#it’s between a drabble and a fanfic lol
revasserium · 1 year
anon request: why they call it falling x osamu miya
126. why they call it falling
osamu; 1,078 words; fluff and the most fleeting of suggestive themes; really just a character study on the miya twins + reader as a conduit for character dev
he has always had someone who knew exactly what he was thinking, exactly how he was feeling. because when god made twins (or so osamu thinks), they got really fucking lazy and probably just hit ctrl+v one too many times.
when he meets you for a first time, he wonders if this is what it felt like for a hurricane and a typhoon to finally learn about each other, the only difference between them being where they occur — only an entire ocean and half a world apart.
“i think… i met someone,” he says.
“i think… i’m done with volleyball after high school ends,” he says.
“i think you’re an idiot,” atsumu says.
“do you… think i’m an idiot?” osamu asks, sitting across from you on a summer evening, long after practice has been over, but the stickiness of the day still lingers on his skin. tsumu is still mad at him, but what else is new?
you regard him for a minute, pressing your lips into a soft, thin line as you stare out across the darkening horizon.
“no…” you say finally, looking down at your hands, loose in your lap. osamu looks down at his own hands, loose in his lap, his palms littered with calluses from all the hours of practice. all the hours of dreaming.
“i don’t think you’re an idiot.”
osamu smiles, nodding, “thanks…”
the truth is that it’s been way too long since he’s felt like the shadow of himself, or perhaps of someone else, and it’s been way too long since he’s really known what it felt like to do something with his whole entire soul and feel good about it. and that’s a kind of growing up too — so he learns — that’s a kind of changing.
“we wanted to be the best,” he admits, chuckling to himself, the thought of it now somehow ridiculous in a way that it’s never been to him before. he shakes his head and sighs, shaking our his bangs from his eyes as he casts his gaze up towards the first burgeoning stars.
“you still can — what’s stopping you?” you ask, your grin going lopsided in the way he likes. and when he looks back at you, he sees the world reflected in your eyes.
later that night, when he is making music of your body with his lips skimming a line along the sharp of your exposed collarbones, when his fingers are tugging you apart, when you are pushing back against him, pushing him back into the mattress of his own bed and atsumu is nowhere to be found (probably still sulking somewhere with the rest of the team), you pull back and smile at him — the lopsided smile he loves so much and he can’t help but lean up to kiss it from your lips.
and he feels it in his own body then, the years and years and years of his practice, the years and years and years of his hard work. him and his twin brother — the mirrored half of himself, the light to (perhaps) his shadow. ying and yang and all that slow, smooth jazz.
he grins too and kisses you. he kisses you hard and fast and he makes music of his own body then, too. because his body has long since been an instrument and he was born knowing how to play every single one of its notes.
“stay,” he says, after he’s had his fill of you, because a part of him knows that he’ll be just as hungry later.
“maybe,” you answer, even as you both hear his brother come home.
atsumu comes back to find both of you asleep, the sheets twisted over your very, very naked bodies. and a part of him wants to hate it but another part of him doesn’t. he can’t.
because this is what happens when a hurricane and a typhoon learn about each other for the very first time — they are so, so much the same thing, made different only by their times and places. but they are still just beating hearts and half-caught breaths — they are still just wind and rain and a tunnel between the sea and the never-ending sky.
“what are you gonna do?” atsumu asks, not looking at his twin.
osamu shrugs, “dunno… maybe i’ll make rice balls.”
“hn. you do make good riceballs.”
“i… i think i really like her, y’know.”
atsumu heaves a long, deep breath. he nods.
“yeah. i know.”
osamu grins, “right. of course you do.”
and the truth is that when god made twins, they probably hit ctrl+v one too many times, and they have always known things about each other that no one else will ever know or fully understand. like, the things that make them different, totally and inexplicably.
“he’s gonna be the best in the world,” osamu says, his eyes bright as twin stars as you sit next to him, the pair of you glued to the match on the tv screen. there’s an apron around samu’s waist and rice sticking to his fingers.
you almost laugh.
“he already is,” you say.
it takes three seconds of osamu to turn to you, his grin going lopsided as he watches you watch him.
“i — i think i love you.”
and you really do laugh this time.
“yeah. i know.”
osamu only rolls his eyes, goes back to pressing the musubi between his palms as the commercial break cuts to some curry commercial featuring an incredibly deadpanned kageyama. he packs the rice in tight and hands it to you.
“how’s it taste?”
you take your time savoring the flavor, grinning as you take another huge bite. the smile on osamu’s face spreads and spreads and spreads.
“like the best in the world,” you say, before shoving the whole thing into your mouth just to make osamu laugh.
“you’re… an idiot.”
you swallow hard and reach for a glass of water.
osamu catches your hand and presses his lips to the inside of your wrist, letting his lips linger there even as the commercial break ends.
“i know,” you say, nodding as you both turn back to the screen. the rice is warm and fresh and the nori is crispy and just the perfect amount of salty.
“yeah, i know."
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thesymphonytrue · 4 months
81. “Hold still.” Peter & Neal :)
Hold Still
Read on AO3
For the Drabble challenge here. (pre-canon) Peter groaned and pried open his eyes. The feeling of cold metal against his wrists and a throbbing headache blurred his vision as he tried to make out his surroundings. It was so bright, too bright. Shards of light stabbed his corneas as he shifted his weight, attempting to stand, but his hands were cuffed behind his back. “Woah there, Agent Burke,” a smooth voice said as a hand gently pushed him back against the brick wall he’d been leaning against. Peter squeezed his eyes shut, blocking out that light and tried to place the voice. It sounded familiar but… “This will sting a bit, but I’m almost done,” the voice said again and Peter saw a flash of a smile in the recess of his mind.
Charming grin. Dark hair. Blue eyes that danced with delight. Peter let out another groan as recognition dawned on him. Neal Caffrey. He struggled against the handcuffs again, the fog from his mind beginning to clear. Neal Caffrey had cuffed him, not the other way around. Peter squirmed this way and that, but his still-muddy brain inhibited his movements and he ended up just wiggling back and forth like a worm against the wall. Finally, Neal grasped the sides of Peter’s head, forcing Peter to still, forcing Peter to stare into those blue eyes. “Hold still,” Neal said, cocking his head like he was commanding a dog to “sit and stay.” Peter scowled. Neal’s face was still a bit blurry, but his brows were furrowed in….concern?
"You're a terrible patient, you know that, right?" Neal said lightly under his breath, his fingers nimbly assessing some painful, wet wound on Peter's forehead. “Well you’re…” Peter grunted painfully, “Under arrest.” Neal laughed, bright and clear and Peter’s head erupted in pain as a result. “Ahh Peter,” Neal shook his head, his usually coiffed dark hair falling around his face as he brought his hands up the corner of Peter’s forehead, “If you can catch me after I am done stitching up this head wound, then I’ll come with you to prison fair and square.” Just then, Peter felt a tiny prick and winced, closing his eyes. A little tug on his head, and then Neal sat back on his knees and observed his work, narrowing his eyes and humming to himself. “Just saved you an emergency room trip and from the mob that we were both running from minutes ago,” Neal said, an edge of cocky pride to his voice. Neal clicked open the cuffs restraining Peter, leaning in so close to Peter that his heart pounded and he could smell Neal's cologne. Peter had never been this close to someone he'd chased and not cuffed them.
It was thrilling. Neal tucked the handcuffs into his own pocket, shrugging. “Never know when these will come in handy.” “Hmph,” Peter reached up to find a neat row of three stitches close to his hairline. Neal smiled brightly, eyes dancing as looked at Peter. “You won’t even have a scar,” he said boastfully, light and energy radiating from him. He patted Peter’s shoulder, “See you next time, Peter.” “Caffrey….” Peter bemoaned, trying to stand, but his head was pounding. Neal grinned and bowed politely, “Please. Call me Neal.” And then he was gone, leaving Peter with a throbbing headache, near-perfect sutures, and…a warmth in his chest. Peter smiled, not even angry that Neal had gotten away. Neal had left an aura of sparkling energy, falling to the ground like soft snow and enveloping Peter in light. Since Neal Caffrey got away this time, that meant Peter would see him again. And Peter didn’t seem to have a problem with that at all.
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luminitewrites · 1 year
Rating: T Word Count: ~5,700 Warnings: Brief memories of/current trauma from being swallowed alive, brief contemplation of death and what lies beyond
So after seeing the absolutely stunning art that @themeeplord posted of Naff's leviathan!Eclipse and fisher!Y/N, there's no way I could pass up writing a small something for it. I might have made Eclipse a tad bigger in this drabble purely for size difference purposes, but Meep's depiction of them is the inspiration for this piece. (I hope you don't mind the tag, Meep! ;w;) This drabble is based off of @naffeclipse's In Deep Dreams Between the Waves (so very highly recommend!!) and set sometime after it, so there will be allusions to spoilers herein.
The siren call of the ocean lulls your boat as much as it does you. Out here in the vast expanse of endless water where sea merges with ocean, the gentle stirring of the morning sun has yet to reach full wakefulness, casting the sky in a beautiful watercolor of lush indigos and mellow purples. The breeze caressing your face tells you it will be a hot day, but for now, it’s a welcomed brush against your skin.
You’ve opted for a less-bundled-up attire since you know what and who awaits you shortly. The loose t-shirt flutters at your back, and your light shorts and bare feet bask in the open, salty air. Curling your toes in excitement, you cannot help the enchanted smile that has yet to leave your face. You’ve been looking forward to today as the rough weather in recent weeks has kept you from seeing your friend. Well, it probably wouldn’t have completely kept you at bay were it not for said friend being very insistent about you staying home to wait out the hurricane. Something about being safe and warm and taking care of your health. Complete bogus, if anyone were to ask you.
But, of course, Eclipse always has other ideas about what’s best for you, and after much bartering in your dreams and getting nowhere, you’d caved to his utterly ridiculous demands. The oversized mer has a habit of being just as obstinate as you. You’d once thought you could outmatch his stubbornness, but turns out, it’s hard to say no when his big eyes turn soft and pleading, like you’re breaking his heart by even considering stepping foot outside during a nasty storm. Never mind that it’d been because you’d wanted to see him. He’d been adamant that the visits in your dreams could sate your loneliness in the meantime.
Needless to say, you’ve been chomping at the bit to get out. The hurricane had been circling your little island like a harrowing shadow for over a week, but it finally began tapering off yesterday, and by nightfall, Eclipse gave you his reluctant approval to come out the following day.
He probably didn’t mean that as an excuse for you to sacrifice sleep and slip out before the break of dawn, but he almost certainly knew that without you needing to say anything suggestive of it last night. The memory of his narrowed gaze and disapproving pout still makes you chuckle even now, and you can only imagine that same expression on his face when he sees you out here.
You’ve already dropped anchor and settled at the edge of your boat with your legs dangling over it and your arms propped atop the railing. The breeze ruffles your hair as it pleases, and it tickles your ears while you hum to yourself a gentle tune. It’s a unique one that transcends time and the waves themselves, flowing from within your chest and playing a soothing chord that first tugs softly and then a little firmer.
When your voice starts to rouse and the first few notes whisper past your lips, an answering echo from far, far below sounds beneath your feet and travels across the ocean floor.
Instantaneous is the grin tugging at your cheeks, and you beam at the way the wind suddenly billows in a different direction and sends your trusty flag flapping like a resounding applause. Your Rustbucket II bobs up and down as the water begins to turn choppy, creating a thrill of a ride as you eagerly peer down into the inky blue.
