#michael langon x reader
worldswithoutendings · 11 months
Eye for an eye [Michael Langdon] PT.1
Hello everyone! guess who is back after a very very long time, I'm rewatching AHS and can't help but fall in love with the antichrist. so enjoy! This might be a series, I want to test it out first.
Pairing: Michael Langdon x Female reader
Warning: none
Summary: 15-year-old you made a sort of deal with the devil, for a love life. pathetic. you know. but he comes with a different approach to what you actually want. but will it work?
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You still regret the day you made the decision, the worst decision in your life so to speak of. When you made a deal with the devil. But on the other side, who can you blame? When you’re 15 years old, desperate for love, a life you wanted so badly. Due to all the influence, the neglect in your family. The yearning. You still remember his reaction to this day. Loud laughter ran through the reddened sky, ‘Sweetheart, please, don’t be so pathetic. You want to make a deal with me, for a love life?’ ‘Yes! Please’ you cried out, feeling foolish ‘Foolish, foolish little girl’ he mumbled as he sat on his throne ‘you can be so much more, you have so much potential. Yet you’re here, with me, pleading for love’
‘I’m sorry’ you whisper as you look down, hot tears flowing over your rosy cheeks ‘You’re so young’ he keeps mumbling about the great aspects of you ‘You could rule the world one day’ ‘I don’t want to do it alone’ you blurt out "oh! Now I have you talking, so you want to rule the world?” “I mean, yeah, doesn’t everyone want to rule the world at one point in their life?" his laugh echoes again ‘no one, can rule the world like you, but, I can arrange something for you. If you arrange something for me’
‘What do you want’ you blurt out ‘I want, you to be the bride, the bride to end all times, to end all days, to end eternity on this earth’ ‘What do you mean?’ you say as you try to get rid of the tears on your cheeks ‘I will give you, a husband, you have to find him first. He isn’t ready yet, I'll give you directions when the time is ri-‘ ‘NO!” you yell out
‘I want to be loved now, didn’t you hear me!? How old are you? Like two thousand years old?-‘ ‘-older my dear’ ‘Well then fix yourself some hearing aids!’ you blurt out, making Satan laugh again ‘Oh foolish girl, you’re going to give him a hell of a time’ and by that. Time stops. The sky turns back from red to gray.
You find yourself back in your bedroom, the cuts you made for your offering are gone, the dead bird has disappeared and all the candles are blown out. ‘What a joke’ you mumble to yourself as you cry yourself to sleep that night.
27th of November 2023
Corpus ave.
Dress code: black
You can’t help but laugh, corpus ave? How fitting for a cooperative meeting. You are now 26 years of age. You did age gracefully if you have to be honest. Maybe Satan was right and was keeping you youthful for your husband.
you laugh okay quit it y/n your 15-year-old was screaming in your head about how you deserve to be loved, yet no one ever bothered to go further than a lazy one-night stand or a short conversation filled with flirtations but no invitations. You thought Satan totally saw it as a joke and to be honest, you started to see it like that too over time.
But on the other hand, you hadn’t expected an invitation to a cooperative meeting, led by Satan, or rather his Spawn. You had heard from him, Michael Langdon, ‘son’ of Tate Langdon and Vivien Harmon. You didn’t want to expect much from him so you kept your expectations low as you got ready for the night.
Stupid dress, why did I buy you in the first place?! Even though you had better dresses in your wardrobe, you also wanted to impress the people there. So you took advantage of your body, with a black body con dress, that rose up every time you walked. That means I will be sitting down for the rest of the evening ‘Miss van son!” you hear, and you look up, to see an unknown face ‘You don’t remember me? My apologies, my name is Rutherford, Jason Rutherford. We went to high school together’ ‘And you are calling me by my last name because?’ ‘Because I have to, Miss van Son’ Jason smiles. But his eyes aren’t smiling. Which says enough for you, and you give him a 20-dollar tip ‘Have a nice night Jason’ ‘Thank you, mis-Miss van Son’ Jason stutters. You sit down in the ballroom with all the people who have money. Lots of money. You feel out of place.
‘all rise’ a man screams, making everybody stand up straight ‘Michael Langdon, The antichrist.’ Michael comes through the doorway and your breath hitches oh my. He is beautiful, with deep sea blue eyes, golden hair past his shoulder, and a girl to his side. Hold up. A girl!? It’s not him you sigh why else would Satan, of all people, invite me to a cooperative meeting ‘sit down” Michael's cold voice echoes through the room ‘first of all, thank you for coming. Second of all. I want to introduce my girlfriend, soon-to-be wife, Rosalie Withers. You can not question her about anything. I will have your head on a silver platter’ He shows his white teeth at the end, and you can’t help but feel jealous, so who will it be then, the so-called love of my life.
When it’s time to socialize, you scrape your throat. Getting ready to walk to the bar for a heavy drink. Only to lock eyes with Michael. You show him your best smile and raise your empty glass at him as he opens a pathway for you to the bar. You can’t help but see him scan your body again!? No ‘Hi how are you’ or anything else? ‘Hi, how are you?’ Michael says softly ‘I’m good, thank you mister Langdon” he has to be a few years older than you.
He moves gracefully but strategically ‘You have potential’ Michael says ‘Excuse me?’ you almost choked on your saliva ‘I say you have potential’ he says a bit harder, but not harder for the room ‘Oh, thank you. I guess?’ you try to push your body through Donald Trump and Michael's body. You see how he takes a whiff of your smell and you see his eyes darken oh shit you try to pick up your pace to the bar but Michael has beaten you to it ‘a vodka soda, please’ you say to the bartender ‘Make that two, and two shots’ you hear Michael say and you furrow your brows
‘my father says I have to be polite’ ‘Well, you’re father is a shitty man’ you can’t help but blurt out. Making Michael laugh, almost the exact same way you got humiliated eleven years ago. You bite your lip on the inside and take a deep breath as you wait ‘I’m sorry, Miss Van Son, right?” ‘You can just call me y/n’ ‘you can just call me Michael’ ‘I’d rather not’ you say as the bartender puts down your drinks ‘why not?’ “well, you’re Satan offspring, I’m already... seen like a fool. Don’t want to humiliate myself that bad that I will definitely not have a-I don’t know why I’m telling you this, have a lovely night Mr Langdon’ you walk away with your drink and leave Michael with the two shots.
After you finish your drink you walk outside to feel the crisp air you’re still a foolish little girl you hear Satan roar through your mind ‘I know, thanks for the newsflash’ you say as you raise a middle finger to the ground ‘That’s where you are, right?! everyone looking down at you. Pathetic’ you mumble as you feel yourself getting irritated.
You wished you had brought a shawl or a coat but no, you thought it wouldn’t be long. Yet it’s already 2:45 ‘shit’ you mumble as you look at your phone, only to feel a coat be draped over your shoulders ‘Figured you might need it’ Michael says as he walks back to the club he followed me?! He didn’t see me flip off his dad, right? You shake your head and make your way home. Longing for your warm bed, funny enough, Michael's scent hypnotizes you in a funny way. Making you not remember going home at all. Just as you fell asleep in your bed, still wearing his coat.
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auroracalisto · 2 years
do you trust me?
michael langon x gn!reader, 265 words tw: i genuinely don't have any warnings for this one a/n: this is short. might continue. maybe not.
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"Are you scared?" he asked, a faint smile showing.
He was beautiful—unlike the others that you were stuck in the outpost with. In fact, he was the only person in this godforsaken place that made your heart beat out of your chest. Your body trembled, your legs moving on their own accord when you saw him.
But were you scared of him? Of this absolute stranger you didn't know existed until just a few days ago?
You were a grey. Was absolute honesty allowed?
He tilted his head at your silence, an eyebrow raised as he kept his eyes on you.
"I asked you a question, Y/n."
"No," you quickly said, eyes locking with his. "No, I am not scared. Why would I be?"
He smirked, leaning back in his seat.
"There are many things you don't know," he said.
"The same could be said for you, Langdon," you said, swallowing thickly. Your brazenness continued to amaze you as the moments passed.
His smile only grew. "I suppose you're right," he said. "But... mind you, I am just a stranger. Shouldn't you be scared of someone you just met?"
"Why would I? You've done nothing to me..."
He rose an eyebrow. He had done far more than you would ever know, but he said nothing of it.
"I'm glad to hear it," he said. "I have great plans for you, Y/n. Do you trust me?"
Do you trust him? What kind of question was that? But without missing a beat, the words left your lips.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes. I trust you."
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casikototmblr · 4 years
The Devil’s Wish - Part 4.
Summary: Reader sets the record straight with Venable, giving her an ultimatum. A scene happens in the dining area of the Outpost and reader helps to resolve it.
A/N: Yeet, this part contains smut. don’t say i didn’t warn you, lol ;).
Word count:  2,377.
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You eyed the arrogant woman up and down as she paced into the boardroom, the thin heels of her shoes click-clacking on the pristine marble floor of the cynical room. You bobbed your head in the direction of the black and outlandish seat which was situated on the opposing end of the long-drawn table; encouraging her to sit down.
"Why am I here? I need this to be quick, I have an outpost to run!" She spoke firmly as she sat down slowly in the chair opposite, her bony and frail hands clasped tightly together as she impatiently sat.
"Managing the outpost isn't your concern anymore, Ms Venable. You should have apprehended that by now as I believe Michael has made it clear enough." You scoffed as she unclasped her paws and deposited them on the slabbed table.
"I was put in charge here, tasked with the fundamental duties of leading the outpost." She asserted sharply as she watched you intensely, her anger starting to display on her face and you had only just started. 
"I know that, but matters have changed. I understand what it's like, you've gone from running an outpost your way to now having someone else do it for you." You addressed as Venable sank into her tall seat, lifting her hands from the cold, metal table to the sides of her small frame.
"But what you have to understand is that Michael isn't here to undo what you've done. He's simply here just to do his job like you are." You continued as you rose out of your seat and moved swiftly over to the repulsive woman who followed your every move.
"I've been here longer than Michael, I know this place like the back of my hand!" Venable yelled as she became more outraged by the second at the thought of her position being jeopardised.
"Look, Ms Venable...I could bring your world crashing down with a single click of my fingers if I wanted to. I know people that would be more than happy to do so, myself included. I'm just asking you to back off, for your sake..." You scolded her as you towered over her delicate frame. "So, either take what I'm saying on board or face the consequences. It's up to you." You continued as you paced back to your elegant, black seat. 
"Can I just go now?" Venable groaned as she rose from her chair, her eyes fixed to you as the woman placed her hands behind her back.
"Of course...Just think of what we've spoken about today." You returned as you moved away from the woman before you exited the large room. You left Venable there as she clutched her hands together, the whites of her knuckles started to show.
As you made your way down the hallway and back to Michael's office, you were suddenly interrupted by a Gray. You looked the pale Gray up and down as she fumbled with the hem of her long sleeves, confusion displayed on your face as you set your hands on your hips. 
"Is everything okay?" You asked as you furrowed your brows in curiosity as to why they stopped you in the hallway.
"You might want to see this, Miss." The Gray responded as she ignored your previous question. The Gray started walking down the darkly-coloured hallway as you followed her quickly, wondering where she was taking you. 
As you came closer and closer to the end of the hallway, you heard raised voices. They seemed to be coming from the dining area. Both your's and the woman's paces became quicker as the shouts became louder.
