#it’s michael yeeting the devil
vi-visected · 11 months
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guess who fuckin got here today
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rae-writes · 5 months
An Angel?
om demons x reader (+Simeon, Solomon, Mephi, Raph)
wc : 2.k
warnings : more simping bois, more humor, a lot more sprinkles of suggestive comments
synopsis : a deviltok trend has the boys on their knees for you, part two: electric boogaloo
a/n : for the record, Luke was in the room while Mc was making it, cheering them on, doing his cute little “Waahhh!” // idea brought to me by the lovely [your-next-daydream]​ // AND, as usual, let’s not talk about how ridiculously long this took me to finish ahaha rip me-
demon ver. 
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<Simeon> Mc looks rather...heavenly, don’t you agree? 
[attachment sent] 
Intrigued, he wasted no time in clicking on the file, grinning when he realized it was one of your deviltoks. Decked out in your RAD uniform, you sat in a chair with your hands clasped together. 
“Who are you?” 
Smoothly, almost as if you were floating, you stood and took a few steps towards the camera with a rather shy smile. 
“An angel.” 
You bowed ever so slightly, flitting your gaze to the floor. 
“What’s your name?”
You spun suddenly, sending your red accessory swooshing in front of the camera, covering everything from view. 
As fast as the transition happened, it ended; the view was cleared to reveal you— angelic down to a T and beautiful wasn’t even enough to describe you. 
You were adorned with sheer, white clothing that was loose and flowy, probably swaying due to a fan that was off camera. Light blue accents were scattered here and there- including an extension piece in your hair of the same color. Sparkling gold accessories glinted under the light, but not as much as the halo that hovered above your head. It was a gorgeous molten gold tint, partly transparent with glitter floating around inside (with a few cracks decorating the outside of it). It only brought attention to the snowy wings spanning out behind you, flecks of iridescent scattered amongst the feathers. 
[9 people saved a video attachment]
Ah. Yes. He’s not combusting on the inside, not at all. 
*insert internal screaming*
Ahem. Now that his jaw has been picked up off the floor, he is immediately wondering how the fuck Simeon of all people got access to the video before him
Don’t get him wrong though, he is on the way right now- leave the door open, Mc
He has to put his marks all over your body to get rid of the fact that you looked that pretty while using Michael’s name
Possessive urges aside, please keep the outfit on
Does not care if you’re dressed up like an Angel, he will gladly corrupt you
In fact, he wants to corrupt you- let him see that pact mark of his while you look so angelic, yeah?
might be into role playing it if you’d like
Blinks a couple times before looking around slowly; poor boy really thought he’d been yeeted back to the celestial realm for a minute there
It’s all quiet before suddenly everyone in the house (and probably outside) hears “HOLY FUCK WHAT”
You never cease to amaze him, by the devils, is he in love 
The blush on his face- if he was anything other than a demon- would look severely concerning. Like no, it’s not a red beacon of light, it’s just him coming through the halls
Is creepin outside ya door practically on his knees. Please let him in. His greed is flared and you’re the only cure even if you’re also the reason
He is dying to have a diy photo shoot of the two of you in your angel fit
Step on him. Do it- it’s the perfect angle, the shot comes out beautifully and he is putting it right in his wallet once it’s developed 
Will step on you in return if you ask
You’ll let him kiss all over your body, wontcha, Mc? (he’ll even be gentle with his fangs when he nibbles around that golden necklace you’ve got on)
*cue his very nervous yet giddy laughter*
This is just like that anime he saw last week called ‘Help! My human s/o just turned into an Angel but I’m a demon and actually kind of into this?!” 
Seriously though, you look so beautiful, Levi was immediately down in the floor with his face covered and tail wagging 
Please allow 3-4 business months before he can recover 
Jk lol he’s hovering in your doorway before you you can even click on his contact
Shyly asks if he can touch your halo and wings (and ends up with his tail wrapped around you, knocking you side to side because it’s still attempting to wag) 
Unlike the eldest brother, Levi practically begs you to roleplay this with him and have a cosplay photoshoot 
Will shamelessly keep you to himself for the rest of the day and hiss at everyone who gets too close 
Please sit on him and call him mean names while also holding him sweetly 
Sign him tf up- he’s got a pen at the ready 
Irony aside, Satan thinks you look absolutely stunning— straight out of a fairy tale 
Irony not aside, Satan is actually so into this and craves to play it out with you
He was never an Angel to begin with, he was born a demon; just thinking about making your ivory wings turn black makes him excited 
Satan understands it’s just a simple spell you’ve casted so he won’t get too out of sorts (but if you like it, then what’s the harm?) 
Wants to read a forbidden love trope book and maybe act out some of the scenes while you’re still dressed like that 
The hopeless romantic in him is front and center the entire time
If you think he’s gonna let you go now, you’re sorely mistaken— let his brothers try and take you away 
He’s got tons of scenarios to act out if you can handle him 
That weird high pitched sound you hear from across the house that should be something only dogs can hear? Yeah that’s Asmo squealing
Posting your video EVERYWHERE bc everyone needs to see how fucking gorgeous you look 
You can hear his footsteps from a mile away as he hurries to your room 
He MUST see your outfit in person ASAP
Azzy. Is. So. Fucking. Down. For. This. Shit. He thinks he’s dreamed about this once actually  
Please let him just examine every inch of you, he’s begging
Once again his camera is out and ready for a photoshoot and his demon form is out right alongside it 
He will be keeping you for the next 24-48 hours thanks
Choked. Again. 
Don’t be alarmed by the loud rumbling sound— it’s not Beel’s stomach for once, but instead a growl
He didn’t mean to make that sound but you just look so— and he just— and you— and and— A a a A A 
Has that cute little blush plastered over his face all. day. 
Might be tempted- or actually try- to take a bite out of your halo or something else ifykyk
Rewatches the video at least ten times because you're just. Wow. Wow. W O W. 
Is now in the mood to eat some celestial realm food with you 
though his appetite is half for food and half for you 
Pls don’t mind his staring or the way he’s probably drooling a bit, he can’t help it :(
“...wait, what?”
Lays there staring at the ceiling for a moment bc PHEW you got him sweating and he hasn’t even moved yet-
Manages a straight face all the way until he enters your room and sees the outfits in person
To which he is, once again, dropping right at your feet with a look of ‘PLEASE’
He needs a whole ass minute or two to catch his breath from how fucking gorgeous you look and then he needs another whole ass minute or two to scan you over again
Please sit on him
Is uncharacteristically stuttering through every sentence— how can he possibly concentrate on stupid words in these [amazing] conditions?!
Gatekeeping you AGAIN
Underneath you the entire. time. 
*windows shutdown* 
*windows restart*
…aaand we’re back ladies and gentlemen and every cool dude in between but Barbatos is still fucking astonished— absolutely flabbergasted at how badly he’s got it for you
He dropped everything he was carrying in that moment and swiftly picked it back up, hoping no one saw
Diavolo saw. He recorded the entire thing and sent it to you, zooming in on Barbatos’ blush
There’s just something primal in him that makes him want to sink his teeth into you and coil his tail around your body so that you won’t be able to go anywhere else until he lets you
Everyone be damned, Barb will be having you to himself for the entire night
Will also run his fingers along the faux wings and halo before he absolutely ruins you until the magic dissipates
He is…totally normal about the entire thing..
His father help him— Diavolo is so incredibly thankful for the exchange program
Is OUT of the castle at mach speed before Barbatos can even say otherwise
And then he’s speeding right back and summoning you to him instead so he can have you to himself
Mans is kneeling at your fucking feet the second he lays eyes on you
And while it isn’t ‘proper’ for someone who wants unity between all three realms to want to corrupt you— 
—he does. So badly. He thinks he might even beg you for it 
Also wants to take a picture of the two of you with him in his demon form (it’s the it picture for weeks after he posts it)
Cannot stop looking at your halo; please let him touch it
(If you slowly begin altering your wings to bleed black, he’s practically foaming at the mouth—) 
*sharp inhale* . . . *yeets halo*
He deadass forgets he’s an Angel himself for a few minutes bc he’s too busy simping fawning over you 
God who?? Like get tf outta the way, beep beep, archangel on a mission comin through 
Is begging as soon as he steps foot through your door. Please, please let him touch you and explore— he should be ashamed with how unabashed he is but fuck look at you 
Will let his own wings out just so you can compare your angels forms (melted on the spot when you brushed your wings against his)
Honestly can’t decide if he wants you to corrupt him or if he wants to corrupt you…or both at the same time
He’s not sharing you. Not now. Not like this. 
You may look like an angel, and he may be an angel, but he won’t treat you like one tonight 
If you do the fancy trick of letting your wings turn black, he’s completely bowing down to whatever you wish right then and there 
Kinda forgot he was immortal for a split second and wondered if he’d either died or accidentally traveled to the celestial realm
Gains his bearings rather quickly, but the hold you have on him is still very much there
And he’d like you to have a hold around his throat— what? Who said that??
His pretty little blush where he averts his eyes all nervously? YEAH THAT
He’s taken aback for a couple moments before his usual shit eating grin comes back but that blush? Still there. 
Backs you against a wall, in a corner, and let’s his hands roam with a small laugh, quietly asking how you manage to make him lose composure so easily 
Is so soft and sweet for a minute before his eyes darken and that SEXY smirk crawls onto his face
Plucks that halo right from above your head and tosses it behind his shoulder because how could he possibly do what he has planned if you’re an angel?
Makes your wings bloom black himself (and challenges how long you can handle him)
extra little bonus: 
Simply raises a brow and wonders why the hell his body got so hot all the sudden 
Ignores the video for a couple hours until he realizes he can’t stop fucking thinking about it 
Promptly decides he’s going to go straight to you and demand how dare you invade his thoughts like this 
And then promptly decides he’d rather just revert to using his hands instead when the sight of you makes his mouth dry and water at the same time
Will take it upon himself, right then, to corrupt you
Because there’s no way in the seven rings of hell he’s letting you switch sides and he’ll break the magic you’re using as proof
After though *cough cough* he will bashfully tell you how gorgeous you looked…
Let me tell you, mans was not ready 
Like if you’ve seen the video of the person with a stacked ass on the stretcher being carried by and the news reporter’s face afterwards, that’s Raphael. 