As bubbles form below, you dismiss what most sailors would consider an omen and instead lean over the railing as much as you can while sitting. Your legs swish happily, your skin prickling when a shiver courses through you. To your surprise, however, the bubbles stop after a few suspenseful seconds. A flash of a large shadow is all you catch sight of, but your friend doesn’t surface as you’d expected. Confused, you wait a moment more and then pull your legs under you and stand up so that you can lean over the railing as far as you can without falling in.
“Eclipse?” you call out. Your head tilts to the side while you listen.
Nothing but ocean responds.
A frown replaces your smile, and you wonder if something has temporarily distracted the mer, and he’s swimming off to go chase a giant squid or something similar. Before you can settle back down and wait for him to return, a colossal burst thunders behind you without warning and rocks your boat. Gasping, you have all but a moment to spin on your heel as Eclipse breaches in a swift motion that sends a terrific cascade of water directly down onto your boat and consequently you.
In mere seconds, you are entirely drenched in seawater and sputtering.
Soaked hair draped over and blinding you, you sigh loudly and brush it out of your face. Far, far above, your friend gazes down with a textbook version of glee. As soon as he sees your expression, a harmonious warble not unlike a laugh rumbles from his chest.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up,” you say in faux exasperation while wringing the water out of your hair. “Not like you haven’t done this before.”
The mer lowers in the water until his head is level with you, ray-like frills flicking, and your bond tells you exactly what he’s thinking, as if he were saying the words aloud.
And yet, you still fall for it every time.
You roll your eyes, and Eclipse chitters his delight.
“I guess it’s not like I wasn’t going to get wet anyways,” you huff in defeat.
Deciding it’s a lost cause to drain the water from your dripping clothes, you trudge over to him instead, making sure to step carefully through the large puddles. Yellow overlaid by impenetrable black oversees your maneuvering to be certain you reach the other side safely. Once you’re within reach, Eclipse leans in a little more, allowing you to rest your small hand against his large head and press a kiss between his eyes despite the little trick he pulled on you.
You watch the sharp yellow disappear as he basks in your affection and croons an unmistakably happy song. It’s enough to warrant the return of your smile.
“Good morning, big guy,” you say against his wet scales. “Missed you.”
The sentiment is returned tenfold through your bond, staggering in its sincerity, and Eclipse’s love threatens to reduce you to a puddle. The companionship with the leviathan has altered you in ways you could have never dreamed of, making you forever grateful for the day you discovered and helped him when he was but a little fish. You wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world because a life without Eclipse is one you can’t fathom. He means everything to you.
As your thoughts shift, Eclipse hears them just as if you’d spoken, and a low sound purrs from his throat. He nuzzles you with utmost gentleness, and you press as close to him as you can.
Yeah, you missed this. Shared dreams are one thing, but having him here with you in the flesh is incomparable. It’s your lifeblood.
When you pull back, the leviathan peers at you again. His expression is so compassionate that it sets your heart soaring like you are a fish in the sea swimming alongside him. The excursions you’ve had with him in the deep blue aren’t too far from that feeling, and it’s set in the very plans you have for later today. You intend to spend as much time as you can with the mer, and that means taking a hearty swim with his current guiding you along.
However, whatever soft moment you’re sharing now is wholly ruined when Eclipse chooses then to open his mouth and drag his serpentine tongue all the way up your front.
You yelp at the unexpected lick, and very swiftly, you are drenched in more than just water.
“Eclipse!” you cry in dismay.
Orange and red frills flutter in contentment. There is no remorse on the other’s face.
“Now I’m covered in gross saliva!” you further protest to express just how disgruntled you are. You shake your hands, and two wet globs fling off.
Eclipse churrs and clicks unhelpfully. It’s a bit similar to the squeaks of a dolphin, and after a fruitless attempt to wipe your face as best as you can, you glower up at your talkative friend. 
He seems to be cycling through a whole host of expressions today because the one staring you down is now unquestionably smug. 
You snort at the little—large—devil.
“Just what was that for anyways?”
The mer considers for a moment and then tilts his head to the side a little, eyelids falling low like he’s miming sleep. Then, a massive hand lifts out of the water to gently poke a long claw at you, followed by a throaty grumble that shakes your boat.
Ah. So that’s what this is about, huh. Should’ve known skipping out on sleep would come back to bite, or rather, lick you. You can’t say you didn’t see this coming. 
“I promise I got enough sleep all through that nasty hurricane,” you counter adamantly. Eclipse looks far from convinced, so you continue on. “Even still, I have a cabin I can always dip inside for a quick nap if need be. Or you can float on your back and snooze with me on top like we usually do. We have the whole day to ourselves, big guy. And besides, I thought you missed me.”
Eclipse releases another series of noises at that, which are just plain mournful, and the flood of insistent reassurance and concern makes you huff and smile.
“I know, I know. I’m just teasing. I think I’m allowed to since I’m currently covered in…” You sniff and then grimace. “Overwhelming fish breath and questionable fluids.”
More snaps and clicks, but none of them are truly offended. Eclipse matches your fake glare easily, and when you playfully stick out your tongue, his mouth curls with a croon, and he slithers his own tongue back out again.
You hastily retreat, hands lifting.
“Woah, there! Okay, message received. Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me, I’ll turn this boat around.”
Your friend blows out a warm gust of air that just heightens the sticky feeling all over your body, and your arms drop as the mer retracts his appendage with rampant amusement. Clearly, your threat was too transparent to be taken with any modicum of seriousness. Not that you expected Eclipse to believe it for a second anyways. He knows just how much you’ve been aching to see him, and even without the words to verbalize it, he’s showing how much he’s missed you too. You haven’t missed the little display of the fins and frills around his head upon his arrival. They’ve been fluttering since you first spoke, a subtle indicator of your friend’s elated state.
Maybe it’s in a sign of good faith or repentance, but Eclipse gingerly rests a large hand palm-up on your boat right next to you. An offer. You consider the translucent webbing between the smooth surface of his digits like it houses a tremendously difficult question you don’t already know the answer to. A few moments you spend hemming and hawing in exaggeration, and to his credit, Eclipse waits patiently—hopefully—for you to hop on, the ocean churning noticeably from the swishing of his powerful tail.
You give a plaintive sigh.
“I suppose I can acquiesce this one request,” you say, snickering at the uncontrollable, excited thumping against the side of your boat from Eclipse’s fins.
He eagerly curls and uncurls his fingers as you step around the sprawled drape of the scarlet frills that adorn his wrist, planting your hands first on his palm and then crawling across until you’re seated in the middle. You’ve learned from experience that it’s best to remain off your feet when being lifted if you want to retain your balance. Eclipse will never let you fall and would almost certainly help you to remain standing if you wobbled, but sitting down for the little ride grants you a bit more stability. 
With the utmost care, the mer hoists you out of your boat and over to him. He nuzzles you once more with a soft coo, and then he lowers into the water until only his head and the hand you rest upon aren’t submerged.
You smile up at him.
“Thanks, big guy, but I’m already wet, so I might as well wash this off.”
Eclipse churrs and sinks a little deeper so that the water just laps over his palm. You pat him in appreciation, and he curiously watches as you begin to cup the ocean in your hands and rinse your face and then scrub at your body.
It doesn’t take long to get to a somewhat reasonably clean state again, though you doubt anything in Eclipse’s saliva would be truly harmful to you. The pungent smell, however, might be downright criminal, and that’s saying something because you’ve been around fish for years. But at the end of the day, it’s worth it because it’s still part of your friend, and you wouldn’t change anything about him.
Once the sticky substance has washed away, you lean back on your hands, and Eclipse’s large fingers press protectively at your back. His contentment is visible in the shine of glowing yellow and the peaceful glaze of his languid movements. He floats in place next to your boat with the waves barely disturbing him. The magnitude of his size strikes you yet again despite how much time you’ve spent at his side all these years. Maybe the separation brought on by the storm afflicted your memory of his stature, but you don’t mind the awe that fills you at the leviathan or how small you suddenly feel in his grasp.
You’ve never been safer in the claws of a mer, and that will never fail to warm your heart.
Eclipse trills at the emotions shared through your bond, and with a melted expression, he draws you closer. You are gently deposited atop his chest, and once you’re sure of your footing, you approach his beaming maw. The mer meets you halfway, and when your arms embrace him as much as they can, he releases a slow breath that chases away any chill from the water.
Together, you stay like that in the quiet stillness of dawn, the first cracks of light just kissing the horizon. The world is waking up once more, and you have been given the best greeting of all. After days of restlessness and anxiety and longing, your mind is finally at ease. It’s a serenity that touches your soul, mirroring the same peace from your friend.
Sometimes, a shadow of a terrible memory graces your consciousness, and phantoms of ghastly yellow and purple snap at you. Those awful, living nightmares have grown less obtrusive as the months have passed, fading ever steadily with the more time you spend on the waves with Eclipse. You know you are safe now. There are some things that take more than reassurance to overcome, however, set off by triggers that you’re still learning to pinpoint, but with time and exposure to the sea that is a second home to you, the initial flinching and brief bursts of fright will diminish.
Eclipse’s presence has been grounding all the while. He’s stuck with you through every crest and trough, understanding your inner turmoil better than any explanation you could try to come up with. He’s felt your fear and pain and determined that it’s now his to bear as well if it means it will bring you comfort and recovery sooner. The memories are no less horrible for him too, and you occasionally catch a glimpse of his remembrance of prying apart serrated jaws and reaching for your frantic form.
It’s a shared burden between the two of you. You will see it through together.
 A shiver that can’t be blamed on the breeze travels through your body.
Sensing the direction of your thoughts, Eclipse curls his webbed hand even more so around your comparatively smaller frame, like he’s letting you know that he won’t ever let anything take you away from him again. A quiet purr vibrates from his chest, and he nudges you with his cheek until you look up at him again. His scales are creased with worry, but you pet one of his claws to reassure him.
“I’m alright, big guy. I’ve got you here, don’t I?”
Better words couldn’t have been chosen as your leviathan chitters in agreement. The sound soothes the worries of your mind, chased by the fearsome predator who has become your protector. You enjoy the intimate moment with him and the heart-skipping way he stares at you leaning into his grasp.
But that’s all abruptly broken by a thunderous growl that shakes through your feet.
In an instant, Eclipse looks mightily embarrassed, and you flash a grin.
“Someone’s hungry,” you tease, tapping your foot to indicate the petulant thrum that had come from his stomach further down.
The mer shakes water off his frills like a dog, sniffing the air and frowning before his pupils constrict, and his head snaps downward and off to the side at the water. It would seem he’s already locked on to a potential prey. You wonder if he’s about to tear off in the direction of said prey, but Eclipse tips his head back over at you, frills twitching with anticipation. He then taps the tip of a finger at your stomach in question.
You do your best to keep your smile from twisting.
“Not quite a fan of eating raw fish, thanks. This one’s all you, buddy.”
Eclipse emits a distinct whine at your refusal, rays drooping.
“I’ll eat later, promise. It’s still early for breakfast anyways. But I guess I could always just take a chomp out of you if you want me to eat fish so bad, huh?”
Three rapid clacks of sharp teeth are your answer, Eclipse pretending to snap them at you instead like maybe he’ll take a nibble out of you, and you giggle at the fake threat. He squints at you, supposedly very intimidating, you’re sure. His fins flap against the surface of his water much like his tail, and the loud whoosh of air from his gills sounds like a heavy sigh.
