And he'd say he was sorry about locking you up and that he was a jerk- you agreed on that. To be fair, you were both wrong; you put yourself in danger going to Gotham that day, but it didn't give him the right to behave like that.
"Let go of me!" You had screamed when he picked you up, carrying you over his shoulder. "I swear to God, Ja-"
He cuts you off with a grunt before you can say his name. You trashed and kicked, but it was no match against his strength. Using your powers was out of the question, freezing him would only make it harder to escape his grasp. In between you cursing and yelling at him, he managed to walk to the military car so he could throw you into the backseat.
"Is this your fucking plan?" You were yelling as he opened the door "Have you lost your mind? You are giving him exactly what he wanted!"
"Shut the fuck up," He whispered angrily, putting a gloved hand over your mouth and hovering over you as you laid on your back. You looked around to see his men on the front seats quickly averting their gaze from you two. Of course, it was all about questioning his authority in front of them, it was fragile like that. "I don't want you to get hurt, so they're going to take you somewhere safe"
You took his hand off your face before saying "And I thought you were making decisions for yourself. Can't you see you're still his puppet? Just stop-"
"Enough, you are leaving. Now" You watched as one of his hands searched something in his pockets, handcuffs. It almost made you want to roll your eyes.
"Ja- Wait, what are you- stop it" You kicked him, trying to get out of his grasp "you're a fucking idiot, you're so brainwashed you can't see you're playing right into his trap"
"Quit it"
"Quit it? Let go of me!" You shrieked as he managed to bound your wrists behind your back. Then the anger got to you and you lowered your voice before you could say the meaner things you could come up with "You never left Arkham, huh? Figured I forgot a part of you there, left your humanity behind"
"Yeah, I'm a real monster sweetheart" He scoffs, and even over the modulated voice, you can tell the hurt in his voice, how much your words were affecting him. It made you feel bad for a second until you remembered how he was treating you.
"Clearly, you're not the person I thought you were." That's the last thing you say to him before he knocks his helmet against your head, rendering you unconscious so you wouldn't escape and ruin his plans.
You woke up with a killer headache and no idea how long you've been out or where you were. What you do know is that you're laying down on a mattress on the floor, no longer handcuffed and with an ice pack on your forehead right were Jason hit you. As you gradually regained consciousness, you started to check your whereabouts before you could move again. The room was dark, had no windows, and looking at the walls, you realized you were at some old, run down abandoned place. Panic quickly washed over you as you checked the state of your clothing; nothing was wrong with it, and you left out a sigh of relief.
You could hear voices outside, not outside the door but a bit further away. Moving as silently as you could, you walked towards the voices, going down a set of stairs and hiding behind a pile of wooden boxes as you tuned into the conversation a few meters away from you. It seemed to be some sort of weapon exchange, as most of you could make out of what they were saying was about either guns or ammo. You could only see the backs of some of Jason's men and not who they were talking to, but you recognized that voice as soon as you heard it. You took a step back, unknowingly knocking over some things and not being able to react and freeze them on time due to the shock. You'd drawn their attention to you now; neither Jason's nor Harley's goons were as fast as her to react.
"You!" She exclaimed in that high-pitched voice of hers, your heart felt heavy in your chest as it felt tighter and tighter and harder to get the air in and out of your lungs. You could feel the acid traveling from your stomach to your mouth and had to swallow down the need to puke."All grownup, Arkham's little princess!"
She kept talking as she walked closer to you, you shook your head saying no, unable to get any word out of pure fear; it had been years since you had felt that helpless. "Ah, you always healed so fast, not a scar on your pretty face, besides you know...that" Her cold fingers traced the tiny scar on the apple of your right cheek before you weakly pushed her hand off.
Your fingers went to your cheekbone, covering over the area you healed all those years ago, Jason didn't know about it. He didn't need to know about the acid burn scar you would have on your face had it not been for your powers.
"You used to be my cutesy dress up doll!"She laughed, grabbing a strand of your hair and twirling it "Remember when you wore my outfits? You looked so adorable!"
Then you remembered you were no longer tied up or keeping a cover or that you haven't been Marianne for a while. So with any and all the strength you could find, you raised your fist and delivered a swift and highly trained blow to her face. The silence that followed was deafening; the militia men were well instructed and had orders not to let anything happen to you, so they were ready to stop the situation from escalating. Stopping Harley's company from getting involved. She spat out blood and smiled, her twisted smile made your stomach turn once more. But you were free, or at least freer, so you grabbed one of her ponytails and smashed her head to the concrete wall. No longer putting up with the torture she put you through.
"What's wrong?" She teased, laughing through it "Didn't cha' miss me too? Cause I sure did! How much fun was it when I nailed your hand to-"
You let go of her hair only to push her away, making her stumble a few steps from you "Shut up, shut the fuck up!"
Then it's her laugh, that wicked, overly exaggerated high laugh that made you launch yourself again at her to fight her before you're stopped, dragged back by someone. You look up to see his expressionless helmet. He's been here this whole time? Didn't matter as you immediately started wriggling, trying to get out of his hold.
"Heal her" He ordered you, you jerk your arm out of his hand and take a few steps back, almost tripping. What? You looked up at him with eyes brimmed with tears begging to be shed and scared at how much he reminded you of him at that moment. It was like you went straight back to your captors, forcing you to heal and slow down his disease.
"No." your voice came out so low and shaky that you almost cringed at yourself.
"Stop causing me so much trouble and fix her face"
"You will not speak to me like that"
"I'll speak however I want, now do as you're told" He grabbed your face harshly; he didn't like the look in your eyes at all, or the fact that he successfully scared you into doing something you didn't want to. A whine escaped your lips as he gripped your jaw tighter, and only eased up once your eyes lit up. He could already feel the guilt eating him up, but his mind was dead set on carrying on with his revenge.
"Harley get you and your people the fuck outta here" He orders, before giving his men the same command. To leave you two alone.
"Gladly," She scoffs, holding her no longer broken nose "it was good to see ya' again"
"You're working with her?" you recriminated, shoving him and getting out of his grip once she left
"She works for me."
"Don't you dare touch me," you stepped back, raising your arms defensively when he tried to reach out for you "you heard her, you know what she did-"
"I'm using her, it's part of a plan"
"Did this big plan of yours really need her?" You sighed, wiping the tears that fell down your face; again, you found yourself crying over the same thing. Something you thought you had pushed down years ago. His silence gave you all the answers you needed
"Fine, I'm leaving"
"Wait a-" His hand caught your wrist.
"Let go of me," You struggled out of his hold "I don't even know who the fuck you are anymore. Working with her, all of them, you really are just one of the people you used to chase"
He opened his mouth to say something, not that you would know under the mask, but stopped when you added one last thing before you left. "You're just like him, and killing Batman won't fix the shell of a man you are"
Jason regretted what he did, his revenge plan didn't seem as important when he broke down after being unable to kill Bruce. He had him, but he didn't manage to pull it off. He lamented it especially when he needed you so badly to tell him it'd be okay and he wasn't a failure but you wouldn't, and now he'd probably lost that comfort forever due to his own doing.
He thought very differently. From his point of view, he was coming to you whenever he needed a decent sleep. It seemed this was the only way he could get at least an hour of useful rest, he thought fucking you was a way of making you hate him less. Maybe if he made you feel good, then you'd let him get close. It was his very fucked up way of saying he was sorry. This was the routine until tonight when he showed up incredibly injured, talking about some black mask character-- whoever that was. He had broken a few ribs and his nose; his body was poorly stitched in multiple places, and you were sure he had more wounds than those he admitted. It was a miracle he managed to leave Gotham to see you. Despite his insistence on being okay and that he was not in pain, you got to healing him.
"You have-"He whispers, wiping the blood off your nose.
"Oh it happens sometimes," You brush it off, taking the tissue from him. "do you feel better?"
"Mhm, thanks" He nods, cupping the back of your head with his hand and pushing you into a kiss.
"Wait, you should rest" You sighed "I haven't healed you completely "
"I know-" He smirks, kissing you again.
"Jay, I don't want to" You put your hand on his chest, trying to get some distance.
He sighs getting away from you and sitting as far as he could on the couch. Even if he was pissing you off, you've grown to appreciate seeing him in casual clothes. Right now, he was wearing a (way too tight) black shirt, his cargo pants as well as his boots were also black. He'd lost the leather jacket the second he walked through the door of the safe house, the safe house he'd bought to be able to meet you. You knew that with Jason you had to take what you could get, so you cherished seeing him dress like a normal person for the actual weather and not being covered from head to toe. You sigh back, rolling your eyes, and crawling to his side.
"Can't we just talk?" You whisper, tracing circles on his chest and hoping he wouldn't just get up and leave.
"Talk? " He chuckles in disbelief "What do you want to talk about?"
"I don't know, anything" You shrug, but a smile creeps up your lips when he turns to see you.
"How was your day at work?" He teases, knowing you wouldn't tell him about that.
"Ugh," You complain, but when you try to get away from him he is fast to grab you and pull you flush to his chest "Jason, is this all that you want from me?"
"What do you mean?" He lets go of you enough so you can put your arms on him to prop yourself up to look him in the eye.
"Sex, Jay" You sigh exasperated "Do you visit me just 'cause you want to get laid?"
He's taken aback by your question; you wanted more from him? Also, is that what you think of him? And on your side, you can't decipher his expression. Sometimes you miss being 16 and knowing exactly what went through his mind. He used to be so easy to read, now it's like he's purposely closing off any and all information he didn't want to give to you willingly. You had your suspicions that he'd come see you just because it was easier for him than letting some random girl see his scars, you even doubted he went out at all for the very same reason. You figured maybe it was easier to let his guard down with you since you had already seen the worst of him and been through the same. Maybe it was just convenient that he was still in touch with his high school sweetheart.
He shakes his head no, regretting giving you that impression. His cheeks blushed thinking he was to blame for it, remembering how he broke into your apartment that night. He intended to apologize, in between his new activity as Red Hood, he'd found the time to search for you in Bludhaven like he was originally meant to before you found him first. He stood on the roof of a building in front of yours for weeks before he actually tried to contact you, going over and over again if you'd even want to know anything from him. Eventually, he grew a pair, missing you far outweighed the shame he felt.
"Shit," You cursed when you saw him standing on your apartment "you can't be here"
He was disappointed by your reaction, yet he knew he should be grateful you weren't greeting him with a punch to his face. He opened his mouth to speak, but you immediately signaled him to stop. You looked around for a pen and paper and wrote down: meet me at the Harborview plaza 3 streets down. I'll get a room and leave the window open for you.
He agreed with a silent nod and left through your window, he made his way to where you told him to meet you. Jason knew he was in no position to question you and ask why wouldn't you want him in your apartment. He clearly knew where you lived, so keeping that a secret wasn't an issue. He expected yelling, cursing; Jason knew you never held back any words when mad at him. While overthinking your skittish behavior, he finally sees you open the window on a seventh floor. Of course, you couldn't have made it easy and asked for a room on the first floor, but then again he was the one taking you to the top of Gotham's skyscrapers so you could marvel at the view when you were 16.
"You shouldn't have gone there, we don't know if they're listening" You explained as soon as he came in through the window.
"I-uh,sorry" He's had months to think about what to say to you, but now that you're in front of him he's at a loss for words. No speech he had prepared came to his aid. "I didn't think about that"
He reaches for his bike helmet, undoing the buckle under his chin so he could drop it and see you. Or mainly so you could see him, maybe it was selfish of him, but he wanted someone to see him, look him in the eye and not be scared of him. Jason wanted to know if he could still count on you for that.
"I'm so sorry," You started to sniff as soon as you saw his face, wiping the tears with the sleeves of your sweater "I never should've said those things to you"
"No, I'm sorry"He finally took a step closer to you, pulling you in for a hug "I'd never forgive me if I were you"
"I don't think you're like him at all, I'm sorry I told you that" Your cries turned into sobbing, and suddenly you couldn't hold back any emotion anymore as you set the waterfalls of your eyes free. It was like a dam broke when you saw him, and everything you've been pushing down was now out in the open and you couldn't control it. He let you cry into his chest, wrapping his arms around you and rubbing your back to comfort you. After a while, when the sobbing didn't seem to calm down, he guided you to sit on the bed. Wiping the tears from your face with his thumbs. Kneeling down in front of you, he told you to take deep breaths, helping you relax.
