#it’s happening again now i’m in my stardew valley phase
dinosaur-mayonnaise · 8 months
maybe it’s just the autism talking but i have a weird obsession with reading video game wikis in my spare time. it’s like non fiction fanfic.
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fancy--that · 2 years
This post is purely about myself and the fandoms I’m in. Read on if you’re interested, if not then what are you doing here?? jk i love you all mwah kisses *platonic*
- Hamilton (Obviously) die hard fan for 6 years, i also may have just hyperfixated (thats what 100% happened) and now autism won’t let me leave. I write fanfictions for the ship Jamilton (if you know me you know this) “fancy_that” on Ao3 if you’re into that kind of stuff! -FNAF. About 9 years into this thing now, maybe not as over the top as some of the other fandoms i’m in but its still a goodie. I wrote one terrible fanfiction about it in the 6th grade and now i just look at fanart.
-TMNT. 10 years going strong I have seen EVERY SINGLE movie and tv show associated with these turtles and they’re great every time, Donatello stan for life, again now my days are mostly spent looking at fanart tiktok edits and headcanons -Pokemon. 8 years now. I have played every game, have a decent card collection (only of the ones i find cute, sad ik) have seen every show and they are the only games i buy on a whim (Scarlet/Violet i’m coming for you)
-Stardew Valley. Only about a year and half I’ve been playing this now. It’s literally my favorite thing (Harvey and Haley I will die for you) its an amazing game, it has farming, romance, lore, mystery you name it, i highly reccomend you play it if you have not! And its nice to find memes i actually relate to!
I’m also just in the musical theater fandom as a whole, “Ride The Cyclone” has me in a chokehold right now and i’ve only listened to two songs, also I’m getting back in my “Little Shop Of Horrors” phase.
Along with of course my hyperfixations: Botany (the one succulent in my house is currently thriving after i dropped it and totally chopped it in half) Ornithology (I will love and talk about birds until I die) Literature (horror books for the win of course) Really anything horror at all (please talk to me about Art the Clown)
anyways uh if you read this far <3 hearts for you. And um thanks for uh listening to my rambling! Cheers!
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kiljoius · 3 years
No One Said
Shane x Farmer
First fic in years...I'm quite rusty. Stardew Valley inspired me to write again. Love that chicken boy.
1100 words.
1:10 p.m.
Gem in hand, you’re walking down the stairs next to Pierre’s, heading for the Saloon. As you pass the Mulner’s, your elbow brushes against one of their plants and sends a shock right to your neck. You brush your elbow, wincing, and proceed to ignore it. Rounding the corner, you swing the Saloon door open, first seeing Gus, then Emily.
“Hey Gus! Emily, hey, I found something in the mine!” You skip over to the counter, pulling your hand from your pocket and unveiling a dirty, green gem stone. Emily whirls around to face you from the sink to the counter, and her eyes lock in on your hand, her eyes growing a bit.
“Oh my! That looks like emerald!” She exclaims, snatching it from your hand to carefully look it over in her own.
“I thought so! Yeah, when I saw it I immediately thought of you,” you say, the corners of your lips tugging upward as you see the excitement in her voice. A small slurping sound catches your attention, and your eyes dart around the Saloon briefly to identify the noise. It’s so early, people aren’t normally at the Saloon at this time on a Wednesday. Your eyes stop at Shane. Well, you suppose, that makes sense.
“Oh this is one of my favorites! What a great find!” Emily has been going on about the gem for about a minute before she finally sets it back down on the counter in front of you. You turn your attention back to her, and shortly push the emerald back towards her.
“You keep it! I wanted to give it to you, you’re way more into this stuff than I am,” you say with a smile, and Emily’s eyes light up.
“You’re awesome, farmer. I can’t wait to clean this baby up and put it with the others. It’s quite a bit smaller!” Emily takes the gem in her hands and turns towards the sink, beginning to rinse it.
“No problemo!” You push yourself away from the counter and swing around to look at Shane. You hold one hand up in a somewhat half-wave. He’s staring directly into his full beer, not meeting your gaze at all. You’re unsure if he sees you or not, so you meander over and softly say “uh, hey Shane.”
The farmer. His attempts at pretending he has no idea you’re there have failed, and now you are interacting for the second time this week, and it’s only Wednesday. He lifts his eyes lazily to acknowledge your presence, then back down again. You sit down at the seat closest to where he’s standing up against the wall and rummage through your pocket. He lifts his eyes just a bit again to see what you’re doing, unusual of you not to just launch into the questioning phase. His eyes follow your hands in your pockets, until they reveal a small pepper.
“By chance, I have this pepper! Uhm- someone told me you like peppers, and I just harvested the first of the bunch this morning, one of the first summer crops, and I happen to have one and uh-yeah-so here ya go!” Your hand outstretched, he lowers his beer a bit and stares at it. You hold your hand out a bit farther, “I initially took it to the mines with me as a bit of a pick me up, y’know, kinda zap me into focus! Weird logic, whatever, I didn’t end up eating it and you’re here. So. Take it.”
He grabbed it from your hand and shoved it in his sweater pocket, mumbling “uh, fine. Thanks I guess. I do like peppers." Your eyes light up and he immediately looked back down into his beer.
“Oh good, I’m glad. Hey Gus, can I get a beer here, too, please?” You waved at Gus, who nodded briskly. “I’ll have plenty more where that came from!” You chuckled softly, touching your elbow. You winced once more, a quiet sound escaping in the process, and this caught his attention. He locked in on the gash on your right elbow and his eyebrows raised. Gus slid the beer next to you, “thanks.”
“Not that I care, but are you okay?” He asked. It was probably the first sign of compassion you’ve seen from him yet, and you couldn’t help but smile.
“Yeah, totally fine. No worries. Happens all the time. I fell, like a goof. Uhm, that’s actually why I’m here already, so early in the day. I usually spelunker down there for quite a bit longer, but I was just a bit…tired today.”
“Because of the wound?”
“Kind of.”
“That…looks pretty nasty. Like legitimately gross.” He had been staring at it the entire time, not even taking a sip of his beer. You clasped your hand over it and turned away from him.
“Yeah, you know what-I uh-should actually probably get it checked. Sorry to dip out on you so quickly. Here, take my beer.” You fumbled for some cash to put on the table, then slid the beer to the edge of the counter, towards him. He looked at the beer, then back at you. “I’ll see you around, ok? With more peppers,” you smiled, giving him a small pat on the arm as you hopped off the stool. He furrowed his eyebrows as his gaze followed your figure out the door. “Bye Gus, Emily!”
“See ya, farmer!”
“Good luck out there!”
He pulled the pepper from his pocket and eyed it carefully. He could already feel Emily’s stare as she waltzed over to him. “What?” He hissed.
“A pepper, huh? I got a gem,” she winked, leaning over the counter to get a better look.
“Yeah, and I wonder who could’ve told her I like peppers,” he shot his eye at her, shoving the pepper back in his sweater pocket.
“Oh, probably Jas or Marnie, they love to talk about you!” She cackled, slamming her hands on the counter, causing Shane to flinch. He sighed and set his now empty glass on the counter, pulling himself into the seat you were initially in. He wrapped his fingers around the handle of the glass you left him and stared into it. She pushed herself up from the counter, “you’re gonna have to start being a bit nicer, you know.”
“Says who?” He didn’t even bother to lift his head to look at her. He already knew she had that playful, mischievous look on her face.
“No one I suppose. But I would, if I were you,” she turned from him.
No one said he had to start being nicer. His right hand was still in his pocket, holding onto the pepper. He thought of the farmers wound. He wondered if it would be alright. He lifted the glass to his lips.
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ackermansupremacy · 3 years
M O R E marley kids headcanons because THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN
Tumblr media
Falco picks the pepperoni off his pizza
Udo loves frogs!
And he has a horrible habit of keeping some??