Luke takes a picture of his expression and makes a meme
Won’t address it until the very next day, stiffly telling you that your outfit was very pleasing to the eye (he thinks you’re drop dead gorgeous, okay, he’s just struggling)
If you offer to show him in person, he is ascending right back home. Won’t deny, though. Like please do. 
In awe for the whole experience 
And blushes an alluring deep shade if you show him some ‘corruption’ tricks you have up your sleeve
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mark-of-chrysus · 1 year
It was a wonderful day in Seoul and Danny was an awful person. And if it happened that Eugene was on the receiving side of him choosing violence that day, well it was simply bad luck~
It started with him coming into Eugene's office out of nowhere with an obviously fake neon green mustache and a box of spiders, which was promptly yeeted at the president and shattered all over his desk. A sharp high-pitched scream had his men tumbling into the office before they took a look at the little black devils skittering everywhere and booked it out without another backward glance.
It took almost three hours until they finally managed to get rid of all the spiders and shards and coax the mini evil-doer down from the chandelier. The spawn of chaos that was Danny had long since escaped the building, leaving behind only his fluffy green mustache attached to a cardboard cutout of one of their female streamers.
Eugene was displeased but chalked it up as a one-off thing, a sort of petty revenge from a man who could do nothing more to him. Oh, how wrong he was.
After the spiders came the baby crocodiles with lightsabers strapped to their backs. That was an ordeal that left the teen president quite paranoid since it had taken place in his personal apartment.
The third attempt wasn't stopped by his quadrupled security nor their new fancy gear. After all, Daniel was a one-man army, stupid electric fences and radars were no match for the ungodly amount of caffeine and pure spite that fueled his revenge. Judging by the screams and colorful curses, Eugene and him were on the same page.
Another terrorizing attempt successfully completed, Danny pulled out his list and checked another item off. Unfortunately, despite being useful for the drip, his makeshift batman mask was a bit hard to see through, so he had to take it off to read the next item on the list.
"Hmmm, okay, let's see... Spiders? Check. Baby alligators with light sabers? Check. Possessed Michael Jackson Animatronics? Check. I think I have time for one more before the loop ends...let's see..."
ghosts of all the bugs he's ever killed crawling on his skin? Nah, too tame.
waking up at a furry convention? I think the loop will reset before I have time to wait for this year's furry convention.
injecting him with truth serum before a fancy gala? Too much political drama, and too little chaos.
Daniel paused at the last one, a shark-like smirk overcoming his features.
"This...Heh...This is going to be good...Hehehehe MUAHAHAHHA-"
"Can you knock it off!" His neighbor reinforced his words by knocking on their shared wall rather forcefully.
"Sorry!" Came the boy's sheepish reply.
Even evil masterminds have to be mindful of their manners when committing atrocities, he nodded to himself before returning to the task at hand with an impish smile. He set out to gather his army.
The next day at 9 AM sharp the Worker's main building was invaded by an army of angry middle-aged women, armed with various household appliances, all claiming that the young businessman had seduced their daughters.
"He promised to marry my Lia!" A lady wielding a portable vacuum cleaner shouted indignantly at the poor receptionist, underlining each word with a menacing thump of her weapon onto the counter.
"He already proposed to my daughter!" Another woman chimed in waving a mighty frying pan with a murderous expression.
"Mine's pregnant with his baby!" Came the enraged shouting of another.
The crowd erupted into outrage, screaming even louder than before and banging onto the walls and floor while trying to speak over one another. Another outrageous comment, another wave of shouting and banging, until the whole street and every employee in the building had stopped to watch the chaos.
Daniel's muffled giggles were abruptly cut off when he felt the telltale tug on his soul that came with every reset.
"No wait, I didn't get to see the aftermath!" He whined, but to no avail.
"At least I get to try out the rest of my ideas in the next loop." He shrugged, downing the remaining chips in the bag.
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Feast Day: Michaelmas, or St. Michael and All the Angels
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"The Three Archangels and Tobias" by Francesco Botticini (1470). Michael is on the far left, wearing some snazzy armour (via wikimedia commons)
Happy Michaelmas!
Michaelmas celebrates the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael; and in Anglican and Episcopalian tradition includes two other angels from apocryphal (not in Biblical canon) texts named Uriel and Jerahmeel. However, as the name suggests, most of the day is about Michael. Regarded as the warrior who drove Satan out of heaven, Michael is associated strongly with protection and military might. He is the patron saint of police officers, warriors, the sick, mariners, against lightning and windstorms, and of many places including France, Germany, Vatican City, and Ukraine and its capital Kyiv.
Michaelmas was one of the major observed saint's days in mediaeval and early modern England, Scotland, and Ireland. Keep reading to find learn about how the Devil was yeeted from heaven, if you're going to get married soon, and why you shouldn't eat blackberries after October 10th.
As an angel, Michael doesn't have a 'life', per se, but he is well-known and venerated in a variety of Abrahamic religions. The earliest recorded mention of his is from the Book of Enoch, a Hebrew apocalyptic text from the 3rd century BCE. The Book of Enoch contains other bits of juicy information on the origin of demons, moral justification for the great flood in Genesis, why some angels fell from heaven, and a prophecy for the thousand-year reign of the Messiah. Though it is not accepted as canon in Christian and Jewish traditions, it provides extra scholarship on canon occurrences and apocryphal traditions. Michael is not given an introduction by the Book of Enoch, implying that readers would already be familiar with him, and his legend may date back much farther. He is mentioned in the Book of Daniel, which is included in the Christian Old Testament and is one of the Jewish Talmudic writings. The Quran and Hadīth also acknowledge Michael as an archangel (often spelled Mika'il).
In the Christian Bible, Michael is explicitly mentioned in Jude 9, Daniel 7, and Revelation 12:7-12. This last passage is the most famous, and depicts Michael doing battle with the Devil and driving him out of heaven. As a result, he has very militaristic associations, often portrayed as the leader of the armies of God in the warfare between Heaven and Hell, good and evil. In the mediaeval and early modern world, people lived with these images and concepts in their everyday lives. Vivid depictions of the Last Judgement, or the end of the world, adorned church walls -- they make up a whole genre, called "doom paintings", and were often on the west wall of the church, which was most visible to the congregation. They sent powerful, unmistakable messages to those who could not read or understand the Latin service. In addition, many people lived with firsthand experiences with brutal, real world conflict; and the power of the church in law and society created overwhelming preoccupation with the afterlife. We have only to look to paintings like Bosch's The Garden of Earthly Delights of Hans Memling's The Last Judgement to see what nightmare fuel people truly believed in and feared. Michael was therefore an important protector figure in a serious battle against the forces of evil -- the OG Satanic Panic, 24/7.
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"The Last Judgement" by Hans Memling (c.1466-1473). The right panel depicts heaven, the left panel depicts hell, and the middle panel depicts the judgement process, with Michael weighing souls in the foreground while Jesus looks on. (via wikimedia commons)
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Doom painting in Salisbury's Church of St. Thomas a Beckett. Again, Heaven is depicted on the right, and hell is swallowing people on the left. I don't know about you, but seeing this every Sunday as a kid would have given me religious trauma they haven't even discovered yet. (via seeingthepast.com)
A little bit about the other angels commemorated: Gabriel is responsible for announcing God's will to humanity, and communicates the birth of Jesus to Mary and of John the Baptist to her sister Elizabeth, respectively. Raphael is not mentioned in the Bible, but tradition identifies him as a healing angel who stirred the waters at the Pool of Bethesda (John 5:2-4). Uriel is also not mentioned in the Bible, but is in texts recognised as apocryphal by the Roman Catholic Church, and is also a figure in folk Catholicism. He is usually depicted as a cherub, representing repentance and holding the keys to Hell. Jerahmeel is mentioned in texts recognised as apocryphal by the Anglican Communion, and serves as a gatekeeper to Heaven with St. Peter and guides souls on their journey to the afterlife. All around pretty metal stuff.
Michaelmas and its Traditions
As Michael served as a benevolent force against darkness and evil, his commemoration asked for protection in the cold, long winter nights, where Satan's powers were supposedly more powerful.
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Harvest activities, from the glorious Luttrell Psalter (c.1320-1340) (via johnclare.net)
In mediaeval England, Michaelmas marked the start of a new agricultural year, when the harvest ended and people could start preparing for the coming winter. In England, Ireland, and Wales, it was one of the quarter days, or four days during which major legal business was settled. Contracts for would begin or expire, rents and taxes were collected, school terms would start, &c. Hiring fairs were held around Michaelmas for labourers and servants looking for work. On manors, a "reeve" or estate manager would be chosen from among the peasants. Following this custom, the Lord Mayor of London is still elected on Michaelmas; and some British and Irish law courts and universities use a "Michaelmas term" to denote an autumn session or semester.
Michaelmas earned the name "Goose Day" from the tradition of eating a roast goose on this holiday. The end of September and beginning of October are naturally when geese were ready for eating, and they were also common fare for celebrations in general. Geese prepared for this time of year were referred to as a stubble-goose or an embling or rucklety goose. Goose fairs proliferated up and down the country, selling geese and other food, as well as providing entertainment. (The Nottingham Goose Fair continues in this tradition, happening around October 3rd every year.) A likely apocryphal legend provides a fun reason behind this tradition: Queen Elizabeth I was eating a goose when she heard of the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, and vowed to eat it for Michaelmas. Others followed suit, and thus goose-eating helped ensure financial security for the year to come. Geese were also a great way to bribe your landlord, as including one with your rent might gain you a little more favour. Another fun goose tidbit: if the breast bones of the goose are brown after roasting, the winter will be mild, but if they were white or of a slightly blue hue, the winter will be harsh.
Gathering blackberries after Michaelmas (old style October 10th) was deemed unlucky. Supposedly, when Michael cast Satan out of heaven, Satan landed in a blackberry bush and got tangled in its brambles. Cursing the bush, Satan either spit, stamped, scorched, or peed on it, or a combination of all of those things, making the fruit unfit to eat after that date. Blackberry pies, called Michaelmas pies, were often made to use up the last of the blackberry harvest. In Ireland, bad blackberries are also attributed to púca, a shape-shifting spirit that can bring both good and evil.
