lulupen2023 · 1 year
Matt's birthday fic
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Setting: 9th June 2023, yep, exactly THAT day! Pairing: mainly BellDom, you know, but there’s also some Matt/Elle and implied Dom/Stacie Disclaimer: faker than a 600$ note, the characters only belong to themselves, I don’t know Muse, nor the people around them Summary: Sequel of ‘My first choice’. It's Matt's birthday, will he get the gift he desires the most?
Particularly satisfied after the performance of 'You make me feel like it's Halloween', even more adrenaline-pumping than usual, Matthew approaches the crowd, reaching the end of the platform.
Over the years he has gone from total shyness, which barely made him say the title of the song they were about to play, to increasingly loving the attention of the public, until he catalyzed it.
When he can he likes to run along the barriers to shake hands and give smiles, he likes to incite the audience to sing with him, indeed, sometimes he just makes them sing, he likes to talk to them from the stage.
And that's what he's about to do, except that the audience precedes him.
A unanimous chorus rises and from the very first syllables he understands what it is about: it's a song for  his birthday.
It's certainly not the first time this has happened to him and it won't be the last, but seeing an immense crowd of people singing in his honor is something that always touches him a lot.
Especially when, whipping around, he sees Dominic's smug smile.
Matthew finds himself taking stock of his life, where he started from and what he finds now.
A global success.
An abundant discography, the result of a constant search for renewal.
Wonderful, important and consolidated friendships.
An outstanding team of professionals.
A beautiful, sweet, kind, caring wife who supports him on every occasion she can.
A daughter who grows visibly and becomes more beautiful every day, like her mother.
A son who fills him with satisfaction, whose twelfth birthday he will celebrate next month.  
And then there's him, the one he can't just place in the 'wonderful friendships' category, because he is so much more.
The person who knows him best and has known him the longest.
The co-founder of his own dream.
His most trusted confidant.
The body that most loves to hug.
The arms he most wants to wrap around him.
Her secret lover for the past twenty-three years.
His indissoluble soulmate.
Their love has faced even the most insurmountable obstacles and is ready to face any new battle that arises.
Because together they are invincible.
Matthew is almost sorry that that song isn't in the lineup that evening, but he remembers where he is and what he's doing, he stops the choir that has started and gets ready to start 'Madness', but not before thanking the audience as they deserve.
At the afterparty Matthew has now lost count of how many toasts he made, how many people hugged him to wish him well, and how many gifts he received.
However, he is well aware of the gift he did not receive, the post on social media that was not dedicated to him, the almost absent physical contact that evening.
It almost seems to him that Dom is mad at him, but at the same time he knows it's not like that, he just needs to look him in the eye when their gazes meet.
It's nearly three in the morning and Matthew just wants to make things clearer, but he also knows that the situation he's in at the moment makes it difficult, starting with the fact that Elle sits next to him, not to mention on his lap.
And it is she who distracts him from his thoughts.
"Matt, love, shall we go out for a moment and get some fresh air?" She asks in his ear, drowning out the sound of the music.
He follows her, reaching the back of the club, the most private of spots.
"Elle, if you're tired, we'll leave soon..."
"No, my dear, you're the one who's leaving," she interrupts him, "To Dom. I know you want it, you need it, you don't even need to try to hide it from me."
Matthew can hardly believe what he is hearing. "But.."
“Honey, it's your party after all. And then Lovella and I pretty much hogged you since this morning until rehearsal, so that's okay." corroborates her case Elle.
"And you're really okay with that?" The singer scrutinizes her thoroughly.
She takes his face in her hands.
“Matthew, listen to me. You are a wonderful man. The best husband I could wish for. You're my angel. You are an amazing father. A formidable lover. And to have all this I have to 'just' share you with someone equally special. I'd be a fool not to accept that."
Matthew pulls her to him and kisses her softly.
“Elle, love, sometimes I think I don't deserve you…” He murmurs against her lips.
“Second choice, remember? And look at all that you have given me and continue to give me.” The model smiles at him.
“But you deserve so much more, you deserve someone who loves you one hundred percent, who is completely dedicated to you.”  
"Don’t be silly, my percentage is more than enough!" She heartens him, as understanding as few people can be. “So now you and him will leave. Lovella is with Guetcha, so Stacie and I will continue to party, even without you. By now, she knows how things go, too.”
“Dom and I were too lucky to meet you.” He smiles, stroking her long and silky golden hair.
"Just know that tomorrow I'll be so drunk that I won't even want to get out of bed all day and you'll take care of Lovella!" the model makes him laugh.
Matt, however, is serious in what he says.
“Honey, you are the best wife ever, you know that, right?” He kisses her again.
“Yes, but keep repeating that, my angel.” She giggles.
“I'm not sure what happened out there, but when you got back Elle took Stacie away like a hurricane,” Dominic mutters, following his best friend out.
"It’s happening that I had a gift within the gift and so you and I can have some time for ourselves... shall we say even all night?" Matthew smiles at him, while they wait for the taxi that he has already called.
“So now do you want to tell me why you've been so detached all day long?” Investigates the frontman, once they are comfortably seated on the back seats, with the divider up to give them the right amount of privacy.
“You’re saying that because I haven't made any post to wish you a happy birthday; it hurts, doesn’t it? You, little bitch!” The drummer teases him, mindful of the treatment he received on his birthday.
“Yeah, it does, a little…now I understand what it means to taste your own medicine.” Mutters the other. "But you're not angry with me.. are you?"
Dom shakes his head, smiling.
“Nope, of course, not, if anything, I was just stepping aside, to leave you with your family…”
Matt holds his best friend's hands tight.
“Dommeh, how many times do I have to repeat this to you? You are my family, too."
The blond smiles at him, resuming his speech.
"So, even the gift, I would have given you mine another time..."
"Ah, but then you do have a gift for me!" Grins the other, happy as a child, in contrast with the age he has just reached.
“Of course, you had doubts? And since we're on our way to the hotel, I guess I can give it to you now."
“You guess right.”
Once they get out of the cab, a giggling Matt sprints for the hotel elevator, with Dom following suit.
“Easy, you don't want to wake everyone up, do you?” Acts as Jiminy Cricket Dom.
The Pinocchio in question looks at him with a clear invitation in his gaze.
“Then find a way to shut me up!”
Time to say it and Dom pulls him to him for a kiss that lasts for all eleven floors, up to their suites.
Matt gives him just enough time to open the door to his room, before returning to kiss him, with his hands starting to make their way under his clothing.
“Slow down, Matteh, do you want to unwrap the gift… or me?” Chuckles Dom, pulling away from him before things get too hot between the two.
“Uhmm.. both?”  The birthday boy pushes his luck, but his wish is not fulfilled, since the blond goes away.
He pouts, but he is immediately back to his best mood when he sees him returning with a rather bulky gift package in his hand.
Once unwrapped, the case makes him guess it's a guitar, but when he opens it he's stunned.
She has almost every shade of blue that his eyes contain, she's doused in glitter, she's beautiful, yet that's not what amazes him so much.
“But… Dom, it's all foam rubber on the outside!” He comments, fascinated, touching every fret, string and button, thus making sure that she is in perfect working order.
“Yeah, it’ something your Manson guys have been secretly working on for me for months.” Dom smugly reveals. "'At least you can throw this one at me without the risk of making me have brain damage!"
Matt laughs in amusement, playing the guitar for a few seconds, in her feeble unamplified condition, of course, and then grabs the neck and taps Dom on the head.
“Go on…it's even pleasant!” Chuckles the drummer.
“Guess what, Dommeh, I got you a present too.” Matt surprises him, putting the guitar back in the shoulder case.
"But how? It's your birthday and do you want to give me a present?”
“You've known me for thirty-one years and you still haven't figured it out? I'm unpredictable."
“One of the countless reasons I love you so much, Matteh. But be a good boy, get your gift first.”
Matthew's face lights up.
"Why? Do I have another one?”
“This was for for fun. Now follow me."
Matthew is startled when he sees them leave the suite and Dominic anticipates his questions.
"For obvious reasons I couldn't keep it in the room, Stacie only knew about the guitar... and again for obvious reasons I couldn't wrap it." he explains, walking down the corridor that leads to another room that he has booked, smaller, also because what he simply needs is a little hidden place.
Dominic opens the room, turns on the light and... there's no need to say more.
"But.. it's a bike!" Matt observes, removing the red rosette that that mountain bike has on the handlebars, the only thing that gives it the appearance of a gift.
"Yes. Do you remember that trip to Vienna? It was romantic, but renting them is so impersonal, isn't it nicer to have our own bikes to take for rides everywhere we visit?”
Matthew continues to inspect the bike, squeezing the handlebars, spinning the wheels, when he notices something.
"But.. my saddle has 'Dom' engraved on it!"
Dom walks away and then drags another bike with him.
“That's right and my saddle has 'Bells' engraved on it,” he adds, showing him his.
“So we have BellDom bikes, don’t we?” The pianist shows off a toothy grin.
“That was just the idea. Now that's really romantic." Murmurs Dom.
Matthew pulls him to himself to kiss him intensely.
"Of course... I did everything in a hurry, because the idea came to me in Vienna, if I had had more time I would have had yours made red and glittered," the blond justifies himself, between kisses.
“Sure, and your leopard print!” Matthew laughs. “Trust me, they're perfect like this, black and shiny. A little sobriety doesn't kill us. Would you like to try them right away?”
“Uh? I think we were busy doing something very interesting…” Dom protests, still looking for his lips to nibble.
“Uhmm, nice, but… it's about the gift I want to give you. I would have taken you there by taxi, but this is even better!” the frontman decides, dragging him with him towards the blond's suite.
"Are you really suggesting that we go around the streets of Cologne by bike at four in the morning, drunk, getting lost?" mumbles Dom very unconvinced, putting on his jacket.
“Yes, but we won't get lost… I set the navigator… And then it was close to tonight's stadium, more or less. And pedaling is what it takes to get sober, at least a little.” Matt insists,
putting on his padded jacket, to then also slip the guitar case over his shoulder.
“Uh? Do you take that with you too?”
“Yes, it's part of the gift… Of course, acoustics would have had a completely different effect, but I'll make it enough for me. I'm intriguing you, right?"
“Damn you and your persuasion skills, Bells! Come on, let's go get the bikes, let's get them out of here without waking up the whole hotel and then show me the way!"
When they venture into the now isolated streets, Dom has to admit that the sense of freedom that the night gives them is beautiful.
He faithfully follows Matt, who in turn faithfully follows his navigator and they arrive at a plateau from which they can enjoy a beautiful view of the city.
And kissing, remaining on their bikes, in front of that enchanting panorama is even more suggestive.
Both seem oblivious to the crisp air that whips their faces and hands.
“Actually, we could have stayed in the hotel, I already have the gift in my inside jacket pocket, but I wanted to give you this view.” Matt confides in him.
“I approve of the decision.” Dom sighs in ecstasy. “It's beautiful here, it's oh-so-romantic." 
He can't resist the temptation to take out his cell phone and take a panoramic video first and then turning the camera towards the two of them for the last few seconds.
“Wait put your phone away, I suggest you film this too.”
Saying it, Matt opens the case, takes the guitar, sits cross-legged on the floor.
Before playing, he hands Dom a red velvet box.
“Another pendant, right?” the blond guesses.
“That spoke too much about you. And then I associated it with this song" winks the other, starting to play.
From the very first chords, subdued but perfect, Dominic, who is already filming it, understands that it's not a Muse song nor is it part of their cover repertoire.
It's a song with a vintage flavor and a bittersweet melody at the same time.
And Matt still has to sing.
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray  
Matt intones, with his voice almost broken, the cadence slow, the chords that follow one another fluidly and his eyes focused on the blonde, while he opens the box: there is a pendant in the shape of a sunflower.
Matthew signals to him that he must open it, before starting to sing again
You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
Matt finishes his performance, while Dominic follows that advice and discovers that hidden in the pendant there is a round tag with the words 'You are my sunshine'
“Oh, Matt, that's beautiful, thank you.” He bows down to him, to kiss him. “And I liked the song too, but I know how much you love me, it's about as much as I love you!”
Matthew moves away from him, gets up and puts the guitar back in her case.
“Bloody hell, you screw it up! Even in 'Sing for absolution' I say that you will never know, yet you love it every time I sing you that song!" Matthew points out to him, a little annoyed.
“You are right, Matteh, I need to analyze less and enjoy the moment more.” Dom repents, scratching him behind the ear, which he knows pretty well how that sends the other into raptures.
From there to kissing again the step is short, but when they separate, Matthew has a gloomy expression on his face.
There's something else he absolutely needs to know.
“Dominic, please don't take what I'm about to say wrong, because I know first that's not the right word I want to use..."
“Come on, Bells, what are these hesitations on your part? You know you can tell me everything."
"Would you ever want to 'heal' from this… thing we have?" Mutters the singer.
“Explain yourself better.” Frowns the percussionist.
“Suppose that there is a potion that can cancel this constant need for each other that we have, this visceral desire to be together in every sense. A sip of the potion and… BAM, you and I become just and only friends, as we are with Chris, as we are with Tom… and so I can be a perfect husband and you can be a flawless fiancèè. Would you drink it?” Matthew asks him, as serious as ever.
"Forty-five gets to your head, Bells!" Laughs Dominic.
“Dom, don't joke!”
"Okay, I'm not kidding. If that potion existed, I would take it." Dominic confesses and Matt feels a little dying inside, even if he doesn't show it.
"I would take that potion in my hands just to throw it to the ground, with all the strength I have, and shatter it, so even if you wanted to lick it off the ground, you would also have to drink all the glasses together, because if you really wanted such a thing, well, I wouldn’t surely make things easy for you!"
A smile lights up Matthew's face again.
“Dommeh, but I’d never want to drink it either. That's what I was hoping to hear from you."
“Did you really think I was going to say something different?”
"Well, you and Stacie…maybe you…you…" Matt stumbles over his words
“What about you and Elle, then? And you have kids too, Matt! Yet you see, whatever bond arises between us, no matter how beautiful and pleasant it is, cannot break ours, never will. Dom reassures him. “And you're right, it's an uphill life, it's made of subterfuge, dark moments where we both wonder if it's still worth it. The point is, we both always know it's worth it and as much as that makes everything more complicated, it's exactly what makes us us and I wouldn't want anything different, ever, my love."
"Oh, Dommeh..." Matt looks at him moved. “What you said is so romantic.”
“You make me romantic.” Dominic whispers, stroking his hair.
“You're Dom… and it was romantic…” Matthew broods.
“No, Bells, don't say that."
'You are Domantic!' Matt chuckles, proud of the term he invented.
“Shall we talk about what you did for me earlier? The sunflower, the song…It was romantic, you're Matt…”  
“Oh no, no, Dom, please don't."
“You are roMattic!” concludes his absurd reasoning Dom.
The two friends and lovers burst out laughing, perhaps as they haven't done for a long time.
“We are just two idiots!” Comments Matt.
“Made for each other!" Points out Dom.
“Oh well, whether domantic or romattic, I’m gonna ask you: do you still have the tag I gave you on your birthday?”
“What stupid questions. I will never part from it." reveals the blond, extracting the named object from the inside pocket of his jacket. "And you?"
In response, the brunette takes his from a compartment in his wallet.
The two cannot resist the temptation to join them, before putting them away again for safety.
“And this is also another one of your gifts that I will have to hide.” Dom mutters, waving the open sunflower in front of him.
“Well technically if you leave it closed it hides itself and you can always say it's a gift from a fan.. I'm your biggest fan after all!”
“Uhmm yes, that's true, but I prefer you as a groupie!” Dom replies lasciviously, groping his butt to highlight the concept.
“We'll also have to hide the bikes..” Dom continues, going up to stroke his forearms.
“For that it will be enough to buy some seat covers, there I could have a glittery one and you a leopard print one!" The singer snatches a smile from him.
Dom turns serious, a little melancholy.
“However, the fact remains that we always have to hide, we have been doing that for more than twenty years now..."
“I know, Dommeh, I would like to give you much more than this.”
Dominic shuts him up first with his index finger on his lips and then with a kiss
‘Shh, Matteh, what you already give me will always be worth it.”
Blame Dom’s Vienna post on instagram for that XD And also a commercial that has been hunting me on facebooks for months, lol, yep, the sunflower pendant exist for real (along with the song Matt covered, which is ‘You are my sunshine’ written by Jimmie Davis and Charles Mitchell in 1939) Of course, if I wish things could have gone like that, it doesn’t mean they actually did, never forget this is a fanfic. You can figure out how fake it is just by the successful Happy Birthday plan in the crowd that actually never happened as it was supposed to do ^^’ If Manson guys can create an amazing 3d WOTP mask guitar, it must be a piece of cake for them to make a foam rubber covered one! XD I’m a BellDommer, I always will be, but Elle is so so sooooo beautiful, and seems also to be very supportive, sweet and kind, so as long as Matt is happy I’m happy, long life to Matt and her, but, of course, longer life to BellDom ^^ Hope you’ll like it, but I have the feeling you won’t… However, late (I didn’t manage to post in on time, geez!) HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYY, BELLS!!!!!
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
My very first BellDom Fic 18/23
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awww, thanks for the hearts here and there *O* If you're reading, I hope you're laughing special thank youuu to the lovely chaoticbebop , also for the kudos on ao3, it means sooo much to me *O*
Do you want to meet a Matthew who sees conspiracy everywhere (oh wait, this is not big news!) and is so fond of his trolley that he treats it like a sort of puppy? Do you want to meet a Dominic in love with… himself (and with Matt, too, of course!)? And do you want to meet a Chris who wants to prove to the world he's the most masculine guy ever… but is unavoidably attracted by every… female hobby? This is what you'll find in this story, among lots of BellDom and… craziness!
Summary of the chapter: Matt and Dom need a good plan…
Warning: Lots of fluff and crazy stuff (Uh! I made it rhyme, lol!)
Chapter  XVIII: From Number Fifty-Seven!
Matthew sings a cappella, at the end of their show, as he waves his hand and invites the crowd to do the same and also to sing along with him, at the Jobing.com Arena, the new tour date.
The crowd sings back as loud as they can, waving their hands even more than him, but for the frontman is not enough yet.
Matthew incites them with the second verse and this time the crowd sings along with him since the beginning.
Chris observes the whole scene dumbfounded, wondering which evil entity has possessed his friend to make him do such a thing.
Anyway, when he sees that Dominic seems to be very pleased by that and he is even laughing about it, he hopes that the drummer will promptly clarify things to him.
"Enjoy the rest of the show with My Chemical Romance! Thank you, Phonenix, see ya soon. Cheers!" Matthew greets the crowd, going towards the backstage as the other two follow him.
"I can't still believe I did that damn thing for real!" the singer comments, horrified.
"A payback is a payback!" Dominic states.
"Yeah, but it's unfair, I didn't even damage them at the show in Salt Lake City, at the very end; quite the contrary, people thought it was a joke and enjoyed that, laughing with them, not at them, as I wished!" Matt complains.
It's enough for the two lovers to see Chris's still confused face to understand what his question is, even before he asks them.
"Matt got the My Chemical Romance's guitars out of tune at the last show, that's why you heard that terrible noise at the beginning." Dom explains shortly as he glares at Matt.
"Yeah, and Mr. Fair here forced me to tell them the truth." Matt goes on, glaring back at Dom.
"Yeah, and the band looked for their more than deserved revenge. So they forced Matt to get the crowd ready for their arrival, singing a little bit of one of their most famous hits!" Dom concludes, glaring at Matt once again.
"So, that was one of *their* songs! I thought it was a new work in progress of yours and you hadn't told me about that. After all, you have the bloody tendency to hide so much stuff to me!" Chris strikes back as he glares at them both.
"Oh, c'mon, we told you everything at the end, didn't we? And we could never work on something new without letting you know about that!" Matthew assures him.
"Yep, except for the geezers' song." escapes from Dom's lips.
"Dominic! Damn you and your bloody mouth!" Matt snaps.
"Hey! If memory serves me right, yesterday you didn't complain at all about my bloody mouth!" Dom reminds to his boyfriend, making him blush.
Also Chris goes red... but with rage.
"What? Are you still working on that horror?" he roars.
"Can we just forget about the last minute and start it over again?" Dom attempts to ask them.
"No way!" Matt and Chris yell at him in unison.
"If only I had my time-machine!" the drummer mutters.
"Oh, c'mon, Chris, let's make a deal: you can work on a project on your own and Dom and I won't say a word!" the frontman tries to bargain.
"Don't you even try, Bells! Just abandon once for all this suicidal idea, you'll never make it! I'll warn every single recording studio in the world not to let you in, if I'm not with you; and if I see you two try something funny during one of our shows I'm gonna intervene, *violently* if necessary!" Chris threatens them and it works, of course.
"Ok, I got the message. " Matt ruefully surrenders.
"Gee, Chris, why do you have to be always such a pain in the ass? Plus, you're way too bloody serious!" Dominic snorts.
"I'm not serious, I'm just normal... but I can't say the same about you two!" the bassist defends himself. "And don't forget that Ricky from IV A is the coolest guy of the High School because he looks like me a little bit!" he adds before leaving, as he proudly remembers the diaries he read at Salt Lake City.
This time it's Dom and Matt who look dumbfounded, but they just decide to ignore that.
Plus, Dominic has something else to worry about.
"Sorry, Matt, I didn't do it on purpose..." he backs off prudently.