So you have to get him a whole ass tank specifically for random frogs he takes from outside
Gabi wears her soccer cleats to school and claims its for self defense
Zofia whoops ass in super smash bros
She mains some dumbass weak character then obliterates everyone
even Reiner and Colt
Udo and Falco have gotten into heated playstation vs xbox arguments
...Gabi really likes setting things on fire
I’m sorry to be the one to say this but Gabi was a sticky ipad toddler
Zofia had a wolf phase 💀
Falco read warrior cats books and got SUPER into it
He had a whole OC and everything that Colt still makes fun of him for smh
When Gabi was younger she had a small crush on Colt but shes never told ANYONE
When Zofia and Gabi have sleepovers alone, they watch winx club and barbie movies
Around the boys they swear theyre dumb and for little kids
But they will know all the lyrics to every song in the movie by heart
Falco really likes high school musical but hes too embarrassed to tell anyone 💀
Udo loves theater stuff but got bullied out of being a theater kid
Zofia has 500+ hours on animal crossing
Her island has a clean cottagecore theme with a pretty floral name or one that one of her friend recommended like “memory” or “lantern”
She used to be super into the sims but she built and decorated a ton of houses but her save file got reset and she was so distraught she never played it ever again
Gabi has 800+ hours and still lives in a tent
When Zofia asked her how she said “i really like fishing”
She had over 5,000,000 bells in her bank account
I see Falco and Udo being more into stardew valley
Gabi loves horror games and forced her friends to play phasmophobia with her
Until it scared Falco so bad that he almost threw up
Then they decided maybe it was better to stick to minecraft, roblox and among us
Udo? M a s t e r c h e f
Mans could put Gordon Ramsay to shame
He could be making instant ramen and he just adds stuff to it to make it *chefs kiss*
Honestly just learned from watching his mom
I will die by clingy mamas boy Udo 😤
Gabi yells “PARKOUR” and tries to jump over benches but usually slams her face into the pavement
But she plays it off so well you almost wouldnt notice
These kids TORMENT Colt
Whenever they have a sleepover he always leaves the house
The last straw was when they decided to fuck with him and climb through the vents into this room in the middle of the night after he locked them out
It scared him so bad he blocked the vent of his room in fear it would happen again
Pieck and Zeke don’t believe they’re as rowdy as people make them out to be
They act like little angels around them
But Reiner knows the truth all too well 😭
But lets be real, he loves those kids and rlly wouldn’t have it any other way
Yo so many people write headcanons for these kiddos now and i’m LIVING for the content
Anyway chile, i have 8 drafts/requests rn so it might take me a hot minute to finish any of them ❤️ Just wanted to write for my beans again while i get all my ideas sorted out
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cozykhaos · 5 years
A New Sun. Part 2
The day dragged as usual and it wasn’t until after lunch that I was summoned to the sixth floor, the executive offices. I took the elevator up, and it opened to a large open room. It was a whole different world up here. The flooring was dark gray concrete with sparkling inlays, a crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the room, there weren’t any windows, but an entire wall phased through scenes. Cherry blossoms in Japan, the mountains, the ocean. On and on it went, soft music playing in the background.
“Ma’am?” A brunette woman looked at me from behind a desk.
“Yes, sorry, that’s just really – “My voice trailed off as a scene of a crystal-clear lake appeared.
“Beautiful, right?”
“Very,” I bounced a little on the balls of my feet, nerves getting the best of me.
“Kit! In here please” Diane poked her head out of an office to my left. She disappeared, and the door shut once again.
The brunette frowned. “Go on in I guess.”
I entered the room, beside Diane was a handsome man I had never met before. He towered above me, even with his authority stance of his legs parted at shoulder length, arms crossed in front of him. He had a strong jaw that was shadowed with black stubble, he had a full head of thick black hair and deep brown eyes. His shirt, even though collared with a tie, was short sleeves and his olive skin glowed from being outside. I glanced over at Diane who had put on makeup today, her cheeks were rosy, lips cakey with too much lipstick. From where she was standing behind the man, she was clearly checking out his ass. Good for you Diane, good for you.
“Hi, Miss McKenzie my name is Thomas,” he flashed a smile of perfectly straight white teeth and extended his hand. I shook it and flashed a smile of my own. “Nice to meet you.”
He moved behind his desk and motioned for me to have a seat, Diane shifted nervously in her spot, still standing.
“Miss McKenzie, I know there was an issue yesterday with a –“ He paused and looked over the paper work. “Mr. Anthony Lynell, he called in and placed a complaint about you. Your first one since you started working here. That’s rather impressive.”
I didn’t respond, Thomas cleared his throat and continued. “I have reviewed the audio tapes of Mr. Lynell’s conversation with you and Miss Gould and have come to determine that he was the one out of line.”
I relaxed and handed out a folder that I had brought with me. “I did a little bit of research, in case this didn’t go well for Lauren and I. Mr. Lynell has a profile with us and the notes that have been documented are very concerning. He has been aggressive with numerous employees. Name calling, threats. He apparently tried to beat one of the service technicians with a cowboy boot. I’m surprised he hasn’t been brought to a supervisor’s attention before,” I handed over the folder and Thomas thumbed through it, a frown tugging at the corners of his lips. Diane shifted in her still standing position, was that sweat I spotted on her upper lip?
“This is very good work Miss McKenzie. I’m going to make sure I reach out to Mr. Lynell myself and let him know we will no longer be doing any sort of work for him.”
“But-“ Diane started. Thomas raised a hand, silencing my boss, then leaned forward. “I have been reviewing your file with us Miss McKenzie, I’m very impressed. When you started here you were right out of high school and working in the warehouse. Where you came up with a new process on getting new service vans set up. Before it would take us weeks to get a new van out to the field. Your process changed that to matter of days. You were then sent to warranty where you climbed into a management position in just a year and you were going to college full time. That’s where you have been the last 4 years. Our customer service scores are the highest they have ever been, and we haven’t missed a 24-hour deadline in the time you’ve been there.” He leaned back in his chair. “How would you like to be our new Humane Resource Manager?”
“But Thomas –“Diane started but she was cut off by another raised hand.
“Diane, we are all done here, you may leave,” Thomas nodded towards the door. Diane stared at him, mouth hanging open. Finally, after a tense minute Thomas got up, placing his hand on her lower back he led her to the door.
“Sorry about that,” Thomas spoke as he sat back down. “You don’t have to say yes right away, I understand it’s a lot to drop on you,” he slid a packet of paper work my way. “Look it over and see what you think, get with me in the next couple of days, my extension is listed as your point of contact,” he flashed another smile.
“Wow, uhm thank you!” I finally managed to get out. “I will back to you.”
The smile stayed as he watched me, I wonder how long he could keep it plastered on his face. I shook his hand again another round of “nice to meet you,” and I was making my way back to elevator after a wave to the brunette. Once inside I leaned against the back wall and stared at the double doors, some part of me was screaming to take the elevator to the bottom floor and start running. But this was a huge opportunity, I called this job my big girl job, but the promotion was a full-on adult job. I flipped through the paper work finding the salary and let out a low whistle, I’d be making more than double my yearly income now. The doors opened to my floor and the thought hit me, I’d be stuck here.
I set myself on autopilot and finished out the rest of my day. As soon as I left the front doors, I dialed my dad.
“Hello Sunshine!” He greeted me.
“Hey dad,” I forced a smile onto my face, hoping it came through my voice.
“What’s wrong?” Apparently, the smile didn’t work. I explained to him what had happened over the last two days and the offer that was on the table. “That’s great news, why do you sound so bummed out?”
The smile cracked, and the tears welled up in my eyes. “I hate it their dad.”
“No no, don’t cry Sunshine,” he soothed. “It’s going to be alright, do you want to meet up for dinner and we can talk about it?”
“No, it’s okay. I’m going to go home and try to unwind and calm down. How about tomorrow?”
“What is tomorrow, Friday?”
“Friday.” I confirmed
“I’ll meet you at Cal’s at 6:30?” He asked.
“It’s a date!” We said our goodbyes as I opened the front door.
I started the tub and threw my work clothes into my laundry basket. I went back to the tub and dropped in a bath bomb. I had a pillow that was for the bath that I had received as a Christmas gift a few years ago. I had thrown it in my closet and forgotten about it. After looking under a pile of clothes, a few gift bags, and an old photo album, I found the pillow still in its original box.
“Hah!” I cried out in triumph, doing a little dance when my toe stubbed something. After a string of curses, I looked down at want had assaulted me, a memory box. My mother had given it to me when I had graduated high school, since then I have only pulled it out a handful of times to add something to its collection. I brought it into the bathroom and set it on the toilet seat, I quickly installed the pillow at the back of the tub then submerged myself. I pulled the lid off the box and started looking through the contents. A piece of petrified wood from a beach trip with my dad, a program from Lost in Yonkers that I saw last year. I kept riffling through, there was something in here that was calling out to me, finally I found it, my fingers tingling as I touched the envelope. A letter my grandfather had left me, sealed with a purple wax stamp. Fingers shaking, I opened the letter and read:
My darling Kit,
If you are reading this, you must be in dire need of change.
The same thing happened to me, long ago. I’d lost sight over what mattered most in life… real connections with other people and nature. So, I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong.
I’ve enclosed the deed to that place… My pride and joy: Eos Farm. It’s located in Stardew Valley, on the Southern Coast, it’s a great place to start your new life.
This was my most precious gift of all, and now it’s yours. I know you will honor the family name, my Sunshine. Good luck.