"Ugh! If I have to eat another of these fucking god-damn blocks, I'll kill myself! I can't take this shit anymore.!" The shrill voice exclaimed. You quickly caught a glimpse of who the voice belonged to as you and the Gray swiftly turned the corner, now exposed to the screaming mess that was taking place in the open dining area. It was no other than Coco, of course.
"You know what, she's right! I can't take this shit anymore." The white-haired man exclaimed, knocking his chair to the floor with a force as he rose from his chair. You studied the situation as you made your way over, everyone else in the small dining area was sat down now apart from an eccentric Gallant. 
"You're more than welcome to leave, to rot outside like the rest of the world," Michael declared firmly, not noticing your presence as you stood a couple of meters away from him. 
"Gallant, just sit down...You're making a scene!" Evie exclaimed at Gallant, a serious look on her face as Gallant scoffed at her.
"Don't tell me what to do. You never gave a shit before, so don't start now." Gallant answered back as he grabbed a plate and tossed it at the bricked wall behind Evie - just barely missing her. The shards of china spewed everywhere on the concrete flooring. 
"Get out." Michael declared raising his voice now, the sound of his voice echoing off the walls of the outpost.
"Fine!" Gallant exclaimed with a laugh, throwing his hands up in defeat as he walked out of the dining area - only to be dragged back by two tall guards and knocked out cold. You watched on in shock as his unconscious body fell to the floor with a thud. 
"Move him somewhere else," Michael barked at the guards as they quickly obeyed his command, dragging Gallant along the floor in the opposite direction of the dining room past you. 
"Where's Gallant being taken?" You asked as you walked over to Michael, anger resonating on his face as he turned around to face you, stepping out of the dining area and closing the sliding door behind him. 
"To one of the chambers," Michael answered taking a deep exhale whilst he pinched the bridge of his nose, his head to the floor. "There's always something happening here..." He added softly with a sigh. You placed the tips of your fingers underneath his chin as you lifted his head, his soft eyes now looking at you instead. 
"People are still adjusting to the change. You have to be patient, Mikey. " You cooed softly as you grabbed his rough hand in your soft one.
Michael nodded along. 
"I have to go deal with Gallant." Michael continued as you squeezed his hand in yours. 
"I'll do it, you go back to the room and get some rest." You suggested as you ungripped his hand and placed yours on his soft cheek, rubbing the skin of his cheekbone with your thumb.
"What about lunch?" Michael asked as you moved your hand away, placing it beside your sides.
"We can do that another day, go get some rest." You continued as Michael approved before turning away and stepping down the candle-lit hallway to the right of him. 
It was a 5-minute walk down a labyrinth of tunnels and hallways before you finally arrived at the chamber Gallant was placed in. You nodded your head towards the door for the guards to open it as they strolled over and opened the flap. They took a quick peek inside and unlocked the door, giving you the go-ahead to enter. 
"Gallant?" You spoke softly as you glared at the man beginning to come conscious again.
"W-Wha- Where am I?" Gallant exclaimed confused as he jolted upright, examining the strange place. The walls were stone as well as the floor with very little lighting just bright enough to see Gallant's confused face.
"You're fine, We've just placed you down here for the time-being once you calm down." You explained as you placed your hands behind your back. "Now, what happened?" You asked.
"I-I don't know..I-I think I'm going insane. This place...This place is driving me over the edge." A rather confused Gallant exclaimed. You knelt to his level, placing a hand on his shoulder. 
"You're fine, you'll be back upstairs with the others in a minute." You had more sympathy than Michael did in situations like this. Michael probably would have kept him down here for a couple of days for the way how he behaved like a wild animal, showing him the consequences of what would happen if he was to repeat himself. You decided not to and to show some compassion - compassion which was needed at a time like this.
You held a hand out for Gallant to take. He grasped your hand and leaned on you, getting himself up.
"Thank you." A now calmed Gallant mumbled to you.
"Open the door." Your voice bounced off the walls of the small room. The door quickly opened, allowing you and Gallant to walk out. You made your way back to the seating area where the rest of the residents were, you glanced as Gallant made his way to the sofa.
"Feel better, Gallant." You spoke to him softly as you flashed him a smile before turning around and walking away in the direction of your's and Michael's room. 
You unlocked the door to your shared room and glanced over to see Michael asleep on top of the silk bedsheets. You sighed softly and stepped into the room as quiet as possible, making your way over to your side of the double bed. You kicked your small boots off and set them down before drawing the silky covers back and climbing into bed next to Michael. 
"Where's Gallant now?" Michael asked sleepily as he draped an arm over your body, pulling you closer to his.
"Back with the others." You responded softly as you grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers with his.
"Why? He could have hurt someone before, or even killed Evie." Michael stated, his voice slightly raised at the thought of Gallant getting away with what happened. 
"I decided to show some compassion. It's a hard time Michael, for all of us." You cooed softly to Michael as you tried your best to calm him down. 
"Compassion that he doesn't deserve. I'll  be having a word with him tomorrow." Michael declared as you turned around to face Michael.
"There's no need, I dealt with it effectively." You added as you glanced at Michael.
"Alright if you say," Michael replied with a sigh as you straddled his hips. His hands snaked their way to your hips as you connected your lips to his in a passionate kiss; your hands placing themselves on both of his cheeks as he turned over, you now on the bottom.
"You want this, huh?" Michael spoke as you palmed him whilst Michael started to undress you. 
You nodded as you bit your lip, doing the same to Michael..
"Then I'll fuck you so hard, you won't be wanting it for a bit." He started kissing your clit, flicking it with his tongue fast. 
You moaned at the pleasure you were receiving, you bucked your hips forward maximizing the pleasure.
"Fuck, Michael!" You moaned out, your hands already wrapped in his hair. Michael ran a finger up and down your wet slit, drenching himself in your juices before thrusting his finger deep inside you causing you to scream out in pleasure. He added another finger, amping up the speed of the thrusts.
"You liking that, baby?" Michael cooed as he looked up at your body, weak at his touch.
You grabbed hold of his fingers and thrust them deeper inside you, hitting your g-spot. You threw your head back and moaned. He added another finger, intensifying the pleasure again now going faster and hitting your g-spot repeatedly with the three fingers.
Your legs and body twitched at the pleasure, your hands gripped the sheets as your stomach tightened as you edged closer to your climax.
"Cum baby." Michael cooed, softly into your ear, the words pushed you over the edge.  
"Fuck! ou moaned as you reached your high, your walls clenching around his fingers. Your juices flowed out of you as your legs trembled. 
Michael slid his fingers out, you opened your mouth requesting his fingers. He placed his fingers in your mouth as you licked yourself off them. You opened your mouth, letting them go.
"Turn around and get on your hands and knees," Michael said firmly, you did as he said. You turned onto your front and got yourself up. Michael unbuckled his belt and took his pants and boxers, his cock already hard. He grabbed his hard cock and ran it up and down your wet slit, drenching the tip in your juices. He pushed himself in slowly, you moaned, throwing your head back as he buried his cock in you. He grabbed your hips to steady himself and started thrusting in and out, first at a slow pace, teasing you.
"Michael.." You moaned. This turned him on, even more, he picked up the pace now slamming in and out of you. You felt your legs start to tremble as the vibrations trickled down your legs, you placed your hands on the top of the headboard to hold yourself up.
"Fuck.." You moaned loudly. He started going faster and faster, causing your stomach to tighten up, your legs almost caving in as you edged closer to your second orgasm. Michael leaned forward and grabbed hold of your tits, still slamming in and out of you.
The pleasure was too much for you to handle. Your legs gave out, you grasped onto the headboard as you came, just managing to keep yourself in the same position.
"Michael!" You screamed out as you came, your walls clenching tightly around his cock causing him to cum too. Yours and Michael's juices mixing. Michael pulled out and grabbed your weak body, pulling you into him as he pulled back the covers and threw them over.
You nestled into his chest as he held you in his arms whilst the pair of you caught your breath as you fell asleep, wrapped in Michael's arms.
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langdvnshepherd · 5 years
Shy reader getting instructed by Outpost Michael on how to give him a blowjob. He's impressed they catch on so quickly. But throwing in the challenge of no use of the words : Pet/Angel/Princess/Daddy/Slut/Cockwhore ect.
Word Count: 1.5k 
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“Are you sure you want to do this?” Michael asked her, running his thumb along the edge of her jaw.
“I don’t want you to feel like I’m pressuring you.”
He was referring to two nights ago when he’d laid her down gently on the crushed velvet blanket that covered his bed and pleasured her endlessly with his tongue for the first time. The high pitched mewls and whines that flowed from her lips like an endless stream of freshwater still rang heavily in Michael’s ears. He wasn’t sure how he’d gone his entire life without tasting something as sweet, as addicting as her.
“I know,” she replied, smiling softly and leaning into his touch.
“I want to, Michael. But I’m worried I won’t be any good at it.”
Michael hummed in response to her anxieties, then sat up straighter in his chair so he lean forward and tuck the stray piece of hair behind her ear.
“There’s nothing to worry about. I’ll show you.”
She planted her knees on the uncomfortable hardwood in Michael’s bedroom, desperately trying to avoid the deafening thump of her own heartbeat in her ears. Michael had been so good to her in the nights prior, making her fall apart over and over again with his velvet tongue. She could only dream of making him feel the way he did her.
Michael freed his waist of his slacks, stripping down to just his fitted, black boxer briefs. He began to palm himself through the cotton, aiming to make himself hard enough to where she could easily take him down her throat. As his hands began kneading at the bulge in his front, she stopped him with her own hands.
“Let me,” she demanded.
He removed his hands cautiously, placing them on the armrests on either side of his body. His eyes fluttered closed, content with the scene in front of him. Michael could feel himself growing harder and harder as she continued to mimick his actions from before. There was something about her innocence and eagerness to please him that riled him up like no one ever had before.
“I-Is this okay?” she asked, nervously stumbling on her words.
Michael responded with a shaky nod, biting his lip to keep from calling out her name. 
“That’s it. Keep doing that.”
His praise gave her a boost of confidence, which caused her to grind her palm down harder against Michael’s boxers, her thumb massaging his underside with small circles.
When Michael’s cock was fully strained against the cotton, begging to be set free, he placed his fingers over hers, giving his member one last, pleasurable squeeze before pulling it away from him.
He lifted his bottom half from the chair to remove his boxers, and she watched as the thin material gathered at his feet and his true girth was revealed to her.
Michael was huge, and impossibly so. Her breath hitched in the back of his throat when she saw how it sprang from his boxers, the flushed, pink tip bouncing upward to rest near his navel. He sensed her shock and awe, which only sent another rush of blood to his already swollen head.
“Now, what you’re going to do-” Michael instructed.
“-is start at the tip. Lick it. Kiss it. Suck it. Kind of like a lollipop.”
She nodded shyly, taking one last, deep breath before resting her elbows on the leather of the seat Michael was sitting in. She took Michael’s cock in her hand and guided her head towards his manhood. The vein that ran along the underside of it was pulsing with neglect, desperately searching for anything to satisfy the ache. 
She began to lick the tip of his cock coyly with the front of her tongue, afraid to do much more than that. While she was as nervous as she’d ever been in her life, Michael’s praises, both verbal and nonverbal, guided her in understanding what to and what not to do.
“Don’t be so timid,” he taunted, trying to force his eyes open to watch as her delicate lips wrapped all of the way around his head. 
She ran her tongue along his slit while he was still in her mouth, coating him with her saliva in the process. When she began to taste the salty beads of precum that leaked from his tip, he approached her with the next step.
“Are you ready for more?”