"Baby," he whispered, kissing your knee over the jeans you wore "I keep fucking everything up with you, can you forgive me?"
You nodded, still tearing up and opening up your arms, so he'd come up and hug you. He does so, pushing your back to the bed and laying on top of you in the process. You're about to say you're sorry again when he kisses you. He stops, giving you a second to tell him to fuck off and looking for a response in your eyes. Lucky for him, you understood his silent question and nodded as your fingers ran through the back of his hair, and he lowered himself once more to kiss you saying, "I'm sorry, I'll never do that again to you"
So with Jason finding himself sleeping and waking up with more energy, your little rendezvous started. He's only realizing now that he has been giving you a wrong impression all this time. He sighs before, in a rare flash of vulnerability, he tells you what he thinks.
"I've been trying to make it up to you," his eyes dart to the floor, he's got every right to still be embarrassed about kidnapping you and what he made you do "make you hate me less"
The closest he's been to opening up like this was that one time when he had you wrapped under his arms, your skin touching his, and the question slipped from his overworked mind through his lips: "Are you scared of me?" You shook your head no, pressing a kiss to his scarred chest as you drifted off asleep. "No, no I'm not. We're okay," you had mumbled in response.
"I don't hate you, Jay" Music to his ears, he even contemplates asking you to say it again
"But you cry every time we meet"
"I-" You don't want to admit he has a great point, besides now that you think about it, this is the first time you ever said no to him "I have my reasons, besides you cry too, does that mean you hate me?"
"No" He defends himself, damn it, he thought he was hiding it well "I could never hate you, I love you no what ifs"
You smiled sweetly; that was what you said to him once. Many many years ago, when he was still Robin, it felt you were both completely different people from that distant memory where you told him "I love no what ifs, Jay". He had laughed then, now you doubted he would ever be that joyful again.
"Come on, you used to tell me everything," You encourage him "tell me something, anything"
"Anything?" He pushes your hair back, and you nod eagerly "You don't look like a Marianne, or a Penny, or any of your other aliases"
"Really?" You raise an eyebrow in fake disbelief, you never felt those names suited you anyways"Does my real name fit me better?"
"Yes," He whispers with his hand cupping your cheek. Even if your situation is not the best or what he'd hoped for when you first met, he's still glad to have you around. Sometimes, he remembers all the dreams and plans he had and holds back from scoffing when he recalls how he already made his world spin around you before you even kissed.
"You know," Now your hand caresses his scarred cheek "my offer still stands, I can try to get rid of your scar if you want to"
He blinks, not knowing how to take your words. Did it bother you? Did it make you like him less? He takes your hand off his face, and with that, he withdraws the hand in yours. Your expressions turns sadder, he can tell, so instead, he opts to deflect the conversation as he usually does.
"Can I ask you something?" He changes the subject, and you nod, allowing him to do so even if it's exhausting at this point "Would you ever want to get out?"
"Jay-" you sigh, knowing where this conversation is headed. You couldn't leave with him, no matter how badly you wanted to. "You know I can't"
"I asked if you wanted, not if you could" He insists, secretly hoping you give him the answer he expects. Give him a sign of how important he is to you, he'd drop his Red Hood persona in a second if you asked. He's learned his lesson after being the knight, and he's been trying to redeem himself by taking out the bad guys in Gotham instead of working with them.
"Of course I want to but-"
"We could find a way out, I-" he doubts but decides to push through "want more than this"
"Hm, you want me to be your real girlfriend?" you hum, your expression softening and your shoulders relaxing as you played with his hair, him leaning into your touch which he finally learned to enjoy. "You'll finally take me out on a real date?"
"Yes, everything," He closed his eyes, relaxing even more. His tone also weakened, becoming almost a pathetic whimper as he made promises to you "whatever you want"
"You'll be honest with me?" You question, your free hand going to the other side of his face, making him look at you.
"Yes, I promise" He replies, holding your gaze "We'll work something out"
"Okay, I'll get you as much information as I can." You nodded, maybe you could hold onto the hope that he'd put his brain and abilities to good use and he could find the way out that you couldn't. Maybe two heads can think better than one alone.
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ninjadudettekira · 2 years
Albedo isn't an evil Ben Tennyson, in this essay-
Fuck it the essay is being written cause I'm still seeing people claim he's an evil Ben Tennyson and I'm here to debunk that. (Aka Allie saw a tweet when she originally typed this out, they're entitled to their opinion but they're wrong lmao. No hate to said person tho.) So buckle the fuck up because this is long. Essay under the cut (If you’re on laptop, I think on mobile it doesn’t have 'keep reading’ thing.) 
Aight so: -Alien Force: 
What canon states is the fact that Albedo make his own knock off Omnitrix. And it was stated that Albedo didn't want Ben to have it because he was human and 'unworthy', so he made his own and got stuck with Ben's DNA. Azmuth himself even states that all Albedo wanted to do was restore himself to his original form.
Azmuth decided to keep Albedo in the form he was in because of rebellion and the fact he "put others in danger" and "wanted to use it in his own ways."
So here's the thing. In Good Copy, Bad Copy we only know about Albedo going after Forever Knights, which we've seen time and time again get their ass kicked by Ben. As far as we know that was the only thing Albedo was doing, he wasn't hurting anyone besides them. Once he came across the trio, he really only went after Ben.
Sure he foamed Gwen and Kevin to the wall to get them out of the battle, but he really only fought Ben and left the other two alone for the most part. Albedo knew who Ben was, if he was "evil" wouldn't he have gone after actual civilians using Ben's form? No all he was trying to do was fix his fuck up.
And what did Albedo get for it? Going to prison while trapped in human DNA. Yeah no shit he decided to work with Vilgax after that point, during The Final Battle and no shit he became bitter. (Altho Ben really couldn't do anything to help Albedo let's be real here. He was dealing with the Highbreed shit and needed to keep the Omnitrix.)
Albedo also, for whatever reason, was kinda against the idea of going after Ben's friends until Vilgax explained. Probably so the audience knew why that happened I guess idk. But he was more indifferent towards it all, and questioned why they were going after Gwen and Kevin. He probably did it because he thought it was gonna lead to him becoming a Galvan again. (And come on only tying Gwen and Kevin up? Y'all can do better than that.) He'd do whatever it took to get his Galvan body back, and since they were Ben's friends it was fine going after them.
-Ultimate Alien: 
AND AFTER BEN'S IDENTITY WAS REVEALED ALBEDO DIDN'T REALLY DO SHIT. So like Ben's entire villain gallery came to Bellwood to go after Ben's family, but all Albedo did was make Ben 10 Live. He even says so in Double or Nothing that he's been doing it since being stranded after Vilgax's ship blew up. And we can assume money went towards getting the parts for the machine to turn him back to Galvan. Tell me would an evil character be a fucking theater nerd???
EVEN WHEN HE WAS GALVAN DURING THAT EPISODE HE SAID HE WASN'T GOING AFTER BEN ANYMORE. He had what he wanted. He was confused that Ben still thought he was going to go after him after being Galvan again. All he wanted was to not be stuck as a human anymore, and when he had that he was going to leave and never see Ben again....until that was fucked up. Of course Albedo's gonna fight Ben after that point. He wasn't going to take it out on Hugh after that whole explanation on why Hugh lied to the trio. So Ben got the brunt of that. Did Ben deserve that? Probably not.
Hell even BEN HIMSELF was happy for a second there that Albedo was cured, and genuinely felt bad when Albedo revealed the motivations behind the machine. Yeah Ben seemed like he was about to murder Albedo at the end there with Ultimate Echo Echo but he was NOT doing okay during UA let's be real. (That's also another whole essay but that's also based on other people talking about how Ben got darker during UA. There was a justifiable reason that Ben went straight to thinking of murdering Kevin after his 3rd mutation and I kinda get it. But again that's another essay that I gotta find sources for since other people talked about it and I can't remember who did.)
Night of the Living Nightmare all we know was that Albedo wanted to stick the Dream Eater on Ben. Probably as a way to steal the Ultimatrix but all he had to do was knock Ben out for a bit and take it. It's easily removable, he of all people should know that. He also has Ben's voice so it really shouldn't have been that hard, but I guess Albedo wanted Ben to suffer like he did.
(Side note before I get into this, I was typing this on my phone and when I app switched to do research on an episode the fucking app reset and I lost all my Omniverse talk so gdi here we go with a retype of that section.)
Alright so we're gonna tackle Omniverse Albedo. I know I usually don't touch OV Al with a 10 foot pole and chalk it up to "Bellicus and Serena fucked up the universe when they reset it" but that's a cop out without explanation so we're explaining.
Aight so the first time in OV we see Albedo is a flashback episode (Trouble Helix) where he's working with Azmuth, and he's indirectly the cause of Malware getting more powerful. In the episode he's more indifferent towards Ben than anything, and very respectful towards Azmuth. He's more concerned if Ben could defeat Malware later on and asks Max if Ben's able to do so. When Malware is supposedly defeated, Albedo kinda sticks it in Ben's face when Ben gloats about defeating him. Nothing really too bad, or anything to indicate that he hated Ben. Hell he wasn't even against Ben wearing the Omnitrix at the point? Something had to have snap, but nothing tells us that.
Next time in OV we see Albedo, it's him changing places with Ben cause of Khyber in The Ultimate Heist (How did Albedo work with Khyber? Who the fuck knows, plot cause there's no explanation for it.) Albedo is able to pull off acting like Ben for a few days because he acts how Rook wants Ben to act so he's none the wiser. (Which that's a whole other essay about how people see Ben but other people tackled that.) Then when he was able to get what he wanted, he reveals that it's him. He gets the crystal he needed to stabilize the knock off watch and he can transform again. He's back to being able to become a Galvan, but Albedo ain't leaving after that.
He comes back a few episodes later in A Fistful of Brains and gets Ben to chase him through Undertown so Khyber can kidnap him. Albedo fights Ben later on with the Ultimate Galvan form and goes after Azmuth to get his brain. Ben remarks about why Albedo doesn't just go away because he can be a Galvan again, and Albedo explains it's cause of the imprisonment he faced (either by Azmuth/the Plumbers, or being trapped with human DNA, or both.) and the chili fries craving.
The episode continues into For a Few Brains More where it’s just them trying to get Azmuth’s brain back. At the end of that episode Azmuth traps Albedo as an 11 year old Ben Tennyson. Which btw was a dick move on Azmuth's part, sure Albedo snapped but there could've been other things he did. Azmuth probably remembers what Ben was like at that age, and wanted Albedo to suffer more than he did. (There's a trivia thing about the crew saying that Azmuth would make Albedo a toddler if he had to, which that's fucked. But that's besides the point. I can’t remember where I read it, but I swear I’m not making it up.)
After that we see him in the No Watch Ben episodes. (And Then There Were None/And Then There Was Ben) Vilgax and Eon got all the "bad" Bens together to go after the "good" ones, and Gwen 10. Albedo shouldn't have even been a part of that, he's not even a BAD Ben, just someone who looks like him with a watch that's not a hero. Everyone else was their own version of Ben, or in Gwen's case she had the Omnitrix. 11 Year Old Albedo 100% wasn't thinking clearly working with Vilgax since Vilgax already betrayed him before. *coughTheFinalBattlecough* 11 year olds can't make good decisions like that. But I'm just speculating on why Albedo worked with Vilgax again.
After the No Watch fiasco, he's working with Vilgax a THIRD time In Malgax Attacks after all the betrayals to release Malware's remains. (Which he should know is a bad idea from years prior but kid Albedo probably isn't thinking straight with all the human emotions he's dealing with at that age.) He thinks he killed Azmuth. (I actually haven't seen that episode when writing this so gonna go do that and come back.)  And like a month later I actually get around to seeing the episode. This episode was like near the end of Omniverse, so I guess they wanted one last Albedo episode but had no clue what to do with him so we got a 3rd partnership with Vilgax and an out of the blue motivation. So basically Albedo's motivation in this episode is to take Azmuth's place and see his 'secrets of the universe'. I- How would Albedo not have known Azmuth's secrets? Granted I think in the Albedo triology, he wanted to be above Azmuth so I don't think the plot came totally out of left field. They worked together on the Omnitrix, Albedo should've known about that stuff??? Also since when did he want to rule Galvan Prime??? What would that accomplish??? I was confused the whole episode about why Albedo was even there. I guess because he knew Galvan Prime’s defenses and could attack it with Vilgax. I never wanted to punt a fictional 11 year old character more. End of the episode he has a concrete guard on his right wrist and shackle on his left leg and was sentenced to clean Galvan Prime from the mess he caused for the next 30 Galvan solar cycles. And that's the end of Albedo in the franchise. He's back on Galvan Prime, but stuck doing community service. (I think people forget that this episode exists since every redemption fic after OV doesn't reference this episode and only references up to the No Watch Ben episodes.)