“Adorable,” you remark, and Eclipse puffs, his ray-like frills expanding like an orange peacock. “Yes, yes, you’re very big and scary. Now go catch your breakfast, you oversized guppy.”
An aggrieved grumble from the mer shakes through your body, and Eclipse sinks into the deep, pausing long enough to make sure you’re treading water easily enough on your own once you’re submerged.
You give him a little wave, legs swishing beneath you, and a flash of warmth stirs in your chest in response from him.
The giant mer disappears from sight rather quickly, likely sensing the direction his prey has swam off to. He won’t be gone long. You’re confident in his hunting abilities, and the only times it takes awhile are when he’s feeling playful and turning it into a game.
Without the support of your friend to keep you afloat, you paddle over to your boat to conserve your energy. A quick climb up your ladder, and you’re aboard once more and perusing the still water-logged floor with a shake of your head. Your mild disapproval is countered by a sense of indignation within your core from the mer far below.
Not my fault.
Even when he’s focused on hunting, he’s always got to get his two cents in. You snort and step across the slick surface into your cabin. 
While food isn’t exactly on your mind right now, you do find something special in sharing a meal together, so you decide to rummage through your kitchenette for a small snack. There are some granola bars you’ve stashed in a cabinet exactly for this reason, so after snagging one, tearing off the wrapper, and disposing the trash in the bin so you won’t have to worry about it later, you shuffle back outside.
The sun is still in its infancy, but the thin streams of light are already casting a new layer of warmth. The streaks of burnt orange remind you of your beloved mer, rippling across the darkly painted sky. Minutes trickle by with nothing but nature for miles, allowing your thoughts to meander. As you take in its beauty, you’re reminded of its resilience and how it will continue to exist long after you’ve passed. The sun will continue to rise and set; the waves will continue to crash and roll and traverse the world. It makes you wonder, head tipping up to admire the stars, what it will be like one day when your and Eclipse’s time comes to an end. There is assurance in that you will go together, bound so intrinsically as mer and human. Such an occurrence is far down in the future, barely conceivable when you have so much life left to live with Eclipse, but as you stand under the starlight’s ever watchful gaze, you muse quietly.
Will you trade a life on the water for an eternity in the stars? Will the galaxies become your new waves, the constellations your new islands? What will it be like to explore the great expanse that rivals even your tremendous ocean?
Your vision shuts to the ethereal light, and you feel the answer in your soul that returns from the leviathan himself.
Harmony. It will be harmony, entwined with you and him forever singing that sweet song that ties you in scarlet thread.
Smile warmer than the sleepy sun, you’re not at all surprised when you hear a splash and open your eyes to see your close friend next to your boat again, waiting patiently for you to emerge from being lost in thought. His tender love is palpable, resonating from deep within your chest and guiding you over to him. As you near, you notice the edge of a tail fin poking out of his maw, and a snicker escapes you.
“Breakfast was successful, I take it?”
Eclipse hums and then in a perfectly unnecessary act opens his mouth to show you just how big of a catch he got. His rows of teeth have expertly speared the swordfish, and while impressive, you know why he’s showing off.
You hold up a hand dismissively.
“Yeah, still not happening.” You wave your granola bar under Eclipse’s dissatisfied scrutiny when he seals his maw shut in suspicion. “I found something else to munch on instead. Extra nutritious. You want some?”
Eclipse hisses like you personally offended him, and you bite back a laugh as you break off a piece of your snack and toss it in your mouth. Last time you tried to feed him some of your “nasty human food,” he wheezed and spat out the microscopic morsel and then proceeded to drag his claws against his tongue like you’d terrorized his tastebuds. He’s so goofily dramatic when it comes to most of your meals and snacks that don’t involve seafood, and he plays it up extra just for you because you adore his theatrics. You know as much because you’d asked him once why he’d reacted that way, and he’d answered with a photographic memory of your face flushed from laughter and your arms clutching your stomach from a time not too long prior.
Needless to say, your cheeks had immediately turned hot yet again, that time for a different reason, and you’d tried and failed to brush off Eclipse’s endeared cooing at your fluster.
He’s such a rascal. Wily prankster of a mer. You more than cherish him.
Taking another bite of your snack, you lean against the railing while Eclipse begins to chew on his meal. You know that one fish won’t be enough to feed a mer his size, but it’ll at least be enough to stave off his hunger for a little bit. The warmth in your core tells you Eclipse isn’t eager to leave your side for longer than necessary. He’s just as intent on companionship as you are.
Swallowing the mouthful of granola, you say, “I brought my pan flute with me again. Maybe we can give your song another shot later today?”
A tremendous purr rumbles across the waves. At the same time, the contentment behind your sternum spikes, and you sigh happily.
“I think I’ve got the first part down,” you add. “It’s what follows after that I’m struggling with, so it’s a good thing I’ve got such a talented conductor to help me.”
Eclipse’s delight transforms to a small grumble with an undertone of disapproval. His tail whacks the water behind him, and the giant mer gives you a disbelieving, reprimanding look.
Talented yourself.
Not expecting that, you smile sheepishly and chuckle a little.
“Thanks. I don’t mean to make it sound like I’m downplaying my abilities. Although your song isn’t exactly made for human lungs, you know.”
Dark pupils roll.
Siren song, comes the dry rebuttal. Natural. Weak human lungs.
You blow a raspberry.
“I’ll have you know I’ve got rather strong lungs for a human! And I can hold air for a long while too, which is why I’m even able to keep up with those drawn-out notes of yours.”
By this point, Eclipse has finished swallowing the fish he caught, and the bumpy texture of his burgundy tongue flicks dangerously across his teeth. The air charges with his intrigued hum, and you can sense your mistake the second you catch the mischief in his stare. Orange and crimson fins flutter, and a colossal maw nears until it hovers inches in front of you.
You’re already taking a cautious step back when the thought flashes in your head, one that is not your own.
Let’s test it then, the susurrous taunt curls around your mind, snaking like a low voice against the shell of your ear, and the blur of an arm is too fast for you to dodge.
“Eclipse!” you shriek with a laugh as the leviathan gently but gleefully snatches you up from your boat and brings you back into the water.
Your meager granola bar is lost to the waves and fish, but it barely catches your notice as the smug mer yet again deposits you on his chest, sinking onto his back with almost-feline elegance. The frills surrounding his face fan out like a blood-orange sunflower as they float in the water. Eclipse’s lower arms begin to lightly pedal across the waves, circling but not straying you and him too far from your boat. With his other hands, he keeps them cupped around you, preventing you from slipping off or getting away.
You know what he wants, can read his intent in the quiver of anticipation rebounding from your core that sings with the desire to dive. But the large mer is waiting for your approval first, not wanting to take you under without checking in regardless of his former tease. The considerate patience chases away the tepid air and flushes your heart with something even hotter.
Your smile is small and appreciative.
“Of course, I don’t mind taking a swim with you. I’ve gotta prove my little human lungs can outlast yours, right?” You pat against his chest. “Show me what you’ve got, big guy.”
Sharp teeth glisten wetly, Eclipse giving a hearty chortle at your challenge. His translucent fins catch the sunlight just as it skips across the indigo waves and reaches you, creating speckles of white gold atop every crest. Eclipse waits for you to take a few deep breaths in preparation, your lungs filling with air until you give him a nod. With a sweet smile, the mer begins to tip backward, sinking headfirst underwater with his hand cupping you all the while as you take the plunge together.
The water is bitterly cold the moment it touches your skin, and you instinctively squeeze your eyes shut at first as the ocean swallows you whole. But you’ve nothing to worry about in the grasp of your friend who keeps you clutched to a warm chest, the beating of his heart strong under your form even with layers of muscle between you and it. The steady thrum is like a lullaby setting your mind at ease, and soon, the flash of nervousness at diving dissipates like it was never there to begin with. 
A soft whisper of your name, wrapped in endless patience, coaxes you with a singular want. You feel a second arm slipping behind you, the first slipping lower, which is followed by a large palm spreading at your back and prickling at the strands of your floating hair, covering your entire frame with its size. In careful slowness, you dare to peek through just a crack despite the salty sting of the ocean. You want to see, just for a moment, and the second you do, you are so delighted you took the risk.
The brightness of the sun does not yet penetrate the surface of the deep, but it casts enough light to turn the ocean into an underwater paradise basked in violet hues.
Upside down, you and Eclipse float in the beautiful display of color that transitions from light to dark, the expanse above your head an incredibly rich sapphire. With every swish of his tail and flap of his frills, Eclipse creates a plume of bubbles that catch the thin light in this flipped world. Your legs curl tightly around his slick frame as much as possible, and a bountiful rumble erupts from your friend. He embraces you until there is no room left to spare, and your arms do their best to wrap around him as much as possible.
Golden eyes shine like pure light in the dim purple glow that is incrementally turning lavender while the sun climbs. Eclipse purrs greatly so that you can hear it even underwater. His heart pounds next to yours, a duet not unlike the song that the mer has sung for you since life was still so new to you and him. Age has not withered the exceptionality of it, but it has made you yearn for it all the more. You doubt you will ever stop longing to be close to Eclipse, and you can feel in your chest that he is much the same for you.
Suspended in place in the arms of your closest friend, you find breathing becomes meaningless. The separation that had kept you trapped on your small island and away from him is no more. Finally, you are together again, reunited under a fading starlit sky and within the pleasant rocking of a calm ocean. Home, at last. 
Once your lungs begin to ache, your eyes slip shut, and your smile grows when Eclipse presses his to yours. You happily nuzzle him right back, content to just hold each other like this in the morning quiet where nothing and no one disturbs you. The graze of his frills tickles your cheeks while he keeps you close. You stroke the ones you can reach at the sides of his head, and your movement is mirrored by the light carding of a claw through your hair and along the base of your scalp. The intimacy of it threatens to bring tears behind your eyelids, but any and all drops are carried away by the ocean when your eyelashes flutter with your cautious squint.
Eclipse rubs his scaly cheek against yours for a quick, last nuzzle. Though you’d prefer to remain suspended upside-down like this beneath the waves with him, your friend has your preservation on the front of his mind, and he sweeps his tail in a powerful stroke that rights you and him and brings you back to the suncatcher waves.
A prism of droplets sprays across the surface when you’re brought back up to blessed air that your lungs greedily take back in. After a hasty brush of your hand, you blink away the remnants of saltwater. Your lips twitch.
“I think I definitely outlasted you this time, big guy,” you playfully boast.
Scarlet fins flutter in amusement. Eclipse snorts.
If you say so, sea star.
You hum and tap a finger indecisively, rubbing one of his sharper points against your thumb.
“Well, I might be persuaded otherwise. I guess we won’t know unless we try again, will we?” Your smile flirts on the edge of a grin, but what Eclipse returns with next is enough to stun you.
If that is what you wish. Wherever you want to go, the ghost of an answer dances along your consciousness, I will follow.
His amber gaze is flooded with a softness that makes your heart quicken while you’re choked by nothing related to the air you breathe.
It’s funny, you think, how the universe works. To think that you would find your lifelong partner, someone who fits with you like a puzzle piece, out among the waves. Like you were made for each other, regardless of species or place or form. 
Here in the embrace of your soulmate, you’ve found everything you need. 
Eclipse warbles in surprise when you lean up and press a kiss to his forehead. There, you linger, shutting your gaze to the caress of his silky frills and the salty tang of his home filling your nose. The arms holding you wrap tighter, a third and fourth finding purchase around any part of you that isn’t covered like he can’t touch enough of you.