The girl that lied beneath Michael nodded her head without removing his cock from her mouth, the sight causing a groan to escape Michael’s throat.
“You have to make it nice and wet. Run your tongue all over me. Make sure to coat it all with your spit.”
She was complicit, removing her lips from the tip of his cock with a ‘pop.’ Her warm saliva dripped down his shaft as she worked around him, fully coating his cock in order to take him properly. He felt the tip of her tongue press down slightly against his balls, shuddering as another wave of arousal flew through him.
“Now, relax your jaw. It’ll be easier to take all of me. And pull your lips over your teeth so they won’t scrape.”
Michael watched as her jaw went slack, her eyes glassy and doe-like looking up at him. He sensed her nervousness of taking all of him, his girth, down her tight little throat, so he laced his fingers through her hair, rubbing circles on her scalp to calm her nerves.
She wrapped his head around her lips once more, this time moving lower and lower. She took him as far back as she could, recoiling herself when she instinctually gagged as the tip of his cock stretched her throat open wider than she’d prepared herself for.
“It’s alright. It happens. Do you want to keep going?”
“Yes,” she spoke, breaking the strings of saliva that hung from her mouth to Michael’s cock.
“I want to make you feel good, Michael.”
This time, she was ready, taking him in smaller increments than before. She licked and sucked and swirled her tongue across the sensitive skin of Michael’s shaft, noting how each movement made him squirm in a slightly different way.
He hadn’t instructed her to, but she wet her hands with the excess of saliva that dripped from her mouth and used it as lubrication to work the rest of his length with her fingers. She twisted them around his member, sliding her hands up and down the inches that remained outside of her mouth. Michael’s breath began to falter at her ferventness, slowly feeling the approach of his release.
Without warning she slid him completely down her throat, nestling her nose in the well-manicured tuft of pubic hair that laid just above his cock before bobbing her head back and down again. He could feel himself pressing against the walls of her mouth, surrounded by the warmth that her tongue had to offer. He knew she was trying desperately not to choke again, but it was taking everything in him not to grab her by the back of the head and begin fucking himself into her.
“Keep going,” he commanded. 
“Just like that. Fuck, keep going.”
She was spurred on by his words, moving lips more passionately and vigorously around his needy cock. Obscene, wet, squelching sounds filled the air, and the burn that overtook her throat had subsided. She was now accustomed to his size as he pulsed against her tongue, fighting effortlessly towards his breaking point.
Michael tugged on her hair harsher than he intended as a prolonged moan of her name left his lips, adding to her overall desperation to feel him come undone inside of her mouth. She became more feverish in her movements, allowing small tears to run from her eyes and saliva to drip down her jaw and neck. 
He hissed before speaking.
“Are you ready for me?”
Looking up at him with hungry eyes, she hummed against his cock and nodded. Michael relaxed into the chair, allowing himself to be consumed by the euphoric sensation that his lover’s lips and tongue provided. 
His release was intense, his brows knit together tightly as he spilled into her mouth. She felt the hot spurts coat the back of her throat as she continued to suck him through his orgasm. His moans echoed off of the high ceilings of his bedroom, the baritone of his voice sending shivers down her own spine.
Michael grabbed her face when she unlatched his softening cock from her lips, pulling her in for a heated kiss. He could taste himself on her tongue, could taste how much she enjoyed the feeling of it sliding down her throat when she swallowed. 
“You’re sure you’ve never done that before?” he asked, his chest still heaving.
She snickered quietly in his embrace.
“Pinky swear.”
Michael ran his finger along the corner of her mouth to catch the drop of his cum that lingered there, then prodded at her bottom lip with his thumb to silently command her to open her mouth. She was receptive to his touch, letting her jaw fall open and her tongue jut out slightly. His digit ran along the very muscle that she used to pleasure him just moments ago, pressing down firmly so she could taste his saltiness one final time.
“Now,” Michael began.
“How can I ever reward you for being such a good little girl?”
(gif credit: lngdns)
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Found Cody’s hair and makeup stylists!! Via verygoodlight on Instagram.
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lavenderahs · 3 years
he can pull off anything. also pfp change :)
also pls send in michael/xavier/jim/duncan (or just cody lol) fic suggestions. (asks are open or just send me a message!)
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Can you continue the foursome's story, when reader leaves after the incident with Jim please ? I need them back together ! Duncan has to do something, this idiot ! Michael and Jim need to prove they love her !!
Hello there, lovely!
I have finally pubblished it HERE!
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I hope you’ll like it!
Have a nice day!
-Heco Hansen.
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You’re Holy To Me (Michael Langdon X Witch!Reader) {SMUT}
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Fandom: American Horror Story: Apocalypse Pairing: Michael Langdon X Witch!Reader Word Count: 2,885 Warning: This fic contains EXPLICIT sexual content! Please do not read if that bothers you. Author's Note: This fic is inspired a little bit by @lanawintrs’s amazing http://lanawintrs.tumblr.com/post/179974721180/she-walks-over-me!! This is my first time writing for Michael so I hope I kept him in character :^)
Michael Langdon was...beyond powerful. From the moment you saw him, even before Cordelia informed you that he was the Antichrist, you knew there was something special about him.
And now he was at Robichaux, with you and the other witches, and you had to act like he wasn't the most gorgeous man you had ever seen because Zoe didn't trust him and made you promise to stay away from him.
Almost every witch had a crush on Michael, and how could they not? With his blonde, curly hair and those deep, blue eyes…
You were smitten.
It was making it hard to focus on your studies. Michael was in all of your classes, so instead of listening to the lecture Zoe was giving, you were trying to stop staring at Michael.
Zoe must have noticed that you weren't paying attention.  
“Miss __l/n__, please tell me what the last three challenges of the Seven Wonders are.”
“Transmutation, Vitalum Vitalis, and Descensum.” You answered easily, sticking your tongue out at her even though you knew it was inappropriate. If Zoe was going to call you out, she could've actually challenged you.
Zoe rolled her eyes at you before continuing on with the lesson. You were too busy chuckling to yourself to notice the curious glance Michael shot in your direction.
“You infuriate me.” Zoe announced, flinging the door to your shared room open with a flick of her fingers.
“I love you.” You replied and blew a kiss in her direction.
“Can you stop making goo goo eyes at Langdon for one class? Just one class, that's all I ask.”
You tried to fight the blush from rising on your cheeks, but you were positive you failed if the chuckle from Zoe was any indication.
“You do know he's the Antichrist, right?” She reminded, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I don't think that automatically makes him a bad person. I think he wants to be good. He came to Robichaux, didn't he?”
“He did.” She agreed. “But I still don't trust him. Just be careful, alright?”
“Of course.”
You were surprised when you exited the bathroom after taking a shower and saw that Zoe wasn't in the room. You thought she'd be getting ready by now.
Shrugging, you towel dried your hair as you rifled through your closet.
You and Zoe were planning on going out tonight, and you were trying to figure out what to wear.
“Why do you witches own so much black?”
You shrieked and turned to see that Michael Langdon was sitting on your bed.
“Michael?” You drew your towel tighter around your body. “What are you doing here? How'd you get in?”
“I came to talk to you. I knocked, but you didn't answer and the door was unlocked so I let myself in.” Michael looked you up and down, a smirk on his lips. “I hope that was alright.”
Your cheeks flushed. “Yeah, that's fine. Just give me a minute to get dressed.”
Michael frowned. “Why would you do that?”
You sucked in a breath. Surely Michael wasn't implying what you thought he was. You hardly knew each other. “What did you say you were here to talk about?”
“I didn't. Yet.” Michael smiled at you. “I came to talk about you.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “What about me?”
“I like you. You're...fiery. And you seem to be one of the few witches here who isn't afraid of me.”
“I'm not afraid of you because I know I can handle you.”
Michael appeared in front of you suddenly, and one of his hands gently caressed your cheek. “Is that so?” He leaned in close, so that his lips were just inches from your own. “Prove it.”
You let your towel fall to the ground before teleporting yourself and Michael to your bed. You watched as Michael flung his arm out and locked the door. He murmured something, and you raised an eyebrow at him.
“Did you just cast a silencing spell?”
Michael chuckled. “Yes. I don't want anyone interrupting us.”
You pulled him down into a kiss. Michael was aggressive, which you had been expecting, licking into your mouth and nibbling on your lips while his hands trailed down you body.
You gasped as he slid a finger into you.
“You're so wet already.” He teased and used his other hand to pinch your nipple.
“Michael,” You whined, tangling your fingers in his hair and kissing his neck. Michael groaned, and the sound was like music to your ears. You wanted him to make that sound again and again. You slid his pants off his legs with magic, making Michael chuckle.
“Somebody's eager.”
You rolled your eyes instead of responding and wrapped your hand around his cock. You were pleasantly surprised at the amount of precum you found on the tip of his dick.
You opened your mouth to comment, but Michael, seeming to sense what you were going to say, shoved two fingers in your mouth before you could. You didn't complain, sucking his fingers into your mouth and swirling your tongue around the tips.
“You're insufferable.” You breathed out teasingly when he withdrew his fingers.
“As are you.” Michael responded easily. There was no malice in your words or his. You sucked in a breath when you noticed how pretty he looked with bright eyes, flushed cheeks, and tangled hair.
“You're beautiful.” You said without thinking. Michael surprised you by surging forward to kiss you deeply.
You kissed him back eagerly, using the hand that was on his dick to guide him towards your entrance.
Michael stilled your hand, and you whined. He chuckled as he grabbed a condom from your nightstand.
“Can't forget this.”
Your cheeks flamed. “Of course.”
Michael looked at you in amusement and awe. “You didn't forget about the condoms. You just didn't want me to use one, did you?”
The look on your face must have said it all because you watched as Michael's eyes darkened.
“That's hot.” Michael murmured and tossed the unopened condom onto the floor. Michael's lips found yours again as he guided himself to your entrance. He teased his dick up and down your slit.
You tried to wiggle your hips to encourage him to get inside, but Michael reached an arm across your hips and pinned them down.
“Michael,” You hissed impatiently. “C'mon.”
“Beg.” Michael purred.
“What? Why?”
“To prove that I'm more powerful and you can't handle me.”  
“Okay first off, that wouldn't prove that you're more powerful. Second, even if you were more powerful than me, you have the unfair advantage of being the fucking Antichrist. And third, I never said I was more powerful than you. I did say I could handle you, and that's true.”
“Can you?”
Your eyes flashed, and before Michael could react, you had flipped him over so that you were straddling him. His hands were pinned above his head with magic, and when he tried to move them, you could tell that he was surprised he couldn't break the spell.
You leaned down to capture Michael's lips in a kiss as you lined your entrance up with his cock. You sunk down an inch before pulling off, then repeating the process.
Michael growled as you continued to tease him. “__y/n__,” Michael warned as he struggled against his bonds.
“Yes, Michael?” You placed kisses all over his chest and neck. “Something wrong?”
You blinked as Michael snarled and tore himself out of your restraints.
He flipped you over again, and his hand wasted no time finding your throat. Michael squeezed once before pressing down roughly, and you bucked your hips up as you felt yourself getting wetter.
Michael's nostrils flared. “I can smell you dripping all over your thighs. You must like my hand around your neck.” You nodded with red cheeks, and Michael clucked. “So filthy.”
You whined at his words, and Michael leaned down to kiss you as he lined himself up with your entrance. Michael must've been out of patience since he didn't even try to get you to beg, he just slid in.
You groaned simultaneously, and Michael eased up on the pressure he was putting on your throat.