Love, Grandpa.
I don’t know when I started crying, but the tears fell freely, and my shoulders shook. I folded the letter back up and placed it in the box. I slid into the hot water a hiccup escaping. My mind raced a mile a minute, I submerged myself under the water, my long red hair spreading out around me. I held my breath for as long as I could, counting the seconds, 14, 15, 16 … 25, 26, 27, 28, finally my lungs couldn’t take it anymore and I popped back up.
I had gone to the Valley as a teenager, I hadn’t been happy about it at first. I wanted to spend time with my friends, going to the beach, having sleep overs, going shopping. But dad insisted, saying that it would be good for me. He wasn’t wrong.
I spent my summer with grandpa, learning about the farm. Waking up at 6am to start watering, pulling weeds, and chopping wood. I would spend my afternoons in town with a group of the other teenagers that I had made friends with. We spent out afternoons on the beach, Abbigail, one of the local girls I had met, with purple hair, kind eyes and a sunny smile, we would run down the pier, hand-in-hand, jumping, the ocean rising up to meet us., Sam, who’s hair was long and down to his shoulders, with too much energy and Sebastian, his black hair short, fingers always tapping against the side of his leg. There were other teenagers in town about our age, but it was usually the four of us. How long had it been since I talked to them? Abby had reached out to me numerous times over the years, but I always at work, or in the middle of a project for work. Eventually the text and phone calls stopped. In fact, they had stopped from all my friends. I went on facebook, scrolling through my timeline, they were still out there. Living their lives, finding that perfect work/life balance. While their lives continued, dating, getting married, having babies, going out on weekends, I was frozen in place. Frozen in Joja Corporation limbo.
Grabbing my phone off the side of the tub again I dialed my dad. He picked on the second ring. “Everything okay, Sunshine?”
“I’m moving to Stardew Valley.”
I went into work Friday and let them know I was leaving. I didn’t give an explanation, just handed in the note and walked out. It felt good walking out the front door of Joja for the last time. My dad was at my apartment when I got home, moving boxes at the ready. It took the majority of Friday and the weekend to sort out things. I had to call the Mayor, Lewis to let him know I was coming, the old man sounded excited and let me know things would be set up by Monday when I arrived. I got rid of my Joja Corp clothes which were all business casual, I wouldn’t be needing them on the farm. I brought my pots and pans, packed up my computer and consoles. A lot would be going to my dad’s house, the farm house was small. From what I remember there was only two rooms. The main room and the bathroom, the main room had a small kitchenette, fireplace, table and a bed.
I didn’t like the idea of downsizing and I refused to leave my computer desk behind, I would find a place for it. Early on Monday morning I handed over the keys to my dad, since I owned the apartment, we had decided we would rent it out. We stopped at McDonald’s to get breakfast on our way out of town, then spent the next 3 hours of the drive bantering back and forth about the farm. My grandfather had passed away just after I graduated high school and the farm had been abandoned ever since. Dad had decided to come with me, he knew there was going to be a lot of work to get done. Despite that he was only in his 50’s he had been retired for a while now. He had served his 20 years in the military and then retired, doing odd jobs around town as a handyman.
               A smiling red head waved us down as we approached the bus stop. “Mayor Lewis sent me out here to welcome you while he finishes getting things ready.”
I smiled and opened the door, scooting over the middle, Robin pulled herself into the cab and shut the door. “Hey, Kit. Good to see you again sweetie!” She gave me an awkward one-armed hug. “It might be tough to get the truck in, I’m warning you now,” she said with a grimace.
“Robin! Thanks for meeting us. Is it that bad?” I looked at her. Robin scrunched up her nose and nodded. Oh boy.
No matter what Robin said, nothing could have prepared me for the state of the farm. We were jostled around in the cab of the truck as we bummed over fallen branches and stones.
Lewis existed the house, taking off his hat he waved at us.
“Holy shit,” I breathed out, earning a giggle from Robin.
“Sure, it is a bit overgrown, but there is some good soil underneath this mess!” Robin said as she hopped out of the truck. I caught my dad’s face out of the corner of my eye as he rounded the truck. It was the same as mine, mouth open, green eyes wide. “With a little dedication you’ll have it cleaned up in no time!”
“Kit!” Lewis walked over to us, making sure to step lightly on the groaning porch steps. He gathered me up in his arms giving me a hug. “It’s so good to see you again!” He held me at arm’s length.
“Hi Lewis,” I beamed up to him. “I’m glad to be back. Even though the circumstances kinda suck.”
He laughed. “They do kinda suck.”
My dad cleared his throat as he looked up at the house. “Very… rustic,” he chimed in.
“That’s one way to put it,” Robin snorted. “Crusty might be more appropriate.”
Mayor Lewis bristled. “Don’t listen to her! She’s just trying to get you to buy one of her house upgrades!” Robin glared at the old man and playfully slapped his arm. Lewis turned his attention to my dad. “I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting.”
Dad shook his head. “I’m James, Kit’s dad. I dropped her off in the summer. But I usually just had her practice tucking and rolling then went on my merry way.”
Robin erupted into a fit of laughter.
“It’s nice to finally meet you. We should get going, you’ve probably already had a long day and will want to start unpacking.” Both started to go but Robin doubled back. Lewis hung out on the edges of the farm waiting for her.
“The kids wanted to come by today, I told them to wait until tomorrow. Figured you would be overwhelmed,” she waved before joining Lewis again.
Once it was just to two of us again, I finally looked out across the acres of land. It was a wasteland with broken branches, trees slouched over from past storms, the earth looking as if it had been chewed up and spit out.
“What have I done?” I sank down to the ground, dad sat next to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
“You haven’t done anything yet. We are just getting started.”
I looked at him and gave him a weak smile.
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browniesnivy · 6 years
Random Asks!
This template was made by biaesthetic, just so you know. I cut out some of the questions I didn’t I saw feel like answering, but otherwise her template worked really well for my needs! I saw cyberenergyshock do something similar and felt the need to do one myself, so here we go! Y’all really don’t know anything about me (which is mostly because i’m super paranoid about privacy) and I don’t intend to give out super precious info or anything here, I just thought it’d be nice. 
what was the last thing you read? The last book I read was issue three of the Bunny Drop manga. So far it’s a very cute story that I recommend to people who like family stories. It’s very touching and cute, but can be fairly thought-provoking at times. I haven’t finished it yet so I can’t give a full review or anything... but those are my thoughts so far!
favorite movie? Captain America: Winter Soldier! I know it’s a pretty basic choice as far as favorite Marvel movies go, but it really is just soooooo good. The action, the intrigue, the emotion, the relationships... all so good! Ten out of ten would watch again... and I believe me, I have. Three times in fact. And I’ve cried at least once every time because I’m weak sauce.
favorite book? That’s really hard... I really loved Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets but I haven’ t read that in years and am really fuzzy on the details... so I guess I’ll have to say the Warrior Cats Super Edition Crookedstar’s Promise. What can I say, I love Warrior Cats! And this edition is just so emotional. Without giving away any spoilers, this book is an absolute emotional rollercoaster at parts and contains one of the most manipulative, petty, dangerous, terrifying and broken villains the series has to offer and she is just fantastic. If your down with some of the special Warrior Cats-brand of stupidity this book is a total treat!
dream date? We’d be alone somewhere quiet and serene, nature surrounding us as we were covered in a blanket of stars. Cool, refreshing water babbles nearby, giving poetry to our escape. The most calming and tranquil environment imaginable. However, we wouldn’t just enjoy the soothing scenery, but we would talk in a low whisper, joking about things only we would understand and geeking out over fandom, all in between mouthfuls of take-out pasta from Olive Garden. It would be a mixture of a fun hangout with a friend and a romantic tender scene. (I guess all of that was really corny, huh? Haha, sorry!)
do you have a crush? Not on anyone real... but if Hatsune Miku asks tell her I’m free!
what are your hobbies? I love creative pursuits like writing and drawing and have loved them since I was extremely young. One of my favorite pass times is playing video games like Pokémon, Fire Emblem, Harvest Moon, The Sims,, Civilization, Stardew Valley, Super Smash Brothers, and many many others... too many to reasonably name! I love reading novels, but manga and anime alike are what I seem to do more of nowadays. My parents are pretty strict on which anime I watch though, so I spend more time reading manga because they aren’ t nearly as finicky about my reading material since my younger siblings won’t have to be subjected to it. Also, I really love philosophy. Ethics and morals have always fascinated me and the idea of mapping out the human spirit like a genome is endlessly fascinating to me... I love to read books on morality and watch philosophical YouTube videos in my down time, and I hope that someday I can come to some kind of understanding of the truth. I guess that means I’m kind of lame! 
