#it’s genuinely so nitpicky and annoying
littencloud9 · 4 months
#i am SO fucking sick of people who love to shove it down my throat that they dislike taylor swift just bc i said im a swiftie#LIKE OKAY. DO YOU WANT A MEDAL#im saying i like her music im not saying shes a god or a saint that i worship and follow 24/7#‘her music is mid’ ‘her lyrics are like a teenage girl’ bitch youve only listened to fucking shake it off and blank space#and even if her music didnt speak to you i dont CARE lmao#why do people insist on making others feel bad for something they like just bc it’s popular#sorry i listen to the blonde white woman. how does that affect you in any way#the most annoying part is that they bring her up ALL the time. commenting on her fan pages or on posts that dont even mention her#cause how are you this obsessed and you claim to hate her#AND YEAH. THE FAN BASE SUCKS ASS SOMETIMES. some swifties are creepy and invasive and have no boundaries i get it#but that’s literally every celebrity fandom lmfao#you can shit on her for her terrible environmental practices. or her business moves that drain money from her fans#cause those are objective and frankly true#but why is she the only celebrity that gets shit on for it. why dont you carry that same energy to other artists#it’s genuinely so nitpicky and annoying#football fans get to be crazy about their sport but swifties getting emotional over her concerts are immature and brainless#be so fr. im so tired#tldr if you dont like ts u dont have to force it in a fan’s face. youre not being more mature or smarter#youre just an asshole#vent#i guess#sorry. this is such a trivial issue but alas
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chuckyray · 6 months
way too many kids into fan spaces online they shouldn't be into nowadays. controversial take but i think literal children shouldn't be interacting with repo! the genetic opera and the devil's rejects fan spaces online. especially on tumblr.
now granted i know kids have been doing this dumb shit online since forever and it aint gonna stop, and even i was into repo and rejects and shit when i was 15 (that defo wasnt good either) but it is not MY responsibility as a grown ass adult to make sure your little 13/14 year old ass isn't seeing me talk about the CANON incest and drug abuse in repo! the genetic opera or the god awful sex crimes in the devil's rejects.
i feel so damn weird with all these minors in the notes of any repo or rejects post cause ??? stop interacting with me about the SEX AND RAPE AND INCEST MOVIES FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. i shouldnt have to fucking monitor what i say about these movies either because of it. You Shouldn't Be Here At All!!! this isn't some damn kid's show fandom this is the goddamn devil's rejects. this is repo. nothing about these films is catered towards kids. get out of my space.
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camgirlkaminari · 2 years
scum villain makes me SO INSANE like it's the funniest book I've ever read and also if I think too hard about one character in particular my brain shorts out shies away from the thoughts like a slug might shy away from salt I will POSITIVELY DIE if I think too long about tlj JUST trying to understand people being betrayed by someone who he thought loved him losing everyone who was ever close to him BECAUSE of him I think too hard about yqy and how he will never get closure there will be no happiness for him zzl my little boy my big cheese my funtime guy who JUST wanted to be liked he was trying so hard to do good he's like that poem from the point of view of a cat that can't figure out what he did wrong why do his family keep leaving the house why can he never grow big like his brothers sqq never seeing his family again never acknowledging he had a family except in passing never being able to tell his husband about his first life having to keep that secret for the rest of his life to always have this weird terrible pain between them forever the sacrifices he made for luo binghe how he'll never be able to truly know og sqq's motivations how he just woke up and immediately took up the mantel of sqq despite knowing his fate WHAT was his life as shen yuan like to make him so quick to alter his whole identity WHY is he so good at acting and lying to everyone including himself just refers to himself as a listless pretty boy like he doesn't have the cleverest mind in the whole book!!!!! og sqq in the cave what must he have felt when he realized he wasn't strong enough to save lqg and knowing what people were going to say and being too proud and miserable to clear his own name binghe's "I hate! I hate myself!" scene I am SCREAMING binghe being unhealthily manipulative from DAY ONE up to the point where sqq realizes what he's done with xin mo the CAVE SEX SCENE??????????? don't get me STARTED on shang qinghua!!!!!!!! liu qingge!!!!!! BINGGE?????? it's like a wormhole in my head if I think too hard past sqq being the funniest mother fucker in two different universes and the premise of haha big demon hot for teacher mommy kink :))) I will DIE I will PERISH i am rabid I am biting and tearing and rending and howling!!!!!!
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onyourhyuck · 11 months
Dirty Laundry. | H.RJ
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— Prologue: “Did you put your dirty laundry into my laundry pile by any chance?”
— Summary: Where your germaphobic clean freak roommate Renjun finds your panties in his laundry pile one day.
— Genre: Smut smut smut. Sex on top of the washing machine(?) dormitory roommates. Sex in like almost public setting. Exhibitism. Dom!renjun. Rough sex (kinda). Back scratching. Cum-play. Bigdick!Renjun agenda. Angry sex. Renjun’s a neat freak. Clit overstimulation. Unprotected sex but pulls out to cum on Y/n’s face.
— Notes: Feeding the injeolmis today.
The dormitory you have been staying in for the past year and a half was a sharing compound building between other university students. Therefore everything was being shared other than your own bedroom. The kitchen was a large open space with a tv too so it was almost like an open space between two rooms. The bathroom was a shared area, it’s rather small and private. If anyone wants the toilet they have to fight for it to get in first if you want to use it so it’s a bit of a hazard war out there.
Moreover one more thing you and your roommates share and have to do was your own laundry in the downstairs room. It was out of your dormitory almost. In a way this room was very secular and just hollow. It has a bunch of washing machines and a long table in the middle to separate your clothes from the basket. Bunch of hanging pegs and a long string hung across a wall to the other where you can hang your clothes to dry too.
The dorm wasn’t so bad. At least you thought it wasn’t until you started to see the revealing signs of your roommates and their flaws that you start to notice about them after living for so long together. It’s natural to get nitpicky and annoyed with them. You try to mostly be civil.
But you know someone who doesn’t try to be civil at all even if it was a small or big deal. That someone is one of your many roommates.
Huang Renjun. He was a transfer student from China who got accepted into your university. You didn’t speak to him much for the next three years until he put up a sign that he needs roommates so they can split the bill together. He said he doesn’t care how many there are. As long as they split the bill and make it more affordable for him and the others. You were the first one to reach out.
That is how you and Renjun met. You like to think you’re not so different but that’s a little bit of a lie considering he is quite the opposite from you. You’re laid back and you prefer to not confront anyone even if it was a huge problem that should be spoke about. Renjun on the other hand is slightly less bothered about how the other person feels. He can come off as a bit nagging. He’s also a massive clean freak which makes everyone in the house a bit tense.
He doesn’t like how his roommates aren’t as clean as he thought they were going to be originally. Especially you.
Oh how wrong he was about you. You’re probably the messiest girl he’s ever encountered and Renjun was slightly shocked at first. When the beginning started you tried to hide how disoriented and disorganised you are and can be. So he didn’t quite catch on until later on few months have passed now and he came back to your room completely trashed. It genuinely looks like you haven’t cleaned it in like a century; it sounds exaggerated and dramatic but it is not. That’s how Renjun envisioned a room to be so dirty it wasn’t cleaned out in a century. When he saw your room you thought he would faint or something.