“You're such a brat.” He announced, pulling out of you completely before shoving his cock back in.
“Why?” You asked, voice scratchy. “Because I wouldn't beg? Or because I'm just as strong as you?”
Michael pressed down on your throat again. “Watch it.”
“What are you gonna do to me?” You taunted.
Michael pulled out of you completely and climbed off the bed in one fluid motion. “I could leave you all alone while you're wet and horny.”
You chuckled and shoved two fingers inside of yourself, using your other hand to cup your breast. “Good thing I don't need you to get myself off, then.”
Michael just stood there for a moment, watching you, his cock so red and so hard it looked painful.
“Mhm,” You moaned as you began rubbing your clit. “Michael,”
Michael's eyes snapped to your face when you said his name. Your eyes were locked on him, challenging him.
Michael growled and climbed back onto the bed. His hands pushed your thighs apart as you removed your fingers from your pussy.
“I hate you.” He hissed as his cock slipped inside you.
“I don't believe you.” You managed to get out in between thrusts. Michael's cock felt so good inside you, you wanted to cry.
Michael's lips caught yours in a dirty, rough kiss. You moaned, and Michael slid his tongue into your mouth. His tongue flicked against yours teasingly.
Michael fucked into you deeply, rolling his hips as he slid a hand between you to rub your clit.  
“You're doing so good taking my cock.” Michael murmured, and you keened at the praise.
“And you have such a nice cock, baby.”
Michael seemed a little surprised at the pet name, but the look in your eye showed him that you were enjoying yourself too much to be fully aware of what you were saying.
It wasn't like he minded, anyway.
Michael moved his hand from your neck to your cheek before leaning down and kissing you again. He slowed his thrusts down, and suddenly it felt a lot less like a competition between the two of you and a lot more like something else. It felt almost...spiritual.
And that was not a word Michael used often.
Michael blinked as he felt something wet drip down your cheek. Michael's gaze drifted up to your eyes, and he was surprised to find that you were crying.
“What's wrong?” Michael asked softly, brushing away the tears as they fell.
You brought a hand to your cheek, and your eyes widened when you saw that it was damp.
“I didn't even realize.” You chuckled quietly. “You just feel so fucking good. And you fuck me so perfectly.” You admitted, only a little bit embarrassed.
Michael smiled and pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth before thrusting in sharply once more.
You moaned loudly, and Michael built up a rhythm of slow, deep thrusts that had you both grunting.
Michael picked up the pace as his orgasm approached.
“Michael, fuck, I'm gonna cum.” You panted as Michael rubbed your clit at a furious pace.
“Not yet.”
You whined petulantly and decided to scrape your nails down Michael's back and nibble on his earlobe before claiming his lips in a deep kiss.
“You can cum...now.” Michael gasped out as his orgasm began.
You sobbed in relief as Michael's fingers tipped you over the edge, and your walls clenched around Michael's cock.
Michael spilled into you, which only prolonged your orgasm because the moans Michael released as he did so were downright sinful.
Michael didn't pull out until he was sure you were done cumming. You whined anyway, already mourning the loss of his body being connected to yours so intimately.
Michael chuckled and moved towards the edge of the bed. You caught his wrist, and Michael raised an eyebrow at you.
“Do you have to go yet?” You asked shyly, and Michael’s eyes softened.
“No. I can stay.” Michael leaned down and brushed a kiss to your lips, and you released his wrist. Michael climbed off the bed and slid his underwear back on. He grabbed your underwear too, but instead of handing them to you, he parted your legs and crawled in between them.
“What are yo-oh.” Your breath caught in your throat as Michael began licking his cum out from inside you.
Michael reached a hand up to massage your breast as his tongue plunged deep into your pussy. Michael began rubbing your clit in time with the thrusts of his tongue, and it only took a few more minutes before you were cumming again all over his tongue. Michael kept licking and sucking until your thighs were shaking and you were too sensitive for him to keep going.
“You taste delicious.” Michael complimented, sliding your underwear back on before wiping his face with the back of his hand.
You just gaped at him for a moment before pulling him up your body and kissing him roughly.
“You are so fucking hot.” You whispered in disbelief as you broke apart and began carding your fingers gently through Michael's hair.
Michael arched into the touch immediately, and as you continued to stroke and pet his hair, Michael's breathing slowed down and he fell asleep.
You smiled to yourself before yawning. You had been going at it for a while, and a nap sounded nice. You curled into his side and allowed yourself to drift off to sleep too.
When you woke up, you were surprised to find Michael staring at you, a tender expression on his face.
“Hi.” You spoke quietly, afraid that if you talked too loudly, you would ruin whatever was happening between you and Michael.
“You're so beautiful.” Michael murmured, stroking your cheek with his thumb. “Especially when you're asleep. Or when you cum.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. “Thank you.”
Michael kissed you sweetly before he climbed off the bed and began to get dressed. You glanced at the clock on your bedside table and cursed.
Zoe was gonna kill you; she wanted to leave almost an hour ago.
You ran to your closet and threw on the first dress you found, which happened to be short, black, and tight.
“Can you zip me?” You asked Michael, and he nodded, pushing your hair out of the way as you turned around before pulling the zipper up. Michael pressed a kiss to the side of your neck before letting your hair fall back down.
You slipped on a pair of thigh high black boots right before Zoe slowly pushed the door to your room open.
“Oh good, you're awake and decent this time.”  
You winced. “You came in earlier?”
“Duh, I had to get dressed. I was not expecting to find you and Langdon cuddling in bed.”
“Michael.” Michael corrected, looking only a little sheepish about the situation she had found you in. “Please, call me Michael.”
Zoe smiled at him before turning her gaze to you. She whacked you gently on the shoulder with her hand. “Do you still want to go out?”
You nodded. “Of course I do, Zoe.”
Zoe switched her gaze back to Michael. “Would you like to join us?”
Michael shook his head. “Not this time. I think you two have a lot to talk about.” Michael pulled you into a kiss as Zoe walked into her closet, letting his hands wander down to your ass and squeezing gently before releasing. “But I'll see you both again soon.”
Before either of you could say anything else, he had disappeared from the room.
“So are you like, dating the Antichrist now?” Zoe asked in amusement as she began tying her shoes.
“To be honest with you, I really don't know.”
But you hoped so. Being with Michael was intoxicating and magnetic, and you didn't think you'd be able to find someone else that made you feel how Michael had.
That thought was scary, and too deep for you to focus on yet, so you pushed it to the back of your mind as you and Zoe stepped out the front door.
You were completely oblivious to Michael watching you from the window with a smile on his face.
“Don't worry, darling. I won't be going anywhere.” Michael murmured softly to himself. During his time with you, Michael had become enamoured.
You helped him forget about being the Antichrist and his father and all the other dark thoughts he kept hidden. You challenged him and excited him in ways no one ever had before.
Michael truly did want to be good, and sticking by your side seemed like the best way to do it. He knew you'd keep him in check.
Sensing someone's eyes on you, you turned and were pleasantly surprised to see Michael in the window. You smiled and blew him a kiss. You were even more pleasantly surprised when Michael played along, catching the kiss and putting it in his pocket.
Being with Michael, fucking Michael, dating Michael...was definitely something you thought could get used to.
End. <3
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Imagine Michael nervously taking you to meet Ms Mead for the first time.
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I'm too tired to edit them and post them rn cause it's 6am for me BUT I have a super fluffy cisco x reader valentine's fic and a michael x reader smut fic to post when I wake up and I'm very excited 💖💖
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Late Nights/Part One:  Duncan Shepherd x female!reader
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summary: reader is a worker at the Shepherd foundation and when Duncan learns he isn’t Annette’s son, you offer him comfort.
warnings: none, not my gif, all credits to the owner, this sucks but there will be a second part.
A/N: I really don’t know how to use a computer sorry if there are weird letters of stuff in this:) this is super long wtf
Working wasn’t easy; working for the Shepherds? It was near impossible to handle. Not only did they all have mood swings and ordered people around as if they were damn gods, but were also workaholics. They made everyone in these walls work like crazy to the point they were so exhausted they just collapsed when they got home. 
Usually, the workday was filled with different files regarding funds, politics or anything else the Shepherds wanted to invest in. However, lately, the Shepherd’s obsession seemed to be entirely focused on Madame La Présidente and some app the youngest of them had been working on for quite some time now. Yes, because, the Shepherd weren’t just a full on crazy family, they were a quite important and rich full on crazy family. 
You’d met the two siblings that were supposedly at the head of their whole empire, Bill about only once at a private opening within the building and a few times when you’d run into Annette whenever she came to see her son. That’s right, Annette would do many things in the day but leaving her son alone wasn’t one of them. Speaking of doing lots of things during the day, you did too, probably more than anyone around here since you’ve recently been promoted as Duncan’s personal assistant. Contrary to what many people thought though, you hadn’t earned your position by doing ‘favors’ -as they put it- to your boss; no, you’d earned your position thanks to your hard and relentless work. 
Indeed, you’d spent most of your days and nights at the office, typing away on your computer and answering emails along with giving calls to important people for Duncan. 
Your superior wasn’t such a bad man, he worked hard and tried to make something for himself since wanted to be remembered, and not just for his last name. 
Tonight wasn’t any different; everyone had started filling out of the building a few hours ago and it was now empty, the only living souls being the cleaning staff, yourself and Duncan. 
You were exhausted after the day you’d spent running everywhere to do the load of work you’d been given and now that you were typing away on you computer, desperately trying to close yet another file and be done for the day, you couldn't keep your heavy eyelids from dropping every five seconds, the dim light of your desk lamp not really helping fighting off your sleepiness. 
Time flew by fast and even though you’d been struggling to stay awake, you didn’t realize that your lids had completely dropped and you were passed out cold on your keyboard. 
After a few minutes like this, your computer gave up and went out, of course, fate would have chosen this exact moment to make Mr Duncan Shepherd come out of his office for the first time of the day. 
Duncan had been working on his app for quite some time now and rarely got out of his office, always working on the littlest details of his app, mixing work and private life together since he also worked at home. 
When Duncan stepped foot outside his office, he wasn’t prepared for the sight before him. He assumed that everyone had left, given the late hour, but was shocked to see that his assistant was still behind the desk and even more that she was asleep. 
She seamed knocked out cold and snored lightly, no doubt that the drool would be leaving her mouth very soon. Duncan smiled slightly at the sight and rolled his eyes as he came closer to her. 
He stopped right before your desk and reached out to shake your arm lightly. 
“Y/N?” he asked softly and as you didn’t answer, he shook a bit harder and repeated your name a little louder. This time, you stirred and halfheartedly opened your eyes to meet his blue ones. It took you a few moments to realize where you were but once you did, you practically jumped up.
“Mr Shepherd, I’m...” you began to apologize profusely and had risen from your seat when he waved a hand to dismiss you.
“It’s fine, you’ve been working long enough, go home, have some rest.” You would have liked to say something modest but clearly didn't have the strength and the thought of going home to your bed made you even more tired so you just nodded and turned around, but before you reached the door, you turned back to him as you remembered something. 
“Oh, by the way, Mr Grayson called, your uncle has something important to discuss with you.” You turned around and walked out for good, not noticing that he had tensed up behind you. He didn’t know what his uncle wanted to talk about but he knew that the man was up to no good.
The next day, Duncan didn’t come in to work until late in the afternoon. 
You had been there for a few hours already, having started the day a little later than usual due to your tiredness yesterday.
