#it’s fine she liked my stuff and she ADORED the assignment I’d built
henreyettah · 1 year
Hello! Fellow teacher here. Feel free not to answer this publicly, it's just me giving out advice.
Tips for the voice: sing on your way to school to warm up your vocal cords and avoid drinking cold drinks because they can hurt your throat/vocal cords when you're talking a lot.
Also, it just comes with practice. I used to get a really sore throat by the end of the day, but now I can pretty much shout for several hours and I am fine. You could definitely use things like bells or whistles or anything that makes a loud noise (like a buzzer) to get their attention instead of shouting. I always do a countdown from 3 to 1.
Also, don't use your phone in lessons 😉
Love your art, btw 💙
Can't do the singing thing because I take the train :( sounds like a good idea tho!
Thankfully theres not that much lecturing involved in being an art teacher here, so I haven't had any issues with a sore throat (yet). Makes sense to avoid cold beverages!
My teacher at the school claps her hands when she wants the students to pay attention to her, I've thought about doing that too but idk it seems so abrasive and rough? too sudden, especially when the students are relaxed and not expecting loud noises? idk man it feels mean to suddenly take up sound space 😭😭(this is the swede in me talking btw)
I'm on desktop during classes because the teachers here are constantly on their laptops when they're not actively teaching, so no worries about that!
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nika-the-hunter · 4 years
House of Mist [Ch. 10]
So I apologize for the massive delay. This chapter was going to be a flashback POV from the Archon, but writers block and the current world events have sort of driven that to a halt. In an effort to move the story along, I'm setting the flashback aside for maybe a future chapter/project. I reordered some of the storyboard to fit these changes. Hopefully other chapters will take less time, but I said that last time... so we'll see.
Northern Seattle Ruins, Pacific Northwest House Mist Territory +157 Days
Nicole sighed. "The House of Devils seem to have been a real thorn in your side for a long time."
The Archon let out a deep chuckle. "Yes, yes, they have been. Even back on the initial fleets, the Devils were the worst of the worst. Hence their name in your tongue." Marakis sighed and shook his head. His tone dropped. "They've been responsible for many atrocities against your kind, we hear a lot from the humans around here."
"I do want to hear more about the humans here... but... what did you do to draw the Devil's anger?" she asked.
"Well... that is a long one. Centuries ago, while we were living on one of the moons of your sixth planet. The House of Devils managed to track us down. They held us hostage with their superior numbers and ships. We may have had more hardware, but not the crews to use it."
He lifted a computer tablet from the table beside him and slowly swiped through it. "They threatened to wipe us out if we did not act as cannon fodder for their assault on what you call the Last City. There was nothing we could do about it." He brought an image up on the tablet and showed it to her. Smoke billowing up with a Spiderwalker in the foreground. Eliksni were grouped up around its legs, standing in the snow. A small village beneath the rim of something in the sky.
Her Ghost appeared and looked at the image. "This is the Last City? Is this the battle of Six Fronts?"
The Archon nodded. "I do believe that this is what your people call it."
Nicole slapped the Ghost. "So you do know stuff!"
He twirled around with the slap and stopped to blink at her. "It's not really useful information."
"NoT uSeFul inForMaTiOn." Nicole repeated his words in a mocking tone "I don't have any memories of anything. All information is good information."
The Ghost's fins angled down, giving him a frown look. "Okay fine. Once the Archon has finished with this info dump, maybe I can give you another."
The Archon clapped all four of his hands together. "By the Great Machine, you two are adorable. Ghosts have a much better sense of humor than our Servitors."
"Adorable or not," Nicole sighed and leaned back into her chair. "Please continue your story."
"Right right," he paused. "The battle went on for an awfully long time, the Humans were defending the city well. Our Kell decided to take the chance and we retreated. We took all our people and ran. And when the Devils came for us, to make good on their threat; we sprung a trap."
Marakis sighed and looked down at the floor briefly. "The Kell and his Barons stayed behind and held off the Devils as if Mist in its entirety was fighting back. Meanwhile they had the rest of us climb aboard our ships hidden beneath the oceans of the moon... when the time was right, we escaped. The ships jumped to warp immediately upon leaving the methane seas. I do not know what happened once we left, but from what we were able to work out, the shockwave from all our ships disabled the Devil Ketches and prevented them from tracking us here. As far as I know, our Kell and his barons fell in combat, except for Baron Acskis who he sent here to lead our warriors. Acskis has been angry about that ever since."
"He feels guilty that he was the only Baron to survive and not to die with the others" Nicole gave a sidelong glance at her Ghost, remembering that initial shot blowing out her thigh after the first fight in the Pass. Acskis had a monologue about a battle against the Guardians that night before killing her.
"Indeed, many of the old guard perished in the fight with your Last City and the Devils." He shook his head. "The Kell wanted there to be an experienced military leader to advise his son, who took up the mantle of Kell."
"I take it you may have had a run in with Acskis' anger?" He asked, noticing the look on Nicole's face.
"Yes... he shot me many times before finishing me off one night. Threatened to kill Rykis if we told anyone what happened." Nicole felt like informing the Archon was probably safe, and the best solution to that issue. Acskis had to be dealt with.
The Archon signed and interlaced his fingers; his Ether mask bubbled as he took a breath in. "That is troubling... That region is frequented by Human caravans, causing problems with them can be a relations disaster. I will talk with the Kell... and as for you with your acceptance into the House, you can move wherever you want within our territory. I think you would find yourself safer here in... as you humans say... Seattle."
Nicole nodded slowly; she did not want to leave her tower on the edge of the lake. Plenty of future plans had been made for fixing that place up. "Yes... I think I'll have to talk to Rykis about that."
Marakis perked up at that. "You want to talk with the Vandal about moving somewhere else?" He shifted in his seat. "Consulting an Eliksni?"
"Well... yeah..." Nicole felt like she was on the spot. "Rykis and I have basically been living together for the last five months. I think he deserves to be considered... Speaking of... where is he?"
"I never considered the effects of placing an Eliksni with a newly risen Guardian full time..." the Archon ignored Nicole's question and spoke quietly to himself in his own language. Thankfully Rykis had been a good teacher. He seemed to be in thought for a long time. "Well... how close would you say you two are?"
Nicole glanced up at the Archon, a bit of a blush and unease across her face. "I... would say we're pretty close."
He chuckled. "I do not think that he was going to come, I can have one of my associates get him and bring him here."
She nodded. "Yes, that would be nice, thank you."
The Archon summoned a Vandal from somewhere nearby and assigned them to find Rykis. Hopefully, they will come back with the right one; Nicole was not sure if Eliksni had last names but at this point she was too afraid to ask.