But that was months ago. Renjun managed to convince you to let him clean your room out and it took a few desperate ‘please’ tries to get you to say yes to him.
He cannot stand dirtiness. He cannot stand anyone’s life being that way so he would rather clean it out for them just so he could sleep peacefully tonight.
The boy even made out certainly laundry schedules for the roommates. He said only two people each day can wash their clothes on a certain day because then the clothes would get messy together and it would be a hectic week of organising clothes on which one is theirs. They agreed because it sounds like a smart plan actually. Renjun’s always a great thinker when it comes to chores and house work.
Today was yours and Renjun’s day to wash your clothes. You’re not surprised because when you came down you saw Renjun already putting the dark clothes on one side and the light clothes on the other side now. You wish you could say he did surprise you at all but it didn’t.
“Good you’re here.” Renjun said now as he noticed you coming inside the downstairs washing area. You let out a soft hum. “I didn’t forget this time.” You smirk sheepishly and tease him now a little. Last week you missed your washing day and Renjun had to lecture you now.
He said your clothes would smell out the entire house and honestly it lead to a slight mishapping argument with him. Although you quickly made up and said you’re going to do it on his day with him to make Renjun feel better.
Renjun rolls his eyes as he noticed you’re talking about last week incident and so he just didn’t say anything and continues to do his laundry by separating them. You start to run your hands through your clothes doing the same thing; putting the dark to one side and the lighter clothes to the other side. There was a momentarily silence as you both did this and you’re clearly focused on doing this before you can start doing another thing.
As you’re too busy with your own clothes, Renjun lifts his large white tee shirt putting it to the other side with the light clothes similar to the colour white too. He then scrunched his eyebrows when he saw a silky and lace fabric between his clothes. Renjun couldn’t tell what this was at first. He doesn’t own anything laced. His first expression went through all the grief stages. Renjun lifts it up with the prickle of his fingertips in the air. It was white lace panties and they are definitely yours because you’re the only girl in the dorm house.
Renjun’s eyebrows fell flat as he looks with slight discomfort. He wasn’t even sure if they’re clean or not clean. It didn’t even matter if they were clean because Renjun never touched another one’s underwear before and he didn’t once felt so embarrassed and confused until he is now.
How did they even get there?
He felt slightly perverted too. It’s not like he wanted to look at them. They happened to be in his pile of laundry and now he has to get your attention and give you your panties back.
He’s going to make you think the wrong idea too. He hates this. Renjun swears he’s going to have a word with you.
He walks over to you now with the panties in his hands. You turn around back so you could face Renjun. You wondered what he wanted from you and that is when he saw your round eyes resemble a ball of fire now when you were met with your panties.
Renjun clears his throat as he saw your cheeks heat up and he hates to admit it. You being embarrassed over this was making him even more uncomfortable and his heart was racing because of you.
You point at them. “What are you doing with my panties?” You exclaim now shocked.
“Did you put your dirty laundry into my laundry pile by any chance?” Renjun snaps slightly as he pushed the panties back into your hand. He feels very much embarrassed as much as you are right now.
You look at the panties he dives into your hand, your head turns back to Renjun. “I don’t remember mixing our laundry together, ever.” You now said back crossing your arms against your chest suspiciously at Renjun.
You’re now assuming he stole them. But Renjun would never ever do such a thing essentially because it involved touching another person’s clothes they wear. He’s too much of a neat freak to be able to do that. So now you’re just thinking he’s either playing it cooly off now or you probably were clumsy enough to drop your panties in his laundry pile last week.
Renjun scowls at your interrogation right now. What is this? Police detective that you’re playing at? It’s obviously clear you’re the problem here right now.
He slants his empty laundry basket now away on the side and put on the black clothes pile into the first washing machine while he puts the lighter clothes in the second washing machine to start washing them. “So you’re now saying it’s me who would steal your panties? Please Y/n who do you think I am.” Renjun said clearly offended you’d think of him such a way. You roll your eyes. “I seen you checking up my shorts before, don’t act so innocent.”
Your sudden words calling him out on his behaviour that he was so sure you weren’t in knowledge about made him stunned in front of you. He turns to you with his eyes slightly avoiding eye contact now and he cleared his voice.
It’s clear he tries to be as calm and composed. Renjun puts on an unbothered look on his face. “You must’ve imagined that, Y/n. Not everyone wants to fuck you just because you’re good looking.”
He mocks you slightly so he can make this a little more believable but you didn’t seem to fall for it especially after how he’s avoiding your gaze. You scoff now putting in your laundry in the other free two washing machines. The dark and light separate. You close the washing machine door and put in the time to start it.
“I didn’t say you wanted to fuck me though?” You smirk out now catching him say that.
“Renjun you’re a very bad liar.” You said with slight sarcasm now. You can’t believe he’s trying to just slide past this now.
Renjun frowns coming up behind your back now his hands on the sides of your body and when you turn around you’re very close to him. Still there’s slight distance between the both of you. But now his hands are on the sides of your washing machine. You look up at him raising your eyebrows in surprise. You weren’t expecting him to come forward like this but he did to make a proven point.
He wants to prove to you that he really didn’t stare at your ass that time and checked it out. When he did actually but he was never going to admit that to you or anyone else. It was a mistake as well. Renjun couldn’t help himself. It’s like his eyes were forced to look at you in that moment.
He swore he would never do something like that again however, it’s kind of ironic now, Renjun was gazing you down on your face. “If I’m such a bad liar then look me in the eyes and listen to me.” He said to you and you look at his eyes. They were beautiful. They remind you of a crescent moon.
You’re staring at his eyes now and he repeats firmly as if he was now saying it to convince himself too. “I did not check your ass out that time.”
Your face leans closer and your breath and voice became lower and deeper now which makes Renjun’s skin cover with goosebumps. He hates that you’re very much an attractive young woman. It’s so much more unfair because Renjun can’t seem to handle the closeness between you and now that you only leaned more close towards him — it makes Renjun unsteady and his voice felt like a hitching spike in his throat that couldn’t even be moved.
Your eyes tell him to not lie to you. It’s like you’re telling him to just admit it and move on knowing you were not buying it. No matter how much he tried to convince you it’s not going to work on you and what you saw. You’re pretty much convinced already by your own belief.
“Did you take my panties?” You now ask him trying to see if he actually did or not.
Renjun groans as you now asked him again. He told you that it couldn’t be him and that it’s probably your silly fault because you’re the most non-organised roommate he has. And that says a lot knowing he has Mark Lee living with him too. “I didn’t take your damn panties Y/n.”
You scoff. “Well what did they do in your pile then?” Renjun told you with his eyes, like a warning threat that if you keep on trying to leer him into your interrogations he would do something to shut you up.
Renjun has enough when you were about to speak again and say something that could really set him off the edge and so he grabs your face. The hands on the side of your face pushed you forward where your lips crash against his own mouth now. He kissed you a bit harshly, to make a proven point to shut you up. It did work very much because this has shocked you as much as you hate to admit it too; your roommate was a great kisser. You let out a soft groan against the kiss when Renjun switched your positions pushing your body up against the washing machine now that you are using. He didn’t break the kiss at all and so your lips were now in a fiery state of making out on top of a washing machine. He pushed and deepens the kiss when he told his head to go in a tilting motion. It made you sighing in a deep grasp.