"But you did. When it's a matter to keep a secret you're worst than a gossiper!" Matt scolds him.
"You're right. I've been such a bad boy. I need a punishment." Dominic reckons.
"Yep, you do, so..." Matt agrees, but then he realizes the way the blond is looking at him. "Gee, Dom! You can't always turn everything into bloody sex! This is a serious issue!" he protests.
"But I'm bloody serious. Punish me!" Dom insists.
"Well, it doesn't work this way!" Matt grumbles.
"Because you don't look like someone who is gonna be punished." Matt makes him notice as he approaches him, still showing a serious and stern face.
"How do I look like then?" the drummer asks him, curious.
"Like someone who's gonna have a lot of fun!" the other strikes back
"Oh. And tell me, aint't so?" the blond wonders rhetorically as he resorts to his unfailing weapon.
As a matter of fact, Matt's harsh expression is replaced by a sexy smile.
"Damn you and your irresistible pout! Let's go to our room, can't wait to *punish* you!" the brunette growls as he drags his lover away with him.
Since he has found at the Salt Lake City airport a handbook of crochet-hook that answered even to his deepest inquisitions, after buying it and hiding it from his friends, two days later, at Los Angeles, Chris can finally take advantage of that. He knows that he can dedicate some time to his beloved hobby without being disturbed.
Mostly because Dominic and Matthew have something else to do.
They're lying on the bed, placidly, taking advantage not only of the free morning, but of the free day at their whole disposal.
Matthew is searching around the web at random, with his laptop on his lap as he takes notes on his Hello Kitty notebook about the potential changes of their playlists.
Dom looks at him absently, since he's all engrossed in listening to his iPod.
He wishes with all his being that Matt had not the brilliant idea of tugging on an earphone and listening to the music with him, because no matter how tender that gesture would be, Matt would end up listening to something he violently dislikes; since it's one of My Chemical Romance's songs and, maybe for a trick of fate, it's just the one he had to sing a cappella at the end of their last show.
Luckily for Dom, Matt doesn't seem interested at all in joining to that listening. Out of the blue, the blond starts caring less about the music and more about his mate who is drawing doodles around the pink, tied ribbon of the kitten with the date of January 20th above.
Suddenly realization hits them both.
"Tomorrow it's a whole week since we've been shagging like rabbits!" Dom exclaims.
"Tomorrow it's a whole month since we've kissed for the very first time!" Matt exclaims at the same time, but that doesn't prevent them from hearing each other.
"Oh, what you said is much more romantic!" Dom recognizes with a sweet smile.
"But what you said is much more exciting!" Matt replies with a horny look.
"So, tomorrow we'll have a double important occasion to celebrate. We have to get ready pwopewly." the brunette goes on.
"A private party?" the blond realizes with an expectant look.
"Yep, a very, very private one, my dear!" the other confirms.
"But tomorrow we have the show!" Dom reminds to him. "So, how..."
"We have all day long to find a way to escape right after the show!" the singer winks at him.
"You're right. By the way, since it's almost midday, can we finally open the window or what?" Dom changes topic.
"Already? Why? Dark rooms with switched on lamps are so nice, even better if the lamps are replaced by candles." Matt protests.
"Well, unlike you, my dear vampire, I happen to like the sun!" Dom strikes back as he pulls the curtains and opens the window. "Now we can start. You know, I plan better in the sunlight!" he grins, as he bathes in the sunlight.
Too bad that his boyfriend is still busy recording in his brain his previous sentence.
"Vampire?" he repeats as a question.
"To begin with, you're so pale..."
"Said the Californian surfer!" Matt strikes back, sarcastically.
"Well, at least I have sunlamps sometimes... whatever! That's not the point! Back to what I was telling you, you always lurk in the shadows and you seem to be much more active at night ... almost as if you spent the day recharging your batteries... just like vampires do!" Dom goes on.
"But I don't recharge my batteries sleeping in a coffin!" the brunet points out.
"Well, this is irrelevant. Plus, sometimes you can be so, so evil. Just think about what you did to those poor, dear guys on stage!" Dominic reminds to him.
"What about what *they* did to *me*? Wasn't it evil as well?" Matt makes him notice.
"Nope, that was just fair!" the blond clarifies, before he starts staring at him with diffidence. "Hey, wait a minute. How can I be sure that you don't eat food just for cover?" Dom insinuates as he starts enjoying that a lot.
"I'm not a vampire, Dom! Quit it, bloody quit it!" a fiery Matt snaps.
"You said 'bloody ' which reminds to blood. So, you do are a vampire! You... you... VladyMatt!" Dom strikes back, enlightened.
"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Matt roars.
"But it's what you are. And you're even growling now, just like a proper vampire. VladyMatt, VladyMatt, VladyMatt!" Dom insisted, amused as a child who has just discovered the funniest game ever.
"If you don't quit it I'll call you SpiderDom!" the brunette says, thinking that he's threatening him.
"Oh, please, do it. I like that!" the blond reveals.
"What? That's not fair. You weren't supposed to like that..." his boyfriend pouts.
"But I really do and I'll tell you what. We should dress up like these characters when we... you know!" the drummer suggests.
"Really?" the guitarist wonders, very intrigued.
After all, Dominic doesn't know that he has been thinking about that eventuality for awhile.
"Yep. You should get a black and red velvet cape and talk to me with Transylvanian accent... that would turn me on so bad!" the blond whispers at his ear, as the brunette shivers in pleasure.
"Sounds bloody good. So, can I also tell you what to do?" Matt purrs at his ear, but Dom pushes him away.
"No way! You can't tell me anything. After all, SpiderDom has already captured VladyMatt in his web, hasn't he?" he moans languidly as he lies down on the bed and with his look invites his partner to join him.
"Hell yes, he has!" the other smiles, as he crawls slowly on his giggling lover and places a tender chaste kiss on his soft lips. "Now, Dommy, get ready, because I'm gonna show you how much *active* I can be even during the day!" he warns him, before they both vent to their endless desire.
"Please, repeat. You are going to do... WHAT?!" Chris exclaims, so stunned that the titbit of steak that he took with his fork falls inexorably on the plate, along with the fork.
"Just what we said. Tomorrow, after the show, we're going to escape and go celebrate our first week sexually together!" Dom explains to him again, with a wide grin at the thought.
"And also our first month since our very first kiss!" Matt adds, grinning as well.
"That's why we need our time to celebrate." Dom states, as he cuts his fillet.
"The more time we have, the better. That's why we need to skip the fans' time, although there will be just a few people, since we're not the headliner here!" Matt retorts as he makes the red wine spin around his glass, slowly and widely, before sipping it.
"But you usually adore fans' time... both of you!" Chris makes them notice.
"Yep, but not tomorrow!" Dominic remarks.
"Oh, c'mon, all they ask for is a bunch of minutes to spend with us..." the bassist insists.
"Well, tomorrow all the bunch of minutes I have will be just and only at my Dom's disposal and there's no fan who can make me change my mind!" Matthew states resolutely.
"Gee, you're so mean!" Chris grumbles.
"Well, after all I'm VladyMatt, am not I?" the frontman sneers, glancing at the drummer.
"So, you do like it at the very end!" the blond figures out, enthusiastically.
"Yes, I admit I do... but just a little!" the brunet confesses.
Chris has no idea what they're babbling about, as he keeps turning his head to one and then to the other, as if he was watching a tennis match.
"How did you just call yourself and why?" he asks Matt. "No, wait. On second thought, I don't wanna know!" he corrects himself a few seconds later.
"Oh, c'mon, Chris, think about the positive side of the situation: if Matt and I are out of the game, you'll get all the fans' attention!" Dom makes him notice.
"Uh! Well, I hadn't thought about that..." the bassist answers, delighted by that idea, but then he jumps to another conclusion. "Are you hinting that I'll get all the fans' attention just because I'm the only one left? Have you mistaken me for a stopgap?" he wonders, insulted.
"No, never! How can you think such a terrible thing? You rule, you're awesome, you're great. Does Matt have to dedicate another song to you in order to convince you of that?" Dom replies.
"Nope. One is enough. Ok, I believe you. Just what am I supposed to say if some fans ask me why you're not there?" Chris asks them.
"Uhmm. Maybe you could tell them that our girlfriends made us a nice surprise and joined us during this date of the tour, so we want to spend as much time as we can with them." Dominic suggests.
"We couldn't be more liar than that!" Matthew shakes his head.
"So? Do you have a better idea, maybe?" Dom asks him.
"I'm not saying that I don't agree!" the other points out.
"So, Chris, we can trust you, can't we?" Dom needs confirmation.
"Yep, but don't you dare complain if from tomorrow on all our fans will ditch you to spend their time with me!" Chris smirks.
"One more thing; Tom will never know about it, promise to me!" Matthew asks as he can already picture in his mind a never ending lecture from their manager.
"Oh, Matty, now we have to find the perfect plan to escape tomorrow!" Dom incites him.
"Why? Haven't you thought about it in the morning?" Chris asks them.
"Oh, no, we've spent the whole morning..." the blond informs him, but Chris immediately stops him, raising his hand.
"Please, shut up, this is another thing I absolutely don't wanna know!" he clarifies, before he leaves the room and after awhile also the other two follow his example.
Saying that he needs his space sometimes, Dom spends the afternoon hanging around the town, going shopping, but mostly staring at himself from every shop-window Los Angeles has to offer him.
Matthew agrees without any problem, also because he has a pretty busy afternoon to deal with.
This was the fifth travel Dom made with Pinkie, so now his rightful owner has finally taken possession of his beloved trolley again.
He goes towards the bedroom, holding some tubes of red glitter and a set of golden wheels, ready to celebrate its return in the way he had promised to it.
He takes it from the closet, very carefully, and places it on an armchair.
"C'mon, Pinkie, let's get the party started!" he announces and the most worrying thing is that he's pretty sure that he's not just talking to himself!
After they had their dinner, Chris stays in the hall, entertaining himself with the barmen and some of the customers of the hotel, as Matthew and Dominic come back to their room.
The blond opens a drawer and takes a scratch pad and a blue felt-tip pen, as he starts writing 'Escape'.
No, they're not restudying that famous song of the Showbiz era.
As they have already decided, they're just plotting their way of escape.
Instead of writing, the brunette prefers drawing.
"So, we are these two.. " Matthew explains as he sketches in a very childish way two guys who are holding their hands, with a little heart in the middle.
"Aawww!" the blond melts down.
"And this is the Arena..." Matt goes on, turning page and drawing a circle with lots of rays that symbolize the several exits, but then he realizes that Dom isn't even looking at him anymore.
Following his gaze, he realizes what has drawn his attention so much.
"Gee, Dom, stop staring the sketch about us!" he reprimands him.
"I can't, you made me gorgeous even in this drawing!" the other states.
"Oh, c'mon, you don't even know which one is you!" the frontman teases him.
"Hell yeah I do, I'm the one on the left. To begin with, he's the taller one." he explains, turning the sketch towards Matt in order to make him see it better. "Then, the one on the right has crazier hair, see?" he goes on, snatching the felt-tip pen from his lover's hand and adding spiky and messy hair on the sketched out guy on the right. "And finally, didn't you notice that? The one on the left is holding drumsticks!" he concludes, drawing said drumstick in the guy on the left's free hand.
And then he admires his artwork very pleased.
"Dom, you're impossible!" Matt rolls his eyes.
"Well, we were plotting, weren't we?" the blond changes topic.
"Yeah..." the other replies, turning pages again. "So, these are the exits... how are we supposed to leave?" he wonders. "And please, don't you even try to name your bloody time-machine!" he summons him immediately after.
"Ok, also because the time-machine wouldn't help this time. C'mon, let's concentrate, we need an idea, a very good one!" Dom comments.
"For the last time, Matthew, no, no, and fucking NO!" Dom snaps after more than three quarters an hour of the brunette's impracticable suggestions.
"But why? It would be genial!" the other protests.
"It's impossible. We can't have a sort of spaceship and take off directly from the stage. We can't have the damned space skateboards you would also like to use at Wembley. And, mostly, there's no bloody, damn, sodding paralyzing ray that we can use on the crowd!" Dom explains to him, not very patiently.
"It would be so fun!" Matthew sighs unhappily and then he concentrates on the sketch of the Arena again, with the blond.
"Well, I bet that everyone expects us to get out from the exit number One... " Matt starts reckoning seriously.
"Or from the last one. It also would make sense." Dom adds and the other nods, before realization hits him.
"Let's go out from number Fifty-Seven!" the brunet exclaims.
"Why just from number Fifty-Seven?" Dom asks him.
"Because no one expects that. Plus, it's far from both of the main exits. It's a number like the others, nothing special. So, as everyone will wait for us at the main exits..."
"We'll escape from number Fifty-Seven! Yeah, that's brilliant!" Dominic rejoices.
"I'm sure it will work!" the other smiles.
"I think so, too. So, now that we made our plans... can I resume staring at my sketched out version?" the blond asks him eagerly and Matt is just too worn out to complain, so he lets his boyfriend do as he pleases.
What can I say? All the stuff involving VladyMatt and the infamous Number Fifty-Seven comes from the Muse Show at Verona in 2007, more specifically from all the absurdities my friends and I babbled about on our way back (but VladyMatt popped out from my degenerated mind... and I'm scarily proud of that, lol!)
Of course, I preferred to meet the dear guys instead of receiving this mad inspiration, but... whatever, lol!
Well, in case you didn't notice, I have a thing for Vampire! Matt... but you can't know, not here, at least, I've never posted 'Just a little bit' here ...
You know, I guess this is one of my favourite chapters of the whole fic, so I really, really hope you'll like it! ;)
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lulupen2023 · 11 months
Matt and Dom doing crossowords
Snippet from one of my stories set during their earlier days (don't mind at former brunet/blond, they have blue and orange hair in that story, lol ) Hope it'l make you smile ☺️ * “ 'One of the most popular rock bands in the world '. It has only two letters the first is a U…US!” Matt thought aloud, writing the definition of the crossword.
"Except that if anything it would be 'WE'… damn, Matt, there’s a bit of megalomania, huh? I mean, of course that would be the right answer, if only someone knew about us!” chuckled Dom.
“But… phew, those are details!” the former brunet shrugged.
"I think the correct definition is 'U2' argued the former blond.
“I know, but I won't change it anyway!” persisted the other, laughing and making his mate laugh too.
“By the way, we have to buy tickets for their concert.” Dominic reminded him.
"Right. For now we are limited to the mere role of spectators, but trust me, one day you'll see, we will play with them, together on the same stage.” Daydreamed the singer.
"Sure, sure, Matt, you're always sooo exaggerated!" Dom chuckled skeptically, before noticing that his boyfriend seemed to be way too thoughtful. “What’s wrong?” “Huh? Nothing, hun, I was just thinking… ‘Megalomania’ would be such a cool title for one of our songs!” grinned Matt. *
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
My very first BellDom Fic 22/23
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After what happened at Atlanta, lol, I just needed to post something BellDom ^^
Do you want to meet a Matthew who sees conspiracy everywhere (oh wait, this is not big news!) and is so fond of his trolley that he treats it like a sort of puppy? Do you want to meet a Dominic in love with… himself (and with Matt, too, of course!)? And do you want to meet a Chris who wants to prove to the world he's the most masculine guy ever… but is unavoidably attracted by every… female hobby? This is what you'll find in this story, among lots of BellDom and… craziness!
Summary of the chapter: Let's let the cat out of the bag! Chapter XXI: You don't know that...
"So don't' think, not even for a moment, that you can take flight again and elope who knows where, you, lovey-dovey couple. I promised that tonight you're gonna stay, so you gotta stay!" Chris summons his friends, as they are taking a more than deserved break from the sound-check of the afternoon.
"I promise, no more flings." Matt assures, with his best angelic attitude.
Chris is about to say something, but, almost as if the topic was too delicate to face it, he desists, but he's always wavering about it. The others two notice that.
"Wassup, Chris?" Matthew asks him.
"Err... could you let me see them?"
"See what?" Dominic narrows his eyes.
"Well, you know... your compromising tattoos." Chris clarifies, a little bit embarrassed. "It's just that I'm curious... " he adds, as if he wanted to justify himself.
Matt stares at him stunned, just like Dom does.
"No bloody way, buddy!" the first states.
"Chris, what's this sudden, worrying, but mostly insane desire to see our asses?" the second asks him.
"Ah! So, now it's me the one with sick desires! Do I have to remind you what you did last night, you, Mr. 1.000-ways-to-use-whipped-cream?" Chris addresses to the blonde.
Dominic turns pale instantly.
"But... but, how do you..."
"You should know better than me, Matt is such a chatterbox!" Chris comments as Matt is ready to clear off.
"Don't you dare to run!" Dom summons him, stepping in the way and closing the door of the rehearsal room. "Damn you and your damn mouth!" he curses, immediately after.
"Well, yesterday you didn't have to complain much about my mouth, especially when it took off the cream from your body and..." Matt justifies, with a silky voice in the last part.
"Please, guys, stop it! You're crossing the bounds of how much I'm disposed to hear about this kind of topics!" Chris warns them, cooling down their ardour and, for good measure, it's just Chris who incites his friends to resume playing.
Twenty minutes after they're done with the last song on their set-list, but although the others have already put their instruments into their cases, Dom is still bent on the drums, but not for playing.
"Dom, what the hell are you doing?" Chris asks him when he sees him all engrossed staring at a cymbal.
"It looks obvious to me. I'm looking at myself!" the blond replies with a shrug, as he keeps examining his face, very accurately.
"Even in a cymbal?" Chris asks him in disbelief.
"I don't think that there's a surface Dom wouldn't manage to look at himself in!" Matt replies for the drummer.
"Dammit! This black-eye doesn't seem to get any better. People will see it in the spotlight!" Dominic complains.
"So, what's the problem? You dress up like Spiderman every now and then, so you can dress up like a panda. It would draw lots of attention, plus that would justify the black-eye." Chris suggests.
"No way, a panda is too goofy, it doesn't suit me!" he grumbles, insulted, as he crosses his arms on his chest.
"So, you could use a bandage.... You could be a pirate, like Captain Hook!" Chris strikes back.
"Uhmm...nope, I don't picture myself as Captain Hook, but I would be just perfect as Peter Pan, I already have my acid green pants, a green t-shirt, a green beret and I would be ready!" the blond already plans everything, daydreaming, as he has totally forgotten that the dressing up is supposed to help him hide his beaten eye.
"Yeeesss! If you play Peter Pan, I could play... Tinker Bell!" Matt exclaims, overexcited.
"Tinker Bell?!" his friends question him, astonished and puzzled.
"Oh, please, don't stare at me like that! A pair of fake wings and a magic wand shaped microphone would suit me so impeccably. Plus, I'm * Bells*, so there could never be someone more perfect than me to play Tinker *Bell*!" he insists.
"Well, don't worry, Bells, it's not that Dom is contending with me for that role, you can keep it!" Chris warns him, as Dom jumps to an important conclusion.
"So, buddy, you'll just have to play Captain Hook!" the blond decides.
"Why just Captain Hook?" Chris narrows his eyes.
"No offence intended, dude, but I just can't picture you as a Lost Boy of NeverLand!" Matt makes fun of him.
"But... how am I supposed to play with a hook?" the bassist made them notice.
"We'll use a symbolic hook, maybe a sticker on one of your basses!" Matt explains.
"Firstly, I don't think that there are stickers like that. Secondly, no... I don't think that Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha would like it if I put stickers on them..." the bassist grumbles.
"What? Did I hear it right? Did you really give your basses women's names?" Matt questions him.
"This is not correct: Chris, did you really name your basses like the four protagonists of 'Sex and the City'?" Dom points out.
As Matt and Dom burst out laughing madly, Chris wishes he had kept silent.
<Lucky for me I didn't tell them that I named my other basses like the main characters of 'Desperate Housewives' and 'The bold and the beautiful'!> he ponders.
Anyway, he knows very well how to make them shut up.
"You shouldn't even talk about that! You, Matt, named your trolley, for God's sake! And you, Dom, you're the worst, since you named even your own reflection!" he strikes back, pungent.
The way Matt is looking at Dominic doesn't need any questions to be asked.
"No, that's not true, I have never named Jamie... oh, shit!" Dom betrayals himself.
"Jamie?!" the frontman repeats, very amused.
"Hey! We were talking about my black-eye, weren't we?" the drummer tries to change topic.
"Right. By the way, forget about the concert in disguise, we'll never do such a silly thing!" Chris disenchants them.
"Dommy, I guess the only solution is to rely on a good concealer, a lot of it!" Matt suggests to his boyfriend, as he leans closer to reach his ear. "Can't wait to have another wild meeting in our bed with you... and Jamie!" he winks at him, before leaving the rehearsal room, as Chris follow him.
The concert was great, just like the short meeting with the fans, to take some pictures together, sign stuff and chat a little bit.
It seems that Matthew and Dominic kept their word.
Although they have nothing to do on the day after, except from the flight to take on early evening, Matt and Dom's rest is interrupted by a sudden phone call, at early morning.
Dominic is still trying to convince his body to get up from the bed, as Matthew has already made this effort, so it takes him only five rings, before he realizes which the source of that unbearable noise is and makes it end.
"'llo?" he slurs.
"Guys, come in my room. Tom called, he will be here in a few minutes!" Chris warns them, trying his best not to slur, due to the numbness that still overwhelms him.
This is enough to wake the two lovers up properly and they get ready as fast as they can, in order to face their manager.
