#i LOVE being optimistic ab things...
nyaskitten · 10 months
Okay, after a bit, I've realized what exactly is off with Zhen to me. It's not the voice (although Awkwafina's voice is... very grating to put it as politely blunt as possible,) no, it's the overall design. I'm not here to be all nitpicky and annoying, but genuinely, her design feels out of place in this universe. Kung Fu Panda's designs are so heavily shape-focused, their shapes and sizes are so unique and special to them! So when you bring someone like Zhen, who looks ripped straight from Zootopia, it just feels... lame. And It's not like this applies to ANY of the new characters we see either!!! Look at the Chameleon vs. Zhen!
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The Chameleon has this unique shape to her, she's so skinny, her shape intentionally reduces her fear factor, she's small and puny, so thus she would also be weak, no? But you're WRONG, she's a more powerful threat than you could imagine! Meanwhile with Zhen I can't even tell if she's a fox or a wolf, like I had to go to the wiki just to find out she's even a fox!
All her design tells me about her is she's some bandit or something... again, Kung Fu Panda is KNOWN for its unique shapes and sizes, it's stylization is something to gawk and marvel at, with just how GOOD they are... and Zhen just doesn't deliver... which really sucks, especially if the theory of her being the new "Dragon Warrior" is true...
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aashiqvi · 1 year
Bought kaikeyi :-) gonna get back into reading and feeling stable !
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jjwho · 1 year
Who is your Next Lover
Pile 1. Pile 2
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Pile 3. Pile 4
Cards pulled out: Five of pentacles, ten of pentacles reversed, seven of wands reversed, three of swords reversed.
Okay pile oneee
Oof so what im getting is that your person might feel left out in the cold, having it ruff especially if its financially, maybe their parents are divorced because of financial issues.
This person really genuinely has it ruff, like they mightve unexpectedly lost a lot of things, like family and espically money, I'm seeing a scene of being in their parents debt and repaying their debt.
Shame man and I see them always surrender so easily and just saying yk fine I'll pay for their debts even though they should. I feel like this person is trying to stay optimistic
This person is someone who has it really ruff but still smiles yk. Hides the pain through a smile and just tries their best and stays optimistic even though the circumstances are bad. I do feel they are trying to ket go of pain and grief but shame man you should take care of them😭🥲
Physical traits:
-Might look German, Dutch or Afrikaans or raised there
-Dark skinned
-Youthful appearance
-Doe eyes
Awww so innocent. I hope that helps you pile one. Just know this is a general reading si nit everything is gonna resonate
Pile 2
Cards pulled out: Revered- King of pentacles, death, ten of swords
Upright- The High Priestess
Okay pile 2 so uh
This person might not have the best background or past, cause this person might of been very unstable with money and just an unstable person. May come off as cold and rude and greedy. Now they also have a fear of change, they don't want ti change their old habits for some reason. Or didn't want to.
Now maybe they are trying ti change that now, but it takes a really long time for a man or woman like that to change so yeah. Just live your life and don't stay with this person if they aren't gonna treat you well.
They also might come off as mysterious at first or they have a thing for mysterious people and this person really has a thing for desire like he can't control himself and just takes and tales that's what im getting.
(Sorry very toxic masculine energy that's why I called it a him.)
Physical traits:
-oop they may appear to be more feminine, but personality might be masculine
-They have nice nails
-Asian(Asian also means Indian people)
Okay hope that helps pile 2222
Pile 3
Cards pulled out: five of cups,ace of pentacles,seven of cups, seven of pentacles revered
Okay pile 3 sooo
Your next lover is giving me daddy boss vibes
Like this person gots lots of money and opportunities and shit, but idk this person is always focused on the negative, this person is a workaholic doe
This person just needs to set their mind straight, like this person might have a kit of set backs or procrastinate or put their decisions on hold which they shouldnt cause.
If yk what I mean.
But that's really all that I'm getting tbh, they might a little lazy too when it comes to live, not too experienced in it and enter really been in love. To focused on work yk.
Physical Traits
-They got abs-
-Strong arms
-summer aesthetic
Damn they work out. Hot for uuu
Okay byeee hope that helps pile 3333
Pile 4
Cards pulled out: eight of pentacles, the devil, judgement, ten of swords reversed
Okay pile 4 so uhm damn
So you might know this person from work, might be a new worker, they work really hard and might attract a lot of the higher ups. They're confident in there work too, now they might be a bit of a sexual person who's a bit obsessive and yk very sexual and naughty ooop. Yeah yeah. Like a dark but attractive aura. Pure and cool at work but sexy and whatever around outside yk yk.
Some who likes fairness though. Very strong taste in justice. And someone who stands up for themselves and other yk yk.
Sexy, hardworking, good morals, sexy again.
That's all that I'm getting tbh
Physical Traits:
-Doe eyes
-Light skinned
-Brown eyes
-they might not smell the best tho-
Hope that helps byeee
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gale-gentlepenguin · 7 months
Gale Reviews: Netflix Avatar: the Last Airbender (Book 1)
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(Thanks @knightsweeties for this cute GP)
Now I have AVOIDED looking at spoilers, and opinions of others until After I had made my own conclusions.
A lot of people are mixed on this series. With only one thing being consensus:
The last airbender movie < Netflix Avatar the last Airbender < Avatar the last Airbender
Aside from that, opinions have been all over the places. On how great or how bad the show is.
I will be going over my thoughts on it in the following categories.
The Action (fight scenes)
The Effects (from bending, CGI, and costumes)
The characters
The Plot
The changes
Does it capture the Spirit?
How does it stand on its own?
(Spoilers below, but let’s get Right into it)
The Action
So I’m going to say this. The action in this series is great. In my opinion it’s the strongest point in the series.
The battles from invasions, to simple one on one fights are very well done, some aspects even surpassing the original. Like the invasion of the Northern Water Tribe, you really feel the place is under attack.
And the bending battles are pretty gorgeous. It’s impressive to see the fight between Katara and Paku done serviceable well.
Though one flaw is the fact that sometimes showing the fight or attack actually took away from the impact of story beats done in the original. Seeing the attack on the Air Nomads actually took something away from it. Seeing Aang discover that horror is much less impactful.
And seeing Zuko fight in his Agni Kai against his Father also took a lot of bite from the scene. If Zuko never fought back it would have been so much more traumatic.
But they were still good fighting scenes.
Solid 9/10
The Effects.
The Costumes in this are Gorgeous! Especially Kyoshi warriors. The characters mostly look as if taken straight from the cartoon. The Face stealer himself being ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING to look at in Live action. He is a sleep paralysis demon.
Appa and Momo both look great. The effects of the cities, and the blending are beautiful.
The bending also looks pretty clean. Though I admit the water bending was a bit lacking but the Fire looked ESPECIALLY fierce.
There is so much detail jam packed in this it’s amazing.
Though, I will say that it’s not flawless, some of the things do come off a touch goofy. But that could be more of uncanny valley with some of the bending.
The Characters
And it wouldn’t be Avatar without the Characters in it.
And before we do anything, let me say, ALL of the characters look like the character they are playing. It’s like Netflix genetically modified them to Look like the character.
Dallas James Liu’s Portrayal of Zuko is PERFECT. Matching Season 1 Zuko’s personality to a T.
Zuko actually gets more development and his relationship with Iroh and the Crew are expanded upon more. That Funeral scene with him and Iroh broke my heart.
Maria Zhang’s Suki is also an incredible performance.
DANNY PUDI AS The Mechanist. (They cast Abed!) that was a fun surprise.