You looked irresistible so he couldn’t help himself at all. Renjun dislikes it when he cannot control himself around you. You made everything so difficult. Maybe because you are a very difficult person to be around with, to live with all this time, but without you Renjun’s life would be very dull that’s for sure. You felt your body go into a frenzy lockdown now. Your hands were on the sides of the machine until you attach them on Renjun’s neck pulling him slightly closer so he was pressed between your legs now. Your tongue pushed out of Renjun’s mouth causing a long string of saliva connecting your two red mouths. It was a hot sight to see Renjun so riled up and breathing heavily too.
You lean your head on the side when Renjun’s eyes couldn’t leave your shirt that you’re wearing. He felt annoyed that you’re fully clothed for once. He wished you were slightly more revealing right now. So his hands made it obvious now that he stripped your shirt off and you could feel the cold air coming from the room hitting your warm body.
Renjun groans against your neck as his rough grazing mouth explodes around your soft skin. It felt like an explosion when he’s kissing you so harshly like he was almost punishing you for pushing him off the edge by not believing him.
You squirm in the position he has you in. The way his weight was pressing down on your body it very much leaves you anticipating what’s to happen next. Renjun saw you whining and squirming now because of his mouth attacking your neck like it was nothing. He didn’t say anything to you but let’s a cruel smirk shown.
Your evidence was proven right. Renjun was here to simply pushing you a little now. You couldn’t do anything about it and you didn’t want to. You enjoyed seeing Renjun look so pissed off. All this built up anger in Renjun it was a rare sight but somehow you managed to get it out of him. You love it. You get to see his eyebrows arch down at you there was not a single happiness in those eyebrows he’s doing with them. You didn’t care if he’s going to tear you apart as much as he can. You didn’t care as long as you get to see that burning rage behind his eyes that you caused him to have.
It’s like you’re asking for it.
The fingers brush along your zipper to your jeans and he slips it down along with your jeans off your ankles it leaves you with your panties now. Renjun’s hand cups your sex now and this ring finger brushed to your clit clothed behind your soft fabric panties. You let out a pleasant smile and a groan now that he touched you somewhere you could react to in a good moment.
He scowls when you’re looking like you enjoy this situation. You’re not meant to be enjoying this but he cannot help but get annoyed even more that you’re practically begging for him to give you what you want now. “You’re not meant to be enjoying this, Y/n,” You heard him say to you.
He pulls his hands away from your area between the legs and now you’re left stranded. You let out a whine. “Do you have to be upset at me?” You groan. “Did you or did you not steal my panties…” You now ask with a little smirk behind your frustration on the face.
Renjun raised an eyebrow at you. “You’re asking me again?” He lets out a scoff now that your asking him again with your suspicions and so the hands at his belt unbuckled it taking off the trousers down the waist. He lets his jeans fall to the ground now and he looks at you with a dark warning gaze that said you shouldn’t ask him such a question again. “I told you three times already that I didn’t. So why bother repeating it?” He now said clearly unbothered by replying to you once more.
You feel your panties taken off and you couldn’t help but position your hands behind as he now slams himself in very subtle. Your mouth drops shaped in a little wide open posture as you creep in your moans. You swallow the harsh air and you feel his length taking a good place in your womb making it it’s home. You hate to think about your roommate this way but you always wondered how big he was and now your answer was given.
“God I can’t believe I’m about to fuck you without a condom…” Renjun closed his eyes reassuring himself that you must be clean. At least he hopes so. You furrow your eyebrows now at him, reassuring him slowly.
“I’m clean Renjun. God. You and your neat obsession—“ Your voice was cut off.
“Just shut up and take it.” He vows now telling you to be quiet. He doesn’t want to hear another word of complaint from you.
He was freaking huge and thick. You couldn’t really imagine him being inside you now but he was very slowly earning a spot and living inside your walls. Each stroke was meant with the anger inside him and that made you fall deeper in the pleasure. The depths of his rage and annoyance you put him through not just today.
No. It wasn’t just today’s anger you’re giving him. It’ was all the anger you made him feel all these months living with you for so long. The pettiness you give. The messiness you make wherever you go. Renjun just feels his head remembering all the things he holds against you that you weren’t even aware that he held against.
The time you left your dirty dinner plate lying somewhere. You didn’t even bother to clean it? It pissed off Renjun. That was a month ago. He didn’t mention anything because he cleaned it for you. Obviously you wouldn’t clean it because if he told you to do it you’d reply with ‘Okay!’ And then forget again. He sometimes wonders if he’s your servant or if you’re just trying to get out of doing your chores.
He groans now that he slams himself even deeper. The thrusts became cruel and aggressive. You hung your desperate expression against your palm. Your one arm was positioned behind on the washing machine so when you move your hips against the cruel countering and dangerous thrusts you can’t help but bury your moan in your palm hoping it doesn’t explode out like a combustion. Your droopy eyes were like a comet to Renjun.
They fell down on earth for him when he was deeply thrusting and pushing in and out of your direction to your pussy. His dick made you feel a lot more than just pleasure. They made you associate yourself with how much you trouble Renjun and you can’t help but feel like your pressure was going haywire.
He angrily leans forward now capturing your mouth with his. He kissed you hungrily while he keeps thrusting in and out of you way more quicker now than before and it caused you to break the kiss with your panting voice.
“F-fuck… Renjun…” You weren’t supposed to be enjoying this but your insides were squeezing so tight you feel your stomach sucking in. He was kneading inside you like you’re a folding bread that he was making from the compounds.
You’re like a toy that was broken up into pieces by Renjun and then fixed up brand new. It felt like this with his enlarge hands on your hips pushing you forward now even more as you’re on top of the washing machine spread like a statue just for him, just for Renjun.
It was a public setting too which was completely out of your idea until now. Renjun didn’t seem to care too much. He was too focused on your beautiful face looking so fucked out when he’s ramming inside you non-stop in your insides and with each squeeze you’re milking him to his climax.
He wasn’t being the kindest to you. As much as this was very intimate with him and he held your body close so he could devour your insides like the next Hanging Babylon. When Renjun wanted to torture you some more he rushed his free hand over your clit and rubbed it in a flicking motion with all his fingers as he keeps thrusting into you at the same time; Renjun’s multitasking to have you coming undone. It’s like punishment for you.
You moan helplessly out now. Your moans were coming off as a desperate wail.
Punishment for being a nightmare to live with. But as much as you’re a nightmare and a complete health hazard to share a home with. He was thankful for you in some ways. You’re not thoughtful for other’s space. You’re clingy when you’re bored. You break things. You’re clumsy. You are the messiest person on earth. Yet he wouldn’t swap you for someone else even if it meant the world was ending.
Maybe he grew attached to you. Maybe he was feeling something for you nowadays.
Your hands were scratching underneath his shirt that he has on, running down the smooth soft and olive-like back he has. Renjun let’s out sweet groans close to your ears as you did this action. He seem to be in heaven when your fingers crossed his skin. It felt like magic you’re doing to him.
“I’m so close.” You bite your bottom lip as your head pressed against his chest when Renjun came closer now and starts to look you in the eyes as you’re standing on the very tip of the cliff now.