Tom makes his entrance, carrying his trolley with him and showing such a tan that he could make a surfer envious.
"Hello guys, how are you?" he cheers, leaving his trolley on the floor and approaching to his friends.
"We are happy to see you and everything, but... what the hell are you doing here?" Dominic asks him, puzzled, as he sits on the bed, next to Matt.
"Well, a proper manager has to verify how his band is going with the shows and stuff like that."
"We tried our best in every single show we performed, the crowd seems to appreciate us a lot, so I guess we are being successful." Chris informs him as he stands in front of the window, taking a glimpse of the view outside, absently.
"What about the collaboration with My Chemical Romance? Did things improve between you and them?" Tom wonders.
"I haven't killed them yet, that's all you need to know about that!" Matt snorts, bored.
Tom is about to say something, but then he changes his mind, hearing a ring from the mobile inside the pocket of his trolley.
"Hey, Tom, look, your mobile is ringing." Chris warns him at the second ring.
"Uh? Are you sure? Uh! That's right, it's ringing." the manager replies with fake nonchalance, in a cold sweat, as he hopes that whoever is calling him will quit it, but at the fifth ring he begins to think he won't be that lucky.
"Wassup? Why don't you answer to the call?" Dom exhorts him, when the rings become seven.
"Well, it's not that important. Whoever it is, he/she will recall. Now I'm talking with you and..." he justifies, more and more agitated, realizing too late that Matthew has already opened the pocket of his trolley, taking possession of his mobile.
"No, Matt, what the hell are you doing?" Tom asks him, turning scarily pale, no matters how tanned he is.
"If you don't wanna answer, I'm gonna do it for you." the frontman decides, as he presses the key to answer, before the tenth ring.
"Hallo? It's... "
"I don't give a fuck to who the hell it is! All I know is that you have a mobile that doesn't belong to you, dammit, you, fucking, ugly, bastard, twat, asshole, stupid, moron, son of a ..." someone who Matthew already recognized roars from the other side, before Matthew moves the mobile away, as the speaker keeps cursing.
Matt looks at Tom in awe.
"Tom, just a little inquiry of mine, could you explain to me why *Brian Molko* is barking at me?" he asks him, as Chris did the wisest thing ever, i.e. he presses the key to end that call and, for good measures, he also turns the mobile off.
"Well, because I happen to have his manager's mobile." Tom explains, very innocently.
"And why the hell do you have her mob..." Dominic wonders, before Chris, Matt and he jump to the right conclusions.
"A girl with your same job..." Chris ponders loudly.
"The two bands who'd better never ever find the truth..." Matt recalls.
"That's who you were with: Placebo's manager!" Dom figures out.
"It's just outrageous! You're such an awful betrayer!" Matthew accuses him, with the most hurt expression he can show to him, but it's nothing compared to the hurt expression on Chris' face.
"I can't believe it... you didn't confess that to me! You always tell me everything." the bassist grumbles, deeply disappointed.
"You're right, Chris, but truth is that Gossip is your second name! You wouldn't be able to keep that secret, not even for one hour!" Tom strikes back.
"That's not true, when I try really hard there are secrets that I can keep very well." the other justifies, as he exchange an understanding look with Matt and Dom who confine themselves just to nod.
"Anyway, am I the only one to find that a very beautiful thing? I mean... this is soooo romantic! It reminds me to that little fairytale of 'Romeo and Juliet'. Who knows? Maybe with their forbidden love they will bring peace between the two factions, making them get along with each other." the blonde sighs with a daydreaming attitude, but it takes his soulmate less than half a second to disenchant him.
"Firstly, gee, Dommie, you're really obsessed over 'Romeo and Juliet' . Secondly, I'm sorry for disappointing you, but no-fucking-one will bring peace any-fucking-where, we'll keep merrily hating each other, cause things are perfect the way they are!" the singer swears. "And, thirdly, Dom, I don't think that Mr. Shakespeare would be happy to hear someone call one of his most famous and majestic tragedies ... fairytale!" he concludes, with a hint of reproach in his tone.
"Oh, c'mon! A boy and a girl flirt, hidden from everyone, in order to make a fool of their parents. A bunch of rhymes, some fights here and there and... ok, there's not a happy ending, but it's a nice fairytale, anyway!" Dom insists.
"Yeah, sure. So, let me see if I got it right: you probably think that Hamlet is only a guy who suffers from a big indecision and holds a skull in his hand, just because he thinks it's cool?" Chris asks him, sarcastically.
"Why, is it not so?" the blonde shrugs, looking kinda bored.
"Oh, God! Dom, you really need a good revision of Shakespearian literature." Matt rolls his eyes.
"Well, if you offer to be my private teacher, *very private*, I'll take the lessons more than willingly." Dominic replies mischievously, winking at Matthew.
Tom looks at them kind of dumbfounded, but lets it fly.
Matt takes a glimpse of Tom's look and that brings him back to the main reason why they start discussing.
"Don't think that I forgot it, you, shameful, abominable traitor!" he accuses him, once again.
"Actually, guys, we didn't even give him the time to explain. " Chris makes them notice and then he points at Tom. "Maybe it's not what we think, maybe it's just one of his shrewd plans to beguile their manager, getting precious information and then stealing her mobile, in order to prevent her from being in contact with her band." Chris presumes, knowing very well that 'conspiracy' is the keyword to be in tune with Matthew.
"Tom, did you really do such a thing?" the frontman asks him, as his eyes sparkle with hope.
"No, no, fucking no! We just decided to buy two identical mobiles, because we thought it would be something nice, but less binding than a ring. Anyway, I don't care, you just have to accept that, because I care about her, she cares about me and we are more than intentioned to turn this story into something serious." Tom warns them.
"So, you're not a simple traitor, you're a persistent traitor!" Matt snaps.
"Just quit it, Bells! It's not about you, it's not even about Placebo, it's just something between Alex and I" Tom states, intransigent. "Plus, you keep calling me a traitor, but you don't know what Chris did once..." he goes on, as the bassist glares at him with a 'Don't you dare!' look, dreading that he already knows what he's about to say.
"What do you mean?" Matt frowns.
"Do you remember your so beloved golden hat? Well, truth is that you didn't lost it, but it was Chris who stole it from you and got rid of it."
"You what?!" Matt exclaims, astonished, looking at Chris like he had stabbed him in the back.
"Damn you, Chris! Why did you do that? Do you have the slightest idea of how many stores I went to, before finding its perfect twin?" Dom intervenes.
"Oh, c'mon, Bells! Firstly, that hat was horrible. Secondly, just like Dom said, you have another one, now, so why should you complain?" Chris justifies.
"I just know that I' m gonna keep it in a strongbox, like a jewel, far away from you and your bloody clutches!" Matt perjures.
Chris looks at Tom with a hurt expression, once again.
"How could you blurt that to him? And to think that I even tried to help you, before..."
"Well, you gave me such a great help, after all!" Tom strikes back, sarcastically. "Anyway, Chris, nothing personal, really, but it's such a hard struggle for survival." he justifies.
"Okay, if it's so... well, Matt, you don't know that... Dom is a very big fan of My Chemical Romance!" Chris reveals.
"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Oh, God, I'm surrounded by traitors!" the frontman gets alarmed.
"Honey, please, try to understand, those guys are not so bad, after all, they have powerful guitars, a proper drummer and... damn, Matt, as catastrophic as you are, I just don't understand why you haven't fallen in love with the lyrics of their songs, yet!" Dom strikes back, as Tom can't help noticing that 'honey' the blond addressed to Matt with.
"Anyway, even if I don't agree, I'll let you free to sabotage them as much as you please!" the drummer adds, making his partner smile again.
Anyway, Dominic is too engrossed glaring at Chris, to notice that.
"Chris, I didn't mean to come to saying that, but you just deserve it, so ... Tom, Matt, maybe you don't know that... he likes crocheting!" Dom strikes, unmercifully.
His listeners immediately burst out laughing madly.
"But... no... Dom, what the hell are you blathering about?" Chris replies, panic-stricken.
"I saw you once, so don't you dare deny that!"
"But, no... it's just that I was using it as a weapon!" he tries to justify, unsuccessfully.
"Yeah, sure! And what did you exactly plan to do with it? To knit a sweater to your potential attacker?" Matt makes fun of him.
"Okay, guys, you just asked for that. Tom, you don't know that... Matt and Dom are together!" Chris reveals.
Everyone shuts up, but after some seconds it's Tom who breaks the silence.
"Together like the fact that you are one next to the other... right?" Tom asks them, wavering.
"Well, mostly one upon the other, or one behind the other... and vice versa!" the blond removes all doubt.
"Damn you, Dom!" Matt reproaches him.
"What? What did I do so wrong? After all, we'll have to tell him, sooner or later, so let's do it now! And we must thank Chris for that." Dominic explains.
"So, now I guess that you need explanations, right?" Matt wonders, turning to Tom.
"Explanation ... and a very alcoholic drink!" he replies.
"And that's how we came to this." Matthew concludes, as, taking turns, they all have informed Tom about the vicissitudes of the latest months.
"Oh." is all Tom manages to say, probably still too shocked to speak.
"So, you will keep being our manager, won't you?" Dominic asks him, with a hint of uncertainty.
"Of course, I will, you are and you'll always be my friends, independently of your... errr... sexual preferences!" Tom reassures them, a little bit embarrassed.
"Anyway, we're not going to spread the word about this. Chris and you, Tom, are the only ones who know... well, except from Gaia and Jessica, but I don't think they care about spreading this news." Matthew comments.
"But if somehow the truth came out, on the musical level it wouldn't change anything, we're still the Muse and if some of our fans won't accept that, well, they're not real fans, so we'd better lose them." Dominic goes on.
"Guys, don't cross your bridges before coming to them. If it doesn't happen it's better, but if it should happen, we'll know how to face everything." their manager heartens them. "So, now can we talk about something that it's not my sentimental situation, Chris' hobbies or your mutual love?" he exhorts them.
"Sure! We have such a big, epic event to face. I already have lots of ideas for it. You know, I was thinking about an advertising campaign with reverse psychology system." Matthew suggests, very excited.
"Such as?" Tom looks at him, in disbelief.
"You know, something like 'Hey, people, don't come to see our show at Wembley, it's nothing special, after all, it's not such a nice place, there won't be any cool bands, even our playlist will be kind of insignificant, and...'" he attempts to explain, before Chris and Dom promptly silence him up, wrapping their hand around his mouth.
"Damn you, Bells, didn't you cause enough damage with your fucking, bloody, sodding reverse psychology?" Dom snaps.
"Please, Tom, don't mind what Matt said." Chris advises him, as his listener rolls his eyes, exasperated.
"Don't worry, Chris, I've quit doing that a long time ago!"
So, are you ready for the (100% BellDom) epilogue?
Just a little note: in 'Try Something New' I started writing about Tom and Alex (the Placebo's manager) getting along, a lot... so I ended up falling in love with this pairing and I keep using it whenever I got the chance... hope you won't mind.
The most funny thing is that I've never seen Alex, but I like picturing her like a petite blonde, very pushy! ^^
Hope you'll still like it and have fun with this story, pleeeease let me know! ;P
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
Bells' secret diary 2/7
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Teignmouth, My house, 2nd april 1992
Hello, Diary, I'm back,
I have so much to tell you and it is true that I should go in order…
No, i can't
I'M OFFICIALLY IN A BAAAAAANNNNDD WOOAAAHHHH!!!! I couldn't wait to tell you ... write it to you .. in short, let you know!
I left you at yesterday afternoon, when against all the most adverse forecasts I managed to tidy my bedroom for real.
And when the bell rang shortly after, I had to maintain a certain composure so as not to show I was panting after running to open the door.
It was Dominic. He’s always smiling. And he brought a guitar with him.
Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to carry him up to my room and my grandmother met him already armed with freshly baked cookies.
“You are my dear Matthew's friend, how nice to meet you!” She smiled at him, extending the plate towards him.
What a bloody debacle! I had exchanged four flipping words with him, only for his extreme courtesy he agreed to come to my house and my grandmother came out with these heavy and too classifying names.
I was one step away from going into the garden, taking the shovel and burying myself alive… but do you want to know what Dominic replied?
“Mrs. Matthew's Grandmother, time will tell. For now I consider myself just a very well received guest and very lucky to have tasted such good biscuits!”
Did I mention that boy is really adorable?
Do you think my grandmother was the greatest danger?
Well, it's because you don't know my mum, who appeared out of nowhere and looked so deeply into Dominic’s eyes as if she wanted to read his soul… and mum is psychic, she knows about this stuff.
"I am pleased to see that my son has decided to broaden his connections, he is always so alone, I always tell him that, however it’s a beautiful thing, guitar and piano cannot be his friends in the physical sense of the word!” If first I wanted to use the shovel to bury myself, after that I wanted to take it and give myself a sharp blow on the head.
Dominic looked at her almost deeper than she had done and then replied: "Mrs Bellamy, ou’re right  to be happy for that, too much solitude is not good for anyone." I mean, do you understand? He didn't walk away, embarrassed, or worse, annoyed, or worse than worst, disgusted.
At least Paul was away from home, so once the obstacles were over, we got to my room..
He said I have a nice room, and he especially liked the posters. I found out that we have a lot of musical tastes in common, but we differ a lot on others.
He has taken  his guitar, I took mine, an acoustic, like his, although I think the electric is more fun. We sat on my bed and he asked me to play him something.
Since we both like Nirvana, I chose 'Come as you are', but without singing it.
He cut me off midway, saying that the chord change was too abrupt, he showed me how it should be done.. and I have to admit that he did it much more harmoniously.
He proposed that we play it together and a beautiful synergy was immediately created, only then I anticipated a chord change, I was too frantic and ruined everything.
However, Dominic wasn’t mad at me  at all for that, he put his guitar on the floor to slide towards me, he placed his hand on mine, on the neck of the guitar and made me understand the exact moment in which the chord needs to be changed.
I didn't expect that contact, it left me a little bewildered and I don't understand why... maybe it was the irrepressible desire I have to perfect myself on the guitar.
After that we tried once more playing it together and this time the synchronicity was perfect.
He complimented me a lot and I gloated like a fool.
Before leaving, he told me he hadn't missed noticing the piano I have downstairs and wanted me to play him something.
Usually I don't do it for anyone but mum, grandma or Paul… instead I sat on the stool, I chose to play the Nocturne 1 in F sharp minor by Rachmaninov and it seemed to me the most natural thing in the world.
And this was yesterday, let's move on to today... because I anticipated it, didn't I? After the lessons, today there was the audition.
I went to the classroom we had agreed on, by then deserted, where Dominic and three other guys were waiting for me, the remaining members of Carnage Mayhem, who however looked more like someone who is doing you a favor by staying there.
But not Dominic, I had his undivided attention.
This time I chose AC/DC with my beloved electric guitar, ready to perform  'Highway to Hell', I connected it to the amplifier and I no longer thought if I was respecting the passage of the chords, if the riffs I chose were too risky, as well as totally improvised; I let myself be totally carried away by the music. And I even sang, I had fun making those screams like a possessed, hahaha.
The three guys - if they didn't bother to learn my name I don't see why I should - gave a sterile micro applause… but Dominic, ooohhh, he was literally excited, he screamed, he cheered me, yes, his hands were worn out from applauding me and then he ran towards me, grabbing me by the shoulders.
“Carnage Mayhem do indeed have a new guitarist!” He announced, super smiling. “And also a singer, I might add.” then he only said this to me, in my ear: "And after your performance yesterday afternoon at your house, which was incredible, I can certainly say a pianist, too."
I'm not used to all this attention, to seeing my talent - hell yeah, Diary, at least I don't have to be modest with you, I have an immense fucking talent and it can't remain confined to my room, much less this shit hole town. - recognized, but above all so appreciated.
And as if I didn't fill enough roles already, Dominic left me with a question that's been racking my brain: "Can you even write songs?"
Yes, come on, I think I can do it… or at least I'll try.
Ah, d’ you know he told me I can call him 'Dom'? And I told him he can call me 'Matt'… I don't know, it makes it more confidential, I like it better.
However,Dom is way, way too kind… he must be gay for sure!
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
My very first BellDom Fic 21/23
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Hope you're still having fun with this super crazy fic :)
Do you want to meet a Matthew who sees conspiracy everywhere (oh wait, this is not big news!) and is so fond of his trolley that he treats it like a sort of puppy? Do you want to meet a Dominic in love with… himself (and with Matt, too, of course!)? And do you want to meet a Chris who wants to prove to the world he's the most masculine guy ever… but is unavoidably attracted by every… female hobby? This is what you'll find in this story, among lots of BellDom and… craziness!
Summary of the chapter: The charade begins, but how long will it last? Chapter XX: Just Like The Most Predictable Ending
Without being seen, Matthew tries to pinch himself hard, as Dominic closes and squeezes his eyes, blinking, more than once, but both of those methods are just utterly useless, since the two girls are still standing in front of them and they don't seem to intend to disappear with the touch of a magic wand.
So the two guys just have to make the best of a bad thing.
"Gaia, dear! What a nice surprise!" Matt smiles, as he hugs her, but she's faster than him and steals a kiss that he's forced to answer to.
"Well, honey, you kept saying 'I wish you were here, I wish you were here', so now your wish came true!" she smiles at him as she plays with his hair-gelled locks.
<' Nightmare' would be the proper word! > Matt ponders, but he disguises everything with a nod, of course.
"Instead, since I haven't heard from you for more than three days... well, I just had to check out that you didn't forget me due to another girl, my dear philanderer!" Jessica exclaims, punching Dom's shoulder playfully and patting him on the cheek, right before she follows her best friend's example and claims what it's hers... or at least she still thinks so.
"Honey, that's impossible." Dominic murmurs, at the end of their kiss.
< It's because of *a boy* that I forgot you! > he adds, but only in his mind, of course.
Chris stares at the two couples so matched and has the strong feeling that if he doesn't intervene with something, anything, to say, soon there will be a tension without precedent.
"Hey, girls, Kelly says hi!" he informs them, as he wonders dreadfully with what courage he will inform his beloved wife that what he had made her believe it was true when it was fake actually became true for real.
"What? Oh, right, I tend to forget she's not here." Gaia replies absently.
"What do you mean? Kelly loves me and it's not just due to the fact that she likes having babies with me! So, end of the bloody speech!" Chris snaps, remembering what the fans told him.
"Gee, Chris, calm down!" Gaia snaps. "Honey, what did I say wrong?" she goes on, calmer, looking at Matthew.
"Don't mind him. Sometimes this guy is a total mystery for us all..." Matt states.
"Hey, speaking of mystery, why the hell Dom's room is empty and all his things are stuffed in Matt's room?" Jessica wonders.
"Hell yeah, this is a very damn good question!" Gaia agrees as both of the girls stares inquisitively at their boyfriends with puzzled expressions.
Dom and Matt look at each other, looking for a believable explanation that doesn't seem to pop out from their minds. As they got panic-stricken and are about to surrender, declaring that the games are over, someone else comes promptly to the rescue.
"Actually, it's my fault. I asked Dom to do that!" Chris admits.
"You did... what?" Gaia wonders in astonishment.
"For what wicked reason did you ask them to share the same room?" Jessica frowns.
"Please, don't get me wrong. There's a damn good reason why I did. Since Dom's room is next to mine and I didn't want him to wake me up when he would be back... I suggested Dom to move to Matt's room that it's far away from mine. Well, this was pretty useless, since I'm still awake and it's almost dawn!" Chris makes them notice, with a yawn.
"Okay, but... why did Dom take all his stuff there?" Gaia asks them in disbelief.
"That's simple, my dear. I can be very doubtful about what to wear the day after, it's never something I plan before; quite the contrary, it's something that comes out after hours and hours of changing clothes." Dom rushes to explain.
"Yeah, I can say for sure that Dom's trials takes much longer than the band's ones!" Matt agrees.
"I can confirm that, too. Whenever we date, although I'm always late, well, he's always later than me!" Jessica assures, pretending to glare at Dominic, as Gaia stares at Matthew with renewed trust.
Matthew is annoyed by hearing about the dates between Jessica and *his* Dominic, but he tries his best not to show that.
"Sorry, but I'd like to point out the fact that it's almost dawn and it's almost a miracle that half hotel hasn't gone downstairs to kick us out! In a word... does it really disappoint you the eventuality of going to bed?" Chris makes them notice.
"You have some points, after all. The flight has been kinda stressful, maybe it's the jet-lag that kept us awake so far!" Jessica admits as Gaia confines herself to nod.
"That's right. Let's do things this way: you stay here as Dom, Chris and I go to fix the rooms!" Matthew announces, walking towards the elevator, followed by Chris and Dominic.
"Thank you so much, Chris, you've been phenomenal, buddy, you really saved our asses!" Dominic exclaims as he hugs his friend, as soon as the closed sliding doors of the elevator give them the proper privacy.
"Yeah, I just wonder... how did such a genial explanation pop out from your mind?" Matt gets curious, before hugging him as well.
"I don't know, guys, probably when I'm falling asleep on my feet I have skills that astonish even myself! Anyway, now you two owe me a favour!" Chris states as the elevator keeps going on, floor after floor, until they reach their floor.
"Sure, mate, even more than one!" Matt and Dom assure, almost in unison.
"Fine. Then, the first one is... try not to be too noisy, goodnight!" Chris greets them, getting in his room like a sleepwalker.