"If they are able to track him down, they'll bring him here. There must be more questions you would like to ask?"
"What made you stay here, in the ruins specifically?" She asked, it was not her first question, but keeping in line with the story he told would make it easier to remember.
"Ah well that was simple. The Ketch carrying our main Ether producing Servitor was damaged while escaping the Arcology, the ship crashed into the bay just off this city, and the wreckage was too twisted to free it. At the time it was our only Servitor of considerable size, we could not abandon it."
The Archon waved around, "Now we have many servitors, and we've built a place for us and the Human survivors that wish to take a chance on us. Mist has spent the past centuries forging a place where we can atone for our failures with Humankind. We are not a large house, but we hope it is enough."
Nicole gave him a smile. "Well I do hope that I can help with that." She believed this Eliksni was telling the truth about their motives. Absolutely nothing she had seen so far told her anything different, but the view of life she got in the ruins across the lake was not exceptionally large. "What about the Humans? What can you tell me about them?" There had been a handful of Humans at the admittance ceremony, some wearing House Mist garb, and some not.
"Oh Humans, they're wonderful. There are maybe a few hundred living across Mist Territory, primarily in their own enclaves that are mostly self-sufficient. We trade regularly with a few scattered settlements out across the mountain passes as well, but those haven't been seen since the Devils took up residence there."
She frowned, from what she had heard from Rykis the settlements out there have been quiet for years. 'I see... with the pass cleared will we be making a trip out there to check on them?"
"Likely yes, we also need to restore contact with the Mist crew over at the hydroelectric dam. Flybys with the Jackwings during the battle last month showed that the humans and dam looked to be faring well. But we have not heard from them in a while. Plus, the locals have asked us to check up on some of their people that were out of the flightpath."
"When do you think we'll head out there and do that? Can I go with them?"
"I do think that you will definitely be on that team." He replied. "Make no mistake there. They will want you to meet the locals." The Archon stood and motioned for her to follow him outside. "I anticipate the Kell sending you and the team out in the next few months, they've been doing too many missions lately, we need time to rest and recuperate."
"Then I would like to visit the humans that live here, is that possible?" Nicole asked, passing through the doors behind the Archon.
"That is something we may do. I can have the Vandals bring Rykis to meet us there too." Marakis replied.
"Well, I'd rather speak with them on my own, if you don't mind." She wanted to speak with the other humans on her own terms, and not have the Archon intimidating them. Their opinions on the House of Mist would help her ultimately determine her own thoughts about the trustworthiness of Mist from the Human perspective. From the Eliksni perspective, they seemed alright so far.
He walked her out to an old reflecting pool area underneath the tall art installations she had seen from the air. Various sculptures were surrounded by plants spiraling out from the center. It was obviously well curated. "I think we can do that." The Archon nodded. "Come, to the Skiff"
Nicole followed along to the waiting ship; the rain finally having let up. The Archon must have some sort of non-verbal communication with those that work around him, the oversized Skiff was powered up and ready to go as soon as they boarded.
They did not travel far, and the Skiff stayed low over the rooftops. It headed northwest, over the trees and crumbling buildings. Crossing the old docks, to a large steep hill covered in old low-rise buildings. The structures here looked like they were somewhat newer than the buildings downtown; however, they were far more overgrown. Small trees and bushes sprouted from the tops of buildings, the long unkempt remnants of rooftop gardens and greenspace.
On the other side of the hill was a wide flat area, ringed in a much smaller version of the wall that surrounded the Seattle area. The buildings inside were not very overgrown, many looked like they were still maintained. The area butted right up against the steep hillside that dropped down to the beach, where the water still lapped against the sand. Once the Skiff had done a flyover, it lowered down to an open area outside the wall.
"What is this place?" Nicole asked, hopping out once the Archon disembarked.
"This is one of the local enclaves that the Humans have. This site is arguably older than our habitation of the ruins, but they did not seem to mind once trading started."
Now that they were on the ground, Nicole could see a gate built into the wall. Either side was flanked with House of Mist banners but other, much older, banners blew on a pole above the gate. She had seen one down at the old base... Steilacoom. It was all over that place; painted on rusting vehicles and in tatters on poles. She had to guess that it represented what this region was way back in the Golden Age. The other banner on the pole was not the same layout as the top flag. It had a black and white sea animal superimposed on a geometrical shape. She had seen that before. The faded words on the bottom were not needed for her to recognize the UMIC company logo, the same one from the ID she had found on her old body armor. Thinking on it, she actually did recall the top banner from the card too. It had just been too faded.
She walked forward, taking the lead ahead of Marakis. This was something she wanted to do, finally really meeting fellow Humans.
Her Ghost appeared over her shoulder and looked around the wall. "Seems a bit more hastily built than the other one," he commented. "Last minute construction during the collapse?"
"Maybe, you can ask when we get inside." Nicole replied.
The Archon remained by the Skiff, respecting her wish to meet alone. Nicole approached the door and it began to swing open.
On the other side was an older scruffy Human. He was dressed in a worn bright yellow poncho, reminding Nicole that it had been raining just minutes before. A rifle was slung over his shoulder. He gave her a once over, and stopped on her Ghost, who was giving the old electrical control panel a digital prod. His face lit up. "Guardian! Welcome to Fort Discovery!" He waved her inside excitedly. "Come in, come in."
Nicole smiled and hurried inside. "Please, call me Nicole." The doors behind her slid closed, leaving the Archon outside with the Skiff. "What do I call you?"
"I am Pedro Luzana, sort of the person in charge here." A woman, also wearing a poncho jogged up to them as he led her through their small village. "And this is Athena Miller, my second in charge."
Nicole nodded to them. "Well it is good to meet both of you. I think the two of you are the only humans I've yet to meet face first."
"Right" Athena drew out the word. "You're that new guardian that Mist found poking around the old tunnels, aren't you?"
"Well, I wasn't just down there on my own accord. That's where my Ghost rezzed me." Nicole followed the two as they walked further into the 'fort'.
From the air, this place had looked deserted, and while not as overgrown as the rest of the area, definitely not livable; however from the ground, she could see that most of the overgrowth was on top of awnings and that the ground level was decorated and clear of plants. Human children played in the covered porches of the houses while the adults busied themselves, but everyone waved at the Guardian when they passed.
"Schematics." Athena said.
Pedro chuckled and put his hand on Athena's shoulder. "I'll tell you, when we heard that a Guardian had shown up down in Seattle, we were worried that all this stuff here would come to an end. But then the word came that you wanted to join up, everyone was relieved."
Nicole cocked her head to the side. "As you probably heard I don't know much about other Guardians; them showing up would be bad?"