Okay slightly away from Albedo for a second, but was Malgax REALLY that powerful that Ben was defeated so easily??? Like Ben the Omnitrix can quick change, you can change aliens easily. Despite Skurd being cool, you have more powerful aliens you could've used and you barely tried. Idk I think I just forgot how powerful Malware was since I haven't seen Omniverse in awhile. I don't wanna start a new essay but what the f was that episode? Wasn't bad, and there's good moments but, definitely not on my rewatch list. (Also wasn't worth the amount of effort I had to do to download it since I plan to use it for Albedo edits cause I got ideas.) -Non Canon Things:
In Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks video game, there's this line that I gotta mention: "Is it my fault that I'm stuck looking like you?!... Oh wait it is." In Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction video game all I know is that he was beat with a wrench at the end of the game. In Double Trouble, one of the CN comics from the Action Pack series, he pretends to be Ben and Sandra and Carl 100% believe him till Ben comes home. (Aka Albedo is a little shit.) Albedo gets trapped in a teleporter.
In Double Negative, a chapter book that was put out that took place during AF Season 3, but was non-canon. Guess who Albedo is working with? Fucking Vilgax. I read this book online a few months back, and guess what the plot is? Albedo pretending to be Ben with Julie realizing that something is wrong and getting Gwen and Kevin involved. I just wanna talk about this book for a second, Albedo ends up working with the group to get Ben back. Ben was sent to Incarcecon(? can't remember but he was in prison in Albedo's place I'm guessing? He started a riot and tried to get other prisoners out.) I remember this one joke Albedo made about "Looking like Tennyson" and I think it described him smirking in order to fool Vilgax and genuinely working with Gwen, Kevin, and Julie. They used Kevin's ID mask so Albedo could pretend to be Ben, which was neat ngl. His interactions with the group was actually fun, and omg I wish this was somehow canon. At the end it almost seems like Albedo was turning over a new leaf, but nope it was all a ploy to get Ben's Omnitrix, Azmuth teleports in and puts Albedo back in prison. But for a split second Ben thought Albedo went back to being Galvan, and seemed happy about it.
UAF Albedo and Omniverse Albedo aren't the same. UAF Albedo just wanted his Galvan body back, but OV Albedo snapped and everything that happened was the result of that. Maybe he snapped after he got the Dream Eater stuck on him, and that pushed him over the edge but who knows. He just wanted everyone to pay, even after he had what he wanted. I wouldn't call him "evil" and I hate how the franchise kept treating him as if he was just an "Evil Ben" when Albedo has ALWAYS been his own person. He just wanted to fix his fuck up, but when he couldn't do that took it out on everyone because human emotions be a bitch on your psyche But maybe I just hyperfixate too much on a fictional character.
Btw: This is sorta Azmuth's fault that Albedo snapped. Ben could have done more, but he's a teenager who was dealing with a Highbreed war the time they met again. He probably wouldn't have gone against Azmuth at that point. Azmuth could've turned Albedo back to normal because even he knew Albedo only wanted the Omnitrix to go back to being a Galvan, but instead imprisoned him then turned him into an 11 year old.
And no this isn't a "Albedo did nothing wrong uwu" post. Albedo was 100% at fault for turning himself into Ben, I'm not denying that. As well as making the choices he did, when all he had to do was explain without the lies. We're also only hearing Azmuth's side of things, and of course since Azmuth is "good" we're expected to take his side. We never heard Albedo's side fully because the narrative didn't allow it. The narrative wanted Albedo to be "bad" so that's what we saw. The narrative didn't allow Albedo to fix his fuck up. Kinda sad really, especially how the franchise treated him at the end.
TL;DR: Albedo has never been an evil Ben, but snapped as time went on because everytime he tried to become Galvan again it was always screwed up. And when he finally became Galvan again, wanted to make everyone suffer for the things he was put through and I can’t really blame him.
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rpschtuff · 2 years
Hi Jeanette! There may be an workaround with the switchover from legacy to the new editor for Trim Reblogs that should still work (I haven't tested it as I've been using the new editor for months now) that you could test.
So what matters to Trim Reblogs is the root post of the thread, i.e. the initial post of that thread. So let's say a thread is 20 replies--you want to go back to the starter for that thread. Let's assume, for ease, that Partner A was the one who started it, Partner B replied to it. This would then be Partner A's first post that we are looking for.
Previously, Trim Reblogs just didn't work on legacy posts at all until a recent update to it. A way that I found to go around this was by finding the first post of the thread and editing it using the MOBILE APP EDITOR. Not the browser, the Tumblr mobile app for Android/iOs (in my case, it was iOS). By editing it and changing something small--bolding or italicizing a word was my go-to, you could even just bold or italicize a period or something--it sort of "forced" it back to the NPF style post, and then it would be recognized by Trim Reblogs as the new post format (NPF).
It's something I would test & see if it works to possibly get around some of the issues that happen when you're trying to convert old legacy threads to the new editor & Trim Reblogs just continually glitches out (it happens sometimes).
Also, something to note: unlike with the old xKit, you do not have to have your draft written before you save the post in drafts. You can save it as a draft with nothing in it, cut it, and then work on your post with no issues. It won't randomly post your drafts like the old Editable Reblogs did. (Posting drafts is why I got rid of Editable Reblogs myself, because it was just a no-go for me given how often I switch between drafts).
Thank you so much for your guide! I'm glad to see people switching over to the new editor finally, as it's been... a struggle to deal with not being able to cut posts for months now when I got annoyed with Editable Reblogs.
Thanks for the info! That trick of editing the starter post to switch it to NPF is really helpful for people who don't want to go through all the trouble of moving a thread to a brand new post -- I'll edit my couple of posts to include that. I did edit last night to add that you don't need to have your reply written before using Trim Reblogs anymore. I know that was the case before, but now it seems you can trim at any point, like you said.
About the randomly posting drafts issue -- if that is the same problem I've experienced, you can get around that by switching the save to drafts button to anything else, then back. I wasn't aware of this being an issue with legacy/editable reblogs, though it wouldn't surprise me, and I'm not sure if you'll still have the problem on beta. But I've just made it a habit to switch the button before saving to drafts if I know something isn't ready to post yet.
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kittykatinabag · 2 months
It's been almost a week back to living alone and I am a bit exhausted. Cutting because this post is long and rambly. Feel free to read. Or not. Do what you like.
Rescued a perfectly good cast iron pot from the curb today. Probably needs a re-seasoning but it's a pretty blue, unlabeled, and heavy so you know it's decent.
There also was what looked like an older sewing machine that may or may not be broken and I was so very tempted to take that too even though I do not know how to sew at all. It also was pretty heavy though. Maybe if it's still there after trash pickup tomorrow I'll grab it.
Anyways, slowly cobbling together the apartment. I've spent almost $400 on just food and other household stuff (like cleaning products and such) and that kills my soul a bit. I'm not even counting the bigger stuff my mom bought (including a probably too expensive bed, a desk, other household stuff like dishes and glasses, and eventually probably one of those mobile kitchen islands). I still can't believe everything got this much more expensive since even 2022, the last time I was living alone and buying stuff for myself in the US.
Idk how people who aren't as privileged as I am with my family's resources are even getting by at this point. I guess all those videos I keep watching about Americans just getting into more and more debt are true.
But yeah. It's nice to be alone again. Honestly after these two years (pretty much to the day now, I left for my Europe trip in Aug 2022) of having to live with other people and only getting at most a week's worth of time fully alone, I've kind of forgotten how to live alone. It's a whole relearning process on letting myself be not-nearly-silent and relaxed. The eyes and ears in the walls aren't here anymore, and even though the agoraphobia is still there very very slightly, it's easier to get over nowadays. Though it's summer so I usually don't want to go out in the hot weather unless needed so staying inside isn't that bad.
The biggest problem so far has really been the lack of space in the bathroom. And really this problem is more my stupid no-drill shelves keep falling down and it's stressing me the fuck out because everything either goes crashing down and all over the place, or it's irritating to have to bend down to the floor to get the things I need to use. Today I think I managed to fix it though *knock on wood* as the target restocked their water-specific command strips and shower shelf thing. Cost me an extra 20 or so bucks, but worth it so I don't bang my elbows or feet into the shower shelf anymore. Plus that freed up the old shower shelf to be the outside shelf that has my toothpaste and moisturizer etc on it. I still have another shelf that I tried to use as the outside shelf but I think it's just too heavy for that so now it's just sitting on the window sill empty but I'm sure I'll find some use for it somewhere.
Now if only I could get a decent paying job. Or win the lottery so I wouldn't have to work. That'd be ideal. Unfortunately reality is not that dream as much as I'd like it to be.
Either way, happy to finally be able to unwind fully for the first time in a couple of years. Sometimes I do worry that I'll never be able to be like this with another person as everyone these days seems to get me at least a little tense and feels like their eyes bore holes into my soul. Yet at the same time I desperately desire to have a partner that I can be fully relaxed around. Man I don't even want to think about dating again, I don't remember how to do it anymore.
I also don't want to think about finding friends either. I've realized that unless there's a shared experience we're going through together, I am basically an anti-social person. Beyond introverted at times. I'll go out places, but rarely will I talk to others while out. Doesn't help that any nightlife places I go to (bars and the like), I can barely hear anything over the music and other conversations around. I'd love to join some kind of hobby club, but that usually costs money or if I'm working always tends to meet at the worst times for my schedule. But I'll probably try to give it more of a try this time. Last time I was far too wrapped up in the idea that I needed to be good at work to be successful and happy. That mindset has thankfully mostly withered and died since then.
But yeah the to-do list is never ending. At least it's better than rotting online all day like I have been lately.
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queengarbage · 2 months
feeling really angry about life today and i just need to rant a little
it sounds so silly to be like "tearing my acl significantly changed my life and not for the better" but like this injury fucking sucks and i hate it and i hate my life right now. and yeah, i'll recover and things will get better. but like. not for a fucking year. i can't even fucking walk right now. all the muscles in my left leg have just vanished to the point where i can't even lift my foot off the ground without assistance. and i'm just so tired and i'm only at the beginning of this journey.
sports and working out have been such a huge part of my life for my entire life and to have something that is both an outlet for frustration/hard feelings and also a huge source of joy just yanked away from me without warning has been really fucking hard to deal with. and like boohoo i can't go kick a ball around with my friends people are dying kim but like. i feel trapped in my body, my life severely limited by my lack of mobility. i do not feel like myself. i'm angry. i'm constantly crying. i'm not even in pain anymore, it's just that i physically cannot do anything!!!!! and i've just never been in this position before and i'm not handling it well.
it's been almost 3 months since i got injured and almost 2 weeks since i had the surgery and i feel like i'm being robbed of that time, as well as the year of recovery ahead of me. my partner and i keep referring to this summer as a "sacrificial summer" (because he's getting ready to apply to post-docs/finish his phd, and because i literally can't walk, so neither of us ever leave the apartment). and it's kind of like "yeah okay we just gotta get through this period and things will get better." and yeah maybe they will, but they won't be the same as they were before.
my sister tore her acl her junior year of college when she was playing soccer. she trained really hard to come back for her senior season, and a week after she started practicing again, she tore her other acl. after that, she took a few years off (because who wouldn't). she started playing again this past year. and then she tore her acl for a third time. my dad has also torn his acl playing football. this injury haunts my family, and even when i get cleared to return to sport, who knows if i'll be brave enough to come back?
i hate so much that i will never be able to step on a field with confidence in my body again. my athleticism has always been a huge source of pride and confidence, it was something that i put a lot of time and effort into, and i don't know if i'll ever feel that way again. i am very grateful that i'm still able to do a lot of other things not related to physicality (i can still write, i can still work, i can still pursue my intellectual hobbies/interests), but there is a particular thrill of satisfaction that comes from physical achievement, and i'm just really sad that i'm cut off from that for the forseeable future, and that even when i return, it will probably feel different.
i just want things to be normal again. and they're just straight up never going to be, not like they were. i'll find a new normal, and i'll adjust, and i know this time will pass. but right now i'm smack in the middle of it and i'm just so deeply, deeply unhappy, and i just needed to let that out.
