#it’d take a fair amount of mental gymnastics for a young black woman to wanna be anywhere near that group I should think…
imunbreakabledude · 9 months
funniest thing about Gen v to me is how they’ve set it after season 3 of the boys but they’re also kinda pretending that stuff doesn’t exist except for an occasional background joke. Because you got Marie and the other kids being like “we wanna be in the seven!!! It sounds great!” When… according to the way the boys s3 ended, here’s what these kids and the rest of the general public would know about the seven:
Three members have died while actively serving within the past 3 years (translucent, supersonic, Queen maeve), and another 2 have died after retirement/removal (Stormfront & Lamplighter, assuming his death was recorded and explained away probably as natural causes or something). The last two of those deaths were within like a month of each other.
Another member has quit (Annie) and is openly speaking out about corruption and violence within the group and Vought at large, she has officially laid out accusations of 1) Deep raping her on her first day, 2) Homelander lying about the (lack of) danger presented by soldier boy, 3) Homelander taking Maeve captive shortly before her death. These accusations (at minimum, she has possibly said even more not documented on the show) while perhaps not proven, received extensive media coverage.
As for the suspicious amounts of deaths, Translucent died on a mission, ok seems normal, Supersonic died of an overdose, okay sure that can happen to some people but not to everyone, and Maeve died while valiantly fighting the last generation’s American hero who was actually super evil and radicalized by Russia but Homelander told us all not to worry about him at all?? Hmm this pattern is maybe a little weird now especially considering the group had zero deaths for its first decade-plus of existence
Like a year ago they let a literal nazi into the group and then kinda just said “oopsies” and made a movie about it starring Charlize Theron as the Nazi
One of the remaining active members was accused of sexually assaulting another member of the group and then was in a cult for a little while and now claims he’s changed
Also Homelander recently murdered a guy in broad daylight with hundreds of witnesses so that’s horrifying on its own and maybe adds some weight to Annie January’s accusations
You’re telling me Marie wants to join THAT GROUP? right NOW??
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