The other two walk towards Matthew's room, the only place that at that time of day (or night) seems to allow them to have a sort of dialogue, but in a low voice.
"'If I keep writing to her 'I wish you were here, I wish you were here' she will be calm'... well, congratulations, Matt, we saw how calm she is!" Dominic snaps as he gathers his stuff at random.
"Well, well, words from Mr. 'If -she- doesn't –hear- from- me -she'll –understand', we saw the brilliant results of that!" Matt strikes back as he helps him.
"Ok, we are even, we're both dick-heads! Anyway, now we'll have to play the perfect boyfriends part with the girls..." the brunette points out.
"So, dick-heads and bloody, shameful liars, too!" Dominic comments, kinda upset.
"Dommy, I already explained that to you, it's not an evil lie, it's just a truth we have to delay but for a good reason, until we have the necessary calm to face everything pwoperly..." Matt clarifies, comforting him.
"Right!" Dominic recognizes with a sigh, as he carries his bags beyond the threshold.
"Except for sharing the same room and kissing, there shouldn't be anything else compromising for us, right?" Matt makes sure of it.
"Nope, whatever else could there be? Maybe a video of what we've done on the beach tonight, but it's not possible, we haven't shot any video... which is a pity. Damn, it could be such a good idea!" the blond regrets.
"Well, let's keep it in mind for our next month anniversary! Anyway, Dom... I don't know... I have the strange feeling that we did something tonight, but I really can't recall what it is." Matt confesses, as he scratches his chin with a finger.
"This is one of main consequences of getting dead drunk as we did! You know what? I have this strange feeling, too, but I'm sure it's nothing, just a joke of our imagination." Dominic shrugs.
"Coming back to the important stuff, what about a little kiss before we start the charade?" he adds, leaning to his listener who backs off and gently places a finger on his already parted lips.
"No, Dom, we'd better not. If I kissed you... I'm afraid I couldn't stop anymore!" Matthew sighs as he leaves the room with him, before each one goes to take the respective girlfriend.
Twenty minutes later, everything is settled up, every couple is in the respective bed of the respective room, ready to throw themselves in the arms of Morpheus.
When all the lights are turned off, Gaia rolls towards Matthew, getting on the top of him and placing her lips on his for a chaste goodnight kiss.
Too bad that Matt is already half sleepy.
"Dom..." he murmurs contently, but he immediately recognizes the taste of Gaia's lips, her long, waved hair almost whipping his chest in a fit of anger and mostly her body becoming tense in annoyance.
He immediately battens down the hatches.
"What's wrong, dear? I said 'home'. You make me feel at home!" he moans languidly as he caresses both her face and hair.
"Aaawwwww, Matthew!!!" the girl squeals softened, hugging him tight and then she goes back to her side of the bed, cursing herself for jumping to the wrong conclusions.
Matthew congratulates himself for his clever and prompt answer.
It's not due to the sunshine typical of 11:00 in the morning.
Dominic wakes up due to a daring and impudent hand that is making its own way through his boxers, crossing the fabric and getting in touch with what there's inside.
Although he's awake, his eyes are still closed, but the worst thing is that his mind is still blurry, so he ends up associating that gesture to the wrong person.
"Mm... Matt... " he groans happily, almost purring, and then he pops his eyes open, coming face-to-face with Jessica's shocked, puzzled and pissed-off expression. "..ers. I said that you are all that really matters!" he's in a tight spot, realizing in record time what situation he is into and smiling at her, sweetly.
Dominic realizes he's avoided the crisis and went even further, because Jessica grins at him, before kissing him hard, making him clearly understand that she won't stop just there.
< C'mon, my dear, pretend that it's Matt. Oh, yeah, sure. Long, silky hair, prosperous boobies, that certain thing between her legs, yeah... definitely it's Matt! > Dominic thinks disheartened, already knowing that he can't make any resistance.
************************ (In the meantime)
They aren't the only couple who is getting down. Remembering what he told her before sleeping, once she woke up, Gaia has decided she has to thank Matthew, her way. It's almost comic: there are hundreds time when Matt craved that but Gaia found thousands of excuses not to give herself to him; and just when he doesn't want it anymore, Matthew is forced to satisfy a very horny Gaia.
<C'mon, boy, it's just like a song from 'My Terrible Lost Chance': sooner or later it has to end. Probably it has the same duration...> Matt thinks listlessly, as he tries his best to welcome Gaia's movements and when they end, surprisingly, she seems to be rather pleased.
Matthew gets up from the bed, in order to have a shower. Gaia lets him do as he pleases, but then she's enlightened by the idea of following him there, to get a juicy encore. Too bad that she notices something that makes her stop in front of the shower, something that she immediately sees as soon as she gets a full view of her boyfriend's naked body, something that she hadn't a chance to get before.
"Please, tell me that it's just a joke!" she summons him, icily.
Matthew jolts both due to the surprise and what she has said, but as soon as he looks better at himself, he sees something that suddenly makes him recall everything of the previous night.
<Dom and I, dead drunk, late night, that tattoo shop still open, that insane idea of getting a tattoo on our butts, me choosing his and him choosing mine, oh, my god! So, it wasn't just a sick idea... we've done that for real! Thanking our lucky stars, we weren't so drunk to decide to have a permanent tattoo, it's just a henna tattoo. Well, permanent or not, now I'm in big, big trouble!> Matthew realizes, panic-stricken.
"That's it. It's taking you way too fucking long to answer. So, it's not a joke." the girl figures out, shocked.
"I can explain..." Matthew attempts to justifies, as he manages to get off the shower and wear a bathrobe in record time.
"There's a fucking nothing to explain! You're a pervert. You both are perverts! And to think that sometimes Jess and I joked about the fact that you were always together but... I'd never thought that... Ggrrr! For God's sake, Matt, how did you do this to me?" Gaia screams hysterically, starting to throw against him every tool she finds on the shelf near the mirror, even a very expensive after-shave that crashes on the floor, shattering in a thousand pieces, but the bottle of shampoo, the hairbrush, the jar of hair-gel and the hairdryer don't miss their target.
"Ouch! Gaia, we haven't planned that... it just happened!" Matthew barely explains, as he improves his own quickness record also in putting on his clothes and coming back to the bedroom.
"What fucking kind of justification is this? Anyway, tell me, how long has this story been going on? How long have you been fooling Jessica and me?" Gaia asks, angrier and angrier, following him.
"Oh. Well, not for long. Just for a month." he replies, realizing too late his terrible mistake: in that room there's plenty of tons of objects that can turn into dangerous weapons.
"DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT THIS IS SUPPOSED TO CONFORT ME?" she growls, furiously, grabbing the table lamp to throw it against him, but thanks to his quickness of reflex, Matt dodges the blow.
"Gaia, I know, it wasn't fair towards you, but everything happened so quickly that..." he keeps explaining, as he uses the bed as a sort of blockhouse.
"When the hell did you plan to tell us?" she goes on, grabbing the alarm clock, turning around the bed and throwing it at him before he can escape, hitting his right leg.
"Ouch! We were waiting for the end of the tour, in order to face better the whole situation."
< And mostly to avoid destroying hotel rooms and... ouch... their owners, too ! > he thinks as he approaches to her, limping a little bit.
"Anyway, Gaia, let's be honest. Dom or not, truth is that things weren't already working well anymore between us, we just carried on the aftermath of a story that was almost over." he warns her, snatching the phone from her hands, before she throws at him even that.
"Almost. That's the magic word. And you did nothing to try and save our story!" she accuses him.
"What? I've tried to involve you in everything I did, but you always seem to do me a favour every time I take you to my shows or at award ceremonies!" he accuses her.
"Matt, do you have the slightest idea of how many concerts you perform in a year? I'm already fed-up after ten shows! They are always the same... okay, maybe sometimes you change the playlist a little bit, but it doesn't make any difference!" the girl snaps as Matthew looks at her stunned.
"You had never told me that."
"What about the award ceremonies? It's always you and your damn musicians fellows, you never take me to any other social event. Look at our neighbour, he went to Tom Cruise and Kate Holmes' wedding, we didn't!" Gaia goes on with her rant.
"Damn! Don't name that jerk of George. So, are you really saying that you wanted to be at the wedding of that arrogant, stand-offish midget?" he strikes back, annoyed.
"Words from the basketball player!" she hisses, acidly.
"Hey! That's hitting below the belt!" Matt grumbles, since he has always been very touchy about the height.
"Well, it's not my fault, shorty!" she puts the boot in, enjoying his humiliated expression.
The guy becomes more serious and stares at her, deeply in her eyes.
"See? Lately we've been doing nothing but fighting and telling each other mean things, trying to make up with sentences that once were true and sincere, but now they aren't anymore. Not only now, things haven't been working well for a long while, you understand this, don't you?" he makes her think.
Gaia doesn't say a word, lowering her gaze.
"I guess it's really over. Goodbye, Matthew, you were the most special boyfriend I have ever had." she states after some minutes, approaching to him, to give him a chaste kiss that seals their goodbye.
"I'm sure you'll find a guy who is even more special than me." he comforts her.
"Anyway, forget to have back all the gifts you bought to me, especially the ring! Plus, I want another memory of our story..." she warns him, getting off the fragile and tender phase she had fallen into, as she takes a look around, until her eyes find the perfect object.
"I decided. I'll keep the trolley!" she informs him.
"NOOOOO! NEVER!!! Hands off my Pinkie!" Matthew gets alarmed. "I mean, I need him for my travels!" he justifies as he draws his wallet out from the pocket of his jeans.
"Keep this as a memory." he goes on, giving her one of his credit cards. "It's practically new, so you can buy all the trolleys you want. And much more!"
"Okay, keep your stupid trolley, I prefer the credit card. It has more value... I mean, sentimental value!" the girl states as she puts the card in her pocket, eagerly, as her eyes shine at the thought of using it for filling her 'empty, broken heart' with tons of mad shopping.
"Fine. I'll leave the house before you return from the tour, be sure of that. I'll go back to my parents, or, no, wait, that's even better. I'll stay at Jessica's and..." she announces, but then she stops. " Oh, my God, Jessica! I wonder if she has also found the truth out..." she goes on, rushing outside, at the other side of the corridor, as Matthew follows her.
From Dominic's door, the noises and the screams they can hear give them the confirmation that also Jessica has already made that bitter discovery.
Suddenly, the door slams open and a very terrified Dominic runs away, with a showy black-eye.
"Come here, you, dirty, bloody, fucking, pervert, wicked betrayer! I'm not done with you, yet!" Jessica roars, profoundly mad.
"Matthew, please, save what still remains of myself!" the blondie implores as he uses him as a shield.
"Why does she scare me even more than Chris does?" the brunette grumbles disquietly, ready to protect his beloved anyway.
"So, Jess, you found that out, too!" Gaia distracts her friend from her blind rage.
"Yeah. After all, that tattoo on their butts with their names inside a red heart was too eloquent!" Jessica explains.
"Hey, wait a minute! Their name inside a heart? Well, my dear, you haven't much to complain about, then. Matthew has a tattoo with the written 'Property of Dominic Howard'!" Gaia confesses.
"Oh. Well, you're right. You got the worst of it. Anyway, the main point is that those two worms humiliated us!" Jessica goes on, as she glares frostily both at Dom and Matt.
Drawn by that noisy mess, Chris pops out from his room.
"What the hell is goin.. ?" he slurs, still a little numb with sleep.
Dominic and mostly Matthew see him as their sheet anchor.
"You know, truth is that... it was only his fault!" Matthew explains, pointing at the oblivious bassist.
"Yep. Everything started because of an insane idea of his!" Dominic plays his game.
"Oh, my God! Chris, is that true?" Jessica asks him, puzzled.
"True what?" Chris wonders, even more puzzled.
"Yep. He forced us to kiss, and then he did it again. And he likes watching us!" Matthew says, being heavy on that.
"Bells, what the fuck are you blathering about?" Chris snaps, glaring at him.
"I'm sorry, buddy, but if my ship sinks I'm gonna take you all with me!" Matt states.
"First, what a great friend you are! Second, damn you, you named again your bloody ships... I'm gonna kill you!" Chris loses his usual temper, ready to fling himself on Matt, but Dominic intervenes promptly, holding him by his t-shirt.
"Hey! We had come to different terms. Matty, *you* were supposed to protect *me* !" the blond complains, as he holds Chris still until he cools down.
"You are so pathetic. You aren't worthy not even a minute of our time. Come on, Gaia, let's go find two men who are worthy! Someone with a *real job*!" Jessica exclaims, turning to Dom, as he rolls his eyes in answer.
"Goodbye, Matt, I'll miss your mone... I mean, the moments we spent together!" Gaia comments, victim of a Freudian slip.
< Yeah, right, I bought to you tons of stuff with my... *moments we spent together!* > Matthew ponders, annoyed, confining himself just to nod.
"Anyway, Chris, you're the worst one! You're the sickest, the most pervert, I can't believe that you really forced them to do such a thing!" Gaia accuses him, as Jessica gathers quickly all their stuff.
"But I didn't..." Chris protests. "Hey, you two! Say something!" he exhorts his friends.
"Why should we? After all, you're defending yourself so well on your own..." Matt makes fun of him.
"Plus, we already did our part. And mostly we've been already beaten up enough... ouch!" Dom adds, massaging his still aching black-eye.
"Don't worry, Dom, after I blackened your second eye, the one you have now will seem unharmed!" Chris threatens him.
"See? You're even such a violent person, so brute! Kelly should be informed that she has chosen as husband such a turbid and depraved guy. We're gonna warn her..." Gaia announces as Jessica reaches her with their bags.
"No, wait, wait!! It's just a big, majestic misunderst..." Chris attempts to clarify, but it's too late, since the two girls disappear behind the closed sliding doors of the elevator.
"So, tell me, what should I do to you now?" Chris asks the two lovers, narrowing his eyes at them.
Matthew faces his gaze, bravely.
"Tell us, do you want to stay here wasting time with us... or do you want to save your marriage before it's too late?" he makes him notice.
His only answer, Chris leaves, as he dials the more than usual phone number.
"Kelly, honey? You know how funny Gaia and Jess can be sometimes, don't you? Well, you can't even begin to imagine what they invented this time..." he informs his wife, coming back in his room.
"Oh, my poor, Dommy!" Matt comments, as he gently places his fingertips around the beaten eye.
"I told you that Jessica was aggressive ... and yet I believe I've been even too lucky. It could get much worse, trust me!" the other explains. "So, now we've finally faced them and we are free to stay together." he goes on, as he puts his head on Matt's shoulder, noticing that he's observing the elevator, with a thoughtful expression. "What's wrong?" the blond asks him.
"I don't know... I feel like I'm inside one of those sappy movies and when she leaves him, he realizes the big mistake he has made, realizes that she's the only one he really wants and follows her, running down in the street to reach her, asking her to forgive him and give him a second chance." Matthew admits, very seriously.
"Oh, I understand. So, go, go to her, I won't stop you if you want to run down in the street and win her back, just like the most predictable ending." Dominic states, as seriously as well.
The blond gets upset as he watches Matt run towards the elevator, but just when the sliding doors open, the brunette turns and run back to Dom, his serious expression replaced by a smirk.
"Oh, god! I can't believe, you really fell for it!" he exclaims, chuckling.
"So, it was just a joke! Well, it hurt me much more than the black-eye, you know? You're mean!" Dom confesses, with his classic, tender, irresistible pout.
"My sweet, sweet Dominic, there's something I've never told you..." Matt murmurs, as he captures that pout in a short, but very intense kiss. "I've never liked predictable endings too much!"
See? No cliff-hanger this time, I'm a good girl, am not I? ;P
Of course, I seriously believe that the real lovely Gaia and Jess are nothing like 'these 'hateful ones! ;)
Uhmm , I don't know, maybe I solved things way too superficially, but, c'mon, I mean... this is the kind of story that can't request too much serious stuff!
I hope you'll have fun reading it and you'll like it, but, pleeeease, let me know whatever you think!
P.S: Hold on, this story is almost over! ;) next chapter will be the last one and then there'll be the epilogue.
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
Fluff is In bloom: Like Father, Like Son
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Summary: A collection of hyper fluffy and BellDom stories, of any era, as long as there's fluff and some filled prompts
I- Like father, Like Son: it's T2L , get ready to deal with super lovely baby Bing, fun and cuteness are in the air!
This work participates in the initiative '#SpringBingo ’ of the group @Non solo Sherlock - FB multifandom events group
I'm really sorry if I keep flooding this section but inspiration doesn't stop knocking on my door and these are the results.
probably no one cares, but i like sharing anyway, hoping to make someone smile...
Prompt used:
'It's Gonna Be a success!' by Jeremy Marsh Blue eyes, by Alex Antognazza He had enjoyed X years of total irresponsibility, by Clau Albertini Time, by Artemis Karpusi Vargas Good manners, by Elena Altamura
Disclaimer: nothing of this ever happened, I don’t know Matt, Dom (I wish I could!) nor all the people around them, I don’t earn a single coin from writing that, I just please my crazy mind, lol
Like Father, Like Son
“It will be a success. I'm sure." comments Matt, to say the least excited, concluding his phone call. “Are you inspired for a new song to write, Bells?” asks Chris, sitting next to him in the lobby of the London Hotel where they stayed to participate in three different programs in the space of just five days.  
Normal routine when they are  in full promotion.
"There's not only work ,Chris, especially if you have a little baby waiting for you at home all eager, you who are the father of two hundred children should know this better than anyone!" replies Dom, who, as usual, knows every detail of the life of his best friend and life partner… in every sense.
“You are always so exaggerated. I only have six!” specifies the bassist, and then scratches the back of his neck a little embarrassed, assailed by a doubt that only statistical research can remove, as they get into the taxi that will take them to the airport. “So… has it arrived?” turns to Matt Dom, perhaps even more excited than him.
“Yeah, Manson just called me, it's custom made for Bing, he even sent me pictures!” Matthew approaches him, proudly showing the display of his mobile.
Chris doesn't even pay attention to them, busy as he is scrolling through the results of the google pages.
“But she's beautiful, you're right, Matt. It will be a success!” Dom lights up with enthusiasm, giving him a big smile.
“Instead of going right back to Los Angeles I’m gonna stop at Exeter to go and collect it, because, it's true, I could have it delivered, but I prefer to bring it myself. Dommeh, do you want to come with me?” the frontman asks, with perhaps too much expectation gleaming in his blue eyes.
Dom, however, is about to disappoint those expectations. “Sure, only to see you run to your family and act like you're in a goddamn breakfast cookie commercial? Thanks, but no thanks!" snorts the drummer.
“I should have known,” sighs Matt, his blue eyes now glazed with gray disappointment. “But know that yours is the only cookie that makes me happy. Oh wait, I didn't mean it to sound so wicked and lustful." he thinks back to how he formulated that sentence, with a nervous laugh. In response, Dom gives him one of his best pouts.
“Oh, Bells, it's such a pity  you didn't mean it.” He whispers in his ear, nibbling a little on the earlobe.
Expectations come back to sparkle again in those blue eyes, they are only postponed to a later date. "Oh yes, I'm afraid I have a slightly above average level of procreation..." Chris mutters, on the train that is taking him home, closing Google and regaining awareness of the world around him and with it also a familiar face who is watching him sitting on the opposite seat.. “Hey, Matt, but you weren't supposed to go back to Los Angeles  together with Dom?”
Time to have his precious extra baggage to add to the airport check-in and Matt really comes back to Los Angeles. He agrees to welcome Kate with a noteworthy kiss and then rushes off to whom is the greatest joy of his life. As soon as Bing sees him, he rushes towards him with a somewhat awkward but very tender run. “Daaadddyyy!” he giggles happily, letting himself be picked up. “Heellooo, my beautiful love, look what daddy brought you!” Matthew smiles at him, leading him towards the living room where he has abandoned all the luggage. With more eagerness than his son, he gets rid of the packaging and the box that protects that precious gift which turns out to be a miniature electric guitar, but certainly not a toy; it is perfectly capable of playing and can also be amplified. The background is glossy black, crossed by rainbow spirals, as is the small shoulder strap too.
"Isn't she wonderful?" Matthew says mostly to himself, observing her- to him every guitar is a she-  enraptured, only to realize that the child has already run to the other room. Matthew sighs a little disappointed, but the truth is that he's too tired to feel bad. -----------------------------------
The next day things seem to go a little better: Bing has accepted that Matt put the shoulder strap on him, making him hold the guitar in his hands and now he's imitating his father a bit when he's on stage, thanks to a video of a concert by the Muse that Matt is showing him.
Bing also has a plectrum in his hand that strikes the six strings and the fingers of the other hand touch the frets without any precise logic
Luckily for Kate and mostly the entire neighborhood, the little guitar is unplugged from the amp.
When he least expects it, Matt sees Bing pull out the guitar and grab it by the neck, lifting it.
Matthew is convinced that the little kid is about to break her, instead he sees him put her on the ground, as delicately as possible, give her two caresses with his little hand and then go away.
"There's nothing to do. My son doesn't want to learn to play the guitar." Matthew vents disconsolately the following day, on the phone.
“Matteh, you remember that he's yet to turn two years old  in three months, don't you? And there's that thing called time, your son has plenty to spare," Dominic points out.
"It doesn't matter, it's not a matter of time, it's something that must be innate and I understood that it's not," sighs the other unhappy.
"Why? Did you realize that you wanted to play piano and guitar since you were in your mother's womb?” Dom teases him.