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lulupen2023 · 2 years
My very first BellDom Fic 11/23
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If you're reading, I hope you're laughing
Do you want to meet a Matthew who sees conspiracy everywhere (oh wait, this is not big news!) and is so fond of his trolley that he treat it like a sort of puppy? Do you want to meet a Dominic in love with… himself (and with Matt, too, of course!)? And do you want to meet a Chris who wants to prove to the world he's the most masculine guy ever… but is unavoidably attracted by every… female hobby? This is what you'll find in this story, among lots of BellDom and… craziness!
Summary of the chapter: Reverse Psychology is back
Chapter XI : My Head is Going to Blow Up
"You know what, honey? I think I finally understood why Matthew and Dominic are acting that way." Kelly exclaims, after listening to her husband's monologue about the cover of Vogue.
"Really? Please, enlighten me!" Chris begs her, eager to know.
"Let's sum up: they tend to isolate... and that bothers you. They almost make you feel unwanted... and that bothers you. They act as if they didn't need you... and that bothers you. They say you play the most useless instrument ever, without even admitting how good you are at it and that really pisses you off."
"Well, court of honour, now that you analyzed all the details so scrupulously, one by one, can you finally return a verdict?" her husband cuts her off.
"It's simple: they're doing that just in spite of you!" she states.
"Uh? In spite of me?"
"Yeah, just and only to annoy you. That's the way they have their fun. After all, you know better than me that sometimes they both act as if they were nothing more than eight years old!" she goes on, rolling her eyes.
"Uhmm... yeah. It's only that it's ok for Dom who is a child trapped inside the body of an adult who looks like a teenager, but Matt, no, he could never... Wait a minute. After all, one moment he is utterly concentrated as he creates music, composes or simply talks in an interview, drawing out such complicate and philosophical-metaphysical topics, so deep that you can't help saying 'wow!'... and the moment after he's acting crazy, whenever he is, whatever is holding in his hands, even a spoon!" Chris comments.
"What can I say? Too much deepness can go to his head. Anyway, this is only your fault, next time think about it before choosing as your best friends two guys who suffer from Peter Pan Syndrome!" Kelly strikes back.
"Enough with the criticism towards my friends, now. I've known them that way and I'm so gonna keep them that way. Quite the contrary, I would never want them to change, they wouldn't be themselves anymore. Anyway, about that speech of them doing things in spite of me... how do you think I should react?"
"Oh my, Chris, how can it be that you haven't realized that yet? It's the easiest of all the mechanisms: the more you act insulted, the more they have fun and keep teasing you, to make you hysterical once again. The only way to break this vicious circle is stop acting insulted, just go along with them. If you do that they won't find it funny anymore, so they'll just quit it!" she explains to him.
"Ok, I'll try to follow your advice. I think that it could work."
"You just think it? You'll just try to do that? Damn you, Chris, it' so impressive the way you entrust me! I guess I've wasted way too much time with your stupid matters, now it's up to you and your ungrateful mistrust!" Kelly snaps, hanging up the phone abruptly.
Chris stares at his mobile dumbfounded, wondering what exactly has happened in the last thirty seconds.
< What? Did I say something wrong? I don't think so... > he questions himself, already thinking about a way to make her forgive him.
No matter if he hasn't the slightest idea what for.
It seems that, although now he knows how to face his friends, he has still a lot to learn about how to face women!
******************************** (In the meantime)
"Is he done with that?" Matthew asks Dominic.
Truth is that they witnessed his friend's phone call, watching him from the window; that's why, luckily, they can only see him without hearing what he and his wife are talking about.
Matthew has patiently held on the first ten minutes, and then he has got tired of that, coming back to the sofa. Instead, Dominic has kept watching.
"Yeah, it seems so. I just don't understand while he's staring dumbfounded at his mobile. Uh, I got it! Maybe Kelly has sent to him a filthy picture of her!" the blond presumes.
"Maybe she has. So, let's him enjoy that pic a little bit more and then we'll reach him outside." the other decides as he gets up and approaches him.
"Let me guess, 'Reverse Psychology: Act II'?" Dominic smirks.
"Don't you even dare finish that sentence!" Dom glares at him icily.
"Never mind!" Matt surrenders, a little bit frightened by his look. "Anyway, yes, you guessed right. We're going to give another try and see if it works." he adds but the other doesn't even seem to listen to him anymore as he stares into the void.
"Hey, Dom, are you still on this Planet?" the brunette waves his hand in front of him.
"Uh! Yeah, it's only that... I was thinking... why don't we send each other filthy pictures of us, too?" Dom suggests, with an intriguing light sparkling in his eyes.
"I don't know. Maybe just because we're together 24/7, so there's no need at all!" the other tries to make him desist.
"Phew, you're so unbearably defeatist!" the blond snorts, rolls his eyes and crosses his arms on his chest, keeping his distance from him.
"Here we go, you're playing Juliet, again!" Matt makes fun of him, giggling.
"Take back what you've just said, Bells. You're so fucking asking for trouble!" the blond snaps, looking daggers at him.
But Matthew is not afraid at all.
"What if I sent to you some filthy pictures of me?" he whispers mischievously at his ear, blowing softly on his nape.
The blond shivers and changes mood instantly.
"This is just the kind of speeches I like!" he smirks, as they both leave the hall.
"If you keep staying so damn stuck to that mobile, you'll end up becoming a radiation yourself!" Dominic makes fun of Chris as he catches him off guard and steals the mobile from his hand, switching it off, in order not to see at the potential filthy pic he thinks Kelly sent to him, and throwing it to Matt.
As the skinny brunette catches the mobile, he feels exactly like a rugby player who has just caught the ball and knows that the whole opponent team is about to attack him.
Chris doesn't even bother to get closer to him, he just looks at him, straight into his eyes.
"Bells, if you don't give my mobile back instantly... well, unless you can resort to the power of thought, it will be very hard, if not impossible, for you to manage to play the piano and the guitar again after what I'm going to do to you!" he threatens him.
Matt immediately gives the mobile back to him, scared by his look much more than by Dominic's previous one.
"Alright, this is the third threat of the day... or maybe it's already the fourth one? I lead such a dangerous life!" the frontman comments ironically
Chris looks inquisitively at Dom.
"What he's babbling about?"
"Well, you know... I told him that I would make him fall from fifth floor, punch his face... stuff like that!" the blond shrugs.
"Whatever! Just try to have your soulmate far from you and you'll understand me!" Chris justifies, switching his mobile on again. "Wait a minute. You already are in this situation. You should understand me, then!" he adds.
Dominic and Matthew exchange a look.
"Believe me, Chris, we totally understand you..." Dom starts.
"But, trust us, when we're on tour this is the last of our problems!" Matt ends the sentence for him.
Chris looks at them puzzled, adding mentally also that to the list of all the things he can't understand about them.
"So, what about going to soundcheck?" he changes topic.
"I agree, we've mucked around way too much! " Dom comments.
"You're right. Anyway... phew! I mean, band rehearsal, band studio recording, touring with the band... just and only the same thing! Hey, Chris, don't you ever think about how a career as a soloist could be?" Matthew asks him, enacting his twisted plan.
< Ah-ah. Here we go again, but this time you two won't make me a fool, my dear spiteful buddies! > Chris ponders.
"Gee, Matt, you've just read my mind! I keep asking myself that, it's such an appealing perspective. After all, you live just once, so you have to try any possible thing. So, who knows? It could happen sooner or later, maybe sooner than later!" Chris comments, acting enthused.
Dominic stares at him speechless and shocked, instead Matthew smiles satisfied.
"That's the way to talk, mate!" he exclaims, patting his shoulder.
Chris stares puzzled at him.
"Well, I go to my room to change outfit, I'll be back in fifteen minutes!" the bassist announces, leaving.
< That's it, I knew it! I pretended to be tempted by a career as soloist and what did they do? One kept silent and the other... the other was even enthused by that and he incited me, too! The hell with being spiteful, Kelly was so wrong! Wait a minute. She said that they act spitefully just when I get pissed off. But this time I went along with them... and they stopped contradicting me, indeed. My Kelly is a genius. I mean, I should have gotten seriously worried if they had begged me to stay with them and never ever leave the band. Instead, they acted like they couldn't care less... so it's a good sign. Even if it doesn't make much sense. Oh, poor me, my head is going to blow up! > Chris torments himself, coming back to his room.
In the meantime, Dominic and Matthew go back to the Hall.
"Can you tell me why you keep grinning like an idiot?" Dominic snaps.
"Can you tell me why you are not doing the same?" Matt strikes back.
"And you even wonder why! It's a tragedy, you heard him, didn't you?" Dom insists.
"Of course I did. That's why we should celebrate!"
Dom stares at him more and more puzzled.
"Excuse me, Matt, but I guess I missed two, three or maybe one hundred passages in your reasoning! All I know it's that we're about to become a duo. On a private level it's just wonderful, but on the artistic one it's just a tragedy!" the blond gets nervous.
"Listen, I'm going to explain everything to you, bit by bit. What did I do when I talked about a career as soloist?"
"You used reverse psychology."
"That's right. And what do you think Chris did with his answer?"
"He used that, too, didn't he?" the other ventures a guess.
"That's right. The hidden message clearly was 'I've changed my mind. I don't wanna leave you anymore!'. Instead, if he had protested, saying that we should never split... well, it would have been the end for real!" Matthew states.
"Oh, god, my head is going to blow up!" Dom massages his temples.
"Wait a minute. How can you be so sure that he also was effectively using reverse psychology? Maybe he really means what he said. Or, worse, maybe he realized that we were using reverse psychology on him, so he used a double one on us, to make us do the contrary of the contrary of what he expects from us, so..."
"Please, Dom, stop it! Now *my * head is going to blow up!" Matt implores him as he throws up his hands in despair.
"Anyway, trust me, everything came back to normality, because that *was* reverse psychology. You know, I have a sort of sixth sense to recognize it." Matt assures him.
"Ok, I believe you. So, we have ten minutes left. Uhmm... what about *celebrating* in my room this return to normality?" Dom asks him suggestively and Matt greedily accepts that invitation.
After about one hour and half, Muse are busy with the rehearsal and they already played more than half playlist.
They are really satisfied by the result, maybe it's because everyone now performs with revamped optimism due to the escape from the danger of split-up.
No matter that said danger never really existed, it was just and only in their minds!
Matthew is such in a good mood that, when they take their break, he decides to share with the other two the famous project he's been working on for almost three days, whenever he gets free time.
"Hey, guys, I want to make you listen to something new..." he announces, a little bit excited.
He almost seems to be a child who is about to read his Christmas poem to his family.
It's a wonder that he doesn't get on a chair, put his hands behind his back and start dangling back and forth.
Matthew does nothing like that, of course, he simply sits at the piano, giving birth to a harmonious, suave and tickling intro, so much that Chris and Dom are ready to bet it will be a romantic ballad.
At least it's what they think before the melody turns into a jumble of unpleasant notes that seem to be played at random.
But the strangest thing ever is that it is a wanted effect, a well plotted deceive.
Matthew is making that cacophony on purpose, with knowledge, mastery and a very talented refinement.
And the maker of those dissonant and vaguely nasty sounds falls off in a short but deep silence, necessary for him to pass from the piano to his electric guitar, and then he starts playing in a mad and violent way as he gets closer to the microphone.
Matthew sings in a soft way, extending every syllable as longer as possible, before switching the microphone on distorted mode.
He screams as possessed and then he switch the microphone back to normal, in order to do to the same on the next two verses.
Matt goes on singing, before playing a very hard riff that brings the song to a kind of pre-chorus.
There's no need to switch the microphone back to normal, because he needs distorted mode until the end of the song, although now he whispers instead of yelling.
After that there's a short but intense instrumental part that leads to the chorus, the very last part.
Matthew takes a deep long breath, before repeating the last word, this time screaming like hell once again. DIE... DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE !!!!!
It's not easy to establish who is roaring more between his guitar and Matt himself!
