#it’s a safe headspace for me
wisemins · 1 year
Ultra soft for Giyuu hours 🥺❤️❤️❤️💕💕💕💖💖🌸💖
Just thinking of the domesticity of it all and how sweet he is and how loving he is owie 😭😭
Hashira hubband never disappoints 😭❤️❤️❤️
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witheredhope2007 · 6 months
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ittybittyteddie · 7 months
Big Me: I can't wait to start working again! I'm going to be able to actually afford things. Maybe I can get a gym membership, or save up for a car, or--
Little Me in the back of my head: GET PACIS!!!
Big Me: No, I need to get adult things. I can get a credit card once I can prove income, and then--
Big Me: I was thinking more along the lines of my own apartment with no roommates
Little Me: Right, so I can play with blocks and color and use sippies and watch fun shows and--
Big Me: N o t t h e p o i n t
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nyahkmenrah · 6 months
Natm nation the mummification process involves the removal of organs which in the case of a reanimated mummy would cause various disability like symptoms. Vertigo from the lack of inner ear and brain. Fatigue and being cold all the time from lack of blood circulation and no iron. Stiff and popping joints from being wrapped so tight and dried up as a mummy. The list goes on.
The tablet can only reanimate so much #Ahkmenrahdisabledcanon2024
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notimminent · 4 months
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hikeyzz · 6 months
the boops were fun. now back to lurking.
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lupismaris · 6 months
Played fuckin D1 rugby players today (we are D3 for the record) and for the entire 30 minutes I was on the field they did not score. Neither did we, mind, but while I was with the pack those fucks did not score and that's what matters.
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helldustedstories · 3 months
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@madefate asked:
Blitz had very nearly taken Stolas up on his offer to portal directly to his place - the thought of dragging his ass home and then all the way back was almost too daunting, except for the fact that he couldn't bring himself to not be home with Loona for at least a little. She'd done so damn good today, but his heart was still racing the same way it had when he realized that she was trapped with them in the humans' labyrinth of a facility. Plus, he needed a fucking shower.
He does drag his ass a little, taking a good fifteen minutes to stand on his little fire escape landing and smoke and look at nothing, and then another few losing himself in the hot-ish water of the shower. When he closes his eyes, sometimes he sees the flashing red lights or the blood falling from his hands and face - cartoonish and horrifying - but he also sees Stolas. Stolas, Stolas, Stolas. What the fuck is he supposed to make of him? Pompous and overbearing - powerful and in control - worried and kind. Blitz remembers the sweetness in his voice under the teasing, aren't I going to get any thanks for the rescue? - and his knee jerk satisfaction at the thought of spending the night together.
That's dangerous.
Climbing up the damn wall and over the balcony is a hell of a lot easier without the book. He's not surprised to find Stolas alone in the room - that's just, kinda their thing, isn't it? ❝ Ya gotta do something about those roses on the wall, ❞ he says conversationally, slipping into the bedroom, trying not to think too deeply about what it means to be here without a full moon to guide him. ❝ At least make a path for gorgeous and skilled imps to get up easier. ❞
He walks through the room like he owns the space, taking up room - finding confidence and power where nerves threaten to make him feel small. Blitz kicks his boots off and bounces onto the chaise lounge as he sheds his jacket - purposefully doesn't look Stolas in the eye when he says, ❝ - Thanks, by the way. For the rescue. ❞
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While Stolas does look in on Blitz from time to time, he tries to keep the scrying to a minimum, wanting to respect his privacy. But when he knows he'll be working, he does sometimes check, to make sure he's not in any real danger. Blitz is one of the most remarkable and capable beings Stolas had ever met, but his job was dangerous; there was always the possibility that he might need him eventually.
He could tell that his grimoire wasn't currently in Hell, which meant that Blitz and his associates were on earth. And considering it was the first time in some time the grimoire itself had gone with them, Stolas decided to do a quick little scry, just to make sure all was well.
And the sight that met his eyes in the liquid surface spread across the mirror was one he did not like the looks of. His Blitzy had been captured? But with only one of his associates; the other little one and his daughter were likely on their way, if his instincts were correct. Besides, a couple of humans were no match for Blitzy; he didn't need any help. But it was a rare opportunity to watch him work, to see just how capable he really was.
His team really did work quite well together, flowing almost seamlessly from one attack to the next, dispatching humans and keeping each other protected almost in the same breath. It was remarkably impressive; he'd never seen anything quite like it.
Stolas could have stopped watching at that point, but considering the circumstances, he wanted to make sure they made it back to Hell before he ended the spell. And it was just as he'd had that thought that the fight was over as quickly as it had begun, with I.M.P. victorious. At least until the lights went off and the doors slammed closed, leaving them trapped and stranded, unable to open a portal to return.
Well, that just wouldn't do, would it?