He shrugged. "Guardians have a habit of shooting at anything non-human and never asking questions. We've never seen one up this way, but stories get passed from the trading caravans. They also like to round up any 'refugees' as they call 'em and send them down to that 'Last City' of theirs." He put his hands up in defense. "Not to say that living in the wildlands isn't dangerous elsewhere, but we've been lucky to have the House of Mist as neighbors."
"Well that's honestly relieving to hear," Nicole said. "I wanted to talk to someone here one on one so that I could find out if this whole Mist situation was okay. All I really know was what Mist told me since I woke up here."
"Mhmm, what we carved out here is good... well, what our founders made has worked well. I'm a third generation Fort Discovery resident. My great grandmother made her way here from a settlement beyond the mountains that got raided by another Fallen House." Pedro had led them to a collection of tables outside of a mostly open building. She could smell food and heard sizzling from inside. "Please have a seat. We can keep talking here."
Nicole plopped down in a seat, she had to adjust her new cloak so that it did not bunch up behind her against the chair back. "So, you called the House of Mist your neighbors? Their Archon said that you were part of Mist."
He sat across from her, and Athena took the seat beside the both of them. "Well yes, we are technically part of the House, but they let us run ourselves. We trade with their markets, help them fish and farm, even assist in the repair of things. Some bits of our old tech still need the Human touch. Do you drink?"
Nicole hummed to herself as she thought about the relationship between Mist and the Humans here. Everything seemed to be working fine with them. "Drink?" she asked, a bit confused, of course she drank water.
"Alcohol or beer? You know that sort of thing." Pedro replied.
The look on Nicole's face was probably response enough, as Athena broke out in a laugh. "I don't think she knows what that stuff is, Pedro."
"No? Right you're newly risen." He looked back into the building over his shoulder and got the attention of another Human inside. "Peter, can you get a cider for our Guardian guest?" The man inside nodded and disappeared deeper in the building. Pedro turned back to the table. "We'll start you on something easy," he laughed.
Nicole gave him a quizzical look. She had been alive for five months now, only eating what the Eliksni were eating, and drinking water. The food was good, but the water was just water. The other human, Peter, brought out a couple mugs and set them on the table. The amber liquid inside fizzed a little. "What is cider?"
"Well, it's a drink made from apples, or other like fruit. We used to get a lot from across the mountains, but that hasn't happened since the Devils closed the pass. This cider here has a kick to it. I think you'll like it." Pedro took his mug and had a sip.
Taking the mug from the table, Nicole looked into it, and gave it a sniff. It smelled bitter, but with a hint of something her mind said was fruity. The deep, not forgotten part of her head said it was apple. Shrugging, she took a sip and let it wash over her tongue. Instant regret. While it started out alright, the after taste was just not good. "Well... it's not bad." She winced. "Never had anything like it before." She set the mug back down on the table. Intent on getting back to the conversation, she looked around and then back to Pedro. "Is there anything bad about Mist? Or the situation?"
Lowering his mug, he set the now empty glass back down. "Eh... not really. They seem really eager to let us be most of the time. I don't think I can think of any incidents in my lifetime that come from Mist. Occasionally a small group of Devils will make it past the perimeter and bother us at our wall, but that's extremely rare."
Nicole thought back to the first night she was rezzed, and the Devil ambush she and Rykis ran into on the other side of the lake. That had been within the supposed safe area. She had put a stop to a lot of those when she helped clear the pass. "So, you think I should trust them?"
Pedro and Athena both nodded at the same time. "Hell yes," he exclaimed, "Like I said, Mist has been good to us, and having a Guardian here might just boost the stability of the area to where we start attracting other people."
"Might attract things we don't want though," Athena pointed out from behind her own mug of cider.
"And that's what I'm for," Nicole nodded, understanding.
"Exactly." Pedro laughed. "Hey Nicole, if you ever have any other questions, feel free to stop by. We'll be happy to help out."
"I think I'll do that. I like talking with fellow Humans." She laughed too.
After a bit more talking, Athena looked up from the table and waved to someone approaching. "Hey, Rykis. What brings you around?"
Nicole looked up and over to see her Vandal walking down the road, waving back to Athena. "Neh-cole asked for me to meet here," he happily replied.
"Well come on and take a seat. Been slow at the market?" Athena asked.
He came over and took the last seat at the table, the chair barely able to fit his larger frame. "I have not been to market for a while. I live with Neh-cole to help her adjust."
"Oh really?" Athena gave Nicole and Rykis a look. "You were the one that got thrown to the Guardian?"
Rykis laughed. "Yes, I was. The only English speaker within the Captain's reach. I thought I was going to die. But Neh-cole was nice."
"I had no idea what was going on when I came out of that hole." Nicole added. "My Ghost had told me about Eliksni, but you all didn't react like he thought."
"In my defense, I got my knowledge from encounters with the House of Winter, and what I learned from the Last City." Her Ghost finally spoke up from her shoulder. He had been flying around looking at things across the fort, and finally returned with Rykis.
"Well glad everything worked out." Athena said.
Rykis looked over at Nicole's full mug of cider. "Are you going to drink that?" he asked.
She shook her head and pushed it over to him. "I think I'm going to have to work on that. It's not really my thing."
"It's an acquired taste." Pedro said. "Once trade resumes with the eastern settlements, we'll have more to try."
Rykis took the mug and unlatched his mask, then proceeded to down the entire glass in one go. "I missed this."
Others from the fort began to make their way up to the table, and Nicole spent the rest of the day talking with the others that lived there. Children liked to poke her Ghost who decided to project a bunch of colors and lights to keep them entertained. It was a good day.
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stuckonbts · 6 years
Fix you
Jimin x reader
Summary: you both have been in a relationship for some time and you notice a drastic change in him
Warnings: deals with ideas of anorexia and insecurities
Genre: fluff/drama
Words: 2.8K
I hope you enjoy my first write on here :)
It's been about three months with you and Jimin being flatmates, and another 6 of being together. Jimin loved you with everything he had in him and you knew that from every little to big thing he has ever done.
But in the last 3 months you've noticed how he began to change. Seeing him everyday really revealed it to you, he still treated you like the God hand placed stars in your eyes but you could tell something was wrong. You've seen him staring at the mirror in two to three outfits before going somewhere and each one looked amazing on him.
He stood in front of the mirror a fourth time with ripped jeans and a black loose long sleeve. He had ran his hands through his hair so many times it began to lose its shape and you saw his eyes glossing over. Finally having enough and now realizing this was more than just an outfit to him you went to him.
He was startled to feel your arms go around him from behind so quickly and you felt him tense up.