After one last riff he ends up, letting the last chord ring.
The guy takes off the guitar and turns to his small audience who is staring at him dumbfounded.
"So, guys, what do you think of it?" he wonders, eager to know.
As Matt asks his friend (and you'll find out their reactions on next chapter), I ask you, too : 'What do you think of it? '
I accept even insults, of course! ;P
Just let me clear some points: the real, unique, inimitable, supreme, wonderful Matt could NEVER EVER EVER write such a crappy 'song', not even after 40 beers or under the effect of the most hallucinogenic 'mushrooms' !!!
Anyway, about the way this 'song' is played, I took inspiration from 'Yes Please' (I just love Matt's distorted voice, so damn hot!) . Another example could be the last part in 'Host', or the 'blow it all away' in 'In your world'... aawww! <3
As always, I hope you had fun reading that, but feel free to tell me everything, really!
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fiofo · 2 years
Sad times under the cut:
This pretty much started a week last Friday. My grandad had a fall (again) and hit his head, and now has a bleed on the brain. He got sent to hospital (eventually) and has been there ever since, missing his best friend of 80 years's funeral. We (my family) went to the funeral last Monday (even though my sister and I were the only cousins there. I went because I used to think she was another great aunt - she was round at my grandparents' so often, I assumed she was a relative).
It was a nice service: Margaret's family had nothing but the nicest things to say. They welcomed us and thanked us for coming. Her son's eulogy even included my grandad and his sisters and asked us to keep him in our thoughts, as he was in hospital. My nan went though, which I was glad for, since she was umming and ahhing about whether or not to go. She has early onset Alzheimer's, so even if she was a bit confused, it wouldn't have been great for her to miss her friend's funeral.
We visited my grandad on the Saturday just gone. He looked so thin. They only allowed 2 visitors at a time, so I went with my dad and my sister went in with my uncle. He was asleep for the first 20 minutes, so we left and let my sister & uncle have a look in. Went back in after he'd woken up and he was just so... empty-looking. Stared at me for a few minutes, but without much recognition. We couldn't really tell if he was following what we were saying. He seemed confused as to why he was there, and not at a closer hospital (apparently it would've taken 12+ hours to get a bed in Telford, whereas Shrewsbury was only supposed to be 4. In the end it took them 12 hours to get him into the hospital anyway, but I dread to think how bad it would've been at Telford in that case!) I think he misheard dad at one point and thought that Telford had been bombed? It was hard to understand what he was saying, because his voice was so weak. He also asked my dad "how are your mom and dad" and he asked me the same question. Not sure how I was supposed to answer, with dad stood right next to me! He also asked what year it was.
He needs to have physiotherapy before he can be discharged from hospital, because he needs to have full mobility back. But just seeing him in hospital... I'm worried that he's not going anywhere anymore.
My mum (who hates hospitals) stayed with my nan, and they've decided it's best that my nan doesn't visit my grandad whilst he's in hospital. She's asked a few times when he's going to come home, but for the most part I think she's doing quite well. Grandad's always been a bit controlling about her food and various other things, so I think she feels a bit more free with him gone.
As an aside, I feel remarkably unaffected by something that should be very upsetting to me. I will literally cry at fuck-all when I'm in Depression Mode, which goes to show that my depression isn't influenced by events, but must be a chemical wotsit. Typical that my brain is at its happiest whilst I'm at funeral ffs.
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Content warning: homelessness, disability, poverty, the usual from your friendly neighborhood screw-up: AN UPDATE, PART TWO
This is an update to this post.
Links ahead of time:
Ko-Fi | PayPal.Me | Needs Wishlist | Car Wishlist | New Place Wishlist
As always, PayPal and cashapp are both tashabot. If it says Nova, Cat-Thulu, or has a delivery address where my name starts with an N and the zip code is 89701, that's all me.
We were supposed to sign a lease on a shitty refurbished motel room today but 1. They wanted to charge pet rent on assistance animals, and 2. They wouldn't let us have one of the rooms with an apartment-sized fridge because those rooms aren't pet-friendly, so we're back to me not being sure of what the fuck to do. I need to be able to grocery shop and prepare food because I'm fucking diabetic.
So my Toyota, the better of my two cars that I wanted to get fixed, got repossessed yesterday (March 17 - luck of the Irish, my ass). That means any of the things I needed in relation to it are gone, but it also means that I have to pay more in gas, and that I need to fix the Kia up hardcore because it's not an option anymore. I also need to drive to Sparks (~45 minutes away or so) on Monday to get my stuff out of the Toyota car, because I wasn't sure where my keys to the car were while it was being towed. And while I've paid a few things, new things have come up.
Total raised as of today: $538/$2797
Below the cut is an updated list of stuff.
First is that I need to re-home Kono. I've been crying about it for a few days, but it's just not fair to confine her to 250 or less sqft with Emily, who picks on her. Emily is Raven's therapy cat, and she does wonders for their mental health, but she picks on Kono something fierce. So I need to figure that out, on TOP of everything else. If I'm short on updates, this is why.
Most of the physical stuff needed can be found on the wishlists. We get SNAP benefits, so we have food covered, although I will NOT turn down unused fast food or pizza place gift cards. Also useful would be gift cards to auto parts places and tire places, or really any other gift card.
Car stuff: $50ish, depending on taxes/shipping. It’s the first three things listed on the Car Stuff wishlist.
Car insurance: I paid the late balance, but now I owe this month's. I haven't called Geico yet to remove the Toyota from my insurance, but as of now, that's, $73.
Phone Bill: I now have two months of bills because of a SNAFU, but I was able to work out a payment arrangement. The downside is that now it's for two months' worth of bills. This means I have to pay $345 on March 29th, and $345 on April 12th. Total: $690. I need to get caught up with T-Mobile so I can take one of the lines off of my plan when I move.
Title Loan: I now only have the one title loan to worry about. It's a much more reasonable amount. The next payment is $129 and it's due on April 4th. It's $395 to pay off in full.
Storage: Because we’re going to be in such a wiggly situation, my mom has agreed to let us store some of our stuff at her house, stuff I can’t or won’t get rid of (my dad’s notes and journals, my books, baking stuff, things like that), but it’ll be stored outdoors. This means I need weatherproof totes now, as well as the regular ones. I found a four-pack, and I’ll need around eight of them. They’re on the needs wishlist going for $130 a four-pack. I also found an 8-pack of the regular kind for $71. Total for totes: roughly $220 with tax.
Cat carriers: $100. If I re-home Kono I want to include a cat carrier.
U-haul: (And dump runs on the days leading up to move -we’re getting rid of a lot of stuff too. Also gas. I’m probably underestimating, fuck.) $300, including deposit.
Cat food: $25.
Cat litter: $35. We recently discovered that clay and crystal litter hurts two of our three cats’ feet and are looking to switch to a corn-cob based litter, and it’s a little pricy, but they’re legit ESA’s. They take care of us, so it’s up to us to take care of them.
Allergy meds: $9. Still need these.
Gas: Recently shot up in price to $5 a gallon so probably $200ish. Hasn't changed.
Sundries: ~$150. Raven and I both desperately need underwear and we are running out of toiletries and toilet paper.
Cigarettes: $150.
The unimportant thing on this list is still a computer. I had listed a Chromebook before I realized we may very well be traveling around a lot and I won’t be able to rely on my giant desktop computer. I need a Windows laptop in order to do freelance work (graphics, video, sound, writing, etc.) and reliably try to find jobs. The cheapest one with a screen I can reliably see (and a hard drive that isn’t laughably tiny) at my local Walmart is this one. Trying to find something equal on Amazon is frickin’ impossible so I’m left allocating roughly $400 for a new laptop. This is literally last on my list of shit I need, but it’s still important.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much. I appreciate you, regardless of what your situation is and whether you can financially help out. Please consider signal boosting here and on other platforms - I could use the help.
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wolfish-trickster · 3 years
Personal rant about toxic friend below the cut i just feel the need to talk it out
So for context in my class there was this lying bitch. She lied all the time about everything. I kept being her friend because i had no other choice, besides her i used to have no one. But then i got friends, more than i ever had.
So I started ignoring the liar and kept being 'her friend' only because she was trying to squeeze herself in my group of friends and replace me and I wouldn't let her do it.
The most infuriating thing about her is that she kept lying about her health so she could avoid exams at school. Some examples: claiming to have teared stomach wall but eating solid food and moving on pe as ifnothing happeden, claiming to going getting infusions in her arm and having bruises from that but not a single bruise being on her arm (plus she could fold them perfectly fine without any pain, imagine just pulling a needle from your vein and folding that arm, it will hurt like hell), claiming to have frequent migraines (when i, who has them diagnosed, asked her how her migraines usually go she never once described a migraine symptom, only ordinary headache), and lots more including mental health (like telling a girl who is on antidepressants and has to visit psychiatrist once a week that she swallowed some pills and had to go to hospital multiple times and when the girl asked her why she didn't get sent to psychiatrist (something they usually do to people who try to off themself) she just said that she got better and didn't need one, which is a lie, whenever someone tries to game end themself they are always sent to a psychiatrist, no matter what). All of her 'health problems' she contradicts all the time. Teared stomach wall but no problem eating solid food and being on pe, bruised hands from infusions and yet not a bruise in sight and perfect mobility in both hands, suffers with migraines but couldn't describe a single symptom of one, claims to pass out frequently and that's why she needs to leave school sooner but being completely fine risking passing out on her way out of school, etc
Plus she copies, a lot. She said her biggest hobby is drawing but she has always talked about how she writes poems and all of a sudden when i get attention for my drawings she claims to draw as well, even though i've never seen her hold a pencil and doodle, never.
She also belittles my friend in various occasions. She thinks she is smarter than her so she proceeds to explain the most trivial things to her as if she (the friend) was a child, always acting as if she's better than her, smarter than her, knows better than her etc even tho my friend has better grades than her and understand the stuff better than her.
She also copies a lot more other people who got fed up with it and argued with her. Yesterday I joined that group of people.
Yesterday we had two exams. The liar, as always, didn't come. So we assumed she's 'sick' again. But right before the penultimate class of that day I checked instagram and saw her story. She was shopping. I was furious. In pure annoyance with her ongoing antics i messaged her asking about her problems and telling her to not lie anymore and just tell the truth. If she said 'I knew nothing so I skipped school' I would be completely okay with that, but she kept getting tangled in her lies moreand more.
I was making valid points in our conversation, pointing out every plot hole in her lies that i kept track of over the year, and then she pulles out the mental health card, even though I never even mentioned anything with that. And she pulls out her dead father as well, even though i never mentioned him either. Right after she kept pulling these 'pity me, i have worse life than you do' cards I blocked her. There wasnopoint in trying to make her tell the truth at least once in her life.
So that's how I cut off a very toxic person in my life, she has been in it for three years, for three years I've been fed with her lies. For three years she has been draining me of my energy, touching me when I said to not touch me, not letting me when I told her, pulling my sketchbook from my hands without permision, taking my food without asking, calling me nickname i specificly told her to not use (only my parents use that nickname and she knew that).
I'm so relieved she hates me now. She is going to avoid me. I'll be free from her. I feel a little sad too, she has been in my life for three years and I considered her my best friend. I will miss that best friend, but I will never miss the person she turned into. I'm happier now.
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Sherlock x Mute!Reader •Part 2•
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It's been three months now since you first met Sherlock and Watson in person.
You still work in the cafe and things were going so well, everything, just everything seemed to work out perfectly.
Sherlock became a close friend of yours and you brought him tea nearly every day, mostly up to his flat, and when you didn't, Sherlock came down to look if everything was fine with you.
You smiled as you thought about this and poured the tea into one of the new tea glasses which you bought with your boss last week.
You hear the typical ringing of a bell when a customer enters the cafe and look up to greet them with a smile.
But your lips frowned midway.
In the door were standing two men, with clown masks on, terrific grinning and with a diamond-shaped colour around the left hole for the eyes.
One of them was holding a gun in his hand, directly pointed at you. Fear crawled under your skin and you dropped the tea glass.
This one second seemed so long to you.
The glass slipped your hand...
The man with the green diamond shape on his mask was deadly looking at you and the one behind him was about to lock up the door.
The glass fell...
The few customers in the cafe were motionless and everything was silent.
Then the glass hit the ground and crashed loudly.