“Well, basically yes and probably my first cry was in falsetto!” Matt plays along and they both end up laughing. “Yesterday then, at one point Bing lifted the guitar, almost in anger, and I really thought he was going to throw her on the ground, breaking her.”
“Oh, no!” the drummer gets alarmed.
“But no, he put her away with kindness and left, as if nothing had happened. Not even this satisfaction he has given me” "Satisfaction?!"
“Yes, Dom, I could already see him on stage in a dozen years or so, crashing guitars against amplifiers, just like his father, but no, I find myself a serial guitar caresser at home!” the frontman grumbles.
"I've given up on understanding you... if anything, you should be thankful that your son has good manners" Dom rolls his eyes. "Though, Matt, have you thought that maybe the guitar isn't the right instrument?"
About a week later, Matthew shows up at Bing with a custom-made grand piano for the little one.
He sits him down and Bing, with a very unconvinced look, tries to press a few keys, repetitively, getting so bored that he throws a tantrum until his father pulls him down from that little stool that seems like an insurmountable obstacle to him.
Finally free, Bing crawls on the floor until he devotes all his attention to a clothes peg that he accidentally found on the floor, which he evidently must find much more stimulating than the piano.
Matthew, on the other hand, goes to vent his frustrations on his piano, composing a grandiose and at times a bit disturbing melody. ---------------------------------------
“Thank you for coming, Dommeh, so you can see it with your own eyes,” Matthew drags him into the house, as soon as he sees him arriving in the taxi.
"You've been begging me to come by for two days, calling me at any hour of the day or night... let's say you mostly took me out of exhaustion." snorts Dom.
"Kate isn't here, she's on a movie set and she's going to have it for weeks." the frontman informs him.
“This is excellent news.” the blond definitely changes his mood.
“Bing, daddy's love, come here, do you feel like showing Uncle Dom how you play the piano?” Matt calls him and the child runs, but more to jump into his beloved uncle's arms than to fulfill his father's request.
"Noooo, piano, ewww... ugly piano, boring.." the little one complains, with the most annoyed of expressions. "I'll pretend I didn't hear." Matt grumbles through clenched teeth. “Have you seen how he behaves?” he immediately turns to Dom.
"Bing, don't you really want to try, even if Uncle Dommeh plays the piano with you?" Dominic tries to persuade him, but in the act of bending down to put him back on the floor, the drumsticks  in his back pocket slip, falling to the floor.
Bing immediately grabs them and starts banging on the floor. “Bam, bam, bam, this is fuuuun!” he chuckles, moving towards the wall.
“Bing, stop now!” his father dictates. “Nooo! Bam, bam, bam again!” protests the little one, hitting the cushions of the sofa, not too satisfied with the noise he gets up to the height of his father's shins, that he doesn't hesitate to hit repeatedly and even with a certain violence, amused by the somewhat woody noise.
“Ouch!” poor Matt moves away from his beating fury, which continues with the adjacent furniture. “What did you say  about good manners, Dom?”
“Oh come on, that was fun!” chuckles the blond. “Rather answer me…why do you always go around with drumsticks in your pocket?”
"Well, if I meet a fan I can give them to her, then, who knows, one thing leads to another..." replies Dominic, with a sexy smirk.
Teasing Matthew's jealousy is always good and proper. Although seeing how much his beloved best friend overflows with joy whenever he is with his little baby gives the handsome drummer a little to think about. He has enjoyed years and years of irresponsibility, he wonders if perhaps the time has come to settle down and find himself a steady girlfriend, without giving up on the one true love of his life.
- Who knows… maybe in a few years even I will hold a little me in my arms !- Dom gets lost in his considerations, not disdaining that possibility at all..
Meanwhile Bing has found the ultimate victim: the small piano.
He begins to beat the drumsticks with force and a frantic rhythm, trying to hit every key he encounters in no particular order.
Needless to say, it just emits an unbearable cacophony.
Matt looks at Dom and he sees pride in her blue eyes. “My son is a genius and has created a new instrument: the pwums or the dwiano!”
 “Matt, be consistent, this just can't be called music!” Dom complains, plugging his ears. “But, you know, this is giving me an idea, do you trust me?” ------------------------------------------
And since Matthew blindly trusts his beloved, the next day Dom shows up at the Bellamy/Hudson house with something very special.
The time to build it and in a short time Bing is faced with mini drums, similar in all respects to one for adults, with drumsticks more within his reach.
It goes without saying that the child is beside himself with joy, he sits down, starts hitting every part of it and doesn't stop for hours.
Fortunately for the neighborhood, the room is completely soundproofed.
Matthew has to accept it: his son will probably never become a guitarist or a pianist. -It doesn't matter, I can always pass on my good taste in clothes to him!- the handsome pianist does not lose heart.
Famous last words.
The following afternoon the two musicians scamper through every children's clothing store, with Matt getting excited every time he finds some shirt or onesie with aliens or sprinkled with glitter or both, and Bing crying his head every time his dad tries to make him wear something like that.
Among the many items on offer, Dom grabs a shirt with images of Spiderman on it in various attack positions and Bing waves his hands enthusiastically, a sign that that will be the winning purchase.
There is a sector that separates them from the cash registers and it’s the one of toys and stuffed animals.
Matthew gets excited when he sees a giant banana that can even be peeled off, pulling various zippers up and down.
“Bing, don't you also think it's the most beautiful toy in the universe? It also smells like banana! It's soft, it's giant and it's super bananish!” Matthew waves it in front of him but mostly tends to hug it to himself.
Bing doesn't even look at that thing, but reaches out for a small stuffed leopard.
Matt glares at Dom.
"Bells, look, I have nothing to do with it!" The handsome drummer gets defensive, and then turns to the boy. “Hey, little champion, you like this big cat's specks, don't you? I like them a lot too. So uncle Dommeh is gonna buy it for you,” he decides, grabbing the puppet with one hand but taking with the other the giant banana that Matt reluctantly decides to put back on the shelf. "And we pass this off as another toy for you, but we all know who I'm really buying it for!" he adds, earning an enthusiastic grin from Matthew.
Leaving the shop, Matthew seems lost in thought, while Bing has fallen asleep in the stroller.
Dominic leaves him silent throughout the journey, but when they arrive at the frontman's house, he can't hold back any longer.
"Will you tell me what's wrong, Bells?"
“I was thinking… Bing is blond. He loves the drums. He likes Spiderman. He also seems to love leopards… aren't you and Kate hiding from me that he's actually your son?”
In response, Dom bursts out laughing.
“Oh please, Matteh, don't be silly. Bing couldn't be more like you!”
Matt looks at him puzzled, confusion making his blue eyes a little darker. The fact that he's so narrow-minded at times only makes him all the more lovable to Dom.
“And why do you say that, Dom?”
“Because Bing is exactly the same as his father: he can't resist me!” the drummer rejoices, taking advantage of the walls that now protect them from prying eyes to reach out to him and give him a kiss.
"Like father, like son!" chuckles Matt, much more relieved now. “Well, you know, Bing's nap usually lasts more than an hour…”
“Uhmm… and listen, do you have any ideas on how to pass the time?” Dominic looks at him seductively.
“You, me… and the giant banana!”
hope you enjoyed it, but I'm getting sadly accustomed to slience… :'(
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
Muse/Thor/Avengers crossover BellDom&Thoki Chapter II/?
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Their crazy adventures go on...
Chapter II: Guiding Light (?)
"Well, if you're done with your pathetic whining, I would say that we can go away from here.” Loki said, opening the briefcase he was carrying and pulling out the precious contents.
“Hey, brainwasher, before you take us all to WeirdLand, at least wait a minute!” Tom raised his hand, with unusually authoritative attitude, so much that it amazed even Loki.
"You fucked my brain up; you had your fun, thank you very much!” The media-manager continued, in a mixture of cynical and sarcastic. “The point is that now you've caused a big trouble on the agenda and we will not move from here until I undo the damage you've done to me!” He concluded his tirade, impatiently, drawing his inseparable iPhone out, ready to deal with the proper people.
“Glen, it’s me, for the charity night a big mess has happened, I can’t give you the details, but you have to help me...” He began, and then moved away from his small audience, to be able to speak more easily while walking nervously back and forth.
Loki continued to watch him dazed, but in silence. Matt and Dom had decided to reach their friend while he was talking on the phone, so Chris, left alone, walked over to Loki, deciding whether or not it was a wise move to give him a pat on the back.
“You think you're so Bossy, but you don’t know our Tom!” the bass player chuckled.
"Maybe I shouldn’t have ever set him free from my mind control!” the God of Lies muttered, making the bassist laugh.
Once the telephone conversation ended, the three returned.
"Now we can go there!” the photographer asserted.
“We're leaving because I say that we can go there!” Loki snapped.
"You, Bossy with the stupid name that I also seem to have for strange reasons, hold this thing and, you all, hold your hands until you create a circle. You, with beautiful hair, will give your hand to me,” Loki instructed them, extending the handle of the Tesseract to Tom.
“Hey, I've already told you, my name is not stupid!” Tom muttered, holding hands with Chris who in turn gave his to Dom
"At least he knows your name. He has not even bothered to ask our names!" The blond groaned, before holding Matt’s hand.
"I don’t mind, actually I like to be called Beautiful Hair!” the frontman chuckled, taking Loki’s outstretched hand.
As soon as the last contact was established, the device shone with an intense blue light that enveloped them all, making them vanish.
They reappeared in the glow of that previous blue light, but this time the scenario in front of their eyes was totally different. The first thing that could not escape their gaze was a huge, majestic Golden Gate that marked the boundary of that wonderful kingdom.
Placed to guard the border there was an imposing figure, who scrutinized them with wary eyes, eyes that blended red with gold. His innate suspicion was directed primarily to the one who, in a way or another, was part of that kingdom, indeed.
“Loki,” said the keeper, with a solemn tone.
"It's heartening to know that you still remember my name, my dear old Heimdall!” Replied the younger god. “After all, I imagine that you cannot easily forget who almost froze you to death, huh?” He chuckled, digging the past up.
Heimdall did not even bother to reply, addressing to the visitors. “Who are these intruders?” He asked.
“Do you think they look like Frost Giants, perhaps? Believe me, I have lost that bad habit!” the God of Lies replied with arrogance, while the four Midgardians watched speechless and motionless that frantic question and answer session.
“Who are they?” Heimdall reiterated, impassively.
"They are no allies from a hostile kingdom, if that's what you fear. They are part of the necessary equipment that I need to prepare the feast.” Loki revealed, snorting.
“Hey, no one has ever defined us 'the necessary equipment'. For your information, you have seized a band that on Earth enjoys a worldwide success and--” Matthew pointed out, offended in his immense ego.
“Silence!” Loki and Heimdall snapped in unison, with the same annoyed tone.
In response, the proud frontman gasped and hid behind Chris, who he always considered his rock, his fortress and a refuge in which to seek shelter from unpleasant things. And annoying two powerful gods went up right in the top three in his personal ranking of unpleasant things to defend himself from.
Dominic walked cautiously to the millenary guardian.
“Hey, man, you know, I have a drum-kit that has some golden parts. According to you, would I look as good as you with a golden outfit like yours? I have to tell you that it makes you seem even taller, not to mention how it sets those eyes off...” He said with all the aplomb that only a proper Englishman can have.
Heimdall merely glared at him so icily that even Dom ran right behind Chris, who at that time, more than the bassist of the band and their best friend was feeling more like the mother hen of those undisciplined troublemaker chickens.
Heimdall turned back to the young god.
“I do not like them!” He roared with his baritone voice.
“Oh, I do not like them, either, you can be sure of that. But I need them. It's rather different.” Loki pointed scornfully.
"It's nice to feel so well liked when you are tourists in foreign lands!” Tom muttered sarcastically, as he already planned in his mind all the footage and photos that he would take at that place.
Chris wasn’t even giving too much attention to what they were all saying. He was making other important considerations in his mind.
- I haven’t ended up splinched! Nobody has ended up splinched! Thank God! Well, thanks to my God, but a little thanks to this god, too, basically. – He pondered, patting his shoulders, arms and muscles, conscious of two petite presences huddled behind him, still in a state of semi-shock.
“What about my stupid, fake brother?” the God of Chaos resumed the conversation with the guardian, pretending disinterest.
"He's still around the Realms in order to find you. He has already patrolled two Realms.” Heimdall replied.
"What a fool!” The brunet grinned. “Great. This gives me the right time for everything. Now, if you do not mind, I’ll settle my necessary stuff here.” He added, taking away his guests, or perhaps his hostages, under the gaze of the angry millennial god.
"Are all people so hospitable here?” Matthew asked Loki ironically, recovering from the shock and gaining more confidence in his actions.
“If you met mother, she would drag you to a feast of welcome that would be set up in your honor, and she’d fill you with all the delicacies possible, and would not accept any rejection!” Loki said with a smile.
"Well, then where is this gentle lady?” Chris wondered, since he felt a little hungry after all.
“It will not happen. Not tonight at least. Now I’m going to settle you in your rooms and I will make sure that you cannot get out from there to cause damage around!” the grumpy god of Chaos stated.
"You're kidding, right? I want to do a tour of the kingdom. There is so much to see here!” Tom protested.
“No, I'm not kidding. You shall stay here, good and quiet. I do not have time for you now and you need some rest. And most of all I need it!” Loki insisted. "I mean, we travelled through the Realms, aren’t you tired by the trip?"
“Are you kidding me?” Dominic burst out laughing. “Do you have any idea of how many hours of plane or tour bus we have to face when we're on tour or have to release some interview? This has been a real godsend in comparison. I wish we could always travel so well!” he showed an electrified grin.
“I can’t believe this!” Loki muttered to himself, while he crossed a path appropriately isolated, leading them to a complex of four rooms which obviously he must have had installed for the occasion.
"We only need one room!” Matt smirked, holding Dom’s hip romantically.
The blond smiled sweetly at him and the two began to stare at each other like they always used to do, i.e. excluding the rest of the universe.
“Uh!” Loki winced, understanding... and also subtly envying them a bit. “Okay, just do what you please.” He shrugged. “I forgot: if you try to go out you won’t manage to do that, because I have limited your rooms into a magical boundary that you cannot cross, if not on my license.” the clever god sneered, with deep disappointment from his four interlocutors, going to the exit.
“Loki?” Tom called him out.
“What else do you want?” The god turned again, rather annoyed.
“Don’t you find it a bit strange? You told me that you left your Realm, you went to Stark Tower to recover your scepter.” The photographer began to sum up, drawing the Asgardian’s attention. “So in that place Tony Stark really existed, like the rest of the Avengers, I suppose.”
“What is the damn point?” The beautiful god narrowed his emerald eyes so much to reduce them to two splits.
"When you arrived to the studios, looking for me, you ended up in a place where the things that happened to you are nothing but movies played by actors...” Tom went on.
“Actors who, for some inexplicable reason, look exactly like you, Thor, all the Avengers...” Chris remarked.
“It's true.” Loki muttered.
“What can it mean?” Dom asked, intrigued.
All of a sudden, Matt was seized with a great lighting.
"Maybe the government wants to hide inconvenient truths from us. I mean, what happened has happened for real, but they generally brainwashed us, making us believe that it was only in movies! And the actors are not true actors, but... they’re the real superheroes or super-villains." He paused, turning to Loki, who seemed to appreciate the gesture. “They only pretend to be actors. It’s a genial cover, it’s the perfect alibi. It's the queen of all conspiracies!” The frontman declared, gesticulating like a madman.
“I understand that these are the effects of a very tiring journey that you had to face and now you're delirious!” Loki figured out, looking at him with something very similar to compassion.
“No, Loki, no post-trip effect. He's always like that!” Tom rolled his eyes.
“If not worse!” Chris said, chuckling.
“Why don’t you want to believe me? It’s the purest truth, you should only open your eyes a little more and...” The frontman muttered, disappointed.
“Matteh, darling, you can’t always find a logical explanation for everything.” Dominic patted his lover’s shoulder. "Sometimes logic does not exist, things just happen. Even in the most unlikely way.” He continued.
“It’s not true. There is always logic. In everything.” Loki objected, becoming more thoughtful. “And now that I think about it better, the Tesseract had not the usual blue light when I landed in your town. It was a red light.” He revealed, running a frustrated hand through his jet-black hair of medium length.
"Do you think that a simple change of light is so important?” Matthew sighed, annoyed at seeing so brutally mistreated what he considered the most brilliant of his theories.
“Yes. And it’s very important. And I know who can help me understand something more. Assuming that the Tesseract could take me there again.” Loki muttered. “Now, stay here and have your rest. I'll see you tomorrow and you will have to work hard.” The fascinating, imperious god added, leaving.
"I think I will follow Loki’s advice. As a matter of fact, I'm exhausted!” Chris yawned, waving his bye to his friends and heading to his room.
"I'm going in my room too, but more than sleep, I want to figure out if there is a way to connect to the web here!” Tom grumbled, drawing out his trusty iPhone and leaving as well.
Dom went into his room, which was the one that the two lovers had decided to share.
"Well, what can we do?” Matt asked allusive, reaching the soft bed with a jump, and then took off his jacket and shoes.
“We’re going to sleep. What else would you want to do?” The drummer replied, following his example.
"What? Does it mean that you don’t want to have planetarium sex?” The frontman insisted, rubbing himself against Dom, eager.
“Not tonight. And then I forgot my faff bag at home! I can only resort to a long beauty sleep and you won’t prevent me!” The drummer imposed, resolutely.
"Listen, you can’t stop the aging process forever.” The brunet chuckled.
“Bells!” Dominic snapped.
"Relax. Look, if you get too angry you could get a wrinkle on your pretty face!” Matthew giggled again, as spiteful as a cat.
“I've had enough. This is the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Get out of here!” The blond growled, knocking him off the bed and pushing him until he reached the back door.
“No, come on, Dommie, I'll be good, I promise!” Matt repented, reluctant to the idea of spending the night alone.
Whether it was a hotel room or a planet that until the day before he thought that it could only exist in the people’s collective imagination, to Matt made no difference: he just wanted Dominic by his side. To feel his warmth warming his hands and feet that were always so cold, to feel the blond pushing against him in his movements during his sleep, to hear that oh so light snoring that was something tenderly childish, but mostly to watch him while he slept or to meet his smiling face a few inches from his, as soon as he opened his eyes the morning after.
Matthew longed to still have all this, but Dominic did not seem willing to give him that.
"Oh yes, you'll be good. I do not doubt about it. But you’ll do it in your room, not here.” Dom pointed out, pushing him over the threshold. “And for the record, Mattie, it’s sex when I am with one of my occasional lovers or you are with your Hollywood diva. You and I only make love!” He pointed out, with wounded pride, before slamming the door in Matt’s face and leaving his partner as puzzled as he was unsatisfied.
“No, Steve, it is useless to insist, I won’t pay you a visit while you're on a mission.” Tony muttered at the phone. "Yes, you're very brave, nope, you're not a hero only thanks to a laboratory test tube... and yes... I miss you too. And these statements you are extorting to me have a price you’re gonna pay soon, especially the last one!” He murmured, sounding more persuasive.
"Sir, I'm afraid we have visitors.” Jarvis interrupted them.
“I'll call you back.” Tony whispered, hanging up. "Visits at this time of the day? Or rather late night? They must be of the unfriendly kind, am I right?” The billionaire figured out.
“Well, Sir, the last time he was here, you fell from the window, descending of a considerable number of meters.” Replied the ingenious electronic device.
“Oh, him?! Really?” Its creator chuckled, surprised.
"Should I let him in? Also because he seems very determined to do it anyway.” Jarvis warned him.
“Yes, go ahead. After all, I felt alone tonight!” The brilliant inventor shrugged.
A few minutes later, Loki made his triumphant entrance, with long and catlike steps, dressed as Tony had seen him in Stuttgart.
“Reindeer Games!” Tony greeted him cheerfully, making the God rolling his eyes, already irritated. “I hope you noticed right away that I did repair the window, so I'm not going to see the glass crashed again!” He added.
“It will not happen this time. It’s hard to believe, but I have no hostile intentions.” Loki smirked.
"You're right. It’s hard to believe!” Tony stated, going to the bar. “Fancy a drink? The last time you were here you have not accepted it.”
“And I will not accept it even this time.” Loki replied to him, and then watched him a bit confused. "But... why do not you have any abrupt reaction? After all, it’s four o’ clock in the morning!" He muttered, puzzled.
Tony shrugged.
“What do you want me to say? I haven’t slept properly for a long time.” The Midgardian admitted, through clenched teeth.
“Nightmares related to Chitauri, huh?” The insightful god of Chaos figured out.
This time it was Tony looking at him bewildered.
"But you... how?"
“I've been there. To tell the truth, I'm still through it. I know how it feels.” The Asgardian revealed
The two stared at each other empathically. It was strange to find something that both of them had in common. This made them feel somehow.... tied.
So there wasn’t need for further words on the subject.
"So, tell me why you're here?” Tony changed topic.
“First of all, to return this. I’ve told you that I would...” Loki said, handing Tony his scepter.
“Uh, very well. It seems that your mother taught you to keep your word!” Tony said sardonically, taking delivery of the fearsome weapon. “I'm beginning to seriously believe that this time you do not have hostile intentions. So, what’s the other reason why you're here? And why did your Super Daddy let you free to hang around?” He questioned the god.
“He's not my father!” Loki growled. “About the other question...”