“I'm not sure what's going on, but I hope you know how amazing you look in my eyes.” You said to him while resting your head on the back of his shoulder. His head fell back a bit and you heard a sharp intake of breath.
“I love you.” He said quietly and turning around to hug you properly.
As much as you wished it had stopped, this continued on. You became used to waking up to a cold bed with a little sticky note saying he went for a run and he loves you.
You both were still in college and your first lecture wasn't until 9, and he didn't have one that day so you decided to make you both breakfast for when he came back.
“Babe I made breakfast” you said happily as he came in through the door.
While you were still putting it on a plate he kissed your lips “can I save it? I'll put it in the microwave I just want to shower really quick”
You nodded not thinking anything of it and put his plate in the microwave so it could stay warm while he showered. You finished your breakfast quickly and left to your lecture with a yell to jimin that you were leaving.
After the lecture you grabbed a coffee with one of your friends and finished some short assignments at the coffee shop.
You got home in the later part of the afternoon to walking and hear his music playing. Not obnoxiously loud but you heard it. And absentmindedly you looked over to out your keys on the counter and saw that there was still a plate in the microwave. The pile of dishes you created this morning were now clean and put away and the mess in the kitchen was gone.
He hasn't eaten today.
"Jiminie,” you called for him. He was in the living room doing sit ups but stopped once he saw you and smiled.
“Hi!” He said overly happy. He looked like a puppy. You walked over to him and sat next to him on the floor.
"How was your day? Thank you for cleaning the kitchen by the way” you said to him while talking his hand in yours and kissing it.
“It's not a problem. I just wanted to make sure you had time for me after lectures. Or other stuff you wanted to do, I mean you don't have to hang out with me, although id like it if you did but I did it so you didn't feel so overwhelmed when you came ho-” you cut him off from his rambles with your hand.
“Jimin, you do know I like being around you right?” He nodded with a grin on his face “so don't go on a nervous ramble about me hanging out with you because you know I will” he nodded again.
"Then~ you wouldn't mind watching a movie with me right?” He asked
“I swear if it's train to Busan again-”
“Ugh fine. But your having dinner with me, I'm starving”
He smiled and kissed your cheek and agreed to have dinner with you. You both agreed on pizza delivery but needless to say, he barely ate a slice.
This continued on for the next week in which he was extremely conscious of his food intake and barely ate anything. He drank plenty of water but things started to get serious when he became lightheaded two to three times a day.
You even went as far as to call his mom and ask her what his favorite dishes were so he could eat, and he still barely touched them. He was losing weight inhumanly fast and his close were becoming baggier on him.
You've brought it to his attention that you were worried, but he just brushed it off and it lead you guys to fighting.
"Jimin this isn't good,” you told him.
"Love, I'm okay, I'm just not very hungry.”
“Bullshit! You don't think I don't hear your stomach at night?! You think I don't see you rush to balance yourself when your lightheaded? Do you think this is okay?”
“I'm fine, drop it.” he said and his irritability with you was evident because of this conversation.
“I can't drop it! Do you know how hard it is to see the person I love suffering like this? I know your suffering jimin and I don't know why your not talking to me.”
“Because I can't! If I did you wouldn't let me do this.” He grabbed his car keys and opened the front door “just leave me alone right now, I'll be back later.”
“No!” He stopped in his tracks as he heard your voice break through what you were saying. “I don't want you to end up in the hospital Jimin, your gonna get hurt and I can't… I can't…” You heard him breath but he still shut the door behind him.
You want to bed alone that night. Although you couldn't sleep. You'd be lying if you said you were crying all night because you weren't. You were just worried, laying on your side as the anxiety built up that something had happened to him because now it was 2 am and he still wasn't home. You did start to cry when his phone went to voicemail after you tried him and it didn't work.
In the middle of your crying you felt the bed dip on his side and it just made your feeling worse. You cried harder but kept as quiet as you could and you felt his arm wrap around your waist and pull you close to him.
He still had his jeans on and you felt it against your legs. He nuzzled his face close to your neck and kissed you there.
“I'm so sorry” he whispered to you and kisses you again. His hold on you grew tighter and you felt a wetness on your neck. You weren't the only one hurting and if anything, you knew he was hurting so much more than you were.
You didn't think that what you were fearing would happen the following day - and to a much larger scale. You didn't think you'd be sitting in the back of an ambulance holding jimin's hand while he was breathing through an oxygen mask, still unconscious.
In the morning he woke up early to cook you both breakfast. He was going to eat with you, he was going to enjoy you again how he had before. But when you woke up because of the smell of something burning you ran to the kitchen to see jimin passed out on the ground and the stove still on with pancake batter in a pan.
He wasn't responsive to you at all and his pulse wasn't as strong as it should have been. How long has it been since he's eaten? You called 911 and that's how you found yourself here.
He was given a room and put on an IV like all other patients. The doctors have him vitamin supplements which were given to him through the IV as well because he was very malnourished.
"Are you Mrs. Park?” A nurse asked you.
“Oh no I'm just his girlfriend”
“Well, you are written on his emergency contact information so be prepared,” you nodded your head and rubbed your eyes feeling the weight of your exhaustion getting to you “Hes severely fatigued and he's developed a case of anorexia.”
You pretty much knew things would lead to this, you knew that If things didn't stop this was going to happen, you just weren't aware of how soon it came around. You couldn't stop it, you couldn't save him from this.
“So how do we move forward from here?” You asked biting your nails as you felt your eyes still being glossy from earlier but not crying.
“He's going to have to go to a rehab center, there's records of him being underweight but no one ever knew he was deliberately trying to lose weight because it never went to a severe extent.” She explained
You nodded again “can I see him yet?”
She gave you a small smile and motioned for you to follow her to his room. Once you got there she opened the door for you and let you in.
You sat in the chair next to his bed and grabbed his hand in yours. You were able to get a good look at him now. See that he was paler, his wrists were skinny and his arms were bony. Even his cheeks were gone, the adorable things you loved so much that you kissed over and over again in the past.
He was weak and you couldn't be his strength.
You felt his hand squeeze on yours and you looked up to see his eyes open.
“Hey,” you said first
“Hi.” He whispered.
You looked back down at your intertwined hands and took in a shaky breath. “I couldn't save you from this” you started.
"It wasn't your fault… I did this to myself” he said.
"Why Jimin?”
“I wanted to be good enough.” You shot your head to him and he knew you were confused. “I never felt content with myself, I always knew I could be better, I could be what people wanted I could be wanted.”
“I want you Jimin” you said to him.