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Michaelmas bannock with blackberries (via allthehousehold.com)
Scotland and Ireland also have unique celebrations from those in England and Wales. In parts of Scotland, particularly the Hebrides, the eldest daughter of the family baked Sruthan Mhìcheil, or St. Michael's bannock, on the eve of Michaelmas. Sruthan Mhìcheil is a scone-like bread or cake, consisting of equal parts barley, rye, and oats, and without using any metal implements. Some recipes are cooked in lamb skin. As the person making the Sruthan turns it on the fire, they utter a variant of this blessing over it: "Progeny and prosperity of family, Mystery of An Dagda, protection of Bride". There is also a Hebridean blessing which runs: "Là Fhéill Mìcheil nì sinn struthan, Gabhaidh sinn dheth gu cridheil cairdeil, Mar bu choir a bhith" or, in English, "On St Michael’s Day we will make a cake, we will partake of it in a joyful friendly manner, as is proper". Special Sruthans, made in memory of absent loved ones or those who have died, are blessed at Michaelmas mass and given to the poor.
Another Scottish tradition involves carrots, the last of which are supposed to be pulled up on Michaelmas day. Finding a two-pronged carrot is considered extra lucky! There's a Gaelic rhyme for this task, too, which accompanies the carrot pulling: "Torcan torrach, torrach, torrach, Sonas curran còrr orm, Michael mil a bhi dha m’chonuil, Bride gheal dha m’chonradh" or in English, "Cleft fruitful, fruitful, fruitful, Joy of carrots surpassing upon me, Michael the brave endowing me, Bride the fair be aiding me."
I found a good deal of Irish traditions relating to Michaelmas, varying region by region. One legend tells of a king who choked to death on a goose bone and was brought back to life by St. Patrick. In honour of the saint, he ordered goose to be eaten on Michaelmas. In parts of Ireland, geese were given to the poor, and in some regions slaughtered sheep were also thrown in with the donation. Many people took pilgrimages to holy wells associated with Michael to take a drink from the blessed waters. A ring would sometimes me placed in a Michaelmas pie, and the person to find it would be married soon.
Towns often implemented winter curfew on Michaelmas. The church bell would ring at 9pm, once for every day of the month that had passed, to remind everyone to get inside. Curfews usually lasted from Michaelmas (September 29th) to Shrove Tuesday or Lady Day (March 25th), another quarter day. Chertsey in Runnymeade, Surrey, still rings a curfew bell between these dates; their oldest church bell dates from 1380.
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Michaelmas dasies (via butterfly-conservation.org)
Michaelmas daisies, or asters, bloom around this time of year, one of the last flowers to bloom before the onset of winter. Some say they represent a final, hearty burst of light before the darkness and barrenness of winter, just like the celebration of Michaelmas. A rhyme says: "The Michaelmas Daisies, among dede weeds, / Bloom for St Michael’s valorous deeds. / And seems the last of flowers that stood, / Till the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude." (Sts. Simon and Jude is October 28th).
And of course, no feast day would be complete without a plethora of weather wisdom! Here are a few:
"If Michaelmas bring many acorns, Christmas will cover the fields with snow."
"If the ice is strong enough to bear a man before Michaelmas, it will not bear a goose afterwards." (see Martinmas, November 11th)
"So many days old the moon is on Michaelmas Day, so many floods after."
"If St. Michael bring thunder, rough weather will follow."
Thomas Tusser also advises to pick fruit after Michaelmas if you want it to last the winter.
If You're Still Interested...
Here is a Michaelmas bannock recipe, from the picture above!
Wikipedia (Michaelmas)
Wikipedia [Michael (archangel)]
A Countryman's Daybook, ed. C. N. French
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cuddyclothes · 11 months
Okay, some Thoughts about Good Omens 2 and that ending and stuff
Disclaimer: I’ve never read the book. I’ve never heard the radio show. Beware, there is criticism under the “keep reading” as well as my analysis of the ending. I’m using male pronouns but feel free to substitute the ones you prefer.
I loved “Good Omens 2″. And have rewatched it at least three times, as well as having it on in the background. And watched clips on YouTube, especially of the ending. I’VE CRIED A FUCKING RIVER. The beginning with Angel!Crowley squealing and squeaking with happiness over his new universe is cute and heartbreaking.
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And naked Jon Hamm! Who doesn’t love naked Jon Hamm? He is hilarious.
But here were my problems as I was watching it. First: Crowley’s present day hair. Hated it, hated it, hated it. The little curl bobbing around when he moved his head kept distracting me. It was a beautiful red first season, and all of the hairstyles were lovely, especially when it was long!!
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What’s with the color and curls? Aziraphale’s hair is still the same. And no full-on serpent eyes!
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And no odd little noises. What happened to the odd little noises?
The plot was thin. Hanging the whole thing on something as small as Gabriel’s disappearance after the enormity of S1 left it a tad lacking. The Nazi zombie “minisode” was irritating. If you’re going to have Nazi zombies, don’t let them stumble out and kill more people! Also, it was so SATISFYING when they were killed. (Does that count as retcon?) The zombies were mainly there so we could watch Aziraphale play with the feather boa and be flustered all over the place. It was so unnecessary. It would have been better minus Nazi zombies. But zombies are all the rage these days, so I guess you have to have them.
I’m generally down with the horror side of things, except for those poor graveyard guards, doomed to fall forever. And why did Maggie love Nina so much? Nina was basically a grump who barely smiled and certainly gave her no encouragement. I know they were supposed to mirror the main couple but it was pretty weak tea. The more anvilicous, the less enjoyable. Seriously, I didn’t give a shit. The only part I liked was when they told Crowley to back off.
While I knew when watching that the series was mostly fan service on a silver platter garnished with parsley, I still enjoyed it. I would watch Michael and David talk about coding. (In my day we’d say read the phone book but do phone books even exist any more?) However, again, my toes are broken from all of the anvils. I squirmed at how shameless it was. I knew there would be fan art and fan fiction and GIFs out the wazoo, so who am I to piss on somebody else’s fun? But for me, there were moments when I wanted to say, “tone it down a little! We get it!” 
Especially since Aziraphale was such a prissy little fluff ball through the whole season. Does anyone else think S1 Aziraphale would have been a ferocious warrior when the demons showed up? Rather than “oh dear, here girls, you fight the devil’s army!” He could have yeeted the demons into the holy circle! By the way, who made the holy circle? When he calls, “Anybody there?” who answered?
And, and, AND there was no significant fights between Aziraphale and Crowley! Remember “How can somebody so clever be so stupid!”?  When the conflict between the main characters is insignificant (until the end) it diminishes the whole stakes. Which is why I feel like the ending was hastily slapped on, even if it did rip my heart out of my chest.
But I’ve thought a lot about the ending, and I think Metatron played Aziraphale like a harpsichord. Do you think for one minute Metatron thinks Aziraphale could lead Heaven and a huge project like the Second Coming? Of course not, he thinks Aziraphale is a chump. Azi will think he’s in charge while Michael and Uriel walk all over him.
Aziraphale didn’t want to go to Heaven, but Metatron flattered him AND offered to let Crowley return as bait. That did it, because Azi can be an idiot at times. Remember how he thought he could go have a word with Heaven and straighten everything out in S1? When Crowley says no, Aziraphale has made a promise and I don’t recall him ever being able to break a promise. When they kiss he’s hopelessly confused and crying. 
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Metatron comes along, Azi almost protests that he doesn’t want to go, but again, he made a promise. This is just me, but when he’s in Heaven’s elevator, as we watch it go up, we see him slowly being brainwashed
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Can you do raising a family with Og and RZ Michael Myers? If you only wanna do one could you do RZ, thanks so much!!
i freaking love the RZ version of michael myers. everything about him just screams ‘DADDY’ 
i would let him curb stomp me and i would thank him. anyways, moving on!
im gonna do head cannons if you dont mind
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- kind of pays attention to the children but not really (SORRY)
- the children were low-key and accident. (sorry-not sorry)
- definitely focused on other things such as laurie 
- you only see him once a week. 
-but he brings food home!!
- is the big spoon when you cuddle. 
- thinks its cute when you cuddle and you have the baby in your arms. 
- even though he acts as if the child is the devil. he still loves them to death and will rip whoever dares to hurt his family to shreds. 
- he deadass seems like the type of person to throw the toy or bottle back at them with full force if the child threw something at him. 
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- loves his family more than anything. always wanted a family. he didnt really grow up with a good family background. 
- wants to be the best dad for his children. going out, getting toys, clothes. 
- when he found out you were pregnant. his whole world changed. THIS MAN WAS READY!!
- the awkwardness of him holding his child. he would sit down and hold the child but his face would be emotionless. and you dont know whether he wants to yeet the child or keep it. 
- always holding the kid. ALWAYS. you see him outside on the poarch with the baby looking at nature. 
-  lets the baby play with his hair. funny watching michael trying to get the little demon to get his hair out of their mouth, and let go. the child definitely sees his hair as crawling vines. the child is going full dora the explorer on his scalp. 
- its calming watching him sit in a rocking chair and feed the baby with a  baby bottle. 
- his smile is everything. 
- an almost 7 ft scary, stabby man holding a baby like its the most fragile doll is adorable. 
- comes home frustrated and grabs the child from your arms to hold it. and everything is ok again. would even snatch the child from the cradle when its sleeping just to hold it. 
- would absolutely without a fucking doubt rip anyone to shreds who dare touches you or the child. IM TALKING CURB STOMPING A BITCH IN MID AIR. im talking mike tyson, im talking breaking every bone in your body on ‘accident’, im talking ruining lives and snatching souls, im talking stomping on a bitch like a roach that embarrassed him in front of company. 
- if someone even looks in the direction of his child. their head is going to be the new jackolantern on the poarch. 
- michael would overhear a man showing off to his friends on how hes a protective dad and protects his family better then anyone in the world.  michael: ‘bitch please, hold my knife’  
- everyone would be confused seeing the shape with a s/o and a child. so they would see him as weak and vulnerable ‘RIP TO THE PERSON WHO THOUGHT THAT’ dont get me wrong. seeing the annual murder man with a s/o and child may seen off and weak. but trust me. michael would still snatch your fucking soul. your soul now belongs to him. 
- would want more children. so you’d have to fend him off with a broom. ‘BEGONE DEMON’ 
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I’m back on my bullshit and we have GOT TO TALK about 13x08 The Scorpion and the Frog; which serves as a good example of why you should not ONLY watch spn episodes with Cas (partially because of that scene I shamefully blogged about earlier - no I will not link that cursed post here).  The episode title comes from a fable in which the villain is the scorpion.  Interpretations of this fable note its uniqueness lies in the concept that “the scorpion is irrationally self destructive and fully aware of it.”