But now that we talked about what I loved about the characters… now to get to the negatives.
Aang feels so mopey. Yes Aang has his sad moments. But instead of being a hyper optimist with a penchant for fun, he is more like a depressed kid that has occasional bits of being a kid. I don’t blame the Actor, I just feel it’s more the writing
But if Aang got a downgrade in character, Katara was SHREDDED to practically nothing. The strong yet caring Katara was so… Passive. Even her big moment fighting Paku felt so… lack luster. It pained me to see this girl who was so strong come off so… passive.
Sokka did lose a chunk of character and development, but it wasn’t AS detrimental as one would believe. It’s still cruddy. But there was some stuff added that helped cushion the blow.
Appa and Momo were not as present because expenses (but at least they were fine)
King Bumi is dead. I don’t know WHAT was the plan behind Bumi, but this felt so… twisted and off. This isn’t the Bumi that taught Aang the lesson about how not everything is as it seemed. It hurt me to see such an accurate look be so inaccurate.
Azula and her friends felt like a down grade. I know what they were trying to go for. But I just didn’t feel that EDGE she had. It felt so.. pitiful.
On a positive
Jet and his team were still fun and a bit psychotic.
Ozai actually coming off as more competent.
And Admiral Zhao being incompetent yet super Egotistical was a change I welcome.
The bounty hunter Jun, flirting with Iroh was a change I wasn’t expecting but loved.
The Face Stealer may have looked more terrifying… but his actual action was mid… aside from the nightmares.
The rest of the character acting was a mix.
I gotta put this at… 5/10
When most of the main cast feels so bland it really takes away from the story.
The Plot
So the season still follows the general plot of Book 1 of ATLA.
Katara and Sokka find the Avatar who got frozen for a long time. They go travel to help Aang find a Waterbending master so he can start learning to bend and save the world.
Now interestingly since it only has 8 episodes it sort of Blends together several plots into one episode. And this causes a lot of changes… and the effects of it are… well… a mixed bag at best and almost completely undefinable at worst.
Episode 4 being especially messy.
Now there are additions and changes from the original because of the constraints of Live Action.
Like not specifying that Aang has been gone 100 years, and actually changing certain story beats to references in order to save on time.
In some cases, it’s understandable. In facts being a one to one retelling would be boring.
The problem is that the story feels more like it’s pushing the characters rather than the characters pushing the story. Aang had agency, but now there is even more forced Agency.
I did like the changes that made the fire nation more competent. (I’ll discuss further in the next section)
But overall, I felt that the story was speed blitzed and super monologue heavy at its worse. It’s nothing incoherently awful. But it’s very lacking.
The Changes
There were a Lot of changes done to this in comparison to the original series. So for this. I decided to make a new system.
I will list the change. If you see this Symbol (+) it’s a change I am fine with. If you see (-) it’s a change I didn’t like. And if you see (\) it means I’m indifferent to it.
-Fire Lord Sozin wiped out Air benders in person (/)
- Aang got lost in a storm by accident, not actively running away (-)
- Katara and Sokka lose the feminist development (-)
-No penguin sledding (- -)
-No Haru (-)
-Avatar Kyoshi take over (+)
-Zuko has a journal about the Avatars (+)
- Jet in Omashu (/)
-Teo and his father in Omashu (+)
-Bumi is jaded. (-)
-Secret tunnel early (-) (it’s weird that Sokka and Katara go in there, there is more I don’t like but I will just leave that out for now)
-The Funeral for Iroh’s son. (+++)
-The Agni Kai with Ozai was changed (-)
-The crew of Zuko is revealed to be the division that would have been sacrificed. (+)
-Aang never Water bends (-)
-Azula’s whole character alteration, and earning the blue flames (-)
-Less Serious Roku (-)
-Koh’e whole deal (-)
- Zhao’s death is different. (-)
-Yue having a bigger connection to Sokka (+)
-Fire nation demonstrates far more competence (+)
There are more but most of them I’m more understanding because of Time Constraints.
I will give credit that a lot of the changes I didn’t like but they did try something.
Does it capture the Spirit?
This is where I have to say Kind of.
When you see the references, Cameos, and the small details. You can tell there is some love for the original series. The attention to details and the bending choreography is gorgeous and Almost seamless.
It’s where we get to the core of the show that feels different.
For example. The Netflix version of One piece. There are a TON of differences, but the core of the characters felt the same. The spirit of the show was still clear. It was handled with love.
With this series, I can say there is a respect for ATLA, but the core seems to have a different focus.
So I put this at 5/10
As there are some things that you can see have reverence, but other things that don’t.
The stark defenders of the show say you shouldn’t compare it to the Original because it will seem worse. While also then comparing how much better it is compare to the live action movie.
Here’s the truth, if you watched ATLA, you are not going to expect this show to be better than the original.
If you didn’t watch the original show, you would probably be entertained, and since this show explains basically everything, you won’t need to know as much as the viewer going in… but there is also a lot going on.
If you were to go in and watch this show with 0 understanding of the show. I’d say 6 maybe 7 out of 10.
But if you are a fan that cares about the show. I have to put it at 5/10
And that’s where I put it.
It is watchable, but I’m not absolutely smitten with it.
I’m willing to give book 2 a chance… but I’m iffy. On it.
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pixelagames2000 · 1 month
Hay, Decided to remake my OC character sheet, Added some extra stuff.
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I gave her two weapons, a retractable Paton, and a katana. I also decided to give her an elemental power (since, some bots have that too) I felt like giving her water powers, since I think it fits her. Her special attack is the Aqua pole, in combat she can Extend her Paton, and charge it with some water, it can hit the opponent rapidly in quick attacks, not as powerful as others, but still effective. Once it hit the opponent, it unleashes a powerful splash or wave that can yeet opponents far enough away, and if executed properly, it can even incapacitate them. Her alt mode is a mini cooper, around the same size as Bluecop and Wild Guardys alt modes, but slightly smaller. She’s also just a little bit smaller and shorter than them, reaching halfway up their shoulder.
(Background and Personality) Back on Mechina she was an artisan, just working on her craft as a student. But before she could graduate, and fully start her career, the planet was destroyed and everyone evacuated. She drifted through space, until eventually landed on earth, wondering around the planet until the Star guardians found her. She didn’t actually fight them, or resist them, she was actually very understanding and cooperative (which blue was very pleased with) she was however hesitant about letting Jun take her in and turning into a card for him to use, she has nothing against the kid, she just thinks it’s odd and unwise to let a kid be responsible for them and wield the watch band card reader thing (i don’t know what it’s called) why should their fate be trusted to a child? It just didn’t make any sense to her. Especially the fact that their freedom was being taken, of course she could see that Jun wasn’t that kind of person, he cares deeply about the Metal Cardbots, he doesn’t force them to do anything unless it’s dire. Eventually, after a lot of thinking (and some spark to spark talk from Bluecop) she excepts this, and let’s jun capture her in a card. He promises her that he’ll be kind, gentle, and patient with her, not making her do anything unless it’s absolutely necessary, she excepts it, and is happy to be apart of the Star guardian family.
As for her personality, she’s…(Autistic), Quiet, serious, sensitive, and kind. Does not like conflict, and is unlikely to do things which may generate conflict. Can be seen as cold or aloof, but she’s not actually like that (she’s a mix of cold and soft). Honest, loyal, faithful, compassionate, Wise but still naive, stoic and reserved, but still pleasant and friendly. Optimistic, creative, intelligent, shy, bold, brave, adventurous, caring, spunky, feisty when she needs to be, sassy, can do attitude (but can sometimes take charge), basically a type 5 or an ISFP. She’s good at problem solving, navigating, working with electronics, artistic, and she’s a good listener, she always tries to be supportive and helpful to her friends, she’s also a rule follower, if the rules are fair and just and logical, she’ll follow them.