He'd made it a point not to interfere too much when Blitzy was in danger; he'd mostly just deflected a bullet or two when they'd been having their conversation about his book, about their arrangement: the mutually beneficial deal they had in place that allowed him to see Blitz, and that helped Blitz to more efficiently run his business, but this called for more serious intervention.
If he just portaled in, the humans likely wouldn't learn their lesson and might try something like this again. Which meant that he needed to put the fear of Stolas in them. And he knew just how to do that.
The lighting in the room was perfect for him to manipulate the shadows around them, just enough to make the humans wonder if they were seeing things. Throw in a touch of technological telekinesis, making the televisions shake and then hurl themselves from the walls, and he could tell, even from all the way in Hell, that they were starting to panic, to wonder just what it was they'd gotten themselves into.
The fact that they thought they could capture Blitzy, could have hurt him and get away with it? Oh, Stolas absolutely refuses to entertain such a notion; the thought of Blitz getting hurt is something he cannot allow, something that makes him realize that all the feelings he'd been trying to avoid since they were both little more than children have been lurking below the surface all this time, only waiting for him to acknowledge them.
He shoves those thoughts aside, instead concentrating on projecting his voice into the room with the humans, allowing the low whisper to fill their minds, to spill out over into the room, to echo in the space around them.
"Who dares threaten my impish little plaything?" he asks, the menace clear in his tone, despite how it seems to caress and wrap around the humans, coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once.
And even as the male agent demands to know who said that, the echo of Stolas' footsteps appears in the room, crossing from in front of Blitzy and his associates, moving towards the humans, a tiny bit of his essence taking control of the other agent, possessing her. She struggled and convulsed, and the corpses of the other humans around the room pulled themselves to their feet, ready to do his bidding.
Her head turned all the way around as he used her to converse with the other agent.
"What's the matter, demon hunter?" his voice, coupled with hers, was that same caressing whisper, filled with darkness and menace, "never seen a REAL demon before?" (Words he will come to regret later, for their lack of consideration for the other demons present.)
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A laugh leaves him then, funneled through the human, as the corpses draw his sigil in their own congealing blood. The sound multiplies and echoes throughout the room as the agent coughs up blood and darkness and feathers, all of it coming together to form Stolas, in his true demon form, towering over the cowering humans, dripping wings spread wide as he fills the room with blood and shadows, maniacal laugh permeating the space. He lets out a screech of rage, beaked, toothy maw coming within inches of the humans as he relishes in their terror, the way they cower before him.
Good. It serves them right for threatening one of the few people he actually cares about.
After turning the lights on, he approached Blitz, to make sure he really was okay. The idea that he could have been hurt was one that he didn't want to consider. What would he have done, if that had been the case? They'd been having fun…, but he was realizing his feelings went much deeper than that, that they had for a while. But the arrangement was a good way to get to see Blitzy, that perhaps they could start doing some things outside of it, like they had with the Harvest Moon Festival. That would be all right, wouldn't it?
Still, he really shouldn't be thinking about that sort of thing now….., but he can't help cupping Blitz's face as he looks over him, as he confirms that yes, he is fine.
Which is when he reminded all of them that they could all get in a lot of trouble if anyone discovers that he's letting them use his book. Still, the important thing is that Blitz is okay, that they're all okay, and the humans are likely too scared to do much of anything. Humans tended not to believe the word of demon-obsessed lunatics, which should prevent any further ramifications.
But now that all of that had been dealt with, he could easily portal them all home, where they belonged.
He had noticed just how dejected Blitz looked as he made his way towards the portal and scooped him into his arms, wanting to be close. It had been a close call today, and even though nothing had happened…, well, it could have. And he didn't like thinking about that.
"Am I going to get any thank you for the rescue, Blitzy?" he had asked, mostly teasing, but unable to keep the genuine desire to spend more time with Blitz out of his voice.
But when Blitz had been the one to suggest that that thank you should come in the form of fucking his brains out? Well, who was Stolas to say no to such an offer? He felt like he almost always desperately wanted Blitz, so much more than once a month, but those were the terms of their arrangement. But it was fine to add things in now and then, wasn't it? They could just spend time together, could sleep together if they wanted; that wouldn't really complicate things that much, would it?
He admitted that he would very much like that to be his thank you, leaning in for a sweet little kiss, one that became much less sweet and much more….. tantalizing with the way Blitz teased him, his feathers ruffling in response, one hand lifting to cup his face, even as Blitz did the same.
If he was being honest with himself, Stolas hadn't been expecting Blitz to say yes. It's not a full moon, not even close. The new moon is tomorrow (he doesn't even have to check), which means it's actually the furthest time from their arrangement that they could get; he would have understood if Blitz had said no, that he had other plans, but he hadn't. He had agreed, and he was coming over, and Stolas is not at all about to turn down the opportunity to spend more time with Blitz, even if he hadn't been prepared.