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To quote the scorpion, buddies -  “it’s in my nature.”
Anyway, this episode is subtextually predicated on exploring Dean Winchester’s nature and specifically - his bisexuality, and I’m not only saying that because it opens with Dean in his Bi Colors Plaid (that also he wore on his burger date with Cas).
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Let’s get started, after the cut!
Season 13 on its face gives me absolute whiplash because it starts widow arc-reunion-TOMBSTONE and then Jack yeets himself off to Chuck knows where so Cas can go out Looking For Him Because Otherwise He Will Definitely Kiss Dean there is no other option for the writers at this point.  Sigh.  Here, have another shot of Dean anxiously cleaning his gun as he always does when Cas has Gone Off For Reasons -
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Anyway, this feels like a filler episode at first, but as always they bury the ENTIRE damn world in it and I am here with my dossier to Unearth It.
Lets start with Bart (demon of terrible nicknames and microagressions) meeting the brothers at Smile Diner to talk about some spell or whatever. 
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(I am not thinking about the Cherry Pie meta I AM NOT)
THEY HAVE THE AUDACITY to start with these lines immediately introducing the theme of duality, a thread throughout this episode.
Everything. I've been following your careers a long time. You're a real pain in the pitchfork. And the halo. Natural disrupters. We have that in common, you and I. DEAN
Mm. Yeah, we're twinsies.
***MORE DUALITY!  But as we know, Dean does not like Bart because He Is A Freakin’ Demon
Well, see, here's the thing. When a demon tells us to jump, we don't ask how high. We just ice their ass.
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UMMM excuse me Barting Bacting Boices?  What is that sexual gaze?  
Then we find out that Bart has 1/2 of the spell.  They need the other 1/2.  Oh, a spell with two parts, you say? [ I am going to scream :) ]
***Also, Dean eats the pie Bart ordered.  I cannot begin to explain to you the state of unwellness that I am in regarding how important this is. DEAN NEVER GETS TO EAT THE PIE, remember?  But in This Filler Episode, Dean eats the pie. While Sam looks at him with a very quizzical expression.  Pie -> what Dean wants but never actually gets -> Dean actively eating this pie.  Dean is coming to terms that maybe he can have what he wants.
***I am reminding you again that this is post widower-arc, post-reunion, and especially post-Tombstone.  Anyway-
Now we get to Smash and Grab.  Not literally even though I want to Commit Such Conduct at this point.  We are introduced to two one off characters named 
Smash (human/female presenting) -  can crack any safe built by man 
and Grab (demon/male presenting)-  expert in bypassing supernatural security.
Reaching or no, you can’t disagree that when spn introduces one off characters - it is almost always a Narrative Parallel or Mirror.
So we have a human and a demon (and Dean Winchester, a human who has been a demon)
who are experts in cracking open/bypassing something that has been secured and guarded (breaking down walls, if you will).  
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They also use fake names identifying them as Tools to be Used ( Dean Winchester, the Michael Sword/daddys blunt little instrument)
Dean himself is literally used as a tool in this episode.
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So yeah.  Smash and Grab are physical representations of Dean’s duality.  Human/Demon.  Femininity/Masculinity.  Dare we say something else, too?
Anyway, Dean is paired with Smash and Grab; Sam is off to idk negotiate weird artifact purchases lawboy style with Luther Shrike, a man who cannot die so long as he never leaves his house (I cannot even begin to unpack this shit; please just sit there and think about it.  I’m not even going there here.  I CANNOT DISCUSS Luther Shrike RN).
Speaking of things I cannot discuss without halgdhsag;lsa - Smash has very Specific boots (a look overall, really).
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Hey, Winona. The '90s called. They'd like their shoes back. SMASH
***That’s right girl - do not take his shit; he actually LOVES them and is therefore Overcompensating for it with this little jab.
***Dean’s pop culture references and particular attention to the details here Should Not Be Overlooked.  90s! Winona! Ryder!
ANYWAY, then Dean and Smash bond over a caffeinated beverage -
[While Dean is doing a spell, Smash opens a can of drink, takes a mouthful and burps loudly. ] SMASH
You're weird.
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***This scene makes me literally insane. (even aside from Dean living on something named NERVE DAMAGE as a KID.  They could have called it anything. You’re saying this wasn’t a Choice)  
She chugs a swallow of the drink and burps.  Something stereotypically associated with masculinity.  Not feminine.  Dean’s reaction is that she is “weird” - because she is not acting in a way stereotypically, J*hn Winchester brain-rot patriarchy bullshit-tily associated with Being Female.  But also, says the stupid show, they like the same soda.  They are The Same.  She shares the soda with Dean.  HIS FACE WHEN SHE DOES -
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Other similarities are addressed throughout the episode (they are working for demons because they have no choice; they don’t discuss feelings/emotions, they both sold their soul, they both This Thing - 
You know, we could help you. SMASH
No, you can't. I gotta take care of me.
etc. etc.) Smash is absolutely dean-coded.
****Also it’s textually established that Smash thinks Dean is attractive -
[looking at Smash] Oh. You said he was just a pretty face. SMASH 
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***But Grab flirts with him too.
I will kill you. GRAB
I bet you say that to all the girls.
***sorry, Grab - you won’t get far with Dean, but only because as he mentioned in the beginning of this episode - 
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Drowley rights.
Now Dean has to put his hand in the mouth of this stone lion thing and all of a sudden he is acting....very-not-like-Dean.
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[Dean looks again and takes a deep breath.] DEAN
I… how about this? What if I cut myself, put it on, like, a little piece of paper? We'll just wad it up and throw it in the mouth, okay? Okay. 
***Dean Winchester, who has been to Literal HELL, who has been torn apart by hellhounds, who has battled the devil and angels and God’s sister - all at the expense of his own life is now - afraid of spiders.  Well, technically he has always been afraid of spiders, but why isn’t ‘he being performative about it At This Time??
***Come to think of it, this sends me right back to how Jackles was playing Dean in 12x11 Regarding Dean THE episode dissecting Dean’s performative masculinity [one day I will clean up and post that analysis sitting in my drafts like a sad hamster]. That makes sense actually, because -> -> ->
that episode and this one are both written by Meredith Glynn.  Girl get in I want to torture you affectionately with a barrage of questions.
So here we have Dean and he’s not performing for Reasons, and he’s scared he’s genuinely scared of putting his hand in this stone lion-gargoyle-pig-creature’s mouth and then -
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Smash gives him a push.
She gives him a push.  I cannot stop thinking about how she gives him a push.  A push to go do this thing that he is scared of; his fear being something he was hiding under his performative masculinity. Smash - dean coded dean mirror who does not perform femininity and is ‘weird’ -  she   gives   him   a     p u s h.
***linking here for the jackting joices that follow.
Now, let’s circle back to Smash’s story; why she is working for Bart in the first place -
You think I wanna be here? Like I have a choice? SAM
You made a deal. SMASH
Wow! You think? SAM
You sold your soul. SMASH
And if I could take it back, I would. 
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there is no reason for this picture here other than I needed you to see the jackting again
***How does the story end for Smash?
Take care of you. [Dean glances down at the box, and then at Smash. She sees that Dean has put a lighter on top of the bones.]  BARTHAMUS
Alice, chop chop! 
[Bart indicates she should get his bones]. SMASH
Yeah. [She grabs the lighter and sets Bart's bones alight. Bart screams as he bursts into flames. ] 
***She accepts help and breaks free from the narrative, literally burning it down. The female presenting but not female-performing “weird” ooc representing a side of Dean breaks FREE because she makes a choice.  The lighter Dean drops? It’s a push.  And she goes with it.
Alice reclaims her story.
(Also, Grab gets ganked.  The male presenting ooc; the performative masculinity side; the demon; the darkness; the not-humanity - gets ganked).
Guess what Dean says to Alice when they say goodbye?
Hey, Alice. Stay weird.
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[I know the peace sign is probably just a Charlie throwback but I’d still like to say duality.  Two. ]
Dean’s not just talking to Alice.  He’s talking to himself; because the walls have been breached and for once Dean isn’t as scared of being different.  Maybe, just maybe, he’s going along with the push.  That’s exactly how the episode ends - with Dean feeling a little more hopeful, a little more at peace; a little more Considering he is capable of not only loving Cas but also not hating himself for it. 
[until the knowledge that Mary is still alive and the guilt of allowing himself ANY happy thoughts instead of looking for her miserably rears its ugly head in 13x09 and round and round we go but for NOW at least -> ]
I'll drink to that.
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(oh look Dean is just wearing his henley.  It’s almost as if a layer has been peeled back).
tagging @im-shaking-like-milk​ and @deanwasalwaysbi​ for letting me ramble on to them while writing this; and @lilac-void​ because you are always so kind about my stuff :)
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freetobeafcknriot · 3 years
3,7 for the midam ask game
3. First Fan Video/Edit you saw of them?
luckily i'm sentimental by default, so here!
back at the time i only found two videos and on the same day, but this is the first one i watched before yeeting myself right at the ao3 tag! the nostalgia. . .!! ;––;
7. Favorite Quote?
it's not exactly a single quote, but rather the parallel between this:
ADAM: Oh, me and some archangel are gonna kill the devil. DEAN: What archangel? ADAM: Michael. I’m his––sword, or vessel, or something...
and this:
MICHAEL: I wouldn't know. I don't know much, about any of this... You'll be my guide.  ( . . . ) ADAM: Maybe I should pick up some kinda... little job. [...] I mean, these are the same clothes we went to Hell in. We're gonna have expenses, right?
the growth. the love. the development in their characters, in their relationship and how they viewed each other, and the fucking growth!!
midam ask game
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casikototmblr · 4 years
The Devil’s Wish - Part 4.
Summary: Reader sets the record straight with Venable, giving her an ultimatum. A scene happens in the dining area of the Outpost and reader helps to resolve it.
A/N: Yeet, this part contains smut. don’t say i didn’t warn you, lol ;).
Word count:  2,377.
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You eyed the arrogant woman up and down as she paced into the boardroom, the thin heels of her shoes click-clacking on the pristine marble floor of the cynical room. You bobbed your head in the direction of the black and outlandish seat which was situated on the opposing end of the long-drawn table; encouraging her to sit down.
"Why am I here? I need this to be quick, I have an outpost to run!" She spoke firmly as she sat down slowly in the chair opposite, her bony and frail hands clasped tightly together as she impatiently sat.