She’s also got a small little crush on Bluecop, but she’s too shy to show or say anything about it, she’s not the best at showing love and affection to others. She also struggles with reading people, understanding social cues, and she can be a little too trusting of others, so much so that she struggles seeing red flags. So, the others look out for her, and warn her about any potential dangers. She’s still growing and learning, still finding her place amongst the star guardians, and still figuring out her new life on earth. But, she knows who she is, she knows what she stands for, and she stands firmly in her beliefs and opinions (she can be stubborn at times, but she’s not opposed to listening and understanding others point of view or opinions) she’ll always Stan for what is right, she always tries to do the right thing. Despite her shortcomings, she tries her best, she’s a good friend.
Ok, that’s pretty much everything! Sorry about the long paragraphs ^^, I hope you enjoyed this tho!
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Yet another OC introduction post !!! The olba ones will have their dolls for all 4 steps bc I haven't decided on future looks for Freya and Trixie-
Aurora King !! She is part of my main Baxter line- There's a LOT of posts ab her on my blog with more info, but here's like a basic (?) rundown.
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Step one Aurora is (like every version of her), very emotionally driven. She has always drawn her inspiration from fairytails, prefering to stay inside whenever the others go to the beach due to her hatred of sand. She has the nervous preset, and though others call her shy, she's really just cautious and soft-spoken. She gets attached to Cove because he's also quiet, and she thinks he's a lot nicer than he first appears, like some of the people in her stories.
She's willing to put up with the beach for him, enjoying his ideas about mermaids and other mythical possibilities below the waves. She also really likes Shiloh, though she's upset that he always seems to like Lizzie more, when Lizzie isn't even nice all the time like she is. (No offense of course, she adores her sister.)
She has sensory issues, making some things harder than necessary, like the fireworks moment. She thinks rules are important, and though Cove has a bit of a bad influence on her, she mostly sticks to that, keeping close to her moms and sister.
Above all else, she is determined that she can be just as happy as the princesses in her books- She just has to believe.
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Step Two pushes her idealism to a hard point. Life was so great, she doesn't understand what went wrong. It's like suddenly her moms are too busy for her, her sister HATES her, and Cove isn't exactly the easiest to talk to. Not that she would want to bother her best friend with something silly like that, though.
She pretends, mostly. Smiles at her mothers and waves happily as her sister ignores her attempts at hanging out for the nth day in a row. She knows now that this anxiety- This knawing feeling in her gut clawing at the back of her throat won't go away. Her meds help, but she's having trouble coping with it. The first time Cove sneaks into her bedroom window, she almost pushes him back OUT in her panic.
She likes Derek a lot- He seems a lot like her, optimistic and loving and just kind in a way she admires. She's not oblivious, she notices the way he treats her compared to Cove. For a bit, she thinks this might be the fairytale she's been wishing for, but they're both so unsure about themselves, and the moment passes.
She enjoys going outside more due to Cove constantly dragging her to the beach, but she swears if he wakes her up before at LEAST 10 one more time, he's getting locked out. She copes with the sand by stubbornly wearing thick stockings under her dresses, insisting she isn't suffering in the california heat.
And then there's another boy- One filled with the same hatred of the world and scorn towards others that Cove had, and he makes Aurora smile. She's done this once before, she wants to help him too. He refuses, but she stays consistent, offering him reassurance until he's walking out of her life.
Life is hard when you're 13- she thinks -but the storybooks always have happy endings.
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Alright, she's about done with the waiting now. Highschool flew by easily, and she displays her acomplishments with pride. She's also finished the rough draft of her first official book- The Obsidian Crown.
She's going to college, something that both excites and scares her. It might not be far to most people (a six hour drive north, still in California), but the thought of being that far from the only place she's known makes her feel nauseous.
But she did it- She made it to the age where anything is supposed to be possible. This summer is about celebration and looking forward instead of back.
Of course, life is never that simple.
Whatever forces exist beyond her have apparently decided to take the phrase 'Small World' to the extreme. She has her sister back, which makes her happier than her 13 year old self would've expected. She has Shiloh, who makes her feel bittersweet, but in coming back into her life brought Jeremy back with him.
Aurora latches onto Jeremy immediately, declaring their reunion an act of fate. ("We have the same last name, we're basically siblings!") She calls him almost weekly, insisting that being forced to talk about his day is good for him. His reaction the first time she introduced him to Terry and Miranda over video call as her brother is the most emotion she's ever seen from him, even if it was negative.
Then, to her astonishment, there's Baxter. Her panic fires up when the mystery prince from the dance recognizes her, but she somehow manages to not lose her breakfast on the sidewalk. Cove teases her relentlessly, disappoving in the nicest way he can when the two start dating. At one point, Aurora gifts him the handwritten copy of her book. He requests she sign it, which she does, although embarrassed.
Aurora is happy. She has her big sister, she has her little brother, even if he likes to pretend they don't know each other. Her friends, her parents, her prince. Her story is almost at its happily ever after.
Until it isn't.
She had tried to ignore Baxter's promise of only being with her for the summer. It didn't fit into her fairytale idealism. So it manages to catch her off guard when he dumps her. She leaves him at his door, turning and going not home but to Cove. Cove comforts her in whatever ways he knows how, and looking back, she would say he did a damn good job. But she was vulnerable, and Cove has always had a habit of resorting to humour, so she should've seen it coming when he points out that he said it was a bad idea to get involved with the victorian emo nightmare.
It's the only time she ever actually hit someone.
In the end it's Miranda who gets her out of her room, convincing her to eat and wash her hair after days of surviving off the snacks stashed in her desk.
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She turns back to her stories, using her experiences as inspiration for her next two books: "A Still Ocean" and "Shattered Silence: A Poetry Collection".
She goes to her brothers graduation, giggling at the way his face goes red and he makes a quick exit, making sure to stay as far away from her as possible. She meets his best friend- Pran is a nice girl, she thinks, she just needs time.
She gives up dancing- It reminded her of him too much.
She goes to college, where she meets a girl who also had the displeasure of knowing Baxter, and the two laugh, comparing old pictures of him and confirming his fashion sense has never been any less funny.
She smiles, and for now, she decides, that's enough.
The summer of 2021 is... eventful to say the least.
June brings her back to the city, where Derek is, smiles and all. It brings his brothers, who look as adorable as ever. It brings his parents, who fawn over her as if she's one of their own.
July... brings Baxter. It brings heartbreak and anger and messages never sent. It brings the discovery that not only does Baxter STILL HAVE the handwritten draft she gave him, but every other book she's published- Lined up on a shelf in Baxter's apartment that he rushes to explain away. It brings tears. It brings dances years too late. It brings forgivess. It brings NEW promises- Ones to stay in touch, to talk, to tell the truth. To love. It brings another disapproving look from Cove that she sees melt away as he watches them dance.
August brings resolution. It brings her family together. It brings jumping onto Cove out of a taxi, making fun of the fact that he never seems to stop getting taller. It brings Lizzie, who pretends to not know how Shiloh is doing even though Aurora definitely saw a text from him on her sisters' phone. It brings a cool wind, a promise of colder weather to come.
It brings an end, and a beginning.
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angriel · 2 years
Can you do Broken reader x Neteyam where the readers bf was cheating on her with some bitchy Na'vi and then your Rival Neteyam comforts you then the both of you fell in love and the rest is up to you!