 You had been working as per usual at your own desk when everyone started to whisper among themselves. Your fellow coworkers had been disturbed and maybe a little too content as none other than Duncan Shepherd himself showed up and entered his office without a word or even a glance at anyone around him. 
Everyone got back to work once the glass door to his office got shut with a loud bang and the man inside drew the curtains. You hadn't had the time to observe Duncan from much closer but you’d caught a glimpse of his red puffy eyes. He’d obviously been crying, which was odd since Duncan never cried. As far as you were concerned though, your boss didn’t have any allergies that you were aware of. 
You shook your head, none of that was your business, as you got back to typing on your laptop. After a few minutes spent like this, the phone on your desk went off and you picked it up.
“Shepherd-” you were about to say the whole sentence to present the company and ask the person at the other end of the line what you could help them with but you didn't get that chance as they cut you off abruptly.
“Can you tell my son I want to speak to him?” you recognized Annette’s voice even though you’d hardly even see her anymore.
“Oh, I’m sorry Mrs Shepherd, sure thing, hold on please.” you put the phone back and rose from your chair to knock on your boss’s office door, ready to tell him about the phone call even though you didn’t understand why Annette hadn’t reached for her son via his personal phone. Was he out of battery?
A quiet sniff came along with a ‘come in’ from inside the office and you took it upon you to open the door yourself.
You didn’t properly enter the office but put your head through the door that you had opened ajar.
“Excuse me sir but...” you started but at the sight of your boss who was quietly sitting behind his desk with his hand on his mouth, you stopped yourself. He had an elbow propped up on the desk while his hand tried to cover his mouth and a part of his -you assumed- runny nose. His laptop shut and no files were in front of him even though he tried to rearrange the air on his desk to make It seem as if he’d been working. 
“Yes?” he said as he finally removed his hand from his lower face and looked at you in the eyes. He was obviously aware that his face showed the remaining tears on his cheeks and his red eyes but he knew you wouldn’t dare ask him anything about that. And you didn’t, instead you smiled politely and stepped properly in his office, standing between the door and his desk.
“Um, Your mother on line 4.” you simply said and waited for him to dismiss you as he scoffed and waved his hand.
“Tell her I’m busy.” This was a lie, you knew it, he knew it and probably the whole goddamned world too, but you just nodded and turned around before stopping at the door abruptly.
He looked up once more, raising his eyebrows this time.
“Uh, it’s probably none of my business but... I see you as more than my boss-” he raised his eyebrows and you hurriedly finished to not give him ideas, “um I mean I see you as a... friend?” you tested the word, and even though it wasn’t entirely true, the man seemed like he needed someone right now. He hadn’t wanted to talk to his mom and today seemed particularly shitty so you came as a life savior.
He continued looking at you until you finished “So... if you ever wanna talk about... anything, I’m here. Literally, I spend my entire life in this building...” you trailed off, hoping to get a reaction out of him and you smiled as you got a chuckle. You smiled and he looked at you once more but this time it seemed to hold many more emotions.
“That’s actually very nice of you.” you smiled and nodded as he dismissed you. You walked out and back to your desk picking up line 4 and telling Annette that her son was busy at the moment and even though she didn't seem to believe you, she sighed and thanked you before hanging up.
You continued working until nighttime came in and most of everyone had come home. Your floor was empty and you hadn’t seen Duncan come out of his office since he arrived.
You were about to shut your laptop when you heard the sound of a door opening and closing as Duncan came out of his office. He seemed a little better than earlier but still looked sad. Upon seeing you, he almost jolted up in surprise but remembered you were one that worked hard and late. 
Your eyes met his and at the sadness of it you couldn’t help but sigh a little. He took several steps to you and asked what you were still doing here, but very softly.
“Oh, I had to close up the Westfield file, you know how they get, this entire family is trouble.” Duncan smiled slightly at your attempt at making him better and the awkward silence that followed didn’t stop him from sitting across from you on a vacant chair.
“You should go home.” was all he said, and the way he said it was nowhere near the way he had said it yesterday.
“What about you?”, you hesitantly said and looked at him warily. He just shook his head as he answered.
“I was thinking of booking a hotel room for the night... and probably many more to come.” he chuckled dryly and you knew this sudden need for a hotel room was to get away from his mother. 
You didn’t know what it was about but you wrongly assumed it had something to do with the meeting you’d arranged on his demand with The President, which had taken place at the White House only a day prior. 
Did his uncle tell him something about it? If so it was partly your fault, wasn’t it? 
Knowing the Shepherd’s antecedents with Claire Underwood, you should have refused to arrange this rendez-vous, even though you hadn't had much of a choice. Being his assistant though, you could have talked him out of it even though Claire had been the one to request to see him. Now you felt responsible of the state he was in and it wasn’t fair, considering Duncan had been the best boss you’ve had in a while. He wasn’t harsh or anything but still wanted work to be handed over on time and respected his worker’s jobs even though he rarely mixed with them.
You couldn’t help but reach over and pat his hand over the desk. It may have been inappropriate but you didn’t care since he seemed so sad. He had as sole reaction to pause momentarily and to stare at your hand as his eyes travelled up to your face.
“I... happen to have a guest room at my apartment... it’s not the luxe you’re used to but it’s not...” he cut you off before you could finish your stupid proposition.
“You don’t have to do that.” he took his hand back and proceeded to say that he was fine but the tears in his eyes just gave his whole act away.
“No it’s fine... I want to and... I always cook way more than I should so...” you trailed off while still looking at him in the eyes. You hated it, you hated that this was how your dignity was gonna leave you. He wasn’t going to accept and this was a silly proposition anyway, he was your boss for god’s sake! Duncan freaking Shepherd! 
“You don’t have to...” he started but you cut him off, “I want to, Duncan!” you practically shouted because he annoyed you, he was clearly in pain, you had never seen him like this before and you were scared he would do something stupid without someone by his side tonight. He nodded slightly and you spoke more quietly this time, “Let me take care of you, alright? Your mom doesn’t know where I live and even though I'm sure she has the ressources to find out, a place like mine would be the last one she’d look for you.” he nodded and looked at you more assuredly.
“This will be counted and added to your salary.” you rolled your eyes, money wasn’t everything. This was America and finding an affordable place to live in was hard, but with your job and position you managed to live comfortably enough so housing Duncan for a night wasn’t a big deal; you knew him, hell you knew everything about him -well almost- and you didn’t think for a second that he was a threat.
He smiled weakly and muttered a simple thank you as you both left the building and followed you to your home.
A/N: This sucks so bad I'm sorry but there will be a part two.
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kyliehorsegirl · 6 years
Snakes (Michael LangdonxReader)
Author’s Note*** Hello! This is my first Langdon fanfic I hope you like it. I felt inspired by everyone’s wonderful stories. I also took inspiration from my personal animals, so I hope you enjoy!
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Michael Langdon x Reader: 2772 words
18 months. 18 months, Y/N was stuck, surrounded by obnoxious rich folk. She never grew up rich, she never lived in a mansion and this? This was not what she wanted. Why was she chosen to be here? What deemed her worthy enough to be here in this place. 
When the missile attacked she was far from any harm. Her family and wonderful creatures on the other hand didn’t make it. Part of her wished she could have stayed with her mother and animals. She didn’t know what kind of information they had on her to even consider allowing her a spot.
“We have been listening to the same song, for 18 fucking months.” Mr. Gallant dramatically fell into the velvet couch. A chorus of groans followed suit.
99% of the world’s population is gone, and these are the people I’m stuck with? Y/N thought to herself. 
With a deep sigh she excused herself from the sitting room, making way to the library. Despite the horrific apocalypse, literature was nothing short of a blessing. The Outpost’s library was full of almost any book you could think of. Y/N walked down the isles gliding her fingertips lightly along every book cover. Once she found herself in the occult section, she gently pulled out a Grimoire. 
Y/N was not a stranger to different beliefs, despite growing up in a rather christian household. Although she considered herself faithful, she was always curious about other religions and practices. Who knows how long she read for? There were no clocks or anything to give her a sense of time. She decided to take the book with her. 
As she retired to her room for the night she set the grimoire down while she stripped of her illustrious gown. The mandatory attire was not something Y/N would typically wear, but she was delighted to wear them nonetheless.
She put herself to bed wearing only a thin slip. She had an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Something is changing. she thought as she let sleep take over her body.
The Following Morning
Sitting down at her spot at the dinner table, Y/N noticed something different. The disgusting cubes they deemed worthy of calling food, was cut in half. 
“This will be our last breakfast together.” Mrs. Venable stated. Expressionless features cast on her face.
“what????” The group was in distress, furious of the news.
“Mrs. Venable? We are already eating less than we need to survive. How are we supposed to live like this?” Y/N was not one for speaking out, but this is a line that should not be crossed.
“Effective measures have to be made. Our rations are low as it is.” Mrs. Venable said matter of fact.
“It’s just a dieting technique.” Evie noted. Groans across the table were vocalized.
“I’m not gonna have this! We are just waiting to die at this point.” Mr. Gallant said shoving himself out of his chair. He stood and threw his plate across the room. The large guard woman made quick work to attain him. In that moment however there was a perimeter breach. Red lights flashed and wailing sirens went off. Everyone rose from their seats and turning their heads to Mrs. Venable. 
“I will take care of this. Please see youselves to your rooms.” with that she made hast with Mrs. Meade elswhere.
“What the hell is even going on?” Andre huffed out. Y/N looked up the staircase with the return of the feeling from the pit of her stomach.
Something is definitely changing. She made way to her own room. 
She remained in her room until dinner. She placed the book down on her nightstand as she heard a scream in another room. She quickly made her way to the source of the scream and saw Mrs. Meade in Emily’s room. In her hands were snakes. 
“Looks like good eating tonight.” Mrs. Meade stated in a rather hick accent. 
At the dinner table covered soup bowls were placed in front of us. Y/N rolled her eyes thinking back to the “Stu” incident. 
“I have a strict rule against eating things with too many legs or no legs.” Coco twitched her nose in disgust.
“O but you had no issue eating something with two legs.” Andre said so melancholy. Speaking of Stu. Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Eat it or don’t. No one is forcing you.” Meade stated. Everyone lifted the lids off the bowls when a strew of snakes slithered across the table. Phasing everyone other than Y/N. 
“Who is here? Who is the person in your room?” Emily boldly questioning Mrs. Venable with total disregard for the snake situation. Mrs. Venable stood in front of the fireplace preparing everyone for the strange intruder. A young man made his presence known as we glided through the hall. You could hear a pin drop. Y/N couldn’t even take a moment to appreciate the silence. Was this the feeling she’s been having? He was a beautiful creature Y/N could easily see that. Although, so could everyone else. It was repulsive how much everyone else was gawking at the intruder.
He was tall, not too tall, but just enough. He had carved cheeks with a strong jawline. His clothes were just as Victorian as the rest of The Outpost’s. 
“My name is Langdon and I represent the cooperative.” His voice floated through the room like silk. 
“I wont’ sugarcoat the situation. Humanity is on the brink of failure. My arrival here is crucial to the survival of civilized life on Earth. The three other compounds in in Syracuse, New York, Beckley, West Virginia and San Angelo, Texas have been overrun and destroyed. We’ve had no contact from the six international outposts, but we are assuming that they too, have been eliminated.” His hands are crossed behind his back. He stands tall and glances at every person in the room. Y/N looks him up and down as she allows herself a small smirk. Should she be afraid of him? Probably, but is she? No, what would be the point. She has been here this long. A change of pace is healthy, even if it means her life.