“That's what I was afraid of, I was afraid that you would see my imperfections and you would start to hate them. Start to hate me. I didn't want to lose you, I was so afraid I'd lose you because I was so imperfect and I love you so much that I didn't want that. I was scared of that.”
He was crying to you at this point. You had dropped your head on top of both your hands and cried with him. He did this because of you, he put himself in this situation because of you.
“Jimin…” You knew that you had to let him heal himself, he needed to know that he was worth every piece of you. That he didn't have to change because to you he was what you wanted, he didn't have to do anything different. But you couldn't relay that to him. He needed to learn this himself, he needed to learn to love himself.
"You're worth everything I can give you,” you explained to him. “You're worth everything and so much more” you kissed his hand. “No matter how long it is, I'm going to wait for you. I will always wait for you.”
You spent that day by his side knowing it would be your last for a long time. You told the nurse you talked to before to let you know every piece of information she could about the rehab center he was leaving to. Jimin knew he was going, and he knew you would be the one to pack him a suitcase.
This was what he didn't want, he didn't want you to go away, he wanted you with him anywhere and everywhere. But he knew you felt that all this was your fault, and he knew that you, more than anything, wanted him to know he never needed to change himself for somebody else. Especially you.
He was gone for seven months. He was only supposed to stay for four but the doctors there didn't want him to relapse to this again.
Mrs. Park and I have met up a few times since him going away, she's had contact with him, but on his request we haven't spoken. She's told me that he's doing better and he's gaining his strength back. He's eating and seeing therapists. His college studies were temporarily moved to online and the center still updates you on him. His mom told you more than once that he talks about you anytime they speak. He asks if I'm okay, if classes are alright and I'm taking care of myself. He's said he misses you.
Being away from him so long was hard on you, the first month you dragged yourself through the day, and got everything you needed done on autopilot. You went to see your mom a few times and that helped you when some days it just wasn't as manageable as others.
It was 5 pm and you were watching an episode of ‘Running Man’ in one of Jimin's t-shirts that you took from him because you loved it so much.
A knock at your door moved your thoughts away from the show, you reached for your wallet to grab a twenty out of it as you walked to the door. You earlier ordered Chinese because you were simply too lazy to cook tonight. All your class work had been finished for the night and you just wanted to enjoy your time as much as you could.
“Hi how much is it?” You asked as you opened the door and searched your wallet for money because for some reason your wallet was empty. “Umm..” you looked up across the counter to grab your bag and finally found the twenty in the side pocket.
You turned your head towards the front door and stopped in your tracks as your hand was holding the twenty towards him.
“Jimin…” You breathed and put your arm down.
“I'm back” he smiled at you. He was in front of you, your jimin who was tanned and gorgeous and not sick anymore. He was glowing and he radiated his happiness.
You took two steps to him and raised yourself on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck. He didn't waste time putting his arms around your waist and pushing you against him. He was warm.
“I missed you so much, I waited I swear your mom knows I did i've been seeing her and-” you spoke quickly to him as you guys still hugged and he quieted you to stop you from rambling. He pulled you a few centimeters away from him so he could see your face once again.
“I know,” he brought a hand from you waist to place a piece of hair behind your ear. “I have no doubt in my mind you did.” He looked straight at you and kiss your forehead “I missed you too”
That night you both enjoyed Chinese together while you helped unpack his clothes. You missed him. You missed this.
You both didn't go to bed until late because of how much you were talking. Catching up and telling eachother of your time apart despite what hell it had put you through.
For the first time in months, you went to sleep with him wrapped around you and didn't wake up to the bed being cold.
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canaryatlaw · 6 years
alright, so today was fine. since I had no actual commitments I didn’t set an alarm, but I was planning on doing some bar prep work to try to get ahead, because they didn’t have anything set for today since it was a holiday. The BBQ with my roommate and her friends never ended up happening, this weekend at least, it might some time in the future, we’ll see. So it was just me today, which I’m sure is good for focus, but it’s also driving me slightly stir crazy. It’s better when I can at least get out for a little while, even if it’s just to PT. But anyway, I woke up slightly before 1, got up and decided I wanted to make waffles, I wasn't fully satisfied with the recipe I used last time so I looked up a new, slightly more complicated one (it required separating eggs, whipping the egg whites, and then folding them into the batter, so it was a bit of work) but I was more pleased with the results. For some reason they’re not browning uniformly, it’ll be in like the bottom of the pockets but not so much around the surface. Idk, I’ll have to figure out how to fix that at some point. but yeah, those were good, so I ate them and did some preliminary internet stuff, checking notifications and such, then went over to see what I could do for bar prep. The next two assignments were reviewing the property notes, then listening to the property lecture. So I looked over the notes, then launched the lecture, which was about 4 hours and 15 minutes, which is a lot of course but there are ten minute breaks built in every so often so that helps. The professor giving the lecture seemed nice, definitely a tad eccentric, and she frequently ended up doing impressions of singers and other celebrities in an attempt to draw an association with the concept so we could remember it better, lol. It was at least a little less boring. I still hate property though, but at least I did remember some concepts and stuff. There’s just a ton of information being thrown at you all at once and you’re doing your best to keep up. I stopped it a few times to do a few random things, so I ended up finishing around 7:50, at which point I went to go watch Supergirl, which airs at 7 in my time zone but I had it recorded. Honestly, this was my favorite episode in quite a while. There were a lot of scenes that were like, straight up making me emotional, and just really well done. I LOVED when Mon-El went back to the woman at the booth to return the disguises they grabbed and he goes completely out of his way to help this sick little boy, when he had no real reason to do so, only out of kindness and like....I wish they’d have more scenes like this, because if they did I think I’d like Mon-El a lot more. It works very well for him and it’s much better characterization than what he otherwise gets. I also loved the Winn and Ruby scenes, and the Alex and Ruby scenes for that matter too. I desperately hope that both Sam and Ruby come out on the other side of this unscathed, but at this point I seriously doubt that is going to happen, and it looks like they’re definitely setting Alex up to be the one who will end up taking care of Ruby. Those scenes were really precious. And I haven’t even gotten to the scenes with Kara and Alura!! ohmygoodness!! I LOVE Erica Durance so freaking much, forever my Lois Lane, and while I adored Laura Benati as well, if they had to recast the role (which they did) I am so glad they picked Erica. All of their scenes were just like, ahhh, this is so good, this is