what’s your favorite time of day? Evening. I love the darkness. The chilling winds and the stars illuminating the dark skyscape is the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen, and it’s all right their in your backyard if you only care to look! Well, I guess if you live in the city or something you can’t do that... in which case I’m very sorry! Anyway, the serenity of the night is something the daytime can’t match for me. Peace and quiet are seldom found around where I live, so the silence is very appreciated!
if you could look like anything, what would you look like? Anything you say? In that case I guess I’d look like a calico cat. That away, I could climb along fences and gates or go exploring into the wilderness without anyone looking at me funny! Plus, maybe someone would pet me!
are you a romantic? If you just read my ideal date, the I you’ll probably know the answer. Yeah, I guess I am! I’m not super ditzy or anything, in fact I rarely every feel romantic attraction to people, but I do long to find a soulmate. 
what’s your favorite type of weather? The rain, definitely. If you couldn’t tell, quiet tranquility is pretty much my aesthetic. I love water. It nourishes the plant life and makes everything sparkle with dew, the greenery becomes so much greener and everything becomes so much more vibrant... it’s like the spirit of the world has been born again. And yet almost nobody is out their enjoying it. Fine by me, I’d rather be alone on my walks down the rainy neighborhood streets. Bonus if it’s raining at night, because not only are the walks multiplied tenfold in their beauty, but when you decide to hit the hay the soft pitter-patter of the raindrops can gently lull you to sleep...
what do you like talking about? Well obviously I love to talk about Yu-Gi-Oh!, and I’m pretty much open to talk to anyone about it... but I also love to talk about other fandom! I also love mythology and philosophy (that though provoking shit) and just random trivia in general and it’s nice to talk to people who are also interested in it. Other then all that nerdy cooties, I just generally like listening to other people talk. As long as what you say isn’t completely repulsive to me I’ll probably listen, but I’ll probably crack jokes the entire time unless you’re being really serious. I love funny stuff.
if you got a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? Oh, I’d never even think about a tattoo! I’m far too much of a scaredy-cat, besides the initial pain the idea an image could be burned onto me forever kind of freaks me out. I have no problem with other people getting them at all, just not something I could ever do. I don’t really think I can answer this question adequately... but I guess if I had to choose I’d say something small like an eye or a teardrop. I’d put it on the lower part of my neck to the left side: it would be discrete and not very noticeable, but kind of pretty and thoughtful. Nothing to obtrusive or, dare I say, obnoxious for me.
do you want any pets? I wish! We used to have a dog when I was very little, and then we had a cat when I was about eight or so, but nothing since then. Such a shame, because I am filled with love and affection for cats and dogs especially and would like to have at least one of each someday. If I had to pick which breeds I’d like, I’d say a border collie (they’re so expensive, but hey a girl can dream, right?) and a calico. 
dream job? “When I grow up I want to write books!” I’ve been saying that since I was old enough to write my own stories. Above all else, I want to be an author, but even most of those have other jobs as well. Of course I’ve gone through phases of wanting to be different things... when I was really small I wanted to be a waiter, then in second grade I wanted to be a marine biologist (I saw sea turtles at an aquarium and fell in love. Don’t want to do marine biology anymore but sea turtles are still the some of the most precious beasts on this planet!), but now I’m thinking either an animator, a journalist, or a moral philosophy professor. Who knows what I’ll end up doing, I'm only a freshman right now, after all.
dream place to live? Take me home, country road, to the place, I beloooooooong…! No, I don’t want to live in West Virginia specifically (though that would probably be pretty swell), but the American South is where I grew up and it’s where I want to live. The flourishing flora, sparkling water forms, and the waves of fertile farmland are just some pf my favorite set pieces of the Southern United States. I don’t live there anymore, and there are a lot of social problems down there that might target me specifically, but just for the scenery alone I wish to go back.
dream vacation? Japan! in this dream scenario, I can speak Japanese and navigate the land without many hitches, ordering of the menu and understanding all the signs. I’d go to a maid café and one of those resteraunts where there are stuffed animals everywhere, I’d buy a crap-ton of weeb shit, if I was lucky I’d see a vocaloid concert... and the sightseeing! I’d go hiking on the mountains and see cascading waterfalls and flourishing sakura and  really neat beetles... I hope that happens to me someday!
do you want any piercings? I don’t even want my ears pierced at all, so not at all! I’m not a very flashy person, in fact I’m quite quaint, and I never wear jewelry unless my family somehow bamboozles me into it. I’d never wear any of it, so it wouldn’t be worth some weirdo assaulting my earlobes (or any other body part) for it. 
if you had kids, what would you name them? I think me having kids might be kind of a long shot all things considered (but who really knows, right?) but I do have several names I’m really attached to that I would gladly give to someone. The first is Eve, which I just absolutely adore the aesthetic of. If you couldn’t all ready tell, I love the nighttime, and this name just screams a sort of lovely starlight elegance. Plus, it was the name of my first crush in Harvest moon Magical Melody so... backstory! The other name I’d go with would have to be Jamie. It just sounds so peppy and interesting, it’s a very unique name that I can’t help but love. Not coincidently, Jamie was the name of another Magical Melody character I was particularly fond of, because they were my first experience with gender nonconformity and non-binary gender identity! 
what are your best traits? Am I really the best person to judge that? Well, I guess I can try. I try to be as patient as possible and to keep an open-mind because I hate hurting people’s feelings, believe there is always a kind and peaceful solution, and think every single person deserves personal respect and to be treated with integrity when possible. I’d say of all my traits, those are the ones I try the hardest to foster and exercise.
worst traits? I’m so anxious, literally anything going wrong cans end me into a panic. My family has kind of a history with predisposed anxiety, so I should probably get that checked out... but then the idea of being diagnosed as “wrong” freaks me out a lot. Vicious cycle. This underlying anxiety manifests in some other nasty traits of mine: specifically that I’m a wuss, a doormat, and a pessimist. Long story short, I’m way to worried for my own good.
what’s your worst fear? Well, I’m pretty much afraid of everything! Alligators, heights, amnesia, blood and guts, rejection, underwater tunnels, birds coming near me, loud noises, illness... there’s a lot more, but I’d say my biggest fears are failure and weakness. The two kind of go hand in hand in my mind, and the thought that I could fail and become irredeemable and worthless is petrifying.  
what do you want to eat right now? Something to know about me: I’m always hungry. I snack incessantly, so it’s a wonder I’m still such a skinny little bastard! Right now, I could really go for some sushi. Put some seafood and some avocado on that shit and I’m sold.
favorite social media platform? Tumblr! I mean, it’s really the only social media I have, but still! Even though looking at all the fighting and toxicity on this website that can really make me feel awful, there is an undertone of community that outweighs that for me. Seeing so many fans of Yu-Gi-Oh! and ShrimpShipping in particular makes me feel like I really belong somewhere, and when I see the entire community harmonize to create a positive environment I remember what this life is all about. When I get a heart on a post, I think about how someone liked that post, how something I made or that I said might have put a smile on their face or roused a chuckle from them, and that makes it all worth it to me. Plus, all my mutual are really cool!
favorite article of clothing? Jackets, blazers, hoodies, coats, sweaters, suits... I love that cozy shit! I unfortunately live somewhere really hot, so a lot of times flaunting my style makes me uncomfortable, but it’s worth it too look fly as hell! When it comes to dressing, I’m very butch to androgynous, which makes since because I’m pretty gender nonconforming, I always have been. When I was younger and at a different school I was definitely the tomboy, but now I tend to try and blend in more just because people at my new school seem so much more judgmental. 
do you play any sports? I’ve been playing tennis since I was in third grade! I really only ever play it during the school’s season because there is just so much homework and I’m always busy, and thus my growth has been greatly stunted... but it’s still a really awesome sport. There’s a precision and an elegance to it that just fascinates me, plus it’s not a team sport so I don’t have to worry about screwing my partners over! Unless it’s doubles, which I try to avoid whenever possible. Other factors that make me like it appealing to me is that I have the body for it (tall with freaky long-ass arms) and my dad plays it too, so we can go out and help each other improve our skills. 
favorite meal of the day? Well they’re all great, I mean food is food, but I’m biased to dinner. The biggest most complete meal of the day that packs the most flavor and is the most filling, dinner is great! In my opinion, going to bed on a full stomach is one of the best feelings in the world, so we can thank dinner for that. Plus, my mom lets me eat snacks after dinner so I don’t have to sneak around to eat potato chips... heh.