Your drenched hair runs rivulets down your cheeks, hiding the evidence of your pure happiness that wells inside you and sneaks past wet eyelashes. A faint sound stirs from the leviathan, dipping into a low tune that makes you bury your face in his precious rays and quietly sing along with him his siren call.
You don’t end up ever really responding to his avowal, but you think Eclipse understands you all too well. Locked together like this, you greet the morning as a reunited pair while the memories of a troubled past float away on the seafoam to break on a distant shore.
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claudiajcregg · 1 year
I hadn't forgotten about this. Sorry for taking so long to answer, Ally! but they were both complicated questions.
🎀 give yourself a compliment about your own writing
I cannot. I only see its flaws and how I'm never going to be as good as I wish I were. But, it's great to help me fall asleep some nights. Next!
More seriously, some of my writing does manage to make me emotional. I've read a few of them while editing or just for fun, and I'll realize I'm shedding tears. And whenever I get some distance from it, I am sometimes surprised by how good it can be. I am definitely my worst critic and my most fervent supporter, and not at all objective.
🤍 what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
I don't know how to answer this – my fics are not that complex so there's not much to 'get', lol. Am I still going to be bummed when a fic doesn't do as well as I thought? Sure! But that's for me to manage. I can usually guess when a fic will not do great, fully aware of what some people might think. (I figured the Alzheimer's one wouldn't do great, but I liked it then! It's not like it's done much, much worse than the others, either.)
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7brownsuga7 · 11 months
Can you write a fanfic of yandere jk or taehyung with reader as their daughter in law whose husband can't get her pregnant because he is suffering from Azoospermia (low sperm count) but their family is really strict about continuing their family line, as he is their only son so jk or tae decided to take matter into their own hand. Please consider this!! I am really looking forward to it.
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Hey!! Omg I found writing this so fun, I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it! I couldn’t decide on Jk or Tae lol I’m indecisive as fuck.
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Word count: 2k +
Genre + warnings: smut drabble- minors DNI. Smut, angst, unprotected sex, breeding, daddy kink, yandere, infidelity, taboo, forceful, dominance, praise kink, he kind of takes advantage of her??? But consensual
Updated: pt.2 here
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“Shhh, you’re doing good sweetheart”
You would have never thought you’d hear those words come out of your father-in-laws mouth, matter of fact you never thought he’d be fucking you in the same room you share with your husband.
When your husband told you about his situation, you couldn’t help but to feel overwhelmed with so many emotions. You sat on your bed crying your eyes out at the situation you and your husband were in. Although it was a personal situation between you and your husband, it also meant that his family line had a low chance of continuing, and you knew how strict his parents were about that. You was currently somewhat home alone, your husband having stormed out and wanting some alone time and his mother out for a dinner with her friends. His father was probably somewhere in his office like he is most of the time.
You muffle your cry with your hand, tears staining your burgundy night dress as you lay back and let your cries sing you to sleep.
During the night after a long and stressful phone call with his son does your father-in-law walk into your room to see you asleep in your dress, bare thighs exposed for his wondering eyes to see. His cock hardens just from the sight of your ass peaking out from under your dress.
You look so innocent and sad. Hurt and lonely. If only you knew of the things he could provide for you. He’d never let you lay here alone, tears staining your cheeks.
He was already furious with his son, yes the situation not being his son’s fault at all, but now he had to take things into his own hands for the sake of continuing his family line. He would never admit it was also a reason to fuck you. Something he’s been longing for since his son brought you to their home. He had an infatuation with you. He’d touch himself just thinking about your pussy wrapped around his cock. The fact that you was so innocent and oblivious to his intentions made him all the more crazed. He couldn’t pass up the opportunity to fuck you, it was a miracle waiting to happen.
He reaches the bed, your below him unaware of his cock that hardens in his black slacks. His large hand caresses your leg, feeling the goosebumps that appear instantly. He smiles when your eyes flutter open, his hand coming up to your cheek to softly stroke it.
“I’m here” he coos, sitting down next to you on the bed.
“I don’t know what we’re going to do” you admit. Your eyes watering again just from the mention of the situation. You stare up at him with your wet eyelashes, and all he can think about is how you would look watching him as he shoves his cock down your throat. He knew he’s being insensitive towards the situation, but he can’t help himself to think these thoughts when he’s around you.
“Shh, it’s okay. I’ll sort it out” you sniff at his reassuring words. It’s as if you’re talking to your husband right now. The resemblance is so uncanny. The tears that stream down your face are wiped away by his fingers, his suggestive words of, “I know, I know” and “come here” calm you down a bit.
You scoot closer to him, unaware of his intentions as his hands creep up your dress towards your bare pussy. You sniff, holding back a moan as his fingers brush against your wet folds.
“Let me make everything better” his lips brush against your neck. You nod, biting your lip as his finger enters you.
So tight and wet, just as he expected.
His finger works its way in and out of you, his eyes on you as you continue to breathe heavily at the use of his fingers. As much as he wants to continue this, his main goal is to fuck you. To breed you matter of fact. He can’t wait to fill you up, to feel your bare pussy wrapped around his cock as he fucks you. He was pissed that his son had gotten to you first. But he’d be the actual one to breed you and that was more than he can ask for.
“Lay back for me love” he urges, too eager to stretch you out with his cock.
You comply, dress bunched up as you scoot back on the bed. His tall frame leaning over you as he watches you in awe. Your bare pussy open for him to see. It glistening under the dim bedroom lights from your wetness. What he would do to taste you, but he knows he has priorities. Hopefully another day.
His hand moves your legs apart, properly exposing you for his hungry eyes to see. He eagerly unbuckles his belt and allows his cock to breathe from the tight space it was in in his slacks.
He strokes his cock along your folds, collecting your juices before he lets his tip enter your tight pussy. It’s like the air is sucked out of you when the rest of his big, hard cock enters you. Stretching you out just like he wanted. It pushes into you and you lay there wondering how much more of him is left, you can barely take what is left inside you.
So tight.
Every inch that pushes into you, stretches you out so gracefully you’re a whimpering mess. He grabs your thighs and pulls you to the edge of the bed. His strokes becoming more hard and fast as you adjust to his size.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long” he coos.
He can’t believe how good you feel. Your walls closing around him with every stroke. Your tight walls gripping around him has him ready to risk it all. He never knew just how addicting you could be. He’s so eager to fuck you. As each whimper leaves your lips, his hips move at a more forceful speed. He’s unable to hold himself back and he’s not even ashamed of it. He’s not sure if this is the only time he’ll get to fuck you so he wants to make the most out of it before this night comes to an end.
“Shhh, you’re doing good sweetheart”
Your breasts fight to spill out of your dress as his thrusts cause your body to jolt.
You cry.
You cry because of the sting you feel caused by his cock stretching you out. The pleasure you feel making it almost unbearable for you to take any more. His strokes so precise and officiant that your moans turn into cries all together.
You cry because you feel guilty, but it’s too good to stop now.
He sees you cry and wonders why. He’s aware that he’s taken advantage of your weakness, you being fragile has allowed him to take advantage of this situation, and he’s happy that he did. His dreams and fantasies coming true.
“It’s okay, daddy’s got you”
His thumb brushes against your cheek, wiping away your tears before he leans down and grabs your thighs, lifting you up with his cock still inside you.
“Please ugh” you choke out as his hands grip onto your ass, lowering you down his long hard length. You try to lift yourself up, unable to take him, but he just lowers you back down at a quicker speed.
“P-please I can’t” his cock continues to penetrate you which leaves you gasping for air, tears still running down your cheeks as he completely takes over.
Your pussy is soaking, running down your thigh and onto his pelvis. The slushing sounds you create prove that.
“Look at how you take my cock so well” his neck bends down slightly to capture your breast in his mouth as he sucks on it. You let out a moan, your pussy clenching around him causing his moves to falter.
“Fuck you’re so tight” he nips at your nipple which causes you to yelp in surprise, especially when he slaps your ass.
He throws you back on the bed. Your dress barely covering your body anymore as your breast spill out from it, the dress bunched up around your waist exposing your lower half to him. You’re a panting mess, not knowing what he’s going to do next as he slowly walks over to the bed, dark eyes watching you like you’re his prey.
“Lay on your stomach and arch your back for me princess”
If only he could have you in every position known to man, he would in a heartbeat. He wants to fuck you in every position his son has had you in. However, time is of the essence.
But when you lay before him, face down ass up, your head resting on your silk bed cover and hands placed helplessly in front of you as he enters you from behind, does he battle with himself to risk everything. Your bare pussy and ass exposed for him to see, and oh was it a sight. He’d only imagined what you’d look like bent over for him, but now he has the honor of having you for the night. His strokes are slow and precise. He’s managing to hit every spot so gracefully it already has your knees ready to give out. His large hands rest on each side of your ass, guiding your ass towards his hard length.
You whimper when he enters you again and again with more force. The way his fingers dance along your bare back have your toes curling and you wonder if you’ll be able to recover from tonight. He readjusts your dress so that it slightly covers your ass, but it only slides back down your back with every move he makes. The way you feel wrapped so tightly around him has him ready to risk it all, your juices coating his cock with every stroke while you grip around him.
“You’re such a good girl, hmm?” He bites his bottom lip as he watches his cock go in and out of you, your pussy gripping onto him in ways that make his head spin. His cock can’t even go all the way in, he chuckles to himself at the thought of you whimpering when he hasn’t even got all of him in you. Your moans and whimpers are like music to his ears, encouraging him to fuck you recklessly.
“Such a good girl letting daddy fuck you like this”.
Your arms stretch out in front of you grasping onto your covers in a somewhat pathetic attempt to relieve yourself from his thrusts. You try to escape, moving your hips forward but with his firm grip on your hips, you’re not going anywhere.
“Don’t run, show me that you can take it”
You’re sensitive and overwhelmed by the amount of pleasure you’re receiving, with the added force it’s a whole new experience for you. You’ve never been fucked like this, even by your husband. You’re unsure if you should even be thinking about him right now with his father fucking you as recklessly as this.
Your moans are muffled by the bed covers , your grip on them tightening as you can feel him in your stomach. Your orgasm is quickly approaching with each thrust. It’s when he grunts and slaps your ass that has you weak, but when he rubs your puckered hole with his thumb, that’s when you lose what’s left of your composure. You start mumbling your words, edging further and further up the bed as you try to escape his cock that continuously rams into you. Pussy clenching as your orgasm subsides, you yelp out when you become overly sensitive.
“Please please please, i”
He pushes you down by your back, forcing you to lay on your stomach, his hand grabs your hips adjusting them so your ass is slightly up. You’re silent as he slowers his pace, providing you with slow strokes that have you lost for words. You’re sure you’re going to cum again. He watches as his cock disappears in you. He can watch you take him all day.
“You’re so wet sweetheart, look at you” you feel his hands grabbing your wrists and holding them in place as he is positioned on top of you, him sliding into you from behind. You’re so fucked out you can’t utter a full sentence, just mumbles and whimpers. He’s so big and he’s stretching you out completely. You’re tired and are surprised that you’re able to take him let alone take him for this long. You collapse on the bed, knees giving out causing you to be laid flat out on the bed. He holds his cock, guiding it in and out of you, watching as your juices mix with your cream coating the base of his cock.
“Fuck y/n” he looks up at the ceiling trying to prolong his orgasm that he knows is approaching. He doesn’t want this to end just yet, but the way you lay in-front of him, your sensitive pussy stretching around him, he knows he’s close.