“There is hope,” this caught everyone’s attention.”there is another facility with enough food and supplies to last over a decade, a sanctuary if you will. I will be instrumental in choosing who will come with me. Those in sanctuary will play part in rebuilding this world.” His movements are so graceful and thought out as he speaks.
“Like who?” Mrs. Meade asks
“Classified.” he simply responds.
“Well what if we don’t want to be interviewed?” 
His eyes darken for a moment and he turns his head to the direction of the voice. His features relax in to a facade of calm. 
“O you don’t have to.” He pulls a vial out of his pocket full of pills. “stay here as the radiation and cancer eat away at your flesh. If hungry cannibals coming knocking, just pop one of these and you will be free of pain and suffering.” he grins. “ The interviews should only take a few days. I could take all of you or none of you.”
“What is this the hunger games.” Coco rebuttals snobbishly.
Langon pays her no mind as he continues “ I look forward to meeting each and every one of you.” ending his gaze on me. Y/N holds her ground and doesn’t break eye contact. This makes him cock his head in a curious way. 
“I’ll go first.” Mr. Gallant says nonchalantly. Almost dragging his gaze away from hers he lazily looks to Gallant.
“And so you shall.” The mysterious Mr. Langdon retreats from the room.
Y/N brings back the grimoire to the library in search for a new book. When its time for her interview she will hold her ground. Be confident, elusive and a bit sexy. What does she have to lose? Sensing a presence behind her, she stays looking forward for a new book. There is a warm breath on the back of her neck. This sends chills down her spine. She turns her head slightly to see Langdon right behind her.
“If you are interested in the occult, maybe you’ll find this intriguing,” He reaches out in front of both of them and places a book in her hands. He glances down at her as she glances down at the book. Demonlology. He backs away from her. Y/N turns around and gives him a smirk. 
“Demonology? That’s an interesting topic. Have you had any experiences with demons Mr. Langdon?” She asks cautiously. She tilts her head to the side and looks up at him behind her lashes.
“Hmm, you could say I’ve experienced them personally.” He eyes her up and down soaking her in. 
“What are you suggesting? Are you a demon Mr. Langdon?” Y/N quickly darts her tongue out to wet her lips. This gesture does not go unnoticed. Rather than respond he smiles ever so slightly and turns to leave. 
“Meet me in my office for your interview Mrs. Y/L/N.” she watches every step he makes as he excited the room. 
The dress she’s is wearing is unlike anything the other choose to wear. It is the deepest shade of purple among all of them. The dress has a bolero style top that buckles in the front of her neck like a collar. Underneath is a flattering keyhole neckline that extenuates her collar bones. The arms are long that tighten at the wrist. From there, its a tight fitted dress with a slight flare to the bottom. Nothing obnoxious like Coco would wear.
Before she has a chance to knock he tells her “come in” odd how he knows she’s already there. He is seated at his desk, elbow on the armrest and hand holding his chin. He looks at her sinfully taking in her ensemble. 
“Have a seat.” she does so. “I will tell you how this is going to work. If you lie, I will know and if you try to trick me, I will know. Something you think could help, can be a hindrance and something you think is completely useless could be exactly what I’m looking for. Are we clear?” he leans forward
“Crystal.” Y/N Smirks and leans back her chair mimicking his movements, elbow on the armrest and hand on her chin. He squints at her and continues.
“Lets go straight for it. What do you miss most?” he now has both elbows on his desk resting his chin on top of his hands.
“Well, out of my family I miss my mother the most.”She pauses for a moment thinking of her mother.
“That’s not what you miss the most is it?” His eyes fixed on her.
““You seem to know everything about everyone. You tell me.” She tilts her head to look at him. Any remorseful feeling of her mother gone. He sighs and leans back.
“No, not your mother. Something else. Tell me.”
“My animals.” Y/N relaxes a bit lowering her shoulders, she didn’t realize were tense. 
“Your animals?” He strokes his chin. The hand is decorated with large silver rings.
“Yes. They gave me security. I turned to them when I felt upset. I’ve never liked people. I found happiness in my animals. I had all kinds of animals; horses, dogs and reptiles.” She smiles and eyes him closely. He raises an eye brow at ‘reptiles’ 
“Yes, of all my reptiles the snakes were my favorite.” She grins knowingly. He gives her a wicked smirk in exchange.
“Snakes are misunderstood. They are beautiful and elusive creatures that don’t deserve the hate they get. They are kind and gentle but, also not afraid to strike you in the face.” She licks her lips this time. Making it known what she’s doing. He stands up, walking around the table to lean against the desk. 
“Do you find me attractive.”  She is only slightly taken aback, making her to compose her self. She cockily runs a finger along her lips.
“Mr. Langdon, to say I didn’t find you attractive would mean there is something wrong with me. A blind man could appreciate your beauty. Of course I find you attractive. Even for someone with Sociopathic tenancies.” The look on his face shows that she caught him off guard. He makes his way to her chair placing hands on either side of the armrests, entrapping her. His gaze darkens.
“You think I’m a Sociopath?” 
“A sociopath manipulates people. They are just pawns to use and abuse. When they are no longer needed they are done away with. A sociopath is someone who doesn’t have feelings. Perhaps a few.” she stands out of her chair encouraging him to back up.”never remorse.” they back up “hatred” he is up against the desk. He places a gentle hand to caress her cheek. “pride” she leans into his warm touch.” lust” she takes his thumb into her mouth sensually. Her eyes big and bright. She gives a few swirls of her tongue before she removes her mouth from his thumb and her body away from his. 
He seems to be in a trance until he realizes she is no longer in front of him and walking away.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Shock still apparent on his face. 
“Feel free to continue the interview.” She looks over her shoulder to wink at him and walks out.
Later in her room, Y/N drops her dress to her feet looking in her vanity. She spots and dark figure in the corner.
“Are you here to finish the interview?” She smirks in the direction of the dark figure. Langdon emerges from the shadows with a hungry look in his eye. He takes advantage of his long stride and grips her throat pinning her to the wall behind them. She makes a quick laugh to him.
“Who are you? I don’t know what you are. I have a weird feeling in my stomach. You are unlike anything I’ve experienced so far. You intrigue me.” He kisses the inside of her ear leaving a trail of lustful kisses along her neckline. Without knowing her own strength Y/N shoves him back. His eyes wide. She stalks him around the room like a cat hunting its prey. She takes light strides towards him. Y/N pushes him on the bed. He could stop her if he wanted to. He doesn’t want to.
“Tell my why you don’t want to be in control?” She crawls on top of him straddling his hips. Running her hands up his chest and down his arm. She whispers into his ear. “ Is it because you are always in control? Do you need release?” She licks the inside of his ear dragging her lips across his porcelain skin. Her kisses have a certain want to them. “You need someone to take over.” She grabs his throat in her small hand and pull down his jacket with the other. She kisses down to his shoulder and bites him leaving a mark where no one could see. He groans and takes a short breath as she licks the mark she made. 
Y/N rolls her hips forward against his groin just to hear him groan again. She returns to kissing his neck as she unbuttons his jacket. With more and more skin exposed she proceeds to kiss and massage every inch of his muscular torso. With his shirt off she takes a moment to admire him.
What the fuck am I doing. She thinks. The sliver of guilt she had melted away as he strokes her side with his large hands. 
“Please I need you.” Its now her turn to give a dark look. She take a glance at his arms and sees gashes up both forearms. Y/N gently runs her fingertip along the length of the cut as she does with the books in the library.. She bends down running her tongue along the cut lapping up any blood remaining. Langdon mews in the process. Exciting Y/N further. Brushing a stray hair out of his face lovingly she admires his face. He carefully reaches his own hand to touch her face. He slowly brings her face to his. Lips meet she holds his face in both hands while he caresses the back of her neck with one hand and pressing on her lower back with the other. Passionately the two kiss lips colliding and tongues intertwined. Breathlessly Y/N pulls away.
“Who are you.” hair falling into her face
“Michael, who are you?” he tucks the hair behind her ear.   
I hope you liked it. I’m thinking to make it a series? Or maybe just add a smutty part. Sorry if some of the dialogue or timeline is not exact. A small snip it of this came to mind. It’s 2am because I am Michael Langdon trash. Let me know what you think since this was my first one. Series? Smut? Let me know <3
Ch.2 is out! 
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esteemedbastard · 6 years
Insects in Amber
But there’s something else that Langdon brings to the Outpost that I don’t think anyone else has noticed. It’s...pretty obvious when you think about it.
His smell.
(Michael Langdon x Reader, first person perspective from the reader. Safe for work. Feedback is always appreciated!)
Ever since Michael Langdon arrived in Outpost 3, everyone has been on edge. The Sanctuary that he represents, both literal and figurative, seems so close and yet so far away. Langdon is right there. He eats with us. Speaks with us. I could reach out and touch him, if I wanted. I get the feeling he’d smack my hand away for doing it, but I could.
And yet he’s different than all of us living here. No one would dare compare him to a grey, but he doesn’t wear purple. He dresses in mostly black with accents of red. His clothes aren’t the ridiculous Victorian getups that we wear in the Outpost, but they’re not modern threads. He’s actually happy, which is nothing short of a miracle in these miserable times. Especially in this lifeless Outpost, full of people who hate each other’s guts. 
Venable can’t stand him, but she also can’t raise a finger in opposition. She’s scared of him. I never thought it was possible for Venable could be afraid of anyone. Langdon moves purposefully, catlike; his eyes are predatory and his sharp voice wants to make everyone in the Outpost want to break the stupid “Complete Abstinence” rule.
But there’s something else that Langdon brings to the Outpost that I don’t think anyone else has noticed. It’s...pretty obvious when you think about it.
His smell.
After eighteen months in this hellhole with the same people, I’ve come to learn everyone’s scent. My mom ran one of those essential oils shops and I worked for LUSH in high school and college, so I’ve always had a strong sense of smell. It’s both a blessing and a curse, really. I can smell a coffee shop from a mile away, but if someone with bad B.O. is within fifteen feet of me, I want to die.
Venable is Earl Grey with just a hint of lavender, Coco is lilac and rose petals (and she wears far too much of it if you ask me), Gallant is black cherries, Andre is eucalyptus...they have the luxury of whatever rationed soaps and oils to keep up the pretense of crumbling nobility while us greys smell like whatever we handled last. Food, cleaning products, even waste. We don’t get the comfort of a proper bath once a week like they do, either. Just a quick wash at the sinks and a sanitizing scrub that makes our skin rough and dry.
But Langon smells like something I can’t put my finger on. At first I thought it was honey, but it’s too earthy to be just honey. Maybe it’s honey mixed in with something else. Honey is supposed to naturally reduce aging and give your skin a soft glow. I wouldn’t be surprised--Langdon certainly glows even brighter than any of the candles here. Sometimes I can’t even look directly at him. 
I’ve tried my best to figure out Langdon’s scent without being creepy about it. Honestly, it’s not like I’m going up to him and sniffing him or asking him what cologne he uses. But if I’m doing his laundry, especially his sheets, sometimes I’ll fan them up and down so the scent gets right in my face. If anyone asks, I just tell them I’m getting out dust before washing. 
But I don’t get anything from it. Knowing Langdon and knowing his position in the Cooperative, he probably uses some branded cologne worth a grand per ounce, made from fifty different types of vanilla bean and the blood of baby seals.
