#it’s life immitating art immitating life immitating art
Me almost getting tboned by a ford f150 running a red light an hour ago: omggg is this a wittb reference?? Omggggg wooowwwww
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justarandomgirly · 1 year
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skaldish · 1 year
Me: "Not sure why people portray trolls, goblins, and other fae beings as uncanny and incomprehensible. They seem like perfectly normal and reasonable people to me."
Me (neurodivergent): *Gets into a lively and engaging conversation with Roommate A (also neurodivergent).*
Roommate B (neurotypical): "I literally can't understand anything you two are saying. It doesn't look like you're having a conversation but are just talking over each other, getting louder and louder, and I can't tell what anything's leading up to and it's very upsetting. Excuse me while I go wait in the other room until you're both done."
Me: "Ah. That'll do it."
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socialistexan · 2 years
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Wait, his name is Musselman and he took off his shirt as a celebration? Where have I heard that before...
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madxscientist · 1 year
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hey what the hell is my youtube recommended doing
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milfbro · 1 year
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rotturn · 2 years
what if i made little connections pages where it showed all the important dynamics the muse has and which verses that dynamic applies to/if its canon to all main verse interactions so that it'd be easy for everyone to see that stuff and reference things where need be
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eviltext · 1 year
waitttttt omg kanna's behavior in the green manga sounds suspiciously familiar.. oh... oh no.. ah. shit.
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eluvixns · 3 months
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gunshaverrr · 9 months
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el3ctraaa · 9 months
Me: *gets home from being miserable at college*
Also me:*immediately gets on the Sims so I can make my self sim miserable at college*
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ramen-hamster · 1 year
wearing an oversized tank top so that 1 (one) tiddie can slip out and get some fresh air
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saeraas · 2 years
out of all the bs going on with Twitter, one of the funniest is tatsuki fujimoto's Twitter got banned not because he was impersonating his not real 8 year old sister but because he put that age despite trying to convince people it was him before getting banned. now he's on a whole new account posting chainsaw man concept art and begging people to believe him when he says he's tatsuki fujimoto. life immitating art
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allie-leth · 15 days
Life immitates art.
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sleepyone2three · 1 year
This has been sitting in in my drafts for forever so I decided to finally finish it up! Thus, may I present:
How the demon bros would react if Lucifer had locked them away instead of Belphie
Can we talk about how lucky Lucifer was that it was Belphie he locked up and not one of his other brothers? Of all the sins, sloth is probably the best suited to being trapped in an attic. He can sleep the entire time and be giving into his vice at the same time. Meanwhile, if it had been any of the other brothers things could've been so much wilder! Just thinking about it has me rolling to be honest, so I decided I had to write this 😂
Mammon would go stir crazy so fast. The only reason he hasn't completely lost his mind is the fact that Lucifer didn't bother to take Goldie away when locking him up. He has so many mental lists of the things he'll buy as soon as he's out.
Honestly, Mammon would probably whine a lot the entire time he was there too. He'd be bored out of his mind and unable to spend/get any Grimm. What kind of torture is this???
Lucifer honestly might get so annoyed with it that he'd resort to cursing Mammon so he can't talk. Ah... peace and quiet finally. This probably only leads to Lucifer feeling uneasy though since Mammon being quiet usually means he's thinking up new schemes or causing trouble.
You think Belphie got lucky with how trusting MC is? Mammon is probably one of the worst liars... ever. Mams is doomed, no way MC would be falling for any of his tricks.
This doesn't mean MC still wouldn't help though. They're horrible about sticking their nose in other people's business, even if it is well intentioned. So you know they're still going to get involved in all of this somehow.
I think Mammon would use MC to the point of getting out, but I can't see him planning to kill them. Lucifer already locked him away for being pissy about the exchange program, imagine what he'd do if Mammon killed Diavolo's precious exchange student *shudders*
Even if Mammon did hate humans, he's too soft to stick with that hate after getting to know MC. He'll probably try to rationalize that this one is an exception to the rule, his amazing influence being the reason of course.
The only plus side to all of this is that the witches and debt collectors can't find him.
Why did Lucifer lock him away in the first place? Dude is already a shut-in so he wasn't actually planning on doing anything. Maybe saying he would sick Lotan on Diavolo before allowing a normi human in their home was taking things too far though...
Honestly, as long as Lucifer at least left him with a gaming console and some anime, he'd probably be fine. Though, he would be very upset about not being able to keep up with the latest releases.
Levi would stress so much over if Mammon had sold his games and merch. The only way to stop him from spiraling with this would be if Lucifer promised to lock Levi's room with an equally powerful barrier.
Also freaks out that nobody will feed Henry 2.0 and his best friend will starve to death. Lucifer isn't totally heartless though, so he promises he will make sure Henry is well cared for until Levi has come to his senses.