You both continue in that position, his grunts continuing as he uses both arms to keep himself up. A slap to your ass is delivered before he tells you to turn around. You comply chest rising as you watch him guide his cock along with your entrance. He watches you with low eyes, as you watch him back. Your breaths in sync as you wait for him to slide it back in. And he does, so slowly it’s almost agonising. You both watch as he enters you, you can’t believe how big he is. He stops when he’s mostly inside of you, his hand holding the rest of his length as he guides it in and out. He closes his eyes for a moment, unable to watch your eyes and your lips and the way your face is still stained in tears. You’re intoxicating.
He lifts your legs up so they are both in the air, allowing him more excess to your pussy. What a sight it is, the way it’s swollen and glistens before him. The way it wraps around him so perfectly he’s sure your pussy was made just for him.
He watches you with so much intensity that your eyes flutter closed. “Open them for me, I want you to watch” you nod watching him before you look down and watch each thrust.
You know he’s close when his thrust become more intense, he shoves his cock deep inside you not caring about your sensitivity. His skin collides with yours, creating no room for you to escape his thick length. You can’t believe that your orgasm is approaching again, you don’t know how much more you can take, you’re already fucked out.
His eyes never leave yours, the intensity and lust behind them, and the way he’s buried deep inside you causes shivers to run down your spine as your legs shake. “Good girl, let it out, let it out” he coos as he strokes your cheek.
It all becomes too much for you, your words and breath stuck in your throat. You feel everything so intensely.
“Shh, you got it. Im almost there”
And with a few more strokes, he is because you feel his cock twitch and a warm liquid engulf you. “Fuuuck”. He continues for a moment, riding out his orgasm. Eventually he pulls out, and you both watch as his load drips out from inside of you. He hold his dick in his hand and allows his red sensitive tip to rub against your hole, his cum coating his tip. “Look at that” he smirks.
“I told you I’d make everything better”
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
definitely today, satan | knj
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After having a strange dream about your hot neighbor, you realize it might be time to finally make your move. Dreams are a sign from the universe, right?
○ Pairing: DILF/Neighbor!Namjoon x f!Reader
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: Neighbors to lovers, smut, crack
○ 11 / 100 Drabble Challenge (Neighbor)
○ Word Count: 1,076
○ Warnings: It's corny and horribly written and I don't know what the fuck came over me when I wrote any of these fics, cunnilingus (Namjoon eating it from behind while MC wears a skirt, god bless), nipple play, vaginal fingering, I have a really bad sense humor, reference to NSYNC fanfic
○ Notes: This fic was written for @mapleleaf000 . It's actually part 3 of what has turned into a mini-series about the "Demon DMV" LOL. The links for the other parts are below. For those of you who haven't read "Not Today, Satan," you don't have to read parts 1 and 2 to understand this fic, but I highly recommend it, or else this won't be as funny. Also, yes, there is NSYNC fic on AO3. In case you were curious. 💀
○ Post Date: March 12, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Crosspost
○ What was Jai listening to? Dangerous - TEN
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
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Honestly, sometimes your ability to pull hot men shocks you. It doesn’t only happen at night when you’re weirdly dreaming about your hot, daddy-dom neighbor being Satan, tempting you with his sexy biceps and boobs. You’re actually here, in his apartment, sitting on said hot, daddy-dom neighbor’s thick thighs as he sucks on your throat and squeezes your tits. 
Namjoon is even hotter in real life than he was as Satan in your dreams, though you can’t help but think about your dream while he’s pulling off your shirt to trail kisses across your collarbones and reaching around you to unclasp your bra. 
“Fuck, you’re so sexy,” Namjoon moans against your chest as he drags his tongue across one of your nipples, flicking it repeatedly until it’s hard and soaked with his spit. His tongue isn’t pointy and forked like it had been in your dream, but that’s fine!
“Not as sexy as you,” you insist with your fingers threaded through his hair. 
Namjoon’s hair is short and bleached with highlights, and you think he’s probably the only person in the twenty-first century who can pull off bleached tips without looking like Lance from NSYNC. 
Is there any NSYNC fanfiction on AO3? If there is, it’s probably Lance/Justin. 
Not to kink-shame anyone, but ew. 
You’re pulled from your distracting thoughts by Namjoon grabbing your ass and helping you grind against the bulge in his pants. He’s still wearing his slacks, having just come home from work. You were supposed to go on a dinner date since his daughter is staying with her mother over the weekend. 
As a respectful father (hot), Namjoon has avoided mixing his dating life with his family life. It’s what’s best for now since the two of you are still getting to know each other. Only recently did your dreams of Purgatory and Hell push you to ask Namjoon out. It makes sense that he wants to take things slow with introducing you into his daughter’s life. 
You’re definitely not taking things slow in other areas of your dating life, though. 
“Is it weird if I say that I dreamt about this?” you ask when Namjoon hooks his arms around your thighs and carries you out of the living room. His strength is impressive, even if his bedroom isn’t far from where you’d been. 
“Not at all. I’ve dreamt about you, too.” 
Namjoon seems shy when he confesses, but you suppose it actually is kind of weird, and the two of you are probably just weird together. Which is nice. Sexy or not, you wouldn’t be able to vibe with Namjoon if he couldn’t keep up with your weirdness. 
“Oh, did you?” you purr as Namjoon reaches under your miniskirt to pull your thong down your legs. 
“Mhm,” he hums against your neck when he hovers over you, slotting himself between your legs so he can grind his thigh against your exposed pussy. 
One of the buttons on his white work shirt catches on your nipple. The rough drag makes your body shiver with goosebumps. When you try to unbutton his shirt, he grabs your hand and pins it to the bed above your head. 
“Keep it on,” Namjoon whispers in your ear. 
His breath is hot against your face, and his voice is deep and scratchy. If you close your eyes, you can almost imagine something darker in his tone, something demonic. It’s so hot you feel your pussy throb and slick up even more. When Namjoon pulls away, there’s a dark spot on his pants from how wet you are. 
“Can I eat you out?” Namjoon’s request is more like a plea, a hopeful lilt to his voice when he speaks. He runs his palms up your thighs to push your miniskirt further up your waist to expose more of your body.
“You don’t even have to ask a question like that.” 
“From behind?” 
“Fuck, yeah, oh my god.” You throw your head back with a dramatic groan before rolling onto your stomach and transitioning to resting on your forearms and knees. “Please, I didn’t even get to the fucking in my dream about you, so I need this.” 
Squeezing your asscheeks, Namjoon pulls you apart and uses his leg to push your knees apart more to open you. 
“I definitely got to the fucking part in mine,” Namjoon says with a chuckle as he runs his thumb over your pussy, first gathering your arousal from where it leaks at your entrance and gliding it up to wet your clit even more. 
“What,” you swallow the drool you’re afraid might come out of you when Namjoon picks up the pace, “What was your dream like?” 
“I don’t know if I should tell you. It was weird.” 
He circles your clit, occasionally thumbing at it with gentle flicks at the tip that makes your legs shake. When you start kicking your foot and moaning louder, he finally brings his mouth down to where you throb for him. 
“Oh fuck,” you moan against Namjoon’s bed sheets. 
You’ve got your face pressed into the bed because you can’t keep your head up as he fucks his tongue in you while he rubs your clit with his slick fingers. He moans against your pussy when he switches positions so he’s fingering you while he laps at your clit. His movements are languid, which drives you even crazier than if he’d been fingerfucking you hard enough to make your ass jiggle.
“Good?” he murmurs with his lips slick and his fingers still massaging your walls.
“So good, god, your lips are so perfect, fuck,” you moan and push back against his face. “Tell me your dream. Was it like this?”
Namjoon kisses your clit before bringing his other hand to rub it while he still fingers you. Leaning back on his knees, Namjoon increases the speed of his movements as he admits, “You were the Devil, and I fucked you so good that you kept me as a pet.” 
“I WHAT?” 
You turn around to stare at Namjoon with wide eyes and an inability to say anything more as your orgasm rips a whiny moan out of you, legs shaking and threatening to collapse. Namjoon wraps his arm around your waist and keeps rubbing your clit until you wiggle away from him when you grow too sensitive. 
Namjoon wipes his messy fingers on your thigh and shrugs. 
“I told you it was a weird dream.”
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Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie).
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westside-rot · 1 month
Kill For You
Authors note: This was intended to be my first drabble but my brain wouldn't let me stop and here we are with all these words. I'll get it right and stop rambling eventually lmao
Also, I'm dipping my toe into fanfics, having fun with ideas and seeing what sticks so please be nice. It's never that serious. This has light editing so excuse any errors.
Minors dni. I do not consent to my work being copied/reposted anywhere. Stealing is lame so don't do it. Reblogs and comments are always welcome after you hit like lol
Protective husband Toji
Mentions of violence and smut *sorry not sorry*
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Choosing an outfit is never easy for you. Most days it’s more like a chore and less like a first step in having fun. The way Toji’s eyes tear away from the video game he’s playing to shamelessly appraise your body is confirmation you made the right choice. Going out tonight was a last-minute decision. With limited time to get ready you opted for a backless navy-blue halter dress that showed off plenty leg without having to worry about your ass being exposed. A modest selection for the club. There’s nothing modest about the way Toji admires your curvy frame.
You pretend not to notice as you drop your phone into your purse and inform him of your plans for the evening.
“I’ll see you in a few hours. Enjoy your game. I love you.” It’s foolish to think you’d get away with a rushed explanation and a quick kiss goodbye. When Toji’s large hand catches you by the wrist you aren’t the least bit surprised to have your departure interrupted. You huff and scrunch up your nose to hide your amusement. The charade ends the moment you lock eyes. With a smirk on your face you melt into his broad defined chest and the kiss accompanying his possessive hold on your waist.
“Now let’s try this again Mrs. Fushiguro. Where do you think you’re going in this dress?”
You can’t answer right away as your husband leads you into one kiss and then another. Soon you’re in a full-blown make-out session. When he does finally let you up for air it’s a miracle you can speak. An even bigger one that your panties haven’t melted right off your ass. You explain how one of your girls is going through a bad breakup and you and the rest of the friend group have decided to get her out of the house for a night of drinks and dancing. Toji hums in what you assume to be understanding. The way his lips ghost over the creamy brown skin of your collarbone, tongue dipping between your boobs says otherwise.
“You look gorgeous my love. Maybe you should change. I don’t think I want you wearing this dress without me around.”
“Baby, I can’t. The girls will be here in five minutes. Besides, it’s been a while since I’ve felt pretty in a dress.”
He knows you’re being genuine just like he knows you don’t fault him for the long work hours and long overdue date nights. Giving you his blessing is the first step in making amends. Even though he raises you to your feet and readjusts the bottom of your dress back into place you can see the conflict happening behind his dark green eyes.
“I promise to be good.” You pout and run your fingers over the clipped black hair hanging over his forehead. He growls and pulls you closer.
“Keep your phone on. Should any man dare speak to you let them know disrespect is a crime punishable by death. Your husband is the executioner.”
“Yes sir.” You purr against his lips and erupt into a fit of giggles when he sends you on your way with a firm smack to the ass that stays with you long after you join your friends in the rideshare. It requires some convincing not to fake an illness to stay at home with your husband. Nurturing your friendships is important to you. The last thing you want is to become the friend who forsakes all others for her man. A night away from him will do you both some good. And so you turn your thoughts away from him and focus on the night ahead.