Damn! You want some Angsty Drama huh? Your wish is my command hun!
Disillusionment [ I ]
part two
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Warning!: Aged up! Neteyam x Reader, Mentions of cheating!, Toxic Relationship, Some super duper Angst everywhere, Absolutely Ass writing, Mentions of Ab^se, Mentions of Blood, Curse Words, Mentions of 💀 thyselves
Also pretend that they're still staying on the forest and not yet migrated to the High Camp. This is also a 2 shot fic okay???
Good for nothing
Those are the words that best describes you, You're considered as the Black Sheep of your family. They've never recognized any of your personal achievements, even when you became one of the people they were never there to support you THEY NEVER CARED ABOUT YOU.
You were not entirely useless, you were Neteyam's RIVAL You hate him to the core. Mainly because you always get compared with him in terms of Fighting and Hunting. He was neither kind nor mean to you he was a balance, he always look at you with a straight face and talking to you in a nonchalant manner further destroying your self esteem.
When you found your Mate Wo'kan he was the best thing that happened to you, he was the only one who cared about you and treats you gentle and kind. He was the exact opposite of your parents his touch was full of love and is being considerate of your feelings. Unlike your so called family who do nothing but beat you and is always scolding and insulting you.
This was the time that Neteyam begins to act like a dick around you always playing pranks, Becoming overly competitive, Insulting you and casually shot glares in your way a couple of times. He made your life a living hell, it was a bittersweet moment in your life as you have mated with Wo'kan infront of Eywa and you two have lived together.
You were finally able to freely breathe without being cautious in your surroundings, you experienced being loved and you'll be lying if you said that it didn't changed you. It made you become brighter and optimistic about life, you and Wo'kan was inseparable and is leading a happy life for what it seems for forever.
Because that's how it's suppose to be right? Being Mates means loving each other eternally, that was what you thought. One night Wo'kan went home late at night you had asked him where he was and what happened to him to go home so late at night but he ignored you, it hurts you when he's not paying attention to you when you're talking to him as it brings many bad memories from your past.
You decided to let it go and ask him tomorrow morning what happened, that specific night made you feel cold on your joint bed. When you woke up in the morning your mate was no where to be seen and it made you feel down, but you sucked it up and thought that he will be back to normal later on in the day.
How you were so wrong about that he went home late AGAIN but he was drunk this time. "Paskalin, What happened to you?" You worriedly asked him but he just grabbed a fistful of your hair and you let out a loud yelp of pain while grabbing his hand that is on your hair.
"Shut the fuck up Snumina muntxate" He said with venom lacing his voice, you widened your eyes you couldn't believe that your beloved husband was saying those things to you. Was it the influence of alcohol? You thought, as you were about to speak he suddenly gave you a harsh slap across your right cheek.
"Words don't shut you up huh? Perhaps my fist will" He spat those words to you before beating you up, he punched you everywhere and left you curling into a ball and then proceeds to kick you. He ab^sed you until the sun has risen up, you feel your body aching and asked Eywa why did she make your life so miserable.
You hoped to Eywa that this will be the first and the last time that this will happen, little did you know that this was one of the many beatings you will take from him. You don't know what to do honestly going back to your parents house was never the option as they will criticize you about how you're still a failure beig a wife.
Every beatings took a toll in your body forming bruises everywhere making hunting hard for you, Neteyam noticed your bruises and proceeds to question you about it. You made up a lame excuse about you being clumsy and falling down a tree when climbing it up for picking a medical herb for your ointments.
Neteyam was suspicious at your lame excuses knowing you almost rival him in terms of combat and flexibilty but he didn't pushed it any further and proceeds to continue the hunt, and as usual the two of you competes but because of your bruised body from your husband's beating you were 2 kills behind Neteyam and he gave you a teasing smirk causing yiu to get angry.
He was getting worried about you seeing you with new bruises every time you hunt with them, and you were getting weaker and thinner. one time before the hunting session he pulled you to a secluded area and begin to question if your excuses were true and since you don't want to ruin your relationship with Wo'kan you said that you're fine and all of your excuses were true.
Neteyam loves you, not as a rival or a friend but as a lover but yiu were too stupid to know that. You were head over heels for Wo'kan, it was one of the reasons why he doesn't have a mate yet he knew that the right time will come but he doesn't know when it will happen.
There was a celebration of the clan as 2 more young boys have become an adult, your husband Wo'kan warned you beforehand to not do anything stupid or he'll kill you for real. And by warn I mean beat you.
You got a wound on your lips from his punch and you covered it with ointment before going out to follow him. You saw him with a beautiful Na'vi Ayn'at, she was everything a man would look for and sadly despite being your mate Wo'kan is a man too. A mated one. You saw how they interact with each other you're stupid in love but you're not stupid enough to understand what was going on between them.
All your worries turned true and all the questions lingering in your mind were answered, Wo'kan was having an affair with Ayn'at. You feel a stab on your heart as you felt the feeling of pain eating you away as you stare at the two, tears began to well on your eye but you blinked it away and then ran to the Tree of Souls.
You connected with Eywa with your tsaheylu and you began to speak out all of the pain you feel in your heart.
"Ma Eywa why are you doing this to me? Do you not love me? Do you not favor me as the others? Ever since I was little all I ever felt was pain. Is this my Fate? Am I destined to live my life this way?" You silently cried to Eywa as your voice cracked at the end. You cried your heart out but you heard a twig snapped, you opened your eyes and hid between some trees.
What you saw made your eyes widened and made your heart feel way worse than it was already feeling, you saw your BELOVED HUSBAND and AYN'AT holding hands together and smiling. They looked so happy together like the two of you in the past. They began to kiss each other and feel each other, you know what they were about to do.
They were about to mate before Eywa, Your eyes widened and as finally tears fell down from your cheeks and the constant stabbing of pain in your chest increases. When a mated Na'vi has mated someone else before Eywa, their partner feels the opposite of what they're feeling. If they feel pleasure of someone else their mate feels pain.
Your heart ached more and more as you began to hear their cries of pleasure from feeling each other. You couldn't take it anymore the pain was becoming unbearable each second you hear their voices, you silently made your way back to your favorite spot where you and Neteyam held your first Competition. The Hallelujah Mountains.
As you landed you've thought about jumping and ending your life but you remained strong. you curled yourself to a soft moss on the rock and cried your heart out, you wondered why Eywa is doing this to you. She really doesn't love you huh?
All the talk of the Natives about finding your mate and finding love seems fake, it all gives you the feeling of...