-------------------------------------------------- -
“… So now you want to know if your toy that travels in space is broken!” Tony summed up at the end of the god’s report.
“Exactly.” Loki said, handing him the Tesseract with confidence, for Tony to examine it.
“Well, I think that for this thing I'll need a consultation!” The Midgardian mused, pulling out his cell phone technology to open up a video conference with a particular person. "Before you ask me, he's in London right now, so no sharp reaction from a Midgardian who’s awakened in the middle of the night!” Tony chuckled.
“Also because he's the last person from whom I would like to get angry reactions!” Loki muttered, restless.
“It still burns, huh?” Tony chuckled, waiting for the video-conference to begin.
“Hey, Bruce, my dear Science Bro! It’s me. You'll never guess who's here with me and what he needs.” The brilliant inventor commenced, before giving him all the necessary information.
The two began a discussion with many of those strictly technical terms and language so scientific/physicist that Loki could not grasp even a tenth of what they were saying. And yes he had a thirst for knowledge.
However, he realized that they were talking about his Tesseract and it was enough.
“Yes, Bruce, that's what I thought too, but I still wanted your opinion. Thank you.” Tony made the videoconference end.
“My dear interspatial traveller, I'll explain briefly what happened. When you took the scepter, you moved from your kingdom to this one, as you have done now... so everything is okay.” He said and Loki nodded.
“But when you went in search of that band, to find them you ended up not only in their kingdom, but even in their dimension, which is parallel to ours. It's just there that you would have found them. You made a journey within the journey.” He explained.
“Oh. I knew that the Tesseract was very powerful and had infinite potential, but... to cross dimensions!” The beautiful god commented in awe.
"Yeah. It seems that your toy already knew what you needed, even better than you.” Tony winked at him.
"I don’t usually do this, but... thank you... abnormal heart!” Loki muttered, pointing to the blue light coming from the middle of the human’s chest, making him laugh.
“Not so fast, Reindeer!” Tony stopped him before he could return to his kingdom.
“What?” The Asgardian frowned.
“What’s this issue that you have landed in a dimension where all our duplicates are actors?"
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
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My ooold parody sketch for my ooold parody fic (the one I'm posting here, chapter after chapter)
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
My very first BellDom fic 8/23
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If someone is reading I'm happy, if they leave a sign, any sign, well, I'm happier ;)
Do you want to meet a Matthew who sees conspiracy everywhere (oh wait, this is not big news!) and is so fond of his trolley that he treat it like a sort of puppy? Do you want to meet a Dominic in love with… himself (and with Matt, too, of course!)? And do you want to meet a Chris who wants to prove to the world he's the most masculine guy ever… but is unavoidably attracted by every… female hobby? This is what you'll find in this story, among lots of BellDom and… craziness!
Summary of the chapter: Matt has got a theory..
Chapter VIII : A Matter of Reverse Psychology
The morning after Chris doesn't exactly seem to be Mr Good Mood. It's not due to the fact that they had to get up tremendously early, in order to catch the flight to Cleveland. He is not bothered by getting up early, besides he's happy to have the chance to go sightseeing in the town, as much as it is possible to have a good sightseeing in just a couple of days.
He is not bothered by taking the umpteenth plane; he's more than accustomed to that. Just like Matt, Dom and even Tom when he's with them, Chris isn't scared by flying at all. Quite the contrary, with time he learned how to turn the plane in a kind of further bed and that solves the problem of getting up too early.
He even totally agrees with the changes of their playlist, since he's the one who suggested most of those changes. He's not even melancholic or sad due to the fact that he's far away from home, because he finds helpful the very long phone calls between him and his wife and sometimes, with his kids too, at least the kids old enough to speak. He knows that it's nothing like being with them physically, but at least it's a contact. Besides, he has set up things very wisely, not to lose any of the important events in his family, such as birthdays, anniversaries and stuff like that.
What is really pissing him off is to walk through the airport with his two friends, who are arranged in such an absurd way that he's ashamed to be seen with them and he's even more ashamed to declare that they are his best friends. Not in that moment, at least.
Dom decided to wear his very showy bright pink jeans, matched to a bright pink T-shirt as well, which can be seen from his half open black coat. After all, his outfit has a very specific goal: to match the famous trolley that Matt allowed him to borrow, honouring his given word.
Well, Dominic really seems some kind of living pink, sugared almond, that's why Matthew is devouring him... with his eyes.
But Chris doesn't even seem to notice that, since he's to busy wondering how the hell the blond manages to be so full of energy even at such a cruel time of the morning... if it already can be call morning, that's it.
As a matter of fact, Dom keeps running from one side to the other of the airport, stopping just to stare at a mirror, a shop-window or any kind of surface that manages to even barely reflect him, with a huge grin plastered on his face, as enthused as a kid that after much insistence gets the toy he has dreamed about and he does nothing but play with it.
Indeed, if on the one hand he's busy admiring him, on the other hand our poor Matthew is very anxious about his 'toy', especially every time that the blond tosses it around with total carelessness.
< Oh no, if he carries it on this way it will end up losing a wheel! And should I be supposed to spend the next four journeys in such an apprehensive state? No way! > Matt ponders, but just like Chris, right now he doesn't have enough power to react or warn him about being more careful.
Matt's outfit is quite acceptable; although he managed to discover God only knows where a T-shirt that gathers all together at least five different layouts and something like one thousand and two hundred forty-five colours. And he also displays it with pride and fierceness through his half open coat. Besides, if his very normal blue-jeans miss the goal miserably, it's the famous golden hat he's wearing that makes him scarily eccentric.
"Oh my god, Dom! So you weren't kidding at all when you told me you had found the clone of that horrible thing!" Chris exclaims, looking at the blond in a blaming way, taking advantage of the fact that he has finally stopped.
"Yes, it's great! Now that I've got it again nothing and nobody will ever take this marvellous hat away from me!" Matt perjures, setting it better on his head.
< Don't be so sure about that. I've already managed once to get rid of that silly thing and make you believe that you had simply lost it, so I can do that twice! > Chris evilly plots in his head and then he turns to him again.
"I understand that it's still quite dark, but the airport has a lot of sidelights, landing lights, hazard lights and stuff like that, so there was no need to put that street lamp on your head!" he makes fun of him. "Ah-ah, witty boy. Truth is that you're just envious..." the fierce owner of that absurd thing strikes back. "Envious of what? Haven't you realized yet that you look like a rabbi in a damn glamour version? It's not remotely chic, it's not trendy, it's not a vintage accessory. It's totally trash, thumbs-down!" Chris makes him notice.
"What the hell are you talking about? Confess, you stole Kelly's fashion magazines again, don't you dare deny it!" Dom makes fun of him, but the fact that Chris has a guilty look makes the others understand that the blond is right. And the most worrying thing is that he doesn't do that to look at the pin-ups, no. He really cares about the magazine articles!
"Anyway, my dear manqué stylist, I couldn't care less of what you think about my outfit. I don't follow fashion, I'm a trendsetter!" Matt declares proudly. "Lucky for us, no one follows your fashion!" Chris strikes back pungently. "Words from Mr. Grey! You seem almost allergic to colour!" Matt strikes back as sharp as well.
"He's right, buddy. You used to be more colourful before, but now... you are way too serious!" Dom adds. "I'm just perfect the way I am. Anyway, I can't take style advices from a rabbi and a sugared almond!" Chris grumbles and the others pretend to be insulted.
"Hey, how can it be that now Dominic has got that ridiculous thing?" the bassist wonders, pointing at the pink trolley. "First, my trolley is anything but ridiculous; it's the perfect marriage between aesthetics and practicality!" the frontman points out, scowling at him. "They better divorce as soon as possible, then!" Chris mutters.
"Hey, I heard you!" Matt snaps, scowling at him even deeper. "Actually, I wanted you to hear me!" the other strikes back as Dominic listens to them silently, moving his head from one friend to the other, like he was watching a tennis match.
"Second, if he carries it this way, I don't think that Dom will keep it for long ..." the singer goes on, scowling at the drummer who backs off frightened.
"Third... Uhmm... let's say that Dom and I made a deal ..." he explains as the blond confines himself just to nod.
< That's it, I knew that! They keep doing things without me. Today is a deal, tomorrow it could be a whole concert; it's only a step forward. And maybe with a bassist who has their same too coloured style or even worse! Chris, boy, you gotta keep your eyes wide open if you don't want them to make a fool of you! > the more and more paranoid Chris figures out as they go to the check in.
No matter how Chris has summoned himself to keep his eyes open, after half an hour since the plane took off, he already keeps them very closed, deeply asleep after he found the most comfortable position in his seat.
When he's in that state nothing can wake him up. Matthew and Dominic know that very well.
"What do you say, is he already in his irrecoverable phase?" Dom whispers to Matt. "Let's check it out" the other answers in the same way, and then he starts talking louder, with a clear pronounce.
"The bass is the most senseless instrument ever and whoever plays that is even more senseless!" he states, as they both turn to their friend who hasn't showed any slightest reaction and keeps sleeping soundly.
"Yes, he is in the irrecoverable phase!" the frontman declares, satisfied.
That confirmation is enough for Dom to get up and reach the seat next to Matt. After all the plane is flying peacefully, there are no disturbances.
Chris is in the middle but it doesn't seem to be an insurmountable obstacle to Dom. Basically, Chris doesn't seem to be insurmountable to him, since he bypasses him without scruples, not even when he accidentally kicks his knee. After all, he's pretty sure that his friend wouldn't wake up even if he walked on him!
"Here we go!" he exclaims with a grin when he gets close to Matt. "And now tell me what did you mean last night!" he exhorts him, sitting down. "Ok, let's resume: we think that Chris wants to leave the band, don't we?" the brunet asserts. "Correction: I quit thinking that. It's you who insist!" the blond clarifies. "I have got my reasons to insist. He says that we all must be united, always, because this is the only way to make our band work, otherwise it would be the end." Matthew reminds to him.
"And this is the exact moment that I gave up understanding you!" Dom rolls his eyes. "Give me a minute and I'm sure you'll resume understanding me. I was saying... considering that it seems that there are no problems at all and we've just imagined the whole thing..." "But? Because I'm sure there's a 'but'..." the blond interrupts him. "But..." Matt goes on and Dom smiles victoriously, happy for guessing right. "... Psychology teaches us that it's not so easy!" he states.
"What's the matter with psychology now?" Dom frowns. "It's a matter of reverse psychology. That's how it works: you say something in order to get the contrary effect from your interlocutors. It's used mostly with children, but it doesn't mean that it can't be very effective even with adults..." the brunet explains. "Oh, boy! I'd have never thought of that!" the other admits, stunned. "You know, after something like six years with a psychology expert like Gaia, I've also learnt something about it. You have no idea of how many times she used that on me, but now she can't trick me anymore!" Matt admits.
"I guess so. Well, if what you say it's true, then... oh my god, Chris wants to leave us for real!" the blond gets alarmed. "Yeah, but we won't allow him to do that." the other declares firmly. "How?" the blond frowns again. "It's simple. The only way to fight reverse psychology is to use reverse psychology as well! Does Chris want to leave us? Fine, we'll make him believe that we don't care, because he's not that indispensable for us" Matt explains with a smirk. "Bells, you're a genius!" the blond praises him. "Yes, I know that. Sometimes I think I was born with way too many talents!" the brunettes pretends to brag. Or maybe he doesn't pretend at all.
"I need to train a little bit to get accustomed to this reverse psychology thing. Let's see if I understand..." Dom thinks out loud, skimming Matt's left arm with his fingers and staring deep into his eyes. "Now you must not jump on me, you must not hold me into your arms and mostly you must not kiss me as if it was the last day of our lives!" he imposes to him, resolute.
Matthew has to muster all his self-control up not to obey to that subliminal command. "Please, Dom, don't tempt me..." he murmurs. "Anyway, yes, I see you've already learnt very well how to use reverse psychology!" he adds, moving prudently away from him.
"Speaking of 'last day of our lives', well, this will really be the last day of your life if you don't treat my trolley better next time!" he warns him immediately after. "After all, I can't figure out why I've already lent my trolley to you when I haven't borrowed your pants yet!" he adds, bothered. "Just because, my dear, if you want to take off my pants, you must follow my rules!" Dom explains, but when he sees the dumbstruck look in Matthew's eyes he realizes what he has said and its possible double entendre. "Uh! Wait, no! I meant just my green pants! And I meant 'take off ' just as 'to borrow'!" he hurries to clarify.
Too bad that a question is already about to pop in his interlocutor's mind. "So, do you mean that to take off all your pants there aren't any rules to follow?" Matthew winks at him, scratching lightly the rubberized baby blue drawing on Dom's pink t-shirt. "Just one rule: follow your instinct!" Dom provokes him, arranging better his golden hat with both of his hands.
"Damn! We are doing it again!" the blond figures out. "Doing what? Oh, shit, yeah, we're doing it again. I suggest to quit!" the brunette reacts and, even if not so willingly, they manage to take their hands off each-other.
"Instead, I suggest to talk about it, once for al!" the blond strikes back. "This is not the proper time..." "What? We are on a private flight, where the only witness is almost in a coma. There couldn't be a more proper moment!" Dom makes him notice. "The place is proper, ok, but not the time!" Matthew answers, unable to restrain a long yawn.
"C'mon, Dom, it's 7:15 am. I guess I've already faced enough important topics for now. So, I'd like to follow Chris' example" the brunette admits, stretching out. "Do you mean that we are not an important topic?" his interlocutor pouts. "Quite the contrary, we are the most important one. That's why now I can't face it in the proper way. We'll talk about that in hotel, I give you my word!" he guarantees.
Dominic smiles, but then he pouts again, just like a spoiled kid and what he says confirms this comparison. "But I'm getting bored! What can I do in the meantime?" he complains. "I don't know. Maybe it could be the proper time for you to plot that famous time machine you are obsessed with!" Matt jokingly advices him. "Yeah, it could be a good idea..." Dom ponders, but then he stares intently at him. "Anyways, tell me, if I really managed to plot a time machine, would you like to erase all what happened since that fateful day at your house?" he asks him seriously. "Never." Matt answers seriously as well, although he's already half asleep. "But now what I'd really like to do is sleep..." he adds, getting more comfortable on his seat.
"Wait, I got it! You don't wanna sleep at all; it's a matter of reverse psychology once again!" Dom exclaims, enlightened. "No, no bloody psychology, it's the truth. Now, please, be a good boy ..." the other slurs, with closed eyes.
Dom gets up and reaches his seat again, a little bothered. At least this time he doesn't kick the poor Chris.
< Note to myself: I must take a decision for the next flight: to take some tranquillizers, so I can follow their example or... to make them take some pep pills, so they can keep me company! >
I hope you'll find it funny and like it,
Let me use the reverse psychology 'this ' Matt loves so much: DON'T tell me what you think about this chapter! :D
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
My very first BellDom fic 7/23
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If someone is reading I'm happy, if they leave a sign, any sign, well, I'm happier ;)
Do you want to meet a Matthew who sees conspiracy everywhere (oh wait, this is not big news!) and is so fond of his trolley that he treat it like a sort of puppy? Do you want to meet a Dominic in love with… himself (and with Matt, too, of course!)? And do you want to meet a Chris who wants to prove to the world he's the most masculine guy ever… but is unavoidably attracted by every… female hobby? This is what you'll find in this story, among lots of BellDom and… craziness!
Summary of the chapter: Matt and Dom have something to worry about…
Sorry, I've tried anything but there's nothing to do, sometimes the format of this chapter gets odd and the text begins where it shouldn't... I hope you'll manage to read it anyway
Chapter VII: It's Not Helping At All
Once their show is done, as they head towards the backstage , Muse comment the crowd's reaction, and they seem pretty satisfied.
"I was sure there would be a cold silent, broken just by some murmurs, such as 'who the fuck are these people? '. Instead, they smiled, clapped their hands.. and * sang *!" Matthew exults.
"Yeah, and not only the chorus of the most famous hits. Someone knew even 'Take a Bow ' or 'City of Delusion' !" Chris exults.
"Plus, I don't think it was just my imagination, but I heard some of them saying three or four times calling us by name. not simply the band name, I mean our personal ones!" Dominic exults.
"I guess it's one more step towards our conquer of the States!" Matthew states, enthused.
"Well, don't rush things, it's just a small part of New York, it's too soon to jump to conclusion... " Dom makes him notice.
"Yes, but it was a positive start, we shouldn't underestimate that... " Matt comments.
"What do you think, Chris?" Dominic calls for him, but he gets no answers.
"Chris?" Matt calls for him, with the same result.
They look behind their back, turn again and take a look all around the room, realizing that their friend is nowhere to be found.
"Oh my, someone kidnapped him!" Dom gets alarmed.
"How the hell can you think that?" Matt wonders.
"I don't know why ... but I've been thinking about kidnapping all day long.. " the other justifies.
"So, tell me, how could that happen? First, we're not alone.. " Matt makes him notice, pointing at two technicians who are bringing there their instruments, after taking them from the stage.
"Who assures you that it's not them the kidnappers and theirs is just a cover?" Dominic observes.
"Ok, let's say it's true, my dear Sherlock Holmes wannabe, can you explain why the hell did we notice nothing. Since we were here with him?" Matthew puts him in trouble.
Dom meditates for a while and then he seems to be enlightened.
"The technicians kidnapped him, we tried to stop them, but we failed. Then, after taking him away, they brought time back with the machine that I was supposed to invent .. that's why we remember nothing about that!" the blond explains, but the most worrying thing is that he seems very convinced of what he's saying.
Matthew looks at him in a mix of confusion, concern, sympathy and.. fear.
"Maybe Chris had some point with that comment about illicit drugs. And the worst thing is that you didn't even offer, you, egoist!" the brunette pretends to scold him.
"First, I didn't take any bloody thing. And second, you're already illicit on your own!" the other strikes back promptly, and then he notices that his interlocutor is absorbed in his thoughts, as if another hypothesis is about to pop in his mind.
And that's what happens for real.
"You know.. the kidnapping thing isn't so absurd after all.. But it's not due to a blackmail, it's due to a sabotage. I bet the five dark whelps did it, because, after seeing our brilliant performance , they are rightly afraid of going on the stage and looking like the newbie they actually are. So, they took our bassist away to prevent us from performing in the other dates!" Matt deducts, and he also looks worryingly convinced of what he states.
"Damn you, Bells, why the hell do you see conspiracies everywhere?" Dom rolls his eyes.
"Because conspiracies *are * everywhere!" the other simply strikes back.
"And how do you explain the fact that we didn't noticed that at all?" the blond interrogates him.
"Maybe that odd machine you keep blathering about exists for real.. " the other supposes and they both look kind of anguished .
One of the technician approaches to them.
"Excuse me, I couldn't help haring you.. " he exclaims.
Dominic stress at him, doubtful and disbelieving , ready to call the police if there's the need. Also Matthew stares at him, trying to figure out if the technician is one of the My Chemical Romance, disguised due to what he thinks that is a mission of sabotage.
The technician is a little scared by their inquisitive looks, but he goes on anyway.
"I was saying.. don't take that as an offence, but.. are you aware of the idiot things you say? Maybe you didn't notice, but truth is that your friend just happened to go out to have a walk.. " he explains to them and they both seem to be relieved.
"After all, that was the most obvious explanation, how can it be that you didn't even consider that ?" he adds, looking at them as if they escaped from a mad house.
"The most obvious explanation are so boring.. it's not fun to consider them!" Matthew shrugs.
"Well, that's not a good reason for even thinking of taking into consideration what looks like a kind of sci-fi romance.. of a bad quality, too!" the man strikes back.
"Hey, no one asked for your opinion, why don't you come back doing your job? I already know what car your colleague has got, it wouldn't take me so long to find even yours!" Dominic warns him, waving the precedent key as if it was the most terrifying weapon of the world.
"Yeah. And I could smash a guitar on that!" Matt adds.
Scared not by their threats, but mostly by their mental sanity that seems not to be so stable, the technician prudently leaves, coming back to his colleague.
"So, Chris just took a walk.. "Dom comments.
"Yes, but it's so unexpected and out of the blue.. " the other observes.
"And without even warning us. Almost as if he was.. bothered.. " the blond adds.
"Oh my god, no! Maybe he's sick of us and wants to leave the band!" Matthew gets alarmed.
"I guess you're right. And maybe the phone call with Kelly, this afternoon.. was just a cover. Maybe he's already trying to contact another band!" Dominic gets alarmed.
And as they both concentrate in order to find a solution to what they already consider a colossal drama, taking a look around they realize that they have another reason why they can get alarmed, seriously. The technicians finished setting their instruments and left in order to set the ones of the main band and that will take them a lot.
So now Dominic and Matthew are all alone in a big room.
"Oh, no! We're alone... again!" Matt observes.
"Yes, but you know it doesn't have to be a dangerous thing every time.. " Dom comments.
"Yeah. Just because we happened to get way too close to each other twice, three times or four ones.. Gee, how many times did it happen?"
"Don't ask me that. I lost the count!" the other rolls his eyes.
"But this time it won't happen!" he states resolutely, immediately after.
"Damn right. We can be left alone.. without any worrying consequences.. " the other nods.
They can lie to each other with their words as much as they please. Too bad that they can't do that with their eyes, and it's enough just one look for them both to realize that.
Dom glances at his drums and gets closer to it.