He stood with you there because he, himself, was very close now to his own climax and Renjun frowns when each thrust brought him closer. “I’m going to pull out.” He warns and when he did suddenly pull out Renjun made sure to get you your orgasm. He can be nice you see?
He brushed his fingers inside your pulsing walls and he managed to finger you to your nearest orgasm. He loves seeing you squirm against his hands now because it shows how good he’s making you feel. Renjun feels almost proud when he saw your orgasm and he feels it reaching his fingers.
It was a bit messy for his liking but maybe he likes seeing you become a mess when it’s him doing it to you. Only a little.
You slowly regain your concentration and you slide off the washing machine as you go on your knees now. You suddenly wrap your hands around his hard twitching cock that’s begging to have its own climax now and you’re here to delivery that.
Renjun’s eyes darken as he saw you on your knees looking so pretty with your trembling legs because you just had a massive orgasm; however it’s not fair that you’re the one orgasming and he couldn’t. You should return the favour. Your hands stroke his cock up and down and it didn’t take long to have Renjun groaning.
You feel his member twitch in your hand and then the liquid came out all over your mouth and face. You let it drip down a little and you didn’t mind it. You prefer it messy anyways. You feel the warmth emitting on your skin and you take a lick and wipe yourself once he was done with a silent groan as you pushed him to his orgasm.
To you he looks like the most dreamy guy. He shut his eyes for a little before regaining his sight back and he pulls away to take a deep breath.
You move your sinewy back to the nearest wall and slowly start to pull your panties up and your jeans. You seen Renjun doing the same as he pulls his trousers up to his waist now and you can’t help but have a smirk.
“I remembered now.” You exclaim with your mischievous eyes. He looks at you raising an eyebrow wondering what did you remember?
“What is it?” Renjun said with a confused expression.
You smirk. “I dropped my panties in your laundry pile when I was walking back to my room after laundry.” You announced with a little laugh.
You guess you really are a messy roommate. And Renjun was right.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu! Reblog this Fic and Follow me for more updates it helps a girl out. <3
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nyaskitten · 6 months
Okay, after a bit, I've realized what exactly is off with Zhen to me. It's not the voice (although Awkwafina's voice is... very grating to put it as politely blunt as possible,) no, it's the overall design. I'm not here to be all nitpicky and annoying, but genuinely, her design feels out of place in this universe. Kung Fu Panda's designs are so heavily shape-focused, their shapes and sizes are so unique and special to them! So when you bring someone like Zhen, who looks ripped straight from Zootopia, it just feels... lame. And It's not like this applies to ANY of the new characters we see either!!! Look at the Chameleon vs. Zhen!
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The Chameleon has this unique shape to her, she's so skinny, her shape intentionally reduces her fear factor, she's small and puny, so thus she would also be weak, no? But you're WRONG, she's a more powerful threat than you could imagine! Meanwhile with Zhen I can't even tell if she's a fox or a wolf, like I had to go to the wiki just to find out she's even a fox!
All her design tells me about her is she's some bandit or something... again, Kung Fu Panda is KNOWN for its unique shapes and sizes, it's stylization is something to gawk and marvel at, with just how GOOD they are... and Zhen just doesn't deliver... which really sucks, especially if the theory of her being the new "Dragon Warrior" is true...
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artthoufruity · 1 year
Americans can come up with the most idiotic and outright disrespectful things imaginable so effortlessly. I saw a post about an American "witch" claiming that she saw a "Celtic fae" in her back garden (in TEXAS) "picking flowers and eating berries" and the next day her husband told her she was "speaking gaelic in her sleep" (her words) first things first the Irish language is called Gaeilge NOT gaelic, gaelic is an adjective essentially we use it in things like gaelic football etc, secondly I can guarantee she did not see a fae in Texas??? Like that should be common sense??
Thirdly faes and fairies are VERY different things, if you're going to pretend to be knowledgeable on Celtic legends and lore at least know the bare minimum, faes are not friends, they are not a force to be reckoned with, if you somehow meet and annoy a fae it can and most probably will harm you and everything you love both physically and mentally.
And I know I can't be nitpicky but if you are going to use Irish words in your vocabulary please for the love of life at least try and pronounce it right, wtf is belt-tane (bhealtain) and Fawm-hair (fomhair)
Our language and culture is not you magical, fairy, witch aesthetic or lifestyle, it is genuinely disrespectful. We have such a rich, beautiful history and it's so easy to learn and talk about it in a respectful way, infact I think everyone should learn actually Irish/Scottish/Welsh history because it helped shape many things in our world e.g religion and fairytales.
If anyone who sees this wants to know more about Ireland or Celtic history/folklore or lore please ask me I'd love to share
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AITA for accidentally ostricizing a friend and getting annoyed over it?
Everyone involved is 16-18, I don't know specific ages.
I and a few other buddies have been fans of a series we'll call Dog Game, because I'm thinking about dogs. We've been fans for a few years now, and our friend group was primarily made about a year ago for Dog Game. Red, Orange, and Yellow are all part of this original friend group, and Orange has been friends with Green and Blue since childhood, along with Yellow.
I've been a big fan of a series we'll call Cat Game, for just as long as Dog Game. I introduced Orange to it, and she LOVED IT, much like I have. It's been a huge interest of mine, after all, and I recommend it to whoever shall listen (they usually like it, after all). Orange had told it to Green and Blue, and I talked to Red about it, so all of us but Yellow are really into this series now.
Yellow is pretty disliking of the series at a glance, and refuses to try it. They don't "have the attention span for it" and they have many issues with the concept of the game and of the characters that seem really nitpicky and like they were trying to make up excuses [saying stuff akin to "I don't want to play because all of these characters have the color purple on them a little bit and I don't like wearing purple" or "I don't like that all of them have different hairstyles" for example]. Me and Yellow have always had a strained relationship, so I was genuinely thinking they might be refusing to try it to get back at me for... something?
Recently, they asked how long it would take to finish the Cat Game series. I was ecstatic! But then they started talking about how our friend group had drawn away from Dog Game, and how it really upset them, and thought they should just watch Cat Game and be over with it. They started saying stuff like "I don't belong here" and when we tried telling Yellow that it was still for Dog Game and that we do have a specific Cat Game spot, they pointed out how we still end up talking about Cat Game in the main talking place. They say that no one in the friend group talks to them anymore [which is false, we talk with Yellow a lot especially me because I'm the only one awake with them frequently]. It kept on going back and forth like this ["It's not like we STOPPED liking Dog Game!" "You care about Cat Game first and foremost now!" "I'm the only one that cares about our Dog Game stuff anymore" "What? We still care, we just have more recent Cat Game ideas!"]
It was honestly annoying the hell out of me. It came off as unintentional guilt-tripping, and I did start getting upset at them. It really felt like they were trying to make us feel bad for being Cat Game fans, but nothing I said was worse than what Yellow had said [mainly just "you're putting words in our mouth, why would we stop caring about you just because we have more than one thing we're interested in", etc.] Orange is playing mediator, but me and Yellow are butting heads now and we aren't really talking anymore.
I don't really feel bad about it, but I do think it's a dumb issue that they brought up, and whether I'm more at fault or not for them getting upset.
What are these acronyms?