Would probably plan to kill MC once out, but after talking about anime/games with them he isn't as sure anymore??? They seem to like the same stuff as him and don't call him gross... no! It must be some sort of ploy to gain his trust! This was just like in an anime he'd watched a while ago, Help! I've Been Locked Away By My Strict Older Brother And Now A Human Is Taking Over The Underworld! Ah, how life immitates art sometimes...
Oh geez, Satan would be furious if this happened. You think, he hated Lucifer before? Get ready for a whole new level.
Where does Lucifer get off, thinking he can get away with this!? Locking him away like this program isn't utterly delusional from the start anyway! If Satan didn't know better, he'd say that the elder brother had planned this from the beginning of even developing the exchange program. But that would require Lucifer to pull his head out of his own ass, so it's definitely not the case.
I mean... he'd have plenty of reading time at least? He's fuming to the point of having destroyed the entire room already, but he'll still be able to read plenty afterwards.
Lucifer tries to nudge Satan in a more positive direction of thinking, dropping off books that try to exemplify the beauty and potential of humanity. For the first time in his life, Satan refuses to even consider reading multiple books. Would possibly even consider destroying them in front of Lucifer, but I'm not sure he could actually go through with it.
Would 100% plan on and go through with killing MC once out. They'd have to really make an impression and connect with him if there's any chance to have things go otherwise. Even then, it's unlikely to stop this outcome. Consequences be damned, he will have the satisfaction of seeing how delicious Lucifer's expression will be upon seeing Diavolo's little pet project go up in flames.
Would take not getting to see his kitty friends pretty hard. He misses them and sometimes worries there isn't anyone else feeding/giving attention to them with him gone. If MC really wants to get in good with Satan, offering to check in on the feline population of the Devildom might be a solid starting point.
Satan does have to admit though, MC is an interesting human if nothing else. Unafraid to go against Lucifer's orders? Likes reading as much as him? Snuck a cat in to see him??? M-maybe they aren't the worst...
I'm pretty sure his online following would form a search party if this happened. Radio silence from Asmo's accounts is unheard of and Lucifer better have an official statement about Asmo being in the exchange program if he doesn't want hordes of lesser demons showing up outside of the House of Lamentation.
Asmo's never really had to "rough it" and living without all his beauty products within reach is going to make him even angrier at Lucifer. This only gets worse the longer he's kept there, every flaking skin cell fueling his rage.
Gets a single zit and somehow finds a way to blame it on a human being in the house. Dramatic sniffles and crying commences as he's trying to sway Lucifer with his theory, though the elder seems less than convinced.
Would probably consider agreeing to the program once he's been without his products long enough, but is also called out on lying by Lucifer.
Baby boy would just be all smug and waiting for Solomon to try summoning him, thinking there'd be no stopping him from leaving at that point. Too bad Lucifer took this into consideration. Solomon is now mildly concerned and very curious what the heck this exchange program actually entails of the participants that could null the effects of a pact. Asmo's just whining about how cruel and unreasonable Lucifer is to do such a thing. And would you look at that? Lucifer's headache just got worse.
MC won't have to do much to begin swaying Asmo if we're being honest. This is especially so if he's feeling like he's become less attractive due to not being able to keep up his hourly daily self care routines and regimens for so long. Just sitting down and treating him like he's worthwhile even when he's "an abomination," will go a long way. Sneaking him some decadent lotion or products he mentioned offhandedly will seal the deal though.
They cared enough to actually listen when he looks like this? Even though they're not affected by his powers?? Maybe he was a little quick to shun the idea of the program... at the very least, they could make an adorable new plaything! Just thinking about all the makeovers and sleepovers had him feeling a little excited!
He ate his way out.
I don't know what else to say, even Lucifer isn't powerful enough to stop such an appetite. Besides that, no demon in their right mind at RAD would be down with their star Fangol leaving for an exchange program!
But in all seriousness, Beel is a simple demon with simple pleasures. MC just needs to bring him some food and show him that they aren't a monster who's out to hurt his family. Man just doesn't want to lose anymore family and was a lil hangry is all. Lucifer's the one who overreacted to the whole display.
On the plus side, the House of Lamentations food budget actually managed to build up a decent reserve while Beel was locked away. So you can be sure there's going to be the most amazing and decadent feast anyone has ever seen once he's out.
Just glad it's not him I suppose 😂
Though he may actually be low-key jealous that it's not him. Just thinking of how much he could sleep without being woken up has him rethinking his stance on the exchange program.
But MC is so sweet and makes a good cuddle buddy/pillow for his naps, so he can't be too upset.
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sketchinventor · 6 months
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Life immitates art
Twtter - Bsky - Instagram
Sketchie for @DercLeBoeuf !
if youre interested in getting a sketchie like this you can do so over on my ko-fi! ☺️
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