the content we’ve been denied all this time, Kara getting the love she deserves from the mother she lost so long ago. And it’s such a different dynamic than Kal-El and Jor-El because Kara actually grew up on Krypton, she had an actual relationship with her parents, she was acutely aware of just how much she was losing when she was sent away. And just seeing them reunite was like, ahh, it made my heart so happy. Of course, I know that the current set up is not sustainable, with Kara’s mother being off on another planet, obviously something is going to change (and despite what next week’s promo indicated I highly doubt it’s Kara moving to Argo), and I just hope they don’t kill anybody to make it happen (especially Alura, for that matter) because that would honestly just be cruel at this point. I did kind of have to laugh at the promo when it was like “with Supergirl gone, who will protect the earth??” and I’m just like, uh, last time I checked you guys had this cool dude named Superman that was pretty competent in saving the world a few times before, so you’re really not entirely screwed, lol, it’s at least worth taking into consideration. Once I finished that episode I switched back to the Great British Baking Show, which I’m almost at the end of the second season and legit, the 3 contestants that I liked the most from the first episode are now the final 3 remaining lol, like seriously what are the odds of that happening?? So they’re all kicking ass, which is always great to see. While I was watching, in addition to doing computer things, I went through the clothes I had marked “donate” and see if there was anything I could potentially sell to one of those, essentially like upscale thrift shops that will buy gently used clothes from you, but they’re always super specific about what they want, so I had a lot of stuff that was in pretty good quality, but wasn’t on their list, so I only ended up with like 3 things, but I think I’m going to go through the clothes I marked for winter too because there are a lot of clothes in there that either don’t fit me or I don’t like anymore that I didn’t want to get rid of, but I bet I can find some stuff that I’m really okay with parting with. And yeah, that was basically my day, after a few episodes I started getting ready for bed and here I am. Well, tomorrow is supposedly (hopefully) the day of truth, when I find out if I got the NY job or not, and by extension, whether I’ll be moving back to NY or staying in Illinois. Honestly, I’m not leaning towards either direction in terms of what I think will happen, because I honestly have no idea, it’s really a complete toss up at this point. Either one could easily happen. At this point I’m low key hoping I can stay in Illinois because I like my life here (which I’ve gone on about in length in past posts) but I’ve decided that if the job does happen, I’m going to trust God and His plan for my life. It will also just really be nice to know, like either way there’s a lot more I can do as far as making future plans when I’ll know where I’ll be. Idk if they’re going to email or call me, I’m somewhat worried they’ll call and I’ll be in suspense but they’re just like “yeah we still haven’t decided yet” at which point I think I would go crazy. I would think putting a deadline on it to get an answer sooner than they made other picks would possibly push me towards the no pile, but I really don’t know at this point. Just going to have to wait and see. I’ll try to post on here when I receive the news, but then of course I’ll talk about it in my night post in case you missed the earlier one. Tomorrow is chill, just PT and bar prep, should be good. And that’s about all I got for now. Deep breaths about tomorrow, either way things are going to be fine, we’ll make it be fine. Goodnight babes. Love you all very much.
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fantisci · 7 years
A “Story of Seasons” gripe to break the silence...
I don’t generally look for my Story of Seasons (formerly Harvest Moon) games to be feminist breakthroughs, but for some reason the most recent Trio of Towns is really getting on my nerves in regard to stereotypes and sexism.
The HM/SoS games have always had some outdated ideas, from the good old “any woman over the age of 25 who is unmarried has been left on the shelf, will forever be alone and has generally Failed at Life” being one, the much more disturbing (and weirdly prevalent) “if you smile at / look at / talk to a man like that, he’ll get the wrong idea” (thanks, Harvest Moon, just what I needed in my farming simulation games: the oblique threat of sexual assault along with victim blaming. Great). However, a lot can be neutralised by the fact that you’re pretty much free to project a personality onto your character, even though your potential responses are so limited that they’ll generally be A Good Guy / A Nice Girl unless you want to see your relationship values plummet. 
So why is Trio so determined to make my character - a young woman who defied her family in order to go it alone, restoring a long-abandoned farm and turning it into a successful business venture - lose absolutely all of her competence, maturity and common sense in some of the love events?
Rest under the cut for spoiler, grumbling and dashboard-protecting purposes...
EDIT: Added a bit more to this on the heels of a really good message from a kind Anon. 
Let’s have a look at the three Love Events that you can do for the main bachelors - the ones you can see before having to “confess” and therefore commit to their relationship path:
Ludus is the worst offender for this. I know it plays into his “big brother of the town” thing, but  it’s hugely annoying when your farmer’s IQ nosedives every time a love event is triggered. Before I played the game, he was the candidate I thought I’d start out with...but who wants to be lectured by a romantic partner every minute of the day?
Event 1: Oh no! My door won’t open! Months of building and farmwork did not prepare me to fix a broken hinge! Manly Ludus will have to fix it for me! (Note: you are actually given the option to kick the door or try to fix it, only to be told that you are too weak or too incompetent to do it yourself. And remember that Ludus requires you assistance every time something substantial is built on the farm).
Event 2: Oh no! Kitty is stuck on a cliff! I must rescue it...but lookie, I’m too cute and clumsy to avoid falling off the ledge! Manly Ludus will have to rescue me, and then lecture me about doing stupid stuff like this. And of course, the cat was fine all along, so now I look like an idiot.
Event 3: I’m watching Ludus build a chair, and it ends with me being given the aforementioned “you’re going to lead me astray when you say things like that!” speech.
EDIT: Out of curiosity, I loaded my old save (pre-commitment with any bachelor) and had a look at Ludus’ confession, where he admits that he was out of line in Event 3 and apologises. Which is  nice, but doesn’t eliminate the weird bossy-older-sibling vibe.
Event 1: Oh no! Doctor Ford hasn’t eaten! I must fulfil my feminine duty and make him something immediately, because it’s too hard for him to walk the ten metres to the restaurant he always eats at! (This is harmless in itself, since everybody feeds everybody else in this game, but Ford’s “I’m too weak to walk to the restaurant three doors down from me in this tiny town” is pretty ridiculous, and it certainly adds to the pattern of stereotypically “feminine” roles).
Event 2: Oh no! I’ve passed out from exhaustion and get lectured on taking care of myself! Then I need to hold the doctor’s hand in order to fall asleep. (I quite liked how this one tied in with the stamina mechanic, but was really irritated that it triggered as I was heading to the restaurant!)
Event 3: Don’t drink the coffee. Other than that, nothing to see here!
Event 1: Oh no! Hinata warned me that ghost story night could be scary and that I better go home, but silly li’l me just had stay and listen! Now I’m too frightened to go home alone, and big, manly Hinata has to comfort me and escort me back to the farm!