Hours later you’re regretting your decision. It’s not that you haven’t enjoyed yourself. After spending weeks going from work to home you loved every second of existing in your own bubble with your girls. The music had been on point and the drinks were nice and strong. That seemed like a good thing in the moment. By 1am you remember why you could only handle the club in small doses. The men had officially lost any sense of decency. While you understood wanting to end the night in good company, you were tired of having to relay Toji’s message to every man occupying your personal space. The massive ring on your finger should’ve been effective fuck boy repellent. Yet here you were on your fourth insincere apology. To their credit, they eventually cut their losses and backed away. There was always one that refused to take no for an answer. This particular jerk refuses to accept your no, going as
Deciding you’ve reached your fill on corny pick up lines, you and your girl decide to wait for the rest of your group outside. You've dealt with your fair share of thirsty men, none crazy enough to get physical and call you an uppity bitch for dismissing him. Pulling away only gives him reason to tighten his grip on your arm. Before you or your friend can respond with a swift kick to the balls a strong pair of hands pull the man off his feet and cast him aside like a rag doll. Your eyes practically fall out of your head when you realize it’s Toji. He’s too busy making good on his word to acknowledge your shock. While the dumb ass puts up an impressive defense he’s easily overpowered and pummeled to the ground. Every punch he throws is reciprocated with two more that land directly in his face until he's unrecognizable. Toji shows no sign of stopping. Even though you'd bet money you weren't the first woman this piece of shit has put his hands on, he isn't worth a prison sentence.
It's your voice pulling Toji back to his senses. One more punch and a kick to the ribs and he's snatching the man up by his collar to hold the man's bloody face in your direction.
“Apologize for putting your filthy hands on my wife. I’m only sparing you because she asked.
He complies and stammers out an apology through the stream of blood running down his nose into his mouth. You’re disgusted by how little you care about the beating he’s taken. Unlike the idiot before you, no one is going to force you to apologize for noticing how well your husband is filling out his thermal. In the hours since you last saw him his corded muscles appear larger and more defined underneath the black fabric. It looks painted on. The color has always been your kryptonite. Toji is wrapped in it, from his jeans down to his work boots. It’s the black beanie tugged down over his ears that turns you feral.
Toji’s voice cuts through your thoughts with a clear directive you can’t ignore. “Let’s go. All of you. NOW.” He leads you out of the club with your gaped mouth friends trailing closely behind, the crowd parting like water to let you pass. Some women gawk, one gave you a thumbs up, while other voices agreed with Toji’s methods. You have the urge to remind everyone he's your husband but decide against it.
Once in the car Toji instructs you to put everyone’s addresses into the GPS. After that the ride is tense and mostly silent. In the group chat your friends are remain crazy and undeterred as they unanimously decide Toji’s deserves immaculate head on everyone’s behalf.
You bite down a laugh then respond in chat, assuring them you will but you can't pinpoint Toji’s mood. He seems upset with you. Despite being grateful for his presence you’re somewhat annoyed with him for infiltrating your girl’s night out. Exactly how long had he been spying? Why hadn’t you noticed him before? Was he being protective, or did he not really trust you?
It pisses you off that while you’re stewing in emotions you shouldn’t feel Toji is being the perfect gentleman, not only driving your friend’s home but escorting them to the door to ensure they make it inside safely. Upon arriving home you decide you're going to sleep off your frustrations and be a responsible adult tomorrow.
Toji has other plans. Resisting your inner brat, you allow his firm yet pleading tone to keep you in your seat with arms folded across your chest.
“I’m sorry for not getting to you sooner baby. I was trying to be respectful to the hoe asking me dance and got distracted.”
The way your jaw clenches at the mention of the faceless woman proves Toji isn’t alone in his unhinged behavior. In your defense your patience runs a bit longer than his. You certainly haven’t beaten any women to a pulp for getting close. No woman had dared to touch what belonged to you either.
“I got this bad feeling after you left that I couldn’t shake. Maybe it was nothing. But I rather have you upset with me than ignore my gut and something happens. You’re my entire world. I can't exist without you.”
Suddenly you’re climbing into your wonderful man’s lap to shower him with appreciation one kiss at a time across his beautiful face. You’re a brat that needs to correct her attitude. To further drive home the point you drag your tongue over his scar then back down to his chin, bearing your teeth and latching on. Toji’s lips curve into a vulgar smile but otherwise appears unfazed.
“How do you intend to make it up to me brat?”
His dick, hard and restricted against the crotch of your panties sends a message to put action to words. You comply with eager hands fumbling with his belt as you lean back on the steering wheel. “By letting you use me. You can start by fucking me right here in the driveway.”
He groans as though he’s already inside of you. What you mistake for passion on the verge of release is restraint to keep both hands firmly at your waist. He refuses to touch the intimate parts of you with soiled hands. Another reason to despise the piece of shit from earlier. But you’re too horny to argue. You practically race up the driveway, fumbling with keys to unlock the front door. The kitchen to wash your hands or a shower. You can’t decide. Toji makes the decision for you.
“Take off your panties.” Pulling them down your shapely legs, you toe the lace off to the side along with your heels. You abruptly clamp on the taunt you’ve prepared when you see him kneel before you, presenting his shoulders as a thrown he wishes you to occupy. Always mindful of safety you drape one leg across him and keep the other on the ground for leverage until he demands your trust. You comply. Your husband is a strong man. You’re reminded how much when he straightens his back, hoisting you off the ground, trapping you between the door at your back and the tongue in your pussy.
You close your eyes and surrender to weightlessness, tugging at his hair and mewling your pleasure, vocal but not too loud. You want to hear him lewdly slurp at his meal, burying his face in it like he’s eager to drown and die a satisfied man. His tongue is just as big as the rest of him. You love the way he alternates between the wavelike motions against your clit to stuffing your needy walls. It doesn’t take long to come like this. You whimper his name on its arrival, shudder then relax on his shoulders with your feet set firmly at the center of his back. When he finally sets you on the ground with a suckling kiss to each thigh you follow him on shaky legs into the kitchen.
The energy shifts from two wantons chasing pleasure to comedic and downright absurd. Toji has you pinned in front of him at the sink, his burly figure towering over you in playful competition for his share of the running water all while he struggles to penetrate you handsfree. You wish you could see how silly he looks with his jeans below his ass grinding near your entrance like some inexperienced teenager. The failed attempts have given your abs the workout you haven’t asked for. You’re the drunk one. Toji has no excuse for his antics but you’re honored he trusts you with this silly version of himself, a side the world doesn’t know exists.
"Spread your legs a little wider—push your ass up."
"Give up please." Laughter splutters from you when he notches the head between your folds, almost but not quite. The way he dips and rolls his hips as if he's sure it'll get him where he needs to be put tears in your eyes. "You’re trying to kill me." Resting your head on the counter, you give up attempting to wash your hands to fully commit to laughing. Toji joins in while taking full advantage of the water.
"Not at all gorgeous. I’m trying to fuck you." He doesn’t bother to dry off his now thoroughly washed hands as guides himself to your entrance. He reaches his target on the first try. Neither of you is laughing anymore.
The first thrust is always the sweetest. Especially when you’ve gone deprived for so long.
"There ya go. Shut that pretty fuckin mouth and let me inside." He kicks your legs apart to widen your stance and ruts into your ass. You nearly submerge your head under the water from the impact but recover quickly, stretching your soapy fingertips into the water instead and deepening the arch in your back. It gives him a full display of your ass bouncing off his pelvis and aligns him with just the right spot. He drills you for several heavenly minutes then fucks you into a standing split. Somehow you manage to cut off the water and just in time because he's snatched you off your feet, locking your knees over his elbows to fuck you midair.
There's nothing gentle about the way he fucks you. He fucks you like he's upset, like he's secretly harboring a grudge he doesn't want to speak on. You love it but feel as though you owe him another apology.
Toji isn’t giving you the chance to speak. Even as he walks you into the living room, he’s slamming you down on his dick, knocking the words right out of you. He’s relentless even in the way he places you back on your feet and jerks you around by the hair to segue right back to hard thrusts in one disorienting motion.
"I’m sorry. I’ll burn the dress—Don’t be mad." You wail over the sound of his balls colliding with your ass and frantically attempt to leverage yourself on the couch. He’s quick to restrain both arms behind your back, locking them at the elbow in a one-armed restraint. His free hand snakes your throat. There’s nowhere to run even if you want to. You don’t. He slams into you numerous times before his brain processes what you managed to say.
"What? No baby--just need to feel you and remind myself you’re mine... beautiful and all fucking mine."
"All yours. Only fucking yours." You echo the words. It earns you more sharp thrusts in powerful succession, the intensity forcing you on to the tips of your toes. You chant the words through your delirium and yield as he cranes you backwards by a makeshift ponytail to roughly kiss his way into your mouth. Not the most comfortable position but you love being treated like his personal doll. It doesn’t matter that you watched him mark his territory in the most violent way possible or how ridiculous it might seem to need the reassurance. He's a man, your man, the person you vowed to spend your life with. If he needs his ego stroked, you'll gladly stroke it. Perhaps not in the way he’s stroking your insides but close enough for him to feel cherished and irreplaceable. He deserves it after giving you some of the best orgasms of your life.
All you can do is scream your praise when the third one hits. Every nerve ending in your body feels like tiny focal point detonating at once. The pleasure overtakes you, seizing control of your limbs and coherence. You topple over the couch’s armrest to sob face first in the cushions below. Tremors ripple through your fingers down to your toes now arched and pointed at the ceiling. You fear any sudden movement will remove you from this new blissed out existence. So you don’t. You remain in your wilted position, crying and fully possessed by endless quaking yet aware enough to sense Toji kneeling at eye level. Warm hands caress your face, coaxing a gratified drunken smile to confirm you hadn’t passed out.
"Did I break you?"
His thumb catches your bottom lip and pries your mouth open. "I’m putting you to bed."
Instantly you muster the strength to speak. "Nooo. Just gimme a minute."
His laughter soothes your rapid pulse and puts breath back into your lungs. You think you won’t need the minute you requested. Not anymore. You only need him to find his way back home. Toji ignores your pleas with soothing kisses to your nose and lips. He guides you out of the awkward position you landed in and carries you to your bedroom.
It's a welcome change to be returned to your plush bed with your husband looming over you, gaze imbued with love you'll never get tired of seeing, removing the dress still gathered at your waist as though you'll break if he handles you poorly. He removes what remains of his attire and rejoins you on the bed. Finally you’re both gloriously naked. You pull him down on top of you, hard lines melding with soft russet contours and entangled limbs sharing a single heartbeat.
He fucks into you slow, takes his time delving to where your soul resides, whispering his devotion against your damp skin. When you reach orgasm for the last time he isn’t far behind you, filling you with his cum, marking you as his. It isn’t until he pulls out, when the urge to watch his cum leak from your spent body is too great to ignore do you realize how turned on you were watching him defend your honor. It’s toxic to wish for such things but it’s a subject you refuse to drop until you’ve talked it out with your husband. Toji will have to be the one to put a stop to your fantasy, that or replace it with something different, something better. Until then you drift back to the present, shut your eyes, and plan out your next outfit.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
Hi Ange, could you please write something about cock warming with Aemond? It’s been a fantasy of mine since I started consuming smutty fanfics lol
Realistically speaking, do you think it’s possible for both parties to stay in such a position for an extended period of time without feeling stiffness?
Hello! Regarding your second point, you'd usually cockwarm in positions that you'd cuddle/spoon in, so unless you're susceptible to going stiff (in a non sexual way) from cuddling then you can keep at it for as long as your partner can keep their wood.