Two women screamed in panic and the green masked man turned his look and his gun to the two ladies and shouted:
"Don't move! Don't scream! Don't speak!  You all will be silent or you are dead!"
Everything was silent again.
But you could feel that it was a forced silent.
Everybody's muscles were tense, concentrating on not moving a single bit but also ready to defend themselves the next second.
The boss wasn't here today so nobody came out of the back door or was hiding there to contact the police.
It was at this moment when you realized that you were helpless.
But there was one thing you could do:
Hiding the key from the register.
The man who locked the door finally turned around and you could see another terrific clown mask, yet this one had a blue Diamond around the eye.
But his chubby face was oozing out of the mask and you could see his dark skin.
He started walking towards you and you felt your time running out.
You stumbled back against the wall and faked fainting.
Sliding down the wall and falling to the ground you hear the steps closing up faster.
Swiftly you get the key out of your apron pocket and let it slide into your sock.
Right in time.
The chubby man walked around the counter and grabbed the register, abrasive trying to open it.
"It won't open!", he yelled and punched the metallic box.
"Get the key, you idiot! ", the other one replied, still pointing the gun at the customers.
The chubby man looked around and smashed plates and glasses as he threw them from the counter.
You slowly eased your way back, but he already turned his face toward you.
You stopped in your motion and held your breath.
The man walked toward you, making quiet cracking sounds from the broken glass he was walking over until he stood right before you, grabbing you by your collar and pulling you back on your feet.
"Where is the key? "
With a shake of your head, you tried to make him understand that you didn't have it.
But of course, he didn't understand.
Angry he pushed you back to the ground and landed a kick in your stomach.
You couldn't breathe for a moment and the pain was overwhelming.
Tears rolled down your cheeks.
"Where is the key?!", he yelled at you but you couldn't move.
You couldn't see clearly through your tears and every breath was hurting.
Eagerly he knelt down in front of you and grabbed you by your ponytail.
His hands slipped into all your pockets in order to find the key, but it stayed gone.
"The. Key.", he said again, angrily and grabbed your tiny face rude with his gloved hand.
You whimpered and with shaking, hands tried to fish your notebook out of your apron.
He was about to beat it out of your hand but the one with the green mask, who was now standing behind you stopped him:" Let her write."
"The boss has it but he's not here right now", you wrote in shaky handwriting and immediately earned a punch in your face.
You fell back on the ground and cried noiselessly.
You were just about to give them the key as you hear a police siren in the distance.
The two-man looked at each other and the one with the gun rushed to the customers,  making them go into the backroom.
"Everyone in the other room! Give me your mobiles and move!", he yelled and watched everyone laying their phones on the tables.
The costumers hurried to get in the backroom and you could see that one of the ladies was crying.
Your eyes met and you could see in her eyes that she could feel your pain.
The man with the gun locked the door behind them.
The sound of the sirens got louder and the men started to panic.
They cuffed you to the heater right under the window and shoved a towel in your mouth, nearly making you gag.
Hurriedly they grabbed the register and climbed out of the window above you.
The chubby one wasn't able to climb the window and used your shoulder as a stair to get out of the cafe.
You could hear it cracking as his full weight pushed down on your shoulder and the pain made you numb.
The sirens were so loud now as if they were right before the cafe.
But they died down a few seconds later.
The police car wasn't about to get to you. It just passed the cafe.
You couldn't remember the last time you had cried for so long.
Maybe when your little sister died?
Or when you got your throat cut and lost your voice?
Whenever the last time was, now you felt like you had the worst time of  your life.
Your stomach and right side hurt, your shoulder seemed like it was dislocated, your eye hurt from the punch and your hands which were cuffed to the heater already had burned spots.
But you couldn't cry anymore.
You felt like but there were no tears left.
You chuckled.
I literally cried an ocean, huh.
You thought, remembering something your mother said when you were young and wouldn't stop crying.
Suddenly you heard a loud bang as somebody crashed against the door next to you.
Some customers tried to break the door open.
They throw themselves against the door again and you flinched.
And again and again.
The door swung open and crashed into the wall.
But not the back door, the front door.
The bell, which normally greeted the costumers fell to the ground and made a quiet sound comparing to the steps rushing over to you.
But every sound rang in your ears and your head felt like it was about to explode.
Then you saw Sherlock.
He rushed to you and knelt down in front of you, eyeing you worried.
Quickly he tugged the towel out of your mouth:" What happened? "
You just gave him a tired look, not able to make much movement.
But he understood.
Of course, he understood, he was the greatest detective of all time.
Watson came rushing in and froze in his action as he saw you:" Oh my god (y/n)!"
"They stole the register?", Sherlock asked you while Watson tried to break the handcuffs, but he didn't even wait for your nod and looked around the cafe to find some evidence.
Finally, Watson broke the handcuffs and your hand fell tired and numb to the ground.
"You didn't hand them the key did you?", Sherlock questioned you further and earned an angry scoff from Watson.
"She got beaten up Sherlock! Now is not the right time to ask her something heartless like this! She needs to get to the hospital! And why should she hide the key?!"
"Did you?", Sherlock just asked again, ignoring Watson and you pulled the key out of your sock with a triumphed grin.
Watson's face was priceless now:
His eyes nearly fell out of his head, his eyebrows narrowed in disbelief and his mouth was slightly standing open.
But you cared more about Sherlock's expression.
He had a small proud smile on his face and for whatever reason did this one proud smile meant the world to you now.
Why the key?
Well. Some weeks ago robberies on cafes by two men with clown masks started and the police were overwhelmed with it because it didn't make sense to them.
They called Sherlock for help and he installed some sort of protection in the register of your cafe, which gets activated when someone breaks it open with force.
The criminal would be splashed with some sort of color, that can't be washed away with regular soap.
And your only job was to hide the key.
Sherlock picked you up from the ground, carefully, to not make you feel even more pain than you already did and you let your head rest on his shoulder.
Before you even knew you drifted off as he carried you...
Part 3 will be up next weekend! Hope you liked this chapter ❤
My Wattpad: @/lilakudo
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Obey pt. 3
Part 3 time!!! Not too much happens in this chapter, but I really like it tbh. Also once again posting from mobile so sorry if the formatting is weird.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: swearing
*tbh this gif is 100% Elijah laughing at drunken reader in this chap.*
Credit to gif owner
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The cool night air was welcomed on her flushed skin. She started her trek home robotically, only getting a few yards away when she was stopped. "Let me walk you home, you're drunk and it could be dangerous," Elijah grabbed her arm from behind, gently pulling her to look back at him.
"I think I'm okay, thanks though," she said, "I walk this route pretty often. Besides, I'm not even really drunk anymore. You took care of that." She winked at him and turned back to continue walking, but he held her arm firm in his grasp.
"I insist," he said with more authority.
She slowly turned back to him, eyebrows raised. "You insist? You insist on following me back to my house so you can know where I live? You don't call the shots here," she pointed her index finger onto his chest. Anger clouded her features, no longer the seductress she had been. She had switched into survival mode in the blink of an eye. Elijah released her arm, surprised.
"Y/N," he muttered, "I overheard two men in the bar talking about following you." He looked into her eyes, "now I insist you let me walk you home," her eyes widened as he spoke, and then she shook her head quickly.
"Only because you heard those guys." She searched his eyes for the truth, but she found confusion instead. She began to walk again quickly, not waiting for him to catch up even though he did very quickly. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye.
"I should tell you.. I don't normally do that sort of thing," he said, trying to strike up a conversation.
She snorted in response, "Yeah, well, I do." And she rolled her eyes. Usually her flings were easier than this. They'd let her go without a fight. But it seemed like Elijah wanted to be around her. Her heart started to warm at the possibility that someone might care enough to break through her walls until she crushed that thought and reminded herself of her vow. "No one will ever treat me like that again," her thoughts seemed loud and Elijah looked at her.
"What did you say?" He whispered to her. She looked at him, confused and realized she had spoken her vow aloud. His eyes held a type of curious concern, and she couldn't decipher his intentions. That infuriated her.
"Nothing, just.. just stop talking," she clenched her fists. She was becoming uneasy with the amount of time she was spending with the man, after already achieving her goal with him. Elijah grabbed her arm and the memory of that night all those years ago flashed in her mind again for a quick second. She pulled her arm away with a gasp. She looked at him, the emotional pain evident on her face. His eyes held horror and pity, almost as if he remembered the memory with her. Fire burned in her as eyes she looked at him. Elijah had never been scared of a human before, but this one would do what it took to survive. A few tense seconds passed before her shoulders fell and she continued walking.
"I'm too tired for this right now," she said quietly. Pulling himself together, Elijah followed. He matched her pace and stuffed one of his hands into his suit pants pocket.
"I live close to here, if you would li-", he started but Y/N cut him off with a glare.
"I don't know who you think you are, but this," she stopped again and pointed back and forth between them "was a one time thing. I plan on never seeing you again. Thanks for some good dick, but I'm done with you now. I can make it home perfectly fine by myself."  She started walking once again. This time Elijah held back and raised his eyebrows as he watched her go. He was intrigued by her, by her past and he wanted to know more.
She on the other hand, had no interest in him whatsoever, although... he had something weird about him. The way he tried to command her to do things, and then seemed confused or annoyed when she didn't immediately comply. Or the blood on her neck after their sexcapade in the bathroom. She touched her hand to her neck as she walked and felt the puncture wounds that had started to scab. Handsome, and charming and dark. She didn't fear him by any means, she was determined to never fear a man again, but there was something dark within him and she didn't know if she had the means to combat it.
She looked over her shoulder as she walked home, and he was gone.
"So, who is Elijah?" Y/N asked drunkenly. It was toward last call at the bar a few weeks later and Sophie was wiping down the hard wood surface. Sophie rolled her eyes and looked at Y/N.
"You're here, drunk, asking about some guy instead of going home with your newest conquest. What gives?" Sophie took the empty glass that was between them and put it behind the bar. "Besides, if I told you who he is, you wouldn't believe me." Sophie said, quieter than before.
"I'm just interested, is all. He showed me a good time," Y/N slurred. She had lied to herself. She was interested and she couldn’t stop thinking about him.
"He's not your type. Actually, I don't think you have a type. You’ll fuck just about any man that breathes," Sophie grumbled.
The comment stung Y/N and she furrowed her eyebrows, "did someone shit in your Cheerios this morning? You're being a bitch," Sophie's jaw dropped as Y/N spoke. Y/N didn’t feel bad in the slightest.
"Out. Now." Sophie pointed at the door of the bar. Y/N started laughing as if Sophie was joking. "Get out."
Y/N stopped laughing and her face fell. "Aww come on, Soph. I'm just drunk it's fine," Y/N started to move off of her bar stool and tripped, almost tumbling to the ground. She started laughing again as Sophie stood her ground and watched her leave. Y/N stumbled onto the city street in the dark morning. Still laughing to herself, she began her walk home. She tripped over her own feet and began to fall to the ground, extending her arms out to catch herself, but the ground never came. Instead, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her. She looked up and saw two handsome, identical men. No, there was only one, she clarified for herself. She was much more drunk than she thought she was.
"Llllijah?" She slurred. He sighed and brought her back up to her feet.
"You're lucky I happened to be passing by," he told her.
"I can take care of m'self," she said, her eyes partially closed. He couldn't help but smile at how feisty she was, even in her current state. She pulled away from him and started walking again. "What, are you stalking me?" She spun around to face him, attempting to walk backwards and successfully falling on her butt in the middle of the street. Elijah rolled his eyes as she laid down on the ground, groaning. "Mm llliijah, look at the stars!" She weakly lifted her hand, pointing loosely at the sky. Elijah looked up toward the sky and was astonished to be able to see the stars so well. He looked back down at Y/N, her eyes glued to the stars. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, already regretting what he was about to do. He stripped off his suit jacket put it over Y/N as he lowered himself to the cold street ground to lay next to her. He folded his hands behind his head and looked up at the stars with her.
"I've been thinking about you lately," he said to her quietly. She stayed still, continuing to look at the stars. A small diamond of a tear slid down her cheek but went unseen as Elijah continued. "I don't know you. And you don't know me. But, I think I'd like to take the time to know you," he slowly reached his hand to meet hers. She jerked her hand away and stood hastily, breathing fast. The coat slid off of her and unto the ground.