what are you excited for? ShrimpShipping Week definitely has me excited, because I have so many shrimpy ideas to let loose upon this world... and I’m really looking forward to looking at everyone else’s contributions too! ShrimpShipping Week is the time I can see the most unity within the community, and it truly is a wonderful experience! Also I’m hyped as hell for Smash Ultimate and that currently unnamed Animal Crossing 2019 game... I’m a huge Nintendo fan my dudes.
when was the last time you cried? Like a few days ago? I can’t remember which of these instances came first, but I figured out I got on probation in NJHS because I got (gasp) a C+ in Geometry?! That seriously fucked-up my self-esteem, so I cried about that. But I can’t really remember if that was before or after I rewatched Madoka Magicia (which I personally consider a brilliant work of art and an anime must-see)… well either way I cried really recently.
dream house? Perhaps by the side of a crystal clear lake, maybe by the banks of a babbling brook, possibly by the sparkling seashore... but somewhere near water there would sit a two story house. Crisp hardwood makes up the walls of the construction, and there are windows opening the entire house to gorgeous natural light. Inside, everything is painted soft colors that seem to glow in the light, and every piece of furniture looks like you could sink into it’s soft surface. The downstairs floor has a living room with cases for cards, game boards, and video game disks are displayed neatly and conveniently alongside posters and figurines. It is essentially a nerd rec room. Beside that, the dining room and kitchen are organized and clean, and you can still smell pasta from the night before. A large flight upstairs leads to an upstairs library and study, which then empties out into a cozy bedroom full of stuffed animals and an open closet full of suits and coats. The bedroom has a balcony attached to it overlooking the water source nearby, a quiet and comfortable escape out into the serenity of nature. I suppose that’s all very idealistic, but this is a dream house... so I can have as many plushy sofas and anime girl figurines as I want!
what’s something you hate about the world? How selfish a lot of people are. I don’t mean to sound mean or judgmental, but there are just so many people who refuse to even try to be kind. All they care about is themselves and they don’t understand how much their actions effect those around them, and they certainly never try to adjust their viewpoints. I think there are so any problems we could resolve if we just tried to understand the people around us. After all, they aren’t going anywhere. You might as well try to make life as pleasant as possible for others, right? But that’s just my two cents. 
what’s something you love about the world? Even though the world is full of self-serving close-minded folk, there are also those who are driven and motivated to try to improve themselves and those around them. They want to try to make things more positive for those around them, they want to help those in need, and they believe in people’s capacity to improve. They believe int he ability to change and to improve. And when I see these people join hand in hand to change the world, I feel very inspired. I know it’s not possible to solve every problem, at least not in one go. But seeing people who wholeheartedly try to help out is what I love most in this world. 
what scents do you like? I tend to like scents like chocolate or sizzling steak, the kinds of scents associated with foods. Like I said, I’m always hungry. I also love the smell of nature after a rainy day, it just draws out all the scents from the flora in the most fantastic way. 
what kind of sleeper are you? If a bomb detonated outside my house, I would still stay asleep. In other words, I’m an incredibly heavy sleeper. Basically no amount of rambunctious noise can awaken me from deep slumber, but I am very responsive to someone disturbing my sleeping environment by touch. if the bed rocks or a finger brushes against my face, I’m awake instantly, probably in an anxious sweat. That’s why I can’t sleep in the car. But if you give me a warm bed and take care not to touch me in anyway, I’m dead asleep. 
are you a cat or dog person? Don’t make me choose! I love them both so much, but for completely different reasons. Cats are good because they are cuddly and soft and relaxing, but they for the most part don’t give a fuck about anything. And dogs are nice because they are so fun and loving, and sometimes they seem just as complex as humans in their emotional capacity. I love them both so much, I don’t want to choose!
how long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse? I’d probably be one of the first to kick the bucket honestly. I mean, I’ve beaten my siblings and other kids in wrestling matches more times then I can count, but a zombie apocalypse? I’d be too scared to do anything! The only thing that might push me forward would be the desire to help my loved ones, but even then I think i’d be pretty useless. Suffice it to say I’ll be easy pickings when the zombies come for our brains.
when do you feel safe? I’m pretty much always nervous to be honest, so I guess I feel safest when I’m asleep! 
are you trusting? I actually don’t know how to answer that? I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and when I make bonds I get seriously invested in them, but most people on the streets I’m always a bit on guard about. Got to play it safe, you know?
what fictional characters do you identify with? Alderheart and Hollyleaf from Warriors. Alderheart because he’s really anxious and just trying his best to be useful, and Hollyleaf because she wants to do the right thing and follow the rules but often gets confused and starts going a bit batty. For something that’s not Warriors, I’d have to go with Homura from Madoka Magica, because she puts on a lot of strong fronts to protect those she loves and to avoid failure at all costs. I’m not trying to say I’m as fucked-up as some of these characters or that any of my situations are as bad as theirs were, just that I see bits of myself in them and can feel a connection to them.
what labels do you commonly get? Well there is a lot... fangirl, nerd, overachiever, butch, standoffish, weird, tomboy... if I named all the boxes I’ve been put in I'd be here all day!
what issues are you dealing with right now? Anxiety! That’s all I'm going to say, because I honestly think I’ve said enough about my problems. It makes me kind of uncomfortable shouting my fears into the internet because... it makes me feel guilty? I don’t know. Just... anxious. That’s my problem. 
how can someone win you over? If they display an extensive knowledge of one of my fandoms then I’m instantly sold. Do you know how hard it is to find fans outside of the internet sometimes, and even in the internet? I’m so down to get in any amount of fandom talk!
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Rites of Passage
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Elle: I never met you, here's a joke!Never trust a pirate duck.They have the power to unleash the quackin'.🦆🏴‍☠️
Amy: I wish I got to meet you! You seem so wonderful.
Jodi: Hey Bri, we never got to play together but you destroyed my guy Jared’s perfect game in the first tribal council and I thought that was pretty funny. Cheers!
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Elle: I was SO sad when you were voted out 🥲 because I figured we'd swap into the same tribe or make merge and we could work together and talk about Stardew Valley, I also started listening to the Penumbra podcast (which I know you listen to The Magnus Archives, but there's a lot of overlap between the fandoms so I thought maybeeee you had listened to it too) Anyway! It doesn't really matter I just was really sad when you were voted out ❤️Here's a joke ^_^: I asked a French speaking man if he played video games.He answered, "wii".
Amy: I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you. I loved your intro video and I had heard of you from past games. You seem so cool.
Jodi: Also never got to play with you, but Brayden told me you’re cool so hopefully I’ll meet you some time in a game!
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Elle: I just know you from Kyoshi where you voted me out and we didn't really talk that much… so 😅 I hope you had fun in Metaverse?Here's a dad joke: My grandma started walking 5 miles a day when she was 65She’s 91 now! But we have NO idea where she is 🤷🏽‍♀️
Amy: I was so hoping to chat with you again because we barely got the chance in HB. You are wonderful and I hope to one day actually play on the same tribe as you!
Jodi: I heard you were my guy’s ride or die until you weren’t, you won the very first comp of the season so good job, hope to see you around in the community!
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Elle: A truly unanimous vote, I never met you, but you dropped this, king 👑✨A joke: There once was a king who was exactly 12 inches tall!Terrible king, but he made a great ruler!📏🤴✨
Amy: The legend! All I know about you is you have some chaotic energy and I love that! 
Jodi: The truly unanimous vote of the season....we really wanted to give you your first W but you literally just did not show up even for your vote out. I still wonder to this day if you’ve found out you got voted out yet. Nevertheless, nice saying hi to you a couple times!
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Elle: You were super nice and I'm sad that you were voted out as soon as you were 💔 we should've talked more when we were on the same tribe.You know every time I see a Jennifer Aniston movie, it seems like she's playing the same person.I guess she's a victim of Rachel profiling.
Amy: Girl I wish I got to know you better because once you came back online after the tribe swap you were so sweet. I really enjoyed your presence and I think the game could have been very different had we worked together. Wishing you all the best.
Jodi: I’m glad I got your vengeance :) Sorry you didn’t last longer in the game! Bye mittens
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Elle: I don't know you, but here's a dad joke:Yesterday I spotted an albino dalmatian.It was the least I could do for him🖌
Amy: Oh Danny how I wish it would have worked out with us two! You were so fun and I loved working with you but I’ll never forget sitting on call for an hour when you ghosted our challenge. I’m sorry it ended like that, but I hope we get to play again together because I adore your vibe!
Jodi: All my Fools paragraphs are going to involve Jared since that’s the only relation I have with you all, but Danny I heard you’re my guy’s other ride or die and he told you about his idol. I grilled him when he told me about it at the merge because damn you were connected. You would’ve told everyone (but everybody knew already lol) hope to see you around!