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snickerzanddoodlez · 5 months
I just don’t like Violet from Wordgirl. To be honest, I think she’s a bad friend.
I’d like to say: Violet is not a bad character. Some people may find her annoying, but I really don’t! Violet is fudging hilarious, her delivery is perfect and the show wouldn’t be the same without her.
But I don’t think she’s a good friend.
To clarify, this is an opinion! It’s not fact! I think early season Violet is a sweetheart and deteriorated later on. If you disagree? Great! Opinions are awesome!
Also, I know they’re ten haha, so don’t take this too seriously. I hold Violet to much different standards than I would an actual 10-year-old.
Also: I know Becky isn’t perfect! She has her off moments, but I think we see consistent effort from her to be as good a friend as she can.
I think there’s more to this story than just the events of “Rhyme and Reason”, but I think they’re worth acknowledging.
She reacts poorly, getting upset, offended, etc….but she isn’t the only one to go through this.
Scoops finds out about her secret identity as well, and expresses that he’s offended by it- but he does not go through the same guilt-tripping theatrics that Violet does. Yes, Violet and Becky are closer friends than Scoops and Becky, but it’s worth acknowledging.
I’ll elaborate more on Rhyme and Reason later. There’s another episode that I think displays some issues with Violet as a friend.
In “Too Loud Crew”, Becky- after avoiding being truthful- admits that she doesn’t feel comfortable at Violet’s house. Violet immediately takes offense to this- “Well, maybe I don’t feel comfortable at YOUR house!”- storming off, etc.. We see why Becky is uncomfortable at her house (the singing stone and things of the sort), and even while she’s trying to apologize Violet insists that she has to follow the house rules.
In the end, Violet says “just tell me how you feel next time”….and she did! This line wouod be more understandable if she overheard Becky complaining about Violet’s house to someone else, but Becky did tell her how she felt. Yes, this is nitpicky, I realize that…..for me, another example of something that I wouldn’t get mad at if there weren’t so many other things I was made at.
It’s sad, because I don’t think Violet was always a bad friend. Especially in the early Birthday Girl episodes (I.e. The Birthday Girl and Slumber Party Pooper) she seems much more genuine and does much more for Becky’s sake.
Upon watching “Slumper Party Pooper”, (an episode where Violet accidentally tells Eileen about Wordgirl’s slumber party, and she comes to disrupt it) @skwangly-fingers and I joked that if this were a later episode, Violet would be mad that Becky was ruining Eileen’s birthday. Though we were joking, we do think there’s a sharp decline in Violet’s overall “good-friend-ness”.
Something else that rubs me the wrong way is that Violet wins who matter what. I don’t think this in itself makes her a bad person and would be funny to me if it didn’t feel like she always gets whatever she wants.
For example, in “A Vote for Becky” she wins the class election without even running. This is played as a joke, and isn’t really Violet’s fault- but I think how often she gets things she didn’t even ask for has not helped my resentment towards this child.
Art’s Parts is an episode I think is worth mentioning. It displays negative traits from both Becky and Violet….and I think my main issue with it is that the argument of “which is more powerful, art or words?” only ends with Becky realizing art is powerful, not both sides learning to understand each other…..which (this could be incorrect) feels like a theme in the show. Becky always seems to bend to fit Violet’s wants, but barely vice versa.
I think Violet gets much more upset during their argument than necessary, but so does Becky. The argument is here at 2:15 https://youtu.be/clKDbs6XqrQ?si=De4XZwaObUuHJIN8. This scene I felt was important to include.
I just think as the series goes on, she becomes more ignorant to Becky’s feelings.
Now, onto everyone’s talking point: Rhyme and Reason.
I would like to point out that evidence finding out Wordgirl is Becky, Violet seemed to really look up to Wordgirl, at least early on. She makes some less than flattering remarks, but we have to remind ourselves that Violet did not realize she was talking to Wordgirl herself when she said them.
I think Violet’s theatrics when she discovers Becky’s identity don’t paint her in a very flattering light. Yes, I understand that it’s there to build suspense, and I think it’s very good writing! But keeping some of her other behavior in mind, it can really come across like Violet is playing mind games with her.
“All you’ve ever done is lie to me.” I understand that she is emotional, and that could be causing her to say some things she doesn’t truly mean, but this line especially rubs me the wrong way, especially because Violet never apologizes, nor is she ever implied to be in the wrong, when I’d argue that she is for at least some of what she says.
I think it’s the difference between “Have you ever meant anything you’ve said?” and “All you’ve ever done is lie to me.” One is a genuine question born out of emotion, one feels more as though it comes from a place of bitterness.
Again, I think the moment is masterfully written, but I don’t think it’s very flattering to Violet. And again, I don’t think this scene would bother me so much if Violet herself didn’t do so much outside of it to provoke me.
I think Athena P puts her opinions very well. I don’t agree with everything she says, but I think it’s important to include (also, Athena P is one of my favorite YouTubers. Very based. Pog, if you will. Go watch her, she has some spicy takes but is very entertaining and is the person who got me into the show.)
ATHENA P: “So at first I thought Violet infuriated me because she gets everything she wants. She’s dating Scoops- the guy Becky likes-, she was the lead in the school play, she even won class president despite her not even running. But what really threw me over the edge was the Halloween episode where she’s just eating up that everyone thinks she’s Wordgirl……
But what really gets me, the real reason I am beefing with this ten year old, is her entitlement.
In Too Loud Crew, Becky tries expressing to Violet that she just feels uncomfortable in Violet’s house. So instead of Violet hearing out her friend, she immediately jumps to defensiveness. Why don’t you want to come over to my house? Oh, you’re uncomfortable? I always hang out at your house! So Becky, as always, tries to compromise, she goes over to Violet’s house and tries to make herself comfortable until Violet points out that Becky is holding the SINGING stone which means that Becky has to sing her feelings- actually, it was even stupider…”
“I really think that they wrote her to be annoying. So if anyone feels otherwise I’m sorry but this is my video. This leads me to the two-part series finale where Violet realizes that Becky is Wordgirl. This earth-shattering realization leads Violet to say that they can’t be friends anymore and she doubts they were ever friends to begin with- Violet, you are not the first person to realize that Becky is Wordgirl and no one has reacted this mellow-dramatically.
I understand the use of the “I feel lied and deceived” trope, I understand that it builds tension and makes people feel like they weren’t let in on an important part of their important friend’s life. That being said, it’s also just stupid. I’m sorry. I think they dropped the ball in the finale. I don’t think they’re realized it was gonna be a series finale, ‘cause it was a fine season finale.
I also don’t blame Becky for not telling Violet when Violet couldn’t even keep her mouth shut about Becky’s first sleepover to the only person Becky didn’t want to invite! …. My theory is that Violet isn’t used to her friend being the exceptional one.
She’s used to her friend being a word nerd but not THE word nerd. She even says something along the lines of, “but you’re not just Becky! You’re Wordgirl, you’re so much more” which if I were Becky I’d be very insulted by.”
If you have any disagreements or anything you think I should add to this post, please let me know! All I ask is that you’re respectful….I wouldn’t hold real ten-year-olds to the standard I hold Violet to, haha!
Again, this is my opinion, if you like Violet, great! Again, I think she’s charming and funny, I just think she’s not the greatest friend.