"Elijah, I don't know who you think you are. I am wild. I am fire. I am my own, and I will never be anyone's, ever again." her fight or flight response had sobered her up rather quickly and the fire in her eyes burned brightly. Elijah got up from the street, moving slowly.
"I quite enjoy your wild ferocity," he put his hands up in defense, trying to slowly move toward her. "I don't want you to be afraid or in pain," The walls around her heart were tall and dense, and he had the urge to tear them down and see her as she truly was. He couldn't help but feel that she would make one hell of a vampire.
Her chest rose and fell heavily. The single tear she had shed turned to multiple streaming down her cheeks and she ignored them. His eyes held a promise to her, one she didn't understand and was frustrated with. He owed her nothing, she owed him nothing. They were nothing. They were just two strangers. "I am not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of anyone. If anything, I'm the one people should be afraid of," she lifted her head defiantly.
His eyes held hers, his promise still in them. A glint of amusement flashed on his face. "I should be afraid of you?" He practically laughed at the idea and truth be told, Y/N’s bravery was faltering. He used to seem harmless, noble, a gentleman. As the conversation progressed, he seemed to become devilish and dark. Simultaneously dangerous and attractive. He took a step toward her but she held her ground, her chin still raised. He lifted his hand to her cheek and caressed her soft skin. She almost melted into his warm touch but held her ground. "You are fire. You are wild. You are your own. But I would like you to be mine as well," he wrapped his free arm around her waist, his other hand still caressing her cheek. She gasped and held onto him, suddenly off balance. Their eye contact hadn't broken once. "Let me show you what you could have if you chose me."
She puffed her chest out as he held her, recomposing herself. "I am not one to be tamed, Elijah. I wasn't born to obey or to let someone else be in control. I'm the one calling the shots here, not you." His eyes grew darker, and she couldn't tell if she was seeing things in the moonlight or if they had actually changed colours.
He leaned down, his face level with hers now and he breathed gently into her ear. He spoke softly, almost a whisper.
"Are you challenging me?"
Always taglist: @elijahs-wife @dumble-daddy @soul-revoir @akshi8278
Obey taglist: @njeancastro316 @alien-sida-2 @mikaelson-emma @raemikaelson @kpopgirlbtssvt @within-thehollowcrown @its-a-simply-me-thing bold means tumblr wouldn’t let me tag you!
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lunarthing951 · 3 years
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Ask And Ye Shall Receive... Sometimes.
So Yeah, I Bring You All 'Amnesiac Nether Knight AU' Or ANKAU For Short! ^v^
( Also, I'm Sorry You'll Have To Scroll Through The Whole Thing. Tumblr Is A Bish On Mobile And Google Isn't Helping Me Do Tumblr Post Cuts. Say What You Will, You Can't Disagree. )
Someone Was Walking Through The Nether Being Somewhat Trapped In Their Own Thoughts. Most Of These Thoughts Were Questions, In Particular About Who They Are And Where They Were. They'd Woken Up In A Place Of Gray Pillars As Far As The Eye Can See, Then They Wandered Into A Nothingness Of Red Stuff Beneath Them And Lava All Around, And Now They Were On A Seemingly Pointless Stroll Though A Forest Of Blue With These Tall People That Charge At You If You Stare At Them.
Nothing Seemed To Have Much Value To This Person, Just Walking Along An Endless Path With Nothing To Accompany Them But Their Thoughts... And Even Those Thoughts Ment Little To Nothing With Their Questions That May Never Be Answered.
There Was Nobody Here, Nobody Here Accept For Them... And By Them... I Mean HelsKnight. The One Who Used To Watch Over This Place With A Fist Of Iron... Now Simply Wandered Around His Home With No Recalling Of His Past. He Had No Purpose Anymore, Not With His Amnesia, His Only Objective Now Was To Continue On This Metaphorical Path.
But Sooner Than One Could Question It... He Stopped... He Stopped Traversing This Path And Looked To The Side. He'd Heard Something, He Knows He Heard Something... And It Wasn't One Of These Tall People. "Step Foreward, Don't Think You Can Hide From Me." He Tells What Seemed To Be A Tree, But It Was Actually None Other Than A Human... A Poetic One, If You Will...
A Poetic One By The Name JoeHills. Having Came To The Nether For Shroomlights And Ender Pearl's, He Was Not Expecting To See HelsKnight Simply Traveling With Seemingly No Ambition, That Fact Immediately Setting Off A Red Flag To The Hermit. HelsKnight Was A Man Of Ambition, Almost Never Being Seen With No Aim Of The Moment. He Always Knew What He Wanted To Do... But Now... He Didn't Seem Like he Knew A Purpose For Himself At All.
He Looked Tired And Hungry, Although Hels Either Didn't Notice Or Didn't Care. Joe Wasn't Going To Allow This However. "I Am Not Believing I Can Hide My Friend, I Was Simply Wandering Around, Same As You." He Tells The Other, Stepping Out From Behind The Tree.
Hels Took A Few Steps Back. Although He Was Expecting Someone, He Also Didn't Completely Expect Someone A Little More Like Him. "...And What Reason Do I Have To Trust You Stranger?"
This Is What Made The Lightbulb In Joe's Head Light Up. Stranger Wouldn't Be What The Normal And Not-Amnesiac Hels Would Call Him... Hels Would Call Him A Pathetic Mortal, Not A Stranger.
"I Know You Do Not Have Any Reason To Trust Me, But I Request That You Do. I Understand You Have No Reason To Listen To Me, And That's Okay. I Know What You're Probably Feeling Right Now With You Most Probably Currently Being An Amnesiac Hels, I Understand You're Feeling A Form Of Monachopsis.. But I Ask That You Not Let Those Feelings And Thoughts Cloud Your Rationality. Calm Down, And Just Stop Yourself From Thinking So Much, Just For A Moment Even. I Promise, I Mean You No Harm." He Requests Of The Other, Walking Over To The Other And Cupping The Other's Strangely Cold Hands With His Own.
Hels Took A Moment For Consideration, Before Releasing A Breath He Didn't Know That He Was Holding... And Wow Did That Make Him Feel Better. When Was The Last Time He Just Took A Moment To Breathe? He Didn't Question This... Just Letting His Body Lean Into The Other While His Head Took A Moment To Relax Itself.
One Thing Seemed To Suprise Him... The Fact The Other Wasn't Hurting Him In Any Way Now, In Fact, Going Out Of Their Way To Care About His Well-Being. Did He Question This This Either? No... No He Didn't. And He Continued Not To With A Small Smile On His Face.
Joe Let Out A Breath Of His Own, Happily Letting The Other Lean Against Him. He Was Gald The Other Listened, Mostly Because It Was For The Other's Own Good. DadHills Had Taken Over For The Moment, And He Was Going To Make Sure Nothing Bad Ever Happens To The Other.
Hels Let His Eyes Droop, His Leaning Slowly Turning Into Him Going Limp. He Strayed Away From His Path, And Now, He Has A Friend... A Friend Who Will Make Sure He's Okay. And For The First Time Since He Woke Up... Hels Smiled, Gladly Letting Sleep Envelop Him As He Dozed Off Into A Peaceful Sleep, Knowing The Other Would Care For Him.
And The Poet Did Just That, Picking Up The Other Toddler Style And Beginning To Walk Towards His Portal With The Other Sleeping Comfortably In His Gentle Hold. He Knew There Were So Many Things That Could Be Done, Like Introducing Hels To The Other Hermits Again. But That Was An Objective For Another Day... For Now, It Was Time To Care For The Amnesiac Nether Knight.
Thanks For Reading!
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my first prompt for bad things happen bingo! excited for this!
pneumonia - kobra kid
word count: 1,218
i’m truly sorry, i don’t know how to do a read more cut on mobile, i’d really appreciate if someone taught me : (
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it started as just dust allergies. a common cold. something like that, something that he didn't even pay attention to.
but before he had a chance to speak up and get himself sorted out, the coughing and the chills peaked and left him all hollow inside.
jet had mother-henned him into going to bed early, after the firepit left him sneezing and coughing like ghoul after a bad cigarette. he couldn't tell what time it was now; probably morning by the light peaking through the girl-proofed (see also: boarded up) windows in the bedroom. the heat of the day was creeping in, settling like a fog even indoors. it just added to his lethargy.
with a heaving sigh, he kicked the blankets from his gangly limbs and rolled over, grunting as his shirt stuck to him with cold sweat. his red jacket was draped across the edge of the mattress, probably set there by poison.
and speak of the devil, the door creaks open and the light pitter-patter of poison's footsteps fill the room. kobra tries his best to sit up for him, because maybe if he pretends not to be sick anymore they'll all stop mother-henning him and let him go to the crash track, but scooting up sends him into another coughing fit.
kobra's dizzy when his lungs finally decide to cooperate, and he slumps back against the nest of pillows poison had propped up for him.
“your fever isn't letting up." poison comments, hand cool against kobra's forehead. their eyebrows are stitched together like they always do when they're worried, and somehow it just makes kobra feel worse.
"have you been drinking water?" poison's voice cuts through his thoughts, and he shakes his head, which absolutely does not help the headache that's forming in the crown of his skull. his sinuses feel like they're going to explode and shit, he just wants to fall back asleep.
his eyes must've fallen closed because he didn't even notice that poison left the room until they reappear a few minutes later wielding a rag and a bottle of water. his throat's so dry it's hard to swallow, but the effort of sitting up to drink sounds fucking impossible.
poison unscrews the cap and sits down next to the mattress, helping kobra grip the bottle. their hand is beneath kobra's face as he drinks, catching the inevitable drops of water that roll down his chin.
"i know, kobes. just a couple more sips, okay? then you can go back to sleep, i promise. scout's honor." poison says when kobra starts to pull away, scrunching his face up at the taste. clean water's hard to get in the desert, and the treated shit always had that sour taste left over from the treatment formula. but to appease poison he takes a few more tentative sips and poison doesn't fight when he pulls away this time.
"where's everyone?" kobra asks as he lies back, half lowering-half flopping himself back onto the linens.
"jet’s with mads on his day off. the girl’s out with ghoul, they went to drop some stuff off to doc and pony. why?" poison says, pouring the remainder of the water bottle onto the rag.
"i promised her we'd go to the track today." kobra lets out a sigh of relief when poison sets the rag on his forehead, the cool cloth seeping into the heat of his fever. it doesn't last very long, but it feels better than before with the warmth of the desert baking into the room like a fucking sauna.
"it's alright. you can go some other time." poison smiles.
"i feel bad." kobra chews on the inside of cheek.
"feel like i'm lettin' her down." he mumbles.
"kobes. you're not. she understands. she's old enough to get this stuff now." poison's words are reassuring but kobra's still not sure if girl would understand. they'd been planning this trip for days now.
"i guess so." he sighs, and tries to think of a way he could make it up to her later.
"we're home!" ghoul's voice rings through the diner, and a second later a weight slams into kobra's chest like a ton of bricks and sends him coughing again. the girl's hair rubs up against his chin as she settles herself on his chest. thank witch she's still snuggly, because with how independent she's getting, it hurts to see her need them less and less. it's all part of growin' up though, as jet would say.
"careful, girly. kobes isn't feelin' too shiny." poison warns. the girl edges off of him a little bit, her little face scrunching with concern.
kobra turns to ghoul. "how were doc and pony?"
"they're alright. you know doc, summer always makes his legs ache in that chair. pony's good." ghoul, much like the girl, attaches himself to his comfort person as soon as he gets home: he's slinking into poison's lap, nuzzling his face into poison's neck. poison wraps their arms around him, and ghoul makes a pleased nose that kobra's pretty sure is as close as a human gets to purring.
"i'm sorry we can't go today, baby." kobra sighs, and the girl climbs off of him a little bit to look at him.
"it's okay. you're sick." she claps her hands. "oh! and since jet isn't here to be doctor, i'll help you. first, let's assess your diagnostics."
"diagnosis." ghoul corrects, and poison nudges him. the girl just giggles.
"yeah! and then we'll work down to the root of your problem, and, oh, can we use those cool bandaids from the market?" she gives her best puppy eyes to poison, who relents (of course.)
"sure, but just one. no wasting." they say, and girl's rocketing out of the room, her swift footsteps disappearing in the direction of the kitchen.