@fluloa @cleverzonkwombatsludge @thatsenoughformelol @erenjaegerwifee @soxfix @dorck26 @vampsclassiffied @1950schick @lovekeeho @fanboyluvr @buttercake2234 @slutforsmut4ever @witchywannabe3263 @sharni07 @avatarfreaky @immortalbloodhuntress @jakesullylvr
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kosmicdream · 4 months
i feel very similar ab hnk's ending!! I think part of it is that like despite it theoretically being this big culmination of everything phos has gone thru and all the forms they've taken those experiences have roughly 0 real impact on what happens, ultimately.. like I get that part of the deal is that they don't have much agency & it's bittersweet that they've become this totally different thing again but it does not rly land for me. I guess it seems like it's supposed to be happy and optimistic but I am just not Buddhist enough to feel like it's not a tragedy
yeah, i sort of feel the same. i get what it is, it technically fits but emotionally it does not hit. I wanted to love it, but in the end it made me feel like it was a machine designed to have this outcome, rather than an experience that grew to have it. The way everything "worked out" and fit into place, is something i dislike in most stories that reach this kind of outcome (or something similar.) I did not really click with the closing sentiments. I think some things could have worked stronger to me, if Cinnabar and Phos last confrontation had given me something more of substance to feel closure with, but it felt a little too short and too little for me to feel like it was what i wanted to see in the end. Im happy it like, happened in some way, but it wasn't enough. I kinda wanted to see something more with Antarcticite or Cairngorm.. who were both probably some of my fav characters. Even with everything somehow fitting together "perfectly" it still feels like a lot is missing, somehow. Either way, it was still one of the best series I read and I will happily revisit it and own all the volumes, but I cant lie that i was happy with the entire experience. (The art was still goddamn gorgeous for those ending chapters tho)
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doyouevenshipbr0 · 1 year
incoming hot take/rant about natsu and his romantic pairings and his understanding of love
gonna say something thats gonna get me in trouble
natsu has more objectively romantic moments (and i would even dare to say romantic chemistry) with lisanna than lucy.
now, with that being said, i like n*lu more than i like n*li (i do still like n*li tho. dont know why pol hate it sm. its cute!). but like. on a romantic level, natsu has veryyyyy little moments w lucy. he has way more emotional, powerful, and deep moments with lucy. but they’re not romantic.
but as its been shown especially in 100 yq, natsu doesnt really have a grasp on romantic love. he doesn’t get flustered or blush around lucy (for the most part), he doesn’t understand that lucy clearly has romantic feelings for him, and i think the most obvious piece of evidence of this is in 100 yq when that lady (please forgive me i rly have a hard time keeping up w all the villains) cast that spell that made snow dolls out of “the woman held closest in ur heart” or whatever. for gray, just juvia appeared. for natsu, literally every girl in ft appeared.
i just feel like even in the very small moments natsu and lisanna have, and as insignificant as they are in recent ft, natsu always seems a little nervous/shy. at least in old ft. now, its also very obvious that these moments of awkward natsu who may or may not have a crush on lisanna are waaaaaay less frequent now. but in the very beginning of ft when we first learn ab lisanna was literally the most romantic interaction ive seen natsu have with anyone. and i would argue this is the most romantic interaction his character has EVER had. in the whole series.
now, im not an idiot. i know nalu will be end game. as they should be!!! they have arguably the strongest bond of literally anyone in the whole show. u cannot deny their insane compatibility and how they just make sense! i also know that natsu loves lucy more than ANYONE (ok maybe other than happy. theyre prob tied). but i think natsu doesn’t differentiate this from romantic love. YET.
i think something will definitely go down where natsu has this huge revelation that he not only loves lucy but is IN love with her.
but for right now, the most romantic interest natsu has expressed with another person is lisanna. im standing by that.
there should also be something said for the fact i feel like mashima dumbed natsu down over the years???? like in the beginning he was playful, optimistic, brash, and fun loving. i think he is still all of these things but mashima has steadily made natsu less and less understanding of social queues and more socially unaware. idk if that makes sense.
^but i feel like if u asked ep 1 natsu the difference between love and romantic love, he would be able to tell u. now, i dont think he understands the difference. i do think this will change, but for rn thats how i see it.
anyways blah blah blah. to end this senseless rant, lisanna should have stayed dead. bringing her back to life was one of the DUMBEST things ft ever did. not even bc i like n*lu better than n*li. but bc the significance that lisanna had for natsu and what she meant for his character completelyyyyy went away. his childhood gf came back from the dead and he literally could not give less of a fuck about her now lmao. its so bizarre.
ok dont hate me byeeeeee
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miss-galaxy-turtle · 2 years
I watched the Clone High S2 Ep1 leak!! Here are my thoughts 
Overall, I liked it!! It's not perfect, but I think they're still finding their footing 
Normally when shows, especially reboots, do the whole "cancel culture" thing it can come across as lazy and cheesy (looking at you, Velma), but I think it made sense here, given the context of why the show was literally cancelled. Side note, the "canceled table" joke is how I found out Andy Dick voiced Mr. Sheepman
I also thought the idea of a Columbus clone wanting to distance himself from his clone dad was really neat!! It really hearkens back to the whole overarching nature vs nurture theme the show has 
Speaking of the new characters, I like the clash between 2000s teens and 2020s teens but I don't get why they didn't reuse the Harriet design from season one. It's not that her design isn't cute here but it doesn't fit as well in my opinion
Ik Frida and Confucius also had original designs in season one but I really love what they did with Frida's and I like that Confucius has a bit more personality than "stereotypical Asian guy." I'm wondering how they're gonna handle old bg characters being new students here tho 
Continuing with new characters, it was kinda predictable that the new leader was gonna be a love interest for Skudworth, but seeing him in a new light was fun since we didn't get to see him interacting with people besides Mr. B, the students, and occasionally the board. That being said tho I hope she's gonna have a personality besides "hardass that becomes a love interest," but I have faith because Clone High has always had a way of turning things on their heads 
I'm so here for Abe getting called out for being an asshole. The whole apology video(s) thing was hilarious, and he definitely gave me the vibes that he'd casually use slurs lmaoooo
I definitely miss Gandhi. He was my favorite and you can really feel his absence. I actually saw a reddit post saying how they should handle him going forward that I really liked so I'm gonna link that here
I'm really curious to see how they're gonna handle Cleo no longer being popular, it'll be fun to see her personality expand past that of "popular slut"
Last but not least, JOANFK CONFIRMED!!! I love how JFK respected Joan when she wasn't sure about agreeing to be his girlfriend officially or not. I think that really shows the difference between him and Abe, if that makes sense? And at the end when they finally made it official
All in all, I liked it! It's not perfect but I think it just needs to find its footing moving forward. I'm cautiously optimistic!
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luzxii · 1 year
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- With the "three days left counter", it instead refers to the exact anniversary of Patty's pa ssing, the day after Halloween. Rick does not plan on moving. Instead of a sleepover, Streb er invites the gang to join him at the haunted house.
- The majority of the gang was not as deeply affected by Patty's death as the Omogang was of Mari's, they were not nearly as close with her and it was more the aftermath that caused change.
- Radford and Kevin changed the least out of the gang, except Radford now works at a DV D and videogame store rather then the theat re.
- Hanna was less affected by Patty (though she was of course sad about it and extremly worried for Rick) but was much more heavily affected by Rick's out of the blue breakup with her. Rick soon finds out after reuniting with the gang that she had already found a n ew partner. Rick taking that... not very well.
- Hanna hasn't at all moved on from Rick, ha ving forced herself to get a new partner in at tempts to stop how hurt the sudden departu re made her,she still doesn't have the same c onnection with her new girlfriend and is truly still in love with Rick deep down. Though Ric k saw this as her already having forgotten ab out him, not knowing the real context. Plus t he breakup was very impulsive on Rick's part and not something he wanted or thought thr ough in the slightest.
- Streber was affected the most by the event besides Rick. He deals with things differently then Basil. His personality is around the sam e, except theres a tense aura around him. His optimistic and carefree nature having disipat ed. The pressure of having to hide an act of manslaughter drove him to cope through his inventions, spending days alone in his house creating. He became less social and more clo sed off, not wanting to risk anything slipping out.
- Hanna still treats Rick with love and affecti on, she missed him dearly.
- Some of Radford's actions mirror Kel's role in some regard, though only to the extent of being the one to knock on Rick's door. He st ill sees Rick as a good pal even after years a part.