Whatever it is, it smells amazing. Combined with Langdon’s own...addictive actions--his mannerisms, the way he speaks, the fullness of his mouth, the keen edge of his jaw and cheekbones--it’s no wonder I dream of him at night and wake up with his scent in my nose.
I’m ninety-nine percent sure that Langdon doesn’t think about me, and I’m one hundred percent sure he doesn’t think about me the way I think about him. I’m just a grey. He’s not an asshole like most of the purples, but that doesn’t mean he looks at the greys with any kind of fondness or camaraderie. We’re tools, and he just treats his tools better than the others do.
So I hope I’ll be forgiven if someone catches me hovering awkwardly outside his door with a pile of his clothes in my arms. The jackets are velvet and they feel so soft in my hands. I think there’s a silk shirt in there, too--water smooth and warm, like it just came off of his body even though I took it down from the clothesline myself.
I knock at his door twice, because the first time I tried I gave it a nervous little tap that even I could barely hear. The second time is a much more respectable sound, and when the door creaks open I jump a little bit. I close it again and knock once more, just in case Langdon thinks I opened it without his permission.
Again, the door opens when I knock. I close it again, just for good measure...and the door pulls away from the doorjamb when I remove my hand.
Huh, that’s odd. The wood of the doorjamb must be warped. The only way the door could be properly closed is if someone bolted it from the inside. I’ll have to tell Langdon this.
I’m really not a nosy person. I swear. But once the door opens, I have to take a few steps inside. I’ll just put the clothes on his bed and leave, right? Langdon’s an adult; I’m sure he can put his own clothes away where they belong without some fussy grey doing it for him.
I close the door and bolt it so no one else can go snooping, and place Langdon’s clothes on the bed. I’m separating the shirts from the jackets when the water suddenly turns on in the bathroom. 
...Oh. Oh, fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Langdon’s here. I get up fast and start going for the door. Greys are supposed to be quiet and invisible, but I feel like there’s a spotlight on me now and I’m making every single noise in the world. My feet pound on the floor and my hands fumble with the bolt. The sound of water is replaced by bare feet on tile and I know Langdon is behind me, judging me.
“Turn around.” I do, and immediately look down to avert my eyes. Langdon is shirtless, barefoot, and his belt is undone. His golden hair falls on his bare shoulders and looks like a halo. I have no right to look at him like this.
“You have thirty seconds to explain what you’re doing snooping around in my room.” His footsteps come closer until I can see his bare feet in my field of vision. “Starting now.”
His voice is more than just curt. It’s a slap in the face. I swallow on nothing. “I was just here to bring your laundry, Mr. Langdon. I knocked, I swear; I knocked twice...” Three times, but that first one didn’t count and I know it, “...and the door swung open, the doorjamb is probably warped and the door doesn’t fit properly anymore, and--”
I’m rambling on and on right now. My thirty seconds are probably already up but I’m flailing like I’m stuck in quicksand, like an insect about to be swallowed by encroaching tree resin and turned into amber.
Amber. Wait. That’s it. That’s what Langdon smells like. Now that he’s so close, I get all those earthy, musky, rich tones. It’s perfect. I start taking deep breaths of amber air, savoring this moment before Langdon tattles to Venable and tosses me out into the wastes for barging in on his privacy.
“You’re blushing.” I don’t realize I’m still babbling until Langdon’s voice, deep and rich like the amber on his skin, cuts through my fog. His hand comes out and cradles my chin, lifting up my face to meet his eyes. The only three expressions I’ve seen on Langdon are deadly serious, insultingly condescending, and deeply amused.
This face is hungry. Langdon might be pampered and preened as an agent of the Cooperative, but he’s wanting just like the rest of us. 
He considers me for a moment, his hand moving so his thumb can brush over my cheek. I know my skin is rough from the sanitizer and I smell like the wet mold from the washing room. Suddenly I’m struck by how dirty I am compared to Langdon. He’s a firestorm down here, cleansing everything in his path, and I’m a moss-covered rock in his way.
“What’s your name?”
I tell him, on a stuttering tongue. He repeats it on a smooth hum.
“It’s a pretty name. You’re going to be my grey from now on. Bring me my clothes, change my sheets, help me dress in the mornings, and run my baths. Do you understand?”
No, I don’t understand. It’s going in one ear and out the other. I hear him, but I’m not really listening.
Mr. Langdon’s grey. Mr. Langdon’s grey. I’m going to be Mr. Langdon’s grey.
His fingers tighten on my chin. “Yes sir, I understand.”
“Good.” Langdon releases me and goes back towards the bathroom. “Your first task...”
He stops just before the entrance to the bathroom. His hands fumble with something, and his pants fall to the floor with a rush of fabric and a jingle of fasteners. Langdon pauses and turns back to me, his mouth and eyes promising things that would take a sledgehammer to Venable’s abstinence rule and then launch the remains into the sun.
“...take a bath with me.”
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frozenhuntress67 · 6 years
I’ll Help You [2/?] Michael Langon x Reader
Alright as I began to write more of this story which BTW thank you for the amazing feedback! I feel it as though the relationship between the reader has taken a maternal route. As if (y/n) sees Michael as the child that was taken away from her. I tried writing it as like a love story but it just wasn’t working for me. So here is part two and I’m sorry if it’s a little emotional. It was for me at least when I wrote it.
After I’d offered to help him it seemed as though a light came back on in Michael. He was so happy and bright, eager to see me and work on something different each day. I taught him the basic education that I had had somehow still retaining it after almost a century and he had excelled immensely. He taught me about video games and I taught him how to dance.
“Why is this important (Y/N)?” He asked when I told him we were going to dance. 
“Because some day you’ll find a girl you like and want to dance with her like this. Come on.” I said urging him off of the couch. He turned on the record player and we did a small waltz which turned into a glide across the living room. “See you’re a natural.” I joked.
The only thing I didn’t like was talking through the bad things. 
“You know that hurting those women was wrong don’t you Michael?” I asked him as we sat in Ben’s study. He nodded almost seeming afraid to look me in the eyes for fear of me being ashamed. 
“I know but, I was scared. They were strangers and they were in our house.  I leaned forward taking his hand in mine. He looked in my eyes and I saw how sad he was. I tried to show that I wasn’t angry. 
“And I understand that, and it’s okay to be scared. But hurting people, killing people is a bad thing.” I replied.
“They didn’t belong here.”
“I know, and it’s easy to feel that way. But they had lives to live just as you still do. How would you feel if someone killed you before you could really live and see the world beyond this place?”
“Sad, angry.” 
“And you’d be stuck here, we can’t do that to someone else.” I said standing up. “Alright, no more morality lessons today. How about we play chess or go sit out in the backyard while’s it’s still light out yeah?” He nodded practically dragging me outside. But rather than playing we laid in the grass under a tree. 
“(Y/N)?” He asked looking at me and I nodded. 
“Yes?” I replied.
“Why don’t the others like me?” He asked. I sat up as did he. I looked at him concerned. 
“Who doesn’t like you Michael?”
“Tate, Violet, Ben, my Mother, Grandma. I  mean she killed herself because of me. Ben abandoned me saying I couldn’t be changed. I killed my mum when I was born and Tate won’t acknowledge me. The other spirits besides you, Beau, and Lizzie seem simply afraid of me." He explained. (A/N: Elizabeth Short, she’ll play a minor part in this as in my mind her and the reader as I’ve imagined her are friends. Author’s note over) I took his hands in mine. 
“Oh honey, you have to understand that there’s far more between them than you. Your grandmother didn’t understand you. As for Ben, Vivienne, and Violet there’s more to it. The others, I believe that they’ll come around once they know you as I do. And until they do you have Beau, Bette, and I, we aren’t going anywhere. Remember how I told you about my baby?” I explained to which he nodded. “Well, you’ve filled a hole in my heart I didn’t know was there. You are good and not just because I say so, you’re good because you want to be.” I said tears threatening to fall. In many ways he was still a kid I mean Constance had said he’d gone from five to fifteen in one night. But he was also so smart and mature. He hugged me tight.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you (Y/N).” He said into my shoulder.
“And I don’t know what I’d do without you my sweet boy. Now help a lady up and we’ll go back inside and you can kick my ass at chess.” I replied and he laughed. I felt as though I was really helping him and it made me happy, it gave me a purpose. I was doing what Constance and Ben had failed to do. And I knew that this troubled boy could be so much more than any of us expected.
Tag List: @americanhorrorstory-trash, @scarletraine, @creativedogs, @plethora-of-things
If you’d like to be tagged let me know with a reply. I love the feedback and you are all amazing!
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langdvnshepherd · 5 years
Midnight City (Duncan Shepherd x fem!Reader)
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Word Count: 1.7k
Anonymous asked: dad!duncan trying to put his newborn asleep but bub won’t stop crying no matter how hard their momma and dad try so duncan just puts baby and momma in the car and drives around the city for a bit until bub (and momma) falls asleep. baby stops crying and all you can hear is music playing softly, duncan looks at his wife and bub asleep and gets all mushy :))
A/N: I was just going to leave this under the ask, but I clearly got carried away. This made me so soft and if you couldn’t already tell I love dad!Duncan with my whole heart. Let me know what you think, and please send in more requests! I’m having so much fun working on them all.
Duncan didn’t want to. He really didn’t. He prided himself on being independent from her, especially after everything she’d put him through. However, right now, he was desperate. He’d do just about anything if it meant he could have just one moment of solitude in the prestigious, oversized, borderline mansion he had called home for the past few years. His fingers hovered over the ‘Send’ button on his cell phone, in denial at who he was about to call for advice, parenting advice at that.
“Hello? Hello? Mom?” Duncan yapped into the speaker, speaking a little louder than what Annette thought was necessary, but then again she hadn’t been exposed to the deafening, heartbreaking wails of her newborn granddaughter for two consecutive hours like you and Duncan had.
You laid in yours and Duncan’s bed, hopelessly rocking and swaying and patting your daughter’s fragile spine, but she wouldn’t let up. She’d been screaming like she was in pain for hours now, and both you and Duncan had tried everything in the book to soothe her, but her bawling persisted. You fought back frustrated tears of your own, feeling like shit over not being able to make your own daughter stop crying.
“Yea, we just changed her.”
“No, she doesn’t have a fever. We’ve been checking every twenty minutes”
“She ate right before she started crying. There’s no way she’s hungry.”
Duncan’s voice battled to be heard against your daughter’s as Annette ran him down her mental checklist of what could possibly be wrong with your sweet baby girl. He was pacing the room at the foot of the bed, anxiously running his fingers through the dirty blonde curls that currently laid flat against his head. He had been stressed out because of his workload plenty of times, but this was a new level of worry that consumed every nerve ending in his body. Not only was he beyond hysterical over the fact that he had yet to have one, solid second of silence, but each cry from his daughter that pierced through the walls of his bedroom was another stab wound to his gut. He was absolutely heartbroken that nothing he did could cease her sobbing. Although he knew he it was a bit dramatic to be jumping the gun like this, he felt like a failure of a father already.
“What? That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.”
“It did?”
“Uh, okay. Guess it’s worth a shot.”
“I’ll let you know if it works.”
“Yeah, love you too.”
Duncan turned to face you after he hung up with his mother.
“She said we should put her in the car. Drive her around a bit and see if she falls asleep,” he said while shrugging his shoulders and throwing his hands up in the air as if he already knew the idea was a bad one, but it was his last chance at getting any kind of sleep tonight.
“Why would that put her to sleep? you asked through a strained voice, rubbing your bloodshot eyes with your fingers, trying to stay sane.