"see? told you she wouldn't be upset. kid takes it in stride." poison says, resting their head on ghoul's shoulder. ghoul's already dozing off, and kobra's about to be right there with him, because all this exertion has him all dizzy and sleepy again.
the girl's back wielding a box of colorful bandaids, and she carefully plucks a yellow one and peels off the backing. she sticks it on kobra's forehead, sitting back to survey her work.
“there. don’t you feel so much better?” she asks.
“i feel so good, i feel like i could run all the way to tommy’s now.” kobra takes extra effort to make his voice as enthusiastic as possible, even if it’s scratchy and a bit unconvincing.
“woah! that far?” the girl asks, eyes wide.
“yeah, that far. but for now, i’m real tired.” kobra yawns.
“okay. but promise that we’ll race to tommy’s sometime? promise?” she
“pinky swear.” kobra says, locking his pinky with hers.
“alright girly, let’s let kobes get some shut-eye.” poison interrupts, tapping a now-sleeping ghoul who makes a noise of complaint as he rises from poison’s lap. the girl springs up from kobra’s bed, trotting over to where poison was opening the door.
“night-night kobra.” she whispers, following poison out. poison chuckles as they close the door behind them.
kobra falls back into his doze with a smile on his face and a bandaid on his forehead.
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holyguardian · 3 years
sends in reiivusu's url, they're such a nerrrrrdddd-- ôwô
MEME → Send me a url and I'll answer the following;;
Opinion on;
Character in general: [adjusts glasses] Whomst? I mean... I blinked and I think I missed him, was he the one dancing around in FFVII Remake??? I don't think he got a lot of screen time so I'm not certain why people would want to roleplay someone like that because clearly he's gotten all the development he needs and his character and motivations make complete sense and aren't easily confused because the story doesn't force the player to pick up every piece of information.
How they play them: Skit picked up this beast back in 2016 when he was still in his mullet phase and I think she deserves an award for picking him up at his most questionable time. For real though, I have enjoyed every scrap that she has shared with me about Ravus and the deep-dives of what makes him who he is. She worded it perfectly for me, actually, 'Aerith has a fierce and pretty husband'.
The writer: FERAL. Moving on.
Do I:
RP with them: Um. [quietly nudges my years of roleplaying with Skit across multiple platforms that were Tumblr, Skype, Kik, Line and Discord under a fucking rug]. What?
Want to RP with them: YES. Sobs into my hands nodding. So fucking bad, like you wouldn't believe. This girl has my IRL for real mobile number and everything, she could send me a text message telling me we're roleplaying this way now and I'd 'oh damn looks like we're roleplaying this way now'.
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Cut to me ugly crying and snotting everywhere with my arms opened to Skit for a hug. But Skit is on the ceiling fan like a goblin demanding that the ride is cranked to max. I wouldn't know where to GOD DAMNED START. Alright, I first stepped onto Tumblr testing out Cloud Strife specifically for Crisis Core because I had an interest in those characters. Though I only chose him because I thought he was the popular choice and clearly you choose characters that way. I made connections and decided I wasn't entirely happy and created a Genesis Rhapsodos sideblog because HE was the character I really wanted to roleplay. Then some serious butterfly effect shit led to this 5+ year friendship because a mutual of ours suggested let's all get on Skype together. Through that Skit and I discovered we lived in the same country, in the same state, yet lived so far apart we never would have met in any other way. I'm AWKWARD meeting new people and this was highly stressful for me until Skit was introduced and ever since we have stuck like glue and talked to one another every. single. day. So. Skit is the reason @firxga exists on his own blog. Skit is the reason I trialed Aerith sometime back in 2016, kept her between just us, and wrote an amazing journey between her and Ravus that spanned over Line for so long that my finger breaks a bit trying to read back through the sheer amount of content on my phone, then shifted over to Discord where honestly it isn't much better because the search results don't go all the way back anymore. Then it was all Skit who convinced me to move my girl from our private roleplays onto this blog here. Now look. All of you get this gremlin because of her and if I hadn't made that shitty sideblog way back when and been brave enough to take someone up on their offer to meet an Angeal writer on Skype NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED. I would have been long gone from this website. That's strictly talking about writing too, Skit is hands down my best friend in the world and I don't know what I'd do without her. I have traveled overseas and lost contact for long periods and it genuinely stressed me out not being able to reach her because not having access to talking with my bestie feels unnatural. So uh. Skit's alright I guess. <3
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Lost on You
Chapter 11
Peter Parker x Sister!Reader Steve Rogers x Reader Avenger x Reader; Hybrid Social Media AU
Series Masterlist
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I walk into the lab that only contained Tony, as it's only a Sunday.
"Hey Tone," I greet him.
"Hey," he said stopping what he was working on, "So what's up? Coming to tell me you're quitting?"
"No," I lightly laugh, "Actually I was coming to tell you that I'm moving out."
"Moving out?" He asked, making sure he heard correctly.
"Yeah, moving out," I repeat, anxiously waiting for his reaction.
"What did Steve do?"
"Nothing," I say, "We actually talked, sort of, last night. Officially ended things and I woke up this morning feeling freer than I have felt in awhile, yet there still felt like something was holding me back.
"That's when I realized that I've never been on my own. I've never lived by myself, and I think right now is the prefect opportunity. To learn more about me, who I am outside of all of this," I gesture to the surroundings.
"I need to come home to an empty, quiet house. Read a book in quiet. Pick up a hobby,"
"A hobby?" He laughed.
"You know what I mean," I rolled my eyes, "I just need to be by myself. I'm 26 years-old, and I've never been independent, it's about time that I learn to be."
"I get it," he says, "Selfishly I would love to keep you here forever, but I knew even before all of this that that probably wasn't going to happen.
"You deserve to find your independence. I get living here won't allow that. It's practically a frat house with Sam and Bucky living here," he quietly laughs.
"Thank-you," I smile at him, feeling a sense of relief come through.
"I'm assuming you haven't found a place yet though," he says.
"You are correct," I laugh, "I just came up with this idea two hours ago. I'm sure you have a realtor that wouldn't mind helping find a place."
"I'll make some calls," he nods, "How quick do you want out?"
"As soon as I possibly can," I tell him, "The sooner I can be out of here, the more I can breathe."
"Got it," he gives me a thumbs up.
"I'm also assuming all of this came to you, after the fact you unpacked your room," he jokes.
"Yeah," I pause, "Do you think Harry will get mad if I ask him to help me move, again."
"Hey that kid is in love with you, I'm sure if you moved a hundred times over he'll be gladly to help," he laughs.
"What?" I asked.
"Oh please," he scoffs, "don't tell me you're that oblivious. The kid's got a thing for you."
"No he doesn't," I deny, "We've been friends since forever. I think I would've known."
"Plus, he was advocating for me and Steve to get back together," I tell him.
"Yeah, because he just wants to see you happy," he tells me, "The kid would watch you marry another man if all it meant was that you would be happy for the rest of your life."
"That's how friendships work Tony," I argue against what he's saying.
"Gosh Y/n," he shakes his head walking over to me, placing his hand on my shoulder, "This whole moving out thing is actually a good idea. Open your eyes more."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh you'll see," he laughs before getting back to his work.
I roll my eyes, and walk out of the lab.
Harry isn't in love with me. I roll my eyes.
An hour later and I got an email filled with new living options from Tony's realtor. I narrowed down the choices to the ones only in Manhattan. I can picture myself living there. It's young and youthful, and a lot of my old college friends live in the surrounding areas.
By the end of the night I had found a place that was perfect. I knew it was an impulsive move to make, especially since I haven't even seen the place, but I had a gut feeling. That's where I'm supposed to live.
By the time I was eating breakfast the next morning, I had gotten an email saying that it's all mine. I looked across the table at Wanda who was eating he oatmeal.
She glanced up at me.
"Why are you staring?" she asked me.
"I have to tell you something."
"That you and Steve had sex the other night? I already knew that," she says.
"What?" I asked taken back by that.
"My room is right next to yours," she says, "Don't worry, as soon as we heard where it was going we put headphones on.
"Bucky and I," she says, looking down at her bowl putting another spoonful in her mouth.
"You and Bucky?" I tease, "When did that happen?"
"Three months ago," she whispered.
"Wait, what?" I asked shocked.
"Three months ago," she confessed, "Bucky and I have actually been seeing each other for three months. We've just been keeping it a secret. Which was easy since we were the only ones who lived on that side of the floor."
"Why did you guys hide it?" I asked.
"Honestly, it made it more exciting," she admits, causing both of us to burst into giggles.
Bucky and Sam walk in.
"What's so funny?" Sam asks.
"Does he know?" I ask Wanda, she shakes her head no.
"What, that you and Bucky have been going at it like bunnies when you think no one is around?" Sam says.
"You know?" Bucky says, spilling some of the coffee he was pouring.
"For a world class assassin, you sure are very vocal in bed," Sam teased.
"I-I" Bucky stuttered shocked at what Sam said, he looked over at Wanda.
Wanda shrugged her shoulders, "He's not wrong," she giggles, which causes all of us to laugh.
After a few moments everything had calmed down, and Sam and Bucky had joined us at the table.
"Wait, if that's not what you were going to tell me, what were you going to say?" Wanda asked
"Well since everyone will find out soon," I pause, "I'm moving out."
"What?" they all said in unison.
"You're moving out?" A voice asked from behind. I turned around to find Steve coming in from his morning run.
I cleared my throat before saying, "Yeah. I think it's time I live on my own."
"You don't like living with us?" Sam asked, "I mean I get not wanting to live with Bucky, he eats all your food."
"Dude, that was you," he quipped.
At that moment Natasha walked in with Tony by her side.
"This just got a lot more awkward," Sam whispered next to me.
"What happened?" Tony asked, noticing the silence.
"Perfect timing, I was actually just telling everyone about me moving out," I say, "Looks like everyone is here, so yeah. I'm moving out."
"Oh," Tony said, "I'm guessing they don't know when either."
"When are you moving out?" Steve asked.
"Soon," I announce, "Very soon. Found a place, it's really nice. It's in Manhattan. And the paperwork is all sorted."
"When the kid sets her mind to something, she goes above and beyond," Tony says trying to cut the tension, "Next time Pepper wants to move, I'm just going to have Y/n pick the place."
"When are you moving out?" Wanda asked.
"As soon as I'm packed," I say, looking at her apologetically.
"Does that mean you won't be going on missions anymore?" Natasha cautiously spoke up.
"No, I will," I say, "I'm still going to be working here and doing Avenger stuff, I just won't be living here. I need some space, no offense."
"We get it," Steve says with a small smile on his face, "You have to do what you have to do. We'll support it."
"Thank-you," I nod my head at him.
"So I guess you'll need some help to pack your room?" Wanda asked.
"Actually, I've got that taken care of," Tony speaks up, "Hired a company. It'll be easier that way to move things over to the new place."
"Well then," I say standing up and grabbing my plate and putting it in the sink, "I have some work I need to do in the lab. See you guys later."
I quickly made my way out of the room and to the lab. I was actually more thankful that everyone was around for the announcement, now I don't have to worry about telling anyone else. As I stand in the elevator, I can feel more of the weight lifted off my shoulders and that's a sign letting me know I'm doing the right thing.
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Summary: Y/N Parker is Peter’s older sister. She is ten years older than Peter, making her 26 years-old. She is also an Avenger, her powers are very similar to Wanda’s; telekinesis, mind reading, teleportation, and elemental bending. She has been an Avenger far longer than Peter, and like Peter her identity is kept a secret. As well as being an Avenger she works in the lab alongside Tony, she is a science genius. She has also been dating Steve Rogers for the past 3 years. Their relationship is as great as it can possibly be, that is until Steve does something that has Y/n questioning not only their entire relationship, but her place in the Avengers. It opens her eyes to how much of her life has revolved around Steve and work. Never really experiencing life like everyone else her age has.
Series tag list: @chaoticpete​ @eliza5616​ @supraveng​ @faithtrustandrobbiekay​ @inquisitor-selvala​ @dumbbitch11​ @im-not-an-armrest-im-short​ @jessyballet​ @reann-loves-sebstan​ @thelostallycat​ @castalette​ @lovely-geek​ @malfoyy123​ @zombieninjadinostayssilent​ @welovecaptainamericaass​ @dontbetooobvious​ @stop-drop-and-drumroll​ @ophelias-heart​​ @csigeoblue​​  @cvelarded
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