- Kevin, Rads and Rick used to be a trio of so rts, Kevin hadn't changed much at all since R ick isolated but seems to have a bit of anger towards him for ditching them for such a lon g time, though is interally more concerned t hen anything.
part 1 of the refs right here check em out!!
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runningfrom2am · 8 months
extremely late chapter 14 thoughts:
1. sejanus as much as i love you- maybe not throw yourself inside the house when coryo is having an existential crisis.
2. i love lennox because there should be at least one person who thinks the right way. i hope lennox keeps him on his toes so he thinks three times before doing anything.
3. “Unless you still didn’t see it that way.” ohhhh… the drama.
4. “the back cover of an old book about a man who hunted humans.” is the book “the most dangerous game”?
5. trying to materialise her morals with her prize must’ve been awful. only having money to hold as you’re in a train for that long with that many thoughts, i can’t even imagine.
6. i truly love the family r has and how even that makes her different than lucy gray. the latter was the oldest in her unit, as far as i know, while r isn’t meant to take care of anyone. also you are doing an excellent job at not casting them aside, as side characters usually exist for a quick second in fanfics.
7. Coriolanus Snow Being Honest To A District Woman? It’s More Likely Than You Think.
8. well, ladybugs bring luck.
9. thank you so much for not making her jump to his arms in a few seconds. she went through hell in that arena and at least half of it could be traced back to coryo. the emotional weight of that isn’t something that will lift quickly. she is bound to him by something greater than her feelings.
10. “I am yours for the walk and especially when I walk away.” MA’AM IS THIS FORESHADOWING IN A WAY?
welcome back bestie!! also i hope you had such a great birthday !!
1. yeah he was not thinking LMAO he was just like “on my way to see my friend !” and lucy gray was like “bro cmon read the room”
2. yes i love him :’) he was ready to swing immediately. i really love writing sibling relationships bc with my brother i’ve had so many different perspectives on it through the years haha, but now it literally doesn’t matter i’m like “this person is annoying” and he’s like “i’ll fight them rn” lol. i really think lennox needs to bring that energy bc r is WAY too gentle for her own good, even after all that she went through. he’s a good kid, of course, raised by the same parents, but he’s not nearly as timid and i love him for it.
and ANOTHER thing ab lennox- him and lucy gray both know more than her parents do, and both are clearly protective of her but she is still willing to give coryo a chance. he sees coryo as untrustworthy and a threat to r even though he knows she cares about him, but lucy gray is more optimistic ab it. idk, i feel like they see the situation clearly but in very different ways.
3. he’s like “shit i came all this way to be shut down didn’t i-“ lol
4. yes ma’am 🫡🤭 i mean i know it’s a short story but i have seen individual prints of it too (i had someone on wp be like “but that’s not a book it’s a short story” like girl i know pls-
5. no literally i would lose my damn mind. like you’re staring at an amount of money that can change your life and trying to convince yourself it is somehow worth it (which i know she could never do) would be actual torture i think.
6. i love her family so much, like realistically i can’t imagine r being the person she is without having a loving and supportive family.
also thank you! i love lucy gray and the covey too much to neglect them. especially maude ivory!! we deserved more of her in the movie!!
7. no literally. especially r’s mom. i think he doesn’t consciously know it either but r had talked about her mom quite a bit while she was in the capitol so i think he trusts her more than he would care to if he didn’t feel like he “knew her”. also i think important to mention that his fathers death also affected her so deeply and even physically.
8. that they do 🤭
9. AH you are so welcome. like as much as that would have been cute or whatever i seriously don’t think that was even an option for her it wouldn’t have made even a bit of sense. honestly, she was more likely to bolt back out the door and make a run for it hahahaha
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blondchameleon · 4 months
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🎵 Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby and I'm a monster on the hill. Too big to hang out, slowly lurching toward your favorite city. Pierced through the heart, but never killed 🎶 (anti-hero by taylor swift plays automatically when you go on sam's blog)
name: samuel jessica evans. 
nicknames: sammy, white chocolate, trouty mouth, blond chameleon or captain trouty. 
pronouns: he/him.
gender: cismale.
birthday/zodiac: may 21, gemini.
birthplace: knoxville, tn!
relationship status: single.
sexuality: pansexual, like deadpool.
occupation: “accountant” and part time exotic dancer, also an ex-model. you might've seen my junk looking as big as a car on the side of a bus in new york a couple of years ago.
sports/clubs: art club, astronomy club, digital media club, drama club, fight club, film club, gay-straight alliance, god squad, improv club, painting club, photography club. i'm also on the football team, go titans! and the swim and synchronized swim teams.
major/minor: digital media and visual communications!
languages: english, ASL, na'vi, very poor spanish.
social media handles: blondchameleon everywhere and uh, ifykyk about my other ones.
height: 6'0''.
build: athletic??? and my abs can cut glass, absolutely ab-ulous!
eye color:  hazel.
hair color: blond and i don't dye it.
piercings: oh man, i got my nipples, tongue and ears pierced... but like, think teddy altman from marvel not grey's anatomy. but also specifically in his earth-616 era.
tattoos:  i have a firefly quote on my forearm, i'm fine on my inner elbow, i'm just starting a sleeve of comics and anime panels on my right arm and left leg, respectively.
other distinguishing features:  i got some birthmarks on my face?
style: homeless man, 12 year old boy, and a hooker!
traits: pretty much anything that fits a hufflepuff, so like loyal and creative, optimistic and i think i'm pretty funny and charming! i uh, might also be kinda stubborn and impulsive, according to my therapist.
likes: space, comic books, anime, chapstick, mountain dew and cool ranch doritos, avatar, star wars, lord of the rings, you know that kinda stuff.
dislikes: rude people (but i ain't hannibal okay), onions, pickles, losing, politics, math.
fears: being homless again or losing my friends and family.
skills: i can play the guitar and i can hold my breath for like five minutes underwater. i can fit my whole fist in my mouth too! i'm also pretty good at tying knots.
quirks: i bite my nails and talk in my sleep??? if i'm stressed out i also sleep walk?? i also do that thing people hate where i jiggle my leg when i'm nervous.
hobbies: doing impressions, playing sports and video games, i used to model a lot more than i do, but i think i like taking pictures more, playing the guitar and bass, especially for high road. i also dabble in paint and i love stargazing.
music tastes: ♪♫♬ listen... i like a lot of different stuff and some was just for work, but you can't hear something for so long and not enjoy it too. ♪♫♬
myers-briggs: it started with an e and ended with t? i think?
kinsey scale: it's a solid three, i know 'cause they taught me at pride a couple of years ago.
strengths: if you've seen me in the gym, you know. also i'm really working on my singing 'cause if i want to voice something on disney, i know i'm going to have to sing.
weaknesses: math. fuck math, fr.
My personality is like a radioactive asteroid, spend too much time with it and it could kill you.
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sepiamestus · 8 months
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Ask game him ☝️
My first impression: i remember seeing him on the cover of the first volume and going "ohhhh im gonna be obsessed with this fucker arent i"
My impression now: hes literally everything to me. His arc is so so good and hes such a great multifaceted character. I could go on and on ab how much i adore him but you already know. I love u ray
Favorite thing about that character: the way he acts like he doesnt care ab anything when in reality his fatal flaw is that he cares so so much. Explodes myself
Least favorite thing: i dunno?? Like hes a very flawed character but thats one of the things i love most about him. Idk if theres anything i really dislike ab his character!!