Please enjoy this little drabble.
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Warnings: Smut. Word count: 666 (hell yeah!)
It’s late when she awakens to the feeling of the mattress dipping beside her. Aemond’s body feels cold through the thin cotton of her nightgown as he presses his chest flush to her back, a long, lithe arm wrapping itself around her waist to keep her close.
She lets out a contented sigh, attempting to roll to face him. He stills her with a soft kiss to the temple and hushed tones.
“Lay still, ābrazȳrys jorrāeliarzus.” Dearest wife.
Halting her movements, she allows his hand to wander, trailing a path from her waist, over her hip and down her thighs, before returning the way it came, this time slipping beneath the thin shift that covers her body as it works its way upwards.
She shivers at the coolness of Aemond’s fingertips against her skin. Deft hands prise her thighs apart, long fingers tickle at the soft flesh of the inner portion. A gasp escapes her as he cups her mound, the heel of his palm grinding ever so gently against her bud. She squirms against him.
“Be still, I said.” He chides gently, swatting lightly between her legs.
She whimpers, a throbbing ache spreading through her core at the sudden strike, but she does her best to still her movements.
“You are back late.” She whispers.
“Mmm.” The sound rumbles in his chest, vibrating against her back. “A meeting of the small council. You needn’t worry.”
His hand leaves the juncture of her thighs, grasping her hip and using it to pull her backside against the evidence of his arousal for her. The flat of his palm continues its upwards trajectory, smoothing over the curve of her waist and the length of her ribcage. He reaches around, giving her breast a soft squeeze, before gently pinching at a hardened peak.
“I need to be close to you.” He rasps against the shell of her ear.
She is unsure how they could possibly be any closer than they are now, until she feels the head of his cock pressing against her opening. Instinctively she parts her thighs, granting him the access he needs to push forward, the slight resistance causing her to inhale sharply as he sheathes himself inside of her with a single thrust.
He stills, wrapping his arm back around her waist and embracing her as he would in sleep. She is confused, wondering if perhaps she should take the lead, however, he holds her in place when she attempts to rock back against him.
“Daor.” He says lowly. “Let us lay like this.” No.
The sensation is almost overwhelming. She can feel every inch, every contour of him buried in her tight heat. Her arousal coats him in her slick, the desperation for him to move, to do anything has her cunt clenching ceaselessly. However, there is an intimacy to being this close to her husband with no further expectation that makes her heart soar.
Eventually she settles, relaxing into the embrace, reassured that the love that Aemond has for means he finds as much comfort in her as she does in him. She is certain from his silence that he must have fallen asleep and, as her own eyes grow heavy, she relents, drifting into blissful unconsciousness.
The propulsion of Aemond’s hips against hers rouses her back into wakefulness. She is unsure of how much time has passed with her asleep, but he is obviously very much conscious.
His breath is hot and heavy, fanning across the back of her neck as he fucks into her from behind.
“Aemond..” She moans breathily, as a particularly harsh thrust goes deeper than she is accustomed to.
Realising she is no longer sleeping, his tone is apologetic, yet he does not cease his movements. “Forgive me, riña litse. I could not resist you any longer.” Pretty girl.
“I am yours.” She murmurs, arching her spine. “To do as you please with.”
His groan of approval is one she replays in her mind for weeks to come.
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ohraicodoll · 2 years
i just wanna start off by saying i am obsessed with your feral reader series. ever since i started the show ive had a strong urge to write something with an unhinged character similar to your red but never found the energy to, and your work has fufilled that urge lol.
anyways i was just wondering, if you think ellie would ever lash out at red for her selflessness? ellie obvs has abandonment issues, and as her and reds relationship evolves i can see ellie start to become more and more frustrated with reds lack of will to live. simply because ellie doesnt think she could handle loosing red.
what are your thoughts?
Thank you so much! I'm just so thrilled people enjoy it all and the character! I think it would take a while for Ellie to lash out. Joel makes himself an easy target, but its almost more intimidating with Red. But I think it would take them being settled in Jackson for a while, Ellie realizing she's going to be with them for the rest of their lives, and seeing how Red is still being reckless with herself before she finally snaps. Because it's not getting through to her that she matters and is needed. And because yall are so nice, here's a little drabble of it! (I live purely off yalls comments and messages and tags like a fanfic Kirby)
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(Feral Masterlist)
The walk back into town was quiet, tension filling the space between the three as they turned in their horses to the stables and made the walk back to their house. For once Ellie wasn’t talking, wasn’t chatting their ears off, didn’t even make mention of the new book they had found that she had been eager to grab since it was the first of the series. Not the third or the second or fifth. First. A rare find. No, instead she was walking ahead of them, face pinched and moving with a heavy stomp with each step. Joel wasn’t in a much better mood, brow heavily furrowed and scowling at the ground. She was used to their lackluster sunshine attitudes. It’s not like she was much better, but now it seemed distinctly aimed at her. She was left to pick up the rear behind them, trying to ignore the looks of the townsfolk as they stared at her, gritting her teeth. She knew Joel was angry, but Ellie seemed to be as well and that felt odd. It had been a quick scout. They’d been trying to search further and further away from Jackson to comb through whatever resources they could. Eventually they would do farther scouts out of state, but they wanted to make sure everything had been picked clean. The area had already been swept multiple times and Ellie had wanted to come with them, saying she didn’t want to get soft and lose sight of what it was like out there. They’d let her come. It wasn’t a new spot and they both were there. If she was safe with anyone, it was them. But they hadn’t counted on infected moving into the area, traveling there. There’d been a few and when Ellie had accidentally tripped and fell, one going for her, she’d tackled it to keep her away. They’d wrestled hard until her knife found its home in its head and it had slumped off of her. It wasn’t anything out of the usual. They’d had closer scrapes and harder fights on the way to Utah. But Joel had ripped into her on the way back for pulling a stupid move instead of shooting it, for the thousandth time since she’d known him, and Ellie had been quiet the entire way back. She was used to Joel’s anger, but wasn’t sure about the teenager’s. Ellie was hardly ever mad at her and she wasn’t sure how to feel now that she was its target. They both entered the house ahead of her and she quietly shut the door behind them, chewing on her lip, feeling the tension build. Ellie threw her backpack into the corner of the living room roughly, stomping towards the connecting kitchen. Joel caught her eye and then shook his head, huffing before dumping his own pack in the downstairs bedroom. “So I have to deal with both of you being pissy?” In the safety of their home, she could be more direct. But there was no confidence in her voice, the sarcasm flimsy. Even with them, she had a hard time communicating sometimes. 
Ellie slammed her hand down on the kitchen and spun to face her, cheeks red with anger, “You can’t do that, Red!” She swallowed her sigh, back stiffening as she clenched her jaw, “Do what?” The teenager growled out a loud groan and stomped back to her, using as much of her height as she could to get into her face, “Be that reckless! Joel gets after you all the time and you keep doing it!” “Ellie,” she bit out sternly, but the girl didn’t stop. Joel stood in the back, looking at the scene but not interfering, arms crossed as he leaned against the wall. He would be no help to her. “Why didn’t you shoot it?” Ellie shouted, “You could have gotten bit! I’m immune but you’re not and you just fucking threw yourself on top of it!” “Yes, you’re immune, but it can still hurt you,” she argued back and put her hands on her hips, not knowing how to fight with the one person who seemed to be her constant defender. It seemed obvious. Ellie was in danger so she stopped it. She wasn’t sure why this was suddenly not okay. “So what! We get hurt all the time, but it can kill you!” Ellie’s voice was rising and she could see her shaking, lips pinching and eyes getting glossy. Her throat caught, a lump forming at seeing the passion and anger in the kid’s face as she adamantly continued to argue even as her voice choked up, “If it bit you, we’d have to fucking put you down. Do you get that? And then I’m stuck with fucking Joel alone and who the fuck is gonna take care of us?” Her eyes lifted to find Joel’s as Ellie shuddered, ducking her head and trying to swallow her tears. His face had softened, some of the anger gone, lips pursed. The look was frustration, exhaustion, sad pulling his lips down. So many times he’d yelled at her to stop being so careless, to stop treating herself as if she didn’t matter, and she had shrugged it off. Because Ellie was all that mattered. If something happened to her, she had Joel and it would be fine because they had each other. They had each other before she showed up and they would have each other after. But there was no mission anymore, no goal to get her to the Fireflies, nothing. There was only life. Living in Jackson together for the rest of their lives. She was still throwing herself in harm’s way though, because even if Ellie wasn’t going to save the world, she was her kid. And she couldn’t let anything happen to her. She hadn’t considered what it would do to Ellie if she was gone. Had remembered her argument with Joel when he tried to pass her off to Tommy. Everyone had left her or was dead. The tears won out and Ellie’s shoulders shook even as she desperately tried to look tough and hold it together. She didn’t say anything, didn’t console her that it would be okay. She just ran her hand over her hair and tucked her head into her chest. Ellie’s arms were a vice as she wrapped them around her waist, a steel band around her body, the flood gates opening as sobs broke through and she cried into her shirt. She only held her tightly, combing her hand over the loose strands of her ponytail and resting her head on hers. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, feeling her shake even harder, “I’m sorry.” Through her muffled sniffles, so quiet she almost didn’t catch it, she heard the reply, “Don’t leave me.” Her heart broke a little and she watched as Joel came a little closer. In that way they always could communicate silently, always seemed to be on the same frequency, she understood the look on his face. His eyes flickered to the kid in her arms, staring at her with a sigh, but looking back at her and giving her a nod. “Do better for her,” it seemed to say. She swallowed hard, pressing her face into Ellie’s hair, before nodding back. “I will.”
_____________________ Taglist:
@alouise20 @faceache111​ @hawsx3​ @taxidriversainz @iluvbunnyhops @mrfitzdarcyslover @emlovesya  @agent007knight @spaacerabbit @namgification @wonwoosthetic​  @wxnderingthoughts @sagggy
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punpunsutatta · 2 years
Bad Buddy One Year Anniversary Rewatch
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There’s only one month left until Bad Buddy’s first anniversary on Oct. 29th, which means we're all due for a rewatch soon! I talked Nuria @mrdumpling into doing this event with me, we haven't done this kinda thing before & we've been so excited about this (minus the part where GMMTV announced theirs first🙄 lol). We hope you guys will join us!
This event is from Oct 29th - Nov 16th. I wanted this to be fun for everyone, so the pace is a little slow— the schedule below gives us one day in-between episodes, minus weekends & the finale, so hopefully there's less stress over falling behind/finding time to watch.
Reblogging your favorite BB content
Liveblogging your rewatch/watch
Creating your own BB content→ anything! All gifs, edits, textposts, video edits, fanfic, fanart, memes, artwork, etc. for the episodes are welcome.
Please use the #BadBuddyRewatch tag in each of your posts so everyone can find and reblog them! They will be reblogged to a separate blog @badbuddyrewatch during the event.