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Katara Propaganda
"She's smart. She's powerful. She an eco-terrorist. She's got the ability to grow as a person. She's a victim of misogynistic fans who codify her as an annoying bitch (sadly not affectionate) cause she's the "mom character." And that's all she will ever be is "The mom character." She bested Azula and could blood bend your ass but won't cause she's chosen not to be a monster! But she's the annoying mom instead."
"if i have to hear ONE MORE *touches necklace* joke i’m gonna mcfreaking lose it"
"despite being one of the most well-written feminist characters of children’s TV, the fandom decides to define her based on her very realistic 14-year-old girl flaws. Ignoring her complex independent arcs and motivations, people love justifying their hatred towards her based on her one line directed at Sokka that he didn’t love his mother as much as she did. Which, if we’re being nitpicky, isn’t so harsh given that it was Katara who shouldered most of the burden of her death, as well as Sokka’s admittance that he doesn’t even remember his mother. Not to mention that ALL the characters make selfish mistakes given the fact that they’re all aged 12-15??? (Aang hiding Katara and Sokka’s father’s letter, anyone???) She really is an elegant breakthrough of the typical female character molds of “girl who is badass” and “girl with a crush on the mc who sits on the sidelines” and it’s so frustrating to see her get the most hate out of the Gaang"
Yukari Propaganda
"YUKARI PROPAGANDA: SHE IS LITERALLY SO CORRECT ABOUT EVERYTHING. People call her a bitch for uhh [checks notes] having a a brief freak out after she's shown live footage of her father's gruesome death? For [checks notes] accusing Mitsuru of lying to them about important information (which turned out to be COMPLETELY TRUE, by the way, but fans still mock her for this)? For [checks notes one last time] being mean to Junpei, who gives as good as he gets with rude and sometimes sexist comments in response? And even then, several times she apologizes or reassures him that she was just kidding when he seems genuinely upset by her words, so it's not like she isn't compassionate towards him. She is also routinely mocked and villainized for (huge spoilers) wanting to risk it all to attempt to save the protagonist after he passes away saving the world. To be fair, this turns out to have been the wrong choice, but let's be real -- she was a grieving teenager trying to save her friend slash crush. Yes, she was emotionally all over the place during The Answer. Of course she was! THE WORLD ALMOST ENDED AND HER FIRST LOVE HAD TO DIE TO SAVE EVERYONE. LIKE, THAT JUST HAPPENED TO HER. And everyone somehow just expects her to behave perfectly rationally when she's a 17 year old girl who just lost someone important to her and also almost died with the rest of humanity. Girl is traumatized and grieving and all people can do is call her a hysterical bitch or whatever other shit they wanna come up with." (by @ragecndybars)
"she's NOT a bitch she has a hard time opening up to people + she's a 17 year old dealing with grief after one of those people dies leave her alone!!"
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itsalola07 · 2 years
Also I think I do owe some LORE about Owen, he isn't really perfect. I feel like what SOME of what he does is somewhat justified / can be justified but in my eyes it makes him annoying?
-Snitched on Jer when he caught him cheating in an exam.
-Told Sally she is too loud during one of their "dates".
- Also told Sally she wears TOO much pink. (He feels it's too distracting and is "too much")
- isn't up to try new things in bed with Sally because he's "scared". (But really he just doesn't like doing things out of his comfort zone)
- tries to change Sally due to him being very nitpicky. (He /loves/ her or at least the idea of her. She's very pretty, smart and funny- he does want her, but he wants her based on his idea of her- he really can't handle her chaotic mean nature.)
He's not evil, and of course doesn't deserve the bad treatment or the bullying, but he's also not perfect. None of them are. I still stand by him not being villainous but they are obvious flaws. Like you can't deny it's a bit scummy. And in return Jeremiah bullies him because he's the perfect subject for it, and Sally finds it hilarious. So really none of them are perfect.
Sally and Jeremiah are the obvious bad guys in this situation. And Owen is just ignorant. Like he doesn't go out of his way to cause harm but, he never bullies people and is genuinely nice to others, but I don't really think of him as this poor innocent guy. 🙊
I dislike him for the sole reason of people being so entitled over him. I've got a person on Instagram who made several spam accounts and commented on half of my posts (Owen x Sally) and I blocked them for good. Or have people tell me that (They HATE my bully ocs and of course, other insults even tho that's the POINT) so like, basically all it did is for me to see anyone who mention him is basically trying to be condescending, about how morally good they are because they don't like having fictional Villains. So yeah, I do tend to get pretty annoyed. 😂
I don't want to hate my own oc but all this fictional little npc did was show me how stupid some people are. "We hate fictional bullies because it's bad so we are going to bully you, an actual person, over it) like, get the fuck out my face.
And one last note: I might be interested in fleshing Owen more, I am definitely not going to make him the bad guy, but I do truly think his inclusion is interesting, especially that I LOVE drama and gossip. And I know if I get over the hate, I might actually like this random oc of mine. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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yanderefairyangel · 9 months
Pocket Mirror for the choose violence ask meme
Oh all of them ?
the character everyone gets wrong Fleta I think. People keep flanderzing her as that bratty spoiler kid forgetting she is that side of Goldia who just couldn't enjoy her childhood.
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom Goldia isn't ready for any of this.
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr I don't think I ever saw any ?
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person? Aside from pornbot, I don't block anyone
worst discord server and why I am not on discord
which ship fans are the most annoying? I don't know any annoying ships fans within this fandom, but there again the shipping landscape for PM varries from very tame to non-existen
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them? Oh I don't think I have any for that game
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about Fleta isn't just an annoying brat
worst part of canon The fact that the bad endings have no real relevance to canon since you still need to finish the game
worst part of fanon I have no idea
number of fandom-related words you've filtered I have never used that feature
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them Is Lisette unpopular ?
worst blorboficiation Whoever looks at the Mysterious boy and says "He did nothing wrong" because "he is a literal child"
that one thing you see in fics all the time There is PM fic ?
that one thing you see in fanart all the time Call me nitpicky, but the character's hair color being wrong. In all fairness, it's Kira who admitted to have choosen the wrong palette
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) Aside from the shipping with some characters I don't see anything and the shipping part is just because in PM I genuinely do not care about romance
there should be more of this type of fic/art Goldia and Elise family fluff
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on... Goldia's brother, Henry
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like... Egliette. There I said it.
part of canon you found tedious or boring Hum ... does something like this exist in PM ?
part of canon you think is overhyped The Fleta phase of the game. I know it's the longest but it's not the most exicting part
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores The fact that Platinium is not talked about more along with Goldia's DID is a crime in itself
ship you've unwillingly come around to Idk Goldia x Mysterious boy ?
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse Please tell me there isn't any discourse in the PM fandom
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing Goldia is not a Mary sue.
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derekscorner · 9 months
Witchy Timez: Origins
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Part Five & the art-style so good it's supernatural
Welp I finally got to playing Origins a while back. Finished it a week or two ago. I wanted to add it to my other Bayonetta rambles (listed at the end) but I wasn't sure what to add really.
I found the game good and very pretty. It's art-style is genuinely it's greatest asset. They wanted to portray it like it was a storybook and they did it so well that it's hard to put into words.
Gameplay was fine too. I had a few personal issues at most.