Favorite line/scene: him telling emma that he's going to stay alive for his family :')
Favorite interaction that character has with another: SOSOSO MANY i love his relationship with emma theyre so important to me his relationship with don is so fucked but i love love love them (obviously) him being the bestest big brother to jemima AUUUU HIM AND ISABELLA MAKE ME INSANNNEEE TEARING OUT MY HAIR!!! If i had to pick a specific moment i think it would be him hugging eems after she wakes up during the promised forest arc
A character that I wish that character would interact with more: GILDAAAAA I WANT THEM TO BE FRIENDS I TALK AB THIS ALL THE TIME. See this post to witness my full insanity
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character: crona soup eaterrrrrrrr!! Very different personalities but they both were put in horrible situations and had to face the Horrors as little babies with very fucked up relationships w their mothers and were both saved by a headstrong optimistic girl who becomes their best friend
A headcanon about that character: transfem ray is sooo real. To me
A song that reminds of that character: WOE. RAYLIST BE UPON YE
An unpopular opinion about that character: the fire jokes were funny like once but now theyre really frustrating. Why is a depiction of a traumatized child trying to kill himself so humorous to you 🤨
Favorite picture: physically cannot choose just one but im a big fan of this image
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skz-jieun · 2 years
Get To Know Me ✨
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+ about
#stage name - jieun {CHEE-Un} #birth name - elizabeth ki #birth name meaning - 'elizabeth' is of old hebrew origin, meaning 'gods promise' #korean name - ki jieun #birthday - march 6th, 2001 #birthplace - rey, east sussex, england #hometown - rey, england & seoul, south korea #nationality - british-korean #ethnicity - british-korean #languages - english (native), korean (fluent), mandarin (fluent), japanese (almost fluent), cantonese (conversational), spanish (conversational), thai (learning) #MBTI - ENFP (the campaigner) #representative emoji - 🐯/🐅 #skzoo character - jiger (jieun & tiger) #zodiac - pisces | #chinese zodiac - horse
+ appearance
#look alike - isa, member of stayc #natural hair color - blonde #natural hair type - curly #eye color - dark brown #height - 165cm (5'4'') #blood type - AB+ (Ro subtype) #dominant hand - left hand (ambidextrous) #special features - She has broad shoulders & a thin waist, natural blonde hair & double eyelids #birthmarks - not notable #scars - she has a scar on her right foot from a surgery (ganglion cyst); she has a scar on her left ear lobe from ripped out jewelry; both her palms have slight scars from performance props #modifications - coming soon
+ career
#occupations - dance (100%), vocal (100%), produce (90%), songwriting (90%), rap (60%) #positions - dancer, vocalist, rapper (added 2020), producer (added 2020), songwriter (added 2020) #racha - VocalRacha, unofficial 3Racha & DanceRacha #company - JYP Entertainment (2009-present) #training period - 9 years (2009-2017) #group debut - March 25th, 2018 #debut age - 17 years (internationally) #years active - 6 years (2017-present) #associations - JYP Entertainment, Stray Kids, Sixteen, Twice
+ statistics
vocals: 9/10 rap: 8/10 dance: 10/10 acting: 6/10 variety: 6/10 modeling: 8/10 songwriting: 10/10 producing: 8/10
+ health
#mental - she suffers from insomnia; she had symptoms of an eating disorder at the end of 2020 #physical - jieun suffers from migraines with aura and epilepsy #phobia - monophobia (fear of being alone) & aquaphobia/thalassophobia (fear of water/deep water) #allergy - Not known.
+ personal
#strengths - curious, perceptive, enthusiastic, excellent communicator, festive, good-natured #weaknesses - people-pleasing, unfocused, disorganized, overly accommodating, overly optimistic, restless #talents - being an all-rounder, learning fast/easier (especially languages), aerial arts, perfect pitch #hobbies - dancing, learning languages, spending time with friends & members, making music, trying new things #likes - getting lost in music, the smell of fresh grass, spring, cuddling & skinship, mochis, trying new dances with DanceRacha, cherry blossoms, animals, STAY, true crime documentaries, trying new things, dancing in the rain, producing with 3Racha, giving love, Café & vocal lesson dates with VocalRacha #dislikes - animal cruelty, discrimination, feeling left out, being underestimated, extreme mukbangs, the smell of lemon, haters, doing nothing, leaving stuff undecorated, celebrities taking money for pictures & autographs, the taste of coconuts, holding a grudge, arguing
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Hey, thanks for giving this post your time and I hope you will enjoy my stories. I appreciate you 💗
One day you will thank yourself for not giving up.
Disclaimer: All the pictures are from Pinterest and are not mine. Credit to the owners. © skz-jieun - all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, or translate my work on Tumblr or other platforms.
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yutopia-eleftheria · 5 months
Bill Edward Backstory
My version of his backstory is a combination of all stories from Another Code Two Memories (Trace Memory), Another Code R : A Journey Into Lost Memories (where he is mentioned and we understand his actions better), and Another Code Recollection. Like with Ryan Gray, I decided to combine both backstories into one in my AU, although it's less "impacting" than Ryan, as there are only a few details that have changed for Bill.
Note : The writing is inspired by the official page from the Cing Wiki.
To see the original page, click here.
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Full Name : Bill Henry Edward
Race : Human
Age : 38
Gender : Born Male ; Gender Neutral
Birthday : December 31st 1966
Zodiac Sign : Capricorn
Blood Type : AB+
Home : United States
Relatives : Frannie Edward {Mother} (deceased)
Unnamed Father (presumably deceased)
Thomas Edward {Great Uncle} (deceased)
Jane Edward {Great Aunt} (deceased)
Daniel Edward {First Cousin Once Removed} (deceased)
Henry Edward {Maternal Grandfather} (deceased)
Marie Edward {Maternal Grandmother} (deceased)
Leonard Edward {Ancestor} (deceased)
Sally Edward {Ancestor} (deceased)
Lawrence Edward {Ancestor} (deceased)
Helen Edward {Ancestor} (deceased)
Occupation : M.J. Labs Scientist (formerly)
Affiliation : Sayoko Robbins (Former Colleague, Crush and Murder Victim ; deceased)
Richard Robbins (Colleague and Ennemy)
Jessica Robbins (Richard's Younger Sister and Former Girlfriend)
Ryan Gray ("Colleague" ; "deceased")
Judd Fitzgerald (Superior ; deceased)
Ashley Mizuki Robbins (Sayoko and Richard's Daughter)
"That's ENOUGH out of you ! Why don't you listen to me ? I don't HAVE anything else. Another is all I have left !"
Bill Edward is a major character in Another Code : Two Memories and its remake Another Code : Recollection.
He is a scientist who worked on Another with Ashley's parents. He is the last descendant of the Edward family and the current owner of the Edward mansion on Blood Edward Island. According to a D.A.S. card, Bill does not live on the mansion, however, only visiting it every few months. He is the son of Frannie Edward.
Personality :
He is first portrayed as a father like figure to Ashley when he posed as Richard which can come off as creepy. He took this to his advantage, manipulating and lying to her as a result. Later on, it's revealed that he is a serious person and he's dedicated to his work. Bill had fallen in love with Sayoko but he became bitter when she got together with Richard and he lost trust in people. He is also not above harming others to accomplish this goal of his, considering that he murdered Ashley's mother, knocked out Jessica and Richard. Plus, he attempted to kill him.
It is speculated that he wanted to sell the Another for financial gain as he had the mindset that anyone could pay top dollar for this sort of technology. Bill has more of a short temper and he felt that the Another is the only thing he has left, meaning that he needed it to feel happy or whole again. It is said that Bill was optimistic in the past.