Episode 1: October 29th
Episode 2: October 30th
Episode 3: Nov 1st
Episode 4: Nov 3rd
Episode 5: Nov 5th
Episode 6: Nov 6th
Episode 7: Nov 8th
Episode 8: Nov 10th
Episode 9: Nov 12th
Episode 10: Nov 13th
Episode 11: Nov 15th
Episode 12: Nov 16th
If you have any questions feel free to message me @patspran or nuria @mrdumpling
Please reblog to spread the word! Tagging people who may be interested below, the other half will be tagged in a reblog🤍
@abashed-the-devil-stood @ablazenqueen @actually-yikes @akksgaypanic @angelbesideme @architectxengineer @ardentlytess @athousandbyeol @baijingting @bearinglight @bevioletskies @billlkin @biwichapas @casualavocados @combeferret @cubedmango @deshimango @danyokz @dimpledpran @dimplespran @dragonsareawesome123 @dramaism @dribs-and-drabbles @earthfluuke @elnotwoods @epiphanjins @frostluvrs @ghostmagnetporsche @ghostpran @gilly-bean @hereforlou @inkpaa @ipromisedthesunset @isvisomewhere @jaehwany @jemmo @kaonoppakao @kinnkittisawasd @kookjis @kornin @laowen @liyazaki @loooreleii @loveisactivated @lovelyghostv
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aphroditelovesu · 5 months
What are the differences between Imagines, Scenarios, reactions, prompts, and "Dating X"?
Imagines: it could be something shorter like a drabble or something long with several parts, not necessarily a complete fanfic. There are also ones with gifs that are basically something written underneath it.
Scenarios: they are imagines/drabbles but can have several different characters and scenarios with such characters. It's not much different from imagines really lol.
Reactions: these are how characters react to something. For example: Yandere Reacting to their pregnant S/O.
Prompts: are basically drabble but with specific phrases as the basis for its writing.
Dating X: is imagining what that character would be like in a relationship, like as your boyfriend/girlfriend or something like that.
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deheerkonijn · 1 year
Hi, do you mind explaining what modverse is? I'm guessing a modern AU version of lotr in some fashion, but is it a fanfic? A collection of art and drabbles? Something else? I confess I usually avoid lotr AU stuff, but your art has seriously lured me in.
Hiya!! This is such a nice thing to say - thank you. I also don't normally go for a modern AU LOL but it's ended up being one of my fave things to do with gigolas because I really love the worldbuilding. :)
So 'mod gigos' is the tag I use on my blog for all of the modern AU content, but a large part of the worldbuilding is a collaboration between myself and @roselightfairy - and we do in fact have a collection of fics that are set in this very same universe! The collection is called Like, Comment, Subscribe and you can find it here, if you're so inclined, including a collection of all of the art made for it (though I admit I haven't updated it in a while so it's not super current).
The focus in this AU is mainly on Legolas, 'cause...y'know. Hims the boy. And it's largely social media themed because, as is the legacy of Orlando Bloom-as-Legolas, his main function in the narrative of Lord of the Rings is to state the obvious and to be pretty. So I gave him the most useless and hard-to-define job I could think of, an influencer (but that's ok, because he's the son of a diplomat and doesn't really need to earn money anyway). He and Gimli meet on Aragorn's campaign trail and the rest is history. :)
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storiesoflilies · 2 months
1) what's your favorite fanfic of all time? the one you're thinking about almost every day
2) how can someone become a moot with you?
3) what does your dream date look like?
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hello my darling nonie!!
thankyou very much for feeding my ask addiction, hehe i love answering them in between bursts of writing :3
now lemme answer!
1 - my fave fanfic of all time? hmmm.
this is such a big biiiig question. i have a lot of talented moots, and i have quite a few of their fics that i think about all the time. like @neptuneblue ‘cupid’s quiver’ and @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat ‘sometimes i long to eat you up’. any of @dollsuguru snippets i greedily scoff too lol. @pinknipszz heian era sukuna drabbles are little gemstones, the vibes are immaculate. ooo i also think of @bungalowbear ‘wolves of tokyo’ too, again because, VIBES!!
however my top one that takes up a lot of my thoughts is the series ‘the odyssey’ by @lovenona . i really take my hat off to this author and the series for getting me back into writing. the story is so brilliantly crafted, and the writing is absolutely astonishing and dreamy. adele took my brain to another world and needs to win a fanfic award ASAPPPP!
i have my fav art/fics under my favorites tag if you’d like to see more :)
2 - you wanna be moots?!?!? let’s be moots :3
honestly though i really don’t mind anyone reaching out to me, as long as we interact in a respectful way and keep it relatively light. please don’t be shy, i really hope i’m not intimidating hehe :)
and if you are too shy, plsplsplspls give me an emoji or something so i can assign it to you! then we can still chat and i’ll know it’s you (kinda, lol) (btw :3nonie if you’re seeing this, I MISS YOU WHERE DID YOU GO?!??)
helpful hint i guess – I LOVE TOJI!! in case you haven’t noticed already, i have a lot of toji brainrot hehe, so that is the way to my heart eheh :3 @tadabzzzbee is well aware of this hahaha
commenting your thoughts or how much you liked my fics really makes my day, and chances are i will instantly follow you if you’re consistently interacting with my pieces! because while i do notice my regular likers, but it’s people who comment that i really remember and am more inclined to follow!
3 - dream date?!?!?!
HMMMM!!! i suppose a picnic date on the beach, on a day when it’s pleasantly warm and i won’t be cold at all, so i can wear my pretty summer clothes. strawberries and fresh cream is a MUSTTTT!! ooo and fresh lemonade would be wonderful too hehe.
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prettyblondguys · 2 years
If you're taking fanfic/drabble requests can you do an Aemond being completely pathetic? I wanna see him on his knees and hands shaking for a chance to taste his sweetheart by having his hair pulled up to where they want him. I'm starving, man (gender neutral)
Hi! This is my first request, my first time writing Aemond (besides as a side character in an Aegon fic lol), AND my first time with a GN reader, so I apologize if it's not very good lol.
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Aemond x GN!reader
Warnings: slightly smutty, Minors DNI, kissing, praise kink, hair pulling, implied oral sex, proofreading is for fools, look at meeeeeee!
"Now, is this any way for a Prince to behave?" You coo down at the wanton mess sitting on the floor in front of you. Dressed in only his trousers and eyepatch, Prince Aemond looked anything but his usual stoic self, his self control seemingly nonexistent as he shifts his weight from knee to knee, itching to crawl forward and touch you. "Please," he breathes out, his eye roaming over your exposed body, shadows and candlelight dancing around the room.
"Please what? You must use your words, my dragon." You had been taunting him all day, leaning in when no one was looking and whispering all of the things you wanted him to do to you, pushing him behind a column and pressing his hand to your desire, all before walking off as if nothing had happened. A day full of your taunting and teasing had led here, with your pretty little Prince on all fours begging to touch you.
"Please let me taste you." His voice hitches at the end, fingers digging into the soft rug beneath him. You reach forward and gently remove his eyepatch, letting your thumb caress his cheek as he leans into your touch, a pitiful sigh escaping him. Your hand travels further back, fingertips ghosting through his long, silver hair as you grab a handful of it and yank, earning you a moan from Aemond.
"Only because you asked so nicely. But," you pull on his locks until he's forced to look up at you, back arching as you lean over him, "only where I let you." There's a noticeable tremble as he nods, his body burning with want. You guide him forward towards your thighs, and he starts to place hot kisses all along them, moaning into your skin as he nips at and licks every inch of flesh he can reach, pulling him slowly upwards, his tongue leaving a wet trail as he goes. He lets out a whine when you make him bypass your sex, guiding him instead to pepper kisses up your stomach and chest, nipping and sucking, allowing him to leave as many marks as he wants to. You bring him up to your face and yank his hair back, the sound of his gasp going straight between your legs.
"What would your people say if they knew how needy their perfect Prince Aemond is behind closed doors? Hm?" He stares up at you with a lust blown pupil, his chest shuddering with each breath as he keeps his hands at his sides like a good little prince, "If they knew how desperate you were to put that pretty mouth to use?" Crashing your lips together, he whimpers into your mouth, his tongue hot against your own. You tighten your grip on his hair but don't pull him away, relishing in the way he hungrily kisses you, like a man starved, like he could live off just the taste of you. You pull away for air, pushing his head towards your neck where he continues his task of marking you, and then back down your chest.
"You've been such a good little Prince for me," you say, running your free hand over his shoulder, feeling the way he shakes with need, "perhaps you deserve a treat." He moans as you guide him further down, having decided that it's time his lips were where you both truly wanted them.
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zepskies · 2 months
Hi :) just wanted to say that I finished BMD like 5 minutes ago and omg, I loved it so much <3 i loved the banter between Ben and the girl, loved Frank and Loco's character, loved all the action scenes, everything. I could barely put the story down, it's like a drug and I was an addict, lol. Your writing is amazing, you portrayed Ben's character so well, it kinda made me wanna write my own SB fanfic, but I have too many Dean stories in the making already, xd. Anyway, excited to read the new SB story you had planned. I was also curious to know how you manage to work on more than one story at a time, it's pretty difficult for me.
Hey there, lovely!
Oh wow thank you so much!! I'm very glad that you enjoyed Break Me Down (Soldier Boy x Reader). 🥹
It was a joy to create that push and pull dynamic between her and Ben, and side characters like Frank and Loco took me by surprise as well! 💚💚 Learning how to write SB/Ben took a lot of trial and error (and editing) lol, but I'm happy to hear that you liked my portrayal.
There are several other stories in that world too, also listed on the BMD masterlist if you want to read more of their story.
And lol I feel you on the "too many WIPs" thing. But to answer your question, I actually don't work on more than one story at a time.
If you see me post a one-shot or drabble in between chapters of a series, it's because I've probably already written the series ahead of time. So by the time I'm posting the chapters, I'm likely already drafting something else. This allows me to stay on time with my posting schedule while not feeling pressured.
All that to say, it's perfectly normal to work on one thing at a time. That lets you give all of your focus to that one project and post it when you're ready! 💕
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 6 months
Positivity Chain!
Please recommend 3 favorite fanfics by other creators and 1 of your own.
Then tag 5 other creators to do the same.
AWW ANON THIS IS SO FUN!! Soo disclaimer, I'm really bad at coming up with "favorites" of anything and I need to catch up on a lot of fics in the fandom, so some of these are gonna be old I'm sorry! With that out of the way, both of these lists are in no particular order:
Of Cloudless Climes and Starry Skies by @thosehallowedhalls (Obsessed with this in a not normal way it's not just the Bas stan in me I live for the way you gave him more depth)
My Love Mine all Mine by @moominofthevalley (I know it's a drabble but I really really like it it's so comforting)
A meeting in Wyoming by @ladylamrian (reading this heals my soul)
All of the Aerin x MC fics @malthemagnifisent writes (they're AMAZING I love the way you write their dynamic)
Mariposa, A Dance With the Devil, Valentine, and Burgandy are four of my favorites by @jamespotterthefirst (your fics were some of the first Choices fanfic I read I remember spending an entire afternoon scouring your blog for Ethan x Lilac content lol)
Hide and Seek on Ao3 fueled my Kenna and Raydan obsession
I swear I can count these are just the first ones that came to mind since I think about them a lot 😭
(One of My Own) Personal Favorite Fics: Here For You
Romance Club
Crave/Ours by @agattthaa makes me feel every range of human emotion and Remy didn't even make Radha an LI (real intellectuals know that she is an LI at heart)
Snaring the Spymaster by @reneedenoailles (no explanation necessary reading this had me like 😶 it's *chef's kiss*)
Between The Dusk And The Dawn on Ao3 (I read it because Arina herself actually commented on Reddit saying she liked the fic and I'm inclined to agree!)
Personal Favorite Fic: Nobody who knows me should be surprised by this but fire on fire! It's one of the two RC fics I've written and I plan to write more! Next up is W:TC and SOTCN <3
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this! I already tagged a lot of people here so if y'all would like to, feel free to, no pressure ofc
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