“I have no idea. Annette said it worked with me when I was a baby, so...”
“Well, neither of us seem to have a better idea. Fuck it.”
You placed your howling daughter in the crib that rested beside your own, suddenly feeling like you were abandoning her and leaving her to wallow in her own despair even though you only sat her down so you could slide on your shoes and throw a sweatshirt on over the ratty t-shirt you hadn’t changed out of in two days.
Duncan raced downstairs to start the car, then raced back upstairs with the fancy, over-the-top baby carrier that you'd only used once before to take her home from the hospital. Whilst you were tying your hair up in the vanity mirror across from your bed, he picked her up from her crib and began bouncing her absentmindedly. He pressed tiny kisses to the side of her head in one final attempt to soothe her before he fastened her safely into the car seat that had to be adjusted in the hospital to accommodate her small size.
Her crying sounded even worse in the car. The confines of Duncan’s Audi, while sizeable compared to other vehicles, were much smaller than the four walls of your bedroom, meaning her shrills sounded three times as loud as it rattled through the leather interior, and through your last thread of sanity. Just before pulling out of your driveway, Duncan reached for your hand, his thumb automatically beginning to stroke yours the second they laced together. It was his silent way of reassuring both you and himself that everything was going to be okay. Even if that seemed like the furthest thing from the truth
“I hope to god this works,” he huffed before peeling out of the driveway and onto the busy streets of Washington DC.
And it did. Before you even left the gates of your private neighborhood, she had conked out. Her wails became simple cries, and her cries died down to blubbery whimpers. And then silence. The stream of tears that spilled for hours from her eyes that looked just like Duncan’s, but only one shade darker, had dried. Her tiny fists that had been tensed up from the continuous strain of discomfort had relaxed, they now rested folded up near her face, something you noticed she always did when she slept.
Duncan opted to keep driving. He’d barely been anywhere besides CVS at midnight since the baby was born, rushing out the door after you’d realized you were out of something for the baby or needed more coffee to keep you awake the next morning. And you’d been nowhere at all, too preoccupied with caring for your daughter to be granted the pleasure of seeing the city beyond the skyline that was visible from the balcony connected to your bedroom.
You navigated your way through the streets of downtown, watching the lights of each skyscraper whiz by as Duncan continued up the block. The two of you made small talk, referencing to the landmarks in the city that marked important milestones of your relationship with each other: the restaurant where you’d had your first date, the exact bench in the park where you’d meet for coffee on your lunch breaks at your old job, the street corner where you’d jumped out of Duncan’s car in a fit of rage, the start of the first but certainly not last rough patch in your relationship.
You even passed Duncan’s old apartment complex, where you’d argue was where your love blossomed. It was where you’d first kissed him, on the couch after too many glasses of wine. Where you’d first made love to each other, in the cool sheets of Duncan’s king-size bed that you swore to this day you’d never found anything as cozy. It was where you’d held Duncan for hours and hours when he called you over at 1am with the earth-shattering news that his mother wasn’t actually his mother. Where you’d first said “I love you” to each other after making up from a deafening argument you thought was the end.
The high-rise, steel building held a file folder full of memories of the two of you that was bursting at the seams, and a part of you often missed little things about it like the comfort of the leather sofa that you’d spent many nights cuddled into Duncan’s side on or crying into his shoulder or the small breakfast nook in his kitchen that overlooked the White House garden, but the house you moved into with Duncan after marrying him meant so much more. It was a symbol of all of the hard work that went into building up your relationship after years and years of testing its strength. It was where you’d grow old together. Where your daughter, and however many blue-eyed and curly-headed children you’d be blessed with in the future, would grow up. It was home.
You began to see why your daughter had dozed off so quickly. The consistent rattle of the car and the occasional sound of the city rocked you in a way, pulled you from consciousness and wrapped you lovingly in the arms of sleep. It had been weeks since you’d slept properly, but even with your head pressed against the uncomfortable car door that would definitely give you a crick in your neck, you’d never felt more at ease.
Duncan still held onto your hand as he drove, relishing the warmth that radiated from your palm and the burst of light that pierced through the windshield each time a street lamp cast its beams on the wedding band resting comfortably on your ring finger. He recalled the weeks it had taken him to pick it out. He swore to this day that the premature wrinkle he had on his forehead was caused by the very incident. Everything had to be perfect. The ring, the dinner, the dress, the monologue. And it was, despite knowing you’d be just as happy with him asking you over delivery pizza and a shitty horror movie. You deserved the best, because he was convinced no one in the world could or ever would love and take care of him the way you did.
As Duncan circled the roundabout that would lead you back to the house, he couldn’t help but feel another wave of relief. He’d been feeling them quite often in the past year. When you told him you were pregnant, when you’d fall asleep next to him with your soft, round belly pressing against his own, when he’d first held his daughter just seconds after you’d pushed her out, when he looked over your shoulder astonishingly as you breastfed for the first time.
It was all coming together now, despite spending his early twenties convinced he’d be a permanent bachelor, banished from having longterm, meaningful relationships and left to use one night stands and whiskey as a replacement. He had a successful business, his own house, a wife whom he loved with every fiber of his being, and now daughter that made his heart soar in places he never thought possible. Even when she screamed ceaselessly into the early hours of the morning.
This was his life now, and he couldn’t have asked for anything better.
Only taggin a few since this isn’t a /real/ one:
@avesatanormalpeoplescareme @wroteclassicaly @sojournmichael @venusxxlangdon @langdonshell @1-800-bitchcraft @hecohansen31 @readsalot73 @gold-dragon-slayer 
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My Dirty Little Secret Part 1
Story idea from @kellysimagines
Warnings: Swearing, smut, angst
Summary: You’re happy with your boyfriend Duncan Shepherd, until certain events and people start to get in the way... 
“And now he’s threatening to sue the paper because of what we posted, all because we got the scoop on him money laundering! Can you believe that?!” You whined to your boyfriend.
“Mmhmm” Duncan mumbled, tapping away at his phone.
You side-eyed him, getting more than annoyed by his lack of attention. You two barely got anytime to spend with each other because your mothers were at constant war. Annette couldn’t stand your mother, and your mother, Clare, equally couldn’t stand her so your relationship with Duncan would give them both a heart attack. Possibly quite literally. As over bearing as they were, neither of you were up for being the cause of their deaths.
“So then I cut him a deal” you said.
“Basically if I slept with Mr Johnson, he’d give us the contacts of of the other stock brokers who were in on the scheme. So needless to say, we went at it on his desk” you replied tauntingly. More so to yourself since he still clearly wasn’t listening.
“Well at least you got what you needed” Duncan said exhaustingly. You understood he was busy but a few minutes of his attention was all you were after.
You picked up a couch pillow and threw it directly at Duncan’s head. He looked straight ahead of him, sighing like a parent would at an annoyed toddler before he adverted his gaze towards you.
You had a defiant pout on your face, paired with your crossed arms. You were being a bit of a brat.
“I’m sorry babe” he sighed.
“The creators of the app still haven’t figured out a coding issue which is dragging out the release date” he sighed again as his head fell back against his couch.
You uncrossed your arms, and knelt towards him. Your hand moving to under his shirt so you could massage his chest.
“Why don’t I take care of you” you purred into his ear, tongue latching out to catch his earlobe as you gave it a tug.
Duncan groaned from deep within his chest. Finally you were getting the attention you needed.
“I’m not going to go easy on you. This is your punishment for disturbing me” Duncan purred into your ear. Grabbing you by the backs of your thighs and heaving you into your bedroom.
Locking your legs around his hips, arms wrapped around his neck, you started licking your way up to his earlobe, tugging on it lightly, earning a grunt from your boyfriend and a playful slap on your ass.
“I’ve been such a bad girl” you playfully purred back at him.
You squealed when Duncan delivered a slap to your arse. No doubt leaving a handprint you would love to show off if you could.
Your back hit the mattress of your bed, you slightly bounced upon coming into contact before Duncan’s body smothered you, attacking your lips with desperate kisses.
Both of you undressing hastily, in too much of a rush to feel each other’s writhing bodies to bother with any teasing.
Immediately getting into the routine of forplay, mouths colliding, tongues licking, lips sucking, teeth biting and moans filling the room, it wasn’t long until you had him thrusting into you.
Although this was different. It wasn’t animalistic and frantic like normal.
Normally your sex was rough, edgy, and thrilling. Filled with hair pulling, skin slapping. Both your bodies supporting bruises the next day that you were only too happy to show off the day as a reminder of your nightly passions, But now?, Duncan was half heartedly thrusting into with as much vigour as as a broken jackhammer.
You frowned, watching Duncan’s facial reactions. His eyes were drooping and his breathing was light.
“Babe? You feeling okay?” You asked him mid way through a half hearted thrust.
“Mmm, yeah babe, you feel great” he replied, however his enthusiasm could’ve been more sincere.
“Baby, stop. You’re obviously too tired, let’s just rest” you told him, running your hands through his soft chocolate curls.
“No, I wanna do this” he determined.
“Dunc, you’ve gone soft, and I’m losing wood here” you laughed lightly as so not to offend him. Duncan was very proud of his skills in the bedroom. One time you faked an orgasm because you were jet lagged and boy was he pissed! You couldn’t walk for a week! Every time you sat down or crossed your legs, you would wince.
Duncan groaned, rolling off you and sighing deeply. Placing his arms behind his head, staring blankly at the ceiling.
“I’m sorry doll. I’m just exhausted” he confessed.
“Baby, I’m sorry you’re so tired. Is it business with the app?” You asked him as you continued to run your fingers through his soft hair. Using your fingertips to lightly massage his scalp.
He hummed in satisfaction as your delicate hands helped relax him.
“Mmm, it’s not just that. There’s events to go to, financial benefits to organise, senators to support and meet. Honestly the only help I’m getting is from Tiffany. If it weren’t for her, I’d have actually run myself into the ground”
Your eyebrows knit together in the middle of your forehead with the frown you were currently sporting upon listening to his last sentence.
Who the fuck was ‘Tiffany’?
You weren’t the jealous type, you trust Duncan and knew he would never cheat on your but he does have a reputation as a former serial womaniser.
“Tiffany? You’ve not mentioned her before” you replied as noncommittal as you could.
“She’s my new secretary. I told you about her last week” he grunted, struggling to fight the sleep that was approaching.
No he didn’t! You thought. But you weren’t going to question it but for some reason, you felt a pang in your gut. Maybe you were just over reacting.
“Babe, why’d you stop?” Duncan whined, breaking you out of your rampant unsettling thoughts.
“Hmm? What’s that hon” you asked him.
Duncan peaked one eye open and gestured to your fingers which had stop massaging his head.
You shook off your thoughts and carried on swiftly massaging his head.
It wasn’t long before his soft snores were drifting throughout the room.
Groaning lightly, Duncan turned on his side, draping his arm around your waist and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, his soft breathing and light snores brought a sweet smile to your face. Duncan was yours. You had nothing to worry about.
My loves: @kellysimagines, @tickled--pinkmoodpoisoning. @stupidocupido, @avesatanormalpeoplescareme, @alexcornerblog, @petersfern-fics, @sojournmichael, @ccodyfern, @cotomandra, @confettucini, @michael-langdon-appreciation, @queencocoakimmie, @langdonalien, @sweetlangdon, @frucienlover, @gelukstraan, @dunc-donut, @sassyhollandx, @holylangdon, @lovelykhaleesiii, @sodanova, @queenie435, @crownofrowan, @sassylangdon
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