#it’s just such a good scene
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Dog Meshi.
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punkeduppirate · 10 months
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look at you, you're gorgeous💥
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faeriekit · 5 months
"Okay." Danny slowly laid the already cold body back onto the table, ready to slide back it into the refuge of cold storage. "Okay. Dead guy. Stay there."
The body didn't move.
"Fantastic. Now. Hang out while I pour the embalming fluid into the pump, alright? It should only be a minute."
And it usually did; working in a funeral home wasn't extremely glamorous, but it paid the bills, and Danny had already been used to the rhyme and rhythm of negotiating death with the public by the time he sent in his mortuary school application. It had been a transition that made sense. And in the end, the degree had only cost him a few extra years post-graduation and a little dig into student loans, and now Danny had a stable 12-8 job and health insurance valid in the state of new jersey.
Today, though, the pump had that decided enough was enough. With a bang and a boom, the pump spat out a cloud of smoke and clunked uncomfortably.
The dead body sat up.
Danny scrambled over to push it back down. "No. We talked about this. Dead people don't move. If you want to stay here and have me put you back together all the time, you have to stay put. Got it?"
Whatever the weird gold-eye corpses were on in Gotham, they at least listened to him on occasion. They weren't ghosts, per se— they never pinged on any of the ghost detection devices Mom and Dad had packed in his going-away-to-college bag— but they were, despite being occasionally animate, perfectly deceased.
Weird. Danny had never gotten used to it. Still, they came in droves, too eager to sit on the top of the basement stairwell and lurk in the corners and stare endlessly at them with their weird, avian eyes, and sometimes they heralded the arrival similarly weird-ass bodies that had lost their heads or their arms or their limbs through the more conventional channels.
"I'm losing too much thread to all y'all coming in all the time," Danny complained to the dead body, who, at the moment, was the only person present to blame. "Stop getting your limbs cut off. This stuff is expensive, you know. It's a specialty order."
The body didn't even have the courtesy to blink. Rude.
"At least let them bury you this time. Every time one of you darts off when my back's turned, my boss thinks I'm stealing corpses. My coworkers think I'm building my own Frankenstein or something."
The corpse neither verbalized nor blinked, but Danny hadn't expected it to; with a sigh, he rolled the corpse back into cold storage, locked its little door (not that locking it in had ever stopped it) and called it quits for the night.
It's not like anyone was paying him for the extra hours anyway.
The whole fic on ao3
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snek-eyes · 8 months
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The fact that Aziraphale emerges from this flashback
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Makes this face
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and then with a ginormous gap on the right side of the screen, proceeds to be like "I must call Crowley right now immediately."
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mcducky1356 · 25 days
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I just watched the 1990 movie for the first time, so now I’m redrawing some scenes with the Rise boys!
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arabella-s-arts · 3 months
Scenes/Things in Supernatural that genuinely don't make sense to me if Dean was straight:
The confession booth scene.
Sam just rolling with the fact that Dean's siren is a guy while still thinking sirens infect people through sex.
Dean being flustered by several men: Gunner Lawless, Aaron, Doctor Sexy, etc.
All the parallels between Destiel and other couples. (A big one being "last night on Earth" bc how do you do that accidentally.)
Having all the gay jokes be on Dean instead of Sam.
Paralleling Sam meeting his childhood celebrity crush with Dean meeting Gunner Lawless.
The boner Dean got when Cas cleaned up.
Dean gulping after Cas does an impression from a Western movie.
Charlie, a lesbian, calling Castiel "dreamy."
The way Mary looks at Dean and Cas when they hug.
Dean wondering why everyone assumes he's gay, while Sam not caring.
The logic that Charlie can't flirt with guys because she's only attracted to women, but then having Dean flirt with the guy for her.
Dean seeming disappointed when learning that Aaron's flirting was fake.
The amount of time Dean and Cas spend staring at each other.
Dean canonically having an orgy with Crowley.
A woman saying that she knows when someone's pining for someone else to Dean, just for us to learn that Dean was never in love with Amara.
The set design and script choices that lead to a cross in the background while Dean said "I do." to Cas after he came back to life.
Edit: To the people who say I can't use the siren as an example because the siren is supposed to be his brother, and therefore his siren being a man doesn't work. If you reread that bullet point, then you will realize that I didn't put it down as just simply Dean's siren being a man. I recognize that the siren is supposed to be his brother. It's the fact that Sam still thinks the siren infects people through sex, not knowing that it's actually through saliva when he realizes who the siren is. So when he sees that Dean's siren is a guy, he had to assume they had sex, and he does not seem surprised by this at all.
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captain-flint · 10 months
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me too, anthony. me too.
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muldery · 10 months
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GOOD OMENS (2019-) 2.01 | DOCTOR WHO (2005-) 2.11
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mwagneto · 5 months
turn left is literally the most insane episode ever written. yeah the main character would kill himself if he didn't meet his best friend and the UK government is like 2 bad days away from putting all non-english people into labour camps. also all your favourite characters died trying to do what little they could. wouldn't that be crazy? anyway time for the daleks again
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I just put together that Crowley, despite his whining, fully accepts the idea of "our car," which fundamentally transforms the Bentley.
That's why Shax then has to play Hitchhiker instead of just popping in like she had previously - now that it's the Earthly property of an angel as well as a demon, she needs an invite.
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boylikeanangel · 11 months
michael sheen KNEW what he was doing with those shaky grasps at crowley's back during the kiss he was literally thinking "oh all the mentally ill gay people are gonna crop this shot down to just my hands and set it as their header image on tumblr" whilst smiling evilly against david tennant's lips it was CALCULATED
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dapper-lil-arts · 1 month
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You should read The Princess and the Peasant it's really good lol
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p4nishers · 10 months
ok but he didn't HAVE to do that. he always has crowley's attention, he didn't have to slide his hands up to CROWLEY'S HEART, keep it there then SLIDE IT DOWN. he didn't have to but he was slut enough to do so and i respect that
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artist-rat · 11 days
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Guys do not ask how this group is still together.. I'm too afraid to ask (the answer is magic of friendship and ✨Delusion✨)
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goomens · 10 months
don’t get me wrong, i’m all for the ‘aziraphale knows crowley loves him and crowley knows aziraphale loves him’ meta posts but. haven’t we known that since “you go too fast for me, crowley”? isn’t that statement a clear indication that they both know what’s happening but it’s new and scary and very real. they’re at different speeds but they know it’s love
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catloverwhovian · 9 months
thinking about how annoyed crowley is with jimbriel the whole season and yet when hes curious about gravity crowley just. explains it. jim asks ‘why’ and crowley doesn’t act annoyed at all and actually tries to remember. and then he answers honestly when he’s not sure. thinkin about that a whole lot
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