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Elle: Ginnyyyyy 💔 I'm sorry I didn't really want to vote you out but I wasn't trying to ruffle any feathers that early into merge, I truly did believe you when you said you were done being chaotic. Your lipsync TikToks are very fun🎶A joke for you: What do you call a singing computer?A Dell! 🎤🎶
Amy: I’m so sorry girl. I didn’t want to see you go, but it was decided. I enjoyed playing this game together through all of premerge and making it through the cursed Fools tribe with you and sitting in that hour challenge call just vibing. I hope we can chat more in the future. I am wishing you all the best because you deserve great things.
Jodi: Girl, you were my first comp partner and I wish we got closer and could play together more. I really thought you were super connected with other Stings players and that’s why I had to boot you before the Jury phase, because I wasn’t sure I could get close enough with you to work together. Regardless, you were fun to have on Phantom and I hope we can cross paths again!
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Elle: My Libra rising sibling ♎️✨ I wish we got to work together more in this game, without that ‘no items’ twist round you definitely would've made it far. Thank you for talking astrology with me, giving Colin your items which ended up helping my game too, and just the existence of Neptune 🥰 big Brookyln 99 "I've only known [Neptune] for a day but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself" vibes.Le joke: My partner just broke up with me. They're sick and tired of my constant zodiac puns.It Taurus apart, I'm in Pisces writing this.(a second one): Why did the nurse carry a red pen?In case she needed to draw blood!💉
Amy: Dennis 😭😭😭!!! I am so so sorry you were voted out that way. There were whispers the previous round too and I was able to squash that, but for your round it was decided before I could act and I saw Colin being villainized for sticking up for you. I am so, so sorry for how things went. I so wish we would have stayed closer in this game because we could have done great things together! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for our conversations before you went because without them I would not have flipped to protect Colin. You were our guardian angel. Thank you for giving Colin your gifts and still trusting me to confide in me. I hope we can play in another game together because I wanted to work with you from Day 1! You are incredible and I wish you all the good vibes in the world!
Jodi: Dennis, you truly were the one to watch this season, because your reads and intuition were amazing. That’s why I aligned with you, because I like working with other thinkers. I’m really sorry that I voted you out that round, because I knew that if I were to strike, I could not miss with you. I rightfully knew that you had something really good, in not just 1, but 2 idols. After going for 15.5 hours on that Hunt, I knew that the only person that could’ve beaten me was you. You pushed me to be a better player and you definitely made it a very tough hill for me to climb to get to this point. I’m not sure if you gave me your vote this time, and I understand if you didn’t, but I adore your love for the game and I hope that next time we can align and blaze through some games. I give you props for figuring out my game so early on and you were the one that kept me on my toes and pushed me to play harder. I have lots of respect for you as a person and a player of this game, I hope we can be friends after this. 
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Elle: From our first real interaction I knew you should be someone I'd work with. Unfortunately, I didn't end up reaching out really until it was a bit too late 😅 And we kinda ended up on opposing ends… whoops!I still think we could get along really well! ☺️ We're both creative and funny (though my humor is more an… acquired taste 😂 dad jokes aren't for everyone, I suppose) and have a lot of the same pop culture references from that one challenge lol.I hope your first ORG experience was still a good one, though 💖. Maybe I'll get to ally with you in the future?Un joke: Whenever my artistic partner is sad, I let them draw on my body,It's always good to have a shoulder to crayon.🖍✨
Amy: Babs! I don’t know how many times I wrote to other contestants and my host chat “I just want to be friends with Babs!” I wish we could have chatted more because I absolutely adore your energy. I had the best times on call listening to you. And like you said, great minds think alike. Our double tie was so fun! Hope to chat more soon!
Jodi: Babs, I truly adore you and you were the light of the tribe. I understand that your vote out seemed like a big betrayal, but I truly did not want you to go there. Colin and Elle both played things and everyone else was immune. I had to pick between you and Jared and I just could not vote out Jared due to our relationship. I hope you can forgive me on a personal level after this and we can talk because a lot of my joy in this game came from you. 
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Elle: Well, this turned out better than Kyoshi did between us 😅 so at least there's that. It was fun being allies for a sec, and here's hoping neither of us gets swap screwed in the future 😂.Your joke: I have a friend who writes songs about sewing machines.He's a Singer songwriter, or sew it seams.
Amy: Brayden! Omg Brayden first I am so sorry I gave you that fake idol. I didn’t know it was going to you; I only knew it was going to second place. When Raffy told me it was you I was like omfg I accidentally gave a fake idol to one of my closest allies 🤦‍♀️. I want to see your creative challenge submission bc I think you probably deserved the win over me. Brayden, you were incredible in this game and I kept trying to see if you wanted to flip with me with some hints haha but you were closer with Jodi. Congratulations on graduating and on being Anastasia’s best friend! I loved getting to know you and working with you. I’m so sorry it ended the way it did. Hopefully I’ll see you in another game or mini! You’ll do great things!
Jodi: Brayden, I severely underestimated you in this game, even though I knew that you were going to be incredible since you’ve played before. When we met up at the merge, I was so grateful to have you be somebody I could bounce ideas off of. Anastasia and I said this later in the game, but you two and me and Jared should’ve come and done a 4-person alliance and rip through the late game. You were such a loyal ally and I really hope we get to play again some time. 
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Elle: You have a very rational and sort of quietly analyzing mind that I noticed almost immediately and knew that I'd want you on my side, not only because I'd love to be allies with someone like that, but because I knew as an enemy you could easily be a death sentence.I appreciated your love for Survivor and lived in fear of a super idol since the first moment you mentioned their existence 😂. I really wish corn tribe could've made it to FTC 🌽💔, Ohioans for life! (I'm kidding I'm getting out of this state as soon as possible, but it was fun to bond over Ohio with you!)An edited! joke (see that was a slight joke right there… okay I'll see myself out): Did you hear about the guy trying out for editor for the sums series of Math Magazine?It was an addition edition audition.
Amy: JAY! My Disney buddy!!! So I didn’t know Raffy and Jay Bee were going to expose me in that all or nothing tribal for being at Disney lol I was trying to keep it on the DL. Otherwise I would have freaked out more with you over WDW and your trip and my upcoming trip the next week haha!!! We have to catch up after this! I adore you and our chats. I hope you don’t have to sleep on any more chairs and you are having a great summer at work! Love your positive energy. You are on your way to big things!
Jodi: Jay, I have so much to say to you both about the game and about you as a person. As an ally, you were so loyal to me even when people were not nice to you about it, and you stood up for me and always had my back. You played your role in the game to perfection and people are mad about it just because you were never actually on the bottom. I’m sorry I had to vote you out because they made me force my hand. I love you to death and I am so glad we got to play this game together. Having this opportunity showed us that we can absolutely do this again and I will be your goat next time we play together. I promise. 
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Elle: Colin 🥺🥺🥺💗 When I say I literally almost gave up on this game when you left (Amy can testify). We were a little devious team and it was so much funnn, Amy was the double agent super spy, you were the person on comms with all the connections and gadgets, and I was the nerd in the van planning out the heist routes and typing really fast until I look up really dramatically and say, "I'm in".Also here's the list of book reccs you asked for✨:
The Truly Devious series by Maureen Johnson, it’s a mysteryyyy and it's a lot of fun! A fun little cast of characters to get attached to ^_^
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, I mentioned this one before, it's a classic but you can read it in one sitting And it's funny. We love to see it💕 Plus it's pride month and we love Victorian era gay poet/playwright/authors.
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, Look. This book is amazing, it is queer🏳️‍🌈 (mlm protag relationship but also way more queer characters), it is well written, it's romantic as hell, it's spicy, I don't know how to describe how good it is I'm getting emo thinking about it read ittttttt 💖 (Casey McQuiston also has a new book out with a wlw relationship and we also love to see thattt✨)
I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson. Okay soooo this isn't a mystery, but I feel like people into mystery novels would enjoy the way the plot unravels. Also I love this book. That is all ^_^ Also it is queer as well🏳️‍🌈, mlm relationship.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. Haven't read it, but from what I know about it and what books you said you were into and it's acclaim/reputation, I think you'd be into it.