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My biggest complaint was the lack of a mini-map. I felt the game needed one badly. I was opening the menus to view the map every few minutes and got lost more than once.
Which, yes, is a bit funny because the purpose of the Avalon Forest is to be a maze but it can leave you frustrated if you plan to track down all the items and Wisps.
My second issue was a very personal and nitpicky one. I didn't like Cheshire's forms by the end of the game. It got a tad annoying to swap repeatedly when I'm having to control both he and Cereza at once.
Had I no experience with TWEWY in my youth I imagine I'd be even more annoyed with the set up there. That said, I do like the abilities so rather than forms I wish Cheshire had abilities rather than forms.
Something to streamline the annoyance of color-coded enemies regardless of how lite they are used.
Hell, I wouldn't even have this complaint at all if I had free access to unbound Cheshire after you complete the game. His unbound form is what I would prefer in this situation.
They'd have to nerf it compared to the unbound form naturally but it would be a welcome idea....watch someone comment that you can unlock unbound Cheshire as soon as I post this.
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Dat Story
I don't even know what to say on a base level here. The story was solid given what we've seen of young Cereza in Bayonetta 1. Watching her befriend a newborn demon is cute even if their squabble arc could be seen a mile ahead.
It also makes you genuinely curious about the fairies as a facet of the Bayonetta universe. Several things in this game make you more curious about the Bayo-verse in fact.
Such as Prince Lukaon, Morgana, and the whole unseen backstory of the fairy kings. The whole nature of the mischievous creatures is fascinating and they offer an odd parallel to humanity.
Hell, let's just dive into the broader strokes of that multiverse.
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The magical & non-magical
As we learned in Bayonetta 1 & 2, humanity itself is weak. They lack magic and die easily. They only gained a semblance of power through Aesir's mercy but even then they couldn't do much.
The whole reason Lumen Sages & Umbra Witches form pacts with Heaven & Hell is to gain power. Their magic is tied to that and their soul is the cost they pay.
But like I mentioned in a previous post, the world of chaos is fittingly full of parallel timelines and pocket dimensions because it is, by definition, without solid order.
There is a future for every human there is to shape that future. Purgatory itself only exists as a pocket space between Chaos, Heaven, and Hell.
However, as if to exist in counterbalance, Chaos does have it's own form of magical being, the Fae. We don't know where they came from nor do we know which timeline they hide in.
Going by Bayo 3 and Origins they seem to pick specific worlds to hide in implying they have a means to jump them. It's possible that Avalon Forest itself branches into more than one world given how it feels as if it's a world unto itself when you play Origins.
Vast enough to have warring kingdoms and kings. Countries hidden in illusions. It's all very fascinating stuff and I find myself hoping to see more of it....well with caveats.
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Baoynetta 3's Shadow
You know I would have to bring it up when it's shown that this Cereza is the younger version of Bayo 3. If you complete the Jeanne chapter you even see ol' Singularity himself. We also see that this Jeanne is the one that'll die in the third game.
This...did not sit right with me. Many others praise this reveal because they feel it fixed some of Bayonetta 3's story but I had the opposite impression. It felt like patch work, a band-aid.
Just like Bayo 3 it also opens up other cans of multiverse worms. Such as Prince Lukaon and his relationship with King Lukaon and every version of Luka to exist ever.
How can the king of Fae be Luka's variant if the prince Lukaon died? There's several ways theorize theorize that question of course but it's the question existing at all that kind annoys me.
Is Luka the prince's reincarnation? The game does make a note to point out the unknown destination of fairies when they die. Is King Lukaon a version of the prince that lived to adulthood? Probably.
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Then there's the question of this backstory. The extra chapter makes it explicit that this is bayonetta 3 Cereza as she's referred to by the 3rd games villain via the name "Arch-Eve Origin".
Yet, the issue of Bayo 3's ending splitting the previous titles crops up. Sure, we know that young Cereza in Bayo 1, this Cereza from Origins, and the Bayo 3 Cereza are the same person.
But what about Cheshire? Why does Viola have Cheshire when it's made clear she's not this specific Cereza's daughter. Does Cheshire have variants due to being a young demon or is he just a single demon that's partial to Bayonetta in all forms due to his experiences?
Hell, does this backstory also apply to the Cereza of Bayo 1 & 2? Does it apply to even more such as Beta Cereza (viola's mother)?
From what I can tell the devs are being smart enough not to clarify but I do think this makes Bayo 3 messier in ways. It doesn't harm this games story or fun to me.
These questions only really pop up if you've played Bayo 3 and the Jeanne chapter....
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I was trying to ignore it but I can't. I had a whole separate post for these eyes because it's a personal irk of mine. Do they still exist? Don't they?!
Sure, this is in the past. We saw Baldur regain his right eye once he was thrown back to his proper time but that just amplifies the headache!
On the one hand, her having the eye still explains how she defeated a fully matured witch BUT ON THE OTHER WHY IS IT STILL HERE?
To hell with arch-eve's. If the eyes still exist then Singularity is a fucking fool for not trying to claim them. Arch-Eve's & Adams may be a way to collapse the timelines but by hell the eyes are the objects of a god.
They MADE that world of Chaos. They briefly gave it order. He could find a timeline, steal the eyes, and be done. The eyes and eves existing in tandem adds to the headache. I don't understand if they were erased from one timeline or all of them.
Do they just cease to exist in the present due to Bayo 2? If they persist regardless then why have this stupid Arch-eye plot? Just go for the fucking eyes.
The worst part is that I'm unsure I even want an answer. The multiverse as presented in Bayonetta 3 hasn't been that well done and even this mini tangent I've added at the end is mostly my nitpicks.
But I do worry they will double down. If you can't construct it well or at least pass off the paradoxes with levity then don't try it. Please.
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All in all a good game. Love the art-style, love little Cereza's story, I even love how the game goes from this new thing to full on Bayonetta in the final battle.
You can quite literally feel the shift from beating up fairies to kicking a witches ass as soon as Cereza says her iconic "let's dance" line.
It's just the minor things that annoyed me at worst. No mini-map, lite color-coded enemies, all the multiverse sh*t t hey snuck in with Jeanne's chapter.
As with any Bayo game it's very good as is. It's only someone like me who'd be bothered by what's mentioned. Not for story consistency so much as character consistency.
Action game stories tend to be less serious and more setting so any time you see someone mad at a Bayonetta or Devil May Cry type of game it's usually because it's really bad to play or a character was just did wrong.
Anywho, bye now~
For the rest of the Witchy Timez Ramblings go here: https://derekscorner.tumblr.com/tagged/Witchy-Timed
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knyplotrewrite · 2 years
my thoughts on canon Tanjirou
(Will have manga spoilers!)
Prefacing this by saying that I love Tanjirou. He’s like up there in the top 5 of my faves in this series, and I genuinely do enjoy his characterization in the first half of KNY. There are some little issues in said first half, but those are very nitpicky and really aren’t needed; he’s functional as is.
However, there is one major thing about Tanjirou that actually spans the entirety of the series, which I don’t see many people pointing out.
Tanjirou doesn’t really change from the beginning to the end of the story. From the beginning, he’s a happy go lucky kind of guy who’s been through some shit but ultimately remains positive. At the end, literally nothing has changed. For a story so heavily steeped in tragedy and the concept of change being inevitable, he sure doesn’t go through a lot of it and it makes him quite boring as a main protagonist.