"This atmosphere is getting too tense. And do you which is the best way to give vent to the tension? To play a little.. " the blond declares, drawing out the drumsticks from the rear pocket of his jeans and starting to hit the several parts of the instrument.
Matt approaches to him, staring at him without saying anything, but the other notices that and stops.
"What?" he wonders, kinda disturbed.
"Nothing. It's just that you're so cute when you're all engrossed into playing.. " Matt admits.
"This is not helping .. " Dominic warns him, blushing against his will.
"But it's the truth.. " the other insists, approaching to his guitar.
"Anyway, you're right, we must do something to release the tension.. " he goes on, wearing the strip of his guitar.
"Are you going to play a little bit, too?" the other asks him naively.
"Not exactly.. " his interlocutor smirks.
"Well, I'm going to quit, too, then.." the blond announces, ready to get up.
"No, way, sit down again!" the brunette summons him.
"But.. if you don't want to play.. then I don't understand why you want me to.. " Dom protest but then realization hits him.
"Aren't you going to... " he figures out, without even finishing the sentence.
"Hell yeah I am!" the other announces, backing off as much as he needs to take one run-up.
"Am I wrong or aren't you the person who got very concerned for his guitar? You'll end up scratching it or leave a dent on it." Dom makes him notice. " That's not the point. The other people must treat my guitars carefully, I can do whatever I please with them!" he points out. "Plus, it won't be anything that our dear Manson guy can't repair!" he shrugs.
"I don't think it's a good idea.. " the blond tries to make him reason.
"But I do. C'mon, it will distract us. It will be fun. Besides, we haven't done that for ages!" the brunet insists. "Yeah, but we're not on stage.. and there's not even any crowd!" the drummer makes him notice. "Who ever told you that I did that for the crowd?" the front-man raises one eyebrow.
"But I do. C'mon, it will distract us. It will be fun. Besides, we haven't done that for ages!" the brunet insists. "Yeah, but we're not on stage.. and there's not even any crowd!" the drummer makes him notice. "Who ever told you that I did that for the crowd?" the front-man raises one eyebrow.
"Matt, I've already told you not to.." "Too late, I'm already doing that!" he cuts him off, making a noteworthy jump and then he smashes against the drums, crashing the several parts on the floor and involving even its owner in the fall.
"Matt, I've already told you not to.." "Too late, I'm already doing that!" he cuts him off, making a noteworthy jump and then he smashes against the drums, crashing the several parts on the floor and involving even its owner in the fall.
Despite some bruises, the two guys find the situation kind of exhilarating and burst out laughing. Matt tries to get up, but Dominic has a better idea.
"You, stubborn mad guy, you'll pay for what you did to my poor drums!" he hurls towards his friend, keeping his arms behind his head and pinning him on the floor.
"After all, it's just a bunch of scrap iron and there's no so much difference between the noise it made now and the one it makes whenever you play it!" Matt teases him on purpose, managing not only to get free but also to switch the roles.
"Hey, that's unfair!" Dom protests and he's pinned by Matt much more than he was by him.
"What? The things I did or the things I've said?" the other sneers.
"Both of them.. " Dom admits, until they both realize something unexpected.. something that wasn't supposed to happen.
If they found the situation exhilarating before, now it seems that they find it also very, very, *very * pleasant.
And it's enough just a mutual and sudden bulge under the belt of their jeans for them to get the feared confirmation.
"Shit!" Matthew exclaims.
"Shit!" Dominic echoes him.
"What the hell is going on?" the first wonders.
"Whatever it is, it's not helping at all!" the blond states.
They both keep silent, staring at each other for a bunch of seconds, without any attempt to move.
"We should better get up.. " the blond suggests.
"Yes, we should. But I don't want to do that.. " Matt admits.
"And I don't want you to do that.. " the other admits, as they exchange the umpteenth dangerous look.
"Do you realize that it's something damn insane and blameworthy ?" the brunette murmurs, and the only fact that he's murmuring it shows how much he is not finding it negative at all.
"Do you realize that I couldn't care less?" Dom murmurs, taking advantage of his interlocutor's temporary distraction enough to set his arms free and wrap them around his neck.
"Neither could I.. " the other confesses, feeling the sudden urge to establish a contact with those soft lips once again.
He bents over him, in order to make their mouths skimmer , but a noise at the door make them startle and quit that romantic purpose.
"Guys, you must get out with me, because I've found.." Chris exclaims, getting in all cheerful, but he stops abruptly when he sees Matt and Dom laying on the floor, one upon the other , in the middle of what remains of the drums and a dented guitar with the 'e' chord broken.
"I can't believe it. Did you play the fight.. again?" he comments, shaking his head. "Uh, yeah.. the fight.. right.. " Matt blathers, getting up, wishing that that 'collateral effect ' of that contact could fade out before Chris notices that.
"You know.. it was just a way to will the time away.. " Dom adds, mirroring both of Matt's actions and hopes.
"What were you talking about?" Matt asks him with nonchalance. "I found outside, at the barriers, a group of fans that came here just for us!" a grinning Chris explains, and since he's so excited it's practically impossible that he could notice anything else.
"Really?" Matt looks for confirmations. "It's the truth. And the fact that I found them already outside proves that. they couldn't care less about the headliners! And the coolest thing is that they're not fans who followed us from London. No way, they're just Americans!" the other informs them, more and more excited.
"Alright! One score for us, in spite of the Living Dead!" Matt exults. "It's fantastic! Well, the least we can do is to go outside and say thanks to them properly.. " Dom suggests.
"That's why I called you. C'mon, hurry up and reach me at the gates with the fans, they deserve it!" Chris smiles, ready to go, but he turns one last time.
"Hey, guess what they said? They said that they like * all of us * , * without any exceptions* , it would be enough just * one member missing * and it wouldn't be the same anymore, the * band * wouldn't work anymore. It works only if * we all stay together *!" he keeps underlining the concept, before leaving.
"So, I guess we were wrong. Chris is not going to leave the band!" Dom comments, very relieved, as both he and Matt clean out that mess.
"You're kidding, aren't you? Chris gave us the worst answer ever!" Matt protests, very alarmed. "But.. he said that we must remain together.. all of us!" Dom makes him notice, kind of puzzled. "Exactly!" the other underlines the fact.
"Damn you, Bells, is there any absurd, recondite and odd reason why what you're saying has at least a semblance of logical sense?" Dom stares at him, more and more confused, as he massages his temples, afraid that he's about to have a terrible headache.
"Yes, there is, but now there's no time for explanations. We'll talk as soon as we have the chance. Now we must go.. " the other comments, walking towards the door.
Dominic follows him, but then he stops. "What?" Matthew asks him, turning to him. "When will we ever talk about what's going on between you and me?" the blond wonders, a little bit insecure.
Matt gets closer to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll find time even for us.. " he whispers, with a sweet smile and a look plenty of promises.
They walk though the corridors, reaching the gates, as that 'us' echoes in Dom's mind as the warmest word he has ever heard.
The fight is something they really did.
I hope you'll still like it, but fell free to tell me anything, as always !
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
snippet from a short One Shot
LOL, why can I picture so easily in my mind Matt doing that? XD
“Doooommm, here I am, I'll take care of you!” Matt yells, running towards him, who has his right index finger under the jet of water.
“Matt, what are you doing here?” He stares at him, puzzled.
"But how? I thought you were dying..." "And to think that we had that speech about being a little less catastrophic." “So you're not dying…”
“Nope, see? I just cut my finger while I was cooking dinner. I wanted to ask if you remembered where I keep the plasters… but it's already healing by now,” Dom explains, showing him the cut on his fingertip that barely reaches an inch. "So you're not dying!" “Bells, could you repeat that without sounding like… you’re disappointed?” Dominic glares at him. “Of course I’m not, it's just… I was all in Savior mode by now and…” Matthew mutters. “Well, if it makes you feel better, I can tell it stings a lot!” whimpers Dominic.
“Kiss and make it better?” Matt murmurs, placing his mouth on his injured finger.   "Huh, I wish I'd cut myself somewhere else then..." the blond looks at him mischievously. *
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
Muse/Thor/The Avengers Crossover Belldom&Thoki
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yep, I'm that crazy this is something I started YEARS ago... maybe I'll find the mad inspiration to go on and conclude it Let's start with sharing the prologue: Summary: What happens when the ' Knights of Cydonia ' meet the gods of Asgard? Let the delirium begin! Setting : During the making of T2L, tentatively late spring/early summer 2012, which should coincide with the ending of 'The Avengers' I do not have the mathematical certainty, but it is a FF, let's pretend that it is so… Rating: pg13, then…who knows?
Feedback: yes, please, make a tiny effort, this time I really need to know if this is worthy to go on or no one knows/care about those two fandoms put together :/
Genre: CrossOver (Muse + Thor / The Avengers Universe), Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, Humor, Parody… crazyness ;P
Disclaimer: I do not own for sure Matt, Dom, Muse in general, the same goes for Thor, Loki &Co (they belong to Marvel), I just own the absurd idea that was born from my sick mind And the title is taken from the lyrics of ' Crying Shame ' by Muse (very fitting)
Pairing: BellDom (of course!), Thoki ( Thor + Loki ) and... whatever happens XD
Notice: - I do not like Kate Hudson ( even before Matt met her), it’s not a mystery, but more than real bashing let’s call it a situation in which Matthew and especially Dominic scoff at her whenever they have the opportunity… which is what I love thinking that actually happens in real life, too!
To fully understand this story ( no matter how crazy and degenerate it is) you should know both fandoms, if you don’t, you can still read this first part after ' **** in the meantime 'as a simple one shot, since it is not yet bound to the other events :) The real fun will start with chapter 1!
Loki, Thor and all Asgard is based only on Marvel Movies, okay? I don’t know very much about Northern Mitology :/ Prologue: Requests and Memories
Asgard, End of May 2012
The more he kept repeating to himself that he had done the right thing, the less Thor was convinced that it was so.
He had brought Loki back home, it’s true, with the help of his mortal superhero friends, and had managed to stop him before the situation degenerated even further. Loki would have a hard price to pay for what he had already done.
The point was that having brought him back to Asgard, Thor had precluded to Loki any possibility of escape. By now it was all in Odin’s hands and in his law and the blond warrior could only hope that his decision would be lenient.
The trial has just begun; Loki had been led by Thor towards the throne room, suitably gagged, under the stern and blaming gaze of the whole people of Asgard.
Placed between the front rows, there were Fandral, Sif, Volstagg and Hogun, i.e. Thor’s best friends. They could only glare scornfully at the brunet god, which once -briefly- had been their king. All the way, Thor had looked for an alternative form of dialogue with his adopted brother. He tried seeking eye contact, but those big green eyes made of emerald did not seem to convey any emotion. After all, it was typical of the god of Mischief to conceal any trace of vulnerability.
Frigga hadn’t even been allowed to get close to that beloved son she believed lost, because it was an order of Odin’s. As a matter of fact, two royal guards had immediately moved her away, not without some efforts, fighting every Frigga’s attempt to break free. At the end, the queen was forced to surrender, being a powerless spectator of a show of which perhaps she preferred to never know the final result.
Odin knew that he would have to come to terms with his wife, but he had found it necessary to avoid her overly emotional involvements. He was aware that, when it came to Loki, Frigga used to forget rationality, acting more as a mother than a queen.
Suddenly Loki became more restless, starting to point repeatedly at his magic gag that kept him from enjoying the most congenial arts to him: the oratorical arts. Not understanding the behavior from whom he still considered to all intents and purposes his son, Odin gave orders to his guards to take away the gag, getting ready to put it back on him, if the situation would require it.
Free at last, Loki proceeded to talk.
"I require as my right to speak in private with the father...”
Odin jolted, not because of that request, but for the use of that unexpected name.
"Of all the gods!” the god of Lies added, pausing on purpose and finding a thin, evil, devious pleasure in deluding the king of Asgard so badly.
If there was one thing that Odin had never feared, it was direct confrontation, so he accepted the request, without hesitation, giving orders to everyone to leave.
"What's Loki up to?”  Frigga asked Thor, rather restless.
" I have no idea, mother, he didn’t tell me he wanted to talk in private with father. Well, because of the damn gag he didn’t tell me anything at all, since I’ve brought him here.”  the blond warrior muttered, upset.  His sapphire eyes narrowed, trying in vain to focus on the blurred image of his respected father and his beloved brother as he left the royal palace, with Frigga following him.
"Tell me, Loki.”  Odin urged him, once they were alone.
"I do not regret even a single one of the actions that I have committed!”  the proud failed king of Midgard stated.
"I thought so!”  the disconsolate All Father sighed.
"I know that I have to go through the punishment that you’ll decide that it’ the most appropriate and I’m not asking for a discount, it wouldn’t be correct.” the God of Lies went on.  “But I ask you a revocation."
"A revocation?”  Odin frowned.
"You heard me. It’s not for long. I ask you to wait for a week, then you can act as you think, and make me do whatever you prefer.”  Loki clarified.
"Why only a week?”  the king asked him doubtfully.
"In exactly seven days it will be Thor’s birthday and I want to arrange a memorable party. It will be my way to say farewell. I would like to arrange something special in the name of the brothers who we were.”  Loki revealed, without mincing words.
"You are still brothers! This has changed nothing, Loki, we think that you're still...”
"Save your breath, All Father! I'm not looking for nice words, but only for permission!” the god of Mischief cut him off, dryly.
Odin sighed heavily, stroking his shaggy white beard.
It was a typical sign that he was seriously considering the decision to be taken.
And Loki knew it; willy-nilly he knew all Odin’s typical signs.
"Supposed I agree. What do you plan to do this week?”  the king questioned him.
Loki cleared his throat, as if looking for the best way to give that answer.
"Let's say that my request could incorporate others, related and fundamental: I need to temporarily leave Asgard, I need to keep my powers, at least until then, but mostly I need you to trust me.”  the younger god sentenced.
"Why should I consider you worthy of such a trust?”  Odin muttered, astonished by the boldness with which his interlocutor dared to require such things.
Loki knew well that too, but did not flinch at all.
"Because Midgard is guarded by the Avengers, whom have vowed to protect their precious Realm from any threat. They already know my moves, my tactics, my fighting techniques. And if they were able to defeat me when I was the leader of a whole army, you can only imagine without difficulty how easy would be for them to defeat me now that I act completely alone.”  Loki  reasoned.” However, the basic reason is that this time I have no plan of conquest or domination of any kingdom, I won’t damage any mortal, even those with whom I would have a score to settle.”  the God of Chaos added.
"I'm glad to hear you say that.”  Odin muttered, stroking his own chin.
"Are you glad enough to give me what I asked you?”  the brunet wondered.
"Loki, you ask me a lot and your situation is already aggravated...”  the old king stumbled on his words.
Loki looked at him deeply, defiantly.
"I know and I do not mean to aggravate it any further. So, oh wise and powerful Odin, will you still consider worthy of a glimpse of your trust this lost sheep?”
***************************** (In the meantime )
Midgard (Earth), London, End of May 2012
Muse were really pleased by the intense work that day. Tom, the media manager, had taken lots of pictures, while the three worked on the new songs, assisted by a large group of sound engineers and musicians.
No need to wonder, Tom’s ‘evil’ plan was to publish the new photos on twitter as soon as possible, thus teasing the band’s devoted fans a little more. This was what trolls did!
When they came out from the recording studio, it was already past eleven o'clock at night. Outside there was left not even a fan waiting for them, as they believed that the band had already found an alternative way to leave.
Muse loved their fans, they were grateful for what those worshippers had brought them. But it was also true that they didn’t despise having a bit of peace and privacy.
Their operating team had already moved away a few hours before, they were perfectionists; every one of them. Matt, Dom, and Chris had chosen to remain in order to refine some of the details, while Tom stayed to muck around with them a little longer (well, he had also given them some valuable help, too, it must be said).
Chris was the first of the four guys to leave, eager to return to his large family. The bassist had never been so happy as that year. The fact that they stay fixed in London allowed him to spend more time with his beloved wife and adorable children, something that was not very feasible during the tour.
Tom followed his example shortly after and so only Matthew and Dominic were left. The two of them, however, hadn’t any intention to leave, and why should have they? By then the place was sufficiently isolated, outside there was a starry sky that did not ask for more than to be contemplated and the air, though still quite fresh, began to smell of summer.
Dominic ran into the studio to retrieve two blankets, which he then took outside. "Matthew, come here!" he urged his best friend, going around the back.
With the assistance from the singer, the drummer positioned the blankets down on the soft grass, and then they laid down on them.
"Wait, something is still missing.”  Matt said, getting up and going back into the studio, from which he emerged a little later, with a pack of beer cans, kept cool by their mini-bar.
"Now we are talking!”  the brunet smiled, handing to the blond a can, and they sit down again. The pianist placed the remaining cans on the ground before sitting back down.
"This is the perfect crime!”  Dom chuckled, opening his can.
"I would propose a little music as background, too but... I guess that today we have had enough, do you think so?”  Matt said, taking a few sips from his.
"Even too much!” laughed Dom, exhausted.”  But it has to be done, Matt, we are working just fine.”
"I know, Dom, this album will be epic. We will do great things, I can feel it.”  Matt smiled, letting the breeze of the night lash his hair.
"I love this. I mean, the moment of realization of an album, when it's just you and me and the music. Well, it’s obvious, I include even Chris, Tom, Morgan and the technicians as well, but... you understand what I mean!”  Dom shrugged.
"Of course I understand.”  Matthew lay down on his side, turning to him.
"And then, when we're on tour, there will be no more of any of this stuff. Nothing is as it used to be before and you know it.”  Dom pouted, before feeling a hand placed on his shoulder.
"I know, it's true, but that does not mean that we cannot make it equally beautiful.”  Matt muttered.  “And whatever happens, there will always be a ' you and I ', always.”  he assured him. In those eyes that were bluer than the sky and the sea Dominic could only read a devout sincerity. The drummer just nodded his head and showed his best friend a convinced smile.
Matthew knew he had to do something to lighten the atmosphere, which now had become heavier thanks to the shadow of the difficulties that arose in the two lovers’ path.
He changed topic, recalling all their memories related to the preparation of that last album, the ideas that they had discarded, laughing because they saw it as terrible stuff, the jokes that they had made to each other, all the carefree moments mixed with the most serious ones.
It turned out to be a brilliant gimmick.
Matthew was a composer, but he was convinced that there was no more beautiful music than Dominic’s laughter and see him so happy, while he laughed and brought out anecdote after anecdote with the enthusiasm of a child, was the best reward ever.
"Matt, do you remember when we got to decide what song you would choose to dedicate to Kate?”  the blond resumed his speech, giggling, and as he pronounced that woman’s name Matthew realized that he was no longer in a state of tension.
"Sure, how could I forget it? You were so stubborn and kept saying I should have chosen 'Animals'!” he replied, without suppressing a giggle.
“Well, yes, because it reflects her temperament. In short, I'm giving her a great compliment for her strong and determined character!”  Dom justified himself, perhaps already a little tipsier because of the beer, as well as Matt was.
"'Kill yourself, c'mon and do us all a favor '?” Matt sang accusingly, but his expression was clearly amused.
"Uh, is there that verse, too? Really? I did not remember!”  Dom shrugged with feigned innocence.
They both laughed, and from there to the first kiss of the night the step was ridiculously short.
"Oh, bugger it! I mean, yep, I can give her ‘Madness', she can delude herself that you wrote that song for her. There are other important songs, the ones that if you had only dared to dedicate them to her...I do not know what I would have done to you or if you would be still alive to tell the world about it!”  Dom asserted, parting from his partner, trying to figure out if it was the brunet who had invaded his space or  if he invaded the pianist’s one, but without giving too much importance to that thing.
He was fine where he was, which meant sitting on Matt’s lap.
"I know. Like 'Explorers', right? Do you remember the first time I played it to you?” Matthew whispered in his ear, blowing into it, lightly.
"You bet. As soon as you finished playing the last note, I did not say a word. I just walked towards you, I wrapped my arms around your neck, I kissed you...and we ended up making love under your piano, all night long,” the drummer recalled, while he played with the fingers of the other musician’s hand. "One of the best nights I can remember,” the brunet revealed, sighing contently.
“And 'Big Freeze' belongs to the untouchable songs as well!” the blond claimed, resolutely.
"I know, but that one I do not have a good memory of. As soon as I finished singing it to you, you broke down and cried, and then I burst into tears as well and we spent the whole night talking and comforting each other, reassuring each other about our future together,” the pianist grieved a little bit.
"Believe me or not, but even that one is among the most beautiful nights I can remember.”  Dominic smiled.  “The fact is that that song is special.”
"Yes, so special that I'm not going to share it with the crowd. One day, perhaps,” the guitarist stated.
"Well, Matt-eh, look, you still have time to change the song to pick up for Kate. We might consider 'Unsustainable’.”  The percussionist returned to his attack.
Matthew pushed him away and laughed heartily. "Are you nuts? Imagine the scene: the audience is cheering me, I approach the microphone and say, 'And now a new song, I wrote it for my girlfriend, because my ability to stand her sometimes is unsustainable!', and then the song starts!” The pianist prospected the hypothetical possibility, amongst the laughter.
"I would pay for this scenario!”  Dom said, sitting down again.
“Sorry, but I’m already sodding rich, I'm not interested in your money!”  the other scoffed, pretending to be indifferent.