Part of him is a little glad that Blitz wanted to go home first because it gives Stolas time to get ready. He usually gave the staff the day off when Stella wasn't here, and tonight had been no exception. Which meant that he needed to tidy up (which he tended to do in his own rooms, anyway; he didn't like having people in his space if he could help it, hadn't since the time one of the staff had showed the journal he'd been keeping to his father), needed to get rid of any evidence that he hadn't been taking care of himself as well as he usually did.
Dishes were quickly portaled to the kitchen and shoved into the dishwasher, dirty sheets pushed into the laundry chute and fresh, clean ones pulled out of the linen closet. He also made sure to get out the spare set of clothes he kept for Blitz for when he came over, originally gathered up that first night, when he left in just his coat, carefully laundered and kept for next time. Because he'd wanted there to be a next time, even then.
Something had changed that night, for Stolas. He had always known that he wasn't attracted to Stella, but he hadn't really been attracted to anyone before Blitz had come back into his life. Oh, he found people aesthetically pleasing, but that was as far as his interest went. And while he'd read quite a few romance novels in his time, while he'd dreamed of the sort of passion and connection the characters always seemed to find, he knew full well that he would never experience anything like that.
But then Blitz had come crashing back into his life, had awakened that passion Stolas had always hoped he might be able to experience one day, had shown him that it was possible; he just hadn't had the right partner.
He didn't have time for a full bath before Blitz came (it took him far too long to dry off, unfortunately), but he checked his feathers, making sure that he looked presentable after taking off hat, cape, and gloves. His heart was racing with excitement; he genuinely couldn't wait to see Blitzy again, and it seemed like he was looking forward to it, too, something that pleased him very much.
Stolas had just finished remaking the bed when he heard the familiar sounds of Blitz climbing up the trellis outside his balcony, and his can't help nervously bouncing on his feet for just a moment, before he gets himself back under control in time to see Blitz slip into his room.
He lets out a little laugh when Blitz says he should do something about the roses, that he should at least make a path 'for gorgeous and skilled imps to get up easier," and he can't help the easy smile on his face. Blitz always knows just what to do to make him comfortable, even when he feels a little shy or nervous.
"I have been meaning to trim those bushes," he admits. "I was planning to spend some time in the garden tomorrow anyway," Stolas murmurs, a thoughtful expression on his face, "I should be able to take care of them then." His smile widens as he adds, shifting to a more teasing tone, "After all, I have a gorgeous and skilled imp to think of." And if he needed an easier avenue to get to Stolas, he would do everything he could to make that happen.
His eyes are drawn to Blitz, following him as he crosses the room, taking up space, his confidence and the way he acted like he belonged (he did) absolutely captivating, the way he always was. Stolas realizes he'd been staring and flushes a little bit, looking away long enough for Blitz to shed boots and jacket, to deposit himself on the chaise where all of this had first begun.
❝ - Thanks, by the way. For the rescue. ❞ Blitz says, and even though he's not looking at Stolas, the owl practically lights up.
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"Of course," he replies, another bright smile on his face as he crosses to sit on the chaise, leaving a little bit of space between them for the moment. "I couldn't let anything happen to you, Blitzy, not when I could help."
He's quiet for a moment, and when he speaks again, his tone has changed, slipping back into a more flirtatious lilt. "I must say, I very much enjoyed getting a taste of watching you work," he practically purrs, "It was quite…..inspiring," his voice dropped down on 'inspiring' and it was very clear he meant that in several different ways. He always found Blitz attractive, and seeing how he wielded his weapons, how he handled himself? Had only added to that perspective.
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tunaababee · 1 month
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thisperfectmonsoon · 9 months
my grief is so hungry, it’s going to eat me alive.
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euclydya · 2 months
yknow maybe i should say fuck it and be my 100% Self Self instead of being scared of what strangers think. again likw what's the worst he could do fucking send an actual cease and desist??
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thehealingsystem · 5 months
I wish we could switch like other systems do I feel so bad about it. im thinking maybe there's things that could be so much easier if we could just switch front
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tsuntsunfangirl · 11 months
Me: *sees Loki using his illusions and doubles and using shadow play to taunt an enemy* Me: yooo Me: YOOO Me: YOOOOOO THAT'S THE LOKI I GREW UP WITH! Me: *applauds* Me: Me: Me: ah fuck *runs*
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Se we know that you are currently exploring your feral side: how do you feel about being the subject of a feral out burst?
Lips pulled past sneering teeth. A long sinuous tongue coiling and writhing, waiting for a taste of your flesh. Need practically pouring from their sex, only one word pounding in their head:
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
if it answers your question, i blushed reading this ask 😳
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megumi-fm · 9 months
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musical-chick-13 · 7 months
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