This is the only event of Hinata’s that annoyed me, but it was the event that drew my attention to the fact that my player character was being given uber-”feminine” weaknesses. Look, everyone has their weaknesses, but if you maintain that the character is a blank slate, at least let the player assign that weakness to them instead of assuming “woman=scared of ghosts” and railroad me into it. Notably, there isn’t any player choice in this event - it’s one big cutscene. And Hinata looks like he’s twelve years old, so I don’t think he’ll be much use if Freddy Krueger pops up. Who would you back in a fight - the baby-face merchant/actor, or the farmer who does manual labour for a living?
EDIT: As Anon mentioned, Hinata, like Wayne, has a “GASP! FARMING IS TOO TOUGH FOR SUCH A CUTE GIRL!” thing at the start.
Wayne’s events are actually pretty nice - he respects your character’s job as a farmer, plays pranks with the kids in his town while reminding them not to take it too far, and goes stargazing with you. Once you’re an item, he fetches a loudhailer to announce how much he loves you to the world - including his fangirls, who he gently warns to back off. A nice change of pace after your character’s “I’m jealous because you’re a flirt” reaction in Raeger’s Flower Events in the game before. I ended up choosing Wayne in my first save file because he didn’t seem hell-bent on making my character look like she had the common sense and ability of a toddler.
EDIT: As pointed out to me by an Anon, Wayne’s lines BEFORE building a relationship with you aren’t exactly hallmarks of equal opportunity. Wayne “respects” women in an old-fashioned, chivalrous way...which isn’t really respect at all, as it focuses on calling them pretty, “protecting” them from the realities of the world, and being charming and gracious while making no promises. Initially, his attitude is one of “what do you mean, a pretty li’l thing like you doers a tough job like farmwork?” His flower events see him improve in this respect - the first one is when he visits you at your farm and comments on how happy and skilled you are at your work. Even if you don’t romance him, his green flower line is that he never thought men and women could be friends, but you’ve made him reconsider. Nonetheless, his initial views definitely reflect a certain stay-in-your-ivory-tower mindset. I’d forgotten this rather salient fact since it’s been a while since I started the game.
Like Wayne, Yuzuki’s pretty sweet - there’s a silly “GASP! A LADY’S STOMACH CANNOT POSSIBLY BE HEARD TO RUMBLE WITH HUNGER!” reaction in his first event, and there’s another event that makes it clear that you player character is ridiculously superstitious (again - fairly stereotypical “girly” trait), but you help him out with his job and fetch help when he’s in trouble, so there’s more give-and-take in your relationship with him, which makes you main character look competent instead of needing to be constantly protected from her own clumsiness.
Honorary mention: Woofio
Another game, another bizarre romance choice for the female PC while the male equivalent gets yet-another pretty girl.
All of this would be totally understandable if the male PC was equally dorky and awkward. If he tripped over his own feet, or needed to be rescued from falling into rivers and ponds, or generally had some traits that gave him canon weaknesses, all of the above would be more or less acceptable. But nope - his love events involve bailing out the bachelorettes whenever they screw up, or helping them with the jobs they’ve been doing for years, or generally working through their issues with them - in short, being the competent party. There are a couple of incidents in Siluka and Kasumi’s events where you’re suspected of doing something questionable, but the bachelorette always sticks up for you and you are vindicated. Also: shout out to Komari, whose dad, Ginjiro, demands that she be more “ladylike” and scolds her for being too “boyish” with the customers, all while Ginjiro himself acts as the most histrionic and melodramatic person in the town.
Whew! And now that I’ve vented, I feel better. I love the HM/SoS games, and there’s a lot to like in Trio - a single mother who has explicitly broken up with her partner (rather than the usual approach of “he’s dead or we never mention him”), marriages where the couple clearly adore each other (including one highly successful arranged marriage) and the broad variety of personalities. It’s just that it really struck me that my character was constantly getting so-called “girly” behaviours foisted on her, and as the player I wasn’t getting a say in how she expressed herself.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Today was pretty awesome. So small group sign ups for my church went live at 7:30 am and they always fill up really fast, so I set my alarm for 7:30 so I could do that and then go back to sleep until 9 when I had to get out of bed. Originally I thought I wasn't gonna be able to do one again because of all my night classes which I was sad about, but being that the mock trial team is heading to one of their competitions this week my Thursday nights will probably be empty now, so I managed to make one of the co-Ed groups work. It's not the one specifically labeled "20s and 30s unmarried" but there's also a whole other section for married couples, so hopefully not everyone in the group will already be dating? That's been my issue haha, everyone at my church is already dating someone, I swear. So my alarm goes off and I go to log onto it on my phone, but the damn page is down, probably because a ton of people tried to log onto it at once. I tried for like 7 more minutes before being like fuck it, I'm going back to sleep so when I woke back up at 9 I logged on again and snagged the last spot in the women's sign ups for that group (they separate it by gender to try and have a balanced number of both in each group) so that was good. Got ready, headed off to church and got there just a bit early, so I ran up to the nursery to make sure things were going alright. It was almost at the end of the 9:30 service at that point, and the 9:30 is always the busiest so I was a little worried about only having two people signed up, but apparently it was a first serve day which means there was a bunch of other people in there belong which was good. So then I went back downstairs and into the 11 o clock service, which it was really nice to be back in. I haven't actually been in the service since before Christmas break, so like a month now, which is just way too long (I just get too easily caught up in wanting to stay with the babies, lol, and then I was home for several weeks too). As I mentioned earlier my awesome pastor went out of his way to say how awesome he thought the women's March was and how he loved that many from our church participated, and very explicitly stated that "if you weren't aware, the church you're attending is not one that allows women to lead, it encourages women to lead." And I mean his wife is the co-lead pastor with him so they definitely live that out and oh my god it was so refreshing to hear something like that actually come from the pulpit. My parents themselves probably wouldn't have had a problem with those comments, but if they were said from the pulpit (or in any context) in their church there would be droves of angry churchgoers banging down the pastor's door and demanding his resignation (and I'm not even kidding). So it was really cool to be reminded just how different this church is and how it makes me feel that much more at home there. He also said that in addition to a full sanctuary we had filled up 4 overflow rooms this service, which is insane given that it's just one of then4 Sunday morning services they have. It's obviously booming and it's so full of young people in a time when all I hear about is young people leaving the church, so they're obviously doing something right. The service was about a passage in John where Jesus is taking about being the vine and God being the gardener, who cuts off branches that don't bear fruit and prunes those that do so they'll be more fruitful, which for a song from my crazy bible song childhood stuck in my head lol but it was good. After the service I headed back up to the sanctuary for the 12:30 service I was working. We ended up with 4 babies and there were two of us, so it was a good balance really. We initially had another girl but she hadn't made it to the service earlier so we told her she could go watch it instead. The baby composition was interesting, haha. There was a little girl, 6 mo the old, named like one of my favorite names that I want to name one of my daughters, and