Dom crawled sensually over the brunet. "So, what about a payment in kind? Would you mind?” he meowed, ruffling his hair. “I think...I think that we can find an agreement…” the singer stammered, in obvious difficulty, getting lost in those beautiful big eyes, made of an indefinite color where gray, green, hazel, and sometimes even the blue battled out to try to prevail, reaching some stunning compromises.
"Mm, yes, I think so.”  Dom smiled against Matt’s lips, kissing him deeply.
“On second thought, nope, I would take advantage of you, but without giving you what you want in return!” the frontman corrected himself, recovering and parting from him.
"You’re so infamous!” the percussionist chuckled, returning on his blanket.  “But, I repeat, it would be fun. Well, you could use. 'Isolated System', then. It’s a ballad, there’s a piano, it seems very romantic to me, so why not?” he suggested casually.
"I do not know, maybe because that song is about the destruction of the world, without even a single chance of escape or a single hope of salvation?”  Matthew rolled his eyes.
"Exactly. It seems so appropriate to me!”  Dom grinned cheekily.
"Dominic...”  Matt used his warning tone.
"But mostly, Matt, if you locked her up inside an isolated system she wouldn’t be bloody stuck to you anymore at every single concert!”
Matthew could not help it and burst into laughter. "Dom, you're impossible!”
"And you love me the way I am.” The drummer gave checkmate to the singer.
This time it was Matt who got closer, crawling over him, locking his ice-blue eyes in those eyes made of storm.
"I do love you. With every fiber of my body. With every note of my piano. With each of my guitar riffs. With every octave of my voice,” he murmured languidly, placing small, delicate kisses on the percussionist’s lips for every way that he listed.
"Wow…" was all Dom could say, grabbing him by his neck and pulling him in for a breathtaking kiss before resuming his personal battle. "Kate can only dream about these sentences from you!” he chanted, sounding victorious. That was all it took for him to earn yet another push from Matthew, though the brunet was amused.
“Taking for granted that my favorite blond is you, and it'll always be you, Dommeh, c’mon! It’s not so horrible to have Kate around! And don’t you dare try to deny it; you’re already crazy for Bing as much as I am!” he pointed out.
“You rescued yourself at the very last minute mentioning that adorable baby!” the blond punched his lover’s shoulder lightly, before they both went back lying down and watching the stars.
"Matthew, do you think there’s really a place where we can be free, such the one you're talking about in that particular song?” Dom asked him.
Matthew looked for his hand, squeezing it.
"There must be. And we'll find it.”
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lulupen2023 · 10 months
This time we'll get it, get it right 1/2
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And old story from my lj that I never posted here, I don't know why ^^ BEFORE READING: One day like many others the radio played a song, an AMAZING song (sorry, it’s an Italian one, but I translated the lyrics for you, if you want you can listen to it here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU5ScW-02b4 ) that screamed ‘BELLDOM’ in my head since the very first time I heard it. Usually I don’t like Italian songs that much, but this one seems to be written for those two! Let’s say that this song practically summoned me to write this story. Let me warn you: this is NOT the kind of fanfics I use to write, there’s no fluff here (hard to believe, I know), it’s not a comedy, there’s not humour and it’s pretty nc17, too! I guess this is the most serious thing I’ve ever written, maybe because I strongly believe in that. Title: This time we’ll get it, get it right Setting: Summer/Autumn 2010 Pairing: BellDom (of, course!) Rating: NC 17 It’s a POV, but I’m not gonna tell you who is talking! ;P Disclaimer: I don’t know and own Matthew Bellamy and Dominic Howard, this has never happened (but it would be nice if it had). Plus, I don’t earn anything from it, just the personal satisfaction of writing it. The title is taken from ‘Exogenesis: Symphony Part 3 (Redemption)’ lyrics , by Muse… which is sooooo damn clearly a BellDom song! And it’s a songfic, with the background of ‘Son già solo’ (I’m already alone) lyrics by Modà. Feedback: Loves it like Matt loves bananas and Dom loves leo-printed stuff!
Summary: He takes me, he leaves me. He looks for me, he avoids me. He desires me, he rejects me. It’s time to make it all end… or start for real.
I: You'll be back(?)
To fall in love with a man, aka someone of your same gender, is extremely shocking.
To fall in love with a colleague is a disaster; there must be a reason why everyone says not to blend your private life with your working one!
To fall in love with your best friend is the worst thing ever that could happen to you… and the best thing  at the same time.
Guess what? I did those three things all at once.
Please, people, don’t tell me it’s wrong.
Not just now that he, this divine creature who impudently violated all three of those taboos, is on top of me with his hands in my pants and is bringing me to Heaven.
No one can do that like him!
“Faster!” I pant, already knowing that I can’t hold on much longer.
He pleases me and after awhile I throw my head back, breathe his name and explode with pleasure, as he takes all I have to give him.
After all, he has always done that.
When his expert mouth comes in to play, he sends me into Bliss once again.
This suite is illuminated just by a candle that is about to consume itself.
That’s better; he has always enjoyed doing this in the dark.
Troppa luce non ti piace
(You don’t like too much light)
Godi meglio a farlo al buio sottovoce
(You come better if we do it in the dark, in a low voice)
Graffiando la mia pelle
( Scratching my skin )
E mordendomi le labbra fino a farmi male, bene
(And biting my lips until it hurts, but in a good way)
Senza farmi mai capire
(Without never making me figure out)
Se per te è più sesso o amore
(If it’s more sex or love, for you)
He smiles, satisfied by his work, and kisses me, making me taste myself. Then the kiss turns more violent, he scrapes my lower lip with his teeth, as his nails scratch on my shoulders, my back, my arms, and because he is the one inflicting this pain on me, it becomes an indescribable pleasure.
“Turn.” he whispers to my ear.
I do so, but not before giving him another ardent kiss that seems to be a battle for supremacy.
I turn, with my stomach on the mattress, as he gets rid of the rest of my clothes and his own, too.
He straddles me and with a skill that can only progressively improve he prepares my body to welcome him inside.
For me it’s already enough; his hot breath on my nape gets me ready for him and when he slips inside me, when we become just one being, he fills me.
In every sense.
I enjoy these precious moments of pure happiness, moments that come at high price, because I’m going to pay for them with suffering that will last for weeks, maybe even months.
He pulls away from me, turns me onto my other side and drags me against him, as he pants heavily.
He doesn’t end his sentence, he simply smashes his lips against mine.
For him does it seems it’s only sex what we’ve been doing for *years*?
But no, I don’t think so, it can’t be just sex!
He can lie to me as much as he pleases with his words, but his eyes, that are as changeable as his mood, can’t pretend, and I can clearly read love in his eyes; it’s the same love that there’s in my eyes. It’s a tough love, a torn love, a love that is constantly put to the test, a desperate love, but it’s love, nonetheless.
As he kisses me, I can’t help let a tear fall from my eyes and trace my face, because I already know what this kiss is the prelude of.
“I’d better go now.” he says and his tone is already colder.
Poi fuggi, ti vesti, mi confondi
(And then you run away, you dress up again, you puzzle me)
Non sai dirmi quando torni
(You can’t tell me when you will be back)
E piangi, non rispondi, sparisci
(And you cry, you don’t give any answer, you disappear)
E ogni quattro mesi torni
(And you come back every four months)
Sei pazzo di me, come io lo son di te
(You’re crazy for me as I’m crazy for you)
“Why?” I ask him as we both dress.
“You know why.” he answers as he puts his jacket on.
“Hell no, I don’t! I’ve been wondering that for years! Every fucking time I tell myself that it will be the last time, that I won’t let you get close to me again, but then I always fail, because I can’t resist you just like you can’t resist me, so why should we keep resisting each other?” I reply.
“Because it would be too complicated.” he murmurs so softly that I barely manage to hear him.
“Why? Isn’t it complicated this way?” I strike back as I feel my eyes become damp.
“I… I don’t wanna hurt you!” he shouts as he faces my gaze and I can see that he, too,  has tears in his eyes.
“But you’re already hurting me! What am I to you? Your favourite toy? Your personal amuse? A diversion to between all the groupies, between every girl you get laid by?” I scream at him, crying.
He stares at me with a hurt expression and assures me through his tears, “You’re nothing like that. And you do know that!”
He opens the door, and before disappearing from my sight, says, “I gotta go.”
Why does he leave? If only I knew it! It’s not due to the fear that someone could find out about us and make the news finish in every bloody tabloid.
No, he doesn’t give a fuck about public opinion; I’m the one who gets worried about that, but I know I could face it if he wanted that. The problem is that I have no idea what the bloody hell he wants.
I stand still, staring at that closed door. The heat of this night in Madrid, where we performed a few hours ago, is conflicting with the coldness that there’s now in my heart.
If I wanted to reach him, I would just have to cross the corridor and knock on his door.
It’s not a physical distance that separates us, it’s much worse, it’s a psychological one, an invisible wall that now we raise between us, once again.
When it happens, no matter all the days we meet each other due to the concerts, the interviews, the photo-shoots or any duty is on our agenda, we don’t let it show.
During those moments we’re bloody good at pretending we are inseparable best friends, as always.
Not even Chris has ever suspected something.
Once the charade is over, when we stop being Muse and simply become Matthew and Dominic again, there’s not a word, a smile, an understanding gesture between us.
Finally, one of us surrenders and then the walls cave in again.
Resisti, non mi stanchi
(You resist, you don’t tire me)
M conservi sempre dentro ai tuoi ri cordi
(You always keep me inside  your memories)
E poi brilli, non ti spegni
(And then you shine, you don’t fade)
Ci graffiamo per non far guarire i segni
(We scratch each other not to make the marks heal)
E sei pioggia fredda
(And you’re a cold rain)
Sei come un temporale di emozioni che poi quando passa
(You’re just like an emotional storm that when it’s over)
Lampo, tuono, è passato così poco e son già solo
(Flash, thunder, it’s been such a short time and I’m already alone)
It’s the story of my life.
I should hate him for what he does, for how he makes me feel, but I can’t.
Because those special moments we spend all alone, when there’s nothing else but us, when I find confirmation that my feelings are mutual, give me the strength to resist and keep waiting for him.
And for him it’s worth it, even if I had to wait my whole life.
He was already in my thoughts when I dated the first girls and then, when success knocked on our door, those thoughts turned into a passionate reality, a reality that has never stopped in the face of anything.
Not even when I stayed with Gaia and he with Jessica, the most important romantic relationships of our lives.
Not even that managed to keep us apart, especially on tour, when the temptation is just too strong.
I look in the mirror and I can still see his scratches, my swollen and livid lips, the same marks I left on him.
I don’t even have to care that someone can see me like that, since I have no one to come back to. Plus, tomorrow all the marks will have faded.
I know I’ll end up going insane if I go on like this, especially now that there’s not Gaia anymore.
I feel so alone in the months that seem to last like years
I hate feeling alone. I’m not sure that I can hold on until he comes back.
Because I know he’ll be back.  
Tornerai, tornerai
(You’ll be back, you’ll be back)
  Altroché se tornerai
  (Hell yeah, you’ll be back) (End I)  
Hope you liked it. If I was an angst lover the story would end like that, but...
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lulupen2023 · 11 months
Bells' secret diary 4/7
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Thank for reading the previous parts, the cuteness goes on *O* Summary:
What if Matthew kept a secret diary since his very first meeting with Dominic till the birth of Muse and all its consequence? And what if said diary wasn’t just about music?
Summary of the chapter: It's time for Chris to come to play ;P
Teignmouth, The Den, 3rd Jan 1994
I do not know. After all this time, do you still accept that I can call you 'Dear Diary'?
I haven't opened you for almost two years, but I have my reasons. Can you let me explain? I take advantage of this afternoon of unusual sunshine, while I'm in my favorite park with Dom who is here next to me dozing…. and if I had a camera with me I would take a picture of him, he has such a serene expression, he looks like a little angel! But no, no distractions, it's you I have to deal with now.
I had made a pact with myself: I would write you back only when and if I had a definitive idea of stability for my, for our band. About Four, Five and Six (and, mind you, I know their real names, but they don't deserve to be named, that's it!) I was wrong, they stayed with me and Dom for quite a while. As much as I was fond of that name, we all agreed that a new one was needed, maybe less gory. And at the end of that year, Emma, Dom's sister, gave us the idea while I was at their house: Gothic Plague. Medieval, creepy, gloomy… in short, perfect.
And throughout 1993 we went on like this, between trials that mostly skipped because Four, Five or Six had better things to do, constant disagreements between the three of them on one side, Dom and I on the other, because those three never happened to approve one of our ideas, while their ideas was total bullshit to us! And even before the year ended, they abandoned us, one after the other, but it's better that way you know?
By now the rehearsals, the few that we managed to do all together, were 10% made up of music, ours, the remaining 90% of quarrels and moments of high tension... It wasn't a good life.
Dom and I discussed it for a long time, who knows why we stubbornly agreed to be five elements: they are too many! But it's also true that, although the jam sessions between me and Dommeh (I told you I'd find a special way to call him!) are fantastic… we can't be just a duo, we need one more element: a bass player, for accuracy. As you can imagine, we are not the only band of the school, for example there are also Fixed Penalty, who define themselves as post rock.. but in my opinion they won't go very far.
Except that in that band there is one hell of a drummer, as well as with the most difficult surname in the world: Chris Wolstenholme, who’s my same age, just a few months younger.
Dom and I fell in love with him at first sight, in the artistic sense of the word, I mean.
There was only one problem: he's a drummer, dammit, and I already have the best one on the planet! Dom came up with an idea so crazy that maybe it could work: "Let's ask him if he wants to learn to play bass to join our band." And, Dear Diary, you'll never believe me, but that's what we did today after his band rehearsal. We approached him and, I can't believe it, he accepted! Maybe he too didn't believe much in the future of his band.
Chris just asked us for a few days to learn bass and of course we allowed him to take all the time he needs.
I already know that he will be great, I just know it, as I know that he is the third element that will complete us.
Such dedication, such a great spirit of sacrifice, such a remarkable willpower… Enough, I don't need to know anything else, he is our ideal candidate, he has already done a lot for our band even before starting!
And he's such a nice guy, very down to earth, we'll love spending time with him.
Do you want to know if I’ll miss the moments just between me and Dom?
Yes, a lot… but anyway I know that he and I will always find time just for us.
You know, Diary, I've taken you back just as I had left you, that is with Dominic who is always my obsession, I keep thinking about him. I don't know how to disguise it anymore, will he notice my heart-shaped eyes when I look at him?
No, come on, I'm good at masking it… I MUST be good!  
We have become so intimate after all this time… the physical contact between the two of us is now routine, we look into each other's eyes for a long time, without either of us lowering our gaze, we are each other's confessional, we know each other's states of heart, we laugh together in the happy moments and we are strong for each other in the hardest ones.
In short, we are soul mates, without even being together… in the loving sense of the term.  
Even though there are moments when I'm almost certain he's one step away from kissing me, there are others when I'm about to give in and I really want to kiss him.
It's probably just all in my head. He can't reciprocate what I feel, I have to keep it in my heart, double lock it and be satisfied with what he gives me: the most splendid of friendships.  
Even if all I do is get lost in my fantasies: who knows what a kiss from him would be like? He must have such soft lips, I mean, I know they are soft… one day he was drinking a latte and he had some foam left and so I took it off with my thumb… I wanted to do it with my mouth, even better with my tongue .
Who knows how he kisses… he gives me the impression of being impetuous, but at times also very sweet… and in my opinion he is one who caresses a lot, I imagine him taking my face in his hands, or running his fingers through my hair… or as he holds me by the shoulders.. or he squeezes my butt... I'd do it for sure, then I'd bring my pelvis close to his, pressing it, to make him understand how much I'm liking it... and maybe I'd find out that he likes it too.
No, no, Matt, bloody hell, calm down, your jeans are getting a little too tight here! Let's talk about something else... like past birthdays: on his first birthday, in December, since I found out that he likes to draw a lot, I gave him a pad and some colored pencils... and he said that sooner or later he'll want to paint my portrait... I'm still waiting…forget the obscene imagery that runs wild in my mind at the thought!
I'm just saying that the clothes are not included, neither mine nor his.
No, bloody hell, I had to calm down!
Last year, on my birthday, he gave me a beautiful, fiery red acoustic guitar, telling me that even if I've become super good with the electric one, I shouldn't neglect that way of playing either. On the other hand, last month I gave him a new bike, he's such a sportsman.
Of course, the perfect scenario would have been a tandem, me and him going on a trip to the plains of Devon, it would be so romantic…
Then I wrote a song about him, you know?
That is, 'wrote' is a big word. I'm drafting it.
It's about me breaking up with a girl I used to date and realizing that she could never be as good as him.. so far I've only written this and not even very well.. There's still a lot of work to do.
And then I don't even know what music to put it on.. but I imagine something sweet, maybe with that guitar he gave me.
Uh, I have to stop writing to you, I think Dommeh is about to wake up.
I sort of regret not having taken that photo…
I hope you'll keep liking this little sweet thing ^^ much more to come, Muse are about to born ;)
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lulupen2023 · 1 year
Bells' secret diary 3/7
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Thank for reading the previous parts, the cuteness goes on *O* Summary:
What if Matthew kept a secret diary since his very first meeting with Dominic till the birth of Muse and all its consequence? And what if said diary wasn’t just about music? This work participates to the 'FirstApril' challenge of the group @Non solo Sherlock - FB multifandom events group
Teignmouth, Il Den, 15th June 1992 Hi Diary. yes, I know, I'm terrible, I have started so well that it seemed I had to write to you every day and instead… 
Look, how late I get back to you. But I have my reasons, you know? First I had to clarify what was important to write to you. And, I admit it, I was a bit overwhelmed by events, I lived days so intense that they left me excited, satisfied, but too tired to share them with you.
But now, thanks to this fresh air that can only be breathed in this park where we skipped lessons countless times (and then I didn't tell you, but that fateful day after school it was right here that I asked Dom if he could give me guitar lessons), I felt like picking you up again. Maybe it's also because Dom isn't here, he's gone on a family trip, he does it every now and then, he's very attached to his parents. Unlike me, he has parents who love each other very much, but I'm happy for him. How do I know all this stuff about him? Because since the day of the audition Dom and I have bonded so much. At first we only saw each other for the guitar lessons that he still gives me from time to time, even though he says I've made such remarkable progress that I'll soon be teaching him something. And then for rehearsals with our band, me, him and One, Two, Three, because I told you I wouldn't bother learning their names... and I did right, you know? They left because they weren't motivated enough, they walked out on us without beating about the bush and now we've been rehearsing for a few weeks with Four, Five and Six,… and if I call them that, you already know why.  
But I wasn't talking about them, I've already wasted way too much ink on these pages for them, let's get back to the really important stuff. Dom and I started looking for each other quite frequently: me offering to walk him home from school or vice versa, a movie coming out at the cinema that we both want to see, so we end up going to see it together, me inviting Dom to my place to let him listen to some of my records, him doing the same… and from his grandmother to his sister, I don't know which of that family is the kindest to me,I get a very warm welcome every time, but even in my family  everyone dotes on him, me first, haha. And when we can't see each other physically, we have very long phone calls, talking about anything, even before writing to you he called me, but since he wasn't at his house he had less time to dedicate to me and I understand that. Last month, on May 1st to be precise, after exactly one month of going out, I banished any kind of fear or shyness. I took him aside and told him clearly: 'Dom, I think that now you are my best friend.' There was a moment of silence on his part, as he looked at me seriously in the face and I was already completely desperate, fearing that I had run before I could walk, that I had frightened him in some way.
But then do you know what he did? He smiled at me, hugged me tightly and replied: “Oh, Matteh, if you hadn't said it I would have. You're my best friend too, but I don't think that, I know that for all intents and purposes.” 'Matteh', he had never called me that... I like that he has his own way of calling me, now I want to find one too. So, do you understand, dear Diary? I not only have a regular band, but I also have a best friend, the most special one there could ever be.
And then that hug… something moved inside me… I mean, he and I are very physical, we love contact with each other very much, whether it's to play a joke or when we need some affection… but so close… he had never held me like that before and it was such a beautiful feeling.
Uh, it's true I left you with a nice unfinished business… would I be able to write a song? Well, the answer is yes, and more than one, it's like having opened a Pandora's box: I can't stop myself anymore and I pull out a bit of everything, from the rabid, even better if stuffed with swear words that are so cool, haha, on the verge of nonsense… and all with a mad rhythm, which Dom handles beautifully… and it goes without saying that Dom approved my songs with unprecedented enthusiasm. Only then I also tried something more serious, reasoned and, bloody hell, it scares me to dig so deep into my soul and find out what comes out of it. But it is one of those fears that fascinate me. Not even Dom has read those lyrics, for now they remain where they are. However, during these days there was also an event that is certainly important to me, my birthday. And Dom knows me so well by now, he knows my mom's passions that he passed on to me too, so he gave me a Ouija board. Not that I didn't already have one... or ten, but I appreciated it so much, even more because he wanted to have a séance with me, even if he was pissing himself off with fear!
We summoned a spirit, I asked him if we are going to be the most amazing band on the planet and he replied: 'Soon'.
Who knows if he's right, in my opinion he is and time will tell, time that I can't wait to spend with Dom as soon as he gets back from his trip. Uhmm… I just re-read you and I have the feeling that I’m naming Dominic a bit too much. At this point, I really hope Dom is gay, because maybe I am becoming gay. Great, now I also want to write a song about him.
I pwomise some time-humps , also because this challenge asked for no more than seven entries...
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