"Managing the outpost isn't your concern anymore, Ms Venable. You should have apprehended that by now as I believe Michael has made it clear enough." You scoffed as she unclasped her paws and deposited them on the slabbed table.
"I was put in charge here, tasked with the fundamental duties of leading the outpost." She asserted sharply as she watched you intensely, her anger starting to display on her face and you had only just started. 
"I know that, but matters have changed. I understand what it's like, you've gone from running an outpost your way to now having someone else do it for you." You addressed as Venable sank into her tall seat, lifting her hands from the cold, metal table to the sides of her small frame.
"But what you have to understand is that Michael isn't here to undo what you've done. He's simply here just to do his job like you are." You continued as you rose out of your seat and moved swiftly over to the repulsive woman who followed your every move.
"I've been here longer than Michael, I know this place like the back of my hand!" Venable yelled as she became more outraged by the second at the thought of her position being jeopardised.
"Look, Ms Venable...I could bring your world crashing down with a single click of my fingers if I wanted to. I know people that would be more than happy to do so, myself included. I'm just asking you to back off, for your sake..." You scolded her as you towered over her delicate frame. "So, either take what I'm saying on board or face the consequences. It's up to you." You continued as you paced back to your elegant, black seat. 
"Can I just go now?" Venable groaned as she rose from her chair, her eyes fixed to you as the woman placed her hands behind her back.
"Of course...Just think of what we've spoken about today." You returned as you moved away from the woman before you exited the large room. You left Venable there as she clutched her hands together, the whites of her knuckles started to show.
As you made your way down the hallway and back to Michael's office, you were suddenly interrupted by a Gray. You looked the pale Gray up and down as she fumbled with the hem of her long sleeves, confusion displayed on your face as you set your hands on your hips. 
"Is everything okay?" You asked as you furrowed your brows in curiosity as to why they stopped you in the hallway.
"You might want to see this, Miss." The Gray responded as she ignored your previous question. The Gray started walking down the darkly-coloured hallway as you followed her quickly, wondering where she was taking you. 
As you came closer and closer to the end of the hallway, you heard raised voices. They seemed to be coming from the dining area. Both your's and the woman's paces became quicker as the shouts became louder.
"Ugh! If I have to eat another of these fucking god-damn blocks, I'll kill myself! I can't take this shit anymore.!" The shrill voice exclaimed. You quickly caught a glimpse of who the voice belonged to as you and the Gray swiftly turned the corner, now exposed to the screaming mess that was taking place in the open dining area. It was no other than Coco, of course.
"You know what, she's right! I can't take this shit anymore." The white-haired man exclaimed, knocking his chair to the floor with a force as he rose from his chair. You studied the situation as you made your way over, everyone else in the small dining area was sat down now apart from an eccentric Gallant. 
"You're more than welcome to leave, to rot outside like the rest of the world," Michael declared firmly, not noticing your presence as you stood a couple of meters away from him. 
"Gallant, just sit down...You're making a scene!" Evie exclaimed at Gallant, a serious look on her face as Gallant scoffed at her.
"Don't tell me what to do. You never gave a shit before, so don't start now." Gallant answered back as he grabbed a plate and tossed it at the bricked wall behind Evie - just barely missing her. The shards of china spewed everywhere on the concrete flooring. 
"Get out." Michael declared raising his voice now, the sound of his voice echoing off the walls of the outpost.
"Fine!" Gallant exclaimed with a laugh, throwing his hands up in defeat as he walked out of the dining area - only to be dragged back by two tall guards and knocked out cold. You watched on in shock as his unconscious body fell to the floor with a thud. 
"Move him somewhere else," Michael barked at the guards as they quickly obeyed his command, dragging Gallant along the floor in the opposite direction of the dining room past you. 
"Where's Gallant being taken?" You asked as you walked over to Michael, anger resonating on his face as he turned around to face you, stepping out of the dining area and closing the sliding door behind him. 
"To one of the chambers," Michael answered taking a deep exhale whilst he pinched the bridge of his nose, his head to the floor. "There's always something happening here..." He added softly with a sigh. You placed the tips of your fingers underneath his chin as you lifted his head, his soft eyes now looking at you instead. 
"People are still adjusting to the change. You have to be patient, Mikey. " You cooed softly as you grabbed his rough hand in your soft one.
Michael nodded along. 
"I have to go deal with Gallant." Michael continued as you squeezed his hand in yours. 
"I'll do it, you go back to the room and get some rest." You suggested as you ungripped his hand and placed yours on his soft cheek, rubbing the skin of his cheekbone with your thumb.
"What about lunch?" Michael asked as you moved your hand away, placing it beside your sides.
"We can do that another day, go get some rest." You continued as Michael approved before turning away and stepping down the candle-lit hallway to the right of him. 
It was a 5-minute walk down a labyrinth of tunnels and hallways before you finally arrived at the chamber Gallant was placed in. You nodded your head towards the door for the guards to open it as they strolled over and opened the flap. They took a quick peek inside and unlocked the door, giving you the go-ahead to enter. 
"Gallant?" You spoke softly as you glared at the man beginning to come conscious again.
"W-Wha- Where am I?" Gallant exclaimed confused as he jolted upright, examining the strange place. The walls were stone as well as the floor with very little lighting just bright enough to see Gallant's confused face.
"You're fine, We've just placed you down here for the time-being once you calm down." You explained as you placed your hands behind your back. "Now, what happened?" You asked.
"I-I don't know..I-I think I'm going insane. This place...This place is driving me over the edge." A rather confused Gallant exclaimed. You knelt to his level, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
"You're fine, you'll be back upstairs with the others in a minute." You had more sympathy than Michael did in situations like this. Michael probably would have kept him down here for a couple of days for the way how he behaved like a wild animal, showing him the consequences of what would happen if he was to repeat himself. You decided not to and to show some compassion - compassion which was needed at a time like this.
You held a hand out for Gallant to take. He grasped your hand and leaned on you, getting himself up.
"Thank you." A now calmed Gallant mumbled to you.
"Open the door." Your voice bounced off the walls of the small room. The door quickly opened, allowing you and Gallant to walk out. You made your way back to the seating area where the rest of the residents were, you glanced as Gallant made his way to the sofa.
"Feel better, Gallant." You spoke to him softly as you flashed him a smile before turning around and walking away in the direction of your's and Michael's room. 
You unlocked the door to your shared room and glanced over to see Michael asleep on top of the silk bedsheets. You sighed softly and stepped into the room as quiet as possible, making your way over to your side of the double bed. You kicked your small boots off and set them down before drawing the silky covers back and climbing into bed next to Michael. 
"Where's Gallant now?" Michael asked sleepily as he draped an arm over your body, pulling you closer to his.
"Back with the others." You responded softly as you grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers with his.
"Why? He could have hurt someone before, or even killed Evie." Michael stated, his voice slightly raised at the thought of Gallant getting away with what happened. 
"I decided to show some compassion. It's a hard time Michael, for all of us." You cooed softly to Michael as you tried your best to calm him down. 
"Compassion that he doesn't deserve. I'll  be having a word with him tomorrow." Michael declared as you turned around to face Michael.
"There's no need, I dealt with it effectively." You added as you glanced at Michael.
"Alright if you say," Michael replied with a sigh as you straddled his hips. His hands snaked their way to your hips as you connected your lips to his in a passionate kiss; your hands placing themselves on both of his cheeks as he turned over, you now on the bottom.
"You want this, huh?" Michael spoke as you palmed him whilst Michael started to undress you. 
You nodded as you bit your lip, doing the same to Michael..
"Then I'll fuck you so hard, you won't be wanting it for a bit." He started kissing your clit, flicking it with his tongue fast. 
You moaned at the pleasure you were receiving, you bucked your hips forward maximizing the pleasure.
"Fuck, Michael!" You moaned out, your hands already wrapped in his hair. Michael ran a finger up and down your wet slit, drenching himself in your juices before thrusting his finger deep inside you causing you to scream out in pleasure. He added another finger, amping up the speed of the thrusts.
"You liking that, baby?" Michael cooed as he looked up at your body, weak at his touch.
You grabbed hold of his fingers and thrust them deeper inside you, hitting your g-spot. You threw your head back and moaned. He added another finger, intensifying the pleasure again now going faster and hitting your g-spot repeatedly with the three fingers.
Your legs and body twitched at the pleasure, your hands gripped the sheets as your stomach tightened as you edged closer to your climax.
"Cum baby." Michael cooed, softly into your ear, the words pushed you over the edge.  
"Fuck! ou moaned as you reached your high, your walls clenching around his fingers. Your juices flowed out of you as your legs trembled. 
Michael slid his fingers out, you opened your mouth requesting his fingers. He placed his fingers in your mouth as you licked yourself off them. You opened your mouth, letting them go.
"Turn around and get on your hands and knees," Michael said firmly, you did as he said. You turned onto your front and got yourself up. Michael unbuckled his belt and took his pants and boxers, his cock already hard. He grabbed his hard cock and ran it up and down your wet slit, drenching the tip in your juices. He pushed himself in slowly, you moaned, throwing your head back as he buried his cock in you. He grabbed your hips to steady himself and started thrusting in and out, first at a slow pace, teasing you.
"Michael.." You moaned. This turned him on, even more, he picked up the pace now slamming in and out of you. You felt your legs start to tremble as the vibrations trickled down your legs, you placed your hands on the top of the headboard to hold yourself up.
"Fuck.." You moaned loudly. He started going faster and faster, causing your stomach to tighten up, your legs almost caving in as you edged closer to your second orgasm. Michael leaned forward and grabbed hold of your tits, still slamming in and out of you.
The pleasure was too much for you to handle. Your legs gave out, you grasped onto the headboard as you came, just managing to keep yourself in the same position.
"Michael!" You screamed out as you came, your walls clenching tightly around his cock causing him to cum too. Yours and Michael's juices mixing. Michael pulled out and grabbed your weak body, pulling you into him as he pulled back the covers and threw them over.
You nestled into his chest as he held you in his arms whilst the pair of you caught your breath as you fell asleep, wrapped in Michael's arms.
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scottybrock · 4 years
Petty & Pettier - Colby Brock
A/N: Requested by a lovely anon: “arzaylea rodriguez saying something online or in an interview about reader thus starting a feud between them and the whole gang not really knowing whose side to take? maybe arzaylea is threatened by reader and colbys friendship? ohhh and maybe to add fuel to the fire reader might befriend one of arzayleas exes? just a whole bunch of drama cause I’m in a dramatic mood “
You usually weren’t a petty bitch. 