Generally speaking, I am more in the YA/romance/fantasy side of things but I tried to tailor the list to things I genuinely think you'd enjoy ❤️A joke ^_^: Everyone tried so hard to figure out why Mr. Edwards changed his name to Mr. EvansBut after all these years, it's still a Mr. E
Amy: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!! I won’t even lie here before writing this I spent 20 minutes crying thinking about seeing you at FTC because I am just so sorry. I wanted to sit next to you as you won and I feel like I let you down. I am so sorry for how that round went. I was MAD mad after. When you said you, me, Elle F3 I was all in and when I lost you I made it my mission to get both Elle and myself to the end in your honor. I also regret not grabbing drinks with you in KC because that would have been absolutely hilarious even if our planned tribe fight didn’t pan out hahaha. I loved every second of working with you in this wild game. Your social game is incredible and I am so thankful to you for doing everything you did. I’ll never forget sitting on a 20 minute call with Brayden and Jodi about voting you out, hanging up, and immediately calling you to plan how to keep you safe. Sorry I didn’t tell you about the tricks up my sleeve, too. Thank you for making this game so fun to play that I ignored my family in Disney World. All my love ❤️
Jodi: Colin, I wasn’t quite sure what direction to go with this, but I’ll just be open and honest. I really did want to play this game with you, but after realizing the true threat of you having all of Dennis’ stuff (which was correct), I had to get rid of you not because I didn’t want to play, but just because I wanted my game in my own hands, and with 3 immune advantages, you were able to cruise from F7 to F4 with no risk. Sort of like James in China, you have to blindside them before they cruise to F4. That’s one less guaranteed spot for everybody, and I didn’t want to rely on whether you liked me enough to keep me around. For the same reasons that you were upset with Jared and Jay, I too, did not want to play somebody else’s game. I wanted to put my game in my own hands and that’s what I did. You were not supposed to go at F7, we were just trying to get rid of your idol. I was hoping you’d appreciate the gameplay that I was not willing to rely on riding coattails and be in someone else’s good graces to keep me around. Hopefully I’ve explained this well enough during FTC as well. I had no ill will, just wanted to play my own game, not somebody else’s. For the record, if I didn’t make it back into the game or got voted out again with you at the end, I was going to vote for you to win. You pushed me to play harder and be a better player because I knew you would not be easy to outwit and outplay. I’ve told many people this and I can respect and appreciate being outplayed. 
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Elle: Joshhhh, my buddy 💔 I'm really sorry you got rocked out, Amy and I were willing to take the risk of being rocked out but we didn't tell you because you had voted for Colin the round previous. To be clear we were still willing to work with you, but the wound was kind of fresh and it seemed silly to give you sensitive information at the time. You did get past F8 this time! But I am sorry about going to rocks, didn't mean to lose you, king.A bit of humor: What does a panda use to make pancakes?A pan...duhI had multiple cooking themed onessss:A student baked a loaf of bread for home economics class.At the end of the class, his teacher returned the loaf and told him that he had gotten an A.The student said: “Thanks, that’s just what I kneaded.”
Amy: Josh I am so sorry you went out on rocks. I know that is the last way you wanted to go. You probably won’t forgive me but I really didn’t want you to go there. I was aiming for Jodi or Jared, but had already mentally prepared for rocks before the twist was announced. I truly hope you get to play again and not be victim to a twist or rocks. You are an absolutely incredible player which made me cautious and frustrated at times haha! Love your energy and I am manifesting that you get a new job that you absolutely love because you deserve it!
Jodi: We had such an incredible story arc to our games. We weren’t close on Phantom, got in touch on SEES, then grew apart again before my vote out, pulled off a beautiful move at F7, and continued to work together until you got rocked out at 6. You were the surprise blessing to my game. When you approached me at F7, I found light in my game again. You had the same agenda as I did, with the same intentions and same concerns. You gave me a real chance to reintegrate into this game and I’m so happy and grateful that you decided to trust me. On top of that, your energy and personality was super fun and I’m glad we got to have fun writing each other’s names down a couple times. I treasured your trust in me a lot and I really wanted to play to the end with you. I think you’d win the game if you were in my spot today. I hope we continue to be friends and good luck with your new game.
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Elle: Thank you for remembering my birthday before Raffy reminded everyone 💛 that was very sweet and in my introduction I literally said if anyone remembered it I'd love them forever and then I proceeded to be on opposing sides with you… oops!
Granted, it wasn't really on purpose, I just happened to not be in that alliance of six people and that happened to kind of decide how lines were drawn for the rest of the game in a way.
Impressed with your sudoku skills, being on a tribal call during graduation (congrats again!), and with your coolheadness, if I had an idol while that chaos one was played you bet I'd be playing it 😂 you had a really good game and I hope you think so too ^_^
A fitting joke: If you keep trying the same sudoku puzzle, you willl eventually solve it.
It's just a numbers game, really.
Amy: Jared! You unintentionally became one of my biggest rivals because you are so good at this game! I envy your way to lie in such a believable way that I had to spend so much time convincing Colin you were lying even though I was copy/pasting your exact plan haha! You are great at challenges and frustrated me to no end when you would ONLY tell me lies. You are so smart and I can’t wait to see what you do next. For the cards that were dealt to you, you had an incredible game. Congratulations on graduating! I hope to see you in another game and actually get to work with you.
Jodi: Dear my beloved idol holder, thank you for being my in-game simp. Thank you for having your idol on deck at all times to use on me at my request :) Jared, by now I would’ve shared with everyone at FTC about our 10 year love affair, but I want you to know just how much playing this game has meant to me. After drifting apart for a good 7 years, I’m glad that Survivor brought us close again last year and that you signed up to do this. I couldn’t have played the game that I ended up playing without you despite you WANTING ME OUT AT F4. I’m glad we did this game before signing up for the show together. I cannot wait to do Blood Vs. Water 3 with you. Basing off of our track record this time, we’re going to kill it :)
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Elle: Anastasiaaaaaaaaaa💔 I'm not sure how much left I have to say to you 😅 (I am writing this kinda right after tribal so I was talking to you like an hour ago). Congrats on graduating again!! And congrats on this game kinda jealous of your streak so far 😂 you've literally never done worse than F4 do you know how many people can say that? Not many!! Definitely not me lol.
Here's a dad joke!: How do you handle a redhead's temper?
Amy: Anastasia you are absolutely incredible and I am so thankful Ginny put us in an alliance together on new Fools because I loved playing this game with you. We went back and forth on working together but every time I was glad we were both still together making it farther in the game. I truly meant when I said I would force fire for you, but I respect your decision. I am so sorry I had to keep things from you so much since you were closer with Brayden and Jodi. I hope to play another game with you because you make it so fun and you are such a great player and your social game is so good! I was so excited when you wanted to flip but I am sorry I couldn’t say yet that I already had. Congratulations on graduating and being absolutely incredible!
Jodi: Anastasia, you are the reason I got to the end, and I owe so much to you. In this game, I’ve had to play so dangerously, and my game heavily relied on having ride or dies have my back. When I came back in, we talked immediately about me throwing out your name and you writing my name down, but we got together instantly and made magic happen. You had my back and I had yours. We pulled the most iconic move in this game at the final 7 together (by now you’ll all have heard me talk about it, my plan to create immunity for 3 people) and I truly had you as my ride or die to the end. Thank you so much for playing with me, believing in me and recognizing the game that I played. I love you and can’t wait to be best friends with you and Brayden 
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hdawg1995 · 6 years
My Stardew Valley started flipping out cause i was playing it for 14 hours strait and it legit did some creepy pasta stuff so heres a creepy pasta
reality: somewhere around hour 10 Kent’s sprite only loaded half way (his eyes and up) or not at all. Willy was just a shadow- even when interacting with him. at one point he phased though Haley (and it was the only time his sprite was fully visible) side note: me and my sister declared willy a ghost because the fishing in my game was such lack luster. Gunther was probably the same since i never saw him at the museum but was still able to donate. lastly Alex glitched though a already glitched haley- she was on the beach even though her schedule wouldn’t have put her there. i wasn’t able to interact with her but a part of me wonders if i went to her house (where she was suppose to be) if i would see her shadow and would be able to interact with her there, but i was too far in a “yup. totaly writing a creepy pasta about this now” mood.
The Creepy pasta:
i really don’t know what to say now other than everyone was right- a game about a fun little town in a sleepy valley being secretly evil? yeah, its true. 
i was playing Stardew Valley one day with my sister- i had woken up in a sour mood and i wanted to cheer myself up. at one point she came by and hung out with me, watching me play on my farm and the normal day to day antics with the pelican town NPCs. we were laying on my bed since it was the only place comfortable enough to play on the laptop for hours on end.
i lost track of time. everything felt too real, like i was getting lost in the game. this is normal, but i knew there was something wrong when it took my sister kicking me in the head snap me out of it.
“oh my god i’m so sorry! i meant to nudge you!” she declared and it was fine, really, but when i glanced back at the screen Harvey was talking to me. i don’t even remember interacting with him- must have clicked him when i get hit in the head. it seemed normal enough; he was mentioning he was having trouble making ends meet so he’ll have to get patients from somewhere else. 
i went back to playing as we chatted about nothing when something struck me.