Background :
In 1966, Frannie Edward had a son named Bill after she supposedly got together with an unknown man. She seemingly raised him as well. However, it is unclear if Bill's father was even around to take care of him. When he grew up, Bill worked at M.J. Labs. In 1994, his mother passed away.
Bill knew Sayoko and Richard when they were working at M.J. Labs, as well as Jessica Robbins. They worked on researching memories and the project known as Another, with him and Sayoko being the driving forced of the project.
It is hinted he had feelings for Sayoko and felt bitter when she fell in love with Richard. Meanwhile, it is hinted that Jessica had a crush on Bill, although for unclear reasons, it appears they never became a couple. On the chance they were in a relationship, Bill would have ended it when he fled to Blood Edward Island after his crime.
Bill was annoyed when Sayoko left the project to focus on being a mother (which she did because she felt Another could fall into the wrong hands and be used for evil), as well for betraying the company by hiding her work on Another in her house, feeling Another wasn't just hers or Richard's. In order to stop Another from completion, Sayoko also lied by claiming there was a false report that there was an error in the Another theory. Bill claims he begged Sayoko to share their work, but she refused.
In 1994, under the manipulation of Ryan Gray, he intruded in the Robbins' home with a handgun. He found Sayoko and ordered her to give him the research on Another, but she refused. He shot her with a handgun, while Ashley hid in a closet and witnessed the act.
Sometime later, he arrived at Sayoko's graveyard and left her some flowers. He stood by her own grave for a long time with a stricken (sad) look on his face (possibly because he felt emotionally hurt). It is unknown if he noticed Richard at that time. Bill continued to work with him to finish Another, and encouraged Richard to isolate from the rest of the world by offering Blood Edward Mansion as a place to live.
He eventually discovers that Richard secretly encoded Another to be only usable by Ashley's biometrics, fueling his anger and seeing this as another act of Richard being secretive and selfish.
Bill manages to subdue Richard and implant a false memory of Sayoko's murder into Richard's mind using Another. He later leaves an unconscious Richard in a secret room belonging to his ancestor, Lawrence Edward, and begins his plan to pose as Asley's father, manipulating her into giving him her Dual Another System as well as the Another keys, and allowing him to take Another for himself.
Although not made explicitly clear, it is hinted he may have wanted to kill Richard afterwards so he would not interfere with him taking Another. It is shown he is not above murder, having killed Sayoko and he tells Ashley to say goodbye to Richard while holding him at gunpoint.
Bill abducts Jessica after he told her he will take her to Richard, so she crossed the bridge to reach the main entrance of the mansion. She is knocked unconscious and he locks her in the wine cellar. She was seemingly drugged as well (which was presumably done to make her sleepy and woozy, so that she wouldn't have the energy to meddle with his affairs after regaining consciousness). Bill never actually intended for Jessica to come to the island.
He later meets Ashley in the mansion, pretending to be her father. She is taken aback by how he smells of smoke. She has a conversation with him and asks some questions. Then, they part ways when Ashley goes looking for the Another keys while he goes for Jessica. By the time Ashley reunites and hugs Richard (her real father) at the laboratory inside the mansion after remembering his face, Bill tells him to meet up at the mines through a speaker.
He is confronted by Richard and Ashley in the mine. This is where he's revealed the be the main antagonist. Ashley tells him that was an incredibly creepy thing to do when he posed as her father. He tries to mess with Ashley's head by positing Richard being her mother's killer, but with intense focus, she is able to identify him as Sayoko's murderer from her memories of her third birthday.
He holds Richard at gunpoint, but Daniel Edward's ghost appears briefly and spooks him, telling him to stop or he will make Frannie cry. The shock makes him lose balance and he ends up dangling over a cliff, Richard having caught him. Richard's grip slips and Bill meets his end after he falls off the ledge of the mine. It's never explained if his body is retrieved after.
Bill is referenced a few times during the events of Another Code R : A Journey Into Lost Memories. His figure can be seen in Ashley's dream as the figure who shoots her mother.
Near the end, Ashley discovers Ryan's role in manipulating Bill to murder her mother. It is revealed Bill was one of the few people who knew that Ryan was actually the son of Judd Fitzgerald. Ryan was dismayed when Judd refused him to be his successor, and Bill revealed the truth to him. Ryan wanted revenge against Judd and his successors, and pretended to ally with Bill, although Ryan just saw Bill as a tool to be used.
Quotes :
"You're a bad little girl, Ashley. To accuse someone of such a heinous crime without proof... Richard, did you fill her mind with all this poison ?"
"Ashley, your father is the horrible one. He pretended to be my friend, but then he stabbed me in the back."
"I thought it was your weakness that made you hide from reality, not any grand goals for humanity. For eleven years, you reveled in your solitude and research, never thinking of the cost. Who do you think paid ? Me and Ashley !" (to Richard)
Trivia :
Depending on the moment and possibly his mood, Bill's characterization can be a bit different. For example, when Bill is calmer, he attacks Richard's masculinity by saying, "And you call yourself a man ?"
Bill can come off as more patriotic, saying Sayoko betrayed their country.
He seems more concerned about money, annoyed he financially contributed to funding Richard's agenda.
He can have a shorter fuse ; telling Richard to shut up, twice.
He seems angrier at Richard in general, wanting him to die sooner than later, pressuring Ashley to say goodbye to him. However, he actually puts focus on getting her to talk more about her memories. He also takes jabs at Richard for not attending Ashley's birthday party sooner, supporting his view that Richard is a bad father.
It is not revealed Bill is Frannie's son until Ashley and D. sees the picture of Frannie alongside a young Bill in his notebook, but there was evidence. D interrupted him when he is about to shoot Richard by mentioning Frannie's name (D : "Stop. You're going to make Frannie cry.") and Frannie is likely the only one whom is able to give the inheritance of the estate to him. One of the D.A.S. cards reveals that Bill's mother died in 1994, the same year that Sayoko died, and she refused to set foot in the "cursed mansion". Considering what happened to Frannie's family during her short stay on the island - her cousin's death, her uncle being shot by her father, and her father's madness leading to his suicide - it makes sense that she'd be unwilling to ever return.
It is stated that he smells like cigarettes (smoke), so it can be speculated that he smokes to relieve some amount of stress or emotional pain from what he had experienced. Examples include : losing his mother, the memory of Sayoko being more distant and ignoring his pleas, Richard acting secretive and selfish in his eyes or other reasons.
In a D.A.S. card, Richard mentions, "Bill visits me every few months to hear about my progress. When he visits this mansion, he often acts strangely. When his right hand touches some of the furniture with the golden bird designs, he sometimes recoils as if he had been electrocuted. It's all very peculiar. Oddly enough Bill doesn't even notice himself recoiling, and looks at me very strangely when I mention it to him." It can be theorized it has something to do with Henry (who is Bill's grandfather) losing his right arm in World War II.
It can be speculated that Bill probably tried to get Richard to isolate himself on the island in order to avoid any possible contact with Ashley. At some point, Richard probably told Bill that Ashley was found hiding in the room and may have witnessed Sayoko's killer. Bill would not be aware of how well toddler Ashley would see his face and if Ashley saw Bill, she could claim he killed Sayoko. This held true 11 years later when Ashley was able to recognize Bill. Even though, she didn't recognize him at first when they met at the island. Ashley regained her memory of Bill committing the crime by focusing on his face and the gun intensely in the mine.
As Bill visits the island every few months, it is likely Bill who brings fresh canned food to Richard which he mentions eating in a D.A.S. card.
Family Tree :
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Note : All the family members has met their demise earlier.
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