Okay, so you were. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that, especially because you used your powers for good, for your friends, rather than yourself. When it came to defending yourself, you didn’t really care for it. People could think whatever they wanted about you; you knew what was true and what wasn’t. It didn’t bother you. You didn’t really give a flying shit if anyone said anything about you. You were used to it- you hung out with some pretty big content creators, and you were just a lowly nobody, according to what people said about you. You weren’t a Youtuber, and you kept yourself out of the spotlight. People didn’t understand how you became friends with the people you were friends with, but it was really no one’s fucking business. 
However, when it came to defending your friends, you were a shark that had caught a whiff of blood- earnest to draw even more, if need be. It was something your friends loved about you- how much you cared about them, loved them. Colby, especially, appreciated your fierce and unyielding devotion to your friend group. You loved your friends, and you would do anything for them. Putting a few bitches in place was the very least of what you would do for them.
The bitch in question this time around, was none other than Arzaylea Rodriguez. You knew all about her. She went for the clout chasing option when searching for future boyfriends. Unfortunately this time, she had her sights set on none other than Colby Brock.
 You had heard about what she had done to Luke Hemmings, lead singer of the band 5 Seconds of Summer. She had gotten him into harder drugs, tried to isolate him from his best friends and his fans, and nearly succeeded. Luckily, Luke pulled his head out of his ass long enough to finally dump the clout-chasing parasite on her ass. 
Arzaylea prided herself on chasing after boys who had a following, a steady fan base. Colby was too big-hearted to really notice Arzaylea’s true intentions. His heart was too kind, too pure to be able to really see what a horrid person she really was. She was nothing like the flower of her namesake. The rest of the group had seen the destruction she left behind from all of her exes. 
Tara was all for the speedy destruction of the possible blossoming relationship between Colby and Arzaylea. Sam, being the sweetheart he was, wanted things to end as peacefully as possible. Jake seemed torn between wanting you to end her, and wanting things to remain as un-messy as possible. Corey and Devyn seemed indifferent, but also displeased with the blossoming relationship, especially because it involved Arzaylea. Katrina seemed to want to give her the benefit of the doubt, but was leaning towards discovering that the she-devil was trash. Kevin, Mike, and Reggie point-blank didn’t like her, which was where Aryia, Xepher, and Cassie stood. 
“Dude,” Sam’s voice was one of shock. His bright blue eyes widened to the size of dinner plates, his jaw hanging slack. “She just roasted you.” Arzaylea, threatened by your friendship with Colby, had taken to Twitter as usual. She sent out a slew of defamatory tweets, bashing not only your character, but your looks as well. She called you an attention-seeking whore. “Pot, meet kettle,” You scoffed in response when you saw that particular tweet. 
“It’s not like any of those tweets are true!” Tara protested vehemently, fuming on your behalf. Jake just stared at his phone screen, his jaw clenched with anger. Katrina seemed to be near-tears on your behalf, her lower lip quivering with indignation and hurt. Her glassy eyes rested on you, and she offered you a shaky half-smile. 
You just shrugged, nonplussed with the tweets. As long as she wasn’t going after your friends, you didn’t necessarily give a flying fuck. Suddenly, the door burst open, revealing a rather disheveled looking Colby on the other side. His bright blue eyes were aflame with complete and utter rage. He stalked across the room and plopped down on the couch next to you, his handsome face set into a fierce scowl. 
“She tried to make me choose,” His voice was gruff, and quivering with barely suppressed anger. “She told me to choose either you or her, and I chose you.” His eyes settled on your face, some of the anger leaving it. He offered you a strained smile. “Obviously, I chose you.” His voice softened on the word ‘you,’ Your cheeks flushed, and you ducked your head. “Clearly, she didn’t take it so well.” Colby’s smile dropped, his scowl replacing it. 
You shrugged again. “As long as she doesn’t say anything about-” Tara cut you off, her big brown eyes wide with fury on your behalf. “She’s not going to get away with this,” Her voice was sharp, tight with anger. Jake piped up, “Aren’t you still friends with Luke?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. “Fight fire with fire, just this once.” He begged, clasping his hands together and tucking them under his chin, wide eyes staring at you. 
Your lips curled up into a smirk. If Arzaylea wanted to play dirty, you could play even dirtier. Katrina beamed, her tears disappearing. “Call him,” She instructed. Sam watched you, looking nervous, but excited. You reached for your phone, your smirk never leaving your face. “That’s your murder-face,” Colby observed, raising his eyebrows. “What exactly is your plan?” 
Your smirk just grew wider, to the absolute delight of Tara and Jake. “You’ll see!” You sing-songed. The glint in your eyes spoke volumes. You were getting ready to win the fucking war. 
Sure enough, Luke had seen the tweets. He was just as angry as your group of friends, and you watched him bemusedly as he threw things around his hotel room, shouting obscenities about what a rat Arzaylea was. He yeeted yet another pillow across the room, storming around like a tornado. Finally, you held a hand up and let out an ear-piercing scream. Luke stopped what he was doing immediately, and turned to face you. His bright blue eyes reminded you of someone else, and your heart panged in your chest. 
“I have a plan,” You announced. Luke stood in the middle of the room, his gorgeous face untwisting from the scowl that it was previously set in, to a lovely smirk. “I’m in,” He replied. You wrinkled your nose at him, smiling amusedly at him. “I didn’t even tell you what it was yet!” You protested playfully. Luke grinned, and his dimples deepened. You stared at him, transfixed. Your heart was set on someone else, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t admire the work of art standing in front of you. 
A few days later, several demands from your friends on when you were going to strike, and a few dozen mysterious smirks from you later, your plan was revealed. “Turn on channel six,” You instructed Sam, who immediately scrambled for the remote. The television flickered to life, and Sam immediately hit the number six. 
Sure enough, Luke was sitting on a plush chair, looking somber. He was sans bandmates, even though Michael begged him to let him come along, so he could roast the absolute shit out of the Krusty Krab. Luke denied his request, ignoring your hysterical laughter in the background during the phone call. 
“So,” Ellen Degeneres began, looking sympathetically at Luke. “You’re here to talk about your toxic ex-girlfriend today?” Luke nodded, his somber expression intensifying. You stifled a laugh. “Yeah,” Luke replied. “Because it’s not only me, that she’s hurt. It’s been several people, and she won’t stop until she’s called out, like she likes to do to so many other people who frown upon her actions.” You bounced on the couch gleefully. Sam was stifling his laughter from behind his hand. Katrina and Tara were outright cackling. Colby looked impressed. 
Luke went on to detail his relationship with Arzaylea, explaining in detail the way she would cheat on him with someone else who she thought had a bigger following, and the way she would beg herself back into his life. The way she urged him to try cocaine, and got him hooked. He went on to detail the way she chased after attention, the way she had left him as soon as there was someone else higher on the food chain. 
Colby’s eyes were wide when Luke was finished with his story. The room was silent, and you swore you heard some sniffles from the audience. You mentally applauded Luke for not only his bravery, but his willingness to do this for you. It was something he’d wanted to do for years, but never knew how to go about it. You hoped that he felt freed from her now. 
You silently clicked the television off, then turned to face your friends. The instant you moved, you were engulfed in Colby’s arms, and he was hugging you tightly. “Thank you,” Colby’s voice murmured softly. “For looking out for me.” You snuggled into his embrace, melting against him. “Always,” You replied, your voice just as soft. “I’ll always look out for you, Colbs.” His arms tightened around you in response. 
You pulled back and looked at him searchingly. “I’m sorry if you really did like her,” Your voice remained soft. “I just didn’t want you to get sucked into her cycle, like Luke did.” Colby’s eyes met yours, and his expression warmed instantly. “It’s whatever,” Colby shrugged. “She wasn’t the one for me. But she helped me pull my head out of my ass, and made me realize that the one for me is closer than I think.” His gaze was meaningful, and you grinned in response. Colby’s lips curled into a soft smile. “In fact, she’s sitting right in front of me.” 
Your cheeks flushed, but you nodded, a sweet smile gracing your face. “Yeah,” You replied softly. “She is.”
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 4 years
some headcanons for select spn!verses / AUs i have with other mutuals
the boys stay archangels .... it's a given
michael and gabriel show up to those alternate 'verses in weather phenomena; gabriel, a bolt of lightning that causes electrical outage, and michael, a dust devil that leaves many breathless before departing
they keep their twin black wings, but more weighty - flaps and flutters can be made as calls to others of angelkind
sigils / anti-angel / demon traps - ( in spn!canon angels go poof when touched ) but with these two it's more physical. using force against causes ricochet - much like opposite magnets meeting. THEY GET YEETED BICH
angel blades do equal damage as empyrean steel - no matter the 'verse ( #ouchies )
in Dominion, there is no Hell mentioned, per se, but there is the Ether -- which probably looks like "Purgatory". For those with good hearts, it's a strange dreamlike elysium. ( Gabriel closed it when he also locked Heaven, so souls are on rebound back to earth as ghosts )
extremely susceptible to both demonic powers and witch hexes / spells
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kxllerblond · 3 years
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NPC;; Kaden Hurst
Nephilim. 400+ Literally the antithesis of Clark. Homosexual, Demiromantic.
Seems very open and friendly and down to earth. Kind of disheveled. Hoodies and leather jackets and jeans, etc. Actually a huge fucking manipulative asshole. Daddy issues out of the ass. Actively wants to punch God and the entire Heavenly Host and totally OK with setting the whole world and himself on fire to achieve that. The powers Clark was too afraid to explore, he greedily did so. Where he trumps Clark in power level, he lacks in control and despite his sneaky snake Bond villain demeanor,  it takes next to nothing to get under his skin. Where Clark has bottled everything and done his best to NOT feel, Kaden feels too MUCH. Where Clark’s story focuses on the trope of a man trying to adjust to being a God, Kaden’s is a God trying to learn to be human.
I don’t have his angelic parent set in stone to avoid the OC child syndrome RP wise but between his power level and focus on pyro abilities, it’d totally be Michael. Otherwise it’s just some unnamed OC angel. 
Killed his birth parent during birth and was eventually taken in by another family in their town. Not treated very well, typical colonial era-centric abuse. Family dies in a mysterious house fire. Rinse and repeat until witchcraft and cahoots with the Devil is suspected (the irony). Escapes before a trial, etc, and fends for himself then on.