she was mostly complacent for the whole service, no crying so that was appreciated haha, she was cute. Then there was another little girl who was screaming bloody murder when her parents left and was totally inconsolable for a good 5 minutes before becoming distracted and deciding not to cry anymore, though for most of the time she just kind of sad there and wouldn't respond to anything we tried to get her interested in even though we knew she could understand us, lol. They had some bubbles this week though (in spill proof containers, of course) and that captivated most of their attention for a good chunk of the service. Then I finally got to see my tiny girl again, who I haven't seen in like 6 weeks so that made me happy and she's just so freaking cute I can't take it. She was again refusing to let me put her down, but was also like, getting upset when I'd go to play with another baby and pull her back to her haha and when I was trying to get the formerly crying little girl interested in some of the other stuff I would be like "can you go through that side and show her?" and kind of motion with my hands and she did exactly what I asked, when I'm not at all sure she knew what I was saying haha so I was impressed with that. And yeah, she was just typically adorable. She was calling me "mama" at various points, which is curious only if because I know she calls her mom "mommy." She doesn't really have a whole lot of speech right now, just a handful of words, so I was trying to encourage her to say "Rachel" but that tends to be a mouthful for babies just learning to talk, and my name usually gets designated a shorter version until the child can fully pronounce it (I know my little brother called me "shell" for a while, and my sister, inexplicably, called me "hatoo" for a solid six months) so I knew that probably wouldn't work. She also has this super cute habit of pointing some of the other kids and being like "baby!" even when they're like, older than her haha but she gets all sweet with the little babies and gah it's so cute. I'm trying to remember if she did anything else particularly cute, but be probably bored you all by this point so I'll move on. The fourth and final child in our care was a boy who was 23 months old, so about to move up to the toddler's classroom, and he was pretty big compared to the others. Strangely, he didn't cry when his parents left and was totally fine for the first half of the service, then just out of nowhere insisted on standing at the gate and looking out the door saying he wanted his momma and he just would not move, despite our many attempts at comforting/distracting (we did get him away a few times, but not for more than like 5 minutes before he would go back). He wasn't actually crying most of the time, but I would go up to him and try to comfort him and he'd just kind of collapse into my arms (it was so sweet) and cry a little and oh man, poor kid but it was really the sweetest thing. So I kept promising him his parents would be there real soon since there wasn't all that much else I could do. They did arrive soon enough, and I told them about how he was acting and his dad said he had gotten a really small amount of sleep last night (and that he was walking around Walgreens with him at 5:30 this morning trying to get him to fall asleep) and that would definitely do it, so hopefully it's just that because I know he's been in with us before with no problems. But yeah, most of it passed without a problem, which was a giant relief compared to last week's fiasco, the crying was kept to a minimum thankfully. Headed home and when I got here I knew I had to jump into my LARC assignment, which I had this feeling of dread about because LARC stresses me out like nothing else, and this was no exception. A big part of it was researching and finding cases to use, but it's not a terribly specific issue so there's a ton of cases to sort through, though very few of them are actually on point, so that was irritating. I spend a while searching through those and compiled a list of 5 because our prof said if we sent her 5 cases by midnight Sunday she would send us 5 back, so I got those in but then I didn't want to do anything on the case front until I get her answers because those will probably be the best cases to use. So I tried to do the other pieces, but kept getting caught up in the "legal writing" vs "LARC" problem. I'm good at legal writing, I do it all the time, but LARC is an extremely specific type of legal writing where every sentence has to service a specific purpose and there's no room for anything else and it's very difficult to make every case fit into that formula when not all cases were built for it. Plus in all likelihood it's not anything that would be required of us on that level in the real world, so it's not really worth much. I tried to write the pieces not involving the cases but kept getting caught up in the different pieces and what to put where that I eventually just got too frustrated and stopped. I have about 2 pages done, a little under 600 words, with a word limit of 1750, so it's a decent dent at least. I'm not happy about having to continue working on it during the week because during the week my time is very limited, but I can't do much else at this point until I get the cases back from my prof, so that will she to do for now. Sigh. I had set out some chicken to defrost in hopes of making a meal I could use for lunches/dinners throughout the week, so I grabbed one of the Campbell's skillet sauces, creamy Parmesan chicken, and I'm about to sound like an advertisement but holy fuck people, this stuff is so good and it's ridiculously easy. All you do is cook the chicken, at the sauce, let it boil for a few minutes, then mix in pasta or whatever else you want and you're good to go, and it just tastes so fucking good I can't even tell you lol, I was very pleased. Once that was done I moved on to the tv, I didn't necessarily want to start a new show because most of my shows are coming back this week and I'll be occupied by catching up with them (weeknight classes) for most of my weekends from here on out, so there wasn't much point in starting a new show, so I figured I'd knock off one of the movies on my list and went with batman v superman dawn of justice, just because I love superman (even if I don't love THAT superman) and I felt like a bad fan for not having seen it yet. It was interesting. It was a decent movie, but not a great one. I don't think they develop Clark enough as a character beyond being superman, and for most of the movie I didn't have much of an idea what the hell was going on in Bruce Wayne's head. The supposed doomsday monster at the end felt like a cheap shot, because it was literally just some random monster they tried to slap the doomsday label on in an attempt to tie it to canon, when it's just a fucking random monster. I did like Clark kicking ass to find Martha, and how Bruce immediately changed his tune after finding out Lex had her, even when he had spent most of the movie plotting against superman. Any sadness I would've had over superman's death is pretty much tempered by the fact that I know there's an upcoming justice league movie that he will undoubtedly be in, so there isn't much chance he'll be dead for long. But yeah, fine movie, but not one I'd love for such an iconic character (two iconic characters, really) and nowhere near on the level of the marvel movies (and I say that while being a DC girl through and through). It's a shame they can't seem to find the dynamic in their movies that they've found in their tv shows....if they were smart they would do what marvel is doing and tie in the tv and movie universes, which would be soooooooooo easy to do because they've already introduced the concept of the multiverse and different characters being from different earths, like it would be incredibly easy to introduce them as different universes that are now converging. Sigh. I know it's never gonna happen, but I can dream right? The other exciting thing that happened today was that I officially purchased my ticket to the Heroes vs. Villains Fan Fest in Chi at the end of March which happens to fall on my birthday, because Caity Lotz and a ton of other awesome people will be there and doesn't that sound like an awesome way to spend your birthday?? I have a kickass cosplay in the works (and by that I mean I'm buying one because I have no artistic skills whatsoever) so stay tuned for updates there. Okay, this is long and I'm tired and it's almost 2 am, so I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight loves. Hope your Monday doesn't suck.
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