I believe it has to do with how he’s not really “challenged.” Yes, he encounters people who parallel him in the narrative (Gyutaro, Sanemi), but he’s always seen in the right. When he gets angry, it’s always righteous. When he’s sad, it’s always to help sympathize with other people’s pain. He’s framed as the example that others should strive to follow, the beacon of light and hope, the perfect older brother, and any conflicts he may have are solved by showing how truly kind and thoughtful he is that it changes peoples’ hearts.
He’s not treated as very human.
I, for one, can’t tell you a single flaw Tanjirou has that has honest to god fucked him over. His stubbornness, his overprotectiveness of Nezuko, his hardworking personality, and his own overwhelming kindness are never made into faults. The narrative always wants to paint these attributes as positive without ever expressing the negative aspects that would realistically show in a person like him. He’s not taken advantage of. He’s not stifling. He knows when to quit when he’s in pain. He knows, he knows, he knows, and when he pushes his body past its natural limit, he gets literal powerups. He’s rewarded for harmful behaviors, and he’s never seen in the wrong for it.
(Like, bro. Are you telling me he’s literally been in a constant feverish state for who knows how long, and he hasn’t permanently fucked up his immune system or passed out once? Okay...)
I’ve had people praise me for giving my Tanjirou anger issues, but all I’ve really been doing is taking the perceived flaws that he has, pushing them a little, and showing the natural consequences of those behaviors. If not internally through very concerning thought processes, then externally with people getting worried or even getting hurt. He’s allowed to be selfish, angry, annoyed, upset, flawed. His environment is allowed to respond to those feelings in turn.
Canon can’t really say the same, can it?
@mayoiayasep because its your boy
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winns-stuff · 1 year
Something I don't see talked a lot in this fandom is about Poseidon and Demeter having a horse child, and to me it really feels like character assassination when it comes to Poseidon due to portraying him as an absent father. The whole thing with the horse feels just like RS making a "hahaha Persephone has a horse brother" joke and making a reference to the myth, but Poseidon (who has been my favorite of the three brothers since the start) had been established as someone who loves his kids, so it feels strange to see him apparently not bothering to visit his kid and leaving Demeter to take care of him.
This might sound nitpicky, but RS is an author who is profiting from a culture that isn't hers and expecting awards for it, so the least she could do was put more effort into how she adapts these myths.
Yeah I could see that, the characterization is really all over the place which is annoying especially when it’s your favorite character and you’ve been told this narrative that they were a good person and all of a sudden for no reason at all, and I agree that it’s really icky to me that she is profiting off of greek mythology and essentially making money off of her poor telling of it. It’s genuinely disrespectful and disingenuous.
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Well, some time last year I said I was going to watch the not-so-new-anymore Swallows and Amazons film on Netflix, but apparently it's taken a dose of Covid to lay me up in bed and actually get me to do it.
I have lots of thoughts, as I promised I would...
(Spoilers ahead I guess, but nothing big that's not fairly obvious from trailers etc., I don't think.)
There were a lot of little nitpicky things that annoyed me, but I could probably have got past those (actually, no I couldn't, but never mind) if the whole thing had been good enough to carry me through. I'm obviously biased, and it did have its good points, probably fun enough as a kids' film, but I genuinely just think it was poor storytelling, which is extra disappointing as it was based on such a good story. Some of the bigger things that I had problems with:
The Spy Plot. I don't really have that much to say on this one because it's obvious that the second they decided to go with this idea, it stopped being Swallows and Amazons. The modern thing is to believe everything needs Super High Stakes and Lots Of Action or kids will be bored. I think they're wrong, but there we go. (Sorry, Andrew Scott, I'd watch you in anything, but you didn't belong here.) But even accepting that for what it is, I just don't think they did what they were trying to do particularly well, so on that note...
Character development and relationships. So much went wrong here, I don't know where to start. Obviously they butchered both John and Susan (presumably because they lazily read them as boring and, rather than read any deeper, just changed them entirely), as well as Mrs Walker and her relationship with the children. Genuinely, what's wrong with writing families who like and trust each other? Captain Flint was already ruined by the spy plot, but his eventual switch to being the nice fun uncle didn't work well even in the context they gave him - it felt like they just went "and actually he turned out to be nice, which you should just accept and not question because it's just a kids' story so it's not that deep". Which does such an injustice to the original writing. Then there are the Blacketts, who need a third point all to themselves:
The Blacketts. I was so disappointed with Nancy and Peggy. I feel bad criticising children, but I didn't think the actors playing them were good at all (compared to the Walkers, who could all act). But the real issue I had with them was their lack of screentime?? They barely appeared, we had no time to get to know them, to care about them, or to see any sign of genuine friendship between them and the Swallows. There was no spark to them at all, no sign of Nancy's charisma, or sense of them as the wild rule-breakers. Mrs Blackett was a non-character too, which is forgivable as she was sort of a non-character in the first book, but given that they did give her extra screentime, they could at least have given her some characterisation?
The Pacing. I feel like this point wraps the previous ones together, because the cause is the spy plot and the result (or one of them) is the bad/non-existent character-dev. There's no time for the characters to unfold, no time for them to sit and talk to each other, no time for extra scenes that show relationships, no time for fireworks on the cabin roof or parleys around the campfire or Vicky/Bridget's birthday or fishing trips or Octopus Lagoons or Nancy bullying policemen on John's behalf. Even the Black Spot gets delivered in a moment at the dining table, with no explanation of what it means. And it's mainly because most of the time is taken up by the Big Plot, but it's not only that - those small but important scenes are also replaced by things like losing the food hamper, and John shouting at Roger, and Roger falling in the lake. Things they obviously decided were more Dramatic and Exciting, but actually do nothing meaningful at all. It all just feels completely rushed, which is the opposite of Ransome's vibes. And not only that, but the piling on of difficulties, and problems, and fights, and things going wrong, just makes the whole island camping expedition seem entirely depressing, rather than a taste of joyful freedom.
The Aesthetic. Related to the last point, but I did think that the one thing we would get from this film, since they filmed on location, would be the feel of the Lakelands and the scenery and rural Northern England in the 20s. I got almost none of that. Again, probably because the only things they cared about were spies with guns and ramping up the sense of danger and difficulty at every turn.
It sounds like I hated the film, and I didn't hate it. It was fun to watch, I thought the kids playing Tatty (whose name change I do get) and Roger were particularly good, and I liked the Billies (although less so the fact that Susan and Roger didn't even meet them, and Tatty screaming the place down over the adder).
I just didn't think it was particularly good as a film, let alone an adaptation of Swallows and Amazons. Which, as a Swallows and Amazons fan, is just really sad.
What's funny to me is that the Netflix synopsis says: "When four siblings camp on an island in the middle of a lake during their vacation, they fall into a whimsical turf war with two boisterous rivals." Which is... far more of a description of the original plot than of the plot of the film.
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confused-stars · 5 months
it's a nitpicky pet peeve but i get genuinely annoyed that so many English speakers use the word accent when they're talking about dialects
"I don't have an accent" of course you don't you're speaking your mother language?
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