Spends the rest of his youth and human lifespan being absolutely insufferable until he catches the Divine’s attention. Captured and imprisoned for a good 250ish years. Escapes and is PISSED. Typical story of a super powerful creature neglected and abused and left to just fester with anger, etc. First thing he does is go back to the location of his birth town and burns the entire modern version to the ground. Now is on an angry vent rampage with the intention of more or less lighting the whole of Heaven on fire. This is where he’s come in as far as a NPC for Clark. 
I’ve got him set up as a tragic villain of sorts. As an NPC he dies by Clark’s hand (or at least is yeeted or imprisoned somewhere) before he can reach redemption and mellow out. RP-wise, that’s the focus of his character—just working through his trauma and learning not to be a fucking asshat. 
Powers include mainly pyrokinesis && telekinesis but he’s also got loads of little mini-God powers going on like reality bending, time bullshit, etc. 
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aggresively-dabbing · 5 years
Oh no he’s tall. And pretty, he’s far too pretty.
Gabriel sat close to the door in this class, having heard from his older brother how boring it was and how quick he’d want to leave the room. However, it seemed as though the situation had dramatically changed since Michael had been in the class, because the man walking in through that classroom door was far too good looking for class to be boring.
The man taking hurried, long strides as he rushed in had books tucked under his arms and a stereotypical college-y jacket, with the patched elbows. A paper or two went flying as he slammed his things onto the teacher’s desk, and brushed his long hair away from his face, unintentionally showing off sideburns and impressive cheekbones, huffing in relief that he wasn’t late for class. He looked up and around at the class, his hazel eyes sweeping briefly over the room. And just like that, Gabriel knew he was absolutely doomed.
This man, far too pretty for Gabriel to remain undistracted in class, turned out to be the teacher. He introduced himself as Mr. Winchester, but quickly clarified that he’d rather people just call him Sam. “But not Sammy. Not ever.” He warned the class, raising an eyebrow like he could hear them immediately nicknaming him. He went on to explain the basics of the course, Creative Writing, and told the class a little about his family. Gabriel thought briefly about actually taking notes on this, but decided it would look weird to be the only one writing. Plus, he was never actually going to ask the guy out, right?
But he did learn that Sam had an older brother, Dean, who was a mechanic down at Singer’s Auto, and a dog, Bones. He didn’t mention a wife, Gabriel found himself thinking. Whoa, whoa, Gabriel warned himself, you don’t know if he even swings your way. Plus, he’s your teacher! Gabriel recognized the voice of the metaphorical angel on his shoulder, but made it a point to listen for the equally metaphorical devil on his shoulder.
Sure, maybe he doesn’t swing your way, but, maybe he does. You won’t know until you ask!  Almost audible was a wink in the fictional little voice as Gabriel’s thoughts marched on without him. And really, it’s not illegal to date your teacher. Not in college, and not at your age. Sure it’s. . . questionable. . .  but not illegal. He almost nodded to himself in agreement before realizing how ridiculous that would have been seeing as how he was the only one listening to this argument with himself. Realizing how distracted he was by this thought process, Gabriel looked back at the teacher.
Sam had leaned up on the desk, half sitting on it. He’d taken his jacket off and rolled up his sleeves at some point- admittedly, the room was rather warm, but Gabriel had thought that it was just him, so looking around the room now, he realized that quite a few people had loosened hoodies or taken off sweaters that had been so useful outside- and as Gabriel watched he loosened his tie. Are teachers even allowed to be that hot outside of bad porn?
Gabriel glanced down to his messenger bag, wondering whether he’d need any of the notebooks or supplies in it. A second later, turning back to the desk up front he saw Sam staring right at him. Slowly heating up, he snuck a peak at the rest of the class, only to see most of it staring right back at him. A girl right up front glared at him, as a few people looked at him like they wanted to laugh but were too polite to do so, and a few more didn’t care enough to keep from snickering. What happened? Did I miss something? Oh god, what did I miss?  His mind was racing until Sam spoke up, an easy grin spreading across his face.
“Well, I certainly appreciate the compliment,” he began, and Gabriel finally realized what had happened, “but I’d also appreciate it if you at least kept your volume when saying things like- ah, that, to a minimum.” Gabriel, feeling himself blush furiously, buried his face in his hands. I said that out loud! How did I even- I mean that’s one way to tell someone they’re hot af, but ughhh why
Thoughts running along that track, this lovable fool lowered his hands as Sam went back to the class, saying something about what the year should be like, what their first few assignments will look like. No one was looking at him anymore, Sam had moved the class along, and for that Gabriel was eternally grateful.
Eventually, the class period ended. Nothing had been needed from his bag, so Gabriel could have simply picked it up and walked out. But just before the bell rang, Sam had looked right at him, in a way that made Gabriel happy that he was sitting down, because if he hadn’t been sitting, he would have fallen over there and then. So he stayed at his desk, puttering around it longer than needed, wiping at a pen stain in the wood that he know wouldn’t come out.
When the rest of the class had cleared out, chatting excitedly about this class or their next, Sam approached the desk, resting his hands on the edge, and leaning over slightly. Gabriel gulped. It had been obvious when the man had walked through the door that he was tall, excessively so in Gabriel’s opinion, but, wow. Tall and sexy. Sam laughed, and Gabriel internally cursed his own absolute lack of a verbal filter.
“Again, thank you for the compliment.” Sam laughed, ducking his head slightly and lifting a hand to move a strand of hair out of his face and tuck it behind his ear.
“Please, I’m only being honest.” And Gabriel was. That strand of hair slipped out from behind Sam’s ear again, and Gabriel couldn’t help brushing it out the way. Sam stiffened a little, and Gabriel froze where he was, his hand still partly in Sam’s hair. Oh no no nonnono I went too far he hates me forever what have I done curse my lack of filters curse this hand of mine oh father who art in Heaven hallowed be not thy name because I’m cursing God himself too for allowing me to set foot upon this earth-
Gabriel’s thoughts rushed past him again, blurred and half focused when Sam smiled widely. He removed the other man’s hand from his hair, leading it back to the desk. And then he didn’t take his hand back. Gabriel was bright red by now, he could feel it, and Sam was holding his hand. Oh. OH. OH HE’S HOLDING MY HAND THIS IS IT THIS IS HOW I DIE I’M JUST TOO GAY FOR THIS EARTH TO HANDLE.
Sam, still holding his hand on top of the desk, and still smiling so, so prettily, spoke again to interrupt Gabriel’s rapidly accelerating train of thought before it yeeted itself off of some kind of mental cliff or something. “You know, I think it’d be pretty nice if you spoke up in my class to do more than comment on my attractiveness.” After a moment’s thought, he added “Not that I don’t appreciate it.” Gabriel tried to stay cool, and grinned up at Sam.
“So, I really must know, are you flirting with me? Because I’d love that, and I’d love to flirt back. A lot. If that’s cool with you.” For good measure, he winked at the end, and though it may have been wishful thinking, he could swear he saw Sam blush lightly, and it was the cutest thing he’d ever seen. Like, ever. Sam finally looked at him, looked Gabriel right in the eyes, almost like he was looking for something.
“You know what,” Sam started, leaning in just a bit closer, “I think I am flirting.” The teacher grinned, and leaned back again. Frozen for a second at the confession, Gabriel gathered his wits and grinned. Happily, yes, but also like he was about to pull the greatest prank of his life. Which would certainly be saying something, considering the magnitude of a few of the tricks he’d pulled in the past. Of course, this is all entirely off topic. But the Great Ping Pong Ball Event of 2016, and the Unmentionable Spray Paint Week of 2018 were epic, just saying.
The shorter man stood up suddenly, at Sam’s level now, since the taller man, now looking at him in surprise, was still leaning over the desk. “Alright then.” He swung his messenger bag over his shoulder, and began to walk to the door. “So I’ll be seeing you tomorrow?” Gabriel had barely lifted his hand to teasingly wave goodbye, when Sam grabbed his wrist. Lightly, not trying to hurt him in any way, only stop him from leaving just yet. Gabriel smirked. “That eager, eh, Moose?”
Sam looked like he’d been about to say something, but the sudden nickname caught him off guard. And, oh, his confused face is adorable too. “What, cat got your tongue?”
Sam seemed to shake himself  out of a brief stupor before responding. “No, no, I- sorry. I mean, must you leave so soon?” Sam was clearly trying to stay cool, a little more teacher like, but Gabriel saw that he had his teacher flustered. Feigning innocence, Gabriel motioned at the door.
“Well, I’ve got lunch right now! And, I mean, a man’s gotta eat.” Sam pouted slightly at that. Gabriel spontaneously combusted. Well, not really, but he certainly felt like it. How the hell is every face this sasquatch makes even more cute than the last?!
“Right, right.” Sam took his hand away, rubbing the back of his neck as his other hand rested on his hip. “Sure, sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you from eating or anything.” And Gabriel might have left then, maybe stealing a kiss on the cheek, but the grown man in front of him just channeled the energy of a kicked puppy left out in the rain. So he decided to stay a little longer. Or. . .
“Well, I could, maybe, invite you to come to lunch. With- with me.” Gabriel started smooth, but fumbled his words at the end, getting shy. Sam brightened instantly at the suggestion.
“I’d love to!” The taller man beamed. Gabriel smiled right back, and grabbed Sam’s hand.
“Alrighty then, Samshine, it’s a date!”
“It’s a nickname. You banned ‘Sammy’ early on, so I’ve got to improvise. Also, you’re like, really bright. I don’t know how to say this. You’re a ray of fucking sunshine and it’s adorable.”
“R-right.” Gabriel led the way out of the classroom into an empty hallway. Both men were blushing, and making a furious effort to hide it. Said effort wasn’t really working. Sam broke the silence between them.
“So, nicknames already?” Gabriel stopped in his tracks to turn and face Sam, continuing to hold hands. He had to look up a bit to do so, but still.
“What, do you not like nicknames? I can stop if you like.” Sam shook his head hastily.
“No, no! I just- I wasn’t expecting it. I mean, I- I like the nicknames.” Sam stumbled on his words, finally blushing and smiling softly down at Gabriel. Gabriel stared up for a second, because ahh he’s so cute, until he grinned mischievously. Sam realized he may have opened a door he would regret later.