“hey...” i asked my sister as i paused the game. “Doesn’t harvey normally say he’ll find patients from the nearby towns?” she blinked a few times at me then silently checked the wiki.
there wasn’t an answer there, so we shrugged it off. wouldn’t be the first time NPCs change their dialog. Sebastian mentions that me and sam are his only friends after so many hearts.
speaking of which, i wanted to give him a present today. i had forgotten the quarts at the farm so i rounded back, heading past Sam’s house. i got lost in the game again- it was like the only thing i could hear was the game, the only thing i could feel was the cobble stone under my feet but that wasn’t right- i was in bed.
when i walked by Sam’s house Kent walked out. i smiled and talked to him only... His sprite wasn’t there in the dialog box. his text was also jumbled and didn’t make sense. the prompt to continue the conversation came up and when i clicked it the text was less garbled but Kent’s image was just his eyes. he said “I’ll watch out for you”. 
i snapped out of it at that. i looked over at my sister to ask her if that was normal (it wasn’t) but she seemed so transfixed on the screen it was my turn to snap her out of it. i smacked her on the head and she flinched but seemed alright.
“sorry, i meant to nudge you.” i joked, but she didn’t seem to hear me. “I thought Kent came back from war?” she questioned and i tilted my head. “Umm. yeah he does, in year two...” i turned back to the screen and Kent was gone.
“You were just talking to Sam- he said his dad died?” 
we both stared at each other before taking out our phones to chick the wiki. sure enough it says Kent returns in year two- alive.
we decide my games glitched and i keep playing while my sister makes a bug report. it took me far too long to realize dialog nor included in the game showing up out of no where- and for only ONE person for that matter- was anything BUT a bug. by the time i got to the farm and had gotten the quarts for Sebastian the report had been sent and my thoughts died in my throat. 
a few in game days later i realize Harvey has been acting weird; hes been following Haley around. i don’t pay much attention to the doctor (Sam, Sebastian, and Shane being my favorites i tended to look out for them, not so much HAley or Harvey) but i didn’t think they shared a pattern at all.
i brushed it off and decided to head down to the beach. Alex’s cut scene triggered so i say back and watched. it seemed normal until his sprite changed to the surprised looking one.
“Did you hear a scream just now?”
>no? what scream? >.... >yeah! it sounded like Haley!
my sister swore and looked up the wiki again. con confirm: not part of the cut scene. i thought for a moment and decided that no, i didn’t hear anything (but i really hadn’t). Alex seemed worried and went to investigate. the scene ended but Ale wasn’t on the beach anymore. i was really starting to freak out and debated turning off the game. before i could exit to the desktop i got lost in the game again- the fishing mini game is the devil but i mastered it none the less. i didn’t even remember casting my rod. 
it was getting late so i headed home. Harvey was standing on the bridge to the beach. i didn’t talk to him since it was mid night. i needed to get home.
when i woke up it all seemed normal. i decided to take the fish i got last night and sell them to willy. i wasnt sure how to get the fishing scene in the valley more lively like he’ll some times says so i figured if i sold the fish directly to him it would help. when i went down to the beach i saw haley but she wouldn’t talk to me. she stared out at the ocean, her dialog box just dots. her expression sad.
when i went to see willy he wasn’t there. at first i thought i was at the dock at the wrong time, but something cold pressed against my arm and i snapped up out of the game and looked at my sister- she was holding the Gatorade she had gotten earlier to my arm.
“you were ignoring me again. Sib i think somethings seriously wrong with your game”.
i agreed but i couldn’t stop playing. i explained this and she got worried, fiddling with her phone again.
i can’t stop playing. i have to keep playing. 
“hey” she got my attention. “theres this stardew turmblr account -joja apologist. they have a farmer whos a demon.”
“cool.” i kept playing. i should give Sam a present. “No listen they’re making posts about their stardew game acting weird.”
i tried to turn to face her but thats all i did- face her. my eyes were locked on the screen as Kent walked by. i went to talk to him again and the same thing happened- jumbled words and no sprite and then just his eyes and the declaration that he’ll watch out for me.
“They did Harvey started attacking people so they would HAVE to go to him for meds and stuff.” she sounded worried so i hummed in reply. 
then i remembered Alex’s broken cut scene.
“Haley!” i scrambled over to her house and found a cut scene waiting for me. in it Harvey was telling Emily something. my farmer walks up to them and Harvey greets me, but his portrait is distorted some- he has wide eyes and a grin that seems to reach his ears. he asks me to try and comfort Emily- she just lost her sister.
I felt sick at the thought; this was wrong. very very wrong.
<But i saw her the other day. <no... no not Haley.... <*give Emily a hug*
My sister stared dumbfounded at the screen. i asked her if that tumblr blog saw anything like this and she begins scrolling. as im watching her i’m faintly aware of a sound... like dripping or maybe clicking? i glance at the screen and scream, shooting up and off my bed as Harvey’s portrait changed to have hyper realistic eyes and teeth. the eyes were blood shot and seemed to follow me and my sister as we shifted on the bed to get away from the laptop.
“w-what the FUCK” she yelled. i clung to her protectively, thoroughly convinced his digital doctor was off his possibly very real rocker and could possibly do something to us.
the mouse moved on its own now. it selected to give Emily a hug and the farmer did just that. the cut scene went on, Harvey’s portrait no longer the disturbing version (well it was still disturbing with the wide eyes and chestier grin but at least now it was pixels again). he said he did all he could for Haley and that he was sorry. he then left my farmer and Emily alone.
“Turn it off.” my sister stated as we continued to stare at the screen. “Turn it off.” I nodded numbly and didn’t even both with the proper exit and just held the power button down. 
only it didn’t work.
i held it down for what felt like forever but the laptop was still alive- and it was midnight again.
“Oh fuck no...” She whispered and i scrambled to get my farmer home. when the day ended and the game saved and felt a lump form in my throat. what if Haley is forever dead in my save now? and what about willy? and...
“Wait wheres Alex?” i muttered as i went to town. i bumped into pam and in my frantic scrambling clicked her. to my horror she looked scared. “Did you hear? Alex nearly drowned at the beach! to think, wouldn’t a guy as athletic as him know how to swim?” she then went on her way. i paused for a moment directed my farmer to town again. Alex walked out of the clinic and when i talked to him he seemed fine. gave the normal dialog too.
“Why the hell are you still playing?” My sister shouted from behind me- i didn’t even notice I've scooted directly in front of the laptop, blocking her view. “I thought you were going to exit the game.”
thats right. yeah. turn it off. right.
then Harvey walked out. his sprite was normal but it felt like it was watching me. curious, i moved my farmer down towards Sam’s house. to my horror Harvey was following me.
“Holy shit. HOLY SHIT!” my sister grabbed me and shook me hard. “Holy Shit turn it off! turn it off!”
i stopped my farmer and opened the menu and screamed when i saw Harvy moving towards him even when the game was paused. i unpaused it in time for him to be stopped right next to my innocent little farmer. i kept moving towards Sam’s house.
“Holy shit...” my sister whispered. i told her to check the blog and she did.  “What are you going to do?” she asked, her eyes transfixed on her phone.
“Kent is watching out for me.” i reminded her as i entered Sam’s house.
as i expected, there was a cut scene. in it Sam was playing his guitar and Vincent was in the kitchen. Kent walked out and when he saw my farmer he ran over.
“Hes after you now, isn’t he?” he two eyes of the veteran with PTSD looked though the screen at us. i nodded. “Talk to Sam. you have enough hearts with him.” and he was gone, cut scene over.
i looked over and my sister and she nodded, confirming that the blog said something simular- they were instructed to talk to Gus though. i ran strait to Sam’s room and the door opened then closed behind it. Sam stopped playing his guitar and walked over to my farmer.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be safe.” he said. Sebastian stopped playing the key boards and walked over to my farmer as well. i didn’t even notice Sebastian in the cut scene.
“Thats because i wasn’t there.” his dialog box popped up. “Harvey thinks i’m at home.”
both me and my sister just stared at the screen. Sebastian... heard me? we didn’t have much time to think about it as the sound of a crash and something hitting something very hard was heard. My farmer moved on his own with Sam and Seb following him.
outside of Sam’s house was Harvey- the creepy hyper real version- and Kent. Harvey was crawling away and Kent looked like he had just been to war again. when Harvey's sprite was off screen Seb and Sam gave my farmer a hug before they turned to face the screen. Kent joined them, his portrait going back to normal.
“You can close the game now.” he said. “S-Save it first!” Sam interrupted. “If you don’t he’ll chase you again!”
my sister had taken the mouse from me and was directing the farmer back to the farm. we saved and closed the game.
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