“Nicknames are good.” Gabriel tapped his chin with his free hand , thinking, but dramatically. “Alright then. . . Sasquatch. No! Samsquach! “ The shorter man almost started bouncing in place because the possibilities for terrible nicknames here were endless. Sam just sort of stood there, with that face people make when they realize that they’re going to be sitting through something for a long while, but it’s something they would gladly sit through for a long while.
“Okay, okay, I’ve got it. Sammoose! Like Sam, but moose. ‘Cause you’re far too tall to simply be human, so, moose. Very reasonable.” Gabriel closed his eyes and nodded to himself seriously, very sure of his facts. Sam couldn’t resist making a joke.
“I don’t know, I’m not that tall. Maybe you’re just really short.” Gabriel opened his eyes slowly. Dramatically. Sam barely held in a loud laugh.
“I can not believe this.” Gabriel let go of Sam’s hand to swing his hands up in the air and pace in small circles in front of him. “That’s it! The relationship’s off before it even started! Short jokes! At my expense! My god, Samuel, I expected more from you.” He crossed his arms in mock dismay, and Sam had to cover his wide grin at the shorter man’s antics. “I mean, short jokes! That’s just cheap. Especially coming from you, Jolly Green. Everyone’s short to you! You’re like, the Abominable Snow Sam! The Samzilla! Sammoose! I can’t think of enough crazy tall things to continue this rant, you tree! “ Gabriel fell into Sam’s chest, and kept mumbling about short jokes and Sam being tall, but his voice was just sort of muffled. Sam thought it was absolutely adorable.
Gabriel felt Sam chuckle, and Sam wrapped his arms around the shorter man. Before he could ask what was happening, Gabriel felt himself being, quite literally, swept off his feet. All of a sudden, Sam was holding him bridal style.
“Wh- SAM!” Gabriel couldn’t even formulate a proper response as Sam started walking down the hall, carrying him and his bag and his rage, all like it was nothing. Sam finally let out a laugh, and Gabriel’s half hearted protesting quieted.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it’s just- you’re so cute when you’re mad, and we weren’t going to lunch like we said we would, so I had to take matters into my own hands!” Sam laughed again at Gabriel’s surprised face at being called cute. They walked in a pleasant silence for a few steps, until Gabriel piped up again.
“Hey, so, is this like, a date?” Sam stopped in his tracks, narrowing his eyes slightly as he thought it over. After a pause, he continued walking.
“Yeah, I think this counts as a date.” Sam nodded. Gabriel smiled up at him, and wrapped his arms around Sam’s neck.
@sadshyglitter Hey I did the thing! And I’m going to bed now, promise. :P
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hellimagines · 5 years
Hey sluts. Even though @michael-langdxn told me to take a break and focus on myself, I’m not listening to her, and working on Cheating the Devil. However, it would be super dope if you guys could keep me company in my ask box and send me your motivation and good vibes. Thanks ily and lets yeet this yeast.
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agcnt029-blog · 6 years
     hello... runner here again bringing my swedish child. after some very long fc searching, i settled for herman tommeraas!!! he really only fits the aesthetic i had in mind in one ( 1 ) interview, but that’s totally chill bc i fell in love with his look in five gifs bc it was so perfect. so yeah... know that i imagine him w blonde and long-ish floofy hair as below. history and many facts below the cut as well as a few connections!!
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[ HERMAN TØMMERAAS ] —  GABRIEL ALTELIUS is a TWENTY-ONE year-old cadet from SWEDEN and the NORTH AMERICAN unit, also known as agent 029. Intel tells me that HE is ADAPTABLE & CHARMING, if not a little BOYISH & FRIVOLOUS. HE shows promising progress in UNDERCOVER OPS, LYING & MANIPULATION, AND HAND TO HAND COMBAT. better watch your back. [ runner | 20 | est | she/her ]
His full name is Gabriel Andrew Michael Näessén Altelius ( first name, two middle names, two last names; as sweden does not hyphenate ). Known as Gabriel or Gabe Altelius. Responds first to 029 or 29.
The Altelius family is a name that bears weight in the Agency. Michael Altelius is the patriarch, a high ranking official in the Eurasian faction, and is heralded to have been and to be one of the best — and Gabriel is his eldest son.
Gabe was raised to be an agent from the moment he was born. He’s been training his whole life how to fight, how to observe, how to lie, how to think on ones feet, and everything in between. Michael Altelius made the family name into something and made sure his two sons would not be the ones who would soil it.
Michael raised his family in his sons’ formative years in the states, helping to build bridges between the American and Eurasian factions, returning to Sweden every summer. His final stroke of genius was to enroll his eldest son into the North American faction.
Gabe took especially well to undercover ops; slipping on different people and personas came naturally to him, and it gave him a thrill. It also makes him feel safe in a way, as ludicrous as it might sound.
About his personal life, Gabe is very careful not to let anything show. He has an almost childish and devil-may-care attitude, mixed with easy flirtatiousness and boyish charm. He’s good at making people think they know him without revealing anything at all. People have said they’ve seen him put on every person except Gabriel Altelius.
Andy has one younger brother Maximilian Linus Alexander Näessén Altelius (Max Altelius) who is also in the Agency but was in the Eurasian faction. Both of them are very close and it broke Gabe to be separated from him in different factions and he’s extremely excited that they will be in the same faction now.
Gabe fights extremely well, but he also fights like he’s been trained. The very best eyes are able to pick out patterns eventually, though he will prove to be an extremely difficult partner (and sometimes wins in spite of that).
Protocol is Gabe’s moral conscious, for better or worse. He was practically raised in the Agency and has been brainwashed taught that everything about it is law. We expect great things from you, Gabriel.
Gabe is extremely loyal to his family and would only ever break protocol if it was his brother on the line ( on the flipside, his brother is his weakest point ). This also circles back as he feels that any step out of line he takes has repercussions on his father and his little brother and the family name.
Gabe believes he has a good relationship with his father, but he also aims to do nothing but please. The Agency has been shot through every facet of his life, even that of his familial relationships. That being said, Max is one of two people who know him for who he is.
The other is his very close friend and crush and training partner ( wanted connection! ). Basically they entered the academy at different times but he is a prodigy fighter; absolutely excels at hand to hand, sees physical weakness like no one else, super built, like a year-ish younger than Gabe. He’s the first person Gabe’s ever wanted to show his true self to. There’s like…. a fwb element too (for maximum messiness) but if ur not comfy with that, it can be scratched or implied lol.
Altelius tradition is to pick numbers as agent names. Gabe’s is 029 and Max’s is 092.
ooof so like…. part of his character is he makes really superficial connections but he’s super friendly….so here we go.
THE TRAINING PARTNER: different from the other one above, this is someone who started training with gabe. maybe they were roommates, but they hit it off. im thinking a more bookish/computer/nerdy muse for this —someone who would be the brains of an operation– but i’m open lol.
THE MENTOR: maybe an instructor or someone who just… gives andy his space to be a normal cadet for once, without the altelius name. literally just give me an adultier figure that’s gunna show this boy some love instead of heaping on expectations like his father.
THE PRYER: someone who wants to “figure him out” bc they believe there’s something more under that carefree boyish attitude. they’d be right, but will they ever figure that out?
LITTLE BROTHER: Max (Logan Shroyer fc, yeah???). As described above.
CLOSE FRIEND/CRUSH: As described above. preferred male. utp if it’s requited or unrequited.
idk. Gabe probably kicks back with the other undercover ops people, sparring partners… the possibilities are ENDLESS yeet
i’ll be in and out all day but hmu on discord ( bwenden guwuhwe#5730 ) or on im if you want to talk plots!!!
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biorusted · 7 years
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*strikes a pose* YEET!
Set-- 1 -- 2 -- 3 -- 4 -- 5 -- 6
plants used n stuff under the cut
The Star, The Moon: Alstromeria- devotion, friendship Basil- love, hatred Columbine red anxious/ folly Lavender devotion/ distrust Thyme strength courage Violet faithfulness Michaelmas Daisy-  farewell Lucifer- uh my dudes it’s the name/ none
Anthea: AMBROSIA - Your Love is Reciprocated ANEMONE - Forsaken, unfading love, truth, sincerity, anticipation Baby's Breath  everlasting love, pure in love Basil  best wishes, love, hatred- associated with the devil Chrysanthemum (red)  I love you Poppy (general)  eternal sleep, oblivion, imagination Rose (dark crimson)  mourning,
Gabe: Fern  magic, fascination, confidence and shelter: Sincerity, sorrow. Harebell  submission, grief Rose (tea)  I'll remember always Zinnia (magenta)  lasting affection Moss Rose - confession of love Vine: The sacraments, God’s blood, God.
God: Convolvulus, major- extinguished hopes or eternal sleep Daffodil- chivalry, regard, devotion, regard, respect, unrequited love, you're the only one, the sun is always shining when I’m with you, Death of youth, desire, art, grace, beauty, deep regard. Dogwood- durability Christianity divine sacrifice triumph of eternal life resurrection Fern: Sincerity, sorrow Hyacinth (purple)  i am sorry, please forgive me, sorrow Sunflower - adoration, pure thoughts haughtiness Vine: The sacraments, God’s blood, God. Weeping willow: Nature’s lament, a symbol of sorrow and mourning. Zinnia (yellow) daily remembrance
Nat’s soul: Poppy (white) sleep, consolation Michaelmas Daisy  farewell Marigold - affection, pain and grief Carolina jasmine- separation CARNATION  Pink - I'll Never Forget You Forget-me-not - remembrance, true love Daffodil - chivalry, regard, devotion, unrequited love, regard, respect, unrequited love, you're the only one, the sun is always shining when i'm with you, Death of youth, desire, art, grace, beauty, deep regard. Rose (pink)  perfect happiness, please believe me, simplicity, grace
Any requests for the ones I do next? here’s the list I made but it’s susceptible to change--                                                                                      
The High Priestess- Natalie The Devil- Lucifer
The Star- young Luce The Moon- Michael
The Wheel of Fortune- Anthea The Hierophant- Gabe
The Empress- Sheila The Emperor- Ipos
The Chariot- Laila Strength- Kristie (?)
Justice- Titus Judgement- Ragu
The Tower- soul Luce The World- god
The Sun- Uriel (wow)
The Hanged Man- Raph
The Hermit- Zad
Death- four horsemen
Temperance- Joph (hehe)
The Lovers- Cham and Zoe
The Magician- shop keeper (?)
The Fool- Felix
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